Congenital Heart Disease Research Paper

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on Congenital Heart Disease.
By Katrice L. Herndon, M.D. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. Tissue sections were washed
with PBS, and blocked in PBS containing 10% normal goat serum (NGS) or 2% bovine serum
albumin (BSA). On the contrary, all L-loops should end development with the heart in the right chest
(dextrocardia). Likewise, the absence of these factors does not assure a pregnant woman that her
baby will be safe from any congenital heart disorders, which might be an important point to consider
when a woman is pregnant. The regenerative capacity of hCPCs in young patients with nonischemic
congenital heart defects for potential use in congenital heart defect repair warrants exploration.
Tissues were then cut into 5 mm cubes and incubated in fresh fixative for 1 hour. The definitions
described below are based on the segmental, sequential approach to classifying CHD which is
described in Chap. 5. 4.1 Cardiac Orientation Cardiac orientation or position refers to the
relationship or axis of the base to the apex of the heart and may help to predict the presence of CHD.
To evaluate the cardiac function, echocardiography wasperformed before and at 7 and 28 days after
left anteriordescending ligation. Each section progresses through different conditions and examines
the transition of care into adulthood and long term issues facing adults with CHD. The cells were
then maintained in 2% FBS without 5-azacytidine for 2 weeks and then stained for cardiac troponin
I and sarcomeric actin for assessment of differentiation. Situs solitus with dextrocardia is termed
dextroversion and situs inversus with levocardia is called levoversion. Fig. 4.1 A depiction of the
three possible cardiac situs abnormalities 4.2 Nomenclature for Thoracic and Visceral Situs Situs or
sidedness refers to the position or arrangement of structures or organs that are not bilaterally
symmetric. Of note, positioning of the heart in the right chest with a left-sided cardiac apex can
occur when the contents of the left chest force the heart to the right or when the volume of the right
lung is reduced (for instance, due to pulmonary hypoplasia or collapse). In 2010, the Congenital
Cardiac Anesthesia Society partnered with the STSCHSD to incorporate anesthesia-related elements
into the data set. A standardized data form for each perioperative CA in children 18 years old or
younger was submitted anonymously. These patients are admitted in the hospital for non cardiac
surgeries and other procedures more often than normal adult population. ISL1-expressing cells were
visible both on the outer surface andwithin the cardiosphere core. Median number of time the women
had fetal echocardiography was 1 (1-10). So, the balance between under- and overprotection to
maximize the benefit and to minimize the risk of physical activity has to be found for each
individual. Finally, tissue sections were counterstained with DAPI (Biogenex) and sealed with
Cytoseal 60 (Richard-Allen Scientific). After several PBS washes, tissues were cryoprotected in PBS
containing increasing sucrose concentrations, ranging from 5% to 20%. First, we differentiated
hCDCs into the 3 differentcardiac lineages with specific selected medias. Knowledge on the disease
might just be the best way to go about the situation when prevention is not so possible. Cxs are tetra-
spanning transmembrane proteins that form gap junction channels and hemichannels on cellular
membrane. In the transposition of the great arteries, the positions are reversed, thus delivering the
oxygen-rich blood back to the lungs and the poorly-oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
Symptoms may include chest pain, unusual tiredness from activity, dizziness, and fainting. Walker,
Graca Almeida-Porada, Deli Rachana Mishra, Kalpana Vijayan, Evan J. Evaluation of the heart in
the setting of restricted fetal growth or fetal distress is often recommended. If any blockage is found,
a balloon may be pushed through the catheter and inflated; this squashes the clot and improves blood
flow. References 7. Phomphutkul C, Rosenthal A, Nadas AS, et al: Cerebrovascular accidents in
infants and children with cyanotic congenital heart disease, Am J Cardiol 32:329, 1973. 8. Berdat
PA, Immer F, Pfammatter JP, et al: Reoperations in adults with congenital heart disease: analysis of
early outcome. The tendency to develop heart disease can be genetic.
