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1-260.90.09 R
Author:Jan Scholten


Essence: taking the final step to become a true leader.

Taking the final step to become a leader

They are now in a position where they have almost reached the top in their
particular organisation. Everything is ready for its final conclusion. They only
have to take one more step to become leader, director, or king. They have almost
succeeded in turning their ideas into the finished product, it is really going to
happen any moment now, they will be a leader at last. They feel as if it is just
about to happen, all they have to do is make the final move.

Extending their responsibility

They feel very responsible for their minors and for society as a whole. Their aims
are high and they work hard to achieve them. They can be real workaholics. They
always feel they have to extend their business, to go into it in more depth, to do
more. They haven’t nearly finished what they set out to do and they do their best
to get the business to the very top. Their potential hasn’t been fully exploited
yet. And that which remains outside their reach is seen as a sign that they have
failed to be a super power.

On the verge of being arrogant

They tend to be quite single minded, they are always preoccupied with what is yet
to be done. The people around are usually several steps behind and blame them for
being unrealistic or irresponsible. They may seem irresponsible but this is only
because they see everything from the point of unexplored possibilities. But they do
feel very responsible, much more than others might suspect. In fact they find it
hard to relax with all the responsibilities they have taken on. That is why they
may appear to be dictatorial.

Trial run for power

They would like to give their project a trial run, to see if it really works. They
know the organisation is sound in principle, but their may be some details that
need to be seen to. They don’t like to shout about their leadership yet, because
they may need to make one or two alterations to the plan. They often appear
hurried, because they are nearly there. They can hardly wait to take the final

Robbed of their power at the last minute

But they also live in fear that something will go wrong at the last moment and that
the post of manager will be given to someone else. In spite of the fact that the
official approval of their leadership is no more than a mere formality, they keep
thinking that they might not make it. They may be afraid that their organisation
will be taken over or that their plans will be taken over by a stronger power who
will take all the credit for it.

Blunder while directing

They may also be afraid of committing the most awful blunder which will wipe out
all the years of hard work. The final step could be the one where they make a
terrible mistake. They get so tense about it that they could well make that awful
mistake at the last moment.
Fears: heights, falling, murder, being murdered, death, suicide, heart disease,
stroke, insanity, people, crowds, religion, devil, God.
Dreams: heights, falling rainbow, wars, imprisoned, bandaged in, sentenced to
death, anal sex.
Delusions: superior, alone, number 7, 7 angels with 7 wings measuring 7 inches,
rainbow, wants two of everything, contradiction of wills.
Irritability: < offended.
Mood: haughty, hurried, pushy.
Mental: intelligent, absent minded, confused, dull, rigid, insane, exhausted,
Professions: king, leader, director, manager, president, chairman, captain, mayor,
bishop, top sportsman or woman.
Causes: disaster, hurt, humiliation.

Type: male, dark hair, overweight.
Locality: right.
Weather: cold; > open air; < cloudy; < dry.
Desires: alcohol, drugs, bread, sweet, meat, cold water.
Aversion: meat, eating.
Food: < drugs, > eating, < fasting.
Menses: < menses, < pregnancy, < during and after giving birth.
Sleep: sleeplessness !!.
Physical: < rest, < sitting, < lying, > walking, > motion, < dark, > pressure, >
rubbing, < touch.

Weakness, nervousness and restlessness.
Pains: boring, contracting.
Sensations: swollen, blown up, heavy, full.
Glands swollen, inflamed, indurated. Abscesses and necrosis.
Paralysis, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis. Shocks and twitching.
Epilepsy, clonic, tonic, tetanic. No feeling. Cerebral haemorrhage.
Face swollen. Trembling < anger.
Eye complaints: inflammations, lateral, red, visual disturbances, ingrowing
eyelashes, far sighted.
Bridge of nose painful, feels too narrow.
Short of breath, < climbing stairs.
Heart complaints: high blood pressure, infarction, failure, pain.
Congestion of blood. Sensation as if an iron rod is standing straight in the heart
region. Sensation of iron band round chest. Difficulty breathing deeply.
Pulse: too fast, too slow, full, weak, irregular. Anaemia.
Problems with testes and ovaries: inflammations, cancer, cryptorchism, sterility,
amenorrhoea, metrorragia. Trypanosoma infections.
Affections of bones: necrosis, inflammation. Achilles tendon painful < walking,
torn << jumping.
Eczema, urticaria.
DD: Gold series, Stage 9.
DD Osmium: is under great pressure to get an organisation of the ground within a
very short time. He has no time for endless meetings, it is time for action,
otherwise they will never get there.

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