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2020: Briefly describe the various segments of atmosphere.

How these segments are maintaining the

Earth Radiation Balance?
The Earth's atmosphere can be divided into several distinct segments based on differences in composition,
temperature, and function. These segments include the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere, and exosphere.
1. Troposphere: This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, extending from the Earth's surface up to an
average altitude of about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles). It is where weather occurs and is characterized by a
decrease in temperature with altitude. The troposphere plays a crucial role in maintaining the Earth's
radiation balance through processes like convection, which transfers heat and moisture vertically. It also
contains greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor, which trap heat and contribute to the
greenhouse effect.
2. Stratosphere: Above the troposphere lies the stratosphere, which extends from the top of the
troposphere to an altitude of about 50 kilometers (31 miles). The stratosphere is characterized by a
temperature inversion, meaning that the temperature increases with altitude due to the presence of
ozone. Ozone molecules in the stratosphere absorb and filter out a significant portion of the Sun's
harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, thus protecting life on Earth from its harmful effects.
3. Mesosphere: The mesosphere extends from the top of the stratosphere to an altitude of about 85
kilometers (53 miles). In this layer, temperatures decrease with altitude, reaching extremely cold
temperatures. The mesosphere plays a minor role in the Earth's radiation balance, mainly through the
scattering of incoming solar radiation by atmospheric particles.
4. Thermosphere: The thermosphere extends from the top of the mesosphere to the edge of space. It is
characterized by a rapid increase in temperature with altitude due to the absorption of high-energy
solar radiation. The thermosphere plays a significant role in maintaining the Earth's radiation balance by
absorbing and re-emitting solar radiation.
5. Exosphere: The exosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere, merging with the vacuum
of space. It is composed of extremely low-density gas molecules and atoms, and its main role in the
Earth's radiation balance is minimal.
Maintaining the Earth's radiation balance involves several processes. The atmosphere allows incoming solar
radiation (shortwave radiation) to penetrate and reach the Earth's surface. Once the energy reaches the
surface, it is absorbed and re-radiated as thermal infrared radiation (longwave radiation). Some of this
longwave radiation is then trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, preventing it from escaping
into space, thus contributing to the greenhouse effect.
Additionally, the atmosphere scatters a portion of the incoming solar radiation back into space, preventing
excessive heating. Clouds and atmospheric particles also reflect sunlight, further reducing the amount of
solar radiation that reaches the surface. This combination of absorption, reflection, and scattering
processes helps maintain the Earth's radiation balance, ensuring that the planet neither overheats nor
cools excessively.
2021: What is the sequence of strata of atmosphere and on what factors does it depends?
The sequence of atmospheric strata, from lowest to highest, is as follows:
1. Troposphere: This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, extending from the Earth's surface up to an
average altitude of about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles).
2. Stratosphere: Above the troposphere lies the stratosphere, which extends from the top of the
troposphere to an altitude of about 50 kilometers (31 miles).
3. Mesosphere: The mesosphere extends from the top of the stratosphere to an altitude of about 85
kilometers (53 miles).
4. Thermosphere: The thermosphere extends from the top of the mesosphere to the edge of space.
5. Exosphere: The exosphere is the outermost layer, merging with the vacuum of space.
The division of the atmosphere into these strata is primarily based on how temperature changes with
increasing altitude. Each stratum has distinct temperature characteristics:
1. Troposphere: Temperature generally decreases with altitude in this layer, making it the coldest near the
2. Stratosphere: The temperature remains relatively constant with increasing altitude, and in the upper
portion, it starts to increase due to the absorption of solar radiation by ozone.
3. Mesosphere: In this layer, the temperature decreases with altitude, reaching extremely cold
4. Thermosphere: Temperatures in this layer increase with altitude due to the absorption of high-energy
solar radiation.
5. Exosphere: The exosphere is characterized by an extremely low-density gas, and the concept of
temperature is not well-defined in this region.
