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Bad Sex, Good Loving

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魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The
Untamed (TV)

Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Minor or Background

Wēn Qíng (Módào Zǔshī), Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Lán Jǐngyí, Luó
"Mián Mián" Qīngyáng, Other Characters Mentioned, Minor Characters

Additional Tags:
Explicit Sexual Content, Implied/referenced Wèi Wúxiàn/Others,
Implied/referenced Lán Wàngjī/Others, One night stand WangXian,
PWP, but like, Bad Porn with Good Plot, The Plot is the Porn being Bad,
Self-Esteem Issues, Communication Failure, Idiots in Love, Falling In
Love, Practice makes perfect, They work on the communication thing
eventually, Under-negotiated Kink, Top Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Bottom
Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, mild angst with a very happy ending, BDSM
Undertones, Consensual Non-Consent

Published: 2023-05-27 Completed: 2023-06-16 Words: 18,857 Chapters:
Bad Sex, Good Loving
by Nyatci


Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji meet at a fancy gala and end up hooking
up, or rather trying and failing to hook up. It doesn't really go well.

Or alternatively: The mortifying ordeal of continuously running into,

and falling in love with, the man you once had a god awful one night
stand with.



I couldn't wait anymore to share this so I'm using the fact that I just
reached 1.3k followers on Twitter as an excuse to do so <3

Please look closely at the tags and I'll add some CW at the end!
Awkward men, Awkward sex
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Wei Wuxian has, against his wishes, been forced to attend one of those
fancy gala’s he absolutely hates. He hadn’t been to one in years but now
that things are on the mend with his adoptive brother, Jiang Cheng, he
earned himself an invitation and knew it would be rude if he declined. He
used to go to these sort of events all the time back when he lived with the
Jiangs, but after he left the home due to ‘differences of opinions’, he had
kept his distance.

Now at 27, he finds himself dressed in a suffocating suit, holding a glass of

expensive wine which doesn’t quite give him the buzz he’s hoping for and
smiling at people wearing clothes that probably cost about as much as what
he makes as a teacher during the year.

Wei Wuxian strolls around the room, taking in the sights and politely
greeting those who nod or smile his way. He’s here to support his brother at
the insistence of their older sister, Jiang Yanli. He’d do anything to make
her happy.

That, plus she threatened him with not letting him babysit for a month if he
didn’t go and Wei Wuxian might die if he doesn’t get to spend time with his
grumpy 6 year old nephew, little Jin Ling (his permanent pout is the most
adorable thing to ever exist and Wei Wuxian will throw hands with anyone
who says otherwise.)

After some polite chit-chat with people’s whose names he forgets as soon as
they mention them, he makes his way to the bar to ask for something
stronger than the wine the servers have been giving out.

As he walks over there, he sees a man talking to the bartender. This

wouldn’t really be anything of note on such an event but the man is the very
definition of tall, dark and extremely handsome.
He’s a little bit taller than Wei Wuxian himself is, with short hair styled
neatly, not a single strand out of place. The suit he wears looks tailored to
fit him, the soft shade of gray looking particularly alluring against the
paleness of his skin. A simple white button down shirt and a tie in the same
shade of gray as the suit completes the look giving him the appearance of a
model pulled right out of the pages of a magazine.

Wei Wuxian stares and startles slightly when he looks up and notices the
man’s golden eyes are trained on him. He swallows when he realizes he has
been caught checking the other man out. Such a thing would mortify most
people but Wei Wuxian is nothing if not a shameless and incorrigible flirt so
he smiles and winks at the man watching closely as the action makes the
man’s eyes widen slightly. To his delight, ’tall, dark and handsome’
proceeds to let his own gaze roam over Wei Wuxian’s figure.

He finds himself grateful that he wore the tight black suit with the crimson
silk shirt his sister had bought him as a birthday gift a few years ago,
knowing it makes him look particularly alluring and enticing.

“Oh my, usually I like to be bought a drink first before getting ravaged in
such a way! Feels like you are undressing me with your eyes.” He jokes
flirtatiously watching with amusement as the man’s ears seem to turn red at
his words. ‘ Cute’ .

“Apologies, I was simply returning the gesture.” The man says and, oh Wei
Wuxian could melt just from the sound of that deep husky voice. The man
maintains his gaze on Wei Wuxian’s, a challenge almost, one Wei Wuxian is
all too happy to accept. He extends his hand towards the man, holding it out
in greeting.

“Fair enough. Wei Wuxian,” he introduces himself with a bright grin and a
wink. After a moment of hesitation the other man takes the offered hand.

“Lan Wangji.”

Wei Wuxian relishes in the feeling of Lan Wangji’s hand in his. Where Wei
Wuxian’s hands are tanned and slightly rough, Lan Wangji’s are soft, with
long elegant fingers that could possibly drive Wei Wuxian mad if he were to
feel them against any part of his skin. He shivers just thinking about it.

“So Lan Wangji,” He says, drawing out each syllable of the man’s name
and giving him his best sultry look. He licks and bites his lower lip.

“You know, this event is awfully boring. Wanna get out of here and see if
one of the rooms upstairs has something better to offer?” He asks, letting
himself smirk as he takes notice of how Lan Wangji’s gaze darkens at his

They both hold each other’s gaze for a moment, letting the implication and
simultaneous suggestion behind Wei Wuxian’s words sink in.

Lan Wangji doesn’t answer, instead he moves purposely towards Wei

Wuxian, places one large hand on his lower back and guides him towards
the hotel’s elevator. Wei Wuxian has to stop himself from grinning like an
idiot, feeling all too satisfied with himself at getting the ‘hot stranger by the
bar’ to invite to his room. While they ride the elevator, Wei Wuxian feels a
spark of excitement at what’s to come next. Lan Wangji is objectively a
gorgeous man, his hands are big and from what Wei Wuxian can see, he
seems strong.

He wonders what Lan Wangji will be like in bed. His looks give off top
energy but Wei Wuxian can work with it if he’s a bottom. Will he be
forceful or will he prefer for Wei Wuxian to take the lead? Is he a good
kisser? These questions make his skin prickle with anticipation and he can
feel himself growing half hard just from imagining the night ahead of him.
By the looks Lan Wangji keeps throwing his way, it’s obvious his thoughts
run along a similar line.

Once inside what Wei Wuxian assumes must be Lan Wanji’s hotel room he
is grabbed by the back of the neck and moved so that he’s facing Lan
Wangji. The action surprises and delights Wei Wuxian greatly. He likes it
when his hookups are a little mean. Lan Wangji for his part, wastes no time
as he pulls Wei Wuxian into a deep, hungry kiss.
The kiss is forceful, bruising and messy, almost like he plans to devour Wei
Wuxian’s mouth.

He himself doesn’t think he’s ever been kissed with such fervor or this
much passion. They continue kissing, a dance of tongue and teeth that
leaves Wei Wuxian breathless. He loves it, he loves the feel of their breaths
on each other's faces and the sensation of a little bit of drool escaping from
the corner of his mouth only to be captured by Lan Wangji as he licks along
Wei Wuxian’s bottom lip. He has to hold onto Lan Wangji before his knees
give out on him. He feels dizzy, both from the kissing and from the speed at
which his dick is hardening inside his pants.

He moans against Lan Wangji’s open mouth as the silent man starts peeling
off his own suit jacket. Wei Wuxian proceeds to follow along thinking that
yes, they should be getting naked, Lan Wangji is a genius, of that there is no
doubt. He feels incredibly horny and the sooner he can get rid of all of the
offending articles of clothing getting in the way of feeling Lan Wangji’s
naked skin against his own, the better.

Wei Wuxian wishes he could talk and tell Lan Wangji how much he’s
looking forward to getting acquainted with every inch of the man’s body
but he can’t while the other man’s tongue is invading his mouth as if trying
to lick and taste every corner of it.

Wei Wuxian doesn’t mind, if Lan Wangji fucks like he kisses then Wei
Wuxian is in for a hell of a good time.

The two step back from each other and Wei Wuxian takes a moment to cast
a quick glance around the room. It’s cozy with dark wood furnishings,
monochromatic shades of gray for linens and curtains paired off with subtle
hints of blue every here and there. The lamps are the only lights on bathing
the room in a soft dim light that gives off quite the romantic ambiance.

Once his upper body is bare, Wei Wuxian is distracted by the mesmerizing
sight of Lan Wangji’s half naked form. He can’t help the appreciative
whistle he lets out when he sees Lan Wangji’s bare chest.
“Wow, you look photoshopped. Fuck how are you so hot?” He asks as he
does the typical awkward shimmying one has to do when taking off pants
that are slightly too tight. Lan Wangji removes his own effortlessly and he
almost looks graceful doing so.

Wei Wuxian would be offended if he could do anything other than stare at

the impressive size of Lan Wangji’s erect cock causing his boxer briefs to
tent in an obscene manner.

“You’ve got to be kidding. That can’t be real. How will that fit in me? Any
chance you'd like to bottom?” Lan Wangji raises an unamused eyebrow just
as Wei Wuxian laughs nervously.

“Hey, no i’m kidding, it’s fine I’m just going to need a little more prep than
usual. Do you have any…” Lan Wangji steps aside in nothing but his briefs,
and Wei Wuxian tries not to drool at the sight of how they stretch against
Lan Wanji’s butt. He also can’t help but appreciate the man's back muscles
and his shoulders too. In Wei Wuxian’s humble opinion, Lan Wangji’s
entire body is quite impressive. He looks like a work of art and Wei Wuxian
could stare at him for ages. He almost asks for a picture but stops by
reminding himself that it would be very weird to ask for a picture of a guy
you’ve only met 20 minutes ago.

Wei Wuxian is quite vain about his looks, he can admit it; he has a
handsome face, an athletic body, slim and graceful paired with a small waist
and generous backside, some boyish charm which paired off with his
charismatic personality make it so he is often described as attractive.

Lan Wangji, however, looks like a god and Wei Wuxian feels incredibly
smug about the fact that he’s about to fuck an objectively perfect male
human specimen.

Wei Wuxian sits on the edge of the bed and leans back so he can take in the
moment Lan Wangji walks back into the room. The way Lan Wangji moves
towards him is almost animalistic in nature, like a predator corralling its
prey. It makes Wei Wuxian feel a little bit nervous and a lot excited.
Amusedly, he notices Lan Wangji’s grip on the lube and condoms on his
hand seems to tighten as he takes in the tantalizing sight of Wei Wuxians
nude body, it makes Wei Wuxian smirk victoriously.

“Hey handsome, come here often?” He says flirtatiously while looking at

Lan Wangji and finding his gaze drawn down to the truly impressive hard
on Lan Wangji is still sporting.

The other man doesn’t say anything or react much at all, which is a little
off-putting, but Wei Wuxian shrugs it off and extends his hand to beckon
the taller man to join him in the bed. Lan Wangji seems to misunderstand
and passes him the bottle of lube. Wei Wuxian tilts his head to the side but
smiles and takes it.

‘Guess I’ll have to open myself up then.’ He thinks as he moves further

back on the bed and makes a show of opening the bottle of lube and
squirting a generous amount on his fingers.

“Usually I’m okay with two fingers but judging by that bulge I guess I
should try three?” He asks mischievously. Lan Wangji answers that by
dragging his thumb along the edge of his own underwear and slowly taking
them off, revealing the biggest dick Wei Wuxian has ever seen outside of

He can feel drool gather in his mouth, his mouth quite literally watering at
the sight of it. He wonders what it would feel like to try and suck on it.
He’d probably choke. His dick twitches and simultaneously the bottle of
lube slips from his hand. He scrambles to pick it back up and close it so the
bed doesn’t end up completely soaked. He lets out a small embarrassed

“Ah, ok. Four it is.” He says, voice shaking as he props himself up with one
hand and uses the other to finger himself open.

He’s a little loose from the dildo he had used the day before so the first two
fingers slide in easily. He can’t help but moan at the intrusion though,
something about knowing that Lan Wangji is watching and that soon
enough his fingers will be replaced by something much bigger has Wei
Wuxian’s dick jerking in anticipation.

