A Novel Fractional Order Multiple Model

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Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.


A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control

for Nonlinear Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics
Ardashir Mohammadzadeh1 • Oscar Castillo2 • Shahab S. Band3,4 •

Amirhosein Mosavi5,6

Received: 18 August 2020 / Revised: 17 December 2020 / Accepted: 22 January 2021

 Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association 2021

Abstract In this paper, a novel control approach is pro- The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified by
posed for a class of uncertain nonlinear system with normal simulation on the hyperchaotic Lorenz system with
unmodeled dynamics. Each output of the system is mod- unmodeled dynamics, real-time simulation on the chaotic
eled by several first-order dynamic fractional-order fuzzy model of the brushless DC motors using Arduino boards
systems. The best dynamic model is selected at a period of and experimental examination on a heat transfer system
time and the control signal is designed based on this model. with fully unknown dynamics.
The dynamic fractional-order models are based on the
special case of general type-2 fuzzy systems which are Keywords Nonlinear systems  Unmodeled dynamics 
called interval type-3 fuzzy logic systems (IT3FLSs). The Interval type-3 fuzzy system  Fractional-order  Stability
adaptation laws for the consequent parameters of IT3FLSs analysis
are derived through stability analysis of the fractional-order
systems based on the linear matrix inequality approach.
1 Introduction

& Ardashir Mohammadzadeh The control of the nonlinear systems (NSs) in presence of
a.mzadeh@ubonab.ac.ir unmodeled dynamics (NSs-UD) is one of the most chal-
& Oscar Castillo lenging problems in control engineering. In practice, the
ocastillo@tectijuana.mx mathematical model of many physical systems is reliable in
& Shahab S. Band only normal conditions and by changing the operation
shamshirbandshahaboddin@duytan.edu.vn conditions or by perturbation by an external disturbance the
& Amirhosein Mosavi dynamics are changed. The problem of the uncertain
amir.mosavi@uni-weimar.de parameters or uncertain functions in the dynamics of the
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bonab,
nonlinear systems have been considered in adaptive control
Bonab, Iran techniques, but the problem of the control of NSs-UD has
Division of Graduate Studies and Research, Tijuana Institute
been quite rarely investigated in literature.
of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico The control of NSs without unmodeled dynamics has
Future Technology Research Center, College of Future,
been widely studied. For instance in [1], the backstepping
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, 123 control scheme is developed by the use of barrier Lya-
University Road, Section 3, Douliou, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan punov function. In [2], the sliding mode control technique
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, is studied for robotic applications and the reference track-
550000 Da Nang, Vietnam ing accuracy is compared with other conventional control
Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus Universität- systems. In [3], the model predictive control system is
Weimar, 99423 Weimar, Germany studied and its complexity and robustness are investigated
John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Obuda in comparison with conventional sliding mode control
University, Budapest 1034, Hungary system. In [4], the event triggered control system is studied

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

and its stability is analyzed by the used of H1 criteria. In instance in [31], the GT2FLSs are used to estimate the
[5], the output feedback controller is studied for fractional- unknown communication topology and uncertain functions
order NSs and boundedness of signals are proved. In [6], in the dynamics of multi-agent systems. In [32], the H1
the dynamic surface controller is developed using neural control problem is formulated by the use of GT2FLSs for a
networks and the boundedness of closed-loop signals is class of uncertain nonlinear systems and it is applied on a
studied. parallel robot. In [26], the non-singular sliding mode
The common approach that has been frequently used in method is developed for a mobile robot system and its
literature to cope with uncertainties and unmodeled robustness against random disturbances is investigated. In
dynamics is the use of fuzzy systems [7–10]. For instance [33], the type-2 fuzzy backstepping control method is
in [11], backstepping control (BSC) method using fuzzy developed and by simulation examination it is shown that
systems is applied on a class of NSs and the small-gain the performance of the backstepping controller is improved
theorem is employed to stability analyze. In [12], the fuzzy using T2FLSs.
BSC method is designed for a strict-feedback NSs with The main drawbacks of the aforementioned T2FLS
special unmodeled dynamics. In [13], the problem of the based control methods are that: (1) The controllers are
control of interconnected NSs is considered and by designed and applied for a special application and it is not
approximation of the uncertainties with the fuzzy systems, possible the controller to be applied on another systems
the backstepping controller is designed. Similar to [13], the with less changes. (2) The unmodeled dynamics are
backstepping control of NSs-UD are considered in [14], neglected and only some uncertainties and disturbances are
and instead of fuzzy systems, the neural networks are used considered. (3) The real-world verifications are not con-
to estimate the uncertainties. In [15], the fuzzy backstep- sidered. Based on the above discussions, in current study a
ping controller is designed for non-strict-feedback NSs and novel approach on basis of the fractional-order multiple
an adaptive parameter is presented to cope with the models is presented for a class of NSs-UD. Some first-
unmodeled dynamics. In [16], the adaptive control order fuzzy dynamic models with different fractional-
approach based on fuzzy systems and small-gain theorem orders (FOs) are considered for online identification of the
is schemed to control the interconnected NSs. In [17], the unknown system. The controller is schemed on basis of the
actuator failures and dead-zone nonlinearities are consid- best FO dynamic model. At a specific period of time the
ered as the uncertainties and an adaptive controller using best dynamic model is adopted and then it is softly replaced
fuzzy systems is presented. In [18], the BSC technique is with the previous model. It should be regarded that, the FO
combined by the radial basis neural networks to control a calculus is more effective than integer-order one in
class of NSs. The control of the pure-feedback NSs is dynamic system identification. For example, to estimate a
considered in [19], and fuzzy systems are employed to simple fractional-order integral by an integer-order one, a
estimate the uncertainties and a simple Lyapunov function higher-order transfer function is needed. The FO calculus
is utilized to demonstrate the stability. has been attracted significant attention is recent years for
The main drawbacks of the aforementioned methods are modeling the physical systems with more accuracy. Liter-
that: (1) A lot of restrictive assumptions are considered to ature reviewing shows that the FO models of the large class
derive control signal or the stability analysis. (2) A special of physical phenomena and systems have been studied such
form of unmodeled dynamics is considered and the pre- as: viscoelasticity [34], financial system [35], batteries and
sented methods cannot be applied to the NSs with more fuels cells [36], muscular blood vessel [37], permanent
generality. (3) Simple simulations are given to examine magnet synchronous motors [38], among many others.
performance of the presented control methods. (4) Simple However, the control and stability problems of the frac-
neural networks and type-1 fuzzy logic systems (T1FLSs) tional-order NSs have been rarely studied. The contribu-
are employed to tackle the uncertainties. tions of this study are summarized in below.
The type-2 FLSs (T2FLSs) with the use of general type-
• A class of unknown nonlinear systems under unmod-
2 fuzzy membership functions (MFs) result in remarkably
eled dynamics is considered.
higher efficiency in versus of type-1 counterpart [20–24].
• A novel approach on basis of the multiple FO dynamic
In recent years, the general T2FLSs (GT2FLSs) have been
model is presented for online identification.
considered in a wide class of engineering problems, such as
• The stability of the proposed controller is analyzed
control systems [21, 25, 26], modeling the physical systems
based on the LMI technique.
[27], clustering and classifying problems [28], edge
• The effectiveness of the suggested scheme is examined
detection and image processing [29], forecasting problems
through the normal simulation, real-time simulation
[30], among many other applications. However, the adap-
and experimental evaluation.
tive control of the uncertain nonlinear systems based on
GT2FLSs has been seldom considered in literature. For

