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Molecular Microbiology (1998) 30(4), 681–687


New tools in an old trade: CS1 pilus morphogenesis

Harry Sakellaris and June R. Scott enterotoxins that cause diarrhoea. Colonization of the intes-
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory tine, the first step in the disease process, is mediated by
University, School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. factors on the bacterial cell surface that recognize and
bind to host cell receptors. Most ETEC colonization factors,
called pili or fimbriae, are rigid, rod-like organelles of 5–
7 nm in diameter consisting of thousands of identical pro-
CS1 pili serve as the prototype for a large class of sero- tein subunits (pilins) (Gaastra and Svennerholm, 1996).
logically distinct pili associated with enterotoxigenic Owing to their critical role in colonization and the success
Escherichia coli that cause diarrhoea in humans. The of pilus-based vaccines in animals (Rutter et al ., 1976;
four genes essential for CS1 pilus morphogenesis, Morgan et al ., 1978; Nagy, 1980), ETEC pili are attractive
cooB , A , C and D , are arranged in an operon and encode targets for the development of vaccines against human
structural and assembly proteins unlike those of other diarrhoeal disease (Levine, 1987; Evans et al ., 1988;
pilus systems commonly associated with Gram-nega- Ahren et al ., 1993; Rudin et al ., 1994; Rudin and Svenner-
tive bacteria. CS1 pili are composed primarily of the holm, 1994; 1996).
major pilin subunit, CooA, which determines the sero- Human ETEC strains display a variety of serologically
logical type of the pilus. The major pilin subunit is distinct pili on their cell surfaces (Gaastra and Svenner-
assembled into pili by the proteins CooB, CooC and holm, 1996). Among these, CS1 pili represent a distinct
CooD. CooD is both a minor component found at the family of ETEC pili and therefore serve as a model system
pilus tip and an essential assembly protein, whereas for the study of structure, function and morphogenesis in
CooC is an outer membrane protein thought to be this pilus family. Most of our current knowledge of the mor-
involved in pilin transport. CooB is a novel periplas- phogenesis of pili comes from investigation of E. coli Pap
mic chaperone-like protein that forms intermolecular pili and their relatives, including type I pili found on many
complexes with and stabilizes the major and minor E. coli strains (Hultgren et al ., 1991) and the K88 and
pilins. Unlike other pilin chaperones, CooB also stabil- K99 pili of animal ETEC strains (Bakker et al ., 1991). How-
izes the outer membrane component of the assembly ever, CS1 pili bear no resemblance to Pap-related pili and
system, CooC. The proteins of CS1 pili have no signifi- other pilus types. As the proteins needed for the morpho-
cant homology to those of the well-characterized Pap genesis of CS1 pili are unrelated to those of other pilus
(pyelonephritis-associated) pili and related systems, types (Perez-Casal et al ., 1990; Scott et al ., 1992; Froeh-
although most of the features of pilus morphogenesis lich et al ., 1994; Sakellaris et al ., 1996; Voegele et al .,
are similar. Therefore, these appear to be among the 1997), analysis of CS1 pilus morphogenesis should reveal
rare cases of convergent evolution. Thus, for CS1 pili, new mechanisms by which proteins interact to assemble
enterotoxigenic E. coli use new protein ‘tools’ in the macromolecular structures of biological importance.
old ‘trade’ of forming functional pili.

Definition of the CS1 pilus family

There are over 20 serologically and genetically distinct
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are important colonization factors found on human ETEC strains (Gaastra
bacterial pathogens that cause diarrhoeal disease in millions and Svennerholm, 1996). The major subunits of CFA/I,
of people every year (Black, 1993). In infants, this disease CS2, CS4, CS14, CS17 and CS19 pili share extensive
is often fatal, so development of a protective vaccine is an amino acid sequence similarity (H. Sakellaris, unpublished)
important priority. Once they are established in the small and therefore define a distinct pilus family. CS1, which is
intestine, ETEC secrete the heat-stable and/or heat-labile the best-characterized member of this group, serves as
a prototype for its study.
Received 28 May, 1998; revised 27 July, 1998; accepted 29 July,
1998. *For correspondence. E-mail; Tel. The CS1 major pilin shares extensive sequence similar-
(404) 727 0402; Fax (404) 727 3659. ity with the pilins of several human ETEC strains including

