Introduction To Information Systems Assignment 1

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Introduction to Information Systems Assignment 1

Title: Exploring the Role of Information Systems in Business Operations

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to understand the importance of information
systems in business operations and how they facilitate decision-making, improve
efficiency, and support strategic goals.
Research and select a business organization of your choice. It can be a local or international
company operating in any industry.
1. Introduction to the selected organization: Provide an overview of the company, its
industry, and products/services.
2. Information systems used: Identify and describe the different types of information
systems used by the organization. Examples include transaction processing systems,
management information systems, decision support systems, and enterprise resource
planning systems.
3. Decision-making and strategic support: Discuss how information systems provide data,
analytics, and insights to support decision-making processes at different levels of the
organization. Explain how these systems contribute to the organization's strategic goals and
competitive advantage.
4. Challenges and future trends: Identify and discuss the challenges and potential future
trends in the field of information systems for the selected organization or the industry it
operates in. Consider topics such as cybersecurity, data privacy, cloud computing, artificial
intelligence, or any other relevant areas.
Submission Guidelines:
✓ Submit a typed report in PDF format.
✓ Include proper references and citations.
✓ Ensure the report is well-structured with clear headings and subheadings.
✓ Use appropriate language, grammar, and formatting.
✓ We will decide the submission date in the coming class.
Maximum Mark=20

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