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

2 System Description
8 q11
D y^ ðtÞ ¼ F^11 ½yðtÞjh11 ðtފ j11 e^11 þ u11 ðtÞ
< t 11
A class of NSs with uncertain and unmodeled dynamics is > .
: q1K
considered as: ^
Dt y^1K ðtÞ ¼ F 1K ½yðtÞjh1K ðtފ j1K e^1K þ u1K ðtÞ

x_ ¼ f x1 ; :::; xn ; 11 ; :::; 1p ; u
1_ ¼ g x1 ; :::; xn ; 11 ; :::; 1p ð1Þ
8 qm1
D y
^ ð t Þ ¼ F^m1 ½ y ð t Þjh m1 ðtފ jm1 e^m1 þ um1 ðtÞ
< t m1
y ¼ h x1 ; :::; xn ; 11 ; :::; 1p ; u ; ..
. ;
where x ¼ ½x1 ; :::; xn Š is the states vector of modeled
: qmK ^
Dt y^mK ðtÞ ¼ F mK ½yðtÞjhmK ðtފ jmK e^mK þ umK ðtÞ
dynamics, 1 ¼ 11 ; :::; 1p is the states vector of the ð2Þ
unmodeled dynamics, y ¼ ½y1 ; :::; ym ŠT is the output vector
where hik ; i ¼ 1; :::; m; k ¼ 1; :::; K is the parameters vec-
of the system, u ¼ ½u1 ; :::; um ŠT is the control vector and f,
tor of the FLS in the kth model for ith subsystem, jik is
g and h are the unknown nonlinear functions.
variable that determined from stability analysis and e^ik is
The objective is that the control signals u1 ; :::; um , should
defined as e^ik ¼ y^ik yi and the term Dqt i y^i ðtÞ represents the
be constructed that the system outputs y1 ; :::; ym are
fractional-order derivative which is defined as follows:
approached to the target signals r1 ; :::; rm . A general view
on the suggested control methodology is depicted on Z t ð1Þ
1 y^i ðsÞ
Dt y^i ðtÞ ¼ ds ð3Þ
Figs. 1 and 2. Each output of the system is modeled by Cð1 qi Þ 0 ðt sÞqi
several first-order fractional-order dynamic fuzzy models
with different fractional-orders. At each period of time, the From (2), the control signals are defined as follows:
best model with the best estimation capability is chosen to uik ðtÞ ¼ Dqt ik ri F^ik ½yðtÞjhik ðtފ kik eik ð4Þ
design the controller. The fractional-order calculus is more
effective than integer-order one in dynamic system iden- where uik , i ¼ 1; :::; m; k ¼ 1; :::; K is the control signal for
tification. For example, to estimate a simple fractional- kth model in the ith subsystem, eik ¼ ri y^ik is the tracking
order integral by an integer-order one, a higher-order error and kik is determined through the stability analysis.
transfer function is needed. Then instead of high-order From (4) it is seen that, for ith subsystem, K control signals
model for identification using integer-order calculus, the are generated, but the best one is applied on the ith sub-
first-order model on based of FO calculus is proposed. In system. The best control signal is one that is obtained
order to the value of FO is considered to be not constant, through the best dynamic model. To find the best dynamic
several first-order dynamic models with various fractional- model, the integral of the absolute estimation error for each
order are proposed. In other words, the effect of the value model (IAe^ik ¼ t T je^ik ðsÞjds; k ¼ 1; :::; K) is calculated
of FO is also taken to account. for the time interval ½t T; tŠ. Then the model that has the
The multiple model to estimate the dynamics of each least IAe^ik is adopt as the best dynamic model (see the
output is written as follows: control block diagram in Fig. 2). The following Lemmas
and Assumptions are used in the process of designing the
Assumption 1 It is assumed the states of the unmodeled
subsystem are bounded.

Fig. 1 The general view on proposed control system

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

Fig. 2 The proposed control block diagram

Lemma 1 [39] Consider the Lyapunov function x2 ðtÞ, the Lemma 2 [40] Consider the symmetric positive matrices
fractional derivative of order q of x2 ðtÞ satisfies the fol- P11 , P22 and P12 , then the inequalities P11
lowing inequality: PT12 P221 P12 [ 0 and P22 PT12 P111 P12 [ 0 are equiva-
Dqt x2 ðtÞ  xðtÞDqt xðtÞ ; 8q 2 ð0; 1Þ ð5Þ lent with the following inequality:

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

P11 P12 uncertainty in interval type-3 fuzzy sets are not determin-
\0 ð6Þ istic but they are interval type-1 fuzzy sets. These features
P12 P22
cause that IT3FLSs to be more effective to tackle with
uncertainties and estimation of nonlinear dynamic systems.
Lemma 3 [41] Consider the real matrices w, e and D Consider the ith output of the system (1), it is modeled as
such that: the following dynamic system:

DT ðtÞDðtÞ  I; wDðtÞe þ eT DT ðtÞwT \0 ð7Þ Dqt ik y^ik ðtÞ ¼ F^ik ½yðtÞjhik ðtފ jik e^1k þ ui ðtÞ ð11Þ

Then, there exist a positive scaler 1 such that the following where F^ik ½yðtÞjhik ðtފ is 3 IT3FLS. The other variables are
inequality holds: defined in (2). The details of computing the output
F^ik ½yðtÞjh1k ðtފ are explained in below.
1wwT þ 1 1 DT ðtÞDðtÞ\0 ð8Þ
1. The inputs are y1 ; y2 ; :::; ym .
2. The membership are obtained as:
Lemma 4 [42] The system Dqt xðtÞ ¼ AxðtÞ, 0\q\1 is
0  1
y i c w h

#i;aj ðyi Þ ¼ exp@

asymptotically stable, if there exist symmetric matrices A ð12Þ
Q11 ; Q21 [ 0 and skew symmetric matrices Q12 ; Q22 such j

that the following LMIs are satisfied: 0  1

yi cwhi
2 P
Sym Xij AQij
 #i;a ðyi Þ ¼ exp@ A ð13Þ
\0; j rwhi;a
i¼1 j¼1 j
Q11 Q12 Q21 Q22 0  1
[ 0; [0 yi cwhi
Q12 Q11 Q22 Q21 #hi;aj ðyi Þ ¼ exp@ A ð14Þ
where Symf Ag is defined as Symf Ag ¼ A þ AT , is the j

0  1
Kronecker and Xij , i; j ¼ 1; 2 are: yi cwhi

sin ðqp=2Þ cos ðqp=2Þ
 #hi;a ðyi Þ ¼ exp@ A ð15Þ
X11 ¼
j rwhi;a
cos ðqp=2Þ sin ðqp=2Þ
cos ðqp=2Þ sin ðqp=2Þ where whi denotes the hth MF for ith input. cwhi is the
X12 ¼
sin ðqp=2Þ cos ðqp=2Þ center of whi . rwhi;a and rwhi;a is the lower and upper
ð10Þ j j
sin ðqp=2Þ cos ðqp=2Þ
X21 ¼ standard divisions for whi
at upper horizontal slice aj .
cos ðqp=2Þ sin ðqp=2Þ
Similarly, rwhi;a and rwhi;a is the lower and upper stan-
cos ðqp=2Þ sin ðqp=2Þ
j j
X22 ¼ h
dard divisions for whi at upper horizontal slice aj . #i;aj
sin ðqp=2Þ cos ðqp=2Þ
and #h are the upper memberships for jth a-cut and

#hi;aj , #hi;a are the lower memberships for jth a-cut.


