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Celeb fmt 1 intro

This is my personal account different from my official page being managed by Admin. I'm hoping to use
this medium to create a mutual relationship with a few fans here willing.

Thank you so much for all the support, I'd wish there's another way to show gratitude other than this my
comedown on social status.

Been monitoring your profile and others too for a while, then noticed you are truly a big fan of my

With this medium, I pray we get along well at our, as I don't want to be seen as a superstar but as a
commoner in the society.

I wouldn't want to be taken advantage of either since that has broken me in past years.

Indeed prayers & support from fans like you has kept me at my very best, and hope you never stop
listening to my music even when am no more singing.
Meanwhile, where are you supporting from and have you by chance attended any of my past events
near you?

I am looking forward to meeting you personally in an upcoming event of mine near you,

I am quite sure taking of photographs, sharing of some idea and early life's experiences too would be so
much fun for us. Isn't it??

Feel free to write me anytime and I would keep you posted on news or my events coming up, I've
personally created this platform to enable direct interaction with devoted fans all around the world.

Please accept my sincere apologies for late response to your message, you need understand am a very
busy man & sometimes skip rehearsals & other curricula activities just to communicate u

I put others first in all I do and lest when they feel comfortable, then I can look out for myself. You
should know me as a simple and down to earth person. I deserve a private life with a few of my fans,
nobody knows what tomorrow might have for us all.
You have made me feel great with you I felt I'd trust again as every other person has taken advantage of
my social status and I felt heart broken so many times. You have gotten it all, even my trust.

I did contact you only a while and now let us grow in our friendship and cherish it, isn't that your wish
for me too?

Indeed prayers & support from fans like you has kept me at my very best, and hope you never stop
listening to my music even when am no more singing.

you have now won a worthy position in my life and no longer just a fan but a friend also and we could
confide in each other as time permits.

How about we take communication elsewhere more convenient, fast enough for notifying you on
upcoming events, news updates and also for conversing?

Its always a huge pleasure having personal time with my fans, especially whenever am on my free time
like this.
You and I will have an amazing friendship rebut as it goes on, I wonder which is it ... best friends? Idols
to each other? YES YES YES!!! That is our certainty.

You certainly won't mind me asking if you have the Hangouts mobile messaging App installed in your

Quite some good privacy there in regards of my social status.

Well, as for Hangouts, it's very easy you can get the App downloaded right away from Google by
searching with "Hangouts" or follow this link www.hangouts.comfor faster download.


I want to say thanks for all the warm comments and likes... Oh well since I got too many messages over
at my blue print account so I decided to isolate myself here and reach at to few of my fans without you I
wouldn't have been here today. Kisses 💋to your lovely heart
Well I want you to know before we can continue this conversation you’ll have to promise me it’s just
between us!! Who knows what the public might say or the paparazzi making up stories and watching my
life. I just want to live a simple life.

What’s that supposed to mean you got a privilege that I’m even texting you. You should be happy that
you got my attention because I’ve been seeing you following up over at my blue account

Oh you still don’t get me I’m not really sure if I can trust you enough to do that because I don’t know if
you’re some kind of paparazzi or cop 🤔

You haven’t make your promise yet you know about anyone finding out because I like privacy and my
life is really complicated

I’m really enjoying our conversation never had this type of connection before I feel free

Well about my relationship status it’s complicated.. it’s a story so painful but I trust you and you made a
promise to me that’s why I’m telling you my personal affair

That is not in this case it’s just a contract relationship I hope you understand

Your heart is pure my cute sweet angel,that’s why I would love too have you my dear close and near too
me honey You are beautiful even

how do you act when you're angry?

for me get frustrated a lot but not angry. i end to hold it in for awhile until i can process it and am not
explosive. i do not yell and scream.

4. where did you get that fantastic smile?

5. what is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?

6. what is the most romantic place that you've been on a date?

a great date for me is a day of nature, walking outdoors, sitting by a lake, talking and learning

richard_roland111: 7. what would you do if we got stuck in a snow storm in the mountains?

8. if i were gonna take you out for a romantic evening, where would you prefer?

9. what is your favorite thing to do with a partner for fun?

10. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

11. How long have you played guitar?(Ask about something in their profile.)

(Compliment something in their photograph.)

12. When are we going to meet to find out whether we would ever want to kiss each other?

13. what would you do on the first day you gonna see me?

When I'm worried about something, my ideal partner would back off and give me a little space.
I'd like a partner who understands that discussing my problems makes me feel better.

I am preoccupied with thoughts of worry.

When I'm dating someone, I think it's fun to play pranks on each other.

People can expect me to react harshly to criticism.

I tend to say things that I later regret

I make sure that my partner hears my point of view

I’m known for having strong morals.

When my partner and I disagree, I thinks it's better to just let it go -- giving it attention only makes things

I take pride in the accuracy of most things that I do.

I try hard to do things in the most efficient way I can.

Joking around a lot keeps relationships from becoming boring

I can usually think of something funny to say to lighten the mood when frustration is building in a tense
In times of stress, I'm able to communicate my needs to people close to me.

I tend to talk slowly and deliberately to be sure that I get my point across.

I try to be sensitive to people's needs and anticipate how they'll react to what I say and do.

I enjoy meeting people from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

I'd be most compatible with someone who's ready to share their thoughts and feelings.

When I'm working out a problem with someone, I keep my cool

I like to experience foods and customs of different cultures.

It takes a lot for me to regain trust in someone who has hurt me, even if it was unintentional.

I have a reserved interpersonal style.

In heated discussions, I sometimes talk louder to avoid being interrupted.

I consider myself to be an intellectual.

When I’m in a romantic relationship, I like to talk with my partner about arts and entertainment.

My friends would tell you that I have a stubborn streak.

It takes a while for me to warm up to people.

