Verified Opposition To The JBC Nomination and Application For The Vacant Ombudsman Post by Conchita Carpio-Morales

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Republic of the Philippines, JUDICIAL and BAR COUNCIL, SUPREME COURT Manila

Verified Opposition
[To the JBC Nomination and Application for the vacant Ombudsman post by Conchita Carpio-Morales per 26 May 2011 JBC Announcement: Violation of Republic Act No. 6770, Section 5. Qualifications: Conchita CarpioMorales has zero recognized probity and independence] and

Verified Motion for Reconsideration

[Of the JBC En Banc Resolutions deleting Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.s name in the JBC Lists of Qualified Aspirants for the SC Associate Justice and Ombudsman posts]

Chief Justice Renato C. Corona, Ex-Officio JBC Chairman, JBC Members Justice Secretary Leila M. de Lima, Senator Francis Joseph Guevara Escudero, SC Justice Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr., Iloilo Rep. Niel C. Tupas Jr., Justice Aurora Santiago Lagman, Atty. Jose Mejia, Atty. Ma. Milagros Fernan-Cayosa, Enriqueta E. Vidal, Ex-Officio JBC Secretary, JBC Consultant, Midas Marquez, and The JBC Secretariat, , (Tel. No. 552-9512;
Fax No. 552-9598),

Judicial and Bar Council, Supreme Court, Manila, Your Honors,
Undersigned oppositor-applicant, Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. by HIMSELF and for HIMSELF, most respectfully a) re-applies for the SC Associate Justice and Ombudsman posts and b) opposes the JBC nomination and application for the vacant Ombudsman post of Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales, and avers, that: Constitutional, Spiritual, Moral and Extraordinary Grounds of the Motions for Reconsideration and Opposition: With all due respect -

Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III is not destined to finish his term+
Sumpa ng 3 Duende: Conchita Claudio CarpioMorales meets Judge Florentino Floro, LUIS, Armand and Angel at Don Judge Lucas D. Carpios Paoay House on August 29, 2002/3; a stain in her blood up to the 4th Generation! LUIS, the King of
kings of elementals in the universe; sole possessor of the ultimate Violet light, which solely manifests upon mystic Judge Floro

Walis, Gulok at Bawang. I therefore, decided (on August 22-30, 2002) to undertake my 7th mystic journey to Paoay, Ilocos Norte. My gabay LUIS and more than 200 other duendes (under him) were present when I stood still before Don Judge Lucas D. Carpios house, 7 feet away from the antiquated name plate: CONCHITA C. CARPIO, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. I prayed to God so hard, since my 3rd Ponente failed to hear Gods voice and I had a dream that she would not decide my case, due to the living curse upon the imprecated Rollo. Atty. Pol San Juan, a young lawyer came to my rented house at Malolos, one day. He asked for xerox of our family corporations TIN. He worked (8 years) as confidential CA attorney of Justice Alicia Austria Martinez, my 3rd Ponente).

LUIS, at Paoay, annihilated Conchita's dream to enthrone Antonio T. Carpio as Philippine Chief Justice
Atty. Pol narrated to me Alices fairy tale story of love, affection, prayer, discipline . It was about February that I was told by an OCAD staff (who is now abroad, whom I healed at Angat, Bulacan) that they arranged for a month my 2 push carts Rollo, to have been delivered to the 3rd Ponente, AustriaMartinez. I therefore called and texted Atty. San Juan, and told him to ask Jenny Bedana to remind the good Justice, that she should grant me an audience. But Atty. Pol San Juan texted me that my case had been unloaded to c. morales - 0917-5163143 Madame Justice Austria-Martinez defined the essence of Hypocrisy: Kailangan ang isang mabisang criminal justice system na gagarantiya na ang isang nagkasala, malaki man o maliit, sa loob ng takdang panahon ay tatanggap ng parusa kung nagkasala at pawawalang sala kung wala. Kailangan natin ang isang judicatura na hindi lamang mukhang malinis kundi sadyang malinis na tunay. (Aug. 30, 2002, Talumpati na binigkas sa Bulacan State
University, College of Law, sa Ika-152 Kaarawan ni Gat. MARCELO H. DEL PILAR, ni Madame Justice Austria-Martinez, pp. 5, 7 and 8). 2

