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Academic integrity

Academic integrity is a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law that should guide
participants in the educational process during learning, teaching and scientific (creative) activities in
order to ensure trust in learning outcomes and/or scientific (creative) achievements.

Violation of academic integrity:

 academic plagiarism is the revealing (partially or totally) of scientific (creative) results

obtained by other persons as the results of their own research (creativity) and/or
reproduction of published texts (published works of art) of other authors without attribution;
 self-plagiarism - (partial or complete) disclosure of one's own previously published
scientific results as new ones;
 fabrication - making up data or facts used in the educational process or scientific research;
 falsification - deliberate change or modification of existing data concerning the educational
process or scientific research;
 cheating - making written work with the involvement of external sources of information,
except for those permitted for use, in particular when assessing learning outcomes;
 deception - providing deliberately false information about one's own educational (scientific,
creative) activities or the organisation of the educational process; forms of deception are
academic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication, falsification and cribbing;
 bribery - giving (receipt) or an offer to provide (receive) funds, property, services, benefits
or any other benefits of a material or intangible nature by the participant of the educational
process in order to obtain an undue advantage in the educational process;
 biased assessment - deliberate overestimation or underestimation of the assessment of
learning outcomes of education seekers;
 in course of the assessment of the educational performance, providing the students with any
assistance or creating any obstacles that are not envisaged by the conditions and/or
procedures of such assessment;
 interference (such as asking, persuading, instructing, threatening, forcing, etc.) on any
member of the teaching or academic staff with the purpose of the biased assessment of
educational performance..

obtaining academic integrity

For pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific staff

 reference to the sources of information when using ideas, study aids, assertions, information;
 compliance with the legislation on copyright and related rights;
 the provision of accurate information about methods and results of the research, the sources
of information used and their own pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical and creative)
 control over the observance of academic integrity by education seekers;
 objective assessment of learning outcomes.

For applicants for higher education

 independent fulfilment of educational tasks, tasks of current and final control of learning
outcomes (for persons with special educational needs, this requirement is applied taking into
account their individual needs and capabilities);
 reference to the sources of information when using ideas, study aids, assertions, information;
 compliance with the legislation on copyright and related rights;
 provision of reliable information about the results of own educational (scientific, creative)
activities, used research methods and sources of information.
Academic responsibility for violation of academic integrity

For pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific staff

 refusal to award a degree of scientific and educational or educational and creative level or
the awarded academic title;
 deprivation of the awarded degree of scientific and educational or educational and creative
level or the awarded academic title;
 refusal to award or deprive the assigned pedagogical title, qualification category;
 deprivation of the right to participate in the activities of bodies specified by law or to hold
positions specified by law.

For applicants for higher education

 repeated passing of assessment (test, exam, credit test, etc.);

 repeated passing of the relevant component of the educational program;
 expulsion from the educational institution (except for persons receiving general secondary
 deprivation of academic scholarship;
 deprivation of benefits provided by the educational institution for tuition fees.

Implementation of the latest standards

Implementation of NATO standards

» I (Bachelor's) level of higher education

» II (Master's) level of higher education

Implementation of the CCC programme

» Implementation of a unified training programme for representatives of EU border guard agencies

in the educational process

Introduction of innovative technologies

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Guard Service Department, 2020) "Innovative approach to short-
term border quests, which provides the use of conventional signs on graphic operational and service
documents of the unit"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Guard Service Department, 2020) "Using the capabilities of the
Newline ТruTouch interactive panel to improve the effectiveness of training in military specialised
disciplines for future border guard officers"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Guard Service Department, 2020) "On conducting classes using
distance learning technologies"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Psychology, Pedagogy and Socio-Economic Department, 2021) "The use
of the "Case study" in the teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines"
» Best Practices Bulletin (Foreign Languages Department, 2021) "Effectiveness of interactive
lectures in teaching language disciplines"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Security Department, 2021) "Features of the methodology for
preparing and conducting lecture (group) classes with students of the Faculty of Executive Staff

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Guard Service Department, 2021) "Experience of conducting a
field practical training in the discipline "Border Guard Service" on actions in the border patrol

» Best Practices Bulletin (Physical Training and Personal Security Department, 2021)
"Methodology for Preparing and Conducting Lectures on the Discipline "Physical Training" with
Students of the Faculty of Executive Staff Training"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Physical Training and Personal Security Department, 2021) "Experience
in Preparing and Conducting Practical Training with Cadets of the Faculty of Operational and
Service Activities in the Discipline of Physical Education, Personal Security and Use of Force"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Guard Service Department, 2021) "Methods of creating and using
the interactive quest game "Border Monopoly"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Marksmanship and Tactical and Special Training Department)
"Methodological advice on conducting a practical lesson on the topic: "Shooting training.
Performing of initial exercises of training shooting"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Foreign Languages Department, 2021) "Modern Approaches to the
Assessment of Professional Foreign Language Competence of Future Border Guard Officers"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Vehicles and Border Guard Engineering Department, 2021) "Experience
of using the modular environment on the Moodle platform by the Department of Vehicles and
Border Guard Engineering"