I can tell what kind of mood people are in before they even speak.

I'd be most compatible with someone who doesn't mind if I withdraw when a conversation gets intense.

I like that my partner and I disagree sometimes because talking it through helps us grow.

I’m careful not to let my guard down around others until they have proven themselves to be

My friends would say that I’m shy until you get to know me.

I believe in survival of the fittest.

I find it difficult to express my opinions when others don't share them.

Honestly, I don't take hints very well -- I'd prefer someone to tell me what they want.

When someone I'm talking to is at a loss for words, I try to fill in the blank for them.

I avoid confrontations with rude people.

I mentally rehearse difficult conversations before they happen.

I feel awkward when receiving romantic gifts.

Whenever I’m infatuated with someone, I try to gauge that person’s reactions to me before expressing
my feelings.

I listen for the deeper meanings in things people say.

My values are politically conservative.

I truly believe that love conquers all.

It’s more my style to get to know someone before getting romantically involved too quickly.

I think an authoritarian parenting style is best for children.

It's easy for me to say things like "I love you" and "I am happy I found you."

I find it easy to fall in love.

When a relationship turns stale, it’s time to move on.

Whenever I find a new love, I tend to fall head over heels.

It’s hard for me to control my emotions when I meet someone that I really like.
It’s better to cut your losses and end a failing relationship than to stick it out until someone better
comes along.

I’m very optimistic about my chances of finding a lasting love.

I look for signs that someone is interested in me before moving forward in a romantic relationship.

I don’t believe that relationships are as hard as people say.

I think chivalry is important in a relationship.

I could see choosing to stay with someone I did not love if that meant keeping the mutual friendships
we have made .

Committed relationships are hard work.

I’ve learned that it’s good to be cautious when it comes to romance.

I’m afraid that I may never find my soul mate.

It takes a while for me to risk getting my hopes up in a new relationship.

Unfortunately, I tend to put more into my relationships than I get in return.

Even stormy relationships are preferable to being alone.

I’m ready to share myself totally with someone who feels the same way about me.

Honestly, I would rather remain in an unhappy relationship than be alone.

It’s easy for me to think of ideas for a romantic date.

I’d rather keep my dating life light and fun – not serious and intense.

At this point in time, I’m not ready to be tied down.

When it comes to a committed relationship, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to work things out.

I tend to get swept up in the emotions of romance.

It's easier to cope with a rocky relationship than go without a partner in life.

Honestly, the idea of committing to one person worries me because I’m afraid I’ll be giving up the
chance to meet someone even better.

I like the comfort of knowing that someone’s there for me, even if I know that we’re wrong for each

I think it’s better to cut your losses early in a struggling relationship.

I tend to stay in a struggling relationship until I’m sure that all hope is lost.
I typically end a struggling relationship before things get too intense.

I believe it’s best to end a troubled relationship early and not waste time trying to work on issues.

I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be the
physical appearance

A man's love cannot be satisfied by beauty alone; you're more than beautiful and that's why I love you

What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful

The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you

The only ugly faces, are the ones we make, not God's creator

It's true we don't know what we've got until its gone, but we don't know what we've been missing until
it arrives

Cause I love you and I miss you, hearing your voice is the closest thing to touching you

Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we
are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have
someone so special to miss
When the night has come and the land's dark, when the moon is the only light we'll see, look at the
stars; can you count them? I miss you that much

When I miss you, I don't have to go far ... I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find

Nothing is more beautiful than you wearing only the moonlight and my kisses

If I were blind, within my heart I could still see the beauty that is you

The beauty of love is to look into your eyes, and see the love you feel for me, to see the way you feel
and the way you care, that is why I love you

True beauty cannot be seen from the outside, it must be found within the soul of your love

I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I
could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could
make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in
the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in
your heart

When you are low with nowhere to go remember this, when you open your eyes, your heart, your spirit,
yourself, there you will find the stranger called hope
Everynight I pray, I'll have you here someday.

I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might;

That when I close my eyes, you'll be right by my side."

The Wonders

Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right
and it will live forever

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, falling in love with you was beyond my

When I talk to you, it seems all the problems in the world go away and I'm floating in mid-air

Only God's creations can compare to the beauty that I see in you! My love for you is infinite, without

No one realizes the beauty of love, until you're caught in it

A man's love cannot be satisfied by beauty alone; you're more than beautiful and that's why I love you

If I ever saw an angel, it was in your eyes

Heaven's lost without you. I know i most be lucky to have you

Every minute I spend with you is like being in heaven and looking in an angel's eyes
One need not look towards the heavens to find an angel for I have one here before me

If I were an angel... I would choose to watch over you

The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you

Beauty is like a book, it cannot be judged by its cover

I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere

Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically
every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you

I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But
deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go

When it rains it reminds me of you. Although 2000 miles away is so far I still always walk outside in the
rain and kiss it just for you. It never fails me. The rain will always come and I'll always love you. Next
time you see a storm on the horizon please don't fear it's just heaven doing me the favor of taking you
my kiss. Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever you need me.

Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's
measured by the heart

Don't measure the distance; measure my love

many miles away and you are still right here, in my heart and mind
We are all one-winged angels. Our task here on earth is to find another one-winged angel, who will
share his wing with you, to hold you and together you can fly back to the most high (God)

There once was a time that I didn't believe in angels, but that has changed only because I have met one
of them and thats you.

