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Part Two: Dewey’s Problem-Solving Process Report Assessment Form

Group Members’ Names:

____ Report Information (15 points)

____ Problem is related to the Texas State and “We Are Bobcats” message (1 pt)
____ Definition and analysis of problem was thorough (2 pts)
____ Evidence that problem exists included (2 pts)
____ At least three viable solutions identified (2 pts)
____ Evidence that solution will resolve or minimize (2 pts)
____ Consequences of implementing and NOT implementing solution are addressed (2 pts)
____ All required questions were answered thoroughly and thoughtfully (2 pts)
____ It is apparent that group members completed Dewey’s problem-solving process (2 pts)

____ Group and Team Communication (5 points)

____ Minimum 4-5 terms included (2 pts)
____ Terms discussed in steps 2, 3, and 4 (1 pt)
____ Terms are used appropriately (1 pt)
____ Terms are discussed thoroughly (1 pt)

____ Research Support (15 points)

____ Minimum 3 sources included (3 pts)
____ Sources cited in steps 1, 2, and 5 (3 pts)
____ Included in-text citations in APA format (3 pts)
____ Included reference page in APA format (3 pts)
____ Claims were backed with evidence (3 pts)

____ Writing Style (5 points)

____ Answers to questions were in complete sentences (2 pts)
____ Responses followed proper grammar and spelling rules (1.5 pts)
____ Responses were professional in nature (1.5 pts)

total score:


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