3. The rule firing are:

l l l
zlls ¼aj ¼#1;aj #i;aj    #i;aj ð16Þ
3 The Interval Type-3 FLS
l l l
zlls ¼a ¼#1;a #i;a    #i;a ð17Þ
j j j j
The interval type-3 FLSs (IT3FLSs) are the generalization
of the conventional GT2FLSs which have more capability zlls ¼aj ¼#l1;aj #li;aj    #li;aj ð18Þ
to handle the high level of uncertainties [43]. In this study,
IT3FLSs are used for online identification of uncertain zlls ¼a ¼#l1;a #li;a    #li;a ð19Þ
j j j j

NSs. The interval type-3 fuzzy sets have one more degree
of freedom in contrast to the conventional general type-2 4. The output of F^ik ½yðtÞjh1k ðtފ is computed as follows:
fuzzy sets. The secondary membership in the interval type- F^ik ¼ hik n ð20Þ
3 fuzzy sets is an interval type-2 fuzzy set in versus of type-
1 secondary membership in general type-2 fuzzy sets. where hik represents vector of consequent parameters
Furthermore, the upper and lower levels of footprint of and n is the vector of derivative of f^ik with respect to

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

the consequent parameters. The vectors hik and n are Theorem 1 Consider the ith subsystem and its estimated
defined as: models. The closed-loop ith subsystem is asymptotically
stable, if the adaptation laws are as follows:
hik ¼ ½wik1 ; :::; wikR ; wik1 ; :::; wikR ŠT ; n ¼½f1 ;:::;fR ;f1 ;:::;fR ŠT
ð21Þ Dqik hik ¼ ce^ik n ð24Þ

where wikl and wikl represent the parameters of the lth and there exist variables Hik ; k ¼ 1; :::; K,
rule and R is the number of total rules. fl and fl are vik ; k ¼ 1; :::; K, jik ; k ¼ 1; :::; K and two real scalars
1j ; j ¼ 1; 2, such that:
defined as follows:
P11 P12
na zlls ¼a na zlls ¼a
aj P j
aj P j \0 ð25Þ
P12 P22
j¼1 zll ¼a þzll ¼a j¼1 zlls ¼a þzll ¼a
s j s j j s j
fl ¼ l¼1
na  þ na
 where c is the adaptation rate and
aj þ aj aj þ aj
8 2 39
j¼1 j¼1 >
> ji1 0  0 0 0 >
> >
ji1 vi1 0  0 0 0 7>
> 6 7>
> 6 >
> 6 7>
cn 0 0  0 0 0 7
> 6 >
> 7>
2 > 6 >
na na zll
< =
zll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
X 6 7
P s ¼aj
P s ¼aj P11 ¼ Sym Xj1
aj P aj P . . . . . . . 7>
  > 6
j¼1 > 6 7>
j¼1 zlls ¼a þzll ¼a j¼1 zlls ¼a þzll ¼a  jiK nT 7
> >
j s j s
> 6 0 0 0 0 >
j j
> 6 >
l¼1 l¼1 7>
fl ¼ þ 
> >
jiK viK
na na
4 0 0 0 0 > 5>
P  P 
aj þ aj aj þ aj
: ;
0 0 0  cn 0 0
j¼1 j¼1 wi1 wTi1
8 2 39
> 0 0  0 0 0 > >
> >
> 60
0 0  0 0 07 7>
> 6 7>>
60 0 0  0 0 07
> >
> >
where na is the number of a-cuts, aj and aj are the 2 >
< 6 7>=
1 j I2
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
6. . . . . . . 7>
upper and lower of the secondary membership in the j¼1 >
> 7>
wiK wTiK
 0 07
> 60 >
> 0 0 >
jth a-cut (see Fig. 3), l ¼ 1; :::; R, R is the number of
> 6 7>>
> 7>
 0 0 0 5>
> 6 >
> 40 0 0
rules, zlls ¼aj , zlls ¼a and zlls ¼a , zlls ¼aj are the lower and
> >
> >

: ;
j j 0 0 0 0 0 0
the upper rule firings. For more details see [43]. ð26Þ
2 2 3T
0 0 0  0 0 0
6 60 Hi1 0  0 0 07
4 Stability Analysis 6
6 0 0  0 0 07 7
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
The main stability results are summarized in the following
P22 ¼6 6.
6I2 6. . . . . . .7
theorem: 6 6 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7
40 0 0  0 HiK 05
6 6 7
0 0 0  0 0 0
1 2 3T 3 ð27Þ
0 0 0  0 0 0
6 Hi1 0  0 0 07 7
6 7 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7
0.6 6.
I2 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 7
6. . . . . . .7
7 7
6 7 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7
40 0 0  0 HiK 05
6 7 7
0 0 0  0 0 0
P12 ¼ I2 ð28Þ
0 11

4 6 8
0 -2 0 2
-8 -6 -4

Fig. 3 The interval type-3 membership function [43]

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

Remark 1 It should be noted that, the symbol 0 denotes a 8 q T

D 11 e^ ¼ h~11 n þ e11 j11 e^11
< t 11
scalar and 0 represents a vector with zero elements and >
appropriate dimension. > .
: q1K
Proof By substituting (4) into (2), the dynamics of the Dt e^1K ¼ h~1K n þ e1K j1K e^1K
tracking errors are obtained as follows: .. ð34Þ
8 q11 .
D e11 ðtÞ ¼ k11 e11 j11 e^11 8 q
~ T
< t D e^ ¼ hm1 n þ em1
jm1 e^m1
< t m1
> >
. ..
: q1K
> > .
Dt e1K ðtÞ ¼ k1K e1K j1K e^1K >
: qmK
~ T
Dt e^mK ¼ hmK n þ emK jmK e^mK
.. ð29Þ
8 qm1 . Consider the ith subsystem and its estimated models, then
D em1 ðtÞ ¼ km1 em1 jm1 e^m1
< t in the matrix form, one has:
.. 2 qi1 3 2 3
> . Dt e^i1 e^i1
: qmK
> 6 qi1 7
Dt emK ðtÞ ¼ kmK emK jmK e^mK 6 Dt ei1 7 6 ei1 7
6 7
6 qi1
6 Dt h~i1 7 6 h~i1 7
7 6 7
From (2) and by considering optimal fuzzy systems 6 7 6 7