» Best Practices Bulletin (National Security and Management Department, 2020) "Experience with
distance learning tools and technologies (Zoom platform) during classes"

» Best Practices Bulletin (Vehicles and Border Guard Engineering Department, 2021) "Experience
of using the modular environment of the department in the study of the discipline "Fundamentals of
the Design of Armoured Vehicles""

» Best Practices Bulletin (Vehicles and Border Guard Engineering Department, 2020) "Experience
of conducting a demonstration lesson in the discipline "Automobiles and Engines""

» Best Practices Bulletin (Border Guard Service Department, 2021) "Innovative methodological
approaches to conducting lectures on military specialised disciplines"

Implementation of gender policy

» Updating the educational material to incorporate gender elements

» Results of updating the educational material to incorporate gender elements

Scientific schools
Scientific school under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr

» Qualification card of the scientific school

Scientific school under the guidance of a Doctor of Military Sciences,

Professor Anatolii Mysyk

» Qualification card of the scientific school

Scientific directions and research results

Topics of scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments in the State
Border Guard Service of Ukraine for 2021-2023 "SCIENCE FOR THE BORDER"

Thematic plan of scientific research projects 2022

Science in Time of War

Journal «Science in Time of War». Release ІІ.

War is a confrontation not only of human muscles and nerves, but also a confrontation of intellect.
It is science next to the security and defense sector and diplomacy that has become the third driving
force in confronting Russian aggression. In these difficult conditions of martial law, scientific,
scientific and pedagogical workers of the National Academy and practitioners use the journal
"SCIENCE IN TIME OF WAR" as a think tank that can coordinate actions between scientists and
practitioners, is a platform for dialogue with the maximum circle of specialists and independent
experts in the field of national security to form a national scientific coalition in support of the
development of border education and science. The war has become a serious test for educators,
scientists and practitioners, which everyone must pass successfully. Today, border guard scientists
are passing this exam, which results in the transformation of "scientific philosophy" into a practical
dimension that is extremely necessary for our brothers in arms.

International humanitarian law for the protection of a prisoner of war: questions of brothers in arms
- answers of lawyers: adviser

The adviser was developed on the basis of the norms of international humanitarian law and national
legislation in the field of treatment of prisoners of war and protection of their rights, as well as
practical experience of the activities of Ukrainian military formations to repel the armed aggression
of russia. It is intended for servicemen of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and other
military formations, law enforcement personnel, students and cadets of higher military educational
institutions, and other readers who will be interested in the issue of international humanitarian law
in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Journal «Science in Time of War». Release І.

In the context of hostilities, conducting scientific research is an extremely difficult process due to
the restriction of access to certain information resources and the participation of scientific staff in
repelling military aggression and performing tasks to protect the independence, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Ukraine. In view of this, for further research, it is important to collect and
systematize the facts, events and phenomena in the country, the experience of warfare by the
components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, the study of regulatory conflicts and
social problems that arise in conditions of war. Information and analytical materials should become
the basis and source material for researchers of the future. For this purpose, the staff of the Research
Department of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is launching a
series of releases of the analytical journal "Science in Time of War". The publications contain an
information and analytical review of the course of the war and thematically aimed at scientific
support of the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The publication is intended
for scientific and academic staff, cadets of higher military educational institutions, and everyone
who is interested in the problems of the functioning of the security and defense sector of Ukraine
under martial law.


The adviser describes the practical experience that can be used to preserve the life and health of a
fighter, describes the basics of tactical medicine, the psychology of combat, in particular the order
of actions of a fighter during a stressful situation in various conditions of combat missions, elements
of equipment, and also contains the provisions of legislation on liability for military criminal
offenses. It can be used by servicemen and law enforcement officers, members of public
formations, citizens of Ukraine who participate in national resistance and hostilities.

Research works

Improvement of the border management system and optimization of the structure of the department
through the creation and further functioning of the three-level management system of the State
Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The organizational structure of the administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is
analyzed, problematic issues are identified. Legal and organizational mechanisms for improving the
border management system and optimizing the structure of department bodies by creating and
further functioning of the three-level management system of the State Border Guard Service of
Ukraine are considered

Methods for calculating the efficiency of building the protection of the state border and its standards

A methodology for determining the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the use of forces and
means of border units has been developed. An electronic version of the calculation of criteria was
created with the introduction of numerical data and efficiency factors for each site to be
investigated, and the final value of its efficiency indicator for the placement of forces and means
was displayed.

