ملخص لاب بيئة 2022 جديد

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Environmental Engineering Laboratory A.

Khateeb - 2022

…‫المقدمات ال يقرأها أحد‬

!‫اقلب الصفحة‬

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Environmental Engineering Laboratory A.Khateeb - 2022

Table of Contents

• Introduction

• Definitions

• Power of Hydrogen

• Acidity EXP #1

• Alkalinity EXP #2

• Chloride EXP #3

• Hardness EXP #4

• Softening EXP #5

• Solids EXP #6

• DO & BOD EXP #7

• COD EXP #8

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‫‪Environmental Engineering Laboratory‬‬ ‫‪A.Khateeb - 2022‬‬

‫‪• Introduction‬‬

‫بداية المختبر سهل نسبيا واسئلة االمتحانات حسابية أكثر من عملية‬

‫التجارب تعتمد ع المعالجة الكيميائية للمياه بإضافة المركبات الكيميائية باالعتماد على‬
‫المعايرة ( ‪. ) Titration‬‬

‫المعايرة ‪ :‬هي عملية مخبرية في الكيمياء التحليلية من أجل التحليل الكمي ُيعرف بها‬
‫تركيز محلول حمضي مجهول بواسطة إضافة محلول قاعدي تركيزه معروف وبالعكس‪.‬‬

‫بعض األمور المهمة بالمعايرة‬

‫‪ -1‬التفريق بين المعاير والكاشف )‪(Titrant & Indicator‬‬

‫‪ :Titrant‬مادة (حمضية ‪ /‬قاعدية ) معروفة التركيز تستخدم ككاشف للمحلول ‪.‬‬

‫‪ : Indicator‬مادة تضاف كإشارة مرئية ع حدوث التفاعل ممثلة بتغير اللون ‪.‬‬

‫‪-2‬األدوات المستخدمة بالمعايرة ‪:‬‬

‫‪( : Burette‬سحاحة) وعاء زجاجي بمحبس يوضع فيه المحلول ويتم قياس تركيز المعاير‬

‫المستهلك من خالل قراءة فرق التركيز (مالحظة التدريج معكوس من األعلى لألسفل)‬

‫‪ : Graduated cylinder‬المخبار المدرج يستخدم لقياس حجم السوائل بدقة ( األكثر دقة )‬

‫‪ -3‬معرفة قراءة السحاحة ‪ : Burette‬من خالل النظر إلى تقعر الماء من األسفل‬


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Exercise: what the reading of burette ? ANS : 19.7

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• Definitions ‫مهم الحفظ‬

# 𝟎𝐟 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬
Morality: the concentration of the solution or the number of moles divided by volume of solution 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞

Avogadro Number: the number of constituent particles (usually atoms or molecules) in one mole of a
given substance, where mole is one of the seven base units in the International System of Units and its value is equal
to 6.02214129 x 1023 mol-1 mole = Avogadro number * particles (‫(الجزيء‬
# Of moles = .
𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬

Molar Mass : the sum of the total mass in grams of all the atoms that make up a mole of a particular
molecule , is reported in grams per mole or g/mol.

Ex : CH4 .. atomic mass of C = 12 g/mol & H = 1 g/mol << ‫( نفسه العدد الكتلي‬1*12) + (1*4) = 16 g/mol .

Molecular weight: the mass of a molecule or the sum of the mass of each constituent atom multiplied by
the number of atoms of that element in the molecular formula is reported in atomic mass units (amu).

NOTE: The molecular weight of methane is 16.04 amu. The molar mass of sodium is 16 grams per mol
(g/mol) both are the same ,, 1 amu = 1 g/mol

Normality : the number of equivalent of solution =

# 𝟎𝐟 𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭

Number of equivalent: 𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭

𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Equivalent weight: the mass of one equivalent = 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐱)

)‫ (التكافؤ‬Valence (x) : 1) charge => Fe+3 x= 3 ,, Ca+2 x= 2 ,, Na+1 x=1 .

2) change in valence => Fe+3 >> Fe+2 x=1 .
3) Molecules: HCO3- x= 1 ,, NaOH x= 1 ,, H2CO3 x= 2 ,, HCL x=1 .

