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To Whom it May Concern:

It is my pleasure to recommend Kaylee Muenzhuber for the open teaching position within your
school district. I have been the Child Care Coordinator for Bluff View Elementary School in
Lake City, Minnesota for the last year. Kaylee has been a part of our Tiger Time staff since she
was in high school. Kaylee distinguishes herself from peers because of the care, initiative, and
level of responsibility she takes within her role.

Overall, Kaylee is very driven to meet the needs of the kids she works with. I regularly see her
fully engaged in conversation or activities with the children. Most days it would not be surprising
to see her down on their level working through an issue or modeling how to solve a problem.

Kaylee has excellent communication skills. In our program it is essential that my staff have the
confidence and ability to not only communicate with children and peers, but also with parents.
Kaylee not only has the ability to communicate clearly with parents, she also displayed
extremely positive characteristics that promoted relationships between herself and parents. It
was clear that parents knew who she was and that she could answer any question they brought
to her.

On a personal level, Kaylee has a pleasant personality. She goes well beyond our program lead
teacher requirements in the quantity and quality of her work, putting in extra preparation time
before our summer programming started last year to make sure all of our craft and stem projects
were ready to go. She is incredibly organized and is able to manage a room full of children.

Kaylee is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for the open teaching position in your school
district. She has proven herself to have the organization, initiative, and communication skills
necessary to meet the needs of children and families. I would therefore highly recommend
Kaylee Muenzhuber. If her performance in my program is a good indication of how she would
perform as a teacher, then she would be an extremely positive asset to your district.

If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle Seydel
Child Care Coordinator

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