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‘Dead Reckoning’: A Response by several reviewers. For instance, Martin

Woollacott, who covered the war in 1971,
wrote: “Bose has written a book that should
provoke both fresh research and fresh
Sarmila Bose thinking about a fateful turning point in
the history of the subcontinent” (The

Sarmila Bose takes issue with the s a few months have passed since Guardian, 1 July 2011). This author has
criticisms levelled against her the publication of Dead Reckoning: received many appreciative messages from
Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh Bangladeshis who have read the book, some
book Dead Reckoning: Memories
War (hereafter DR) and various reviews and of whom shared stories that resonated
of the 1971 Bangladesh War in the comments have been published, it may be with the material in the book. Many of
article by Naeem Mohaiemen apposite to note some of the critiques. This them stated that it was not possible to
(EPW, 3 September 2011). A journal published a lengthy complaint have a candid discussion in Bangladesh/
against DR (Naeem Mohaiemen: “Flying Bangladeshi communities about what
rejoinder to her response by
Blind: Waiting for a Real on Reckoning on ­really happened in 1971.
Mohaiemen follows. 1971”, EPW, 3 September 2011). I address
issues raised by that article as well as Complaint of Bias
other pertinent comments, some of which In Mohaiemen’s lengthy harangue, his
were cited by it. core complaint seems to be that he thinks
The first thing to notice is the polarised I am biased against Bengalis and in favour
nature of the reactions to the book. That of the Pakistani army, that this is a long-
would not be evident to EPW readers from standing bias, that it is reflected in who I
Naeem Mohaiemen’s (hereafter NM) piece, have talked to and who I have not talked
as he selectively lists “negative” comments to, and in the words I use in reporting the
while omitting the ones that would spoil findings. He makes his case with a lack of
his storyline. For instance, while Srinath methodological understanding, disingen-
Raghavan accused me of “evasions, obfus- uousness and falsehood, which I illustrate
cations, omissions and methodological below with a few examples of each.
errors”1 (more on this intervention later), One potentially interesting notion put
Ian Jack wrote: forward by Mohaiemen is that there is a
As all good history tends to do, it complicates difference between an Indian/West Bengali
and contradicts the simple, heroic narrative “sentimental miasma” and Bangladeshis
of national struggle...Bose’s research has tak-
for whom “it became difficult to believe in
en her from the archives to interviews with
elderly peasants in Bangladesh and retired a fully sanitised history of 1971” (NM: 41).
army officers in Pakistan. Her findings are sig- Interesting, but untrue. Novelist Tahmima
nificant (The Guardian, 21 May 2011). Anam marked the 40th anniversary of the
Similarly, Urvashi Butalia acknowledged war thus in the Financial Times: “During
my research but did not like my treatment those nine months, the Pakistan army
of the material, writing, “There’s little conducted a systematic campaign of ethnic
doubt that Bose has done considerable re- cleansing, killing up to three million civil-
search and that her interviews include peo- ians and forcing as many as 10 million into
ple from all sides...This wealth of material exile in neighbouring India”. She repeated
had the makings of a nuanced and empa- the mantra in The Guardian.4 Claims about
thetic account. But here’s where the book 1971 being the worst genocide since the
disappoints”.2 In contrast, Tathagata Bhat- second world war appear in publications
tacharya thought DR was “possibly the most like the Liberation War Museum’s Docu-
nuanced and non-partisan attempt to gauge ments, or Salahuddin Ahmed’s Bangladesh
the extent and magnitude of atrocities com- Past and Present (2004). Volumes of remi-
mitted during the war” (IBNLive, 26 August niscences in Bengali cited in my book dwell
2011). As it is not possible to list or quote at on the suffering of the Bengali ­nationalists,
length from all the omitted comment, the but not the Biharis. The Bangladesh War
references are given in a note.3 Crimes Tribunal currently conducting
The contribution of DR to opening up a ­trials in Dhaka repeated the claims of
much-needed debate was highlighted three million killed and 2,00,000 raped in
76 December 31, 2011 vol xlvi no 53 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

the introduction to the charges presented army officers in Pakistan is a sign of bias, and his fellow-villagers – a qua­lity rare
for the first trial. While there were a few when actually it is targeting the right among many Bangladeshis who did not
suffer even a fraction of what Sattar has
questioning voices from the start,5 for people for the purpose of the study (as ex-
been through (DR: 100-01).
