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FGD 1: Chemical and Genetic Aspects of QUESTION # 2:

Microorganisms Carbohydrates and the different categories

according to the number of carbon atoms:
o are organic compounds composed of
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with a
What do you think is the importance of studying hydrogen: oxygen ratio of 2:1. They
the biochemical makeup of microorganisms? serve as a primary energy source for
(Also, try to discuss the four main categories of living organisms and are essential for
biomolecules) various physiological processes.
The importance of studying the Carbohydrates can be broadly categorized
biochemical makeup of microorganisms will help based on the number of carbon atoms they
us understand all life on this planet. The study of contain:
microbes is pivotal to understanding all living
 Triose: (3 carbon atoms)
 Tetrose: (4 carbon atoms)
Biochemistry  Pentose: (5 carbon atoms)
o is the science of studying chemical processes  Hexose: (6 carbon atoms)
in living organisms.
o it examines it structure, function, and QUESTION # 3
interactions of biomolecules like proteins,
Classification of Carbohydrates
nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids,
along with the metabolic pathways and  Monosaccharides
regulatory mechanisms of cells. -are simple sugar
-it cannot be degraded into simpler
products via hydrolysis reaction
4 main categories of biochemistry
-examples of monosaccharides are
 Carbohydrates glucose, fructose, and galactose
 Lipids  Disaccharides
 Proteins -contains two monosaccharides
 Nucleic acids covalently bonded to each other
-examples of disaccharides are sucrose,
The carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
lactose, and maltose
nucleic acids are 4 main categories of
 Oligosaccharides
biochemistry, it's because of their fundamental
- contains 3-10 monosaccharides
roles in living organisms and their abundance
covalently bonded
in biological systems.
- examples of oligosaccharides are sucrose, 3. Both reactions are catalyzed by specific
maltose, and cellobiose enzymes that facilitate the reactions.
 Polysaccharides
-have many monosaccharides units
covalently bonded Differences:
-examples of polysaccharides are starch,
1. Dehydration synthesis is a reaction that
glycogen, and cellulose
involves the formation of a new molecule by
removing a water molecule. It is a
condensation reaction where two smaller
molecules combine to form a larger
The similarities and differences between a molecule. On the other hand, hydrolysis is a
dehydration synthesis reaction and a hydrolysis reaction that involves the breakdown of a
reaction and the examples of these reactions in larger molecule into smaller molecules by
biochemistry. the addition of a water molecule.

Dehydration synthesis reactions Example in biochemistry:

o build molecules up and generally require Dehydration synthesis is involved in the

energy formation of complex carbohydrates like
glycogen. When individual glucose
Hydrolysis reactions
molecules combine through dehydration
o break molecules down and generally release synthesis, a glycosidic bond is formed,
energy. resulting in the formation of glycogen.
Hydrolysis, on the other hand, is involved in
Carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids
the breakdown of glycogen into individual
are built up and broken down via these types of
glucose molecules when the body needs
reactions, although the monomers involved are
different in each case.
2. Dehydration synthesis reactions are
anabolic, meaning they build larger
1. Both dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis molecules from smaller ones, requiring
are chemical reactions that involve the energy input. Hydrolysis reactions are
breaking and forming of chemical bonds. catabolic, meaning they break down larger
molecules into smaller ones, releasing
2. They are both involved in the metabolism of
biomolecules and play crucial roles in
maintaining the balance of molecules within Example in biochemistry:
living organisms.
Dehydration synthesis is involved in the
formation of proteins from amino acids.
When amino acids combine through create a stable structure that forms the
dehydration synthesis, a peptide bond is genetic code.
formed, resulting in the formation of a
Glycosidic Bond
protein. Hydrolysis, on the other hand, is
involved in the breakdown of proteins into o Link sugar molecules by sharing an
individual amino acids during digestion. oxygen atom.
o In carbohydrates, such as starch or
3. Dehydration synthesis reactions are
glycogen, glycosidic bonds connect
endergonic, meaning they require energy to
individual unit, forming larger, complex
proceed. Hydrolysis reactions are exergonic,
meaning they release energy.
o This linkage is vital for energy storage
Example in biochemistry: and release.
Dehydration synthesis is involved in the Peptide Bond
formation of lipids from glycerol and fatty acids.
o A peptide bond forms when the
When glycerol and fatty acids combine through
carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts
dehydration synthesis, ester bonds are formed,
with the amino group of another.
resulting in the formation of lipids. Hydrolysis, on
o This linkage repeats to create a
the other hand, is involved in the breakdown of
lipids into glycerol and fatty acids for energy polypeptide chain, the foundation of
utilization. proteins.
o The unique sequence of amino acids in
These are just a few examples of how a protein determines its structure and
dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions function.
are involved in biochemistry. They are essential o This bond shapes the structure of
processes that help maintain the balance and proteins, and different sequences of
functionality of biomolecules within living these bonds make different proteins
organisms. with specific jobs in our bodies.

