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Wachemo University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism Management

Assessment of Factors that affect Service Quality in Selected Hotels

of Hossana

A Senior Essay Submitted to Department of tourism Management in Partial

Fulfillment of Requirement of Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree in Tourism

By: Fikadu Feye

ID NO: 7940/09
Advisor: Samuel Girma (MA)

June, 2019
Hossana, Ethiopa
Wachemo University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Tourism Management

Assessment of factors that affect Service Quality Selected Hotels of Hossana

A Senior Essay submitted to department of tourism management in partial

fulfillment of requirement of Bachelor of Arts degree in tourism management

By: Fikadu Feye

Id no: 7940/09

Advisor: Samuel Girma(Ma)

June, 2019
Hossana, Ethiopia

Approval sheet

This research paper entitled “assessing factors that affect service quality selected hotels of
Hossana” prepared and submitted by Fikadu Feye in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in tourism management has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval of oral examination.

Advisor: Mr. Samuel Girma ___________ __________

Signature Date

Panel of Examination

Approved by the committee of oral examiner with a grade of _____________

Chair Person
Member Member
________________________ ________________________

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Arts in Tourism Management.


Addisalem Molla
Head, Department of Tourism Management


I would like to declare that the research paper entitled “assessment of factors that affecting
service quality in selected hotels of Hossana.” submitted to Department of Tourism
Management, College of Business and Economics, Wachemo university in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for bachelor of arts (BA) degree in tourism management, is a record of the
original report work done by me and it has not formed before, the basis for the award of any
degree / diploma, associate ship or any similar titles.

___________________________ ___________ __________

Name Signature Date

___________________________ ____________ ___________
___________________________ ____________ ___________
Name Signature Date
Advisor: Mr. Samuel Girma ___________ __________


My most sincere thanks go to the almighty God for his immeasurable gift. Next, my greatest
acknowledgment to my advisor Mr. Samuel Girma; he gave me constructive advice and
comments on my paper. In addition to this I would like thank my family for their Financial
Support and other things.


This research paper was studied about the major factor that affects the service quality in
selected hotels of hossana town. This studies was attempt to answer the basic question
concerning with the factors that affect the service quality in the hotel service and it would be
treated with detail and careful investigation. The relevant data for these studies were obtained
from both primary and secondary method of data collection. The study was adopted judgmental
sampling for selection of employees and customer of the hotel among the group of population.
The researcher was selected 50 samples from customers and 50 samples from the employees of
the hotel. Thus in total the researcher was used 100 sample to obtain the necessary data after the
required data the problems relating to the marketing activity of the hotel and assess the
internal and the external factors which affect services quality in selected hotels and to give
solution for the problem. As the study shows there are external factors and internal factors that
affect service quality. Lack of water supply of the town, electrical power, tax of government and
in availability of colleges in the town giving training about the service of the hotel are the
external factors that affect service quality. The internal factors that affect service quality include
low number of skilled man power in the hotel, increasing the number of employees who leave
their job because of they didn’t get additional benefits and lack of internal training for workers.
So the researcher recommended that the hotel should be liable to check its internal factors affect
the service quality of the hotel like illiterate employees and its financial positions. It should be
improved as well as make the customers happy by avoiding those internal factors. And also to
ensure the external factors that highly affect the service of the hotel.

Table of content

Contents Page
Title page..........................................................................................................................................I

Approval sheet................................................................................................................................II

Panel of Examination.....................................................................................................................III




Table of content............................................................................................................................VII

List of Table..................................................................................................................................IX

List of Figure..................................................................................................................................X


Key Terms...................................................................................................................................XIII

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study............................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................2

1.3 objectives of the study............................................................................................................3

1.3.1 General objective.............................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Specific objectives...........................................................................................................3

1.5 Significance of the Study.......................................................................................................4

1.6 Scope of the study..................................................................................................................4

1.7 Limitation of the study...........................................................................................................5

1.8 Organization of the study.......................................................................................................5

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................6

2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................6

2.1 Concepts of factors affect Service Quality.............................................................................6

2.2 Nature and Classification of Service......................................................................................6

2.2.1. Service Intangibility........................................................................................................6

2.2.2. Service Inseparability......................................................................................................6

2.2.3. Service variability...........................................................................................................7

2.2.4. Service Perishability.......................................................................................................7

2.3. Managing service differentiation...........................................................................................7

2.3.1 OFFER.............................................................................................................................7

2.3.2 Delivery............................................................................................................................8

2.3.3 Image................................................................................................................................8

2.4. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction...........................................................................8

2.5. Measuring service quality.....................................................................................................9

2. Responsiveness.......................................................................................................................10

2.6. Conceptual Frame Work of the Study.................................................................................13

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................15

3. METHODOLOGIES.................................................................................................................15

3.1 Description of the study Area...............................................................................................15

3.1.1 Location.........................................................................................................................15

3.1.2 Demography...................................................................................................................15

3.2 Research design....................................................................................................................16

3.3 Descriptions of Dependent and Independent Variable.........................................................16

3.4 Target population.................................................................................................................16

3.5 Sample size...........................................................................................................................16

3.6 Sampling technique..............................................................................................................16

3.7 Instrumentation and measurement procedures.....................................................................17

3.8 Source of data.......................................................................................................................17

3.9 Methods of data collection...................................................................................................17

3.10 Data analysis and interpretation.........................................................................................17

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................19

4. DATA ANALYSIS, INTERPRETATION AND PRESENTATION......................................19

4.1 Analysis of Responses of Customers...................................................................................19

4.1.1. Personal background of customer’s information..........................................................19

4.1.2: Responses regarding to hotel service............................................................................22

4.2 Analysis of Responses of Employees...................................................................................25

4.2.1. Personal background of employee’s information.........................................................25

4.3 Response from interviews....................................................................................................29

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................30

5. SUMMARY, CONCLUTION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................30

5.1. Summery.............................................................................................................................30

