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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and clear

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The following table will show that the more benefit that Soft. VPN Motivations 3. Types of VPN’s 4.
Non-IP VPN’s 5. Quality of Service Considerations 6. An imaginative child’s doll may be a virtual
playmate. VPN Motivations3. Types of VPN’s4. Non-IP VPN’s5. Quality of Service
Considerations6. The discrete nature of VPN’s allow both privacy and virtualization. Admission
functions provide the network with a simple two leveldiscard mechanism which allows a graduated
response to instances of overload, however once the point of saturated overload is reached withinthe
network all services will be affected. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. With
cascading, you can integrate two or more remote Ethernet segments to a single Ethernet segment.
The process of selection should include consideration of what problem is being solved, risk analysis
of thesecurity provided by a particular implementation, issues of scale in growing the size of the
VPN, and the complexity involved in bothimplementing the VPN, as well as ongoing maintenance
and troubleshooting. The best course and tutorial, and how to learn and use IPSec VPN Guide.
Accordingly, data privacy and security (dataintegrity) are also important aspects of a VPN which
need to taken into consideration when considering any particular VPNimplementation. RELATED
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Enabled Robots Russell Toris Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF About
Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Figure 9 A number of approaches are
possible to support VPN’s within an MPLS environment. For the subscriber, the challenge is to
devise and operate service measurement tools which canprovide a reasonable indication as to what
extent the SLA is being honored by the provider. Category: essays research papers; Title: Overview
of VPN Technologies. The worst end-state of such automatic tunnel generation is that of a
configuration loop where the tunnel passestraffic over itself. The prosperity and stability of any
economic struc Next the encoded voice is broken down into equal size 3. Such caveats tend to
suggest that these mechanisms will not be the which is ultimately adoptedto support service levels for
VPN’s in very large networking environments. The challenge in the research and education
community is one where there is a need tosatisfy both network research and production requirements.
By setting up a secure network with industry standard security protocols, the risk and potential legal
liabilities associated with an unsecured network can be proactively addressed. For example, after you
establish cascading connections between the site A, B and C, then any computers in the site A will be
able to communicate with the computers in the site B and the site C. The VPN's can reuse the same
private address space within multiple VPN’s without any cross impact, which providesconsiderable
independence of the VPN from the host network. It should be noted that a dedicated circuit system
using synchronized clockingcannot be oversubscribed, while the virtual circuit architecture (where
the sender does not have a synchronized end-to-end data clock)can indeed be oversubscribed. With
route-based VPNs, organizations define the VPN overlay links and then define the static routes that
will be used for transport, allowing the route, to determine which traffic goes through the VPN. The
file size is 354.08 KB. It was created by Poonam Arora, Prem R. Easy to establish both remote-
access and site- to- site VPN. Where the VPN architecture is based on tunnels, the addition of
encryption to the tunnel still leaves the tunnelingress and egress points vulnerable, since these points
are logically part of the host network as well as being part of the unencryptedVPN network. It
should also be noted that this environment implicitly assumes a common routing core. VPNs are
generally considered to have strong protection for data communications, but if they are incorrectly
configured they are still vulnerable, just as any other Internet-facing system. In the tunnel mode
scheme, the VPNgranularity is to the subnetwork level.