No matter what the question is, love is the answer! It's written on angels' wings

I remember the last time I saw that sparkle in your eye - when I realized there was a beautiful angel who
loves me so much and i do love her too

Friends are angels that come from above. Sent down from God for you to love. So if you are sad, and
don't know what to do. Just remember that I care for you

When hearts listen, angels sing

One need not look towards the heavens to find an angel for I have one here before me

If I were an angel... I would choose to watch over you

When people tell me they need an angel in their life, I smile and say; I've already found one

I prayed for a person to love me. I must've prayed very hard, because God didn't give me a person - He
has given me an angel

When you're in love, it's like having a piece of heavens' golden gates in your pocket like a guardian angel
You're a song written by the hands of God

Angels were singing, didn't you hear? If only I'd listened when they whispered in my ear


I'm looking for a long and lasting relationship with someone who is very caring, honest, and most of all
understanding. A woman who has a smile for me if I am feeling a little down, A woman who has a sense
of self, and does not let small imperfections rule their lives, A woman who has a love of kids, A woman I
can spend time listening to just because she is interesting, A woman who has the same respect for me
that I have for her, A woman who is passionate and most of all Someone who makes you comfortable
and at ease with yourself in all aspects of who you are and accepts it..... and still allows you to be you....

There must be a physical attraction but what we share above and beyond that is most important. I am
technically old fashioned and like the man to open the door, plan the evening, pay the bill, and be in
charge. He will be able to make his own decisions, not t ake himself too seriously and believe in us as a


I'm often described with words such as a Renaissance man,God fearing, a simple Man, nice, deep, goofy,
romantic ,creative, insightful, compassionate, helpful and resourceful. I certa



I am honest and I don't like to lie and I hate lie, deception and dupery. I help my friends if they have
problems. I am faithful in friendship and in love. I do what I say and what I think. All my acts in my life
reflect my mind. I am easy to live and I hate quarrellings. Definitely reflective, I have learned and grown
from my many experiences in life and feel that I am able to come to a special relationship in a very
healthy way -- unselfish, with truly open communications, not attached to many needs, mature
(knowing that we have choice in how we react to any given situation), patient, understanding, flexible
and, especially, as loving soul mate. As well, I certainly enjoy living life to its fullest. I enjoy among other
things... My dream is to get married again to a lovely woman that will be called my wife and life time
partner.I need a loving and caring person besides me. I'd like to spend as much time as possible
together, to share problems like: sorrow, joy and thoughts. I think it's very important to listen and learn
from each other.


learning new things, traveling, reading, cooking, singing,fishing, camping, being an hard working man.(I
love home improvement), volunteering, gardening, surfing the web when i am less busy, discussing life
and business, like going to movies, and spending quality time with my lovely child.


I work in the oil industry as a reservoir engineer my job entails maximizing the recovery of crude oil, oil
well maintenance and servicing I travel a lot. I do like my job so much and it also makes me have so of
my favorite activities (travelling).

What are some of your personal goals in life?

One of my main goal in life is finding the right one, make a family and also see my children and maybe
(children) grow up, graduate and see them get marry and have my grand kids

Where is the best place to go on a date?

movies/a walk on the beach/restaurant/church social

What are you looking for in a partner?

companionship, friendship, love, I am interested in a long term relationship with the right person.I have
not been in a relationship for nine years. I am the mother of five children. I wanted to devote my time
and energy to my children until they were older. My baby girl is off to college next year. Honestly, they
stoped needing me every minuite of every day some time ago. I was awhile catching up. I really can't see
myself spending the rest of my life alone. I have too much love to give. I am a strong lady with a warm
loving side. I am also very loyal. I must admit to being somewhat old faishond. I would enjoy having the
chair pulled out for me. I believe it is possible to have the best of both worlds. Meaning it is possible to
be a strong assertive woman and also be soft and loving. All of my actions are guided by a higher power
and I believe if it is meant to be there is absolutly nothing that I can do to change it. I am serious about
finding my soul mate with God at the center of the relationship. I would like to ask that only honest,
serious people respond. I am not interested in wasting eachother's time.I am only able to and message from this site. Please do not ask me to do anything else.

I'd just like to add...

I am a down to earth lady who is emotionally grounded and mature. I am looking for that special
someone to share my hopes, dreams, joys, sorrows and life in general. I will soon be experiencing an
empty nest as my youngest of 5 children will be graduating high school, June 2010. My family is very
important to me and I am very much a part of their life. I hope to find someone to share my interests
with. I enjoy the outside and love to garden during the summer months. I like to travel but I also value
and enjoy just spending time at home. Welcome to my profile. Please feel free to look through my photo
album and meet some of the most important people in my life. I am hopeful to meet my soul mate. Who
knows it may be you!


about freedom, about the look in a child's eye as he tells his parents the funfair is in town, about rights,
of everyone, young or old, black or white, about right and wrong, about politics, about religion, about
gods, and goddesses, about the future, the past and the present unfolding. About the lady I was holding
and the lady I will hold tomorrow. About memories, about love and about pain.

I am passionate about life and plan to use it, to the fullest.

Im passionate about life, about my Future, about my family about

I feel a need to explore and venture to unknown paths to see where they may lead . The best
experiences happen when you follow your heart, your dreams and the roads less traveled......for at the
end of that road, if you are true to yourself, you will learn from the challenges...overcome obsticals and
find your hearts desire. This I have faith I will find before my book is finished . Life is what you make it to
be..if you are bound to be negative you will most surely live it those close to you..but
also love those you have yet to meet...enjoy never know who's falling in love with your smile

A woman, as women goes, a little of this & that, perhaps a mixed bag of blessing. A parodox in terms a
woman/child. The same & yet different from the countless woman that have gone before me, I am
second to none.

What are you looking for in a partner?

Honesty. Loyalty. Integrity. Refuge.

I'd just like to add...

-----///\\-----Please Place

----///-\\\----This Ribbon On

---|||---|||---Your BPM Page If

---|||---|||---Someone You

---|||---|||---Know Is Fighting

----\\\-///----Cancer Or Youve

-----\\///-----S Someone To


-----///\\\----Cures Sta-CELEBRITY WORK

Thank you so much for the follow back, It's so nice having you here on my private account. My only wish
is for you to feel comfortable being friends with me. But I love and respect "privacy" that I carry around
in my heart and soul for everyone, influential or not.
I appreciated your follow back. And that automatically makes us friends here. I'm now wondering why
you've ignored my message. Please, I need a response from you if my profile can be kept to yourself.