The division of the atmosphere into these strata depends on various factors, including:
1. Temperature changes: The transition between different layers is primarily determined by the
temperature profile with increasing altitude.
2. Composition: The composition of the atmosphere, particularly the presence and distribution of gases
like ozone, water vapor, and greenhouse gases, influences the characteristics of each layer.
3. Pressure changes: While not explicitly mentioned in the strata sequence, pressure also changes with
altitude and is a contributing factor in defining the atmospheric layers.
4. Vertical mixing: The movement of air masses, such as convection and jet streams, contributes to the
formation and maintenance of distinct layers in the atmosphere.
It's important to note that the boundaries between these strata are not sharp or well-defined. They can
vary with latitude, season, and other atmospheric conditions. The actual height and characteristics of each
layer can fluctuate due to factors such as solar activity, volcanic eruptions, and global climate patterns.
2023: What are the different layers of the atmosphere? On what basis these layers are classified? In
which layer 'Auroras' are formed and where do satellites orbit?
The atmosphere is generally divided into five main layers based on changes in temperature with increasing
altitude. These layers, from lowest to highest, are:
1. Troposphere: The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, extending from the Earth's
surface up to an average altitude of about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) at the poles and 18 kilometers (11
miles) at the equator. In this layer, temperature generally decreases with increasing altitude. The
troposphere is where weather phenomena occur and where most of Earth's air mass and water vapor
are located.
2. Stratosphere: Above the troposphere lies the stratosphere, extending from the top of the troposphere
to an altitude of about 50 kilometers (31 miles). In the stratosphere, temperature generally increases
with altitude due to the absorption of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation by ozone molecules. The
stratosphere is crucial for protecting life on Earth as it contains the ozone layer, which absorbs much of
the Sun's harmful UV radiation.
3. Mesosphere: The mesosphere extends from the top of the stratosphere to an altitude of about 85
kilometers (53 miles). In this layer, temperature decreases with altitude, reaching extremely cold
temperatures. The mesosphere is where meteors burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere.
4. Thermosphere: The thermosphere extends from the top of the mesosphere to the edge of space,
roughly between 85 kilometers (53 miles) and 600 kilometers (372 miles) above the Earth's surface.
Unlike the lower layers, the temperature in the thermosphere increases with altitude due to the
absorption of high-energy solar radiation. However, since the density of air molecules is extremely low
in this layer, it would not feel hot to a human observer.
5. Exosphere: The exosphere is the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere, merging with the vacuum
of space. It extends from the upper boundary of the thermosphere to an altitude of about 10,000
kilometers (6,200 miles) or more. The exosphere is characterized by an extremely low density of gas
molecules, and particles can escape Earth's gravitational pull and enter space from this layer.
Auroras, also known as the Northern and Southern Lights (Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis,
respectively), are formed in the thermosphere. When charged particles from the Sun, mainly electrons and
protons, interact with atoms and molecules in the thermosphere, they create the colorful light displays
known as auroras. The interaction of these charged particles with the Earth's magnetic field results in the
glowing phenomenon observed near the polar regions.
Satellites orbit the Earth primarily in the thermosphere and exosphere. The exact altitude of satellite orbits
can vary depending on their purpose and function. For example, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, which
include many communication satellites and Earth observation satellites, typically orbit between 200 and
2,000 kilometers (120 to 1,200 miles) above the Earth's surface. Geostationary satellites, which remain
fixed relative to a specific location on Earth, orbit at an altitude of approximately 35,786 kilometers (22,236
miles) above the equator.
2020: How the organic particulate matter enters in the atmosphere. Also describe the
Organic particulate matter enters the atmosphere through various natural and human-
induced sources. These organic particles are tiny solid or liquid particles composed of
organic compounds and can have significant impacts on air quality and human health. Here
are some common sources of organic particulate matter:
1. Natural Sources:
o Volcanic Eruptions: Volcanic activity releases organic particles into the
atmosphere through the ejection of ash, sulfur compounds, and other organic
o Sea Spray: Breaking waves and wind action over oceans produce sea spray, which
can contain organic matter from marine organisms and algae.
o Dust and Soil: Wind erosion of soil and dust can introduce organic particles into
the atmosphere, particularly in arid regions.
