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HR Perspectives Assignment






HR Perspectives Assignment

First Article

Topic: Understanding Human Resource Management

Subject: Rewarding and Recognizing Employees

Theme: Organizations' Strategic Plans for Rewarding and Recognizing Employees and How It

Affects Employee's Job Satisfaction

In 2019, Jawaad et al. published an article that analyzed how human resource

management influences the behavior and performance of employees. The article points out a

positive relationship between employees' performance and how they relate with human resource

personnel through their daily practices. The article analyzes a study done in Pakistan's

telecommunication sector. One of the key considerations was how rewarding and recognizing

employees in the telecommunication sector affects the organization's overall performance.

According to the report, human resource managers put an effort into rewarding and recognizing

employees' accomplishments to encourage them to continue working hard and executing their

daily activities to increase productivity. Organizations have a well-structured framework that

involves the benefits that employees gain due to their exemplary performance,e such as having

paid leaves, reasonable salaries and wages, transport and medical allowances, commissions,

incentives, bonuses, and compensations. Public recognition and rewards motivate employees to

work harder to increase the organization's competitiveness and productivity. Additionally, regular

rewards ensure that employees are committed and their competence rises.

The employee's rewards can be in the form of monetary or non-monetary forms.

Increasing salaries and wages, giving bonuses based on employees' performances, and giving

commissions and incentives act as financial rewards. In contrast, non-monetary rewards involve

public recognition and appreciation through flexible working benefits, public acknowledgments,

and opportunities to advance their career and professional levels. In addition, employees are

invited and mentioned during appreciation programs, and the human resource managers develop

programs such as employee of the month or year awards. Employees obtain various benefits such

as mentorship programs, paid leaves, mental health and general wellness programs, pensions and

health insurance coverage, and opportunities to advance their knowledge and understanding

through education programs and training. Moreover, according to Jawaad et al. (2019) report, the

telecommunication departments in Pakistan empower their employees through gifts such as

electronic gadgets and organization-branded items, travel vouchers, vacation tickets, and a

chance to attend and participate in country sports games. An effective reward and recognition

system enables employees to feel appreciated and satisfied, thus maintaining their commitment

and hard work to achieve the goals.

The article relates to the class notes in Chapter 8, which highlight the different types of

incentives, compensations, and rewards that organizations should offer employees. Additionally,

the article explains the relationship between the organization's performance and employees'

public recognition and awarding systems. The article and class notes point out that rewarding and

recognizing employees leads to increased productivity in an organization, and each individual is

motivated to commit and dedicate their energy to achieving company objectives.

The article is significant because it enables human resource managers of various

companies and readers to understand the importance of having a structured system of awarding

and recognizing employees in a workplace. The article explains how recognition and rewarding

of employees motivates them, makes them feel appreciated and part of the company, and how

human resource managers can shape an organization's culture, improving performance and

retaining competent employees.

I have several comments on rewarding and recognizing employees based on the

knowledge and understanding I have obtained from the article and class materials. Rewards and

public recognition significantly create a conducive working environment and enhance

employees' performance, dedication, and commitment. Effective designing or rewarding and

recognition systems ensure employees are empowered, motivated, and educated on improving

their organization's productivity. They can enhance their knowledge and understanding of the

institution's goals, vision, and values through education and training programs. Furthermore,

rewards and recognition programs help people learn and appreciate each other's cultural beliefs

and norms. Therefore, organizations need a healthy, well-structured public recognition and

awarding system to enhance their creativity, innovation, and performance.

