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As you know I have been student teaching in Anthony’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Anthony and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Anthony, he told me he thinks he is good at math. I totally agree! I have loved
to see his math skills blossom and see him get quicker with math questions and more confident
in answering them. He also shared he feels more confident with reading. He is reading out loud
confidently and I have noticed him more often reading on his own. I have been very impressed
with his ability to pick up reading skills quickly! Anthony and I also talked about setting a goal
to work on these next few weeks. He wants to keep working on his letter shapes and putting
letters together to form words.

I have loved having Anthony as a part of my teaching journey and love his openness to keep
working on all these new skills he is learning!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Josie’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Josie and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Josie, she told me she thinks she is good at putting more details in her writing.
I totally agree! I have loved to see her writing skills blossom and she her being confident in
writing more in each of her paragraphs. She also told me she is good at art. She has such a
creative mind and her pictures she draws to go with her writing always blows me away. The goal
she set for herself is wanting to read more fluently. She has been working really hard in my
literacy centers and I have seen her reading by herself more. So these next few weeks we will be
working on her fluency!
I have loved having Josie as a part of my teaching journey and love her excitement she brings to
each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Rhys’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Rhys and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Rhys, he told me he thinks he is good at math, especially Prodigy. I agree! He
is alway on track and quick to answer in math and he is such an awesome role model to others
around him. He also told me he likes art where he can be creative and make new things. This is
such a fun thing that I would not have thought of right away, but he does have such a creative
mind and loves to write and share stories with me. Rhys’s goal he set for himself is he wants to
work on reading longer chapter books. This is a great goal for him and I am interested to see his
growth and comprehension as we add longer books into his book box.

I have loved having Rhys as a part of my teaching journey and I love how engaged and excited
he is each day in class!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Lily’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Lily and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.
When talking with Lily, she told me she thinks she likes and is good at reading and writing. I
totally agree! It has been awesome seeing her reading and writing skills blossom. She is writing
long paragraphs and adding lots of details to her writing. I have also seen her gain confidence in
her reading and loves reading to me! Lily’s goal she set for herself is wanting to be confident in
her math answers. She said she wants to be quicker and be confident in her math skills. I have
seen her working really hard in math and she loves the math pages we do!

I have loved having Lily as a part of my teaching journey and I love her kindness and excitement
to learn each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Ellis’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Ellis and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Ellis, he told me he thinks he is good at math. You can see Ellis loves to learn
and it is fun to see him excited about math each day! I notice he knows the math answers but is
still gaining confidence in himself to write the answers. He also told me he really likes the IB
units, especially researching about Evil Knevil! Ellis’s goal he set for himself is wanting to get
faster at reading and work on sounding out the words before reading them.

I have loved having Ellis as a part of my teaching journey and I love his love for school he brings
to the classroom!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Charlotte’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Charlotte and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Charlotte, she told me she thinks she is good at adding details to her writing. I
agree! I have loved seeing her writing blossom and her excitement to write longer paragraphs.
She also told me she likes and is good at math and feels confident when she answers math
problems. She likes to volunteer to answer in math which is so fun to see! Charlotte’s goal she
set for herself is about wanting to take care of her stuff. She said she doesn’t want to keep losing
her things and wants to make sure she is putting her work away. This made me laugh!

I have loved having Charlotte as a part of my teaching journey and I love her enthusiasm she
brings to the classroom each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in William’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know William and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking to William, he told me he thinks he is good at writing and has been proud to be
working on adding commas to his writing. I totally agree! I have loved to see his writing skills
take off and his excitement to add to his writing each day. He also told me he is good at math and
likes to work on harder math. I love how he wants to keep working on harder skills and I love his
willingness to help others with math! William’s goal he set for himself was to keep working on
new math skills and he wanted to work on talking less with friends during work time.

I have loved having William as a part of my teaching journey and I love his excitement about
learning new things in school!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)

Henry Pa.