5.2. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................31

5.3. Recommendation.................................................................................................................32



List of Table
Table Page
Table 1: Sex of respondents (Customers)

Table 2: Age range of respondents

Table 3: Income level of Respondents

Table 4: Occupational status of the Respondents

Table 5: Religion of Respondents

Table 6: Attitude of Customers to Hotel service

Table 7: Preference of the Customers

Table 8: Additional Service

Table 9: Hotel service comparing with other hotel services

Table 10: Satisfaction of Customers

Table 11: Personality of Sales Person

Table 12: Sex of respondents (Employee)

Table 13: Age range of respondents

Table 14: Education level of respondent

Table 15: Treatment of Customers

Table 16: Customer preferences

List of Figure

Figure Page
Figure 2: Educational Level

Figure 2.1. Conceptual frame work of the study

Figure3: Training of employees to upgrade yourself.

Figure 4: Incentive of Employee



Measuring Service Quality

SQ- Service Quality

DM- Dimension of service quality

MSD-Managing service Differentiation

Key Terms

Service; A system supplying public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as
electricity and water. In other words, it is an intangible thing of serving customers by asking
what they need.
Quality; It is about making organizations perform for their stakeholders from improving
products, services, systems and processes, to making sure that the whole organization is fit and
Hotel: An establishment for accommodation for giving foods and drinks and other purpose



1.1 Background of the Study

Hotels are commercial establishments providing lodging; meals and other guest service. It also
provides a number of additional guest services such as recreation facilities, laundry, swimming
pool, childcare, etc. Some hotels have conference and meeting rooms to encourage groups to
conduct convention function and meeting at their location (Walker, 2006). Over the last 30
years, substantial changes have taken place in the global business environment. Emerging service
sector are now dominating economies that were once known their industrial manufacturing
strength Practitioners in the service field have quickly learned that traditional marketing strategy
and managerial model (Haffman and Bateson, 2001). The successful development of hospitality
industry can be fathomed by positive progress of the hotel. However, the contribution and
development of a hotel is a paramount importance. It might be influence by various factors such
as peace and stability of the area, location, government involvement and good administration,
economic level, attitude of people and service quality are among the main influence (Denny .G,
2001). The fact that almost all organizations have customers, at least this requires the
organization to be alert at satisfying their customers but all organization did not give attention
towards to their customers this increase the tendency of service deterioration will be higher
unless necessary measures are taken to make a service quality. Organizations should strive to
provide proper customer service in order to obtain profit for a survival as well as continuity of
their business through providing proper service for their customers. (Baker,2008 p.252).

A number of studies indicate that a quality is the most determinant factor for satisfaction of
customers, of course not everyone agrees with the idea that satisfaction is increased by providing
appropriate service (Fornel, 2005)

One of the most effective tools in hotel Industry success is service quality. (Juran, 2003) defines
quality as “fitness for use” while in Crosby (2000) quality is defined as “conformance to
requirements”. Mitra (2000) on the other hand views quality of a product or service as “the

fitness of that product or service for meeting or exceeding its intended use as required by the
customers”. Considering the hotel industry, bringing about quality has complication that differs
from when tangible product is involved.

The importance of quality service to positive guest experience has long been recognized and
many techniques for improving service quality have been developed. However not as much
effort has been put in to techniques for measuring service quality.
One of the major ways that service firm can differentiate itself is by delivering consistency
higher quality than its competitors. Like manufacturer before them many service industries and
hotels now joined the total quality movement. Many hotels finding that outstanding service
quality can give them a potent competitive advantage that leads to superior sales and profit
The service provider needs to identify the expectations of target customer concerning service
quality. Unfortunately, service quality is harder to define and judge than product quality,
although greater service quality results in greater customer satisfaction it also results in high cost.
Whatever the level of service provided, it is important that the service provider clearly define and
communicate that level so its employee knows what they must deliver and customer knows what
they will get (Kotler, 2003.)
This study is a target to know the different types of factors that affect a service quality and to
give remedies based on findings.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Quality of service is an important aspect of every successful business including the hotel
industry. In that regard every business should strive to have a good relationship with their
customer to enhance loyalty and to increase their profitability. The service quality in hotel
industry is a basic factor for successfulness of the business. A Service quality analysis is a details
study of the product or service that the organization able to provide to its respective customers.
For business organizations the details examination of factors affecting a service quality is curtail,
because it attempt to identify the internal and external factors that affect the hotel service, and
attempt to know how to improve the service quality. On other hands the company belief that
providing exceptional level of customer service is as important the quality of the products it
makes (Leonhard Berry, 2009)

This research indicates that the service quality is affects by the product which they provide to
their customers. But the research will like to assess the factors that affect the service quality by
their service which they provide to their customers.
An implementation of efficient and effective service quality is a very important for business
enterprise in order to bring up the organizations profit. Most of owners of hotel in our country
which are engaged in business activities give a little attention for the factors that affect their
service quality.
Previously many studies have been conduct in different areas and they examined service quality
in the hospitality industry. In Ethiopian hotels, there are different factors that affecting service
quality. Among these factors lack of managerial skill, lack of sanitation, government tax, lack of
water supply, lack of analysis of customer service delivery, lack of electric power, low level of
salary and low employment training. Therefore, contemporary in hosanna town many hotels
established to serve customers’ needs and wants. As the world the factor that affect the service
quality was studied by many researchers but they fail to study the quality of service at hosanna
town at this specific area.
Based on these gaps this study is assessing the factors affecting service quality in hosanna town
and it striving to come with the possible solutions to service quality.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of the study is to assess the factors that affect the service quality in
selected hotels of hosanna town.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To identify the internal factors that affects the service quality.