You are welcome here once again, and thanks for your love and respect for my privacy, really cherish it.

This is my personal account different from my official page being managed by Admin. I'm hoping to use
this medium to create a mutual relationship with a few fans here willing.

Thank you so much for all the support, I'd wish there's another way to show gratitude other than this my
comedown on social status.

Been monitoring your profile and others too for a while, then noticed you are truly a big fan of my

With this medium, I pray we get along well at our convenience, as I don't want to be seen as a superstar
but as a commoner in the society.
I wouldn't want to be taken advantage of either since that has broken me in past years.

Indeed prayers & support from fans like you has kept me at my very best, and hope you never stop
listening to my music even when am no more singing.

Meanwhile, where are you from and have you by chance attended any of my past events near you?

I am looking forward to meeting you personally in an upcoming event of mine near you, am quite sure
taking of photographs, sharing of some idea and early life's experiences too would be so much fun for
us. Isn't it??

Feel free to write me anytime and I would keep you posted on news or my events coming up, I've
personally created this platform to enable direct interaction with devoted fans all around the world.
Please accept my sincere apologies for late response to your message, you need understand am a very
busy man & sometimes skip rehearsals & other curricula activities just to communicate here.

I put others first in all I do and lest when they feel comfortable, then I can look out for myself. You
should know me as a simple and down to earth person. I deserve a private life with a few of my fans,
nobody knows what tomorrow might have for us all.

You have made me feel great with you I felt I'd trust again as every other person has taken advantage of
my social status and I felt heart broken so many times. You have gotten it all, even my trust.

I did contact you only a while and now let us grow in our friendship and cherish it, isn't that your wish
for me too?

Therefore, you have now won a worthy position in my life and no longer just a fan but a friend also and
we could confide in each other as time permits.

How about we take communication elsewhere more convenient, fast enough for notifying you on
upcoming events, news updates and also for conversing?
Its always a huge pleasure having personal time with my fans, especially whenever am on my free time
like this.

You and I will have an amazing friendship rebut as it goes on, I wonder which is it ... best friends? Idols
to each other? YES YES YES!!! That is our certainty.

You certainly won't mind me asking if you have the Hangouts mobile messaging App installed in your

Quite some good privacy there in regards of my social status.

Well, as for Hangouts, it's very easy you can get the App downloaded right away from Google by
searching with "Hangouts" or follow this link www.hangouts.comfor faster download.

I want to say thanks for all the warm comments and likes... Oh well since I got too many messages over
at my blue print account so I decided to isolate myself here and reach at to few of my fans without you I
wouldn't have been here today. Kisses 💋to your lovely heart

Well I want you to know before we can continue this conversation you’ll have to promise me it’s just
between us!! Who knows what the public might say or the paparazzi making up stories and watching my
life. I just want to live a simple life.

What’s that supposed to mean you got a privilege that I’m even texting you. You should be happy that
you got my attention because I’ve been seeing you following up over at my blue account

Oh you still don’t get me I’m not really sure if I can trust you enough to do that because I don’t know if
you’re some kind of paparazzi or cop 🤔

You haven’t make your promise yet you know about anyone finding out because I like privacy and my
life is really complicated

I’m really enjoying our conversation never had this type of connection before I feel free

Well about my relationship status it’s complicated.. it’s a long story so painful but I trust you and you
made a promise to me that’s why I’m telling you my personal affair

That is not in this case it’s just a contract relationship I hope you understand

Your heart is pure my cute sweet angel,that’s why I would love too have you my dear close and near too
me honey You are beautiful even
how do you act when you're angry?

for me get frustrated a lot but not angry. i tend to hold it in for awhile until i can process it and am not
explosive. i do not yell and scream.

4. where did you get that fantastic smile?

5. what is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?

6. what is the most romantic place that you've been on a date?

a great date for me is a day of nature, walking outdoors, sitting by a lake, talking and learning

richard_roland111: 7. what would you do if we got stuck in a snow storm in the mountains?

8. if i were gonna take you out for a romantic evening, where would you prefer?

9. what is your favorite thing to do with a partner for fun?

10. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

11. How long have you played guitar?(Ask about something in their profile.)

(Compliment something in their photograph.)

12. When are we going to meet to find out whether we would ever want to kiss each other?
13. what would you do on the first day you gonna see me?

When I'm worried about something, my ideal partner would back off and give me a little space.

I'd like a partner who understands that discussing my problems makes me feel better.

I am preoccupied with thoughts of worry.

When I'm dating someone, I think it's fun to play pranks on each other.

People can expect me to react harshly to criticism.

I tend to say things that I later regret

I make sure that my partner hears my point of view

I’m known for having strong morals.

When my partner and I disagree, I thinks it's better to just let it go -- giving it attention only makes things

I take pride in the accuracy of most things that I do.

I try hard to do things in the most efficient way I can.

Joking around a lot keeps relationships from becoming boring

I can usually think of something funny to say to lighten the mood when frustration is building in a tense

In times of stress, I'm able to communicate my needs to people close to me.

I tend to talk slowly and deliberately to be sure that I get my point across.

I try to be sensitive to people's needs and anticipate how they'll react to what I say and do.

I enjoy meeting people from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

I'd be most compatible with someone who's ready to share their thoughts and feelings.

When I'm working out a problem with someone, I keep my cool

I like to experience foods and customs of different cultures.

It takes a lot for me to regain trust in someone who has hurt me, even if it was unintentional.

I have a reserved interpersonal style.

In heated discussions, I sometimes talk louder to avoid being interrupted.