Ex : Find equivalent weight of CaCO3 ,, Ca =40 g/mole & O =16 g/mole & C =12 g/mole
𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
Equivalent weight = = ????
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐱)

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Mw = 40 + 16(3) + 12 = 100 g/mol & valence Ca+2 + CO3-2 ,, So X=2

Equivalent weight = 100 / 2 = 50 g/eq

Notes : ‫الكتل الذرية للعناصر بالعادة ال تعطى يفضل حفظ األكثر أهمية منهم وبحال المركبات نجمعهم‬
Ca+2 =40 , Mg+2 =24 , O=16 , C=12 , H+ =1 , HCO3- =61 , OH- =17 , Na+ =23 , CO2 =44

Equivalent weight: Softening ‫مهم بأسلة التحويالت وخاصة بتجربة الــ‬

Buffer : an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a
weak base and its conjugate acid. Its pH changes very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is
added to it and thus it is used to prevent changes in the pH of a solution. Buffer solutions are used as a
means of keeping the pH at a nearly constant value in a wide variety of chemical applications. Many life
forms thrive only in a relatively small pH range, so they utilize a buffer solution to maintain a constant
pH.One example of a buffer solution found in nature is blood.

Indicator: a chemical detector for protons in acid-base titrations, it does not affect the pH.

• Unites conversion: ‫مـــهــم‬

1) Concentration in mass to moles mg/L to mole /L # Of moles = 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔

Ex : [Na] = 27 mg/L && Mw(Na) = 23 g/mol

𝟐𝟕∗𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝐠/𝐋
# of moles = = 1.17 * 10-3 mole /L
𝟐𝟑 𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐞

2) Concentration in mass to equivalent mg/L to eq/L # Of eq= 𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 .

Ex : [Na] = 27 mg/L && Mw Na = 23 g/mol

𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝟐𝟑
Eq weight = = = 23 g/eq
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐱) 𝟏

𝟐𝟕∗𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝐠/𝐋
# of eq = = 1.17 * 10-3 eq /L = 1.17 meq /L

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3 ) Concentration as CaCO3 ‫مـــهــم جدااااا ًا‬

𝒆𝒒𝒘 ‫المركب الي بدك تحوله‬/‫العنصر‬
# Concentration mg/L * …. eqw of CaCO3 = 50 mg/L
𝒆𝒒𝒘 ‫المركب الي محول منه‬/ ‫العنصر‬

Ex What is the equivalent concentration of 70 mg/L calcium in mg/L CaCO3 ? eqw Ca = 20

𝒆𝒒𝒘 ‫المركب الي بدك تحوله‬/‫العنصر‬ 𝟓𝟎

# Concentration mg/L * = 70 ∗ = 175 mg/L as CaCO3
𝒆𝒒𝒘 ‫المركب الي محول منه‬/‫العنصر‬ 𝟐𝟎

‫ ال يعطى بأغلب االمتحانات ويجب حفظه‬eqw ‫مالحظة‬

Indicators names
MO = Methyl orange
Ph.Ph = Phenolphthalein ( Pink )
K2CrO4 = Potassium chromate

Murexide ( Pink ) / ) powder ( = ammonium purpurate

EBT (Pink) / ( powder ( = Eriochrome Black

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• Power of Hydrogen ‫ال تشرح لكن يأتي عليها اسئلة‬

Ph : The negative logarithm of the hydrogen ION (H+ or H3O+ ).

-Water with a pH value less than 7 indicates acidity and tends to be corrosive, while
water with a value greater than 7 indicates alkalinity and tends to affect the taste of
the water , pH of 7 is neutral.