F^ik yðtÞjhik ðtÞ , the dynamics of the estimation errors are
.. 77 ¼ Ai1 6 .. 7
 6 6 7
6 . 7 6 . 7 ð35Þ
obtained as follows: 6 qiK
6 Dt e^iK 7
7 6
6 e^iK 7
6 7 6 7
  6 qiK
Dt e^11 ðtÞ ¼ F^11 ½yðtÞjh11 ðtފ F^11 yðtÞjh1 ðtÞ
8 q11 
4 Dt eiK 5 4 eiK 5
7 6 7
DqiK h~iK h~iK
þDt 1 y1 ðtÞ Dqt 11 y1 ðtÞ j11 e^11
> t
.. where
> .
> 2 3
q1K ^ Š F^1K yðtÞjh1 ðtÞ ji1 wi1 Di1 ðtÞ  0 0 01L
> D t e
^1K ðt Þ ¼ F 1K ½ y ðt Þjh 1K ð t Þ
ji1 ki1 01L  0 0 01L 7
> 6 7
þDt 1 y1 ðtÞ Dtq1K y1 ðtÞ j1K e^1K
: 6
6 7
6 cn 0L1 0LL  0L1 0L1 0LL 77
.. 6
Ai1 ¼ 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 77
. 6 . . . . . . . 7
6 7
T 7
Dt e^m1 ðtÞ ¼ F m1 ½yðtÞjhm1 ðtފ F^m1 yðtÞjhm ðtÞ
8 q
^ 0 0 01L  jiK wiK DiK ðtÞ n 7
> 6
 jiK kiK
6 7
4 0 0 01L 01L 5
þDt m ym ðtÞ Dtqm1 ym ðtÞ jm1 e^m1
< 0L1 0L1 0LL  cn 0L1 0LL
.. ð36Þ
> .
> Dt e^mK ðtÞ ¼ F^mK ½yðtÞjhmK ðtފ F^mK yðtÞjhm ðtÞ
> Consider Lemma 4, and define Q12 ¼ Q22 ¼ 0 and:
þDt m ym ðtÞ Dqt mK ym ðtÞ jmK e^mK
: 2 3
1 0 0  0 0 0
ð30Þ 60 H
6 i1 0  0 0 07 7
6 7
From (20), one has:
60 0
6 1  0 0 07 7
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
 T 6 ..
Q11 ¼ Q21 ¼ 6 . . . . . .7 ð37Þ
F^ik ½yðtÞjhik ðtފ F^ik yðtÞjhi ðtÞ ¼ h~ik n

ð31Þ 6 7
i ¼ 1; :::; m; k ¼ 1; :::; K
60 0
6 0  1 0 07 7
40 0 0    0 HiK 0 5
6 7
The approximation error eik , i ¼ 1; :::; m; k ¼ 1; :::; K is
0 0 0  0 0 1
defined as follows:
q Then the system (35) is asymptotically stable if:
eik ¼ Dt i yi ðtÞ Dqt ik yi ðtÞ ð32Þ

It is assumed that:
eik ¼ wik Dik ðtÞeik ; jDik ðtÞj  1 ð33Þ

where wik is a constant. This assumption is logical, because

the effect of the approximation error is seen on the tracking
error. Considering (31) and (32), the dynamics of the
estimation errors are rewritten as follows:

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

2 3 2 31
0  0 0 0  0 0 0
8 2 3
> ji1 wi1 Di1 ðtÞ  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 6 0 D ðt Þ 0  0 0 07 7 60 Hi1 0  0 0 0 7
> 6 C
ji1 ki1 0  0 0 0 7
> 6 7 6 i1 7C
> 6 6 7 6 7C
60 0 0  0 0 07 7 60 0 0  0 0 0 7C
> 6 7
cn 0 0  0 0 0 7
> 6 6 7
> 6 C
2 > 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
7  6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
< 6 7 6 C
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 6 ..
X 6
Sym Xj1 . . . . . .7 6. . . . . . . 7C
. . . . . . . 7
6 7
6 6 7 6 7C
 0 0  0 0 0 7
> 60 0
> 6 7 0 0 0 07 7 60
nT 7
6 C
 jiK wiK DiK ðtÞ
> 6 0 0 0 6 7C
0  0 DiK ðtÞ 0 5 4 0 0 0  0 HiK 0 5A
40 0
> 6 7 6 7 6 7C

jiK kiK
6 7
> 4 0 0 0 0 5
00 0  0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0
0 0 0  cn 0 0 80 2 31
2 39 0 wi1 0  0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 > >
6 0 0  0 0 0 7 7C
60 H 0  0 0 07 > >
>B 6 7C
7> 60 0 0  0 0 0 7
6 > >
> B C
6 7>> >
<B 6 7C
60 0 1 0 07
> B 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 C
¼ Sym B 6.
6. . . . . . . 7C
6 = 7C
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 \0
6. >
6. . . . . . . 7>
> B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 wiK 0 7
> B C
6 7> >
> B 6 7C
60 0 0  1 0 07
40 0 0  0 0 0 5A
> >
> B 6 7C
6 7>> >
> @
7> >
40 0 0  0 HiK 0 5>
0  0 0 0
6 :
> 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 0  0 0 0

ð38Þ B
6 0 D ðt Þ
6 i1 0  0 0 07 7C
B 6 7C
B 60 0 0  0 0 07 C
where 0 and 1 are the zero and unit matrix with compatible B
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
B I2 6. . . . . . . 7C
dimensional. The inequality (38) can be rewritten as follows: B 6 7C
6 0 0  0 0 07 7C
8 2 39
> ji1 0 0 0 0 >
@ 40
0 0    0 DiK ðtÞ 0 5A
> >
ji1 ki1 Hi1 0  0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0
> 6 7>
> 6 7>>
> 7> 0 2 319
0 0 0  0 0 0
> 6 >
cn 0 0  0 0 07
> 6 >
> >
> 7> >
2 > 6 > C>
X < 6 .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. 7 þ
7 B 60 H
i1 0  0 0 07 >
Sym Xj1
B 6 7C>
. . . . . . . 7>
6 B 6 >
60 0 0  0 0 0 7C>
6 B 7 C>
> >
j¼1 > 6 7> B 6 >
nT 7
0  jiK 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7C
> >
> 6 0 0 0 > B
B 6.
7 C
> 7>
> 6
> 6. . . . . . . 7C>
> >
jiK kiK HiK
> 4 0 0 0 5> >
60 0 0  0 0 07
: >
; B 6 7C>>
0 0 0  cn 0 0 B
@ 40 0
0    0 HiK 0 5A>
8 2 39 >
> 0 wi1 Di1 ðtÞHi1 0  0 0 0 > > 0 0 0  0 0 0
> >
> 60 0 0  0 0 07 7>
Form (33), one has:
> 6 >
> 6 7> >
60 0 0  0 0 07
> >
> 6 7> >
2 0 2 31
0 0 0  0 0 0
< 6. =
Sym Xj1 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 \0
6. . . . . . . 7> B 60 Di1 ðtÞ 0  0 0 07 C
j¼1 >
> 6 7> B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 wiK DiK ðtÞHiK 07
> >
> B 6 7C
> 6 7>
> B 60 0 0  0 0 0 7C
0  0
B 6 C
40 0 0 0 5>
> 6 >
> > B 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7C
> > B I2 6.
6. . . . . . . 7C
> > 7C
0  0
: ;
0 0 0 0
B 6 7C
B 60 0 0  0 0 07 C
ð39Þ B
0 0  0 DiK ðtÞ
0 5A

