Fin 254 Course Outline

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School of Business


Instructor : Mirza M. Ferdous (MzF) Email :
Office : NAC 972 Tel : 01720666222
Office Hours : MW 11.00 AM – 1:00 PM & 4.30 PM – 6:30 PM
ST 4.30 PM – 6:30 PM (OR by appointment only)
Required Texts:

 Gitman,L.J.,”Principles of Managerial Finance”,11th Edition, Harper Collins

Course Objective:

Welcome to FIN-254. This course is designed to provide students with a detailed understanding of the
fundamentals of managerial and corporate finance and the proper tools and techniques of financial
management using an integrated framework for describing and analyzing the business market. The course
deals with financial mathematics, the environment of managerial finance, and financial planning and
analysis. Additionally, the course discusses the relationships between financial institutions and markets, and
the role and operations of a financial manager in a corporate, money market, and capital market
environment. The overview of financial management is further reinforced through student projects,
assignments, and case studies.

Course Description:

FIN 254 is a major step for you towards one of the most challenging and potentially rewarding business
concentrations. Finance is a complicated, challenging, and extremely organized curriculum. In many ways,
this class will be a major contributing factor towards your decision regarding which BBA concentration you
will choose. Regardless of whether you are a finance, accounting, management, operations management or
marketing major, this course will be valuable throughout your business career. I will make this class creative,
interesting, and fun, but it will also be fast paced, challenging, and intense. Please come prepared to class
and attend ALL lectures. This class will focus on cooperative learning, i.e. you are encouraged to participate
as much as you can. Share your thoughts and ideas, your viewpoints regarding financial management, and
most importantly, if you have a question, ASK ME! I am available during office hours, and by email and

Course Outline:

 Lectures - Every lecture will have a chapter reference in your textbook. Additional lecture materials
will be provided through handouts and web-references. You MUST take notes in class.
 Assignments - Students will need internet access to complete certain take home assignments.
Assignments will mostly involve case studies discussed in class. Certain assignments may be
followed by in-class multimedia presentations.
 Exams - The lecture-quiz schedule will be announced in class. Please refer to the course schedule
for additional exam information.

Assessment & Grading

Students will be graded according to the standard NSU grading policy.
Distribution of Marks
Class performance 5%
Attendance 5%
Assignments 15%
Quizzes 10%
Midterm I 20%
Midterm II 20%
Final Exam 25%
TOTAL 100%
Rules & Regulations

 Attendance is mandatory for this class. Attendance counts towards your grade, so try not to miss
classes. If there is an emergency and you are forced to miss a class, please see me during office
hours for make up information. If you miss 3 classes in a row, you will loose all attendance points.
 Come to class on time – I will deduct participation points for students coming late to class.
 Put your mobile phones on vibrate during classes, if you have to take a call, please leave the
classroom. If you phone rings in class, you will loose class-performance points.
 Class performance points will also be based on class participation- I encourage cooperative
learning, so please share your ideas and ask/answer questions. Furthermore, your behavior in the
classroom will contribute to your class performance points.
 All students are required to bring a scientific calculator to class.
 There will be no make-up quizzes, if you miss a quiz, you will not be allowed a make up quiz.
However, under certain circumstances a quiz can be made up with an extra take-home
 If you miss a mid-term exam, your make-up will be decided comprehensively with the next exam.
 Any form of cheating, plagiarism, and disruptive behavior will result in an F. Please consult the
NSU standard policy for students for specific information on this.

Lecture Outline

You will be provided handouts for certain lectures, however, there will be course material discussed in class
that will not be in the handouts. Please take notes in class. All lectures will have chapter references in your
textbook. This is the tentative chapter and subject coverage for each exam. This outline is subject to change
depending on class performance. Dates for exams will be announced in class.


Chapters 1 – 3
 Introduction to managerial finance
 Financial statements and analysis
 Cash flow and financial planning


Chapters 4-7
 Time value of money
 Risk and return
 Interest rates and bond value
 Stock value


Chapters 8-10
 Capital budgeting cash flow and techniques
 Risks and refinements in capital budgeting
 Lectures and case studies

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