anyone to deny the overwhelming grip of plained in the book), as army officers
the official history is to live in a world of (who served in East Pakistan that year) Or, about Nitai Gayen and Achintya Saha:
fantasy. Much of the ruckus about my were the people on the ground on the re- Both calm and thoughtful men, they con-
book is because “Calling a spade a spade is gime side whose experiences I needed to templated the killings in Chuknagar and the
unpalatable at times. That is what Bose’s chro­nicle. These complaints reveal a lack conflict of 1971 with none of the mindless
work has done” (IBN Live, 26 August 2011). of understanding of appropriate method, hate or hysteria frequently found among
those who had seen less and suffered little.
In his vain search for “bias”, Mohaie- coupled with a desperate bid to find bias
Achintya, a ‘reformed’ Marxist, and my
men makes bizarre references to some of where there is not any. guide and mainstay in many of the Khulna
my earlier articles. In an op-ed after inter- villages, also had a delightful wry sense of
viewing general Niazi in 2003 I criticised Long Lists of Verbs humour and an idealistic habit of contesting
Pakistanis for disproportionately vilifying Mohaiemen gives long lists of verbs or terms elections in Bangladesh (DR: 122-23).
their own general for losing to India in which he sees as evidence of bias. This is Or, “Shyamoli Nasreen Choudhury is
­circumstances in which no general could pointless, as with such subjective selections the sort of person my grandmother used
have won (Daily Times, 24 November 2003). much is omitted and meanings twisted. to call thakur-er jon (god’s own people) –
Mohaiemen pounces on the title which He writes, “Bose is incensed by a catalogue someone whose simple goodness is trans-
contained the term “the courageous Pak of terms used against the Pakistan army parent as soon as you meet her” (DR: 149).
army”: “her exact words”, he writes, during the war…She also cites Quamrul Needless to say, all were Bengali nationa­
wrongly. As every author knows, headings Hassan’s iconic poster” (NM: 47). My book list survivors.
are given by the paper (and this one was shows that I was impressed, not incensed, Not content with imaginary slights and
sensationalist and inappropriate for the by the far more colourful use of terms by disingenuousness, Mohaiemen resorts to
piece). He throws in a gripe about a 2005 the Bengalis, calling the regime’s response falsehood. On the question of genocide,
op-ed on the US government’s release of in this regard “feeble”. About the poster he writes “Bose is eager to prove there was
F-16 jets to Pakistan, which had nothing to I wrote: “As a political cartoon it was no religious targeting” (NM: 44). The book
do with 1971 (Christian Science Monitor, brilliant. As an instrument of black prop- says, “…in particular the disproportionate
11 April 2005 (with ambassador William aganda it proved remarkably effective as probability of being presumed to be an
Milam)). But he does not mention a feature well” (DR: 164). insurgent on the basis of religion – Hinduism
published the same year which was on As Mohaiemen makes much of the – that led the army into killings that may
Bangladesh – on its achievements in school descriptions of some army officers, for ex- have been ‘political’ in motivation, but could
education, and how it had beaten India ample, one described as “a lively person with be termed ‘genocidal’ by their nature”
and West Bengal on this score. I guess that a sense of humour” (NM: 46) and suppo­ (DR: 182). I elaborate on which of the kill-
would have spoiled the “bias” angle. sedly parallel negative characterisations of ings of 1971 fit the UN Convention’s defini-
Quoting a Pakistani scholar Mohaiemen Bengalis, for example, “a good raconteur”, tion of genocide, which might not but still
says about my interviews in Pakistan: which he interprets as “a teller of tall tales, constitute serious crimes against humanity,
“Basically, Sarmila Bose has not talked but unreliable as a historical source” (NM: and what it means for the quest for justice,
to any progressives in Pakistan, period” 48), let me share a few of the characterisa- in a long article devoted to this topic
(NM: 42). No, I have not. Why should I? My tions he omitted. The reference to “a good (Journal of Genocide Research, 13(4), 2011).