2. To identify the external factors that affects the service quality.

3. To investigate the measures taken to increase the service quality.

1.4. Research Question

1. What are the external factors that affect the service quality?

2. What are the internal factors that affect the service quality?

3. What are the measures to be taken to increase service quality?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study would be conducted importantly to identify the factors that affect service quality in
selected hotels of hosanna town. This important to:

 The government's -the government may use this study as a reference to identify the factors
and use the suggesting solution and recommendation of the factors.
 The employer -the employer would know the working conditions and requirements of the
 The employee -to increase the working interest and get working skill.
 The employment -this are able to do their tasks without difficulty and mistake.
 Tourism students -to serve as a guide line study and use to reference among students.
 The researcher -can also develop good experience from the study to involve on further

Generally, the service quality would be increase if and only if the factors are minimizing and if
possible to radically illuminate. If this is so employment better to do any of their tasks

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is emphasis on the factors that affecting service quality in selected hotels
of hosanna town. Geographically the study was focused on selected hotels of hosanna town. The
researcher was selected Hossana town as study area because it is the researcher interest to
conduct research on Hossana town and researcher was also selected this title because of there is a
problem of service quality in the hotels of Hossana town.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The sampling technique which researcher was used is probably random sampling which is by its
nature doesn’t give equal chance to each element of the population include in the sample this
have its own impact to the result obtain in generalizing for the population. Shortage of secondary
data to make comparison and to reference for more detail may be happen.

In Conduct this research, the researcher was faced some problems those are; Lack of voluntary
respondents in the study area. Lack of getting full information from the study area, lack of
review material and current information that related with the topic, lack of internet access, the of
problem financial constrain, and lack of sufficient time to conduct the research are considered as
limitations of the study.

1.8 Organization of the Study

The paper was organized in to five chapters. The first chapter is discus about background of the
study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope of the study and limitations of the
Study. The second chapter present review of literature and methodologies are described in third
chapter. Data presentation and analysis of the finding are dealt in chapter four. Summery,
conclusion and recommendation part are presented in the fifth chapter



2.1 Concepts of Factors Affect Service Quality

Service is any activity that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does
not result in the ownership of anything. Services are benefits or satisfaction which are offer for
sale or provide with sale of goods. In the height of the forgoing comments a possible definition
of service might be any activity of benefits performed by individuals and organizations the object
of marketing is an intangible aimed at satisfying the needs and wants of customers and individual
users without any acquisition of physical good arising from the exchange transaction (Baker:
2010, p. 254).

2.2 Nature and Classification of Service

A company must consider four special service characteristics when designing marketing

2.2.1. Service Intangibility

Service cannot be seen, heard or smelled before they are bought. Example people undergoing
cosmetic surgery cannot see the result before purchase. (Kottler, 2007)

To reduce uncertainty buyers, look for signals of service quality. They draw conclusion about
quality from place, people, price, equipment and communication that they can see. There for, the
service provider task is to make the service intangibility to their tangible offers. Service
marketers try to add tangible to their intangible assets (Kottler, 2007, p.469).

2.2.2. Service Inseparability

Physical products are produced then store, later sold and still later consumed. In contrast service
are first sold then produced and consumed at the same time. Service inseparability Means that
service cannot be separated from their providers, whether the providers are people or machine, If

a service employee provides the service, then the employee is a part of a service, because the
customer is also present as the service is produced, provider customer interaction is a special
feature of service marketing (Kottler, 2007)

2.2.3. Service Variability

The quality of service depends on who provides them as well as when, where, and how they are
provided example, some hotels have reputation for providing better service than others still win a
particular hotel on registration desk employees may cheerful and efficient, where as another
standing just a few feet away may be unpleasant and slow (Kottler,2007).

2.2.4. Service Perishability

Service cannot be store for later use or sales. Some doctors change patients for miss
appointments because the service value existed only at that point and disappeared when the
patient did not show up.

The perish ability of service is not a problem when demand is study. However, when demand
fluctuates service firms have often had difficult problems (Kottler, 2007)

2.3. Managing Service Differentiation (MSD)

Service marketers frequently complain about the difficulty of the differentiating service
industries, communication, and transportation competition. The alternative to price competition
is to develop a differentiated offer, delivery, and image (Kottler, 2009, p.469-79).

2.3.1 OFFER

Offer can include innovative features to distinguish it from competitors offer. What customer
expects is called the primary service package and to this can be added secondary service features.
(kottler, 2009, 472-474) the major challenges in service differentiation are that most service
innovations are easily copy few of them are preemptive in the long run-still the service company

that regularly researchers and introduce service innovation was gain reputation for innovation
(kottler, 2009)

2.3.2 Delivery

Service company distinguish is services delivery quality having more able and reliable customers
contract people that is competitors. It can develop more attractive physical evident in which the
service is delivery.

2.3.3 Image

Service companies can also be differentiating their images. they often do this through symbol
and branding. Several highly branded service companies have developed successful international
operations. (Kottler ,2009, p, 474-76)

2.4. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

In verifying degrees, all organization attempt to satisfy customer needs and wants through the set
of activities known collectively as customer service, may companies maintain in fact, that
service to the customer is their top priority clearly, without attracting customers and building
sales as the cost of quality of the organization’s products.

Customer require a quality of service at the most basic level, they need fair prices, acceptable
product quality, and dependable deliveries, customers seeking a higher level of customers

service may also want sizable inventories efficient order processing, availability of emergency
progress report postal service prompt replacement of defective items and ran ties because service
needs vary from customer to customer companies must analyze and opt to customer preferences.
Attention to customer needs and preferences is crucial to increasing sales and obtaining repeat
sales. A company’s failure to provide the basined level of service may mean the loss of customer
(Fernell, 2010).

