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Robert F. Mueller
Surendra K. Saxena

with applications to
The Terrestrial Planets
and Meteorites

New York Heidelberg Berlin
Robert F. Mueller Surendra K. Saxena
Goddard Space Flight Center Department of Geology
National Aeronautics and Brooklyn College
Space Administration City University of New York
Greenbelt, Md. 20771 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Mueller, Robert Francis, 1923-

Chemical petrology.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
\. Rocks, Igneous. 2. Rocks, Metamorphic. 3. Geochemistry. I. Saxena, Surendra Kumar,
1936- joint author. II. Title.
QE46\.M75 552'.06 n.26049

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission
from Springer-Verlag.
© 1977 by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1977

ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-9891-5 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-9889-2

DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-9889-2
Cover photo courtesy of NASA
Designer: Edmee Froment
To Hans Ramberg, who showed us how to do it

Chemical petrology is essentially the physical chemistry

of rocks and associated fluids, although it also borrows
heavily from such other sciences as mineralogy. In terms
of fundamentals it is firmly grounded in chemical
thermodynamics and kinetics. In its treatment of
terrestrial environments it grades imperceptably into
sedimentology, geochemistry, and geophysics and in
extraterrestrial environments into cosmochemistry. It is
one of the most important branches of planetology and
The unity of approach of thermodynamics and
kinetics to processes in these diverse environments is
stressed in this book by numerous examples which have
been chosen to illuminate different aspects of the
subject. Thus we have discussed in some depth such
problems as the genesis of layered basic complexes,
calc-alkaline batholiths, chondri tic meteorites, and the
surface-atmosphere interaction of the planet Venus
because these are important and because they are
particularly good illustrations of the chemical petrology
approach. Considerable attention also has been devoted
to volcanic processes. In our treatment of metamor-
phism in particular, an attempt has been made to
correlate and integrate the vast number of recent
experimental, theoretical, and field studies. However,
we have not attempted a comprehensive survey of all
known rock types or occurrences, nor did we review all
the diverse opinions and conclusions on the origins of
controversial rocks. Instead we have chosen to stress
interpretations we regard as following most directly
from the evidence. For readers who may not agree with

all our interpretations we hope that there remains Goddard Space Flight Center. We wish to acknowledge
enough of the unbiased fundamental information and the support of these institutions. Much of the material
theory to aid them in reaching their own conclusions. has in one way or another been incorporated into
Because of our belief in their importance we have classes in petrology taught by us. We are particularly
heavily stressed the thermodynamic properties of solid indebted to Professor Ralph Kretz for a critical review
solutions and have attempted to illustrate how these are of the manuscript and for many helpful suggestions. We
related to such factors as temperature, pressure, gravi- are also indebted to Doctor E. J. Olsen and Professor
tational potential, composition of associated fluids, and Somdev Bhattacharji for review of parts of the manu-
rates of reaction and diffusion. We have also placed script and to Professor P. J. Wyllie for help in the
considerable emphasis on the process of oxidation- publication of this book. Mona Saxena's able technical
reduction since interest in this subject has developed so assistance in preparing the manuscript was invaluable.
greatly recently. A particularly intriguing subject is the
interaction between dissolved oxygen, hydrogen, water, January, 1977 Robert F. Mueller
and the silicate components of rock melts, and the Surendra K. Saxena
bearing these interactions have on the origin of such
rocks as the calc-alkali suite.
It is apparent that chemical petrology provides many
tools for the evaluation of new concepts and ideas such
as the recently proposed models for global tectonics as
well as comparative studies of the planets. Ideas on the
global distribution and movement of rocks and magmas
need to be tested for their thermodynamic and kinetic
compatibility. Similar arguments apply to the inter-
pretation and comparison of the vastly diffeJent surface
features and atmospheres of the planets Mercury,
Venus, Earth, and Mars. Indeed we present evidence
that these diverse features of the terrestrial planets
follow fairly directly from the operation, in varying
degrees, of kinetic constraints on the tendency toward
thermodynamic equilibrium.
Progress in chemical petrology has been enormous in
recent years, especially in the experimental investigation
of oxidation and hydration effects in systems of com-
plexity approaching natural rocks and magmas. Much
progress has also been made in the experimental and
theoretical study of the properties of solid and liquid
solutions. We hope that this book reflects these advances.
Although there have also been some important studies
in the application of chemical kinetics to petrology,
experiments along this line have been few. Consequently,
in order to give the subject its due emphasis, we have
been required to employ more theoretical interpolation
than in the case of equilibrium studies.
This book was made possible by the work of a large
group of highly talented investigators who carried out
the field, laboratory, and theoretical investigations to
which we refer. We hope that we have represented their
results and ideas accurately and fairly here. Much of the
background work for this book was done while one of us
(R.F.M.) was at the University of California, San
Diego and the University of Chicago and while the
other (S.K.S.) was at the University of Uppsala and the


1 Energetic basis 1
General relations 2
Equations of state and chemical potential of
pure gases, liquids, and solids 2
Phases of variable composition 3
Reactions and equations of equilibrium 6
The Gibbs phase rule 8
Effect of gravitational field 8
Kinetics 9

2 Equilibrium of mineral systems

One-component transitions
Univariant transformations of solids 16
Univariant reactions involving gases 17
The system CaO-MgO-C0 2 17
Exchange equilibria 19
The distribution of minor elements 23
Coupled equilibria involving solid solutions
and gases 24
Intrinsic and extrinsic stability 26
Ionic processes 26
Crystal-melt equilibria 29

3 Kinetics of mineral systems 34

Quasiequilibrium processes in a temperature
gradient 36


Quasiequilibrium processes under isothermal conditions 37

Crystal kinetics 39
Kinetics of dissociation 42
Kinetics of complex heterogeneous reactions 43
Kinetics of rock deformation 45

4 Classifications of rocks 49
Chemical classification 49
Mineral facies classification 52
Relation between bulk chemistry and mineral composition 56

5 Chemical and petrogenetic processes in space 62

Solids in space 62
The problem of the origin of the solar system 63
Condensation from a gas of solar composition 63
The effect of nonequilibrium ionization 69
System O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni-P 70

6 Meteorites
General characteristics
The dating of events in meteorite history 75
Classification schemes 77
Mineralogy 77
Petrography of the chondrites 83
Bulk chemical characteristics 86
Prior's rules 87
Oxidation and hydration states of meteorites 90
Carbon reactions in meteorites 92
Reactions involving sulfur and phosphorus compounds in meteorites 93
Element distributions in meteorites 94
Mechanisms of liquidus crystallization for the chondrites 95
Origin of the metallic components of chondrites 98
Pressure of formation of meteorites 99
Origin of meteorites: a critique of theories and hypotheses 100

7 The terrestrial planets 105

Gross physical and chemical characteristics
Origin and evolution 106
Chemistry and petrology of Venus IlO
The atmosphere and surface of Mercury Il7
Mars Il8
The Moon 121
Comparative planetology 124


8 Metamorphism and metamorphic mechanisms 127

Introduction 127
Origin of microstructures and textures 131
Kinetic aspects of crystallization 135
Rates of metamorphic reactions 140
Mineral orientation 142
Origin of macro structures 145
Origin of compositional variations 148
Summary 154

9 Metamorphic minerals 155

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals 155
Theoretical analysis of stabilities of crystalline solutions 173

10 Metamorphic mineral facies 181

Diagenesis and metamorphism; the zeolite and lawsonite facies 182
Greenschist facies 185
Amphibolite facies 192
Granulite facies 196

11 Experimental and theoretical study of metamorphic systems 199

Geometric analysis of phase equilibria 199
Method of interpreting metamorphic assemblages 201
The system K20-MgO-A1203-Si02-H20 206
Assemblages with staurolite 207
The system Si02-K20-AI203-FeO-MgO-H20 in transition from amphibolite
to granulite facies 216
Anthophyllite-gedrite pelitic rocks 222
The system CaO-A1 20 3 -Si0 2 -H 2O 223
Assemblages with cordierite in the granulite facies 224
The charnockite assemblage 225
Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks 227
Metamorphism of ultramafic rocks 239
The iron formations 240
Rocks of high pressure and controversial origin 243

12 Properties, origin, and environment of magmas 251

Structures of silicate melts 251
Solubilities of volatile components 253
Densities of magmas 256
Viscosities of magmas 257
Liquid Immiscibility 260
Origin of magmas 261
General features of the occurence of magmatic rocks 263


13 Differentiation and crystallization of magmas

The existence of rock series and their meaning
Homogeneous differentiation 267
Heterogeneous differentiation by separation of a fluid phase 270
Separation of a fluid phase in a crystallizing magma 272
Crystallization and heterogeneous differentiation in magmas 273
Subtraction and variation diagrams 287

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry and mode of occurence

The compositional fields of igneous rocks
General factors in the differentiation of basaltic magmas 294
Differentiated gabbroic complexes 297
Large calc-alkali plutonic complexes 308
The physical chemistry of calc-alkaline-type differentiation 315
Origin of calc-alkali magmas 319
Alkaline rocks 319
Assimilation and alteration of inclusions 320
Structural environment and mode of emplacement of igneous plutons 323
Plutonic rocks of complex origin 325

15 Volcanism and volcanic fluids

Volcanic and hypabyssal mineralogy 330
Volcanoes and volcanic deposits 333
Volcanic fluids 344

References 359
Subject Index 379
Author Index 387


The foundation of the energetic approach to mineral

systems is provided by the laws of thermodynamics.
These laws are broad generalizations that apply to all
forms of matter, and in principle no system is too com-
plex to yield to their application if the required data are
available. However, in many problems of mineral
chemistry in which complex phases are involved, the
equations of thermodynamics cannot be directly applied
to obtain quantitative results. The reason for this is that
they give us relations only in their implicit forms and
what we require are the equations of state of the phases
that lead to explicit functions linking the intensive
variables such as temperature, pressure, and composition.
These equations of state may be based on empirical data
or upon theoretical models, which usually have their
foundation in statistical mechanics. Thus we shall be
concerned with deducing activity coefficients that give
us a measure of the deviation of a phase from the simplest
model- that of an ideal solution.
This two-fold aspect of energetics is also displayed
in the equations of modern kinetic theory. Here the
thermodynamic properties of the activated state play an
important role; however, the quantum mechanical basis
is in this case more evident in the model. Unfortunately,
the theory of rate processes has as yet only limited
quantitative application in mineral systems.
In the following exposition it is assumed that the
reader is familiar with the fundamental definitions and
derivations of the thermodynamic potentials and has
some acquaintance with the theory of rate processes.
We therefore proceed with a discussion of the most useful

1 Energetic

entropy S(T, P):

General relations Jl(T, P) = R(T, P) - TS(T, P) (1.9)
The following general relations and definitions are given
In this expression the letters with a bar are used to
here for reference:
indicate one mole of a pure phase, and (T, P) indicates that

(:~t. = -s
the quantities are functions of the temperature and
pressure. In other sections the bar on the symbols for
the molar property are not used.
( OG) _ V (1.2) From the general relation
oP T,.

[ O(G/T)]
dR = (:~)/T + (!~)/P (1.10)

oT P,.
we obtain by integration

(:~t. = Cp
R(T, P) = H(To, pO) + IT Cp(T, pO)dT

~G~t. = ~ (1.5)

-~(:;tn = K
(1.6) where the superscript a indicates standard P and T.
In the above relations the following terminology
applies: G is the Gibbs free energy; H is the enthalpy;
S is the entropy; T is the absolute temperature; P is the
pressure; V is the volume; Cp is the heat capacity at we obtain
constant pressure; ~ is the coefficient of thermal expan-
sion; and K is the coefficient of compressibility, The
subscript n indicates that all composition variables are
to be held constant. In these expressions the molar volume V is a function of
For one mole of any phase of variable composition the temperature. 2
we have the Gibbs-Duhem relation: The molar entropy Sas a function of T, and P may also
SdT - VdP + L XidJli = 0 (1.7) be evaluated in a similar way using

in which Sand j7 are the molar entropy and volume, dS= - (OS)
; - dT + (dS)
uT p
- dP
ap T
respectively, Xi is the mole fraction of the component
i, and Jli is its chemical potential. At constant pressure to give
and temperature we have
(1.8) S(T,P) = S(TO,pO) I
+ T Cp (T., pO) dT -
fP (av)
- dP
TO T po aT p


Equations of state and chemical Gases

potential of pure gases, liquids, and We shall first apply these expressions to the perfect gas,
solids 1 which has the equation of state
General relations PV=RT (1.14)
The chemical potential Jl of any pure phase may be If we differentiate Equation (1.14) and substitute the
expressed in terms of the molar enthalpy H(T, P) and the result into Equation (1.11), we see that the last term of

1 The development in this-section is to a large extent based on 2 For a derivation of this expression the reader is referred to
Prigogine and Defay (1954), Prigogine and Defay (1954, pp. 24 and 161).

Phases of variable composition

this expression drops out. This is in conformity with the ranges of pressure and temperature and certain sub-
definition of a perfect gas as one in which the internal stances, IX and K may be regarded as independent of T
energy and enthalpy depend only on the temperature. If and P. If K is assumed to be independent of T, Equation
we now substitute the same Equation (1.14) into Equation (1.6) integrates to
(1.13), we obtain
V(T, P) = V(T, pO) exp [ - K(P _ pO]
= S(TO,pO) +
~ V(T, pO)[1 - K(P _ pO)] (1.19)

In the range in which K becomes important P - pO is

+ Rlnpo - RlnP (1.15)
usually very large so that we may set po = O. If it is
If pO, the standard state of the gas, is taken as 1 atm, the assumed that IX is independent of temperature and pres-
term R In pO becomes zero. Substitution of Equations sure, and if Equations (1.5) and (1.19) are substituted into
(1.15) and (1.11) into Equation (1.9) then gives Equations (1.11) and (1.13), we obtain the expressions
for the molar enthalpy and entropy for a condensed
J.l(T, P) = J.l(T) + RT In P (1.16) phase
which gives the chemical potential of a perfect gas in
terms of the chemical potential J.l(T) in its standard H(T, P) = H(To, 0) + fT Cp(T, O)dT
state at 1 atm.
Expression (1.16) is not generally applicable; how- + PV(T, 0)(1 - IXT)(l - ~KP) (1.20)
ever, if P is regarded as afugacity, the relation is correct
for nonideal gases as well. The pressure of a nonideal
gas is related to the fugacity f by a fugacity coefficient
y(T, P) as follows: S(T, P) = S(TO, O) + fo CPi 0) dT

f=Py (1.17) + IXPV(T, 0)(1 - ~KP) (1.21 )

Sometimes non ideal gases also are discussed in terms of
The corresponding expression for the chemical potential
the compressibility factor z = PV/RT. To apply this we
of a pure condensed phase therefore becomes
use Equation (1.2) as follows:
+ pV(T, 0)(1 (1.22)
G;)T =
J.l(T, P) = J.l(T) - ~KP)
For most petrologic calculations the effects of the

Integration then gives compressibility and the thermal expansion may be
ignored relative to the first-order effects of temperature,
J.l(T,P) = J.l(T) + VdP = J.l(T) + RT r(~)dP pressure, and composition. Therefore Equation (1.22)
assumes the simpler form
Consequently we obtain the equivalent of Equation J.l(T, P) = J.l(T) + pV(T, 0) ( 1.23)

(1.16) for a nonperfect gas:

J.l(T,P) = J.l(T) + RTlnP + RT I)T dP (1.18)

Phases of variable composition
Comparison with Equation (1.17) shows that the last
term in Equation (1.18) is equivalent to RT In 1'. Activities and activity coefficients

Condensed phases The general expression for the chemical potential of a

component i in any multicomponental phase is
Previously we defined the coefficients of thermal ex-
pansion and compressibility. If these quantities are (1.24)
known as a function of T and P for any substance, the In this expression J.l? is the same quantity obtained in
equation of state of that substance is determined. In the Equations (1.22) or (1.2W and aj is the relative activity.
case of a perfect gas, IX and K have very simple forms, but A major concern throughout much of this book will be
for solids and liquids these functions are usually too
complex to determine very exactly. However, for certain 3 The superscript 0 is used here to indicate a pure substance.

1 Energetic

the relation of ai to the temperature, pressure, and the each given complex, etc. We shall return to this interesting
total composition of a given phase. The implicit form of subject later when we discuss silicate melts in detail.
this relation may be expressed as The simplest explicit expression for Yi of Equation
(1.26) is provided by the regular solution model, which
was introduced by Hildebrand (1929).4 This model
in which Cj refers to the concentration of the various provides a particularly simple expression for the case
components. For the case in which the standard state is of the binary solutions. Thus if 1 and 2 refer to the
pure i, Equation (1.26) takes the form components, we have
where Xi is the mole fraction of i in the solution. The
quantity Yi is the activity coefficient of the component i
and in general is also a function of T, P, and the total (1.29)
composition of the phase.
In the analysis of mineral assemblages the standard
state frequently chosen is the pure end member of a given For the regular solution, as strictly defined, W is a con-
solid solution series. Thus pure forsterite (Mg 2 Si0 4 ) is stant independent of T and P. Then the quantities
the standard state for the magnesian component of W xi and W X~ represent the partial molar heats of
olivine. The problem here, as for all solutions, is the mixing. However, the status of W is sometimes not
deduction of explicit expressions for the activity co- known, a situation that arises in the study of naturally
efficients. The forms that these expressions take are occurring mineral assemblages. If such systems formed
governed by our information of the statistical mechanics under essentially isothermal and isobaric conditions
of the solutions. Fundamental to this problem is the over a substantial composition range, we may write the
identification of the statistical unit. In the case of simple forms
atomic or molecular solutions in which the interaction
energies are not very dependent on composition, the ( 1.30)
problem is relatively simple. The same may be said for
many of the silicate solid solutions in which we can (1.31)
readily determine that mixing of similar ions occurs.
Thus we are assured by x-ray evidence that Mg2 + and in which ct is an unknown function of T and P but is in-
Fe2+ ions mix to form the intermediate members of the dependent of the compositional changes.
olivine series. When this mixing occurs perfectly ran- Regular solution models for ternary solutions also
exist (Prigogine and Defay, 1954), and in some cases
domly, and when the unlike particles interact with each
other to the same extent as the like particles, Equation they have proved useful in the interpretation of mineral
solid solutions (Mueller, 1961b; Saxena, 1973, p. 24).
(1.26) assumes the form
The regular solution is the simplest model that
(1.27) exhibits several of the interesting features of natural
systems. One of the most important of these is the pheno-
which is a definition of the ideal or perfect solution.
menon of unmixing or exsolution. Un mixing occurs when
In petrologic problems we frequently work with
a cooling solution becomes unstable and breaks up
complex silicate melts and require a knowledge of the
into two solutions of differing composition. This occurs
activities of their components. The problem then is of
when the activity coefficients greatly exceed unity. For
considerably greater complexity because the statistical
the regular solution the critical point is given by the
mechanics of such systems are very poorly known.
condition (W/RT) = 2. It is informative to consider the
Usually we cannot readily identify the statistical units,
mean molar Gibbs free energy of a regular solution
although it has been shown that such melts consist, in
which may be derived from Equations (1.24), (1.28), and
part, of charged ions or complexes (Tomlinson, 1953).
(1.29). Thus we obtain
Our only recourse then is to make use of macroscopic
variables such as the total concentration of a given G = X Ill? + (1 - X tlll~ + [X 1 R T In Xl
independently variable component of the melt. This
+ (1 - X tlR Tin (1 - X I)] + W Xl (1 - Xl) (1.32)
approach enables us to deduce the corresponding
macroscopic activity coefficients although we do not 4 For a lucid explanation of the statistical mechanical basis
know the microscopic characters such as the numbers of for this model, the reader is referred to Gurney (1949).

Phases of variable composition

The term enclosed by square brackets is the negative of mean activity, which takes the following form for NaCI
the free energy of mixing and is always negative. The last and BaCI 2
term may be either positive or negative depending on the
sign of W. This term is also referred to as the excess free
energy. A plot of G against Xl' for various values of T, In order to relate these activities to the concentrations
is useful in illustrating various points concerning the (here expressed as molal quantities) we also make use of
stabilities of the solution. For a detailed discussion of ionic activity coefficients. Thus the complete expression
this aspect,' the reader is referred to Saxena (1973, for the activity of NaCI becomes
Chapter 3).
The constant W is sometimes referred to as the" inter-
change energy." A regular solution with one energy in which we have set
constant W results in a "symmetrical nonideal solution."
( 1.38)
For such binary solutions the two limbs of a solvus are
symmetric in relation to the intermediate composition. However since the ionic activity coefficients YNa and lCi
Many crystalline solutions, however, are not symmetric, are not measurable quantities, we also define a mean
and their excess free energy requires an expression with activity coefficient. For NaCI this is
two constants as described by Thompson (1967):
I ± = (,Na YCI)I/2 ( 1.39)
( 1.33) and for BaCI 2
Where WG1 and WG2 are the energy parameters commonly Y± = (YBal~I)I/3 (1.40)
referred to as Margule's parameters. Both the param-
In general, if an electrolyte with the formula Av+ B,,_
eters WG1 and WG2 are independent of the compositional
dissociates into v + cations and v _ anions we have the
changes but may vary as a function of P and T.
following expressions
Another type of solution of great importance for
certain petrogenic environments is the aqueous electro- a± = [(aA)"+(aB)"-r/ v + +v_
lyte. The conventions of standard states and solution = [(CAYA)"+(cBYB)"-J 1/Vd V -
models for these systems differ considerably from those = [CA+C~-Jl/v+ +'"-Y± (1.41 )
discussed above. Because a discussion of these conven-
tions and models would require too much space, the An interesting part of the theory of electrolytes is
reader is referred to the appropriate chemical literature. 5 concerned with the Donnan membrane and osmotic
However, the conventions and the corresponding nota- equilibria. These equilibria are of considerable im-
tion as presented below will be referred to when required. portance in the study of the reactions of clay minerals
The concept of the electrolytic solution assumes with aqueous solutions in geochemical environments of
particular importance in the investigation of mineral weathering, sedimentation, and diagenesis or early
systems in the low-temperature aqueous environment metamorphism. The general theory was first proposed
and has great bearing on the problems of chemical by Donnan and Guggenheim (1932), although much
weathering, chemical sedimentation, ion-exchange ad- previous work by Donnan and others had preceded this
justments of clay minerals, and diagenesis in sediments. paper. The theory of Donnan and Guggenheim treats
The activity of a dissolved electrolyte is defined as the compressibilities as constants, however. The equilibria
equal to the product of the activities of its ions at all of both ions and solvent must be considered. For the
concentrations. Thus for NaCI we obtain neutral solvent, which we index as u, we equate the chemi-
cal potentials as the two different sides of a membrane.
Jl~(T, P, c) = Jl~(T, P, c) (1.42)
Similarly for BaCl 2 we have
Here the single and double primes indicate the two
(1.35) different sides of the membrane. We shall treat only the
isothermal case. Since each chemical potential is of the
In these expressions the superscripts refer to the solution. form of Equation (1.22), we obtain for the osmotic
Another quantity in use for electrolyte solutions is the pressure

5 A comprehensive and lucid exposition of standard states is P' _ P" = --In ""
to be found in Klotz (1950). [v"J c~ I~

1 Energetic

in which Vu = V~[1 + 1Ku(P' + P")], V~ being the In this expression Rand P refer to the reactant and prod-
molar volume under standard conditions. uct components, and VR and Vp are the corresponding
An analogous derivation for the electrolyte leads to stoichiometric coefficients. The reactant and product
the following expression for the osmotic pressure components may all be confined to one phase; in this
case the reaction is homogeneous. But in general some
(1.44) of the components will be dissolved in solids or fluids,
depending upon the coexisting phases.
It is sometimes convenient to write the equation of
in which v:
= (v+ V+) + (L V_). We shall return to this equilibrium for a given reaction in its exponential form,
interesting subject later. that is, in terms of an equilibrium constant that is a
function of the temperature and pressure only. It is also
Electrode potentials 6 convenient to affix the index of the reaction as a subscript
to the equilibrium constant so that a given constant may
It is frequently convenient to relate ionic concentration always be assigned to its reaction and be identifiable no
to easily measurable electrode potentials such as the matter how it occurs. This practice will generally be
oxidation potential and the pH. The oxidation potentials followed. Thus we write for the equilibrium constant
refer to half-cell reactions, which arc compared with the corresponding to Reaction (La)
standard half-cell reaction
( 1.46)

The potential of this reaction has been arbitrarily set

equal to zero. The standard free-energy change for any in which K(a) = exp (-t.G~/RT).7 Here the Greek letter
half-cell reaction is related to the standard potential EO II stands for the product of all the mole fractions and the
by the relation corresponding activity coefficients raised to powers of
their stoichiometric coefficients. This form of the equation
(1.45) of equilibrium is convenient when dealing with iso-
thermal-isobaric equilibria.
in which Ve is the number of electrons involved in the If the change in the equilibrium constant as a function
reaction and F is the faraday constant equal to of temperature or pressure is sought, we may derive the
23,060 cal/V-gm equivalent. following general relations from Equations (1.2) and
(1.3) :

ClnK) (1.47)
Reactions and equations of equilibrium aT p RT2
One of the most useful concepts in the treatment of the and
complex equilibria of chemical petrology is that of the
reaction. From each reaction there follows an equation
(a In K) t.Vo
( 1.48)
of equilibrium that places a restriction on the variables oP T
of the system. Obviously the greater the number of
reactions that can be found, the more restricted the It is interesting at this point to examine a specific
system is. Thus the simultaneous solution of all the equa- case. For this purpose it will serve to consider the equilib-
tions of equilibrium leads to the elimination of variables rium between Ca-pyroxene, hematite, calcite, quartz, and
and the expression of certain variables in terms of others. a fluid phase. This assemblage of minerals is of common
In the rare case of in variance as many equations as occurrence in many contact metamorphic rocks. Let us
variables exist, and the system is completely determined. consider the reaction involving hedenbergite, the iron
The general form of the reaction may be written as component of Ca-pyroxene. Normally the amount of the
component in Ca-pyroxenes in association with hematite
7 When referring to the equilibrium constant of a reaction in
6 For a detailed discussion of this subject, the reader is referred another chapter, the chapter number is added to the
to standard texts such as Klotz (1950). subscript, i.e. K(3.a)'

Reactions and equations of equilibrium

is small, and we may determine why this is the case. The where
reaction is
LlG(b) =
/lQ + /lCal + 2"/lHem -
/lHed -
/lco, - 2110 2
CaFeSi 2 0 6 + CO 2 + t 0 2
Ca-pyroxene gas gas
The quantities Pco , and Po, may be regarded as either
pressures or fugacities if we remember that the former
applies only when the species behave as perfect gases. At
hematite calcite quartz this stage, however, we disregard this complication.
We note that the second term on the right of Equation
Here the phase in which the component occurs has been (1.51) includes the molar volumes of the solid phases, the
written under the component. In the analysis of such third term expresses the effect of the gaseous components
reactions it is necessary to identify the thermodynamically as partial pressure, and the last term takes into account
significant components, that is, the species, whether they the solid solubility of hedenbergite in the pyroxene
be chemical elements or compounds that are indepen- solution.
dently variable. If only Reaction (1.b) is considered, the Alternatively we may express the equation of equilib-
components of the system are seen to be five in number. rium in terms of the equilibrium constant:
However, if we consider the case in which CaFeSi 2 0 6 is
mutually dissolved with CaMgSi 2 0 6 , we must add the 1
latter as a component. The actual choice of components K(b)(T, P) = XCa-Pxp pl/2 yCa-Px (1.52)
Hed co, 0, Hed
is arbitrary since only their number counts. We may, for
example, choose the elements, Ca, Mg, Fe, Si, 0, and C, This form best exhibits the functional relations of the
or the oxides CaO, MgO, FeO, Fe 2 0 3 , Si0 2 , and CO 2 , compositional variables at constant temperature and
We shall anticipate a later derivation of the phase rule by total pressure. As will be shown later, the activity
writing coefficient y~~r is equal to unity in this case since
Ca-pyroxene forms virtually ideal solutions of its
v = (n + 2) - cjJ (1.49) magnesium and iron end members. It is plain, therefore,
that increasing Po, or PC02 calls for a decrease in the
Here v is the variance or number of degrees of freedom
iron content of the pyroxene under these conditions, in
of the system, n is the number of components, and cjJ is the
agreement with observation.
number of phases. The number 2 represents the pressure It is instructive to return now to the general form of the
and temperature variables. The number of phases in-
equation of equilibrium corresponding to Reaction (La).
volved in Reaction (1.b) is obviously five since one would
For the logarithmic form we obtain
certainly expect CO 2 and O 2 to mix in all proportions
under geologic conditions. The variance is therefore ~G(a) = 0 = ~G~a) + P[L v~ V~ - L v~ V~J
seen to be three. Thus at constant temperature and total + RT[L v~ In P~ - L Vk In PlJ
pressure any variation in the proportions of the gaseous + RT[L vpn X~y~ - L v~ In Xli.yli.J (1.53)
species should be reflected in the composition of the
Ca-pyroxene. To illustrate in detail we write for the In this equation the superscripts c and g refer to the con-
condition of equilibrium that the total change in free densed and gaseous components, respectively. The terms
energy for the reaction must be zero: are in the same order as in Equation (1.51).
Consideration will show that certain difficulties are
.1G(b) = 0 = 21lQ + IlCal + tllHem encountered when an attempt is made to apply Equation
- /lHed - /lCD, - t/lo, (1.50) (1.53) to rock systems. Immediate difficulties arise, for
example, when the P~ of the third term are desired as
where Q is quartz, Cal is calcite, Hem is hematite, and functions of the partial pressures. In systems as complex
Hed is hedenbergite. as rocks, we cannot in general know the full extent of the
If now equations of type (1.16) for the gaseous com- types of species that were present during crystallization.
ponents and of type (1.23), (1.24), and (1.26) for the solid Also, usually insufficient chemical data exist on the
components are substituted into (1.50), we arrive at the interactions between these species. For example, we do
useful relation not even know the deviations from ideality of mixtures
of H 2 0 and CO 2 for petro genic ranges of pressure and
~G(b) = 0 = ~G?b) + P(2VQ + VCal + i VHem - VHed) temperature. However, even if we assume that all the
- R T(ln PCo, - t In P02) - R T In X~~;rxy~~:x gases behave ideally, some difficulties stilI remain. Thus,
(1.51 ) for example, P in the second term is frequently taken as

1 Energetic

equal to the total gas pressure, which is in turn assumed complications will not be considered now. If only one
to equal the pressure of the rock overburden. Thus we pressure variable is considered, we may obtain Equation
have (1.49) by subtracting the total number of equations from
the total number of variables:
P = I(p& + P~) ( 1.54)
v = n¢ + 2 - [n(¢ - 1) + ¢] = (n + 2) - ¢ (1.49)
This means that each set of equations of type (1.53) in-
volves the simultaneous solution of transcendental An extension to arrive at Equation (1.56) is obvious.
equations whose solutions are only implicit. Such
equations may, of course, be solved by various methods
of approximation.
An even greater difficulty arises when P cannot be Effect of the gravitational field
taken as equal to the sum of the partial pressures, as,
for example, when the pressure of the overburden is in General
excess to the gas pressure. It may even happen that the
pressure has no simple relation to the overburden, as Of all the possible influences on mineral equilibria the
when large horizontal stresses exist. In any case, we may gravitational field assumes one of the most ambiguous
then have roles. This ambiguity results largely from the fact that
differentiation can only have occurred on a global scale
I(p& + P~) < P (1.55)
in the solid material of the earth since it is obvious that
In this situation P appears as an extra independent most crustal materials are not in chemical or mechanical
variable as the phase rule (see next section) takes the equilibrium with respect to the earth's field.
form Current views on the gross structure of the earth
lead us to suspect that some differentiation has in the
v = (n + 3) - ¢ (1.56)
past produced shells of varying density and chemical
content with respect to the center of the earth. It seems
reasonable to suppose that some of this differentiation
was chemical in character, that is, it involved the indepen-
The Gibbs phase rule dent movement of particles by means of diffusion.
When all the phases of a system are in equilibrium, the It is our purpose to show here that the existence of a
chemical potential of each component must be the same gravitational field implies the existence of chemical
in each phase. Thus in the system represented by Reaction potential gradients of a type that gives rise to con-
(1.b) we have tinuous variations in the composition of phases equilib-
rated to this field. This problem in relation to the earth
f.1co, (gas) = /leo, (calcite) was discussed by Ramberg (1947, 1948b) and by Brewer
f.1SiO, (Ca-pyroxene) = /lSiO, (quartz) etc. (1.57) (195 l).
When the conditions of type (1.57) do not exist, the com- The general equation for the change of the chemical
ponents are transferred from phases in which they have a potential of a component i in a phase of variable com-
high chemical potential to those in which this quantity position in the gravitational field is

(0~ + (81/ .)
is low until equality is attained. Relations such as
Equation (1.57) are therefore the foundation of the Gibbs d/l = /I . )
dT _,",_I dP
1 aT P.</>.X 8P T.</>.X
phase rule as given in Equations (1.49) and (1.56). There
are ¢ - 1 separate relations such as Equation (1.57) for
each component or n(¢ - 1) total relations of this type.
There is also for each phase a relation of type I Xi = 1
relating the mole fractions of the components i. Thus there The mole fraction of i is related to the mole fractions of
are in all n(¢ - 1) + ¢ equations of condition. In the j - 1 other components as follows:
addition to the n composition variables there are such )-1

variables as the temperature (one variable for the total Xi = 1 - I X) (1.59)

i= 1
system) and the various pressures that bear on the various
phases. As we have seen, these latter can be different for The quantity ¢ in Equation (1.58) is the gravitational
different phases. Additional degrees of freedom are intro- potential and is equal to the integral of the gravitational
duced by the influences of external fields, but these acceleration through the height h. In a relatively constant


field such as obtains in the earth's upper regions we have relations (1.28) and (1.29), Thus we obtain
d¢ = gdh (\.60) alnYA 2W
~- = - ~(1 - X A ) ( 1.66)
in which g is the constant of acceleration. aX A RT

which we substitute in Equation (\.65) and get

Binary solutions in the gravitational field [VA(MAB/VAB) - MA]g
It is instructive to consider the behavior of a binary (RT/X A) - 2W(1 - X A )
solution composed of the species A and B. Equation It is helpful at this point to introduce a slight simpli-
(1.58) then gives for the chemical potential of A
fication. We therefore let VA = VB = VAB . This simpli-
fication is justified in many petrologic problems in which
df.-lA = (af.-lA) dT + (af.-lA) dP the members of certain ion pairs have similar radii
aT P.h.XA ap T.h.XA
though they may differ considerably in atomic weight.
+ (af.1A) dh + (af.-lA) dX A (1.61)
Equation (1.67) then becomes
ah T.P.XA aX A T.P.h
(M B - M A )(1 - XA)g
The chemical potential is defined as (RT/X A) - 2W(1 - X A)
f.1A = f.-l1 + RTlnXAYA + MAgh ( 1.62) We now consider a column of the regular solution in a
where MA is the molar weight of A. If bAB is the density gravitational field. In such a column the ratio A/B will
of the solution, we also have vary uniformly from top to bottom if equilibrium is ob-
tained. To show this we subdivide the column into
MAB MAX A + MB(l - X A) multilayers 8 so thin that anyone has an essentially
bAB =- - = ~------- (1.63)
VAB VAX A + VB(1 - X A) constant composition. Any two of the multilayers may
be compared. We designate the lowest of these rJ. and the
in which M and V refer to the individual and mean molar
highest as {3(hP - h& == t.h), and integrate Equation
weights and volumes. The pressure is related to the
(1.68) between these limits to obtain
height as
dP = -bABgdh (1.64) ~= X A exp[(M B - MA)gt.hj
1 - xi 1 - XA RT
From Equations (1.1), (1.2), and (1.62) we obtain
x exp [~~ (Xi - XA)j (1.69)

If W = 0 the second exponential factor becomes 1 and

we obtain the ideal-solution case. In this event we see
that if M B > M A and t.h > 0, the species A is concen-
trated in the upper multilayer {3. However, if W < 0,
corresponding to attraction between A and B which
exceeds the attraction between the like species, we see
( af.-lA) =RT +RTalnYA
that xi might approach X Ain spite ofthe large difference
aXA T,P.h XA aXA
in mass. We shall return to this subject later.
In order for equilibrium to obtain we must have a
uniform temperature throughout the body; therefore
dT = 0 and Equation (1.61) becomes
The preservation of rocks formed under environments
remote from the earth's surface is almost entirely due to
RT alnYA
+ ~dXA + RT-a--dX A (1.65) the failure of these rocks to react chemically with sufficient
8 fJ cannot be con-
It is obvious that the multilayers ()( and
An interesting case to which we may apply Equation sidered phases in the ordinary sense since a column of
(1.65) is the regular solution which is defined by the solution is really a continuum of varying composition.

1 Energetic

ra pidi ty to adjust to their new en vironmen t, since virtually In this equation Rand T are as usual the gas constant and
no plutonic mineral assemblages are stable at the surface. absolute temperature, respectively, N is the Avogadro
Thus we owe the very existence of chemical petrology to number, and h is Planck's constant. It should be observed
kinetic factors. that the factor in parentheses is independent of the
As applied to the general case of heterogeneous nature of the system and contains T as the only variable.
systems, kinetics has a three-fold aspect involving the Relation (1. 71) also shows that the rate of reaction at any
fundamental processes of diffusion, reaction, and nucle- given temperature depends only on the concentration of
ation. These processes involve the movement of individual the activated complex. For ordinary temperatures the
particles: atoms, molecules, ions, or complexes. However, term RT/Nh is approximately 10 13 or 10 14 sec-i. The
kinetics is also involved in the interpretation of mass reciprocal of this term, Nh/RT, is then the average life-
movements such as the hydrodynamic flow of gases and time of the activated complex. If c t is substituted from
liquids and the plastic flow of solids, since the latter Equation (1.70) into Equation (1.71) we obtain the re-
movements are the result of the directed flow of individual lation
particles. Diffusion is also closely related to the flow of
heat and electricity, and the soret effect is probably of r = (RT Kt IIYRR)IICRR 0.72)
considerable petrologic importance. Nh l
The term in the parentheses of Equation (1. 72) is referred
Theory of absolute reaction rates to as the specific rate constant9 K.
The equilibrium constant Kt may also be expressed
For the fundamentals of the theory the reader is referred in terms of the standard Gibbs free energy offormation of
to the major work of Glasstone, et al. (1941). A very lucid
the activated complex ~Gt from the reactants in their
short discussion may also be found in Darken and
standard states. ~Gt may also be expressed as a function
Gurry (1953). Here we merely present the outlines of the
of the entropy and enthalpy. Thus we have
theory and give the fundamental equations for reference.
All forms of atomistic or chemical processes are Kt = exp(-~Gt/RT)
assumed to involve an intermediate or activated state = exp (-~Ht/RT) exp (~St/R) (1.73)
in which the reactants assume a form which is a precurser
of the products. Thus we obtain a more general form of The second factor in Equation (1.72), the product of
Reaction (La): the concentrations, determines the order of the reaction.
(1.c) Thus the bimolecular reaction A + B ~ C may be
representable by r = KCACB, in which the time rate of
in which A represents the activated complex. It should formation of the species C is proportional to the con-
be noted that in the first step the reactants are regarded centrations of A and B. However, the order observed
as being in equilibrium with the activated complex. need not coincide with the molecularity of the reaction
Therefore, following the usage of the thermodynamics as written. The order of a given reaction can only be
of equilibrium processes, an equilibrium constant may established experimentally.
be written in terms of the activities of the reactants and
activated complex as follows:
(1.70) Classical diffusion theory is based on Fick's laws, which
date to 1855. The mathematical expression of Fick's
Here the dagger indicates the activated complex. The first law is
concentrations c are usually expressed in molecules or
moles per unit volume, and the other symbols are as J= -D-
oc (1.74)
previously defined. os
The second step of Reaction (I.c) involves the ob- Here J is the flux of particles which cross 1 cm 2 /sec
served rate of the reaction which is directly proportional of a surface oriented perpendicular to the diffusion
to the concentration of the activated complex. From the direction s. D is known as the coefficient of diffusion and
wave mechanical theory this rate is found to be dc/ds is the concentration gradient. The minus sign

(1.71) 9 This development omits the transmission coefficient, which

Rate of reaction = r = ct(: : ) is equivalent to a correction factor.


occurs to make J positive, since e decreases with in- order reaction; the rate of the diffusion "reaction" is
creasing s in the direction of diffusion. It is obvious that proportional to the concentration.
Equation (1.74) can apply only to the special case in The interesting case of diffusion in nonideal systems
which the concentration gradient is only a function of the may also be treated according to the theory of absolute
direction s. In the general case in which gradients exist reaction rates if certain simplifying assumptions are
in x, y, and z directions of coordinates, Fick's law made. We note that the specific rate constant K is the
assumes the form same for both directions of flux in the ideal systems. This
is not true for nonideal systems. For the latter the
J = -DVe (1.75)
expression corresponding to Equation (1.79) becomes
Fick's second law may be derived from Equation
(1.74) by a consideration of the variation of J with S.1O J = cAsKr - (C + A.Oc)
os AsKb (1.81 )
This leads to the expression
oe o2e In this expression Kr and K b are the specific rate constants
-=D- (1.76) for the flux in the forward and backward directions,
ot OS2
For the case of the steady state we have de/dt = 0; thus The difference between ideal and non ideal systems
de/ds = constant. Numerous solutions to these equations may be illustrated by a plot of the Gibbs free energy
for nonsteady state conditions and various geometries against the reaction (diffusion) coordinate. Figure 1.1 is
are given in the literature. Most of these solutions assume a plot of the Gibbs free energy difference between an
that D is independent of the composition. However, this initial equilibrium position A and a final equilibrium
is generally not the case, and in most petrologically position B separated by a distance As, The full curve
significant materials the deviation may be expected to be gives the free energy variation in the ideal system, for
large. This is especially well brought out in the case of which the equilibrium positions are at the same level and
solutions that show miscibility gaps, as we shall presently the free energy of activation is LlGb. Thus diffusion is
illustrate. controlled solely by the concentration gradient. The
We may also derive Equation (1.74) from the theory dashed curve shows the relations for a nonideal solution
of reaction rates. Thus if As is the distance between in which the free energy of activation for diffusion to the
successive equilibrium positions of the diffusing particle, right is LlG~ + !-LlG and to the left LlG~ - !-LlG. The
we get for the flux in the forward direction
1.1 Gibbs free energy relations for ideal and nonideal
Here e is as usual the concentration and K is the specific systems. ~Gb is the standard free energy of
rate constant. Now the concentration in the adjacent activation for diffusion. (After Glasstone et al.,
equilibrium position is e + As(oe/os) to a first approxi- 1941).
mation. Consequently the flux in the backward direction

Jb = (e oe) AsK
+ As os (1.78)
The difference between Equations (1.77) and (1.78) is the Ideal

resultant flux in the forward direction: \ /Nonideal


J = -A2K- (1.79) tlG,j \ I

Thus by comparison with Equation (1.74) we obtain
I 2
(for ideal solutions) (1.80) --/---- ------ B
ltoG I
It may be noted that Equations (1.77) and (1.78) have a ,,2 I
form similar to Equation (1.72) for the case of the first- ..... .1_/

10 See, for example, the derivation given in Darken and

Gurry (1953). Direction of diffusion

1 Energetic

term AG represents the difference in excess free energy

between the two equilibrium positions and is therefore h-
related to the change in the activity coefficient as follows: A B -
,-, ;,--,
oIn 'J.
(1.82) I '
/ , /
AG = AsRTTs all , az/ \
1-1 \ / \-
I ' / \
The change in the excess free energy with the distance
s is of course brought about by the statistical difference r-'I '\// I-
, )( I
in concentration between the two positions. If the activity
coefficient in any part of the system exceeds the critical
1.0 N ./ "... '...,?
value, the solution becomes metastable or unstable and r ............ - - - -.... ~' "" ...... _---"",,. -

unmixing will result. Equation (1.81) may be written I I -

in terms of the activity coefficient and mole fraction as
follows: I- 1-

= -D· I + X---
-or 0 1\) os
in which D? is the coefficient of diffusion for the ideal
It is interesting to examine Equation (1.83) for the
case of diffusional instability. The stability condition for
a binary solution consisting of components I and 2 are
oil I
-<0 Oll2 < 0 0.1
oX 2 ' oX I I I
(1.84) 1.0
oil I >0 Oll2 > 0
oX I ' oX 2
For component 1 we have 1.2 Miscibility gap for a binary solution with IX (= WjRT)
equal to 3.0. The metastable and unstable parts of
I /1
RT ? In
the activity curves are shown as broken lines. a 1
aX I XI eX I and a2 are activities. J 1 shows direction of diffusion.

We see that if the last term assumes a large enough

negative value, (Ollt/OX tl < 0, and the solution becomes IX= 3. In this figure the metastable and unstable parts
unstable. Under these conditions a negative diffusion of the activity curves are shown as dashed lines and the
occurs. That is, particles move against the concentration miscibility gap by a solid horizontal line. The regions to
gradient to form nuclei of the exsolved phase. This may the left of A and to the right of B are regions of stability
be illustrated for the case of the regular solution by and metastability. In the unstable region between A and
making use of the activity coefficients in Equations B diffusion against the concentration gradient ihitiates
(1.30) and (1.31): unmixing.
oIn 11
- - = -2C((J - XI) ( 1.86)
aX I Nucleation
We see that for C( > 0 this expression is always negative, The consideration of diffusional instability leads naturally
and that for C( = 2 we have to the problems of nucleation and the growth of nuclei.
The subject is conveniently approached through the
1 + X 0 In 11 = 0 study of successively more complicated cases. We may,
I oX I for example, choose the following sequence:
and unmixing is imminent. These relations are illustrated 1. Nucleation of liquid from a vapor in a one com-
in Figure 1.2, a plot of the activity in a solution in which ponent system
11 The derivation is simple although somewhat long. It is 2. Nucleation of crystals from a vapor in a one
given in the book by Glasstone et al. (1941). component system


3. Nucleation of one liquid in another liquid in a Comparison of Equation (1.90) with (1.87) shows that
binary system exhibiting a miscibility gap there is a critical size for each degree of supersaturation.
4. Nucleation in a binary solid solution with a The expression for LlG? in terms of rm then is
miscibility gap
5. Nucleation in multicomponental heterogeneous
= 4na ( r·2
-- rr)
3 r rn
Figure 1.3 shows a plot of LlG? against rio It is apparent
Item 5 is the case most often encountered in petrologic r;
that at first with increasing ri of the embryo the term
systems. dominates because of the surface energy, but that at
In the formation of liquid drop embryos from a one- ri = r rn this effect is overcome by the increased size of

component vapor phase the condition of supersaturation the embryo. As a consequence any embryo which has a
must be fulfilled because the first small embryos to form radius exceeding r rn can grow because ~G? is decreasing.
have a high surface energy which makes them unstable The continued growth of an embryo may be expressed
even under a small degree of supersaturation. The by reactions of the following type:
magnitude of the necessary supersaturation pressure
Ai+ A ~ Ai+ 1
Pi required to stabilize an embryo of radius ri , surface (I.e)
energy a, molar volume VE , and saturation pressure Ai+ 1 + A ~ Aj +2 etc.
P oc is given by the following expression: The kinetics of nucleation in condensed systems has
Pi 2aVE been treated by Turnbull and Fisher (1949). They conclude
RTln-=-- (1.87) that if CA, represents the steady state concentration of
P oc ri
nuclei, then the" forward" rate rf, or the rate for reactions
which is discussed by Dunning (1955). of the type (I.e) may be written as
If we consider the equilibrium between a species A and
the nucleus composed of i particles of A we may write the
reaction for the embryo formation as
rf = Ck(at1.2/3 )
(RNhT) exp (~Gf)
- ---
RT (1.92)

Here (a 1?13) is the number of "A" molecules in contact
It is evident that Reaction (1.d) requires a fluctuation or with the nucleus and ~Gi is the free energy of activation.
negative diffusion to bring the i molecules together. The The rate of the reverse reaction Ai+ 1 ---+ Ai + A may be
equilibrium constant for Reaction (I.d) may be written written as

exp (~G?)
K(d) = CA,
----c- = --- (1.88)
in which CA, and CA are the concentrations of the embryos
and the A particles, respectively, and ~G? is the standard
1.3 Plot of the standard free energy (~G?) against
free energy of formation of an embryo. For a special radius of embryo ri' rm corresponds to maximum
droplet at rest it may be shown that ~G?

in which J1~ is the chemical potential of A in the liquid

drop of infinite size (macroscopic drop) and J1i is the

chemical potential of a molecule in the supersaturated
The critical nucleus for the growth of a droplet is the
embryo for which LlG? attains a maximum. To show this
we substitute i = 4nr;;3 VE into Equation (1.89) and o

differentiate with respect to rio At the maximum ri = r m ,
and we have
2aVE 2aVE
r = -----;- (1.90)
m J1j - J1~ RT In (PJP "J Radius

1 Energetic

The net rate of formation of the Ai+ 1 nuclei is therefore


An expression analogous to Equation (1.89) may also be

written for the free energy of formation of a crystalline
~G? = i(tl~ - tl;) + I (JnOn (1.95)

Here tl~ is the chemical potential of A in an infinitely

large crystal and tli is the chemical potential in the vapor.
n IS in this case a structural factor for each of the n faces
of the crystal embryo and is proportional to the area of
the face.


