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MGMT 5050 Week 2 - Synthesise and

integration – Introducing SDGs

Trade Marks

“Prior to the invasion of Australia, First Nations communities had established

a chain of trade routes all over the continent. The exchange of goods and
services was also practised between neighbouring language groups as well
as other language groups across the continent.

Trading was vital to First Nation Peoples as it improved their quality of life.
Trading objects such as food, seeds, stones, ochres, tools, weapons was not
only a method of sharing resources but was a form of social control and lore.
It was a way of honouring each other's rights, boundaries, and cultural

Many tribes developed good relationships as they respected shared stories

of their journeys and narratives of the Dreamtime. Trade was not only
linked with materialistic objects but included songs, dances and art, stories,
rituals and ceremonies which connected First Nations Peoples to Land, Sea
and Sky.”
Award winning Designer Maker Debra Beale
In 2019 UNSW Business School commissioned Debra
Beale who created this exclusive design Trade Marks
Acknowledgement of Country

Acknowledgement of Country

I acknowledge the Bedegal people and Indigenous

leaders past and present
This always is, always was and always will be
Indigenous land.

Checking in J log into
Acknowledgement of Country
Greatest challenges you are facing?

• Time management
• Motivation
• Technology
• Language/literacy general understanding
• Something else

Today is underpinned by …
Acknowledgement of Country
• In Aristotelian ethics, human flourishing means living well.
• What does the concept of human flourishing at an
individual level mean?
• What about at a societal level ?
• This is how the link between sustainability and human
rights can be better understood and today we consider
• Let’s explore what a flourishing world looks like
Remember the SDGs
The Sustainable Development Agenda and
the SDGs
• The SDGs were developed as a result of the
RIO+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development in 2012 and are based on the(5)
pillars of:

::: People

We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and
dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their
potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.
::: Planet
We are determined to protect the
planet from degradation, including
through sustainable consumption
and production, sustainably
managing its natural resources and
taking urgent action on climate
change, so that it can support the
needs of the present and future
:::: Prosperity

We are determined to ensure

that all human beings can
enjoy prosperous and fulfilling
lives and that economic, social
and technological progress
occurs in harmony with nature.
::: Peace

We are determined to foster peaceful,

just and inclusive societies which are
free from fear and violence. There
can be no sustainable development
without peace and no peace without
sustainable development.
::: Partnership
We are determined to mobilize the means
required to implement this Agenda through
a revitalized Global Partnership for
Sustainable Development, based on a
spirit of strengthened global solidarity,
focused in particular on the needs of the
poorest and most vulnerable and with the
participation of all countries, all
stakeholders and all people.
These 5 pillars
need to underpin
our actions
What happens if we do not adhere to
principles of sustainability?

• The idea of system collapse is one which has been

explored in thought and popular culture in many ways.

• The urgent need to change ‘business as usual’ to address

the many pressing sustainability issues we are faced with is
undeniable; it is expressed by and within some of our most
influential thinkers and institutions and imaginatively by
creators in popular screen culture.
“…every business leader knows that no
enterprise can operate successfully in a
dysfunctional society, and that the
environment is a critical determinant of
whether the market, the community, or
the nation is functional or not”

(Rockström & Klum 2015, P.117) .

• Rockström, J. and Klum, M. 2015, Big World, Small Planet : Abundance Within Planetary
Boundaries, Yale University Press, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Created from unsw on 2021-10-07 08:27:28 .

It is not just sustainability, keep in mind
We cannot separate a business
action without considering how it
makes a better (or worse world)
What does
this mean for We need to consider human
us? rights with every business action

To do this we must have

systems thinking
This week
in your LiP
you will
Open Systems Theory – allows us to explore
organisational complexity
How does open
systems theory
show us a link to
Application time

• How does open systems theory help us to understand

our role with the SDGs?
• What is UNSW doing beyond environment to reach the
• Why does UNSW have these responsibilities?
To understand the macro environment

We have to be able to consider the

interplay between the forces external to an
To truly understand the environment we operate within, we
need to identify issues –use PESTEL analysis
Applying PESTEL – this is for your report
component assignment NOT the memo

• Identify issues in this case by exploring each

of the PESTEL areas
As we continue each week you are building your tool kit


• Due Friday March 1 @1pm Sydney time
• It is a memo and the process of writing a
memo. The content is about space junk and
Assignment ‘vanity canisters’
1- 750 words • You must influence our thinking
• Show how your thinking is INFORMED (use
+/-10% references)
• It must be clear and succinct
• Use inclusive language
• Remember – it is an ethics course hence
the perspective you are using is
recognising what we have been learning
What is the point you want to make? (having
How to get started? informed yourself about space ethics /

Link this to what you have been learning and

reading (weeks 1 & 2)

Ask yourself - have I provided a logical and

rational view of this?
Need help? Understanding what to do

• Questions about the assignment - ask now

• Ask your tutors during class- it’s not about sending
NOTE: Lecturers and tutors cannot read your paper or provide pre-
feedback - if you want help with this use Studiosity
Want help with your written expression? Use smart thinking

Want more help with your work- You can get a literacy consult
help with
NOTE: lecturers and tutors cannot read your work prior
to submission
y our e If you
use an
u do ow w ack GenAI
, have y form of
r e yo ng h g tr s you ci
su w i sin ent ted it?
ke sh o u
– omm
Ma ent ed it c
u m e s s ie w
doc rogr d rev
e p an
ha ange s
Write y
in goog r document
le d
drive so oc or one
asked s ou can, if
how us
progres the

NB you cannot translate the entire document via translator – this is an academic integrity breach

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