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682 H. Sakellaris and J. R. Scott
CFA/I, CS2, CS4, CS14, CS17 and CS19, (H. Sakellaris, (Perez-Casal et al ., 1990). Type IV pilins also contain con-
unpublished). The only other CS1 pilus family member served leader peptides that differ from Sec-dependant
identified so far is the Cable type II pilus found on the cystic signal sequences (Strom and Lory, 1993) and mature
fibrosis-associated pathogen Burkholderia cepacia (Sajjan type IV pilins have characteristic hydrophobic N-terminal
et al ., 1995). Owing to the high level of sequence similar- sequences (Strom and Lory, 1993), whereas CooA has a
ity, many of the CS1-related pilins on human ETEC strains normal Sec-dependent signal sequence and its N-terminal
share cross-reactive epitopes that are exposed upon sequence differs from those of Type IV pilins.
denaturation of the pilus (Rudin and Svennerholm, 1994; Thus, CS1 pili and their relatives constitute a new pilus
1996). However, in their native state, the members of this family because of the high sequence homology they share,
group elicit specific serological responses used to define because of the lack of sequence homology with type IV
the distinct types of pili. This antigenic diversity may be and Pap-related pilins, and because of the lack of specific
the result of selective pressures imposed by the human primary structural elements found in type IV and Pap-
immune system as for pili in other families (Hanley et al ., related pilins.
1985; Boslego et al ., 1991).
The structure and assembly of CS1 pili is simpler than
Genes encoding CS1 pili
those of many other types of pili because only four struc-
tural and assembly genes from the ETEC strain are The genes encoding the structural and assembly proteins
required to produce functional pili in an E. coli K-12 back- required for CS1 pilus production are contiguous on a
ground (Froehlich et al ., 1994). If additional genes are large plasmid in the wild-type ETEC strain from which
involved in pilus biogenesis, they are not ETEC-specific. they were cloned (Fig. 1 and Perez-Casal et al ., 1990;
In contrast, Pap pili require nine structural and assembly Scott et al ., 1992; Froehlich et al ., 1994; Marron and
genes (Hultgren et al ., 1991), although as many as 14 Smyth, 1995). These four genes, cooB , A , C and D , are
genes are required for the assembly of the type IV Tcp transcribed in the same direction and appear to constitute
pili in Vibrio cholerae (Ogierman et al ., 1993) and BFP pili an operon dependent on the AraC-related activator Rns
in enteropathogenic E. coli (Sohel et al ., 1996; Stone et for expression. Mutations in either cooB , cooC or cooD
al ., 1996). abolish the assembly of the major pilin subunit, CooA,
The structure of the CS1 major pilin, CooA, also differs into functional CS1 pili on the cell surface (Scott et al .,
significantly from both the type IV pilins and the Pap-related 1992; Froehlich et al ., 1994). Therefore, cooB , cooC and
pilins. CooA does not have the conserved N-terminal cooD may be regarded as assembly genes.
and C-terminal sequences, including a highly conserved The four linked coo genes are flanked by remnants of
glycine residue and a penultimate tyrosine residue, found IS elements and, with the exception of cooA , they have
in several Pap-related pilins (Lindberg et al ., 1986). a significantly lower GþC content than the rest of the E.
Furthermore, both Pap-related (van Die et al ., 1987) and coli genome (Scott and Froehlich, 1994). This suggests
type IV pilins (Strom and Lory, 1993; Zhang and Donnen- that they have been introduced relatively recently from a
berg, 1996) contain conserved cysteine residues that form foreign genetic background and may be considered a
disulphide bridges, whereas CooA lacks cysteine residues small pathogenicity island.

Fig. 1. Physical maps of the homologous operons

encoding CS1 (Froehlich et al ., 1994), CFA/I (Jordi
et al ., 1992) and CS2 (Froehlich et al ., 1995) pili of
enterotoxigenic E. coli . Genes and their direction of
transcription are indicated by arrows. cfaD 8 is an
inactive copy of the cfaD regulator gene carrying a
premature stop codon indicated by the break in the
arrow (Jordi et al ., 1992). Remnants of IS elements
and sequences homologous to IS elements are
indicated by boxes. White boxes indicate homology
to IS 150; grey boxes, homology to IS 629; spotted,
IS 2; diagonal stripes, IS 3; narrow black box (CS2
gene cluster), IS1.

