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li id eh ee oe. CTT a mac Cole a Ker Ud Primary Presidency 2024 CHECKLIST ° Use this checklist to schedule, make plans, and give assignments. The GR codes are hyperlinked for you. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT OUR Primary Kits? Our primary kits are full of printable helps such as bulletin board designs, art, schedules, class Ii newsletters, birthday cards, assignment reminders, conducting sheets, door signs, chair signs, a presidency planner, and much more. Find our 2024 kit here: ajay Note: OR codes con be scomed or cliched Mormon lists, Primary Presidency 2024 CHECKLIST PRIMARY HELPS CHILDREN: '* feel thei Heavenly Fother’ love ond learn about Hs plon of happiness. ‘© learn about Jesus Christ ond His role in Heavenly Father's plan ‘© learn and ive the gospel of Jesus Chis '* feel, recognize, and act on the influence of the Holy Ghost ‘© prepare for, make, ond keep sacred covenants ‘© participate in God's work of solvation ‘ond exaltation ‘ee Nondbook 1211 o Oo SINGING TIME + BEGINNING OF PRIMARY OPENING 5 MINUTES Decide on the the format of the fist five minutes of Primary. This should incide the children offering on opening prayer, @ scripture or Article of Faith, and o talk (see handbook 2212) Moke @ detailed pian on how chidren wil be invited, instructed, and reminded whan they (fe involved in the prayer, seripture/Artice of Faith, or tok. CONDUCTING ‘A member ofthe Primary presidency should conduct the opening five minutes of Primary. Moke o plon on who will conduct each week/month and how thet responsibilty may be rotated (see handbook 2212) SINGING TIME ‘A music leader should conduct ond teach during singing time. you have move than one music leader, work with them to knaw who is conducting each week and how that responskbilty may be rotated Music ‘Along with the music leader, select songs for each month 0 help teoch gospel principles thatthe chidten are learning ot home ond in ‘lass (see handbook 1214). Suggested songs ore linked to the right. “Sonotine PARENT COMMUNICATION \What ore your plans to communicate with porents? Here ore some things to consider One of the roles of Primory isto “encourage children ond ther fomies to lean the ‘gospel ot home” [see handbook 12212), What can you do to support the forlies of ‘your Primary children? ‘Learning the names of each cis parents could help you better assist the parents fond communicate with them, How can you learn their names? ‘© Would a monthly newsletter be beneficial? What would you want to shore in that? ‘What messages might you include? © possible to be in the children's homes on o regular basis? What can you do to ‘make this possible? Whot would you do on these visits? PRIMARY PRESIDENCY 2024 CHECKLIST Pon tay “All thy children shall be taught ofthe Lord: and great shall be the peace of thy children.” (isatan 54:13; 3 wePat 22:13) See Hondbook 212 co rents are responsible to teach their children the gospel and help them lve it (ee Doctrine ‘ond Covenants 68:25~28). Primary leaders ‘ond teachers support parents inthis responsi- bitty 0s follows: ‘© Ensure thot Primary lessons, singing time, ‘ond service and activities help children follow the example of the Savior ‘© Help children prepare for baptism ond confirmation ‘© Help boys prepare for priesthood ordination, 1© Help children prepare to receive a temple recommend and temple cexdinances. ‘© Teach children obout the blessings of sharing the gospel, including fulltime “See Handbook 1221) PRIMARY ROOM (1 BULLETIN BOARDS Do you hove bulletin Boords that need to be decorated? Can the bulletin board help you full he purpose of Primary (found onthe ist page). Make a plan CO CHAIR SIGNS \Would it be helpful to have chair signs to signify where specific lasses sit? f so, make o lon (1 sunpay setup Does the primary room require any setup oF takedown each Sunday? Moke a plan. BIRTHDAYS + BAPTISMS (1 CHILDREN BIRTHDAYS ‘© How con youmoke each child fel special on their birthday? ls there o gift you could «ive that could also help you full the purpose of Primary? © How can you make sure to not miss @ child's birthday? ls there @ specific presidency member in charge of birthdays? (1 TEACHER BIRTHDAYS \Would you lke to recognize orgie 0 gif 0 the teachers on thee birthdays? I so, make o pln CO Baptisms * One ofthe responsbiliies ofthe Primary presidency is to help parents prepare their children to be boptized ond confiemed. How can you do this? © How con you assis in planing baptismal services [see handbook 1872). ACTIVITY DAYS + ANNUAL DAY CAMP. C7 activity pays ‘+ Inthe yeor that children tum 8, they con begin attending octivi- ty days Be famiior with the guidetines for activities (linked in the GR code tothe right). Divide up the chen into activity day aroups (see handbook. 