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1. Body Scanning
2. Full Body Breathing
Signs and Features Regarding the Head of a Buddha
Excellent Signs
(1) The top of his head has a crown-protrusion (gtsug-tor, Skt.
ushnisha), made of radiant flesh, round and circling clockwise. When
seen from a distance, it seems to be four finger-widths high, but upon
closer scrutiny, its height can never be measured. This is the most
difficult physical feature to achieve and is the result of his having
always visualized his spiritual mentor on the crown of his head, as
well as his having visited temples and monasteries and engaged in
spiritual practices there.
(2) His cheeks are round and full like those of a lion, from his having
rid himself completely of idle chatter and senseless speech. The Pali,
Sanskrit and Chinese traditions explain this feature in reference to a
Buddha’s jawbone or chin.
Exemplary Features
(1) A Buddha has fulfilled the wish to attain enlightenment for the
sake of all limited beings and thus, except for the crown-protrusion
(gtsug-tor, Skt. ushnisha), has a perfectly rounded head, in the shape
of a dome.
(2) The forehead of a Buddha is flat with a clear, well-defined hairline,
reflecting that from the time he gained control of the self up to full
enlightenment, his mind never came under the influence of incorrect
(3) A Buddha’s forehead is wide from side to side and top to bottom
because he has won many debates against those who profess distorted
Signs and Features Regarding the Hair of a Buddha
Excellent Signs
(3) His bodily hair grows upwards, from his having engaged in
constructive practices and having inspired others to do the same.
(4) A Buddha’s bodily hair curls clockwise, with never more than one
hair growing from each pore. This is due to his having rid himself
completely of mental wandering, busy work, and bustling confusion.
(5) I have has a white treasure-like curl of hair (mdzod-spu, Skt.
urnakesha) on his mid-brow that curls very tightly clockwise. When it
is pulled from its tip, it extends a huge distance, and when released, it
tightly recoils. This is one of the more difficult signs to achieve and is
the result of his having served all his superiors with respect – parents,
teachers, elders, spiritual masters, abbots, and so forth – and having
respected them as his crown jewel. It also comes from his having
helped others achieve one of the better states of wandering rebirth.
Exemplary Features
4. The color of a Buddha’s hair is a vivid black-blue, reflecting that
he has completely overcome attachment to the five sensory
5. Because a Buddha has rid himself of all the disturbing emotions
and attitudes that are to be got rid with a seeing and accustoming
pathway mind (path of seeing and path of meditation), both the
doctrinally based and automatically arising ones, including their
dormant factors, he is either completely bald or has a full crop of
6. The hair on a Buddha’s head is soft and smooth due to having
easily and comfortably gained complete knowledge for ridding
himself of all there is to get rid of, without having had any harsh,
rough thoughts toward the teachings.
7. A Buddha’s hair never becomes matted or tangled, with each hair
distinct and curling in a clockwise pattern, which indicates that his
mind is unruffled by attachment, aversion, or roughness of any
kind. A Buddha’s mind is so peaceful that even the names of
disturbing emotions do not exist for it.
8. A Buddha has abandoned the use or harsh, vulgar and abusive
words, resulting in hair that is fine and silky.
9. A Buddha’s hair has a naturally sweet fragrance, due to a Buddha
having set up and offered external and mentally created flowers to
the Three Jewels. Here, the offering of mentally created flowers
implies offering the practices of generosity, ethical self-discipline,
giving and taking (gtong-len), and having dedicated the positive
force from this for the enlightenment of all limited beings.
Signs and Features Regarding the Eyes of a Buddha
Excellent Signs
(6) The black and white portions of a Buddha’s eyes are clear and
distinct, with no red or yellow discolorations. This is the result of his
having looked at others with compassionate eyes, having worked for
their welfare, and having generated equal concern for all, whether
their suffering was great or small. The Furthest Everlasting Stream
tradition adds that the eyes of a Buddha are dark blue like a blue water
lily, while the Pali tradition simply has that a Buddha’s eyes are dark
(7) His eyelashes are beautiful and long, like those of a bull, with each
hair distinct. This comes from his having regarded others without any
attachment, hostility, or naivety, and his having striven to gain the full
length of discriminating awareness to see the difference between what
is correct and what is incorrect.
