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Learner Reflection Evidence of Unit Completion Form

Student Name Ida Ayu Putu Ari Purnami Student Number IBN220002
Unit Name Unit Code
Trainer Name Date
Purpose: Foundations skills are assessed continuously in all units, as part of this reflective evidence
it provides you with the opportunities to demonstrate how you have achieved on the foundation skills
relate to this unit.

Task Instruction: As part of the collection evidence for the unit completed, you are required to
complete the following tasks to demonstrate further understanding of the learning objectives you have
achieved on this unit.

1. Rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements in regards to the
unit that you just recently completed
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
a. I found the complexity x
and level of details of
the materials
appropriate to my
background and
b. I understood the x
learning objectives
c. I obtained knowledge X
and skills that are
consistent with the
learning objectives
d. I am clear about what is X
expected of me as a
learner as a result of
taking this unit
e. I believe that I will be x
able to apply what I
learnt today in my
current or future role
Explain any items rated as “Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree”

2. List the three (3) most important things you learned from this training course

After I study this course I can

Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with team

Adapts personal communication style to model required behaviours, build trust and positive
working relationships and to show respect for the opinions and values of others

Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration, demonstrating conflict resolution
skills and ability to engage and motivate others

Learner Reflective Evidence of Unit Completion Form V3 07/04/2021 1

3. During the delivery of this unit, did you actively participate in any of the following activity (tick
all that applies):
o Group Work o Maintaining records
o Role Play o Interview or other form of communications.
o Class meeting o Others (please specify)
o Cooperative contributions
o Team discussion

List and explain the activities that you participated (a minimum of 100 words)

Group work

Team discussion

Role play

4. As part of this unit did you use or develop skills in numeracy such as Collecting Data,
Interpret Charts or Graphs, Record Information, or use other numeracy skills. Outline in a
minimum of 50 words, what aspects of numeracy skills you used during this unit.

I have use the collecting data skill more for the unit
duties such as sorting data, creating statistical models, administering surveys, delivering
presentations and reports, cleaning data, making corrections, and doing basic statistical work.

Foundation skills

Learning – This is covered in the classroom and assessed ongoing by the trainer the outcome sheets reflect level of learning
has taken place.

Reading – Assessed ongoing through learning material to the level required for the course

Writing – writing skills are addressed ongoing through submission of course work and Learner reflection sheet

Oral Communication - Oral presentation through Role-plays Group work trainer / student communication and in class

Numeracy – Course work calculations specific to the area of study

Student Name & Signature Ida Date

The assessor in signing this reflective document verifies that the learner has completed this document in class in

Learner Reflective Evidence of Unit Completion Form V3 07/04/2021 2

the presence of the trainer. The trainer acknowledges that the learner has developed their skills in this specific unit
and has participated actively in class discussion and group work as required.

Assessor Name & Signature Date

Results □ Satisfactory □ Unsatisfactory

Learner Reflective Evidence of Unit Completion Form V3 07/04/2021 3

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