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A. Instructor. Salem A. Bader

Spring 2023-2024

The industrial revolution

The Age of iron
The industrial revolution


• In the 15th century starting, from England. big changes occurred in the western world
different than all the previous centuries.

• The Industrial Revolution took place in England around 1760s and not on the continent level,
but on few parts of it because England was already a society with a relatively advanced
industry, by the standards of the time.

• This had been a village or cottage industry. Some of these industries, such as woolen industry
went back to the middle ages, others such as, the making of needless, had been advanced by
technical innovations made in the meantime Elizabethan age.
The industrial revolution


• The major change that the Industrial Revolution

• brought was to move many of these industries from
• the home into the factory.

• One great drive in the Industrial Revolution was for

a new organization production which is the factory
The industrial revolution

• What is industrialisation?
• Is it only a technological transformation?
The industrial revolution

• What is industrialization?
• Is it only a technological transformation?

• Mechanization is the end product of a rationalistic view of the world.

• The guilds became outdated as soon as the rationalistic view became dominant and move
continually toward utilitarian(functional/useful) goals.

• A sudden change in the way of making things.

• A great change in the way of living through the use of machinery to produce goods in great
quantities and to transfer them across lands and oceans.
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

• The feudal system of industry, under which industrial production was

monopolized by closed guilds (medieval union/association)(domestic industry)
no longer sufficed (met the requirements) for the growing wants of the new

• The manufacturing system took its place. Meantime the markets kept ever
growing and the demand ever rising. Even manufacture no longer sufficed.
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

• The transition from manufacturing to the factory marks a complete technical

revolution that eliminates the old skilled craftsmanship.

• In manufacturing and handcrafts, the workers use a tool, in the factory they
serve a machine.
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

• The transition from manufacture to the factory marks a complete technical

revolution which eliminates the old skilled craftsmanship.

• In manufacture and handcrafts, the workers uses a tool, in factory he serves

a machine.
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

Early textile powered machinery

• The textiles industry was transformed by the introduction first of water-powered

and then steam-powered machinery.
The industrial revolution

Water-powered machinery
The industrial revolution

Steam-powered Machinery
The industrial revolution

Steam-powered Machinery
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

• The new forms of production called a vast outlay of capital on machines, unskilled
labor more and more replaced skilled, women and children took place of men, with
growing degradation and unpleasantness for the working classes
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

First, factories used water power and therefore they were built in the wild river valleys.

Later, steam engine took place of water power in the factory at the beginning of the 19th century,
then, the factory to the source of labor, to the town.
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

However Steam could run heavier and more elaborate machinery.

James Watt' steam engine, with its mechanical power became independent of hand
operation. With the entry of steam, coal and iron became the backbone of the
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

With production increased, trade expanded, the shops moved from the home into
separate quarters - the factory - and the distinction between employee and
employer widened.

The number of employees in proportion to the owners increased and trade unions
among workers in contrast to the medieval guilds were formed.
The industrial revolution
The industrial revolution

• Economical Development

The raw-iron (unprocessed) was till to be purified and worked.

The 1780's at last made it possible to cast iron so that it was strong and free from flaws.

The cast-iron became a universal material - the plastic of its age.

The industrial revolution

• Political Development

• Begins the struggle (fight) for market, raw materials and harbors.
Seizing far-away lands, political tension in Europe, Europe no
longer believed in aristocracy, in Papacy and in privilege
The industrial revolution

• Social Development:

A distinctive feature of the Industrial Revolution was the great

increase in the urban living.

Industrial Revolution was more than a change in the system of

production: it was also a revolution in the conditions of life for
entire sections of society.

It was a social phenomenon..

The industrial revolution

• Social Development:

A distinctive feature of the Industrial Revolution was the great

increase in the urban living.

The Industrial Revolution was more than a change in the system of

production: it was also a revolution in the conditions of life for
entire sections of society.

It was a social phenomenon..

The industrial revolution

• Social Development:

• Increase in population, towns got crowded.

• Social revolution - in the way of living, in earning a livelihood.

• Movement of people from
(a) villages to towns
(b) country to country
The industrial revolution

• Social Development:

•Urbanization increased in direct proportion to industrialization.

• A direct connection with the mining areas was a prime condition for urban
The industrial revolution

• Social Development:

• Industrialization changed the occupational structure.

• Skilled craftsmen lost their position.

• In their places, a new group of trained engineers, managers, technicians,

salesmen, statisticians, office workers, advertisers (and every sort of white
collars), mechanics arose, to plan, design, manage, and carry on the process of
modern industry and distribute its products.
The industrial revolution

• • Communication Developments

• Communication systems developed parallel to the Industrial Revolution


• The Industrial system was dependent upon the transportation of raw materials to
the factory and finished products to the consumers.

• 1. Transportation facilities: Canals, Steamships, Lighthouses, Railways, Bridges,

Highway - development of highway network, First bicycle, Pneumatic tire (airfilled),
airplane. 2. Verbal communications: Technical education - France-Ecole
Polytechnique for higher education, Berlin Industrial Institute, technical schools in
Karlsruhe, Munich, Dresden, Stuttgart, Improvements in the ways of operating news,
post-office - international postal union, typewriter, telegraph, telephone, radio.
The industrial revolution

• • Communication Developments

• Communication systems developed parallel to the Industrial Revolution


• The Industrial system was dependent upon the transportation of raw materials
to the factory and finished products to the consumers.
The industrial revolution

• Communication Developments

1. Transportation facilities: Canals, Steamships, Lighthouses, Railways, Bridges,

Highway - development of highway network, First bicycle, Pneumatic tire (air-
filled), airplane.

2. Verbal communications: Technical education - France-Ecole Polytechnique for

higher education, Berlin Industrial Institute, technical schools in Karlsruhe,
Munich, Dresden, Stuttgart.

3. The Improvements in the ways of operating news, post-office - international

postal union, typewriter, telegraph, telephone, radio.
The industrial revolution

3. Visual Communications:

Periodical literature, observation tours, industrial exhibitions (great international


invention of photography and film camera, circulation of ideas through

The industrial revolution

In short,

1. industrialization in the first half of the 19th century was in England;

2. The second half in Europe (especially in Germany) and America.

3. Countries like Italy and Spain had to wait almost until the 20th century before
an industrial order was established.

4. In the 19th century, we see two contradictory forces: PROGRESS and


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