Scientific expedition to the area of the joint special border operation "Polissia"

Proposals for improving the legal regulation of the use of forces and means by the State Border
Guard Service of Ukraine in cooperation with other components of the security and defense sector
of Ukraine in responding to crisis situations on the state border have been worked out.

Formation and Development of Leadership Capability in the Servicemen of the State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine

The pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness for the leadership of future border guard
officers in the process of professional training have been substantiated. The model of formation of
leadership readiness of future officers-border guards in the process of professional training has been
developed. The content, forms and methods of leadership of future border guard officers in the
process of professional training have been improved.

Procedure for checking the level of professional training in the bodies of the State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine

Recommendations to the heads of the bodies of the State Border Guard Service for the organization
and conduct of events to check the level of professional training of subordinate military personnel
of units and bodies were substantiated. An algorithm for determining the rational use of mobile
border units in a special period has been developed. Illustrative examples of models of rational use
of mobile border units in conditions of complication of the situation are given.

Technological peculiarities of detecting explosive objects with the use of remotely controlled
systems during the entry of units into the temporarily occupied territories

Methods for constructing models of mine signatures based on sectorization of the spectral range and
unmasking features of mines on the landscape on which they are installed and the formation of
requirements for specific technical means of mine reconnaissance in the visible range of
wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum installed on an unmanned aerial vehicle, which is
based on a model of mine signatures for specific technical means of reconnaissance of an unmanned
aircraft, have been developed.

Organisational and tactical support for the inspection of the scene in case of violation of the land
section of the state border of Ukraine

The current state of organisational and tactical support for the inspection of the scene of an incident
in case of violation of the land section of the state border of Ukraine is investigated. Directions for
improving the inspection of the scene of an incident in case of violation of the land section of the
State border of Ukraine are proposed. Recommendations for improving the relevant legal and
forensic support are developed.

Draft Regulatory Acts on the Regulation of Scientific Activities of the State Border Guard Service
of Ukraine

Draft regulations "On the Organisation of Scientific and Technical Activities in the State Border
Guard Service of Ukraine" and "Regulations on the Council for Scientific Support of Security
Innovations in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine" were developed in accordance with the
new requirements of regulatory acts in the field of education and science.

Instruction for accounting military property in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (project)

The instruction was developed in order to bring the accounting of military property in the State
Border Guard Service of Ukraine in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On the legal regime of
property in the Armed Forces of Ukraine," "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine"
and Regulation "On Accounting Procedure, storage, write-off and use of military property In the
Armed Forces", approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 4, 2000 No. 1225.
Defines the mechanism for organising and keeping records of military property fixed in accordance
with the procedure established by law by the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of
Ukraine, bodies (units) of the state border guard, maritime security units, special forces units,
security bodies, and is the basis for the adoption of appropriate decisions by officials of the
Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine within the limits of the powers
granted to them on issues of accounting for military property
Modern methods of career management that affect staff turnover, mechanisms of their
implementation in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The research work is devoted to summarizing the theoretical foundations and working out practical
proposals for career planning of the personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. On the
basis of the carried out theoretical analysis of modern literature, the essence of the professional
career of the staff of the State Border Guard Service is determined. It is proved that the main
instrument for forming and improving the career development of the SBGS personnel is a rational
personnel policy. The stages of career development of the SBGS personnel are considered: choice
of professional direction, professional self-determination, obtaining education; entering the position,
professional adaptation; becoming a member of the staff (goal setting); analysis of career
development results. It is established that career development is determined by internal (individual
psychological) and external (social, organisational) factors. An analysis of the current system of
career development management of the SBGS staff is carried out. The approaches of scientists to
the classification of factors influencing the career development of the SBGS staff are studied. The
methodological tools for identifying the priority factors influencing the career growth of the SBGS
staff are considered, methods of the socio-psychological component of the system of professional
staff selection, assessment of organisational skills of a person, assessment of socio-communicative
competence, motivation, etc. are elaborated. The author substantiates the expediency of introducing
a strategic career planning map and a career development roadmap into the practice of managing
the professional career development of the SBGS staff, which will help to increase the transparency
of management decisions made within the framework of personnel policy.

Regulations on the Border Guard Service Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

In order to bring the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in
accordance with the legislative acts and acts of the Government, to improve the regulatory
framework on border issues, the research department prepared proposals for amendments to the
Regulation on the Border Guard Service Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine,
approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 311 dated April 15, 2016,
registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 719/28849 on May 13, 2016. The proposal
takes into account the practical plane of the application of its norms in the operational and service
activities of bodies and units of the state border protection


Construction of state border protection at the site of the Border Guard Service Department

The scientific novelty of the results obtained is that the following have been improved:
methodological approaches to building state border protection; methodology for building state
border protection; recommendations for building state border protection. Practical significance - the
developed methodological approaches, methodology and recommendations enable the head of the
Border Guard Service Department to build an effective system of building state border protection at
the site of the Border Guard Service Department.