Second Article

Topic: Understanding Human Resource Management

Subject: Planning for, Selecting, and Recruiting Employees in Organizations

Theme: The role of human resources in recruitment, selection, employee training and career

development and planning

The second article is a journal that reflects the human resource department's role in

commercial banks in Jordan. The journal published in 2021states that commercial banks play a

significant role in providing financial services to the public for different purposes, such as

facilitating capital to run businesses, pay bills, and offer finances for daily operations, among

other personal financial uses (Alsafadi & Altahat, 2021). The article gives an extensive

understanding of the role of the human resource department in planning, selecting, recruiting,

and training employees in organizations such as commercial banks in Jordan. Human resource

personnel are responsible for setting recruitment strategies to employ highly qualified and

competent employees to help an organization achieve its goals and objectives. Additionally,

human resources ensure they advertise job vacancies, conduct interviews, and coordinate new

employee orientation. The human resource team ensures that they consider an organization's

ethical standards, rules, and policies and comply with organization guidelines through

recruitment. Some essential factors that human resources in the recruitment process are to ensure

they choose qualified applicants without discrimination promote the organization's inclusion and

diversity standards and follow legal processes to ensure employees have a positive attitude

towards the company.

Additionally, the human resource department ensures that they train their employees

through different programs such as workshops, coaching sessions, and team-building activities to

ensure they have the necessary skills, knowledge, understanding, and experience to execute their

duties and improve their performance. According to Alsafadi & Altahat (2021), human resources

identify employees' performance through regular assessments and plans for advancing their

careers based on the performance assessment reports. The journal points out that effective

selection and recruitment of competent employees ensures high employee performance, ensuring

that every stakeholder ensures an organization experiences job satisfaction. They engage

employees in most of the organization's activities. The journal points out a positive correlation

between returns and performance. Therefore, it is essential to have competent employees who

can help an organization achieve its goals and objectives. The human resource department plays

a significant role in ensuring an organization has enough employees to produce quality results,

maximize profits, and enhance its general performance. Furthermore, the human resources

department is assigned duties effectively to ensure positive performance in an organization.

The journal relates to chapter 5 of our class notes because it gives a clear understanding

of the role of human resources in ensuring an organization has the best employees focused on

helping it achieve its goals and objectives. Additionally, the article points out that the human

resource department plans training programs such as workshops that motivate, encourage, and

empower employees. Furthermore, human resource personnel ensure employees have the

confidence and energy to perform their daily duties. They demonstrate positive attitudes and

beliefs toward the organization's strategic goal. Additionally, human resources engage employees

in decision-making processes. Inclusion and consideration make them feel part of the planning

team, and therefore, they develop loyalty and trust in the organization.

The article offers exciting insights into the role of the human resource department in

recruiting, training, and selecting employees. It also gives an understanding of the part that

human resource management plays in ensuring an organization has competent and well-trained

employees, practical functionality, and productivity of the whole organization. The article gives

human resource managers ideas on strategizing their recruitment and employment selection skills

to ensure they have a proper plan that aligns with their organization's goals and values.

Additionally, the article highlights human resource management's role in employee engagement

to achieve job satisfaction in the working environment. Furthermore, the article points out the

ethical and legal frameworks that govern the recruitment of employees that avoid negative

aspects such as discrimination in the interviewing process and the need to uphold an

organization's recruitment rules and guidelines.


There are various comments about the knowledge I have gained from the class materials

and the article. First, human resource managers and recruiting teams need recruitment strategies

that seek the best candidates to help achieve organizational objectives through quality service. In

addition, it is essential to consider the skills, knowledge, and ethical values that an employee

possesses to ensure they align with an organization's legal guidelines and principles. Therefore,

human resource management must consider the selection and recruiting process because they are

the backbone and image of an organization.

Third Article

Topic: Understanding Human Resource Management

Subject: Understanding Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

Theme: Unfair Labor Practices

The article focuses on the unfair activities employers should not do to employees. The

article can be found on the University of Washington website, published in 2024. Labor relations

involve how employers interact with their employees in a workplace, considering some factors

associated with employment associations and legal frameworks. Key aspects that give up labor

relations are employee engagements and rights, collective bargaining, conflict resolution, union

presentation, and legal frameworks. Collective bargaining is critical in labor relations because it

involves discussions between employers, employees, and labor unions to determine employees'

wages, rewards, and benefits. It dictates that the employees' working environment be conducive

and friendly. Union representatives are always at the frontline, fighting for employers to treat

their employees well by paying them reasonable wages, ensuring a safe working environment,

and negotiating with employers to provide security and care for their rights. Additionally, labor

relations help solve disputes and conflicts between employers and their employees, ensure that

labor laws and regulations are thoroughly followed, and ensure employers and their employees

have a good rapport through effective communication within the workplace.