I consider myself to be an intellectual.

When I’m in a romantic relationship, I like to talk with my partner about arts and entertainment.

My friends would tell you that I have a stubborn streak.

It takes a while for me to warm up to people.

I can tell what kind of mood people are in before they even speak.

I'd be most compatible with someone who doesn't mind if I withdraw when a conversation gets intense.

I like that my partner and I disagree sometimes because talking it through helps us grow.

I’m careful not to let my guard down around others until they have proven themselves to be

My friends would say that I’m shy until you get to know me.

I believe in survival of the fittest.

I find it difficult to express my opinions when others don't share them.

Honestly, I don't take hints very well -- I'd prefer someone to tell me what they want.
When someone I'm talking to is at a loss for words, I try to fill in the blank for them.

I avoid confrontations with rude people.

I mentally rehearse difficult conversations before they happen.

I feel awkward when receiving romantic gifts.

Whenever I’m infatuated with someone, I try to gauge that person’s reactions to me before expressing
my feelings.

I listen for the deeper meanings in things people say.

My values are politically conservative.

I truly believe that love conquers all.

It’s more my style to get to know someone before getting romantically involved too quickly.

I think an authoritarian parenting style is best for children.

It's easy for me to say things like "I love you" and "I am happy I found you."

I find it easy to fall in love.

When a relationship turns stale, it’s time to move on.

Whenever I find a new love, I tend to fall head over heels.

It’s hard for me to control my emotions when I meet someone that I really like.

It’s better to cut your losses and end a failing relationship than to stick it out until someone better
comes along.

I’m very optimistic about my chances of finding a lasting love.

I look for signs that someone is interested in me before moving forward in a romantic relationship.

I don’t believe that relationships are as hard as people say.

I think chivalry is important in a relationship.

I could see choosing to stay with someone I did not love if that meant keeping the mutual friendships
we have made .

Committed relationships are hard work.

I’ve learned that it’s good to be cautious when it comes to romance.

I’m afraid that I may never find my soul mate.

It takes a while for me to risk getting my hopes up in a new relationship.

Unfortunately, I tend to put more into my relationships than I get in return.

Even stormy relationships are preferable to being alone.

I’m ready to share myself totally with someone who feels the same way about me.

Honestly, I would rather remain in an unhappy relationship than be alone.

It’s easy for me to think of ideas for a romantic date.

I’d rather keep my dating life light and fun – not serious and intense.

At this point in time, I’m not ready to be tied down.

When it comes to a committed relationship, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to work things out.

I tend to get swept up in the emotions of romance.

It's easier to cope with a rocky relationship than go without a partner in life.

Honestly, the idea of committing to one person worries me because I’m afraid I’ll be giving up the
chance to meet someone even better.

I like the comfort of knowing that someone’s there for me, even if I know that we’re wrong for each
I think it’s better to cut your losses early in a struggling relationship.

I tend to stay in a struggling relationship until I’m sure that all hope is lost.

I typically end a struggling relationship before things get too intense.

I believe it’s best to end a troubled relationship early and not waste time trying to work on issues.

I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be the
physical appearance

A man's love cannot be satisfied by beauty alone; you're more than beautiful and that's why I love you

What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful

The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you

The only ugly faces, are the ones we make, not God's creator

It's true we don't know what we've got until its gone, but we don't know what we've been missing until
it arrives
Cause I love you and I miss you, hearing your voice is the closest thing to touching you

Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we
are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have
someone so special to miss

When the night has come and the land's dark, when the moon is the only light we'll see, look at the
stars; can you count them? I miss you that much

When I miss you, I don't have to go far ... I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find

Nothing is more beautiful than you wearing only the moonlight and my kisses

If I were blind, within my heart I could still see the beauty that is you

The beauty of love is to look into your eyes, and see the love you feel for me, to see the way you feel
and the way you care, that is why I love you

True beauty cannot be seen from the outside, it must be found within the soul of your love

I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I
could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could
make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in
the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in
your heart

When you are low with nowhere to go remember this, when you open your eyes, your heart, your spirit,
yourself, there you will find the stranger called hope

Everynight I pray, I'll have you here someday.

I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might;

That when I close my eyes, you'll be right by my side."

The Wonders

Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right
and it will live forever

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, falling in love with you was beyond my

When I talk to you, it seems all the problems in the world go away and I'm floating in mid-air

Only God's creations can compare to the beauty that I see in you! My love for you is infinite, without

No one realizes the beauty of love, until you're caught in it

A man's love cannot be satisfied by beauty alone; you're more than beautiful and that's why I love you
If I ever saw an angel, it was in your eyes

Heaven's lost without you. I know i most be lucky to have you

Every minute I spend with you is like being in heaven and looking in an angel's eyes

One need not look towards the heavens to find an angel for I have one here before me

If I were an angel... I would choose to watch over you

The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you

Beauty is like a book, it cannot be judged by its cover

I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere

Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically
every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you

I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But
deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go

When it rains it reminds me of you. Although 2000 miles away is so far I still always walk outside in the
rain and kiss it just for you. It never fails me. The rain will always come and I'll always love you. Next
time you see a storm on the horizon please don't fear it's just heaven doing me the favor of taking you
my kiss. Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever you need me.
Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's
measured by the heart

Don't measure the distance; measure my love

many miles away and you are still right here, in my heart and mind

We are all one-winged angels. Our task here on earth is to find another one-winged angel, who will
share his wing with you, to hold you and together you can fly back to the most high (God)

There once was a time that I didn't believe in angels, but that has changed only because I have met one
of them and thats you.