Exemplary Features
1. The eyes of a Buddha are not wide, but slanted in a thin strip. This
is due to a Buddha having given the vast teachings of the
Mahayana many times, in Tibet, god realms, naga lands and so
2. A Buddha has thick eyelashes that are properly arranged in single
file as a result of his leading masses of limited beings toward
crossing the difficult ocean of samsara.
3. The white and black portions of a Buddha’s eyes are distinctly
divided like individual beautiful lotus petals, because of his
having won the hearts and minds of even the most wild and
skeptical youth through his pure state of being and his honest,
straightforward teachings.
4. A Buddha has eyes that are pure and unclouded, a result of always
having given meaningful, purposeful teachings.
5. A Buddha’s physical sight is unblurred, just as the vision of his
omniscient awareness is perfectly pure. This comes from having
taught others, with words of perfectly pure meaning, the causes
for attaining the higher status of better rebirths, and the definite
goodness of liberation and enlightenment.
Signs and Features Regarding the Eyebrows of a
Exemplary Features
1. Buddha has the ability to see all things deeply and far into the
future, and so his eyebrows are long, reaching from the mid-head
to the temple.
2. A Buddha’s eyebrow hairs aren’t bristly, but are soft and smooth,
because he only teaches peaceful methods, and never teaches
harsh ascetic practices.
3. A Buddha has bright, shiny and vivid eyebrows, mirroring the
totality of his mind, which is permeated by virtue.
4. Each hair of the eyebrow is exactly the same length on the face of
a Buddha, as he knows the distinct features of each limited being
and can help to prevent them from making mistakes.
Signs and Features Regarding the Ears of a Buddha:
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha’s ears are equally sized, mirroring his immeasurable
quality of victory over all disturbing emotions.
2. A Buddha has perfect hearing, and he can hear regardless of
distance. This reflects that a Buddha at all times helps the mental
continuums of all limited beings.
Signs and Features Regarding the Nose of a Buddha:
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha has a nose that is straight and slightly raised at the tip,
caused by his realization of voidness in the context of the
complete method, conjoined with bodhichitta.
2. A Buddha’s nose is free of mucus, completely clean, and never
runs, reflecting a Buddha’s power to give complete conviction to
others, cleansing and purifying them inside and out.
Signs and Features Regarding the Mouth of a Buddha:
Excellent Signs
(8) A Buddha has a special faculty of taste that no matter what food he
is given, it always tastes delicious. The cause for this faculty is his
having nursed the sick, the old, and the infirm, and especially having
cared for those whom others find distasteful and repulsive.
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha’s face is evenly proportional, and is neither too long nor
too wide. This is caused by the fact that he always gives proper
attention to people of all the different scopes of motivation.
2. Due to a Buddha’s deep awareness of seeing all animate and
inanimate objects as existing like reflections in a mirror, his lips
are full, red, and well developed.
Signs and Features Regarding the Tongue of a
Excellent Signs
A Buddha’s tongue is extremely long and can reach the top of his
head, his ears, and his chest. This comes from his having always
spoken kindly to others with words of encouragement and having
treated them as gently as an animal licking its young.
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha’s tongue is flexible and can be thick or thin, long or
short, according to need. This indicates a Buddha’s non-violent
method for cultivating the minds of others. A Buddha only ever
teaches and sets examples by peaceful means.
2. The tongue of a Buddha is particularly thin, caused by giving
teachings to others with the full support of valid logical reasoning.
3. The tongue of a Buddha is completely red, due to his introduction
of difficult and profound methods for the elimination of disturbing
emotions in a manner that is easily comprehensible.
Signs and Features Regarding the Teeth of a Buddha:
Excellent Signs
1. The eye teeth of a Buddha are more brilliantly white than his other
teeth are, because of his having given special praise to Buddhas
and bodhisattvas and having shown them great respect.
2. His teeth are all of equal length, from his having rid himself of the
five wrong livelihoods and having always earned his living
honestly. The five wrong livelihoods are obtaining money or
material goods through (a) flattery, (b) pressure, (c) extortion –
saying to someone that if he or she does not pay us money, we
will expose their secrets to others, (d) bribery, and (e) pretense.
