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SUMMARY ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT OF EMERALD INDUSTRIES LIMITED MAHESHWARA HAMLET OF PANIHAR VILLAGE, GWALIOR TEHSIL & DISTRICT. MADHYA PRDESH SUBMITTED TO MADHYA PRADESH POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD BHOPAL 1.0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Emerald Industries Limited has proposed to establish a Sponge Iron plant of 200 TPD capacity and 8 MW power plant. The proposed project will be taken up in Maheshwara Hamlet of panihar Village, Gwalior Tehsil & District, Madhya Pradesh. Total land available for proposed project is 31.2 acres. The proposed project cost is Rs.24.0Crores. Fioneer Enviro Laboratories & Consultants Private Limited, Hyderabad, which is accredited by NABET, Quality Council of India for conducting EIA studies for Steel & Power plants, have prepared Draft Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) report for the proposed project by incorporating the Terms Of Reference issued by MOEF. a. Detailed characterization of status of environment within 10 km. radius of the plant for major environmental components including air, water, noise, soil, flora, fauna and socio-economic environment as pet the TOR issued by Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi Assessment of air emissions, liquid waste and solid waste from the proposed activity along with the noise level assessment. . Environmental Management Plan proposed to be adopted in the proposed industry. d. Post project Environmental Monitoring to be adopted. 1.1 RAW MATERIALS The following is the raw material requirement for the proposed project. Raw Matedial | Quantity: ‘Source Mode of ‘aPA} transportation. ‘Sponge iron plant: aes Tron Ore 96,000 Maheshawara Covered Trucks. Mines Coal ‘indian coal Shadol Rail / Covered Trucks @ Imported coal Indonesia & Other | Sea/Rail / Covered Trucks Dolomite Local Rail / Covered Trucks Power plant: Dolochar Inplant generation Conveyor ! Indian Coal Rail / Covered Trucks | Imported coal 6,044 Indonesia & Other | Sea/Rail / Covered Trucks 1.2. DESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURING PROCESS A) SPONGE IRON (DRI) Refractory lined rotary kilns will be used for reduction of iron ore, A central Burner located at the discharge end will be used for initial heating of the kiln. Iron ore will be continuously fed into the kiln along with coal which has dual role of fuel as well as reductant. Dolomite will be added to scavenge the sulphur from the coal. A number of air tubes will be provided along the length of the kiln. The desired temperature profile will be maintained by controlling the volume of the combustion air through these tubes. ‘The Carton monoxide generated due to the combustion of coal, reduces the iron ore and converts it into sponge iron. The rotary kiln is primarily divided into two zones viz. the pre heating zone and the reduction zone. The preheating zone extends over 30 to 50 % of the length of the kiln and in this the moisture in the charge will be driven off and the volatile matter in the coal will be burnt with the combustion air supplied through the oir tubes, Heat from the combustion rises the temperature of the lining and the bed surface. ‘As the kiln rotates, the lining transfers the heat to the charge. Charge material, pre- heated to about 1000°C enters the reduction zone. Temperature of the order of 1050°C will be maintained in the reduction zone, which is the appropriate temperature for solid state reduction of iron oxide to metallic iron. This hot material will be transferred to Heat exchanger. In Heat exchanger the material will be cooled to 160°C. The cooler discharge material consists of sponge iron lumps, sponge iron fines and char. Magnetic and non-magnetic material will be separated through magnetic separators and stored in separate bins. 200 TPD of Sponge Iron will be produced. (B) POWER PLANT The exhaust waste flue gases from the sponge iron kilns will pass through waste heat recovery boilers (WHRB). The rotary kiln flue gases will have a temperature of around 1000%C and the temperature of gases after heat recovery will be 160°C - 170°C. One FBC ziPage boiler will also be provided ta generate steam by using char (solid waste from Sponge) and coal as fuel. The steam generated from WHRB & FBC Boilers will pass through steam turbine of 8 MW capacity and will be coupled to generator to generate 8 MW electricity, 1.3. WATER REQUIREMENT The proposed project requires about 878 cum/day of water. This includes Make-up water for Cooling, make-up water for Boiler, DM Plant regeneration and for domestic water, The water required for the proposed project will be taken from ground water. ‘The following is the breakup of water requirement. WATER REQUIREMENT SOURCE QUANTITY (cum/day) T) Cooling water Make-up for DRI 0 Tl. Power Plant 'A) Cooling Tower Make up 640 B) Boiler Make up 150 ‘© DM Plant Regeneration 18 Ill) Domestic 10 Total a8 1.4 WASTE WATER GENERATION AND CHARACTERISTICS The total wastewater generation from the proposed project will be 213 cum/day. There will not be any process waste water (or) cooling water blowdown generation from the