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Paper 1 Paper 2 Scored Topics which need revision

Year Max Marks Deserved Overview
P C M Total P C M Total Marks % Maths Physics Chemistry

A lot of silly mistakes, was not in the habit of giving adv level tests. Momentum matters a lot. Stem questions
took a lot of time, heavy calculations with low rewards. Many questions in maths LOOKED tough but could solve
Inverse Trigo, PnC, Prob, Metallurgy, Surface chem,
1 2021 55 (60) 36 (60) 24 (60) 115 (180) 46 (60) 29 (60) 21 (60) 95 (180) 360 211 (101 + 65 + 45) 58.61% 260 them easily after the test. Just be calm and read the ques. Remember it is JEE Adv and the ques will always be
in your grip just don't be overwhelmed by the look of it. Don't think too much, think simple and do what the Q
Practical Physics
Conductance, Organic
says. DO NOT leave a ques without giving at least one calm attempt.

A hell lot of silly and calculation mistakes, read Q wrong and some Q looked tough but were easy... DO NOT Complex, Hyperbola, PnC, P Biomolecules, Metallurgy,
2 2020 39 (66) 56 (66) 34 (66) 128 (198) 41 (66) 35 (66) 18 (66) 94 (198) 396 (132 x 3) 222 (80 + 91 + 52) 56% 282
judge a Q by its face value!! (E), Definite Int, SOT
Fluids, Errors, KTG, Thermo

Optics, Modern Physics,

Maths was very very tough in both papers. Did a few silly mistakes. Calculations were lengthy, should have been Matrices, Circles, 3D Conductivity, Metallurgy,
3 2019 40 (62) 52 (62) 28 (62) 120 (186) 53 (62) 52 (62) 25 (62) 130 (186) 372 (124 x 3) 250 (93 + 104 + 53) 67.20% 280
patient and done rough work neatly. vectors,Probability
Errors, Practical physics

Still quite a feww silly mistakes. Slacked off during the calculations after applying correct concept in many Q.... Stoichiometry, Polymers,
Complex, Functions/LCD , Inductor circuits, Optics,
4 2018 40 (60) 22 (60) 38 (60) 100 (180) 39 (60) 36 (60) 21(60) 96 (180) 360 (120 x 3) 196 (79 + 58 + 59) 54.44% 240 Completely left a few Q which I could do even if I just stared solving... I was a balanced paper with many
TOUGH Questions in between... Did good to dodge them and solved the easy ones.
Trigo, Integration, Hyperbola, Practical Physics
Biomolecules, Arhenius Eqn
(kinetics), Aldehyde Ketones

Some of the Ques were completely out of the way and I had never even heard the theory for it. Most of the
paper was standard and was successful in evading those Q and I almost swept all the easy to mod Ques... I
Thermodynamics, Optics, IUPAC, Thermo, Arhenuius
5 2017 45 (61) 42 (61) 50 (61) 137 (183) 42 (61) 39 (61) 57 (61) 138 (183) 366 (122 x 3) 275 (87 + 81 + 107) 75.13% 300 total there were around 6 7 Ques that were there to hault me. Be careful on those ! In some Questions I read the
option wrong and had a predetermined ans in my mind ! Lost marks there. Read every word with full attention !
Functions/AOD, Seq Series
AC voltages Eqn
Speed/velocity, correct/incorrect, more/less, etc.

6 2016 372 233 62.63%

There were around 5 to 6 Questions which I could NOT solve.. had to see the soln. Almost all the Questions
Errors, Elasticity, Vernier,
were doable and I ran out of time during the exam. It was a lenghty paper. Still had 4 5 silly mistakes (better than Hyperbola, Definite int, 3D, Real Gas, Biomolecules,
7 2015 51 (88) 62 (88) 58 (88) 171 (264) 68 (80) 70 (80) 52 (80) 190 (240) 504 (176 x 3) 361 (119 + 132 + 110) 71.60% 385
before). No partial marking gave me an advantage. I could select the problems which I was sure of and there are SOT
Magnetism, KTG, Modern
only 4 negative marks ! Need to improve time management to attempt more questions.