As you know I have been student teaching in Henry’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Henry and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking to Henry, he told me he thinks he is good at fluency and comprehension in reading.
I agree! I have loved to see Henry’s confidence and fluency blossom and I have noticed his skills
in spelling have also grown! He also told me is proud of his writing specifically his handwriting.
Henry’s goal he set for himself is wanting to learn to spell new and hard words. In my literacy
center he loves to write all the new words we are learning and asks to give him harder words.
I have loved having Henry as a part of my teaching journey and I love how kind and encouraging
he is in the classroom!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Ella’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Ella and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking to Ella, she told me she thinks she is good at writing, especially the stories that go
with a picture. I agree! I have loved to see her writing skills blossom and her excitement to write
longer paragraphs! She also told me she is good at reading and she has been enjoying starting to
read chapter books. Ella’s goal she set for herself is wanting to learn how to spell new words.
Each day in my literacy center she is excited to write the new words we are learning on her own!

I have loved having Ella as a part of my teaching journey and I love how kind she is to others
and her bubbly nature she brings to the classroom each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)
Henry Pa.


As you know I have been student teaching in Henry’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Henry and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When I was talking to Henry, he told me he thinks he is good at spelling and learning new words
in his literacy center. I agree! He works hard in my literacy center and shows excitement learning
new words each day! He also told me is excited to start to read longer chapter books during
independent reading. Henry’s goal he set for himself is to work in his handwriting. I have noticed
it has been getting better in his paragraphs, but sometimes in his worksheets he seems to forget
about making his letters all the same size.

I have loved having Henry as a part of my teaching journey and I love how he is so willing to
work hard and try new things in school!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Ben’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Ben and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When I was talking with Ben, he told me he thinks he is good at spelling. I totally agree! This
past week he has been helping me spell the words we write on the board from our new spelling
pattern. I love how confident he is in his skills! He also said he is good at math. I love how he is
wanting to learn harder math skills but also help others in math. Ben’s goal he set for himself is
wanting to get better at drawing human faces. This made me laugh, but I think this is such a fun
goal he wants to work on!
I have loved having Ben as a part of my teaching journey and I love the enthusiasm about
learning he brings to the classroom each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Evan’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Evan and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Evan, he told me he thinks he is good at math. I agree! He has been working
hard in math and it has been fun to see his confidence and speed in answering math problems
blossom. He also told me he thinks he is good at listening. This is also something that I have
been seeing in him. Often when I am standing near him during lessons or videos he has been
sharing with me connections he is making. Evan’s goal he has set for himself is working on
reading, specifically sounding out new or hard words. This is a great goal for him and I would
love to see more confidence in his reading!

I have loved having Evan as a part of my teaching journey and I love all the comments and
connections he shares with me each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Johnny’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Johnny and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.
When talking with Johnny, he told me he thinks he is good at math. I agree! In math he has been
answering equations quickly and has been sharing his answers with the class more often. He also
told me he thinks he is good at writing stories. His stories and paragraphs he has been writing
have been getting longer and he has been wanting to add more details to his writing! Johnny’s
goal he set for himself is warning to work on adding bigger numbers together in math. This is a
great goal that we will wrok on these next few weeks.

I have loved having Johnny as a part of my teaching journey and I love how hard Johnny works
and his willingness to try new things!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Leonie’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Leonie and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Leonie, she told me she thinks she is good at making new friends. Yes she is!
She is such a kind kiddo and is always wanting to help her friends or help others. She said she
also thinks she likes math, especially our math pages we do. She has been gaining confidence in
her math answers and it is fun to see her excitement in learning new math skills. Leonie’s goal
she set for herself is to work on her reading fluency. I love that she has been wanting to read
more on her own and practice, so reading more out loud would help her achieve this goal!

I have loved having Leonie as a part of my teaching journey and I love her kindness and
willingness to learn each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)


As you know I have been student teaching in Claire’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Claire and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Claire, she said she thinks she is good at reading and writing. I agree! In my
literacy center she loves to read and write the new words we are learning each day. Her writing
skills have also been growing and her paragraphs have started to get longer! Claire’s goal we set
together is about wanting to read longer chapter books!