Sumpa ng 3 Duende: Mystic Paoay, Ilocos I, Mortis Angelus, did prophesy the appointment of both respondent Conchita Claudio CarpioMorales & Romeo Callejo, Sr., when I journeyed to Paoay, Vigan and Sta. Lucia, 24 hours before their appointment, about August 23-30, 2002, versus the SC candidacy of (cursed) massive stroke long suffering duende victim Alfredo L. Benipayo. On August 29 First Friday, 3 p.m., 2003: on bended knees I wrote a Letter asking for mercy from SC Justice Goddess of Faura, Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales, attaching my August 29, 2002 picture at the UN Heritage Paoay Cathedral and at the house of Judge Don Lucas D. Carpio, eternally cursing Carpio's Paoay, Ilocos. Hilario Davide, Jr., Teresta Cruz-Sison & demons told Conchita to put my Rollo in the trash can. With the mark of the 666 in her forehead, Conchita Claudio CarpioMorales emerges as a night dragon and dawn serpent to utterly destroy the Supreme Court of the Philippines per punishment and incarceration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (& her co-conspirators) who stole the Presidency twice. Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales, the Avenger dons the Black Robe of Death:

Filipinos and the whole world shall witness the never ever heard dire painshorrible deaths-extreme sufferings upon submission by the JBC, of Conchitas name to the President of the Republic of the Philippines. + The Angel of Death

Republic Act No. 6770, Section 5. Qualifications: recognized probity and independence: Conchita Carpio-Morales has zero recognized probity and independence

The Prophet: Pinagpala; Powerful

LUIS, Armand and Angel: a Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Ultimate Violet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance Dwarves Magic Picture Box - June 2, 1983, June 2, 2011 28 years
Judge Floro, Fluffy Bunny, Registered: Sep 2006 Location: Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines Posts: 863; Posted on 05-26-2011 07:51 PM Judge Floro, on s=82fc525fa164cb5f740d64804fa36aeb&postid=1296005#post1296005 thread, posted a reply: PS. For those who are into UFOs, here, let me cite this: #39 spaceship(s) May 29, 2011 After hibernation of 10 months from July 27, 2010, LUIS brought me to: A newly hatched duck died in a boat. 2 of my brothers played badminton near the duhat tree of our Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan, Philippines backyard, where LUIS built his 1st Kingdom. 1:50 a.m. At LUIS Jupiter, using his blue bonito and yellow magic carpet, I gazed at the outer space sun rising (as bright as our moon) and moving fast right, with a green and small car. Then, I looked at the spectacle of shower of falling stars or meteors, saying I will be world-famous! The sun moved fast left, with the small picture of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal. Then, from the sky, I saw many UFOs, and many aliens, neighbors of LUIS, are falling into my terrace, in the form of small black and white thin plastics. Due to fear, I ran and I came back to see an alien holding a radio or transmitter of the UFOs, playing it: Duende, duendeeee In Galactic display, a black, dark and big War-rocket ship was hit by a small metal basin, the ship falling, smashing a Makati City round bank building amid the moving fast 2 yellow spaceships left and 2 yellow spaceships right. NB LUISs Space Ships, flying saucers and UFOs 38 Judge Floro Mystic UFO Travels are aptly described on pages 19-26 of: [ Attached as Annex A after page 15 of this Court pleading. ] 4

Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: Tersely, the UFOs are used, not for fun, but to eternally engage the instruments of 666, the black angels, turned to black dwarves, etc. in galactic or angelic wars. LUIS introduced to Judge Floro on or about the 2nd quarter of 2007, at dawn, and on 5 separate occasions, the 5 different kinds of space ships, to wit: #37-38 Space ship(s) June 26, 2010 I peeped into a square hole and I saw the serene green planes/ground below. July 27, 2011 Riding LUIS' spaceship, I viewed the biggest blue earth planet diving so near to have touched the tips of USA's buildings so swift and timeless, space-less, in state trance via LUIS' bonito's violet lights, towards Cleveland, Ohio, in the past that I saw and was into. Coincidence Insoluble Registered: Apr 2004, Location: Land of Soul, Posts: 21616 05-30-2011 08:42 AM wrote: Floro, you know we love you, but a little photo once in a while wouldn't hurt. Next time you have an extraordinary experience, whip out that magic picture box and make us happy. Try to see us as major skeptics. Not that we are, but still, others might be. Judge Floro wrote, replied, as noted by Coincidence: They stole away from me my job, robes, gavel and ruby slippers, everything, but never will they ever steal from me the right to jump 5 times using Element 115, forthwith, when these detractors, enemies and cursed Justices, Phil journalists experience dire pains and horrible deaths per UFO destruction by LUIS Ultimate Violet Light . Judge Floro replies to Coincidence: Your wish is my command. I am the blue fairy and nothing is impossible in the land of dreams. I beg your indulgence, however, Coincidence, all atheists and skeptics of your beloved forum, not to close your ears to my repeated statements, to wit: I never found kindness in my own Catholic country, but in the hearts of all foreign forum members and bloggers who made me immortal, from obscurity. Instead of writing decisions in a judicial bench at Malabon, Metro Manila, Philippines, I continuously and daily, from April 7, 2006, sat at a plastic computer seat, writing internet judgments, e-publishing the same to the world and to your largest heart in the entire universe. If Philippine journalists and jurists are heartless, I, a visionary, prophet and Angel of Death, hereby proclaim that I chose my destiny to be inside your minds and souls, forever, if and only if, you have read the dwarf story, and truly love the 3 mystic duendes, LUIS, Armand and Angel. 5

Yes, Coincidence, I am obliged by you to upload a picture, since, today, June 2, 2011, Thursday here in Philippines, is the 28th year, since June 2, 1983, when during the wake of my father, Florentino, Sr., age 79, LUIS, Armand and Angel first appeared to my brother Robert Velasquez Floro, at 7 pm exactly near their Kingdom and Castle at a duhat tree (Java Plum, Syszygium jambolanum) at our Calvario, Meyauayan, Bulacan backyard ancestral house and lot. LUIS and Armand promised me immortality on March 1, 1996 First Friday, the birthday of dwarf Angel, after bestowing me the gift of 12th place, 87.55% Philippine Bar Exams, 1983, where only 21.3% passed amid the 80% failure of my cursed Ateneo Law School classmates. LUIS and Armand fulfilled that promise, at the natal day of dwarf Angel on April 7, 2006, when Google wrote our names, from obscurity, inside the pages of world history, called immortality. Yes, Coincidence, this day will never be forgotten in the universes history, since these 39 mystic travels and visions (vis--vis my 35 mysticdivine Marian-Eucharistic-Black Nazarene visions, apparitions, and the 61 living persons, including 15 who saw the mystic, divine and outer space lights and Christ, from my palms from September 4, 2010 to May 29, 2011), are clearer than virtual reality, LED Samsung 3D UN46C7000 46-Inch 3D TV, US$2,000.00, Panasonic Full HD 3D, Toshibas 20 and 12 inch autostereoscopic (glasses-free) LCD 3D TV (DVB 3D-TV) and IMAX 3D. [Vide: cKac/s1600-h/pic11florojr..jpg August 29 First Friday, 3 p.m., 2003: Bended knees Letter asking for mercy from SC Justice Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales, with the August 29, 2002 picture of Judge Floro at the UN Heritage Paoay Cathedral and at the house of Judge Don Lucas D. Carpio, SC cursing Carpio's Paoay, Ilocos, Norte. ]