Biomolecules & Bond Types

QUESTION # 5 Carbohydrates–Glycosidic bonds, linking
Differentiate Covalent bond, Glycosidic and sugar molecules.
Peptide bond. Proteins–Composed of peptide bonds,
Covalent Bond linking amino acids.

o sharing of electrons between atoms. Lipids–Ester Bond especially triglycerides

o In biomolecules, the covalent bonds found that are crucial for energy storage.
in the backbone of DNA and RNA are Ester Bond–An ester bond is a type of
PHOSPHODIESTER BONDS. These bonds chemical linkage formed between a
carboxylic acid group and an alcohol group. Two types
It's like a zipper that holds together two
 Saturated - single bond
parts in a molecule.
 Unsaturated - double bond
–act like tiny locks in the chemistry of fats.
Unsaturated consist:
Nucleic Acid–The backbone of DNA and
 Monounsaturated - one carbon-
RNA consists of phosphodiester bonds.
carbon double bond is present.
 Poly unsaturated - two or more
carbon-carbon double bonds are
Try to discuss the basic definition of lipid.
Then ask volunteers who will discuss the
following types of lipids: FAs, waxes and oil, o Consistent of saturated fatty acid
phospholipids, glycolipid, and steroids. with higher molecular weight
o An organic compound found in living
organisms. o In a solid state, semi solid at room
o Soma lipids are most insoluble in water temperature
but in soluble in fat solvent. o Source: animals

Example of fat solvent Oil

 Acetone o Liquid at room temperature

 Benzene o Source: plants and fish oil
 Ether
 Chloroform
o Composed of glycerol
Types of Lipids
o The head of phospholipids is
Fatty Acids hydrophilic head and tail is
o These are essential components of many hydrophobic tail that consist of two
complex lipid molecules and serve as a fatty acid: saturated and
cellular energy source unsaturated.)
o Occurring naturally mono carboxylic acid. (Glycerol- is naturally occurring
(Mono carboxylic - Are one COOH alcohol)
functional group.)
Two types cells and tissues, transporting molecules
within cells and throughout the body, and
 Glycerophospholipid - most abundant lipid
serving as signaling molecules. They are
in cell membrane
crucial for the functioning of organisms and
 Sphingolipids- are phospholipids that
are found in every cell, tissue, and organ.
contain 18 carbon alcohols called
sphingosine found in the brain and nerves. Amino acid

o molecules that combine to form

Examples of proteins foods:
o Abundant in the brain and in the myelin
sheaths of nerve.  eggs
 yogurt
Two types
 fish and seafood
 Cerebroside -simple sphingoglycolipids  beans and other foods of proteins
 Ganglioside- complex sphingoglycolipids.
Why are proteins important?

o required for the structure, function, and

Steroid regulation of the body's tissues and
o Is an organic compound with four fused
rings arranged in a specific molecular
o Steroids do is reduce redness and swelling.

Discuss the basics of protein structures

(primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary)
Try to discuss the basic definition of a protein.
Basics of Protein Structures
Then, ask the members what they think
whenever they hear the word 'protein' o Proteins are complex molecules essential for
the structure, function, and regulation of the
body's tissues and organs.
o Is a large biomolecule composed of one or o The structure of a protein is crucial as it
more long chains of amino acids, which are determines its function.
the building blocks of life. o Proteins have four levels of structural
o Play essential roles in various biological organization:
processes, such as catalyzing biochemical
reactions, providing structural support to
Primary Structure: QUESTION #9