No matter what the question is, love is the answer! It's written on angels' wings

I remember the last time I saw that sparkle in your eye - when I realized there was a beautiful angel who
loves me so much and i do love her too

Friends are angels that come from above. Sent down from God for you to love. So if you are sad, and
don't know what to do. Just remember that I care for you

When hearts listen, angels sing

One need not look towards the heavens to find an angel for I have one here before me

If I were an angel... I would choose to watch over you

When people tell me they need an angel in their life, I smile and say; I've already found one

I prayed for a person to love me. I must've prayed very hard, because God didn't give me a person - He
has given me an angel

When you're in love, it's like having a piece of heavens' golden gates in your pocket like a guardian angel

You're a song written by the hands of God

Angels were singing, didn't you hear? If only I'd listened when they whispered in my ear


I'm looking for a long and lasting relationship with someone who is very caring, honest, and most of all
understanding. A woman who has a smile for me if I am feeling a little down, A woman who has a sense
of self, and does not let small imperfections rule their lives, A woman who has a love of kids, A woman I
can spend time listening to just because she is interesting, A woman who has the same respect for me
that I have for her, A woman who is passionate and most of all Someone who makes you comfortable
and at ease with yourself in all aspects of who you are and accepts it..... and still allows you to be you....

There must be a physical attraction but what we share above and beyond that is most important. I am
technically old fashioned and like the man to open the door, plan the evening, pay the bill, and be in
charge. He will be able to make his own decisions, not t ake himself too seriously and believe in us as a


I'm often described with words such as a Renaissance man,God fearing, a simple Man, nice, deep, goofy,
romantic ,creative, insightful, compassionate, helpful and resourceful. I certa



I am honest and I don't like to lie and I hate lie, deception and dupery. I help my friends if they have
problems. I am faithful in friendship and in love. I do what I say and what I think. All my acts in my life
reflect my mind. I am easy to live and I hate quarrellings. Definitely reflective, I have learned and grown
from my many experiences in life and feel that I am able to come to a special relationship in a very
healthy way -- unselfish, with truly open communications, not attached to many needs, mature
(knowing that we have choice in how we react to any given situation), patient, understanding, flexible
and, especially, as loving soul mate. As well, I certainly enjoy living life to its fullest. I enjoy among other
things... My dream is to get married again to a lovely woman that will be called my wife and life time
partner.I need a loving and caring person besides me. I'd like to spend as much time as possible
together, to share problems like: sorrow, joy and thoughts. I think it's very important to listen and learn
from each other.


learning new things, traveling, reading, cooking, singing,fishing, camping, being an hard working man.(I
love home improvement), volunteering, gardening, surfing the web when i am less busy, discussing life
and business, like going to movies, and spending quality time with my lovely child.


I work in the oil industry as a reservoir engineer my job entails maximizing the recovery of crude oil, oil
well maintenance and servicing I travel a lot. I do like my job so much and it also makes me have so of
my favorite activities (travelling).

What are some of your personal goals in life?

One of my main goal in life is finding the right one, make a family and also see my children and maybe
(children) grow up, graduate and see them get marry and have my grand kids

Where is the best place to go on a date?

movies/a walk on the beach/restaurant/church social

What are you looking for in a partner?

companionship, friendship, love, I am interested in a long term relationship with the right person.I have
not been in a relationship for nine years. I am the mother of five children. I wanted to devote my time
and energy to my children until they were older. My baby girl is off to college next year. Honestly, they
stoped needing me every minuite of every day some time ago. I was awhile catching up. I really can't see
myself spending the rest of my life alone. I have too much love to give. I am a strong lady with a warm
loving side. I am also very loyal. I must admit to being somewhat old faishond. I would enjoy having the
chair pulled out for me. I believe it is possible to have the best of both worlds. Meaning it is possible to
be a strong assertive woman and also be soft and loving. All of my actions are guided by a higher power
and I believe if it is meant to be there is absolutly nothing that I can do to change it. I am serious about
finding my soul mate with God at the center of the relationship. I would like to ask that only honest,
serious people respond. I am not interested in wasting eachother's time.I am only able to and message from this site. Please do not ask me to do anything else.

I'd just like to add...

I am a down to earth lady who is emotionally grounded and mature. I am looking for that special
someone to share my hopes, dreams, joys, sorrows and life in general. I will soon be experiencing an
empty nest as my youngest of 5 children will be graduating high school, June 2010. My family is very
important to me and I am very much a part of their life. I hope to find someone to share my interests
with. I enjoy the outside and love to garden during the summer months. I like to travel but I also value
and enjoy just spending time at home. Welcome to my profile. Please feel free to look through my photo
album and meet some of the most important people in my life. I am hopeful to meet my soul mate. Who
knows it may be you!


about freedom, about the look in a child's eye as he tells his parents the funfair is in town, about rights,
of everyone, young or old, black or white, about right and wrong, about politics, about religion, about
gods, and goddesses, about the future, the past and the present unfolding. About the lady I was holding
and the lady I will hold tomorrow. About memories, about love and about pain.

I am passionate about life and plan to use it, to the fullest.

Im passionate about life, about my Future, about my family about

I feel a need to explore and venture to unknown paths to see where they may lead . The best
experiences happen when you follow your heart, your dreams and the roads less traveled......for at the
end of that road, if you are true to yourself, you will learn from the challenges...overcome obsticals and
find your hearts desire. This I have faith I will find before my book is finished . Life is what you make it to
be..if you are bound to be negative you will most surely live it those close to you..but
also love those you have yet to meet...enjoy never know who's falling in love with your smile

A woman, as women goes, a little of this & that, perhaps a mixed bag of blessing. A parodox in terms a
woman/child. The same & yet different from the countless woman that have gone before me, I am
second to none.

What are you looking for in a partner?

Honesty. Loyalty. IntegrityCELEBRITY WORK

Thank you so much for the follow back, It's so nice having you here on my private account. My only wish
is for you to feel comfortable being friends with me. But I love and respect "privacy" that I carry around
in my heart and soul for everyone, influential or not.