Coincidence never existed in the Land of Prophecy, for everything is pre-destined, pre-determined and pre-annihilated by the ultimate Violet lights of LUIS: Dire (Car) Accidents In the Philippines, Ex-Judge Consults Three Wee Friends Mr. Floro Loses His Job But Becomes a Celebrity; Using a Little Elfin Magic

Monday, September 17, 2007 by James Hookway, Wall Street Journal Even so, a series of disturbing incidents appear to have the nation's top jurists rattled. According to local newspaper reports, a mysterious fire in January destroyed the Supreme Court's crest in its session hall, and a number of members of the court and their close family members have developed serious illnesses or have fallen victim to car accidents. Enough bizarre things have happened that in July, the Supreme Court issued an en banc resolution asking Mr. Floro to desist in his threats of "ungodly reprisal." The Supreme Court's spokesman declined to elaborate.

May 26, 2011 Prophecy of Judge Florentino Floro-LUIS:

Francis Joseph Guevara "Chiz" Escudero is not destined to be President of the Philippines+ Mortis Angelus
1. November 8, 2007: Dulce Saguisag, wife of Judge Floro's lawyer, Atty. Rene AV Saguisag, was killed in a serious car accident on November 8, 2007, on President Osmea Highway in Makati City. Her husband, Rene Saguisag, was seriously injured in the accident. Two other people riding in the same Toyota Grandia van as the Saguisags, including Filipino dance instructor, Rhea Imelda Obong, and driver, Felipe Calvario, were also seriously injured in the accident. All four were rushed to Ospital ng Makati where Dulce Saguisag was pronounced dead from her injuries. The white Toyota that Ducle Saguisag was riding in, which was travelling on Pasay Road, was struck by a dump truck at the corner of the President Osmea Highway in Makati City at about 2 A.M. The dump truck had reportedly been speeding when it ran a traffic light and struck the left side of the Saguisags' van, killing Dulce. Police arrested the driver of the dump truck at the scene of the accident. 2. Monday, December 20, 2010 Hon. Reynaldo Laigo & wife, Lilia, killed in traffic accident. RETIRED judge of the Makati City regional trial court and his wife were killed on their way to "simbang gabi" when a passenger bus clipped their aboard a two-door Mitsubishi mini-Pajero vehicle along cursed Commonwealth avenue, where meters therefrom, Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.s house and home stands as eternal dire Omen, in Quezon City at half past four Monday morning. A report from the Quezon City Police District said Judge Reynaldo Laigo and his wife Lilia were coming out of the Don Jose Subdivision in their mini Pajero when a speeding Corimba Express bus driven by Generoso Magante Jr. hit the left portion of their vehicle. The Laigos were reportedly pinned inside their vehicle and it took rescue teams more than 20 minutes to free them and take them to the hospital. Both were declared dead on arrival at the hospital, Judge Laigo at the Fairview General Hospital and his wife at the East Avenue Medical Center. Before his retirement last July, the soft-spoken Laigo decided controversial cases during his four years as presiding judge of Branch 56 of the Makati regional trial court. 3. March 19, 2011: JBC member J. Conrado Parado Castro killed in Mandaluyong car accident

MARK MERUEAS, GMA News 03/19/2011 - Super Moon 140th jobless anniversary of Judge Floro's July 20, 1999 suspension. An initial investigation showed that JBC Member Atty. J. Conrado Parado Castro, 53, was traveling on Ortigas Avenue, near La Salle Greenhills, west bound from Pasig City to San Juan City, when the white Toyota Fortuner (ARC 202) he was driving hit a tree on the center island at about 5 a.m.

On page 57, that is, inserted as page 3 of the JBC May Friday the 13 3 p.m. Application, Judge Floro wrote:

Magluluksang tuloy-tuloy muli ang mga Pilipinong Mamamahayag!