He looks up and watches the hunger with which Lan Wangji stares at him,
his long slender fingers wrapped around the base of his own cock and
moving up and down at a leisurely pace.

Wei Wuxian can see a glint of precum shining on the tip and wishes he
could lick it off and taste it but he isn’t in the habit of blowing strangers
without a condom, besides he’s in the mood to get fucked in the ass not just
his mouth, he wouldn’t want to get Lan Wangji too worked up and end up
dissatisfied. Although that makes him wonder about Lan Wangji’s
endurance and he hopes it’s high. He really is in the mood to be fucked until
he can’t take it anymore. Not many of his hookups can manage that and Wei
Wuxian is often left disappointed.

But, looking at Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian has a feeling he’ll be in for a
really good time.

He continues working himself open and starts getting impatient, his arousal
clouding his mind and the image of Lan Wangji just calmly stroking himself
is enough to drive him mad.

“Oh fuck, are you gonna fuck me or are you one of those weirdos who just
likes to watch?” He asks. For a moment Lan Wangji doesn’t move but then
he moves forward with what looks like single minded determination.

He feels gleeful when Lan Wangji climbs onto the bed and once again grabs
him by the back of Wei Wuxian’s neck to pull against him for a rough kiss.
Wei Wuxian overbalances while trying not to use his lube-covered hand to
support himself, which leads to him falling into Lan Wangji’s embrace and
letting the other man hold most of his weight. Something about the fact that
he can do so effortlessly makes Wei Wuxian’s brain stop functioning for a
moment and he turns into a mess of pleading and begging against Lan
Wangji’s mouth.

“Lan Wangji, please, fuck, I’m ready, I want it -” Lan Wangji bites his lip
harshly and Wei Wuxian winces slightly at the sensation even if his dick
twitches betraying just how much he liked it.

“You are so mean, a bully, fuck that hurt.” At those words Lan Wangji leans
back and stares at Wei Wuxian with an indecipherable expression.

“Wait, why did you stop? Come on, keep kissing me?” Wei Wuxian says as
he leans in to continue pressing his lips against Lan Wangji’s.

Hesitantly, Lan Wangji kisses back but Wei Wuxian notices disappointedly
that the kisses are a lot more controlled now than they had been a few
moments before. Such a shame.

However this is quickly forgotten when Lan Wangji leans back to put on a
condom. The two of them start shifting awkwardly around the bed to
position themselves. It takes a few subtle nudges for them to get in place
but they end up with Lan Wangji kneeling behind him.

The angle is a little off, Lan Wangji is taller than him but Wei Wuxian’s legs
are longer so he has to spread them further apart in order for Lan Wangji to
be able to reach and fuck him properly.

He feels one of Lan Wangji’s large hands being placed on his hip in order to
hold him in place while another other hand teasingly rubs the tip of his cock
against Wei Wuxian’s puckered rim, getting caught ever so often causing
his whole body to shiver.

“Oh god, you are such a tease, it’s too much, it’s so big I don't know if I’ll
be able to take it,” He continues talking nonsense all the while trying to
shift back to press the tip of Lan Wangji’s dick to his ass; He’s desperate to
feel it inside him, to have all of that messing him up so thoroughly that he
won’t be able to walk straight afterwards.

He’s out of his mind with arousal and thus bewildered when Lan Wangji
pulls back to reach for the lube. There’s a moment of awkward wait while
Wei Wuxian watches him coat his dick generously with it. Wei Wuxian
thinks that was an unnecessary step but shrugs, he can appreciate a man
who prefers an easy slide even if Wei Wuxian himself would rather feel the
sting of it a bit.
Lan Wangji moves back into position and presses the tip of his cock against
Wei Wuxian’s ass once more; this time he’s a little more forceful so they
can both feel the exact moment when Lan Wangji’s length finally slides into
Wei Wuxian’s tight heat.

Wei Wuxian can’t help but gasp and moan at the intrusion, that feeling of
fullness could drive a man to insanity. Lan Wangji doesn’t make a sound
and doesn’t move either and Wei Wuxian knows he’s probably waiting for
him to get used to the stretch to avoid hurting him but Wei Wuxian’s likes
getting fucked hard and fast so he begs him to do just that.

“Lan Wangji, please, fuck, you can move, please I need -” Lan Wangji pulls
out almost fully and then slams back in with one forceful thrust which
makes Wei Wuxian’s eyes roll to the back of his head. He lets out a high
pitched moan.

Taking it as encouragement, Lan Wangji sets a rhythm. Or rather he tries to.

For some reason, everytime Wei Wuxian tries to egg him on to go faster or
whines about it being too much, Lan Wangji’s movements falter. Whenever
Lan Wangji’s dick moves just right and drags onto that bundle of nerves
deep inside Wei Wuxian, he whines pitifully saying he can’t take it and Lan
Wangji has the audacity to actually stop what he’s doing.

Wei Wuxian starts getting frustrated. Usually, guys know (or rather don’t
really care enough about) whatever nonsense he says during sex.

After all, it's just stuff being said in the heat of the moment, nothing to be
taken too seriously. He’s never been in such a situation where someone
takes his senseless whining at face value and the whole thing is making him
feel very unmoored.

Should he stay quiet? But then again the idea of not talking during sex
makes him feel quite uncomfortable. He needs more than just the slap of
skin on skin to get off. He enjoys being vocal and previous partners have
seemed to enjoy it too.

He thinks of how he can get Lan Wangji to fuck him like he wants when an
idea pops into his head. It might be possible for them to enjoy it more if
they can go off of facial cues rather than words (or lack thereof in Lan
Wangji’s case). Determined, he tries to move but Lan Wangji places one
hand on his back to keep him in place and somehow the sheer strength from
that action makes Wei Wuxian shiver.

Frustratingly though, while Wei Wuxian is loud in his enjoyment, Lan

Wangji continues to be quiet, barely grunting every now and then. Wei
Wuxian can't help but feel put off by it.

He wants this man to moan and beg and pant too. He wants to hear that
deep husky voice telling him he likes how Wei Wuxian feels or calling him
a ‘dirty little slut’.

Anything really, he’d take anything over the silence, He wants them both to
be sweaty and desperate for it. If he wanted to be fucked by a machine, he’d
buy one from Nie Huaisang’s sex shop and use it at home.

“Lan Wangji, be a good boy for me and let me -”

“Don’t call me that.” Lan Wangji says and while Wei Wuxian does a mental
cheer about getting the man to speak, he hates that those are the words
coming out of his mouth. Huffing, he squirms until he is out of Lan
Wangji’s hold and ends up on his back being able to look directly at his

He’s satisfied at the shift in position but ends up regretting it when he

actually looks at Lan Wangji’s expression.

Wei Wuxian can admit he’s very disappointed that Lan Wangji’s face looks
completely unperturbed. His hair is still almost perfectly in place, his
expression smooth, his eyes half lidded but completely still, like the surface
of a lake gleaming with specks of sunlight, beautiful but also cold.

“You are so stunning,” He says with a smirk as he reaches up to pull down

Lan Wangji and bring him into a kiss, hoping that they can get back to that
initial intensity they shared when they had just been kissing one another.
Lan Wangji follows easily and moves his hands to grab hold of Wei
Wuxians thighs and lifts them so he can push inside Wei Wuxian’s pliant
body once again.

Wei Wuxian mumbles about how good it feels, how he feels like he’s being
broken apart and he lets go of Lan Wangji, falling back against the bed to
take in the sight of the stunning man rocking his hips against him over and
over again.

Wei Wuxian appreciates the way Lan Wangji looks when he moves, the
sight of how his muscles shift as he pounds into him over and over. He bites
his lip when Lan Wangji uses his hands to hold onto Wei Wuxian’s waist,
almost able to completely wrap his fingers around him. It makes for an
alluring sight. He could make a painting of this moment and have it hung up
on his living room wall.

Lan Wangji is truly gorgeous but that all stops when Wei Wuxian gazes into
his inexpressive face. If it weren’t for the sounds being made by their skin
slapping against each other, or the smell of condoms, lube and sex, by just
taking one look at Lan Wangji’s face no one would know he’s in the middle
of roughly fucking someone else.

The cold and hard-set expression mixed in with his quietness makes him
seem almost…bored. Wei Wuxian can deal with a lot of things during sex,
he’s had partners who have cried, partner’s who wouldn’t kiss after oral or
even partner’s who would literally come almost immediately after putting it
in making for particularly disappointing events, but he had never been with
someone who looked bored while actively fucking him.

The moment he starts thinking that Lan Wangji’s lack of reaction is a sign
of boredom, Wei Wuxian feels his dick going soft. He tries to put up with it,
to distract himself by touching himself and attempting to get it hard again
but it’s no use.

He wants to ask Lan Wangji if he feels good or if he’s enjoying himself, but
then he remembers how silent the man has been and thinks that maybe now
he knows why.
He closes his eyes and tries to focus on sensations rather than anything else
but he can feel tears forming in his eyes. He has cried during sex before,
often while overstimulated or after a long session of edging but this is
different. He kind of wants it to be over already.

Not long after this thought enters his head, he feels Lan Wangji’s movement
slow until he stops completely. Wei Wuxian only barely halts himself from

When he opens his eyes he sees Lan Wangji staring directly at Wei
Wuxian’s flagging erection with something like a frown. Before Wei
Wuxian can laugh it off, Lan Wangji moves back and slides out of him.

“I apologize.” He says and Wei Wuxian almost chokes while trying to stop
him from doing so.

“No, no, I’m sorry, come on, you don’t have to stop, you can finish if you
want to, I’ll just use my hand on myself and-” and wow Wei Wuxian can
feel himself tearing up out of sheer frustration and mortification. He doesn’t
know why, but the idea of leaving just like this makes him feel miserable.

“If you feel uncomfortable, you should not force yourself.” Lan Wangji
says sternly and Wei Wuxian can’t help but cover his face with his arm and
groan. He just wanted a fun rumple in the sheets and ended up self
conscious and miserable with a man who can’t even force himself to finish
inside of him. He uncovers himself and looks at Lan Wangji who is still
staring at him with a weird look.

“Ok well. Alright. But, how about you though? I can finish you off with my
hand if you want? You are still hard and I’m pretty good at it.” He says with
a bright grin, reaching for the lube all the while hoping the other man will
give in but of course, things rarely ever go his way.

Lan Wangji turns away from him, which if anything feels like a rejection.
He isn’t only bored with Wei Wuxian, he also seems to not even be
interested in his touch. This night is not going the way he hoped it would.

“There’s no need.”
‘ Wow ok, that hurts a little.’

Wei Wuxian is a lot of things but he has never been made to feel like he’s
disappointing at sex. With a huffed sardonic laugh, Wei Wuxian scrambles
to get out of the bed and proceeds to pick up his clothes from where he had
carelessly let them fall earlier.

“Yeah, no, you are right. Haha.” He says as he starts putting on his clothes.
He doesn’t turn to face Lan Wangji as he does so, somehow feeling like he
could cry if he looked him in the face. His self esteem is wounded and he
needs at least three pints of ice cream to fix this. He hates putting his pants
back on without cleaning off any leftover lube, but he’s desperate to get out
of Lan Wangji’s room and get back to his apartment where he can finish off
the bottle of wine Wen Qing had brought over the last time she visited him.

He turns and it’s only then that he notices that at some point Lan Wangji
must have gotten up from the bed and gone to the bathroom from where he
can hear the faucet turned on. It feels a little rude for Lan Wangji to not
even wave him goodbye but then again Wei Wuxian isn’t quite sure what
the correct etiquette is for ‘the sex was so bad neither one of us even
finished’ type of hookup so he just decides to leave while Lan Wangji is
still busy washing his hands or whatever he’s doing.

He walks out of that room, sends Jiang Cheng a text apologizing for leaving
early and then calls an uber to take him home.

He feels frustrated, put off and tired. Once back at his place he showers,
drinks his wine and settles for a night of restless sleep.