Immunostaining of Cardiospheres and CDCsIntact cardiospheres and hCDC monolayers were
immunostainedusing standard methods with primary antibodies and fluorochrome-tagged secondary
antibodies as noted in the online-only DataSupplement. Currently, over 60 sites performing more
than 60% of cardiac bypass procedures in the STSCHSD are submitting anesthesia data annually into
the STSCHSD. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Phase-bright cellswere
removed by mild trypsinization and plated at a lowdensity in cardiosphere-growing medium to form
cardio-spheres (Figure 4D). The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Dr Sunjay Kaushal, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Division of Cardiovascular-
Thoracic Surgery, 2300 Children’s Plaza, mc 22, Chicago, IL 60614. Walker, MS; Graca Almeida-
Porada, MD, PhD; Deli Wang, MD, PhD; Carl L. Tissue sections were washed with PBS, and
blocked in PBS containing 10% normal goat serum (NGS) or 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA). The
aim of this study was to investigate if, with good glucose control achieved with continuous
subcutaneous insulin infusion, normal blood flow within the fetal heart can be achieved.
Management of grown up congenital heart disease patient presents a challenge during perioperative
period for cardiologists, surgeons, intensivists and particularly for the anaesthetist. Symptoms may
include chest pain, unusual tiredness from activity, dizziness, and fainting. Recently, a study by
Anderson et al19 raised the question ofwhether CDC populations and their novel characteristicswere
related to myofibroblastic contamination. This makes the arteries that branch off before the narrow
point of the aorta receive more blood than the arteries that branch off after it. Mesocardia may be
associated with concordant (D-loop) or discordant (L-loop) ventricles as well as with heterotaxy
syndromes. To better appreciate the mechanisms of congenital heart disease, a thorough
understanding of how the human heart works is necessary. Flow Cytometry Analysis of CDCsCDCs
were passaged 4 times and then evaluated for flow cytometryexperiments with a Becton-Dickinson
FACS Calibur (San Jose, CA)with 10 000 events collected. Second, identification of the best
anatomic source of hCPCs within the heart is required. From the cover: intense myocyteformation
from cardiac stem cells in human cardiac hypertrophy. Finally, a reproducible method for the
Received March 11, 2010; accepted November 15, 2010. DisclosuresNone. References1. Patel MS,
Kogan BE. Care of the adult congenital heart disease patient in the United States: a summary of the
current system. Transplanted hCDCs promoted greater myocardial regeneration and functional
improvement in infarcted myocardium than transplanted cardiac fibroblasts. Any disruption in the
smooth flow of blood through the four chambers will lead to anomalies in the structure of the heart
as manifested by the signs and symptoms of congenital heart disease. Following evaluation of the
five variables and the interpretation of the CPET, an individualized recommendation can be provided
(solid lines). The cells were then permeabilized with 0.01% triton-X 100 for 3 minutes. The images
were obtained in triplicate by an echocardiographer who was blinded to the treatment group. Cardiol
Young 1999; 9:257. 11. Oldham HN Jr, Kakos GS, Jarmakani MM, Sabiston DC Jr. Generation of
hCDCs From RA Tissue SpecimensProgenitor cells were isolated and expanded from RA
explantcultures with the use of a modified version of the cardio-sphere method6 (Figure 4). To
evaluate the cardiac function, echocardiography wasperformed before and at 7 and 28 days after left
anteriordescending ligation. A heart attack commonly occurs when a blood clot develops in one of
the coronary arteries. There was nostatistically significant change in total GATA-4 expression
withage, ranging from 11.25?0.78% in neonates to 12.75?0.86% inchildren ?2 years of age (Figure
3F). Immunostained sections were examined by confocal microscopy,and the number of labeled cells
was determined as a percentage ofthe total DAPI-labeled nuclei.
Higher rates of coronary heart disease and stroke were seen in men compared to women. Dependent
on the deviation from normal values, which are predefined in the position paper, the patient will enter
the algorithm through a different route (Figure). However, we found no such correlation between
either CD90 or CD105and c-kit expression. Cells expressing the cardiacmyofilament protein TnI
occurred in isolated clusters on theouter surface and within the cardiosphere core. When arteries are
narrowed, the is not fully supplied with the oxygen. Since CHD are a major cause of morbidity,
therefore recovery of such kind of heart defects associated with Cxs is extremely important but
remains highly challenging. Second,identification of the best anatomic source of hCPCs withinthe
heart is required. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Tissue sections were washed with PBS, and blocked in PBS containing 10%
normal goat serum (NGS) or 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA). Functionality and Cardiac
Multilineage Abilityof hCDCsTo investigate the differentiation potential of the hCDCs intomultiple
cardiovascular lineages, 2 sets of experiments wereperformed. Quantification of regenerated
myocardium was determined by Masson trichrome staining. It is a non-invasive procedure and is
done while the patient is resting. After several PBS washes, tissues were cryoprotected in PBS
containing increasing sucrose concentrations, ranging from 5% to 20%. Following evaluation of the
five variables and the interpretation of the CPET, an individualized recommendation can be provided
(solid lines). The second experiment involved a randomized blindedstudy to evaluate the
effectiveness of the hCPCs to rescue theinfarcted myocardium of immunodeficient rats. Slides were
sequentially incubated with diluted primary and secondary antibody for 1 hour in room temperature.