I have loved having Claire as a part of my teaching journey and I love how sweet and bubbly she
is. It truly brightens each of my days!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Owen’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Owen and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Owen, he told me he thinks he is good at writing. I agree! I have seen he has
been writing more and is wanting to add more details in his writing. He also said that he thinks
he is good at reading, especially his accuracy in sounding out new words. In my literacy center
he has been working hard with his spelling which is greatly growing his reading skills! Owen’s
goal he set for himself is wanting to work on spelling tricky words. This is a great goal!

I have loved having Owen as a part of my teaching journey and I love how sweet and willing he
is to learn!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)


As you know I have been student teaching in Bodhi’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Bodhi and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Bodhi, he told me he thinks he likes and is good at math. I agree! He has been
getting quicker at answering questions and often is excited to share his answers with the class.
He also said he thinks he is good at writing. His stories and paragraphs have been getting longer
and he has been wanting to add lots of details to each writing piece! Bodhi’s goal he set for
himself is wanting to get better at identifying words without having to sound them out. This is a
fun goal for him that I think will come as he reads more!

I have loved having Bodhi as a part of my teaching journey and I love his excitement about
learning he brings to the classroom each day!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Skyla’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Skyla and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Skyla, she told me she thinks she is good at writing and she is proud of her
handwriting. I totally agree! It has been amazing to see her writing skills blossom and her
excitement to write long paragraphs and stories. She also said she is good at reading especially
new, big words. In my literacy center she loves learning to spell new words and often asks for
harder words to learn! Skyla’s goal she set for herself is wanting to write longer stories with
more read sentences. I think this is a great goal she can keep working on!

I have loved having Skyla as a part of my teaching journey and I love how willing she is to learn
and help others in our classroom!
Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Piper’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have loved
getting to know Piper and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini conferences
where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their TWO STARS
AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think they are good
at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Piper, she told me she thinks she is good at writing, especially working on
using bigger and spicy words. I agree! It has been fun to see her confidence blossom in writing
and her excitement to write longer paragraphs and stories. She also told me she thinks she is
good at math. She has gotten faster at answering questions and loves to share her answers with
the class. Piper’s goal she set for herself is to work on her reading skills and wanting to read
longer books. This is a great goal!

I have loved having Piper as a part of my teaching journey and I love her kindness and
willingness to help her friends!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Matthias’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Matthias and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Matthias, he told me he thinks he is good at math equations. He has been
working really hard in math and I have seen his confidence grow in sharing his answers to the
class! He also said he likes and is good at writing. I have loved seeing his writing skills blossom
and he has been working to make his paragraphs longer! Matthias’s goal he set for himself is he
is wanting to work on sounding out words when he is reading. This is a great goal that we will be
working on!

I have loved having Matthias as a part of my teaching journey and I love his willingness to work
hard and try new things!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Nevaeh’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Nevaeh and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.

When talking with Nevaeh, she said she thinks she is good at reading. I agree! She has been
wanting to read more on her own and she likes to read new words in my literacy center! She also
said she likes and is good at art. She has a creative mind and I love to hear her ideas she shares
with our class! Nevaeh’s goal she set for herself is wanting to get her work done. I think this is a
great goal where she can take ownership of her work!

I have loved having Nevaeh as a part of my teaching journey and I love how sweet she is to our

Ellie (Miss Oldham)



As you know I have been student teaching in Violet’s classroom these past 10 weeks. I have
loved getting to know Violet and getting to see so much growth! This past week I did mini
conferences where I got to have one-on-one conversations with each child to talk about their
TWO STARS AND A WISH. This is just a fun way of asking them about two things they think
they are good at or are confident about in school as well as set a goal with them.
When talking with Violet, she told me she thinks she is good at writing and is proud of her
handwriting. I agree! She has been working really hard and she has been excited about adding
more details to her writing! She also said she thinks she is good at paying attention in class and
listening. She is always the first to have her hand raised to share her answer or make a
connection! Violet’s goal she set for herself is to work on math problems. As we work on this
goal I am hoping to see more confidence in her math and work on getting quicker with math

I have loved having Violet as a part of my teaching journey and I love how sweet and engaged
she is every day in the classroom!

Ellie (Miss Oldham)

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