The Furthest Everlasting Stream tradition adds that a Buddha’s
teeth are also free of stains.
3. A Buddha’s teeth are perfectly aligned and straight, with no gaps
between them. This is from his having spoken the straight truth for
three zillion eons and having been honest, never devious or
crooked with others.
4. His teeth are forty in number, with an equal amount on the upper
and lower jaw. The cause is his having rid himself of divisive
language and having always worked for unity and harmony
among all living creatures.
Exemplary Features
1. All parts of a Buddha are enlightened beings, including the bones,
nails, hair and teeth. This results from the ultimate elimination of
all binding forces of samsara, particularly the ones that are
difficult to eliminate.Because a Buddha tames and cultivates the
minds of others who are heavily afflicted by sharp disturbing
emotions, his eye teeth are also sharp.
2. A Buddha has perfectly white teeth that are as clear as crystal, as
he is clean of all disturbing emotions.
3. The eye teeth of a Buddha are of equal length, reflecting his
understanding of the true nature of samsara and nirvana, that is,
4. A Buddha guides limited beings along the proper tradition for
them, including their motivation, up to the ultimate goal, and so
his eye teeth are narrow and fit in perfectly with the rest of his

Signs and Features Regarding the Speech of a

Excellent Signs
(1His voice is melodious like that of an ancient song-bird, flowing
without any effort, or like that of a Brahma. Whoever hears the voice
of a Brahma is temporarily relieved of his or her problems. But the
sound of a Buddha’s melodious and resonant enlightening speech can
bring about full liberation from all fears. The cause for this faculty is
his having communicated the Dharma in the individual languages of
each wandering being.
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha is free from all guilt and fear. Since he has nothing to
hide and no disturbing emotions to be ashamed of, he has absolute
confidence in speaking, and so the sound of his voice is as loud
and far-reaching as thunder.
2. A Buddha’s voice is smooth, sweet, rhythmic and extremely
pleasant to listen to, as a result of teaching just what limited
beings want to learn.
Signs and Features Regarding the Entire Body of a
Excellent Signs
1. Seven parts of his body are rounded and slightly raised. These are
the tops of each hand, foot, shoulder, and the back of his neck.
The reason for this is his having given others not only physical
nourishment, but also other outstanding objects for enjoyable use,
such as best quality clothing, and so on.
2. The body of a Buddha is very straight and seven cubits tall. A
cubit is the distance from elbow to fingertip; ordinary persons are
usually four cubits tall. The cause of this extra height is his final
and total ridding himself of the taking of any creature’s life. The
Pali tradition refers to this sign as his body being straight like that
of Brahma.
3. His elbows and kneecaps do not stand out. This is from the
intensity of his practice in having perfected the six far-reaching
attitudes (six perfections) of giving, ethical self-discipline,
patience, joyful perseverance, mental stability (concentration), and
discriminating awareness (wisdom). In the Pali tradition and in
some Tibetan variants, this sign is that his anklebones do not stand
4. The body of a Buddha is as stately and well-proportioned as a
full-grown bodhi tree. This comes from his having built public
gardens and parks for the enjoyment of others, and from having
encouraged others to do the same. The Pali tradition uses the
analogy here of a banyan tree.
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha has the quality of always helping others. Because he
keeps others foremost in his mind, and consistently looks for
opportunities to help others, his body is fully taut (sku ‘khril-bag,
Skt. vrtta-gatrata) and exudes a natural magnificence and glory.
2. The entire body of a Buddha is as if polished (byi-dor byas-pa),
and it is immaculately tidy, without the need to bathe, or brush his
teeth. This arises due to his pure actions of body, speech and
mind; a Buddha is totally without the stain of destructive
3. A Buddha always teaches individuals the Dharma according to
their own needs, resulting in a body that is perfectly proportioned,
symmetrical, and well-balanced in size.
4. There is a natural cleanliness to the body of a Buddha, reflecting
the purity of the actions of his body, speech and mind, which have
become completely pure due to previous constructive activities.
5. Reflecting a Buddha’s pure deep awareness, his body is also
entirely pure.
6. A Buddha’s body contains the full set of the thirty-two excellent
signs of a Buddha’s Enlightening Body, indicating his complete
understanding and ultimate perfection of the three higher
trainings: ethical self-discipline, absorbed concentration, and
discriminating awareness.