o This level refers to the linear sequence of Define enzymes and discuss the roles of
amino acids that make up a protein. The
enzymes have in metabolism
sequence is determined by the genetic code
and plays a fundamental role in defining the Enzymes
protein's overall structure and function.
o are known as biologic catalysts.
Secondary Structure: o are proteins that catalyze (speed up or
accelerate) the rate of biochemical
o Refers to the local folding patterns within a
protein chain.
o In some cases, the reaction will not
o The two main types of secondary structures
occur at all in the absence of the
are alpha helices and beta sheets, which are
enzyme. Thus, a complete definition of a
stabilized by hydrogen bonds between
biologic catalyst would be a protein that
amino acids along the chain.
either causes a particular chemical
Tertiary Structure: reaction to occur or accelerates.
o A particular enzyme can only catalyze
o Describes the three-dimensional
one particular chemical reaction.
arrangement of the entire protein
o In most cases, a particular enzyme can
molecule. It results from interactions
only exert its effect or act on one
between amino acid side chains, leading to
particular substance known as the
the formation of a complex 3D shape.
substrate for that enzyme.
o The unique three-dimensional shape of
Quaternary Structure:
the enzyme enables it to fit the
o Is the arrangement of multiple protein
combining site of the substrate, much
subunits (polypeptide chains) into a
like a key fit into a lock.
functional, biologically active protein
o This level of organization is seen in
proteins composed of more than one
polypeptide chain. “What makes an enzyme active? What
components of enzymes are required for it
to be active?”. Make sure that the terms
apoenzyme, cofactor, coenzyme, and
substrate are mentioned and

o are biological catalysts that facilitate o are organic molecules that work with
chemical reactions in living organisms. enzymes to facilitate catalysis. They
often act as carriers of specific
The activity of an enzyme is primarily
functional groups or electrons during
determined by its active site, where the
enzymatic reactions, aiding in the
substrate binds and undergoes a chemical
conversion of substrates into products
Several components of enzymes are crucial
for their activity: o The substrate is the molecule upon
which an enzyme act. It binds to the
Active Site:
active site of the enzyme, initiating the
o The active site is the region of an catalytic process by forming an
enzyme where substrate molecules bind enzyme-substrate complex
and interact to catalyze a specific
chemical reaction.
o It consists of amino acid residues that QUESTION #11
form temporary bonds with the
Discuss nucleic acid
substrate, creating a unique chemical
environment for the reaction to occur Nucleic Acids
o are made of biopolymers
o The protein component of an enzyme o biopolymers is a kind of polymers that
without its cofactor or coenzyme is are produced by derived living
known as the apoenzyme. The organism
apoenzyme alone may not be o are repeated sets of monomers that
catalytically active until it binds with its create nucleotides, which form of
required cofactor or coenzyme nucleic acids.
Cofactor: There are two types of Nucleic Acids:
o Are inorganic ions or non-protein  DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid, double
organic molecules that assist enzymes stranded and sugar ribose.
in their catalytic activity. They can be  RNA- ribonucleic acid, single stranded,
metal ions like zinc or organic and sugar deoxyribosomal.
compounds that bind to the enzyme
In DNA, there are four bases:
and participate in the reaction
 Adenine
 Thymine
 Cytosine
 Guanine

What is the differences between DNA
Three important differences between the nucleotides and RN nucleotides?
structures of DNA and RNA. The differences
DNA nucleotides
of DNA and RNA in terms of their functions.
o contain a sugar called deoxyribose
3 important differences between the
o deoxyribose lacks one oxygen
structures of DNA and RNA are:
o double-stranded
Sugar: o forming a twisted ladder-like
o DNA contains deoxyribose sugar, while structure called a double helix
RNA contains ribose sugar. Ribose has
one more hydroxyl group than
RNA nucleotides
o contain a sugar called ribose.
o single-stranded.
Base Pairing:

