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Submitted by: Ethan Rahal Section: 202-

Experiment #: 4 Date conducted: Mar. 1, 2024 Submitted: March 15,
Distillation of a Miscible Liquid Mixture

1) Learn the technique of distillation to separate liquids from a mixture
2) Learn to analyze distilled liquids using the refraction index and boiling point


Distillation is the lab technique used to separate various liquids from a single mixture. The
technique involves boiling the mixture so that certain liquids with lower boiling points evaporate while
others remain in the solution. The vapor is then passed through a condenser where it returns to its original
liquid form. The purity of these samples is then tested by comparing their boiling point and/or refraction
index to the literature values. Simple distillation is used to separate liquids with widely different boiling
points whereas fractional distillation is used to separate liquids with similar boiling points 1.

1) Prepared and cleaned all glassware and set up apparatus as shown in figure 1 ensuring all
glassware fits smoothly by applying joint grease..
2) Measured 12mL of acetone and 12mL of water and poured into round bottom flask.
3) Ensured both clamps and all security clips were tight whilst water source is connected to lower
port and drain is connected to upper port.
4) Ensured bulb of thermometer reaches the vapor by positioning just under three-way adaptor.
5) Once everything is secured, slowly turned on water source ensuring there is a steady flow until
condenser is full and no water escapes through ports other than the source and the drain.
6) Collected approximately 5 mL of distillate (fraction 1) before swapping out the vial for another.
7) Recorded the temperature range from when the vapor condensation first appears on the
thermometer to the point when ~5 mL is collected.
8) Repeated steps 6-7 switching collection vials 2 more times for a total of 3 different collection
9) Once all samples are collected, turned off apparatus allowing it to cool until it is safe for
10) Ensured all non-water liquids remaining in the apparatus were put in the waste beaker.
11) No need for cleaning glassware since acetone evaporates easily.
Fraction Boiling Range (C°) Refraction Index

Acetone 56-62 1.363

Mix 62-87 1.362

Water 87-104 1.343

Figure 2: Boiling range and refraction index of condensed vapors

It was determined that the acetone and water were successfully distilled considering the
experimental refractive index of acetone was 1.363 with the literature value being ~1.367 and the
experimental refractive index of water was 1.343 with the literature value being ~1.341.


O = Security clip
O = Rubber hose
→= Direction of water flow
Figure 1: Apparatus setup


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