2. Biogenic Sources:
o Vegetation and Plants: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by trees,
plants, and other vegetation can react in the atmosphere and form organic
particulate matter.
o Forest Fires: Biomass burning, such as wildfires, releases organic particles into the
air from burning vegetation and organic matter.
3. Anthropogenic (Human-induced) Sources:
o Fossil Fuel Combustion: The burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants,
industrial processes, and residential heating releases organic particulate matter
into the atmosphere.
o Industrial Emissions: Industrial activities, such as manufacturing, chemical
production, and incineration, can emit organic particles as byproducts.
o Residential Sources: Activities like cooking, burning wood or biomass for heating,
and tobacco smoke contribute to organic particulate matter in indoor and outdoor
o Agricultural Activities: Agricultural practices, including livestock operations, crop
residue burning, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides, can release organic
particles into the atmosphere.
o Vehicle Emissions: Exhaust emissions from vehicles, especially diesel engines,
contribute to organic particulate matter in urban areas.
It's important to note that organic particulate matter can undergo chemical reactions in the
atmosphere, leading to the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). These SOAs
result from the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from natural and
anthropogenic sources. They can contribute significantly to the concentration of organic
particulate matter in the atmosphere.
Reducing organic particulate matter concentrations often involves implementing measures
to mitigate the emissions from anthropogenic sources, such as adopting cleaner
technologies, improving fuel quality, implementing emissions controls, and promoting
sustainable agricultural and forestry practices.

2019: Why scientists are worried about the increase of Carbon Dioxide in atmosphere?
Scientists are concerned about the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere due to its significant
impact on Earth's climate and the environment. Here are some reasons why scientists are worried about
rising CO2 levels:
1. Greenhouse Effect: Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere. It
plays a crucial role in the natural greenhouse effect, which helps regulate the planet's temperature and
makes it suitable for life. However, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have been
releasing large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect. The
increased concentration of CO2 contributes to global warming and climate change, causing adverse
effects on ecosystems, weather patterns, sea levels, and human societies.
2. Climate Change: Rising CO2 levels are a significant driver of climate change. As CO2 concentrations
increase, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, leading to a rise in global average temperatures. This
results in a cascade of impacts such as melting glaciers and ice caps, altered precipitation patterns,
more frequent and severe heatwaves, changing ecosystems, and disruptions to agriculture and food
3. Ocean Acidification: When CO2 is absorbed by the oceans, it undergoes a chemical reaction that lowers
the pH of seawater, leading to ocean acidification. This process can have detrimental effects on marine
life, especially organisms that rely on calcium carbonate to build their shells or skeletons, such as corals,
shellfish, and some plankton. Ocean acidification threatens the health and productivity of marine
ecosystems, which in turn affects the food chain and livelihoods dependent on them.
4. Long-lasting Effect: Carbon dioxide has a long atmospheric lifetime, meaning it remains in the
atmosphere for a significant period. Even if CO2 emissions were to stop today, a substantial portion of
the CO2 released would persist for centuries, continuing to contribute to global warming and its
associated impacts. This highlights the importance of reducing emissions and taking proactive measures
to mitigate climate change.
5. Feedback Loops: Rising temperatures due to increased CO2 levels can trigger feedback loops that
further amplify climate change. For example, as temperatures rise, permafrost in polar regions may
thaw, releasing large amounts of stored carbon in the form of methane, another potent greenhouse
gas. This release of additional greenhouse gases can create a self-reinforcing cycle, accelerating climate
change beyond human-induced emissions alone.
Given these concerns, scientists emphasize the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly
carbon dioxide, to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure a sustainable future for the planet
and its inhabitants.

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