Rewrite the second term in (39), as follows: 0 0 0  0 0 0

0 2 31T
8 2 39 0 0 0  0 0 0
0 wi1 Di1 ðtÞHi1 0  0 0 0 > 60 Di1 ðtÞ 0  0 0 07
> > B C
> >
60 B 6 7C
> 0 0 0 07 7>
> B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 0 07
> 6 >
> 6 7>> B C
60 0 0  0 0 0 7>
> 7 > B 6 7C
> > B 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 C
> 6 >
B 6.
BI 2
< 6. =
.. .. .. .. .. .. 7 6. . . . . . . 7C
Sym Xj1 6.
6. . . . . . . 7>
7 B 6 7C
> 6 7> B 60 0 0  0 0 07 C
60 0 0  0 wiK DiK ðtÞHiK 07
> >
> B 6 7C
> 7> 40 0 0  0 DiK ðtÞ 0 5A
> 6 > B 6 7C
7> @
40 0 0  0 0 0 5>
> 6 >
> >
> >
> 0 0 0  0 0 0
0  0
: ;
0 0 0 0 0 2 31
8 02 3 0 0 0  0 0 0
0 wi1 0  0 0 0 60 DTi1 ðtÞDi1 ðtÞ 0  0 0 07
> B C
B6 0 B 6 7C
> 0 0 0 07 B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 0 07
> B6 7 B C
> B6 7
B6 0 0 0  0 0 07
> B 6 7C
> B 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 C
> B6 7
¼B 6. 7C  I
< B6 .
¼ Sym Xj1 B6 . .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 6. . . . . . . 7C
B6 . . . . . . .7
7 B 6 7C
> B6 7 B 60 0 0  0 0 07 C
B6 0 0 0  0 wiK 07
> B 6 7C
DTiK ðtÞDiK ðtÞ 0 5A
40 0 0  0
> B6 7 B 6 7C
@4 0 0 0  0 0 05
> B6 7
> 0 0 0  0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
From (40) and (41) and Lemma 3, one has:

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

8 2 39
0 wi1 Di1 ðtÞHi1 0  0
8 2 39
> 0 0 > > >
ji1 0  0 0 0 >
ji1 ki1 Hi1 0  0 0 0 7>
> > > 6 7>
60 0 0  0 0 07
> > >
> 6 >
> 6 7>> >
> 6 7>>
cn 0 0  0 0 0 7
> 6 7>> >
> 6 >
60 0 0  0 0 0 7> 7>
> 7 > >
< 6 >
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
> > X 6 7
< 6
= Sym Xj1 6
. . . . . . . 7>
Sym Xj1 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
6. . . . . . . 7>
 jiK nT 7
> >
6 0 0 0 0 7>
> 6 7> > 7>

> >
0  0 wiK DiK ðtÞHiK jiK kiK Hi1
> 60 0 07
> >
> 4 0 0 0 0 5> >
> 6 7>> >
: >
0 0 0  cn 0 0
> 7>
40 0 0  0 0 0 5>
> 6 >
> >
wi1 wTi1
8 2 3
0 0  0 0 0
> >
0  0
: ; >
0 0 0 0 >
> 60
0 0  0 0 07 7
0 2 31 >
0 wi1 0  0 0 0 >
60 0 0  0 0 07
2 >
< 6 7
B 6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C
1 j I2
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
6. . . . . . .7
B 6 7C 7
B 6 7C j¼1 >
B 6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C >
60 0 0  0 wiK wTiK 07
B 6 7C > 6 7
B 6 . . . . . . . 7C >
> 6
40 0 0  0 0 05
1j BXj1 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
B 6 C >

B 6
7C 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 6 0 0 0  0 w 0 7C 0 2
0 0 0  0 0 0
B 6 iK 7C
4 0 0 0  0 0 0 5A Hi1 
B 6 7C B 60 0 0 0 07 C
@ B 6 7C
B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 0 0 7C
0 0 0  0 0 0
B 7
B 6 C
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
þ 1j 1 B
0 2 3 1T 6. . . . . . . 7C
0 wi1 0  0 0 0 B 6 7C
B 6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C B
6 0 0  0 0 07 C
40 0 0  0 HiK 0 5A
B 6 7C B 6 7C
B 6 7C @
B 6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C 0 0 0  0 0 0
B 6 7C
B 6 . . . . . . . 7C 0 2
0 0 0  0 0 0
 BXj1 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
B 6 C
60 Hi1 0  0 0 07
7C B >
B 6 7C B 6 7C> >
B 6 0 0 0  0 w 0 7C B 6
60 0 0  0 0
0 7C>
B 6 iK 7C B
B 6
7 C >
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 C=
4 0 0 0  0 0 0 5A
B 6 7C B
B 6.
7C \0
@ 6. . . . . . . 7C>
0 0 0  0 0 0
B 6 7C>
6 0 0  0 0 07 C>
3 1T 7C>
40 0 0  0 HiK 0 5A>
0 2 B 6 >
0 0 0  0 0 0 @ >

B 6 0 H 0  0 0 0 7C 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 6 i1 7C
6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C
7C ð43Þ
B 6 7C
B 6 . . . . . . . 7C The second term in (43), can be rewritten as follows:
þ 1j BI2 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
0 2 3 1T
6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C
7C 0 0 0  0 0 0
B 6 7C
@ 4 0 0 0  0 HiK 0 5A
6 7C B
60 H
6 i1 0  0 0 07 7C
B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 0 07
0 0 0  0 0 0
2 B 6 7C
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7C
1j 1 B
0 2 31 B 6 7
0 0 0  0 0 0 BI2 6 .. . . . . . . 7C
B 6 0 H 0  0 0 0 7C j¼1 B 6 7C
B 6 i1 7C B 60 0 0  0 0 07 C
B 6 7C B 6 7C
6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C
4 0 0 0    0 HiK 0 5A
B B 6 7C
B 6 7C @
B 6 . . . . . . . 7C
B I . . .
B 2 6 . . . . . . . 7C
6 . . . . 7C 0 0 0  0 0 0
0 2 31
6 0 0 0  0 0 0 7C
7C 0 0 0  0 0 0
B 6 7C
@ 4 0 0 0  0 HiK 0 5A
6 7C B
60 H
6 i1 0  0 0 07 7C
B 6 7C
60 0 0  0 0 07
0 0 0  0 0 0
B 6 7C
B 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7C
ð42Þ BBI2 6 .. . . . . . . 7C
6 C
B 6 7C
From (42) and considering the fact that B 60 0 0  0 0 07 C
B 6 7C
Xj1 XTj1 ¼ I2 ; j ¼ 1;2, the inequality (39), becomes: 4 0 0 0    0 HiK 0 5A
B 6 7C
0 0 0  0 0 0

