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2 Professional Writing 2 Final

Email to Coworker

Step 1: Vocabulary
A) Review the vocabulary below and re-write the definitions in your own words.
Instruction (noun):

Directions (noun):

Rule (noun):

Dress code (noun):

Suggestion (noun):

To understand (verb):

To order (verb):

To clock in/out (verb, slang):

To hire (verb):

Clear (adjective):

Difficult (adjective):

Simple (adjective):

B) Choose 4 words that you did NOT use last time and write one sentence using each one in
the box below.
Example: Please follow the instructions very carefully.




Step 2: Prompts
Write 2-3 sentences in the space below answering one or more of the following questions.
Use at least 2 vocabulary words in your sentences.
 What is an important task you do at work?
 How can you give instructions about that task?
 What are the important rules to learn at work?
 Who do you ask for help at work if you have a problem?
 What does every new employee at your company learn?
Email to Coworker Prompts
Step 3: Professional Writing 2 Final
Write a new coworker some instructions for how to do something in your office (how to
use the copy machine, how to write a report, how to send a proper email).

 Write a list of instructions for a new employee in the office.
 The directions should be clear and simple.
 Use at least 4 vocabulary words.
 Write at least 130 words.*

*You will need to add sentences and ideas to increase the length from 100 to 130 words.

 Use imperatives (Unit 16)

 Use modal verbs to express obligation, necessity, possibility, and certainty (Unit
 Try to use one intensifier with an adjective (Unit 15)
 Use prepositions of time (Unit 13)
Type your email here

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