1.3 The Classification of Matter

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● Matter - Anything that takes up space and has mass.

○ States of Matter - The physical form that an instance of matter takes

■ Solid - Solids have their molecules packed closely together in fixed
locations. They do not move around or past each other even when
vibrating. Solids have a fixed volume and shape.
● Crystalline - Solids can be crystalline, which means that their
atoms or molecules are in patterns that repeat across the whole
● Amorphous - Amorphous solids have no real pattern to the
placement of the molecules within the solid.
■ Liquid - Liquids have their molecules packed about as closely together
as solids, but the molecules are free to move around each other, giving
liquids a fixed volume but not a fixed shape. Liquids assume the shape of
their containers.
■ Gas - The molecules in gases have a lot of space between them and
have no fixed distance from each other, giving gas a variable volume and
shape. Gases always assume the shape and volume of their containers.
○ The first division of matter classifications is whether the matter is a pure
substance or a mixture.
■ Pure Substance - Matter that is made up of only one component, and the
composition of the substance does not vary between samples.
● Elements - Elements are substances that cannot be chemically
broken down into simpler substances. These are the atoms on the
periodic table.
● Compounds - Compounds are substances that are made up of
two or more atoms that are bonded together in a fixed proportion.
■ Mixture - Mixtures are matter that is made up of more than one
component, or more than one type of molecule.
● Homogenous Mixtures - Homogeneous mixtures have the same
composition of components throughout the mixture.
● Heterogenous Mixtures - Heterogenous mixtures have varying
compositions between samples.

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