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Risk-Based Method for Selecting Bridge Scour

Peggy A. Johnson1 and Sue L. Niezgoda2

Abstract: Bridge engineers are often faced with the task of selecting and designing effective bridge scour countermeasures. The
selection of an appropriate countermeasure is dependent on whether the problem is local scour at the pier or abutment, contraction scour
across the bed at the bridge opening, reach-wide channel degradation, or lateral channel movement. Confidence in a given countermeasure
depends on prior experience in using the measure, cost, maintenance, and the ability to detect failure. The use of countermeasures often
introduces uncertainty due to a lack of systematic testing and unknown potential for failure. In this paper, a risk-based method for ranking,
comparing, and choosing the most appropriate scour countermeasures is presented using failure modes and effects analysis and risk
priority numbers 共RPN兲. Failure modes and effects analysis incorporates uncertainty in the selection process by considering risk in terms
of the likelihood of a component failure, the consequence of failure, and the level of difficulty required to detect failure. Risk priority
numbers can provide justification for selecting a specific countermeasure and the appropriate compensating actions to be taken to prevent
failure of the countermeasure.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2004兲130:2共121兲
CE Database subject headings: Risks; Scour; Bridges.

Introduction tematic decision-making process for selection based on various

risk factors is not provided. In this paper, we present a risk-based
There are many techniques, measures, and practices available for method for ranking, comparing, and choosing the most appropri-
countering scour at existing bridge piers and abutments. Scour ate scour countermeasures using failure modes and effects analy-
countermeasures can be categorized into three groups: armor, hy- sis 共FMEA兲 and risk priority numbers 共RPNs兲. Examples of ap-
draulic control, and grade control. The selection of the various plying the method will be developed for several scenarios at
countermeasures is dependent on the application and whether the bridges.
problem is local scour at the pier or abutment, contraction scour
across the bed at the bridge opening, reach-wide channel degra- Bridge Scour and Scour Mitigation
dation, or lateral channel movement or widening. The feasibility Bridge scour can be categorized as: 共1兲 channel degradation, 共2兲
of and confidence in each of the various countermeasures is a contraction scour, and 共3兲 local scour. Guidance on predicting
function of several factors, including effectiveness, cost, mainte- each type of scour is given in HEC-18 共Richardson and Davis
nance, and the ability to detect failure. Some countermeasures 2001兲, although many other prediction methods exist in the litera-
have been systematically tested, while others may have been ture. The three types of scour are typically assumed to be inde-
laboratory tested, but not field tested. Still others are not trusted pendent so that the total scour at a bridge is simply the sum of the
by highway agency personnel. There is a wide range of costs three.
associated with the initial design and construction of the measures Channel degradation is typically a longer-term erosion that
as well as the maintenance costs. The ability to detect failure or would occur whether or not the bridge was in place. Degradation
impending failure of scour countermeasures is important to assur- is a naturally occurring process, but can be accelerated by human
ing that the bridge will be protected during high flow events. activities, such as construction, channel modifications, and urban-
Hydraulic Engineering Circular 23 共HEC-23兲 共Lagasse et al. ization. This often causes the channel to become unstable and
2001兲 is the Federal Highway Agency manual for scour counter- incise. Most alluvial channels experience long-term degradation;
measures. HEC-23 provides a very good summary of the uses and however, the engineer is typically concerned only with that which
applications of the countermeasures in the manual; however, occurs over the life of the bridge.
some countermeasures are not included in the manual and a sys- Contraction scour is a general lowering of the channel bed in
the vicinity of the bridge caused by contraction of the flow
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Penn State Univ., through the bridge opening. Flow contraction is caused by: 共1兲
University Park, PA 16802. E-mail:
piers and abutments occupying a portion of the waterway and 共2兲
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Penn State flood plain flow returning to the main channel where the bridge
Univ., University Park, PA 16802. E-mail: approaches block the flow across the flood plain. The resulting
Note. Discussion open until July 1, 2004. Separate discussions must
decrease in hydraulic area causes an increase in both the stream
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. velocity and bed shear stress, thus increasing sediment transport
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible capacity. The channel bed will continue to scour on the bed of the
publication on February 20, 2002; approved on July 23, 2003. This paper waterway opening until the shear stress provided by the flow is
is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 2, Feb- less than the shear stress required to move the channel bed mate-
ruary 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/2004/2-121–128/$18.00. rial.


