Valyrian Words With Some Letter Before I

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• gaba /ˈɡaba/

n. 1lun. monkey ( < Yi Ti)

• gadbag /ˈɡadbaɡ/
n. 6for. see gadbagi
• gadbagi /ˈɡadbaɡi/
n. 6for.lun. slave name ( < AV gadbag < Ghiscari.)
Gadbag aōhe qrīdrughās. — Throw away your slave name.
• gaemagon /ˈɡaemaɡon/
v. to charge, to rush
• gallie /ˈɡallie/
num. adj. III hundredth, one hundredth
• galry /ˈɡalry/
n. 2lun. hammer, mallet
• galryr /ˈɡalryr/
n. 6col.2lun. industry, construction (collective of galry.)
• gaomagon /ˈɡaomaɡon/
perfect: gōntas
v. C-fin. to do, to act, to perform; →dat. + inf. allow
Mentyri idañe jevi ivestrilātās keskydoso gaomagon. — You shall tell your fellow soldiers to do likewise.
• gaomilaksir /ɡaomiˈlaksir/
n. 5aq. task, chore, errand, mission (substantivized fut.pass.part. of gaomagon)
Voktys Eglie aōt gaomilaksir teptas. — The High Priest gave you a mission.
• gaomōbagon /ɡaoˈmoːbaɡon/
perfect: gaomōptas
v. C-fin. to practice
• gaomon /ˈɡaomon/
n. 3ter. action, issue, matter, act, deed
Se dāeri vali pōntalo syt gaomoti iderēbzi. — And free men make their own choices.
• gaos /ɡaos/
n. 3sol nadir, underside; animal belly, animal stomach
• gaoso /ˈɡaoso/
adv. in one's way, one's way, as one will, as one likes, as one wishes, in the way one will [1]
• gār /ɡaːr/
num. hundred.
• garaka /ɡaˈraka/
n. 1lun. Andalish hawk
• garaktys /ɡaˈraktys/
n. 2sol. vulture
• geba /ˈɡeba/
adj. I bitter
• gēlenka /ɡeːˈleŋka/
adj. I silver-colored; silver-like, ( < gēlion + -enka.)
• gēliapos /ˈɡeːliapos/
n. 3sol. silver coin ( < gēlion + -iapos.)
• gēlion /ˈɡeːlion/
n. 3ter. silver.
• gēlior /ˈɡeːlior/
n. 6col.3ter. money, currency, cash (relex. col. of gēlion silver.)
Gēlȳndi aōt tepagon jaelas. — He wants to give you money.
• gēlōñe /ɡeːˈloːɲe/
adj. II expensive
• gelte /ˈɡelte/
n. 4lun. helmet, helm (cf. geltigon.)
Geltī aōhe nādīnās. — Remove your helmet.
• geltialbar /ɡelˈtialbar/
n. 1aq. meeting place, meeting hall, gathering place, exhibition hall, basilica ( < geltion + -albar.)
• geltigon /ˈɡeltiɡon/
perfect: geltitas
v. V-fin. to cover, to cover up (cf. gelte.)
• geltilion /ˈɡeltilion/
n. 3ter. passage
• geltion /ˈɡeltion/
n. 3ter. roof (cf. geltigon.)
• gēlȳn /ˈɡeːlyːn/
n. 6pauc.3ter. debt, owed payement (relex. pauc. of gēlion silver.)
Lannister va mōriot zȳha gēlȳnī ademmis. — A Lannister always pays his debts.
• genes /ˈɡenes/
n. 4sol. mouse, rat
• gepton /ˈɡepton/
n. 3ter. left, left part, left side (cf. geptot.)
• geptot /ˈɡeptot/
adv. left, to the left, leftward (dat./loc. of gepton.)
Mittyssy geptot ilzi se voktyssy paktot. — There are fools to the left, and priests to the right.
postp.→gen. to the left of, to the side of, beside, next to
• geralbar /ɡeˈralbar/
n. 1aq. road, street, way, thoroughfare more ready and ample than geron ( < geron + -albar.)
• geron /ˈɡeron/
n. 3ter. path, walk, walkway
Qilōnario Geron. — Walk of Punishment.
• geros ilas /ˈɡeros ˈilas/
exp. good bye, bye, farewell often shorthened to one word gerosílas; derives from the phrase Geros ilās!,
lit. "May the path lie straight!"
• gerpa /ˈɡerpa/
n. 1lun. fruit, piece of fruit; more generally the edible part of a plant; hōzita gerpa tomato
• gevī /ˈɡeviː/
adv. beautifully ( < gevia + -ī.)
Gevī ȳdrā, azantys! — You speak beautifully, knight!
• gevie /ˈɡevie/
adj. III. beautiful
• gevives /ɡeˈvives/
n. 4sol. beauty ( < gevie + -ves.)
• gevurlion /ɡeˈvurlion/
n. 3ter. park (perh. < gevie + -urlion.)