One of the major objectives of chemical petrology is

knowledge of the heterogeneous reactions in the chemical
systems of nature. Considerable progress in this direction
has been made in the application of methods of ex-
perimental phase equilibria and in the theoretical
interpretation of observational and experimental data.
in this chapter we shall be particularly concerned with
applications of theory to some well known systems and
its extension to certain less known but important
natural systems. In the analysis of the more complex
systems a particular advantage of the theoretical-
analytical approach lies in the manner in which the
pertinent variables are displayed in the derivations and
the unambiguous way in which limits, boundary
conditions, and assumptions may be kept track of.
Another advantage of the analytical approach is that
many diagrams may be dispensed with, and those that
are used represent simple surfaces or volumes in multi-
componental space.
The writers believe that the following sequence of
mineral systems is a fair representation of those likely
to be encountered in nature over the broad range of
conditions from weathering to magmatism. The examples
have been chosen because of their importance or
because they illustrate some particular type of variable
interaction. In the presentation of these diverse systems
an attempt is made to exhibit the unifying theme of the
equations of equilibrium which are always of the same
form although the phases involved may be quite different
in their physical characteristics.

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

One-component transitions /
70 /
This type of reaction is of special significance because it is I
univariant in pressure and temperature. That is, the /
60 /
coexistence of two phases fixes one of these variables I
Diamond I
uniquely in terms of the other. /
50 /
The best example of this type of system is that in /
which the component is a pure element, as in the transi- § /
tion 40

graphite ~ diamond (2.a) 30

which was discussed by Berman and Simon (1955). An
almost equally good example is the system SiOz which
was extensively studied by Mosesman and Pitzer (1941).
The latter system is effectively one componental because 10
of the strong binding between silicon and oxygen.
Particular interest attaches to such simple uni- OL-__ ~ __- L__ ~L- __L -__- L_ _ ~ _ _ _ _L -
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
variant transitions which remain" decoupled" from the
more complex assemblages in which they occur. Coupling
occurs when a participant in a simple transition interacts
2.1 Univariant graphite-diamond equilibrium curve
in some way with other components. Such is probably calculated by Berman and Simon (1955; see also
the case with certain of the high temperature forms of Bundy, 1968).
SiO l . Among the more complex silicates, coupling is
the rule rather than the exception, as represented by such
transitions as
shown in Figure 2.1. For a recent experimental and
orthorhombic pyroxene ~ monoclinic pyroxene theoretical treatment of graphite-diamond equilibrium,
see Bundy (1968).
in which solid solution of Mg and Fe2+ plays an im-
portant role. It is obvious that coupling may destroy
the value of a transition as a geothermometer or a
geo barometer.
If we use Reaction (2.a) as an illustration, a convenient Univariant transformations of solids
general form for the equilibrium equation is We now consider a type of reaction which is a degree
more complex than the simple transition. A well known
example is

NaAlSi z0 6 (2.b)
in which !1g D and !1gG are the standard chemical potentials
albite nepheline jadeite
of carbon diamond and graphite, respectively, and ~ V(u)
is the volume change for Reaction (2.a). In this case it is A theoretical treatment of this reaction was given by
necessary to take into account the effect of the com- Adams (1953). The volume change amounts to - 34.9
pressibilities because of the high pressures involved. cm 3 , so pressure will greatly affect the equilibrium.
According to Berman and Simon (1955) the compressi- However, the previous work of Yoder and Weir (1951)
bility of diamond may be considered a constant, and showed that in this case the combined effect of the
the analogue of Equation (1.22) for its chemical potential compressibilities and thermal expansion had a relatively
may be used. However, the variation of the com- small effect and could safely be disregarded. The equa-
pressibility of graphite is considerable; a graphical tion of equilibrium thus assumes the form
method was employed to evaluate the contribution of
graphite to the last term in Equation (2.1). The term
!1g G - !1gD may, of course, be evaluated from standard for the case where albite, nepheline, and jadeite are all
thermochemical data. The results of the calculation are stoichiometric compounds. According to Adams the

The system CaO-MgO-C0 2

thermochemical data yield the following expression for

the standard free energy change XC02 = 0.5 X C02 = 1.0
XC02 = 0.25
~G~b) = -6120 + 14.7T (2.3)

Thus Equation (2.2) becomes

-6120 + 14.7T = -PM'(b) (2.4) 2000

where ~ "(b) is regarded as a constant.

It should be kept in mind that the direct applicability
of this equilibrium to rocks is severely limited. The CaC03
+ Si02
presence of calcium or potassium would require the
consideration of the energetics of the distribution of
these elements among the three phases involved. and this
problem is a difficult one because of the nonideal 1000
characters of the solid solutions. Compared to Equation
(2.4). the experimental determination of the equilibrium
curve by Newton and Kennedy (1968) yielded the
expression P[bar] = 25T[°C] - 4000. which represents
a considerable shift toward higher pressure.
500 600 700 800

Univariant reactions involving gases 2.2 Calcite-wollastonite equilibrium as a function of

p. T, and Xco,. (Data from Greenwood. 1967).
We turn now to a higher stage of complexity. that of the
heterogeneous reactions involving a single gas phase.
As an illustratIon we take the well known wollastonite Figure 2.2 shows the wollastonite-calcite equilibrium
reaction: curves. The curves shift as a function of the mole fraction
Cal03 + Si0 2 CaSi0 3 + CO 2 (2.c) of CO 2 in the fluid phase. It is obvious that the presence
of another gas increases the total pressure on the solid
calcite quartz wollastonite gas
phases while reducing the partial pressure of CO 2 ,
The thermodynamics of this reaction have been con- Thus the reaction proceeds at a lower temperature than
sidered in detail by Danielson (1950) for the case of when the other gas is not present, an effect similar to that
stoichiometric crystalline phases. to which we confine of rock pressure.
our discussion here. Following our development in
Equations (1.17). (1.46). and (1.52). we may write the
equilibrium equation as follows:
The system CaO-MgO-C0 2
In K(c) = In ieol (2.5)
This system is of great interest from a theoretical
And using Equations (1.17) and (1.18) we obtain standpoint and, in addition, provides us with a very

-~G~) - P~"(c) = RT In Pco , + f(Z; l)dP (2.6)

useful geologic thermometer, since the system
CaO-MgO-C0 2 is of reasonably wide occurrence
as such (in limestones) or is effectively decoupled when
where - ~G~c) - P~ "(c) = R T In K (e) and ~ "(e) is as it occurs as a subsystem in more complex rocks. The
usual the difference in volume between the solid reactants essentials of the system were worked out by Graf and
and products of Reaction (2.c). Since ~G~) is known from Goldsmith (1955) with contributions by Harker and
thermochemical data and the integral term may be Tuttle (1955).
evaluated from the universal properties of gases, it is Figure 2.3 shows the dolomite decomposition curve
possible to solve Equation (2.6) by successive approxi- as represented by Reaction (2.f). This curve is of the same
mations. character as those of Figure 2.2 except that it has a
Reaction (2.c) was used by Ramberg (1946) and nonlinear scale for plotting convenience. Originally all
Danielson (1950) to illustrate the effect of rock pressure. the minerals which enter into the decomposition reaction

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

were regarded as stoichiometric, and a qualitatively

similar curve was computed from thermochemical data
Dol + Cal + CO2 by Hall and Markus (1952). However, it was sub-
sequently found that the composition of calcite in
10 4
equilibrium with dolomite is a function of the tempera-

ture. The empirical relationship is shown in Figure 2.4.
It may be seen from this figure that a Mg-calcite of the
;e 10 3 composition A when cooled to B on the curve reacts to
0 form a dolomite of a composition represented by C
[Reaction (2.e)J. Further cooling would give rise to a
102 more Ca-rich calcite (B') and a coexisting dolomite (C').
\ Figure 2.5 shows that the curves of Figures 2.3 and 2.4
Cal + periclase + C02 \
\ are merely projections of three-dimensional relations
\ in the ternary system. The curve of Figure 2.3 is here
represented by the space curve ABRCSD, which defines
\ a trough formed by the intersecting divariant surfaces .
__L--L__L -__L -__~____~L-_ Figure 2.4 is of course a cross section of the steepest
1400 1200 1000 900 800 700 of these surfaces and appears on the upper surface of the
T[°K] block diagram. The steepness of this surface is a con-
sequence of the small volume change involved in
2.3 System CaO-MgO-C0 2 • The curve A-B-C is a Reaction (2.e) (see below), so that pressure has little
projection of the space curve A-B-C of Figure 2.5. influence on the equilibrium according to Relation (1.2).
(Data after Graf and Goldsmith, 1965).
This characteristic enhances the system's usefulness as a
The other divariant surface represents the equilibrium
between solid solutions of Mg-calcite, periclase, and CO 2
2.4 System CaC0 3 -MgC0 3 . The curve is a
gas [Reaction (2.d)], and is more complex. Figure 2.5
projection along the P co, axis as shown in
Figure 2.5. (Data after Graf and Goldsmith, 1958,
shows isocomposition lines of Mg-calcite on this surface.
and Goldsmith and Heard, 1960).

2.5 Block diagram of the system CaO-MgO-C0 2 ·

The construction is for the data of Graf and
Goldsmith (1955, 1958) and Goldsmith and
Heard (1960). See text for further explanation.
Mg-Cal + C02

Dol + Mg-Cal + C02


Dol + Mg-Cal + C02


o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 QI Q2 Q3 0.4 Q5
Mg ~
Mg+ Ca Mg+ Ca

Exchange equilibria

The space curve ABRCSD also defines a sloping The thermochemical properties of these compounds may
surface that intersects the steep divariant surface and be used in calculating values for K(a!' K(e) and K(f).
produces the dolomite decomposition curve. At CO 2 However, for the present we shall be concerned only
pressures below this surface dolomite is not stable and with the qualitative behavior of the system. As pre-
Mg-calcite cannot be used except to define a minimal viously indicated, Reaction (2.d) is divariant and is
temperature. A typical situation of crystallization in the represented by a surface in Figure 2.5. This divariance is
ternary system is illustrated in Figure 2.5: the initial also apparent from Equation (2.7), which is the only
PTX coordinates are represented by the point T, which one of the three equations applicable to this surface.
we assume falls in the field of coexisting Mg-calcite and For example, if X~~l and PC02 are fixed, the temperature
dolomite, the equilibrium compositions of these minerals is determined. This result is most apparent if we consider
being represented by P and Q, respectively. If the pressure the case where X~~ -+ 0, for then y~~l approaches a
is now lowered sufficiently at constant temperature, the constant. But the same result must hold in general since
decomposition of Mg-calcite and dolomite begins when y~~l is an implicit function of T, p, and X~:l. As P e02
their respective compositions are represented by Rand S decreases, X~~l must also decrease. This conclusion is,
on the space curve. If the temperature is held constant, of course, in perfect agreement with Figure 2.5.
the system is invariant and the phase composition cannot Equation (2.8) refers to the nearly vertical divariant
change until all the dolomite is consumed. When this surface of Figure (2.5). This divariant character is also
happens, the composition of Mg-calcite begins to change apparent from Equation (2.8) if we remember that
along the divariant surface defined by the coexistence K(e) contains the term exp (- PI1 J;(e/RT), where 11 J;(e) is
of periclase. This path is shown by the arrow in Figure 2.5. the change in volume. We have already indicated that
A qualitative thermodynamic analysis of this system is this term is small. The chief contributing factor to the
simple and informative. The pertinent reactions are equilibrium represented by Reaction (2.e) is a positive
excess Gibbs free energy term, as in Equation (1.32).
MgC0 3 MgO + CO 2 (2.d)
This term arises from the mutual repulsion of the Ca and
Mg-calcite periclase gas Mg components in the carbonate crystal and is probably
attributable chiefly to size differences in these ions.
CaMgC z0 6 CaC0 3 + MgC0 3 (2.e) Gordon and Greenwood (1970) have calculated the
dolomite Mg-calcite activity-composition relations in MgCO r CaC0 3 solu-
tion from the experimental results of Graf and Goldsmith
CaMgC z0 6 CaC0 3 + MgO + COz (2.f) (1955). Their final equations are
dolomite Mg-calcite periclase gas
In y~~C03 = (1 - X~~eol(2.1718 - 1.8960X~g~0,)
We shall assume that dolomite and periclase are stoichio-
metric compounds and that CO 2 behaves as a perfect gas. o ~ X~~eo3 ~ 0.18
The first assumption is justified by Figure 2.5 for the In y~:~03 = (1 - x~:~o3f(1.2238 + 1.8960X~:~o,)
range of metamorphic temperatures below 700 C. The C

second assumption can only be justified for pure CO 2 In these expressions the activity coefficients are not
at temperatures above 500°C and pressures below significantly dependent on P and T. Goldsmith and
700 bar when z does not exceed 1.17. Thus we may write Newton (1969) have recently shown that pressure has
the following equilibrium constants for the reactions only a small effect on the calcite-dolomite solvus.


(2.8) Exchange equilibria

(2.9) Generally, rocks are composed of at least three or four
complex minerals of variable composition. If equilibrium
in which X~:l = Ca/(Ca + Mg) and X~~l = Mg/(Ca + is attained during crystallization, a considerable variety
Mg) for magnesium calcite, and y~:l and y~~ are the of reactions and corresponding equilibrium constants
activity coefficients for the same phase. can be written for such an assemblage. For metamorphic
As standard states for the components of Mg-calcite rocks in general the reactions will involve a fluid or gas
it is convenient to adopt pure Ca-calcite and pure phase in addition to several mineral phases. These reac-
magnesite since these components are isostructural. tions may be expected to exhibit relations analogous to

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

those just discussed for the system CaO-MgO-CO z, takes a particularly simple form. In Equations (2.10)
except that they may be of even greater complexity. Some and (2.11) this corresponds to all the activity coefficients
reactions will, however, be related to each other by simultaneously being equal to unity.
linear combinations, so that they will seldom all be We shall now turn to some examples of distribution
independent. among the naturally occurring mineral assemblages.
If at least two mineral solid solutions occur, it is The general nature of these distributions was first
generally possible to write exchange reactions that relate pointed out by Ramberg (1944a,b, 1952) and by Ram-
two or more variable elements of two or more phases. berg and DeVore (1951). However, the first conclusive
As a hypothetical example we may consider the species A evidence for many elements was obtained by Kretz
and B (atoms or ions) which form complex mixed crystals (1959) in his now classic study of associated garnets,
with framework structures indicated by rx and f3. Examples biotites, and hornblendes from the Quebec gneisses.
of such framework structures from mineralogy are Kretz also made the first study of a third element on the
Si0 3 2 ~ and Si0 4 4 - in pyroxene and olivine, respectively. distributions. We begin by considering distributions
The hypothetical formulae are (A, B)rx and (A, B)f3. We from the pre-Cambrian metamorphic iron-rich chemical
may then write the exchange reaction as sediments known as "iron formation." These rocks are
widespread in the pre-Cambrian, and in eastern Quebec
Arx + Bf3 ~ Brx + Af3 (2.g)
they have been recrystallized to amphibolite and
for which the equilibrium constant is granulite facies rank. The geologic environment and
detailed mineralogy of these metamorphosed iron
y' yP
(2.1 0) formations have been discussed by Mueller (1960),
(g) - XAX~YAY~
Butler (1968) and Kranck (1961). Certain examples are
in terms of the atomic fractions and activity coefficients. also taken from the work of Howie (1955) on the char-
If A and B are the only miscible species present, Equation nockitic gneisses of India and from the works of Cia van
(2.10) becomes et al. (1954) and Norton and Clavan (1959) on rocks from
Pennsylvania and Delaware.
K _ (1 - XA)X~YBYi
(2.11 ) The two mineral assemblages of interest from the
(g) - (1 - Xi)X AYA Y~
iron formations are as follows:
Under conditions of constant temperature and pressure
the activity coefficients will be functions of the X's, Ca-pyroxene Actinolite
and a solution for one X in terms of another is at least Orthopyroxene Cummingtonite
implicit. We shall see that such isothermal-isobaric Cummingtonite Ca-pyroxene
distributions are of considerable utility in the study of
natural assemblages. Actinolite apparently does not coexist with ortho-
Because of the regularity implied by the equilibrium pyroxene, which is an interesting fact we touch upon
distribution functions such as Equations (2.10) and (2.11), later. We begin by writing down the exchange reactions
the observed distributions of elements in coexisting for Mg2 + and Fe 2 + among the silicates:
phases in rocks should be good criteria for equilibrium. CaFeSi z0 6 + !CazMgsSisOdOH)z
The fact that the distributions reflect fundamental Ca-pyroxene actinolite
energetic properties of the crystalline solutions gives
them a great additional value as chemical data.
The dependence of the distribution constant on the Ca-pyroxene actinolite
temperature and pressure is of great interest, but
unfortunately this dependence is difficult to assess since CaFeSi z0 6 + MgSi0 3
compositional effects operative in the activity co- Ca-pyroxene orthopyroxene
efficients may easily obscure the comparatively small
effects of these variables. As we shall show later for
Ca-pyroxene orthopyroxene
specific systems, ~ V in the solid state exchange reactions
such as (2.g) is usually so small that only very large
pressure effects could be registered. Of course, this fact Ca-pyroxene cummingtonite
enhances these same systems as geothermometers.
For the system in which the variable components form (2.j)
ideal solutions with each other, the distribution relation Ca-pyroxene cummingtonite

Exchange equilibria

following definitions: Cum is cummingtonite, Act is

actinolite cummingtonite actinolite, Opx is orthopyroxene, and Ca-Px is calcium
pyroxene. The component end members are indicated
by the subscripts; as an example, the activity coefficient
actinolite cummingtonite of Ca2MgsSigOdOHh is y~~t. It is important to realize
FeSi0 3 + iMg 7 Si s0 22 (OHjz that neither the mole fractions nor the activity coefficients
of individual ions are referred to here. However, it is
orthopyroxene cummingtonite
obvious that the ionic ratio Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) is equal
to the mole fraction of the corresponding end member.
orthopyroxene cummingtonite The points plotted in Figures 2.6 to 2.9 are observa-
tional data for the coexisting minerals of interest. In
The equilibrium constants corresponding to these these figures each point represents an analyzed pair
reactions are of the minerals indicated. It is apparent that the distribu-
(1 - x~~t)X~~·PXy~~ty~~'Px tion for actinolite and Ca-pyroxene may be reasonably
K(h) = (l _ X~~·PX)X~;ty~~'PXy~~t well represented by a straight 45° line. which is equivalent
to the relation x~~t = X~~·Px. Reference to Equation
I - XOpx)xCa-PxyOpxyCa-Px
K _ ( Mg Mg Fe Mg (2.12) shows that this also implies the relation
(i) - (1 _ xca-px)xOpxyca-PxyOpx (2.13)
Mg Mg Fe Mg AClyCa.Px
YFe Mg _ K
YCa'PxyAct -
Fe Mg

Keeping this in mind we now consider Figure 2.7, which
1 - XCum)X ActyCumyAct shows a series of distribution points for coexisting
K _ ( Mg Mg Fe Mg
(k) - (1 _ xAct)xCum'yActyCum (2.1 5) Ca-pyroxenes and orthopyroxenes. It should be noted
Mg Mg Fe Mg
that the curves which are drawn are symmetrical about
1 - xcum)xOpxycumyOpx
K _ ( Mg Mg Fe Mg a diagonal of the graph. These curves obey the equation
( I _ XOpx)xCumyOpxyCum
(I) -
Mg Mg Fe Mg ( I - XOpx)xCa.Px
K= Mg Mg
(2.1 8)
In these equations X refers to the atomic fraction (l - X~~·Px)Xgr
Mg/(Mg + Fe2+), whereas the superscripts have the

2.7 Distribution ofFe 2 + and Mg2+ between

2.6 Distribution ofFe2+ and Mg2+ between coexisting pyroxenes in charnockites (data from
coexisting Ca-pyroxene (Ca-Px) and actinolite in Howie, 1955). Broken line represents magmatic
metamorphic rocks. rocks (Kretz, 1963).



t;,. "'00
~ ~ 0.5



0.1 0.3 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9


2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

where K is as usual the equilibrium constant and is a

function of pressure and temperature only. But from
Equation (2.13) we then have
'l' 0px'l'Ca-Px
Fe Mg = K' (2.19)

where K' denotes another constant. Consequently

KK' = K(i). Now the activity coefficients of a binary
solution are related to each other by a corollary of the
Gibbs-Duhem equation (1.8). Thus for constant tempera-
ture and pressure we have for Ca-pyroxene:

Ca-Px (
'l'Fe XCa Px
aIn 'l'Mg
(1 - X Mg ) ;')XCa -Px
+ Mg axCa-Px

and similarly for the other binary solid solutions.

From the characteristics of binary activity co- 0.1 0.3
efficients it seems unlikely that Equation (2.19) could X Mg

hold under any condition other than that in which all the
activity coefficients are equal to 1 or that K' is some Fe2+ _Mg2+ distribution in coexisting
constant. This may be seen by considering ratios such as
cummingtonite and actinolite (data from Mueller,
'l'~~.Px/'l'~:-Px in terms of Equation (2.20). For if 'l'~~-.Px 1960). The curve is drawn free hand to show the
decreases, 'l'~~-Px must increase for the same change III asymmetric form of distribution.
AMg .
Saxena and Ghose (1971) determined the activity-
composition relation in orthopyroxene, using the data
where K(k) equals K(k) when all the activity coefficients are
on the partitioning ofFe 2 + and Mg between the crystallo-
unity. Since the number of data points are few, no
graphic sites M 1 and M2 in the mineral. These data
attempt to calculate W has been made here.
indicate that orthopyroxene is moderately nonideal
The distribution of Fe and Mg between coexisting
(positive deviation) at 600°C but becomes ideal with
orthopyroxene and Ca-pyroxene in metamorphic rocks
increasing temperature (Saxena, 1973). From the results
has been investigated by Kretz (1963). The distribution
presented here (Figure 2.7) and elsewhere (Saxena, 1971),
data indicate that K (i)' when calculated by using Equation
it may be noted that Ca-pyroxene would also be some-
(2.18), is close to 1.82 in rocks of high metamorphic grade,
what non ideal at 600°C and the function K' would
some of which contained different mineral assemblages
remain nearly constant because of an appropriate
and therefore might be of different bulk chemistry. Thus
adjustment in the activity coefficients. Of course, it
the effect of bulk chemical differences is not detectable
must always be kept in mind that these conclusions
and the distribution is essentially invariant with respect
depend on chemical data containing substantial errors
to the total assemblage in which they occur. Saxena
that are frequently difficult to evaluate.
(1973) has presented a detailed discussion of these aspects
If we now consider the fractionation of Mg and
of distribution coefficients.
F e 2 + between coexisting cummingtonites and actinolites
In the foregoing development we have said little about
(Figure 2.8), it appears that the distribution of points
the effect of temperature and pressure on the distribution
is somewhat asymmetric. The distribution cannot,
equilibria. In the analysis of the observational data, we
therefore, be approximated by a function such as
have assumed isothermal-isobaric conditions. The basis
Equation (2.18). If the minerals represent a wide compo-
for this assumption was the apparent similarity of the
sitional range, it may be possible to find the nonideality
metamorphic grade of all the assemblages considered.
parameter such as W by solving the equation
We would not expect that this similarity is perfect,
however, and temperature differences as great as loo°C
may have separated some of the different mineral pairs
discussed. A study of the effect of temperature on
WCum Reaction (2.i) was made by Kretz (1961, 1963), who
- - - (1 - 2~um) (2.21 )
RT g compared rocks of widely different origins. He found

The distribution of minor elements

that the distribution curve for the magmatic rocks fell 0.024
closer to the 45° (equal distribution) line than that for
the metamorphic rocks. The approximate curve for
magmatic rocks is shown in Figure 2.7 as a dashed line. ~
~ 0.016
This distribution probably represents temperatures
around 1000°C if we allow for a small amount of sub- ,,+
liquidus annealing, whereas the typical metamorphic :'If
temperatures are probably around 500-600°C. + 0.008
The direction of the displacement of the distribution ~
curve by higher temperatures is easily explained in
terms of Equation (1.47). For Reaction (2.i) we may
0.008 0.016 0.024 0.032
write this as
Mn Ca-Px
(Mg + Fe + Mn)
( aIn K(i)) (2.23)
aT p 2.9 Distribution of Mn between coexisting
Ca-pyroxene and actinolites. (After Mueller,
Now it is apparent that Reaction (2.i) is displaced to the
right from the observed distribution; consequently
~G~) < O. Since the standard entropy change must be
small in this type of reaction involving only similar In the case of the distribution of Mn between the other
solids, one would also expect that ~H3) < O. Con- silicates and cummingtonite. further complications arise
sequently K(i) should decrease with an increase in because of the nonideal behavior of the latter mineral.
temperature, as was observed. A full discussion of these points is beyond the scope of
The effect of pressure may similarly be evaluated this work: for further details the reader is referred to the
from the general relation (1.48). which may be written as original paper (Mueller. 1961 b).

(c I~ K(i)) (2.24)
cP T
2.10 V203 distribution between coexisting biotite and
Under standard conditions ~ V3) ~ -1.9 cm 3 . This is a hornblende. (After Kretz, 1959. From the Journal
very small value, but from Equation (2.24) we see that it of Geology, 67:371-402, by permission from the
will have the effect of displacing the curve away from the University of Chicago Press.)
45° line, with increasing pressure. an effect opposite to
that of increasing temperature.

The distribution of minor elements

The laws that govern the distribution of minor elements
are, of course. identical to those we have just discussed
for the major elements. However. because the chemical
potential rises steeply as a function of composition at
low concentrations, minor component distributions
are sensitive to variations in the major components.
This is essentially true when the distribution of the major
element between two phases is very unequal. Such. for
example, is the case with the distribution of Mg between
the coexisting orthopyroxenes and Ca-pyroxenes (Figure
2.7). On the other hand. when the major elements are
equally distributed. as is the case with coexisting Ca-
pyroxenes and actinolites (Figure 2.6). the distribution
of the minor element may show great regularity. Figure 0.10 0.12
2.9, shows the observed distribution of manganese.

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

The influence of one element on the distribution of

another was first studied in detail by Kretz (1959).
A particularly fine illustration is represented by his study
of the distribution of vanadium among coexisting biotites, 0.5
hornblendes, and garnets. The results of this study are
shown in Figures 2.10 to 2.12. Figure 2.1 0 shows the ~ ~
orderly distribution for biotite and hornblende. However, l ~ 0.4
the distribution for biotite and garnet (Figure 2.11)
shows an apparent enormous scatter, and on the basis
"E'" :9"

.0 0.3
of vanadium alone one could be inclined to doubt that 0 0
equilibrium was attained here. Figure 2.11 has been >>
divided into sectors representing different ranges of the 0.2

distribution, and when these sectors are examined it is

found that they represent different Ca-contents. The 0.1 ••
effect of the ratio Ca/(Fe + Mg + Mn + Cal on the
distribution is best shown in Figure 2.12.
o 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24

Ca in garnet
Fe + Mg + Mn + Ca
2.11 V203 distribution between coexisting garnet and
biotite. (After Kretz, 1959. From the Journal of 2.12 Effect ofCa concentration on the V20 3
Geology, 67:371-402, by permission from the distribution between biotite and garnet. (After
University of Chicago Press.) Kretz, 1959. From the Journal of Geology,
67: 371-402, by permission from the University
0.18 of Chicago Press.)


0.14 Coupled equilibria involving solid

solutions and gases
0.12 The equilibrium of the average metamorphic mineral
assemblage requires the simultaneous consideration of
all the various types of reactions discussed thus far.
:§. 0.10
As an illustration of such an equilibrium we again use
the iron-formation assemblages, since they are of only
.S 0.08 moderate complexity. Kranck (1961) has found the
0 following association in Quebec:
0.06 Ca-pyroxene
of garnet calcite
Fe + Mg + Mn + Ca quartz
B 0.01-0.08
0.02 C 0.08-0.15
D 0.15-0.21
E 0.21-0.25
Magnetite is not reported in this rock but is widespread
o om 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 in other rocks of the region. Following our systematic
V203 in garnet [wt %I method of approach we write the possible reactions which

Coupled equilibria involving solid solutions and gases

involve the end members of the component minerals: Of the entire set of six reactions. only three are inde-
Of course, there are also additional reactions which
calcite orthopyroxene quartz need to be considered for special information. Thus if we
CaMgSi z0 6 + C + O2 (2.m) wish to knowf~o we can use the reaction
Ca-pyroxene graphite gas C + t02 CO (2.r)
graphite gas gas

calcite orthopyroxene quartz However. we shall not be concerned with this or ad-
ditional species here.
C + O2 (2.n) We have seen that in attempting to treat the more
Ca-pyroxene graphite gas complex systems we encounter difficulties arising out
of non ideality in the phases that are either gaseous.
C + Oz (2.0)
liquid, or solid solutions. In the following discussion
graphite gas gas
we shall treat calcite as pure CaC0 3 since the quantities
These three reactions are linearly independent. This of MgC0 3 and FeC0 3 dissolved in the calcite at
means that all three are required to define the system ordinary metamorphic temperatures are small and will
but that various combinations of them. obtained by have little effect on the chemical potential of CaC0 3 .
addition or subtraction. may be used to obtain other Similarly. graphite and quartz may be treated as pure
significant relations. Thus subtracting Reaction (2.n) since they dissolve almost no other components in this
from Reaction (2.m) yields the exchange reaction (2.i). system.
Similarly if Reaction (2.0) is added to Reactions (2.m) We have seen in the previous section that both
and (2.n) we obtain: pyroxenes apparently form almost ideal solutions so that
no difficulty is encountered from this source. However.
CaC0 3 + MgSi0 3 + Si0 2 no such assumption can be made for the gaseous phase
calcite orthopyroxene quartz in any natural system. Since little is as yet known of the
interaction of such species of H 2 0 with CO 2 , we can
CaMgSi 2 0 6 + CO 2 (2.p)
only speak of the fugacity of the latter gas. Actually
Ca-pyroxene gas

CaC0 3 + FeSi0 3 + Si0 2 2.13 Fugacity of O2 as a function of temperature in the

calcite orthopyroxene quartz assemblage Ca-pyroxene-orthopyroxene-calcite-
quartz-graphite where X~~x = 0.305, P = I atm.
CaFeSi 2 0 s + CO 2 (2.q) The fields of iron oxides are indicated by broken
Ca-pyroxene gas lines.



~ 800

600 Hem



-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

log 10,

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

we shall not concern ourselves here with either gas.
Instead we consider the fugacity of 2 and the oxidation
state of the system. To do this we begin by writing the
is thus a characteristic of the solution per se. If the excess
free energy of mixing is positive in sign. un mixing occurs
as in the case of Mg-ca\cite. an example of intrinsic
equation of equilibrium for Reaction (2.m): instability. Ideal solutions are, of course, always in-
trinsically stable since they have no excess free energy .
.1G(m) = 0 = .1G~m) + P.1Vrm) Some solutions that have a negative excess free energy
XC" Px have an added intrinsic stability over the ideal model.
+ R T In lo~x + R T In I 0 2 (2.25) Ideal solutions may. however. be extrinsically unstable
since this form of instability arises solely from the
in whichfo 2 is the fugacity of oxygen. and the X's have the instability of the component end members relative to
same meaning as in Equation (2.13). The second term some reaction products. Thus we shall see later that
on the right contains the volume change of the solids. ferrosilite (FeSi0 3 ) is extrinsically unstable relative to
which amounts to -20 cm 3 in this case. This is a large fayalite (Fe2Si04) and silica. In the experience of the
volume change. and it will have the effect of displacing writers these two forms of stability are commonly
the reaction strongly to the right at higher pressures. confused.
For example. at 600 K and 104 atm total pressure

(P.1V(m/2.303 RT) = 1.74.

If we now consider the third term we see by com-
parison with Figure 2.7 that the ratio A1i~-px/X~~x can Ionic processes
assume a maximum value of 1.82. which is the value
of the distribution constant. Since log 1.82 is only 0.26 The tendency of mineral phases to dissociate into ions in
we see that this is only a slight effect and that this effect the aqueous environment gives rise to very important
tends to displace the logI02 curve to higher pressures as effects over the entire range of petrologic phenomena.
the fraction Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) increases. The range of conditions for which ionic processes are
Under standard conditions (P = 1 atm, A1i~px = best understood are those near standard pressure and
X~~x = 1) we obtain T as a function of logIo2' That plot temperature. At higher temperatures and pressures these
is shown in Figure 2.13, in which the curve for Reaction processes are less well understood. and more conventional
(2.m) is superimposed on the stability field of the iron- non ionic parameters are usually chosen to describe the
oxygen minerals. It is evident that Reaction (2.m) falls system. However, many features of silicate melts cannot
within the field of magnetite. which is to be expected be understood without considering their ionic character.
from the presence of this mineral in the region (Kranck, and this will undoubtedly form an important branch
1961). of petrologic investigation in the future.
We have seen that the second term in Equation (2.25) The subject of ionic processes in the low-temperature
could cause a considerable shift in the curve of Figure range has received considerable attention in recent years.
2.13. However, the absolute magnitude of this shift in chiefly in the lucid publications of Garrels. who has
terms of oxygen pressure is insignificant. The same is not discussed in great detail the stability fields of numerous
true. however. forfco, of Reaction (2.p) which must also oxides, carbonates, and sulfides in relation to easily
be satisfied. By an approximate calculationfco2lies in the measurable parameters such as the oxidation potential
range 10 3 _10 4 atm at 600o K. In this case we must also (Eh) and the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
consider the third term of Equation (2.25), which may concentration (pH).
shift the curve by a factor of 0.26. In terms of the high The relationship of these variables to the familiar
CO 2 pressures, this is an enormous change. We shall see fugacities or partial pressures may be illustrated by
later on that this contrast in the fugacities of the major considering the stability fields of the iron oxides. The
and minor gases is also closely tied to their mobility and univariant oxidation reaction for magnetite to hematite
their relationship to structural conditions. IS

2Fe304 + i0 2 (2.s)
magnetite gas
Intrinsic and extrinsic stability which is, of course, invariant at any given temperature
Solid solutions may be classified as either intrinsically and total pressure. If the stability fields are to be con-
or extrinsically stable. Intrinsic stability arises from the sidered in an aqueous environment we may conveniently
sign and magnitude of the excess free energy terms and substitute the two variables Eh and pH forl02 to recover

Ionic processes

our univariant relationship under standard conditions. of the latter group are the feldspars, which exhibit
To do this we write first the important half cell reaction exchange properties at moderate temperatures (Orville,
1963). We shall be concerned mainly with the clay
H 20 -----> 2H+ +e (2.t)
minerals at this stage.
If we add this to Reaction (2.s) we obtain The physical chemistry of ionic processes in silicates
has received only scant attention from geologists who
2Fe 30 4 + H 20 -----> 3Fe z0 3 + 2H+ + 2e have been largely occupied with ad hoc investigations.
magnetite solution hematite solution
(2.u) However, some notable contributions have been made
by Garrels and Christ (1965). The electrochemistry of
We have written one-way arrows in these reactions to clays has been subject to intensive investigation by soil
indicate that these half cells do not represent equilibrium. scientists and physical chemists. Especially noteworthy
If we now make use of Definition 0.45) we obtain is the work of C. E. Marshall and his co-workers at the
o RT University of Missouri who have contributed numerous
Eh(u) = E(u) + F In QH (2.26) papers dealing with the fundamentals of ionic processes
in clays. In a review paper, Marshall (1955) also examined
or in detail the theoretical basis for the various types of
investigation, which may be classed as thermodynamic.
o 2.303 RT quasithermodynamic. and non thermodynamic.
Eh(u) = E(u) - pH (2.27)
F Before we consider the problem of ionic processes
in clays, it seems desirable to discuss the mineralogic
In a similar way other ions such as Fe 3+ may be
environment or "substrate" for these processes. The
related to the stability fields of the solids. This we may
most important group of clay minerals is the mont-
morillonoid group. These minerals may be derived from
the mica structure by introducing an extra quantity
magnetite solution solution solution of charge into the tetrahedral or octahedral layers of
mica. For example, Si 4 + may be substituted for AI3+ in
Fe203 + 6H+ -----> 2Fe3+ + 3H zO (2.w) the sodium mica paragonite to give a montmorillonite:
hematite solution solution solution
NaAlz{Si 3AI)0 1 o(OHlz
The corresponding equations are paragonite
Eh(v) = E?v) + 3 RT In QFe3+ + (2.303)(8)RT pH (2.28)
Na o.33 Al iSi 3 . 6 7 Alo. 33)0 10(0 Hlz
log K(w) = 2 log QFe3+ - 6 pH (2.29) montmorillonite

Equation (2.29) is an ordinary equilibrium equation for Montmorillonoids are characterized by a deficiency of
the ionic species Fe3+ and H+ and contains the equilib- sodium in the interlayers. and the property of water
rium constant K(w)' Equation (2.28) is not an equilibrium absorption and expandibility are direct consequences
equation since the voltage Eh(v) in general has a finite of this deficiency. From these relations we see that clays
value as compared with the hydrogen half cell. However. have a twofold aspect in relation to their energetic
QFe3 + and the pH of Equation (2.28) may be equilibrium properties. The osmotic and ionic exchange processes,
values in relation to other phases and species of the which have low activation energies and consequently
system in which they are measured. operate on a short time scale. are dependent on the
Equations of type (2.27), (2.28). and (2.29) may be character of the Si-O tetrahedral and Al-O and Mg-O
used to delineate the stability fields of the solid phases octahedral framework, the properties of which change
by the use of diagrams. Diagrams may also be used to only on a long time scale because of the high energies
delineate the fields in which a species of ion is dominant. of activation involved. As a consequence ionic processes
These graphical methods have been extensively employed may be treated relatively independently of the re-
by Garrels (1960). crystallization processes of diagenesis and metamor-
We now consider a class of minerals in which ionic phism proper. The latter processes tend to eliminate
processes operate in a truly geologic scale. These are the the montmorillonoids by restabilizing the true mica
larger silicates known as clay minerals, to a lesser constitution. Of course, this also implies a continuous
extent the zeolites, and in the broadest sense all silicates alteration of the ionic properties with diagenesis and
showing ionic dissociation and exchange. Representatives metamorphism.

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

/x \ e
hypothetical "membrane" is shown by a broken line.
t---------{II e \
Of course, there is no actual discontinuity at the "mem-
0 brane" but only a continuous ionic concentration
\ gradient.
~0\e e Figure 2.14 has also been drawn to illustrate that
positive fixed charges may occur. Actual clay minerals
o It'
~ 0 00 \\ are undoubtedly far more complicated than this,
o 8 0 e \8 e however.
e 0 0 \ 0 In the conventional model of membrane equilibria
r'\ - - - r'\ - 0 10 e the osmotic pressure plays a prominent role, and if

two fluid masses are separated by a membrane in the
1---------</ 0

open air, one of the fluids rises to a higher level than the
II I other because of this pressure. However, it is obvious
0 /e e that our clay model presents a different picture since the
external fluid always exerts its hydrostatic pressure
- - - Negative fixed charges on the clay mineral. Consequently, we have the added
a Neutralized associated particles constraint that the osmotic pressure is zero or that the
e 0 Negative and positive ions
in solution
actual pressures are equal in both internal and external
The relation corresponding to Equation (1.43) is
2.14 Effect of a membrane (broken line) on ionic Osmotic pressure = P' - P"
concentrations. Explanation in text.

For a comprehensive understanding of ionic processes

with P' - P" = O.
in clays we need to be familiar with the general theoretical
Here we may represent the internal solution by
model of the Donnan equilibrium. The fundamental
single primes and the external solution by double primes.
relations have already been presented in Equations
Thus we obtain
(1.42)-( 1.44).1 These equations give the conditions
imposed on two systems or phases separated by a mem- (2.31 )
brane so that at least one charged species is prevented
from passing through the membrane. This constraint The analogous relation may be obtained for the ions from
then gives rise to an unequal distribution of both neutral Equation (1.44):
and ionic species between the two phases. The membrane
need not be physical in the ordinary sense, but rather any
restriction whatsoever on the mobility of the charged F or the distribution of NaCI between internal and
species can set up the effect. It appears that the expand- external phases we obtain
able clay minerals meet this requirement, since their
interlayers contain fixed negative charges. Thus the (2.33)
interlayer volume may be regarded as separated by a
"membrane" from the external solution in which the and for CaCl 2
clay particles are suspended. The general relations are (2.34)
shown in Figure 2.14. This figure shows diagramatically
the difference in ionic concentrations that the membrane We may now consider the case of an external aqueous
effects. Since the fixed internal charge is negative in this solution of NaCI in equilibrium with an internal solution
case, fewer anions are required on that side of the of the same species in the interlayers of a sodium mont-
membrane to neutralize a given quantity of dissociated morillonite with a fixed charge of lattice concentration
cations. Thus the cations in the internal solutions are in CA' The appropriate equation for the ionic equilibrium is
higher concentration than in the external solution. The Equation (2.33). If C~aCl is the concentration of NaCl
in the external solution, we also have the condition that
1 A wide variety of applications of this theory are to be found
in the book by Bolam (1932). (2.35)

Crystal-melt equilibria

and for the internal phase It should be noted that the Donnan effect is only
operative at low to moderate salt concentrations and is
swamped at the higher concentrations. Figure 2.15
If we substitute Equation (2.36) into (2.34) and make use shows that at a molality corresponding to the ionic
of (2.35) we get the following equations: strength of seawater Na'" should be concentrated in the
clay by a factor of 2 relative to the pore solution.
cclkcl + cA)(YiY = (CNaCl)2(y'iY (2.37)
It has been found through numerous experiments that
c~,(c~a - cAHy;Y = (cNaCI)2(i't)2 (2.38) the cations are readily replaced by H + to form hydrogen
clays, which then behave as weak acids. This reluctance
Solution of these two quadratic equations for the ionic
of hydrogen clays to dissociate is in marked contrast
concentrations of the internal phase gives the following
to the Na + clays, which behave as salts of strong acids.
The Donnan effect is, of course, dependent on this
-CA + [kA)2 + 4(CNaCI)2(i'tlY'd]I/2 dissociation. It seems probable that the hydrolysis
2 effect of clays following reactions of the type

H clay + Na + + (OH)-

Equations (2.39) and (2.40) were derived by Bernstein plays a very important role in controlling the pH of
(1960), who also studied this system experimentally. many natural waters. This should be especially true of
These equations show that at low salt concentrations seawater, which has had much time to react.
(ionic strengths) Na + should be highly concentrated in
the clay interlayer but that Cl- should be in low con-
centration relative to the external solution.
Figure 2.15 is a comparison of the theory with the Crystal-melt equilibria
experimental results. From this figure it is apparent that
Na + behaves essentially as predicted but that Cl- is We now consider the equilibria established between
more highly concentrated in the interlayer than the crystals and a complex solution of molten oxides or
theory predicts. This lack of agreement in the case of Cl- silicates. Later on we shall consider numerous systems
may be due in part to the approximation i± = i't of this sort in the physical chemistry of natural magmas.
employed as explained by Bernstein. However, at present we shall concern ourselves chiefly
with the system albite-anorithite-diopside since this
system provides an admirable example of the inter-
2.15 Experimental (solid lines) and theoretically relations of thermodynamic and non thermodynamic
predicted (broken lines) behavior of Na + and factors.
Cl- in solution (Bernstein, 1960). The problems of silicate melts are in many ways
analogous to those of the ionic systems previously
1.0 10
discussed. The basis for a successful theoretical treat-
ment of ionic systems was the realization that the
statistical unit was the dissociated ion. It has been found
that silicate melts are also ionic in character (Tomlinson,
1952): however, many of the ions are really complexes
of Si0 4 tetrahedra formed into chain, ring, and group
polymers. In a detailed statistical mechanical treatment
of such a solution a variety of statistical units must be
considered simultaneously. Alternatively, these complex
systems may be treated by a method that circumvents
some of the complications. This method makes use of
macroscopic variables such as the pressure, temperature,
and the concentrations of hypothetical "molecules"
that are adequate to represent all the phase composi-
O~---~------~------~ 0 tions. These molecules are relatively noncommittal from
0.01 0.1 1.0
Molality external solution (C'~aCI) a statistical viewpoint since no assumptions are made

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

regarding their state of dissociation or association. In the following relation holds

the system albite-anorthite-diopside these molecules are
simply taken as one conventional formula unit of each N NaSi + N CaAI = N AISjzO. (2.45)
mineral. The relationship of the statistical mechanical Substitution of Equation (2.45) into (2.44) gives
and the macroscopic models have been discussed by
one of us (Mueller, 1964). aAb = --,-,-------'----'=''----- (2.46)
If we adopt the macroscopic model we may write 4(N NaSi + N CaAI)
three reactions of transfer of the components from which holds for both liquid and crystal. We thus see that
crystal to melt as the activities are directly proportional to the mole
Ab Ab (2.y) fractions of the end members since the ionic groups

NaSi and CaAl are equivalent to these. Also we see that

crystal liquid
the complex AISi 3 0 B representing most of the framework
An An (2.z) drops out. Thus for all practical purposes we may write
crystal liquid for the liquid:

Di Di (2.aa) aXb = XXb (2.47)

crystal liquid ain = xin (2.48)
The equilibrium constants for these reactions are in which X stands for the mole fractions of the end
members. The analogous expressions for the solid
(2.41 ) solutions are
(2.42) (2.50)

These expressions may now be tested by using the ex-

perimental data of Bowen (1913) on the system. In
order to do this, we must use the general relation
in which the superscript L refers to the liquid and C to (1.47) with (2.41) and (2.42). On integration we obtain
the crystal. It is informative at this point to consider the
problem of the statistical units that participate in these X~b = ex p [,1H{b (~ - ~)J (2.51)
reactions. We may, for example, regard the "molecules" X Ab R TAb T
of albite and anorthite to be broken up into groups of
ions or complexes such as the following: X~ = exp [,1H~
X An R
- ~)J
An: CaAI 2 Si 2 0 s = [CaAI]5+ + [AISi 2 0sr-
In these expressions ,1H{b and ,1H{n are the molar heats
Ab: NaAISi 3 0 s = [NaSi] 5+ + [AISi 2 0s]5-
of fusion of pure albite and anorthite, and T~b and T~n
These complexes are then formally regarded as being the are the temperatures of fusion of these same pure
units that form both liquid and solid solutions. The components. The simultaneous solution of Equations
reason for choosing these particular units is that they (2.51) and (2.52) yields a univariant curve of the type
have the same charge, which enables them to mix shown by the full curve in Figure 2.16. By adjusting
without causing charge imbalance locally. We may then ,1H{b and ,1H{n, the curves may be made to approximate
substitute expressions for the activities analogous to the experimental points fairly well as was originally
Definition (1.37) for electrolytes. Ifwe make the additional pointed out by Bowen. The values of the constants are
assumption that the solutions are ideal we obtain for the approximately
binary system Ab-An:
T~b = 1370 K 0
,1H{b = 12,720 cal/mole
N NaSi N AISi,O. T~n = 1823°K LlH{n = 29,000 cal/mole
aAb = 2 (2.44)
(N NaSi + N CaAI + N AISizO.)
It is also possible to evaluate the effect of pressure on
in which N refers to the numbers of moles participating. this system. To do this we must use Equation (l.48) and
An analogous expression is also obtained for aAn' Also integrate between the lower limits of zero pressure

Crystal-rnelt equilibria

1600 units participating, and for such systems the macroscopic

- - P = I atm (Bowen, 1913)
approach is the only one possible. We therefore begin
- - - P = 1000 atm (theoretical)
by defining the following ternary mole fractions:
L Nib
X Ab = NLAb + NAb
+ NOi 1 (2.55)


P 1300 L M5i
[::;' XDi = NLAb + NAn
+ NDiL

In these expressions N refers to the numbers of moles of

NaAISi 3 0 s , CaAI 2 Si 2 0 s , and CaMgSi 2 0 6 in the liquid.
We also assign the macroscopic activity coefficients
fib' fin, and fti to these components since we cannot
expect the ternary liquid to behave ideally. The activities
of the crystalline components will, of course, have the
same form as in the binary system since the crystals
1000 0
.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 remain binary solutions. The expressions for the ternary
Mole fraction AbA: An
liquid activities become
aib = xibfib (2.58)
2.16 Theoretically calculated effect of pressure on the
plagioclase rnelting relations using sirnplifying ain = Xinyin (2.59)
assurnptions as discussed in text. (2.60)
We shall confine our discussion to the field of crystalliza-
tion of plagioclase. The equilibrium constants cor-
(regarded the same as 1 atm here) and the variable responding to the transfer Reactions (2.y) and (2.z) are
pressure of interest. We thus obtain XLAbfAb
Ab=-X (2.61 )
( XX~b) (X~b) C
= exp (_ PdVAb ) (2.53) Ab
Ab p XAb 0 RT XLAn fAn

( Xin) = (Xin) exp (_ PdVAn ) (2.54)

An =---xc-

X~n p XXn 0 RT It is apparent the K Ab and KAn must be the same as in the
In these expressions the factors (Xib/x~b)o and binary system since they are only functions of T and P.
(Xin/x~n)O are the values obtained in Equations (2.51) There are three major types of isobaric space curves
and (2.52), and d VAb and d VAn are the volume changes for which exist on the liquidus: (l) the isotherms, (2) the
Reactions (2.y) and (2.z). The simultaneous solutions of equilibrium paths of crystallization, and (3) the three-
Equations (2.53) and (2.54) yield the dashed curve of phase boundary. We shall be concerned chiefly with
Figure 2.16 when P = 1000 atm. It is plain that me- (1) and (2).
chanical pressure will have little effect on this system. The On the ternary liquidus the following relation holds:
values of volume changes used in this calculation are Xti = 1- xin - XXb (2.63)
d VAb = 9.0 cm 3 /mole and for the crystal
which really represents the difference in volume between XXn + XXb = 1 (2.64)
the crystals and corresponding glasses at room tempera- If we substitute Equations (2.61) and (2.62) into (2.63)
ture. The calculation is then not strictly correct since we
we obtain the general equation of the isotherm for the
have not taken account of (X and K as defined in Equations
plagioclase field:
(1.5) and( 1.6).
In the ternary system Ab-An-Di or in more complex
systems, it is usually impossible to identify the statistical
Xti = 1 + XXn{(KAb) _ (KLAn)} - ~:b (2.65)
KAn ,fAn YAb

2 Equilibrium
of mineral systems

If the ternary solution is ideal, this equation assumes a Di

linear form and the isotherms are straight lines.

