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com Test

[Lily Petty]

[February 8, 2024]

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Introduction is a website that gives information about their products, your
local allergen report, tips, tricks, and more. provides information
for lots of different needs, not only their products like many other sites.

A student, Lily Petty conducted the useability test for Two
MacBook laptops were used to complete the test. One for the prompts and
tasks, the other for the participant to go through the site. The test
administrator and participant were present in the testing room. The session
contained each participant’s navigational choices, task completion timing,
comments, overall use and satisfaction ratings, and questions and feedback.

Executive Summary
I, Lily Petty, conducted a useability test for using another
student from UNG as the participant in the study. I only used one participant
in a thirty-minute session. The purpose of this was to find out if there are any
flaws in the Kleenex site and anything they could adjust to make it more user

The results showed that have some things they can improve to
save time and make the overall more aesthetic and modern. It received a
decent score for ease of use, however there is room for improvement. The
participant is a 20-year-old male who is a third-year, full-time college

The test identified only a few minor problems including:

 Outdated styles and images
 Call to action was too small
 Too many different calls to actions on home page
 Too many different color schemes

This document contains the participant feedback, satisfactions ratings, task

completion rates, ease or difficulty of completion ratings, time on task, errors,
and recommendations for improvements.

The participant was recruited at random in the college of business. The
session for the usability test was approximately thirty-minutes and the
participant completed two tasks, one relating to signing up for a program and
one for “buying” a product. Post-test, the participant was asked to give
ratings on different things including usage, satisfaction, etc. He was also
asked different questions such as what he liked, disliked, and would want to

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
After each task, the participant was asked to rate the ease of the process
from 1 to 5 and was also timed to see how quick the tasks were achievable.
Post-task question was:
 How easy would you rate that process from 1-5?

After the last task was completed, the participant was asked to rate the
website overall by using a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly
Agree) for eight measures including:
 Ease of use
 Frequency of use
 Difficulty to keep track of location in website
 Learn ability - how easy it would be for most users to learn to use
the website
 Information facilitation – how quickly participant could find
 Look & feel appeal – homepage’s content makes me want to explore
the site further
 Site content – site’s content would keep me coming back
 Site organization

In addition, the participant was asked the following overall website questions:
 What the participant liked most?
 What the participant liked least?
 Recommendations for improvement?

The participant was randomly chosen out of a group of students in the
University of North Georgia college of business. Since there was only one
participant, there was also only one testing take. The participant was a male
who spends 40+ hours a week roughly on the internet. His favorite websites
include Amazon, Reddit, and Tik Tok.

Evaluation Tasks/Scenarios
Test participants attempted completion of the following tasks:
 “You want to know the pollen levels in your town daily. Go through the
process of signing up for pollen alerts and stop before submitting your
personal information.”
 “You want to know which tissues would be the best for your
grandmother with very dry and sensitive skin. Please pick out the best
option, go through the process of buying it, and stop before entering
your credit card information.”

Task Completion Success Rate
The participant successfully completed both two tasks without extra help and
guidance. This means the participant had a 100% success/completion rate
when it came to the given prompts.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Task Completion Rates

Participant Task 1 Task 2

1 √ √

Success 1 1

100% 100%

Task Ratings
After the completion of each task, participants rated the ease or difficulty on a
5-point scale of completing the task for one factor:
 It was easy to finish this task and I was able to accurately predict
which section of the website contained this information.

Ease in the Process and Finding Information

The participant rated a 3 for ease of finding information on task

1. He found the navigation bar very descriptive and helpful while the call to
action to sign up for the club was more difficult for him to locate. For task
two, he rated it a 4 for ease and finding information because their products
page was a lot straighter forward.

Test 1 – Mean Task Ratings & Percent Agree

Ease –
Task Overall
Finding Info
1 – Sign Up for Pollen
3 3
2 – Pick out Tissues to
4 4
*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

Time on Task
I manually recorded the time on task for the participant. One task was slightly
more difficult to complete than the other and that can be seen by the average
time on task.

Task 1
Task 1 required the participant to find the Pollen page, find the call-to-action
button, and fill out personal information to sign up for the club. His
completion time was just under two minutes at 1 minute and 47 seconds (107

Task 2
Task two seemed more straightforward, however took slightly longer. The
participant had to find the product page, find the specific type of product
needed, add to cart, and almost completely check out. This made his
completion time for task two land at 3 minutes and 22 seconds (202

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Time on Task
Task 1 107 sec

Task 2 202 sec

Total 309 sec

Overall Metrics
Overall Ratings
After task session completion, the participant rated the site for eight overall
measures. These measures include:
 Ease of use
 Frequency of use
 Difficulty of keeping track of where they were in the site
 How quickly most people would learn to use the site
 Getting information quickly
 Homepage’s content facilities exploration
 Relevancy of site content
 Site organization

For example:
Most of the participants (92%) agreed (i.e., agree or strongly agree) that the
website was easy to use. The majority of participants (85%) agreed they
would use the site frequently and that the site’s content would keep them
coming back. Even though participants’ average agreement rating was 3.9,
only 54% (due to 5 neutral and 5 strongly agree responses) agreed that the
homepage’s content would make them want to explore the site.

See table below.

Post-Task Overall Questionnaire

Strongly Strongly Mean Percent

Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree Rating Agree

Thought Website
1 3 100%
was easy to use
Would use website
1 1 100%
Found it difficult to
keep track of
1 2 100%
where they were in
Thought most
people would learn
1 4 100%
to use website
Can get
1 3 100%
information quickly
Homepage’s 1 1 100%
content makes me
want to explore

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Strongly Strongly Mean Percent
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree Rating Agree
Site’s content
would keep me 1 1 100%
coming back
Website is well
1 4 100%
*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

4.6.2 Likes, Dislikes, Participant Recommendations

After completing both tasks, the participant answered three questions as

Liked Most
The following comments capture what the participant liked most:
The participant was very fond of’s navigation bar and how each
page’s tab also had a drop down with more options. He believed it was very
useful and made finding the pages he needed a lot easier.

Liked Least
The following comments capture what the participants liked the least:
The participant’s least favorite thing was how outdated the photos and styling
was on this site. He believed that it was not appealing to younger generations
and needed to look more modern.

Recommendations for Improvement

The following comments capture what the participants thinks they could
The participant said they could improve upon making important things bigger
and more noticeable. For example, on the Pollen page, their call to action was
to have people sign up for their notification club, however there was no words
on this button, just a small symbol of a bell, making this very difficult to

Making Important Buttons More Noticeable (Task 1)
Task 1 required the participant to find the pollen page and sign up for their online group.

Change Justification Severity

 Add words to the button Medium

 Make the button bigger The participant stated that the button took
forever to locate because it was small and had no
 Make the button a different words to indicate it’s meaning.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Overall, my participant scored relatively high on useability and
organization. However, they believed that the outdatedness and lack of aesthetics on
the page makes it very unappealing to any younger generation. It was also found
that the specifics of the navigation bar were beneficial while the call-to-actions were
not at all. In conclusion, there are definitely a few changes can make to
make their page run more efficiently, and to receive more traffic.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201

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