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CS1 pilus morphogenesis 683
The proteins encoded by the CFA/I cluster (CfaA, B, C common with outer membrane proteins, including a high
and E; Jordi et al ., 1992) and CS2 cluster (CotB, A, C and b-sheet and low a-helix content, a high content of charged
D; Froehlich et al ., 1995) are highly homologous to the residues and no extensive hydrophobic regions (Froehlich
Coo proteins (50–65% identity) and all three gene clusters et al ., 1995). Although all of the other Coo proteins are
have the same gene order (Fig. 1). In several cases when periplasmic, CooC is an integral outer membrane protein
the experiment has been performed, the genes from one (Sakellaris et al ., 1996). This makes it likely that CooC is
pilus type are usually so closely related to those of another involved in the transport of the Coo pilins across the
type that they can functionally substitute for each other. outer membrane. Although CooC has no sequence simi-
For example, cooB and cooA can complement cotC and larity to the proteins of other pilus families, it may have a
cotD to produce pili and vice versa (Froehlich et al ., 1995). function like that of a class of outer membrane proteins
The serological type of the pili produced in these experi- of similar size associated with Pap and its relatives.
ments is determined by the major pilin subunit being These proteins, termed ‘ushers’, are presumed to trans-
expressed. Similarly, the CFA/I major pilin gene, cfaB , port pilins from the periplasm across the outer membrane.
can complement a cooA deletion mutation in the CS1
gene cluster to produce pili (Marron and Smyth, 1995).
However, in the converse complementation, Marron and
Smyth did not see pili when the CS1 major pilin gene CooD is a 38 kDa minor pilin associated with the tip of the
cooA was used to complement a cfaB deletion mutation CS1 pili (Sakellaris et al ., 1996). In CS1 pili, the molar ratio
in the CFA/I gene cluster. This suggests that although of CooD/CooA is about 1:1800, suggesting that there may
the CS1 and CFA/I genes are closely related, the major be only one CooD subunit per pilus (Sakellaris et al .,
pilins may have diverged sufficiently so that they are not 1996). It is not surprising that no minor proteins were
entirely functionally interchangeable. found in Coomassie blue-stained gels of purified CFA/I
pili (Evans et al ., 1979; Buhler et al ., 1991) and CS2 pili
(Sjoberg et al ., 1988), because the sensitivity of this tech-
Roles of the Coo proteins in pilus morphogenesis
nique is inadequate to detect one molecule in about 2000.
CooA However, using immunoblotting, we have recently found
that the CooD homologue, CotD, is present in purified CS2
CooA is the major pilin subunit of CS1 pili (Perez-Casal et
pili (H. Sakellaris, unpublished). Thus, in contrast to Pap,
al ., 1990). Like all of the other Coo proteins, its sequence
which has a complex tip structure consisting of four distinct
suggests that CooA relies on the E. coli Sec system for its
minor pilin subunits (Jacob-Dubuisson et al ., 1993), the tip
secretion across the cytoplasmic membrane (Perez-Casal
of the CS1 pilus appears to be simple.
et al ., 1990). The 16 kDa cytoplasmic form of CooA is pro-
CooD has only 13% sequence identity to CooA (H.
teolytically processed at a canonical signal peptidase I
Sakellaris, unpublished). This degree of homology is similar
recognition site to yield the mature 15.2 kDa form which
to that of the minor tip-associated pilins, PapG and FimH,
polymerizes into pili on the cell surface (Perez-Casal et
with their cognate major pilins in Pap and type I pili,
al ., 1990).
15% and 20%, respectively (Girardeau and Bertin, 1995).
Periplasmic CooA occurs mostly as intermolecular com-
However, the CS1 pilin proteins share a conserved amino
plexes with the CooB assembly protein, but a small pool of
acid sequence motif (A–G–x–Y–x–G–(x)6 –T, where ‘x’
CooA multimers of unknown significance is also present
denotes a non-identical amino acid residue), which is
(Sakellaris et al ., 1996). When they are synthesized
found very close to their C-termini. This motif is conserved
from a strain that does not produce the other Coo proteins,
in all major and minor pilins of the CS1 family whose
CooA multimers are not capable of interacting with CooB
sequence is currently available, including those of CS1,
