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Porject #1: Table Table Extraction

Extract Tables from Websites - pandas

Extract CSV Files from Websites - pandas
Extract Tables from PDFs - camelot-py (RQ: tk, ghostscript)

Project #2: Web Automation & Web Scraping

XPath: Special Characters:
//: can select (find) all of nodes in the doc
/: can select children of this charecter from node
.: for select current context (refers to present node)
..: refers contexts of perent
*: for select all elements of names
./*: for select all of childern in this(current) node(element)
@: for select an attribute(eg. class)
(): for group an XPath expression
contain: for search (all) text included inside of any element
start-with: for search beginning of
and: for search one in it both
or: for search all in them one of them

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