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

2 2
0 0 0  0 0 0
3T 5.1 Normal Simulation
6 60 Hi1 0  0 0 07
Example 1 The dynamics of the first and second states of
6 6 7
6 6 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7 the hyperchaotic Lorenz system are considered as the
6 6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
¼6 6. dynamics of the under control plant and the dynamics of
6I2 6. . . . . . .7
6 6 7 the other states are considered as the unmodeled dynamic
6 60 0 0  0 0 07
6 6 7 subsystem. Then one has:
40 0 0  0 HiK 05
6 6 7
0 0 0  0 0 0 Dt0:97 x1 ¼ 10ðx2 x1 Þ þ 12 þ u1
0 0 0  0 0 0 T
3 3T Dt0:97 x2 ¼ 28x1 x2 x 1 1 1 þ u2
6 Hi1 0  0 0 07 7
7 7 where the unmodeled dynamics are:
6 7 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7
7 7 Dt0:97 11 ¼ x1 x2 8=311 ; Dt0:97 12 ¼ x 2 11 12 ð46Þ
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 7
I2 6.
6. . . . . . .7 7
6 7 7 where the initial conditions are as x1 ð0Þ ¼ 0:61 x2 ð0Þ ¼
6 0 0  0 0 07 7
7 7 0:21 x3 ð0Þ ¼ 0:61 and x4 ð0Þ ¼ 0:21. The control condi-
0 0  0 HiK 05 5
7 7 tions and IT3FLS parameters are shown in Tables 1 and 2,
0 0 0  0 0 0 respectively. The reference signals are r1 ¼ 0:5 sinð2tÞ þ
1 0:5 cosð2:5tÞ and r2 ¼ 1=3 sinð3tÞ þ cosðtÞ. The tracking
0 performance and the trajectories of the outputs of the
0 11 system are depicted in Fig. 4. The trajectories of the real
2 2 3T outputs and the estimated outputs are shown in Fig. 5. The
0 0 0  0 0 0
trajectories of the control signals are given in Fig. 6. As it
6 Hi1 0  0 0 07 7 is seen from Figs. 4, 5, 6, the trajectories of the outputs of
6 6 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7 the system (y1 and y2 ) are well track the reference signals
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 r1 and r2 and the control signals u1 and u2 have a good
6 6.
6I2 6. . . . . . .7
6 6 7 smooth shapes. Also the trajectories of the outputs of the
6 0 0  0 0 07 7 estimated system (y^1 and y^2 ) are well converged to the
40 0 0  0 HiK 05
6 6 7
4 trajectories of real outputs of the system (y1 and y2 ). For
0 0 0  0 0 0 further examination, the estimation and tracking errors are
2 3T 3 ð44Þ compared using different kind of fuzzy systems in Table 3.
0 0 0  0 0 0
On can see that the suggested controller using IT3FLS
60 Hi1 0  0 0 07 7
7 7
7 7 results in better tracking and estimation performance
6 0 0  0 0 07 7 7
7 especially in the high noisy condition. It should be noted
6. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 7
I2 6.
6. . . . . . .7 7
6 7 7
6 0 0  0 0 07 7 7
0 0  0 HiK 05 5
7 7 Table 1 Control parameters

0 0 0  0 0 0 Parameter Value Equation Parameter Value Equation

The by setting vik ¼ kik Hik ; k ¼ 1; :::; K and considering kik 500 (4) jik 100 (2)
(43)–(44) and Lemma 2, the inequality (25) is obtained and K 5 (4) c 10 (24)
this completes the proof.h R 3 (22) nþa 3 (22)

5 Simulations
Table 2 IT3FLS parameters
In this section one normal simulation, one real-time sim-
a 2 ½0:75; 0:9; 1Š, a 2 ½0; 0:25; 0:5Š
ulation and one experimental verification is presented to
demonstrate the good performance and the effectiveness of c1wi ¼ 1; c2wi ¼ 0; c3wi ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; 2, na ¼ 3; R ¼ 3
the suggested control technique. rhwi ;0 ¼ 1; i ¼ 1; 2; h ¼ 1; 2; 3, rhwi ;0 ¼ 1; i ¼ 1; 2; h ¼ 1; 2; 3

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

1 y1 r1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
y2 r2


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 4 Example 1: the trajectories of the outputs and reference signals

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 5 Example 1: the trajectories of the real and estimated outputs

50 u1


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
50 u2

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 6 Example 1: the trajectories of the control signals

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

Table 3 Example 1: the value of root mean square of estimation and different values of fractional-order. Also one dynamic
tracking errors on basis of different fuzzy systems and noisy model with integer-order is considered. The values of root
mean-square-errors (MSEs) are given in Table 4. As it is
Noise power Error signal Fuzzy system observed, the estimation performance is changed with
T2FLS GT2FLS IT3FLS changes of the value of the FO and the dynamic model with
FO q ¼ 0:5 results in better accuracy in the versus of other
0 e1 0.03421 0.0312 0.0301 models. The trajectories of the estimation errors for dif-
e2 0.0131 0.0132 0.0131 ferent models are depicted in Fig. 7. It is seen that the
e^1 0.0095 0.0094 0.0095 integer-order dynamic model has the worst performance.
e^2 0.0124 0.0119 0.0115 For further examination, the superiority of the designed
0.01 e1 0.0453 0.0335 0.0322 controller is shown by a comparison with some new similar
e2 0.0273 0.0223 0.0145 control systems. The suggested controller is compared with
e^1 0.0267 0.0234 0.0113 the fractional-order type-2 fuzzy controller [44] and frac-
e^2 0.0314 0.0224 0.0131 tional-order Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy controller [45].
0.1 e1 0.0981 0.0634 0.0464 The methods of [44] and [45] are applied on the system
e2 0.0785 0.0247 0.0236 (45) with same simulation conditions. The trajectories of
e^1 0.0478 0.0347 0.0215 signals y1 , y2 by various controller with reference signals
e^2 0.0563 0.0384 0.0227 are depicted in Fig. 8. Also a numerical comparison is
given in Table 5. It is seen that the suggested controller has
better control proficiency.

Table 4 Example 1: the value of root mean square of estimation Example 2 To examine the suggested control system on
error y1 y^1 on basis of different values of the FO q in dynamic fuzzy
integer-order systems, it is applied on the integer-order
model, in a without control mode
chaotic model of the brushless DC motors. The dynamics
q t2 of the first and second states are considered as the
½0; 5sŠ ½0; 10sŠ ½0; 15sŠ ½0; 20sŠ dynamics of the under control plant and the dynamics of
the third state are considered as the unmodeled dynamics.
0.9 0.3719 0.3411 0.3374 0.3360
Then one has:
0.8 0.4819 0.4410 0.4345 0.4320
0.7 0.4874 0.4459 0.4388 0.4362 x_1 ¼ f1 ðx1 ; x2 ; 11 Þ þ u1 ; x_2 ¼ f2 ðx1 ; x2 ; 11 Þ þ u2 ð47Þ
0.6 0.2593 0.2376 0.2336 0.2322
0.5 0.2100 0.1928 0.1896 0.1883 where the nonlinear f1 and f2 are as follows:
Integer-order 0.6008 0.5495 0.5410 0.5375 f1 ¼ 0:16 x1 x2 11 þ 5811 ; f2 ¼ 21 0:23x2 þ x1 11
The dynamics of the unmodeled subsystem are as follows:
that the white noise with different noise power is added to
1_1 ¼ 4:4ðx1 11 Þ þ 0:8x1 x2 0:52 ð49Þ
control signals as disturbance.
To show the effect of the value of fractional-order in where the initial conditions are as: x1 ð0Þ ¼ 3:65,
estimation performance, in a without control mode, the first x2 ð0Þ ¼ 56, 1ð0Þ ¼ 0:35. The tracking performance and the
output y1 is estimated by fuzzy dynamic models with

q=0.9 q=0.8 q=0.7 q=0.6 q=0.5 Integer-order
0 0.5 1

Fig. 7 Example 1: the trajectories of the estimation error y1 y^1 on basis of different values of the fractional-order q in dynamic fuzzy model, in
a without control mode