(Philippine Journalists will continously mourn! Judge Floro: "I jumped 5 times on September 26, 2008, ..... and I jumped 5 times when on November 23, 2008, when Ampatuan Massacre 34 journalists were massacred ... almost all of my filed Court pleadings copy furnished the journalists were thrown in the waste can.....)"

LUIS warned: Mark my word, they will regret it! May 13, 2011, 3 p.m.
4. May Friday the 13th, 2011: Killed Lourdes Chit EstellaSimbulan journalists taxi was hit by two buses By Julie M. Aurelio Philippine Daily Inquirer 05/14/2011 MANILA, PhilippinesSeconds before the taxi conveying journalist Lourdes Chit Estella-Simbulan was rammed by a bus Friday night, another speeding bus nicked the vehicle on Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City, police said Saturday. But it was the impact from the second bus that pinned the veteran journalist and U.P. professor to death in the cab's backseat. EstelaSimbulan, 53, was reportedly on her way to a reunion with friends. Like the Dulce saguisag car accident, where LUIS spared the lives of Filipino dance instructor, Rhea Imelda Obong, and driver, Felipe Calvario, both being virtually unhurt, LUIS also was compassionate upon the taxi driver of Simbulan, since he sustained zero injury.

Barely 3 hours after Judge Floro predicted on pages 2-4 of his 57 pages Ombudsman Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m.- 3:15 p.m, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike a Philippine Journalist as Floro Cursed Filipino Journalists for deleting his name from the SC Associate Justice post publication from April 28, 2011:

Floro-LUIS annihilate/s Philippine Journalist, Friday the 13th Floro and LUIS, the King of kings of elementals, annihilate/s Philippine journalist Simbulan by ultimate Violet light: Floro was allowed to ride a yellow magic carpet, while LUIS UFO, spaceship, flying saucer converged to unleash the ultimate Violet light that encircled Simbulan and the vehicles. By Ariel Fernandez, Julie M. Aurelio, Nancy C. Carvajal Philippine Daily Inquirer, Radyo Inquirer 21:38:00 05/13/2011 Veteran journalistprofessor dies in vehicular accident on killer highway

5 pm, May 26, 2011, JBC Announcement signed by Sen. Escudero's hand, deleting Judge Floro from the Ombudsman List

Hon. Francis Joseph Guevara Escudero Senator JBC Ex Officio Member JBC Sets Public Interview of Ombudsman Candidates Posted May 26, 2011; By Darylle Evie Mae C. Catabay

5. May 26, 9:30 p.m. Francis Joseph Guevara Escudero Chiz figures in Quezon City road mishap Sen. Francis Escudero sustained slight hand injuries after figuring in a road accident when their cars collided at the intersection of Don A. Egea and
Maryland Streets in Barangay (village) Pinagkaisahan, Cubao, Quezon City, Thursday night around 9:30 p.m. Escudero was driving along Don A. Egea from E. Rodriguez Sr. Boulevard and was heading towards New Orleans St., while Merilles was traveling along Maryland St. from New York St. on his way to E. Garcia St. A Kia (XRD-450) van driven by one Manuel Meriles, 36, bumped the back and front right portion of Escuderos Lexus Sports Utility Vehicle (license plate ZNY-950). Escudero and the passengers of the van, members of a Catholic parish church, were brought to St. Lukes Medical Center for treatment, as Ronil Domingo, a chaplain; Emy Domingo, 49, and Lourdes Olivades, 62; pastor Narciso Castro Jr., 62; and Ruth Domingo, 20.

xxx May Tama !

The senator had come from a meeting in Tomas Morato Avenue and was driving to Makati for another appointment.

Escudero, upon interview, stated on GmaNews Video that: St. Lukes advised him to have 1 week treatment due to back and head contusion (untog), and galos sa katawan. Tumagilid ang gulong ni Escudero at nabali ang axle of the Van due to very strong impact of collision. The van driver was removed from the van after 20 minutes
since his feet were inserted according to a witness, said Raffy Tima, GMA.

