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Questions (I advise using my handwritten notes to help with these questions)


(a) Explain what is meant by the term isomerism.

Isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula, but with different displayed formulas.
(b) The displayed formula of heptane (C7H16) is

Which one of the displayed formulae below does not represent an isomer of heptane?
Place a cross ( ) in the box to indicate your answer.
(c) Heptane belongs to a homologous series of compounds called alkanes.
The general formula of the alkanes is CnH2n+2
(i) Heptene belongs to a homologous series of compounds called alkenes.
Give the general formula of the alkenes.
C nH 2n (1)
(ii) Complete the following diagram to show the structural formula of heptene (C 7H14) by inserting lines to
represent the covalent bonds between the carbon atoms.

(d) When heptene is added to bromine water, and the mixture is shaken, a reaction occurs.
State the type of reaction and give the colour of the bromine water before and after the reaction with
heptene. (Look in my handwritten notes to help with this)
Type of
before .....................................................................................................................................................................
after ........................................................................................................................................................................
(e) Explain, in terms of the bonds present, why heptane is described as saturated and heptene as
Heptene is described as unsaturated because two atoms can join onto half of the carbon = carbon (2)
double bond when it opens up. In other words they potentially have spare bonds to link up with
other atoms and alkanes cannot do this, while heptane
(Total for Question = 11 marks)

A teacher explained the different types of formula used in organic chemistry, using
ethene as an example.

(a) Use this example to help you write the formulae described below.
(i) The empirical formula of methane
CH4 (1)

(ii) The molecular formula of ethane

C2H4 (1)

(iii) The structural formula of propane

CH3CH2CH3 (1)

(iv) The displayed formula of butane


(b) All the compounds in part (a) belong to the same homologous series and have the
same general formula.
(i) State the name of this homologous series.
Alkanes (1)

(ii) State the general formula of this homologous series.

CnH2 n+2 (1)

(iii) State two characteristics of the compounds in a homologous series, other than
having the same general formula.
1 They have a common general method of preparation.
They have almost the same chemical properties due to same functional

(c) All the compounds in part (a) are hydrocarbons. They can undergo complete
combustion when burned in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.
(i) Write a chemical equation for the complete combustion of propane (C3H8).
C3H8(g)+5O2(g)→3CO2(g)+4H2O(g). (2)

(ii) Identify one solid product and one gaseous product that could form during the
incomplete combustion of propane.
Solid product
Gaseous product
Carbon Monoxide

(d) The displayed formula of pentane is

Draw a displayed formula for each of the two isomers of pentane.


(Total for question = 14 marks)


Crude oil is an important source of organic compounds.

(a) The diagram shows how crude oil is separated into fractions in the oil industry.

(i) What happens to the crude oil in A?

It gets heated up by the furnace to its boiling point so it will evaporate.



(ii) Most of the compounds in crude oil are hydrocarbons.

What is meant by the term hydrocarbons?

A compound of hydrogen and carbon, such as any of those which are the chief
components of petroleum and natural gas.

(iii) Compare the hydrocarbons in fractions D and F in terms of

 boiling point
 size of molecules
 viscosity
The boiling point of D will be higher than the boiling point of F because the particles with the
greater energy will move up the fraction as they are denser. As the boiling point of D is higher, this
also means the size of molecules are bigger than F, as the bigger the molecules, the bigger the
amount of energy needed to overcome the intermolecular forces that hold them together.
However, the viscosity of D is lower than F.







(b) Some of the fractions are catalytically cracked. The general equation for some reactions in this process is

alkane → alkane + alkene

(i) State two conditions used in catalytic cracking. (Look up cracking in my handwritten notes)
A temperature of approximately 550°C
1 .............................................................................................................................................


A catalyst known as a zeolite which contains aluminium oxide and silicon oxide.
2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(ii) How does the bonding in an alkene molecule differ from the bonding in an alkane molecule?
Alkenes simple means there is a double bond somewhere in the molecular structure of the
carbon molecule. Where as alkane means that, that carbon molecule has single bonds all

(iii) The chemical equation for one cracking reaction is (Tricky: hint…the number of each type of atom
MUST be the same on both sides of the equation)
C16H34 → C8H18 + 2C3H6 + compound Q
Deduce the molecular formula of Q.

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