Etiology:Unknown,multifactorial inheritance,genetic factors implicated,high incidence in first degree
relatives. Wold and Sunjay KaushalMatthiesen, David Simpson, Saik Kia Goh, Brandon L. First,
examination of age-related changes in the hCPC profile of young postnatal nondiseased myocardium
is needed. Continuing studies and innovation in the field of cardiology have continued to improve
the quality of lives of people and give us new hope that the life of a child need not end in a
condition known as congenital heart disease. But the situation is different in most of the third world
countries, where 90 % of these children receive suboptimal or no Download Free PDF View PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. NOTE: We
only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you
wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. Atrial development is simultaneous to venous
return formation, and thus, the atrial locations are fixed early in development by the entering veins.
Prior to immunostaining, cells were blocked with PBS containing 3% BSA. Some of the symptoms
associated with it are a blood pressure that is higher in the arms than in the legs, a weak or no pulse
in the groin area, cold legs and feet, nose bleeding, dizziness, fainting, and leg cramps with exercise.
Regardless of age-dependentvariations in resident hCPC numbers or congenital cardiacdiagnoses, we
demonstrated the validity of the cardiospheremethod to reproducibly isolate and expand progenitor
cellsfrom RA tissues. Put simply, a small length of vein tubing is taken from one part of the body,
one end of it is attached to just before the blockage, while the other end is attached to just after the
blockage - the blood then effectively bypasses the blockage. Finally, our hCDCsdid not confirm the
collagen I expression that Anderson et al Figure 8. Lastly, traditional treatments for obesity are also
available for individuals with Carpenter's syndrome that help to reduce the constellation of health
problems (including Congenital Heart Disease ) associated with having too much body fat. For
patients with physical activities at moderate or low intensity level, follow-up as suggested by the
ESC guidelines for grown up congenital heart disease is proposed.
Report and review of the literature, Br Heart J 42 (1979) 742-745. This makes the arteries that
branch off before the narrow point of the aorta receive more blood than the arteries that branch off
after it. C-kit? and Ki67? expression is shown with nuclear DAPIstaining (blue; E and F) and merged
c-kit?Ki67. The test may also reveal any damage to the heart from a heart attack. Inset,The tracked
HNA protein (red; marked witharrows). Board Review September 3, 2003 Jimmy Klemis, MD.
Overview. US: 1,000,000 adults with congenital heart dz 20,000 more patients reach adolescents
yearly Cardiologists must Have detailed knowledge of congenital dz, both repaired and unrepaired.
Regeneration was further quantified in sections stainedwith Masson trichrome to discern viable
tissue from fibroustissue. Excess levels may encourage the clumping of platelets, resulting in the
formation of clots. We are sharing this material ONLY for educational purpose. This can block blood
flow from the right ventricle into the lungs; 3) an aorta that straddles the wall between the ventricles.
Arteries and veins are the major blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart. You will be
able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. Right
isomerism is also often associated with bilateral trilobed lungs (two right lungs, a symmetric liver
across the midline, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return). Mishra et al Cardiac Progenitor
Cells in Congenital Heart Patients 373 by guest on July 16, 2018 Dow nloaded from Page 11. In the
transposition of the great arteries, the positions are reversed, thus delivering the oxygen-rich blood
back to the lungs and the poorly-oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. A subsequent study by
Davis et al20 contradicted thesefindings, suggesting that experimental techniques may havealtered
the “CDC” population. Thefunctionality of the hCDCs within the infarcted myocardiumwas
examined by echocardiography, and engraftment of thehCDCs was assessed by histological analysis.
These plaques form commonly in a condition called It is the most common form of heart disease.
Tissue SamplesThis study was approved by the Institutional Review Committee atChildren’s
Memorial Hospital. To better appreciate the mechanisms of congenital heart disease, a thorough
understanding of how the human heart works is necessary. Craniofacial Sutures: Development,
disease and Treatment. Walker, Graca Almeida-Porada, Deli Rachana Mishra, Kalpana Vijayan, Evan
J. An ACGME pediatric anesthesia fellowship year requires two months of CHD surgery. These
arrests were reported most frequently from the general operating room and were likely to be from
cardiovascular causes. Fellowships in cardiac anesthesia were not formalized according to the
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) until the last several years.