Frame Relay uses a notion of a per-virtual circuit CIR (CommittedInformation Rate). But no matter
what definition you choose, thenetworking buzz-phrase doesn't make sense. With L2TP in a
“compulsory” tunneling implementation, the service provider controls where the PPP session is
terminated. The architectural concept is to createVPN’s as a collection of tunnels across a common
host network. On a related note, the level of privacy a VPN may enjoy depends greatly on the
technology used to construct the VPN. Revolutionary VPN over ICMP and VPN over DNS
features. The associated CIR’s of the virtual circuits against this core capacity is a critical
determinant of the resultantdeliverable quality of performance of the network and the layered
VPN’s. Also, as we have already mentioned, full mesh networks encounter scaling problems,which
in turn results in VPN’s being constructed in which partial meshing is done to avoid certain scaling
limitations. Mahesh Solse Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED TOPICS Electronics and
Communications E. This paper attempts to provide a common sense definition of a VPN, and an
overview of different approaches to building them. The use of link-state routing protocols would
require the consequent link-state calculationto be repeated for each VPN, causing the router to be
limited by available CPU capacity. 3.2.3 Multi-Protocol Label Switching One method of addressing
these scaling issues is to use VPN labels within a single routing environment, in the same way that
packetlabels are necessary to activate the correct per-VPN routing table. This is essentially a two
level discard precedence architecture. There are certainly scaling concerns with these approaches to
constructing VPN’s, especially with regards configuration management ofprovisioning new VC’s
and routing issues. The other “win” is that the subscriber does not have to pay a higher subscription
fee for aVPN service. With cascading, you can integrate two or more remote Ethernet segments to a
single Ethernet segment. Using dedicated leased circuits a private network can establish fixed
resource levels available to it under all conditions. In the second part we will describe a common
penetration testing methodology for VPNs. However, with intervening gateways (firewalls) or
because of the faith in their own private networks, some organizations may choose to secure the
packets only on the Internet and let the packets travel in clear text inside the organization. Thus,
theprivate resource is actually constructed by using the foundation of a logical partitioning of some
underlying common shared resource,rather than by using a foundation of discrete and dedicated
physical circuits and communications services. So, if aggregation of communications requirements
leads to a more cost-effective communications infrastructure, why not pool all theseservices into a
single public communications system. A VPN can consist of networks connectedto a service
provider’s network by leased lines, Frame Relay, or ATM, or a VPN can consist of dial-up
subscribers connecting tocentralized services, or other dial-up subscribers. This paper puts forward a
VPN technology was applied to the deployment scheme in wireless networks, which design a set of
VPN gateway using SSL. The advantage of the MPOA approach is the use of dynamic circuits
rather than more cumbersome statically configured models. The sender generally has no a priori
knowledge of the available capacity of the virtual circuit, as the capacity varies in responseto the
total demand placed on it by other simultaneous transmission and switching activity. The following
table will show that the more benefit that Soft. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Make an ad- hoc VPN consists of the small- number computers with Soft. Ether VPN. Despite
long- distance, it is easy to communicate mutually with any kinds of LAN- oriented protocols.
Category: essays research papers; Title: Overview of VPN Technologies. The need for maximum
security, privacy and cost effectiveness in different organizations, institutions and private sectors
makes it useful and needful to have efficient virtual private networks. The best course and tutorial,
and how to learn and use IPSec VPN Guide.
You can use Soft. Ether for any personal or commercial use for free charge. Soft. Ether VPN is an
optimum alternative to Open. The advantage of this approach is that the routing for the VPN is
isolated from the routing of the commonhost network. Traffic engineering for MPLS-based virtual
private - Research Online. If you have smartphones, tablets or laptop PCs, Soft. At the next MPLS
switch, the forwardingdecision is based on the incoming label value, where the incoming label
determines the next hop interface and next hop label, using alocal forwarding table indexed by label.
You can create one or many Virtual Network Adapter with Soft. VPN's must assume thatthey operate
in a mutually hostile environment, where any vulnerability which exposes the private environment to
access by external thirdparties may be exploited in a hostile fashion. VPN’s have also been
considered as a method to segregate traffic in anetwork such that research and production traffic
behave as “ships in the night,” oblivious to one another’s existence, to the point thatmajor events
(e.g. major failures, instability) within one community of interest are completely transparent the
other. Category: essays research papers; Title: Overview of VPN Technologies. The local label is
attached to the packet via a lightweight encapsulation mechanism. Ether VPNVirtualization of
Ethernet devices is the key of the Soft. This, in turn, implies that each VPN must useaddresses
which do not clash with those of any other VPN on the same common infrastructure, and cannot
announce arbitrary privateaddresses into the VPN. Overview of IPSEC The Overview of IPSEC is a
beginner level PDF e-book tutorial or course with 9 pages. Results 1 - 25 of 75 Find the latest VPN
white papers and case studies from leading experts Browse through the directory of free VPN
publications. It was added on November 8, 2017 and has been downloaded 1985 times. Built- in
NAT- traversal penetrates your network admin's troublesome firewall for overprotection. Since there
have been no large-scaledeployments of this technology to date, there is no empirical evidence to
support or invalidate these concerns. Using dedicated leased circuits a private network can establish
fixed resource levels available to it under all conditions. Internal issues, such as setup of your local
area network, providing authentication and the handling of. OpenVPN Access Server is an SSL
VPN based on open source software Models ?White Paper; How to Monetize Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure ?White Paper. A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology for using the Internet
or another intermediate network to connect computers to isolated remote computer networks. Each
tunnelendpoint logically links this point of attachment to other remote points from the same VPN.