book was not meant to be a compilation raconteur” is taken from a sentence that Referring to two of my articles in this
of “progressive” or “regressive” political reads: “Amar Sur is an impressive person- journal he claims that I wrote that the
opinion on 1971. I was chronicling the ality – good-looking, articulate, with a sense Paki­stan army “behaved impeccably, that
memories of incidents in East Pakistan from of drama and tragedy, a good raconteur” charges of rape by Pakistani soldiers were
those who had direct experience there. He (DR: 74). I go on to report this ­Bengali Hindu untrue” (NM: 42). No page references are
writes – “the Bengali side did not cooper- survivor’s testimony in detail, ­including his given in this instance, presumably because
ate with her research” (NM: 42) – which is bitterness at his treatment in independent the statement is false.6 As all unbiased
untrue, given the huge amount of material Bangladesh (DR: 74-76). ­A nother example: readers have spotted, “Dr Bose does not
from Bangladeshis used throughout the ignore atrocities carried out by Pakistan
Muhammad Abdus Sattar is a remarkable
book. The line that went dead was among man… At about 78 years of age, he was tall,
and its supporters – her book has several
“liberationist” fundamentalists after my erect and articulate, demonstrating not only chapters on this subject – concluding its
first paper. It is true I do not explore many physical fitness but a mental strength that army committed political and extra­
interesting questions about the run-up to clearly helped him to emerge out of his judicial killings that in some cases were
nightmarish experience without losing his
the crisis, including issues of discrimination “genocidal” (BBC online, 16 June 2011).
mind. He also demonstrated an extraordinary
against East Pakistan – that is because degree of fairness and balance in speaking
On the number killed, Mohaiemen writes,
that was not the purpose of my study. of the actions of those who had committed “Bose drills down to consider the Hamoodur
­Mohaiemen thinks my interviewing mostly such a terrible act of violence against him Rahman Commission’s estimate of ‘26,000’
Economic & Political Weekly EPW December 31, 2011 vol xlvi no 53 77

as the most reliable estimate...Bose clings of the possible, but beyond that one enters a I believe these survivors’ assessment of the
to the Pakistani estimate” (NM: 46 and also world of meaningless speculation (DR: 181). number killed that day. Raghavan prefers
see NM: 49). In the Bengali version co-au- the unsubstantiated claim of 8,000 dead
thored with Chattopadhyay, he accuses me Attack on Researched Study stated by a Pakistani journalist who fled to
of changing my estimates of the dead after Thus, in an article whose purpose was to the United Kingdom. At the same time,
publication: “Sarmila Bose biswasjogyo attack a researched study, Mohaiemen Ragha­van does not believe me when I write
sankhya hishebe bechhe niyechhen Pakis- makes false statements about the content that thousands of non-Bengalis were killed
taner Hamoodur Rahman Commissioner of the book on key aspects of the subject. It by Bengalis in the mills of Khulna even
report-e dabi kora chhabbish hajar sonkhy- would appear that Mohaiemen (and though that is reported by both Biharis and
ati! Jodio tini ekhon ‘Ekdin’e likhchhen je Chatto­padhyay) either have not read DR, Bengalis. Incidentally, the same Pakistani
sonkhyati ponchash hajar theke ek loksho or they have read it but still chose to lie journalist whose claim on Shankharipara
hotey parey (eta ki prokash poroborti som- about it in the hope of misleading a few Raghavan prefers, reported in 1971 that
alochona samlatey kora?)” (Sarmila Bose has more people for a little while longer. The 1,00,000 non-Bengalis were killed by Ben-
chosen as the most reliable figure the 26,000 production of “criticism” of DR bears an galis in a matter of weeks.7
figure claimed by Hamoodur Commission uncanny resemblance in this regard to the The politicised numbers game with vic-
Report! Though she has now written in production of partisan history to date. tims is profoundly disrespectful towards
Ekdin that the figure may be between One expected a better standard of profes- the true victims of this war. As Nilakantan
50,000 to 1 lakh (has this been done to sionalism from a former Indian army officer put it, “The book’s narrative is dispassionate,
cope with post-publication criticism?)­ than that displayed by Raghavan. For in- systematic and evidence-based…. In a way,
(Ekdin, 9 September 2011). stance, Raghavan is dismissive of the Hindu this book is a fitting homage to the tens of