Methodological recommendations for updating signalling means of protection of local sections of
the state border

The paper develops theoretical provisions on improving the information capability of signalling
means of protection of local sections of the state border on the basis of substantiation of new
technical solutions to expand the functional capabilities of these means and provides
recommendations on improving the efficiency of the functioning of the engineering and technical
control system by improving existing and introducing promising signalling means, which will
contribute to the successful implementation of operational and service tasks by units of protection
of the state border.


The methodology for forming the professional competence of a new generation border guard with
an appropriate level of anti-corruption motivation and a healthy lifestyle.

The study identifies the peculiarities of forming readiness for lawful anti-corruption activities and
healthy lifestyle of future border guard officers. The results of the theoretical study of the problem
presented and the analysis of the educational process made it possible to determine the content of
methodological recommendations to the scientific and pedagogical staff of the National Academy
of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the formation of these professional qualities in the
process of professional training at the Academy.

Methodology of preparation of units (Part I)

Methodical recommendations for the introduction into the educational process of a 55-day phased
training course for individual training of military personnel of the State Border Guard Service of
Ukraine have been developed.

Methodology of preparation of units (Part IІ)

Methodical recommendations for the introduction into the educational process of a 55-day phased
training course for units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine have been developed.


Recommendations for improving the efficiency of operational and service activities on the basis of
high-quality staffing of the border guard detachment headquarters

The purpose of the research was to improve the efficiency of management decision-making by the
headquarters of the State Border Guard Service on the basis of high-quality staffing. In the course
of the development, the functions and tasks assigned to the Border Guard Detachment Headquarters
were analysed; the conditions for the implementation of the Border Guard Detachment management
activities were analysed; indicators and criteria for assessing the quality of management activities,
the methodology for the formation and implementation of management decisions by the Border
Guard Detachment Headquarters were developed; recommendations for improving the efficiency of
operational and service activities on the basis of high-quality staffing of the Border Guard
Detachment Headquarters were developed. The materials of the research work can be used: in the
process of training students at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
at the educational level of "Master's degree", advanced training and professional training of officers
of the units of the State Border Guard bodies and for improving the professional Executive Staff
Training of the State Border Guard bodies.


Scenarios of training films about the Border Guard Service

In order to introduce educational institutions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine into the
educational process, improve the quality and develop unified approaches to organizing, serving
border guards to protect the state border, the staff of the Research Department took part in the
development of scripts for educational films about the service of the main types of border guards.
The scenarios cover the procedure for the direct preparation of border patrols for service, the
issuance of an order to protect the state border, and the methods of border service and border
control, Each film scenario contains the following information: composition, purpose, weapons and
equipment; means of reinforcement; the procedure for assigning tasks by senior border guards to
junior border guards; the procedure and methods of service; the procedure for action in case of
detection of offenders and/or signs of illegal activity; the procedure (form) for reporting on the
situation and results of service.

For applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Regulatory documents on the preparation of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

» Regulations on the individual plan for the implementation of the educational and scientific
program for the preparation of an applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

» Regulations on the abstract of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy/Sciences,

which is submitted to specialised academic councils

» Procedure for the preparation of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of
Sciences in higher education institutions (scientific institutions)

» Instruction on the organisation of preparation of applicants for higher education of the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

» Procedure for conducting an experiment on awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

» Regulations on the certification of applicants for higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy
and Doctor of Sciences at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine

» Regulations on the preparation of applicants for higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy
at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
outside the adjuncture

» Regulations on the individual plan for the implementation of the educational and scientific
program for the preparation of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Bohdan
Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

» Regulations on Pedagogical Practice by Adjuncts of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy

of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

» About the statement of requirements to registration of the dissertation

List of Educational and scientific programmes

» Educational and scientific programme Doctor of Philosophy of State Border Security 2020

» Educational and scientific programmes

Rationalisation and inventive work
Rationalisation and inventive work at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State
Border Guard Service of Ukraine is organised in accordance with the requirements of the
Regulations on Inventive and Rationalisation Work at the National Academy and is carried out at
faculties, departments, divisions and services by academic staff, students, cadets and students.