I appreciated your follow back. And that automatically makes us friends here. I'm now wondering why
you've ignored my message. Please, I need a response from you if my profile can be kept to yourself.
You are welcome here once again, and thanks for your love and respect for my privacy, really cherish it.

This is my personal account different from my official page being managed by Admin. I'm hoping to use
this medium to create a mutual relationship with a few fans here willing.

Thank you so much for all the support, I'd wish there's another way to show gratitude other than this my
comedown on social status.

Been monitoring your profile and others too for a while, then noticed you are truly a big fan of my

With this medium, I pray we get along well at our convenience, as I don't want to be seen as a superstar
but as a commoner in the society.

I wouldn't want to be taken advantage of either since that has broken me in past years.
Indeed prayers & support from fans like you has kept me at my very best, and hope you never stop
listening to my music even when am no more singing.

Meanwhile, where are you from and have you by chance attended any of my past events near you?

I am looking forward to meeting you personally in an upcoming event of mine near you, am quite sure
taking of photographs, sharing of some idea and early life's experiences too would be so much fun for
us. Isn't it??

Feel free to write me anytime and I would keep you posted on news or my events coming up, I've
personally created this platform to enable direct interaction with devoted fans all around the world.

Please accept my sincere apologies for late response to your message, you need understand am a very
busy man & sometimes skip rehearsals & other curricula activities just to communicate here.
I put others first in all I do and lest when they feel comfortable, then I can look out for myself. You
should know me as a simple and down to earth person. I deserve a private life with a few of my fans,
nobody knows what tomorrow might have for us all.

You have made me feel great with you I felt I'd trust again as every other person has taken advantage of
my social status and I felt heart broken so many times. You have gotten it all, even my trust.

I did contact you only a while and now let us grow in our friendship and cherish it, isn't that your wish
for me too?

Therefore, you have now won a worthy position in my life and no longer just a fan but a friend also and
we could confide in each other as time permits.

How about we take communication elsewhere more convenient, fast enough for notifying you on
upcoming events, news updates and also for conversing?

Its always a huge pleasure having personal time with my fans, especially whenever am on my free time
like this.
You and I will have an amazing friendship rebut as it goes on, I wonder which is it ... best friends? Idols
to each other? YES YES YES!!! That is our certainty.

You certainly won't mind me asking if you have the Hangouts mobile messaging App installed in your

Quite some good privacy there in regards of my social status.

Well, as for Hangouts, it's very easy you can get the App downloaded right away from Google by
searching with "Hangouts" or follow this link www.hangouts.comfor faster download.

I want to say thanks for all the warm comments and likes... Oh well since I got too many messages over
at my blue print account so I decided to isolate myself here and reach at to few of my fans without you I
wouldn't have been here today. Kisses 💋to your lovely heart

Well I want you to know before we can continue this conversation you’ll have to promise me it’s just
between us!! Who knows what the public might say or the paparazzi making up stories and watching my
life. I just want to live a simple life.

What’s that supposed to mean you got a privilege that I’m even texting you. You should be happy that
you got my attention because I’ve been seeing you following up over at my blue account

Oh you still don’t get me I’m not really sure if I can trust you enough to do that because I don’t know if
you’re some kind of paparazzi or cop 🤔

You haven’t make your promise yet you know about anyone finding out because I like privacy and my
life is really complicated

I’m really enjoying our conversation never had this type of connection before I feel free

Well about my relationship status it’s complicated.. it’s a long story so painful but I trust you and you
made a promise to me that’s why I’m telling you my personal affair

That is not in this case it’s just a contract relationship I hope you understand

Your heart is pure my cute sweet angel,that’s why I would love too have you my dear close and near too
me honey You are beautiful even

how do you act when you're angry?

for me get frustrated a lot but not angry. i tend to hold it in for awhile until i can process it and am not
explosive. i do not yell and scream.

4. where did you get that fantastic smile?

5. what is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?

6. what is the most romantic place that you've been on a date?

a great date for me is a day of nature, walking outdoors, sitting by a lake, talking and learning

richard_roland111: 7. what would you do if we got stuck in a snow storm in the mountains?

8. if i were gonna take you out for a romantic evening, where would you prefer?

9. what is your favorite thing to do with a partner for fun?

10. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

11. How long have you played guitar?(Ask about something in their profile.)

(Compliment something in their photograph.)

12. When are we going to meet to find out whether we would ever want to kiss each other?

13. what would you do on the first day you gonna see me?
When I'm worried about something, my ideal partner would back off and give me a little space.

I'd like a partner who understands that discussing my problems makes me feel better.

I am preoccupied with thoughts of worry.

When I'm dating someone, I think it's fun to play pranks on each other.

People can expect me to react harshly to criticism.

I tend to say things that I later regret

I make sure that my partner hears my point of view

I’m known for having strong morals.

When my partner and I disagree, I thinks it's better to just let it go -- giving it attention only makes things

I take pride in the accuracy of most things that I do.

I try hard to do things in the most efficient way I can.

Joking around a lot keeps relationships from becoming boring

I can usually think of something funny to say to lighten the mood when frustration is building in a tense

In times of stress, I'm able to communicate my needs to people close to me.

I tend to talk slowly and deliberately to be sure that I get my point across.

I try to be sensitive to people's needs and anticipate how they'll react to what I say and do.

I enjoy meeting people from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

I'd be most compatible with someone who's ready to share their thoughts and feelings.

When I'm working out a problem with someone, I keep my cool

I like to experience foods and customs of different cultures.

It takes a lot for me to regain trust in someone who has hurt me, even if it was unintentional.

I have a reserved interpersonal style.

In heated discussions, I sometimes talk louder to avoid being interrupted.

I consider myself to be an intellectual.

When I’m in a romantic relationship, I like to talk with my partner about arts and entertainment.