7. The reach of a Buddha’s body is extensive and excellent, implying
flexibility and the ability to reach anything. This is a reflection of
the vastness of his efforts in compassion; a Buddha never becomes
angry or annoyed, but rather responds to all situations and
circumstances with love and compassion.
8. A Buddha’s body is youthful, mirroring the fact that he always
teaches reality in a manner as simple as possible, for easy
9. There are no indentations to be found on the body of a Buddha,
reflecting his fearlessness in doing anything to help others.
10. A Buddha has indescribable roots of constructive force surpassing
that of all other beings, resulting in a body that is well-fleshed and
11. The flesh of a Buddha is firm, with no flabbiness, because he has
completely eliminated all negative personal karma causing
uncontrollably recurring samsaric rebirth. [In Nagarjuna’s
Compendium of Dharma (Chos yang-dag-par bsdus-pa, Skt.
Dharmasamgraha), this feature is omitted and “having a deep
navel” appears here instead].
12. A Buddha has beautifully proportioned and well-distinguished
feet, fingers, hands and toes, caused by his application of effective
methods for teaching others the twelve links of dependent arising,
for wandering from rebirth to rebirth in samsara with the forward
sequence and for attaining liberation by reversing the cycle.
Signs and Features Regarding the Upper Body of a
Excellent Signs
1. The upper torso of a Buddha becomes progressively broader, like
that of a lion. This comes from his having never humiliated or
looked down upon others regardless of their status, power, wealth,
and so on. It also results from his having never scolded others
privately or in front of crowds, and having never belittled others’
beliefs or religions traditions.
2. The top of a Buddha’s shoulders are round and well-connected to
his neck, and his network of veins is not visible. This comes from
his having freely given praise and encouragement to others and
having acknowledged any action or person worthy of praise. In
the Pali tradition, this sign is merely that his shoulders are evenly
3. The area between a Buddha’s collarbone and shoulder is rounded,
fleshy, and full, without any hollow depression. This is due to his
having given others medicine and nourishing foods.
Signs and Features Regarding the Skin of a Buddha:
Excellent Signs
1. The skin of a Buddha, no matter how old he is, remains
unwrinkled and as smooth as that of an infant nursing on his
mother’s milk. This reflects his having always been generous with
nourishing food and drink. In the Pali tradition, this sign is having
tender hands and feet.
2. A Buddha’s body, free from all blemish, is surrounded with an
aura of light, from his having practiced the ten constructive
actions without ever feeling he had had enough
3. His skin is luminous and white in color, from his having offered
soft and comfortable seats to others.
4. His skin is likewise as fine and unblemished as purified gold free
from all taints. This results from his having accommodated others
in need of lodging and his having always provided excellent
housing. In the Pali tradition, this sign is that a Buddha’s skin is
delicate and smooth.
Exemplary Features
1. The skin of a Buddha is soft and smooth, which mirrors his great
compassion towards other in his acts of body, speech and mind.
2. On a Buddha’s skin one cannot find a single beauty mark, mole,
pockmark, or freckle, because he always teaches limited beings at
the proper moment.
Signs and Features Regarding the Veins of a Buddha:
Exemplary Features
1. The arteries and veins on a Buddha’s body are not visible
externally because he has perfected abstinence from destructive
acts, and because he has had pure livelihood.
2. There are no knots in the central channel or veins of the subtle and
external bodies of a Buddha, mirroring complete freedom from
the entanglement of disturbing emotions.
Signs and Features Regarding the Arms of a Buddha:
Excellent Signs
(25) The arms of a Buddha are extremely long. When he sits cross-
legged with his elbows at his side, his hands cover his knees so that
his fingers can touch his seat. [The Furthest Everlasting Continuum
tradition adds that his arms are smooth, round and even in length].
Signs and Features Regarding the Hands of a Buddha:
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha has hands that are as smooth as cotton, reflecting how
he teaches others methods from which limited beings can
experience immediate happiness and bliss.
2. When a Buddha gives prophecies, his hands have a long stretch
like the trunk of an elephant. This occurs as a result of always
helping limited beings to turn away from not just the suffering of
samsara, but also the suffering of taking rebirth in the three lower
states of existence.