The law of pH is (pH = - log H+) NOTE [H30] = [H+]

[H3 0] [𝑂𝐻]
kwater = 1* 10-14 ,, Kw = & H2O = 1
𝐻2 0

-(log[H+] + log[OH-]) = 14 ,, If ( -log = P)

PH+ + POH- = 14

Ex : What is the pH of a solution which contains 15 mg/L free

hydroxide (OH) concentration ?
‫ ثم‬103 ‫*نحول الملي غرام الى غرام ثم إلى مول * بشكل غيرمباشر بالقسمة ع‬
Mole/L ‫ لنحولها ل‬OH ‫بالقسمة على الكتلة المولية ل‬
Molecular weight OH = 17
[H3 0] [𝑂𝐻] [H3 0] [15]
Kw = = 1* 10-14 = By solving the eq
𝐻2 0 1∗103 ∗17

[H30] = 1.13 * 10 -11

-log [H30] = pH,, -log[1.13* 10 -11]
Ph = 10.946
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• Acidity EXP #1 (1 Case)

Acidity : Amount of acid in water , or the capacity of solution to neutralize base

-Types of acidity : 1) CO2 Acidity 2) Mineral acidity

-Indicator : 1) Orange indicator 2) Ph.Ph indicator
-In our experiment , use (NaOH) as titrant solution to decreasing the acidity of the
solution (pH Increase ) so acidity =
Acidity = = (mg/L as CaCO3)
𝒎𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 (𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝑳 𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝑿𝑷)
A = ml of solution V1 = (Ph = 4.5) Mineral acidity N= 0.02 (normality of NaOH)

V2 = (Ph =8.3) Co2 acidity Exp = (V8.3) - V1 = V2 50,0000 = (50 g/eq CaCO3)

So Total acidity = (Mineral acidity + CO2 acidity ) as CaCO3

‫ اول اشي بالتجربة بنقيس الرقم الهيدروجيني للماء‬: ‫التطبيق العملي‬

If pH < 4.5 use (2) indicator

If pH 4.5 < Ph < 8.3 use (1) indicator (Ph.Ph)

If pH > 8.3 No acidity


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Where :

Mineral Acidity: it is measured by titration with a pH of about 4, the methyl orange


Total acidity : Titration of a sample to the phenolphthalein end point of pH 8.3

measures mineral acidity plus acidity due to weak acids.

‫مبدأ التجربة‬
This reaction between an acid and a base is called neutralization. The base is added
to the acid until the solution contains equivalent amounts of each. At this point, the
acid is said to be "neutralized". If the proper chemical indicator has been added to
the solution, a color change occurs. Using the measured volumes of the acid and
base and the concentration of the "standard solution" (either acid or base), the
concentration of the other reactant may be readily calculated from the equation:

(Volume of acid) (Normality of acid) = (Volume of base) (Normality of base)

Vacid Na = Vbase Nb

When using solutions of acids, bases and it is convenient to express concentration in

terms of NORMALITY, the number of equivalents of solute in a liter of solution.

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• Alkalinity EXP #2 ‫( تجربة زخمة بدها تركيز‬5 Cases)

Alkalinity : Amount of base in water , or the capacity of solution to neutralize acid

-Sources of Bases : 1) Dissolved CO2 in H2O 2) Surface Runoff 3) rocks and soils
-Types of Alkalinity: Type of alkalinity with respect to indicator Ph.PH endpoint.

Methyl orange endpoint

Type of alkalinity with respect to alkalinity species

Hydroxide Alkalinity OH-

Carbonate Alkalinity. CO3-2

Bicarbonate Alkalinity. HCO3-

-In our experiment, use (H2SO4) as titrant solution to decreasing the Alkalinity of
the solution (pH decrease) so Alkalinity =
Alkalinity = = (mg/L as CaCO3)
𝒎𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 (𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝑳 𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝑿𝑷)
A = ml of solution V1 = (Ph = 8.3) The ph.ph Alkalinity
V2 = (Ph =4.5) Exp = (V4.5) - V1 = V2 The M.O Alkalinity

• Total Alkalinity is the sum of methyl orange Alkalinity and ph.ph Alkalinity.