Every time he closes his eyes his mind gives him a play by play of every
single awkward moment of his encounter with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian
can’t help but whine pathetically against his pillow.

‘That was so bad it made me sad.’

Chapter End Notes

CW: Lack of communication during sex, referenced bad practices
during sex with previous partners that imply dubious consent,
Misunderstandings due to lack of communication.

I will be moderating comments on this one because I know some

people aren't fans of the whole 'WangXian other's thing' and in case
they decide to read and then comment on a clearly tagged fic, I will
reserve the right to allow said comments or not.
He's so Good, but it's so Bad
Chapter Notes


Here's chapter two of this fic <3 I'm very grateful for all of the
comments this first chapter has gotten! This fic is one that I'm having a
lot of fun working on so I'm glad that people are liking it!

some CW at the end but otherwise, Enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After wallowing in self pity for the entirety of what is left of his weekend,
Wei Wuxian decides to put that unfortunate incident out of his mind. He’s
had not so pleasant experiences with sex before and it has not been the end
of the world, he can get over it.

The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes he’s just making a big deal
out of an inconsequential thing. After all, while it was regrettable that the
night had not gone the way he had hoped, it wasn’t like he’d see the other
man ever again.

His night with Lan Wangji would soon enough fade from his memory (as
do many other things) and he’ll be able to carry on like nothing happened.
With a newfound determination to put the unfortunate evening out of his
mind, Wei Wuxian carries on with his normal day to day life; he focuses on
work, spending time with his sister and cute little nephew, he visits his
friends and, slowly but surely he manages to put the whole thing out of his

He’s feeling alright, almost normal really; which is of course why, a week
later, he runs straight into none other than Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian is walking to the wine section, in order to get some before
heading over to Wen Qing’s place, when he notices the man staring down at
the selection with a more or less pinched expression.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me’ he thinks with an internal groan. He has been
trying very hard not to think about ‘the incident’ all week and just as he
starts succeeding he runs into Lan Wangji.

Tragically for Wei Wuxian’s sanity, Lan Wangji is just as hot as he

remembers and dressed in slacks, a powder blue turtleneck sweatshirt and a
cream colored jacket over it, his long hair tied back in a loose braid; Wei
Wuxian is of the opinion that it’s unfair how good looking Lan Wangji is.

‘Really, what are the odds?’ He tries to turn around and leave before he’s
noticed, but of course he turns too fast and nearly topples over a stand of
trail mix. The noise of the metal stand scratching against tile and the rustle
of the snacks falling to the floor serve to make Lan Wangji startle and look
his way.

“Wei Wuxian?” He hears his name being called and yup, Lan Wangji’s
voice still sounds incredibly sexy regardless of how things went last time.
‘Well, the man is really fucking hot but that's not really the point ’ Wei
Wuxian thinks.

He gives him an awkward wave and an equally awkward smile, cursing at

himself for his choice to leave the house looking like an actual chaos
gremlin. With his ripped jeans, messy bun and tattered hoodie he still has
from his high school days, he looks nothing like he had the last time they
met. When Wei Wuxian notices Lan Wangji’s gaze roaming over him, Wei
Wuxian has to hold back from shrinking in on himself. At the gala he had
been wearing a suit and had seemed almost respectable, he wonders what
Lan Wangji thinks of him seeing him as he is now. Although it really can’t
compare to the spectacular nearly crying mess he had been at the end of
their last meeting so really, Wei Wuxian doesn’t even know why he’s
worried. Whatever face he once had in front of Lan Wangji was lost
somewhere in between the sheets of the man’s hotel bed. In any case, at this
point, Wei Wuxian can only pray for the ground to open up and swallow
“Hey! Lan Wangji, it’s you!.” He says with a laugh that sounds
uncomfortable even to him and curses internally before reminding himself
that he is an adult and therefore he should be able to communicate like one.

“Checking out the wines?” He asks and feels dumb because that's obviously
what the other man is doing and that was a dumb question but hey, even if
Lan Wangji thinks he’s a moron at least he won’t show it. Wei Wuxian is
very much aware of how expressionless the man is, really, the thought still
haunts him and everything. ‘Who would have thought nightmares could be
considered small mercies?’

“Mn. My brother invited me over and his partner asked me to bring wine
but…I do not drink.” Lan Wangji says and Wei Wuxian can’t help but
giggle at the deadpan way in which he said that. ‘Cute’.

And a moment later.

‘Shit no, focus.’

“Haha, sorry i'm not laughing at you or anything, It’s just, well,” Oh what
the hell .

“Here.” Wei Wuxian says as he reaches for a bottle of Emperor’s Smile and
holds it out to Lan Wangji. He stares at him with an expression that Wei
Wuxian can’t quite understand so he shrugs and shakes the bottle in front of
him to urge him to take it.

“This one is really good and my personal favorite, it’s sweet and mellow,
the scent is pleasant too.” He pushes the bottle forward for Lan Wangji
before grabbing one for himself.

“Thank you,” he hears Lan Wangji say and he can’t help but smile. ‘ So
awfully polite’ .

“Sure thing.” The two of them stand there awkwardly before Lan Wangji
clears how throat,

“I should-”
“Oh yeah! Of course. See you around, or something” Wei Wuxian laughs
out of sheer embarrassment. ‘See you around?’ Lan Wangji probably
wishes to erase Wei Wuxian’s existence from his memory, he-

“Mn. Have a nice night.” The man says before turning and heading off
towards the register. Wei Wuxian stares after him. For a moment, he
remembers the last time he saw the man’s back, naked, graceful and
beautiful. ‘ It really had been…’

Wei Wuxian shakes his head and tells himself not to go down that road
unless he wants to end up feeling miserable again. Lan Wangji is probably
trying not to think about either. Who would want to reminisce about such a
disastrous performance?

Really, Wei Wuxian can’t help but sometimes wonder if he’s unknowingly a

Since the gods apparently have something against him, he runs into Lan
Wangji again a week later while he is volunteering at the neighborhood
soup kitchen.

Back when he stopped living with the Jiangs, he had been going through a
rough time and the soup kitchens literally saved his life. He had been couch
surfing for a while and then spent some time on the streets.

Luckily enough Wen Ning, with whom he had been shortly acquainted with
in high school, saw him visiting one of the soup kitchens and decided to
help him. He introduced him to his sister Wen Qing, and his granny, whom
they affectionately call Wen Popo. Both women took it upon themselves to
help get Wei Wuxian out of the rough spot he was in. Wen Popo took him in
and gave him a room in exchange for babysitting her grandson, Wen Yuan,
while Wen Qing helped him get back on his feet and go back to college.
Thanks to them, Wei Wuxian managed to get his shit together, got his
teaching license and do well for himself. Now he’s an elementary school
teacher and Wen Yuan is in his class! Wei Wuxian knows he shouldn’t have
favorites amongst his group of students but he’d be lying if he said he
wasn’t biased thinking A-Yuan was the greatest kid ever (he shares the title
with Jin Ling). Jingyi, A-Yuan’s best friend, is a close second on the
greatest kid ever department, his personality amuses Wei Wuxian to no end
even if it exasperates the other teachers.

Still, Wei Wuxian wouldn’t be where he is now if it hadn't been for the
people who helped him while he was in his lowest point, which is why now
that Wei Wuxian has time and money to help out, he volunteers whenever
he can.

He goes every Saturday for the lunch shift and participates in any way he
can at every fundraiser to help the homeless population; he thinks of it as
giving back to the community who saved his ass.

Although waking up at the crack of dawn (eight in the morning) on a

weekend is not something he ever enjoys doing, he powers through it. He
manages to throw an outfit on that's only mildly wrinkled, runs a brush
through his messy hair and throws on a jacket before heading out towards
the bus stop.

He’s just making his way inside the building when he sees none other than
Lan Wangji standing further inside talking to one of the other volunteers, a
young woman Wei Wuxian recognizes but whose name he doesn’t

‘Oh come on,’ he mutters under his breath as his half sleep-addled brain
takes in the sight of Lan Wangji looking gorgeous at the ungodly early
hours of the day (not even noon yet). He looks as prim and proper as he has
every other time Wei Wuxian has seen him (excluding that night which Wei
Wuxian likes to pretend never happened) with slacks and a white button
down shirt.

He sees as the girl talking to Lan Wangji hands him an apron, gloves and a
hairnet. Wei Wuxian wonders how the other man plans to keep his white
shirt clean if he’s going to be working with the food, even with an apron,
Wei Wuxian would be challenged to remain stain free.He’s looking at Lan
Wangji and biting his lip as he thinks about this when the taller man turns
and stares at him for a few seconds before raising a single perfectly arched
‘Fuck’ . Wei Wuxian blinks twice before realizing that has been caught
staring at the man. Again. After…well, ‘ double Fuck’ .

He can’t help but snort and cover his face with his hand, allowing himself a
moment to sigh before gathering himself and acting like a normal adult
whose life isn’t a huge joke being played on him by trickster gods.

“Aiya Lan Wangji, fancy meeting you here.” He says as he makes his way
over, he lets out a small nervous giggle just as he looks up. The girl besides
Lan Wangji gets called away and Wei Wuxian finds himself standing before
the taller man unsure on what else to say. Lan Wangji gives a small, nearly
imperceptible nod his way.

“Mn. Likewise.” Lan Wangji says before his face scrunches up with a small
frown. Or at least that’s what Wei Wuxian thinks, the other man’s face is
hard to read even now.

“Are you here to volunteer? Is it your first time?”

“I am. It is not my first time volunteering but it is the first time doing so
here.” Wei Wuxian nods empathetically.

“Don’t worry, it's all fairly simple. I volunteer every week, the people here
are pretty nice,” Just then Wei Wuxian yawns. Lan Wangji turns to him and
Wei Wuxian does his best to wave him off, “Sorry, went to bed awfully late
and my body is protesting waking up so early.”

‘Why am I even giving him an explanation? Why do I even care what Lan
Wangji thinks when he must already have a terrible impression of me?’ he
closes his eyes and shakes that thought away. ‘ Not today satan’.

“This is considered early?”

Wei Wuxian blinks twice and tilts his head to the side.

“I see.” Lan Wangji says before turning his face away. His tone holds traces
of what Wei Wuxian suspects might be amusement. He decides to shove
the thought away as the girl from before brings him his own set of tools to
work with. After putting everything on they head to the serving area and,
because Wei Wuxian’s luck is the worst, they end up stationed side by side.

They don’t really talk to each other while serving food. Wei Wuxian is busy
as he makes quick casual conversation with some of the people in the line.
Some of them recognize him from being a regular volunteer while others
remember him from his own time spent on the streets.

“Long time no see Wuxian! Looks like life has been good to you!” Says an
old-limping beggar who Wei Wuxian recognizes.

“Old man Feng! I hadn’t seen you around these parts in quite a while! You
are looking too skinny, here, here have some sweetbread!” he says as he
hands him his plate, before watching him limp away with a smile on his

A little while later, a prickly teenager stands before Wei Wuxian and holds
his hand out expectantly.

“Aiya Xue Yang, wait until everyone else leaves and I’ll give you some
sweets, alright? And make sure to share with A-Qing! Don’t go around
bullying her again!”

“Tsk! That little blind is the one who’s always bullying me!” He then turns
and glares at Lan Wangji, “And who’s this guy? Where’s Xingchen?” He
asks suspiciously and Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes.

“He’s visiting family and this guy’s new, be nice. Now go along, I’ll see
you later.” Xue Yang leaves all the while glaring in Lan Wangji’s direction.
A few moments later Wei Wuxian sees another familiar face and worries.

“Xuanyu? What is he doing here?” he asks in a low voice but relaxes and
breaks out into a smile when he sees that Xuanyu is working as a volunteer
now. He feels incredibly proud.

‘Good for him.’ He mumbles before shifting his attention back to the line.
During their time there, he sometimes feels like Lan Wangji is looking at
him but can’t be sure if it’s real or just his imagination.