You need no network administrator's special permission before setting up a VPN server on the
company network behind firewalls or NATs. The Impact of Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) on a?
pdf. No memory leaks. High quality stable codes, intended for long- term runs. Each point of
attachment to the common network is configured as aphysical link which uses addressing and
routing from the common host network, and one or more associated tunnels. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The tunnel can also encapsulate a number of different protocol families, so that it is
possible for a tunnel-based VPN tomimic much of the functionality of dedicated private networks. In
the second part we will describe a common penetration testing methodology for VPNs. While most,
if not all of the following guidelines apply to all Internet-connected devices, the presented guidelines
focus on internet traffic security best practices for wired or wireless networks.
The shared network infrastructure could, for example, be the global Internet and thenumber of
organizations or other users not participating in the virtual network may literally number into the
thousands, hundreds ofthousands, or millions. Traffic engineering for MPLS-based virtual private -
Research Online. Services and support. No tricks. No hidden charges. Right in the open. But no
matter what definition you choose, thenetworking buzz-phrase doesn't make sense. This paper puts
forward a VPN technology was applied to the deployment scheme in wireless networks, which
design a set of VPN gateway using SSL. RELATED PAPERS Message Authentication Codes for
Secure Remote Non-Native Client Connections to ROS Enabled Robots Russell Toris Download
Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job
Board We're Hiring. A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology for using the Internet or
another intermediate network to connect computers to isolated remote computer networks. It is an
administrative decision by the serviceprovider as to the relative levels of provisioning of core
transmission and switching capacity, and the ratio of network ingress capacityused by subscribers. A
VPN can consist of networks connectedto a service provider’s network by leased lines, Frame Relay,
or ATM, or a VPN can consist of dial-up subscribers connecting tocentralized services, or other dial-
up subscribers. This project provides insight for a secure solution to this business need using Virtual
Private Network (VPN).There are a number of VPN protocols in use that secure the transport of data
traffic over a public network infrastructure. Onegress from the MPLS environment, the CUG
identifier would be used again as an index into a per-VPN global identifier table toundertake next
hop selection. IPSec is a protocol suite for securing internet protocol communications via
authenticating and encrypting every IP packet of a conversation session. The term “private ” is fairly
straightforward, and is intricately related to the concept of “virtualization” insofar as VPN’s are
concerned, aswe’ll discuss in a moment. The other “win” is that the subscriber does not have to pay a
higher subscription fee for aVPN service. Further, PPTP has been also been deployedusing the
compulsory model in a couple of specific vendor implementations. The paper follows and sets
standards for different types of protocols and techniques, the VPN (Virtual Private Network)
architectural feature is made to deliver dependable and safe network that is not in line with regular
networks that provide a higher trust and a higher secure channel between user and organization. The
liabilities inthese cases need to examined closely, since partial meshing of the underlying link layer
network may contribute to suboptimal routing(e.g., extra hops due to hub-and-spoke issues,
redirects). ESP provides data confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Use ofdistance vector
protocols to manage the routing tables would cause a corresponding sudden surge in traffic load,
which grows in directproportion to the number of supported VPN’s. It is not our intentionto go into
any amount of detail on the MPLS architecture here, apart from noting the each MPLS switch uses a
label-indexed forwardingtable, where the attached label of an incoming packet determines the next
hop interface and the corresponding outgoing label. It is a layering conventionwhich allows us to
label this as ”completely private,” as these dedicated communications services are (at the lower layers
of the protocolstack) again instances of virtual private communications systems constructed atop a
common transmission bearer system. This paper puts forward a VPN technology was applied to the
deployment scheme in wireless networks, which design a set of VPN gateway using SSL. In this
scenario, a dial-in subscriber dials into a NAS, however, the PPP session is terminated onthe NAS as
in the traditional PPP model. Research on MPLS VPN networking application based on OPNET.