The effect of pressure on the ternary liquidus may also
be computed if the system is ideal. For some arbitrary
high pressure, Equation (2.65) becomes
in which the primed equilibrium constants are related
to their unprimed zero-pressure equivalents by the


K ,An = K An exp ( - P~VAn)

RT (2.68)

Ab QJ Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 An
In order to calculate the path of equilibrium crystal-
lization in the field of plagioclase, it is desirable to a

combine Equations (2.61) and (2.62) to form the equation

for the exchange reaction:

Nin K An yib ( X~n ) (2.69) Di

Nib = K Ab yin 1 - X~n
The initial coordinates at the beginning of crystalliza-
tion we determined by the molar qualities N~~, N~~, and
N&f present. At any stage we have
N~~ - NIn = Nt (2.70)

N~~ - N~b = Nib (2.71 )

N&f = N5i (2.72)
which give the numbers of moles of each component
remaining in the liquid at any time. If Equations (2.69),
(2.70), and (2.71) are combined with the definition
X~n = X~n/(N~n + N~b)' the two following relations
result :
L N~~ - X~n(N~~ + N~~)
NAn = (
KAbY~n (1 - X~n)
(2.73) Ab



2.17 (a) Molar plot of the system albite-anorthite-
diopside (data from Bowen, 1915; after Mueller,
1964). The plotted numerical values are the
activity coefficients of albite and anorthite. In the
If these equations are now substituted into Equation ternary system these values are separated by a bar
(2.57) we obtain the path of equilibrium crystallization (YXbM\n) with the albite value on top. Arrows
point to coordinates. Numerical values of YXn are
for the given initial conditions. Such curves have fre-
also shown on the join anorthite-diopside for
quently been discussed in relation to experimental data. various isotherms. The curves A-B and A-B' are
The results of this analysis are depicted in Figure 2.17 theoretical crystallization paths as discussed in the
which is a molar plot of the system. text. (b) Tie lines C-L at I atm and C-L' at
The various features of the liquidus diagram may be 1000 atm show the shift in the 1450°C isotherm
readily deduced from Equations (2.65), (2.73), and (2.74), with pressure.

Crystal-melt equilibria

while Relations (2.61) and (2.62) may be used to determine

the activity coefficients from the experimental data of
Bowen (1913). The results are shown in Figure 2.17,
which is a molar plot of the system. Thus we note that the
condition yin < 1 is apparently the chief contributing
factor to the convexity of the isotherms toward the
anorthite corner. The effect of nonideality can also be
seen on the crystallization path (Figure 2.17a). The
ratio KAn/K Ab < 1, and since yib/yin > 1, there is a
tendency for the thermal and compositional An factors
to oppose each other. As an illustration, two hypo-
thetical crystallization paths A-B and A-B' are shown
in Figure 2.17a. In the path A-B the ratio K An y~b/KAb yin
has been arbitrarily set equal to 0.265 corresponding to
point A. In the curve A-B' the ratio yibIYin has been
arbitrarily set equal to one and the ratio KAn/K Ab varies
with the temperature as in the binary system. This curve
was obtained by successive approximations by fitting
the isotherms from the given initial coordinates at A.
The true course of equilibrium crystallization, when
both the purely thermal effects and the activity co-
efficients are taken into account, must lie between the
two curves. From Figure 2.17b we see how the 1480°C
isotherm is shifted away from the anorthite corner
under 10 3 atm pressure and how the increase in pressure
steepens the slope of the tie lines corresponding to a
higher An-content of the liquid relative to the crystal.
The latter effect is in harmony with Le Chatelier's
principle, as may be seen from the volume changes on
melting. For further discussion see Mueller (1963b, 1964).
Equilibrium and fractional crystallization paths such
as curves A-B and A-B' have been frequently discussed
in the literature, and usually such curves involve binary
solid solutions. However, recently Roedder (1974) pro-
vided a geometric discussion of crystallization paths in
systems with ternary solid solutions.
The system albite-anorthite-diopside provides an
interesting example of ideal and non ideal behavior
in silicate melts. The equilibrium of major and trace
elements between plagioclase crystals and coexisting
melts have been studied by Kudo and Weill (1970), Drake
and Weill (1975), and Drake (1976), who have obtained
many interesting results. Many more such data involving
controlled experiments on ternary and quaternary
systems are needed to understand the activity-composi-
tion relations, which form the basis of magmatic dif-


In our attempts to understand the origin and evolution
of rocks, we are forced at every turn to consider the
problems of kinetics. If the answers we seek are values of
the thermodynamic variables ofthe physical and chemical
environment of crystallization, we must first establish
that the measurements represent equilibrium within the
context of the study. The concept of equilibrium is
intimately connected with the volumetric and geometric
properties of the system. This arises from the universal
dependence of chemical and many "physical" processes
on particle diffusion. Thus the volume throughout which
equilibrium is attained is always of limited size and
dependent on the time scales of the events in volved. This
kinetic restriction on equilibrium was clearly recognized
by Harker (1932), whose studies led him to conclude that
generally a mineral formed at any given point within a
rock depends upon the local composition within a radius
of "a small fraction of an inch." This concept of local
equilibrium was referred to as mosaic equilibrium by
Korzhinskii (1957). However, this term seems undesirable
because it implies a certain discontinuity when we should
really expect a continuous variation in the intensive
variables with distance.
The existence of chemical potential gradients is re-
vealed by compositional gradients in a given mineral
phase, and this provides a sensitive index of the effective-
ness of diffusion (Mueller, 1960). But chemical potential
gradients are not revealed by variations in bulk com-
position or inhomogeneities at phase boundaries. The


latter facts do much to ease the petrologist's task since pores are virtually absent in metamorphic rocks, the
an accurate determination of mineral proportions is volatile constituents must move by intergranulardiffusion
usually far more difficult to obtain than the mineral or by diffusion and hydrodynamic flow in transient
compositions. That this point has been widely misunder- fractures and imperfections. Whether or not large-scale
stood is shown by the disproportionate attention given transport takes place at any substantial rate then
to modal analyses in the petrologic literature. depends upon the rates of the reactions that provide the
In addition to defining the spatial extent of equi- volatiles as well as the rates of the transport processes
librium, mineral composition gradients are also in themselves.
principle capable of yielding information about the Although mass transport in rocks may occur by
kinetic mechanisms during crystallization. Thus the movement along intergranular boundaries and flaws,
compositional gradient of certain species may arise any substantial metasomatic alteration of the minerals
through restrictions on the diffusion rate of another must involve substantial lattice diffusion as well. In
species. We shall discuss this problem in some detail. general the rate of intergranular diffusion or diffusion
The petrologist is also concerned with the factors along internal lattice imperfections will greatly exceed
that govern mass transport on a geologic scale, that is, that of pure lattice diffusion, although the latter need not
the flow and diffusion of chemical species through large extend as far to be effective. Much controversy in the
rock units or between various levels in a planet's crust. petrologic literature has centered around the question
This large-scale mass transport is of two types: (1) of mass transport, and this has been especially true of
mechanical transport along mechanical potential gra- diffusive transport.
dients, and (2) chemical transport by diffusion along Next to the problem of mass transport rates the
chemical potential gradients. Of course (I) and (2) most important question is that of the rates of the
become identical as perfect equilibrium is approached. heterogeneous chemical reactions themselves. For most
Also it should be noted that perfect mechanical as well of these mechanisms can scarcely be imagined, and
as chemical equilibrium can be attained only by the consequently theoretical equations cannot be directly
second means of transport. Purely mechanical transport proposed. An exception is the relatively simple de-
such as the hydrodynamic flow of fluids may completely composition reaction such as Mg(OHb -+ MgO + H 2 0,
disregard the chemical requirements, and thus will for which we shall construct a highly idealized model.
usually give rise to chemical potential gradients. As an For more complex reactions we may, however, adopt the
example, we may consider a magma that is intruded into method of simplest hypotheses. Using this method
a region in response to increased pressure at depth. The Greenwood (1963) assumed that the decompositions of
magma immediately finds itself out of chemical equilib- talc and anthophyllite were first-order reactions, and the
rium with the host rocks. In addition, it may also be out data seem to fit this simple model. However, it would
of mechanical equilibrium with them, such as when a scarcely be expected that this surprising result could be
basic melt is intruded above an acidic layer. These im- extended to many other systems. The reason for this
posed instabilities may give rise to contact metamorphic expectation is that although decomposition reactions
and metasomatic effects in the wall rock and to endo- themselves may be first order, the rates of the complex
morphic effects in the crystallizing magma. These effects products formed should depend heavily on nucleation
result from the chemical potential gradients set up by and growth rates. Helgesson (1971) has concluded that
temperature, pressure, and compositional differences diffusion is the rate-controlling step in many hetero-
and also lead to mechanical disruption due to density geneous reactions.
inversion. Closely related to the problem of diffusion and reac-
The processes of consolidation and diagenesis, which tion rates is the matter of the kinetics of rock deformation.
are at work in sedimentary deposits, also involve con- We are not concerned here with deformation by fracture
siderable mass transport. Some of this consists of the or gliding in crystals, which is of a mechanical nature.
squeezing out of water and the release of gravitational The close analogy with chemical reactions and diffusion
energy. However, connate waters are usually brines, and is found in deformation by recrystallization creep, a
therefore there must also be considerable exchange of form of "plastic flow" that characterizes deep-seated
the dissolved constituents with sedimentary minerals as deformation in planetary crusts and interiors. This type
diagenesis proceeds. Similarly, at higher temperatures of deformation depends on a thermal surmounting of
additional more tightly bound fluids and gases find their the energy barrier, the energy barrier itself having been
way to the surface as recrystallization continues on the distorted by the stress field (Glasstone et al., 1941). The
ascending scale of metamorphism. Since macroscopic thermal diffusion is thus given a preferential direction,

3 Kinetics
of mineral systems

which results in the deformation. Such effects require in which the oxide is brought into the vapor phase by
comparatively light stresses operative over long time reaction with some volatile such as He!. If the enthalpy
intervals. It seems obvious that much of the local change for such reactions as (3.a) and (3.b) is positive,
equilibrium observed in high-grade metamorphic rocks then the oxide will be transported from a region of higher
must be the result of such recrystallization creep or temperature to one of lower temperature and there be
"dynamic annealing," which enables a growing crystal deposited again as an oxide, provided the conditions are
to become homogeneous and adjust to its neighbors as favorable. The requirement that the enthalpy change be
well as relieving internal stresses. Since the rate of positive for this mode of transfer to occur may be
this type of deformation should contain a factor verified from Relation (1.47), which indicates that K(a)
exp (-I1E/RT), where I1E is the activation energy, we and K(b)' the equilibrium constants for Reactions (3.a)
should expect it to be highly temperature-dependent. and (3.b), become smaller with decreasing temperature
It is clear that this is the meeting ground of chemical and if I1H(a) and I1H(b) are greater than zero.
structural petrology and that the study of the deformation To examine the problem more systematically we may
of rocks is concerned with both. This will be especially imagine that a linear pore of uniform cross-section A
apparent when we consider the relation between the and length L connects two regions (I and 2) which are at
structural behavior of rocks and their chemical com- temperatures Tl and T2 , respectively. Let us consider the
positions. generalized reaction that may represent any such
reactions as (3.a) and (3.b). This is

S + aA bB + cC + dO + ... (3.c)
Quasiequilibrium processes in a solid gas gas gas gas

temperature gradient in which a, b, c, and d are the ordinary molar stoichio-

metric coefficients. Now No moles of the gaseous
The concept of quasiequilibrium provides us with a
substance A (corresponding to HC!) are added to M 0
flexible theoretical model to view a variety of mass-
moles of the solids (corresponding to the oxide) at one
transport phenomena. In this model we compare two
end of the previously evacuated tube. The equilibrium
regions, spatially separated, in which the thermodynamic
constant for Reaction (3.c) is
variables have values characteristic of the region, each
region being regarded as in internal equilibrium. Mass p~pcPi
K=--- (3.1)
transport then takes place between the two regions as a PA
consequence of the difference in chemical potentials.
The transport may be due to a difference in the tem- The flux of each component is assumed to be given by
perature of the two regions, in which case both mass and Fick's first law [Equation (1.74)J, and for the case of the
heat transport occur. The classic petrologic example of steady state the individual fluxes are related as follows:
this is the contact metasomatism around intrusive 1 DA (iP A 1 DB (iP B 1 Dc (ip c
bodies (Chapter 13). Again the transport may be attri- --- --- (3.2)
ex ex

aRT (Jx bRT cRT

butable to a composition gradient of a chemical species
that has its fugacity controlled by the presence of certain in which x is the distance variable, and D is the coefficient
phases in a local region. Such gradients are common in a of diffusion. In general D will be a function of both the
variety of petrogenic environments. composition and temperature of the gas phase.
The quasiequilibrium model has been applied to If the temperature gradient between regions 1 and 2
vapor transport of solids by Mandel (1962) and by Lever is sufficiently small and if the gas properties such as the
and Mandel (1962). We shall present Mandel's mathe- density and composition do not vary too much, we may
matical treatment here. regard the diffusion coefficients as substantially constant. 1
Let us consider a class of reactions represented by the Then to a first approximation we may define constants of
following: the type IX, y, and (j such that

(3.a) DB DB DB = (j
DA = IX, Dc = y, DD (3.3)
cuprite gas gas gas

1 For details of the argument regarding the temperature

Fe203 + 6HCl 2FeCl 3 + 3H 20 (3.b) gradient the reader is referred to the original paper by
hematite gas gas gas Mandel (1962).

Quasiequilibrium processes under isothermal conditions

We may then integrate Equation (3.2) to obtain addition, the equilibrium constant is small, we obtain
the following approximations to Equations (3.8):

- c_
(3.4) Pc=PC=b PB (3.9)

_ d_
PD = PD = - PB

in which the K's are the integration constants. To The equation for the steady state rate of transport of B is
evaluate the integration constants the following con-
servative conditions are used: (3.10)

~ fL ~ Adx = ~ fL Pc Adx = ~ fL PD Adx = ...

in which we again indicate mean values by the bar.
b 0 RT c 0 RT d 0 RT
If we now combine Relations (3.1), (3.9), and (110),
(3.5) we obtain the rate of transport in terms of measurable
~ fL PA Adx = N o _ ~ fL P B Adx = ... (3.6) R = DB P:;rM(Kj/b - K~/b) ~
a 0 RT a b o RT
T Rf bb/Mcc/Mdd/M ... [(KJ/ b + K~/bl/2][1-(b/M)1 L
The initial pressure is defined as (3.11 )

in which M = b + c + d . .. and K 1 and K 2 are the

equilibrium constants in regions (I) and (2), respectively.
An additional assumption embodied in Equation
in which f is the mean temperature. (3.11) is that the rate of Reaction (3.c) is large compared
If we now use Equations (3.5) and (3.6), Equations (3.4) with the rate of diffusion.
become It is also possible to derive transport rates analogous
to Equation (3.11) for the case of the large equilibrium
constant and for reactions whose specific rate constants
must be incorporated in RT (Mandel, 1962).

Quasiequilibrium processes under
isothermal conditions
In the foregoing discussion we were concerned with mass
in which the barred symbols stand for average values of transport between two regions in which a given equilib-
the partial pressures. These are defined as follows: rium constant had a different value because of tem-
perature differences. However, marked temperature
- RffLPR gradients appear to be of only limited occurrence and
PB = L 0 RT dx confined to such local regions as igneous contact zones.
The quasiequilibrium concept may also be extended to the
isothermal-isobaric case prevalent in regional meta-
- RffL PA
PA =- -dx morphism. In such a situation a given equilibrium
L 0 RT
constant has the same value everywhere, but certain
etc. intensive variables vary between adjacent regions be-
When one of the species (here taken as B) is much cause of kinetic barriers to diffusion. The case is especially
heavier and larger than any other species and if, in weIl illustrated by such species as CO 2, CO, H 2 0, 02,

3 Kinetics
of mineral systems

and H 2' which may have quite different mobilities in the oxidation state since it could diffuse more rapidly than
earth's crust. To see this we need only consider a solution O 2 and CO. However, as we have already seen, the rates
to Equation (1.76), the equation of Fick's second law. A of transfer by diffusion also depend on the absolute
solution for the case of a constant diffusion coefficient is concentrations; therefore, it is helpful to see what these
given by Darken and Gurry (1953). This solution states concentrations are likely to be.
that the total amount of the diffusing substance that has The equilibrium of hematite and magnetite is governed
crossed a unit area of boundary surface at time t is by Reaction (2.s). If we consider the equilibrium fugacity
proportional to (Dt)I/2(c s - co), where Cs and Co are the of oxygen approximately proportional to the concen-
highest and lowest initial concentrations of the diffusing tration, then at 800 K (a reasonable estimate of the

species. The same result follows more simply where a temperature of crystallization for these rocks), we find
steady state prevails, as may be seen from Equation o,
that/ ~ 10- 17 atm. Now the equilibrium constant for
(3.10). the reaction
The above principles are best illustrated by con-
sidering specific systems, although petrologically signif- (3.d)
icant data are as yet somewhat meager. One such system,
which was studied by one of the writers, consists of the is 10 13 . 7 at this temperature. If the fugacity of water is
mineral assemblages of the Quebec iron formation 1000 atm, we obtainfHl = 10- 1.8 atm. If on the other
(Mueller, 1960). In this case gross differences in the hand fH,O = 1 atm, then .f~, = 10- 4.8 atm. Since it is
assemblages may be attributed to differences in the unlikely thatfH20 will be many orders of magnitude lower
oxidation state of adjoining rock types. Consequently, than this over these silicates, we conclude that the con-
at least some of the species H 20, COz, CO, and Hz in centration of hydrogen will be many orders of magnitude
addition to O 2 must have had chemical potential greater than that of oxygen, but that both will be much
and concentration gradients at the time of crystallization. lower than the concentration of H 2O. A similar analysis
Two contrasting adjoining assemblages are the following: of the species CO and CO 2 leads tofeo = 10- 2.4 atm at
fco, = 1000 atm and.feo = 10 - 5.4 atm at leo, = 1 atm.
The range of feo, = 1000 atm is most compatible with
Relatively oxidized Relatively reduced
the occurrence of dolomite and quartz, as may be seen
assemblage assemblage
from the data of Weeks (1956). Thus we see that hydrogen
Hematite Magnetite is probably the controlling species in the diffusive
Magnetite Cummingtonite transfer process.
Actinolite Actinolite Available data from the contact of the two iron
Talc Ca-pyroxene formation members discussed above are shown in
Cummingtoni te Calcite Figure 3.1, which is a plot of the atomic fraction
Calcite Dolomite Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) and Mn/(Mg + Fe2+ + Mn) in the
Dolomite Quartz cummingtonite Z against the footage in a diamond drill
core taken roughly perpendicular to the contact. It is
apparent that Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) falls off markedly as the
Not all of the above minerals of each assemblage are distance from the oxidized iron formation increases. One
always found together. Also, we shall, at this time, be possible interpretation of this is as follows.
concerned with only certain minerals of the assemblages. Consider the reaction that must obtain at equilibrium
The oxidation state of a given assemblage is of course in both assemblages:
immediately apparent from the presence or absence of
hematite. In the oxidized assemblage the fugacity of iFe 7Si 8 0dOHlz + iH 20
oxygen is fixed by the coexistence of both oxides. cummingtonite fluid
Independent evidence also indicates that the fugacities
of H 20 and CO 2 were everywhere constant throughout Fe304 + 274Si02 + H2 (3.e)
the part of the iron formation studied (Mueller, 1960). magnetite quartz fluid
This restricts the variation of the species H 2, Oz, and
CO to the reduced iron formation, which contains only
z Actually, cummingtonite is not present in the oxidized
the oxide phase magnetite. Because of its high kinetic assemblage at this point, but the composition of the hypo-
velocity and small size, it might be expected that Hz thetical cummingtonite that could exist may be determined
would be the controlling species in determining the from the composition of the observed actinolite.

Crystal kinetics

Hematite- one of the sampling points in Figure 3.1, equilibrium

magnetite Magnetite
I obtains and Equations (3.12) and (3.13) apply.
I !l
The effect ofMn could presumably be similar although
00 the fugacity of oxygen required to oxidize Mn2+ to

51l • 0.030
.§ Mn3+ is much higher under standard concentrations of
E Mn2+. However, since the quantity of Mn3+ and Mn2+
t1 I
0.020 ::;"
dissolved in the minerals is not known, this factor
cannot be evaluated. Also it is apparent that the con-
I 0.010 " :;
::E "
sideration of Mn2+ introduces an additional degree of
I freedom into the system. Consequently, the gradient in
~ 1.0 I
::E Mn can be attributed to more factors than the gradient
.§ I
I in Mg and Fe2+. Analogous problems have been dis-
§ 0.8 I cussed by Fisher (1974) in terms of nonequilibrium
+ I' thermodynamic concepts. A comprehensive review of
~~ 0.6 i ~-----+I _ mixed volatile (H zO-C0 2 ) equilibria is provided by
Kerrick (1974).
~ 0.4 L-----'L....L---'_--'_---'-_L....L_L....L_--'
480 482 484 486 488 490
Distance [ft 1

3. 1 Variation of the atomic fractions Mg/(Mg + F e2+) Crystal kinetics

and Mn/(Mg + Fe2+ + Mn) in cummingtonite
with diamond-drill-hole footage in the Quebec iron We now consider the kinetics of recrystallization and
formation (Mueller, 1960, 1967). The lengths of the diffusion as they apply to individual crystals. Experimen-
bars show the uncertainty in the analytical data. tal data on these subjects are very few in number, but
evidence of the qualitative sort from natural mineral
assemblages is not lacking. This is particularly true of the
Assuming that cummingtonite is ideal, the equation of feldspar family, whose members show prominent optical
equilibrium for this reaction is and x-ray effects of the chemical concentration gradients
set up by diffusion (or lack of diffusion) and by recrystal-
K _ fH2 lization.
(el - (1 _ ~um)3r4j7
Mg . H,o Mg
The tendency for plagioclase to form zoned crystals
is well known, as is the phenomenon of unmixing in the
Since fH20 is regarded as a constant and y~~m ~ 1, we alkali feldspars. Unmixing phenomena in the plagioclase
obtain the approximation feldspar series are much less apparent, but provide an
interesting subject for future investigations.
K' ~ -,-.ft.'-=H~2~~ (3.13) The kinetic behavior of the plagioclase and alkali
(el (1 _ xft~m)3
feldspar series is in sharp contrast. The zoning in plagio-
which shows the functional relation between the com- clase is usually a well-defined concentric structure that
position of the cummingtonite and the hydrogen fugacity. reflects the external morphology of the crystal. The
If we now assume that the fugacity approximates the anorthite content ofthe individual zones may be constant
partial pressure of Hz and that Fick's first law holds, we or show a slight continuous variation. Normally there is
may substitute Equation (3.13) into Equation (1.74) to a decline in average anorthite content outward from the
obtain the hydrogen flux as a function of the composition crystal center. Normal zoning with a steady decline in
of cummingtonite and the gradient in this composition: anorthite content is readily explained in terms of Figure
2.17 if it is assumed that the rock crystallized from a cool-
J = _ 3DH2 K;el (l _ xCum)Z dx~~m (3.14)
H2 RT Mg dx ing melt. Under these circumstances the early-formed,
anorthite-rich crystals are subsequently enveloped in
In the foregoing discussion it was assumed that the layers of successively decreasing anorthite content,

mobilities of all the other components such as Mg, Fe, which are the products of the anorthite-depleted melt.
Si, and are negligible as compared with the mobility Under static conditions, that is, when the crystals are not
of hydrogen, but that Reaction (3.e) proceeds rapidly subject to shearing forces, no homogenization can take
compared with the rate of hydrogen diffusion. Thus place because of the high activation energies involved
within each small local volume such as is represented by in the required diffusion of Si 4 + and Al3+ which must

of mineral systems

accompany the exchange of Na + and Ca2+. Thus Table 3.1 Diffusion coefficients
equilibrium crystallization probably never occurs under
static conditions in this system. Substance Temperature rC! D Icm 2 /secl
Reversal, or a tendency for the later zones to be more
Obsidian 357 4.9 x 10- 10
anorthite-rich, is also easily explained in terms of chang-
458 6.2 x 10- 9
ing conditions. For example, the anorthite content of the 1.31 x 10- 9
Analcite 357
melt might be increased by reaction with basic inclusions Sodalite 580 8.7 x 10- 11
in the magma, and this excess of anorthite would pre- 617 2.5 x 10- 10
cipitate as a zone covering the previously formed 675 1.0 x 10- 9
crystals. Nepheline 576 3.8 x 10- 11
The above-mentioned dependence of the diffusive 617 4.5 x 10- 11
process in plagioclase on the simultaneous exchange of 700 2.7 X 10- 10
Si 4 + and AI3+ that must accompany the exchange of 800 1.4 X 10- 9
Na + and Ca 2+ was pointed out by Goldsmith (1952). Microcline 850 2 x 10- 10
Orthoclase 850 5 x 10- 11
Such movements involve the breaking of Si-O and
Albite 850 8.0 x 10- 11
AI-O bonds. The energy of a single Si-O bond is of 2.8 x 10- 10
the order of 90 kcal/mole (Pauling, 1948), and it seems Acmite 940 <10- 11
probable that the activation energy for diffusion of the
tetrahedrally coordinated Si 4 + and AI3+ ions might be After Sippel (l963).
several times this value. Also, we should expect a con-
siderable entropy of activation because of the relatively
complex movements involved. solid solution such as those treated here, it should be a
In the alkali feldspars we encounter a far different function of the Na/(Na + K) ratio except for small
situation. It is well known that pert hites, the two-phase composition changes.
ex solution products of high-temperature single-phase The results of Table 3.1 are plotted in Figure 3.2.
feldspars, form readily in the geologic environment This plot shows that, where the data are sufficient in
although they have not been formed under laboratory number, log D is a linear function of liT, which is the
conditions. Perthite type structures are also known from simplest interpretation of Equation (3.15). The activation
a variety of other mineral systems. It is obvious that in the energy and the frequency factor Do may be obtained
alkali feldspars the kinetic barrier to diffusion must be directly from this plot. For example, for the mineral
much lower than in plagioclase. This is of course readily sodalite, Sippel obtained
explained by the fact that only Na + and K + need be 42,500
exchanged in the diffusive process, and the activation log D = log 6.6 - 2.303R T (3.16)
energy involved is, as we shall see, only of the order of
40 kcal/mole. There are only two points for albite feldspar, but the
The diffusion ofNa + in the minerals analcite, sodalite, corresponding equation is
nepheline, orthoclase, albite, and acmite, and in the 38,100
volcanic glass obsidian, was studied quantitatively by log D = log (2.09 x 10- 3) - ~~- (3.17)
Sippel (1963). The measured species was the radio
nuclide sodium 24. Table 3.1 shows the results of similar values have been obtained by Bailey (1971) for
Sippel's investigation in terms of the measured diffusion high temperature diffusion in albite.
coefficients for various temperatures. Table 3.1 also shows that in order to get appreciable
We may represent the coefficient of diffusion by the lattice diffusion on the laboratory time scale it is necessary
following equation: to anneal the minerals at temperatures that are quite
/',.E' high relative to many petrogenic environments. Sippel
log D = log Do - -2.-30-3-R-T (3.15) compared the minerals studied in terms of their" diffusion
temperature," TD , the temperature at which arbitrarily
If this equation is compared with Equations (1.80) and D = 2.5 x 10- 10 cm 2 /sec, and Tp , the temperature of
(1.72), we see that Do is a frequency factor, and /',.E+ is the fusion, both being expressed in OK. He found an approxi-
energy of activation. It is apparent that log Do will change mately linear relation between TDITp and the anion
relatively slowly with the temperature as compared with valence electron density (the number of anion valence
the last term in Equation (3.15). However, in a Na-K electrons per cm 3 ). Thus, if we exclude analcite and

Crystal kinetics

Solid solution



Ab 0.2 0.6 0.8 Or

3.3 Proposed equilibrium diagram for the alkali

feldspars. (After Laves and Goldsmith, 1961.) See
also Fig. 9.9 (Chapter 9).

8.0 ' - - - - - L_ _ _ _-----'_ _ _ _ _-'-----_ _ _ _--'--- strongly dependent on composition. We can see this by
1.6 1.3 1.0 0.7
referring back to Equation (1.83), which shows that if the
activity coefficient changes negatively with composition,
diffusion against the concentration gradient results.
3.2 Logarithm of diffusion coefficient plotted against liT. These compositional effects should be most marked at
(Data are from Table 3.1.) the lower temperatures. Thus the diffusion coefficients
deduced in the 800-900°C range (Table 3.1) are probably
oflittle use in the study of un mixing or perthite formation
obsidian, sodium diffuses with greatest ease in sodalite in the alkali feldspars.
and nepheline, which have the lowest anion valence The lattice mobility of a substance may be crudely
electron densities, and most reluctantly in acmite estimated by use of the "Tammann temperatures"
pyroxene, which has the highest; the feldspars lie at an (WeIch, 1955) already mentioned. The Tammann tem-
intermediate position. The parameter TD is analogous perature TT in OK is related to the temperature of fusion
to the "Tammann temperature," which we shall refer to TF also in OK as follows:
In order to understand the diffusive processes, we
should first know the equilibrium reference states.
Unfortunately, it is the kinetic properties themselves
that prevent us from knowing these. One of the equilib- where C( ~ 0.5 for many substances. These Tammann
rium diagrams proposed for the alkali feldspars is temperatures can be regarded as minimum temperatures
depicted in Figure 3.3. This diagram, proposed by at which the solid will enter into reactions. If we apply
Laves and Goldsmith (1961), is thought to approximate this concept to the data of Sippel, we conclude that since
the true equilibrium relations attainable only in periods TF for albite is approximately 1400o K, we should expect
of time that are large compared with the time scales of some observable lattice diffusion at 700°K, which is.
laboratory experiments. Each point on the unmixing however. far below the temperatures at which significant
curve also represents a particular degree of ordering of lattice diffusion was observed. Nevertheless the melting
Al and Si, with the lowest degree of order at the highest points of minerals provide a good indication of their
temperature. response to certain processes which depend on lattice
The fact that the unmixing relations exist is evidence diffusion. An example of one such process is the response
that the kinetic properties of these feldspars will be to deforming stresses as deduced from the geologic

3 Kinetics
of mineral systems

evidence. To illustrate, we arrange some common

minerals in descending order of their melting points:

forsterite > quartz> enstatite> anorthite

> diopside > fayalite > orthoclase> albite> NaCl
We shall see that the minerals above orthoclase (excluding
quartz) are dominant in basic bodies that generally
resist plastic deformation and respond to stresses by
fracturing, whereas this is less true of the alkali feldspars.
Also, NaCI deforms readily in shallow salt domes. The
response is, however, greatly complicated by such factors
as grain size and accessibility to fluxing solutions. Thus
impermeable beds of quartzite may be very competent,
but small quartz grains in Haser gneisses generally
recrystallize more readily than does feldspar under the
same circumstances. Also, some substances such as
calcite (TF = 1310CC), which have high temperatures of
fusion, show much evidence of deformation by re-
crystallization creep under deep-seated metamorphic 3.4 Idealized model for the dissociation of brucite. This
conditions as well as under laboratory conditions model may be used to derive a simple equation for
(Griggs et ai., 1958). These points are discussed in greater the dissociation (see text).
detail in Chapter 8.

Assuming the foregoing we may define the following

quantities: the rate constant is K A the number of
Kinetics of dissociation molecules of brucite reacting per cm 2 per second, and
Among the heterogeneous reactions, only dissociation A is the area of the reaction interface. Consequently,
lends itself to a simple mechanistic treatment. We shall the total flux of H 2 0 molecules for the grain is
begin by setting up a relatively idealized model, derive J = KAA molecules/sec (3.18)
the pertinent equations, and then compare the system
and the fractional rate of weight loss is
with the results of experiments.
One of the dissociation reactions that has received dq 18/( 6.02 x 1023 )
considerable attention is the dehydration of crystalline
- - = J ----:---0--- (3.19)
dt 1nr~bB
Mg(OH)2' the mineral brucite. Our idealized model
for the dissociating brucite grain is depicted in Figure where 6.02 x 1023 is Avogadro's number and bB is the
3.4. For simplicity the grain is assumed to be spherical density of brucite.
and isotropic (brucite is actually hexagonal), with an Substituting Equation (3.18) we have
initial radius ro. This grain is assumed to decompose dq K A A1.245 X 10- 23
along a reaction interface (indicated by the broken line) (3.20)
dt jrrr6
that moves inward at a constant rate with the" molecules"
of Mg(OHh decomposing layer by layer; consequently, If we now assume that each brucite "molecule"
the radius at any elapsed time t is r. The water given off has a thickness TM and that cs is the number of molecules
is assumed to escape so rapidly that diffusion does not per unit of surface, we obtain the equation for the constant
govern the reaction rate. This argument seems plausible rate of decrease of the radius
enough since it might be expected that the reacted
dr -KA TM
shell of MgO would be quite porous. An additional constant = - = - - - (3.21 )
assumption is that the nucleation of MgO does not dt Cs

govern the reaction rate. This again seems a reasonable We may integrate this to obtain
assumption since it might be expected that even MgO
crystals of near molecular size might be more stable than -KATM
r - ro = t (3.22)
Mg(OHh· Cs

Kinetics of complex heterogeneous reactions

where t is the elapsed time. If we substitute Equation In addition, the dissociation and hydration of brucite
(3.22) into (120) we get have been discussed by Fyfe et al. (1958). These authors
also discuss the laboratory investigation of the de-
_ dq = 174KA : 10- 23 (_ KA TM t + ro)2 (3.23) composition rates of some other hydrous minerals.
dt '0 Cs

On integration we obtain the fractional weight loss as a

function of the elapsed time: Kinetics of complex heterogeneous
We now consider the kinetics of some reactions of a
greater degree of complexity than simple dissociations.
in which we have set B = - KA TM/c s • For these reactions no detailed mechanism can be
This system has been investigated in detail by Gregg suggested, but the data may in some cases suggest the
and Razouk (1949), and these authors have shown that orders of the reactions.
the decomposition curves have three segments (1) the The most detailed quantitative study of a petrologi-
initial or induction period in which the rate of de- cally significant system was presented by Greenwood
composition increases, (2) the major decay period in (1963), who investigated three simultaneous reactions
which the rate decreases, and (3) the final decay segment in the laboratory. These are as follows:
in which pure MgO is approached asymptotically. The
7Mg 3 Si4 0 lO (OHh ~
induction period may be due to nucleation (according
to Gregg and Razouk) or simply lag in bringing the
system to the desired temperature. The segment repre-
senting the major decay period may be represented by anthophyllite quartz gas
the equation
Mg 7 Si s OdOHh ~
1 - (1 - 1X)1/3 = Kt +b (125) anthophyllite enstatite quartz gas

where IX is the fraction decomposed, K and b are constants, (lg)

and t is the elapsed time. This equation is obviously
of the same form as Equation (3.24). However, Gregg
talc enstatite quartz gas
and Razouk found no simple relation between the
particle size and the decomposition rates. Rather, they (lh)
found an optimum size at which the rate reached a Experimental rate studies were made at a pressure of
maximum. Over the range in which the rate increases with 1000 bar and at temperatures of 830°C 815°C and
diminishing particle size the increase appears to be 805°C. Under these conditions, Reactions (3.n to (3.h),
proportional to the edges of brucite fragments rather inclusive, all proceed to the right at observable but
than the area of the whole grain, as it is in the idealized different rates, and the system is in the stability field
theory presented above. of enstatite and quartz. The reactions may also be
For the segment of the curve approaching pure MgO written in terms of the volumes of the phases involved:
asymptotically, Equation (3.25) obviously does not
apply since its curve must intersect the horizontal axis. k talc ~ I anthophyllite + m quartz + H 2 0 (3.n
For this segment an equation based on the unimolecular
law (first-order rate equation) is applicable. The equation
n anthophyllite ~ 0 enstatite + p quartz + H 2 0
IS (lg)
q talc ~ r enstatite + s quartz + H 20 (3.h)
In (1 - IX) = KIt + constant (3.26)
In these reactions the lower-case letters refer to the
A further discussion of the theory of dissociation is stoichiometric coefficients on a volume basis. So that if
beyond the scope of this book. However, the subject k = n, = q = 1, then I = 0.882, m = 0.096, 0 = 0.806,
has been extensively treated by Mample (1940) and p = 0.0826, r = 0.711, and s = 0.168.
others. Special reference is made to the book edited by The assumption is now tentatively made (and later
Garner (1955). justified by comparison with experimental results) that

3 Kinetics
of mineral systems

all the reactions are first order. Let us define the volumes where C 1 is the integration constant. At t = 0, T =
of the various minerals consumed in time t in the three TO = 1, so that C 1 = 1 and
X(f) is the volume of talc consumed in Reaction (3.f); X(h)
For the formation of anthophyllite we have
is the volume ofta1c consumed in Reaction (3.h); l(f) is the
volume of anthopyllite formed in Reaction (3.1); l(g) is the
(3.31 )
volume of anthophyllite consumed in Reaction (3.g);
Z(f) is the volume of quartz formed in Reaction (3.f);
Zig) is the volume of quartz formed in Reaction (3.g);
So that
Z(h) is the volume of quartz formed in Reaction (3.h);
dl(f) I dX(f)
A is the total volume of anthophyllite present at time t; (3.32)
dt k dt
T is the total volume of talc present at time t; Q is the
total volume of quartz present at time t; and E is the If we now combine Equations (3.27), (3.30), and (3.32)
total volume of enstatite present at time t. we obtain
Thus we have
A = l(f) - l(g)
and which integrates to
T = (TO - X(h) - X(f)
I K(f) -KI
l(f) = - - - e + C2 (3.34)
where TO is the initial volume of talc, which we set equal k K
to unity, giving
where C 2 is the constant of integration. At t = 0, l(f) = 0,
T = (1 - X(h) - X(f) so that
l(f) -
_ I -K(f) (1
- -
dT dX(h) dX(f) k "
dt dt dt
The decomposition rate of anthophyllite according to
Since Reactions (3.f) and (3.h) are assumed to be first Reaction (3.g) is given by
order we have
dl(~ =
dt K(g) ( l(f) - l(g» = K(g)
k --;- (1 - e -a) - l(g) ]

and in which we have used Equation (3.35).

Equation (3.36) may be rewritten as
- - = K(h)T (3.28)
dt dl(g) +K Y. - ~ K(g)K(f) (I -1<1)
dt (g) (g) - k --,,- - e
where K(f) and K(h) are the specific rate constants. We
also define the quantity which is of the general form

- + PY = R
and combine Equations (4.27) and (4.28) to obtain
where P is a function of X or a constant, but not a
--=KT (3.29) function of Y. This equation has the integration factor
dt efPdX , so that the solution takes the form
which integrates to
efPdXy = f efPdXRdx + C3

Kinetics of rock deformation

where C 3 is the constant of integration. Consequently 1.0

the solution to Equation (3.37) is

Y, = C 3 e- K (g)t + i K(f) _ i K(f)K(g) e- Kt (3.38)

(g) k KkK (K (g) - K)
~ 0.6

Since at t = 0, }(g) = 0, Equation (3.38) reduces to '"

0" 0.4
I K >
Y, - -
(g) - k '(K (f)
_.) [.
-K'o)t + (K (g) -
K -
K (g) K 0.2
The total amount of anthophyllite at any time is o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Time [min]
A = }(f) - }(g)
Thus by Equations (3.35) and (3.39) we have 3.5 Volumes of talc, anthophyllite, enstatite, and quartz
as functions of time at 830°C and 1000 bar, as
calculated from measured rate constants. Note that
A = -I K (f) (e- Kt _ e-K,.)t) (3.40)
k (K(g) - K) although the stable assemblage is enstatite plus quartz,
anthophyllite is the most abundant phase from
The amount of quartz formed by the three reactions is 1000 to 1500 min. Figure after H. J. Greenwood,
Journal of Petrology, V. 4, p. 317-351, 1963. Printed
m p s
+ h }(g) + qX(h)
by permission from Oxford University Press.
Q= Z(f) + ZIg) + Z(h) = I }(f) (3.41)

If we now substitute Equation (3.30) into (3.28) and

integrate we get curves fitted to the experimental data of the mineral
volumes as a function of time.
Y, -
(h) -
- e -Kt) (3.42) Figure 3.5 shows the theor!!tical curves determined
by the derived expressions and the measured initial
We may now substitute the expressions for }(f)' }(g)' and slopes for 830°C and 1000 bar. These curves show that
X(h) into Equation (3.41), which yields the volume of anthophyllite culminates and exceeds the
volume of the stable phase enstatite although the latter
Q= ~ {(1 - e-Kt)[~q K(h) + '!2 K(f) + ~ K(f)K(g) ] mineral and quartz are the stable phases. This has
K k kn (K(g) - K) important implications in experimental silicate chemistry
and in certain rapidly formed mineral assemblages in
_ /p K(f)K (1 _ e-K'.)t)} (3.43) nature.
kn (K(g) - K)

The quantity of enstatite at any time may be obtained

from the expression
Kinetics of rock deformation
r 0
E= - Z(h) + - }(g) (3.44)
One of the most far-reaching applications of kinetic
s n
theory is to be found in the study of rock deformation.
And substitution of Z(h) and }(g) gives The phenomena range in scale from individual crystals
to the planetary bodies. In fact, the subject is intimately
connected with the fundamental time scales of planetary
process that produce differentiated crusts and continents.
For example, the time scale of crustal processes on a hot
planet such as Venus should be much contracted
relative to a cooler planet such as Earth. This has im-
The specific rate constants K(f)' K(g), K(h)' and K may portant implications relative to the distribution of
be obtained by differentiating the expressions for T, A, crustal material on the two planets as well as the distance
Q, and E with respect to t and evaluating the slopes at and time scales of isostatic adjustments. It is also effective
t = O. These initial slopes may be obtained from the in evaluating the theories of sea floor spreading.

3 Kinetics
of mineral systems

It is important to keep in mind that we are primarily or

concerned here with deformation by recrystallization
(recrystallization creep), an essentially chemical process, (3.48)
and not catac1astic deformation, which is primarily
physical. This distinction is an important one since most in which K is the specific rate constant for diffusion under
laboratory experiments contain a greater element of the hydrostatic conditions. We shall find that in many
latter. The energetics of recrystallization creep are cases the four quantities AI' }'2' )'3' and Aare but poorly
closely related to those of lattice diffusion since in creep defined and represent some average values of the inter-
the thermal diffusion is directed along the chemical atomic distances in different directions. However, we
potential gradient imposed by the stress field. In each shall also see that the ultimate expressions we seek are in
case bonds must be broken and diffusive energy barriers many cases satisfied by knowing these quantities to a
surmounted. factor of 2 or 3, so that for some purposes we are justified
We have seen before that the coefficient of diffusion is in ignoring the differences between them. Consequently,
related to the specific rate constant by the expression we assume in the future that
D = ,PK, where A is the distance between successive
equilibrium positions of the diffusing particle. We now }'I = A2 = A3 = ).
consider two layers of atoms, one of which is in motion If we divide Equation (3.48) by }'1' we obtain an
relative to the other. We will call the interatomic expression for the shear strain rate:
distance within this layer and perpendicular to the
direction of transport A2' that parallel to the direction Y= ~v = 2KA sinh (fA2 A3 A) (3.49)
of transport A3' and that perpendicular to the shearing AI Al 2kT
layers AI' We now define the viscosity of the material as
The shear strain rate may be independently measurable
fAI from the geometry and dimensions of a given type of
" ='- (in poise) (3.46) deformation.
Now, if Equation (3.48) is substituted into Equation
where f is the differential shearing stress and ~v is the (3.46), the expression for the viscosity is
difference in velocity between the two layers. We shall
find that generally '1 is an implicit function of the tempera- (3.50)
ture, the total hydrostatic pressure, and the differential " = 2AK sinh (fV/2kT)
stress f. However, in one very important case, that of
in which V = )'2 )'3 )., the approximate volume of the
Newtonian flow, '1 is a function only of the temperature
unit of flow.
and pressure.
Equation (3.50) is a quite general expression for the
We have already stated that the effect of the stress is
viscosity in terms of the absolute reaction rate model.
to deform the energy barriers so that diffusion is greater
We may also reduce this expression to a much simpler
in one direction than another. 3 Thus the atoms are not
form under certain conditions. If, for example, f; the
.. pushed along" by stress but are moved solely by their
shear stress, is small it may be that
thermal energy, just as in diffusion under hydrostatic
conditions. In terms of potential energy the deformation IV ~ 2kT
amounts to a product of three factors: (1) )'2 A3 , the area
Under these circumstances Equation (3.5m reduces to
of the unit of flow upon which/acts, (2)fthe differential
stress, and (3) tA the distance to the top of the energy
barrier. Consequently, one side of the energy barrier is
lowered by an amount tf AZA3A and the other side is
increased by the same amount. It may now be shown by which defines Newtonian type flow in which the viscosity
a method similar to that used in deriving Equation (1.81) is independent of the stress and the strain rate.
for the net diffusive flux that The condition fV ~ 2kT is apparently met in some
of petrologic systems, and Equation (3.51) is experi-
mentally confirmed for many silicate melts in particular
(Chapter 12). Also, surprisingly enough, analogous
equations apply to some materials as refractory as
3 This view of flow and diffusion mechanisms is inherent in the polycrystalline aluminum oxide when they are of fine
theory of absolute reaction rates (Glasstone, et al., 1941). grain size (Folweiler, 1961).