(5) cases of experiment

1) V2 = 0 ( only OH- Alkalinity ) Vt = V1

2) V1 = V2 ( It has Carbonate (CO3-2 ) Alkalinity only ) Vt = V1 + V2

3) V1 > V2 ( OH- + CO3-2 Alkalinity ) volume of CO3-2 = 2(small volume from V1 and V2) = 2(V2)
& Volume of OH- = V1-V2 & Vt = V1+V2

4) V1 < V2 ( It has Carbonate Alkalinity +bicarbonate HCO3- ) volume of CO3-2 = 2(small Volume
from V1 and V2) = 2(V1) & Volume of HCO3- = V2-V1 & Vt = V1+V2

5) V1 = 0 ( it has bicarbonate HCO3- Alkalinity only ) Vt = V2

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Mostly the fourth case is the common one in our experiences

Total alkalinity with respect to alkalinity species = Total alkalinity with respect to indicator

We will calculate both


No Alkalinity

Notes about procedure:

When the color changes from "pink" to colorless @ 8.3 , the volume of H 2SO4 V1

When the color change from " yellow " to " orange " @ 4.5 , the volume of H 2SO4 V2

To lower Total Alkalinity, adds Acid - The acid reacts with bicarbonates in the water and

converts them, reducing the Total Alkalinity.

To raise Total Alkalinity, add Sodium Bicarbonate - This adds to the total bicarbonates in the

water, raising the Total Alkalinity.

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• Chloride EXP #3 ‫تجربة سهلة ومباشرة‬

Sources of Chloride: 1) soil and rocks.

2) industrial wastewater
3) Domestic wastewater
4) oceans

The concentration of chloride in water is 250 mg/L

Chloride concentration > 250 mg/L becomes sally water
-In our experiment, using (AgNO3 , 0.0141N ) as titrant solution & K2CrO4 as
indicator (10 drops ) so Chloride =
𝒎𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 (𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝑳 𝒊𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝑿𝑷)

Ag+ + Cl - AgCl (s) ‫راسب أبيض‬

We will have two sample of water for experiment

1) tap water : Ag will react with Cl & Cr
2) distilled water : Ag will react with Cr only So,

(B) : V1 = Volume of Ag+ react with CrO4-2 in the blank sample

(A) : V2 = Volume of Ag+ react with CrO4-2 and Cl- in the test sample (tap
‫ المحلول عند اضافته ال يتفاعل مع الكلور فقط ولكن مع الكاشف ايضا لذلك نستخدم عينة ال يوجد‬: ‫الملخص‬
) ‫فيها كلور فقط كاشف ونحسب الكمية المستهلك منه مع المحلول المستخدم (نترات الفضة‬

Ag+ + Cl- AgCl (s) White

2 Ag+ + CrO4-2 Ag2CrO4 brown

Amount of Ag that reacted with chloride = the amount of Ag that react with
Chloride + indicator – ( the amount of Ag that react with indicator only)

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Important Notes:

Store the Silver Nitrate in the dark when not in use; otherwise, it will
deteriorate, and brown color appears.

pillages of Silver Nitrate on the hands should be washed off immediately,

otherwise staining of the skin will occur.

Natural levels in rivers and other fresh waters are usually in the range 15-
35 mg/L Cl much below drinking water standards.

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• Hardness EXP #4

Hard drinking water is generally not harmful to one's health, but can pose serious problems
in industrial settings, where water hardness is monitored to avoid costly breakdowns in
boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment that handles water. ‫مهم سؤال معتاد‬

Problem with hard water:

1.laundering. 2. Bathing. 3. Dishwashers. 4. Problems in water boilers system and pipe works.

Total calcium and magnesium content of the water is considered to constitute the total
hardness expressed as CaCo3 ‫التجربة مبنية على هذا التعريف‬

There are three methods to classify the hardness :-

1- Types of hardness of water with respect to permanency:

1. Temporary hardness: is due to the presence of Bicarbonates HCO3 of Calcium &

Magnesium. It can be easily removed by boiling.

2. Permanent hardness: is due to the presence of Chloride (Cl), Sulfates SO3 of Calcium,
and Magnesium. This type cannot be removed by boiling.