Local scour is an abrupt decrease in bed elevation near a pier weirs. In the following paragraphs, each of these are briefly de-
or abutment due to erosion of the bed material. It is caused by the scribed.
obstruction to the normal flow pattern. Local scour is a compli- Small isolated submerged vanes, known as Iowa vanes, have
cated function of many factors, including the size and shape of been used for many years to deflect flows and sediment and to
the obstruction 共pier width or abutment length兲, the orientation of control spiral flow in bends and erosion at banks. In a variety of
the pier or abutment, flow depth and velocity, sediment size and experimental studies, Odgaard and Kennedy 共1983兲; Odgaard and
gradation, and bedforms present at flood conditions. Lee 共1984兲; and Odgaard and Mosconi 共1987兲 found that sub-
In addition to scour processes, bridge foundations can also be merged vanes were effective over a wide range of flow depths
adversely affected by channel widening and lateral migration. from two to eight times the vane height. The theory for the design
Both widening and lateral migration can affect the bridge foun- of Iowa vanes to control flow in bends was developed and tested
dations in the flood plain or overbank area as the channel widens by Odgaard and Wang 共1990兲 and was used to develop design
or encroaches on piers with shallower foundations or abutments charts. The discharge was determined not to be a primary design
set back into the flood plain. Channel instabilities can act in com- parameter; discharge is used only to determine velocity. Vanes are
bination with bridge scour to further undermine the safety of typically constructed from sheet pile or reinforced concrete
bridge foundations. founded on adequately deep pilings, but could also be made of
The type of protection that is used at a bridge depends on the large rocks or wood with footers of adequate depth to resist ero-
nature of the problem. Lagasse et al. 共2001兲 provide a comparison sional forces. The ability of submerged 共Iowa兲 vanes to reduce
of a selected group of countermeasures by qualitatively describ- scour at bridge piers was recently tested at the Univ. of Auckland
ing the functional application 共i.e., local scour, contraction scour, 共Lauchlan 1999兲. They found that the vanes could reduce scour at
and channel instability兲, suitable river environment 共river type the pier by up to 50%.
and size, flow conditions, and physical condition兲, maintenance, Bendway weirs are low elevation stone sills, very similar to
and installation experience. Clearly, the best method of protecting vanes, used to improve lateral stream stability and flow alignment
the bridge against scouring forces is to span the entire floodplain problems 共Lagassee et al. 2001兲. Bendway weirs are typically not
so that the flow hydraulics and sediment transport are uninter- visible at bankfull flow and redirect flow by causing it to pass
rupted. This also has environmental benefits, such as wildlife pas- perpendicularly over the weir. They are made from stone, tree
sage and continuity of the floodplain. For a new bridge, consid- trunks, or grout filled bags. Lagasse et al. 共2001兲, provide design
eration of such a structure is worthwhile; however, the cost of guidelines.
replacing multiple bridges with such large, expensive bridges is Guidebanks can be used when embankments encroach on wide
prohibitive. Thus, this section will focus on existing bridges flood plains. They provide a smooth transition of flow though
which are not slated for replacement. At existing bridges, the bridge openings, and thus, reduce turbulence and move scour