24oras: Sen. Chiz Escudero, naaksidente sa Cubao, 05/27/2011 Chiz hurt car crash

Video: Sen. 'Chiz' figures in car accident 05/27/2011 | 07:59 AM

Separated: Sen. Escudero and Wife Tintin Flores Philippine Star celebrity columnist Ricky Lo reported last April that Escudero and his wife of 10 years, Elizabeth 'Tintin' Flores, are already separated. Theyve been living apart for five months now, Lo's source said. Escudero has refused to talk about his marital woes. PREVIOUS CONDUCT AS EVIDENCE Sec. 34. Rules on Evidence, Revised Rules of Court. Similar acts as a evidence.- Evidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do the same or a similar thing at another time; but it may be received to prove a specific intent or knowledge, identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom or usage, and the like. The Pattern shows that LUIS and Judge Floro, using the magic carpet, UFOs, flying saucers, space ship converging, focused the ultimate Violet lights and did hit-strike: Francis Joseph Guevara Escudero Chiz Lourdes Chit Estella-Simbulan J. Conrado Parado Castro Reynaldo Laigo & wife, Lilia, Dulce Saguisag, Rene AV Saguisag To repeat, so that Philippine journalists would not suffer from AMNESIA: Barely 3 hours after Judge Floro predicted on pages 2-4 of his 57 pages Ombudsman Friday the 13th May, 2:32 p.m. - 3:15 p.m, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike a Philippine Journalist as Floro Cursed Filipino Journalists for deleting his name from the SC Associate Justice post publication from April 28, 2011: Floro annihilates Phil Journalist, Friday the 13th; Barely 4 hours after the JBC, En Banc, including Sen. Escudero duly signed the JBC Notice which eliminated the name of Judge Floro from the JBC Ombudsman list on May 26, Thursday, 4 pm, the Angel of Deaths Violet Lights did strike by UFO and magic carpet, JBC Member Sen. Escudero's hand which was used to sign that Cursed Paper. Juiz 3. As infraes administrativas Revista On-line As infraes administrativas Noticiou-se, recentemente, o afastamento do juiz Florentino Floro, das Filipinas, que foi definitivamente afastado da magistratura pela Suprema Corte de Justia, porque dizia tomar as decises judiciais com a ajuda de duendes.

Entendeu a Corte que fenmenos psquicos, mesmo assumindo que existam, no tm lugar na determinao do Judicirio de aplicar apenas a lei positivista e, na sua ausncia, regras e princpios igualitrios para resolver controvrsias. NoBrasil, tal tipo de ocorrncia provavelmente seria solucionada pela colocao do magistrado em disponibilidade, pressupondo que no tivesse tempo para aposentadoria.

Mind Controllers Justice Denied: Judges Controlled

I have interviewed so many people that I can recognize all the variations of the weapons testers scripts. Just in case people doubt what I say when I talk about that the Justice systems have been marginalized like Congress, through the existence of this weapons system without constitutional controls. A judge in the Philippines was just recently relieved of his duties because he believed he was psychic, let his little dwarf friends make the determination of guilt, and became a believer in the book of revelations which he quoted often before trial. His name is Judge Florentino Floro presiding over a court in Manila. The reason he believes he has dwarf friends is that the synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing effect is often perceived by victims as high pitch voices that sound like they are on helium. He is about a quarter way through the mind control experiments and clearly has no clue what is being done to him. My handlers loved to brag about how many doctors they have destroyed who couldnt figure out how it was being done to them.