Later that very same week, he gets told by his boss that Jingyi is going to be
picked up by an uncle that day so that a new name has been added to the
people authorized to get him. Wei Wuxian pays little attention to this,
taking the file and shifting his attention back to Zizhen who’s trying to set
the class pet bird free from its cage.

When the time for pick up comes, Jingyi excitedly chats about how his
uncle will be coming to get him.

“Uncle is the best! He has bunnies! He lets me play with them when I stay
over!” Wei Wuxian listens along fondly thinking that whoever Jingyi’s
uncle is must be quite the man for his nephew to be so incredibly taken with
him. It’s like the little guy idolizes the ground his uncle walks on.

The boy rambles on and on about how this uncle of his is very strong, how
he teaches grownups, which Wei Wuxian assumes means the guy might be
a professor. He then goes on about how his uncle plays music on the stage,
which makes Wei Wuxian wonder if he’s a musician instead, and on and on
the little boy talks about him.

“Ah, sounds like your uncle is quite amazing.” Wei Wuxian says Jingyi
nods enthusiastically.

“He is, he is! He’s here -Uncle!” The little boy runs off towards the
entrance and Wei Wuxian turns to look at the man.

Golden eyes meet silver and they both blink.

Of course, the amazing uncle couldn’t possibly be anyone other than Lan
Wangji . Wei Wuxian lets his head drop and internally wonders what type of
crime he committed in a previous life to merit being tortured like this.

“Wei Laoshi! Come meet my uncle!”

Wei Wuxian manages to smile and walk towards them, letting none of his
internal turmoil show on his face.

“Ah, no need for introductions Jingyi, we’ve met once or twice. Nice to see
you again Lan Wangji.”

“Wei Wuxian, likewise.” The two of them stand there just staring at each
other until Jingyi starts talking again.

“Wei Laoshi is amazing, uncle! He plays the flute for us in class and lets us
paint our faces, but he says it’s bad to eat the glitter.” he shares excitedly
and Wei Wuxian tries not to squirm under Lan Wangji’s suddenly interested

“I like to incorporate music and art in my lessons. There are many benefits
to it.” He says a little defensively, some parents have been a little on the
fence about the way Wei Wuxian teaches his class and how ‘liberal’ it is.
He then turns to Jingyi and whispers, “ And we’ve discussed glitter isn’t
part of any food group!”

Jingyi giggles and Lan Wangji’s eyes turn soft in a way that Wei Wuxian
has never witnessed before. He then turns to Wei Wuxian.

“Wei-Laoshi is right. And I agree. Music and art are an extension of human
expression and should therefore be nurtured in children. I myself teach
music at the local college. ” He reveals, Wei Wuxian can’t help but be
impressed by this revelation.

“My, my sounds like you love what you do.”

“Mn. I am very passionate about it.” Wei Wuxian stares at Lan Wangji and
feels the urge to ask more, to extend the conversation and hopefully learn a
little more and watch the ice melt.

Jingyi however does not feel too inclined to allow them to chat anymore
and pulls Lan Wangji over to introduce him to a-Yuan. Wei Wuxian laughs
and waves them both away, trying to ignore the tingly feeling of excitement
he felt when he saw Lan Wangji looking so…soft.
They both teach and enjoy music, both volunteer at the same place, maybe
they could be friends.

He hangs his head and sighs.

‘Why am I like this?’

Between picking up Jingyi and the volunteer work, they continue to see
each other every other day, They share polite greetings and equally polite
goodbyes. They also share one or two lingering gazes but that just might be
Wei Wuxian’s brain making him see things that aren’t there.

Wei Wuxian is friendly and occasionally even goes so far out to make a few
jokes or even try to incite friendly conversation.

Lan Wangji gives him barely more than an acknowledging nod or a simple
‘mn’ but hey, Wei Wuxian considers it a win whenever it happens. He has
also gotten called ‘ridiculous’ and ‘shameless’ once or twice each but Wei
Wuxian hasn’t really been keeping count or anything.

Although he has kept count of the conversations Lan Wangji has started.
Like when he asked how he was so familiar with the people that came to the
soup kitchen.

‘I spent some time on the streets. This place saved my life. Now I just
try to give back.’

‘Apologies, I had no idea.’ Lan Wangji had said looking somewhat


‘Aiya it's alright. Makes me extra grateful for the things I’ve got now,
ya know?’ Lan Wangji had stared at him for a long time before turning
away. Wei Wuxian had also turned his gaze away which was why he
barely caught his answer.

‘You…are very admirable.’ Those words had made his chest feel
‘Thanks Lan Wangji.’

Wei Wuxian isn’t sure why, but being called admirable by Lan Wangji stuck
with him. When someone like Lan Wangji says something like that, Wei
Wuxian can’t help but feel like it might actually be true.

One thing he can’t help is but to feel a little excited whenever Lan Wangji
walks in to pick up Jingyi. Regardless of how bad the sex was, Wei Wuxian
can appreciate how good looking Lan Wangji is and can’t stop himself from
ogling the man as he walks into the school. He almost sighs dreamily.

“Jingyi told me you’d come pick him up again today! He always gets really
excited whenever he knows you’ll be the one picking him up.” Wei Wuxian
says with a smile as he watches Jingyi run to hug his uncle. Lan Wangji
looks up and Wei Wuxian notices the soft expression surrounding his
golden hued eyes.

“I am also very happy to see him. I look forward to days when it’s my turn
to pick him up.” he says before he pats the little boy's head with a
gentleness that makes Wei Wuxian want to coo.

“Jingyi is very lucky to have an uncle like you.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah! You really are succinct with your words Lan Wangji, yet I think
everything you say, you say it from the heart.” Wei Wuxian says with a

“...That’s ridiculous. I say it from my mouth.” Wei Wuxian blinks in

surprise at the joke and can’t hold back his laughter. A few other teachers
and parents glance his way but Wei Wuxian has a hard time calming down.
He wasn’t expecting that at all.

“Aiya, how come I didn’t know this about you? You- haha, you are
hilarious Lan Wangji! Has anyone ever told you how funny you are?” He
says between giggles.

“Being funny is not something I am typically accused of.” He says with

something resembling a shrug. Wei Wuxian covers his mouth with his hand
in order to stop himself from laughing again.

He notices that Lan Wangji continues to stare at him and even sees how the
corner of Lan Wangji’s mouth seems to quirk up with the edge of a smile.

He waves goodbye to the uncle and nephew, all the while fervently praying
that his warm cheeks aren’t noticeable.

Another day, after their shift volunteering, once the last of the attendees are
served, Wei Wuxian turns towards Lan Wangji to ask him about his plans
for the rest of the day. He finds the other man already looking at him.

“What, do I have something on my face?” He asks jokingly but Lan Wangji


“Oh,” he responds, trying not to feel embarrassed.

“On your cheek.” Lan Wangji tells him while pointing to where Wei
Wuxian must have wiped his hand and left some sauce behind, he always
makes a mess of himself whenever there are any sauces involved.

Embarrassed, he tries to wipe it off but fails spectacularly.

“Ah did I get it?” He asks but Lan Wangji shakes his head. Then, Wei
Wuxian watches as Lan Wangji lifts his hand, then seems to hesitate but
finally he swipes his thumb against Wei Wuxian’s cheek. The action makes
Wei Wuxian freeze and his heart skip a beat.

The touch is so impossibly tender and Lan Wangji is so close, his hands are
so warm. Wei Wuxian is about to make some stupid sexual innuendo joke
about how nice Lan Wangji’s touches are and about how much he’d enjoy
having those hands touch him everywhere, when thankfully he remembers
being pinned under Lan Wangji’s cold, uncaring and bored gaze.
He quickly turns away before clearing his throat.

“Ah, thanks. Yeah well, anyway, I should go. Yeah, I have to go. See you
next time. I guess. haha , bye.” Wei Wuxian is impressed by his own
eloquence at this time and believes he deserves a pat on the back for being
able to produce human speech at all.

He leaves all the while avoiding Lan Wangji’s lingering looks on him. As
he goes, he can’t help but sneak a look back at Lan Wangji. He sees him
standing still, staring blankly at the hand he had used to touch Wei
Wuxian’s face.

The sight for some reason makes Wei Wuxian flush and pick up the pace as
he pretty much runs away.

“You have a crush on him.” Wen Qing says as she hands him a beer bottle
before sitting down on the couch next to Wen Ning.

“I don’t,”

“Kinda sounds like you do Xian-ge.” Wen Ning says with a face that seems
to say ‘Sorry’ even though he is being a traitorous traitor.

“I don’t!” He says once again, with more feeling this time. He arrived at the
Wen siblings' apartment in order to have some fun and distract himself from
all his woes but as soon as he mentioned how good Lan Wangji had looked
when he picked up Jingyi that afternoon, his friends began teasing him

“I just think he’s an interesting person. I’d like to be his friend. Maybe.”

“Maybe? Sounds like you want a lot more than that.” Wen Qing says as she
raises her eyebrow teasingly. Wen Ning looks away but Wei Wuxian can tell
he agrees with her by the subtle way in which he presses his lips together as
if trying to stop himself from laughing.
“Bored. He looked bored. Have I failed to mention that he looked bored? It
almost seemed like -”

“Like he was being forced to fuck you at gunpoint? Yeah, You have
mentioned it once or twice, yes. But who knows, maybe it wasn’t as bad as
you think it was. You tend to be overly dramatic and pessimistic.” She says.
Wei Wuxian glares and sticks his tongue out at her.

“I’m not. It really…Wen Ning come on, help me out here!” He begs, truly
not knowing how to refute Wen Qing’s words without admitting that he
would be up for trying again with Lan Wangji but is terrified of ever
bringing it up. He is afraid of rejection, of a repeat of that terrible encounter
and of making things awkward until the two of them simply can’t bear to
look at each other ever again.

“Maybe you should go out on a date.” Wen Ning suggests all of a sudden.
Wei Wuxian is about to wail in despair when Wen Ning shakes his head and
clarifies, “With someone else. You haven't been out with anyone since even
before the night of the gala. Why not try to go out with someone else and
get your mind off of Lan Wangji?”

“That’s not a terrible idea. I actually have it on good authority that

Mianmian is back in town, Don’t you owe her a date?” Wen Qing says with
a devious smirk on her face.

In high school there had once been a rumor saying that Wei Wuxian and
Mianmian had hooked up. Wei Wuxian never slept with Mianmian but they
had gotten drunk at a party Nie Huaisang had thrown for his birthday and
they both fell asleep on the same bed. Afterwards, everyone thought the two
of them were an item and this rumor followed Mianmian all the way to
college where Wen Qing met her in one of her basic introductory courses
and made quick friends with one another.

Wei Wuxian at some point tried to apologize to her about the rumor, but
Mianmian told him it wasn’t a big deal and that if he ever wanted to meet
up for a drink or a fun time, then she’d be happy to go with him.
He did enjoy Mianmian’s company quite a lot and, were she up to it, he
thinks he’d enjoy sleeping with her and hopefully getting rid of the chaos
Lan Wangji is causing to his poor little heart. Maybe he still has some
residual sexual frustration and the key to getting cured of his delusions
about Lan Wangji is one good fuck with someone else.

“You know what, yeah. I’ll text her. I’ll ask her out right now.” and so he

Wei Wuxian stares at his reflection in the mirror as he finishes getting

ready. He’s supposed to meet Mianmian for drinks at eight but for reasons
that elude him, he feels anxious about it. He almost feels like he’d rather
cancel and stay at home wallowing in self pity. He closes his eyes and takes
a deep breath only for his traitorous mind to conjure up an image of Lan
Wangji on top of him looking bored. The whole thing must have given him
some weird variation of PTSD.

He tries to focus on how he looks, the tight black jeans, the low heel ankle
boots and a tight dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to look more casual.
He looks good, sensual even. He wonders if he should tie his hair up in a
ponytail or just leave it loose and wavy. He’s not usually very particular
about that type of thing but his nerves really are at an all time high, he feels
like there’s a tingling sensation under his skin that he can’t quite get rid off.
He sighs, picks up a pair of dangling dagger earrings and after pondering it
for a minute, decides to add a little bit of smudged eyeliner to his look. He
ties only half of his hair up so strands won’t end up flowing everywhere and
decides to head out.