o DNA base pairs include adenine (A) with Both DNA and RNA nucleotides have three
thymine (T) and cytosine (C) with guanine common bases:
(G).  Adenine (A)
o RNA base pairs include A with uracil (U)  Cytosine (C)
and C with G  Guanine (G).
Structure: However, DNA uses Thymine (T) as its fourth
base, while RNA uses Uracil (U) instead of
o DNA is a double-stranded helix, while
RNA is a single-stranded molecule
These differences in sugar
In terms of their functions, DNA is
component, bases, and structure give DNA
responsible for storing and transferring
and RNA distinct functions in the cell. DNA
genetic information, while RNA directly
serves as the genetic material, carrying and
codes for amino acids and acts as a
storing the instructions for building and
messenger to deliver genetic information
maintaining an organism. RNA, on the other
necessary for protein synthesis
hand, plays various roles, such as
transferring genetic information from DNA
to protein synthesis machinery, catalyzing o This process is like making a copy of a
biochemical reactions, and regulating gene book. DNA replication occurs before a
expression. cell divides to ensure each new cell
receives a complete set of genetic
The key differences between DNA and RNA
nucleotides lie in their sugar component,
o Imagine DNA as a double-stranded
bases, and structure, which contribute to
ladder. Enzymes unwind the ladder,
their unique functions in the cell.
separating the two strands.
o Special proteins called DNA
QUESTION #14 polymerases then add new
nucleotides (A, T, C, and G) to each
Define what is meant by the term “Central separated strand, following the
Dogma” and its importance in microbiology. sequence of the original DNA. This
Central dogma results in two identical DNA
molecules, each with one old strand
o is a flow of information in cells. and one new strand.
o theory that states genetic information
flows in only one direction from the 2. Transcription:
DNA, to RNA, to protein or RNA directly o Transcription is like making a copy of
to protein. a specific chapter from a book. Here,
o once information had gone from DNA DNA is used as a template to make
into the protein, it could not get out of RNA.
the protein and go back into the genetic o RNA polymerase, a special enzyme,
code. binds to the DNA at a specific
Its importance in biology: starting point called the promoter
o provides the basic framework for how o The DNA unwinds, and the RNA
genetic information flows from a DNA polymerase starts reading the DNA
sequence to a protein product inside sequence, adding complementary RNA
cells nucleotides (A, U, C, and G) to form a
single-stranded RNA molecule. It only
copies the portion of DNA needed for a
QUESTION #15 particular gene.
Basic processed of DNA replication, o Once the RNA polymerase reaches
transcription, translation: the end of the gene or a termination
signal, transcription stops, and the
1. DNA Replication: newly formed RNA molecule is
3. Translation: Source of energy

o Translation is like assembling a protein The terms "phototroph" and "chemotroph"

from instructions found in the copied describe the sources of energy that an
chapter (mRNA). organism uses.
o mRNA (messenger RNA) carries the
genetic information from DNA to the
ribosomes, the cellular machinery for o are organisms that obtain energy from
protein synthesis. sunlight through the process of
o Ribosomes read the mRNA in sets of photosynthesis
three nucleotides called codons. Each o converts light energy into a chemical
codon codes for a specific amino acid. energy which is photosynthesis
o Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carry
amino acids to the ribosome. The tRNA
anticodon matches the mRNA codon, o Use chemicals as a source of energy
ensuring the correct amino acid is added Two categories:
to the growing protein chain.
o As the ribosome moves along the  Chemolithotrophs
mRNA, it links the amino acids together -are organisms that use inorganic
to form a protein chain. chemicals as a source of energy
o Translation stops when the ribosome  Chemoorganotrophs
encounters a stop codon on the mRNA. -are organisms that use organic
Then, the completed protein is released. chemicals as a source of energy

Source of Carbon

Two primary categories of organisms

[ MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS ] classified based on their source of carbon.
Microbial physiology  Autotrophs
o is the study of how microorganisms -use carbon dioxide (CO2) as their sole
function at the cellular and molecular source of carbon
levels, exploring their metabolic,  Heterotrophs
genetic, and regulatory processes. -are organisms that use organic
o Topics include metabolism, Enzyme, compounds other than CO2 as their
Mutation, and gene carbon source

All organisms required a source of energy, a Enzymes

source of carbon, and additional nutrients.
o are proteins that act as biological o extracellular enzyme
catalysts, speeding up chemical o is an enzyme that is secreted by a cell
reactions in living organisms. and functions outside that cell
o are produced by both prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells and have been shown to
o refers to the protein part of an enzyme, be a crucial component of many
which alone does not have catalytic biological processes.