bridge engineer can choose from one of two categories of bridge away from the abutments 共Lagasse et al. 2001兲. Guidebanks are
foundation protection: 共1兲 armor the channel bed and banks or 共2兲 constructed from earthen materials, then covered with riprap to
alter the flow alignment. These methods can also be used in com- resist erosion. The height and length of a guidebank is a function
bination. Below we describe a selected group of these methods. of the design discharge. The top of the guidebank must be at least
at the elevation of the flow depth associated with the design dis-
charge 共i.e., the bridge capacity兲.
Armor Vanes, cross vanes, and w-weirs are stream restoration struc-
By far, the most common treatment for protecting bridges from tures promoted by Rosgen 共1996兲 to improve lateral stability and
scour is armor, particularly riprap. Other types of armor include flow alignment and, in the cases of cross vanes and w-weirs,
precast concrete units, grout filled bags, foundation extensions, provide some grade control on degrading beds. Like bendway
and concrete aprons. All of these measures armor the bed or bank weirs, these structures tend to be very effective in flow depths up
material against erosive forces. They do not break up vortices or to about five times their height. They were recently tested in a
redirect the flow. If sized, graded, and placed well, armor can be laboratory flume to assess their ability to move scour away from
a very effective measure for preventing scour at both piers and pier and abutment foundations, thereby reducing scour at bridges
abutments. However, for bridges with narrow waterway openings, 共Johnson et al. 2001, 2002兲. A single span bridge was modeled for
armor can cause further contraction of the waterway opening and testing vanes and cross vanes at an abutment and a double span
actually exacerbate scour. At vertical wall abutments, riprap and bridge was modeled for testing w-weirs at a bridge pier. The
other armor may be ineffective due to the steepness of the banks. results showed that scour at the pier or abutment was generally
reduced on the order of 65–90%, depending on flow conditions
and the structure configuration. The scour was moved away from
Flow Altering Devices the abutment or pier into the center of the channel. These struc-
There are two types of flow altering devices. One type is used to tures have not yet been systematically tested in the field and were
break up vortices and reduce high flow velocities, particularly tested in the laboratory for only two types of bridges; however,
upstream of a pier. Sacrificial piles, such as sheet or cylindrical preliminary design criteria for these structures and their appropri-
piles, are used for this purpose. Circular shields placed around the ate applications, in terms of bridge and stream types, are given in
base of the pier have also been used as a means of breaking up the Johnson et al. 共2001, 2002兲.
upstream vortices. These methods have proven rather ineffective
because appropriate placement for the 100-year flood is difficult Channel Realignment
or they may fail as shear stresses increase.
The second type of flow altering device includes measures that Realignment of the existing stream channel upstream from the
realign the flow to mitigate against local and contraction scour as bridge is sometimes necessary to reduce scour and improve the
well as bank widening and lateral migration. These measures in- conveyance capability of the bridge waterway opening. Such
clude Iowa vanes, bendway weirs, guidebanks, rock vanes, and channel modifications are often followed by channel adjustments,


