Projek Analytical Exposition Text

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This assignment has been approved and ratified to fulfill the assignment in Analytical
Exposition Text material for English subjects for the 2023/2024 academic year.


Principal of SMAN 12 Tangsel English Teacher

Rokhmat Hidayat, SE., S.Pd., M.M., M.Pd Yosi Desita, M.Pd.

NIP 19691003 200801 1 012 NIP -

Peace be upon us all, by giving thanks to the presence of Almighty God for bestowing
all His grace and guidance upon us so that we can complete the XI Social 1 Analytical
Exposition Text collection book well and on time.

In preparing this book, the author received a lot of help and support from various
parties, either through guidance, criticism or prayer. For this reason, on this occasion, the
author would like to thank:

1. Yosi Desita, M.Pd. as an English Teacher for class XI Social 1.

2. The author’s parents always help, motivate, and pray for the smooth production of
this Analytical Exposition Text collection book.
3. Class XI Science 1 friends who have struggled together to finish this book.

This Analytical Exposition Text collection book was written so that students of XI
Social 1 of SMA Negeri 12 Kota Tangsel can complete the Exposition Text assignments in
English subjects. The author realizes that this book is still far from perfect. Therefore, the
author hopes for constructive criticism and suggestions from readers, especially Miss Yosi as
an English teacher for the perfection of this Analytical Exposition Text collection book. The
author hopes that this book can broaden readers insight.

That is what we can say, hopefully this book will be accepted by those involved in
this series of English assignments.

Approval Sheet.......………….………………………………………………….ii
List of Contents…..……......…...…….…………………………………………
The Children Needs Holiday……….……………………………………………
The Important Of Having Breakfast.....................................................................2
Children Should Learn To Swim At School.........................................................3
Should Children To Swim?...................................................................................4
Does School Serve A Useful Purpose?.................................................................5
Student Should Wear School Hats........................................................................6
Text Messaging Is Better Than Talking...............................................................7
Should Student Spend More Time Exercising......................................................8
Birthdays Should Be Celebrated...........................................................................9
Television Is Educational....................................................................................10
The Guns Should Not Sold To The Public.........................................................11
Are Mobile Phones Necessary?..........................................................................12
Students Should Be Able To Ride Motorcycle To School.................................13
Sharks Should Not Be Hunted............................................................................14
Is Television Educational For Children..............................................................15
Should Smoking Be Banned In Public Places....................................................16
Save Our Animals...............................................................................................17
There Are Too Much Rubbish On The School Playground...............................18
Every School Should Have A School Hall.........................................................19
Mobile Phone Should Be Banned In The School...............................................20
The Lazy Teachers Are Not Good Figures.........................................................21
Dictionary Is Very Important For Student..........................................................22
Should Teacher Use The Dictionary?.................................................................23
The Media Social Has Bad Effect For Children.................................................24
Should Children Access The Media Social........................................................25
The Principal Must Have A Leadership Within Him.........................................26
The Students Be Forbidden To Sleep In The Class............................................27
The Game Does Not Has Benefit For Student....................................................28
The Whiteboard More Good Than Blackboard..................................................29
Adiwiyata Program Must Be Exist In The School............................................30
Media Learning Is Important For Teacher..........................................................31
Should School Asked Students Bring Their Laptop To School?........................32
A Competition Can Change The Student’s Mindset..........................................33
Presentation Can Enhance The Student’s Speaking Skill...................................34
Humor Teacher Can Make Student Be Enjoy In The Class...............................35
The Student Does Not Allow To Bring Motorcycle In The School...................36
English Education Is Important..........................................................................37
The Student Does Not Allow To Bring Their Makeup......................................38
We Should Choose The Right President.............................................................39
Indonesia Has Many Cultures.............................................................................40
Indonesia Is A Rich Country..............................................................................41
The Parent Should Enter Their Children To Bilingual School...........................42
The Teacher Should Know Student’s Character.................................................43
Football Is A Favorite Sport In The World.........................................................44
The First Child Is A Best Child..........................................................................45
Student Should Come To School On Time........................................................46
Doctor Profession Is The Same With Teacher Profession..................................47
The Socialization Of School Policy Can Make Student More Be Discipline....48

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