Customer satisfaction with quality can be defined by comparing perception of the service
accepted with expectations of the service needed when expectation are greater than service is

perceived to be qualified and exceptional quality and also to be un acceptable, when expectation
are confirmed by perceived service quality is satisfactory( leon, 2008)

2.5. Measuring Service Quality (MSQ)

Measuring service quality is an important aspect in the quality improvement process because it
provides feedback about the type of service provided and the extent to which it meets customers’
needs (Mwangi et al., 2009). A number of scholars have carried out several studies with an aim
of developing models of measurement that would help service organizations determine the extent
to which their services are effective.

(Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness assurance and empathy/very customer surveyed. The

Servqual scare for a service is the different between the perception of the dimension and the
expectation, besides using Service quality to calculate service quality perception, managers an
use it to track competition, examine differences of course, on the quality do not guarantee
satisfied customers providing and maintaining customers need will help the firms to create a
royal customer (Kittler, 2007). According to him the Servqual is composed of questions about
the five categories of service (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness assurance and empathy/very
customer surveyed.

According to him the satisfied customer will walk favorable to others about company Pay less
attention to competing brand advertising, Buy again company product A recovery process for
counter acting bad process of experience. Extra ordinary service that excess in meeting
customers preference and make the product or service customized.

Christian Gronrous, (2004), Formulated a service quality model that high light the main
requirements for delivery high service quality. Model identifies five gaps that cause
unsuccessful deliver and satisfaction;

 Gaps between management perception and service quality specification management

might correctly perceive customer wants but not set a performance standard.

 Gap between service quality specification and service delivery. Personal might be poorly
trained or in capable or unwilling to meet the standard or they may be held to conflicting
standards, such as taking time to listen customers and serving them fast.
 Gap between service quality specification and service delivery. Personal might be poorly
trained or in capable or un willing to meet the standard or they may be held to conflicting
standards, such as taking time to listen customers and serving them fast
 Gap between service delivery and external communication customer expectations are
affected by statements made by company representatives
 Gap between perceived service and expected service. This gap occurs when the
customers miss perceives the service quality. And our study is focused more of on
dissatisfaction correctly perceive what customers want.

Generally parasuramen, Lethem and berry found five Dimensions of service quality and
satisfaction (Gronuos, 2009).

1. Reliability

Reliability is the ability to perform the promised service both dependably and accurately reliable
service performance is a customer expectation and means that the service accomplished on time,
in the same manner, and without errors every time.

2. Responsiveness

This characterization is based on the ability of the organization to be responsive to customer

needs, with an emphasis on a willingness to respond promptly. Keeping a customer waiting,
especially when there is no clear, obvious reason, generates a negative perception. For example,
if you walk into a barbershop (or salon) and are asked to be seated when there is clearly a booth
open, you may be inclined to walk out. However, if the person at the open booth notices you are
getting anxious and they react quickly to what seems to be a service failure, by explaining that
they taking an important call (ie. a relative was just put in the hospital), this can most likely fix
the issue and create a positive perception (okay, considering the circumstances, this might be a
bad example…!).

3. Assurance

Assurance is the knowledge and courtesy of employees as well as their ability to convey trust
and confidence. The assurance dimension includes the following features competence to perform
the service, politeness and respect for the customer, and the general attitude. This server has the
customer’s best interest at heart.

4. Empathy

Empathy is the provision of earring, individualized attention to customers empathy includes

the following features approachability, and effort of understand the customers’ needs on
example of empathy is the ability of an airline gate attendant to make a customer’s
missed connection the attendant’s won problem and find a solution.

5. Tangibles

Tangibles are the appearance of physical facilities, equipment’s, personnel and communication
materials. The condition of the physical surrounding (example, cleanliness) is tangible evidence
of the care and attentions detail that are exhibited by the service provider. This assessment
dimension also can extend to the conduct of other customers in the service. Service marketers
must understand the customer well and correctly size up their expectations of the service for
this; they must obviously carry out through customer the important point’s customer analysis
in service context involved first hand and not second hand knowledge about the customers.
The service marketers must be encouraged to make plenty of personal contacts with the
customers and gather relevant first hand data on their requirements or expectations of the
service here are below two means of understanding the customer and his expectation of
the service.

Exit Response for Customers:- collection of exit from the customer is commonly used
method of sizing up customer expectations and extent of gap in the service as per their
perception. The response is often gathered a questionnaire sometimes the service provider talks
personally of the customers.

Customers care Panels:- customer panel is another tool for understanding customer
expectations. The panel helps the marketer together views of sample customers on aspects of the
service in face-to-face talk, it can actually serve as the eyes and ears of the marketer. Customer’s
forums and bodies that register completion can also be used for understanding (measure)
customer expectation (Fegre, 2012)

Fegre’s (2012) six steps to win Customers

Take the customer point of view:-This will for you to examine every things as the customer sees
it, from

1. Exceed the competitions service

People who don’t shop with you because of sentimental attachment to try to raise the competitive
bar overtime. Remember, a competitor that is playing catch up loses credibility with the
customer and will probably operate less efficiently than you.

2. Know they self only by understanding what is unique about you company can you
leverage your

Strengths and address your weakness in customer relationships.

3. Consistently meet your commitments

Virtually every organization consistently honors its product/ service guarantee. But, how many
companies miss delivery deadlines fail to up data the customer on the changing status of an
order, or given great service only when a customer requests an extra effort.

4. Service must be efficient to be successful

Not a company exists that can maintain both profits and market share while operating less
efficiently that is competitors. The earliest way to lose profits, market share, or both is failing to
focus on efficiency the pursuit of being an effective market share competitor.

5. Anticipate every thing

By knowing your customers what they will appreciate before they know it, win over new
customers by accurately anticipating your competitor’s service capabilities and strategies and
then beating to the punch.

6. Commit long term

If you have a well through idea of where customer expectations and competitors capabilities will
be in five or ten year, began to lay the ground-word how to gain an advantage.