According to the University of Washington (2024), there are unfair practices that labor

relations laws prohibit employers from doing. The first aspect is based on mandatory factors such

as working hours, salaries/ wages, and the conditions of the working environments. Before

making any changes to the compulsory above aspects, employers and organization managers

should communicate the proposed changes so that the labor union can assess the impacts those

transformations will have on the employees. When employees need to make changes, they

should notify the union so that they can review and, if need be, have several days, between 30 to

60 days, to bargain in good faith and come to an amicable conclusion. Employers should not

threaten employees and put the fear of losing a job in them through manipulation. For instance,

an employer should not threaten an employee that they will lose their job if they report

malpractice in the organization to the union.

Moreover, employees are protected from workplace discrimination; therefore, employers

should offer equal treatment to all employees irrespective of their color, race, ethnicity, religion,

and cultural background. Labor relations ensure employers avoid making organizational changes

that affect employees in their absence. Instead, the law advocates for employees' engagement in

all activities.

The article on labor relations related to the University of Washington is significant to

employers and employees because it enables them to understand their rights, the unfair actions

employers can take against them, and what to do in such scenarios. The article highlights some

unjust practices that employers may practice, such as discrimination, changing employees'

payments and working conditions without their consent, and threatening and manipulating them.

The article states what is right and the right path to ensure employees and employers

follow the rule of law in their working environments. The article fully complements chapter 10

of our class notes that describe labor relations and collective bargaining.

After a deeper understanding of collective bargaining and labor relations from the

University of Washington article and class learning materials, I can give several comments. First,

I have learned several unfair practices that employers should refrain from doing to their

employees. This knowledge helps me advocate and create awareness of employees' rights in the

neighboring organizations. Additionally, it is essential for employers, employees, and the labor

relations union always to have a calm discussion that results in bargaining actions in good faith.

Employers should always encourage open conversations with their employees so that they can

win their trust and loyalty. When employees are included in activities such as decision-making

and engaged in open forums where the employers can hear their views and concerns without

judging them, their trust increases, they commit more to their work and dedicate their energy to

achieving an organization's goals and objectives. In addition, labor relations laws and regulations

are non-negotiable. Therefore, all employers must adhere to the organization's and labor

relations' rules and regulations to avoid illegal actions and waste time holding negotiation

meetings. Thus, labor relations are essential in organizations because they protect employees

from employers' exploitations and discrimination in roles such as offering promotions, recruiting

and selecting employees, distributing awards, and giving regular training and workshops, among

other aspects.


In conclusion, the three articles greatly impact my general knowledge and understanding

of human resource management. Throughout the study, I have gained a deeper understanding of

human resource management's role in shaping an organization's image and increasing its

productivity, enhancing innovation and creativity, and improving profitability through

strategically selecting and recruiting highly qualified and competent employees. Additionally, the

extensive research and study of rewarding and publicly recognizing employees have helped me

understand that human resources are the backbone and driving force of an organization, and

through its planning and laying strategic systems of rewarding and recognizing employees has a

positive contribution not only to the company but also to the employees. Lastly, the labor

relations and collective bargaining article has helped me understand the legal frameworks,

principles, and guidelines that govern organizations and control the employee's powers over their

employers. I have clearly understood the unfair practices employers may subject their employees

to and the unions' role in such cases.


Alsafadi, Y., & Altahat, S. (2021). Human resource management practices and employee

performance: the role of job satisfaction. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and

Business, 8(1), 519-529.

Jawaad, M., Amir, A., Bashir, A., & Hasan, T. (2019). Human resource practices and

organizational commitment: The mediating role of job satisfaction in an emerging

economy. Cogent Business & Management.

University of Washington Human Resource Website (2024).


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