In 2022, 21 proposals were submitted and recognised by the Commission on Rationalisation and
Inventive Work of the National Academy as rationalisation proposals. A total of 56 inventors and
innovators of the National Academy (including 12 cadets) worked on the rationalisation proposals.
In 2022, the Commission for Invention and Rationalisation awarded the best invention (utility
model) and innovation proposal in the competition:

in the nomination for the best inventions and utility models:

Inventors: Andrii DOBROVOLSKYI, Viktor KULCHYTSKYI, Viktor KUPELSKYI, Mykola

in the best rationalisation proposals nomination:

First place – rationalisation proposal on the topic "WEB-SERVICE FOR CHECKING PASSPORT
DOCUMENTS AND VEHICLE LICENSE PLATES", team of authors: Soldier Nazarii
KHAMETS, Soldier Oleh PALAMARCHUK (cadets of study group 434), Colonel Ivan
CHESANOVSKYI, Captain Serhii TABENSKYI (Telecommunications and Information Systems
Second place – rationalisation proposal on the topic "SYSTEM OF AUTOMATED SAMPLING
Colonel Yevhenii PROKOPENKO, Lieutenant Colonel Anatolii BABARYKA, Captain Serhii
TABENSKYI (Telecommunications and Information Systems Department), Colonel Yurii KUZ
(Border Control Department).
Third place – rationalisation proposal on the topic "TECHNOLOGY OF TELEGRAM BOT
BORDER GUARD SERVICE OF UKRAINE", team of authors: Soldier Oleksandr ZHUK (cadet
of study group 424), Soldier Markiian ILNYTSKYI (cadet of study group 424), Lieutenant Colonel
Dmytro TKACHUK (Border Guard Service Department ), Captain Serhii TABENSKYI
(Telecommunication and Information Systems Department).

The participation of the departments in the inventive and rationalisation work based on the results
of the competition for the best rationalisation proposal and invention in the National Academy in
2022 was assessed by the Commission for Inventive and Rationalisation work as follows:
First place – scientific and pedagogical staff of the Vehicles and Border Guard Engineering
Department (Head of the Department, Colonel Volodymyr SOBCHENKO);
Second place – scientific and pedagogical staff of the General Science and Engineering Disciplines
Department (Head of the Department employee Liudmyla BOROVYK);
Third place – scientific and pedagogical staff of the Telecommunication and Information Systems
Department (Head of the Department, Colonel Ivan CHESANOVSKYI);

In 2021, 42 proposals were submitted and recognised by the Commission on Rationalisation and
Inventive Work of the National Academy as rationalisation. A total of 74 inventors and innovators
of the National Academy (including 12 cadets) worked on the rationalisation proposals. These
works are distinguished by their novelty, mainly aimed at solving the tasks of creating a new and
improving the existing educational and material and technical base of the Academy. The
rationalisation proposals are already being used in the educational process of the departments, as
well as in the border guard units, the vast majority of them being related to the military component.

In 2021, the Commission for Invention and Rationalisation awarded the best rationalisation
proposal in the competition:

 First place – rationalisation proposal on the topic "Information and calculation system "Use
of forces and means of the Border Guard Division". The team of authors: Colonel
Oleksandr MEIKO (First Deputy Rector (First Vice-Rector), employee Oleksandr
BASARAB (Telecommunication and Information Systems Department);
 Second place – rationalisation proposal on the topic "Implementation of the calculation of
ratings according to the methodology defined in the "Regulations on the annual rating
assessment of the activities of scientific and pedagogical staff at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine". The team of authors:
Colonel Roman RACHOK, Captain Serhii TABENSKYI (Telecommunication and
Information Systems Department);
 Third place – rationalisation proposal on the topic "Arduino-based Smart Home System".
The team of authors: Soldier Yurii OSTROVSKYI (cadet of study group 444), Colonel
Ivan CHESANOVSKYI, Lieutenant Colonel Ruslan KHOPTYNSKYI, Captain Serhii
TABENSKYI (Telecommunications and Information Systems Department).

The participation of the departments in the inventive and rationalisation work based on the results
of the competition for the best rationalisation proposal and invention in the National Academy in
2021 was assessed by the Commission for Inventive and Rationalisation work as follows:

 First place – scientific and pedagogical staff of the Telecommunication and Information
Systems Department (Head of the Department, Colonel Ivan CHESANOVSKYI);
 Second place – scientific and pedagogical staff of the General Science and Engineering
Disciplines Department (Head of the Department employee Liudmyla BOROVYK);
 Third place – scientific and pedagogical staff of the Vehicles and Border Guard
Engineering Department (Head of the Department, Colonel Volodymyr SOBCHENKO)

» Bulletin of inventions and innovative proposals submitted by the staff of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in 2021

» Bulletin of inventions and innovative proposals submitted by the staff of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in 2020

» Bulletin of inventions and innovative proposals submitted by the staff of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in 2019


Mykola Lysyi

 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine,

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.
 Professor of the Vehicles and Border Guard Engineering Department of the Faculty of Operational
and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of more than 180 scientific papers, author of 3 monographs. He has
publications abroad.
 Author of 12 patents and 25 innovative proposals in the field of technical means of state border
Roman Rachok

 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

 Professor of the Telecommunication and Information Systems Department of the Faculty of
Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of more than 97 scientific papers, participated in the development of 17
research papers, and 4 textbooks. He has publications abroad.
 Author of 2 patents for invention and 14 innovation proposals.

