7th Grade Roller Coaster Project

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What you will do

Build a marble roller coaster with your group that effectively
demonstrates Newton’s laws and the properties of non-contact
force and energy

Present roller coaster in “Roller coaster gallery walk” be able to

demonstrate and explain how your roller coaster functions and
why it works

❏ Roller coaster must safely carry a marble from start to finish without
the marble leaving the track
❏ Must be built with approved materials
❏ Must include at least 2 hills, 1 loop and one corkscrew
❏ Must be themed, decoreacted and creative
❏ Design a presentation around your roller coaster, develop a handout
to pass out advertising your roller coaster and explaining the science
behind it.

This project is a comprehensive summative grade, it will include
a grade in each of the major categories. Use the rubrics posted
to Schoology as you work on your project.

Each person in the group will have a roll and you will be graded
as a group for knowledge and application, however you will
receive an individual grade for communication.

Final projects are DUE Thursday Monday 12/13

Roller Coaster gallery walk will be held Thursday 12/15

(Schedule coming soon)

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