He texts Mianmian who quickly shoots him a message back saying she’s
almost at the restaurant. They end up arriving at the same time and both
laugh once they see each other. Mianmian has always been pretty and
during the years they haven’t seen each other, her looks have matured so
that instead of a pretty girl, what stands before him is quite the beautiful

“Yuandao! It’s good to see you!” She says with a smile as she greets him
with a quick hug.
“Aiyo, Mianmian look at you! Who’s yearning now except me? You look

She giggles and gives a quick eye roll.

“Flatterer! But hey, you don’t look so bad yourself, I’m almost surprised to
see you in anything other than those god awful hoodies you used to wear all
the time.”

Wei Wuxian puts his hand to his chest and gasps.

“You-Mianmian! I resent that, I got all dressed up just for you and this is
how you treat me? I’ll have you know, the hoodie has charm!” His
dramatics cause Mianmian to laugh.

“Aiya, look at you defending a hoodie, how else should I treat you, eh?

“Kindly!” He says with a pout causing Mianmian to throw her head back
and continue laughing.

“Still so shameless, buy me a drink first and then we’ll see if I’m in the
mood to be kind to you or not.” She says cockily, making Wei Wuxian grin
and open the door to lead her into the establishment.

“After you,” He says and gets a smile in return.

They choose to sit by the bar, which has a better ambiance for talking and
catching up and which coincidentally leaves them facing the restaurant's
entrance. They order some red wine and soon get to talking.

It’s comfortable and friendly, some of his earlier nerves seem to bleed away
in the presence of a good friend. Wei Wuxian asks Mianmian about how
she’s doing and she tells him she’s okay but that she had just broken up with
her boyfriend recently because he had been taking too long to propose.

Wei Wuxian almost chokes on his drink.

“Oh, so you want a serious thing, huh?” He asks nervously but Mianmian
shakes her head with a laugh.
“Not at all. I mean, I wanted it with him but things like marriage, these
aren’t things you can force others to want. I guess I’ll stay single for a while
and have some fun. The right person will come along eventually.”

‘The right person’

That phrase makes him close his eyes and take a long sip of his drink.

For some inexplicable reason, instead of darkness, he’s met with the image
of familiar golden eyes looking down at him, a handsome face framed by
dim lights, lips kiss bitten and wet. It makes him shiver. He quickly blinks
his eyes open all the while feeling his heartbeat rise just from that single

He clears his throat, smiles and tries to shake away any and all thoughts of
Lan- Fucking -Wangji and of Fucking Lan Wangji.

He almost manages it. Almost. That is until his eyes are drawn to the pair
walking into the restaurant. He barely spares a glance at the first guy who
walks in, but the second? The second man doesn’t even need to turn fully
for Wei Wuxian to know precisely who it is.

It feels impossible to look away, like the whole restaurant, the noise and his
present company are nothing but static in the background. Wei Wuxian’s
eyes zero in and then, almost like he could sense him staring, Lan Wangji
turns, golden eyes landing intently on Wei Wuxian’s own silver ones.

‘Fuck. Me’.

Chapter End Notes

CW: Implied/Referenced homelessness, Referenced Food insecurity,

Referenced/Depicted unhoused population.

(I didn't add the previous CW to the overall story tags because they are
not something the story focuses on much but let me know if you think
I should so I can fix it.)
Your kudos and comments mean a lot to me so please, Let me know
what you think and thanks for the support so far! <3
Practice makes perfect; loving you makes it worth
Chapter Notes


This is officially the last chapter of this fic!!!! This chapter took me
longer to finish than I originally intended but it is also nearly twice as
long as the previous ones so do enjoy!! As always, additional CW at
the end.
~Also a especial thanks to inflight_gremlin for helping me proofread
this and giving me the confidence to post it <3

So without further ado, here you go:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After Lan Wangji’s arrival Wei Wuxian can't help but feel incredibly
awkward. He wants to bury his face in his hands, laugh hysterically and
also maybe trip the fire alarm in order to have a valid excuse to vacate the
premises. He considers asking Mianmian if she’d like to go somewhere else
but that line of conversation would probably lead to her thinking he means
leaving to go get a room and Wei Wuxian needs a moment to collect his
bearings before even attempting such a feat.

If they were to leave at this moment, he doesn’t think he’d be able to give
Mianmian the proper attention she deserves and even if he managed to ‘get
things going’, he would be sporting an incredibly confused boner.

He takes a deep breath, focuses on Mianmian, his date, and makes a

herculean effort to continue talking with her as if nothing is bothering him.

This proves to be quite the difficult undertaking as every few words he

finds his attention shifting and his eyes being drawn to where Lan Wangji
sits with his…companion?
‘Is Lan Wangji on a date?’ He wonders, feeling rather annoyed at the
thought. Of course he has every right to date, heck Wei Wuxian himself
came out with the intention to score but whenever he looks over to Lan
Wangji’s partner for the evening he really can’t help but feel like the man
really isn’t good enough to even be seen next to someone as devastatingly
handsome as Lan Wangji. It irks him to see them together, to the point
where Wei Wuxian can feel himself frowning and has to tamper his desire
to walk on over and say hi just to be annoying.

“-so drunk they threw the whole frozen turkey out the window because they
wanted to see if it could still fly!” Wei Wuxian has no clue who threw the
turkey or why they did so in the first place but he laughs at Mianmian’s
story, once again trying to focus on her and their date rather than on Lan
Wangji and his. But if he’s honest, he doubts he’ll be able to pay attention
to anything Mianmian says or does so long as Lan Wangji is in the same

As he continues his act, he sneaks a glance towards Lan Wangji’s table and
sees Lan Wangji’s date twirl a loose strand of hair in between his fingertips
all the while smiling flirtatiously. Wei Wuxian can’t help but click his
tongue in irritation at the sight. When he shifts his gaze to gauge Lan
Wangji’s reaction to his dates flirting, he finds Lan Wangji’s gaze already
trained on him.

The look he has makes Wei Wuxian shiver. It’s intense and underlying it,
Wei Wuxian thinks he can see traces of something like irritation or maybe
annoyance. This dark look Lan Wangji gives him, makes Wei Wuxian part
his mouth and inhale sharply.

Lan Wangji’s date is talking but he’s being completely ignored as Lan
Wangji continues to stare at Wei Wuxian across the room while he takes a
long and leisurely sip of his drink.

Wei Wuxian feels the need to shift in his seat, his pants feeling a little too
tight all of a sudden.

“Oh, is that guy a friend of yours?” Mianmian asks just as she too turns to
look in the direction Wei Wuxian is staring at. She smiles at Lan Wangji
who for his part narrows his eyes slightly, gives a slight nod and then turns
his attention back to the man in front of him all the while looking
displeased. Wei Wuxian can’t help but bite his lip all the while noticing that
Lan Wangji isn’t as expressionless as he initially thought, or maybe it's that
the time they’ve shared together has made Wei Wuxian a little more attuned
to him.

“Would you like to go say hi to him?” Mianmian asks, throwing him a look
that seems a little conspiratorial. Wei Wuxian laughs it off nervously.

“Aiyo, no that’s fine…we are just friends. Sorta. It’s complicated but
nevermind. He’s on a date, we’re on a date. Sorry, I just didn’t expect to run
into him. Anyway, you were telling me about…?” Wei Wuxian says with a
wide smile. Mianmian gives him another strange look which he ignores in
favor of calling over the waiter and asking them for another round of

He decides to double his efforts to ignore the way Lan Wangji keeps staring
at him from across the room and focus all of his attention on Mianmian.
She’s pretty, she’s nice and she’s probably still DTF. Wei Wuxian just needs
to focus. He can do that.

They continue their chat and In the middle of sharing a funny story about
something Wen Qing once said about platypuses and gerbils, Wei Wuxian
reaches for his drink and accidentally glances towards Lan Wangji’s

He gasps slightly at noticing Lan Wangji’s golden eyes once again, or rather
still, staring intensely at him. For a second he’s taken back to when they
met and how that handsome guy by the bar had seemed to want to undress
him with one look.

It feels different now, Lan Wangji’s eyes on him. He knows how Wei
Wuxian looks, how he feels underneath him. He shouldn’t be staring at Wei
Wuxian at all based on that and yet, Lan Wangji continues to look. After a
few beats full of anticipation, where Wei Wuxian’s entire body feels like it
can be ignited with just a spark, just one look, or just one word, Lan Wangji
narrows his eyes and lets them drift down, the same way he had when they
met. Then he has the audacity to lock gazes with him and almost
imperceptibly, bite his lower lip.

Wei Wuxian startles and in his shock somehow manages to knock his wine
off the table and splash it all over his shirt.

“Ah, shit.” He says as he tries to dab at the mess with a napkin all the while
trying to ignore the jackhammering of his heart and the heat rapidly rushing
to his cheeks.

“Oh no! Quick go pour some water on it before it stains, hurry, it’s ok, go!”
Mianmian says as she pushes Wei Wuxian in the direction of the bathroom.
He goes, profusely apologizing to Mianmian and then, once he is a little
further away, he starts muttering under his breath about how he hopes he
hasn’t ruined the shirt.

He focuses on it, trying to distract himself from why it ended up stained in

the first place. He can’t think of that right now or what it means. He knows
what it means but he doesn’t understand why. Why does Lan Wangji keep
staring at him? Is he reading too much into it? Is he seeing what he wants
to see?

He keeps glaring at the damage done to the shirt. It’s not that bad from what
he can see so he walks to the sink, pulls on it so he can wet it and then dabs
it with some paper towels. Once he’s satisfied, he decides to stand by the
hand dryer to hopefully get rid of the wet stain. He’s standing there tugging
on the fabric to get it as close to the mouth of the dryer as possible when he
hears someone walk in.

Stupidly, Wei Wuxian holds his breath and feels his hands begin to shake.
Even though he hasn’t seen the person who walked in, a traitorous part of
himself hopes it's Lan Wangji. He wants to bang his head against the
bathroom wall, chastise himself for being an utter fool and yet-

“Wei Wuxian,”

Oh , hearing his name from that familiar husky voice makes his knees feel
weak and his breath falter. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath trying
to calm his racing heart which hasn’t stopped beating wildly ever since Lan
Wangji walked into the building. ‘I’m so fucked, aren’t I?’

He starts turning toward the voice, helpless to stop himself from doing so,
yet as he does so, his shoulder comes into contact with something hard. He
gasps as he feels the warmth emanating from Lan Wangji who has moved to
stand impossibly close to him without Wei Wuxian’s notice. They are so
close like this, close enough that Wei Wuxian can’t help how they rub
against each other as he turns.

Wei Wuxian keeps his eyes lowered, unable to bring himself to look up, it
would be too much and he would surely come undone right there on the
bathroom floor. He’s having trouble coming to terms with the tangle of
emotions currently making a mess of him.

He stands there, feeling almost dizzy as his breath continues to stutter just
from having Lan Wangji standing so impossibly close to him. He forces
himself to inhale deeply trying to still his frantic heartbeat but this only
makes him breathe in Lan Wangji’s familiar scent and that alone causes him
to lose whatever composure he was trying to maintain.

He opens his eyes and they land on Lan Wangji’s clothed chest, he allows
them to trail up to the elegant column of his pale neck and up further still so
that the land on his handsome face. The defined jaw, the high cheekbones,
the elegant slope of his nose. Finally he sets his gaze on those beautifully
mesmerizing golden eyes. The same ones he has been fighting not to look at
too much in fear of getting hurt by not seeing what he wants to see reflected
in them.

This time he looks and ends up finding a seemingly endless depth of want
and hunger reflected on those beautiful orbs; he allows himself to get lost in

“Lan Wang-'' The rest of his breathless whisper is stolen away by a pair of
hungry lips upon his own.