Signs and Features Regarding the Palm Creases of a
Exemplary Features
1. Because a Buddha has complete compassion for all beings, not
just Buddhists, the lines on his palms are glossy and distinct
(mdangs-yod-pa, Skt. snigdha).
2. Even from a great distance, the deep lines on a Buddha’s palm are
visible. When a Buddha raises his hand, according to the
particular limited being the lines are viewed differently; for
instance, some beings may see the eight auspicious signs. This is
due to a Buddha’s deep, profound understanding of reality.
• The Most Precious Parasol.
• 2 The Auspicious Golden Fishes.
• 3 The Wish-fulfilling Vase of Treasure.
• 4 The Exquisite Lotus Blossom.
• 5 The Conch Shell of Far Renown.
• 6 The Glorious Endless Knot.
• 7 The Ever-Flying Banner of Victory.
• 8 The All-powerful Wheel.
3. The lines on a Buddha’s palm are also long and contiguous. None
of them are short or broken, a result of repeatedly teaching the
methods for attaining ultimate happiness, beyond just this life.
Signs and Features Regarding the Fingers of a
Buddha: Excellent Signs
1. The fingers and toes of a Buddha are connected with a web of
white light. This feature arises from his having practiced the four
ways that gather others under one’s positive influence (bsdu-ba’i
dngos-po bzhi): being generous, speaking kindly, giving
encouragement regarding the points of the Dharma, and setting
oneself as an example by acting in accord with those points.
2. The fingers and toes are extremely long. This comes from his
having saved the lives of animals about to be slaughtered.
Exemplary Features
1. The fingers of a Buddha are round, bheghgreflecting that he has
accomplished all practices in the proper manner, with nothing
2. The fingers of a Buddha are also soft and fleshy, not gnarled in
any way. His fingers are fully developed in such a way due to
having the roots of his constructive force (dge-rtsa, roots of virtue)
well built up.
3. On a Buddha’s fingers, no folds or wrinkles can be found, as they
are slim and tapered, which is a manifestation of his gradual
attainment of the insights of the three vehicles of mind (the
shravaka, pratyekabuddha and bodhisattva vehicles) in their
proper stages, as well as sharing this knowledge with other.
4. Finally, a Buddha’s thumbprints and toe prints are of endless knots
and other auspicious signs such as clockwise swastikas, mirroring
the fact that a Buddha possesses the thirty-two excellent signs and
the previous seventy-nine exemplary features, along with all their
Signs and Features Regarding the Fingernails of a
Exemplary Features
1. A Buddha has nails that are copper-colored, because he has parted
himself from attachment to all the affecting variables (‘du-byed,
Skt. samskara), namely, the nonstatic subsidiary awarenesses
(mental factors) that affect the mind.
2. A Buddha has exceptional resolve (lhag-bsam) to benefit all
limited beings, and so his nails are radiant and shining.
3. Due to a Buddha repeatedly taking birth into the best of human
lineages, his nails are convex and rounded.
Signs and Features Regarding the Navel of a
Exemplary Features
1. The navel of a Buddha is very deep, because he has taught others
the methods for gaining deep insights.
2. Because a Buddha has the quality of leading others in his own
footsteps and teaches them what he himself has found to be most
effective, the lines in his navel swirl clockwise.
Signs and Features Regarding the Lower Body of a
Excellent Signs
1. His private organ is recessed and remains concealed. This comes
from his having strictly kept his pledges of secrecy and having
never revealed what was meant to be held confidentially.
Exemplary Features
1. The belly (ku, Skt. kiksita) of a Buddha isn’t flat but is curved, as
a result of his establishment of others in a state of perfect ethical
2. A Buddha unceasingly puts in effort to purify deeds, always being
aware of the mistakes and faults of samsara. The result of this is a
waist that is perfectly proportioned (skabs phyin-pa-nyid, Skt.
mrṣṭa), not too wide, too thin, too long or too fat.
3. Having abandoned all pride and deceit, a Buddha’s waist is not
too long or crooked (ma rnyongs-pa, Skt. abhugna).