• Ghīs /ɣiːs/
prop. n. 3sol. Ghis
Valyri Ghīs idakotis. — The Valyrians attacked Ghis.
• Ghīska /ˈɣiːska/
adj. I Ghiscari
Mīrīn, Astapor, Junkāe Ghīska oktia issi. — Meereen, Astapor, and Yunkai are Ghiscari cities.
Ghīski āeksia Daenero zaldrīzī sindigon sylutis. — The Ghiscari masters tried to buy Daenerys' dragons.
• gīda /ˈɡiːda/
adj. I. equal, even; steady, stable, by extension calm.
…iēdrosa gīdāpa. — …calm as still water.
• gīdāves /ɡiːˈdaːves/
n. 4sol. equality ( < gīda + -ves; also cf. nāgīdāves.)
• gīdemagon /ɡiːdeˈmaɡon/
perfect: gīdēdas
v. C-fin. (irreg.) to steady, stabilize; to even up, equalize ( < gīda + -emagon.)
• gīdrion /ˈɡiːdrion/
n. 3ter. tin (substance)
• giēñagon /ˈɡieːɲaɡon/
perfect: giēntas
v. C-fin. ' to heal (intransitive), to be healed, to become healed, to become healthy (perh. giez + -
Insv. zgiēñagon to heal of wounds etc. as opposed to people.
Mirri ōdria uēpi dōrī drējī zgiēñisi... — Some old wounds never truly heal...
• giēñēbagon /ɡieːˈɲeːbaɡon/
perfect: giēñēptas
v. C-fin. to recuperate ( < giēñagon + -ēbagon.)
• giēñemagon /ɡieːɲeˈmaɡon/
perfect: giēñēdas
v. C-fin. (irreg.) to treat, to cure, to heal (s/o else) ( < giēñagon + -emagon.)
• giēñilare /ɡieːniˈlare/
adj. II to heal, yet to heal, not yet healed (active future participle of giēñagon, lit. "who will be healed".)
• Giēñilaros /ɡieːniˈlaros/
n. 3sol. One Who is Not Yet Healed, a term used in Astapor for Unsullied in training (type I substantive of
giēñilare. AV ginilaro.)
• gierī /ˈɡieriː/
adv. wholly, completely, totally; dreadfully, terribly (when used with pejorative adjectives); together
• gierion /ˈɡierion/
n. 3ter. people, populace (refers to the group of people inhabiting a specific place; type II substantive of
• gierūljagon /ɡieˈruːʎaɡon/
perfect: gierūltas
v. C-fin. to gather, assemble, congregate, get together ( < giez + -ūljagon.)
• gierūlnon /ɡieˈruːlnon/
n. 3ter. assembly, gathering, audience, crowd, congregation ( < gierūljagon + -non.)
• giez /ɡiez/
adj. II whole, complete, together
• gīhor /ˈɡiːhor/
n. 6col. (abstract) soul, essence
• gīmēdegon /ɡiːˈmeːdeɡon/
perfect: gīmēdetas
v. V-fin. to warn, to advise, to signal, to give warning to, to notify (eventative of gīmīmagon.)
• gīmēdenon /ɡiːˈmeːdenon/
n. 3ter. warning, notice, signal, advice ( < gīmēdegon + -non.)
• gīmigon /ˈɡiːmiɡon/
perfect: gīmitas
v. V-fin. to know facts or information, to know how to do something →inf.
Kesir gīmī. — You know this
Daoruni gīmī, Ionos Sōnaro. — You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Gīmissiks. — It is known.[2]
• gīmije /ˈɡiːmiɟe/
adj. II fine, skilled, knowledgeable
• gīmīmagon /ɡiːˈmiːmaɡon/
perfect: gīmēdas
v. C-fin. to inform, to instruct, to teach ( < gīmigon + -emagon.)
• gīminon /ˈɡiːminon/
n. 3ter. knowing
• gīs /ɡiːs/
n. 3sol. soul, spirit
Zȳhys ōñoso jehikagon Āeksiot epi, se gīs hen sȳndrorro jemagon. — We ask the Lord to shine his light, and
lead a soul out of darkness.
• gisagon /ɡiˈsaɡon/
v. to scrape
• glaesa /ˈɡlaesa/
adj. I alive (cf. glaesagon.)
• glaesagon /ˈɡlaesaɡon/
perfect: glaestas
v. C-fin. to live, to fare in the general sense; used with adv. to describe state of well-being: Skorkydoso
glaesā? How are you?, Syrī glaesan I'm good.[2]:
• glaesenka /ɡlaeˈseŋka/
adj. I lifelike ( < glaeson + -enka.)
• glaeson /ˈɡlaeson/
n. 3ter. life. Col. glaesor existence, life (slightly more abstract/figurative)
Keso glaesot iderēptōt daor. — You did not choose this life.