Wei Wuxian melts into the kiss, letting go of his shirt to put his hands on
Lan Wangji’s waist and pull him closer until they are both flush against one
another. Lan Wangji cages him in until Wei Wuxian is leaning back against
the sink, its corner digging into his lower back but he can barely bring
himself to care about such a thing when his lips are against Lan Wangji’s
own and the only thing between their bodies is the fabric of their clothes.

Wei Wuxian whimpers as Lan Wangji licks into his mouth and bites his
bottom lip harshly. His cock twitches at the action, making his hips jerk a
little in search of friction and relief; he’s been half hard ever since he caught
Lan Wangji looking at him in the first place.

That little movement is enough to let him know that Lan Wangji is just as
affected as he is. Lan Wangji groans before he places one hand on Wei
Wuxian’s ass to squeeze it roughly and with the other grips his hair harshly
and uses it as leverage to tilt his head to the side in order to deepen their
kiss, which at this angle feels so much better. Wei Wuxian had almost
forgotten how good they were at the kissing part of things.

He pulls away in order to inhale a few lungfuls of air only for Lan Wangji
to descend upon his exposed neck and lavish it with open mouthed kisses
and sucks that Wei Wuxian hopes and prays will leave marks upon his

“Lan Wangj-”

“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian hears the name whispered against his neck and
shivers at the sensation of Lan Wangji’s breath against his skin.

He turns and presses his lips against Lan Wangji’s.

“Alright Lan Zhan,” he lets the name roll off his tongue, savoring it like
something precious. He notices the way Lan Wangji seems to shudder as he
hears it, his eyes narrowing further as he listens to the way Wei Wuxian
says his name.

“Then, you can call me Wei Ying,” he says and as soon as he does, Lan
Wangji surges back in to keep kissing him and their hands start roaming all
over each other. Wei Wuxian’s hands grope Lan Wangji’s perfectly toned
ass and it earns him a growl right next to his ear.
“Wei Ying,” The sound of his name coming from Lan Wangji’s lips make
Wei Wuxian’s hard cock twitch and his whole body shiver pleasantly. He
turns to give Lan Wangji better access to kiss him but his eyes land on the
bathroom door.

“Hey Lan Zhan, say we are terribly exposed here, anyone could walk in
and-” Wei Wuxian doesn’t get to finish as Lan Wangji drags him into a
bathroom stall, somehow managing to not stop kissing Wei Wuxian as he
pulls him inside.

A part of Wei Wuxian wants to stop, to take it slow and talk and ask Lan
Wangji if he’s sure he wants to be doing this with him, to remind him that
they both have dates waiting outside and that their last time together wasn’t
good at all but he is weak to the way Lan Wangji’s hands on him are
making him feel and to that hungry look behind those golden eyes.

Wei Wuxian wants. He wants so much that he let’s go of any pretense of not
being exactly where he wants to be and when Lan Wangji starts tugging on
the button of his jeans and zipper, Wei Wuxian has to bring up a hand to his
mouth to muffle the desperate sounds that continue to escape him.

Lan Wangji lowers his waistband but doesn’t touch the underwear just yet,
instead he puts some distance between them from where he had been
crowding him in the stall. Wei Wuxian is about to beg for him to come back
so they can keep grinding and rutting against each other like horny teens in
a locker room but instead all breath leaves him when Lan Wangji drops to
his knees in front of him to nuzzle against his own exposed thigh, right next
to Wei Wuxian’s hard cock, still hidden behind his underwear.

“Wei Ying, Can I?” Lan Wangji asks and Wei Wuxian throws his head back
and curses because the sight of Lan Wangji kneeling on a bathroom floor
asking for permission to suck his dick is a little bit too much for him to

“Y-Yeah. I have condoms in my front po-” Before he can finish Lan Wangji
slips a hand inside Wei Wuxian’s pocket, pulls out a condom, rips it open
with his teeth and stares at Wei Wuxian expectantly.
Wei Wuxian pulls out his dick haphazardly from where it strains against his
briefs but before he can do anything more, Lan Wangji takes it into his own
hand, long elegant fingers wrapped around it as he proceeds to place the
condom on the tip on Wei Wuxian’s flushed cock. Wei Wuxian expects Lan
Wangji to put it on like normal but instead Lan Wangji leans forward,
places his lips against the latex and uses his tongue to roll it on dexterously.

Without hesitance, his lips are around Wei Wuxian’s weeping length and he
is nearly lost in the overwhelming sensation of feeling his dick sink into the
warmth of Lan Wangji’s mouth.

Wei Wuxian curses as he curls in on himself, putting one hand on Lan

Wangji’s shoulder and balling up the other so he can bite down on his
knuckles and avoid crying out loud.

“Fuck, Lan Zhan-” Wei Ying moans around his fist. He has to redouble his
efforts to keep silent but doing so makes the noises of Lan Wangji sucking
Wei Wuxian’s cock sound all the more obscene. It’s a maddening sensation
that threatens to render him ruined.

Lan Wangji sucks him off with what feels like single minded determination,
each time he bobs his head Wei Wuxian can feel the tip of his length rub
against the back of Lan Wangji’s throat and still with each suck he seems to
want to take him in deeper.

Wei Wuxian closes his eyes, trembling with the effort to keep his hips still
and not fuck into Lan Wangji’s mouth with reckless abandon.

“Lan Zhan, I can’t, I’m close, fuck-” He tries to push himself off, to stop
himself from possibly choking him but Lan Wangji places a hand on Wei
Wuxian’s ass to pull him in until the tip of Lan Wangji’s nose is pressing
against the hairs at the base of Wei Wuxian’s crotch.

His eyes snap towards Lan Wangji when he feels, more than hears the other
man moan around him. That's how he notices Lan Wangji palming at his
own hardness as he continues sucking Wei Wuxian’s cock.
For a moment Lan Wangji looks up and their gazes lock, Wei Wuxian can
only gasp as he feels that familiar rush go through him, and then he’s
trembling and spasming as he cums inside of Lan Wangji’s warm mouth.

He closes his eyes as he is overcome with the feeling of his release.

Distantly, he can feel Lan Wangji moving away, he can hear the squeak of
the roll of toilet paper being pulled and the crinkling sound of it as Lan
Wangji uses it to help clean him up. He can’t help but feel immensely
touched by this.

When he finally opens his eyes, he stares at Lan Wangji who continues to
meticulously go about cleaning him up and tucking him back inside his
pants. He reaches down for the collar of the other man's shirt and on
impulse pulls Lan Wangji up so that he can kiss him again.

Lan Wangji complies with the request all too willingly, his lips crushing
against Wei Wuxian’s with force and passion that surpasses any of their
previous kisses. The sensation sets every single cell in Wei Wuxian’s body
on fire.

He moves his hand towards the front of Lan Wangji’s pants but suddenly
hands are being held tightly by Lan Wangji, his grip almost bruising. He
feels confused, after all, he knows Lan Wangji was hard and his kisses tell
him that he wants this, why is he stopping him?

“Lan Zhan, please, let me make you feel good too-” he practically begs as
he kisses along Lan Wangji’s jaw only for the hands around his wrist to
squeeze even tighter.

“There’s no need.” Lan Wangji answers, voice a little broken as he whispers

against Wei Wuxian’s hair. The words almost make Wei Wuxian falter,
remembering those same words being uttered to him in that hotel room so
long ago.

“You are not being very fair gege,” he whines against Lan Wangji’s neck
but when he glances down, he realizes why Lan Wangji said ‘there’s no
“Oh,” Wei Wuxian lets out, somehow incapable of moving his eyes from
the taletelling stain on the front of Lan Wangji’s slacks. It makes him want
to giggle in elation and relief.

“Goodness me gege, did you cream your-” his words are interrupted by the
sound of someone walking into the bathroom.

Wei Wuxian bites his lips in order to hold back his desire to laugh. He
hasn't been this reckless in a while. He glances at Lan Wangji who although
seems unbothered by the intrusion, Wei Wuxian can see things now, notices
the details he wouldn’t have before and he can tell that the dust of pink on
his ears is a telling sign that he is embarrassed.

He sighs quietly and leans his head against Lan Wangji’s chest, inhaling
deeply and finding his scent to be quite soothing. He’s a mess and he feels
unable to deal with all of the emotions rattling inside him but Lan Wangji’s
scent helps calm him down.

He closes his eyes, but even with his eyes closed he can see Lan Wangji, his
golden eyes, his kiss bitten mouth, he can hear his voice calling him ‘Wei
Ying’ .

Memories of their first night, of all the time they’ve spent together and of
what just happened between them, merge together until Wei Ying feels like
the edge of the cliff he’s been standing on isn’t quite so high as he thought.
Maybe instead of freefalling, he could take the risk and jump. He’s one part
trepidation and three parts hope as he stands on that edge, hoping that Lan
Wangji will hold out his arms to catch him if he leaps.

He feels a blossoming hope that maybe, contrary to what Yu Ziyuan used to

say to him, first impressions don’t really matter much at all.

He can hear water running which signifies the gentleman must be done, he
waits for the sound of the door and once it’s closed, he pulls away in order
to get some distance between them and to look firmly at Lan Wangji. The
other man seems reluctant to let him go, but does so, leaning back and
looking away, as if bracing himself for something.
“So?” he prompts, desperate to be tossed a rope in order to stop feeling so
adrift, something for his hope to have something to cling onto.

“I should go.” Lan Wangji says, pointedly looking down at the stain in his
pants. brow furrowed and ears still red with embarrassment at his current

Wei Wuxian can sympathize, he’s been there and having spunk drying in
one's pants can be a particularly torturous experience. Even so, the idea of
Lan Wangji leaving without addressing what just happened makes him feel
frazzled. He can’t wait until monday or whenever else they’ll see each other

He knows there’s people waiting for them outside and it’s rude as hell for
them to be here, having done what they just did but Wei Wuxian really can’t
bring himself to care all that much. Mianmian will forgive him. Maybe.

Just as Lan Wangji unlocks the stall and moves to open the door, Wei
Wuxian rushes forward and slams the stall door closed once again.

“No,” he hears himself say, somewhat detached from it all, like he’s acting
out of pure instinct rather than rational thought. It's exhilarating and a little
scary. Lan Wangji really has done a number on him.

“Wei Ying?”

He has to close his eyes, the sound of Lan Wangji saying his name has got
to be one of his favorite sounds in the world, better than any song out there.

“We should talk,” he pushes the words out and lifts his head to be at eye
level with Lan Wangji who truly looks spooked.

‘How did I ever find him emotionless?’

“I agree, but does it have to be here? Now?” Lan Wangji asks as he looks
around the cramped space of the stall and how Wei Wuxian is basically
caging him in against the door.
“Yes. It really, truly can’t wait.” He nods frantically as he says so, hands
shaking from nerves and excitement simultaneously twisting his stomach
into knots. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “You came here
after me,” Wei Wuxian says, doing his best to maintain eye contact with
Lan Wangji.

“Mn.” is all Lan Wangji says in reply but he meets Wei Wuxian’s gaze head
on, unflinching and determined which should be absolutely ridiculous with
the fact that his mouth still looks a little wet and the stain on his pants
glares at them accusingly but still, Wei Wuxian can’t help but shiver a little
at the intensity of having those eyes on him in any capacity.

“R-right,” He stutters out trying to put his feelings into words but feeling
that the task is simply too much and too big for his poor little heart which is
trying to pound right out of his chest, to handle. “Why?” He blurts out and
somehow manages not to smack himself in the face out of mortification for
just spitting out the question in such a way.

“You were here,” Lan Wangji says simply and now Wei Wuxian really does
bring a hand up to cover his face.

“Aiya Lan Zhan you really…” he sighs and straightens his shoulders so that
he’s looking right at Lan Wangji, “I was on a date.”


“You probably scared her away,”

“Good.” Lan Wangji says, looking particularly smug about it.

“You! Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian crosses his arms and shakes his head, “And
what about your date?”

Lan Wangji doesn’t even blink.

“He’ll survive.”

