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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing a thesis on bipolar disorder? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and insightful research paper on such a complex topic can be incredibly
challenging. From conducting thorough research to organizing your thoughts and findings into a
cohesive paper, the process can often feel overwhelming and time-consuming.

Bipolar disorder is a multifaceted mental health condition that requires a deep understanding of its
various facets, including its causes, symptoms, treatments, and impact on individuals and society.
Gathering reliable data, analyzing existing research, and presenting original insights can be a
daunting task for even the most seasoned researchers.

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Some people experience multiple episodes within a single week, or even within a single day. This is
because an extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for close several days or even weeks. The
disorder causes various changes to the individual affected. An integrative review of the literature was
conducted which included: (a) problem formation, (b) literature search and initial screening, (c)
gathering data from studies, (d) evaluating study quality, (e) data analysis and inte. Bipolar disorder
majorly develops during a person’s early ages, normally teenage, and predominantly consists of
“depressive and maniac episodes” that alternates or simultaneously manifest (Brown, n.d., po. 1). It
is estimated to affect at least ten million individuals in America, impairing the victims’ attitudes,
physical potential, and ability to work. However, those people might begin to suspect a problem after
they have lain in bed for days not wanting to do anything. We will discuss the challenges faced by a
person with bipolar disorder as they attempt to function within the norms of Western society. The
stigma of being mentally ill has begun to fall away and people are finally starting to get the help that
they need to recover. A number of treatment for managing patients’ symptoms are however available
to prevent hospitalization and advancement of the disorder to more serious stages. Other students
have developed their own system of creating an outline. Focus on your strengths: While it's
important to be honest and open, you should also highlight your strengths and accomplishments in
your essay. Due to the wide range of presentation possibilities, bipolar disorders have been
subcategorized into several groups that better describe specific combinations and characteristics of
the symptoms related to bipolar disorder in general. A research paper focused on bipolar disorder
2022-11-06. Getting diagnosed with this disorder can be a very hard thing to deal with. On the other
hand, the second major group of mood disorders is known as the bipolar disorder type, which is also
sometimes referred to as manic-depressive disorder, manic depression or bipolar affective disorder.
Unfortunately, Cade’s discoveries regarding lithium as a treatment for bipolar disorder were not well
received in 1949. While the exact cause of bipolar disorder is not fully understood, it is thought to be
a combination of genetic, environmental, and brain chemistry factors. Type I bipolar is associated
with a period in which an individual has episodes of severe moods particularly caused by manic
depression. Although the moods swings happen in this type of bipolar, yet the stage of mania is
generally not reached. Bipolar Disorder Research Papers on the Psychological Disorder 2019-01-14.
In his encylopedia where he discussed both mental and physical health, he documented mania and
melancholia, or a type of bipolar disorder, as a mental illness and not one that was physical, like
Hippocrates and others suggested. The research shows that the brain abnormities can be self inflicted
or natural where one is born with the disorder. This can result in reckless behaviors such as drug
abuse, making poor financial decisions, increase in sexual drive sometimes resulting in erratic sexual
behavior. It has affected their lives by engaging in several drugs and alcohol, constant fighting and
arguing at home and in school, and even to the point where in the teenager suddenly goes into an
episode of severe depression and loses self-confidence and love for oneself that they attempt or
commit suicide. At the end of any given day, a person with bipolar disorder is likely to be exhausted
by the demands of dealing with the potential barriers that are imposed by their condition. Doctors
utilized springs whose water contained lithium as treatments for gout, “brain gout”, and other
common ailments at the time. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Benzodiazepines are used for the similar purpose as in type I
disorder. The person may think that he is called for a special mission or he is a very especial person
on earth. Diagnosis and Treatments: The diagnosis and treatment of this disorder is largely dependent
on the visibility of the symptoms since many times the hypomania may cause no harm and the
disorder may remain untreated.
Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar
disorder are severe. In Susie's case, her disorder is caused by both natural and artificial causes. This
is because an extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for close several days or even weeks.