2- Types of Hardness with respect to divalent cations:

1. Ca+2 Hardness. 2. Mg+2 Hardness.

3- Types of Hardness with respect to Alkalinity species:

1. Carbonate hardness. with CO3 - , HCO3-1

2. Non-Carbonate hardness. Cl2 , So4-2

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Reagent in the experiment :-

Pink to purple Pink to Blue

‫ نحضر عينتين من نفس المياه ونضعهم ب انبوبين مختلفين ثم نضع المحلول‬: ‫ملخص حسابات التجربة‬
‫والكاشف لحساب عسر المياه من حساب تركيز ال (الكالسيوم) لوحده و االخرى كمجموع (مغنيسوم‬
CaCO3 ‫وكالسيوم ) ثم بالطرح نجد تركيز المغنيسوم وكله طبعا بوحدة‬

We will find : - total hardness as mg/L CaCo3

Ca+2 hardness as mg/L CaCo3
Then mg+2 hardness = total - Ca+2

Hardness (total / Ca+2) =
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 (𝒎𝒍)

Where: A: volume of titration from EDTA.
B: mg CaCO3 eq. to 1.0 ml EDTA.
Results are expressed as mg/l as CaCO3.

Notes ‫ مهمة‬:
Carbonate == alkalinity + hardness
Non carbonate == non alkalinity + hardness

alkalinity = OH- , HCO3- , CO3-2 : ‫تذكير بالتجربة الثانية‬

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Example :-
Ca+2 = 150 mg/L CaCO3
Mg = 100 mg/L CaCO3
Alk. = 200 mg/L CaCO3

Ca{carbonate} = 150
Mg {carbonate} = 50
Ca {non carbonate} = 0
Mg {non carbonate} = 50

Note ‫ مكررة بأول شرح بالملخص‬: to convert any concentration of (x) to CaCO3:
𝑒𝑞𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑜3
Con of (x) in CaCo3 = Con of (x) mg/L *
𝑒𝑞𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 (𝑥)

‫مش غلط حفظهم وارد يجوا باالمتحان‬

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• Softening EXP #5

Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in
hard water.

There are four methods to make soft water: ‫بالعادة بجوا مش غلط فهمهم‬

1. Ion exchange:

Ion exchange devices reduce the hardness by replacing magnesium and calcium with Na+,K+

2. Chelating agents:

Soften water in soaps and laundry detergents

3. Distillation and rain water:

Since Ca+2 and Mg+2 exist as nonvolatile salts, they can be removed by distilling the water.
Most expensive

4.Lime softening:
To remove the following iron , manganese , radium and arsenic

There is a certain process to determine the softening the sample by which process
called [ lime process Ca(OH)2 ] and other type called [ soda ash Na2CO3 ]

Firstly , We must measure the hardness , And then we will learn how to remove
permanent hardness in water by adding Ca(OH)2 , soda ash Na2CO3 to remove Mg , Ca
ions . ‫مهم جدا‬

The experiment depends on jar test

We will use Rapid mix the sample for 2 minutes @ 100rpm(Coagulation) & Slow mix
the sample for 15 minutes @ [20-30] rpm(Flocculation).

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: ‫بنقدر نلخص الجدول المشتق من المعادالت بمعادلتين‬

IF Total hardness > Alkalinity then :-

Lime dose = [ CO2] + [ Carbonate hardness] +[Mg] + excess lime (1.25 milli eqt/L)

Soda ash = [ non carbonate Hardness ]

IF Total hardness < Alkalinity then :-

Lime dose = [ CO2] + [total hardness] +[Mg] + excess lime (1.25 milli eqt/L)

Soda ash = [ zero]

excess lime in milli equivalent so all units must as same : ‫مالحظة مهمة‬

‫الزم كل الوحد نفسها وبالعادة نحول للملي ونجمهعم وبالنهاية نحول للوحدة المطلوبة‬

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Example :

Note ‫مهمة وحفظ‬

Ca+2 = 150 mg/L CaC03
Eq weight lime = 37 mg/meq
Mg +2 = 100 mg/L CaCO3
Eq weight soda ash = 53 mg /meq
AlK = 170 mg/L CaCO3
[Co₂] = 0.2 meqt /L

total hardness (150+100 ) > (170) AIK

we will convert to meq/L (CaCO3 equivalent weight = 50 )

Ca+2 = 150/50 = 3 meq/L

Mg +2 = 100/50 = 2 meq/L
AlK = 170/50 = 3.4 meq/L
[Co₂] = 0.2 meqt /L

Lime dose = [ CO2] + [ Carbonate hardness] +[Mg] + excess lime (1.25 milli
eqt/L) = 0.2 + 3.4 + 2 + 1.25 = 6.85 * 37 = 253.45 mg/L

Soda ash = (5 - 3.4) *53 = 84.8 mg / L

****‫****بالمانيوال يوجد مثالين مش غلط نحلهم‬

EXPERIMENT No.5: Coagulation & Flocculation ‫موضوع‬

‫يجب قرأته كمادة نظزية كفهم من المانيوال ممكن تجي عليه أسئلة خاصة العالقات‬
To get Optimum Turbidity........