Wei Wuxian can’t help but find that answer weirdly endearing.
“So, is this it? A quick blowjob in a bathroom stall?”

“No,” Lan Wangji says, eyes almost pleading. “I’d like more, I’ll settle for
whatever you are willing to give, even if it’s just this.”

Wei Wuxian stands there feeling stunned.

“Lan Zhan, are you sure this is what you want? I mean aside from you
sucking my soul through my dick just now, we haven’t exactly had the best
compatibility in this sort of thing, we might just end up disappointed
again,” Wei Wuxian reminds him.

Lan Wangji steps away from the stall door he had been leaning against and
brings a hand to rub his knuckles against Wei Wuxian’s cheek. Just that
small touch is enough for Wei Wuxian’s eyes to fall shut and for him to feel
goosebumps over his skin.

“I don’t care so long as it’s you I’m with.” Lan Wangji says softly, golden
eyes boring into Wei Wuxian’s silver ones.

“You mean that?”


“But what if it is? Terrible, I mean. Utterly disappointing and boring and
bad and-”

Lan Wangji shuts him up with a kiss on his forehead.

“I find that I’d rather have disappointing sex with you than waste my time
around people whose company I don’t enjoy half as much as yours.”

Wei Wuxian looks up, heart in his throat at hearing those words.

“Lan Zhan, Do you really truly mean that?”

“I do.”

They both lean forward to meet halfway in a breath stealing kiss.

“Fuck, gege, can we go? We can go now, I need you and I need you now,
I’ve been going crazy all these weeks-” Wei Wuxian rambles as Lan Wangji
bites and nibbles on his bottom lip. The sounds of the door opening once
again makes them pull apart and then, when Lan Wangji winces due to the
discomfort caused by the mess inside his pants, they both agree that they
can continue their conversation elsewhere.

Once the door closes They step out and Lan Wangji goes to wash his hands.
Wei Wuxian is about to make some joke or another about how he didn’t
know someone so prim and proper would suck someone else in a bathroom
stall but is interrupted by the feeling of his phone vibrating.

It’s a text.

From Mianmian.

“Shit,” Wei Wuxian whispers before opening the message.

Mianmian: ‘You are officially the WORST! Did you forget you were
on a date with ME?! Don’t worry though! I paid the tab and called
Wen Qing to see if she wanted to hang out. She said yes FYI. I know
when I’m not needed! I saw your ‘friend’ 😏 go into the restroom after
you and considering the fact that the two of you were making fuck me
eyes at each other since he walked in, I took that as my cue to make
myself scarce . I would have stayed but voyerism is not one of my
kinks . I will love some deets though and venmo me your half of the
drinks! That wine was not cheap! Have fun Yuandao 😜!!!’

He ducks his head as he is unable to hold back a laugh. Lan Wangji looks at
him through the bathroom mirror, one eyebrow quirked up.

“Oh just my date, she uh, hopes we have fun tonight.” Wei Wuxian says
while rubbing the back of his neck but notices how Lan Wangji’s lips quirk
up, looking all too smug about it.

“Lan Zhan! She is really nice! Now I owe her an apology and so do you. Oh
crap, what about your own date? Shouldn’t you check if they are still
waiting or something?” Wei Wuxian asks worryingly only for Lan Wangji
to do something that seems like a shrug, only he barely moves at all. It’s
quite impressive.

“I told him the date was over before I left the table.”

“Wow, that’s cold Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian says with a smile. ‘It’s okay, that
other guy didn’t really suit Lan Zhan anyway’. He sends a quick apology to
Mianmian and tells her to tell Wen Qing that Lan Wangji showed up, ‘Wen
Qing can tell you the story! Sorry and thanks, you the bestest!!!!’

As they are about to head out, Lan Wangji seems to hesitate at the door
while staring down at his obvious cum stain. Wei Wuxian can’t help but
laugh at that, and even more so at the betrayed look that gets sent his way.

“Oh come on, you’ve never had to make the walk of shame out of a party
with a cum stain on your pants? Okay, just take off your jacket, drape it
over your arm and use it to cover yourself. Yeah, like that, there you go!”
Wei Wuxian instructs and once out, they walk together towards Lan
Wangji’s car with Wei Wuxian talking non stop the whole way.

Once settled inside the car Wei Wuxian stares appreciatively at Lan Wangji
and the picture that he makes as he pulls out of the parking lot and starts
driving towards his place. Lan Wangji extends a hand and Wei Wuxian
quickly takes it, feeling greedy for any and all forms of contact between

“Ok so, just to be perfectly clear, you like me. Right?” His question is met
with a glare that Wei Wuxian chooses to interpret as fondly exasperated.

“Yes, I like you.” Lan Wangji answers making Wei Wuxian feel all warm
and fuzzy on the inside.

“Since when?” he asks and Lan Wangji squeezes his hand a little more.

“Since the start,” he says, causing Wei Wuxian to chuckle.

“The soup kitchen? No wait, Since you saw me in that tattered hoodie at the
market? That was not a cute look at all, I was so embarrassed!”
“No, since before.” Lan Wangji corrects and Wei Wuxian can only gape at

“What do you mean since before? You mean that night?” When Lan Wangji
nods, Wei Wuxian turns his body to face him fully, feeling utterly

“No way! You looked so put off while we- and then you wouldn’t let me
touch you and -” as Wei Wuxian stares at him in confusion, Lan Wangji
keeps his eyes on the road, tracing circles against the back of Wei Wuxian’s
hand with his thumb.

He stays quiet until they stop at a red light and it is only then that Lan
Wangji looks back at him.

“I know I can come across as…difficult to understand-”

“You wouldn’t even say a thing! You seemed like you were bored!” Wei
Wuxian interrupts accusingly only to have his hand pinched.

“Not bored, ” Lan Zhan says as he lifts Wei Wuxian’s hand against his lips
to place a kiss on the skin he previously pinched. Wei Wuxian can’t help
inhaling sharply at that, “I found myself captivated,” another kiss,
“Mesmerized,” one against his knuckles, “Lost for words,” Lan Wangji
shifts his hold to turn his hand and place another kiss, this time against Wei
Wuxian’s wrist. “I was simply awed by you. Still am.”

Wei Wuxian has to remind himself to close his mouth and not drool all over
himself like a gaping-horny idiot.

“Alright. Ok. So wait, no, that doesn’t explain anything at all actually!” Lan
Wangji huffs against his wrist and Wei Wuxian can’t help the full body
shiver that the sensation elicits. The light changes and the car is once again
in motion.

“I don’t typically pick up guys at bars,” Lan Wangji starts off saying and he
nods thinking that with everything else he knows about the man that
actually does make sense, “I usually chat with someone before…”
“Taking them to bed?”

“Yes,” Lan Wangji says, sneaking a quick glance in his direction before
focusing back on the road, “I have been told I can be rough and somewhat
intimidating so at the beginning I was trying not to scare you off. After, I
wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you or do anything you wouldn’t like-”

“Oh but I like it rough!” he says and watches how Lan Wangji sends a
hungry gaze his way, hand tightening his hold on both his hand and the
steering wheel.

“Yes well, at the time I didn’t know that, and your words were,” Lan
Wangji swallows, “confusing.”

Wei Wuxian thinks about that for a moment and tries to visualize their night
together from a new perspective provided by this information.

“So, you weren’t bored?”

Lan Wangji makes a sound that almost sounds like a laugh.


“But you didn’t let me touch you at the end.”

“You looked as if you were about to cry and seemed to not be enjoying it,”
Lan Wangji frowns “If I hurt you-”

“No! Not at all! I just felt like maybe you weren’t all that into it.” Wei
Wuxian admits feeling like some silly teenager who made a big deal out of
nothing. Wen Qing will never let him live this down. He sighs, “I wish we
had talked back then, when you left-” at this Lan Wangji turns toward him
looking upset.

“You left.”

“Wei Ying, I went to get a wet towel to help you clean off, when I came
back you were gone.”

Wei Wuxian can only blink stupidly at Lan Wangji as he pulls over into the
driveway of what Wei Wuxian assumes must be his home. A small
bungalow type of house at least twenty minutes away from the busy city
life. It is charming with a cute little garden that makes it look serene and

Wei Wuxian doesn’t say anything as he steps out of the car and takes a deep
breath. Lan Wangji walks out of the car too and comes to stand near him.

“Wei Ying?” He asks tentatively only for Wei Wuxian to turn around and
practically jump into Lan Wangji’s arms.

The impact almost causes them both to fall but Lan Wangji manages to
remain upright as Wei Wuxian pulls him into a messy kiss.

“Lan Zhan, I say a lot of nonsense. Don’t mind it, okay? And I’m a little
oblivious so please, be patient with me. As for the sex, I want you to be as
rough as you want to be with me and If I say it’s too much then just keep
going because that means I’m really enjoying it. If I don’t like something

“Wei Ying, Color.”

“Fuck yes, you brilliant, brilliant man, green, so green.” Wei Wuxian words
cut off into moans as Lan Wangji gropes and manhandles him inside the

It’s a lovely home, he is sure of it even though he can barely spare a glance
at his surroundings while Lan Wangji continues to lick into his mouth and
tug at his clothes. He is infinitely grateful that the drive over was enough of
a refractory period for his dick to be very up and willing for what they plan
to do.

Lan Wangji’s hands are everywhere and Wei Wuxian reciprocates with
eagerness as he too lets his hands roam all over the other man’s arms, his
back, his ass. It's important for Wei Wuxian to reiterate that it's quite a nice
and well toned ass.

“You work out don’t you? God, how are you even real?” he asks just as he
lets his hands reach for the front of Lan Wangji’s pants. Lan Wangji tenses
and leans his hip back. Wei Wuxian is confused for a moment until he

“Oh, right, you should yeah.” he says with a grin as they disentangle. He
casts a cursory look around the room and lets his eyes trail off towards
where he assumes the bedroom might be,

“I could join you or If you tell me where you keep the lube I can get started
while you clean up? After all, ” Wei Wuxian gives his most seductive and
sultry smirk, “I gotta work myself up to four fingers, right gege?”

Lan Wangji’s gaze darkens once more in a way that is becoming all too
familiar and exciting to Wei Wuxian. It makes him feel exhilarated to
witness it and to know what it means. Lan Wangji steps forward and grabs
his wrist with nearly bruising strength.

If asked, Wei Wuxian would have to admit he enjoys the casual display of
strength quite a lot.

“Don’t. Wait for me. I’ll do it.” Lan Wangji says, his voice sounding as
strained as his grip on Wei Wuxian’s wrist is. He leans forward, licking his
lips before whispering against Lan wangji’s ear.

“Hmmm then you better hurry gege, I’m already so, so hard for you.”

The sharp inhale of breath from Lan Wangji makes him preen with
satisfaction and he walks backwards towards the bedroom Lan Wangji
points him to.

He makes his way there with a huge smile plastered on his face. Lan
Wangji’s room is sparsely decorated but still manages to have its own
charm. There’s a few pictures on his nightstand. Lan Wangji along with a
man around his age who just looks just like him, most likely his brother,
another with an older man who must be his uncle and lastly there’s one with
all of them plus a couple and a child whom Wei Wuxian recognizes as
Jingyi and his parents.

He lets his fingers trace along the frame of that last one and his eyes catch
on the barely there smile on Lan Wangji’s face.

‘He really isn’t that expressive even now, I wonder when I started noticing
the subtle shifts in his expression’.

He turns towards the bed which he is pleased to see is bigger than his own.
He can’t resist the temptation to sit down on it and bounce a little. It feels
sturdy enough.

Wei Wuxian leans back, allowing himself to fall into the sheets. He finds a
pillow right next to his face and he can’t stop himself from holding it up to
his nose and inhaling deeply. It smells like Lan Wangji.