Errors, Surface Tension, IUPAC, Metallurgy, no of

8 2014 42 (60) 33 (60) 48 (60) 123 (180) 36 (60) 43 (60) 38 (60) 117 (180) 360 (120 X 3) 240 (78 + 76 + 86) 66.66% 265 Less silly mistakes than earlier, still 3 4 Questions 3D Vectors, PnC, SOT
Thermo isomers, P Block

Balanced paper, Managed well. Did a lot of careless mistakes. Need to increase concentration specially during Conic Section, ITF, lines in Magnetism EMI (tougher P Block, Salt Analysis,
9 2013 43 (60) 45 (60) 39 (60) 127 (180) 46 (60) 36 (60) 33 (60) 115 (180) 360 (120 x 3) 242 (89 + 81 + 72) 67.22% 282
the last hour (5th 6th hour of the paper). Got tired till I reached Maths Paper 2. Vector 3D problems) Polymers

Easier paper on the whole. Physics was tougher while maths was easy. Be prepared for such a paper as well. In
10 2012 54 (70) 62 (70) 58 (70) 174 (210) 47 (66) 51 (66) 63 (66) 161 (198) 408 (136 x 3) 335 (101 + 113 + 121) 82.10% 363 P2 Maths I could only do 4 5 Q in first attempt, remained calm and by the end scored 63/66 ! Just stay calm in
the start and try to get 50% questions right
SOT, Trigo Modern Physics, Rotation Bleaching powder, P Block

Quite easy especially Paper 1. Almost scored full in maths for one silly mistake. Chemistry was a lil tough in P2. Optics, Practical Physics, KTG, Mettalurgy,
11 2011 69 (80) 68 (80) 76 (80) 213 (240) 64 (80) 44 (80) 64 (80) 172 (240) 480 (160 x 3) 385 (133 + 112 + 140) 80.20% 409
Could easily score > 75%. Did well to reset the mind before each section of the paper
Vectors, Diff Eqn
Gravitaiton Biomolecules

Sooo lengthy of a paper ! 141 Questions total !?! Lost my cool in the start by this... Could not attempt maths
SOT, PnC, 3D Vectors, Coordination, Hardness of
12 2010 67 (84) 61 (84) 39 (84) 167 (252) 60 (79) 71 (79) 35 (79) 166 (237) 489 (163 x 3) 333 (127 + 132 + 74) 68.09% 360 properly and left so many easy Questions, could solve them later. In such a paper be calm and accept the fact
more Q mean easier Ques.. Just keep your nerves.
Practical Phy, Errors
water, no of isomers

Average paper. Silly mistakes were low. Did 2 similar mistakes of not reading the Q correctly. In some Q of Definite int, Vectors, SOT, P Block, Salt Analysis,
13 2009 58 (80) 47 (80) 65 (80) 170 (240) 63 (80) 62 (80) 50 (80) 175 (240) 480 (160 x 3) 345 (121 + 109 + 115) 71.87% 390 maths, invested time but didn't get the ans. Was solving those half heartly. Either move forward leaving that Q or
solve it with complete concentration.
Recursion Formula.
Practical Physics Polymers, IUPAC, Isomersim

Magnetic material,
Some questions looked tough during the test but could easily solve them later on. Should not judge a Q by its
14 2008 67 (82) 57 (82) 48 (82) 172 (246) 52 (81) 62 (81) 55 (81) 169 (243) 489 (163 x 3) 341 (119 + 119 + 103) 69.73% 366
face value ! Be patient in lengthy Ques
Vectors, Functions Galvanometer construction,
Biomolecules, Metallurgy

A few careless mistakes but overall a very good attempt. Read the Questions very very carefully as some words
15 2007 77 (81) 61 (81) 67 (81) 205 (243) 77 (81) 57 (81) 61 (81) 195 (243) 486 (162 x 3) 400 (154 + 118 + 128) 82.30% 420
may change the meaning of the Q entirely.
- Real Gases Hyperbola, Quadratic Eqn

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