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• Solids EXP #6

Environmental engineering is concerned with the solid material in a wide range of

natural waters and wastewaters so,

Solids are all materials in water expect water

Solids can be classified as organic biodegradable and organic - biodegradable and

inorganic solids. The various components of "total solids" can be simplified as follows:

-Total dissolved solids : very small solids that pass through filter paper ,
Inorganic and organic substances

-Total suspended solids: Solids Can't pass through filter paper

-Total volatile solids : organic compounds

-Total fixed solids: Sand, gravel and salt (in organic)

Temperature and time ‫مهم‬

Firstly We put T.S Dish in the oven at 1000 C for 1 hr to remove water,, Then after
placing the sample we put the dish in the oven at 103-1050 C for 24 hr

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And We put T.D.S Dish in oven at 1800 C for 1 hr. to remove water, then after placing
the sample we put the dish in the oven at 103-1050 C for 2 hr. to calculate T.D.S

And We put filter paper in the oven at 103-1050 C for 1 hr. to remove water, Then after
placing the sample we put the dish in the oven at 103-1050 C for 2 hr. to calculate T.S.S

For calculate V.S.S , F.S.S , V.D.S , F.D.S , T.F.S , T.V.S quantity after put the sample we put
the dish on oven on 550 C0 for 2 hours

On filtration procedure we use vacuum pump to make filtration faster


T.S :
- weight of empty dish (W₁)
- weight of dried Water sample @ 103° C (W₂)
-weight of dried Water sample @ 550°C (W3)
volume of Water sample in L and weight in gram

→ Total solids = (W₂-W1)/ volume

→Total fixed solids = (W3-W₁) / volume
→ Total volatile solids = TS - TFS = (W₂-W3)/volume

D.S :
filter the water sample using filtration paper and vacuum pump
The passing Sample contain dissolved solids
weight of empty dish (W4)
weight of dried passing sample @ 103°C (W5)
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weight of dried passing Sample @550°C (W6)

volume of Water sample in L and weight in gram

→ T.D.S= (W5 - W4)/ volume

→ D.F.S. = (W6-W4)/ volume
→ DVS = TDS- DFS = (W5 – W6) / volume

S.S :
after filtration, the retained solids on the filter paper are the suspended solids
weight of empty filter paper (W7)
weight of dried filter paper @ 103°C (W8)
weight of dried filter paper @ 550°c (W9)
volume of Water sample in L and weight in gram

→ TSS= W8-W7 /volume

→ SFS = W9-W7 /volume
→ SVS = TSS - SFS = (W8 – W9) / volume

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• Do & BOD EXP #7

BOD : measure the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganism to stabilize waste

water by the degradation of organic in aerobic condition @20°c for 5 days
Note that BOD at day “5” is the average value to make sure that the nitrifying bacteria
didn’t start it’s activity BOD (5) = 60-70% BOD
The following conditions should be for reaction to make place
1- Temperature should be 200 C
2- Feed (population) should be enough
3- In dark conditions
4- 02 fully saturated
5- PH (6.5-8.5)
6- high BOD Strong wastewater & unhealthy water.