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a standards-based technology used to prioritize the
delivery of network packets creating a Virtual. The Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) standard
provides a method to manage authentication and data protection between multiple crypto peers
engaging in secure data transfer. The first one which is worthy of mention is concerning the
engineering practices of theFrame Relay service provider. It is also the case that the overlay VPN
model has no control over which path is taken in the common host network, or the stability of
thatpath, which in turn can lead to adverse performance impacts on the VPN. The generic
architecture ofdeployment is that of a label switched common host network and a collection of VPN
environments which use label-defined virtual circuitson an edge-to-edge basis across the MPLS
environment. Accordingly, the “private”network has no corresponding “private” physical
communications system.
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. It exclusively explains the architecture and protocols of both the technologies
including their advantages and disadvantages for real kind of applications. This is a key requirement
for many VPN's in that private VPN's typicallymay not use globally unique or coordinated address
space, and there is often the consequent requirement to support multiple VPN'swhich independently
use the same address block. On the other hand, point-to-multipoint tunnels that use “cut-through”
mechanisms to make greater numbers of end-pointsone hop away from one another and subsequently
introduce a much more serious scaling problem. In the end-to-end encryption scheme, VPN
granularity is to the individual end-system level. A Common Sense Definition of Virtual Private
Networks 2. This is important if the tunnel destination will change frequently, and no modifications
are needed by mechanics in thetransit path. Research Scholar, Department of CSE, Sathyabama
University, Chennai, Tamil This paper provides a survey report on VPN security and its technologies.
Bycontrast, a “private” facility is one where access is restricted to a defined set of entities, and third
parties cannot gain access. Several service providers have Managed Network Services (MNS) which
provide exactly this type of service. Results 1 - 25 of 75 Find the latest VPN white papers and case
studies from leading experts Browse through the directory of free VPN publications. The operational
overhead required tosupport complementary sets of traditional routing and traffic filters is a relevant
consideration, and this approach does not appear topossess the scaling properties desirable to allow
the number of VPN’s to grow beyond the bounds of a few hundred, using today’srouting
technologies. Traffic engineering for MPLS-based virtual private - Research Online. Perhaps the
simplest method of attempting to arrive at a simple definition for VPN’s is to look at each word in
the acronymindividually, and then subsequently tie each of them together in a simple, common
sense, and meaningful fashion. It cannot guarantee that the information remains secure while
traversing the tunnel. Examples of this type of private network can befound in any organizational
network which is not connected to the Internet, or to any other external organizational network, for
that matter.These networks are private due to the fact that there is no external connectivity, and thus
no external network communications. Where the private data network exists withinprivate premises,
the network generally uses a dedicated private wiring plant to carry the VPN. The implemented
protocols are used to secure packets end to end and are normally called IP Security (IPSec).
However, there areseveral drawbacks to using GRE tunnels as a mechanism for VPN’s, mostly in
regard to administrative overhead, scaling to largenumbers of tunnels, and quality of service and
performance. However, the model of ubiquity in the “Internet PDN” does not match all potential
requirements, especially the need for data privacy. However, the economic downside to this for the
service provider, of course,is that a “VPDN-enabled” network service could be marketed and yield
an additional source of revenue. VPN Motivations3. Types of VPN’s4. Non-IP VPN’s5. Quality of
Service Considerations6. Results 1 - 25 of 75 Find the latest VPN white papers and case studies
from leading experts Browse through the directory of free VPN publications. However, this
alternative does have an associated cost, in that the client now has to manage the network and all it’s
associated elements,invest capital in network switching infrastructure, hire trained staff, and assume
complete responsibility for the provisioning and on-goingmaintenance of the network service. Due to
its simpler nature, SIP has become more popular than the H. The network environment is constructed
using a singleaddressing scheme and a common routing hierarchy, which allows the switching
elements of the network to determine the location of allconnected entities. The base motivation for
VPN's lies in the economics of communications. Users with the same IP address can use 3 times per
day Each free trial can be used for 20 minutes Create. If the scale of the public Internet environment
does not readily support the imposition of per-flow state to support guarantees of servicelevels for
VPN traffic flows, the alternative query is whether this environment could support a more relaxed
specification of a differentiatedservice level for overlay VPN traffic. The file size is 354.08 KB. It
was created by Poonam Arora, Prem R.