My friends would tell you that I have a stubborn streak.

It takes a while for me to warm up to people.

I can tell what kind of mood people are in before they even speak.

I'd be most compatible with someone who doesn't mind if I withdraw when a conversation gets intense.

I like that my partner and I disagree sometimes because talking it through helps us grow.

I’m careful not to let my guard down around others until they have proven themselves to be

My friends would say that I’m shy until you get to know me.

I believe in survival of the fittest.

I find it difficult to express my opinions when others don't share them.

Honestly, I don't take hints very well -- I'd prefer someone to tell me what they want.

When someone I'm talking to is at a loss for words, I try to fill in the blank for them.

I avoid confrontations with rude people.

I mentally rehearse difficult conversations before they happen.

I feel awkward when receiving romantic gifts.

Whenever I’m infatuated with someone, I try to gauge that person’s reactions to me before expressing
my feelings.

I listen for the deeper meanings in things people say.

My values are politically conservative.

I truly believe that love conquers all.

It’s more my style to get to know someone before getting romantically involved too quickly.

I think an authoritarian parenting style is best for children.

It's easy for me to say things like "I love you" and "I am happy I found you."

I find it easy to fall in love.

When a relationship turns stale, it’s time to move on.

Whenever I find a new love, I tend to fall head over heels.

It’s hard for me to control my emotions when I meet someone that I really like.

It’s better to cut your losses and end a failing relationship than to stick it out until someone better
comes along.

I’m very optimistic about my chances of finding a lasting love.

I look for signs that someone is interested in me before moving forward in a romantic relationship.

I don’t believe that relationships are as hard as people say.

I think chivalry is important in a relationship.

I could see choosing to stay with someone I did not love if that meant keeping the mutual friendships
we have made .

Committed relationships are hard work.

I’ve learned that it’s good to be cautious when it comes to romance.

I’m afraid that I may never find my soul mate.

It takes a while for me to risk getting my hopes up in a new relationship.

Unfortunately, I tend to put more into my relationships than I get in return.

Even stormy relationships are preferable to being alone.

I’m ready to share myself totally with someone who feels the same way about me.

Honestly, I would rather remain in an unhappy relationship than be alone.

It’s easy for me to think of ideas for a romantic date.

I’d rather keep my dating life light and fun – not serious and intense.

At this point in time, I’m not ready to be tied down.

When it comes to a committed relationship, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to work things out.

I tend to get swept up in the emotions of romance.

It's easier to cope with a rocky relationship than go without a partner in life.

Honestly, the idea of committing to one person worries me because I’m afraid I’ll be giving up the
chance to meet someone even better.

I like the comfort of knowing that someone’s there for me, even if I know that we’re wrong for each

I think it’s better to cut your losses early in a struggling relationship.

I tend to stay in a struggling relationship until I’m sure that all hope is lost.

I typically end a struggling relationship before things get too intense.

I believe it’s best to end a troubled relationship early and not waste time trying to work on issues.

I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be the
physical appearance

A man's love cannot be satisfied by beauty alone; you're more than beautiful and that's why I love you

What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful

The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you

The only ugly faces, are the ones we make, not God's creator

It's true we don't know what we've got until its gone, but we don't know what we've been missing until
it arrives

Cause I love you and I miss you, hearing your voice is the closest thing to touching you
Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we
are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have
someone so special to miss

When the night has come and the land's dark, when the moon is the only light we'll see, look at the
stars; can you count them? I miss you that much

When I miss you, I don't have to go far ... I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find

Nothing is more beautiful than you wearing only the moonlight and my kisses

If I were blind, within my heart I could still see the beauty that is you

The beauty of love is to look into your eyes, and see the love you feel for me, to see the way you feel
and the way you care, that is why I love you

True beauty cannot be seen from the outside, it must be found within the soul of your love

I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I
could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could
make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in
the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in
your heart
When you are low with nowhere to go remember this, when you open your eyes, your heart, your spirit,
yourself, there you will find the stranger called hope

Everynight I pray, I'll have you here someday.

I'll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might;

That when I close my eyes, you'll be right by my side."

The Wonders

Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right
and it will live forever

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, falling in love with you was beyond my

When I talk to you, it seems all the problems in the world go away and I'm floating in mid-air

Only God's creations can compare to the beauty that I see in you! My love for you is infinite, without

No one realizes the beauty of love, until you're caught in it

A man's love cannot be satisfied by beauty alone; you're more than beautiful and that's why I love you

If I ever saw an angel, it was in your eyes

Heaven's lost without you. I know i most be lucky to have you

Every minute I spend with you is like being in heaven and looking in an angel's eyes

One need not look towards the heavens to find an angel for I have one here before me

If I were an angel... I would choose to watch over you

The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you

Beauty is like a book, it cannot be judged by its cover

I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere

Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically
every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you

I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But
deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go

When it rains it reminds me of you. Although 2000 miles away is so far I still always walk outside in the
rain and kiss it just for you. It never fails me. The rain will always come and I'll always love you. Next
time you see a storm on the horizon please don't fear it's just heaven doing me the favor of taking you
my kiss. Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever you need me.

Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's
measured by the heart
Don't measure the distance; measure my love

many miles away and you are still right here, in my heart and mind

We are all one-winged angels. Our task here on earth is to find another one-winged angel, who will
share his wing with you, to hold you and together you can fly back to the most high (God)

There once was a time that I didn't believe in angels, but that has changed only because I have met one
of them and thats you.

No matter what the question is, love is the answer! It's written on angels' wings

I remember the last time I saw that sparkle in your eye - when I realized there was a beautiful angel who
loves me so much and i do love her too

Friends are angels that come from above. Sent down from God for you to love. So if you are sad, and
don't know what to do. Just remember that I care for you

When hearts listen, angels sing

One need not look towards the heavens to find an angel for I have one here

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