Summative Test q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Laoang III District
Rawis National High School
School ID: 313603

1st Quarter Summative Test

MAPEH Department
S.Y. 2021-2022

Name: ________________________________ Section: ____________Score: _______

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on the answer
1. Which of the following music characterize its 7. Which of the following countries Claude
works centered on nature and its beauty, Debussy was born?
likeness and brilliance?
A. Germany C. France
A. Impressionism C. Neoclassicism B. Italy D. Sweden
B. Expressionism D. Minimalism
8. Which of the following composers created a
2. Which movement of music characterizes the
system of pitch organization based on the
composer’s mind, instead of presenting an
impression of the environment? chromatic pitches called twelve tone series?

A. Impressionism C. Neoclassicism A. Arnold Schoenberg C. Claude Monet

B. Expressionism D. Minimalism B. Joseph Maurice D. Claude
Ravel Debussy
3. Which musical style deals with the
parameters of sound in space with an absence 9. Who among the proponents of the
of traditional rules on harmony, melody, and Neoclassicism is considered as a great
rhythm? trendsetter of the 20th century?
A. Impressionism C. Modern nationalism A. Claude Debussy C. Joseph Maurice Ravel
B. Expressionism D. Avant-grade B. Igor Stravinsky D. Arnold Schoenberg
4. Which type of musical style that has a freer 10. Which of the following works of Arnold
seven-note diatonic scale? Schoenberg is considered as one of his earliest
A. Neoclassicism C. Avant-Garde successful pieces?
B. Primitivism D. Modern A. Verklarte Natch (Three Pieces for Piano,
Nationalism op.11)
5. Which music of the 20th century seeks to B. Pierrot Lunaire
combine modern techniques focusing on C. Gurreleider
D. Verklarte Natch (Transfigured Night, 1899)
nationalist composers and innovators?
11. Who among the following composers was
A. Neoclassicism C. Avant-Garde
born to musical parents and died on
B. Primitivism D. Modern
Nationalism September 26, 1945, in New York City?

6. Who was the proponent of Claire de Lune A. Bela Bartok C. Igor Stravinsky
and the foremost impressionist composer? B. Sergei Prokofieff D. George Gershwin
12. Which of the following is NOT the work of
A. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Claude
Debussy Bela Bartok?
B. Arnold Schoenberg D. Claude Monet A. Six String Quartet C. Allegro Barbaro
B. Concerto for D. The Rite of Spring A. Bela Bartok C. Igor Stravinsky
Orchestra B. Sergei Prokofieff D. George Gershwin
13. How many years did the Mikrokosmos as 15. Which of the following compositions of
one of the exceptional works of Bartok? Sergei Prokofieff is intended for children?
A. 12 C.14 A. Romeo and Juliet C. Peter and Wolf
B.13 D.15 B. War and Peace D. Song of the Bagpipe
14. Which of the following composers combined
the Neoclassicism, modern nationalism and
Avant-Garde musical style?

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your choice on the ANSWER

1. Who is the Father of Impressionism? 7. Who painted the artwork “Persistence of

A. Edouard Manet C. Claude Monet Memory”?
B. Paul Cezanne D. Auguste Renoir A. Salvador Dali C. Henri Matisse
B. Giorgio de Chirico D. Amedeo Modigliani
2. What was the most popular subject in
8. An artwork that has been recognized as
A. Landscape C. Still Life
the most monumental and comprehensive
B. Portraiture D. Figure Composition
statement of social realism against the
brutality of war by Pablo Picasso.
3. Which art critic invented the concept of
A. I and the Village C. Guernica
B. Miners’ Wives D. Diana
A. Edouard Dujardin C. Roger Fry
B. Louis Vauxcellex D. Louis Leroy
9. Who among the painters is an
4. Among the artists who is considered the abstractionist?
post-impressionist? A. Henri Matisse C. Georges Braque
B. Claude Monet D. Andy Warhol
A. Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh
B. Edouard Manet and Claude Monet 10. All are abstract expressionist painters
C. Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh except:
D. Paul Cezanne and Eduoard Manet A. Jackson Pollock C. Lee Krasner
B. Mark Rothko D. Roberto Villanueva
5. Who painted the Starry Night?
A. Paul Cezanne C. Vincent van Gogh
B. Claude Monet D. Auguste Renoir

6. He was a painter best known for his

landscape paintings, particularly depicting
his beloved flower gardens and water lily
ponds at his Giverny.
A. Auguste Renoir C. Claude Monet
B. Paul Cezanne D. Vincent Van Gogh

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your choice on the ANSWER

1. Which of the following statements supports strengthening exercises?

A. It deteriorates the immune system
B. The muscles will just get tired and weak
C. It aims to develop the reproductive system only
D. It is both beneficial to muscle and bones for better mobilization.
2. What do we call the number of repetition or the full movement of exercise from starting point
to finish?
A. Rep B. Set C. Laps D. Cycle

3. Which of the following is the most ideal reps for lower body?
A. 6-15 B. 6-9 C. 12-15 D. 15-25
4. Which of the following is the right procedure in executing Superman?
I. Start with prone position III. Don’t bend legs
II. Lift both arms and legs IV. Lower arms and legs without relaxing on the ground

5. You were asked to execute lying with legs together and extending the arms close to the
ground 30-45 degrees from the body as support or balance, what are you trying to execute?
A. Push-ups B. Side Crunches C. Crunches D. Squats

I. Directions: The following are sources of information on consumer health. Write the
item number of the statement in the appropriate box. The left box should contain the
reliable source while the right box should contain those which are not. Write your answers

Reliable Source Not reliable source

1. Neighbors 6. Government agencies
2. Friends 7. Researches
3. Health Magazines 8. Books
4. Parents who are health professionals 9. Pamphlets
5. Elderly 10. Wikipedia

II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is true or F if it is false. Write your answer on the

1. Professionals such as physicians, scientists, and teachers can be sources of health


2. Hair cut from barber shop is an example of healthcare services.

3. Foods, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic reagents, and
household/urban hazardous substances are considered health products.

4. Consumer health has three components.

5. Health products are the concepts, steps, or pieces of advice that various sources give to aid
the health status of an individual.

Prepared by:

__________________________________________ JOHN BRYLLE F. ACUYAN

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature MAPEH Teacher
Contact No.: 09078417359 Fb messenger: Johnbrylle Acuyan
Email Address:

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