in vitro (H. Sakellaris, unpublished). This may be either
CS2, CFA/I, CS4, CS14, CS17 and CS19, (Sakellaris et
because the multimers are composed of misfolded pro-
al ., 1996; H. Sakellaris, unpublished). In addition, five of
teins or because, in the polymerized form of CooA, the
the six absolutely conserved residues in the C-terminal
sites for interaction with CooB are not exposed. CooA
motif are also conserved in the Cable type II major pilin
also forms periplasmic complexes with the minor pilin
of B. cepacia . This suggests that the conserved sequence
subunit, CooD (Sakellaris et al ., 1996). As for the CooA
motif has an important function, perhaps in mediating
multimers, the CooA–CooD complexes may be natural
the interactions of pilins with other pilins or with some
assembly intermediates or dead end products with no
component of the assembly machinery (Sakellaris et al .,
function in assembly.
In addition to its role as a structural component of CS1
pili, CooD is also required for pilus assembly because
CooC is a 94 kDa protein that has several properties in CS1 pili are not made in the absence of CooD (Froehlich
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684 H. Sakellaris and J. R. Scott
et al ., 1994). Unlike all the other Coo proteins, CooD can- that the degradation of CooD is limited (Voegele et al .,
not be detected in cell-free extracts of wild-type strains of 1997). Whether the small form of CooD, which is not pre-
ETEC by immunoblotting, indicating that it is expressed at sent in pili, plays a role in pilus assembly remains to be
a very low level (Sakellaris et al ., 1996). Its location in the determined. As CooB interacts with and stabilizes pilins,
pilus tip, its low concentration in the cell, and the fact that it plays a chaperone-like role for CS1 pilus biogenesis.
CooD is required for pilus assembly suggest that CooD However, it does not have the highly conserved and invar-
may be a rate-limiting initiator of CooA polymerization at iant residues that define a consensus sequence for peri-
the cell surface. A similar function has been proposed plasmic pilin chaperones in the Pap-related pilus family
for the minor Pap pilin, PapK (Jacob-Dubuisson et al ., (Holmgren et al ., 1992). Furthermore, CooB has no signifi-
1993) and the minor G-fimbrillin, GafD (Saarela et al ., cant overall sequence homology to any previously defined
1995). If CooD is required for nucleation of CooA pilin, periplasmic or cytoplasmic chaperones. Thus, CooB defines
the level of CooD expression should determine the num- a novel class of periplasmic chaperone-like proteins whose
ber of pili produced by a cell. mode of action has not been investigated.
In some cases, pilus-mediated binding of bacteria to In addition to its role in stabilizing pilins, CooB binds to
host tissues is determined by the major pilin subunit, as and stabilizes CooC in the outer membrane (Voegele et
in K99 pili (Jacobs et al ., 1987), and in other cases by a al ., 1997). In the absence of CooB, CooC is degraded to
minor tip pilin, as in Pap pili (Lindberg et al ., 1987). It an <70 kDa protein. Stabilization of an outer membrane
has been suggested for CFA/I pili that the major subunit pilus assembly protein has not been reported in other
is the adhesin (Buhler et al ., 1991). Experiments relying pilus families and may be unique to CS1 and its relatives.
on monoclonal antibody inhibition of pilus binding (Buhler In the Pap pilus family, degradation of unchaperoned
et al ., 1991) are open to the concern that the large anti- pilins is catalysed by the periplasmic protease DegP (Bakker
body molecule may sterically interfere with a nearby adhe- et al ., 1991; Striker et al ., 1994). In contrast, when CooB is
sin without actually recognizing and binding to it. However, absent, CooA, CooC and CooD are still degraded in a
Buhler et al . also found that the major pilin subunit of CFA/ degP mutant strain (Voegele et al ., 1997; H. Sakellaris
I pili interfered with haemagglutination. Unless this subunit and V. R. Penumalli, unpublished). This indicates that peri-
interacts in the haemagglutination reaction with the tip pro- plasmic degradation of the CS1 pilin and assembly pro-
tein, this result suggests that the major subunit acts as an teins is determined by an as yet unidentified proteolytic