Kinetics of rock deformation

If we wish to express the specific rate constant in those of Equation (3.56):

constant in terms of the enthalpy and entropy of activa-
tion we may write: A'
A=- (3.57)
K kT
= -exp
---- exp -

If the presently remaining uplift can be inferred in some

where h is Planck's constant. The enthalpy term em- way, it is obvious that the constants A and Co can be
bodies the effect of hydrostatic pressure. Under the obtained by filling geologic data on the change of ( with
simplest condition this takes the form of a linear PI1 V the time. Fortunately, accurate data in the form of
term in which 11 vt is the volume change of activation. elevated and dated sea beaches are available.
Since we should expect 11 V t to be positive, the viscosity Figure 3.6 shows a least-square fit in which ( is
should increase with the pressure. As a result pressure given in meters and the time past in years for the central
and temperature should have opposite effects on the area of uplift of Fennoscandia. The corresponding rate of
change of viscosity with depth in the Earth's mantle. uplift in cm/yr from Equation (3.55) is also shown. An
Also, since the rate of temperature increase with depth equally good fit is obtained from the more extensive data
is thought to decrease while the pressure increases of L1iboutry (Mueller, 1976).
almost linearly, a viscosity minimum is to be expected The viscosity of the region of the earth's mantle in
at some depth within the upper mantle. Presumably this which flow occurs in this example is found to fall in the
minimum coincides with the observed zone of low range of 10 22 to 10 23 P, which is similar to that first
seismic velocity at several hundred kilometers. obtained by Haskell (1935) using a fluid dynamics
Equations (3.49) may be used to obtain the extent approach. The strain rate is found to fall in the range of
10 - 16 to 10 - 1 5 sec - 1, which is typical of large-scale
of deformation ( as a function of time if expressions that
relate y, (andfcan be found. geologic processes. As first pointed out by L1iboutry, the
One of the most interesting applications of the
theory is to the postglacial uplift that has occurred in
Canada and in Fennoscandia. In this context ( refers 3.6 Uplift and rate of uplift for the Fennoscandia
to the" uplift remaining," or actually the uplift that can postglacial uplift as a function of time (after
still occur in the future. Following Post and Griggs (1973) Mueller, 1975). ,is the central uplift remaining at
we set various times in the past. Data points are as
presented by Post and Griggs (1973; following
(3.53) McConnell, 1968, and are based on original data of
Sauramo, 1958). Presently remaining uplift in the
and central region is assumed to be 180 m. Sizes of the
crosses reflect estimated uncertainties. The curves
(3.54) are based on reaction rate theory (see text).

in which K, and K 2 are constants that depend on the

geometry of uplift. The equation (Mueller, 1975) is then
2.7 16
, = C~ sinh A'( (3.55) 14

where 2.6 12

\ 10
, 2)'K \
Co = - - A' = VK 2 (3.56) 2.5 \ 8 i ...
A,K, 2kT \ ~
0 \ 6
Integration of Equation (3.55) then gives
2.4 '- "- 4

log tanh A( +C = Cot (3.57)

Rate of uplift -- 0

which is the desired relation between the uplift re-

maining and the time. In this expression C is a constant 2.2 L----'------'-_-'---L----'_..L.--L_L--...L--1--l
of integration that depends on the presently remaining 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 o
uplift. The other constants are related as follows to Time [yrl

3 Kinetics
of mineral systems

mode of flow in this case is non-Newtonian, as shown by

the curvature of log' versus the time in Figure 3.6.
However, this flow should assume a more Newtonian
character as the stresses and strain rates diminish with
We shall see that the equations presented here have
many applications in comparative planetology and in the
interpretation of crustal features on planets such as
Venus and Mars.


Chemical classification
There is nothing very exciting about rock classifica-
tions, yet petrology could scarcely do without them.
Classifications take many forms, and so we may justify
them in various ways. Some, based on such character-
istics as color, are useful chiefly in the field and will not
concern us further here. Again, classification based on
texture and implicit in such rock names as diabase will
be of only secondary interest. We shall be concerned
chiefly with the chemical and mineralogic classifications
that aid us in summarizing much diverse information
of importance in understanding rock genesis.
All chemical and mineralogic classifications are
genetic in character, otherwise they could scarcely lead
to any knowledge of the origin of rocks. Of the two types
of classifications- chemical and mineralogic- the former
is most widely employed in the study of igneous or
igneous-appearing rocks, whereas mineralogic classifica-
tions are nearly confined to metamorphic rocks. The
characterization of igneous rocks in terms of normative
minerals, which we discuss later, is not really a minera-
logic classification scheme at all but simply makes use
of mineralogic formula units instead of elements or
oxides employed in ordinary chemical work.
We shall not concern ourselves here with a review of
the numerous chemical classifications of igneous rocks
that have been proposed throughout the last century.
Such a review may be found in the works of Johannsen
(1939); also, Barth (1962) has given an excellent summary
of the salient points of the most widely used classification

4 Classifications
of rocks

The most useful classifications begin by reducing the Table 4.1 shows a series of average analyses of igneous
rock analyses (always given in weight percents of the and igneous-appearing rocks taken from Nockolds
oxides) to molecular numbers, which equal the weight (1954). Many of these, such as the extrusive lavas, are of
percents divided by the formula weights of the oxides. unquestioned igneous origin, but a considerable number
These numbers may then be used to form various useful of the plutonic examples could at best be proved to have
parameters such as the molecular fractions NazO/(NazO been molten only after painstaking field and laboratory
+ KzO) or MgO/(MgO + FeO) as in the system of investigations, and generally such investigations are
Osann (I 899), for example. In other classifications, such very limited. However, since we are for the moment
as the first introduced by Cross et al. (1902), molecular concerned only with chemical characteristics, the ques-
numbers of the oxides are combined to form normative tion of origin is of secondary importance. The first part
minerals. However, the end result is presented in terms of the table (Nos. 1-16) is arranged to give a spectrum
of the weight percents of these normative minerals. A of the common compositional types. These rocks,
modification of this procedure was introduced by Niggli ranging from granites to gabbros, include what is
(1936), who presented the analysis in terms of equivalent generally believed to be the major calc-alkali series
molecular unit percentages. Since this is the system most arrived at by fractional crystallization of a basaltic or
used today, we give an example of such a calculation gabbroic magma under crustal conditions. The second
in this chapter. However, we shall first need to examine part of the table (Nos. 17-30) contains rocks that are for
in greater detail the chemical compositions of rocks as the most part undersaturated with respect to Si0 2 .
they occur in nature. Their place in the differentiation scheme is much less well

Table 4.1 Average analyses of igneous and igneous-appearing rocks



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15

Si0 2 73.86 74.57 71.08 72.31 72.08 73.66 69.15 70.15 66.88 66.27 66.15 63.58 51.86 54.20 48.36
Ti0 2 0.20 0.17 0.40 0.42 0.37 0.22 0.56 0.42 0.57 0.66 0.62 0.64 1.50 1.31 1.32
AI 2 0 3 13.75 12.58 11.26 10.88 13.86 13.45 14.63 14.41 15.66 15.39 15.56 16.67 16.40 17.17 16.84
FeZ 0 3 0.78 1.30 4.28 2.92 0.86 1.25 1.22 1.68 1.33 2.14 1.36 2.24 2.73 3.48 2.55
FeO 1.13 1.02 2.19 2.42 1.67 0.75 2.27 1.55 2.59 2.23 3.42 3.00 6.97 5.49 7.92
MnO 0.05 0.05 0.11 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.18 0.15 0.18
MgO 0.26 0.11 0.25 0.16 0.52 0.32 0.99 0.63 1.57 1.57 1.94 2.12 6.12 4.36 8.06
CaO 0.72 0.61 0.84 0.68 1.33 1.13 2.45 2.15 3.56 3.68 4.65 5.53 8.40 7.92 11.07
NazO 3.51 4.13 4.92 5.17 3.08 2.99 3.35 3.65 3.84 4.13 3.90 3.98 3.36 3.67 2.26
K,O 5.13 4.73 4.21 4.42 5.46 5.35 4.58 4.50 3.07 3.01 1.42 1.40 1.33 1.11 0.56
H;O+ 0.47 0.66 0.39 0.45 0.53 0.78 0.54 0.68 0.65 0.68 0.69 0.56 0.80 0.86 0.64
PzOs 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.18 0.07 0.20 0.12 0.21 0.17 0.21 0.17 0.35 0.28 0.24

No. of
analyses (48) (21) (53) (39) (72) (22) (121) (58) (137) (115) (58) (50) (50) (49) (160)

Data are from Nockolds (1954).

Chemical classification

established, and they are not nearly so abundant as the point is illustrated in Figure 4.2, in which the same series
table seems to imply. In an cases the odd numbers in the shown in Figure 4.1 is plotted in terms of Fe Z0 3/FeO. It
table represent the deep-seated or plutonic members, is immediately apparent that the extrusives are generally
whereas the even numbers refer to their extrusive more oxidized than their plutonic equivalents but that
equivalents. the difference in degree of oxidation vanishes at the basic
In Figure 4.1 the weight percentages of the various end of the series. We shall return to this point later.
oxides are shown plotted against the weight percent of Table 4.2 is a simplified representation of the rock
Si0 2 for representative members of the calc-alkali types of Table 4.1 and has been derived from a similar
series. Later we shall discuss some variation diagrams table of Nockolds (1954) by excluding certain rocks
for particular rock suites; however Figure 4.1 is only such as the peridotites, which probably have no equiva-
intended at this point to give a graphic picture of the lent melts under crustal conditions. We do not present a
most abundant igneous rock types. tabulation of the mineral proportions or "modes" of
We have said that certain ratios or fractions have an these rocks since such information is readily obtainable
important part in rock classification schemes. An example from the descriptive petrographies such as that of
of such a parameter is the ratio Fe 2 0 3/FeO. Although Johannsen (1939) or Williams et al. (1954). However,
this parameter has been given surprisingly little attention we shan have many opportunities to consider the igneous
by petrologists in the past, its importance in the inter- minerals when we treat the origin of magmatic rocks.
pretation of many types of rocks- igneous, metamorphic As previously indicated, a rock analysis may be
and sedimentary-can hardly be overestimated. This summarized in terms of the Niggli normative minerals it

... ... CI.I


... ...

..c CI.I § CI.I

;:: ..c

........ = =
~ rIJ
..c ~
..! CI.I
..c '2 t..I
'i :.c

t..I ~ .1:: CI.I Q,j
.5 .5 .5 CI.I
c .1::
... =
CI.I .1::
rIJ u

~ ~ => CI.I 1i 1i 1i ')< c 'i 1i

= =
'i 'i N ..c c ..c ..c ..c
=- =- =-

I ~
t..I u C .:
=> =>
..c 'i 'i => ~ CI.I ..c CI.I CI.I
..c: CI.I
Eo- < < U U ~ ...l Z Q. Z Z 0 Eo- Z

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

SiOz 50.83 61.86 61.95 59.41 58.31 55.36 54.02 55.38 56.90 50.38 52.95 46.88 47.34 45.97 44.82
TiO z 2.03 0.58 0.73 0.83 0.66 1.12 1.18 0.66 0.59 2.49 1.43 2.81 2.53 2.34 2.65
AlzO J 14.07 16.91 18.03 17.12 18.05 16.58 17.22 21.03 20.17 19.97 19.14 17.07 16.59 16.64 15.42
Fe 2 0 3 2.88 2.32 2.33 2.19 2.54 2.57 3.83 2.42 2.26 2.77 3.25 3.62 4.50 2.94 4.28
FeO 9.00 2.63 1.51 2.83 2.02 4.58 3.98 2.00 1.85 3.96 2.86 5.94 5.72 8.27 6.61
MnO 0.18 0.11 0.13 0.08 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.20 0.16 0.20 0.26 0.16
MgO 6.34 0.96 0.63 2.02 2.07 3.67 3.87 0.57 0.58 2.15 2.02 4.85 5.04 5.73 7.27
CaO 10.42 2.54 1.89 4.06 4.25 6.76 6.76 1.98 1.88 6.01 5.33 9.49 8.65 10.45 10.32
NazO 2.23 5.46 6.55 3.92 3.85 3.51 3.32 8.84 8.72 6.35 6.55 5.09 5.33 5.06 5.30
K 20 0.82 5.91 5.53 6.53 7.38 4.68 4.43 5.34 5.42 3.97 4.37 2.64 2.63 1.37 1.26
H 2O 0.91 0.53 0.54 0.63 0.53 0.60 0.78 0.96 0.96 1.37 1.12 0.97 0.87 0.66 1.56
PZ0 5 0.23 0.19 0.18 0.38 0.20 0.44 0.49 0.19 0.17 0.45 0.37 0.48 0.60 0.31 0.35
CO 2 0.17
Cl 0.23 0.09
S03 0.13 0.34
No. of
analyses (137) (25) (15) (18) (24) (46) (42) (80) (47) (7) (16) (15) (27) (6) (8)

4 Classifications
of rocks


55 I
~ 60 I
~ I Dacite
65 l:0nalite
~ -1'
70 I
bCalc-alkali granite

0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5
. Fe203
RatIo FeO [wI. %]

4.2 Plot of the oxidation ratio against weight percent

Si0 2 for calc-alkali series.

0.580 mole of the normative mineral. The example
presented is a very simple one. For a more complicated
calculation, such as that for the certain undersaturated
rocks, the reader is referred to Johannsen (1939), who has
tabulated the many steps in detail. One of the several
types of complications that may arise illustrates the
OL-____L -_ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _
shortcomings of normative calculations in general: thus
~ ~ ~

45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Si02 [wt. %] it is sometimes necessary to calculate both the normative
olivine !(Mg, FejzSi0 4 and pyroxene t(Mg, Fe)Si0 3 .
4. 1 Variation diagram for rocks of the calc-alkali series. In this case the Mg and Fe must be arbitrarily distributed
between the normative minerals, and the convention
contains. A sample calculation for the calc-alkali is to distribute them equally in proportion to their
granite [(5) in Table 4.1] is given in Table 4.3. In accord abundances.
with the rules, the formula unit is normalized to one
cation. The following normative minerals result:
Apatite 5.~3Ca3.33P10g
Mineral facies classification 1
Ilmenite tFeTi03
Orthoclase /OK1AlzS6016 The facies concept was first proposed by Eskola (1915)
Albite /0 Na 1 Al 1 Si 6 0 4
as a consequence of a study of the metamorphic rocks
Anorthite of the Orijarvi region of Finland. The concept is based
on the following premise according to Eskola:
Corundum tAl 1 0 3
Magnetite t Fe 3 0 4 1. "In any rock of a metamorphic formation which
Enstatite tHySi0 3 has arrived at a chemical equilibration through
F errosi Ii te tFeSi0 3 metamorphism at constant temperature and pres-
Quartz Sial sure conditions, the mineral composition is con-
trolled only by the chemical composition."
For example we see from Table 4.3 that 0.058 mole of
KlO plus 0.0580 mole of Al 1 0 3 plus 0.348 mole of 1 For a detailed discussion of particular facies the reader is
SiOl combine to form 0.0580 mole of KzAlzSi6016 or referred to Chapter 10.

Table 4.2 Classification of igneous rocks

Essential feldspar content

Other essential Essential alkali feldspar 100 Ora 1000ra 100 Ora 100 Ora < 10%.
> 60% (I
minerals (Or or Ab or both) Or + Pl b 0
Or + Plb = 40--60 % Or + Plb = 40-10% r
Quartz> 10% Alkali granite Calc-alkali granite Adamellite Granodiorite Tonalite
of rock (alkali rhyolite) (calc-alkali (dellenite) (rhyodacite) (dacite)
per alkaline granite rhyolite)
(per alkaline rhyolite)

u.. Quartz or Alkali syenite Calc-alkali Monzonite Mangerite Diorite

~ feldspa thoids (alkali trachyte) syenite (latite) (doreite) (andesite)
< 10% per alkaline syenite (calc-alkali gabbro
(per alkaline trachyte) trachyte) (basalt)

Feldspathoid Nepheline syenite Nepheline monzonite Essexite Theralite

> 10% of rock (phonolite) (neph. latite) (nepheline (nepheline
ordanchite) tephrite)
glennmvirite teschenite
(analcite (analcite
ordanchite) tephrite)

After Nockolds (1954).

a Orthoclase or K-feldspar.
b Plagioclase.
Table 4.3 Niggli normative mineral composition of the calc-alkali granite
This calc-alkali granite is the same rock as No. (5) in Table 4.1

Wt.% Mole No. Ap 11m Or Ab An C Mt En Fer Q

Si0 2 72.08 1.20 0.348 0.298 0.0390 0.0129 0.0133 0.489
TiO z 0.37 0.00463 0.00463
Al z0 3 13.86 0.136 0.0580 0.0497 0.0195 0.009
Fe z0 3 0.86 0.00539 0.00539
FeO 1.67 0.0233 0.00463 0.00539 0.0133
fA MnO 0.06 trace
MgO 0.52 0.0129 0.0129
CaO 1.33 0.0237 0.00423 0.0195
NazO 3.08 0.0497 0.0497
KzO 5.46 0.0580 0.0580
HzO+ 0.53 0.0294
P20 S 0.18 0.00127 0.00127

Equivalent molecular units 0.0068 0.0093 0.580 0.497 0.098 0.018 0.0162 0.0258 0.0266 0.489

Percentage normative minerals 0.384 0.523 33.1 28.1 5.5 1.02 0.915 1.46 1.50 27.6
Mineral facies classification

Eskola (1920) subsequently provided the following the ideas of what constitutes a metamorphic facies, but
definition: we shall be concerned with examining the idea in terms
of the physicochemical concepts previously discussed.
2. "A mineral facies comprises all the rocks that It has been said (Ramberg, 1952; Fyfe et al., 1958) that
originated under temperature and pressure con- no requirement of equilibrium is implicit in the definitions
ditions so similar that a definite chemical composi- (3) and (4) above. It is certainly true that it is possible to
tion has resulted in the same set of minerals, quite imagine a mechanically contrived series of rocks of
regardless of their mode of crystallization, whether identical bulk composition and composed of minerals of
from magma or aqueous solution or gas, and virtually the same composition. However, it is exceedingly
whether by direct crystallization from solution improbable that such a series could appear in nature
(primary crystallization) or by gradual changes of under any condition other than thermodynamic equilib-
earlier minerals (metamorphic recrystallization)." rium. Thus it seems to the writers that the requirement
of equilibrium is implicit in everyone of Eskola's defini-
Later, Eskola (1939) more concisely defined a given tions of mineral facies.
mineral facies as follows: Ramberg (1952) has, however, pointed out an in-
adequacy in the original definitions. This is that these
3. It consists of those rocks that contain identical definitions leave the way open for the description of a
minerals if their bulk chemical composition is great number of facies, in fact one corresponding to each
identical, but whose minerals vary according to point in the P- T field, since at each such point identical
definite laws as the bulk chemistry changes. bulk compositions give rise to identical mineral composi-
tions that, at least in principle, are unique to that point.
In the same publication he also stated that To avoid this complication, Ramberg proposed the
following definition:
4. The definition of membership in a mineral facies
is simply that the mineral composition be the same 5. "Rocks formed or recrystallized within a certain
for the same chemical composition. P, T-field, limited by the stability of certain critical
minerals of defined composition, belong to the
The classification of metamorphic rocks according to same mineral facies."
the facies concept has received much attention in the
petrologic literature. The history of the development
of the ideas leading up to the facies concept and the 4.3 The mineral facies after Eskola (1939). The
various modifications introduced have been discussed diagram has been modified to exclude the
by Turner (Fyfe et al., 1958; Fyfe and Turner, 1966, "magmatic" facies. For a newer classification see
Turner, 1968). It is not our intention to review again all Chapter 10.


Greenschist Epidote-amphibolite Amphibolite Pyroxene

facies facies facies hornfels facies


Glaucophane schist Eclogite

facies facies

4 Classifications
of rocks

This definition is in harmony with Eskola's original consequently of different bulk compositions) would.
concept of a small number of facies, and recognizes that under equilibrium conditions, reflect identical P- T
rocks of identical bulk composition may exhibit co- conditions of formation. This is an example of an
existing minerals of varying composition and still be isothermal-isobaric invariant condition, and in a three-
assigned to one facies. component system the assemblage would fall in a three-
Ramberg (1952) also pointed out that some simple phase field whereas in a six-component system it would
rocks, such as a quartzite or a granite gneiss, would fall in a six-phase field, and so on. If the P- T conditions
maintain the same mineral assemblage over a wide now change continuously, the sides of the three-phase
p- T interval. However it is important to define what triangle or of the six-phase polygon become distorted.
we mean by the "same" mineral. A quartz-feldspar Finally, one or more of the minerals become unstable
assemblage formed under granulite facies conditions and then a new assemblage forms.
might appear to be the same as one formed under However, this type of disappearance of an assemblage
amphibolite facies conditions. However, if we should must not be confused with the disappearance due to
examine the coexisting quartz and feldspar carefully we bulk composition changes. Thus we must be careful in
would at the very least find subtle differences. Such each case to establish that the appearance of a new
differences would, for example, appear in the distribu- mineral assemblage is not in some way a response to the
tion of certain elements such as germanium between the latter factor. This applies especially to dispersed or
quartz and feldspar. Also, it is possible that a single volatile components that may have been subsequently
mineral like quartz may reflect the P- T field of crystalliza- lost. In the past there has been a tendency to attribute
tion through lattice vacancies. the appearance or disappearance of minerals to facies
We may represent the mineral facies by a simple changes without sufficient attention to compositional
diagram (Figure 4.3), which is the modified form of a effects. A good illustration of such errors is the use of
similar diagram given by Eskola (1939). It should be manganese content of garnet as a facies indicator without
noted that Eskola did not consider zeolites as representing establishing that the manganese content of the rock is
a distinct facies because he did not think that they constant or that the system is sufficiently restricted as to
represented an equilibrium system. However, Turner degrees of freedom. In the average rock, which has
(Fyfe et al., 1958) has advanced them to the status of a approximately twelve major components. the analysis
distinct facies representing the lowest temperatures and of compositional eHects becomes difficult indeed. This is
pressures of recognized metamorphism. Work by Thomp- particularly borne out by assemblages showing varying
son (1970) and Liou (1971) on P-T conditions of the degrees of oxidation. In the past these oxidation effects
zeolite facies is discussed in Chapter 10, where we shall were largely disregarded by failure to distinguish
also discuss a modern facies classification based upon hematite from magnetite and by the arbitrary inclusion
experimentally determined mineral stability information. of Fe3+ with Fe2+ or AI3+.
No suitable analytical method has yet been devised
to depict the effects of bulk compositional changes on
mineral assemblages. We are therefore largely confined
Relation between bulk chemistry and to the diagrammatic or graphical presentations. such as
mineral composition the grossly simplified AKF or ACF diagrams that are in
current use. Such diagrams make use of implicit pro-
Before we enter into a discussion of the stability of jections from multicomponental space on a three-
particular mineral assemblages as a function of pressure component triangular diagram. We shall be forced to
and temperature, it is well to consider the mutual adopt a similar method; however. this method makes
compositional relations among minerals and the relation direct use of the tetrahedron. which introduces con-
to the bulk composition of the rock. If we adopt the siderably more rigor and generality.
definition of a facies as given by Ramberg (1952) [in (5). Figures 4.4 to 4.8 show the four-component systems
above], we see that before we can accurately classify a capable of depicting nearly all the petrographically
rock as to facies we must first settle questions not only significant minerals. 2 Figures 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 are derived
of the bulk composition but also of the compositions of from Figure 4.4 by successive replacement of FeO by
the individual minerals since these may reflect the
P- T changes in a continuous way. For example, a series
2 Some standard mineral reference book should be used in
of samples of a certain definite assemblage of minerals of conjunction with these diagrams to relate mineral com-
identical composition but of differing proportions (and positions to names and abbreviations.

Relation between bulk chemistry and mineral composition

limits of the joins as drawn are somewhat arbitrary

since they are chiefly based on a limited number of natural
occurrences from the literature. Since, as we have seen
in Chapter 3, solid solutions of Mg2+ and Fe2+ usually
show close to ideal behavior, we should expect that the
solution represented by Mg2+ _Fe2+ joins should be
stable in the intrinsic sense. Thus we can attribute
limitations in the range of a given Mg2+ -Fe2+ series
only to the extrinsic instability of the end members.
For example, very magnesian cummingtonite is not
found, whereas the corresponding anthophyllite poly-
morph is the rule. From this we assume that the reactions
Mg 7 Si 8 0 22 (OHh Mg 7 Si 8 0dOH)2 (4.a)
cummingtonite anthophyllite

Fe 7 Si 8 0dOHh Fe 7 Si s OdOHh (4.b)

FeO anthophyflite cummingtonite

4.4 Mineral compositions in the svstem are both displaced to the right for the generally pre-
MgO-AI 2 0 3 -Si0 2 -FeO. Chlorite and vailing P- T condition. The relations involving AI3+
anthophyllite compositions fall on striped planar and Si 4 + as applied to the aluminous anthophyllite
surface. gedrite are less clear cut, and it is possible that intrinsic
characteristics of the solid solutions may also be in-
volved here.
CaO, ! Na20, and t K 20. Since we are not primarily When CaO is substituted for FeO (Figure 4.5), we
concerned at this stage with genetic relationships, see that the solid solubility is much more restricted,
all the common minerals and well-defined mineral solid but that a number of new series involving substitution
solution series have been plotted together regardless of AI3+ for Mg2+ and Si 4 + arise. The actual amount of
of their experimental or observationally determined substitution shown is again somewhat arbitrary since
facies positions. However, most of the minerals plotted we have generally terminated a series with a well-known
turn out to be the simply characterized metamorphic
and high-temperature phases as distinguished from such
comparatively ill-defined low-temperature minerals as 4.5 Mineral compositions in the system
the clays, for example. Many of the minerals plotted MgO-AI 2 0 3 -Si0 2 -CaO.
contain additional components that cannot be shown.
In most cases the additional component is H 20, but some
minerals (such as scapolite) also contain CO 2, Cl, etc.
H is thus necessary to specify the activities of these extra
components before the mineral equilibria can be
discussed. Chiefly because of these additional compo-
nents, the figures contain a number of coincident species. spinel
For example, in Figure 4.5 Ca-scapolite is coincident sapphiri~e •
with epidote, and lawsonite is coincident with anorthite. Pyp .An
The reference subsystem MgO-AI 20 3 -Si0 2 occupies ·Cord • Ep
the left face of the tetrahedra of Figures 4.4 to 4.7
inclusive. In Figure 4.4, in which this subsystem is
combined with FeO, we see a number of linear and
planar joins that depict the solid solubility of such
minerals as the amphiboles, pyroxenes, chlorites, etc.,
with respect to Fe2+, Mg2+, AI3+, and Si 4 +. Where all .
of these elements are involved, planes such as those
that represent chlorite and anthophyllite result. The CaO

4 Classifications
of rocks

species, although it is possible that the maximum

possible substitution covers a wider range. Thus we
terminate the hornblende series on the high aluminum
end with the quaternary species tschermakite
(Ca2Mg3AI4Si6022(OH)2) when, according to stoichio-
metric consideration, the series could bave been extended spinel • St
to Ca2AlsAI4Si3022(OH)z. However, no amphiboles / .. sapphirine
approaching this composition are known.
chlOrito"id. Pyp. Ms
Also it should be clear that Ca2+ _Mg2+ substitu-
tions become more common at higher temperatures when leucite. • kaliophilite
series such as the pyroxenes expand their range. However, ·Or
little attempt has been made to indicate this feature in
the figures.
In Figures 4.6 and 4.7 we note the lack of naturally
occurring compounds in the field MgO-Na zO-K 20-
SiOz a fact which greatly simplifies these diagrams. How-
ever, these tetrahedra contain the important feldspar and
mica minerals and the quaternary amphibole glucco-
phane. Similarly, Figure 4.8 shows an absence of minerals
within the ternary system Na zO-CaO-Si0 2 , although 4.7 Mineral compositions in the system
a considerable number of solid solutions occur within MgO-AlzOrSiOz-KzO.
the quaternary system. Only three of the latter have
been shown, although many others occur among the
zeolites. diagram into an equilibrium or phase diagram since
As was previously discussed, a given mineral assem- such lines can have meaning only within the context
blage may be depicted by tie lines that form lines, of equilibrium. Although it is usually difficult to predict
triangles, or tetrahedra within the major tetrahedron, the most stable assemblage in the absence of detailed
depending on the number of associated minerals. The experimental or observational data, a tentative pre-
construction of such elements turns the compositional diction may sometimes be made on the basis of compo-

4.6 Mineral compositions in the system 4.8 Mineral compositions in the system
MgO-Alz03-SiOz-NazO. CaO-Alz03-SiOz-NazO.

spinel • margarite

·Chd ~g .
."," \\~'O~~~
·Cord ~...:;;
natrolit;. nephelene nerhelene • •.r:;.~ ~~'/,
Ah· ·Id • sodalite sodalite· •
SiOz ;capolite


Relation between bulk chemistry and mineral composition

sitional compatibility. It might be expected, for example, shown linked by dashed tie lines where the tie lines do
that the assemblage talc-enstatite would generally be not coincide with the triangle. The fact that all the
unstable with respect to anthophyllite since tetrahedra formed have apexes in the corner Si0 2
shows that the extra-phase quartz must be present before
Mg 3 Si 4 0 lo (OHlz + 4MgSi0 3
we can use the conventional ACF diagram. To illustrate
talc enstatite
this point further we note that the conventional diagram
Mg 7 Si s0 22 (OH}z (4.c) apparently excludes the association of anorthite and
anthophyllite wollastonite. However, in the tetrahedron we see that if
quartz is just excluded, the association of anorthite,
Another example of the same type of relationship is grossularite, wollastonite, and diopside becomes possible.
Similarly, in the absence of quartz, andalusite and
diopside talc enstatite can be associated.
At some lower temperature or higher water pressure
Ca2MgsSis022(OHh (4.d) certain of the hydrous minerals shown in Figure 4.5
tremolite become stabilized. The possible reactions of these phases
with other hydrous or anhydrous phases may readily
According to Greenwood (1963), Reaction (4.c) is
be seen by considering the various elements (points,
displaced to the right for all pressures less than approxi-
lines, triangles, or tetrahedra) in the major tetrahedron.
mately 104 atm at ordinary metamorphic temperatures.
For example, we may consider a rock of the amphibolite
In order to illustrate the relationship of the tetra-
facies consisting of pure tschermakite, which coincides
hedra to the three-component diagrams in conventional
with the AI-rich termination of the hornblende series
use, we have plotted the familiar ACF diagram used to
(Figure 4.5). At a higher temperature or lower PH2 0 this
depict the pyroxene hornfels facies within the major
amphibole may break down according to the reaction
tetrahedron (Figure 4.9). The conventional ACF diagram
is shown as a small triangle in the upper right of the Ca2Mg3AI4Si6022(OHh ~
figures. We see that cordierite and grossularite actually tschermakite
fall off the diagram and must be projected from the Si0 2
corner to form the conventional diagram. Figure 4.9
enstatite Jorsterite anorthite
is rigorous insomuch as no extraneous components are
required to form the minerals involved. However, the
auxiliary assumption that the phases are nearly stoichio- 4.9 Relationship between ternary and quaternary
metric is implicit in the figure. The stable assemblages are representations.



4 Classifications
of rocks

From Figure 4.5 we see that tschermakite lies in the minerals are complex solutions. According to Ramberg's
triangle enstatite-forsterite-anorthite. For a more com- definition of metamorphic facies the compositions of the
plex example we consider a rock of bulk composition coexisting minerals tell us where we are in the continuous
that falls in the tetrahedron staurolite-kyanite-quartz- spectrum of P- T conditions of a single mineral facies.
epidote, which is a magnesium-poor assemblage of the with a definite composition defining the facies boundary.
epidote amphibolite facies. Under the higher tempera- We have already seen in earlier sections that changes in
ture conditions of the granulite facies, such a rock will the distribution curves or tie lines may define the P- T
give way to an assemblage consisting of plagioc1ase- changes very precisely if we can separate their effects
sillimanite and garnet according to the following reac- from those related to composition variation. Where a
tions: sufficient number of phases are present to reduce the
number of degrees of freedom to one or two, the composi-
tion of a single mineral can give the P- T conditions of
staurolite quartz crystallization. As we have previously indicated, such
elements as a tetrahedron defining a phase assemblage
in Figure 4.9 change shape slightly with changes in
P- T conditions. For example, in the tetrahedron
enstatite-diopside-quartz-anorthite a rise in temperature
epidote kyanite quartz increases the mutual solubility of the pyroxenes, and the
enstatite-diopside tie line contracts. However, we must
4CaAl 2 Si 2 0 g + H 20 (4.g) be very careful to separate such effects from the effects
anorthite of bulk composition changes. As an illustration, petrolo-
gists have in the past frequently attempted to relate
From Figure 4.5 we see that the reactant tetrahedron has
been transformed into the product triangle. variation in the AI-content of silicates to P- T changes.
Turning again to Figure 4.5, we see that the three-phase
In the foregoing we have been dealing with stoichio-
assemblage chlorite-anthophyllite-hornblende can, in
metric phases: however. virtually all metamorphic
principle, show a wide variation of AljMg ratios under
isothermal-isobaric conditions. These relations are
4.10 Compositions of coexisting chlorite (ChI), shown diagrammatically in Figure 4.10 as various
hornblende (Hb), and anthophyllite (A). triangular elements. Although the absolute value of this


Relation between bulk chemistry and mineral composition

ratio in the minerals thus cannot reflect the P- T con- phibolites except for possibly oxidation state and CO 2
dition, the precise form of the triangle does indeed reflect content. In fact, Ernst found that individual members of
them because each mineral is linked by a very definite the group showed more variation among themselves
distribution relation of the type treated in Chapter 2. than the groups did. This is an admirable illustration
The corresponding exchange reaction for coexisting of the reality of the metamorphic facies represented.
hornblende and anthophyllite may be written as

hornblende anthophyllite

hornblende anthophyllite

The equation of equilibrium, which does not concern us

here, takes a very complex form owing to the necessity
for simultaneous consideration of the distribution of
Mg2 + , AI 3 + , and Si 4 + in the octahedral and tetrahedral
We have attempted to illustrate the relationships
between bulk compositions of the rock and mineral
compositions, which must be understood before a rock
can be properly classified as to mineral facies. Of course,
if a reasonably complete series of chemically analyzed
rocks of identical bulk composition are available, it is
possible to assign these to various facies by simply
identifying their minerals. This is well illustrated by a
grouping of basic metamorphic rocks, according to
facies presented by Ernst (1963a). Table 4.4 shows that
there is no significant difference between the average
glaucophone schists, green schists, and epidote am-

Table 4.4 Comparisons of rocks of different metamorphic facies

10 glaucophane 10 green 10 epidote 137 tholeiitic

schists schists amphibolites basalts

Si0 2 47.90 48.36 49.10 50.83

Ti0 2 2.11 1.79 1.30 2.03
Al 2 0 3 15.05 15.30 15.43 14.07
Fe 20 3 4.29 5.98 3.58 2.88
FeO 7.06 6.66 7.54 9.06
MnO 0.13(6)a 0.25(8) 0.30 0.18
MgO 5.89 6.37 7.06 6.34
CaO 9.50 7.46 9.90 10.42
Na20 2.98 3.50 2.67 2.23
K 20 0.83(9) 0.59 0.54 0.82
P Z0 5 0.13(5) 0.27(7) 0.15 0.23
HzO+ 3.29 3.42 2.25 0.91
CO 2 1.18(7) 0.16(4) 0.00(3)

After Ernst (I 963a).

" Where fewer than 10 analyses are averaged, the number of analyses is indicated in superior

petro genic

In space

Solids in space
It seems safe to infer from astrophysical data that solids
in the form of absorbing clouds are very abundant in
interstellar space. Such matter with associated gases is
thought to comprise a considerable portion of the total
mass of the galaxies in which it forms dark bands within
the spiral arms. These regions are also the sites of active
star formation, as for example in the nebula of Orion,
where they are closely associated with luminous gas
In the study of extraterrestrial solids, petrology
merges with astrophysics and the research aims become
identical. Whether observed from afar, or more closely as
in the case of meteorites, these solids are capable in
principle of yielding a great variety of information on the
contemporary nature and history of development of the
universe. Solids may form only under a restricted range
of conditions, low in temperature by most astrophysical
standards, although frequently under high pressures.
Under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium, they
bear a distinct relation not only to each other but also to
the surrounding dispersed medium. This makes it
possible in principle to deduce the physicochemical
environment of crystallization of meteorite minerals, or,
by using the method in reverse, to disclose the mineral-
ogic nature of remote bodies from the spectra of gases
associated with them. In addition to thermodynamics
there are also more direct methods of studying extra-
terrestrial solids. The classical method oflight absorption,
which led to the discovery of interstellar dust, may be

Condensation from a gas of solar composition

extended to include the effect of polarization of light, postulated the existence of magnetic fields in the already
which may be related to the chemistry of the solids formed central body (sun or planet) which interact with
(Dufay, 1957; Stecher and Williams, 1966; Crutcher, ionized gases that are initially of solar composition. He
1973). does not treat the processes leading up to the con-
Because of the large quantities of mass tied up in densation of the sun itself, but attempts to account for
solids, they play an important part in the chemical all the other bodies including the asteroids, satellites, and
balance of the universe and are much involved in the the rings of Saturn.
continuous flux of matter in the birth and extinction of According to his model, the nebular gases are pre-
stars and planets. From the principle of uniformity we vented from falling toward the central body as long as
infer that the contemporary observations of dust and they are ionized. However, when the gases cool they
gas clouds and the fact of their concentration in regions of form clouds in sequence of the ionization potentials of
active star formation have pertinence to the problem of the various atomic species and fall toward the central
the origin of the solar system. Conversely, we may also body. For example, He and H atoms, which have the
expect that deductions regarding the conditions of origin highest ionization potentials, are deionized first, whereas
of our sun and planets are, with proper modifications, of Fe and Mg, which have much lower potentials, become
wider applicability to contemporary astrophysical prob- deionized later. In the next step the gases are again
lems. ionized when their kinetic energies of free fall reach their
energies of ionization. Presumably this process can lead
to a marked separation of the elements. This differentiated
material, whose fall has been brought to a stop, is then
The problem of the origin of the swept to the equatorial plane by the magnetic forces, and
solar system forms the planets and satellites. It will be helpful to keep
these ideas in mind when we discuss the chemistry of the
This problem has in the past been approached from both condensation process. The first detailed treatments of
the physical and chemical points of view, which of the chemical conditions imposed by the solar composition
course should complement each other. Our concern were given by Eucken (1944), Latimer (1952), and
here wiII be primarily with the latter since it bears most especially by Urey (1952), who has made the most
immediately upon petrology. We shall not review the
outstanding contribution toward our understanding of
history of ideas connected with this subject,l depending these processes. Most of Urey's conclusions about the
as it does upon celestial mechanics and other subjects
hypothetical condensation conditions stand today, al-
beyond the scope of this book. However we shall draw
though some modifications are required to take into
attention to some of the most pertinent ideas.
account the equilibria of the more complex mineral
The most widely accepted model for the origin of the
compounds. Recently, as we shall see, there have been
solar system today holds that the sun and planets con-
further extensive investigations of condensation pro-
densed out of a nebula of essentially the same composition
cesses in the solar nebula.
as the sun. The roots of the nebular hypothesis go back
at least to Kant and Laplace, who, however, did not
attempt to present details. A number of distinguished
astrophysicists have advanced this hypothesis, the most
notable contribution being that of von Weizacker (1944), Condensation from a gas of solar
who emphasized the role of turbulence eddies in the composition
spacing of the protoplanets around the sun.
The abundances of the elements in the sun are apparently
From our point of view a very interesting hypothesis
known well enough that certain conclusions can be
was put forth by Alfven (1954), who published a very
made regarding the condensation sequence of a cooling
detailed model of the conditions leading up to the con-
gas of solar composition. However, the precise values of
densation process. His ideas, which are finding renewed
these abundances are still uncertain and subject to
acceptance today, are concerned with magnetohydro-
constant refinement. This problem is reasonably weB
dynamic processes in the solar nebula. In his book, as
defined only as long as the gases do not deviate greatly
well as in his later papers (Alfven, 1962, 1963), he has
from this composition, and these conditions hold only
1 A short elementary review of the major physical hypotheses
during the initial condensation stage for the element of
on the origin of the solar system is to be found in the book interest. This is the problem as discussed by Urey, and
by Pickering (1961). much of our treatment shall differ only in detail from his.

5 Chemical
and petrogenic processes in space

Recently, Grossman (1972) has also attempted to trace discussed by Alfven (1954) for the case of a gas with a
the condensation process through changing conditions number density of 10 5 atoms/cm 3 (P H2 :0: 10- 14 atm at
imposed by the process itself. 273°K). If thermal equilibrium prevails, the degree of
In approaching the problem it is first necessary to ionization of atoms of any given species i or Xi is given
decide which molecular compounds of each element are by Saha's expression for the ionization equilibrium
abundant in the gas phase at a particular stage of the constant:
condensation sequence. This is no easy task since the
necessary thermochemical data are limited, 2 and it is (5.1)
always possible that some more stable molecules exist
in the P- T range of interest. In Table 5.1 we have listed
where ne is the electron density, Xi is a fraction, and K
the logarithms of the solar abundances of the major is a function chiefly of the temperature, except at the
elements required to account for condensates of petro-
highest pressures. Alfven found that above 2000 K a 0

genic interest. Application is obviously chiefly to the substantial number of Fe and Mg atoms were ionized.
inner planets and to the smaller bodies such as the However, we shall not discuss this point further since
meteorites, since we have omitted helium which forms this combination of high temperatures and low pressures
an important part of the giant planets. In Table 5.2 are does not seem likely for the condensation conditions of
shown what, from the thermochemical data, appear to be most substances. Just as in the case of ionization, the
the major atomic and molecular species of the most abundances ofthe molecular species are usually sensitive
abundant elements for a wide range of P- T conditions to the total pressure as well as the temperature. To
below approximately toOO atm hydrogen pressure and illustrate this we first consider a system composed of
2300 o K. Obviously not all the species listed will be abun- the three most abundant elements in Table 5.1, the
dant in the same range. We have also indicated the major
system C-O-H. Because these elements are an order
condensation products to be expected. The latter are
of magnitude more abundant than the metals Si and Mg
not necessarily the most stable condensates but are
with which oxygen readily combines to form condensates
minerals which by their wide occurrence seem to be the
at high temperatures, the latter element will scarcely be
most stable in a variety of environments stemming from
diminished in the cooled nebular gases. 3 This makes it
the solar gas phase.
possible to treat the system independently of the high
Only at temperatures in excess of 20000K and at low
temperature processes which may have preceded it. The
hydrogen pressure need we consider ionization. The
species that we must consider as possible abodes of
conditions favoring equilibrium ionization have been
oxygen in the gases are H 2 0, OH, CO, and CO 2 , The
2 The chief sources of the data in this section are the JANAF hydroxyl molecule is unimportant except at low pressures
(Joint Army, Navy, Air Force) tables compiled by Dow
Chemical Company. Other data are derived from sources 3 Uncertainties in the elemental abundances also make such
referred to elsewhere in this book. corrections superfluous.

Table 5.1 Abundance of common elements in the solar system

Element Abundance log (abundance) Element Abundance log (abundance)

H 2.6 x 10 10 10.415 CI 1970 3.294

0 2.36 x 10 7 7.373 Ca 7.36 x 104 4.866
C 1.35 x 10 7 7.13 F 3630 3.56
N 2.44 x 10 6 6.388 Ni 4.57 x 104 4.66
Si" 1.00 x 10 6 6.000 Cr 1.24 x 104 4.093
Mg 1.05 x 10 6 6.021 P 1.27 x 104 4.103
S 5.06 x 10 5 5.704 Mn 8800 3.945
Fe 8.9 x 10 5 5.949 K 3240 3.511
Na 6.32 x 104 4.80 Ti 2300 3.362
Al 8.51 x 104 4.93 Co 2300 3.362

Data from Cameron (1968).

a Arbitrary value.

Condensation from a gas of solar composition

and high temperatures as may be shown from the reaction It is apparent that of the six reactions, only Reaction (5.e)
H 20 i H2 + OH (S.a) is essentially independent of the pressure.
In order to determine which species are the most
gas gas gas
abundant at various temperature and hydrogen pres-
For example, at 800 oK, K(a) the equilibrium constant for sures, we make use of the condition that the abundance
this reaction is only 10- 15 , but even at 2200 oK, K(a) is ratios are fixed by Table 5.1, which is based on an arbi-
still only 10- 3, and this would require PH2 ~ 10- 6 atm in trarily set value of the abundance of Si at 106 • This re-
order to have POH ~ PH20 • Similar reasoning also holds duces the possible variance of the system. Thus the
for atomic hydrogen the dominant species in the inter- hydrogen pressure becomes a univariant function of the
stellar gases. However, the hydrogen pressures required temperature at a fixed ratio of PCO /P CH4 and PCO jPCH4
for the condensations of most solids at high temperatures and is independent of PCO /P C02 •4 We first set Pco = PCH4
are apparently so high that only Hz is important. The and find
equilibria remaining to be considered are therefore the
following: ( pO)2 = K (b)
-1 PH10
CO + 3H 2 H 20 + CH 4 (S.b)
gas gas gas gas where the superscript on PH2 indicates the imposed con-
ditions. From Table 5.1 we obtain
C + 2H z CH 4 (S.c)
graphite gas gas (5.3)
C + H 2O CO + Hz (S.d)
graphite gas gas gas
where A refers to the relative abundances. Then PH20 =
COz + Hz ~

~ HzO + CO (S.e)
1O-Z.89p~, and P~, = K(b)I/210-1.45. If we calculate
gas gas gas gas
K(b) as a function of T we see that at 2200 o K, P~, =

C + 2H zO CO 2 + 2H z (s.n 10 2 . 50 atm. At higher pressures than this all oxygen

graphite gas gas gas occurs as HzO and carbon as CH 4 , which is of some

COz + 4H z (S.g) 4 All gases assumed to be ideal at high temperatures; P rep-

gas gas gas gas resents the partial pressure of the gas.

Table 5.2 Distribution of the elements in the gas of

solar composition and the ultimate condensates from
this gas

Generally abundant Ultimate

Element gas species condensates

H H2 H 2O
0 H 20, CO Silicates
C CO, CH 4 , CO 2 Graphite, hydrocarbons,
N NH 3 , N z Liquid to solid NH 3 , N z
N z in planetary
Si SiO, SiH 4 , SiS Mg-Fe silicates
Mg Mg Mg-Fe silicates
S HzS, Sz, S, SiS FeS
Fe Fe Metal, silicates, oxides
Na Na, NaOH Silicates
Al AI, (A10}z, A120, AlOH Silicates

5 Chemical
and petrogenic processes in space

considering Reactions (5.c), (5.d), and (5.0. The second of

these yields
12 P HlO
800 P H2 = K(d)-- (5.6)
P co
14 700
We may assume that in the field in which CO dominates
16 co among the carbon species, all carbon is bound in this
molecule, while the rest of the oxygen occurs as H 2 0.
18 :f From this we calculate that the ratio PH20/PCO is 10- 0.13,
20 500
and Equation (5.6) becomes
co (5.7)
1_ 22
0 Also the expression corresponding to Reaction (5.c)
- E::' 24 becomes
400 Peo = Peo2

26 (5.8)

28 it having been assumed that all the carbon is bound as

CH 4 in the field of methane. These relations are shown
30 graphically in Figure 5.1. However, the lower left area
of this figure is an indeterminate region. The reason for
32 this may be seen by considering Reaction (5.f), for which
300 we write the equation
-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 ·0
log PH2
PH, = K (f) (PH20)(PH20)
P P (5.9)
H2 C02
5. 1 Plot showing the fields of dominance of the various
carbon species in a gas of the inferred composition We also have the following connection between the
of the solar nebula. This depicts the situation as abundances:
condensation of major C-, 0-, and H-bearing phases
just begins. This figure is unaffected by the (5.10)
high-temperature condensation of the silicates since
silica is far less abundant than carbon, oxygen, or Consequently,


consequence in the analysis of the high temperature con- which shows that the total pressure depends on the
densations. At lower temperatures log P~z drops rapidly abundance of CO 2 or, conversely, of H 2 0. There is not
as an almost linear function of T- 1 (Figure 5.1). enough oxygen to convert all the carbon to CO 2 , Thus
In the lowest temperature range CO 2 becomes an we have a somewhat arbitrarily fixed boundary of
important species. From Reaction (5.e) we obtain the graphite by the condition that PCOl = PCH4 along the
relation dashed line in Figure 5.1. Reaction (5.c) was the only one
of these reactions considered by Vrey (1952), who con-
(5.5) sequently did not establish the conditions for the begin-
if PC02 = Pco
ning of precipitation of graphite. If gas is cooled along an
isobar through the field of CO at log PH2 = -7, for
Since P HzO = 10- 3.11PHz by taking account of the example, precipitation of graphite begins at about
distribution of oxygen between H 2 0 and CO, it may be 5()()°K. However this changes the CO/H 2 0 ratio and
shown that Equation (5.5) corresponds to a temperature consequently shifts the boundary toward the lower right.
of about 4()()OK. The next most abundant constituent of the gas is
It is possible now to locate the PHz - T range in which nitrogen, for which it may be shown that the only im-
graphite can begin to precipitate. This may be done by portant species will be N 2 and NH 3' since the conditions

Condensation from a gas of solar composition

are far too reducing for the nitrogen oxides. The critical which are essentially independent of the total pressure.
reaction is therefore The equations of equilibrium for the two reactions are:
(5.h) PH,o PSiO ,
--K(i)=-- (5.17)
gas gas gas PH, PSiO

From Table 5.1 we obtain the relation and

AN = 2P N, + PNH3 = 10- 4 .02 (5.12)

AH 2P H ,
while the equation of equilibrium for Reaction (5.h) is
P S'
(5.13) P Si02 = 10- 4 . 72 and ~_l = 10- 3 . 92 (5.19)
K(h) = (P N,)1 /2(P H,)3/ 2 PSiO P SiO

Let us determine which nitrogen species is the most which eliminates Si0 2 and Si from consideration. To
abundant at 22000K and PH, = 10 3 atm. For this tem- find the relation between SiO and SiH 4 , we use the reac-
perature, K(h) = 10- 4 .9 \ so that tion
PN , = P~H3 10°. 82 (5.14) (5.k)
If we substitute this into Equation (5.12), we obtain the
equation which has the equation
10- 0.82
P~, PSiH4
+ ~-2- P NH3 - 10-4. 84 p H, -- 0 (5.15) --K(kl =--- (5.20)
PH20 PSio
The solution of this equation yields P NH3 = 10- 1.05 atm Since this depends on the pressure, PH, = 10 3 atm at
and PN2 = 10-1.28 atm, showing that nitrogen occurs 22000K yields
chiefly as ammonia gas at T = 22000K and PH2 =
10 3 atm. By contrast, at 500 K and PH2 = 10- 6 atm,
0 P SiH4 = 10- 0 . 67 (5.21)
which falls in Figure 5.1, N 2 is the most important P SiO
species with P NH3 = 1O- 4 .48 P N ,. which tells us that we must distribute silicon between
We next consider the elements Si and Mg, which SiH 4 and SiO.
dominate in the silicate condensations. First we must By similar methods we can show that atomic Mg is
again decide which are likely to be the most abundant the only important species of this element present.
species in the gas so that we can assign abundance In order to correctly treat the condensation of Mg
values consistent with the elemental abundances. We and Si from the solar gas it is necessary to go a step beyond
have already seen that oxygen occurs as H 20, CO, and Urey's discussion, which assumes MgO and SiOz as the
CO z , although the latter species is important only at low condensates, and treat instead the most stable com-
temperatures and pressures. We shall first determine the pounds of this system, which are minerals such as
abundances at 22000K and PH, = 10 3 atm, which will olivine and pyroxene. This was the approach of Wood
be found to be in the upper range of interest for the sili- (1963), who attempted to identify these condensates
cate condensations. From Reaction (5.b) we find that with certain chondritic meteorites. Wood utilized the
PCH4 = 103.38pco, so that virtually no oxygen is tied reaction
up as CO. Consequently
2Mg + SiO + 3H 2 0 ~ Mg 2Si0 4 + 3H z (5.1)
Ao = AH,o (5.16) gas gas gas olivine gas
In the case of silicon we must take into consideration
We may put the equation of equilibrium of this reaction
such species as SiO, SiH 4 , Si0 2, and Si. We can deter-
into the foIIowing convenient form 5 :
mine the abundances of Si0 2 and Si relative to SiO from
the following reactions:
gas gas gas gas
5 The effects of solid solubility in olivine are disregarded here
SiO + H2 Si + H 20 (5.j) since all iron will occur as metal under these comparatively
gas gas gas gas reducing conditions.