In fact, DR states: survivors of the Pakistan army’s attack who thousands of victims.”8 Why should anyone
From the available evidence discussed in this
told me that around 16 people were killed in have a problem with my pointing out the
study, it appears possible to estimate with Shankharipara in Dhaka, on 26 March 1971. discrepancies between death tolls at the
reasonable confidence that at least 50,000- I faithfully reported the testimony of these university and trying to explain why they
1,00,000 people perished in the conflict in Bengali Hindu victims of that attack by the arose? Is it not better to exhume the bodies
East Pakistan/Bangladesh in 1971, including
Pakistan army – a terri­f ying incident for buried in the playing field, identify them,
combatants and non-combatants, Bengalis and
non-Bengalis, Hindus and Muslims, Indians
which those responsible should be prosecut- strengthen the case against the murderers,
and Pakistanis. Casualty figures crossing ed, and possibly for genocide given that the and show the victims the respect they
one hundred thousand are within the realm area seemed targeted on the basis of religion. deserve, even if their number is fewer than

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78 December 31, 2011 vol xlvi no 53 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

what has been claimed in the political The legal and moral issues that Raghavan thinks this is “hubris” (a cue picked up by Nirupama
Subramanian in The Hindu, 27 September 2011),
posturing that has been going on over or Mohaiemen grandly refer to, need to when it is merely stating the reality. As I point out,
1971? And why is it a requirement to term apply to all warring parties. Subramanian for similar reasons, Sisson and Rose’s book is also
“unique” and cannot be replicated.
all Bengalis “victims”? Some of them did echoes a concern about the book’s “moral 3 For other reviews see Ian Jack, The Guardian,
fight. And they fought on both sides for equivalence” between atro­cities committed 21 May 2011; Martin Woollacott, The Guardian,
1 July 2011; Saurabh Kumar Shahi, The Sunday
what they believed in. by both sides (The Hindu, 27 September Indian, 24 August 2011; Banyan blog, The Economist, 1
2011), but why should the same crime – August 2011 posting from Dhaka; Dipankar
Conclusions tacharyya, Hindustan Times, 16 September 2011;
killing of civilians for having the “wrong” Sanjeev Nilakantan, Business World, 1 October 2011;
However, Raghavan is right that my book is identity, or a different political view, for Tariq Rahman, Newsline, 12 November 2011 and ��� Su-
nanda Datta-Ray, The Telegraph, 3 September 2011.
critical of the manifestation of Bengali example – be considered a lesser crime if 4 Financial Times, 18 March 2011; The Guardian, 24
“nationalism” in 1971. (It was the linguistic committed by the side you favour? Stereo- March 2011. Anam is the daughter of the editor of
the newspaper Daily Star in Bangladesh, which
identity of “Bengali” at the time, not “Bang- typing, de-humanisation and brutality were reproduced Mohaiemen’s EPW article.
ladeshi” nationalism, as he writes. The latter practised by all sides. I condemn all who 5 Cited for instance, Dead Reckoning (DR), 176-78.
was promoted later by Ziaur Rahman as an committed such crimes, but a few Indian 6 Interested readers are welcome to read the articles
for themselves: “Anatomy of Violence: Analysis of
alternative, territorial concept.) Several commentators seem to be battling on to Civil War in East Pakistan in 1971”, EPW, Vol 40,
No 41, 8-14 October 2005 and “Losing the Victims:
others, whether appreciative or critical of excuse the “nationalists”. The war is long Problems of Using Women as Weapons in Re-
the book, have also picked up on a strongly over. India is better served by an unsenti- counting the Bangladesh War”, EPW, Vol 42,
No 38, 22-28 September 2007.
negative portrayal of “Bengali nationalism” mental examination of what it has got on
7 Anthony Mascarenhas, author of the Sunday
in DR. To allege that this is due to bias against its eastern flank. Times expose “Genocide” (13 June 1971), estimated
Bengalis, is absurd. My negative assessment 1,00,000 non-Bengali victims of Bengali attacks
and up to 1,50,000 Bengali victims of the army.
of what passed for “Bengali nationalism” in Notes These are speculative figures and not based on
any actual accounting. What is instructive is that
the violent incidents of 1971 that I examined 1 Indian Express, 20 July 2011; quoted in NM, p 44. victims on both sides were estimated to be roughly
is a considered judgment, based on the 2 Tehelka, 13 August 2011; Butalia’s review is cited in the same range.