Andrii Dobrovolskyi

 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

 Associate Professor of the Vehicles and Border Guard Engineering Department of the Faculty of
Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of 30 scientific articles, 40 research theses on technical means of border
protection, engineering support of border protection units.
 Author of 2 patents and 13 innovation proposals.

Serhii Tabenskyi

 Senior Lecturer of the Telecommunications and Information Systems Department of the Faculty of
Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of more than 28 scientific papers. He has publications abroad. Participated in
the development of 4 research papers, co-author of one textbook.
 Author of 12 innovation proposals.

Ivan Katerynchuk

 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored educator of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize in
Science and Technology of Ukraine.
 Professor of the Telecommunications and Information Systems Department of the Faculty of
Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers. Co-author of 2 patents for utility models,
10 innovation proposals.

Oleksandr Basarab

 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

 Associate Professor of the Telecommunications and Information Systems Department of the
Faculty of Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, participated in the development of 6
research papers, and 4 textbooks.
 Co-author of 6 innovation proposals.

Liudmyla Borovyk

 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

 Head of the General Science and Engineering Disciplines Department of the Faculty of Operational
and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of 109 scientific articles, 91 theses of scientific conferences, 25 educational
and methodological manuals and textbooks, including 4 with the stamp of the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine, 9 research papers, 5 bulletins of best pedagogical practices. She
has publications abroad and in journals indexed in the Web of Science. She is the author of a
 Author of 14 innovation proposals.
Liliia Traskovetska

 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.

 Professor of the General Science and Engineering Disciplines Department of the Faculty of
Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 Author and co-author of more than 92 scientific and educational works, 5 manuals and textbooks
with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She has publications abroad.
Co-author of 5 research papers.
 Author of 14 innovation proposals.

Viktoriia Shevchuk

 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

 Senior Lecturer of the General Science and Engineering Disciplines Department of the Faculty of
Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 She has 94 scientific and educational works in professional journals, including 5 in international
scientometric databases (Web of science), 13 textbooks, 2 of which are stamped by the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine, 5 research papers, 2 bulletins of best pedagogical practices.
 She is the author of 19 innovation proposals.

Heorhii Blinnikov

 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

 Associate Professor of the General Science and Engineering Disciplines Department of the Faculty
of Operational and Service Activities of the National Academy.
 He has 95 scientific and educational papers in professional journals, 13 textbooks (including 4 with
the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), co-author of 8 research papers.
 Author of 22 innovation proposals.

Scientific Society
Scientific society of listeners, cadets, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and
young scientists

The Scientific Society of listeners, cadets, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists
of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
(hereinafter - the National Academy) is a voluntary organisation that is designed to unite the
scientific potential of the academic staff, cadets, listeners, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and
young scientists of the National Academy and aims to:

 intensify scientific research, publish its results, develop creative thinking and research skills,
promote teaching the basics of scientific research methods, organise and conduct scientific work;
 create a system of wide involvement of cadets, listeners, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and
young scientists in scientific programmes, inventive and innovative work and other forms of
research work at the National Academy;
 expand scientific and creative contacts with scientific societies of other institutions of higher
education and institutions with specific learning conditions of Ukraine;
 identify talented young scientists and involve them in active research activities.
 The activity of the scientific society is closely connected with the educational process and is
combined with the tasks of the scientific work of the National Academy.

One of the main tasks of the scientific society are:

 promoting in-depth study and mastery of the curriculum disciplines, new forms of operational and
service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and military art, domestic and foreign
equipment, and experience in protecting the state border;
 formation of scientific outlook and high military and ideological qualities in cadets, listeners,
students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists;
 mastering the basics of methods and skills of independent scientific research and development of
military-scientific topics;
 development of creative thinking and individual abilities of cadets, listeners, students, adjuncts,
doctoral students and young scientists in solving practical problems;
 expansion of the theoretical outlook and scientific erudition of the future specialist;
 summarising the best practices of commanders and management bodies in training and education
of personnel;
 development of inventive and rationalization work among members of the scientific society aimed
at improving the quality of training, technical means of border protection, elements of the
educational and material base;
 popularization of scientific and technical knowledge, as well as conducting military-patriotic work;
 training of the most capable cadets, listeners and students of the reserve of scientific-pedagogical

2022-2023 academic year:

Information about the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific
works of cadets and students

From 09 to 20 December, 2022, the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works
of cadets and students of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - the competition of scientific works) was held at the Bohdan
Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the following

 «Military Sciences»;

 «Automotive engineering»;

 «Telecommunications»,
 «Informatics and Cybernetics»,
 «Information Systems and Technologies»;
 «Psychology»;
 «Educational and pedagogical sciences»;
 «Interpretation»,

as well as
 educational videos;
 rationalization proposals.