He feels an all too familiar heat and warmth in his gut, his pants once again
feeling a bit too tight. He gives in to the urge to at least remove his clothes,
Lan Wangji told him not to touch himself but he didn't say anything about
whether or not he could undress while he waited. Smiling mischievously he
takes off his shirt, his pants and his underwear and throws it all haphazardly
on the ground. He had kicked his shoes off as soon as they made it through
the front door so that’s alright. It’s like he’s leaving a trail for Lan Wangji to
follow and at the end the prize is a naked Wei Wuxian.

He’s just laid back down when Lan Wangji walks into the room and freezes
by the door. Apparently Lan Wangji decided to put on a pair of sweatpants
and nothing else so Wei Wuxian takes a moment to let his eyes trail
hungrily along every exposed inch of Lan Wangji, he can’t help but bite his

He blinks before propping himself up on his elbows, his legs crossed at the
ankles and his hard dick fully on display as he gazes seductively at Lan
“Hey handsome, come here often?” he asks with a smile. He ends up
smiling even wider when he sees a flash of recognition on Lan Wangji’s
face, a throwback to that night. He wonders how he’ll respond and waits
patiently as Lan Wanji’s gaze trails all over his naked body.

“I’m planning to.” Lan Wangji answers back with a cocky smirk. Two
things happen simultaneously. Half of Wei Wuxian’s entire blood supply
rushes to his dick making it twitch and the other half rushes to his cheeks
making him blush.

“Lan Zhan! You can’t just say things like that! Without warning too- I
thought out of the two of us I was the shameless one!”

Lan Wangji walks over to the bed and reaches forward, grabbing him by the
ankles and pulling him toward him so that his legs fall open and Lan Wangji
ends up towering over him.

Lan Wangji leans forward and braces himself by putting his hands on either
side of his head.

“Consider this your warning Wei ying,” He says before turning his head to
kiss along Wei Wuxian’s neck. “I don’t plan to hold back this time.”

Before Wei Wuxian can even figure out what’s happening, He’s being
kissed within an inch of his life. They are a tangle of limbs and tongues.

Wei Wuxian feels desire course through his veins as Lan Wangji lays some
of his weight down on him. The sensation of having Lan Wangji on top of
him is maddening and Wei Wuxian can’t help but move his hips against him
seeking some friction. He only manages to rut against him twice before Lan
Wangji is pulling away and rummaging around his nightstand for condoms
and lube.

Deciding to do a little bit of teasing, Wei Wuxian holds himself by the back
of his knees, leaving his ass perfectly exposed. To make the picture even
more enticing, he consciously makes his hole flutter a little and grins when
he sees how it affects Lan Wangji whose grip on the bottle of lube is hard
enough for his knuckles to turn white.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji rasps out, sounding almost bullied.

“What Lan Zhan? Is something the matter?” he asks with fake innocence,
Lan Wangji must realize it because suddenly, he is leaning forward, his face
near Wei Wuxian’s crotch and before Wei WuXian can even wonder about
what he’s planning to do he feels a sharp pain in his inner thigh.

Lan Wangji is biting him!

“Lan Zhan! Fuck! That hurts!” He cries, half indignant and half too turned
on by the possibility of the imprint of Lan Wangji’s teeth remaining for him
to actually care. Lan Wangji places a gentle kiss on the place where he
previously bit as a way to soothe the throbbing ache, before opening the
bottle of lube and spreading some on his fingers.

“How many do you want?” He asks and for a moment Wei Wuxian
considers saying ‘all of them’ but maybe that’s something they can explore
at a later time.

“Just two.” He whispers, unable to stop himself from trembling as he

continues to hold his legs up to allow Lan Wangji easy access.

“You sure?”

“Fuck yes, Lan Zhan, I’m sure just, Ah~” His words trail off into a moan as
Lan Wangji sinks one of his fingers inside all the way to the hilt.

He lets go of his legs, letting them rest on Lan Wangji’s shoulders and
places his hands on the back of his neck. His short nails clawing at
whatever skin they can reach from how good it feels. Before he can
complain about how mean Lan Wangji is to him, he starts moving that one
finger in and out at a torturously slow pace.

“You are so cruel Lan Zhan, so mean, that feels, ah,” Wei Wuxian can only
let out little punched out sounds as Lan Wangji starts moving that finger
quicker, setting a rhythm that’s not enough to get him close, but enough to
drive him mad with how good it feels.
“Lan Zhan, I need more, please, I need more!” He whines pathetically only
for Lan Wangji to lean down and wrap his teeth against one of his nipples.
He gives a sharp quick bite before tugging on the sensitive nub and playing
with it, rolling his tongue around it.

Wei Wuxian looks down, wanting to cry about the mistreatment he’s getting
but one look at Lan Wangji’s half hooded eyes makes him choke on a moan.
He feels Lan Wangji smirk against his chest as a second finger is pushed
against his rim relentlessly until Wei Wuxian can feel it slide in until there's
a second knuckle against his hole.

“Fuck me,” Wei Wuxian cries out as Lan Wangji curls those fingers inside
of him making precum leak steadily from the tip of his dick, painting his
abdomen with it.

“I plan to,” Lan Wangji says in a voice that sounds even more strained than
before. He gives one final suck to Wei Wuxian’s nipple, letting go with an
audible plop and then leans back, using the hand that doesn’t have two
fingers buried to the hilt inside Wei Wuxian’s ass, to grab a condom.

He hands it to Wei Wuxian expectancy who, copying what Lan Wangji had
done earlier in the bathroom, uses the edge of his teeth to tear the little
packet open. He smirks when He sees Lan Wangji’s eyes narrow further and
without asking for permission he grabs the condom and moves his hands
towards the waistband of Lan Wangji’s pants.

“May I?” He asks coquettishly only for Lan Wangji to groan as he yanks his
pants down and kicks them off quickly with jerky movements. Lan
Wangji’s cock springs free from where it had been tenting the gray sweats.
Wei Wuxian lets out an appreciative whistle, or at least tries to since his
efforts are interrupted by a sharp twist on Lan Wangji’s finger inside of him
which cuts him off with a cry of the man’s own name from Wei Wuxian’s

They fumble a little with the condom as the angle doesn’t allow for Wei
Wuxian to reach while Lan Wangji continues to finger him.
With a pout that shouldn't be half as adorable as Wei Wuxian finds it to be,
Lan Wangji removes his fingers leaving him to feel almost bereft at the
sudden loss. Lan Wangji is quick to quiet his whimpers by leaning down to
kiss him all the while they struggle to get the condom on. It’s difficult for
Wei Wuxian to help him put on the condom while simultaneously focusing
on Lan Wangji’s lips on his own but somehow they manage.

“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, hurry, I’ve been thinking about having you inside of
me again for so long, I didn’t think you’d want to try again but, fuck, you
felt so big and so good.” He says as he wraps his legs around Lan Wangji’s
hips to urge him to fuck into him already.

“I’ve been thinking about it too,” Lan Wangji growls into his mouth as he
lines himself up and pushing inside with a single thrust.

The words, the sensation, the satisfaction is such that Wei Wuxian cries out
as his orgasm takes him by surprise. His cum shoots out, landing partly on
his stomach and partly all over Lan Wangji’s own.

Lan Wangji looks as surprised as Wei Wuxian feels by the fact that he came
so quickly and untouched at that.

“Did you just-?”Lan Wangji asks but cuts himself off as his surprise quickly
twists into something much more feral as he drags his cock out and then
slams back in making Wei Wuxian’s entire body arch into it.

“Wait, gege! That’s too much! I just came, slow down! I can’t!”

“You can.” Is all Lan Wangji says before he sets a brutal rythm that has Wei
Wuxian crying and sobbing from how overstimulated he feels.

The stretch, the slight sting, the overstimulation, all of it makes him feel so
so good that he can’t stop the tears gathering in his eyes from falling down
his cheeks. Lan Wangji sees that and leans forward to kiss them away, all
the while keeping to his relentless pace.

“Color?” He whispers and Wei Wuxian can only whine as he whispers

“Good.” Wei Wuxian hears before his mouth is once again pried open by
Lan Wangji’s tongue insistently licking into every corner of his mouth and
stealing his breath away.

Between the sounds of their skin slapping against each other, the whimpers
escaping Wei Wuxian and the indecent noises produced as they pant into
each other’s mouths, Wei Wuxian thinks there really isn’t a need for him to
talk all that much.

It’s good, really good but Wei Wuxian can’t help but feel a little sore from
getting fucked so hard and for so long. His legs are trembling, he’s a mess
of sweat, spit, cum and tears. His cock is somehow valiantly half hard but
Wei Wuxian really doubts he’ll be able to come again so soon, he really
needs a little break.

“Lan Zhan, have mercy gege please! Spare me,” He begs Lan Wangji who
instead just slams into him even harder.

He continues to beg but Lan Wangji just ignores his plights, it feels
torturously delicious even if Wei Wuxian can barely take it anymore. Each
drag of Lan Wangji’s cock inside him makes him cry out.

“Lan Zhan come on, be a good boy and come for your Wei Ying, hm?” All
of a sudden Lan Wangji groans, burying his face against Wei Wuxian’s neck
as his body spasms, hips moving jerkily as he comes.

Wei Wuxian holds him through it, carding his fingers through his hair as
Lan Wangji continues to tremble slightly from the aftershocks of his
release. When Lan Wangji turns to plant a kiss against his cheek, Wei
Wuxian snorts.

“Say Lan Zhan, back then, Was the reason you told me not to call you a
good boy is that you were scared it would make you shoot your load early?”
His question earns him a harsh bite on the shoulder.

“Lan Zhan! You really are too mean! Stop biting me!” he complains but he
can’t hold back his laughter at the all too endearing reaction. When he looks
at Lan Wangji’s face he can see the edges of a smile on his face too.
Lan Wangji pulls out and extends his hands towards Wei Wuxian to help
him climb out of bed. Wei Wuxian laughs as he stands on shaky legs and
they both can barely keep a straight face as Lan Wangji leads him to the
bathroom with him making the trip with all the grace of a newborn fawn.

They make it to the shower where Lan Wangji diligently cleans him up and
patiently puts up with Wei Wuxian’s endless teasing about whether or not
he has a kink about bathing sexy men.

His teasing backfires when Lan Wangji looks at him with a deadpan
expression and says “just you,” before kissing his forehead and making him
melt like a popsicle in dry summer heat.

After they clean up they make their way back to the bedroom where they
lay side by side, Lan Wangji looking content and satisfied while Wei
Wuxian feels giddy with excitement.

“That was good, right?” He asks. Lan Wangji blinks before grabbing him by
the waist and pulling him closer so that they are cuddling face to face.


“Fuck, Lan Zhan. I’m too fucked out to move. How am I supposed to get
back home?” Wei Wuxian asks as he buries his face on Lan Wangji’s

“You could stay.”

“I could?”


“Does,” He swallows, nerves suddenly making him shy, “I mean do you,

would you like to, do this more often?”

“I meant what I said earlier. I want you. Only you.”

“Oh, ok.” Wei Wuxian says from where he’s still hiding his face against
Lan Wangji’s chest. “So, are we dating?”
“I sure hope so.”

“Say gege, how’s your refractory period?” Wei Wuxian asks. When Lan
Wangji confirmed to him that he would like to continue exploring what they
have, Wei Wuxian’s previously limp dick suddenly became very interested
in the conversation.

“I could go again in a few minutes, why?”

“Because,” Wei Wuxian pushes Lan Wangji back against the bed and
straddles him, smiling cockily down at him, “It was good, but they say
practice makes perfect and I’m willing to practice all night long if you are.
Heck, we can keep going every day until we are 100% in tune with one
another, what do you say, Lan Zhan?”

“Mark your words”.

Come morning, Wei Wuxian wishes he could eat the words he uttered the
previous night, as his continuous cries for mercy are utterly ignored by Lan
Wangji who isn't even the slightest bit inclined to stop.

“Everyday is everyday,”

“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, yes but when I said everyday I didn’t mean I was
okay with the day starting before 9! Gege! Where are you putting your
mouth?! Wait, Lan Zhan!”

The end.

Chapter End Notes

CW: Miscommunication, undernegotiated kinks, Slight con-non-con.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!
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