including bed degradation and bank erosion, resulting in migra- The most common method of establishing prioritization
tion of the channel upstream of the bridge. The erosion of channel among failure modes is through the implementation of risk prior-
materials upstream frequently deposits at the downstream side of ity numbers. A RPN is a characteristic quantitative result from a
the bridge, forming a temporary or permanent bar in the channel. FMEA used to suggest the appropriate nature and extent of cor-
Thus, realignment is often followed by the use of scour counter- rective actions for failures at all levels of system scope. The RPN
measures described above, including armor and flow diversion is the product of the occurrence, consequence, and detectability
techniques. ratings of a given failure mode, although other factors may be
included in an advanced FMEA, such as associated cost and re-
quired resources to implement corrective actions 共Bluvband and
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Zilberberg 1998兲. Even though the ratings are somewhat arbitrary
There are a number of methods available for qualitatively, semi- labels rather than numbers representing explicit numeric quanti-
quantitatively, or quantitatively assessing the causes and effects of ties, the relative values can be compared and used to prioritize
a wide variety of factors in uncertain, complex systems and for failures. Failure modes having a high relative RPN 共i.e., a high
making decisions in light of uncertainty. These methods, includ- risk兲 are assumed to have a larger impact on system failure than
ing fault tree analysis, decision trees, and FMEA, are based on those with a lower RPN.
analyses of failures. A potential failure can be affiliated with a Use of the risk priority number can be highly subjective if the
failure cause, a failure mode, and a failure effect, although these criteria for determining its value and its implication toward cor-
are sometimes very unclear and difficult to define in real-life situ- rective adjustments are not adequately defined prior to conducting
ations 共Rao 1993兲. A failure mode is the manner in which a sys- the FMEA. Numerical values for consequence level, occurrence
tem or system component may fail to meet design intent frequency, and detectability need to be established as a prelimi-
共Bluvband and Zilberberg 1998兲. For a failure mode analysis of nary step to any analysis. Associating degrees of corrective action
any type, it is of paramount importance to first define what con- with ranges of RPNs prior to analysis requires establishing nu-
stitutes a system failure 共Krasich 2000兲. meric values for thresholds and cutoff points to define these
Failure modes and effect analysis is a qualitative procedure to ranges.
systematically identify potential component failure modes and as-
sess the effects of associated failures on the operational status of
the system 共Dushnisky and Vick 1996兲. Failure mode and effect Using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis to Select
analysis is performed prior to design implementation so that the Scour Countermeasures
risk of component or system failure can be assessed and changes
to the design implemented at low relative cost. The following are Failure modes and effect analysis is used here to illustrate a rela-
required to execute a FMEA 共McCollin 1999兲: tively simple risk-based technique for selecting scour counter-
• A hierarchical structure for the system illustrating all system measures. The design and implementation costs of countermea-
components, sures vary widely. The initial cost to design and implement a
• Failure modes of all components of the system, and given countermeasure is not accounted for in a FMEA. However,
• An objective criterion for implementing corrective action 共the budgetary constraints and project goals may dictate, to a certain
most commonly used being the risk priority number兲. extent, which countermeasures may be considered for a given
Due to the hierarchical nature of composite systems, failure bridge mitigation project. Thus, the selection of countermeasures
modes exist at differing levels of detail or scale; therefore, analy- to consider in the FMEA will should be based on a preliminary
sis of the system starts with failure at the lowest level of scope analysis of budgetary constraints, project goals, and other factors,
and describes how the next higher level is affected. such as site accessibility for construction equipment and rights of
In the past, FMEA has been used to advance the understanding way. There are several resources available to assist in the selec-
of complex electrical and mechanical systems including numer- tion of a cost-effective scour countermeasure 共Elias 1994; Stein
ous applications in nuclear safety 共e.g., McCormick 1981; Ameri- et al. 2000; Lagasse et al. 2001兲. Each of these references exam-
can Nuclear Society 1983; Fullwood and Hall 1988; Henley and ines the cost or allocation of resources needed to design and
Kumamoto 1992; Shimizu et al. 1993兲 and to evaluate and rank implement a scour countermeasure at a given bridge with a cer-
potential problems in manufacturing processes. Formulation of tain life expectancy.
the FMEA begins with identification of the system and all of its The basic setup for the FMEA is given in Table 1. Column 1
components 共Dushnisky and Vick 1996兲. Next, the range of pos- provides a selection of scour countermeasures, described above,
sible failure modes is defined as mutually exclusive, collectively as well as realignment of the channel since this technique may be
exhaustive events. Basic sources of failure modes typically in- used in combination with scour countermeasures. In Column 2,
clude documented case studies, laboratory experimentation, field the failure modes for each countermeasure are given based on
experience, and expert opinion. Once the failure modes are iden- experience, prior failures at other sites, and knowledge of channel
tified for each component of the system, their effects on the sys- adjustments. This column should include common modes of fail-
tem and other system components, consequences, likelihoods of ure observed for a given countermeasure. Clearly, the omission of
occurrence, methods of detection, and compensating provisions one or more failure modes will reduce the accuracy of the results.
共i.e., possible corrective actions兲 are listed. The system designer However, the application of this method will at least require that
subjectively chooses numeric ratings 共e.g., 1–10兲 for these crite- the user examine critical components and consider as many fail-
ria, with the largest values associated with the most severe con- ure modes as possible. This exercise can create an awareness of
sequence level and the highest likelihood of occurrence. By using possible failures that might otherwise have been overlooked. Col-
ratings for consequences and occurrences, in addition to a rating umns 3 and 4 describe the anticipated local and system-wide ef-
for detectability 共likelihood that the failure mode will be ob- fects, respectively, of the stated failure mode associated with a
served兲, failure modes can be prioritized to focus a greater level specific component. Column 5 describes methods for detecting
of effort on higher priority failures. failure based on field experience and documented case studies.