2.6. Conceptual Frame Work of the Study

Factors that affect service quality in hotel

External factors
Internal factors

 Government tax  Lack of employment training

 Lack of water supply of town  Low salary of employment
 Lack of electric power  Lack of managerial skill

Source (researcher own completion,2019 )

Figure2.1. Conceptual frame work of the study



3.1 Description of the Study Area

3.1.1 Location

Hossana serves as a major business center for inhabitants in the region. It offers amenities
including digital telephone, postal service, 24-hour electricity, bank, hospital, post office, gas
stations, souvenir shops, bar and restaurants, entertainment centers and cultural food providers
suitable hotels and restaurants. Saturday is a market day where visitors enjoy a rich cultural
attractions, traditional dressing, hairstyles and songs of the Hadiya people. Latitude of
hosanna is 75833(734'59.988"N), Longitude of hosanna: 37,8833 (3752'59.880"E) Altitude of
hosanna:2300M. The town is 232 km far from Addis Ababa. Hossana (also spelled Hossana or
Hosaina) also called hosanna an older name is wachemo is a town and separate woreda in
southern Ethiopia and the demonstrative center of the hadiya zone located in the southern
Nations Nationality and people regions

3.1.2 Demography

Hossana is the administrative center of the Hadiya zone. With an estimated population of 90,000
residents, it is one of the largest towns in the region. The zone has an estimated total population
of 1,5million people. Many of its residents are primarily ethnic Hadiyas, followed by Kembata,
Gurage, Silte and Amhara origins – they all live together peacefully. While the majority of its
residents speak Hadiyissa as their first language, some speak other languages such as Amharic,
Kembatissa, Guragenga and Silitigna.

The population is predominantly Protestant, with some Muslims, Orthodox and Catholics. The
Ethiopian Evangelical Church at the town’s entrance is a model for local grass‐root projects. It
also provides a residential Deaf School – one of the largest schools in the country. The Ethiopian
Orthodox Church has an area of approximately 5,000 hectares of land. A Mosque is in the city

3.2 Research Design

The type of research that was conducted is descriptive type of research. Because this type of
research is used to identify and obtained data on the characteristic of particular issue or problem
and almost of social researcher comes under this category. Also the researcher was used both the
qualitative and quantitative research approach in the way of statement and number explanation.
Qualitative approach is using collect the data by interview and allows investigators to develop a
deeper understanding of a topic than can be obtained through quantitative approach. Quantitative
method collects numerical data has been informed by a philosophical realism about the things
study. Quantitative research approaches to studies were the use of instrument such as survey and
to collect data, and test statically hypothesis that correspond to research questions of interest.

3.3 Descriptions of Dependent and Independent Variable

The study has dependent and independent variables. The independent variables are factors affect
service quality in hotel. As well as the external and internal factors are the dependent variables of
the study.

3.4 Target Population

The target of this study were includes the employees and customers of selected hotels of hossana.
Due to time and financial constraint the researcher was selected shambalala hotel, bereket
international hotel and lema international hotel as a target population.

3.5 Sample Size

The researcher was selected 50 samples from the loyal customers and 50 samples from the
employees of selected hotels. Thus, in total the researcher was selected 100 samples from the
customers and employees of the selected hotels to obtain the necessary data by using sample

3.6 Sampling Technique.

Researcher was used probably and non probably random sampling method especially judgmental
sampling technique and accidental sampling technique for Employees and Customers of the hotel
respectively. This is the best to obtained the requires data by taking this population units which
are readily available through choosing sampling item depending exclusively on the purposive
or judgment of the researcher. This is because it is when availability and willingness to
respond are major factors use in selecting respondents and to save time, cost as well as

3.7 Instrumentation and Measurement Procedures

The researcher was used different instruments on the study. Open ended and closed ended
questionnaires, interview and written documents would be key instruments for the study.
Questionnaire would be an instrument that was used to collect data from hotels. There are two
reasons to use questionnaire to collect data from the hotels. First they are large in numbers and
difficult to interview such large respondents. Whereas interview would be applied to collect data
from manager of hotel.

3.8 Source of Data

In order to conduct this study the researcher was used both primary and secondary data source to
collect the required information.

 Primary data source would be collected to get full information from each hotels. the
primary data collection involves questionnaires. Interview can be for managers of each
 Secondary data source wwould be collected from sources like books, literatures that are
wrote on the topic of the study and also some web pages.

3.9 Methods of Data Collection

The primary data would be collected by distributing questionnaires to the loyal customers and
unstructured interview for manager. The questionnaires are both open ended and cloth ended
types. The secondary data was collected from the hotels documents and other books.

3.10 Data Analysis and Interpretation

After the relevant data is collect the next step is data analysis. In this study the researcher was
used descriptive analysis techniques. Narration to interprets the qualitative and quantitative
research approach. The descriptive data analysis method is includes coding, editing, classifying
and tabulating graphic, pie chart of the result for the simplicity of the research. Also researcher
was used percentage to interpret and analyzed the data.



This chapter deals with the tabular data presentation and analysis of data. The data were
collected through questionnaires that were distributed to employees and customers of the
hotel. The researchers were distributed the questionnaire for 100 respondents.

4.1 Analysis of Responses of Customers

4.1.1. Personal background of customer’s information

Table 1: Sex of respondents (Customers)

Sex Number of Percentage (%)

Male 32 64%
Female 18 36%
Total 50 100%
Source: own survey,(2019)

The above table states that 32(64%) 0f respondents are males and the remaining 18(36%)
are females. From this the researcher concludes that the number of male customers is
greater than the number of female customers in the hotel

Table 2: Age range of respondents

Age Number of Percentage (%)

<20 5 10%

21-30 11 22%

31-40 19 38%

41-50 10 20%

>50 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Source: own survey,(2019)

As it can be seen in the above table 5(9%) of respondents are less than 20 years and
11(22%)of respondents are between the age range of 21-30 years in addition out of the
total respondents 19(38%) of respondents are between the age group 31-40 years, and
10(20%) of respondents are between the age group of 41-50.Whereas 5(10%) of respondents
are greater than 50 years.

