Editing Set 1

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6/3/24 HBL Editing Exercise Set 1

Instructions: This set contains 2 editing practices. Practice 1 is on prepositions

and practice 2 is on subject-verb agreement. Choose 1 out of the 2 practices to

NAME : _________________________[ ] SCORE : 10

CLASS : _________ DATE : _______________

Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about what determination can achieve. The first
and last lines are correct. For eight of the lines, there is one grammatical error in each line. There are
two more lines with no errors.

If there is NO error in a line, put a tick ( ) in the space provided.

If the line is incorrect, circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence

I arrived to my destination at 2pm. at

My mother always wears sensible clothes.

Practice 1: Prepositions

From what I recall of my time living in Singapore, meat and seafood were on the

the table at every meal, sometimes even for every dish. While vegetables were 1

ordered, it was never the star. When my husband and I moved for Australia two 2

years behind, the country was experiencing a bad spell of bushfires triggered 3

with climate change, compelling us to cut down on our meat intake. The contrast 4

between our average meal and the ones that we would enjoy on our trips back to 5

Singapore was jarring. In Singapore, hawker food is often thought about as 6

everyday fare. However, these dishes are too nutritionally poor to be eaten with a 7

regular basis. I miss the crisp freshness of Kang Kong on Singapore wet markets, 8

or the juicy gai choy that are perfect in a braise. Stepping along our exploration 9

of regional vegetables would result in meals that are fresher, more delicious and 10

cheaper. It is a shame that vegetables have become sidelined in our diets.


Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about what determination can achieve. The first
and last lines are correct. For eight of the lines, there is one grammatical error in each line. There are
two more lines with no errors.

If there is NO error in a line, put a tick ( ) in the space provided.

If the line is incorrect, circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence

I arrived to my destination at 2pm. at

My mother always wears sensible clothes.

Practice 1: Subject-Verb Agreement

It’s almost noon at Havelock Food Centre, a busy time for kueh tutu-maker Ms Tan

Bee Hua. For many, the kueh tutu – small rice flour steamed cakes with fillings 1

served over pieces of pandan leaf – are a uniquely Singaporean delicacy. But for 2

Ms Tan, it is much more than that – each piece tell the story of her family. Her 3

family recount it to me now. In 1932, her late father began selling ‘song gao’, a 4

popular Hokkien plain rice cake. He would later innovate on it, adding coconut 5

flakes or peanuts. In 2004, Ms Tan, along with her brother, quits her office job 6

and took over the reins. Today, she and her brother goes down to prepare 7

the materials every morning. They cook the coconut in gula Melaka and prepares 8

the peanut fillings. Ms Tan says their kueh tutu is something that everyone love, 9

and she hopes to keep her father’s legacies alive and continue making kueh 10

tutu for all Singaporeans to enjoy.

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