5 Chemical
and petrogenic processes in space

in which the factor in parentheses has been introduced Si/H, and Mg/H will tend to favor the condensation of
in order to transform the ratios of partial pressures to the silicates.
abundance ratios. If we now take into account the result According to Wood. as the temperature drops,
(5.21) we have 6 olivine will be converted to pyroxene by reaction with
solar gas:

ASi ex PSiO + KiK)PSiO = PSiO(1 + Kid (5.24)

gas gas olivine pyroxene gas
where (5.m)
K(K) = K(K) (P~2)
(5.25) As was previously mentioned, very little iron can be
expected to enter the high temperature silicates since
Consequently the logarithmic form of Equation (5.22) this element will occur only in the reduced form as
becomes atomic Fe or as particulate metallic condensates. We
shall return to this subject when we discuss the system
log P H2 = t[ -log K(I) + 610g AH - 6 log 2 - 2 log A Mg O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni for more general conditions.
- 3 log Ao - log ASi + log (I + K~)] (5.26) Next to silicon and magnesium. the most important
condensate elements are sulfur and iron. In the reducing
which may be solved by successive approximation or by environment of the solar nebula, sulfur will occur chiefly
other means. as S2' S, and H 2 S. with such species as COS playing a
In his work Wood utilized older abundance data than minor role. At the higher pressures. HzS takes pre-
those presented in Table 5.1. specifically the data of cedence according to the reaction
Goldberg et al. (1960). In particular, these older data,
which were based solely on the sun's atmosphere, show (5.n)
a far lower Fe/H ratio than those of Table 5.1, and the
same is true to a lesser degree for the ratios Si/H and with
Mg/H. Using the older value, Equation (5.26) yields
log PH, = 3.48 at T = 2200°K, the condensate at this
temperature being liquid Mg 2Si0 4 • According to Wood's
results, condensation occurs over a range of temperatures
and pressures, with solid Mg 2Si04 appearing in the If we set PH,S = P s • we see that for this condition to be
lower range of values. fulfilled at 22000K. PH, cannot exceed 10-1.48 atm. Also,
These pressures of condensation obtained are very if we substitute Sz for S in the lower temperature range,
high for most plausible nebular models, and Wood as for example at 6OO°K, we see that for the condition
(1963) found it necessary to introduce the ad hoc assump- PH,S = Ps" PH, cannot exceed 10- 14 . 86 atm. which lies
tion of shock waves from a stellar explosion to account far to the left in Figure 5.1. However. Urey (1952) has
for the simultaneous existence of the high temperatures shown that in this temperature range metallic iron is
and pressures. However the pressure drops off fairly converted to FeS by the reaction
rapidly with the temperature as the field of solid silicates
is encountered. An additional complication, not men- FeS + H2 (5.0)
tioned by Wood, is introduced at this point by the in- metal gas troilite gas
creasing quantities of oxygen tied up as CO as the
pressure drops below the field of methane. The high in a gas of solar composition.
pressures are somewhat meliorated by certain deviations Although iron does not condense as oxides and ferrous
from the solar composition that might be brought about, silicates, at the higher temperatures it was demonstrated
for example, by the effects of magnetic fields as proposed by Latimer (1952) and by Urey (1952) that this becomes
by Alfven. It may be seen from Equation (5.26) that any possible when the temperature drops somewhat below
local accumulations of the species Mg, SiO, and H 20 400oK. In this range the solar gas will be in equilibrium
would bring about a reduction in the equilibrium PH,. with magnetite by the reaction
In addition, the newer and higher values of Fe/H,

6 ASi here refers to the abundance of total silicon and not to ~Fe + H20 i-Fe 3 0 4 + H2 (5.p)
the abundance of gaseous atomic Si. gas gas magnetite gas

The effect of non equilibrium ionization

We shall see that this result has important implications

for the early history of the terrestrial planets. The effect of non equilibrium ionization
In recent years a number of authors have extended
Urey's work on the problem of the condensation of the In the foregoing discussion it was always assumed that
solar nebula. We refer particularly to papers by Larimer at least local thermal equilibrium prevailed. This means
(1967, 1973), Blander and Katz (1967), and Grossman that the radiation of the system was internally derived and
(1972). Grossman made the first attempt to trace the in equilibrium with the local matter. Such will not be the
condensation process beyond the initial state when the case when interstellar gas and dust clouds are illuminated
gas composition is given by the solar nebular abundances by stellar sources. The radiation from the stars will
of the elements. It should be noted that most of generally represent the higher temperatures characteristic
Grossman's calculations are for a total pressure of of their photospheres and thus will possess a maximum
1O~3 atm. Some results of his study are as follows: intensity displaced toward the blue end of the spectrum
as compared with the locally derived radiation. The
I. Among the first silicate and oxide minerals to effects of this high-energy radiation will be superimposed
condense are, with falling temperature, corundum, on the local thermal equilibria, causing additional
melilite, perovskite, spinel, and diopside, after
which olivine and enstatite assume major im-
portance, as was shown by Wood. A typical 5.2 The distribution of Mg between crystalline phases
sequence is shown in Figure 5.2. and vapor. The first Mg-bearing minerals to
condense are melilite and spinel, but the fraction of
2. With lowering temperatures and changing com- the total Mg contained by them only reaches a few
position of the gas phase, corundum, melilite, and percent by l450 o K, where the melilite is destroyed
perovskite give way by reaction to diopside, spinel, in the production of diopside and more spinel.
These curves are drawn for the ideal melilite solid
and anorthite.
solution model and are almost indistinguishable on
3. Iron-nickel alloys have higher condensation tem- this scale from those for the nonideal case. After
peratures than forsterite and enstatite at all total forsterite appears at l444°K, Mg is rapidly
pressures greater than about 7 x 10 ~ 5 atm. condensed with decreasing temperature. At l362°K
diopside reacts with spinel, releasing 8 percent of
the total Mg to forsterite. At l349°K, forsterite
The above condensation sequence is interesting
begins to react with the gas to form enstatite, and
because some of the early condensates have been found the forsterite-to-enstatite ratio gradually decreases
in certain meteorites such as carbonaceous chondrites with falling temperature. The condensation curve of
and because the early condensation of metallic iron is a metallic Fe is shown for reference. Forty-six percent
mechanism for building the metallic cores of dense of the Fe has condensed before the first appearance
planets such as Mercury, Venus, and Earth. of forsterite. (After Grossman, 1972).

100 100
90 ' ....,, 90
80 \~Metallic Fe 80
& \ 70
E 60 \ 60 c
.;;; \
\ Gaseous Mg
"cOJ) 50 \
50 .",
E 40 \
Fo \


0 30 \ 30 U
f-< \
20 \ 20
Spinel \
\ Melilite
10 Diopside \ 10
0 0
1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
T [OK]

5 Chemical
and petrogenic processes in space

dissociations of molecules and ionizations of particles. 5.3. The effect of phosphorus is shown in Figure 5.4. We
However, since the rates of recombination will be little shall be interested primarily in the subsolidus below
affected, changes in the concentrations of many species 1200°K. The nature of the crystallization (or in this case
will be very pronounced. The degree of this effect may be of the ex-solution) paths in such diagrams is already
estimated by applying a factor W = w/4n to Saha's familiar from the feldspar fusion relations discussed in
equation (5.1) as follows (Struve, 1950): Chapter 2. It is useful to think of these diagrams as
superimposed on the more complex relations involving

KW=--'-n (5.28) the silicates. Because of the general immiscibility and
1 - Xj e
consequent small degree of coupling between the
W is the dilution factor and w is the solid angle sub- Fe-Ni-P and silicate systems, they may be regarded
tended by the stellar source at the region of interest. as essentially independent except as Ni and P affect the
Equation (5.28) gives the increased ionization due to the activity of iron.
nonequilibrium radiation, and consequently K must be The major part of the system consists of 0, Si, Mg,
regarded as a function of the temperature of the source, and Fe, whose phase relations for the liquidus tem-
W being unity in its photosphere. However, Equation peratures and I atm total pressure are best known
(5.28) can only be a crude approximation within a gas through the work of Bowen and Schairer (1935) and of
and dust cloud since much of the radiation of the source Muan and Osborn (1956). Bowen and Schairer's diagram,
will be filtered out by the cloud itself, preventing illumi- shown in Figure 5.5, is for the reduced part of the system
nation by the black-body spectrum as is required in this which is formally regarded as consisting of the three
Effects similar to the above are observed in the upper
atmospheres of the planets due to the ultraviolet solar
spectrum, and these effects account in part for Earth's 5.3 Binary phase diagram of the system Fe-Ni.
ionosphere. In general when equilibrium between solid
condensates and gases is involved, ionization of the
latter will operate to displace the temperature of con-
densation downward and the corresponding pressure
1600 Liquid
upward since the particles must be neutralized before
condensation can take place. The effects of dissociation
are more difficult to evaluate since some dissociated
particles may rapidly combine with the condensates.

System O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni-P
This system is of great importance in extraterrestrial P 1000
chemistry and planetology because these elements lie
near the top of the abundance scale and are expected to
form most of the condensed bodies of the inner solar
system. We have already studied some of the stability
relations in a hypothetical equilibrium condensation
from the solar gas. However, in most of the problems
we will be concerned with, the chemistry of the environ- I
ment will depart markedly from this. We will find this to I
be true of most meteorites as well as the observable
parts of the terrestrial planets.
It is convenient to consider first the system Fe-Ni,
which has great importance in meteorites. The phase "" ....
diagram, based chiefly on the work of Owen and Sully
" .... ....
200 0
(1939), Owen and Liu(1949), Kaufman and Cohen (1956), 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
and Goldstein and Ogilvie (1965), is shown in Figure Fe Atomic fraction Ni

System O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni-P


800 a + -y + Ph

0. /

190 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
a + Ph

5,5 Crystallization in the ternary FeO-MgO-Si02

system after Bowen and Schairer (1935). Their
diagram has been replotted on the basis of mole
fractions of the components. Isotherms are in OK.
The plotted points refer to average composition of
o 2 3 4 5 the high (H) and low (L) iron chondrite groups.
P Iwt. %l Olivine-pyroxene tie lines and one equilibrium
crystallization path are shown (see text).
5.4 Section of the system Fe-Ni-P at 5.5 percent Ni. The
shaded vertical bar indicates the spread in P in certain
iron meteorites (After Goldstein and Doan, 1972).
olivine, pyroxene, metal, ferrite, and gas. The most useful
of these reactions are the following:
components MgO, FeO, and Si0 2 . However, solid
metallic iron was always present as an extra phase during
the experimental work since the containing crucibles olivine pyroxene pyroxene olivine
were made of this substance. Thus it really makes no (S.q)
difference if we consider the system as one of three or four
components since the counting of an extra component 2MgSi0 3 + 2Fe + O2
also requires the counting of an extra phase. This is pyroxene metal gas olivine olivine
analogous to our treatment of the phase relations in the (S.r)
system MgO-CaO-AI 20 r Si0 2 (Figure 4.9), in which
Si0 2 may be disregarded when quartz is present.
pyroxene ferrite
The possible paths of crystallization in this system
are very diverse, as was demonstrated by Bowen and
Schairer. However there are close analogies with the olivine olivine gas
system albite-anorthite-diopside. For example, in the
primary field of olivine a series of curved paths of 3Fe +20 2 (S.t)
equilibrium crystallization describe the behavior during metal gas
cooling just as in the field of plagioclase. However, given
certain peculiar initial compositions, the path may cross There are additional reactions in the system involving
into the field of pyroxene and again return to the the components FeSi0 3 and MgFe204 ' No reliable
pyroxene-olivine boundary somewhat later! thermochemical data exist for FeSi0 3 , and the mixing
In our more general treatment of the system it is properties of MgFe204 and Fe 3 0 4 are not well known.
necessary to treat several reactions among the phases However we shall be able to avoid explicit consideration

5 Chemical
and petrogenic processes in space

of these components except in Reaction (S.q). The not appear in systems of such high silica content as
equations of equilibrium corresponding to the four those under discussion. To the right of the metal-ferrite
reactions may then be written as follows: boundary lies the domain of Reaction (S.r), which is of
XPX(I _ X OI ) great importance in meteorites. If the appropriate
K _ Mg Mg
equation (S.30) is placed in the logarithmic form and if,
(q) - XOl(1 _ X PX ) (S.29)
Mg Mg for the present, we confine ourselves to a system free of
K _ (
I - XO J )2(XOI)2
Mg Mg
Ni with a~e = 1, we obtain a family of curves, one for
(r) - (XPX )2( M)2 P (S.30) each value of Mg/(Mg + Fe 2 +) in olivine or pyroxene.
Mg aFe 0,
These curves are arrived at by substitution of Equation
(S.29) into Equation (S.30) and by solving for log Po,.
(S.31 )
Thus the system is univariant when the composition of
one of the silicates is arbitrarily fixed. To see how this
K _ a Fer
Fe checks with the phase rule we note first that the system
(t) - ( M )3p2 (S.32)
aFe 0, contains the four phases olivine, pyroxene, metal, and
gas and the four components Mg, Fe, Si, and O. Con-
In these equations all the silicates and ferrite have been sequently there are two degrees of freedom in the un-
treated as binary solutions of their Mg2+ and Fe2+ restricted system, and the arbitrary fixing of the silicate
end members. In addition, the silicates have been treated composition reduces this to one. The curves show how
as ideal solutions whereas the activities of the ferrite and the oxygen pressure decreases with increasing magnesium
metal components have been left in the implicit form to content of the silicates at any given temperature, which
allow for possible nonideality. has important consequences in explaining the mineralogy
Adequate thermochemical data exist for the cal- of the sequence of meteoritic types.
culation of K(r), K(sl' and K(t) as functions of the tem- Unfortunately it is impossible at this time to treat
perature (Mueller, 1965); K(q) cannot be calculated Reaction (S.s) in the same way as Reaction (S.r) since
directly because of FeSi0 3 . However, we can make some a~:r is not known as a function of composition and we
use of the natural distributions of Mg2+ and Fe2+ cannot assume that it behaves ideally. However, a
among the coexisting olivines and pyroxenes. For our qualitative evaluation of the way in which the silicate
purposes the most useful of these distributions are those compositions change with Po, can still be made. Let us
observed in the ordinary chondritic meteorites, which, first study how Reaction (S.s) is affected in the limit as
as we shall see, may represent an approximation to xg~ --> X~Xg --> O. Then also a~:r --> 1. since X~": --> 0 by
equilibrium. For our present purposes we shall not need the distribution relation between the silicates and
to know K(q) very precisely, and the average value of ferrite. Equation (S.31) then reduces to
1.13 deduced for this parameter from the optical data
of Ringwood (1961 b) and Keil and Fredricksson (1964) K(s) = p~~3 (S.33)
will suffice. 7 In our present calculation we shall assume K(q)

that K(q) has this constant value for all temperatures.

The error introduced by this assumption will be small Since K(q) may for all practical purposes be regarded as
compared with that introduced into K(r) and K(s) by the equal to unity. we obtain
thermochemical data. The results of the calculations are (S.34)
shown in Figure S.6. We note first that this figure is
divided into three major fields distinguished by the which is the same as the nonequilibrium equation
occurrence of either metallic iron, ferrite, or hematite. corresponding to the case when all the solution com-
In each case the boundary curve between these fields has ponents are in their standard states.
been calculated using the pure substances Fe, Fe 3 0 4 , We next examine the limiting case as xg~ --> X~~ -->
and Fe 2 0 3 . In the case of the magnetite-metal curve, X~": --> 1, for which Equation (S.31) reduces to
which separates approximately the fields of metal and
ferrite, the metastable extension into the wiistite (FeO) K
= [(1 - Xg~)2Jplj30,
field is shown as a dashed line. The field of wiistite has
not been included because this phase apparently does
The different exponents of the numerator and denomi-
nator of the bracketed factor in this expression ensure
7 Experimental values for K(q) (Larimer, 1968) differ slightly
from this value, but the difference need not concern us that this term becomes small in the limit, and conse-
here. quently POl becomes large. This result is in qualitative

System O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni-P

agreement with the experimental work of Muan and reactions discussed should have wide applicability in
Osborn (1956). Reaction (5.s) and Equation (5.31) have extraterrestrial petro genic processes that occur in the
broad applications to the crustal rocks of terrestrial proper temperature and pressure range. Unfortunately,
planets, especially wherever basic rocks such as basalts far less is known of processes occurring at lower tem-
and gabbros occur (Chapter 13). peratures or high water vapor pressures. The stable
We have plotted the stability fields of the dominant silicates in the latter case appear to be serpentines or
classes of chondritic meteorites in Figure 5.6. For chlorites of varying MgjFe ratios that coexist with
comparison we have also shown (as a dotted line) the magnetite. We encounter some examples in the carbon-
state of oxidation of a gas of composition corresponding aceous chondrites (Chapter 6). On Earth the assemblage
to the solar nebula. The latter curve corresponds to the is of course familiar from the highly altered basic and
equation ultrabasic rocks.

log POl = 2 log ( AHO) - 2 log K, 5.6 Stability fields of important minerals in the system
O-Si-Mg-Fe. Approximate fields of the three
where K is the equilibrium constant for the decom- major classes of chondritic meteorites are also
position of water. The position of the ordinary chondrites shown. Shown are the fields of the ordinary
(OC) well to the left of this curve at high temperature chondrites (OC), enstatite chondrite (EC) and
indicates that they were formed under more oxidizing carbonaceous chondrites (CC). The light, numbered
conditions than prevailed in the initial nebular gas at curves indicate atomic fractions Fe 2 + /(Fe 2 + + Mg)
for the hypothetical assemblage olivine-pyroxene-
least. However, that this curve enters the field of the
metal gas. However olivine is usually replaced by
carbonaceous chondrites (CC) at about 4000K indicates free silica in the (EC) field. The dotted curve
that their more oxidized nature corresponds to the indicates a gas of solar composition with hydrogen
nebular gas at this temperature. pressures high enough to maintain most carbon as
Because of the generally great abundances of the methane. Of the three groups, only the field of
elements of this system in the observable universe, the ordinary chondrites is well defined.

400 500 600 700 800
26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6


General characteristics
There is evidence that our Earth and the other planets
and satellites have from the earliest geologic times been
bombarded by solid bodies from space. The larger of
these bodies, those which reach the surface either whole
or as fragments, are called meteorites. Recently, Wasson
(1974) has described meteorites and reviewed the
literature on the subject.
The optical and other atmospheric phenomena accom-
panying the infall of meteorites and micrometeorites
are lumped under the term meteor. As is well known,
meteors frequently occur in showers of the smaller
particles at certain definite times of the year. These
showers are known to mark the intersection of Earth's
orbit with those of broken-up comets. However, as
we shall see, many of the larger meteorites may have
quite a different source within our solar system.
In meteorite studies it is important to distinguish
between "finds" and "falls." The former are those
meteorites that were not observed to fall and thus may
have had a long residence time on Earth's surface.
There are obvious implications to the chemical and
petrologic studies since finds may have been subject to
weathering processes that can drastically alter their
constitution. Among the meteorite falls, which pre-
sumably best reflect the total sample of bodies striking
our planet at the present time, about 92 percent are
classed as "stones" or stony meteorites since they are

The dating of events in meteorite history

composed dominantly of the silicates olivine and temperature of such matter in space/ the condensation
pyroxene with a subordinate amount of metal and other of many substances is favored. The importance of such
compounds. Approximately 6 percent of all falls are absorption may be critical in the case of certain isotopes
"irons" or metallic meteorites consisting dominantly and elements that are rare in meteoritic matter.
of iron-nickel alloys. The remaining 2 percent consist
of "stony irons" that contain approximately equal
volumes of metal and silicate (Prior, 1953). However,
if one examines instead the statistics of the finds, the The dating of events in meteorite
irons bulk very large, showing that these are usually history
more resistant to weathering processes as compared with
other meteorites (Mason, 1960). In addition, irons tend One of the most important branches of meteoritics is
to be more noticeable than stone meteorites because of that which is concerned with the "ages" of meteorite
their great density and unusual appearance. materials, or more properly with dating the events in
In their flight through the atmosphere meteorites meteorite history that are registered in chemical or
may become so heated by friction that they explode mineralogic changes of known time scale. So far most
above the ground. The fragments formed by these dating has been done by measurement of radioactive
explosions may reach the surface at low velocities. isotopic abundances in terms of their ratios. As sum-
However the larger meteorites that strike the surface marized by Anders (1962), the five principle events in
after a direct flight possess so much of their original the history of meteorites are:
kinetic energy that they cause explosion craters similar
to those produced by bombs. The shock wave generated 1. Nucleosynthesis
in the vicinity of such an explosion crater may give rise 2. Solidification of certain meteorites from melts
to transient high temperatures and pressures that in the parent bodies
favor the synthesis of high-pressure minerals such as
3. Cooling of parent bodies
coesite and other unusual phases. These have in fact
been observed by Chao et al. (1960) in the well-known 4. Break-up of parent bodies
Arizona meteor crater. Such craters are well known from 5. Fall of the meteorite
many regions of Earth's surface and are of course very
prominently developed on our Moon and on Mars and Of these events the time of nucleosynthesis is the most
on Mercury. important from the standpoint of cosmologists since it
During their flight through the atmosphere meteorites preceded the events of petrogenesis, which are our
develop" fusion crusts" as a result of the heat generated. major concern here. For petrologists the culminating
These crusts, which might more appropriately be termed and most interesting period of isotope fractionation
"reaction crusts," are usually less than a millimeter occurred when the crystals precipitated from a melt.
thick and consist of a variety of oxidation products as This event, when evidence is preserved, yields ages
well as glass. Suffice it to say that a failure to recognize which cluster around 4.5 Gyr.
the fusion crust for what it is could lead to erroneous The method of meteorite dating must in each case be
ideas in the interpretation of the mineral chemistry suited to the event for which information is sought.
and origin of these bodies. In the case of the period of nucleosynthesis the informa-
Although we shall not be primarily interested here in tion derived is the time interval 1'lt between this event
the interaction of meteorites with Earth's atmosphere, and the period of culminating solidification at 4.5 Gyr.
one aspect of this problem is of great importance in the The method, which follows an original suggestion by
interpretation of their chemistry. This concerns the Brown (1947), makes use of the abundance of a stable
atmospheric gases that can conceivably be absorbed decay product of a short lived radioisotope such as
internally by the meteorites as soon as entry into the 1291, 205Pb, etc. In the case of 1291 the decay occurs, with
atmosphere occurs. That some degree of absorption a half of 17 Myr, to 129Xe. As determined by Reynolds
must occur is more a matter of reason than of experi- (1960), Merrihue (1963), and others, the observed
mental evidence, although the latter is of course necessary accumulation of 129Xe in Bruderheim, Richardton, and
to establish the quantitative aspects. When a meteorite other chondri tic stones implies that 1'lt is of the order of
with pore spaces enters the atmosphere it must in a sense
"breathe" in atmospheric gases since the pore spaces are 1 It may be shown that solids in space are at a much lower
initially in a vacuum. Also since the interior is at the temperature than that of surrounding gaseous particles.

6 Meteorites

100 Myr, but with an uncertainty at least as large as this. thus far." From this they concluded that the solar
A large part of this uncertainty stems from the necessity nebular stage, involving condensation, chondrule forma-
of assuming some rate of synthesis of 1291 or other tion, and accretion lasted only 2 Myr or less.
short-lived isotope. These problems appear at present By contrast the cooling history is best reflected by a
to be insurmountable, but the results obtained thus far decay process that has as products the noble gases since
are highly suggestive and have stimulated much re- these diffuse out of the mineral grains readily and reset
search. the clock to yield younger ages. An example of such a
In order to determine the interval M and to date the process is the decay of 4°K to 40 Ar with a half-life of
age of primary solidification as well, it is necessary either 1.4 Gyr. Other processes involve the decay of uranium
that little or no subsequent heating affected the meteorites and throri-um isotopes to lead and helium. These
or that the isotope chosen was little influenced by this isotopes then yield a spectrum of ages ranging downward
heating. It is clear that the 1291/129Xe method is sensitive from the 4.5 Gyr maximum to less than 0.5 Gyr. Pre-
to such heating since Xe isotopes are easily and differen- sumably these short ages reflect periods of heating or
tially evolved in the heating range of 500 to 1800 K 0
other disturbances such as collisional shocks (Anders,
(Merrihue, 1963). In the case of solidification ages, it is 1964).
possible to choose methods involving tightly bound Still more recent events are recorded by the cosmic
metals such as are involved in the rubidium-strontium, ray exposure ages. This method dates the time of break-
rhenium-osmium, or lead-lead methods. up of the parent bodies to fragments that expose new
Recently, Herzog et al. (1973) have applied the surface to cosmic ray bombardment. The cosmic rays then
1291/129Xe method to date magnetite from the type-I generate radioactive and nonradioactive nuclei whose
carbonaceous chondrite, Orgueil. These authors con- abundances may be used to date the time of break-up.
cluded that the I/Xe age of this .. primitive" type of As was first demonstrated by Fireman (1958), this
chondrite (which incidentally contains no chondrules!) method may also be applied in determining the original
"is similar to that of all other classes of chondrites dated size of a meteorite before atmospheric ablation affected it.

Table 6.1 Classification of the meteorites

Groups Classes and subclasses

Iron meteorites Hexahedrites

Ni-poor ataxites
Ni-rich ataxites

Stony-iron meteorites Pallasites


Stony meteorites Enstatite chondrites

Ordinary chondrites { o~ivine~hypersthene
type I
Carbonaceous chondrites { type I I
type III
Achondrites hypersthene


It should be mentioned that a more complicated

Classification schemes classification code employing letter and number symbols
is now in use among meteorite specialists (Keil, 1969).
As in the case of terrestrial rocks, many schemes of However, we shall not employ this code here since it has
meteorite classification have been devised in the past. few advantages for our purposes and is quite complicated.
Again, as with rocks, most of these schemes made
excessive use of a complicated terminology that in-
corporated place names used to designate individual
falls or finds. For example, in the classification of Mineralogy
Brezina and others. the Shergotty meteorite (which fell
and was recovered at Shergotty. Bihar. India) formed
General features
the prototype of the .. Shergottite" achondrite group,
which is characterized by the presence of augite and The mineral assemblages and chemical composItIOns
maskelynite. 2 To avoid such corrtplications we have of most meteorites easily serve to distinguish them from
followed Mason (1962) and have adopted the classifica- terrestrial rocks. Recently the list of meteorite minerals
tion scheme of Prior (1920) as modified by the suggestions has expanded greatly and this trend seems likely to
of Wiik (1956) and others. The scheme (Table 6.1) is continue for some time as more sensitive determination
based chiefly on the following hierachy of characters: methods are developed. However, we shall not attempt
here any exhaustive discussion of all these minerals
1. Metal/silicate ratio but rather emphasize the major phases and those
2. Metal and silicate structure and texture that particularly characterize the various meteorite
3. Detailed chemical differences classes or are of particular interest as environment
indicators. The list presented in Table 6.2 also includes
However we shall find it neccessary in order to certain phases or mixtures of phases of a noncrystallic
accommodate the recent literature of meteorites to super- nature, and it will be seen that these are of particular
impose a further minor classification on the broad significance to our discussion. A more complete list
scheme of Table 6.1. This modification concerns the including rarer species has been presented by Mason
division of the chondrites as follows: (1972).
Many of the phases of Table 6.2 are very widespread
Degree of compositional Total iron and occur in most of the meteorite classes. This is the
uniformity content case in particular of graphite, troilite, pyroxene, olivine.
silicate glass, and the Fe-Ni alloys kamacite and taenite.
I. Uniform chondrites I. High-iron group Taking the meteorites as a whole, the most abundant and
2. Nonuniform (unequilibrated) 2. Low-iron group widespread phases are the olivine, pyroxene, Fe-Ni
chondrites alloys, and troilite, approximately in this order. These
minerals comprise the bulk of the most abundant class
of the stony meteorites, the chondrites, and in addition
The high- and low-iron groups coincide approximately
are important in the achondrites and stony iron groups.
with the bronzite (with 14.7 to 17.2 mol 0/;, FeSi0 3 )
Although olivine is rare in the enstatite and type-I
and hypersthene (with 17.9 to 21.7 mole O{, FeSi0 3 )
carbonaceous chondrites, it is the major chondrule-
chondrites, respectively. The uniform (equilibrated?)
forming phase not only in the ordinary chondrites but
chondrites, on the other hand, are characterized by the
also in the type-II type-III carbonaceous chondrites.
presence of ferro magnesian silicates with constant
Of the less abundant silicate phases, plagioclase is
Mg/Fe ratios throughout the meteorite, and cut across
an almost omnipresent component of the ordinary
the low- and high-iron groups. The nonuniform (un-
chondrites where it tends to be quite albitic and of the
equilibrated) chondrites, which show a great variability
high temperature variety. However, plagioclase occurs
of silicate compositions from grain to grain in any
as a major phase only in the mesosiderites and the
given specimen, also contain representatives from several
pyroxene-plagioclase achondrites. where it is usually
other groups and are particularly characteristic of the
somewhat calcic in composition.
carbonaceous chondrites and the enstatite chondrites.
The status of many of the minor phases in Table 6.2
2 Maskelynite is a rare feldspar glass that is produced locally is uncertain since they are frequently present in such small
within certain meteorites by shock. quantities that they pass unnoticed. Then too, as with

6 Meteorites

the ferro magnesian silicates, their variable compositions so well concealed that their presence can be detected
may enable them to exist stably over a broad range of only after the most careful search.
conditions with respect to temperature, total pressure, In the hexahedrites the Fe-Ni alloy is nearly re-
and oxygen fugacities. This appears to be true in particu- stricted to kamacite since Ni is present to the extent
lar of the phosphates and spinels. Of particular recent of less than 6 percent, but in the octahedrites the Ni
interest are the phases gehlenite, perovskite, spinel, content of the metal is high enough for the characteristic
sodalite, and hibonite since they may represent early Widmanstatten structure to develop. This structure
condensates from the solar nebula, as discussed in results when a high temperature homogeneous taenite
Chapter 5. phase is cooled into the two-phase field of the Fe-Ni
phase diagram (Figure 5.3). Under these circumstances
plates of kamacite nucleate and grow on the octahedral
Iron meteorites
[111] planes at the expense of the taenite, which at the
Although a cursory glance at these meteorites gives same time becomes more Ni-rich by diffusion. The
us an impression of a simple mineralogy, recent work has geometric charact~ of the Widmanstatten pattern,
shown that this is far from true. "Metallic" meteorites which is simply a trace of these plates on a polished
frequently possess as many as 8 to 10 phases, but many of surface, depends on the orientation of the cut (Figure 6.1).
these are usually present in such small crystals and are Because the fraction Ni/(Fe + Ni) is almost always less

Table 6.2 Characteristic crystalline and noncrystalline phases of meteorites

Chiefly in chondrites, achondrites, stony Chiefly in enstatite chondrites. and

irons, and irons achondrites

Kamacite (Ol iron) (Fe, Ni, Co) alloy Enstatite MgSi0 3

Taenite (y iron) (Fe, Ni, Co) alloy Alabandite MnS
Troilite FeS Oldhamite CaS
Pentlandite (Fe, Ni)SI-n Sinoite Si 2 N 2 0
Graphite C Osbornite TiN
Diamond C Tridymite Si0 2
Orthopyroxene (Mg, Fe)Si0 3 Cristobalite Si0 2
Clinopyroxene (Ca, Mg, Fe, Ti, AI)Si0 3 Quartz Si0 2
Olivine (Mg, Fe)2Si04 Sphalerite ZnS
Plagioclase (CaAI, NaSi)AISi 20 s Niningerite (Fe, Mg, Mn)S
Alkali feldspar (Na, K)AlSi 3 0 s
Glass Chiefly rich in AI, K, Na
Whitlockite Ca3(P04h Chiefly in carbonaceous chondrites
Apatite Ca 5 (P0 4hCl
Schreibersi te (Fe, NihP Layer-lattice silicate (Mg, Fe)6Si401o(OH}g
Cohenite (Fe, NihC Ferrite (Fe, Ni)Fe 20 3
Daubreelite FeCr 2S4 Magnesite (Mg, Fe)C0 3
Ilmenite FeTi0 3 Calcite CaC0 3
Sarcopside (Fe, Mnh(P0 4h Dolomite CaMgC 20 6
Farringtonite Mg 3 (P0 4 h Gypsum CaS0 4 '2H 20
Spinel (Mg, Ni)AI 20 4 Epsomite MgS0 4 '7H 2 0
Chromite FeCr 20 4 Organic compounds H-C-N~S-O
Rutile Ti0 2 Sulfur S
Carlsbergite CrN Akermanite Ca 2 MgSi 2 0 7
Gehlenite Ca 2AISiAl0 7
Pervoskite CaTi0 3
Grossular Ca3Al2Si3012
Sodalite Na4CISi3AI3012
Hibonite Ca 2(Al, Tih40 35


than 0.5, the quantity of kamacite generally greatly phases found in iron meteorites is now long and includes
outweighs that of taenite. However, when this fraction Ca-pyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, alkali
exceeds about 0.25 there is less tendency for unmixing feldspar, and glass (Bunch et al., 1970). Some phases,
to occur as the temperature is lowered so that the pattern such as schreibersite, have important implications as to
becomes finer grained and discontinuous. Such a fine- the phase relations of the associated metal phases
grained mixture of taenite and kamacite is called plessite (Goldstein and Doan, 1972).
and it particularly characterizes the Ni-rich ataxites.
The incoherent structure of the Ni-rich ataxites is also
crudely mimicked in the Ni-poor ataxites, but since these Stony-iron meteorites
meteorites usually have a Ni content comparable to the
The stony-iron meteorites contain many of the same
hexahedrites, the origin of their fine granular structure
minerals as the irons. In the palla sites the silicates are
must be quite different.
nearly entirely olivine and this mineral makes up
The phases next in order of abundance to the F e-Ni
alloys are troilite, schreibersite, and graphite. The
troilite and graphite commonly occur as rounded nod-
ules, while the schreibersite is found as fine plates
(Figure 6.2). Less common minerals are cohenite and
6. 1 Section of the Rodeo Fine Octahedrite iron
meteorite showing the characteristic
daubreelite. Sometimes phosphates and silicates are Widmanstatten pattern. Specimen about 15 cm
concentrated in the graphite or troilite nodules as very across. This and the following seven photographs
small grains but in other cases they occur as round blebs from the Field Museum of Natural History,
which indicate a former molten state. The list of silicate Chicago, through the courtesey of Dr. E. Olsen.

6 Meteorites

Stony meteorites
The mineralogy of this quantitatively most important
group of meteorites is dominated by the silicates.
Although the Fe-Ni alloys are important components
of the high to moderately reduced enstatite and ordinary
chondrites, they play a very subordinate role in the
carbonaceous chondrites and achondrites.
The highly reduced character of the enstatite chon-
drites and achondrites is reflected in the characteristic
sulfide, carbide, and nitride minerals, but the most
abundant phases of the class are enstatite, Fe-Ni alloy,
and troilite. The occurrence offree silica in these meteor-
ites is due not only to the high degree of reduction but also
to the fact that they have a somewhat higher Si/Mg ratio
than other chondrites. The high degree of reduction also
influences the common minerals, which always have
peculiar compositions. Thus as was shown by Ringwood
(1961), the Fe-Ni alloys contain several atom percent
of silicon in solid solution. Correspondingly also these
alloys are relatively low in nickel as a result of the fact
that virtually all iron occurs as metal. Consequently the
alloy is nearly pure kamacite. Since virtually all the iron
is reduced, the pyroxenes are very low in iron. In addition,
it was shown by Keil and Andersen (1965) that some of the
sulfide phases such as troilite and alabandite are complex
solutions of other metals such as Ti and Cr.
The mineralogy of the ordinary chondrites character-
izes them as moderately reduced rocks of high tempera-
ture origin. The dominant phases in order of abundance
are olivine, pyroxene, Fe-Ni alloy, and troilite. The
silicates are restricted in composition to values of
6.2 Section of the Breece Medium Octahedrite iron
Fe 2+ /(Mg + Fe2+) between 0.15 and 0.30. In addition
meteorite showing irregular rounded graphite and
troilite nodules and fine plates of schreibersite there are curious unexplained composition gaps at
(dark). Specular plates are part of Widmanstatten about 0.20 in olivine and 0.18 in pyroxene (Figure 6.14).
pattern of rx and l' iron. Specimen about 25 cm Also there is an apparent crude harmony between
across. Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+) in the silicates and Ni/(Fe + Ni) in
the bulk alloy (Figure 6.14), although the latter parameter
also shows discontinuities. The dominant pyroxenes
approximately 50 percent of the volume (Figure 6.3). in chondrites consist mostly of the orthorhombic form,
However, in the mesosiderites (Figure 6.4) both pyroxene but clinopyroxene is a frequently coexisting and some-
and plagioclase are more common than olivine. Also times abundant phase. The olivine, pyroxene, and minor
in the latter the silicates frequently show signs of breccia- glass and other silicates such as plagioclase form the
tion ; metal grains, however, are of a discontinuous nature distinctive spheroidal chondrule structures to be dis-
and very irregular in form. cussed later. By contrast, spheroidal metallic or sulfide
Although some of the stony-iron meteorites such as particles are very rare. Also in contrast to the metal of
the pallasites contain virtually no other silicates but the iron and stony-iron groups, the metallic phases of
olivine, the compositions of both the olivine and metal chondrites do not occur in the Widmanstiitten structure
phases do not differ greatly from the same phases in but rather either as single grains of these phases or as the
the ordinary chondrites. We shall see that this fact has fine-grained mixture plessite.
important implications in terms of the oxidation states Of primary importance to understanding chondrite
of these meteorites. genesis are the minor compositional characteristics and

6.3 Section of the pallasite meteorite, Springwater.
Dark i olivine ; light i iron . Specimen about
15 cm across.

6.4 Section of the mesosiderite. the Hainholz. Dark

material i largely silicate ; specular material i
iron. Specimen about 20 cm acro s.

6 Meteorites

0.40 1.0

o Enstatite


+ Olivine-hypersthene
o Olivine-pigeoni te
0.30 .. Carbonaceous

.g" 0.20

~" z
.E .1::+
.<:OIl .1::
0.10 O.S •
+ ....
+ l+ +

o 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Weight fraction oxidized iron 0.3

6.5 Plot of the weight fraction of iron in metal and

FeS against the weight fraction of oxidized iron in
different classes of chondri tic meteorites (Mason, o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1960). The straight line approximates to Prior's rule 2
Fe + silicates
(see later in the text). Fe 2 + + Mg

6.6 Plot of the atomic ratios Fe/{Fe + Ni) in the

metal against Fe 2 + /(Fe 2 + + Mg) in the silicates
for various meteorites. The curve is obtained from
variations that are the basis of their twofold classifica- a strict interpretation of Prior's rule (see later in
tion in the high and low iron and uniform and nonuniform the text).
groups. The latter division is particularly important
because it is a basis for separating the definitely non-
equilibrium chondrites with minerals of nonuniform
or highly variable compositions from the possible environment quite different from that in which the matrix
equilibrium or quasiequilibrium uniform chondrites. formed.
The characteristic mineralogy of the carbonaceous The type-III carbonaceous chondrites appear to be
chondrites, which indicates generally low temperatures mineralogically transitional to ordinary chondrites,
of formation in the presence of a near solar complement especially to the olivine-pigeonite group. The silicate
of volatile metals, is best developed in types I and II. present is mostly olivine, and this is accompanied
Type-I meteorites consist almost entirely of a fine- by minor amounts of pigeonite and plagioclase. Gener-
grained mixture of serpentine-like layer-lattice silicate, ally, ferrite coexists with a small amount of Fe-Ni
ferrite, and" organic" material. Sometimes these meteor- alloy. The carbonaceous chondrites also contain Ca-
ites also contain small amounts of carbonate, sulfate, and AI-rich inclusions (polymict structures). which are
and free sulfur phases. Type-II material, on the other regarded by some authorities as condensates from the
hand, consists of a matrix of layer silicates, ferrite, and solar nebula. Some fragmental or polymict chondrites
organic material much like that of type I, but this encloses include mixtures of material that resemble ordinary
inclusions and chondrules of olivine and pyroxene that chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites.
sometimes contain metal, showing that they formed in an The achondrites contain the same mineral species

Petrography of the chondrites

as the chondrites but in very different proportions. Table 6.3 Major chondrule types
Also, by definition, they lack the chondrite structures.
Their textures are in fact quite prosaic and many of Chondrule type Description
them have the granoblastic textures so common in
terrestrial plutonic rocks. Some achondrites are practi- Porphyritic olivine Phenocrysts or porphyroblasts
cally monomineralic pyroxenites or dunites consisting of of olivine in a micro-
almost pure pyroxene or olivine. However the commonest crystalline or glassy matrix
type of achondrite is the pyroxene-plagioclase variety Granular olivine Closely packed equidimen-
and some specimens of this closely approach certain sional grains of olivine in a
terrestrial gabbros both in texture and chemical composi- microcrystalline matrix
tion. Few achondrites contain much Fe-Ni alloy and Barred olivine Monosomatic or polysomatic
many show a highly brecciated texture. In terms of skeletal olivine with cross
oxidation state the variation seems to be almost as sections that present
regularly spaced bars
great as among the chondrites, with specimens ranging
alternating with micro-
from the highly reduced enstatite achondrites to diopside- crystalline or glassy material
olivine achondrites in which olivine, with 66 percent of
Radiating pyroxene Elongate pyroxene crystals
the fayalite component. coexists with magnetite (Mason,
radiating from a point
1962a). usually on the chondrule

Petrography of the chondrites cannot be said of the meteorites that contain chon-
Although the origin of the crystalline textures of meteo- drules. 3 In fact, the chondrule structure is so unique and
ites is not fully understood, the major groups of irons bears so heavily on so many aspects of the origin of
and stony irons and the achondrites present few textural meteorites that it deserves special attention.
It has already been stated that the condrules consist
features that are not present in terrestrial rocks. This
overwhelmingly of the silicates olivine and pyroxene,
although these may be accompanied by other silicates
or glass. The chondrules, which average perhaps 1 mm
6.7 Baretta devitrified glass chondrule fragment in diameter, are usually embedded in a matrix consisting
indented by porphyritic olivine chondrule. either of material similar to themselves or to substances
quite different from this, such as the matrix material
that has already been described from the carbonaceous
chondrites. Although there seems to be an almost
infinite variety of chondrules, when one fixes on their
details, the vast majority seem to fall into four types or to
form composites of these types. These are presented in
Table 6.3. Examples of these types are also shown in
Figures 6.7 to 6.10.
. One of the striking features of the chondrules is their
regularity. Generally they seem to deviate little from the
spheroidal form although some cases of indentation of
one chondrule by another are known. Although they
possess very regular forms and are usually undisturbed,
the distinctness of the chondrules varies greatly, some-
times even within a single meteorite; some have sharp
borders while others merge almost imperceptably with
the matrix. This feature of the chondri ties has been

3 We note that some members of the chondrite group, such as

certain enstatite chrondrites and type- I carbonaceous
I mm chondrites, contain no chondrules!

6.8 Barred chondrule from the chondrite Tieschitz.
Olivine is light material. Interstitial to this is more
silica-rich glass and cryptocrystalline silicates.

6.9 Chondrule consisting of radiating pyroxene from

the meteorite Dhurmsala.

Petrography of the chondrites

recognized for many years. Recently it has been inter-

preted, particularly by Van Schmus and Wood (1967), as
pointing to a sequence of progressive metamorphism
that results in the eventual destruction of the chondrules.
Another interesting feature of the chondrites is the
mode of occurrence of the metal grains. Usually these
are very evenly distributed throughout the meteorite
and consist of individual grains of kamacite or taenite
or plessite. Sometimes they show distinct variations of
composition (" diffusion borders") that are related to
the boundaries with silicate and other adjacent grains.
The metal grains are rarely straight-edged or angular
fragments. More frequently they display very irregular
forms, showing a distinctly interstitial character with
respect to the chondrules and matrix silicates, and
sending out delicate apophyses, or being molded closely
to the chondrules (F igure 6.10). Because of such features
it is possible to infer something of the time sequence
of deposition of the several components.
In addition to the above "primary" features of the
chondrites, there are also weB-defined secondary fea-
tures in the form of veins of metal and sulfide (Figure
6.11). These veins are found in many chondrites and
indicate that in each case the body was solid enough to

6.10 Drawing from a thin section of the chondrite

Allegan. Note how the metal (dark) is molded to a
chondrule consisting of granular olivine.

6.11 Farmington meteorite. Specimen about 25 cm


I mm

6 Meteorites

fracture before the vein material was deposited. Of true of many achondrites that are such highly differenti-
course it is not implied that this is evidence for fracture ated rocks that they are almost monomineralic. 4
filling to the width of the vein but only that the fracture The most intense interest and perhaps the greatest
provided a locus and an avenue for the mobilized metal. significance is to be found in the chemical compositions
and compositional variation within the chondrite group.
It has been recognized for some time that the chondrites
as a whole are an unusually homogeneous group with
respect to the abundances of the nonvolatile metals.
Bulk chemical characteristics It was also recognized at an early date that the dif-
ferent chondrite classes differ markedly from each
The distinguishing features of the major meteorite other in terms of the degree of oxidation of their iron
groups are based directly or indirectly on their bulk (Nordenskjold, 1878; Wahl, 1910). Subsequently Prior
chemical differences. The most obvious manifestation (1916) stated these relations as his now famous rule, to be
discussed in the next section. In Table 6.4 are shown the
of this is the metal/silicate ratio, which separates the iron,
bulk chemical analyses of representatives of the major
stony-iron, and stony-meteorite groups. In the examples
of the iron and stony-iron groups the compositions are 4 Discussion of the bulk chemical characteristic of non-
so extreme that bulk chemical analyses have little chondritic meteorites and their genetic implications are
obvious meaning except for special studies. The same is to be found in Mason (1960) and in Anders (1964).