• gō /ɡoː/
postp.→gen. under, beneath, below, underneath, underneath of, to the underside of; before (temporally)
adv. under, beneath, below; before (temporally)
Skoriot daorys gō istas nēdenkirī jagon. — To boldly go where no one has gone before.
• gosagon /ɡoˈsaɡon/
v. to wilt, to wither
• gōviāragon /ɡoːˈviaːraɡon/
perfect: gōviārtas
v. Loc. appl. C-fin. to flow under →gen. ( < gō- + v- + iāragon.)
Qelbar blēno gōviārtas. — The river flowed under the mountain.
Tubī qelbri oktio gōviārosy daor. — The rivers are not flowing under the city today.
exp. tego gōviāragon to flow underground
Iēdar tego gōviārza? — Is the water flowing underground?
• gōvilagon /ɡoːviˈlaɡon/
perfect: gōviltas future: gōvulza
v. Loc. appl. C-fin. to be under, to be underneath, to lie under, to be below, to lie below, to be beneath,
to lie beneath →gen. ( < gō- + u- + ilagon.)
...rūso zȳhosy gōvilirose zijo syt pyghas lue prūmie. — ... with his child beneath the heart that beats for him.
• gōvilemagon /ɡoːvileˈmaɡon/
v. Loc. appl. C-fin. (irreg.) to put under, to cause to be under →dat. the thing under which it is put ( < gō-
+ u- + ilagon + -emagon.)
Daenerys zȳhi byki zaldrīzī qurdot gōvilēza. — Daenerys is putting her little dragon under the table.
• gōvilirion /ɡoːviˈlirion/
n. 3ter catacomb, catacombs, underground labyrinth (type II substantive of the active aorist participle of
gōvilagon; lit. "that/the place which lies beneath".)
• grēges /ˈɡreːɡes/
n. 4sol. louse.
• grevenka /ɡreˈveŋka/
adj. I round ( < grevy + -enka.)
• greviapos /ɡreˈviapos/
n. 3sol. belt ( < grevion + -iapos.)
• grevion /ˈɡrevion/
n. 3ter. waist, circumference (cf. grevy.)
• grevy /ˈɡrevy/
n. 2lun. wheel
• grōvagon /ˈɡroːvaɡon/
perfect: grūtas
v. C-fin. to roar
• grozagon /ɡroˈzaɡon/
v. C-fin. to plow
• grozilla /ɡroˈzilla/
n. 1aq°. boundary, border, bound, limit ( < grozion + -illa.)
• grozillar /ɡroˈzillar/
n. 6col.1aq°. borders, territory (referring to countries or lands) (collective of grozilla.)
• grozion /ˈɡrozion/
n. 3ter. furrow, ditch, trench
• grozior /ˈɡrozior/
n. 6col.3ter. field (plowed) (collective of grozion.)
• grozurlion /ɡroˈzurlion/
n. 3ter. farm
• gryves /ˈɡryves/
n. 4sol. bear.
Gryves se Riña Litse. — The Bear and the Maiden Fair.
• guēse /ˈɡueːse/
n. 4lun. tree
• guēsiapos /ˈɡueːsiapos/
n. 3sol. sapling
• guēsin /ˈɡueːsin/
n. 6pauc.4lun. forest, woods (pauc. of guēse.)
• gūrēnilaksir /ɡuːreːniˈlaksir/
n. 5aq. lesson (type II substantive of future passive participle of gūrēñagon, lit. "that which will be
Gūrēnilaksir Ēlior — Lesson 1/First Lesson.
• gūrēntir /ɡuːˈreːntir/
n. 5aq. information, knowledge (type II substantive of the perfect participle of gūrēñagon; lit. "that which
has been learned".)
• gūrēñagon /ɡuːˈreːɲaɡon/
perfect: gūrēntas
v. C-fin. to learn, to find out, to discover (perh. gūrogon + -ēñagon.)
Valar gūrēñis — All men must learn
• gūrogon /ˈɡuːroɡon/
perfect: gūrotas
v. V-fin. to pick up, to get, to take; in the reflexive to earn, merit, deserve + dat. the thing deserved
Ñuhor līr gūrēnna. — I will take what is mine.
Laodiapossa buzdaris gūrogon. — Let the slave pick up the masks.
• gūron /ˈɡuːron/
n. 3ter. basket
• gūrotir /ˈɡuːrotir/
n. 5aq. what is deserved, what one deserves; fate usually in the col. gūrotrir. (type II substantive of the
perfect participle of gūrogon.)
• gūrotrir /ˈɡuːrotrir/
n. 6col.5aq. fate, that which one has earned, what one deserves, what is deserved, one's due (collective
of gūrotir.)
Se jevo qrinuntoti pōjor gūrotriri maghan. — And I bring your enemies what they deserve.
Āegenkor Tistālior jāhor gūrotriri emilza. — The Iron Bank will have its due.
• gȳs /ɡyːs/
n. 3sol. lime

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