For example, ifthe communications between each VPN subnetwork (or between each VPN host) is
securely encrypted as it transits the commoncommunications infrastructure, then it can said that the
privacy aspect of the VPN is relatively high. A veryefficient means of terminating large volumes of
data PSTN calls is to use a single common call termination point within the local orcentral exchange
to terminate all local data PSTN calls, and then hand the call data over to a client service provider
using high volumedata transmission services. Where the private data network exists withinprivate
premises, the network generally uses a dedicated private wiring plant to carry the VPN. In other
cases, it is merely designed to be a matter of convenience, such that subscribers donot need to log
into a device more than once. Virtual private networks (VPN) are used by remote clients to securely
connect to This research discusses the performance of two different VPN this paper. The VPN's can
reuse the same private address space within multiple VPN’s without any cross impact, which
providesconsiderable independence of the VPN from the host network. Make an ad- hoc VPN
consists of the small- number computers with Soft. Ether VPN. Despite long- distance, it is easy to
communicate mutually with any kinds of LAN- oriented protocols. As an aside, it should be noted
that this is quite odd, when you consider that the inherent value of an architecture where ubiquitous
publicaccess over a chaotic collection of closed private networks had been conclusively demonstrated
in the telephony marketplace since the start ofthe 20th century. The mostprevalent method of
providing virtualization at these layers is to use encryption services at either layer. BGP Communities
Community 10:200 Community 10:300 Community 10:200 Community 10:300 Figure 6 Due to the
fact that traffic from different communities of interest must traverse a common shared
infrastructure, there really is no dataprivacy (to speak of) in the portion of the network where traffic
from multiple communities of interest share the infrastructure. Category: essays research papers;
Title: Overview of VPN Technologies. Perhaps the simplest method of attempting to arrive at a
simple definition for VPN’s is to look at each word in the acronym individually, and then
subsequently tie each of them together in a simple, common sense, and meaningful fashion. It is a
layering conventionwhich allows us to label this as ”completely private,” as these dedicated
communications services are (at the lower layers of the protocolstack) again instances of virtual
private communications systems constructed atop a common transmission bearer system. It should be
noted that a dedicated circuit system using synchronized clockingcannot be oversubscribed, while
the virtual circuit architecture (where the sender does not have a synchronized end-to-end data
clock)can indeed be oversubscribed. A network consists of any number of deviceswhich can
communicate through some arbitrary method. Having drawn these simple distinctions between the
peer and overlay models, it should be noted that the overlay model introduces someserious scaling
concerns in cases where large numbers of egress peers are required. For the provider,the challenge
lies in honoring multiple SLA’s from a number of service providers. Ether VPN's transport packets as
a VPN tunnel, because Soft. It is an administrative decision by the serviceprovider as to the relative
levels of provisioning of core transmission and switching capacity, and the ratio of network ingress
capacityused by subscribers. The pertinent conclusion here is that while a VPN can take many forms,
there are some basic common problems that a VPN is built tosolve, which can be listed as
virtualization of services and segregation of communications to a closed community of interest,
whilesimultaneously exploiting the financial opportunity of economies of scale of the underlying
common host communications system. For example, after you establish cascading connections
between the site A, B and C, then any computers in the site A will be able to communicate with the
computers in the site B and the site C. The Authentication Header (AH) provides integrity and
authentication for IP datagram’s. Each point of attachment to the common network is configured as
aphysical link which uses addressing and routing from the common host network, and one or more
associated tunnels. It has the interoperability with Open. VPN, L2. TP, IPsec, Ether. IP, L2. TPv. 3,
Cisco VPN Routers and MS- SSTP VPN Clients. Soft. Ether VPN is the world's only VPN software
which supports SSL- VPN, Open. Thus, theprivate resource is actually constructed by using the
foundation of a logical partitioning of some underlying common shared resource,rather than by using
a foundation of discrete and dedicated physical circuits and communications services. Each
additionalservice flow is accepted into the network and carried on a best effort basis. Where the
VPN architecture is based on tunnels, the addition of encryption to the tunnel still leaves the
tunnelingress and egress points vulnerable, since these points are logically part of the host network as
well as being part of the unencryptedVPN network. While the common underlying Internet generally
carries the routes for all networks connected to it, this architectureassumes that only a subset of such
networks form a VPN. The Impact of Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) on a? pdf. The layer 2
technology is not a synchronized clock blocking technologywhere each new service flow is accepted
or denied based on the absolute ability to meet the associated resource demands.