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

Proposed method Typ-2 fuzzy control T-S fuzzy control Reference





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)

Fig. 8 Example 1: the trajectories of signals y1 , y2 with various controllers and reference signals r1 and r2

Table 5 Example 1: the value of root mean square of estimation model are shown in Fig. 11. It is seen that the fractional
error yi ri ; i ¼ 1; 2 by different controllers calculus improves the estimation performance (Table 7).
5.2 Real-Time Simulation
y1 y2

Proposed method 0.0464 0.0236 Example 3 In this example, the efficiency of suggested
Type-2 fuzzy control [44] 0.1018 0.0312 controller is examined by a real-time simulation on the
T–S fuzzy control [45] 0.1886 0.0472 Arduino Mega board. The block diagram is depicted in
Fig. 12. The Matlab and Arduino board are communicated
as the serial communication. The generated control signals
by Matlab are sent to Arduino board and the outputs of the
trajectories of the control signals are depicted in Figs. 9 system are got back to Matlab. The proposed method is
and 10, respectively. It is observed that a good tracking applied on the integer-order chaotic model of the brushless
accuracy is achieved. Similar to Example 1, to show the DC motors that is given in Example 2.
effect of the value of fractional-order in estimation per- The reference system dynamics are:
formance, the first output y1 is estimated by fuzzy dynamic
r_1 ¼ 0:168 r1 r2 11 þ 60v; r_2 ¼ 20:66 0:26r2 þ r1 v
models with different values of fractional-order, in a
without control mode. Also one dynamic model with v_ ¼ 4:55ðr1 vÞ þ 0:875r1 r2 0:53
integer-order is considered. The values of RMSEs are ð50Þ
given in Table 6. The trajectories of the estimation error
y1 y^1 , on basis of different FOs q in dynamic fuzzy

y1 r1


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
y2 r2


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 9 Example 2: the tracking performance

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

0 u1


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 10 Example 2: the trajectories of the control signals

Table 6 Example 2: the value of root mean square of estimation

Table 7 Example 3: the value of root mean square of estimation
error y1 y^1 on basis of different values of the FO q in dynamic fuzzy
error y1 y^1 on basis of different values of the fractional-order q in
model, in a without control mode
dynamic fuzzy model, in a without control mode
q t2
0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Integer-order
½0; 5sŠ ½0; 10sŠ ½0; 15sŠ ½0; 20sŠ
0.8741 0.8637 0.8681 0.8572 0.8501 0.8917
0.9 0.3646 0.3706 0.3685 0.3710
0.8 0.4690 0.4802 0.4783 0.4822
0.7 0.4742 0.4856 0.4837 0.4876
0.6 0.2568 0.2587 0.2564 0.2579 fractional-order is examined in identification process in
0.5 0.2097 0.2095 0.2071 0.2080 Table 8 and the effectiveness of the fractional calculus is
Integer-order 0.5822 0.5985 0.5968 0.6018 shown.

5.3 Experimental Examination

Example 4 In this example, the suggested control

where the initial conditions are as: r1 ð0Þ ¼ 3:63,
scheme is practically applied on a heat transfer system. The
r2 ð0Þ ¼ 56:02, vð0Þ ¼ 0:29, x1 ð0Þ ¼ 3:65, x2 ð0Þ ¼ 56,
block diagram is depicted in Fig. 14. The proposed
1ð0Þ ¼ 0:35. The trajectories of outputs and reference
experimental setup is given in Fig. 15. The output is tem-
signals are shown in Fig. 13. One can observes that, output
perature and the control signal is the voltage of a heater.
trajectories well track the trajectories of the reference
The voltage of the fan acts as an disturbance and unmod-
signals. It should be noted that, these results are achieved,
eled dynamic system. The trajectories of the reference
while (1) the system dynamics are considered to be fully
signal and output are shown in Fig. 16. One can see that,
unknown, (3) the dynamics are disturbed by unmodeled
output trajectory well tracks the target signal. It must be
dynamics (3) the controller is applied as real-time, and (4)
noted that, the plant dynamics are considered to be fully
the reference signals are the outputs of a chaotic system.
unknown and are disturbed by the external perturbations.
Also, similar to the Examples 1, 2, the effect of value of

q=0.9 q=0.8 q=0.7 q=0.6 q=0.5 Integer-order

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 11 Example 2: the trajectories of the estimation error y1 y^1 , on basis of different values of the fractional-order q in dynamic fuzzy model,
in a without control mode

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

Fig. 12 Example 3: the block diagram of the real-time simulation

y1 r1

0 2.5 5
Time (s)
y2 r2



0 2.5 5
Time (s)

Fig. 13 Example 3 (real-time simulation): the outputs signals, yi ; i ¼ 1; 2 and reference signals ri

Table 8 Example 4: the value of root mean square of estimation error y1 y^1 on basis of different values of the FO q in dynamic fuzzy model,
in a without control mode
0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Integer-order

0.4557 0.4509 0.4486 0.4475 0.4472 0.4714

Fig. 14 Example 4: the block diagram of the experimental examination

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

6 Discussion

In various studies, the effectiveness of fractional-order

calculus has been demonstrated in modeling of physical
systems. Motivation by this concept, in this paper, a control
system is proposed for nonlinear systems with unknown
dynamics and a fractional-order fuzzy multiple model is
suggested for online dynamic identification. Based on the
identified model a robust controller is designed such that,
the effect of perturbations and approximation errors are
well tolerated. In two simulation examples and two
experimental examinations the superiority and effective-
ness of the suggested control system are verified. In all
examples the dynamics are assumed to be fully unknown
and also some disturbances are considered. The well con-
Fig. 15 Example 4: the experimental setup vergence of output signals into the reference signals in the
presence of dynamic uncertainties and perturbations
The real trajectory and estimated one are shown in Fig. 17. ensures the applicability of the designed control system.
It is seen that, the trajectory of the approximated temper-
ature is well converged to the real temperature. This
example demonstrates that the proposed control system has 7 Conclusion
good capability to be used in practical problems. Also,
similar to the previous examples, the effect of value of In this study, a class of NSs with unmodeled dynamics is
fractional-order in the identification process is shown considered. The novel multiple models based on the first-
Table 8. order dynamic fractional-order fuzzy models are obtained
for online identification of the system. The interval type-3
fuzzy systems (IT3FLSs) are used to construct the fuzzy
dynamic models. The closed-loop stability is analyzed
based on a linear matrix inequality approach and some

40 y r




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)

Fig. 16 Example 4: the trajectories of the output and reference signal





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)

Fig. 17 Example 4: the trajectories of the real and estimated output

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

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9. Wang, N., Gao, Y., Sun, Z., Zheng, Z.: Nussbaum-based adaptive
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scheme. In the first one, the proposed controller is applied unknown dynamics and complex input nonlinearities. Int.
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International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

