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Administrative template – printer
- Configure RPC Conection Setting  Enable
 Protokol to use for outgoing RPC Connections  RPC over Names Pipes

- Configure RPC listener setting  Enable

 Protokol to use for incoming RPC Connections  RPC over Names Pipes and TCP

- Configure RPC over TCP port  Enable

2. Regedit ( Dword 32)

Hkey local machine software->policies->Microsoft->windows nt->printer
RpcUseNamesPipeProtokol  1

Hkey local machine software->policies->Microsoft->windows nt->printer

RpcOverTcp ->1

3. Regedit
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

Klick kanan pada windows permission ->All APLICATION PACKAGES Full control ALLOW

4. Regedit
HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print
New Dword32 -> RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled
nilai 0

5. Services  Print Spoller -> Stop kemudian Start Lagi

6. Uninstall MC Cafee dan Office 365 juga Wps Office

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