2021-2022 academic year:

Places among faculties and departments according to the results of the scientific
society of the National Academy in the 2021-2022 academic year

According to the results of the 2021/2022 academic year, the transitional cup "For the best
organisation of scientific work of listeners, cadets, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young
scientists" among the faculties was awarded to the Faculty of Operational and Service Activities -
Head of the Faculty (Dean) Colonel Bohdan YEVDOKHOVYCH.

Transitional cups "For the best organisation of scientific work of listeners, cadets, students,
adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists" among the departments were awarded:

1st place - to the branch of the Scientific Society of the Foreign Languages Department - Head of
the Department, Colonel Ihor BLOSHCHYNSKYI;

2nd place - to the branch of the Scientific Society of the Psychology, Pedagogy and Socio-
Economic Department - Head of the Department Colonel Valentyna MIROSHNICHENKO;;

3rd place - to the branch of the Scientific Society of the Theory of Law and Criminal Procedure
Activity Department - Head of the Department, Colonel of Justice Oleh HANBA.

(Approved by the Order of the Rector of the National Academy dated May 13, 2022 No. 385-OC
"On the results of the scientific society of the National Academy in the 2021-2022 academic year")

Places of faculties and departments according to the results of the work of the
scientific society in the 2020-2021 academic year

According to the results of the 2020/2021 academic year, the transitional cup "For the best
organisation of scientific work of listeners, cadets and students" among the faculties was awarded to
the Faculty of Operational and Service Activities - Head of the Faculty (Dean) Colonel Ihor

Transitional cups "For the best organisation of scientific work of listeners, cadets, students,
adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists" among the departments were awarded:

1st place - to the branch of the Scientific Society of the Psychology, Pedagogy and Socio-Economic
Department - Head of the Department, Colonel Valentyna MIROSHNICHENKO;

2nd place - to the branch of the Scientific Society of the Foreign Languages Department - Head of
the Department, Colonel Ihor BLOSHCHYNSKYI;

3rd place - to the branch of the Scientific Society of the Administrative Activity Department - Head
of the Department, Colonel of Justice Andrii MOTA.

(Approved by the Order of the Rector of the National Academy dated May 12, 2021 No. 337-OC
"On the results of the scientific society of the National Academy in the 2020-2021 academic year")
Information about the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific
works of cadets and students

From 19 to 25 January, 2022, the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of
cadets and students of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard
Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - the competition of scientific works) was held at the Bohdan
Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the following

 «Automotive engineering»;
 «Telecommunications»,
 «Informatics and Cybernetics»,
 «Information Systems and Technologies»;
 «Psychology»;
 «Educational and pedagogical sciences».

2021-2022 academic year:

Information about the general academic competition for the best scientific work
December 2021

From 07 to 17 December, 2021, at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State
Border Guard Service of Ukraine held a competition for the best scientific work among members of
the Scientific society of listeners, cadets, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists
of the National Academy (hereinafter - the competition).

Competitive works were considered in the following areas:

 military:
 research papers of students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists;
 research papers of cadets;
 military-technical;
 humanitarian;
 law enforcement;
 philological;
 educational videos;
 rationalisation proposals.

The competition included 46 scientific papers, 10 educational videos and 2 rationalisation proposals
from listeners, cadets, students and young scientists - the winners of the competition of scientific
works at the departments of the National Academy.

2020-2021 academic year:

Information about the general academic competition for the best scientific work
December 2020

From 07 to 17 December, 2020, at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State
Border Guard Service of Ukraine held a competition for the best scientific work among members of
the Scientific society of listeners, cadets, students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists
of the National Academy (hereinafter - the competition).

Competitive works were considered in the following areas:

 military:
 research papers of students, adjuncts, doctoral students and young scientists;
 research papers of cadets;
 military-technical;
 humanitarian;
 law enforcement;
 philological;
 educational videos.

The competition included 5 research papers by listeners, 58 scientific papers by cadets and
students, and 5 educational videos - the winners of the competition of scientific works at the
departments of the National Academy.

Information about the XII All-Ukrainian student-cadet Competition of Scientific

Works (April 2021)

XII All-Ukrainian student-cadet Competition of Scientific Works

From 06 to 16 April 2021, the XII All-Ukrainian student-cadet Competition of Scientific Works
on "Ensuring National Security of Ukraine through the Eyes of Future State Guards: Condition,
Problems, Prospects" was held at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border
Guard Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - the National Academy). The purpose of the competition is
to encourage cadets and students of military higher education institutions and higher education
institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to conduct research
on problematic issues in the field of national security of Ukraine. Nine higher education institutions
took part in the competition, and 75 scientific papers on military, military-technical, legal,
humanitarian and philological topics, as well as educational videos, were submitted.