Table 6.4 Representative analyses of the different groups of chondritic meteorites

Ordinary L Type-III Type-II Type-I

Enstatite Ordinary H (Kyushu) carbonaceous carbonaceous carbonaceous
(Daniels, Kuil) (Oakley) (Mason and (Warrenton) (Mighei) (OrgueiJ)
(Prior, 1916) (Wiik, 1956) Wiik,I961) (Wiik,1956) (Wilk, 1956) (Wiik, 1956)

Fe 23.70 15.15 6.27 4.02 0.00 0.00

Ni 1.78 1.88 1.34 1.43 0.00 0.00
Co 0.12 0.13 0.05 0.09 0.00 0.00
FeS 8.09 6.11 5.89 5.12 3.66(5)° 5.65°
Si0 2 38.47 36.55 39.93 34.82 27.81 21.74
Ti0 2 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.08 0.07
Al z0 3 1.78 1.91 1.86 2.18 2.15 1.59
MnO 0.02 0.32 0.33 0.20 0.21 0.18
FeO 0.23 10.21 15.44 24.34 27.34 22.86
MgO 21.63 23.47 24.71 23.57 19.46 15.24
CaO 1.03 2.41 1.70 2.17 1.66 1.18
Na 2 0 0.64 0.78 0.74 0.69 0.63 0.71
K20 0.16 0.20 0.13 0.23 0.05 0.07
P2 0 5 trace 0.30 0.31 0.20 0.30 0.27
H 2O 0.34 0.21 0.27 0.10 12.86 19.17
Cr 2 0 3 0.23 0.52 0.54 0.58 0.36 0.35
NiO 0.11 0.00 1.53 1.19
CoO 0.00 0.07 0.06
C 0.32 0.03 0.19 2.48 2.99

Total 99.89 100.29 99.67 100.08 101.00 100.03

After Ringwood (1966) and Mason (1962).

" Wiik reported all S as FeS but it is given here as S. and the corresponding Fe is reported as FeO.
b Organic matter.

Prior's rules

classes of the chondri tic meteorites. The same data are the available abundance data from the type-I carbon-
shown again in Table 6.5, on a "volatile" -free basis aceous chondrites with the solar abundances, and found
and with only total iron listed. The remarkable constancy good agreement for more than 30 major and minor
of the metal stands out clearly in Table 6.5, whereas the elements, with only Y and Yb showing serious deviations.
variation of oxidized and reduced iron may be seen from In summary it may be said that the chondritic
Table 6.4. We note, however, the rather small but meteorites as a whole are remarkably homogeneous with
significant difference in total iron that defines the high- respect to their contents of the major nonvolatile metals.
(H) and low- (L) iron groups, as was first pointed out Also, their chemistry corresponds closely to the sun and
by Urey and Craig (1953). the solar system as a whole. However there appears to
The undifferentiated character of the chondrites is have been considerable fractionation of the minor
again apparent when the nonvolatile metals are compared volatile elements so that all but the type-I carbonaceous
with their values for the sun (Table 6.6). It is seen that chondrites are somewhat depleted with respect to the
the agreement is quite good. solar abundances.
The great homogeneity that the chondrites as a
whole show with respect to the nonvolatile elements
does not hold for most minor elements and least of all
for the volatile trace metals such as Se, Ag, Ga, Pb, TI, Bi, Prior's rules
Hg, and In. 5 There appears in fact to be a sequence of
As a result of his study of the chemical variations among
progressive depletion in these elements extending from
meteorites Prior (1916, 1920) came to the following
the type-I carbonaceous chondrites to the ordinary
important conclusions, which are known as "Prior's
chondrites. It was first pointed out by Reed et al. (1960)
that TI, Bi, Pb, and Hg are several orders of magnitude
more abundant in the carbonaceous chondrites than in "The less the amount ~r nickel-iron in chondritic stones,
the ordinary chondrites. Ringwood (1966) has compared the richer it is in nickel. and the richer in iron are the
magnesium silicates."
5 Thorough discussions of trace element abundances with
references to the original literature are to be found in the We observe that one part of the statement refers to the
review by Anders (l<J64) and Ringwood (1966). absolute amount of iron, whereas the other part refers

Table 6.5 Representative analyses of the different groups of chondritic meteorites

Data of Table 6.4 recalculated in atom percentages on a water-, carbon-, and sulfur1ree bases.

Type-III Type-II Type-I

Enstatite Ordinary H Ordinary L carbonaceous carbonaceous carbonaceous

Fe 28.52 26.32 21.85 25.72 26.18 27.34

Ni 1.65 1.74 1.27 1.38 1.41 1.37
Co 0.11 0.12 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.07
Si 34.98 33.17 36.78 32.77 31.85 31.12
Ti 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.14 0.09 0.09
Al 1.91 2.04 2.01 2.42 2.90 2.68
Mn 0.02 0.25 0.26 0.16 0.19 0.22
Mg 29.43 31.72 33.92 33.03 33.19 32.48
Ca 1.67 2.34 1.57 2.19 2.04 1.81
Na 1.13 1.37 1.30 1.25 1.40 1.97
K 0.18 0.23 0.17 0.27 0.07 0.12
P 0.23 0.25 0.16 0.29 0.33
Cr 0.32 0.37 0.39 0.43 0.33 0.40

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Data from Ringwood (1966) and Mason (1962a). See Table 6.4 for sources of meteorites.

6 Meteorites

Table 6.6 Comparison in terms of Since Fe] = Fe M + Fes , we obtain

atom percentage of the major Fe]
nonvolatile elements of the solar (6.1)
system and the average chondri tic
meteorite which we see has the proper analytical form.
The pertinent observational data required to test
Chondritic Expression (6.1) are plotted in Figure 6.5, taken from
Sun a meteoritesb
Mason (1960). It is clear that while the olivine-bronzite
34.7 36.3 and olivine-pigeonite chondrites plot approximately on a
Mg 27.4 33.2 straight line of near unit slope, the olivine-hypersthene
Fe 30.9 21.8 chondrites fall below the line. This feature, which is the
Na 2.19 1.59 basis for the high- and low-iron groups, immediately
Al 1.74 3.45 indicates that Prior's rules are obeyed only in a semi-
Ca 1.56 1.78 quantitative way.
Ni 0.90 0.995 It is also possible to derive the corresponding relation-
P 0.24 0.182 ship between the metal and silicate compositions, which
Cr 0.17 0.283 constitutes the other part of Prior's rules (Mueller,
Mn 0.087 0.249
1963b). This at any stage of oxidation the mole fraction
Ti 0.053 0.0888
K 0.055 0.115 of ferrous silicate X~e and the mole fraction of iron in
the metal X¥e are
U The values are based on the work of Aller (1961). Fe 2 +
except for iron which is based on the work of XS
Fe2+ + Mg

Nusbaumer and Swings (1970. after Cameron. fe -

h After Suess and Urey (1956). M Fe
X fe = Fe + Ni
to the composition of the nickel-iron and the silicates. Then, since the total molar iron content is Fe T = Fe 2 + +
Although the statement is qualitative in nature, it is Fe, we obtain the following relation:
meaningful only if the major constituents other than
oxygen remain constant, and this condition, we have M Fe] - A
Xf =----- (6.2)
already seen, is actually approached by the chondrites e Fe] - A + Ni
as a whole. As was first indicated by Urey and Craig
(1953), one consequence of a strictly quantitative inter-
pretation of Prior's rule is that a plot of the reduced iron X~eMg
against the oxidized iron should yield a straight line I - X~e
with a unit negative slope. The relation may be derived as
follows: Now. for any given values of the total iron, magnesium,
Let Fe T be the total iron (gm); Fe M be the metallic iron and nickel (Fe, Mg, and Nil Equation (6.2) generates
(gm); Fes be the Fe2+ iron (gm); I'
be the weight of all a curve in which XPe is a function of X~e. Different
constituents other than iron and oxygen: and O~ be the values of the parameters Fe, Mg, and Ni yield a family
oxygen combined with Fe 2 + (gm). Then of such curves, which always have the same character-
istic form.
16.0 Figure 6.6 shows a comparison of one of the family
Os = - - Fe~ of theoretical curves with some data from the chondritic
55.85 .
meteorites. The curve shown in the figure has Fe T =
and for the weight fraction of oxidized and reduced iron 0.40, Mg = 0.65, and Ni = 0.25. It is again apparent
we obtain that the relation is only approximately obeyed, so that
both parts of Prior's rules are restricted to a semi-
quantitative interpretation.
We will, however, examine one more consequence of
Prior's rules, namely that at constant Fe T , Mg, Ni, and
(fes = '\',
028Fe + F e
+. Si, the olivine content must increase regularly at the
s T

Prior's rules

expense of pyroxene and metallic iron. The general 0: + OlD

L = -.,,---,;---.,,-- (6.7)
reaction for the process may be written as follows: Pxo + 01° + FeD - 0:
(Mg, Fe)Si0 3 + Fe + !02 ~ (Mg, FehSi04
If 0: is eliminated from these two equations, we obtain
pyroxene metal gas olivine
L as a function of R. which we may test against the
observational data. In Figure 6.12 are shown plotted
The effect of this on the mineral compositions may be two of the family of curves with different values of 01°
seen by rewriting Equation (5.30) as: and Px D but with the same values of FeD and Ni. The
dashed curve represents the idealized "pure enstatite
(6.3) chondrite" with no initial olivine, whereas the full curve
pertains to a realistic amount of initial olivine. It is
apparent that although the scatter in the observational
In this expression I'~ and XJVe are the activity coefficient
data is quite large, the fit is quite good considering that
and the atomic fraction, respectively. of iron in the
the curve is entirely theoretical. It is important to note
metal phase and PO 2 is the oxygen pressure assuming it
that while much of this scatter may be due to errors in
as an ideal gas. Now, since as we have already seen
the chemical analyses, such scatter is also to be expected
(Chapter 5), K(5.g) the distribution constant is approxi-
from the previously observed deviation from the
mately 1.13, so that the first bracketed factor on the
quantitative version of Prior's rule. This type of scatter
right side of Equation (6.3) remains near unity. However
of course corresponds to the natural variations in the
X?~/ X~ and y~ will change as P02 increases, and because
amounts of Fe, Ni, Mg, and Si that yield different initial
metal is oxidized in the process, X?!/x~ must increase.
values of olivine as well as different FeDjNi ratios.
Furthermore because of the distribution relation of
Equation (5.29), X~~ must also increase at the same time.
Consequently we may define the ratio

6.12 Plot of L, the mole fraction olivine in the total
moles of olivine, pyroxene, and metallic Fe against
R, the ratio of oxidized to reduced iron. The
which will always increase with increasing P02' In this plotted points represent observed values of
ratio X~e is the atomic fraction of Fe2+ in the total ordinary chondrites of the low- and high-iron
silicate, both olivine and pyroxene, and so has the same groups, whereas the curves are theoretical
meaning as in Equation (6.2). oxidation paths. The dashed curve represents the
Similarly, we may define the mole fraction of the idealized pure enstatite chondrite.
olivine phase as follows:

mole~ (Mg, FehSi0 4 1.0

moles (Mg, FehSi0 4 + moles (Mg, Fe)Si0 3
+ moles metallic Fe D "Low" iron group
o "High" iron group

Then at any stage of the oxidation (or reduction)

process there will have been a certain "extent of reaction"
in which 0: mole of (Mg, Fe)Si0 3 and Fe reacted to
produce 0: mole of (Mg, Fe)2Si04' or vice versa. At the

beginning of the oxidative process, when all the iron is in

the reduced metallic state, there will be present Pxo
moles of pyroxene of composition MgSi0 3 , Feo moles
of iron (in solution with nickel), and 01° moles of olivine
of composition Mg 2 Si0 4. We may then write Rand L
in terms of 0::
o:[(FeO - 0:) + Ni]
R = ~~---::----::--- (6.6)
(Feo - o:)(PXO + 201 0 + 0:)

6 Meteorites

the oxygen fugacity in all such meteorites must have been

Oxidation and hydration states of similar.
meteorites 6 We may also view the pallasite assemblage in terms
of a virtual displacement to the left of Reaction (5.r.).
The ordinary chondrites and related irons If we begin with olivine and metal of the characteristic
and stony-irons pallasite composition and the system remains closed,
then Po, attains the value appropriate to this compo-
We have seen that although meteorites are on the sition with the formation of a minimal amount of
average quite highly reduced (by terrestrial standards), MgSi0 3 , Fe, and Oz. This conclusion, that many
the range of oxidation is quite large. Because of this and meteorites among the iron and stony-iron groups origi-
also because oxidation-reduction processes involve such nated under roughly similar oxidation conditions, has
large energy changes, they assume a very critical role in already been arrived at by Olsen and Fredriksson (1966)
meteorites. on the basis of equilibrium involving phosphate and
Since approximately 90 percent or more of all phosphides.
meteorite matter lies in the system O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni,
a knowledge of the thermodynamic properties and phase The enstatite chondrites and achondrites
relations of this system can give us a very good idea of at
least the gross chemical behavior of this kind of matter. Although these meteorites give an impression of a high
In Chapter 5 we presented the important phase relations degree of reduction, it is desirable if possible to place
of the silica-undersaturated part of the system with them in a more quantitative relation to the ordinary
particular emphasis on the oxidation reactions that chondrites. We have seen that they consist of rather
apply to the ordinary chondrites. It was shown that in the peculiar mineral assemblages in which Ca, Mg, and Mn
typical chondrite assemblage equilibrium demanded sulfides, and silicon and titanium nitrides are the
that Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) increase with decreasing oxygen characteristic minor phases and in which the Fe-Ni
fugacity at constant temperature or with increasing alloys and silicates have unusual compositions. In
temperature at constant oxygen fugacity. Consequently, addition, free silica may occur as tridymite, cristobalite
since the composition range of the ferromagnesian or quartz. Given this situation, we may postulate the
silicates of ordinary chondrites is quite restricted and following reactions:
well known, and since, as we shall see, there is ample
evidence that these bodies originated at liquidus tem-
silica metal gas
peratures, the general field of chondri tic matter in the
log Po, - T diagram is quite well defined, as shown in Fe (6.c)
Figure 5.6.
pyroxene metal silica gas
It is interesting that we can apply the result we have
just obtained relative to the oxidation state of the MgSi0 3 + FeS
chondrites to other meteorites from the iron and stony- pyroxene troilite
iron groups even though many of these meteorites lack
certain of the critical phases ofthe chondrite assemblage. MgS + Fe + Si0 2 + toz (6.d)
This may be done as follows: We know for example that alabandite metal silica gas
although the pallasites generally contain olivine and no
pyroxene, the olivine falls in the same compositional MnSi0 3 + FeS
range as that of the chondrite olivines. Also because of pyroxene troilite
the known distribution relation between olivine and
pyroxene, we know that any hypothetical pyroxene in
MnS + Fe + Si0 2 + toz (6.e)
alabandite metal silica .lias
the palla site would have a composition similar to that of
the ordinary chondrites. Then, since the metallic iron of Attention has already been drawn to the conclusion
the pallasites and chondrites is also similar in compo- of Ringwood (1961) regarding the solubility of silicon in
sition, it follows that for a like temperature of formation kamacite of the enstatite chondrites. Since free silica is
also present in these meteorites, Reaction (6.b) applies
6 Because of the almost undetectable and uncertain amount and we may write the following equation of equilibrium:
of water in meteorites other than the carbonaceous chon-
drites, their precise hydration states are indeterminate. (6.8)

Oxidation and hydration states of meteorites

Table 6.7 Logarithm of into Equation (6.9) and y~n is set equal to unity. then we
the equilibrium constant find that at 15()()OK, for example, Po, = 10- 2 °. This
for Reaction (6.e) as a lies well to the right of the ordinary chondrites in Figure
function of the 5.6 and within the shaded area, by which we designate the
temperature approximate range of the enstatite chondrites. 9

TCK) log K(e)

The carbonaceous chondrites
29S -49.2
400 -35.5 The carbonaceous chondrites contain the most highly
500 -27.5 oxidized primary meteoritic matter. However, their
600 -22.5 general field within the T-log Po, diagram (Figure 5.6)
700 -IS.7 is but poorly defined as compared with that of the
SOO -15.9 ordinary chondrites. This is particularly true of the upper
900 -13.S temperature and oxygen fugacity limits. As we have seen,
1000 -12.1 the type-II and type-III carbonaceous chondrites contain
1100 -10.7
minerals such as olivine, pyroxene, and the Fe-Ni alloys
1200 -9.46
1300 -S.41 in the form of inclusions and chondrules. These are
1400 -7.62 surrounded by a matrix of the finer grained layer silicates,
1500 -6.S5 ferrite, and carbonaceous material. From such a texture,
we must infer that the assemblage as a whole is out of
equilibrium and was perhaps formed under a variety of
temperatures and oxidizing conditions. In addition,
in which xM = Si/(Si + Fe + Ni) in the metal and yM
these meteorites sometimes contain inclusions of
is the corresponding activity coefficient. Although ade-
minerals, which have been interpreted as condensates
quate thermochemical data exist to determine ~G(b) for
of the solar nebula (Grossman, 1972). It is also possible
this reaction, the magnitude and functional form of y~
that the composition of the metals in these meteorites
is very difficult to estimate. However approximate
reflect nebular compositions (Grossman and Olsen,
calculations show that for the observed silicon contents
of the kamacite from enstatite chondrites, Po, probably
lies at least several orders of magnitude lower than the field The occurrence of serpentine-like layer-lattice silicates
of ordinary chondrites. 7 Unfortunately insufficient ther- in these meteorites should be limited by dehydration
mal data exist for the evaluation of Reactions (6.c) and reactions of the following type:
(6.d). In the case of Reaction (6.e), adequate data exist for
5 Mg 3 Si 2 0s(OH)4
all the components except the pyroxene form ofMnSi0 3 •
We may, however, make use of the rhodonite form of this
component for which data do exist. s We may be reassured
that the error involved in this approximation will be talc olivine fluid
small relative to those from other sources. If then we
apply our conventional formalism we obtain the The stability relations of this reaction were studied
equation: experimentally by Bowen and Tuttle (l949) and later
log Po, = 2 log K(e) + 2 log X~xn y~Xn (6.9) Olsen (1963) evaluated the effect of Fe 2 Si0 4 on the
equilibrium. Unfortunately lack of information of the
in which X~xn = Mn/(Mg + Fe2+ + Mn). Also little precise nature of the meteorite layer silicates casts some
will be lost by setting y~xn = 1, since great deviation from doubt on the applicability of Reaction (6.f); and although
ideality is not to be expected in this case. If then we apply talc has never been reported from carbonaceous chon-
the thermochemical data we obtain log K(e) as a function drites, this may be due in part to oversight. If. however.
of temperature (Table 6.7). this reaction is even approximately applicable, then it
According to Mason (1965) the enstatite chondrite would seem from Olsen's data that the water pressure
Khaipur has X~xn = 3 X 10- 4. If this value is substituted
9 Larimer and Buseck (1974) have estimated crystallization
7 Personal communication from I. S. McCallum. temperatures 0[900 to lIoo o K and POl = 10- 28 atm for
8 Following a suggestion by 1. S. McCallum. the enstatite chondrites.

6 Meteorites

should have been quite low « 1 atm) in the range of

temperatures below 400oK. 2000

In addition to the hydrated silicates. the type-I

carbonaceous chondrites also contain hydrated mag-
nesium sulphates. However. it is somewhat doubtful that ,I
the degree of hydration of these minerals can be assigned

a preterrestrial origin (Ou F resne and Anders. 1962) ,I

and it thus seems prudent not to base any conclusion on

the presence or absence of these minerals. 1500
F 2+
e (01) = 0.22
Mg + Fe 2 +
Carbon reactions in meteorites -

Although carbon is a prominent constituent of only

certain meteorites. such as carbonaceous chondrites and
certain irons. it is omnipresent and measurable in 1000
ordinary chondrites and other meteorites. However. the
significance of this element transcends its mere abun-
dance since it can tell us so much about the environment
of crystallization of these bodies.
For example. some form of solid carbon such as
graphite or its amorphous equivalent is usually present
in the chondrites or other meteorites whose field in the 500
T -log Po, diagram is well defined. If we assume that
equilibrium was attained with the gaseous phase.
important reactions are some of those already discussed
in Chapter 5. such as (5.c), (5.d) and (5.f). In addition. the -30 -20 -10 o 10
reactions log!

C + O2 CO 2 (6.g) 6.13 Theoretical plot of log fco and log fco, against
graphite gas gas TOK for the assemblage olivine-pyroxene-pure
metallic Fe-graphite at the olivine composition
C + t0 2 ..----- CO (6.h) shown. This represents a degree of oxidation

graphite gas gas corresponding to the ordinary chondrites.

are important since they establish Pco and Pco, for

each temperature and oxidation state. Figure 6.13 shows
the values of these partial pressures obtained for the It is clear from this reaction that the partial pressures of
typical assemblage from the ordinary chondrites. It is the gaseous carbon species will be proportional to the
clear from the figure that in this assemblage CO must activity of carbon in the alloy.
dominate over CO 2 and that the partial pressures of these If hydrogen is added to our carbon-bearing system we
gases reach appreciable values when free carbon is enter the realm of the complex thermodynamics and
present. It may also be shown (Mueller. 1964) that as kinetics of the so-called "organic compounds." The
Po, decreases so also does the ratio Peo,/Peo and the most prominent examples of this class of compounds are
absolute values of P eo and P co ,. of course the hydrocarbons, and among these the most
If it should happen that carbon is scarce. virtually all abundant will be the highly stable paraffin and benzene
of the elemental form may occur in solution within the series. The equilibrium reactions between the paraffin
metallic phases so that we must resort to reactions of the series hydrocarbon, graphite. and hydrogen may be
following type: represented as

C + t02 = CO (6.i) nC + (n + l)H 2 = C n H 2n + 2 (6.j)

metal gas gas graphite gas gas

Reactions involving sulfur and phosphorus
compounds in meteorites

The corresponding equilibrium constant is Sphalerite is a minor phase in some meteorites, and it
forms extensive solid solution with pyrrhotite. The
(6.10) system Zn-Fe-S has been studied by Barton and Toulmin
(1966) and Scott and Barnes (1971). Using the experi-
Thermochemical calculations show that K (j) increases mental data of Barton and Toulmin (1966), Schwarcz et
greatly with falling temperature so that in any equi- at. (1975) calculated the following preliminary relation
librium mixture the higher polymers will increase in between X~s (mole fraction of FeS in sphalerite co-
proportion as the temperature decreases. However, for existing with troilite), pressure and temperature (kbar
most temperatures at which equilibrium is readily attain- and OK):
able such light species as CH 4 , C 2 H 6 , etc. will tend to In X~s(P, T) = In (1.5 x 1O- 4 T + 0.394)
Unfortunately space prohibits our further pursuit of P(5.803 - 4.806 x 1O- 4 T) - 5.22 x 1O- 3 p 2
this interesting topic. We should, however, mention that 8.206 x 1O- 2 T
the carbon compounds are objects of increasingly active (6.11)
research in meteoritics. Recently, much of this work has The FeS mole fraction varies between 0.34 and 0.49 in
been directed toward determining the origin of hydro- meteoritic sphalerites. To determine the pressure of
carbons of the carbonaceous chondrites (Studier et aI., equilibrium, it is necessary to estimate temperature at
1972). However it is likely that future investigations will which the final equilibrium values ofFeS was attained. A
be concerned with carbon as an environment indicator temperature range of 350 to 600°C is possible. Schwarcz
of even wider significance. et at. (1975) assumed the lower temperature and found
that the pressure of final equilibrium may vary from 1.7
to 3.4 kbar for most of the meteorites studied. These
Reactions involving sulfur and include Odessa, Campo del Cielo, Sardis, Bogou, and
phosphorus compounds in meteorites
At temperatures of the order of 1200°K, depending
The sulfides, phosphides, and phosphates are among the on the presence or absence of additional components, a
most abundant of the minor phases in most meteorites. cotectic relation exists between taenite, troilite, and a
In common with the other mineral assemblages already Ni-rich melt as determined by the experimental work
discussed, these phases have their own contributions to of Clark and Kullerud (1959). At low Ni content this
make toward placing limits on the physicochemical system quenches to a mixture of troilite and taenite, but
environment at various stages of meteorite history. if NijFe exceeds 0.2 the quench product consists of an
One of the most obvious reactions is that between intergrowth of metal, troilite, and pentlandite.
metal and iron sulfide: Reactions and phase equilibrium involving phos-
phorus in its various forms and combinations in
Fe + -!-S2 FeS (6.k)
meteorites has been studied by Olsen and Fredriksson
metal gas troilite (1966), Buchwald (1966), Olsen and Fuchs (1967), and
In terrestrial rocks the corresponding sulfide is pyrrho- Goldstein and Doan (1972). It has been demonstrated
tite, and it is always deficient in iron by an amount that experimentallyll that the phosphorus has the effect of
depends on the fugacity of sulfur. 10 As the work of drastically raising the temperature of the transition
Toulmin and Barton (1964) clearly shows, at any given kamacite ~ taenite in the manner shown in Figure 5.4.
temperature the excess sulfur in pyrrhotite (in a thermo- In addition, phosphorus also has the effect of lowering the
dynamic sense) is greatest when the sulfide coexists with liquidus in the system Fe-Ni-P so that liquid is present at
pyrite and decreases steadily to stoichiometric FeS at temperatures as low as 1250 K when phosphorus

the FeS-Fe boundary. For most of the temperature exceeds about 1 percent by weight (Buchwald, 1966).
range of interest in meteorites PS2 corresponding to the Since reduced phosphorus seldom exceeds 0.5 percent of
equilibrium Reaction (6.k) will be less than 10- 4 atm. the metal, conditions for the formation of such liquids
However above approximately 12000K P s > PS2' so that are seldom realized. However, it is possible that when the
monatomic sulfur is most abundant in the gas phase. effect of phosphorus is augmented by FeS, melts may at
times form at even lower temperatures.
10 The phase relations and solution properties of pyrite and
pyrrhotite and metal are the subjects of an important paper 11 For reference to much of the early experimental work on
by Toulmin and Barton (1964). the system Fe-N-P see the paper by Buchwald (1966).

6 Meteorites

Although it is unclear what role melting may have the elements between the coexisting phases participating
played in the history of many iron and stony-iron and that these functions are temperature- and pressure-
meteorites, there are certain reactions that relate their dependent. However, we have also seen in Chapter 5 that
phosphide, metal, and phosphate phases, which have the distributions may have only a small effect as long as
relevance quite irrespective of whether melting occurred, the distribution constant approaches unity and the
since these reactions are formally applicable wherever solutions are close to ideal. Under these circumstances
the critical phases are present. For example, Olsen and such errors as occur by ignoring the temperature effect
Fredriksson (1966) discussed the following reactions on the distribution constant are of the same order or
between phases they observed in certain octahedrites: smaller than those implicit in the thermochemical data
for energetic reactions such as those involving oxidation.
3Fe + 2P + 40 2 Fe 3 (P0 4 lz (6.1) In spite of this, however, the element distributions taken
metal metal gas sarcopside by themselves are potentially powerful tools for obtaining
the temperatures and pressures of crystallization.
Unforunately most of the important element distri-
olivine metal gas metal bution equilibria that are available in meteorites still
have a doubtful status. The best known of these, those
which involves the distribution of such elements as Ni,
Jarringtonite olivine Co, and Fe among the metallic phases, are of course
severely limited by kinetics. Since we know that taenite
and kamacite unmix at temperatures as low as 700°K, we
olivine schriebersite gas
can scarcely expect them to give us reliable information
about any high temperature period. As has been pre-
viously indicated (Mueller, 1964), a potential thermometer
Jarringtonite olivine metal
assemblage for the high temperature stage is likely to be
the olivine-pyroxene assemblage. Although there are
We observe first of all that in the case of Reactions (6.1)
experimental data on this equilibrium (Larimer, 1968;
and (6.m), phosphorus dissolved in the metal phase is
Medaris, 1969; Nafziger and Muan, 1967; Williams,
involved. If some magnesium is assumed to be dissolved
1971) the large amount of scatter in these data indicates
in sarcopside and if Ni is regarded as being present in
that the degree of equilibrium attained under laboratory
constant amount, direct application of the phase rule
conditions is insufficient to establish the variation of the
shows Reactions (6.1) and (6.m) to be trivariant. However
distribution constant with temperature. Some observa-
since Reaction (6.n) involves the additional phase
tional data for the assemblage are summarized in
schriebersite, the system it represents is divariant at
Figure 6.14. It is to be observed that while the precise
constant Ni content. 12 Consequently it bears a resem-
microprobe data ofKeil and Fredriksson (1964) approxi-
blance to the major assemblage of the ordinary chon-
drites (Figure 5.6) in that if the composition of olivine is mate closely the earlier data of Ringwood for which
K(5q) = 1.13, the former fall into three groups with
fixed, log P02 is a univariant function of the temperature.
successively greater displacement from the 45' line as
As was previously pointed out, when the compositions
Fe2+ I(Mg + Fe2+) increases. The linear concentration
of the phases are taken into account in the assemblages
of these groups approximate the distribution curves for
studied by Olsen and Frederiksson (1966), it is found that
ideal solutions with successively larger values of K(5q)'
the oxidation states of these iron meteorites are close to
so that if this constant decreases with increasing tem-
that of the ordinary chondrites.
perature these data could be interpreted as indicating
that the high-iron group represents higher temperatures
of crystallization than does the low-iron group. How-
Element distributions in meteorites ever, we shall see in the next section that such a straight-
forward interpretation may not be the correct one.
We have seen in Chapter 1 and elsewhere that the The composition of coexisting Ca-pyroxene and
complex coupled equilibria such as we have been dis- orthopyroxene has been used in estimating temperatures
cussing depend in part on the distribution functions of of crystallization of the ordinary chondri tic minerals by
Bunch et al. (1970), Fodor et al. (1971). Van Schmus and
12 To demonstrate this analytically we would have to take Koffman (1967), and Bunch and Olsen (1974). The results
into account several additional exchange reactions in-
volving olivine, schreibersite, and farringtonite. of the latter authors indicate a recrystallization equilib-

Mechanisms of liquidus crystallization for the chondrites

Mn is very orderly. It seems likely that the wide variety

of responses to kinetic factors to be expected from these
/ distribution functions favors the eventual detailed
/ deciphering of the cooling history of meteorites.
0.4 /
0.3 / Mechanisms of liquidus crystallization
OIl (L) ~/ for the chondrites
N" +
u..;,; 0.2 We have seen that the bulk of the silicate component
u.." (~ of meteorites falls in the system MgO-FeO-SiO z .
whose liquidus relations were studied by Bowen and
/ Schairer (1935). It is therefore desirable to examine the
0.1 / silicate component in terms of this system. To do this,
/ however. we must first "normalize" the bulk chemical
/ analyses such as those presented in Table 6.4 by re-
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 calculating to eliminate the feldspars and other minor
Fe 2 + Px silicate components. We then obtain average values of
Fe2+ + Mg the subsystems for the high- and low-iron groups of the
ordinary chondrites. which plot on Figure 5.5 as two
6.14 Plot of the atomic ratio Fe2+ /(Fe2+ + Mg2+) in points. Study of the behavior of liquids initially at these
olivine against the same value for coexisting two compositions should then tell us. at least to a first
pyroxenes in high- and low-iron groups of ordinary approximation. how the ordinary chondrites might have
chondrites. Data from Keil and Fredriksson originated by crystallization at liquidus temperatures.
(1964). The lines that pass through the group It is clear, first of all. that the paths of equilibrium
points correspond approximately to distribution crystallization should be of the simpler type outlined by
curves based on the ideal solution model with Bowen and Schairer (1935). Crystallization should begin
successively greater values of the distribution
with the separation of Mg-rich olivine and the liquid
composition should follow a curved path such as that
shown in the figure until the pyroxene boundary is
attained. At this boundary pyroxene begins to precipitate
rium in the temperature range of 750 to 950°C. Tem- with olivine and the two minerals enter into certain re-
perature estimates with a two-pyroxene thermometer actions that involve the Si0 2 component of the melt.
may be difficult because of the requirement of extreme During the co-precipitation of olivine and pyroxene
accuracy in the composition of coexisting minerals and the compositions of these two minerals are at each stage
insufficient thermodynamic data on the ternary solution defined by a tie line whose precise orientation is a func-
(Saxena, 1976). As pointed out by Bunch and Olsen tion of the temperature and pressure. This tie line, which
(1974), it is likely that the temperature estimates by forms the base of a triangle whose apex is the liquid
Fodor et al. (1971) were higher because of differences in composition, moves to the right as crystallization pro-
chemical analytical techniques. The results of Onuma ceeds, and crystallization ceases when the tie line is
et al. (1972) on distribution of oxygen isotopes, however, intersected by the initial bulk composition point. During
may be interpreted to favor the homogenization of the the entire process there is a continuous exchange of Mg
minerals at igneous temperatures. The problem of tem- and Fe between the crystals and melt so that when
perature estimate using major element fractionation crystallization ceases the mass consists of homogeneous
cannot be resolved at the present stage of our knowledge olivine and pyroxene whose compositions as given by the
of the thermodynamics of the crystalline solutions. tie line reflect the temperature and pressure at which the
In addition to the Fe-Mg distribution equilibria. last liquid disappeared. Also it should be noted that bulk
meteorites contain a potentially great number of en- compositions corresponding to the low-iron (L) group
vironment indicators in the form of minor and less known of chondrites should cease crystallization at a slightly
major element distributions. The study by Bunch et al. lower temperature than those corresponding to the high
(1970) referred to above indicates that the distribution of (H) group.

6 Meteorites

We may, on the other hand, consider the other mode
of crystallization frequently discussed in relation to such
systems, that of fractional crystallization, which plays
such an important role in the interpretation of terrestrial
magmatic rocks. Under this form of crystallization the
earlier-formed Mg-rich crystals are constantly removed
or isolated from the melt so that the effective bulk
composition is continually shifted to the right and the
system becomes enriched in FeO. This may go so far that
the ternary invariant point is reached and all pyroxene p
gives way to Fe-rich olivine and free silica as crystalliza-
tion products. As is well known, fractional crystallization
may occur by any of several mechanisms such as crystal
settling or armoring through crystal zoning. Detection
of either mechanism is evidence for fractional crystalliza- 6. 15 Diagrammatic enlargement of a portion of the
tion. system MgO-FeO-SiO z (Figure 5.5) to illustrate
It is evident that, superficially at least, the the uniform the idealized limiting case of rapid cooling and
chondrites resemble products of equilibrium crystalliza- crystallization. The dashed line Ol'-P-Px", which
tion whereas the nonuniform chondrites show some also passes through the SiOz apex, represents
cooled mixtures of crystals and glass of varying
evidence of fractional crystallization in the form of zoned
olivine/pyroxene ratios and constant Mg/Fe 2 +.
crystals and other features. However, we shall have to The lines 01' -Px', Ol-Pxo, and Ol" -Px" represent
qualify this conclusion greatly in order to accommodate near-equilibrium tie lines at temperatures that are
certain troublesome facts. probably just below the liquidus.
First, the observed chondri tic textures are entirely
contrary to what we should expect from either mode of
or crystallizing matter. This situation is depicted in
crystallization described above. The chondrules tell us
Figure 6.15. If, for example, the bulk composition is
that, by and large, cooling occurred too rapidly for
in?icated by P. then the compositions of the coexisting.
either equilibrium or fractional crystallization of the
olivmes and pyroxenes will be given by the points 01'
classical kinds to occur. There simply was not enough
and Px" which lie on the dashed line which passes
time for exchange to occur between the interiors of
through the Si0 2 apex. By contrast the approximate
macroscopic crystals, nor was there adequate time for
equilibrium compositions of the mineral pairs as taken
zoning to develop except in certain crystals that formed
from Figure 6.14 is given by Ol'-Px' and Ol"-Px", as
before the ultimate rapid quench, which formed the
shown by the solid tie lines.
chondrules. Furthermore, it is well known from numer-
If indeed the above ideal limiting case was ever
ous experiments and from observations of terrestrial
realized it must have been obliterated by subsequent
rocks that the continuous adjustment of crystal and
annealing or recrystallization. However, it is also easy to
liquid compositions required for equilibrium crystalliza-
argue that the limiting case can never actually occur at all.
tion seldom is possible in silicate systems for kinetic
To see this we fix our attention on the barred chondrules
reasons. What results instead is crystal zoning of the type
in which the thickness of the "bars" is about 10- 2 mm
associated with fractional crystallization. However, even
and in which they are separated by pyroxene-like glass or
this mechanism requires adequate time to change the
microcrystalline material. It is clear then that when the
liquid composition by diffusion over macroscopic di-
olivine bars formed, Si 4 + must have diffused away from
the olivine site of crystallization and that Mg2+ and
As an alternative to the classical equilibrium and
Fe 2 + must have diffused toward it. But if this occurred,
fractional modes of crystallization for the chondrites it is
it also seems likely that Mg2+ and Fe2+ might at the
interesting to consider a kinetically controlled process
same time have been able to diffuse sufficiently to affect
which is capable of incorporating the evidence for rapid
an exchange approximately commensurate with the
cooling and the uniform mineral compositions observed
equilibrium distribution for the temperature of quench-
in the uniform chondrites. In this model, which is based
ing. 13 In other words the time scales of crystallization
on a suggestion by Fredriksson (1963), we must consider
first an extreme case in which cooling occurs so rapidly [3 However, it cannot be assumed that this temperature is the
that little or no diffusion can occur within the congealing "mean" of the liquidus temperatures traversed.

Mechanisms of liquidus crystallization for the chondrites

and ion exchange should be similar. Furthermore, it liquids. However, only the barred type would have a high
seems likely that the dimensions of the bars in the barred probability of having the same composition as the bulk
olivine chondrules should be governed to a large extent meteorite silicates as indicated by the points in Figure
by the diffusion lengths of the ions involved, particularly 5.5. The radiating pyroxene chondrules of course
of Si 4 +, which is likely to be the least mobile. represent liquids near the pyroxene join so that the dis-
By this means of rapid" quasiequilibrium" crystalliza- ruptive process has brought about marked differentia-
tion we can then explain the homogeneous crystals and tion in this case. By contrast the porphyritic olivine
orderly distributions we find in the uniform chondrites. chondrules should, at least where these are well-de-
However, we are still required to explain the variations veloped, indicate a period of relatively slow cooling and
in bulk composition which give rise to chondrules of crystallization in the field of olivine before the disruption
varying quantities of olivine and pyroxene. It would seem occurred and consequently they should show some
that in order to do this we would have first to be enrichment in magnesium.
acquainted with the details of formation of the chon- The actual temperature represented by the quasi-
drules themselves. Unfortunately we know little or equilibrium process and which presumably is reflected
nothing about the chondrule-forming mechanism except in K(5.Q) can only be roughly estimated. We may for
that the melt seems to have undergone a fragmentation example assume that there is a lowering of the liquidus
or disruption which produced the bulk chemical inhomo- temperatures shown on Figure 5.5 by the additional
genieties. We may therefore speak of an "unspecified components present in the meteorites. If this amounts
disruptive process" in which the crystal-liquid suspen- to approximately l000K then the quenching tempera-
sion is disrupted in a manner which separated olivine tures should be in the range of 1800 K to 1600°K. It may

and the pyroxene-like liquid. This should occur especially also be that the slightly larger value of K(s.q) in the
within the field of crystallization of olivine, perhaps low-iron group of chondrites actually reflects an ex-
simultaneously with the crystallization itself. The general tension of the quenching interval to the lower liquidus
scheme may be outlined as in Figure 6.16. According to temperatures implied by the presence of more FeO in
this scheme, barred olivine and radiating pyroxene these meteorites.
chondrules represent the compositions of possible It must be stressed at this point that the above expla-
liquids most closely, whereas the porphyritic chondrules nation for the uniform chondrites is only one of several.
represent suspensions or cumulates of crystals in The best known alternative today is that the uniform
compositions simply reflect homogenization through
6.16 General scheme for the derivation of various recrystallization or "metamorphism" as advocated
chondrule types by an unspecified, rapid disruptive especially by Wood (1963). Since the recrystallization is
process that brings about separation of crystals thought to have occurred at temperatures substan-
and liquid. tially below the liquidus, discrimination between the
two models would seem to be possible through precise
evaluation of K(5.q) and other distribution constants as a
function of the temperature. The application of the
Barred oxygen geothermometer to the uniform chondrites, as
mentioned earlier, has shown that many of these chon-
drites, notably the Shaw and Burdett meteorites, yield
temperatures in the magmatic range and still exhibit
Porphyritic highly uniform chemical compositions. In addition, it is
especially significant that the Burdett meteorite con-
tains well-defined chondrules. These characteristics
Liquid of indicate that the compositional uniformity of the
chondri tic minerals is probably inherited from the magmatic stage
composition Granu lar
or at very least from just below liquidus temperatures.
The simplest explanation of all this seems to be that the
and chondrules formed during a rapid quench process, as
Radiating Px previously explained, and that chemical fractionation
occurred as the temperature fell. This explanation thus
type eliminates the need for any subsequent reheating or
"metamorphism" of the material.

6 Meteorites

segregation. Since virtually all hypotheses about the

Origin of the metallic components of origin of these meteorites assume that a gravitational
chondrites field was present at the time the metal and silicate
particles were brought together. the above considera-
Any comprehensive hypothesis of the ongm of the tions appear to rule out the participation of a melt as an
chondritic meteorites must account not only for the agent in the disposition of the grains.
chondrules and the matrix silicates but also for the However we have also noted the irregular forms and
metallic grains. In most recent work the origin and interstitial character of the metal grains as well as the
even the disposition or mode of occurrence of these occurrence of metal as distinct veins (Figures 6.10 and
grains has been left an open question. However Urey 6.11). It seems clear then that if the metal grains were
and Mayeda (1959) concluded from their study of a ever mechanical fragments such as were postulated by
number of chondrites that the grains had been derived Urey and Mayeda (1959) they must have undergone
from the preexisting "primary object" of Urey's cosmo- much subsequent alteration. However, the regular
geny. which had been broken up and reconstituted to distribution of the grains favors a mechanical origin no
form the chondrites. This conclusion was based largely more than it does a magmatic origin.
on the presence of some distorted, fractured, and Indeed the only mechanism we have left to turn to in
displaced metallic grains. the occurrence of kamacite explaining most of the observed features of the metallic
and taenite in separate crystals. and" diffusion borders" grains is that of deposition from a vapor phase over a
of certain grains. range of temperatures. We do not of course know pre-
Before suggesting our own origin for the metallic cisely the form iron and nickel had in such a phase. We
grains it is desirable to consider first the question of the know however from thermochemical data that at
equilibrium state of the combined system of silicate and temperatures as low as 1500 K the vapor pressure of

metal. Although there is evidence in the form of oxidation metallic Fe vapor is approximately 10- 6 .41 atm and that
and distribution relations previously discussed that there P Ni = 10- 6 . 63 atm at the same temperature. From
is an approach to chemical equilibrium between the kinetic considerations we should therefore expect con-
silicates and the metal, we do not know how close the siderable vapor transport to occur at temperatures
approach is to perfect equilibrium. We have. however. immediately below the liquidus so that if the metal vapors
already noted that the metal grains are distributed very had access to hot aggregates of chondrules they should
regularly among the silicates. This fact tells us im- have rapidly deposited the metal grains in the interstitial
mediately that this system could never have been in voids. This conclusion is also supported by certain
peffect chemical equilibrium in the presence of a gravi- experiments by Morelock (1962) who observed the
tational field. This is true because a state of perfect growth in 16 hr of whiskers 200 jJ. in length from a vapor
chemical equilibrium also implies a state of mechanical phase at temperatures as low as 1333°K. This form of
equilibrium, and the observed regular distribution of high-temperature deposition explains the occurrence
grains does not meet this requirement. To see this in of plessite, which marks the location of former grains of
terms of the free energy involved we may imagine a homogeneous taenite. However to explain the occurrence
l-cm 3 grain of metal of density (iM which overlies a of separate grains of taenite and kamacite we must
l-cm 3 grain of silicate of density (is, where (iM > (is. If assume that some vapor transport also was effective at
the distance separating the grains is I1h and the accelera- temperatures below 1100 K where these two phases can

tion of gravity is g. the energy released by exchanging the grow in equilibrium. In view of the above experimental
grains is data this does not seem too severe a requirement.
I1G = I1hg(i5 s - (iM) < 0 From the above evidence, then, the following picture
emerges: After the rapid quench-formation of the silicate
since I1h is taken as positive. 14 Normally of course such
chondrules at silicate liquidus temperatures above
mechanical instability also exists in terrestrial metamor-
1600°K, the silicate chondrules were incorporated or
phic rocks. Such rocks are too viscous for their con-
reincorporated as solids into a parent body with a
stituents to attain their proper levels in the gravity field.
gravity field. At the same time fairly good chemical
However the same does not hold for magmas. so that if
communication was established between the minerals
either silicate or metal had been molten while in a
and the vapor phase so that there was an approach to
gravitational field we should expect at least some
equilibrium. Immediately after deposition of the chon-
14 We ignore such effects as the compressibility and the drules and other silicate fragments, deposition of metal
variation of g. from a permeating vapor phase began in the interstices

Pressure of formation of meteorites

of the silicate grains. The deposition and redeposition or have been presented by Schwarcz et al. (1975). One of the
reworking of the metal grains by the vapor phase con- inherently most simply of the other barometers is the
tinued as the temperature declined, and this accounts for graphite-diamond transition, which we referred to in
the variety of metal grains, including plessite and separate Chapter 2; it is almost entirely decoupled from the
grains of kamacite and taenite. As pointed out by R. E. remainder of the system. Since, as we have seen, diamond
Marringer (Mason and Wiik, 1961) there appears to is a constituent of certain achondrites and irons, it was
have been some subsequent in situ movement of the proposed by Urey (1956) that these implied that the
grains, which explains some of the mechanical disloca- meteorites come from near the center of lunar-sized
tions observed by Urey and Mayeda (1959). We cannot objects. Although the question is still open in the case of
of course preclude the deposition by mechanical agencies the diamond-bearing achondrites, it was demonstrated
of some preformed grains, nor can we discount very fairly convincingly by Lipschutz and Anders (1961) that
local melting of grains. However the dominant mecha- in the case of at least one iron, Canyon Diablo, the
nism is regarded as deposition from the interstitial diamonds were probably produced by the shock of
vapor phase, which thus accounts for the regular impact with Earth in much the same way as coesite is
distribution and interstial character of the grains as well produced in the surrounding crater material.
as the presence of later veins. Soon thereafter it was pointed out by Ringwood
(1960) that reactions of the type
3Fe + C (6.0)
metal graphite
Pressure of formation of meteorites
involved a considerable volume decrease so that cohenite
In principle all meteorites contain mineral indicators should be favored by pressure. Unfortunately the slope
of their temperatures and pressures of crystallization. of the boundary curve that separates the metal and
We have already seen that although evidence of the graphite assemblage from cohenite is negative, so
precise temperature of crystallization of most meteorites that if the temperatures are high enough (in excess of
is still lacking, certain information on either crystalliza- 11 QOoK) cohenite may form under equilibrium conditions
tion or annealing may be obtained through the use of even at low pressure. In addition. the equilibrium is
several thermometer assemblages. In the case of possible complicated by the presence of Ni as has been discussed
pressure indicators the outlook is less promising although by Olsen (1964) and by Brett (1966).
it should soon be possible to set more severe limits on the If it were not for the unfavorable kinetic properties
pressures of formation of most meteorite bodies than at of the Fe-Ni alloy system, which favors un mixing of
present. taenite and kamacite over a wide range of conditions,
The question of pressure bears on one of the classical this assemblage might be a useful pressure indicator. We
problems of meteoritics-namely, whether these meteor- know for example that the (X-y transition is pressure-
ites originated in bodies of planetary size or in bodies of sensitive, and it was pointed out by Uhlig (1954) that the
much smaller dimensions, perhaps of the order of transition is lowered in temperature as the pressure is
asteroids or comets. To early students the broken-up increased. Uhlig attempted to explain certain features
planet hypothesis seemed highly attractive and it has of iron meteorites, such as the occurrence and structure
also had its more recent advocates in Brown and of pies site and the lack of Widmanstatten structure in
Patterson (1948), Zavarisky (1950), Lovering (1957), and high Ni meteorites, by calling on high pressures and the
Ringwood (1961b). Other investigators since the time of sudden release of these pressures in planetary break-up.
Sorby (1877) have also proposed origins for certain These conclusions were criticized by Urey and others
meteorites such as the chondrites which imply a low- (Anders, 1964), and consequently the use of the metallic
pressure origin since they involve processes of a volcanic alloy phases as pressure indicators has not found many
nature. Certainly plain logic as well as our experience recent advocates.
with terrestrial rocks leads us to expect at least some When we consider the chondritic meteorites we have
variation in the pressures under which the different even less to go on since the above-mentioned pressure
classes of meteorites formed. indicators are either absent, difficult to identify, or reflect
Unfortunately at present there is a great deal of even a grosser degree of disequilibrium than they do in
ambiguity attached even to the limited number of the irons. However, we do have the chondrules them-
available pressure indicators. Some preliminary results selves, and in a few cases such phases as tridymite and
and the discussion of the sphalerite geobarometry cristobalite. The difficulty with using the major chemical