Table 3: Income level of Respondents

Income level Number of Percentage (%)

<300 - 19
301-500 1 9
501-700 2 16
701-900 2 22
>900 45 34
Total 50 100

Source; own survey,(2019)

As it can be seen in the above table monthly income of customers from the total number
of respondents 6(19%) were below 300 birr,3(9%) were between 301-500 5(16%) were
between 501-700,7(22%) were between 701-900 birr and 11(34%) were above 900 birr.Here
we can understand that the majority proportion of the respondent get monthly income of

greater than 900 birr and lesser proportion of the respondent were getting between 301-500

Table 4: Occupational status of the Respondents

Occupation Number of Percentage (%)

Merchant - 34
Farmer - 19
Employee 50 38
Other - 9
Total 50 100

Source: own survey,(2019)

Table 4 implies customer respondent’s occupation. From the total number of respondent about
12(38%) were government employees, 11(34%) were merchants and 6(19%) were farmers and
the rest were others. This indicates that the majority of the respondents were reported to work in
governmental sector.
Table 5: Religion of Respondents

Religion Number of Percentage (%)

Orthodox 22 44
Muslim 18 36
Protestant 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: own survey,(2019)
The above table shows that religion of respondents 22(44%), 18(36%),10(20%), of the
respondents are Orthodox, Muslim and, Protestants respectively.

Employee educational level





Secondary Certificate Diploma 1st Degree MA Others

Figure 2: Educational Level

The bar graph summaries and presents the educational background of hotel customers. From the
total number of respondents 14(28%) of the respondent were 1 st degree, 12(24%) of the
respondent were secondary school, 10(20%) of respondents were college diploma , 9(18) of
the respondents were certificate and 5(10%) of respondent were MA.

4.1.2: Responses regarding to hotel service

Table 6: Attitude of Customers to Hotel service

What is your attitude Number of Percentage (%)

towards the hotel service respondents
Very good 10 20%
Good 32 64%
Bad 8 16%
Worse -- --
Total 50 100
Source: own survey, (2019)

As it shown in the above table 10(20%) of customers attitudes towards the hotel service is
very good, 32(64%) of customers attitudes towards the hotel service is good, and the rest of 8
(16%) of customers have bad attitudes to the service of hotel. From this the researcher can
understand the majority of customer’s attitude towards the hotel service has better
Table 7: Preference of the Customers

Why do you prefer to use the Number of Percentage (%)

Hotels services? respondents
Due to its good quality 40 80%
Due to its low price -- --
Due to in availability of other -- --
Other 10 20%
Total 50 100
Source: own survey, (2019)
As shown in the table 40(80%) of respondent s prefer Hotel because of due to its good
quality with compared to other hotels and the rest of 10(20%) of respondents prefer to use the
Hotel due to other factors. from this the researcher can understand that the hotel customer
prefer hotel service due to its good quality.
Table 8: Additional Service

Do you get any additional Number of Percentage(%)

service while you use the respondents
service of the hotel?
Yes 20 40%
No 30 60%
Total 50 100%

Source: own survey,(2019)

The above table shows that about 20(40%) of customers get additional service when they use the
hotels service. According to those customers respond they gate additional services from the hotel

and the rest 30 (60%) of customers do not get any additional service while they use the hotel
Table 9: Hotel service comparing with other hotel services
How is the hotel service Number of respondents Percentage
quality comparing with
other h

High 10 20%

Low 12 24 %

Medium 28 56 %

Total 50 100%

Source: Researcher own survey (2019)

The above table shows 28(56%) of customers have medium attitude towards and 10(20%)
and 12(24%) have high and low service quality of the hotel respectively. From this the
researcher concludes there is medium service quality in the hotel.
Table 10: Satisfaction of Customers

Are you satisfied with service Number of Percentage (%)

quality respondents
Yes 38 76%
No 12 24%
Total 50 100%

Source: own survey,(2019)

As it can be seen from the table above, 38(76%) of respondents are satisfied with the
service quality where as 12(24%) of respondents didn’t satisfied with the service quality. From
this researcher concludes most of customers of hotel are satisfied with service quality.
Table 11: Personality of Sales Person

How do you see the sales Number of respondents Percentage (%)

person personality of the hotel
Very good - -
Good 22 44%
Average 15 30%
Poor 13 26%
Total 50 100%

Source: Own survey,(2019)

As indicated above table, 22(44%), 15(30%) and 13(26%) of the respondents replied that the
sales person personality are good, average and poor respectively. From this the researcher
concludes that the sales person personality of the hotel is good.

4.2 Analysis of Responses of Employees

4.2.1. Personal background of employee’s information

Table 12: Sex of respondents (Employee)

Sex Number of Percentage (%)

Male 22 44%
Female 28 56%
Total 50 100%

Source: own survey, (2019)

The table states that 22(44%) of respondents are male and the remaining 28(56%) are females.
The researchers conclude that the number of female is greater than number of males. So,
dominantly female employees are in the hotel.
Table 13: Age range of respondents

Income level Number of Percentage (%)

<300 ---- ----

301-500 6 23
501-700 46
701-900 5 19
>900 3 12
Total 26 100
Source: own survey,(2019)
In the above table,3(12%) of the respondents are recruited with a salary of 900 and more. In
addition out of the total respondents 5(19%) of respondents have a salary between 701-900 and
12(46%) of the respondents earn the salary between 501-700 and also 6(23%) of the
respondents have a salary between 301-500 birr.
From this the researcher concludes that most of employees get a salary between 501-700.
Table 14: Education level of respondent

Level of education Number of respondent Percentage (%)

Secondary school 20 40%
Certificate 10 20%
Diploma 13 26%
First degree 4 8%
MA 3 6%
Total 50 100%

Source: own survey,(2019)

According to table 4, 40% and 26% of employees have education level of Secondary school, and
diploma in the hotel respectively and the other 20%, 8% and 6% of employees have education
level of certificate, first degree and MA. From this the researcher can understand that majority of
respondents have educational level of secondary school.
4.2.2. Responses Regarding to Hotel Service
Do you get training to s upgrade yourself to increase providing good service?