A friendly note, my dear Coincidence, Large Filipino and all my beloved Asylumnation peers, jurists, perverts and atheists, including all skeptics. Obeying the wish of Coincidence, I hereby describe in detail, my CODED definition of the Court submitted pictures: LUIS, Armand and Angel: June 2, 1983, 7:00 p.m. - June 2, 2011, Thursday: 28 years of Dalliance, mystic covenant of March 1, 1996, 6:00 a.m. Walis, Bawang, Gulok at Tanglad Judge Floro and LUIS don the blue judicial robes, using the mystic formula of: a) Cymbopogon (lemongrass) is bound to Mercury and air. Lemon Grass Mystical Uses It is said to repel dragons and serpents, and is burned, bathed in, or carried on the person for lust, fidelity, honesty, growth, strength, psychic powers, and purification. Plant Lemongrass around the home to repel serpent energy.

Drink a Tea to aid in psychic abilities and divination. Carry it in a sachet or charm to attract the object of your desire and to bring honesty to your relationships. Burn as an incense for strength and purification. Put a handful of leaves in a mesh bag and place under the tap water for a purification bath, and to attract and keep a lover. b) Broomstick In the Bible, Luke 15:8 "The Parable of the Lost Coin", the broom is mentioned: "Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?" The Halloween Witch and Witchcraft History The broomstick was symbolic of magical powers. Its real purpose? To cleanse the area where magical rituals were performed. So how did the belief arise that the Halloween witch rode a broomstick and flew through the sky? On All Hallows Eve, witches would often anoint themselves with a "magical" ointment. The ointment made the skin tingle and gave the illusion of being very light, perpetuating the belief that they could fly. A witch walking through the woods on her way to the festival would often use the broom as a means to help jump over a brook or stream. Hence, they were believed to be flying. It's amazing what the imagination can dream up, isn't it? Of course, we've all seen witches standing over bubbling cauldrons and drinking from large chalices in the movies. The cauldron was a pot used for concocting magical potions and for scrying (looking into the future on the water's surface). The chalice was believed to be a receptacle of spiritual forces. Remember, we're talking ancient witchcraft history here... most beliefs were rooted in supernatural and spiritual powers. The wands that many witches carried were made of hazel wood, crystal, carved ivory or ebony, silver, or gold. It was believed that these wands were extensions of the life force of the witch herself. By themselves, each one of these symbols alone wouldn't create much of a stir, but when combined, all these ritualistic items and beliefs in mystical, magical powers would soon convince the general populace that witches had abilities beyond what the normal person should have. Add in the ability to create "magical healing potions" to cure the sick, then superstitions would quickly grow and soon you have tales of witches being able to turn themselves into cats and doing all sorts of strange things. c) Bolo knife (Gulok) Bendo Gerit Azimat or golok is a type of machete or

broadsword originating in Southeast Asia. The word golok (sometimes misspelled as gollock) is of Indonesian origin[citation needed] but is also used in Malaysia and is known as gulok in the Philippines. In Malaysia it is usually interchangeable with parang.

Blessed with High Level Power for self protection in spiritual or physical attack, Charisma, also has power for luck attraction in medium level. Small form, easy to carry in your wallet. Counterfeit protection supernatural with the light blue and yellow which could be felt by the owner, beneficial for the safety of physic and spiritual, rejected the danger that will happen, safely in their daily activities. Fit for travel via sea, land and air,enchance physic strength, resistance to sharp weapons, negatives entities, enhancing the aura and charisma. d) Garlic, Allium sativum, Filipino native garlic Bawang (Ajos). This is your regular garlic, but the native Philippine garlic is said to be more potent than any. Garlic has been regarded as a force for both good and evil. According to Cassell's Dictionary of Superstitions, there is an Islamic myth that considers that after Satan left the Garden of Eden, garlic arose in his left footprint and onion in the right. In Europe, many cultures have used garlic for protection or white magic, perhaps owing to its reputation as a potent preventative medicine. Central European folk beliefs considered garlic a powerful ward against demons, werewolves, and vampires. To ward off vampires, garlic could be worn, hung in windows, or rubbed on chimneys and keyholes.