6 Meteorites

reactions between chondritic minerals to determine the crystallization history, are nevertheless quite prosaic
pressure of crystallization is illustrated by the attempt of and have many parallels among terrestrial rocks.
Williams (1971) to use the olivine-pyroxene exchange We have also become aware through our mineralogic
reaction in this way. The result obtained for the pressure studies of the chondrites that we must be prepared to con-
of crystallization in this case was 5 ± 5 kbar! Although sider a certain amount of physical mixing of high and low
it was once thought that chondrules might represent a temperatures and oxidized and reduced components
type of porphyroblastic structure, there is nothing like in such meteorites as the carbonaceous chondrites. Then
them in any terrestrial metamorphic rock. It is difficult also it has been proposed, in particular by Urey, that
to imagine these fragile structures with all their evidence meteorites contain evidence of a number of complex
for rapid cooling as having been produced in an environ- events involving the breakup of "primary objects" by
ment of even modest pressure. Indeed their content of collision and the redistribution and reconcentration of
glass, microcrystals, and skeletal structures as well as this material among other bodies to produce secondary
their spheroidal forms and often friable texture militates deposits or objects. Such a hypothesis then implies the
against their having been exposed to pressures in excess existence in meteorites of components of different
of the kilo bar range. It thus seems safe to infer on the generations.
basis of the chondrule structures alone that at least the It is generally conceded that the origin of meteorites in
primary features of these meteorites originated under the above sense is connected with the origin of the solar
conditions of high temperatures and low pressures. system itself and that a study of meteorites will lead to
information about this momentous event. It is therefore
necessary to ask first what are the primary features of
meteorites and how may they be distinguished from
secondary features superimposed at some later date.
Origin of meteorites: a critique of The answer is that there is quite a good consensus that
theories and hypotheses several types of observational data are of fundamental
character and must be accommodated in any satisfactory
General theory. These are:

When we speak of the origin of meteorites it is necessary I. The correspondence of elemental abundances
to be quite specific about what we mean by "origin." between the chondrites as a whole. and particularly
That is, we must restrict <?ur statement to a certain time, the type-I carbonaceous chondrites and the com-
place, and meteorite type. For example, when we refer position of the sun
to the time of origin we do not ordinarily mean the 2. The isotopic abundance pattern of chondrites and
period of synthesis of the elements which comprise particularly those of the decay products of short-
meteoritic matter but rather to the prominent event or lived species
series of events that occurred approximately 4.5 Gyr
3. The chondri tic structure
ago. However, it is also possible that we may be interested
in the time of occurrence of certain subsequent events
such as the differentiation that produced the iron Other types of data which are of varying importance
meteorites or gave rise to certain elemental abundance to different students of meteorites are the following:
Again, most of what we say regarding the origin of 4. Elemental abundance differences between the
meteorites refers to members of the chondrite classes different classes of chondrites, the variation of
since as we have seen these are at the same time the most oxidation state reflected in Prior's rule. and the
abundant, the least differentiated, and possess the most existence of the high- and low-iron groups
unique and interesting structures. We are indeed inter- 5. Character and distribution of the metallic grains
ested in the origin of the irons, stony-irons, and achon- in the chondrites
drites, but there is almost universal agreement that these
6. The existence of the uniform and nonuniform
meteorites are products of intense differentiation deep
groups of chondrites
within the meteorite parent bodies and so presumably are
derivative from chondrite-like matter. Also, as we have 7. Evidence that certain chondrites are mixtures of
seen, the structures and textures of the nonchondritic two or more components
meteorites, while quite undiagnostic of details of their 8. Evidence of shock phenomena in meteorites

Origin of meteorites: a critique of theories and hypotheses

9. Nature of the distributions of elements between chondritic meteorites resulted from direct condensation
the coexisting minerals and the conclusions that from nebular gases those gases must have undergone
can be drawn from them regarding the attainment substantial differentiation from their initial composition.
of equilibrium and the temperatures and pressures
of crystallization Volcanic processes
With these points in mind we shall now consider the A volcanic or quasivolcanic origin for chondrules has
various ideas that have been proposed for the origin of been advocated by a number of authors, but in recent
meteorites. times chiefly by Ringwood (1961, 1966) and by Fish,
Goles, and Anders (1960), although Anders has subse-
quently changed his mind on this subject.
Direct condensation from the solar nebula The greatest unity and self-consistency is shown by
or its differentiated equivalent Ringwood's theory. According to him the various
meteorite groups and classes were derived from pri-
This involves the classical problem of Urey, which we mordial matter of the composition of the type-I carbo-
already discussed in quantitative terms in Chapter 5. naceous chondrites. In detail the scheme involves
The idea that chondrules are the original products of heating, perhaps by short-lived radioisotopes, of parent
condensation from the primordial nebular gases is an old bodies of yet indeterminate sizes, but no larger than our
one. Chamberlin (1928), for example, discussed chon- moon. This heating resulted in complex chemical
drules in relation to his planetesimal hypothesis and reactions but especially in the reduction of original
concluded that they resulted from condensation of hot ferrous iron by carbon compounds such as free carbon
gases thrown off by the early sun. The nebular origin of and hydrocarbons. At first, at the inception of the reduc-
chondrules has been espoused by Suess (1949), Levin tion process when temperatures were below 900 K or so,

and Slonimskii (1957), and particularly by Wood (1963). the expelled gases consisted mostly of COz and H 2 0,
Thermodynamic calculations to determine the sequence but at higher temperatures these were supplemented by
of condensations from the solar nebula were also per- CO and Hz. It is further inferred that H 2 0 in conjunction
formed by Lord (1965), Larimer (1967), and Grossman with H 2 S acted as a powerful solvent and in this way
(1972), whereas kinetic mechanisms were explored by brought about the depletions of many elements that
Blander and Katz (1967). As was pointed out by Wood characterize other meteorites relative to the type-I
and others, only a few chondri tic meteorites exhibit carbonaceous chondrites.
minerals whose compositions are in apparent harmony According to this model the degree of reduction
with direct condensation from a gas of the composition attained by a meteorite and consequently the existence
inferred for the solar nebula, since most chondritic of Prior's rules depends on the original carbon content
silicates are too rich in ferrous iron and indicate a more of the material. Thus the most oxidized ordinary chon-
oxidizing environment (Figure 5.6). Similarly, only drites of the low-iron group presumably contained the
certain carbonaceous chondrites appear to contain the least carbon originally, whereas in the case of the enstatite
early, high temperature Ca-Al-rich condensates such as chondrites this element was in excess, as is also indicated
mellilite, according to Grossman's study. by presence of graphite in these meteorites.
We have already seen in Chapter 5 that the mineral- At the culminating stage of the process, melting is
ogic and chemical nature of the condensates depend assumed to have occurred in the interior of the parent
critically on the relative abundances of hydrogen, the body or bodies. The resulting eruption of magmas on the
metals, and oxygen as well as the total pressure in the surface was then accompanied by a rapid escape of gases
region in which condensation occurs. As emphasized by consisting mainly of CO and H 2' These phenomena
Grossman, local slight departures from chemical equi- resulted in the violent disruption of the magma and, in
librium due to incomplete reaction of the condensates combination with rapid cooling, produced the chon-
with the nebular gases could have produced the Ca-AI- drules and typical chondritic structures. The coexistence
rich inclusions. Similarly, the inferred early condensation of metal and silicate particles is explained by assuming
of metallic iron as compared with the condensation of that gravitational separation was prevented by turbu-
most of the silicates and the promotion of this differential lence in the magma.
condensation by an increase in pressure is at least in The model of Fish et al. (1960) differs in several ways
agreement with the hypothesis that planetary cores may from that of Ringwood. One of the most important
date to the accretion stage. If, however, the bulk of the differences is that the carbonaceous chondrites are not

6 Meteorites

considered as necessarily primordial. Rather, they are energy required for melting and reducing the bodies is
regarded as having formed a near-surface deposit on an provided by their impact on our moon or some other
asteroid or asteroids whereas the ordinary chondrites. large body approximately 4.5 Gyr ago. We note that this
achondrites. stony-irons, and irons comprised the suc- requires that the moon be a source for meteorites striking
cessive layers toward the interior of the same body or Earth, an idea that has been advocated for some time by
bodies. In contrast to Ringwood's model, the volcanic Urey (1959).
emanations are regarded as having been chiefly S2 and
SiS rather than carbon compounds, water, or hydrogen.
Finally, in the model of Fish et at. (1960) the observed Metamorphism of the chondrites
minor-element fractionations between the various Students of meteoritics as early as Sorby (1877) saw
meteorite classes are attributed to the vertical movement evidence for recrystallization or metamorphism in the
of FeS and volatile gases in a complex "sulfur cycle." chondrites (see review by Dodd, 1969). However, Wood
(1963) has gone so far as to suggest that the major classes
Impact and associated processes of the ordinary chondrites have been derived in this way
from a more primitive chondrite, as we have already
This model is largely associated with the name of Urey,
mentioned. According to him, internal heating of the
who has long advocated various versions of it. Urey
parent bodies brought about a reaction between the
(1963. 1964) favors a two-stage process for the formation
original Mg-rich chondrule silicates and the ferrous-
of the chondrites. In the first stage lunar-sized" primary iron-rich matrix so that" Fe 2+ from the fine Fe 3 0 4 grains
objects" condensed and agglomerated from the solar
diffused into the chondrule minerals." At the same time
nebula. This material is thought to have consisted of
a gradual obliteration of the chondritic texture is thought
low-temperature condensates, much like the carbo-
to have produced the observed range of distinctness of
naceous chondrites, with an abundance of volatile the texture referred to earlier. Much of this recrystalliza-
compounds and iron largely in the ferrous state. As this tion is thought to have occurred at temperatures as low
material heated up, reduction processes, much as in the as 800o K, and Wood has even estimated that at this
model of Ringwood, produced metallic iron, and this temperature about 107 yr would be required,u
was differentiated from the silicates by magmatic and It should be mentioned that even in Wood's own
gravitational mechanisms. During subsequent cooling of
opinion much of this scheme "taxes credibility." Al-
this material the metal differentiated into kamacite and
though support for Wood's version of metamorphism
taenite, and diamonds were formed under the high has not been unanimous, it has been strongly advocated
interior pressures. by Anders (1964) and his associates. The proposed
The second step of the process begins with the process of metamorphism also forms the basis for a
collisional break-up of these primary objects. Urey classification scheme proposed by van Schmus and
thought that the silicate and troilite fractions would be Wood (1967).
broken up into such fine dust that they would be lost
altogether, but that the metal. because of its greater
strength, would be preserved to fall on other primary A critique
objects which had not as yet suffered collisions. There When we examine the data pertinent to the origin of the
the metal fragments would come to be mingled with chon- chondri tic meteorites there seems to be no compelling
drules produced by some volcanic process. evidence that would enable us to choose confidently
From our standpoint the most interesting conse- between the nebular condensation, volcanic, or impact
quence to be drawn from this scheme is that at least a models just discussed. However, we are inclined by the
fraction of the metallic particles of the chondrites are weight of evidence to favor most a form of the volcanic
from a different source than the silicates themselves. As hypothesis, or at least a model involving a condensed
previously mentioned, Urey and Mayeda (1959) thought environment as distinguished from the dispersed en-
that they found evidence for this in their study of the vironment implied in the nebular condensation model.
metallic particles of chondrites. However. apparently the volcanic hypothesis has the
More recently, Ringwood (1966) proposed a version
of the impact origin of the chondrites as an alternative
15 This estimate is however based on the erroneous use of
to his autoreduction-volcanic model. This model again intergranular diffusion coefficients when lattice diffusion
begins with planetesimals of the composition of the coefficients should have been used (Mueller and Olsen,
type-I carbonaceous chondrites. However, now the 1967).

Origin of meteorites: a critique of theories and hypotheses

advantage of accommodating most easily the multi- taenite can grow directly from a vapor phase at tem-
plicity of observations without seriously contradicting peratures so low that large-scale unmixing as implied
any observation. In particular it is true for the nine major by the Widmanstiitten structure is impossible.
characteristics mentioned earlier. As we implied in our discussion of the kinetic model
Of the several versions of the volcanic model, that for liquidus crystallization, a rapid quench such as might
proposed by Ringwood (1966) is worked out in greatest occur during explosive volcanism is capable of producing
detail. Its first merit is that it begins with the least differ- the mineral compositional features of the uniform chon-
entiated type-I carbonaceous chondrites as raw material. drites if the magma is of constant composition on the
As we have seen this material contains no chondrules scale of the specimen which shows uniformity. Further-
but does contain, in the form of carbon compounds. more, despite the contrary but unsupported statement
substances that are readily capable of affecting the by Anders (1964), volcanic processes with their some-
autoreductive process, which is necessary if Prior's rules times chaotic regimen have great versatility and are
are to have an evolutionary significance. Also, as we have precisely those most capable of producing disequilibrium
seen the absolute magnitudes of the carbon monoxide chondrites such as Renazzo which contain fractions of
pressures to be expected over the chondri tic mineral diverse origin. In addition, they also provide the best
assemblages seems adequate for the production of environment for the production of zoned crystals. which
highly explosive volcanism at or below liquidus tem- characterize the nonuniform chondrites. The reason for
peratures. In this way Ringwood's model is more this lies in the requirement that such crystals have
realistic than that of Fish et al. (1960), which makes use of sufficient time for the zones to develop, and this con-
gases such as S2 which do not attain such pressures dition is likely to be satisfied only in large bodies of
except at unrealistically high temperatures. However, we magma.
take this opportunity to suggest that the theory should Turning now to the question of metamorphism we
be modified to account for the regular distribution of the can immediately point to several important incon-
metal grains previously discussed, a feature whose sistencies in the scheme proposed by Wood (1963).
production seems totally beyond the turbulent magma as It has already been pointed out by Keil and Fredriksson
proposed by Ringwood. Even if such a magma attained (1964) that contrary to Wood's hypothesis there appears
the required homogeneity (which is in itself highly to be no connection between the iron content of the
uncertain), we have no reason to expect that this state silicates of chondrites and the distinctness of the chon-
would be maintained when the quenched erupted dritic texture. Even a cursory study shows that some of
material accumulated in the gravitational field. This the most iron-rich silicates occur in well-defined chon-
difficulty can be easily surmounted by calling on the drules. Also it is very difficult to account for the simul-
equally familiar volcanic mechanism of vapor transport taneous presence of crystals of uniform composition
as discussed earlier. In fact, we should expect the deposits and glass. This is especially true when we consider in
of newly formed silicate chondrules to be precisely the detail the process of homogenization outlined by Wood
environment where transport and deposition by a vapor (1963). Although he does not state so explicitly, the
would be most effective since these deposits would process he envisions must involve a reaction of the
furnish a hot, highly porous medium. Also, the porosity following type:
should be quite uniform so that this feature alone could
account for the highly uniform distribution of the metal FeJ04 + Fe + 4MgSiO J
grains. ferrite metal pyroxene
However, we cannot exclude the possibility that some
metal fragments from previously consolidated material
olivine olivine
might have been reincorporated in the deposit. It seems
possible that some such material provides an explanation otherwise it will involve an oxidation or reduction
for the observations of Urey and Mayeda (1959) re- process of an even more complex nature. Now the very
garding fractured metal grains. least that is involved in the homogenization is a diffusion
It seems to us that deposition from a vapor phase can of Mg and Fe2+, although Wood considered only the
best account for the presence of plessite and individual diffusion of Fe 2+ . However Reaction (6.p) shows that in
crystals of kamacite and taenite rather than the coarse addition there will also be a reaction involving the
unmixed structures (Widmanstiitten structures) so com- breakdown of certain phases and the growth of others.
mon in slowly cooled meteorites. These observations It should be clear that such a process cannot be discussed
seem to tell us that separate grains of kamacite and solely in terms of diffusion. It also seems clear that when

6 Meteorites

such a reaction is pervasive the preservation of glass or

even microcrystalline quench products is exceedingly
Although we must reject the version of metamorphism
proposed by Wood. the hypothesis of recrystallization or
annealing deserves our most serious attention. As we
have noted. our knowledge of the degree to which the
chemical characteristics of the uniform chondrites can
be explained by recrystallization can come only through
the most careful textural and chemical studies. but
particularly from temperature-indicating mineral assem-
blages. It may turn out that the recrystallization we
find evidence of was confined to a large degree to a
temperature range immediately below the liquidus
rather than to some later separate period of "thermal
metamoprhism." In the volcanic model this would
merely imply postconsolidation annealing.
In any study of this kind it is best not to require too
much of any given model since observed deviations might
at a later date be attributable to quite unrelated secondary
processes. A particularly important illustration of such a
secondary process is that of shock-many meteorites
show varying degrees of evidence of it. That shock effects
may greatly influence such phenomena as gas absorption
has been demonstrated by experiments (Fredriksson
and deCarli, 1964). Similarly, shock may at times bring
about selective fusion of silicates while leaving the
associated metal less affected. as was inferred from
evidence found in the iron meteorite Kodiakanal
(Olsen and Mueller. 1964). If. as we have reason to
believe. the meteorites are fragments of larger bodies.
we must expect a wide variety of shock effects depending
on the magnitude of the stresses and the states of the
colliding bodies. Thus it may be that evidence of early
shocks that occurred when the bodies were hot were
obliterated by annealing processes or remain only as
such features as the metallic veins. while other features
such as unhealed fractures or shattered crystals are of a
much later origin. Perhaps some of the most useful
guides in such matters are the comparisons we can make
with analogous tectonic features of terrestrial rocks.
but only if these comparisons are tempered with con-
siderable caution.


Gross physical and chemical

The terrestrial planets present us with a sequence of
widely varying physical environments that determine
their chemical and petrologic characteristics.
In recent years the study of planetary atmospheres,
surfaces, and interiors has received great impetus not
only from earth-based remote sensors but particularly
from the planetary probes, which have added a new
dimension to these investigations. Especially important
have been the Soviet Venera probes. the U.S. Mariner
probes to Venus and to Mars, the U.S. Apollo program
of lunar landings and the Viking mission to Mars. Of
these only the Mars probes have led to drastic revisions
of our ideas of the planets in question; in other cases
there have been important confirmations of the older
remote sensing discoveries and a filling in of rich detail.
Some of the most pertinent planetary data to our
purpose and which we present in part in Tables 7.1 and
7.2 are as follows:

1. Planetary dimensions and form as expressed by

the density, radius, ellipticity, and surface topog-
2. Properties such as the solar distance and rotation
3. Magnetic properties
4. Image properties of the surface and atmosphere,
such as the albedo, polarization, and direct visual

7 The terrestrial

5. Surface temperature ranges and the variation of oxidation of the surface rocks, whereas the former value,
atmospheric and subsurface temperatures even if known, probably bears no relation to any
6. Atmospheric and surface chemistry and mineralogy equilibrium process. About all we can say is that the
oxygen pressure on both bodies is likely to be very low
The characteristics of categories 1 and 3 are closely indeed, although for very different reasons. Similarly it
related to the bulk chemical composition of the body and is possible that the methane partial pressure on Mars
the degree of differentiation as revealed by the density (upper limit determined spectroscopically) is less than it
distribution within the planet (Urey, 1952). The mean is on Venus (upper limit calculated assuming thermo-
solar distance has broad implications with regard to the dynamic equilibrium with the surface). In the case of
rotation rate and the available solar energy. The optical Venus we have sometimes preferred values arrived at
properties of the surface and atmosphere are of course from the quasiequilibrium model to those obtained by
related to the chemical composition, but the relationship measurement because the latter are not consistent with
is usually very complex except in the case of definitive other atmospheric molecular abundances and because
atomic or molecular spectra. Also it might at first seem the measurements seem to be of doubtful validity. Thus
that the planetary surface temperatures should be simple the oxygen pressures obtained from the Venera probes
functions of the mean solar distance, but a moment's appear to be many orders of magnitude too high and are
reflection should convince one that they really must inconsistent with quite reliably measured CO 2 /CO
depend on nearly every category listed and that the ratios.
relations are very complicated.
The most important physical data to our study are
presented in Table 7.1. These data have been selected
largely because of their bearing on the chemical and Origin and evolution
petrogenic processes such as the escape and retention of
atmospheric constituents and chemical reactions between The densities and the observable compositional char-
molecules and mineral phases. Of critical importance in acteristics of the planets and other extraterrestrial
this regard are the surface and atmospheric temperatures bodies such as the meteorites tend to favor the hypothesis
and the gravitational accelerations. The estimated that all these bodies are genetically connected with the
values of surface temperatures of Mercury and Venus sun and were not captured at some later date.
have undergone such drastic revisions in recent years as An attempt was made by Urey (1952) to estimate the
a result of advances in radiotechnology that we have mean densities of the terrestrial planets under conditions
completely changed our ideas about those planets. In of zero pressure. The method used was to estimate the
the case of Venus these important results have been con- iron content of the planet, assign to this a density of 7.2
firmed by the planetary probes. The decrease in tem- (for liquid iron), and then assume that the rest consists
perature with height and the resulting temperature of silicates of density 3.3. Although the uncertainties in
minima, which play such an important role in Earth's the results are very large, they seem to indicate that the
atmosphere, have also been found to occur on Venus and densest planet is Mercury followed by Venus, Earth,
on Mars although in greatly modified form. In this Mars, and the moon in this order except that the values
regard the lowest recorded temperature from infrared for Venus and Earth are the same. Thus it would seem
radiation of the high atmosphere of Venus is about that there is a tendency for the innermost planets to con-
220 o K, whereas for Mars the corresponding value is tain a preponderance of iron or at least a higher pro-
about 140°K. portion of metals and less admixed oxygen, nitrogen,
The compositions of the planetary atmospheres in carbon, and sulfur. We shall see that there is much
terms of surface partial and total pressures are given in evidence that the latter elements diffused away from the
Table 7.2, which reflects our very limited knowledge of region of the sun while the metals were retained by
planets other than Earth. Many of the tabulated values various means, and that this loss occurred before the
are upper limits or are accurate, at best. to an order of planets assumed their present sizes.
magnitude. Also in reading the table we must keep in Although the chemistry of the condensation of
mind the different ways in which the values were deter- planetary material from the hypothetical solar nebula is
mined. For example, it is meaningless to compare the amenable to fairly rigorous treatment, the mode of
indeterminate low value of the oxygen pressure on the agglomeration of those condensates into" protoplanets"
Moon with the corresponding value on Venus since the or "planetesimals" can only be guessed at. The problem
latter is based on complex deductions of the state of of the agglomeration of the condensed grains in Keplerian

Table 7.1 General physical data for the terrestrial planets

Velocity Range of
Mean Solar Period of Period of of surface
solar radiation revolution rotation Mean Mean Surface Visual escape temp.
distance intensity (days) (days) radius density gravity albedo Ellipticity (km/sec) CK)

Mercury 0.387 6.68 88 59 0.38 5.5 0.37 0.058 ? 4.3 110-625

Venus 0.723 1.91 225 243 0.965 5.06 0.88 0.760 ? 10.4 600-800
Earth 1.0 1.0 365 1.0 1.000 5.52 1.00 0.39 0.00337 11.3 225-315
Moon 1.0 1.0 365 27.3 0.273 3.33 0.16 0.072 2.4 75-400
Mars 1.524 0.43 687 1.0 0.532 3.96 0.39 0.198 0.0089 5.1 140-315

Data based in part on similar tabulations presented by Kuiper (1952), Urey (1952). and Opik (1962) but updated to recent results as documented in text references.

Table 7.2 Atmospheric composition in atmospheres of the terrestrial planets
Values are based on references and calculations discussed in the text

Ar N2 O2 H2 CO2 CO H 2O CH 4 NH3 HC) HF Total

Mercury +a + _Ob -0 ? ? -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 ?
Venus + -10 _10- 25 < 10- 4 -90 -5 x 10- 3 < 10- 1 < 10- 10 < 10- 7 -5 X 10- 5 _10- 6 -100
Earth 0.00934 0.78 0.21 _10- 8 3.3 x 10- 4 10- 4 _ 10- 1 -10- 8 -0 -0 1.0
+ +
Moon ~O -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
Mars 1.5 x 10- 4 1.5 X 10- 4 _10- 5 -0 7.3 x 10- 3 _10- 5 < 10- 6 < 10- 4 < 10- 5 ? ? -7.3 X 10- 3

" + signifies constituent present.

- 0 indicates an indeterminate very low value.
7 The terrestrial

orbits has been discussed in some detail by Alfven (1954). We note that in addition to the temperatures and the
The rate of agglomeration must of course depend on the particle mass m, L is critically dependent on nc the con-
number density of grains, but it also depends on such centration of the escaping particle. It was shown by
factors as the electrostatic or magnetic properties of Spitzer that on a planet the size of Earth or Venus the
these grains, which are very difficult to evaluate. We can, major portion of H and He present in the atmosphere
however, assume that the first products of the conden- would escape during a time corresponding to that
sation and agglomeration are low-pressure phases since geologically available but that atoms as massive as 0
the pressures attained in bodies from which heavy gases and N could not escape. However, the latter atoms can
could escape could not exceed 10 3 atm or so over most escape from Mars and Mercury. It is also necessary to
of their volumes. Because of this, it might be possible to point out that in order to account for the known helium
place some limits on the relative amounts of certain content of our atmosphere, which indicates that this
constituents which today comprise the deep interiors of constituent must escape, it is necessary to postulate
the planets. If, for example, carbon were present in the temperatures of at least 1500 K in the critical layer.

condensates in its full solar complement relative to Since the escape times calculated from the gas kinetic
oxygen, this element could not have condensed entirely theory refer only to the fractional escape of gases
as carbonate but must have assumed in part the form of already in the atmosphere. they are inapplicable to
reduced carbon compounds such as graphite or hydro- constituents that must be volatilized before they can
carbons. However, we have no evidence of great quan- escape. Thus, although the greater part of the atmo-
tities of carbon in the terrestrial planets and we shall in spheric hydrogen should have escaped from Earth, only
fact take the opposing view that most of the carbon was a very small quantity of hydrogen is ever present in the
transported away before the condensation was complete. atmosphere, so that nc and the absolute escape rate are
Given the densities and most plausible compositions of both very small. Most visible hydrogen on Earth occurs
the terrestrial planets, it is necessary to account for the as water and this is obviously escaping at a low rate or is
absence of great quantities of N, C and S as well as the being rapidly replaced from the interior. Because of the
inert gases Ne, A, Kr, and Xe. The deficiency of the inert small quantity of Hand H 2 in the atmosphere, most
gases relative to their cosmic or solar abundance are of hydrogen is transferred to the escape layer as H 2 0,
course known only for Earth's atmosphere and was first which is subsequently dissociated by ultraviolet radiation.
pointed out by Suess (1949). Thus the rate of transfer of H 2 0 molecules from the
The escape from the vicinity of the sun of volatile lower atmosphere becomes the controlling factor in the
constituents can easily be accounted for if these volatiles absolute rate of escape of hydrogen. Reviews of this
are not bound by the gravitational field of some massive problem have been presented by Kuiper (1952) and by
body. The escape of neutral constituents of planetary Urey (1959). The conclusion of these authors is that the
atmospheres is a problem in gas kinetics that has been upward movement of water is greatly retarded by the
discussed in detail by a number of authors, but most temperature minimum of the tropopause because the
particularly by Spitzer (1952). The discussion is in terms vapor pressure over ice in this cold region is so low. The
of a "critical level," which is defined as that level of the same situation should hold to varying degrees on other
upper atmosphere beyond which particles with the escape planets with temperature minima, and we may conclude
velocity or greater undergo too few collisions to be that in general the escape rate of certain constituents will
deflected back into the atmosphere. The total escape be highly dependent on the temperature profile of the
rate L for the entire planet is given by the expression: entire atmosphere and not simply on the temperature of
the escape level.
L = 4nR; --.!. foo vp(v)dv (7.1) As was noted by Suess (1949), the degree of depletion
4 v, of the inert gases Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe in Earth's atmo-
sphere is a function of the position in the periodic table.
in which Vc is the velocity of escape at the critical level, Suess (1949) attempted to rdate the depletion to the
nc is the number density of the escaping particle at this atomic mass numbers but found that improbably high
level, Rc is the distance of the critical level from the planet's temperatures were required for the escape of these heavy
center, and p(v) is the Maxwellian velocity distribution constituents from a body the size of Earth. More recently,
function Jokipii (1964) has shown that the degree of depletion of

p(v) = - 4 (2KT)-312 v2 exp - - (-mv2) (7.2)

these constitutents may also be related to the first
ionization potentials. According to Jokipii, "ambipolar"
m 2kT or differential diffusion of ionized and neutral con-

Origin and evolution

stituents is a magnetic field, as in the theories of Alfven and differentiation should have brought about further
(1954) and of Hoyle (1960) could account for the dif- changes in the primordial atmospheres of the planets.
ferential depletions. Those constituents that have high This would have been all the more true if the newly
ionization potentials, such as H, He, and most other formed planet passed through a high-temperature stage.
noble gases, would tend to flow away from the region of If this had occurred there would have been a rapid
the sun, while the elements with lower potentials would reaction of the primordial atmospheric gases with the
be retained by the solar magnetic field and later condense materials comprising the surface and that part of the
to form the terrestrial planets. Thus the escape of many deep lithosphere accessible to the atmospheric gases so
heavy constituents is explained. that the atmospheric composition would have been in
From our knowledge of the mean densities of the harmony with these materials. Because the atmospheric
terrestrial planets we conclude that these bodies retained mass of a terrestrial planet is always small compared to
considerable oxygen. The ionization potential of atomic the mass of the condensed sphere, profound changes in the
oxygen, which should be the most abundant oxygen atmosphere may correspond to only minute emission or
species today in interplanetary space, is 13.5 eV, which is absorption of gases by the lithosphere. Knowing this,
nearly identical to that of the H atom. From this we might we can immediately eliminate from discussion such
at first conclude that oxygen should have diffused away proposals as that of Cameron (1963) that the atmosphere
with the other constituents of high ionization potential of Venus is a trapped remnant of the solar nebula. Our
if am bipolar diffusion had been important. However, detailed discussion of this planet will further clarify this
oxygen has a great affinity for nearly all the metals, and point.
for carbon as well, so that it appears that much oxygen The two major sources of the chemical potential
was condensed as oxides and silicates and thus was re- gradients which drive the processes of planetary differen-
tained in the vicinity of the inner planets. However, the tiation should be the gravitational field and the tem-
high density of Mercury may be accounted for by assum- perature gradient. The effect of the gravitational field on
ing that the condensates that ultimately formed this the distribution of components of a solution under
planet suffered considerable oxygen ablation at an early isothermal conditions was discussed in an elementary
date. Also it is possible that the outward diffusion of way in Chapter I where it was shown that complications
oxygen in the Mercury region was more effective relative arising out of non ideal behavior of solutions can greatly
to the metals because the degree of ionization of the latter modify the distribution with height expected in an ideal
was higher in this high-temperature region. solution of heavy and light components. The mechanical
The ionization potential of C atoms is Il.2 eV, which aspect of thermodynamic equilibrium in the gravitational
is also high relative to the metals. However the outward field demands that the density of a phase (or phases in a
transport of this element was probably more closely polyphase system) must always decrease upward. How-
related to its tendency to form light volatiles such as CH 4 ever this requirement can still be met if a very dense
and CH, which are stable over a wide range of conditions solution component. which is present in only trace
in a gas of solar composition, as we have seen in Chapter amounts, increases in concentration upward. This may
5. The same argument to a lesser degree should also happen if the dense component has a great affinity for a
apply to sulfur, which should have been present as S. less dense major component. This provides us with an
HS, and H 2 S. explanation of the high concentration of certain heavy
Whether the fractionation was affected by differential elements such as uranium in the Earth's crust, as was
diffusion of neutral components or whether ionization first pointed out by Brewer (1951).
played a role depends on the temperature of the sun and It is obvious that a planetary atmosphere meets the
the opacity of the nebular gas. If the sun was lower in requirement of density stratification since it is the lightest
temperature than it is today, little or no ionization might phase l we can imagine. Similarly the crustal rocks are
have occurred and some way of separating the neutral composed of dominantly low-density phases such as the
particles would have been required. If, on the other hand, feldspars. However there are also elements and phases in
the sun was hotter than it is today and if in addition it the crust that cannot be justified on the basis of gravi-
possessed an adequate magnetic field, ambipolar diffusion tational equilibrium. In fact, much of the subject matter
was probably important. of petrology is concerned with these materials. For
Any of the mechanisms discussed above might have
been capable of bringing about a high degree offraction- 1 Properly the classical definitJon of a phase looses much of
ation in the nebula before or at the time of planet its meaning in a gravitational field; thus we use the term
formation. Then the initial processes of consolidation here in a somewhat looser sense.

7 The terrestrial

example, if mechanical equilibrium were attained in the early magmas formed below or within the prImItIve
crust, basaltic lavas should not remain on the surface of sialic crust are buoyant with respect to the solid sial, but
a continent where they usually overlie lighter rocks. when they are extruded above the latter and crystallize
Most of such disequilibrium effects are traceable to the they become too dense and begin to sink. In this process
interplay of the temperature gradient and the release of the sial is squeezed out laterally and forms the nuclei of
stresses in the comparatively cool crustal rocks. Zones continents. while the subsided region becomes an ocean
of localized fractures develop in the vicinity of pre- basin. Thereafter the low-lying basins. which are com-
existing inhomogenieties where the stresses concentrate. prised of solid basic or sima tic material, continue to
and these regions become the sites of extensive modi- attract basic volcanism because the basic lavas are lighter
fication of the rocks through metamorphism and mag- than their solid counterparts. On the other hand. the
matic injection. Frequently it appears that the pressures high-standing sialic continents largely prevent the ex-
on basic magmas in such regions exceed the hydro- trusion of basic lavas on their surfaces because they are
static head and they are intruded or extruded at higher less dense on the average than the basic magmas. By
than normal levels. Also we have seen in Chapter 2 that these mechanisms the continents and ocean basins are
certain mineral constituents are volatilized in the proper preserved and continue to grow.
chemical environment and transported down the tem- These considerations of buoyancy effects in planetary
perature gradient to be redeposited in a cooler region. processes must also be seen in relation to such processes
Undoubtedly such activity has been very prevalent in as seafloor spreading, in which the entire seafloor is
crustal rocks of all the terrestrial planets. This is of course regarded as having formed by the successive intrusions
in agreement with the classical mechanisms proposed of basaltic dikes in midoceanic ridges. The whole is
by many field geologists to account for widespread thought to represent a gigantic convection cell in which
metasomatic alterations in metamorphic terrains. the decending current "subducts" or drags down the
In general we should expect that processes in plan- continental margin or island arcs. In a recent review,
etary bodies are tending toward equilibrium, although Lowman (1973) has referred to the growth of ocean
many deviations may occur. This tendancy is well basins as "oceanization." and has identified it as a major
illustrated by the theory of isostacy. which treats of process in the evolution of planetary surfaces.
bouyant forces operating throughout the vertical extent
of the crust. According to this theory. lighter masses of
rock float on a denser substratum like icebergs so that the
bodies with the greatest vertical dimension stand highest. Chemistry and petrology of Venus
This is obviously the mechanical response to the same
chemical potential gradients which give rise to the density General
stratification in the gravitational field. However here the
response is very imperfect and can be effective only on Venus is frequently called the sister planet of Earth
masses of large dimensions since the crust is too strong because of the similarities in density and diameter from
to allow small-scale adjustments. Also it is frequently which we infer a gross similarity in chemical composition.
forgotten that the very existence of isostatic conditions Venus presents many particularly interesting problems
depends on the high viscosity or strength of crustal from a petrologic standpoint since its high surface and
materials. Without this strength the isostatically high crustal temperatures should favor chemical reaction times
masses would flow laterally to form a uniform layer similar to those oflaboratory experiments in silicate phase
around the planet. equilibrium. In a sense also Venus is another "Earth
The existence of buoyancy forces on Earth is shown experiment" conducted at a higher temperature. The
by many ways in addition to isostatic adjustments. The implications for planetory evolutionary theories are
role of these forces in the evolution of major planetary obvious and important.
features and in the origin of certain plutonic bodies has Because of inferred similarities in scale and compo-
been the subject of papers by van Bemmelen (1933). sition it is natural to assume that Venus evolved in a
Beloussov (1960). and Ramberg (1963. 1964). According way similar to Earth and that analogous crustal rock
to Ramberg (1964) a sialic crust will develop in either the have been derived by differentiation of the mantles of the
solid or molten Earth models. and this crust should two planets. It is likely that the analogy stops here, since,
originally be a uniform shell. The observed present as we shall see, the high temperatures on Venus should
segregation of continental and oceanic areas is derived lead to detailed differences in the lithospheres of the two
from this early state by basic volcanism. Some of the planets. Also the magnetic field of Venus is very weak, a

Chemistry and petrology of Venus

fact that may be closely related to the observed low rate high temperatures. The high temperatures will not only
of rotation. influence the thermodynamic equilibrium and the rates
The high Venus temperatures should favor the estab- of reactions but also the nature of the material that is
lishment of thermochemical equilibrium, at least in local available for reaction at each stage of evolution and at
regions, between the atmospheric gases and the minerals each level. These high temperatures should exert a strong
of the lithosphere. The postulation of such a "quasi- influence on the time scale of the differentiation processes
equilibrium state" enables us to draw far-reaching themselves as well as the degree to which hydrostatic
conclusions about the lower atmosphere and the litho- equilibrium is approached at each level. The differenen-
sphere since the major feature of this condition should be tiation process, which involves large scale mass tranfer,
widespread and pervasive chemical reactions between would in part be governed by the kinetics of viscous flow
the atmospheric molecules and the crustal minerals, so phenomena [as represented by Equations (3.50)-(3.51)],
that we may in principle determine the stability ranges of which determine the viscosities of both silicate melts and
the latter from the atmospheric composition. So far this solid rocks. One consequence, to be discussed later,
idea is little more than a hypothesis, referred to as the should be the suppression of topographic relief on Venus
"interaction model," although favorable evidence is relative to that on Earth since high temperatures favor a
beginning to accumulate. weak crust and attentuated mountain roots. For mass
The critical question of course is whether or not the transport, the high temperatures should favor short
kinetic properties of the minerals and gases are favorable relaxation times, which in turn lead to a closer approach
for the required approximation to equilibrium under to chemical equilibrium of a particular mineral phase in
Venus conditions. As far as the homogeneous gas the gravitational field and consequently more complete
reactions are concerned, we seem to be on safe ground, density stratification than on Earth. However, super-
especially in the presence of such common crustal oxide imposed on this tendency toward equilibrium, and
catalysts as Fe z0 3 and TiO z , since there is much experi- frequently running counter to it, will be the effect of
mental evidence that reactions involving such species as chemical and physical transport along the temperature
CO and O 2 proceed rapidly in the temperature range of gradient. One such effect involving fluid flow, is the
4000K to 70(fK in the presence ofthese oxides. However, upward movement of magmas to form subsurface in-
in the case of the more complex heterogeneous reactions trusions and extrusive lava flows. On cooling these
under the large-scale planetary processes involved, magmas form bodies of rock that might be denser than
equilibrium may be only crudely approximated for the underlying crustal rocks, and gravitational instability
following reasons: could result. Because of the general evenness of the Venus
crust this might result in topographic lows at the site of
I. A finite time is required for reaction to occur, and basic volcanism. Also the vapor transport of mineral
this may be long in comparision with perturbing phases along the radial temperature gradient as de-
processes in some cases. This is especially true of scribed in Chapter 3 could result in the deposition of
mass transfer perturbations such as volcanic select dense mineral phases at shallow crustal levels. We
eruptions. shall return to this subject in our discussion of com-
2. Chemical reaction rates as well as the equilibrium parative planetology.
temperatures and pressures should vary through- Existing data on the stability fields of the most
out the lithospheric and atmospheric reaction common rock-forming minerals that occur in Earth's
zones. lithosphere lead us to believe that many of these same
minerals will also be stable in the upper lithosphere of
3. Surface temperature gradients, especially in the
Venus. However they are likely to be concentrated at
radial direction, should give rise to chemical mass
somewhat different levels because of the high tem-
transport of certain chemical constituents along
peratures. We should expect the shallow crustal layers
these gradients.
to be composed dominantly of alkali feldspars (densities
4. Reactants must be in chemical communication for 2.57-2.61) and quartz (density 2.65). z At somewhat lower
reaction to occur.
2 Gamma ray spectra obtained from the Venus surface rocks
A consideration of possible differentiation mecha- by the Soviet spacecraft Venera 8 indicate the weight per-
cents of the following elements: K, 4 %; U, 2.2 x 10- 4 %;
nisms within the lithosphere of Venus (Mueller, 1969b) Th, 6.5 x 10- 4 % with an estimated error of 30%
shows that there should be a close relation between the (Vinogradov el at., 1973). This analysis implies a highly
chemical compositions of the crust and mantle and the differentiated crust.

7 The terrestrial

levels we can expect such phases as anorthite feldspar An important feature of the interaction shell is the
(density 2.71). dolomite (density 2.87), and calcite (density surface represented by the dashed line Tp - T~. Along such
2.70), while at yet greater depths concentrations of a surface a given univariant gas producing or absorbing
ferromagnesian silicates such as pyroxenes, amphiboles, reaction should be in equilibrium. If we ignore small
and calc-silicates as wollastonite, for example, with effects on the equilibrium by pressure acting on the solid
densities greater than 3, should be favored. To the extent reactants and products, this surface defines a virtual iso-
that density stratification is realized, there should thus therm, which is the "effective temperature" of the
be a tendency to separate mutually reactive minerals of reaction. At lower latitudes and greater depths than
unlike density. Thus, for example, it might happen that the Tp - T~ the gaseous constituent is emitted, whereas at
reactive carbonate is in part segregated from free silica higher latitudes and shallower depths it is absorbed.
in the form of quartz. The result would be a spatial con-
straint on the achievement of the quasiequilibrium state CO 2 -producing reactions on Venus
with respect to the given reaction.
Figure 7.1 shows a diagrammatic cross-section of Although the atmosphere of Venus is consistent with the
what we define as the hypothetical "interaction shell" quasiequilibrium interaction model, the precise reactions
ofthe Venus lithosphere. Interaction with the atmosphere involved are not yet identified. Since CO 2 is the most
and the production and absorption of gases are postu- abundant atmospheric constituent (Table 7.2), it is
lated to occur within this shell of indeterminate thick- particularly interesting to consider how it might be
ness S-S'. The interaction shell is pierced by feeder produced and what the time scale of the likely reactions
channels of volcanos that periodically contribute gases are.
from deeper, hotter regions of the lithosphere, Presum- Many of the COrProducing reactions of possible
ably the extrusive lavas would rapidly solidify and begin importance on Venus are discussed elsewhere in this
to seek a level compatible with their density. We shall book in connection with terrestrial metamorphic pro-
see in this regard that high-standing volcanic shields are cesses. Broadly these reactions fall into three classes as
practically excluded on Venus and that shallow de- follows:
pressions associated with centers of basic volcanism are
to be expected. I. Reactions between carbonates and quartz
2. Reactions between carbonates and silicates other
7.1 Diagrammatic cross-section of a hypothetical Venus than quartz
surface region showing details of the interaction 3. Reactions involving water in addition to CO 2
shell of thickness S-S'. The symbols are discussed in
the text. The figure is not to scale. The reactions
calcite quartz wollastonite gas
MgSi0 3
p orthopyroxene calcite quartz

CaMgSi 2 0 6 + CO 2 (7.b)
Ca-pyroxene gas

/' are illustrative of the first class and are particularly

/ Volcano interesting because they are important in terrestrial
/ metamorphic processes. Also, certain kinetic and thermo-
dynamic data are available for them.
/ The second class of reaction is represented by examples
such as the following:

Interaction Ca-pyroxene calcite akermanite gas


Chemistry and petrology of Venus

This type of reaction may be excluded from further away from the site of reaction. Initially also nucleation
consideration because the equilibrium pressures are must occur. Each of these steps must be characterized
too low to be consistent with observed Venus tempera- by its own rate constant, activation energy, and tem-
tures and the CO 2 pressure. perature coefficients. As we have seen in Chapter 1,
An example of the third class of reaction is these parameters may best be evaluated by utilizing the
theory of absolute reaction rates.
If we first consider only the elements of chemical
actinolite calcite quartz decomposition and combination, then for Reaction
(7.a) we may infer that there will be one or more steps
involving such processes as the decomposition of car-
Ca-pyroxene gas gas
bonate and the combination of Ca, 0, Si, CaO, Si0 2 ,
Although such reactions may be important on Venus, etc .. as discussed later in a different context in Chapter
their consideration at this point would needlessly 8. By logic the overall rate of a stepwise reaction will be
complicate our analysis. governed by the slowest step. However since the overall
Figure 7.2 shows the reaction curves for Reactions reaction (7.a) is endothermic, a limit is placed on the
(7.a) and (7.b) as calculated from thermochemical data enthalphy of activation t1H* and consequently on E*,
and as inferred from terrestrial rocks (Mueller, 1966). the experimental activation energy, by the endothermic
The possible range of Venus temperatures and CO 2 enthalpy of reaction. At 7000K and P = I atm, the latter
pressures are shown as the large cross. The same data for
Earth's atmosphere are shown for comparision.
7.2 Comparison of observational data (cross) for the
CO 2 pressure in the atmosphere of Venus in the
Kinetics of CO 2 production observed temperature range with equilibrium curves
for the important COrproducing reactions (7.a) and
Complex mineral reactions such as those assumed to be (7.b) discussed in the text. The bandwidths indicate
applicable in CO 2 production are likely to involve uncertainties in the thermochemical data . The CO 2
several distinct steps and mechanisms. In addition the pressure for Earth's atmosphere is shown for
several chemical constituents must diffuse toward and comparison.




