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Explain Importance of Separating

Components of Mixture
Have you ever thought of the practical
uses of the different methods of
separating mixture? They are not only
meant to be studied. All the
separation techniques have practical
uses in your daily life. For instance,
before cooking rice, you must remove
unwanted materials from it to make it
clean and safe to eat. Imagine eating
cooked rice with pebbles rice bran,
and unpolished rice. Eating rice with (Students listened)
this material mixes with the rice can
harm you. When you bite on pebbles,
you can damage or hurt your teeth.
Separating mixture is
important because there are
substances that you need to extract
from mixtures to make them useful.
For example, dirt must be removed
from the water safe drinks.
Many of the elements and
compounds, found in nature are not
in pure form but are actually part of
mixtures. For example, gold, tin,
cooper, and other metals can be
found in certain rocks. These metals
are extracted from rocks to make
them useful. For example, gold in its
pure form is usually used in making
jewelry. Different kinds of metals are
used in making tools, utensils,
machines, and equipment.
Separating techniques
discussed in Lesson 5 are not only
practiced in modern times. These
techniques have been done by our
ancestors in ancient times. For
instance, rocks are made up of many
different minerals.
In homes, these are some
materials that must be separated or
extracted from the mixtures before
they can be used for preparing some
food and drink. For example, before
cooking native suman, ingredients
such as coconut milk must be
extracted from the grated coconut by
squeezing, then filtering using a
strainer. Malagkit or glutinous rice
must also be cleaned from unwanted
particles such us as tiny stones by
manual separation using winnower
and bare hands.
The concept of manual
separation by hand picking is also
applied in markets. A fruit vendor, for
example, separates the fruits of good
quality from those that should be
discarded already. He/She also sorts
them according to size for proper
pricing. An egg vendor also sorts eggs
according to size and separates the
broken ones.
How to get clean water for daily use
Before the dirty water from
lakes and rivers is distributed to
households and industries, it
undergoes a process called water
purification. This is done so that the
water flows from tour faucet is safe
and clean for use. This process
includes filtration, sublimation, and
During the water purification process,
water goes through several steps of
separation techniques. The collected
dirty water from lakes and rivers
passes through large screens. The
screens separate the fish, trash, and
other objects from the water.

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