This is different from bipolar I disorder that requires immediate medication on the maniac
symptoms. The treatments are otherwise similar to that of bipolar type I and make use of mood
stabilizers, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. It is also commonly known as
manic- depressive illness. For teenagers, the bipolar disorder is very common. Take the time to review
your essay and make sure it's free of errors and clearly written. The key characteristic of bipolar
disorder is the presence of episodes called mania. Many of the questions pertained to how you would
react in certain social situations. This led the authors to infer that Bipolar Disorder is a reproducible
polygenic disease. This is because of the level of complexity and diversity of the disorders with
different causes, either psychological or biological. It has destroyed plenty of close bonds and has
broken several homes all over the world. No personally identifiable information is stored in the
cookie, and the user remains anonymous until they submit a form. This often leads to withdrawal
from social groups, hardships with work, and in some situations; drug abuse. An integrated review of
the literature published between 1999 and 2010. Such an understanding develops a basis for
managing the mental disorders (Nairne, 2008). Several medicines could be taken into the body that
will help stabilize the mood of the person. Among the mood stabilizers, lamictal is used in this case
that is not referred in type I disorder. If the visitor submits a form on the site, their visitor ID is
associated with the provided information in order to facilitate contact with our team. Other than
lithium, mental health professionals can also prescribe anticonvulsant and anti-psychotic drugs. For
example, research has shown that stress and trauma may trigger the onset of bipolar disorder, or may
exacerbate existing symptoms. Additionally, research has indicated that social support and a positive
social network may help individuals with bipolar disorder better manage their condition. Bipolar
Disorder Formerly known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is categorized as a mood disorder,
meaning that the primary symptoms are disturbances in emotions. It has affected their lives by
engaging in several drugs and alcohol, constant fighting and arguing at home and in school, and even
to the point where in the teenager suddenly goes into an episode of severe depression and loses self-
confidence and love for oneself that they attempt or commit suicide. Previously, I held the
perception that the disorders cannot be managed for the victims’ positive lives. This disorder affects
3% to 5% of the world with detrimental effects on life contingency.. Free maths problem solverFree
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resume essay conclusion. The paper seeks to focus on physiological, psychological analysis of Bipolar
Disorder. In some cases, depressed person may experiences body aches without medical reason.
Conclusion Life with any mental illness has barriers that need to be overcome on a daily basis.
However, there are factors that have been associated with Bipolar Disorder (Bressert, 2015). The
lows of this disease include lack of energy, suicidal thoughts, depression, and lack of interest in daily
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The paper dwells on how this kind of disorders
can affect and or even destroy relationships within a family, with friends and other loved ones.
Ironically, treating depressed bipolar patients with can trigger a manic episode in some patients.
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things that are not part of the reality. The study found that one in five adolescent girls had either a
DSM-IV classification of anorexia nervosa or a subclinical disorder of anorexia nervosa. This is
because an extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for close several days or even weeks.
Moreover, they experience problems with concentration and memory Peacock, 2000. On a day that is
dominated by mania, a person with bipolar disorder may sleep very little and accomplish many tasks.
In order to give students a bit of help with this assignment, we have broken this task down into a
few steps that they can follow in to make sure they can turn in a great research paper. While these are
effective against the depressant part of the disorder, these do not help the manic portion of the
disorder. Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally and usually starts between the ages of 15-
25 years old. Like bipolar I, bipolar II may also occur in individuals of any age and anyone may
actually suffer from the disorder. Her disorder also affected her health since during low mood
episodes she would not eat due to lack of appetite. Professional Custom Writing Service by
WritingElites. In cases of severity, antipsychotics are used that are also useful in prevention of the
disorder. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. By following these tips
and being true to yourself, you can craft a compelling and memorable essay that will help you stand
out in the college admissions process. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. There is
some consideration that the use of antidepressants as treatment for the disorder may be detrimental,
speeding up the cycle of episodes and producing resistance to treatment. Concepts are regarded as
essential and pivotal components of theory. Along with research he also provides many statistics that
help us better understand the illness at hand. Benzodiazepines are used for the similar purpose as in
type I disorder. This is because an extreme case of Bipolar Disorder can even last for close several
days or even weeks. In 1870, Silas Weir Mitchell spoke on the use of lithium as a hypnotic and anti-
convulsant, and later said that lithium could also be used to treat “general nervousness” (Shorter, 2).
After receiving medications she behaved normally for the span of three years and then experienced
symptoms of manic episodes. Bipolar Disorder Research Papers on the Psychological Disorder 2019-
01-14. When four or more episodes of illness occur within a 12-month period, a person is said to
have rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. However, some of the symptoms like inflated self-image, excess
expenditure, hyper sexuality, and substance abuses that are observed in case of type I bipolar
disorder are not found in bipolar II disorder (Bipolar II Disorder, 2012).
Finally, there is a milder form of bipolar disorder known as cyclothymia, which has less severe mood
springs, and alternate between mild depression and hypomania. While the symptoms, diagnosis and
the treatments are similar to great extents in case of bipolar I and bipolar II, yet the effects of the
type II disorder have proved to be milder. However, there are treatments for the disorder, and hence
most of the effects can be reversed. Risks Associated With Bipolar Disorder: Different studies reveal
that there can be intense medical complications to the patients affected with the bipolar disorder.
Sudden episodes of extreme sadness that usually last for days are a major sign of bipolar disorder.