Table 1. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Example for a Selection of Scour Countermeasures
Effects on other Effects on whole Detection Compensating
Countermeasure Failure modes components system methods provisions
Riprap Slide down bank Slide into and Contracts flow Slumping of rock at Reduce bank slope;
slope disrupt function bank toe; unprotected use more angular or
of vanes, etc. upper bank smaller rock; use
granular filter
rather than
geotextile fabric
Displaced None Local erosion Rock moved Increase rock size;
downstream 共rock downstream from increase rock
undersized兲 original location gradation
Erosion beneath Sediment input Downstream Scalloping of upper Use gravel or fabric
共improper filter兲 buries other vanes, deposition, bank; bank cutting; filter beneath
etc. clogging of vacant spaces
waterway opening beneath and
between rocks

Rock vanes, w-weirs, Burial by incoming None or minimal Minimal Measure has a Reorient or
bendway weirs sediment lower profile; reposition measure;
vegetation growth decrease Q s *
Rapid lateral None or miniml May cause property Bank retreat at bank Armor opposite
migration away or infrastructure pins; proximity to bank; construct
from vane damage structures and/or vanes on opposite
survey marker bank upstream to
direct flow toward
Erosion of opposite Erosion around May erode at pier Bank retreat at bank Reorient or
bank other measures or opposite pins; raw banks; reposition measure
abutment undercutting of bank
Ineffective angles Minimal, nearby Minimal, may Scoured pool Rebrient or
measures may be cause design to be position incorrect; reposition measure
less effective less effective scour around bank-side
of vane
Displacement Nearby measures May not be Rock moved Increase rock size;
may be less effective in downstream from use gravel filter to
effective concentrating flow original location prevent
away from bank undermining

Submerged vanes Burial by incoming None or minimal Minimal Measure has a Reorient or
sediment lower profile; reposition measure;
vegetation growth decrease Q s *
Rapid lateral None or minimal May cause property Bank retreat at bank Armor opposite
migration away or infrastructure pins; proximity to bank; construct
from vane damage structures and/or vanes on opposite
survey marker bank upstream to
direct flow toward
Erosion of opposite Erosion around May erode at pier Bank retreat at bank Reorient or
bank other measures or opposite pins; raw banks; reposition measure
abutment undercutting of bank
Ineffective angles Minimal, nearby Minimal, may Scoured pool Reorient or
measures may be cause design to be position incorrect; reposition measure
less effective less effective scour around bank-side
of vane
Displacement Nearby measures Will not be able to Vane moved Use deeper
may be less redirect flow away downstream from foundation/rebar;
effective from bank and original location make sure footing
abutment material is adequate


Table 1. 共Continued兲
Grout bags Displaced None Local erosion Rock moved Increase rock size;
downstream 共rock downstream from increase rock
undersized兲 original location gradation
Erosion beneath Sediment input Downstream Scalloping of upper Use gravel or fabric
共improper filter兲 buries other vanes, deposition, bank; bank cutting; filter beneath
etc. clogging of vacant spaces
waterway opening beneath and
between rocks