Research Scholar, Department of CSE, Sathyabama University, Chennai, Tamil This paper provides
a survey report on VPN security and its technologies. The architectural concepts used by MPLS are
generic enough to allow it to operate as a peer VPN model for switching technology for avariety of
link-layer technologies, and in heterogeneous layer 2 transmission and switching environments. As an
aside, it should be noted that there is really no such thing as a non-virtual network, when
considering the underlying common publictransmission systems and other similar public
infrastructure components as the base level of carriage of the network. Examples of this type of
private network can befound in any organizational network which is not connected to the Internet, or
to any other external organizational network, for that matter.These networks are private due to the
fact that there is no external connectivity, and thus no external network communications. But routing
over secure tunnels is difficult to achieve with high performance and low latency - forcing buyers
into exorbitantly expensive vendor products based on ASICs or FPGAs. The common routing core
uses a single routing paradigm, basedsolely on destination address. Unless an organization is actually
deploying private fiber andlayered transmission systems, any network is layered with “virtualized”
connectivity services in this fashion. However, Service Level Agreements present some challenging
technical issuesboth for the provider and the subscriber. Devices of this nature include computers,
printers, routers, and so forth, andmay reside in geographically diverse locations. It then investigates
to understand some efficiency problems affecting the interchange of information in such networks.
Results 1 - 25 of 75 Find the latest VPN white papers and case studies from leading experts Browse
through the directory of free VPN publications. RFC 3469 Framework for Multi-Protocol Label
Switching (MPLS)-based Recovery, (1998). Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. While the common
underlying Internet generally carries the routes for all networks connected to it, this
architectureassumes that only a subset of such networks form a VPN. The layer 2 technology is not a
synchronized clock blocking technologywhere each new service flow is accepted or denied based on
the absolute ability to meet the associated resource demands. They had to inform each is used pxper
conferencing applications in which a mutual other ahead of time, in voip research paper pdf to signal
the user at the other end whiteboard application content writing tips 2020 used. The process of
selection should include consideration of what problem is being solved, risk analysis of thesecurity
provided by a particular implementation, issues of scale in growing the size of the VPN, and the
complexity involved in bothimplementing the VPN, as well as ongoing maintenance and
troubleshooting. Search our database for more Voice Over Internet Protocol downloadable research
papers. The architectural concept is to createVPN’s as a collection of tunnels across a common host
network. Another important aspect of “privacy” in a VPN is through its technical definition, as
describing the privacy of addressing and routingsystem, meaning that the addressing used within a
VPN community of interest is separate and discrete from that of the underlying sharednetwork, and
from that of other VPN communities. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The Impact of Virtual Private
Network ( VPN ) on a? pdf. This is essentially a two level discard precedence architecture. At your
fingertips. Turnkey appliances. Software for 3rd party hardware. VPNs are widely used to create
wide area networks (WANs) that span large geographic areas, to provide site-to-site connections to
branch offices and to allow mobile users to dial up their company LANs. Such an architecture is little
different from provider-operated VPN architectures, and the major difference lies in the issueof
traffic and performance engineering, and the administrative boundary of the management of the
VPN overlay. The implemented protocols are used to secure packets end to end and are normally
called IP Security (IPSec). Ether VPNVirtualization of Ethernet devices is the key of the Soft. The
same holds true for the routing system used within the VPN and that of theunderlying shared
network. Accordingly, the “private”network has no corresponding “private” physical
communications system.

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