One of the most common treatments for bipolar disorders is medication. Because bipolar disorder
has such debilitating symptoms, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in the quest for explanations
of its causes and treatment. Phd dissertation word countPhd dissertation word count term paper
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affliction, and it is a common part of bipolar disorder. Studies of families with multiple members
who have bipolar disorder have helped researchers identify some of the genetic factors that may be
involved. Prospective multicenter study of pregnancy outcome after lithium exposure during the first
trimester. The manual specifies four forms of bipolar disorder, bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymic
disorder and unspecified. As a consequence, one of the most common treatments given to sufferers
of bipolar disorder is antidepressants. Some people experience multiple episodes within a single
week, or even within a single day. Several treatment approaches and techniques are used in this type
of therapy. Bipolar disorder indeed greatly affects people’s thoughts, actions and feelings. The person
also reflects huge amount of energy along with hyperactivity and reduced necessity for sleep. In
some cases, depressed person may experiences body aches without medical reason. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. Bipolar Disorder consists of several symptoms, some of them
being prodromal or predicting the onset of an attack. Hurtful or tragic incidents that have happened
in one’s life, such as the death of a loved one, abuse by parents etc., could be the main reason for
mood disorders happening to people. If the disorder remains untreated, then it may last for few days
or it may be for several months as well, after which the periods of depression initiates. I also now
understand that mental disorder victims require psychological care support for proper management of
their conditions (Helpguide, n.d.). Understanding mental disorders Understanding mental disorders
should adopt a systematic professional approach that establishes root causes of the disorders.
Hippocrates and the Hippocratic school presented ancient definitions and classifications to
understand various mental disorders such as paranoia, as well as melancholia and mania. Her
disorder also affected her health since during low mood episodes she would not eat due to lack of
appetite. Adherence was defined as taking at least one pill of any mood stabilizer daily. Personal
perception and understanding of mental disorder My personal opinion on mental disorders has
changed to identify positivity in challenged individuals. This is for the reason and purpose to stop
further damage in a person’s wellbeing, relationships with others and even his or her own life. Many
of the questions pertained to how you would react in certain social situations. They will often begin
to take on increasing numbers of projects because they have an unrealistic belief in their ability to
manage everything.
Patients with lower adherence may be taking smaller dosages of mood stabilizers. There are several
other variable characteristics of bipolar disorder. However, the performance of any tasks would likely
be marred by carelessness and may be of low quality as a result. Neenan While this article has no
data to back this up it is a true statement. Unlike men, women show their emotions more by showing
and expressing their extreme feelings of happiness or depression. On the far end of the spectrum,
shifting from depression could be extreme happiness and exhilaration that can occur in just a matter
of an instant for many. The manic symptoms are so severe that the person requires hospital care. For a
long time, psychologist and mental health professional believe in the involvement of genes in the
development of this illness. The depressive disorders are further classified into “Major Depressive
disorder, Dysthymic disorder and Depressive disorder not otherwise specified”. Case study of
dealing with health and safety issues. From children to teenagers and adults, anyone can be
experiencing this kind of illness. People with type II bipolar disorder alternate between depression
and hypomania. I will most definitely call on your services again. Even though it is chronic, its
symptoms are periodic and are manageable through medications (Duckworth, 2006). Bipolar
disorder can make everyday activities and life very difficult for the individual. And the most
tremendous feeling is the lost of interest in everything and loosing joy which can trigger suicidal
attempts. Mood disorders, such as this, being a quite common mental disturbance can occur to
people of all ages and from all walks of life. Previously, I held the perception that the disorders
cannot be managed for the victims’ positive lives. Her disorder also affected her health since during
low mood episodes she would not eat due to lack of appetite. As part of her period of psychosis, she
experienced auditory and visual hallucinations. This flight of ideas makes them talk faster and be
more talkative than usual. It is very important that Bipolar disorder be treated. There are numerous
kinds of genetic, environmental and neurochemical risk factors that interact with one another at
different levels, thus causing the bipolar disorder condition to result. This disorder affects 3% to 5%
of the world with detrimental effects on life contingency.. Free maths problem solverFree maths
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essay conclusion. Another symptom of mania is the display of excessive energy. In order to receive a
proper treatment, the type of the disorder is necessary to be determined that can be obtained by
consulting with a medical professional if symptoms are observed (Bipolar Disorder History, 2008). In
1999, Melly was diagnosed with depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and periods of
psychosis. Cade began treating his manic patients with lithium at the Bundoora Repatriation Hospital
in Melbourne, Australia. This could have caused enough traumas to trigger her Bipolar disorder
(Leonard and Jovinelly 2012). In Susie's case, her disorder is caused by both natural and artificial

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