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decline in production - спад виробництва

light industry - легка промисловість
annual inflation - річна інфляція
a rigid budget policy - жорстка бюджетна політика
The goods producing sectors - Сектори виробництва товарів
military-industrial complex - військово-промисловий комплекс
purchasing power - купівельна здатність
demand - попит
for communications, transport, trade, and financial services - для зв'язку,
транспорту, торгівлі та фінансових послуг
investment volume - обсяг інвестицій
total foreign investment - загальний обсяг іноземних інвестицій
deposits of iron and manganese ores - родовища залізних і марганцевих руд
to meet domestic fuel needs - для забезпечення внутрішніх потреб у паливі
Black Sea resorts - Чорноморські курорти
vocational or higher education - професійно-технічна або вища освіта
foreign trade - зовнішня торгівля
total increase - загальне збільшення
state-owned enterprises - державні підприємства
the most vital challenge - найважливіший виклик
competitive cash-based privatization - конкурентна готівкова приватизація
space rocket manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing - ракетобудування,
employment-age population - населення працездатного віку
abolishing a number of taxes and decreasing rates - скасування ряду податків і
зниження ставок
total agricultural output. - загальної продукції сільського господарства
to expand their farms - розширювати свої господарства
wholesale and exchange trade of agricultural produce - оптова та біржова торгівля
сільськогосподарською продукцією
the indisputable leader - беззаперечний лідер
coastal and international traffic - прибережні та міжнародні перевезення
What were the biggest challenges for Ukraine's economy after gaining independence?
How did Ukraine achieve a positive balance of trade in 2000?
What were the highest growth rates in Ukrainian industry in the first half of 2000?
What factors contributed to the decline of Ukraine's industrial production in the early 1990s?
How has the service sector grown in Ukraine's economy?
What are some of Ukraine's most valuable natural resources?
What is the potential of Ukraine's agricultural sector?
What challenges does Ukraine face in privatizing large enterprises?
What are some of the leading industries in Ukraine?
How has the government supported the development of small businesses?
What are the main crops grown in Ukraine?
What reforms have been implemented in Ukrainian agriculture since independence?
Why is Ukraine strategically important for European transportation?
What are the different types of transportation infrastructure that Ukraine has?
How is Ukraine developing its seaports and aviation industry?
3. “The Economy of Ukraine: Major Issues”
Ukraine's economy has undergone a complex transition since gaining independence.
After a steep decline in the early 1990s, the country has achieved some recovery,
with growth in GDP and positive trade balances. However, several major issues

One challenge is overcoming the legacy of the Soviet planned economy. Privatization
has been slow, especially for large enterprises. The service sector is growing, but
industry, particularly heavy industry, still plays a significant role.

Another issue is attracting investment. While foreign investment has increased,

Ukraine needs to improve its business climate and address corruption.

Developing the agricultural sector holds great promise. Ukraine has fertile land and a
skilled workforce. However, land reform and infrastructure development are crucial
for further growth.

Finally, Ukraine's strategic location makes it essential for European transportation.

However, the country needs to continue modernizing its transportation infrastructure,
including pipelines, railroads, and seaports.

By addressing these issues, Ukraine can build a more sustainable and prosperous

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