Figure3: Training of employees to upgrade yourself.

As it shown in the above pie-chart about 20(41.66%of respondents did not get training to
upgrade her/his self to increase providing good service for their service for their customers.
Whereas 28(58.33%) got training to upgrade her/his self and to treat in a good way their
customers. From this most of respondents get a training to upgrade her/his self.
Table 15: Treatment of Customers

How do you treat your Number of respondents Percentage (%)

Very good - -
Good 18 37.5%
Average 22 45.83%
Poor 8 16.66%
Total 48 100%
Source: own survey, (2019)
As table 5 indicates that 18(37.5%) of respondents are replied that they treat their customers in a
good way and 22(45.83%) of respondents replied that they treat their customers averagely
whereas 8(16.66%) of respondents replied that they treat their customers in poorly. From this the
researcher concludes that treatment of customers is averagely good.
Do you get incentive from the hotel while you treat customers in a good way?
Figure 4: Incentive of Employee

Do you get incentive from the hotel while you treat customers in a good way?

Figure 4: Incentive of Employee

As it shown in the pie-chart about 25(52.08%) of respondents did get incentive from the hotel
while they treat their customers in good way. Whereas 23(47.91%) did not get incentives when
they treat their customers in a good way. According to the response of employees they get
incentives like a bonus, increase the level of salary and tips from customers when treat their
customers in a better way.
Table 16: Customer preferences

Why Customer prefer your Number of Percentage (%)

hotel? respondents
Due to better quality 28 58.33%
Due to in availability of other -- --
Due to less price 14 29.16%
Others 6 12.5%
Total 48 100%

Source: own survey, (2019)

Table 6 illustrates that customer preference. Based on this 28(58.33%) of respondents preferred
the hotel due to better quality. The rest of 14(29.16%) and 6(12.5%) of customers prefer the

hotel due to less price and due to others respectively. The researcher concludes that large number
of customers preferred the hotel due to its better quality.

4.3 Response from interviews

The unstructured interview was concluding with the management of the hotel. The response
forwarded by both managers was as follows. When the interview was conducted the first
question provided for both managers was aimed to know the internal factors that affect the
service quality in hotel. The response found from both manager is existing of little number of
skilled manpower in the hotel, increasing the number of employees who leave their job because
of they didn’t get additional benefits, lack of internal training for workers, using of out dated
instruments and managing system of the hotel to solve such problems the manager points some
of the measures

That taken are recruiting the skilled manpower, giving training to the employees following the
above question the manager asked to what are the external factors that affect the service quality
of the hotel. According to the response, some of the external factors are water supply of the
town, electrical power, tax of government and in availability of colleges in the town giving
training about the service giving of the hotel to employees. Measures taken by the hotel to
minimize those problems are using generator for electric power and accumulating of water are
some of them.



5.1. Summery

This research was conducted on the title of assessment of factors that affect the service quality in
selected hotels of Hossana. The researcher has developed in the form of back ground of the study
which dedicates about the nature of the study and definition of terms statement of the problem,
objectives of the study, significance of the study and scope of the study in the chapter one. In the
second and third chapter of this paper, literature review and methodology of the study had been
included, under methodology part; purposive sampling method of study is used to select the
sample of 50 from the customer of the hotel and of 50 employees from the hotel. Chapter four of
this research paper includes analysis of interpretation of data and presentation of data.

The researcher started the data analysis, discussion and interpretation by the background
information of respondents. The background information includes sex, age, educational level;
occupation and religion of respondents, 64% customers of the hotel have a good attitude towards
the hotel service. However, it has to be remembered that there are also customers who have not a
good attitude towards a hotel service. According to the response of the customers the hotels have
a good attitude by its customers. 80% customers of the hotel preferred the hotel due to its good
quality and 10% of customers prefer the hotel other factors in addition to good quality they use
the hotel as entertainment center, regarding too addition service customers get from the hotel
40% of customers get additional service while they use the service of the hotel 60 % of
customers does not get any additional service.

When the quality of service is compared to others 56% of customers replied that the quality of
the service is medium and 44% of customers respond the quality of service is low when
compared to other hotels service. 76% of respondents are satisfied with the service quality in the
hotel whereas the other 24% of respondents not satisfied with the service quality.

About 44% of customer views to the sales person personality of the hotel in good manner and 3o
% of customers view to the hotel sales person personality are average. About 41.66% of (7s) of

employees did not get training in the hotel whereas 58.33% got training to upgrade themselves.
And the response of the employee of the hotel 8(31%) of respondents respond that they treat
their customers in a good way and 3(12%) of employees respond that they treat their customers
in poor way. As the response of the most employee of the hotel the hotel gives incentives when
the employee performs their job in good way. 58.33% of employees respond that the customer of
the organization preferred the hotel due to better quality in addition to better quality 29.16% of
employees respond that the customer of the hotel preferred the hotel due to good quality.

