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Sabhya Sachdeva

Measuring Gas Exchange & Its Relationship To Sunlight

Introduction Cell Respiration corresponds to the process that converts chemical energy of organic molecules into a form that is immediately useable as energy by organisms. Glucose may be oxidized completely if sufcient oxygen is available, by the following equation. C6H12O6 + 6O2 (g) -----> 6 H2O + 6CO(2) (g) + energy All organisms, including plants and animals carry out cellular respiration. The Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide used and produced by cellular respiration need to be exchanged with the gases in the air. This is called gas exchange. To measure the rate of gas exchange, the pressure change due to the consumption of oxygen by an organism will be measured. The pressure sensor measures the total pressure change. As the equation shows, Carbon Dioxide is produced as oxygen is consumed. The pressure due to CO2 might cancel out any change in total gas pressure due to the consumption of oxygen. To eliminate this problem, a chemical will be added that will selectively remove CO2. Potassium hydroxide, KOH, will chemically react with CO2 by the following equation: 2 KOH + CO2 ----> K2CO3 + H2O This will allow you to monitor pressure changes exclusively due to the consumption of oxygen. Research Question What effect does prolonged exposure (long duration) to sunlight have on the cellular respiration of hamsters? Six different trials for each a hamster exposed and unexposed to sunlight will be conducted to measure the effects of prolonged sunlight on the cellular respiration of hamsters. Hypothesis If hamsters are exposed to sunlight then the amounts of O2 consumed by the hamsters will also increase. This will reduce gas pressure in the glass container signicantly since the hamsters will be more active due to sunlight being one of the external cues of the circadian cycle (Hogan, D). Higher activity will increase gas exchange, and thus the also increase the consumption of O2 by the hamster. With all CO2 being absorbed by the KOH, the amount of oxygen will get less and less, reducing gas pressure in the container. When the hamster is not exposed to sunlight, the decrease in gas pressure in

Sabhya Sachdeva

the glass container will be slower since the hamster will be less active and the consumption of O2 by the hamster will be relatively normal. (Campbell, N) Variables Independent Variable: The independent variable will be the duration of exposure to light for the hamsters. There will be two types of exposures during this experiment: exposure to sunlight, and exposure to no sunlight. Data will be measured over a 30-minute period for each type of exposure. Pressure after rst 5-minutes of exposure will be measured then pressure after the next 5-minutes of exposure and so on until the 30-minutes are over. This allows for 6 different durations (trials) over a 30-minute period of exposure. This process will remain consistent for both types of exposures. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the measurement of the rate of cell respiration being carried out by the hamsters. This will be measured by the pressure change (kPa) in the glass container that the experiment will be conducted in using a Gas Pressure Sensor that will accurately broadcast changes in pressure (kPa). Controlled Variables: Controlled variables will be used to maintain higher statistical accuracy and to eliminate possible errors that would make this experiment invalid. These controlled variables include:

Sabhya Sachdeva

Table 1: Controlled Variables Variable Robrovski Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) Control Method Age: 1 month Gender: Masculine Length: 10-12 cm Same hamster will be used to keep hamster weight, height, health and etc. consistent. Same brand and measuring equipment will be used throughout the experiment to maintain statistical accuracy. All equipment will be thoroughly cleaned. 6 buds of cotton used to absorb potassium hydroxide will remain consistent throughout trials. 3 wads of non-absorbent cotton used to cover saturated cotton to prevent hamster from touching KOH. Will remain consistent throughout trials. Amount of potassium hydroxide used for each trial will be the same (20mL) and controlled using a graduated cylinder. The location where all trials are conducted will be the same to maintain humidity, air pressure, and etc. 500ml container with opening for cork seal will be used throughout the experiment. The cork seal allows air to remain trapped within the container, stimulating higher statistical accuracy. Same container is used to maintain the characteristics of the container such as opening width, glass thickness, length and etc., for all 6 trials.


Absorbent Cotton

Non-Absorbent Cotton

Potassium hydroxide (KOH)


Container & Cork Seal (Single-holed rubber-stopper)

Uncontrollable Variables Temperature for this experiment cannot be controlled due to sunlight naturally being a transporter of heat.

Sabhya Sachdeva

NOTE: The cork seal must be shut tightly and securely in order to maintain certainty that no air can escape or enter the glass container. The use of Vaseline around the cork can help induce Materials -Computer (MacBook) -Vernier Computer Interface -Logger Pro software -1 Vernier Gas Pressure Sensor -100 ml 15% KOH in a bottle -1 Robrovski Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii)* -500 g of wood soil -20 mL graduated cylinder -100 g bag of thumb-size absorbent cotton balls -100 g bag of thumb-size non-absorbent lab cotton -1 pair of forceps -500 mL glass container -1 single-holed rubber-stopper assembly (cork seal) *Robrovski hamsters were chosen due to their relative commonality around the globe and average length of 9-13cm. This keeps the variables somewhat consistent regardless of locality. (Foster, S) Procedure 1. Connect the plastic tubing to the valve on the Gas Pressure Sensor. 2. Connect the Gas Pressure Sensor to the computer interface. 3. Place a 3 cm wad of absorbent cotton in the bottom of the 500mL glass container. 4. Add 20ml of KOH using the graduated cylinder to 6 buds of absorbent cotton to completely saturate it. Do not put so much that the liquid can easily run out of the tube. Note: Do not allow any of the KOH to touch the sides of the glass container. The sides should be completely dry, or the KOH may damage the hamster. 5. Place and spread 3 wads of non-absorbent cotton over the KOH saturated cotton. 6. Pad the non-absorbent cotton well with wood soil. This minimizes the chances of the hamster interacting with the KOH. 7. Place the hamster in the glass container. CAUTION: KOH solution is highly caustic. Do not spill it on clothes or skin. In addition, do not allow the hamster touch or swallow it.

Sabhya Sachdeva

8. Place the glass container in sunlight or shade depending on the experimenters preference for the rst six trials. 9. Insert a single-holed rubber-stopper into the glass container. 10. Click continue to begin collecting data. 11. Data collection will end after 5 minutes. Monitor the pressure reading displayed in the live readouts on the toolbar.(If the pressure exceeds 130 kPa, the pressure inside the tube will be too great and the rubber stopper is likely to pop off. Disconnect the plastic tubing from the Gas Pressure Sensor if the pressure exceeds 130 kPa) 12. The rate of gas exchange can be measured by examining the slope of the pressure change vs. time plot at the right of the screes, as long as you are still seeing the same data recording program. 13. Calculate a linear regression for the pressure change vs. time graph: a) Click on the Pressure Change vs. Time graph to select it. b) Click the Linear Fit button to perform a linear regression. Figure 1: Set-up of hamster in 500ml container A oating box will appear with the formula for the best t line. 14. Move your data to a stored data menu. To do this, choose Store Latest Run from the Experiment menu. 15. Continue steps 10-14 for 5 more trials. 16. Repeat steps 3-7 and conduct steps 10-14 for 6 more trials again in shade or sunlight depending on the initially exposure chosen.

Sabhya Sachdeva

Bibliography: Campbell, Neil A. "Chapter 22: Gas Exchange." Biology: Concepts Connections. San " Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2009. Print.

Foster, and Smith. "5 Most Popular Hamster Breeds: Which Is Right for Me?" Pet " " " Supplies | "Dog & Cat Supplies, Pet Meds | Pet Products. 2011. Web. 23 May " 2011. < aid=2053>.

Hogan, Dan. "Circadian Rhythm." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, ! " Environment & Technology. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.

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