The competition received completed research papers that have scientific novelty and are of
theoretical and practical interest. The works in the military and military-technical fields have a
practical focus on the fight against terrorism in a "hybrid war" as a component of national security
of Ukraine, and the results of these works can be incorporated into visual models, which contributes
to their implementation in the activities of the military and the educational process.

Scientific works on humanitarian, philological, legal areas of research have a clear and thoughtful
structure, consistent presentation of the material, and are based on the study and processing of
various sources.

Educational videos are of high quality and can be used in the educational process.

Almost all of the works submitted to the competition meet the requirements for the design of
works and were submitted to the competition by the decision of the Scientific Councils and
competition commissions of higher education institutions. The results of some of the papers have
already been introduced into the educational process of educational institutions, as evidenced by the
implementation certificates, and were also presented at scientific and practical conferences.

According to the results of the competition, the winners were awarded diplomas of I, II and III
Public information
Vacancies: Vacant positions
Estimates and changes to it:
Estimates 2019
Changes 1
Form 2dc
Annual reports:
Reports and use of funds receipt for 2020
Annual report of the Rector of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of
Report of the Rector of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of
Ukraine for 2021-2022
Target performance of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Target performance of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border
Guard Service of Ukraine
Annual report of the Rector on the fulfilment of the targets of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Cost of education documents:

 Bachelor's degree (Bachelor with honors) - 42.00 UAH.

 Specialist's degree (Specialist with honours) - 42.00 UAH.
 Master's degree (Master with honors) - 42.00 UAH.
 Supplement to the diploma of higher education of the European model - 39.00 UAH.

Material and technical support of the educational institution

In accordance with Article 45 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated
10.05.2018 No. 347 "Licensing Conditions for Educational Activities", higher military
educational institutions (higher education institutions with specific learning conditions) do
not publish information on material and technical support on electronic resources.

Availability of dormitories

Cadets are accommodated free of charge in barracks (special rooms, dormitories) during
the entire period of study in accordance with the procedure established by the Internal
Service Regulations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Results of activity
The main results of the development of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the
State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for 2014-2019
Report of the Rector of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border
Guard Service of Ukraine for the 2020-2021 academic year

 Public reception
 Contacts for submitting appeals of citizens and requests for public information (requests for
information) to the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of
through the public reception: 46, Shevchenka St., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine;
to the postal address: Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of
Ukraine, 46, Shevchenka St., Khmelnytskyi, 29007;
to e-mail:;
to the helpline: (0382) 65-27-09, (0382) 70-47-28, (067) 382-98-28.
Contacts for submitting citizens' appeals and requests for public information (requests for
information) to the Contact Centre of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine:
to "Dovira" service phone: (044) 527-63-63;
to e-mail:
 personal reception of citizens, persons for the provision of free primary legal aid and applicants for
public information by the management and heads of structural units of the National Academy of
the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
 Position
 Military rank, surname and initials
 Date of admission
 Time
 Rector of the National Academy
 Major General Oleksandr LUTSKYI
 second, fourth Thursday of each month
 15:00-17:00
 First Deputy Rector (First Vice-Rector)
 Colonel Oleksandr MEIKO
 first, third Thursday of each month
 15:00-17:00
 Deputy Rector (Vice-Rector) for Academic and Scientific Work
 Colonel Serhii BILIAVETS
 first, third Tuesday of each month
 15:00-17:00
 Deputy Rector (Vice-Rector) for Personnel
 Colonel Pavlo LYSAK
 first, third Wednesday of each month
 15:00-17:00
 Deputy Rector (Vice-Rector) for Material Support
 Colonel Yurii TKACHUK
 second, fourth Tuesday of each month
 15:00-17:00
 Deputy Rector (Vice-Rector) for Armaments and Equipment
 Colonel Viktor SULYMA
 second, fourth Wednesday of each month
 15:00-17:00
 Reception of citizens on personal issues is carried out by the heads of departments on Wednesdays
from 10 to 12 o'clock.
Pre-registration of citizens for a personal reception, receipt of appeals, requests for public
information (requests for information) is carried out daily (except weekends and holidays) from
09:00 to 13:30 and from 14:30 to 17:00, on Fridays and pre-holidays - until 16:00 by the responsible
officer (for ensuring access to public information and handling appeals) of the Control and
Documentation Department of the Analytical Support Department, Current Planning and Control
through the public reception of the National Academy or by phone (0382) 72-48-96.
 » The state of work with citizens' appeals at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the
State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in 2022
 » Reports on the processing of requests for public information at the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
 » Requirements for applications and sample applications
 » Normative legal acts on consideration of citizens' appeals
 » Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information"
 » On providing access to public information in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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