by NM for its criticism (p 45). Butalia also sur- 8 Business World, 1 October 2011. In contrast, Sub-
­evidence. As a Bengali, I plead guilty to prised with a peevish reaction to my observation ramanian (The Hindu, 27 September 2011) still
wishing to have no truck with a single iden- that my book may remain “unique just as Sisson seems to be in thrall of the claim of “3 Million
and Rose’s book was”, first, as those who had lived Dead”, castigating me for scaling down the numbers,
tity “nationalism”, which, like so many other through the war would pass away (indeed some I and persisting in viewing the conflict as one
identity-based “nationalisms”, fomented talked to are already no more) and second, as the between “the oppressor and the oppressed”, the
generations after me would not even have child- kind of simplistic dichotomy that the incidents
hatred and violence against those who were hood memories of the war and thus lack the emo- recounted in the book comprehensively show
defined out of it or did not agree with it. tional connection I felt to the subject. Butalia cannot be applied to 1971.

Another Reckoning death toll methodology and has pointed,12

in this respect, to the research published
in Population Studies on the impact of the
war on births and deaths.13 In an as yet
Naeem Mohaiemen unpublished study, Dina Siddiqi (specialist
on gender and Islam in Bangladesh, and

ose states I “pounce”, make “false flaws in her book. Her critics include scholars researcher for Ain o Salish Kendra, which
statements”, display “lack of metho­ of gender violence during conflict (Urvashi produced 1971 rape study) has analysed
dological understanding, disingen- Butalia1), authors of academic books on how framing and context setting are
uousness and falsehood”, and “still chose to 1971 and rape (Nayanika Mookherjee,2 critical to the production of historical
lie about it in the hope of misleading a few Yasmin Saikia3), authors of two forthcom- “truths”, and therefore Bose’s ­silences
more people for a little while longer”. My ing books on 1971 (Srinath Raghavan, 4 and omissions are significant.14
­essay is, in her words, a “lengthy harangue”. Salil Tripathi5), author of a definitive history Although Bose attempts a rejoinder here
Very well, I will be brief this time. of Bangladesh6 (Willem van Schendel, who to myself, Butalia and Raghavan, she
I never stated in my essay that Bose did questioned her “professional and ethical chooses not to respond to Nayanika
not receive positive reviews. But the criti- standards”7), and an eyewitness (Akhtaruz- Mookherjee, who critiqued Bose’s first
cal ones analyse her errors and omissions. zaman Mandal8). Arnold Zeitlin (head of 1971 essay in 2005,15 her follow-up in 2007,
Countering only with positive reviews, Pakistan bureau of AP in 1971) queried why and Dead Reckoning in 2011. In addition to
without answering the questions that she did no surveys of non-voters to estab­lish a book on rape during 1971, Mookherjee
have been raised, is insufficient. her “support” thesis.9 Gita Sahgal (producer has written 11 journal essays on 1971. Yet,
of a documentary on 1971 war crimes10) Bose ignores her critique.
Other Critiques has pointed out how razakars were dis- Faced with my listing of her incorrect
It is especially those who specialise in missed in the book.11 Richard Cash (author summaries of pre-crackdown history, she
Bangladesh and conflict studies, and know of decades of pre- and post-1971 public now says “that was not the purpose of my
the subject intimately, who have itemised the health research in Bangladesh) disputes her study”. If so, why did she make sweeping
Economic & Political Weekly EPW December 31, 2011 vol xlvi no 53 79

misinterpretations about that history? About op-ed is un­usual, and may indicate that 2 Nayanika Mookherjee, The Spectral Wound:
­Sexual Violence, Public Memories and the Bangla-
the singular focus on Pakistani army officer she had become too embedded in the desh War of 1971, Duke, 2012.
testimonies, she says, “army officers were mindset of the Pak military industrial 3 Yasmin Saikia, Women, War, and the Making
of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971, Duke, 2011.
the people on the ground on the regime side complex, sacrificing the objectivity neces- Critique of Bose in Note 70, Chapter 2, pp 264-65.
whose experiences I needed to chronicle”. sary for academic research. 4 Forthcoming, Permanent Black.
Actually, there were numerous civilian Bose’s recurring defence at public events 5 Salil Tripathi, “Subcontinental Drift”, Mint,
15 July 2011.
Pakistanis who also served the war regime is that she is being pilloried because she 6 Willem van Schendel, A History of Bangladesh,
(see list in Hasan Zaheer).16 About my list of attacks Bengali nationalism. However, the Cambridge University Press, 2009.