DRI Plant as closed circuit cooling system will be adopted. The following is the break-up of the wastewater generated from the proposed power plant. SOURCE QUANTITY (cum/day) Cooling tower blow down 160 Boiler blow down 7 DM plant regeneration 1B Domestic 8 Total 23 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (Characteristics of Sanitary Waste, Cooling tower blow down, Boilers blow down, DM Plant regeneration water) ; Cooling DM plant S.No. | Characteristics | S29] tower blow. ‘waste water | 1M Oe pH 70-85 70-80 TDS. (mg/) | 600-900 1000 BOD tmg/H) | 200-250 = COD (mg/h | 300-400 — 1.5 EFFLUENT TREATMENT PROCESS Sponge iron plant Closed circuit cooling system will be provided in cooling of sponge iron. Hence there will not be any waste water generation from process and cooling in the DRI plant. Power plant The Boilers blow down & DM Plant regeneration water will te treated in a neutaalization fank and after treatment it will be mixed with CT Blow down, Alll these treated effluent streams will be stored in a Central Monitoring Basin (CMB), The treated effluent will be used for dust suppression, ash conditioning and for greenbelt development after ensuring compliance with CPCB/MPPCB standards Zero effluent discharge will be maintained in the proposed project. No effluent will be discharged outside the premises 11.6 AIR EMISSIONS The gases from the kilns will pass through Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) and after heat recovery the gases will pass through high efficiency electrostatic precipitators to bring down the particulate emission to less than 50 mg/Nm’ and will be discharged in to the atmosphere through combined stack of 60 m (with twin flues) height for effective dispersion of emissions. The emissions from FBC boiler will be treated in high efficiency ESP to bring down the particulate emissions to less than 5) mg/Nm?and will be discharged in to the atmosphere through a stack of 38 m height. 4|Page 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT Baseline data has been collected on ambient air quality, water quality, noise levels, flora & fauna and socio-economic details of the people within 10 km, radius of the proposed project site. 2.1 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY Ambient air quality was monitored for PMzs, PMio, SPM, SOx & NOx at 8 stations for ‘one season as per MoEF guidelines. The following are the concentrations of various parameters at all the monitoring stations. PMos 12,7- 22.1 g/m? PMo 19.9 - 36.9 ug/m? SPM 69.4 - 95.6 ug /n? SQ: 60-81 pg/m> NOx: 64-92 ug/m* PAH in SPM is Below Detectable Level. 2.2 WATER QUALITY Ground water samples were collected at 8 stations and analyzed for various Physico- Chemical & Biological parameters. The water samples are within the permissible Jimits of IS: 10500 & surface water sample IS: 2296. 2.3NOISE LEVELS Noise levels were measured at 8 stations during daytime é night time. The noise levels at the monitoring stations are ranging from 38.65 dBA to 51.65 dBA. 3.0 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 3.1. PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON AIR QUALITY The emissions from proposed project are considered along with the emissions from the other industries to arrive at the cumulative impact on ait environment to assess the incremental GLCs of PM, SQ: & NOx. . The predictions of Ground Level Concentrations(GLCs) have been carried out using Industrial Source Complex (ISC-3) SIPage model. Meteorological data such as wind direction, wind speed, temperature, Relative ‘Humidity collected at the site have heen used as input data to run the model. It is observed from the computation resulls that the maximum predicted incremental rise in 24 hourly ground level concentrations of PMia SO2 & NOs are 0.2 ug/m’, 14 g/m é& 1.9 ug/m’ respectively at a distance of 900m from the origin stack in the down wind direction. The predicted results show that the ret resultant concentrations (Max. Baseline cone. + Max. Incremental rise in conc.) of PMro, $2 & NOx due to the proposed project & other industries in that area will be well within the revised National Ambient Air Quali Standards after commencement of production. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on air environment due to the proposed Project. 3.2, PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON NOISE QUALITY ‘The major sources of noise generation in the proposed project will be STG, DG set & compressors. The ambient noise levels will be within the standards prescribed by MoE&®F vide notification under the noise pollution (Regulation & Control), rules ie. the noise levels will be less than 75 dBA during day time and 70 dBA during night time, ‘Acoustic enclosure will be provided to SIG. 10 Acres extensive greenbelt proposed to be developed in the plant premises will further attenuate the noise levels. Hence there will not be any adverse impact due to noise on population in surrounding areas due to the proposed project. 