The problem of feed is we can solve by add what we called (Seed) which is sludge
containing bacteria from sanitary wastewater
We add an extra nutrient solution to ensure growth of microorganism

* two methods for the measurement of BOD :

1- Dilution method ‫توقف استخدمها بالمختبر النها تحتاج لوقت طويل وعوضنا عنها بالقنينة ذات الغطاء‬

2- Direct method (DO)

BOD : Organic matter + O₂ -----> Co₂ + NH3 + H₂0+ new cells

BOD Determination systems are based on the respirometry technique, a simple and
easy way for monitoring the microorganisms’ activity in water samples with extremely
reliable results. These microorganisms (bacteria) consume oxygen (O2) and exhale
carbon dioxide (CO2), exactly as human beings.
When organic matter decomposes, the microorganisms feed upon this decaying
material and eventually the matter becomes oxidized. The consumption of oxygen
implies an alteration of the pressure in the bottle where the water is sampled, and the
BOD value is calculated by measuring this change of pressure in a closed atmosphere
(ideal gas law) . The carbon dioxide is absorbed by a strong alkali, positioned in the
neck of the bottle.

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The measurement principle consists of determining the oxygen concentration at the

beginning and end of a measurement period, as specified by the index BOD n. The
typical analysis usually lasts 5 days (BOD5) ‫مهم‬

Sodium hydroxide (KOH / NaOH) is added in the neck to absorb the carbon
dioxide produced in the process

Activated sludge : is bacteria used to remove the organic matter

Y = A + BX

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Y = A + B0X
So first we will find the equation of graph then Substitute the A,B To find K1 And L0
K1= 6 (B/A)
L0 = 1/ [K1 * (A3)]
So, BOD(T) = L0(1-e-kt) ## in (mg/L)

• DO Direct method
This method is not accurate
‫ لكن ظهرت طرق جديدة اسرع واسهل لذلك ال‬BOD5 ‫ ونحسب منها قيمة‬Titration ‫تجربة كانت تعتمد على المعايرة‬
BOOTLE ‫تشرح وعوض عنها بتجربة ال‬

‫يفضل تعرفوا القانون ألنه اجا عليه سؤال بآخر فصلين‬

D.F = Volume of waste water / ( volume of waste water + volume of distilled water )

BOD=D.F(dilation factor) × ( DO initial – DO final )

BOD = D.F × Δ DO

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• COD EXP #8

COD is method identifies the amount of oxygen needed to oxidize organics using very

strong oxidizing agent.

COD → Standard method for indirect measurement of the amount of Pollution (cannot

be oxidized biologically).

BOD : Organic matter + O₂ -----> Co₂ + NH3 + H₂0+ new cells

H+, 1500 C
COD : O.M + K₂Cr₂O7 ---------> Co₂+H₂0+ NH3 + New cells + Cr² (remaining)
Oxidizing agent (K₂Cr₂O7) ‫مهم جدا‬

COD Chemically oxidized (strong oxidizing agent)

BOD biologically oxidized. ( microorganism +O2)
COD > BOD and < 1 is low waste & is Slowly biodegradable

Conditions for COD:

1) Highly acidic COD ranges: 0-150 mg/L Small

2) temp. 150 c° (we heat for 2 hour) : 0-1500 mg/L medium
3) Catalysts (Ag) : 0-15000 mg/L large

The are two methods for calculate COD

1) Spectrophotometer :‫ الطريقة المستخدمة باالب‬with using vials ‫بتحتوي على كلشي‬

2) Titration method: we titrate the remaining (Cr+2) with F.A.S. (Ferrous Ammonium
sulphate) from green reddish brown

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: ‫ تجارب مهمة تأتي كل فصل‬4 ‫اسئلة سنوات على أول‬

Problem 1 (2 points):
Solution X has a potassium chloride concentration of 50 mg/L. Solution Y was prepared
by diluting 20 mL of solution X with 80 mL distilled water. What is the potassium
chloride concentration in solution Y?
‫ التخفيف‬: ‫السؤال ينحل بناءا على مادة الكيمياء‬

C1 * V1 = C2 * V2
‫ تركيز المحلول قبل التخفيف‬C1 :

‫ حجم المحلول قبل التخفيف‬V1:

،‫ تركيز المحلول بعد التخفيف ويكون أقل من األول‬C2:

V1.‫حجم المحلول بعد التخفيف ويكون أكبر من ال‬V2:

.2 ‫ من الحجم‬1 ‫لمعرفة حجم الماء النقي المضاف نقوم بطرح الحجم‬

X → 50 mg/l
[y] = 20/100 * 50 = 10 mg/L

Problem 2 (4 points):
The acidity of a 50 mL water sample was determined through titration with 0.01 N
sodium hydroxide. The volume of titrant recorded until the methyl orange endpoint
(pH=4.5) was 1.5 mL whereas the volume recorded to raise the pH from 4.5 to 8.3 was
.10.2 ml

What is the total acidity of this sample?