4. A Buddha’s belly is neither too high nor too low, and is slender
(phyang-nge-ba, Skt. kshama), indicating that he gives away
effective and practical methods for the elimination of disturbing
Signs and Features Regarding the Legs of a Buddha:
Excellent Signs
1. His calves are well-rounded, like the legs of an antelope. This
comes from his admiration for and well-rounded mastery of
medicine, astrology, arts and crafts, and his having made use of
these skills to benefit others.
Signs and Features Regarding the Feet of a
Buddha: Excellent Signs
1. A Buddha’s heels jut out broadly from his feet. This is from his
having compassionately gone out of his way with compassion to
help others, save their lives, and make them comfortable.
2. On the sole of each of a Buddha’s feet and on the palm of each
hand is the impression of a thousand-spoked wheel. The cause is a
Buddha’s having always greeted and escorted his spiritual mentor
and having had a selfless attitude of offering personal service to
3. The soles of a Buddha’s feet are as smooth and level as the breast
of a tortoise’s shell so that his feet are always firmly planted. This
mirrors his having been firm in his promise to live in accordance
with the verbal and realized indications of the Dharma and also
his firmness in having safeguarded the three types of vowed
restraints (vows). These are (a) the restraints for individual
liberation (pratimoksha vows), (b) the restraints arising from
being in a state of mental stability (bsan-gtan-gyi sdom-pa, Skt.
dhyana-samvara), and (c) the restraints from being untainted (zag-
med-kyi sdom-pa, Skt. anashrava-samvara). The first set include
monks’ vows; the second are restraints from mental wandering,
dullness, and so on, and arise from achieving absorbed
concentration (ting-nge-‘dzin, Skt. samadhi); while the third
include restraints from the disturbing emotions and attitudes, and
arise from realizing voidness (emptiness). Thus, the three sets of
vows reflect the three higher trainings in ethical self-discipline,
absorbed concentration, and discriminating awareness (wisdom).
Exemplary Features
1. When a Buddha walks, the bump on his ankle disappears
completely due to it being so small. This is caused by the
discriminating awareness of having profound knowledge of the
voidness of all things.
2. The soles of a Buddha’s feet are flat, rather than uneven. This is
because a Buddha has gone through all the difficult stages of
3. A Buddha’s steps are evenly spaced, reflecting his equanimity
toward all limited beings

Signs and Features Regarding the Qualities of a

Buddha’s Gait:
Exemplary Features
1. When a Buddha walks, the bump on his ankle disappears
completely due to it being so small. This is caused by the
discriminating awareness of having profound knowledge of the
voidness of all things.
2. The soles of a Buddha’s feet are flat, rather than uneven. This is
because a Buddha has gone through all the difficult stages of
3. A Buddha has no fears of any kind and can subdue others, and so
walks like a lion, stately and full of confidence.
4. Like an elephant, a Buddha walks beautifully, straight and steady
on the path without waving his head back and forth, the result of
having subdued all forms of harmful spirits such as yakshas,
cannibals and nagas.
5. If necessary, a Buddha can exercise the extraphysical power of
flying like a graceful swan, showing his attainment of all
extraphysical powers.
6. In times of danger, a Buddha walks in front, like a majestic bull
leading a herd of buffaloes or cattle behind him in single file. If
there is no danger present, a Buddha walks behind all others ahead
in single file. This shows that a Buddha has the skillful means of
guiding limited beings to their individual goals according to their
dispositions and abilities.
7. So intense is a Buddha’s practice of always making
circumambulations, that he always walks with his right side facing
toward anyone he meets.
8. The way in which a Buddha walks is very beautiful; he looks
straight ahead with his hands clasped, calmly taking not-too-large
steps. This mirrors the fact that a Buddha is always doing things
that please others greatly.
9. A Buddha walks very smoothly without any imbalance. He neither
swaggers nor sways, because he has a complete lack of
pretension, and never deceives any being.
Signs and Features Regarding the Bearing and
Demeanor of a Buddha:
Exemplary Features
1. All of a Buddha’s manifestations of actions are entirely beautiful
and pleasing to the minds of others, mirroring his ability to correct
and beautify the actions of others.
2. A Buddha conducts his body, speech and mind with the utmost
purity, reflecting his freedom from disturbing emotion and the
complete purity of his mental continuum.

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