3.3, PREDICTION IMPACTS ON WATER QUALITY Closed circuit cooling system will be implemented in Sponge iron plant. Hence there will not be any waste water generation from the process & cooling, Effluent from power plant will be treated in Effluent Treatment Plant and will be used for dust suppression, Ash conditioning & greenbelt development within the premises. Sanitary waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit, Rain water harvesting pits will be constructed in consultation with State Ground Water Board. This helps in improvement of water table. Hence there will not be any adverse impactin water quantity in the study area due to the proposed project. 3.4.PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT All the required pollution control systems will be installed and operated to comply with the norms. Once all the norms are complied with then there will not be any adverse impact on flora, fauna due to the proposed project. 3.5. PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON LAND ENVIRONMENT The effluent from power plant will be treated in ETP to comply with MPPCB norms. All the required air pollution control systems will be installed and operated to comply with CPCB/MPPCB norms. All solid wastes will be disposed / utilized as per CPCB / MPPCB norms. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the proposed project. 4.0, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMME Ambient Air Quality, Stack monitoring & Effluent analysis will be carried out regulasly as per CPCB norms and the analysis reports will be submitted to Ministry of Environment & Forest & MLP. Pollution Control Board regularly. 5.0. ADDITIONAL STUDIES No Rehabilitation and Resettlement is involved in the proposed project. Hence no R & R study has been carried out 6.0, PROJECT BENEFITS With the establishment of the proposed project, employment potential will increase. Land prices in the area will increase. The economic status of the people in the area will improve due to the proposed project. Periodic medical checkups will be carried out. Top priority will be given to locals in employment. 7.0. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 7.1, AIR ENVIRONMENT The following Air emission control systems ate proposed in the project. Stack : ‘Particulate emission atthe hed ts ‘Control Equipment catlet SiNo. Kilns 2x 100 TPD Electro Static 1. __| with WHRB Precipitators (2 Nos.) < 50 mg/Nin} Electro Static Precipitator FBC Boiler < 50 mg/Nim* ‘The following air pollution control systems/ measures are proposed in the proposed project. All conveyors will be completely covered with G.L. sheets to control fugitive dust. All bins will be totally packed and covered so that there will not be any chance for dust leakage. All the material handling systems will be connected with de-dusting system. > All discharge points and feed points, wherever the possibility of dust generation is there a de-dusting suction point will be provided to collect the dust. All the required Air pollution control measures will be strictly implemented so that the ambient air quality will be within the revised National Ambient Air Quality standards during the operation of the plant. 10 Actes of greenbelt proposed to be developed will help in further mitigating the air emissions. 7.2 WATER ENVIRONMENT Closed circuit cooling system will be implemented. Hence there will not be any waste water generation from the process of sponge iron plant. in power plant effluent will be treated to comply with CPCB/MPPCB norms and zero discharge will be achieved. Sanitary waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. Rain water harvesting pits will be constructed to recharge the water. Hence there will not be any adverse impact in water quantity & quality in the study area due to the proposed project. 7.3 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ‘The following will be the solid waste generation é disposal method from the proposed project. waste " Dolo Chaz & ‘Completely utilized in FBC Boiler as fuel ‘Accretion slag, 18 Will be used for road construction / given to brick manufacturers. Wet Scrapper Used in Road construction sludge ‘Type of Solid | “Quantity Disposal Proponed. GPD) Bagfilter Will be given to Cement plants/brick Dust/Ash from manufacturers. Sponge iron Plant ‘Ash from x Will be given to Cement plants/brick Power plant manufacturers. 74, NOISE ENVIRONMENT The major sources of noise in the proposed project will be STG, DG set & compressors. The employees working near the noise generating sources will be provided with earplugs. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to Turbine. The extensive greenbelt development proposed within the plant premises will help in attenuating the noise levels further. Noise barriers in the form of trees are recommended to be grown around administrative block and other utility units. 7.5 LAND ENVIRONMENT All the required Air pollution control systems will be installed and operated to comply with MPPCB norms, Zero effiuent discharge will be maintained. Solid wastes will be rensed/ disposed off as per norms. Extensive greenbelt will be developed in the plant premises. 7.6 GREENBELT DEVELOPMENT Greenbelt of 10 acres will be developed in the plant premises as per CPCB guidelines. 15 m wide greenbelt will be developed along the periphery of the plant.

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