Sakit at kamalasan ang parusa nila sa kanilang mga kaaway!

- Angel of Death, Judge Florentino Floro-LUIS, the King of kings of elementals in the universe: June 2, 2011, 3 p.m., 12 midnight; June 3, 2011, First Friday, 3 p.m.


PREMISES CONSIDERED, it is respectfully prayed to this Honorable Judicial and Bar Council, that the instant Applications for the vacant Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines and Ombudsman posts by the undersigned be given due course, considered and GRANTED, in view of the extraordinary circumstances abovesubmitted. FURTHER, it is prayed that the instant -

Verified Opposition
[To the JBC Nomination and Application for the vacant Ombudsman post by Conchita Carpio-Morales per 26 May 2011 JBC Announcement: Violation of Republic Act No. 6770, Section 5. Qualifications: Conchita CarpioMorales has zero recognized probity and independence] and

Verified Motion for Reconsideration

[Of the JBC En Banc Resolutions deleting Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.s name in the JBC Lists of Qualified Aspirants for the SC Associate Justice and Ombudsman posts]

be given due course, considered and GRANTED, in view of the shocking to the conscience of mankind circumstances above-submitted. Other reliefs and remedies, just and equitable under the circumstances are likewise prayed for. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I signed this pleading, application, nomination, this June 2, 2011, at Malolos City, 3000 Bulacan, Philippines for Manila, Metro Manila. Judge FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR., Applicant, 0915-5330008, c/o Benjamin V. Floro, #23 Saluysoy, Meycauayan, 3020 BULACAN, Tel. # (044) 840-8176
[I.D. Number: RTCJ-317 / EDP Number: 38676300; ROLL OF ATTORNEYS NO. 32800, Pg. No. 60, Book No. XIV]. VERIFICATION / AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) Malolos City, BULACAN ) S.S. I, Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., applicant, under oath, depose/say, that: I am the applicant in this pleading. I caused the preparation, signed and read the instant pleading-application, and all the contents/allegations thereof are true and correct of my own personal knowledge or based on authentic records. I CERTIFY that on June 3, 2011, I personally served copies of this pleading, application, with all annexes by personal service upon the following JBC, Supreme Court, Manila, and respondent Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales, in her office, as proved by the rubber stamp receipts/their signatures hereunder on the original copy hereof, in accordance with Rule 13, Rules of Court.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, on this June 3, 2011 here at Malolos City, Bulacan, affiant exhibited to me his CTC NO. CC12005 # 21783592, issued at Malolos, Bulacan, on 2-27, 2007.


, PAGE NO. , , SERIES OF 2011.

Notary Public, Until Jan.31, 2011, PTR NO. 4048722, 11- 2510, Atty.s Roll No. 33633, IBP OR # 813840, 11-21,10 MCLE COMP. III0019636, 12- 21-10 Malolos, Bulacan, (044) 662-5335

NOTICE TO: The Clerk of Court, Ex-Officio Secretary, JBC Secretariat, Supreme Court, En Banc, Manila, Please AGENDUM this Application, Motion for Reconsideration and Opposition pleading and submit it forthwith to the JBC, En Banc, upon receipt hereof, for its deliberation and resolution. Judge FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR. COPY FURNISHED-SERVED: (By Personal Service): JBC, Supreme Court, Manila, and Conchita Claudio Carpio-Morales. As part of this Pleading, the following are made integral part hereof: Annex A-1 of the Original Pleading: Download Judge Floro's 69 pages, April 1, 2011 - The Prophet: Pinagpala LUIS, Armand and Angel: A Friend from another Star; Jupiter and Osaka, Japan; Banana Justice: LUIS Violet and White Lights versus Evil - Hypocrisy, Greed, Lust for Money and Power, Anger and Vengeance Download Judge Floro's 4 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 1 Download Judge Floro's 15 pages, April 1, 2011 Supplemental Omnibus Motions Part 2


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