27. Zarandi, M.F., Soltanzadeh, S., Mohammadi, A., Castillo, O.: Ardashir Mohammadzadeh
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28. Shahparast, H., Mansoori, E.G.: Developing an online general M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in
type-2 fuzzy classifier using evolving type-1 rules. Int. J. Approx. control engineerin. He is cur-
Reason. 113, 336–353 (2019) rently assistant professor at
29. Martı́nez, G.E., Gonzalez, C.I., Mendoza, O., Melin, P.: General university of Bonab. His
type-2 fuzzy sugeno integral for edge detection. J. Imaging 5(8), research interests include: fuzzy
71 (2019) systems, intelligent control, soft
30. Chen, Y., Wang, D.: Forecasting by designing mamdani general computing. Email:
type-2 fuzzy logic systems optimized with quantum particle a.mzadeh@ubonab.ac.ir
swarm optimization algorithms. Trans. Inst. Meas. Control
41(10), 2886–2896 (2019)
31. Mohammadzadeh, A., Kaynak, O.: A novel general type-2 fuzzy
controller for fractional-order multi-agent systems under
unknown time-varying topology. J. Franklin Inst. 356(10),
5151–5171 (2019) Oscar Castillo holds the Doctor
32. Baghbani, F., Akbarzadeh-T, M.-R., Akbarzadeh, A.: Indirect in Science degree (Doctor
adaptive robust mixed h2/H1 general type-2 fuzzy control of Habilitatus) in Computer Sci-
uncertain nonlinear systems. Appl. Soft Comput. 72, 392–418 ence from the Polish Academy
(2018) of Sciences (with the Disserta-
33. Dian, S., Hu, Y., Zhao, T., Han, J.: Adaptive backstepping control tion ‘‘Soft Computing and
for flexible-joint manipulator using interval type-2 fuzzy neural Fractal Theory for Intelligent
network approximator. Nonlinear Dyn. 1–14 (2019) Manufacturing’’). He is a Pro-
34. Adolfsson, K., Enelund, M., Olsson, P.: On the fractional order fessor of Computer Science in
model of viscoelasticity. Mech. Time-dependent Mater. 9(1), the Graduate Division, Tijuana
15–34 (2005) Institute of Technology,
35. Chen, W.-C.: Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in a fractional-order Tijuana, Mexico. In addition, he
financial system. Chaos Solitons Fractals 36(5), 1305–1314 is serving as Research Director
(2008) of Computer Science and head
36. Freeborn, T.J., Maundy, B., Elwakil, A.S.: Fractional-order of the research group on Hybrid
models of supercapacitors, batteries and fuel cells: a survey. Fuzzy Intelligent Systems. Currently, he is President of HAFSA
Mater. Renew. Sustain. Energy 4(3), 9 (2015) (Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association) and Past President
37. Aghababa, M.P., Borjkhani, M.: Chaotic fractional-order model of IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association). Prof. Castillo is
for muscular blood vessel and its control via fractional control also Chair of the Mexican Chapter of the Computational Intelligence
scheme. Complexity 20(2), 37–46 (2014) Society (IEEE). He also belongs to the Technical Committee on
38. Yu, W., Luo, Y., Pi, Y.: Fractional order modeling and control for Fuzzy Systems of IEEE and to the Task Force on ‘‘Extensions to
permanent magnet synchronous motor velocity servo system. Type-1 Fuzzy Systems’’. He is also a member of NAFIPS, IFSA and
Mechatronics 23(7), 813–820 (2013) IEEE. He belongs to the Mexican Research System (SNI Level 3).
39. Aguila-Camacho, N., Duarte-Mermoud, M.A., Gallegos, J.A.: His research interests are in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control,
Lyapunov functions for fractional order systems. Commun. Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic-Fuzzy hybrid approaches. He has published
Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 19(9), 2951–2957 (2014) over 300 journal papers, 10 authored books, 50 edited books, 300
40. Boyd, S.P., El Ghaoui, L., Feron, E., Balakrishnan, V.: Linear papers in conference proceedings, and more than 300 chapters in
matrix inequalities in system and control theory, Vol. 15, SIAM edited books, in total more than 930 publications. He has been Guest
(1994) Editor of several successful Special Issues in the past, like in the
41. Xie, L.: Output feedback H-infinity control of systems with following journals: Applied Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems,
parameter uncertainty. Int. J. Control 63(4), 741–750 (1996) Information Sciences, Soft Computing, Non-Linear Studies, Fuzzy
42. Lu, J.-G., Chen, Y.-Q.: Robust stability and stabilization of Sets and Systems, JAMRIS and Engineering Letters. He is currently
fractional-order interval systems with the fractional order a: The Associate Editor of the Information Sciences Journal, Applied Soft
0  a  1 case. IEEE Trans. Auto. Control 55(1), 152–158 (2010) Computing Journal, Journal of Engineering Applications on Artificial
43. Mohammadzadeh, A., Sabzalian, M. H., Zhang, W.: An interval Intelligence, Granular Computing Journal and the IEEE Transactions
type-3 fuzzy system and a new online fractional-order learning on Fuzzy Systems. He has been elected IFSA Fellow and MICAI
algorithm: theory and practice. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. https:// Fellow member last year. Finally, he recently received the Recogni-
doi.org/10.1109/TFUZZ.2019.2928509 tion as Highly Cited Researcher in 2017 and 2018 by Clarivate
44. Sabzalian, M.H., Mohammadzadeh, A., Lin, S., Zhang, W.: Analytics and Web of Science.
Robust fuzzy control for fractional-order systems with estimated
fraction-order. Nonlinear Dyn. 98(3), 2375–2385 (2019)
45. Mirzajani, S., Aghababa, M.P., Heydari, A.: Adaptive t-s fuzzy
control design for fractional-order systems with parametric
uncertainty and input constraint. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 365, 22–39

A. Mohammadzadeh et al.: A Novel Fractional-Order Multiple-Model Type-3 Fuzzy Control\ldots

Shahab S. Band is professor at Amirhosein Mosavi is Alexan-

National Yunlin University of der von Humboldt research fel-
Science and Technology. He low for big data, IoT, and
received his Ph.D. in computer machine learning. He is a senior
science from the University of research fellow at Oxford
Malaya and MSc in Artificial Brookes University. Amir com-
Intelligence. He has published pleted his graduate studies at
more than 200 papers, in refer- London Kingston University,
eed international SCI-IF jour- UK, and received his Ph.D. in
nals (100), international applied informatics. He is a data
conference proceedings (25), scientist for climate change,
books (10) with more than 7000 sustainability, and hazard pre-
citations in Google Scholar diction. He is the recipient of
(with h-index of 29), and the Green-Talent Award,
ResearchGate RG Score of 47. UNESCO Young Scientist
He has worked on various funded projects. He is on the editorial Award, ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Award, Campus
board of journals and has served as Guest Editor for journals. His France Fellowship Award, Campus Hungary Fellowship Award, and
major academic interests are in Computational Intelligence, Data Endeavour-Australia Leadership.
mining in multidisciplinary fields. His articles are ranked in the highly
cited papers and most downloaded papers from the top 10 % (2013 till
now) in Computer Science according to the WoS.


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