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Rytsas – Hello

Kessa – Yes

Daor – No

Kirimvose – Thank you.

Geros ilas – Goodbye.

Sōnar mastan - Winter is here.

Valar dohaeris – All men must serve.

Nerni ōrēs - Hold the door.

Udrizi Valyrio ȳdrā? - Do you speak Valyrian?

Ñuho glaeso hūrus - Moon of my life

Merbun - I’m hungry.

Dovaogēdy – An Unsullied.

Avy jorrāelan. - I love you.

Ñuhor līr gūrēnna. - I will take what is mine.

Bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys. - The night is dark and full of terrors.

Daoruni gīmī, Ionos Sōnaro. - You know nothing Jon Snow.

Skorverdon dekuroti Dōros hen kesīr ilza? - How much farther is the wall?

Riña dōre brōzi ēza- A girl has no name.

Tubī daor. – Not today.

Source Meaning
Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys
Valyrian is my mother tongue –
Ñuhor līr gūrēnn I will take what is mine. –
Vīlībāzmosa iderennī emilun I would like a trial by combat –
Ao ynoma dīnilūks? Will you marry me? –
Sōnar mastan Winter is here –
Skoriot rāenābion ilza? Where’s the bathroom? –
Vēzos qēlossās ñuho My beloved (relating to a man) My sun and stars
Ñuho glaeso hūrus My beloved (relating to a woman) Moon of my life
Skorkydoso glaesā? How are you? –
Sesīr kipi! An now, we ride! –
Se ribazma iksis se
Fear is the mind killer –
ossēnagon hen zūgagon
Nerni ōrēs Hold the door –
Bantis zōbrie issa se The night is dark and full of terrors –
ossȳngnoti lēdys

daorun = zero

mēre = one

lanta = two

hāre = three

izula = four

tōma = five

bȳre = six

sīkuda = seven

jēnqa = eight

vōre = nine

ampa = ten

gār = hundred

pyrys = thousand

jelmor = north

ñāqon = east

vēzor = south

endia = west
Dragon commands
aderī = quickly

angōs = attack

angōtōs = attack (plural)

daor = no

demās = sit

demātās = sit (plural)

dohaerās = serve

dohaerātās = serve (plural)

dokimarvose = focus / pay attention

drakarys = breathe fire

elēnās = bank

elēnātās = bank (plural)

embrot = down

geptot = left

gevī = good (variant 1)

hegnīr = good (variant 2)

iēdrot = drink

inkot = back

iōrās = stand

iōrātās = stand (plural)

jās = move

jātās = move (plural)

kisās = eat

kisātās = eat (plural)

lykirī = be calm (variant 1)

māzīs = come (variant 1)

māzītīs = come (plural variant 1)

naejot = forward

ninkiot = land (variant 1)

nopot = to the pit

paerī = slow

paktot = right

pālēs = evasive maneuvers

pālētēs = evasive maneuvers (plural)

parmot = land (variant 2)

rāpirī = be calm (variant 2)

renīs = touch

renītīs = touch (plural)

rȳbās = listen / obey

rȳbātās = listen / obey (plural)

sōvēs = fly

sōvētēs = fly (plural)

tegot = land (variant 3)

tymās = play

tymātās = play (plural)

umbās = wait

umbātās = wait (plural)

vēzot = up

ynot = come (variant 2; lit. "to me")

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