Check dam End-around erosion Nearby measures Widening of Local scour along Plant woody
may be less channel; redirection mid- to upper bank vegetation at bank
effective of high shear at dam edge edge; add vanes
stresses upstream to direct
flow to center of
Undermining Other May permit headcut Underwater Riprap toe;
measures may to proceed to inspection; in situ construct ramped or
be destroyed bridge methods; exposed sloped toe
Channel Channel migration Burial of other Loss of property Bank retreat at bank Install vanes on
realignment measures; pins proximity to migrating side
undermining of structures and/or armor banks
other measures survey marker
Excessive Minimal Loss of conveyance Bar formation Install vanes and/or
deposition d/s of at bridge, increased narrowing of cross vanes;
bridge flooding channel narrow and/or
straighten channel
Note: Q s ⫽sediment discharge 共load entering restoration reach兲. Q s can be decreased at either the watershed or reach level, depending on the source of the
material. At the watershed level, steps must be taken to decrease sediment input into stream. At reach level, steps must be taken upstream of the project
reach to reduce bank widening and/or bed degradation.

Column 6 gives compensating provisions, or possible corrective size gradation, and properly installed 共Lagasse et al. 2001兲. How-
actions, should failure occur. Columns 1– 6 must be established ever, for applications such as riprap dumped at the base of vertical
prior to calculating RPNs and prior to taking action to reduce wall abutments, riprap frequently fails by displacement down-
uncertainty. stream during high flows. Sacrificial piles have been tested to
The calculation of RPNs requires that consequence, occur- determine their effectiveness in reducing scour at bridge piers
rence, and detectability ratings are first established. Tables 2– 4 共Chabert and Engeldinger 1956; Levi and Luna 1961; Paice and
were developed to provide these ratings for this example. The Hey 1993; Hadfield 1997兲. The results showed that piles placed
numerical range of rating values given in these tables are chosen upstream of a pier can be used to minimize scour; however the
arbitrarily 共for example, the range could be 1–100, 1–2, 0–1, effectiveness of these piles is often quite low since other factors
etc.兲. Here, the various factors are given ratings of 1–10. The may dominate 共Hadfield 1997兲.
failure or partial failure of a scour countermeasure can have both To illustrate the use of FMEA and RPNs in the selection of
safety and economic impacts. Thus, Table 2 reflects these out- scour countermeasures, three hypothetical examples have been
comes categorized into four levels of consequences. Table 3 pro- developed. It is not the goal of these examples to provide an
vides the occurrence likelihood as a function of prior experience, exhaustive list of countermeasures and failure modes for every
the level of testing, the effectiveness, and the durability of the scenario. Certainly, there are many more countermeasures and
countermeasure. A high level of systematic testing and analysis scenarios that could be included and further developed for differ-
will be reflected in a higher level of certainty in the ability of the ent circumstances. When applying FMEA to real bridge mitiga-
countermeasure to effectively protect against scour. The catego- tion projects, designers should consider all practical scour coun-
ries and ratings in Table 4 were based on the level of difficulty to termeasures and their failure modes. In the following examples,
detect failures, ranging from visual observations to installation of ratings of consequence, occurrence, and detectability are based on
equipment, such as pressure transducers. HEC-23, current literature, and prior experience. The examples
The effectiveness in protecting a bridge against scour can vary are developed for the purpose of illustrating the use of RPNs for
significantly among countermeasures. Lauchlan 共1999兲 found that risk-based decision making.
properly designed submerged vanes can reduce scour depths
around a pier by as much as 50%. Johnson et al. 共2001, 2002兲
Example 1. Flow Contraction at Single-Span Bridge
have shown that vanes, cross vanes, and w-weirs generally re-
duced scour on the order of 65–90%, depending on flow condi- At small, single-span bridges it is not uncommon for the abut-
tions and the structure configuration. Rock riprap has been found ments to be at or near the channel edge. In this case, roadway
to be very effective for certain applications in protecting bridge embankments cut off flood plain flow and all or part of the flow in
foundations from scour where it is of adequate size, of suitable the flood plain must return to the main channel to pass under the