12213 fr quideines} ond assign at least two responsible adult leaders to each group (see guidelines in handbook 236). Give each leader « ist oftheir group ond links to the activity qude- lines and to handbook 12213) (ANNUAL Day CAMP “Annual day comps may be held for Primary children ages 8-1 If you choose to do this, Schedule it and moke @ plan (see handbook 12213) PRIMARY PRESIDENCY 2024 CHECKLIST Roam eID TS ‘Pimary leaders and teachers encourage chigren and their families to lear the gospel ‘ot home, These leaders and teachers study the gospel and share withthe children what they learn. They invite chicken fo shore at church what they are learning ot home, S00 Hondbook 2212 RCC Ras) The phrase “in the path of their duty” describes the thousands and thousands of nursery leaders and Primary teachers awho love and instruct the children of the Church each Sabbath day: Consider the eternal impact of the service rendered by these devoted disciples—and the ‘marvelous blessings promised to those who minister to children. ELDER DAVID A. BEDNAR (october 2023 General Conference The Primary presidency helps parents prepare children to enter and progress along the covenant path. This is one of their most important responsibittes. See Handbook 1232 CLASSES + TEACHERS. 1 Assign woachers to classes. 1. Give Primary teachers the folowing things Als of the chron in ther classes «birthdays + Alinco the Come Follow Me manual forthe Book of Maxmon chide * 42024 Come, Follow Me teaching schedule +A substitute st (optional but recommended) Contacts for he Primary presidency ‘© Tol hem what classroom they willbe teaching in © list of any FAQS they may have + Alin ond reminder to complete Potecing Chikken ond fim, Yau Th neds tobe completed every fee yeors tal A link to fifth Sundoy lesson helps. On months with fifth, Sundays, Primary teachers are encouraged 10 give a lesson focused on preparing chien for @ lifetime on the covenont path Lesson ideas ore linked here: Assign each clos too classroom 1 With permission fom the bishopric, consider hanging signs at each classroom with names ‘of teachers and class members. [11 Ave there things you can do to continualy show appreciation to your teachers? Moke © pln SPECIAL EVENTS (1 SACRAMENT MEETING PRESENTATION Schedule the socroment meeting presentation i shoud be held xing the lst few months of the yeor (see handbook 212) ‘© Work with the music leader to prepare the presentation, and "fenbook ‘sk the bishop for direction he may have. The presentation shoud allow the children to share what they have leorned ot home and church that year; “They help the congregation focus fon Heavenly Father, the Sovier, and Their teachings” (see handbook 122.2) ‘+ Review the guidelines for the soerament meeting presentation (see handbook 12212) (1 CHILDREN TURNING 8 The bishopric and Primary presidency have the responsibilty 10 help, introduce the Children and Youth program to chdren turing 8. The chien should olso receive the emblems of belonging ond a copy of Personal Development: Childrens Guidebook, Moke @ pion on how you con do this. See Handbook 1257 for further direction PRIMARY PRESIDENCY 2024 CHECKLIST fincas “the Lord will guide you by revelation just as He called you. You must ask in faith for revelation to know what you are to do. With your call comes the promise that answers will come. But that guidance will come only when the Lord is sure you will obey.” ELDER HENRY 8. EYRING (October 2002 General Conference Have you ever wondered why ‘we call Primary “Primary”? While the name refers to spiritual learning children receive in their earliest years, to ‘me it is also a reminder ofa powerful truth, To our Heaven- ly Father, children have never heen secondary—they have always been “primary.” SISTER JOY D. JONES ‘Aoi 202 General Confrence SPECIAL EVENTS CONTINUED (TEMPLE & PRIESTHOOD PREPARATION MEETING ‘+ Fach year the Primary presidency plans © “Temple and Priest- hood Preperation" meeting for chisen inthe Vallant 10 class This meeting ist help support parents in thle responsibilty 10 conan teach ther children about the temple and priesthood, Preparation Schedule this meeting, ‘+ Plan the meeting after carefully reviewing the purposes inthe handbook (see handbook 12212) (1 CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCEMENT If here ore Primary children advancing from Primary o Young Men or Young Women they may receive a cerificote of advancement (S62 Handbook 1213 for the link to certificate). Make @ plan on who wil prepare the cenficotes and how they will be presented MEETINGS (1 PRESIDENCY MEETINGS ‘© Decide when to regulary hold Primary presidency meetings throughout the yeor (see handbook 123.2) © Work withthe secretary on how agendas will be made and distributed © Work withthe secretory on how meeting notes/assignments willbe communicated citer the meeting, Work withthe secretory on how meeting notes/ossignments willbe communicated cfter the meeting ‘+ Review the responsibilities of each presidency member (see handbook 123.2 and 2233, MINISTERING (NEW CHILDREN + VISITORS © What con you do to help new children who move into your Primary feel welcome? This for both chigren coming from nursery ond for those who have just moved in Moke © pion © What con you do to help visting children feel welcome? Consider that this may be their ist time in Primary or church, What con you do to minster to ther? [1 CHILDREN WHO HAVE SPECIAL NEEDS = Doyou have children with « distil, lng lness, or other cicumstonce? What con you do to support them and halp them be a central part of your Primary? Consider counseling with their parents See handbook 1252 for further instruction

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