Total acidity as CaCO3 = CO2 Acidity + mineral acidity =

= 117 Mg / L as CaCO3

B. What is the type of acidity in this sample: ‫التأثير األكبر نحسب الثنين ونقارن‬

Mineral acidity = 15 mg/L as CaCO3 and CO2 acidity = 102 mg/L

So the type is CO2 acidity

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Problem 3 (2 points)
What is the concentration (in mole/L) of 28 mg/L CaCO3?
𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒈
# Of moles = . and molar mass of CaCO3 = 100 g/mol
𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔

So ANS: we will convert mg to gram

28/1000*100 = 0.00028 mol/L CaCO3

Problem 4 (2 points)
can we use hard water and why ? ‫ ال تؤثر على الصحة ولكن على استخدام المياه مثل الصناعة‬، ‫تم شرحها سابقا‬

Problem 5 (2 points)
Buffers are added to solution to : Reduce the change in PH.

Problem 6 (2 points)
Soda ash is necessary in softening for : Non-carbonate hardness treatment

Problem 7 (2 points)
If the alkalinity of a water sample determined using the titrant 0.02 N H₂SO, was 150
mg/L as CaCO3, then the alkalinity of the same water sample (as mg/L CaCO3)
determined using the titrant 0.04 N H₂SO, is : 150 mg/L as CaCO3
‫تبقى نفسها الننا نبحث تركيز القلوية لعينة المياه نفسها ولن تتغير بتغير خصائص المحلول النه سيؤثر على‬
‫المتغيرات االخرى وبالتالي سيبقى تركيز القلوية نفس التركيز‬

** ‫**سؤال يتكرر بالعادة على تجربة اخرى مثل تجربة تركيز الكلوريد‬

Problem 8 (2 points)
A 75 mL sample with pH = 11 has an alkalinity of 324.27 mg CaCO3/L. How 2 points
much 0.0161 N H2SO4 titrant did it consume (in mL) to reach pH = 4.5?

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: ‫) مهمة تأتي كل فصل‬7-5 ‫اسئلة سنوات (على التجارب‬

Problem 1 (4 points):
What the difference between TS & BOD
Temp : T.S.S 103 – 105 c° -- COD : 150 c°
Materials : T.S.S Filter paper --- COD : K₂Cr₂O7

Problem 2 (2 points):
‫ على البيئة البحرية بالتفصيل خاصة ذكره بمادة البيئة‬excess bod ‫شو سيئة ال‬

Problem 3 (8points):
‫رسمة زي هاي مع معادلة عليها‬

1) Calculate L0 & K
2) Calculate BOD5
3) Calculate the ratio of L0/BOD5

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Problem 4 (8points): ‫مهم جدا‬

A water sample with the following characteristics is to be softened: [Ca+2] = 100 mg/L
as Mg ; [Mg+2] = 60 mg/L as Ca
Alkalinity = 250 mg/L as CaCO3; [CO2] = 0.3 meq/L. What is the required soda ash &
lime dose in meq/L?

Problem 5 (2points):
Solids which remain on the dish after 2 points drying a water sample for 24 hours are
called: Total solids

Problem 6 (4points):
A 120 mL sample was tested to determine its total suspended solids (TSS content), and
it was found that the weight of (empty filter + dish) was 1.254 g and the weight of (filter
+ dish + solids residue) after drying for 24 hours at 103 C was 1.331 g.
What is the TSS concentration of this sample in mg/L? ans: 0.641

Problem 7 (2points):
The dissolved solids (DS) concentration in a 100 mL sample was 35 mg/L.? What will
be the DS concentration if we double the volume of the sample ans: 35

‫بالنهاية يجب عليكم التدرب ع حل اسئلة السنوات ودراسة التجارب كفهم وليس حسابات‬

‫بــــالتــوفــيق ان شاء اهلل‬


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