Table 2. Consequence Categories
Outcomes of failure
category Loss of life Economic impact Rating
I 共Low兲 None Minimal replacement cost relative to project budget 1
Susceptibility to failure of other measures is not increased
No or minor impacts to public and/or private property
II 共Marginal兲 None Moderate replacement cost relative to project budget 4
Replacement of supporting or integrated enhancement measures required
Slight to moderate public and-or private property damage
共e.g. minor roadway embankments compromised兲
III 共High兲 None Moderate to high replacement cost relative to project budget 7
Replacement of a significant portion of the project
Failure of minor infrastructure, moderate to high public or private property damage
IV 共Critical兲 Possible High replacement cost relative to project budget 10
Replacement of a significant portion of the project
Failure of hydraulic or engineering infrastructure; loss of service provided
by infrastructure and/or public utilities; high public or private property damage

bridge. The result is often a combination of local scour around the and effectively in the field for bank erosion. Submerged vanes
abutments and contraction scour of the channel bed beneath the have been tested in the laboratory and in the field for at least one
bridge. Flood plain relief structures, such as flood plain culvert bridge. They have also been used effectively to treat bank erosion.
cells, may be an option to correct a flood plain that is cut off by a For both types of vanes, careful attention must be paid to con-
roadway embankment. However, as shown by Johnson and structing the correct angle from the bank. These issues are re-
Brown 共2000兲, this option can be quite costly and will not pro- flected in the occurrence rating in Table 5. Overall, submerged
duce desired results in all locations. Riprap is the most commonly vanes have the lowest set of RPNs of the three options and would
used solution to armor the banks and foundations. Guidebanks likely provide the best results for this case. Another option is to
can be used to promote a smooth flow through the waterway use both submerged vanes and riprap, since it is often difficult to
opening and protection from scour at the wingwalls of the bridge properly size riprap for application at the base of a vertical wall.
or culvert. However this option is prohibitively expensive and This would provide more certainty in terms of total protection.
will not be considered. Rock or submerged vanes may also be
used to transition the flow as smoothly as possible, concentrating
Example 2. Meandering Channel, Poor Alignment
the flow into the center of the channel beneath the bridge
共Johnson et al. 2001; 2002兲. A meandering channel migrates laterally or down valley, often
Table 5 provides the components and failure modes, ratings for causing channel misalignment at bridges. This can result in depo-
consequences, occurrences, and detectability and the RPNs calcu- sition at one abutment and increased local scour at the other abut-
lated as the product of the three ratings. Displacement of riprap ment, and a decrease in the waterway opening, resulting in in-
and ineffective angles of rock vanes and submerged vanes have creased contraction scour. There are basically two different
significantly higher RPNs than any other failure mode for any of options for this scenario. Submerged vanes can be used to pro-
the countermeasures. Thus, if riprap is to be used, special atten- duce deposition in the misaligned area and to gradually move the
tion should be given to sizing and placement of the riprap. Vanes channel back in line with the bridge opening. The second option
and cross vanes have not been systematically tested and docu- is to physically relocate the channel bank by backfilling and veg-
mented in the field for scour applications. However, they have etating the misaligned portion, moving the channel back into
been tested in a laboratory setting and have been used extensively alignment with the bridge or culvert. This option would then be
followed by either constructing rock or submerged vanes to keep
the flow in the new alignment or placing riprap to armor the
Table 3. Occurrence Likelihood effected bank.
Occurrence likelihood Rating Table 6 gives the RPN values for this example. The primary
difference between Examples 1 and 2 is that Example 2 includes
Impossible or has never occurred previously; well tested; 2 a second option that involves channel realignment. If this option
known to be effective treatment; low maintenance is used, there are several high RPNs. For the channel realignment,
Remotely possible; similar events may have occurred 4 a very high RPN results. To reduce the RPN, vanes or riprap can
previously; tested at many sites; moderately effective; low
Possible; has previously occurred rarely; tested at several sites; 6 Table 4. Detection Rating
appears to be effective treatment; moderate maintenance
Detection methods Rating
Probable; has previously occurred occasionally; not 8
systematically tested; effectiveness not well documented; high Simple visual from field inspection 1
maintenance Simple analysis from photo record, bank pins 4
Reasonably probable; has previously occurred frequently; never 10 Cross sectional or longitudinal surveys; sediment sampling 7
been tested in the field; effectiveness unknown; high Scour chains, pressure transducers, on other in-situ installations 10
maintenance required