Biochemical pathway
o refers to a non-protein molecule that
o also called a metabolic pathway
binds to the apoenzyme and is
o is a series of enzyme-mediated reactions
necessary for the enzyme's catalytic
where the product of one reaction is
used as the substrate in the next.
Aerobic respiration
o When an apoenzyme combines with its
o is a biochemical process that occurs in
the presence of oxygen and involves the
o is the functional, catalytically active
breakdown of organic molecules (such
form of the enzyme
as glucose) to produce energy in the
An enzyme can catalyze multiple types of form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
reactions, but only one at a time. Each
It has 3 main phases / stages
enzyme is specific, catalyzing only one type
of reaction in a single compound or a group  Glycolysis
of structurally related compounds. - is the metabolic pathway that converts
glucose into pyruvate. Occurs in the
cytosol and is oxygen-independent.
Two types of enzymes that differ in their  Krebs cycle
location and function within an organism. - pyruvic acid molecules produce during
 Endoenzymes
 Electron transport chain
 Exoenzymes
- During the electron transport chain, the
Endoenzyme electrons carried by NADH and FADH₂,
o also known as an intracellular enzyme which were produced in earlier stages of
cellular respiration (glycolysis and the
o is an enzyme that functions within the
Krebs cycle), are transferred through a
cell in which it was produced.
series of protein complexes (including
Exoenzyme NADH dehydrogenase, cytochrome bc1
complex, and cytochrome c oxidase) in o in the context of bacteria, an R-
the inner mitochondrial membrane. As factor is a group of genes present in
the electrons pass through these some bacteria that provide a basis
complexes, energy is released and used for resistance to antibiotics and can
to pump protons (H⁺ ions) from the be transferred from cell to cell by
mitochondrial matrix into the conjugation.
intermembrane space, creating an
electrochemical gradient. 3. Superbugs
o are strains of bacteria, viruses,
Oxidation-reduction reactions
parasites, and fungi that are resistant
o processes in which one substance loses to most of the antibiotics and other
electrons, termed as oxidation, and medications commonly used to treat
other gains electrons, referred to as the infections they cause.
reduction, are crucial. o can cause various infections such as
pneumonia, urinary tract infections,
and skin infections.
o is the process by which plants, algae,
and some bacteria convert light energy 4. Mutation
into chemical energy stored in glucose. o is a change in the DNA sequence of
This process involves two stages: the an organism.
light-dependent reactions and the o can result from errors in DNA
Calvin cycle. replication during cell division,
exposure to mutagens, or a viral
1. Plasmid infection.
o is a small, circular piece of DNA that o can have different effects on the
is different from the chromosomal function, expression, or structure of
DNA, which is all the genetic the gene product.
material found in an organism’s 5. Mutant
chromosomes. o an organism that is different from
o it replicates independently of others of its type because of a
chromosomal DNA. permanent change in its genes. This
o plasmids are mainly found in change can be a result of a mutation.
bacteria, but they can also be found 6. Mutagen
in archaea and multicellular o a chemical or physical agent capable
organisms. of inducing changes in DNA called
2. R-factor
o Exposure to a mutagen can produce 'lysogeny'. The bacteriophage, ``now
DNA mutations that cause or referred to as a prophage, the
contribute to certain diseases. bacteriophage has the ability to bring new
genes to the bacterium, enabling it to
Beneficial mutation
produce toxins and acquire other new traits.
o is a type of mutation that has a positive Through this process, a harmless bacterium
effect on an organism. can become a harmful pathogen
o are rare, but significant
o are key to the process of evolution, as
they help organisms adapt to changing 2. Transduction: This is another process that
environments and increase their involves bacteriophages. A bacteriophage
chances of survival and reproduction. accidentally transfers bacterial DNA—rather
than its own viral DNA—into its capsid, a
Harmful mutations
protein shell, during transduction. This
o are changes in an organism's DNA that bacteriophage transfers genes from one
negatively impact the function of a bacterium to another by injecting the
gene or the health of the organism. bacterial DNA it unintentionally packaged
o When these mutations affect genes into the host bacterium.
coding for enzymes, they can lead to
the production of nonfunctional
enzymes and cause a variety of health 3. Transformation: Through this process, a
problems. bacterium absorbs DNA from its
surroundings. Usually, the DNA is derived
A nonfunctional enzyme is unable to from deceased and divided bacteria. The
catalyze the chemical reaction that it would bacterium can acquire new characteristics if
normally catalyze if it were functional. it inserts this DNA into its own
Silent mutation chromosome.

o is a change in the DNA sequence that

doesn't affect the protein produced. 4. Conjugation: Through a structure known
o are often neutral but can sometimes as a pilus, two bacteria are connected in this
influence how genes are expressed process, and one of the bacteria gives the
other a copy of a plasmid, which is a tiny,
Ways in which bacteria acquire genetic circular piece of DNA. Antibiotic resistance
is one of the traits that conjugation can
1. Lysogenic Conversion: This occurs when a cause to spread quickly through a bacterial
bacteriophage (a type of virus that infects population.
bacteria) integrates its DNA into the
bacterial chromosome, a stage known as

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