West Pakistani war-critics, she says, “My majority of her critics also challenge that 7 Schendel, presentation at “Building a Field of
Scholarship and Dialogue on 1971” conference,
book was not meant to be a compilation of same nationalism. The researchers and au- 16-17 March 2011, Brac Inn, Dhaka. Organised by
‘progressive’ or ‘regressive’ political opin- thors that Bose ignored (listed by myself 1971 Collective, a scholar consortium, and Brac
Development Institute, Brac University. Also cited
ion on 1971”. But, some of those people par- and Mookherjee in EPW) have all chafed at in Mookherjee, The Guardian, 8 June 2011.
ticipated in the protests against the war – the parochial limits of Bengali nationalism. 8 Mookherjee and Mandal, “‘Research’ on Bangla-
desh War”, EPW, 15 December 2007.
they had experience, not only opinions. An anthology I edited in 201019 contains 75 9 Zeitlin, “Thoughts on Dead Reckoning”, Daily Star,
Finally, to my compilation of systemic essays by my colleagues who have spent a 17 December 2011.
use of one-sided and coercive qualifiers lifetime challenging the racially exclusive 10 War Crimes Files, Channel Four.
11 Gita Sahgal, “Dead Reckoning: Disappearing
(Pakistani atrocities are “alleged”, Bengali framework of Bengali nationhood. Long ­Stories and Evidence”, Daily Star, 18 December
atrocities are not), she responds: “as before her, we have been critics of hegem- 2011.
12 Email Communication from Richard Cash.
with such subjective selections much is onic and exclusionary nationalisms.
13 George T Curlin, Lincoln C Chen and Sayed
omitted and meanings twisted”. Precisely Bose has not been singled out because Babur Hussain, “The Impact of the Bangladesh
my point! she attacks tropes of nationalism. There Civil War (1971) on Births and Deaths in a Rural
Area of Bangladesh”, Population Studies, Vol 30,
About my characterisation of her thesis has already been a thriving, pugnacious No 1, 03/1976.
“that charges of rape by Pakistani soldiers critique of nationalism for the last four 14 Dina Siddiqi, “Framing, Silence and Selective
Valorisation in Dead Reckoning”, copy provided
were untrue”, she says, “No page refer- decades, especially in Bengali-language to author.
ences are given in this instance”. No page scholarship and journalism. No, she is 15 Nayanika Mookherjee, “A Prescription for Recon-
reference was given because this charac- criticised for sloppy research, faulty meth- ciliation?”, EPW, 9 November 2007.
16 Hasan Zaheer, The Separation of East Pakistan,
terisation is my overall assessment of her odology, absent framing, and partisan Oxford, 1994, p 506.
essays, which I stand by. Elsewhere, I interviews. Period. 17 Naeem Mohaiemen, EPW, 1 January 2008 and
9 February 2008.
highlighted the phrase “courageous Pak
18 Ayesha Siddiqa, Military Inc: Inside Pakistan’s
Army”, and she responds, “As every author Email: Military Economy, Pluto Press, 2007.
knows, headings are given by the paper”. 19 Naeem Mohaiemen (ed.), Between Ashes and
Notes Hope: Chittagong Hill Tracts in the Blind Spot of
Actually, when EPW added the phrase 1 Urvashi Butalia, The Other Side of Silence, Duke, Bangladesh Nationalism, Manusher Jonno Foun-
“Civil War” to the title of my 2008 essay, 2000. dation, 2010.
I promptly sent a rejoinder.17 Why didn’t
she ask Daily Times for a correction in NE
2003, instead of waiting until 2011, after NE
many critiques, to now say that phrase
was ‘sensationalist and inappropriate”?
EPW 5-Year CD-ROM 2004-08 on a Single Disk
Never mind, these are trivial points. The digital versions of Economic and Political Weekly for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 are
However, here is one that is not. She is irri- now available on a single disk. The CD-ROM contains the complete text of 261 issues published
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Monitor “Right Stuff” op-ed (also noted by and utilities to make your browsing experience productive.The contents of the CD-ROM are organised
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researchers and executives in government and non-government organisations, social and political
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80 December 31, 2011 vol xlvi no 53 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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