Examples of these are coarctation of the aorta, aortic valvular stenosis and pulmonary valvular
stenosis. The patient may have to use a treadmill or exercise machine, or take a medication that
stresses the heart. In most cases, surgery is recommended to remove the narrowed part of the aorta.
Comparison With Other Pediatric andAdult StudiesThe first critical step toward clinical therapeutic
applicationof autologous hCPCs in CHD patients is to anatomicallylocate resident hCPC populations
within the young myocar-dium and to characterize their profile. When blood from the right side of
the heart enters the left side, the flow of poorly oxygenated blood to the body results to cyanosis, a
condition characterized by a bluish color resulting from a lack of oxygen in the blood.
The slides were mounted in ProlongTM (Invitrogen) and visualized by confocal microscopy (Zeiss
510 META). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Situs
solitus with dextrocardia is termed dextroversion and situs inversus with levocardia is called
levoversion. Fig. 4.1 A depiction of the three possible cardiac situs abnormalities 4.2 Nomenclature
for Thoracic and Visceral Situs Situs or sidedness refers to the position or arrangement of structures
or organs that are not bilaterally symmetric. The narrowed pulmonary valve and the hole in between
the ventricles make oxygen levels in the blood that circulates in the body too low, resulting to
cyanosis. Likewise, the absence of these factors does not assure a pregnant woman that her baby will
be safe from any congenital heart disorders, which might be an important point to consider when a
woman is pregnant. We believe thatcongenital heart patients may be the ideal source to studythese
important questions because they have normal contract-ing myocardium with an anatomic structural
abnormality. It is a non-invasive procedure and is done while the patient is resting. LDL is also
known as the bad cholesterol, while HDL is also known as the good cholesterol. Of note, positioning
of the heart in the right chest with a left-sided cardiac apex can occur when the contents of the left
chest force the heart to the right or when the volume of the right lung is reduced (for instance, due to
pulmonary hypoplasia or collapse). The transposition of the great arteries involves the pulmonary
artery and the aorta. Pair-wise comparisons among the 3 age groupswere also conducted. Intact
cardiospheres contained a mix of heart-derived cell subpopulations that included cardiac progenitor
cells expressing c-kit, Islet-1, and supporting cells. In total, there were 117 pregnant women who had
fetal echocardiography under standard indications. Variant angina occurs when an artery experiences
a spasm that causes it to tighten and narrow, disrupting blood supply to the heart. The right main
bronchus takes a more vertical course and branches at an earlier point than the more horizontally
oriented left bronchus. See Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 A coronal CT image demonstrating the normal central
bronchial anatomy which can be used to help differentiate the morphologic right lung from the
morphologic left lung. Some abnormalities may indicate a problem with blood flow. A non-invasive
catheterization procedure called balloon angioplasty may also be done to widen the narrowed
segment. However, life long follow-up is needed, especially for patients with residual lesions or
sequels of previous interventions. Cardiomyogenic differentiation, as definedby sarcomeric protein
expression and the morphologicalsimilarity to native myocardium, was observed in all immu-
nodeficient rats transplanted with hCDCs. Colletti, Daniel A. Harrington, Thomas S.Patients
Characterization and Functionality of Cardiac Progenitor Cells in Congenital Heart Print ISSN:
0009-7322. After leaving the heart, blood goes to the lungs where it gathers oxygen. We use cookies
to create the best experience for you. Cardiosphere sections were fixed in ice cold acetone for 10
min. First,examination of age-related changes in the hCPC profile ofyoung postnatal nondiseased
myocardium is needed. The test may also reveal any damage to the heart from a heart attack. In the
paper “Long-Term Feasibility of Renewable Energy Sources,” the author analyzes a feasible and
permanent alternative to coal. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels (makes them narrower). Blood
tests are particularly important if the patient. A left thoracotomy was performed, the LAD was
ligated, and after ten minutes, either cell (1x106) or media (roughly 300?l) were injected into four to
five regions within the infarct and peri-infarct regions. Cabestrero, K. Boengler, G. Heusch, D.
Garcia-Dorado, Mitochondrial connexin43 as a new player in the pathophysiology of myocardial
ischaemia-reperfusion injury, Cardiovasc Res 77 (2008) 325-333.

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