adhesin. In addition, Buhler et al . found that the CFA/I system.
major subunit agglutinates erythrocytes in a Staphylococ-
cal coagglutination test. However, this reaction was much
A model for the assembly of CS1 pili
weaker than the haemagglutination test, as it had to be
observed microscopically. Based on these results, it has A combination of genetic, protein localization and functional
been proposed that the major CS1 pilin is also an adhesin studies has allowed us to propose the following model for
(Marron and Smyth, 1995). In very recent experiments, we the morphogenesis of CS1 pili (Fig. 2). All of the Coo pro-
have found that a point mutation in CooD, which does not teins traverse the cytoplasmic membrane via the Sec
interfere with pilus formation, abolishes haemagglutination. secretion pathway. As the CooD and CooA pilins enter
This suggests that CooD is involved in adherence. There- the periplasm, CooB binds to each. This promotes correct
fore, it appears that it is not yet clear what serves as the folding and/or prevents inappropriate polymerization of the
adhesin for this class of pili. pilins, thus preventing their degradation. CooB also binds
to the CooC assembly/transport protein, maintaining it in
a stable and active conformation in the outer membrane.
We propose that a new pilus is initiated when a CooD–
CooB is a 28 kDa protein that has an essential role in pilus CooB complex finds a free CooC–CooB complex in the
assembly (Scott et al ., 1992), but unlike CooD, is not asso- outer membrane. As CooD–CooB complexes bind to
ciated with the final pilus structure (Sakellaris et al ., 1996). CooC, CooB is released from either the pilin or CooC. In
Instead, CooB is located mainly in the periplasm, where this way, CooB recycles into the periplasm to bind newly
it forms intermolecular complexes with either the major secreted pilins while the CooB–CooC interaction is main-
pilin, CooA, or minor pilin, CooD (Sakellaris et al ., 1996; tained to keep CooC in an active conformation.
Voegele et al ., 1997). Interaction with CooB protects the How does CooD initiate pilus assembly? The binding of
pilins from proteolysis in the periplasm (Voegele et al ., CooD to CooC may alter the conformation of CooC so that
1997). In the absence of CooB, very little full-length CooA it can then bind to CooA, which is found in the periplasm in
is detectable in cell extracts, indicating that the entire pro- the form of CooA–CooB complexes. When CooA binds to
tein is degraded. However, in the absence of CooB, a trun- the outer membrane-located CooC, it displaces CooD from
cated CooD product of < 25 kDa is produced, indicating CooC and CooA binds to CooD in the process. Growth
Q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 30, 681–687
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CS1 pilus morphogenesis 685
Fig. 2. Model of CS1 pilus assembly. Initiation
of pilus assembly: All of the Coo proteins are
transported across the inner membrane via the
Sec pathway. As they enter the periplasm, the
chaperone, CooB, binds to the major and minor
pilins, CooD and CooA, to prevent misfolding
and degradation and/or to inhibit inappropriate
pilin–pilin interactions. CooB also binds to CooC
in the outer membrane to maintain its
conformation and prevent CooC degradation. A
CooB–CooD complex initiates pilus assembly by
binding to CooC. CooB is simultaneously
displaced and is recycled into the periplasm
where it may interact with other pilins. CooB–
CooA complexes displace CooD from CooC,
replacing it with CooA. Pilus extension occurs by
repeated interaction of CooB–CooA complexes
with CooC, which allows incorporation of CooA
at the base of the pilus and extension of the
pilus rod.

of the pilus may be driven by the high concentration of Acknowledgements

CooA–CooB complexes in the periplasm displacing
We would like to thank the Biomolecular Computing Resource
CooA subunits from CooC, thereby allowing the addition at Emory for facilitating sequence analysis. The work in our
of new pilins to the base of the pilus. The pilus then laboratory was supported by Public Health Service Grant
extends by repeated rounds of pilin–chaperone interac- AI24870 from the National Institutes of Health.
tions with CooC, leading to the displacement of pilins
from CooC to the exterior of the cell.
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