Table 5. Risk Priority Numbers for Selected Countermeasures for Example 1
Consequence Occurrence Detection priority
Component Failure mode rating rating rating number
Riprap Slide down slope 4 6 1 24
Displaced downstream 共rock undersized兲 10 10 4 400
Erosion beneath 共improper filter兲 4 6 7 168

Vanes and cross vanes Burial by incoming sediment 4 6 1 24

Rapid lateral migration away from vane 7 4 4 112
Erosion of opposite bank 7 8 4 224
Ineffective angles 7 6 10 420
Displacement 4 8 4 128

Submerged vanes Burial by incoming sediment 4 6 1 24

Rapid lateral migration away from vane 7 4 4 112
Erosion of opposite bank 7 4 4 112
Ineffective angles 7 4 10 280
Displacement 10 4 4 160

be used following realignment. However, if the vane angle is not stream of the bridge. This would be caused by a change in base
correctly installed or if the riprap is undersized, the risk to the level downstream. For example, a downstream reach might have
project will remain quite high in terms of the relative RPN value. been straightened or a dam removed. w-weirs, cross vanes, and
Submerged vanes appear to be the best alternative based on the check dams can be used to slow or halt degradation both upstream
RPN values. However, gradual realignment may not be accept- and downstream of the bridge. It is also possible that other chan-
able to the bridge owner. In that case, the combination of channel nel modifications could be designed to lessen the slope; however,
realignment and vanes or riprap may be the best alternative. this will effect sediment transport and will require that sediment
transport and bridge scour analyses to be conducted first.
Example 3. Bed Degradation in Vicinity of Bridge Check dams have been used at many bridges across the coun-
or Culvert try to control degradation; thus, there is considerable experience
in their use. w-weirs and cross vanes, on the other hand, have not
If a channel is degrading or incising, grade control may be nec-
been well tested for this purpose 共or at least such testing has not
essary. If the degradation is moving from upstream of the bridge
been documented兲. The effectiveness of a check dam is consid-
toward the bridge, then grade control should be placed upstream
of the bridge. This would be the case if the sediment load from ered to be moderate. w-weirs are considered to be as effective as
upstream was decreased by detention or land use changes. If the vanes and cross vanes. Table 7 gives the RPN values for this
degradation is moving upstream toward the bridge from a down- example and shows that the RPN values for the check dam are
stream location, then the grade control should be placed down- lower. However, undermining of a check dam, which can cause

Table 6. Risk Priority Numbers for Selected Countermeasures for Example 2

Consequence Occurrence Detection priority
Component Failure mode rating rating rating number
Channel realignment Channel migration 10 8 7 560
Excessive deposition d/s of bridge 7 4 1 28

Riprap Slide down slope 4 6 1 24

Displaced downstream 共rock undersized兲 8 8 4 256
Erosion beneath 共improper filter兲 4 6 7 168

Vanes and cross vanes Burial by incoming sediment 4 6 1 24

Rapid lateral migration away from vane 7 4 4 112
Erosion of opposite bank 7 8 4 224
Ineffective angles 7 6 10 420
Displacement 4 8 4 128

Submerged vanes Burial by incoming sediment 4 6 1 24

Rapid lateral migration away from vane 7 4 4 112
Erosion of opposite bank 7 4 4 112
Ineffective angles 7 4 10 280
Displacement 10 4 4 160


Table 7. Risk Priority Numbers for Selected Countermeasures for Example 3
Consequence Occurrence Detection priority
Component Failure mode rating rating rating number
w-weirs or cross vanes Burial by incoming sediment 4 6 1 24
Rapid lateral migration away from vane 7 4 4 112
Erosion of opposite bank 7 8 4 224
Ineffective angles or heights 7 10 10 700
Displacement 4 8 4 128

Check dam End-around erosion 7 8 6 336

Undermining 10 4 10 400

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