5.2. Conclusion

The analysis, interpretation and presentation of data have been drawn from the findings of the
research. The first specific objectives of the study were to identify the internal factors that affect
the service quality. As a result the study find out the following outcome like the existing of little
number of skilled manpower in the hotel, increasing the number of employees who leave their
job because of they didn’t get additional benefits, lack of internal training for workers, using of
out dated instruments and managing system of the hotel. The second specific objective of the
study was to identify the external factors that affect the service quality. As a result from study the
main external factors that affect service quality are out lined. Those are lack of water supply of
the town, electrical power, tax of government and in availability of colleges in the town giving
training about the service giving of the hotel to employees. The third specific objective of the
study was to investigate the measures taken to increase the service quality. As a result for both
external and internal factor measures can be out lined. For internal factor measures out lined are
recruiting the skilled manpower and giving training to the employees and for external factors
measures out lined are using generator for electric power and accumulating of water are some of

The conclusion of all raised discussion has been the following. Service quality is one of the core
activities for one organization in order to attract many customers. Most of customers preferred
hotel due to better quality of service when they compare with other hotels. Due to the absence of
service provider training colleague in the town, water supply and electric power are the major
factors affect the service quality. The customer of the hotel has best consideration for the sales
person personality most of customers have a good attitude to the hotel service. The hotel has a

few numbers of trained service providers and gives training for a few service providers.
Comparing with other hotel quality is better. Most of hotel customer was satisfied with the
service quality.

5.3. Recommendation

Under this title, different recommendations that would require further investigation would be
forwarded. This was done based on the findings of the study. The researcher recommends
basically on the following data acquired from the respondents and discussed and interpreted
in the findings of discussion and interpretation parts.

As it is possible to understand from the findings the number of female employees are greater
than the number of males. However, the number of female customers is less than the number of
males. Therefore, it would be better to increase the number of female customers by creating
attractive and better service of the hotel. In the hotel, there are customers who are unsatisfied
with the hotel service quality. This affects the good will and lost of its customers in the future.

Therefore it is recommended that by improving the educational and qualification of employees,

by offering additional service and rewards should be improved so, that it will be possible to
create satisfied customers.

The service of the hotel has affected both by internal and external factors. This condition is very
difficult to the hotel to provide better service to the customers. So the hotel should be liable to
check its internal factors affect the service quality of the hotel like illiterate employees and its
financial positions. It should be improved as well as make the customers happy by avoiding
those internal factors. And also to ensure the external factors that highly affect the service of the
hotel. The hotel has little number of trained service providers. Therefore, the hotel would be
better to increase the number of train service provider in the hotel and the hotel give training for
a little number of employees. So, it should be better to increase the number of employees who
take the training. Even if most employees are trying to treat their customers in better way there
are also some employees who treat customers in poorly. So, the hotel should try to increase the
treatment of customers to be in better way. Because, customer is the reason for the growth of one

Generally, the hotel should improve its quality of service to keep up its customers better than
what the other hotels do. Specially by assessing its internal and external factors in the future the

hotel will be the most known hotel in the hotel in the town as well as in the region by its better
quality of service Even if most employees are trying to treat their customers in better way there
are also some employees who treat customers in poorly. So, the hotel should try to increase the
treatment of customers to be in better way. Because customer is the reason for the growth of
one’s hotel Generally, the hotel should improve its quality of service to keep up its customers
better than the other hotels do. Specially by assessing its internal and external factors in the
future the hotel will be the most known hotel in the town.


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Appendix 1

Wachemo university
College of business and economics
Department of tourism management

Dear Respondents!
The following questions are developed under tittle Assessment Factors that affect service quality
in selected Hotels data collection method from the customers and employee of selected Hotels.
First and for most I would like to thank you for your willingness to fill this questionnaire format.
All piece of information will be used only for research purpose. You don’t to write your name.
I assure that your response will be kept in secret. Since each of your response is very useful for
study, please go through each question patiently and give genuine answer. Please put (X) for
boxes and fill the blanks spaced provided in some questions.
Part one;. Personal Background of customer Information
1)Sex: Male Female

2) Age: 18 -20 21-30 31-40 41-50 >50

3). Income level: <300 301-500 501-700 701-900 >900

4). Occupation: Merchant Farmer

Employee Other

5). Religion: Orthodox Protestant
Muslim Other

6). Education: Secondary school certificate

1St Degree Diploma
MA Other
Part Two; Information Regarding To Customer Response to the Hotel Services.
1). what is your attitude towards the hotel service?
Very good Bad
Good Worse
2). Why do you prefer to use the hotel Services?
Due to its good quality
Due to its low price
Due to in availability of other hotels
3). Do you get any additional service while you use the service of the hotel
Yes No
4). Is your answer for Q3 is yes please mention some of them
5. How is the hotels service quality comparing with other organization services.
High Low Medium
6. Are you satisfied with service quality?

Yes No
7. How do you see the sales person personality of the hotel?
Very good Average

Good Poor

Appendix 2

Wachemo University
College of business and economics
Department of tourism management

Questionnaire for Customer

Dear Respondents!
The following questions are developed under tittle Assessment Factors that affect service quality
in selected Hotels data collection method from the customers and employee of selected Hotels.
First and for most I would like to thank you for your willingness to fill this questionnaire format.
All piece of information will be used only for research purpose. You don’t to write your name.
I assure that your response will be kept in secret. Since each of your response is very useful for
study, please go through each question patiently and give genuine answer. Please put (X) for
boxes and fill the blanks spaced provided in some questions.

Part one: Information regarding to employees of selected hotels.

1) Sex: Male Female

2) Age: 18 -20 21-30 31-40 41-5 >50

3) Income level: <300 301-500 501-700 701-900 >900

4) Occupation: Merchant Farmer Employee Other

5). Religion: Orthodox Protestant Muslim Other

6). Education: Secondary school certificate 1St Degree Diploma
MA Other

7). How do you treat your customers?

Very good Average
Good Poor
8). what are the measures you take to increase the service quality?
1. ___________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________

9). Do you get incentive from the hotel while you treat customer in a good way?
Yes No
10). If you answer for Q10 is yes please mention some of them
1. ______________________________________
2. -------------------------------------------------------
3. --------------------------------------------------------
4. ________________________________________

11). Why your customer prefer your hotel?


Part four; Interview Questionnaire Regarding for Hotel Manager of selected Hotel

1. What is the external factor affecting service quality hotel?

2. What is the internal factors affecting service quality hotel?
3. What is the measure taken to increase service quality hotel?


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