Reaction (7.a)


-10 -8 -6
Log Pco,

7 The terrestrial

is 21,258 cal/mole, and at 10000K it is 20,424 cal/mole, some hundreds of years under Venus surface conditions.
It follows from a rather simple relation that E*(7000K) 2: Of course at greater depths within the interaction shell
21,258 cal/mole and E*(lOOOOK) 2: 20,424 caljmole for this time scale would be further reduced. We then arrive
the slowest step of the purely chemical part of the at the conclusion that the rate of exchange of CO 2
wollastonite reaction (7.a). Essentially the same values between the Venus atmosphere and lithosphere pro-
hold also for the slightly higher Venus pressures (100 atm). ceeds at a rapid rate relative to the geologic time scale.
The experimental study of the wollastonite reaction
(Kridelbaugh, 1973) provides data for comparison with Water on Venus
the values deduced above. The results indicate that under
anhydrous conditions the reaction is diffusion-controlled Although the precise quantity of water on Venus is
(compare with Chapter 8) with an experimental acti- unknown, the amount present in the atmosphere appears
vation energy of about 22,000 caljmole when reduced to to be very low (Table 7.2). Also the high atmospheric
Venus pressures. temperatures probably preclude a cold trap as effective
Another important aspect of the kinetics is the role of as that on Earth. Furthermore we must expect that both
water, which appears to be present in trace amounts on the photochemical decomposition of water molecules
Venus (Table 7.2). It is likely that water would increase and the escape of hydrogen from the top of the atmo-
the reaction rates of both the diffusive and chemical sphere are at least as rapid as these processes on Earth. It
steps but it will not decrease the overall rate of the reac- cannot however be concluded from this that the low
tion by lowering the activation energy barrier below the water content of the atmosphere is necessarily due to
limit imposed by the endothermic heat of reaction. these processes, since for all we know, the protoplanet of
Consequently we may infer that Reaction (7.a) probably Venus was dryer than Earth's protoplanet to start with.
has an activation energy of at least 20,000 cal/mole or so We must also consider the possibility that the rate-
even under hydrous conditions. controlling step of the dehydrogenation of Venus is not,
In addition to decarbonation there will also be the as on Earth, the movement of water through the cold
reverse or carbonation reactions, and it seems likely that trap but rather the escape from the lithospheric layers. It
the latter is at least as rapid as the former (Mueller and is possible, for example, that the release of water occurs
Kridelbaugh, 1973). The rate of this reaction is important through such reactions as the following:
in defining the regions of CO 2 absorption as shown in
Mg 7 Si s 0 22 (OH)2
Figure 7.1.
If, as we have deduced above, the activation energy of
Reaction (7.a) is approximately 20,000 caljmole, then we 7MgSi0 3 + Si0 2 + H 20 (7.e)
may compute the time scale of the reaction under Venus orthopyroxene quartz gas
conditions. Since under laboratory conditions in the
temperature range of lIOO°K, substantial reaction occurs Ca2MgsSis022(OHh
in 300 hr or less, we may establish how long it will take actinolite
under Venus surface conditions (T:= 700"K) for a
similar degree of reaction to occur.
Ca-pyroxene orthopyroxene quartz gas
The general relation for the temperature dependence
of the rate constant K is KMg 3 AlSi 3 0 10 (OHh + 3Si0 2 ..----
Din K E* biotite quartz
aT RT2

If this equation is integrated between 1I00oK and K-feldspar orthopyroxene gas

7000K we obtain Although few data exist on the kinetics of such water-
producing reactions we have seen in Chapter 3 that the
log K(lIOO) = -2.27 rate of Reaction (7.e) has been studied by Greenwood
In general we may write for the time rate of change of
Thus under Venus surface conditions the decarbonation
the volume concentration M of the hydrous mineral
reaction to wollastonite proceeds at a rate that is a factor
of 10- 2.27 less than at ll00oK. Then a degree of reaction dM
- -= KM - .f(T, PH 20) (7.2)
which would require a year at l1000K would require dt

Chemistry and petrology of Venus

where K is a rate constant of decomposition and f is an stituent must be of the order of 10- 10 atm or less on the
undetermined function of temperature and water pres- surface of Venus.
sure. While the precise form of f must be determined By an extension of this method we can determine the
from experiment, it frequently happens that it is equal to upper limits of all the higher paraffin polymers in the gas
K' PH20 , where K' is another rate constant. However if phase, and this analysis can be extended to other hydro-
the temperature is high and PH20 , the ambient water carbon series as well. For example, once we have the
pressure, is sufficiently low, f will be small relative to limiting value for the paraffin l1-octane, we may obtain
KM, which implies there is no back reaction. If this is the the related value for ethylcyclohexane from the reaction
experimental situation-as it was in Greenwood's
experiments-then E* may be evaluated. For Reaction
gas gas
(7.e) this was found to be 147,000 calories per mole. As a
consequence we find that at the Venusian surface The equilibrium constant for this reaction at 700'K is
temperature, no significant dehydration of anthophyllite 10- 0 . 15 , which indicate that at low hydrogen pressures
could occur during all geologic time. However at PC8HI6 > P C • HI8 ' However, such low hydrogen pressures
800 o K, I/K equals \09 yr and at 900 K it is only 104 yr.
also require that PC,HI' have a very low value and con-
Since the latter temperature is likely to be encountered sequently the quantity of ethylcyclohexane will always
at only a few tens of kilometers or less, the kinetics of remain small. In this way we conclude that hydrocarbons
Venus favor the release of water at moderate depths. If are probably present in only trace amounts on Venus.
now the escape of hydrogen from the atmosphere is By means of reactions such as (S.c) and (S.d) which
sufficiently slow,fin Equation (7.2), as determined by the involve graphite it may also be shown that the atmo-
return flux of water into the lithosphere, might be only sphere is too oxidizing for this substance to exist in the
slightly smaller than KM. These conditions would surface rocks. This result would seem to virtually elimi-
correspond to a quasiequilibrium between the hydrous nate the possibility of the occurrence of asphaltic or
minerals and the lower atmospheric H 2 0 molecules but hydrocarbon substance of any kind, which is of some
with a constant small leakage of hydrogen through the interest in view of the numerous proposals that these
upper atmosphere to define a steady state. substances should be abundant on Venus. It is easy to
show that the same conclusion should also hold for many
Oxidation state of Venus other hydrogen compounds, as, for example, the im-
portant precurser and product of organisms, ammonia.
Spectroscopic observations indicate that the atmospheric This molecule is related to its components by the reaction
ratio PCO/P C02 for Venus is approximately \0-4.29
(Young, 1972), which corresponds to a very low equi- (7.j)
librium oxygen pressure at the ambient surface tem- gas gas
perature (Table 7.2). However it is possible, given the
uncertainties in the effective temperature of the quasi- If we introduce the value K(j) = 10- 2.03 (T = 700 K) 0

equilibrium and in the thermochemical data, that Po, for the equilibrium constant for this reaction and if we
may fall nearer the hematite-magnetite boundary. assume our previously derived value of the hydrogen
However even these conditions would not lead to oxygen pressure, we get the limiting relation
pressures greatly in excess of 10- 25 atm.
Since the stabilities of many natural compounds are
limited by oxygen pressure, it is possible to calculate It is clear that with P N , :S: 10 atm (Table 7.2) as inferred
whether they are likely to occur on Venus. Thus from the for Venus, ammonia can be present only in very minor
reaction amounts.
It seems likely that the oxidation state of Venus is
controlled primarily by iron compounds of FeO and
gas gas gas gas
Fe z0 3 in the crust since by analogy with Earth these
and a procedure analogous to that used in Chapter 6 we should be very abundant. It seems probable that most of
may show that for an upper limit of PHlO = 10- 1 atm, the original oxygen bound as water on Venus has
(Pco/P co ,) = 10- 4 . 29 , and T = 700 c K, then the partial reacted with the rocks long ago and that the hydrogen
pressure of hydrogen P Hl = 10- 4 . 34 atm. Similarly by has escaped. If Venus had started with as much water as
utilizing such reactions as (S.b) involving methane or Earth, the crust might be highly oxidized to great depths.
CH 4 we may show that the partial pressure of this con- This may be seen by assuming that the 280 kg/cm 2 of

7 The terrestrial

water estimated to be present on Earth's surface CaF l + SiO l + H 2 0 CaSi0 3 + 2HF

(Goldschmidt, 1933) all reacts with the FeO in basalt as fluorite quartz gas wollastonite gas
follows: (7.1)
FeO + tHzO ~ tFez03 + tHz Although we do not know if the necessary mineral
If we assume that each gram of basalt of density 3 gm/cm 3 phases occur on Venus, conditions do not seem to pre-
contains 0.1 gm of FeO, then 280 kg of water is enough clude them. In any case, the reactions provide a starting
to completely oxidize a layer of basalt to a depth of place for our analysis.
75 km. If less water than this was originally present on Although there are many uncertainties in the cal-
Venus, Po, may not be high enough for the appearance of culations, thermochemical data for Reactions (7.k) and
hematite as such. If this is the case we must look to (7.1) yield values that are generally consistent with the
reactions of the type (5.s), which yield expressions in observed values (Mueller, 1969d) so that we may infer
which Po, appears as a multivariant function of complex that the observed molecular abundances of HCl and HF
solid solutions. Thus Po, might be governed by the result from the interaction of halogen and silicate
movement of FeO into crustal rocks from greater phases within the lithosphere. The situation in the hot
depths. If this movement is restricted, most ferro- Venus atmosphere is then something analogous to that
magnesian minerals will tend to be rich in magnesium, in volcanic fumaroles where the same halogen molecules
corresponding to a highly oxidized crust. are in quasiequilibrium with the underlying magma
Although the dominance of Venusian oxidative equi- (Chapter 15).
libria by iron compounds relegates all other oxidizable The lack of water precludes extensive sedimentary
species to a secondary role, the latter will serve by their salt deposits on Venus for the same reason that sedi-
atmospheric abundances to define the state of oxidation mentary carbonates are excluded. Under the prevailing
more precisely. In this regard one of the most important hot. dry conditions, combination of NaCI with silicates
elements is sulfur. Sulfur is not abundant in Earth's is favored not only as in Reaction (7.k) but also with
upper lithosphere, in this respect falling behind titanium. plagioclase to form the mineral sodalite. This is supported
manganese, and phosphorus, although it is very abun- by the experimental fact that NaCI and plagioclase
dant in the cosmos. By analogy with Earth. we should readily combine above lOoooK to form this mineral.
expect sulfur to occur in the Venus lithosphere chiefly as
iron sulfide or as sulfates. depending on the local com- Chemical zones of the atmosphere
position. As has been shown elsewhere (Mueller. 1965:
Lewis, 1968) the dominant gaseous sulfur species in We have thus far discussed in some detail the con-
Venus' atmosphere should be COS and S02' although sequences of the chemical interaction of the lithosphere
neither have as yet been detected. and lower atmosphere of Venus. However, many of the
expected chemical characteristics, such as the apparent
low water content and oxidation state, are in part im-
Halogen compounds on Venus posed by conditions in the upper atmosphere. Also most
of the atmosphere is of middle height and therefore is too
One of the most startling discoveries about Venus was
cool for the attainment of internal chemical equilibrium
that of Connes et al. (1967) that the atmosphere con-
tained HCl and HF molecules in the approximate (Howard et al. 1974). The upper atmospheric photo-
ratios chemical processes referred to in connection with water
affect the stabilities of virtually every species present and
P HCi = 10- 6 . 22 P HF = 10- 8 . 30 need to be considered in any detailed study of the atmo-
Peo , Peo , spheric abundances. The following are some of the most
important decompositions and recombinations that
In order to see whether these observed ratios make
affect the abundances:
sense in terms of the interaction model we may utilize
reactions of the type: COz + hv ----7 CO+O (7.m)

CO+O+Z ----7 cO 2 + Z (7.n)

halite andalusite quartz gas O 2 + hv ----7 20 (7.0)

20 +Z ----7 O2 + Z (7.p)
2 NaAlSi 3 0 8 + 2 HCl (7.k)
plagioclase gas HzO + hv ----7 OH + H (7.q)

The atmosphere and surface of Mercury

In addition to the neutral particles, many ions would quenched. It is this zone that is largely observed in the
also be produced. In these reactions, the symbol Z absorption spectra, so that these should effectively reflect
represents a third particle of any type. Reactions (7.m) the equilibria of zone I to the extent that quenching
to (7.p) have been studied by Shimizu (1963) who cal- occurs. In zone III the previously discussed photo-
culated the theoretical abundances of 0, CO, and O 2 as chemical reactions dominate, and H and He diffuse
a function of height in the upper atmosphere of Venus. upward and escape from the exosphere. To get a more
Shimizu's work shows that if diffusion is not too im- complete picture of Venus, this zonal structure should be
portant the above constituents will accumulate in certain considered in conjunction with Figure 7.1.
levels of the upper atmosphere. We must therefore
consider the possibility that a spectrogram might
register greater amounts of these species than would be
expected from the thermochemical equilibria in the The atmosphere and surface of
lower atmosphere. However, it is also possible that Mercury
exchange with the latter and subsequent thermo-
chemical reaction with the lithosphere occur so rapidly Mercury is among the least massive of the planets, but
that the photochemical effect would be only a minor one. its high density and small radius result in a surface
From the foregoing observations and theoretical gravitational acceleration similar to that of Mars. The
consideration, we are inevitably led to a chemical model intensity of solar radiation (including the solar wind) is
for the vertical structure of the Venus atmosphere. In about 15 times that in the Mars orbit and should favor a
this model (Figure 7.3) the atmosphere is regarded as comparatively high degree of photochemical dissociation
consisting of three zones with distinct chemical charac- and ionization of molecules with the attendant re-
teristics. Zone I is the zone of thermochemical equilibrium combination reactions. We have already indicated that
in which the quasiequilibrium abundances are established
by reactions with the lithosphere and by homogeneous
gas reactions. In zone II the temperature is considerably 7.3 Chemical model of the vertical structure of the
lower and the reactions of zone I should be effectively Venus atmosphere.

Escape of H and He; III . Exo pher.

photochemical proce c : zone of
execs CO. 02 . O. COj . O· . CO·. etc. phc tochemical

Peo ~ 10 .1"
Peo, T ~ 2200 K II. Zone of frozen
dOuds the rrnochem ica I
~: ~ 10- 6 equilibrium

Chemical transport .. gas and rock dust I. Zone of thenne>-

Po, a 10- 21atmPH,o < IO- t aim chemical reaction
Poo, If 100 aim T K 7000 K

I "" I ~ ... I ,1 ,~d ,I:", l I I~ ! 1[1111'1'1. I _

I I I ", I II _ ...::
/ 'II I "
r I, II ... -- :..

7 The terrestrial

such species as 0 and N should escape from Mars on the wide range of conditions. Therefore, it is possible that
basis of gas kinetics, and we have also referred to the N2 might occur with CO in the lower atmosphere where
theory of Opik and Singer (1960), which indicates that protection of the overlying atmosphere is adequate.
heavier species such as CO might escape from that Other than these, the most likely constituent of the
planet should they become ionized. We should then, Mercury atmosphere would appear to be radiogenic
from every standpoint, expect oxygen to escape from argon 40. By analogy with Mars. we might set an upper
Mercury at a considerably greater rate than from Mars. limit of about 10 - 3 atm for this constituent assuming
Thus, if the atmosphere of Mercury is of a density com- that the rate of production on the two planets is propor-
parable to that of Mars we should expect that the species tional to their masses and that the rates of outgassing are
CO 2 , H 2 0, and CO would be dissociated throughout comparable. Actually we should expect these two factors
much of sunlit atmosphere and that the products of this to counterbalance each other since Mercury probably
dissociation would escape at varying rates. This tendency contains less radiogenic potassium than Mars, but should,
will also be favored by the conclusions to be drawn from because of its higher temperatures, have a higher rate of
the recent observations of Murdock and Ney (1970), outgassing.
which indicate that the dark side of Mercury is at a Thomas (1974) has speculated that H 2 0 might be
temperature far above OaK, presumably because of the the dominant atmospheric constituent on Mercury
transfer of heat to this side by an atmosphere. through its production from solar wind protons. How-
If all the oxygen in the atmospheric molecules is ever it is difficult to see how this would be possible in view
ultimately subject to escape, it may be that the surface of its easy photochemical decomposition and escape on
rocks of Mercury are in state of reduction perhaps even this planet.
corresponding to meteoritic material. However, by The paucity of information permits little more specu-
analogy with Venus, it would seem that the upward flux lation about the atmosphere of Mercury. However, the
of ferrous iron by endogenic processes would prevent the planetary probe Mariner 10 recently returned images
reduction from progressing much beyond the magnetite- (M urry et ai., 1974) that show the surface to be cratered
metal boundary. If the degree of reduction does corre- in a manner similar to that of the Moon, which is not
spond to the metal~magnetite boundary, then at 70QoK unexpected in view of the known atmosphere. This in-
(which is close to the temperature for rocks a little below formation is important however, in evaluating the
the surface on the bright side) Po, ~ 10~33 atm and distribution of planetesimal and meteoritic matter in the
Pco ~ Pco" whereas on the metal side of the boundary early solar system. It is also important relative to the
Pco > Pco,' Also these relations for Pco and Pco, hold mechanical and chemical properties of the lithosphere
for a wide range of temperatures. If we assume that Po, since the support of such rough topography requires
has the above value or less we may calculate an upper considerable strength.
limit for CO and CO 2 , For CO we use the reaction
CO C + -t02 (7.r)
gas graphite gas
which has K2 = 1Q~13 at 700°K. Then if Po, ~ 10- 33
atm, we obtain Pco ~ 10- 3.5 atm. If P co rises above this General features
value, graphite is depositied. Also, Pco , will have a
comparable or even lower value. Thus, if the surface Mars is sufficiently remote from the sun and of sufficiently
rocks are as reduced as this, the abundances of gaseous small mass so that the resultant tenuous atmosphere and
carbon species are severely limited. However, since the remoteness combine to assure a climate characterized
atmosphere is probably quite tenuous, they may still be by considerable temperature variation (Table 7.1);
major constituents in relation to other species. furthermore, temperatures are, by and large, extremely
The possibility of other reactive molecules-such as low. Recent planetary probes culminating in Viking I
S03' SOz, NO, etc.-being major atmospheric com- and II (Owen et al., 1976; Clark et aI., 1976; Farmer et al.,
ponents also appears very remote. Most of these mole- 1976) indicate that the Martian atmospheric surface
cules are stable only under rather oxidizing conditions or, pressure is as low as 7 mbar attributable chiefly to CO 2 ,
in any event, decompose photochemically to lighter Constituents such as N z , Ar, CO, HzO, Oz, 0 3 , etc.,
species which would escape. However. the N z molecule are present in only trace amounts but are detectable
is very resistant to photochemical processes and, in (Table 7.2). The Martian atmosphere, like those of all
addition, is the thermodynamically stable species over a cooler planets, including Earth, is unquestionably out of


chemical equilibrium with the surface rocks. Thus, there In addition to these specific features it has been found
is little doubt of a Venus-like relationship in which possible to divide the Martian surface into the following
atmospheric constituents are directly relatable to the areas of broad extent (McCauley et a!.. 1972):
lithosphere. However, P02 is apparently high enough
(Table 7.2) to result in oxidation of the surface rocks as 1. Cratered plains
indicated by their red coloring (Mutch et al., 1976). 2. Moderate-density cratered terrain
An important characteristic of Mars is its marked 3. Densely cratered terrain
observed ellipticity or fractional excess of the equatorial
radius over the polar radius. According to some authors. 4. Chaotic terrain
this shape results from convection currents (Runcorn, 5. Grooved terrain
1973) or other forms of "dynamic support" which 6. Lineated terrain
prevent the attainment of hydrostatic equilibrium and
7. Mountainous terrain
which would result in a smaller value of the "dynamic
ellipticity" (C - A}/C, where C and A are the moments 8. Knobby terrain
of inertia about the polar and equatorial axes. respec- 9. Laminated terrain
tively. 10. Pitted terrain
From Table 7.1 we see that the mean density of Mars is
approximately 3.96, which corresponds at zero pressure Most of these terms are self-explanatory. The laminated
to a density of approximately 3.7 (Urey, 1952). Thus, terrain appears to be characteristic of the polar regions.
although there is little evidence for a massive metallic It is interesting. however. that although the laminated
core such as apparently occurs in Mercury, Venus, and terrain appears to be composed of stratified beds. there
Earth, there may be a small core or at least a downward is no unambiguous evidence of tectonic folding such as
concentration of dense silicates and oxides. In any event, is prevalent on Earth. It is likely, however, that some
the mean density is sufficiently great to permit an abun- circular structures in the laminated terrain represent
dance of rocks as dense as terrestrial or lunar basalts. either basins or domes truncated by errosion.
The prevalence of dust storms on Mars indicates that Among the most visible features of Mars are the
its atmospheric circulation results in high winds com- polar ice caps. Although it is not yet known whether
pared with those on Earth; otherwise its tenuous nature this ice consists of CO 2 or H 2 0. the polar caps are now
would prevent dust from being significantly transported. thought to consist mostly of water ice (M urry et al .• 1972).
Analyses of the atmospheric dust. which is swept up by It is likely that the laminated deposits are related to the
prominent and highly visible storms. have been made by mode of deposit of ice in the polar regions.
infrared spectrometer (Hanel et al .. 1972). They show that
the components of this dust. which are thought to con-
Surface features as a clue to rock types
sist predominantly of feldspars, have Si0 2 content of
about 60 percent. If this dust is surface material it im-
and chemistry
plies that Mars, like the other terrestrial planets, is Although we have referred to the known chemical
significantly differentiated. composition of the atmosphere, the infrared studies of
The surface of Mars is characterized by several Martian dust clouds, and the presence of CO 2 and H 2 0
classes offeatures which, thanks to the planetary probes. ices, we have very little firm evidence regarding the
are now fairly well known. These are: chemistry, mineralogy, and petrology of the surface rocks
and the underlying lithosphere. Yet we may infer certain
1. Meteorite impact craters similar to those of the
chemical and petrologic characteristics from the surface
Moon and Mercury
features previously listed. For example, from the
2. Circular basins similar to the lunar mare basins presence of large shield volcanos such as Nix Olympica
3. Volcanic shields, domes, and cones similar to (Figure 7.4) it appears basic or at least fluid lavas were at
terrestrial volcanic structures different times extruded onto the surface of Mars
(McCauley et al., 1972). This inference is also supported
4. Structural grabens and other fractures
by the numerous arcuate fronts of lava flows, which are
5. Canyons and "channels" clearly visible on the smooth plain surrounding these
6. A variety of aeolian deposits including. in par- volcanos and by the many collapsed lava tubes on their
ticular, the laminated deposits of the polar regions flanks. The 600-km diameter of Nix Olympica makes it
as well as numerous dune fields the largest volcanic edifice known on any planet. The

7 The terrestrial

enormous shield exhibits a central crater and a peripheral readily because of their fluidity, whereas the less dense
scarp which faces outward. The latter feature, which is and more viscous lavas formed the shield itself. Perhaps
otherwise puzzling, might be explained as follows: It the shields are in part composed of pyroclastics. It is
seems likely that the more fluid and denser lavas (fluidity then possible that at least incipient isostatic adjustment
and density generally go together) were extruded at com- led to subsidence of the smooth plains unit relative to
paratively low elevations or reached these elevations more the shield. The considerable radius defined by the scarp
may indicate the large horizontal scale of isostatic
If the Martian shield volcanos are basaltic in com-
position, this must be reconciled with the fact that they
exhibit generally high reliefs-sometimes as great as
7.4 The Martian shield volcano Nix Olympica. Note the
15 km-with respect to their surroundings. Although a
multiple central craters, the radiating lava flows, and
the conspicuous outward-facing scarp. The entire part of this height can be explained by possible density
structure is approximately 600 km across. Photograph contrasts with the lower lying lava flows as discussed
courtesy of the National Space Sciences Data above, it seems unlikely that these mountains comprise
Center. the lightest rocks of the Martian crust. If the crust is

The Moon

acidic, as may be inferred from the infrared spectra of (1949). Recently these investigations have culminated in
dust, and if the shield rocks have a density of 2.9 or more, the Apollo series of manned lunar landings. The literature
as we should expect from basalts, then these enormous describing the Apollo findings are too numerous to be
masses could not be in isostatic equilibrium. Given this discussed here and the reader is referred for details to
situation, the best explanation would seem to be that'the such publications as the proceedings of the Lunar
Martian crust is far more rigid than that of Earth, perhaps Science Conferences. 3
because of lower crustal and subcrustal temperatures. Of the investigations that predate the lunar probes,
Also, the volcanos on Mars are comparatively young, and those of Baldwin in particular stand forth as prophetic.
have yet not had time to subside in the viscous litho- In 1949 he sketched out in his" Face of the Moon" most
sphere. of the important findings of the rocket explorers. Those
Although distinctive rock units are still difficult to are as follows:
identify on Mars the laminated terrain of the polar
regions appears to consist of eroded sedimentary layers, 1. The extreme age of the dominant lunar features-
which reveal at least rudimentary tectonic activity in the that is, that these features are approximately as old
form of basin and dome structures. The comparative or older than Earth's most ancient rocks
youth of the laminated terrain and the volcanic regions is 2. The dominant role of meteoritic impacts in form-
indicated by the lack of impact craters. The laminated ing not only the lunar craters but also in forming
terrain has been referred to as evidence of a polar sink the great mare basins and many other major
of windblown sediments and frozen deposits of CO 2 and surface features
water. If this is true it seems that the rates of deposition 3. The basic (as distinguished from acidic) nature of
and of their subsequent gentle folding greatly exceed the the maria lava flows and the role of tectonics and
rates of meteoritic cratering. volcanism in the production of the maria
Lowman (1973) has recognized on Mars evidence of
4. The sequence of relative ages of most of the major
the process of "oceanization," which is somewhat
lunar features including the highlands, maria,
similar to the process described earlier by Ramberg.
craters, rays, etc.
However, according to Ramberg's theory the driving
force is gravity. In this process ocean basins repeatedly 5. The essentially anhydrous nature of the lunar
become the seats of basic volcanism because the dense surface as related to the weak gravity field
lavas cannot attain continental elevations. We have 6. The relatively rapid accumulation of meteoritic
already proposed a variant of this idea to explain the matter and crater formation in the early history of
scarp around Nix Olympica. On Mars recognizable pro- the Moon and the gradual decline in the frequency
cesses of magmatic or tectonic crustal evolution appear of impacts
to have followed an early history of cratering and impact
basin formation analogous to the history of the Moon. In addition to these major characteristics, which have
Mars also has had an extensive history of erosion which been established by the recent studies, there has also
appears to continue unabated to the present. In addition emerged a picture of the moon as a fairly weIl differ-
to dune fields and laminated terrain, these erosive forces entiated body as reflected in the chemistry of its rocks.
have given rise to widespread channels and canyons. Not surprisingly these recent investigations have also
Although some attribute these features to an early period revealed a variety of hitherto unknown or barely
of water erosion, this seems highly unlikely in view of the suspected minor features such as stratigraphic layering
ease with which water molecules are dissociated and lost and volcanic doming. However, compared to Earth, and
on Mars. More likely they are the result of long-acting seemingly also Venus and Mars, we must concede that
wind erosion. the Moon is a relatively simple and monotonous body.

Gross features as clues to the Moon's

The Moon
We see from Table 7.1 that the mean density of the Moon
General is only 3.34 gm/cm 3 . It is clear that this low density, as
compared with other terrestrial planets, places severe
The beginnings of man's interest in the Moon are lost in constraints on the lunar composition. In fact, many
antiquity, but an excellent summary of the known history
of scientific lunar studies has been provided by Baldwin 3 Published in Geochimica e/ Cosmochimica Acta.

7 The terrestrial

individual rocks from the lunar surface exceed the mean lunar density. Partial melting by virtually any mechanism
density of the Moon. Since considerations of mechanical should, however, lead to melts enriched in iron, and such
and gravitational stability give every reason to believe melts could move to the surface because of their density
that the average density of lunar material increases with contrast with solid rocks. However, once these melts
depth, it is inescapable that these dense surface rocks solidified on or near the surface they would engender
represent differentiated material that found its way to gravitational instabilities and anomalies such as have
the surface. As discussed in Chapter 6 and later in been observed in the flooded mare basins.
Chapters 13 and 14, magmatic differentiation under both Although metallic iron is an ever-present minor con-
meteoritic (relatively reducing) and terrestrial (relatively stituent of the lunar surface rocks, the mean density of
oxidizing) conditions can give rise to magmas enriched the Moon also rules out any substantial quantity of this
in iron provided that water pressure is low. Ringwood metal in the interior and in particular the occurrence of
and Essene (1970) have inferred that some lunar basalts any significant metallic core. A discussion of the nature
were derived from source material of pyroxenitic com- of the core has been provided by Brett (1973), among
position by partial melting. However, the pyroxenites and others. The density and moment of inertia indicate that
the general model of the Moon they propose seem to the maximum radius of an Fe core may not exceed 400
have densities too high to be consistent with the mean km. An Fe-FeS core could be as large as 700 km in radius.

Table 7.3 Geological evolution of the moon

Stage Events Mechanism/cause/source

I (a) Formation of moon (a) Precipitation, fission, or capture; mechanism

(4.7-4.6 Gyr unknown
ago) (b) Strong heating, to temperatures over (b) Energy of accretion, fission, and tidal interaction
lOOoce, of outer part of moon of earth; short-lived isotopes possibly important

II (a) First differentiation, forming global (a) Partial melting, forming primary aluminum-rich
(4.6-3.7 Gyr crust of aluminum-rich gabbroic basaltic magma; magmatic differentiation formed
before present) rocks and differentiates subordinate quantities of anorthosite and felsite;
KREEP possibly formed by initial melting
(b) Heavy crate ring (b) Infall of bodies related to origin of moon, from
vicinity of earth-moon system
(c) Shear faulting (c) N-S compression caused by slowing of moon's
rotation during recession from earth
(d) Mare basin formation (d) Infall of large objects from vicinity of earth-moon
system, possibly protomoons
(e) Formation of Archimedian craters (e) Infall of objects from vicinity of earth-moon
system, after mare basin formation but before
mare filling
(f) Formation of highland volcanics (f) Generation and eruption of high-aluminum
such as Cayley formation basaltic magmas; volcanic origin of Cayley
formation uncertain; interpreted as deposits
related to mare basin formation by some

III Second differentiation of moon; Generation of basaltic magmas by partial melting

(3.7-3.2 Gyr mare filling of deep interior; maria formed by repeated
before present) eruptions, partly localized in circular mare basins

IV Postmare events; concurrent impact crate ring by asteroid-belt bodies and comets, minor mare
(3.1 Gyr ago and highland vulcanism, tension faulting, and mass-wasting
to present)

After Lowman (1973, 1976).

The Moon

occur. Among the basic rocks are picritic basalts,

Surface features and the Moon's history ferro basalts, and feldspathic no rites. There is some
Although details of the Moon's evolution are obscure, indirect evidence for anorthosites. Glassy or partly
there is evidence of broad episodes or periods which may glassy rocks are very abundant, with glass forming
be deduced from the surface features. A sequence of a common matrix in the breccias. Superimposed on
events which seems to be quite well substantiated is all these rock types are the lunar "soils," which are
shown in Table 7.3, which has been taken from Lowman composed of comminuted fragments of the previously
(1973). It is perhaps unusual that a planet reveals so mentioned rocks. These soils also contain a meteoritic
clearly the sequence of episodes from its history. In the component as identified from the composition of
case of the Moon this is a direct result of its small size and taenite, kamacite, and phosphide particles (Goldstein
consequent lack of a significant atmosphere as well as the and Yakowitz, 1971). Textures in both rocks and soil
limited internal activity that also seems to go with small tend to be fine and many of the rocks are profoundly
size. crushed and show evidence of shock transformations.
Evidence for the first stage of lunar evolution are not Among the breccias varying degrees of recrystallization
good and may even be lacking. It seems to be restricted and partial melting may be seen. The basalts are
largely to isotopic and other compositional data such as generally vesicular or vuggy, indicating that gas evolution
the age of the oldest lunar soil component as well as occurred just prior to consolidation. Texturally the
certain theoretical considerations of the energy of lunar rocks correspond precisely to what one would
planetary fission and reaction, which are hypothetical expect from materials subjected to repeated cata-
processes at best. Evidence for the second stage is sub- strophic meteoritic or planetesimal impacts and super-
stantial since it is founded on a great variety of morpho- imposed vulcanism.
logic evidence as well as the variation across the surface Compared to terrestrial rocks the chemical variation
of chemical composition. For example, the great age of among the lunar rock types is quite restricted since most
the lunar highlands (lIb in Table 7.3) is supported not fall in the basic to ultrabasic categories (Table 7.4).
only by their high crater density but also by direct Rb-Sr Those acidic rocks that do occur are found largely as
dating, whereas evidence for early differentiation of this interstitial material in basalts and tend to be glassy.
material is found in the x-ray fluorescence scanning of Many of the basalts, and especially those obtained from
the surface (Adler et al., 1972). The clear evidence for the Mare Tranquilitates (Apollo 11) and Mare Serenitatis
subsequent development of the mare basins by the infall (Apollo 17) are very high in TiO z when compared to
of large planetesimals as well as the later craters and terrestrial basalts. Many of the basalts are also high in
their rays was pointed out some time ago by Baldwin FeO and CaO and tend to be very low in KzO and
(1949) and others. However it remained for the teams of NazO. However, certain lunar rocks, designated
lunar investigators, aided by the Apollo landings, to "KREEP," contain relatively high concentrations of
clearly delineate such products of large-scale volcanic KzO(K) and rare rare-earth elements (REEP).
eruptions as the Cayley formation. It remains now for The mineralogy of the lunar rocks is predominantly
us to review some of the detailed chemical and mineral- that of the common basic and ultrabasic terrestrial
ogic evidence from the lunar rocks themselves. rocks. Among the most abundant minerals are calcic
plagioclase, pigeonitic and augitic pyroxenes, olivine,
ulvDspinel, chrome spinel, ilmenite, and rutile. Silica-
Lunar rocks and minerals saturated phases such as quartz, tridymite, crystobalite,
and alkali feldspars occur interstitially as last-stage
A detailed description of the lunar rocks is beyond the products of crystallization-differentiation. In addition
scope of this book, but many such descriptions are to be to these terrestrially common minerals, the common
found in such works as the Proceedings of The Second meteoritic minerals such as metallic iron (kamacite and
to Sixth Lunar Science Conferences (Houston, Texas, taenite) and troilite are almost omnipresent, although
1971-1976) and later books and papers. 4 Such studies in only small quantities. In addition there are many minor
show the lunar rocks to consist largely of basalts phases, some of which have not previously been
and various crystalline rocks such as norites, breccias, described except from lunar rocks. Examples are
and microbreccias. Acidic rocks such as rhyolite also baddeleite, pyroxferroite, tranquillityite, and zirconolite
(FeB 2+ Zr zTi 3 Si 3 0 z4 ). Occasionally the plagioclase feld-
4 For example the results of the Apollo 17 preliminary exami-
nation team (Science 182, 659-672, 1973) or the book by spar is found to be transformed to maskelynite, perhaps
S. R. Taylor (1975). due to shock effects as in meteorites.

7 The terrestrial

The low silica content and basic character of the 10- 13 atm, which is several orders of magnitude less
lunar basalts results in magmas oflow viscosity (Murase than the corresponding value for terrestrial basalts. At
and McBirney, 1970), allowing them to flow great dis- this oxygen fugacity, hydrogen would have been more
tances. It has been noted that, unlike the case of Martian abundant than water on a molecular basis within the
lava flows, the lunar flows do not show well-defined vesicles, although the water pressure also could have
arcuated fronts. Perhaps this indicates that the lunar been high enough to contribute significantly to the
lavas are of lower viscosity than those of Mars. If the physical characteristics of lava.
widespread Cayley formation is truely volcanic it would Space limitation prohibits further description and
seem that pyroclastics are also quite common on the discussion of lunar mineralogy and petrology. A review
Moon. The formation of pyroclastics depends on of the Moon has been recently completed by Taylor
abundant dissolved gases in the lunar magmas and is (1975). Anderson (1973, 1975) has discussed the com-
consistent with their common vesicular character. position of the lunar interior. Smith (1974) has summa-
Perhaps before these gases were lost the lunar lavas were rized the essential features of lunar minerals.
even less viscous than the experiments of Murase and
McBirney indicate.
The precise nature of the gases, which in remote times
were released from the lunar magmas, is still unknown; Comparative planetology
however, from the common occurrence of metallic iron
and other reduced phases present in the rocks we may Thus far there have been few attempts to exploit the very
infer that these gases were also reducing in character. great potential to learn about planetary evolution
By analyses of lunar mineral assemblages consisting of through a comparative approach to the planets. We close
olivine, pyroxene, and metallic iron and by comparison this chapter with a few such comparisons which may also
of those assemblages with meteorites (Figure 5.4), it may serve as a summary of the sometimes confusing detailed
be inferred that the oxygen fugacity at the time of crystal- information just presented. Many comparisons have
lization of many lunar basalts was of the order of already been made or are implicit in the data contained

Table 7.4 Representative lunar rock compositions

Apollo 17 Apollo 17 Apollo 12 Apollo 12

basalt noritic KREEP interstitial
75055,6" breccia 12033 BGI rhyolitic glass
72275,2" (glass fragment)b 12040C

Si0 2 41.27 45.76 48.4 73.71

Ti0 2 10.17 1.54 1.8 0.74
Al 20 3 9.75 19.23 15.5 12.82
FeO 18.24 8.70 11.0 1.73
MnO 0.29 0.11 0.10
MgO 6.84 11.63 7.6 0.10
CaO 12.30 11.72 10.0 1.81
Na20 0.44 0.52 0.8 0.75
K 20 0.09 0.23 1.0 7.74
P 20 5 0.07 0.27 0.8
BaO 0.30
S 0.19 0.08
Cr Z0 3 0.27 0.20 0.07

99.92 99.99 99.87

a Data from Apollo 17 preliminary examination team (1973).

b Data from Meyer (1971).
'Data from Brown et al. (1971).

Comparative planetology

in Tables 7.1 and 7.2. Table 7.2 in particular illustrates with its apparently anomalous abundance of O 2 mole-
the dramatic differences in atmospheric density and com- cules, gives us a hint that we may always be able to
position that result, on one hand, from the sequence of recognize planets that support life if the chemistry of that
planetary masses and, on the other, from temperature life is similar to our own. Similarly the quasiequilibrium
variations. Small planets such as the Moon, Mars, and state of the Venus atmosphere seems to provide us with a
Mercury possess tenuous atmospheres, and their rapidly prototype for the detection of hot planets beyond our
fluctuating temperatures militate against any sort of solar system if these planets are massive enough to
thermodynamic equilibrium. Even on Earth temperatures ,possess atmospheres.
are far too low for the attainment of thermodynamic One of the most fertile fields of comparative studies
equilibrium; instead, conditions have given rise to the is in global tectonics or the differential workings of
"homeostatic state" of living organisms which, while
feeding on the solar energy flux, maintain their own
environments in conformity with thermodynamic laws 7.5 Hypothetical cross-sections of a basic volcanic
but behind the protection of kinetic barriers that prevent edifice on planets of different temperatures and
the attainment of equilibrium. The atmosphere of Earth, compositions.

Low tempera ture thick crust (Mars)

liigh te mpe rature ( Venus)

Thin enlst (Mercury)

7 The terrestrial

forces that shape planetary surfaces and give rise to the melting residue consisting ofCa, Mg, Fe, etc. As we have
different rock types on the terrestrial planets. Here, too, seen, such basic rocks not only have higher melting
we are concerned with thermal effects but also with the ranges but also have a greater resistence to viscous
internal forces and mechanisms that bring about mass deformation than do acidic rocks. Thus high temperatures
movements and chemical changes. Generally useful in lead to a "basification," which tends to counteract the
such studies is the Earth-born "theory of isostacy," or expected decrease in viscosity. Quite obviously, also,
that degenerate form of mechanical equilibrium that high temperatures would tend to drive out water, and
prevails in planetary crusts too rigid for true hydrostatic this would have a similar effect.
equilibrium. In the Airy hypothesis of isostatic equilib- A general picture of the effects of temperature and
rium we consider a low-density crust of density be composition on planetary relief is shown in Figure 7.5,
floating on a subcrust or mantle of higher density bm . which illustrates the response to the extrusion of basic
According to this theory any elevation I1h above the lavas over a less basic crust to form a typical shield
standard base level is compensated by a "root" com- volcano. In the case of a cool planet such as Mars, which
ponent I1R, and it may easily be shown that apparently possesses a thick crust, the result is a weIl-
supported edifice of great relief. Similar behavior is
shown by Earth-like intermediate temperatures except
that there is a greater tendency for subsidence of the
edifice. By contrast, on the hot Venusian-type planet the
so that the height of an elevation such as a mountain volcanic edifice never forms at all. Rather, extrusion
range is a function of the density contrast and the size of results in a basin-like center of volcanism that crudely
the root. Because the root as well as the elevation can mimics a meteorite impact crater. This may in fact
exist only by virtue of its rigidity or viscous resistance to explain the crater-like radar images of Venus. The
flow, and because the rigidity is strongly influenced by behavior of a hypothetical basic extrusion on Mercury
the temperature, we should expect that there might be an would be similar to that on Earth. Although Mercury's
inverse relation between the magnitude of relief and the subcrust might well have a high temperature, it is also
temperature. Although the strength of rocks is diminished likely to be far more basic than Earth's upper mantle.
both with respect to brittle failure and viscous flow when The result is that Mercury can support a relief as great as
the temperature is increased, only the latter effect lends Earth or the Moon.
itself readily to quantitative analysis. The pertinent
equations for viscous flow have been discussed in Chapter
3, in particular Equations (3.50) and (3.52) for the
viscosity and the flow rate constants, respectively. As
indicated, the enthalpy of activation for typical planetary
materials is high, of the order of 100,000 to 150,000
cal/mole, which implies a large decrease in viscosity
with increasing temperature. Thus, as we have indicated
earlier in this chapter, we should expect markedly
lower relief on Venus when compared with Earth or
Mars. Indeed the latest data seem to indicate that relief
on Venus is only a third of that on Earth and perhaps even
Although the differences in relief of two planetary
surfaces should reflect temperature differences of the
subcrusts, there are other factors to be taken into
account. Complicating factors result, for example, from
the enhanced chemical differentiation which is also a
product of high temperatures, as discussed for Venus.
Thus on a hot planet there will be a greater tendency for
the low melting fraction, such as granite, to migrate to
the surface than on a cooler planet. Of course this
process must result in the subcrustal source regions of
the granite being correspondingly enriched in the higher



We made a brief reference to metamorphism of meteor-
ites in Chapter 6. Metamorphic rocks constitute an
important part of the Earth's crust. During the last two
decades very significant progress has been made in the
experimental techniques for the study of rock systems.
Particularly notable in this regard is the development
of high-pressure techniques, the electron-microprobe
analyzer for chemical analysis, and the sophisticated
methods of studying solid-gas equilibria with controls
of fugacities of O 2 , CO 2 , and H 2 0. Theoretical work has
been concerned with the method of graphical representa-
tion of mineral assemblages, application of Schreine-
maker's method of analysis of phase equilibrium, the
nature and composition of crystalline and fluid solutions,
and the treatment of open and closed systems during
metamorphism. As a result of the various experimental
and theoretical studies (see reviews by Hewitt and Wones,
1971; Winkler, 1974), our understanding of terrestrial
metamorphism has improved tremendously over the
last decade. Recently, Turner (1968), Miyashiro (1973),
and Winkler (1974) have described and discussed the
petrography and petrogenesis of the metamorphic
rocks. Therefore in this and the following three chapters
the aim is not to provide the reader with exhaustive
information on an aspects of metamorphism but to
expose the physicochemical nature of metamorphism

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

through the use of experimental results, chemical the regional dynamothermal rocks and the contact
thermodynamics, and kinetics. metamorphic rocks. The former denote rocks metamor-
Metamorphism may be defined as the process of phosed in large orogenic belts extending from a hundred
recrystallization of matter in the solid state with varying to several hundred kilometers, while the latter are rocks
degrees of involvement of an intergranular fluid .phase. metamorphosed in the vicinity of an igneous body.
In this and the following chapters, we shall be only A detailed treatment of contact metamorphic rocks has
concerned with rocks recrystallized above the pressure been given by Reverdatto and Sharapov (1970). In our
and temperature at which weathering and diagenesis treattnent of the metamorphic rocks we shall not be
take place. greatly concerned with these divisions. In the theoretical
On a physical basis metamorphism may be described and experimental analysis of rock-forming assemblages,
according to pressure, temperature, and spatial extension. such distinctions are not very significant.
Pressure and temperature can be high, medium, or Pressure, temperature, and composition are the most
low, and the distribution of rocks can be local or re- important variables in metamorphism. Figure 8.1 shows
gional. Combination of the three factors can result Miyashiro's (1972b) estimate of geothermal gradients
in a number of physical classes of metamorphic types. for low-, medium-, and high-pressure metamorphism.
However, in nature there is a continuous variation in The low-temperature limit of metamorphism may be
the three factors, and distinct boundaries do not exist. very close to the equilibrium curve for the reaction
It is possible to consider some broad divisions such as jadeite + quartz = albite. The high-temperature limit
of metamorphism is determined by the melting of the
rocks. Initiation and completion of melting for polyphase
8.1 Estimate of geothermal gradients for low-, rocks is a function of the bulk chemistry; therefore, the
medium-, and high-pressure metamorphism. upper limit is uncertain. Figure 8.1 shows that melting
A more detailed analysis is presented in the assemblage H 2 0-quartz-albite-orthoclase starts
in Figure 10.1. around 650°C when the water pressure is 3 kbar. If

/ /
/ /
/ /
if! /
5 "
"'~/ /

,D $/ 'Y~"
'" / iYv /
/ ~/

/ /
/ / ,,{e~~ /""
/"" /""~
/ / \P~ ~
/ / /""/""

/ / :,...--
I. ~/"
500 1000
T [0C]


water is not present the initiation of melting is deferred maximum to mInImum range of physical conditions
until the temperature reaches over 900°C. This is also under which a mineral assemblage containing a particular
true for other systems such as olivine-tholeiite shown in mineral can form. Many minerals have a wide pressure
the figure. and temperature range of stability and therefore cannot
One of the important discoveries of the last decade be used in narrowing the estimates of P and T of rock
is that of paired metamorphic belts (Miyashiro, 1961). formation. However, there are a number of minerals
A pair is composed of a low-pressure belt and a high- whose P and T limits of stability are useful in petro-
pressure belt running parallel to an island arc. In Japan genesis. The polymorphs of AlzSiOs - kyanite, silli-
three such paired belts have been mapped and are manite, and andalusite are examples of such minerals,
considered to have formed due to underthrusting of an and Figure 8.1 shows the three curves of polymorphic
ocean floor along a Benioff zone beneath island arcs transitions. The stability of many multicomponent
and continental margins (Miyashiro, 1961, 1967b, 1973). minerals such as amphiboles and biotites is a complex
Figure 8.2 shows a schematic cross-section of an island function of P, T, and the concentration of the variable
arc as envisaged by Miyashiro. The figure shows a components. The hydroxyl-containing minerals are
subdivided eugeosynclinal zone: one of the divisions, further critically dependent on the water pressure
on the continental side, contains the belt of low-pressure (PH,o), the stability generally increasing with increasing
regional metamorphism, granitic plutonism, and andesi- PH,o' Certain other minerals such as staurolite and
tic volcanism; the other division, on the oceanic side,
contains the belt of high-pressure regional metamorphism
and mafic and ultramafic rocks.
Various types of mineralogic assemblages form by
8.2 Schematic cross-section of an island arc with
special reference to Northeast Japan Arc. Magmas
metamorphism, depending on the total pressure, partial generated along the Benioff zone are distinguished
pressure of fluid species, temperature, and composition from magmas produced in the upwelling mantle by
of the solid material being transformed. The stability different symbols. (After Miyashiro, 1972b)
of many individual minerals has been determined Reprinted by permission of the American Journal
experimentally. Such information provides us with the of Science.

Island arc Trench Ocean

t - - Arc-t rench gap
Inner arc (volcanic) I OUler arc
M"rginal : (nonvolcanic)
$e3 I Sedimenl
_ _=;::--_ _~=~~:;Tif''''-I<crust I
rUSI 0

High- P
mel amorphism
Oceanic pla le

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

chloritoid require definite ranges of oxygen pressure for Skippen (1971, 1974) and Metz and co-workers (1968-
crystallization. The evaluation of such functional de- 1971) among others. Greenwood (1969, 1973) determined
pendence of the mineral compositions and mineral the solution properties of H 20-C0 2 between 0 and 500
assemblages is an important part of metamorphic bar and 450 and 800 e. In the absence of solution

petrogenesis, and will be discussed in Chapters 10 and 11. properties at other temperatures, an ideal solution model
The important species in the intergranular fluid has generally been used (Skippen, 1971, 1974; Gordon
phase are CO 2, H 20, and 02' The importance of the and Greenwood 1970).
fugacity of oxygen (fo,) on the stability offerromagnesian In Chapter 9 we shall present the results of experi-
minerals was discussed by Eugster (1959) and Mueller mental work on P and T stability of many important
(1960). Since then, several field, theoretical, and experi- rock-forming minerals. The subject of metamorphic
mental studies have been conducted on assemblages mineral facies, which was referred to in Chapter 4,
involving variable f0 2 • Various types of solid buffers have will be treated in detail in Chapter 10. We reserve
been used in experiments to control the oxidation. Chapter 11 for a discussion of important metamorphic
Table 8.1 lists the constants for calculating oxygen reactions and systems under various physical and
fugacity of the commonly used buffers as a function of chemical conditions. In the remaining part of this chapter,
pressure and temperature, using the equation we present a discussion of the physical and kinetic
factors important in the chemical reorganization and
A C(P - 1)
log fo,( ±~) = T+B+ T spatial rearrangement of matter during metamorphism.

(T in oK, P in bar) Metamorphic mechanisms

It appears that the most common value of oxygen
The mineralogic and structural characteristics of
fugacity in metamorphic rocks may be in the magnetite metamorphic rocks 1 are the result of time-dependent
field. We shall see later that a considerable variation in
mechanisms that have acted to modify the conditions
oxidation state may be present locally in areas such as
set by thermodynamic equilibrium. They may be
the metamorphosed iron formations of Quebec and
categorized as follows:
Many metamorphic systems have been investigated
1. Microstructures or textural features: grain shape
under pure water pressure. The thermochemical data for
size, orientation, and distribution, as well as fluid
water up to 10,000 bar and l000°C have been tabulated
inclusions, crystal zoning, twinning, etc.
by Burnham et al. (1969). In natural systems, however,
water is only rarely a sole constituent of the fluid phase. 1 We have omitted the effects of such processes as shock
In the last few years special attention has been given to metamorphism. For a treatment of this subject the reader
the carbonate-water systems by Greenwood (1967b), is referred to the book edited by French and Short (1968).

Table 8.1 Constants for calculating .f~2 of solid buffers

A C(P - I)
logfo,( ±~) - T+ B + T (P in bar, T in OK)

Buffer Abbreviation A B C ~ Original source

Fe20rFe304 HM 25,680 15.953 0.019 ± 1.98 Robie and Waldbaum (1968):

Robie et al. (1966)
Mn304-'MnO' HMN 25,680 13.38 0.081 ±0.05 Huebner and Sato (1970)
Ni-NiO NNO 24,930 9.36 0.046 ±0.02 Huebner and Sato (1970)
Si02-Fe2Si04-Fe304 QFM 25,738 9.00 0.092 ±O.IO Wones and Gilbert (1969)
Fe304-'FeO' MW 32,730 13.12 0.83 Derived by Eugster and
Wones (1962) from Darken
and Gurry (1945)

After Ganguly (1972).

Origin of microstructures and textures

2. M acrostructures: compositional and textural from mineral growth under differential stress. We shaU
banding, veins, segregations, fractures, folds, and see that although this orientation has in the past been
various other linear, planar, and more complex treated as a static equilibrium it must result at least in
elements of dimension larger than normal grain part from kinetic mechanisms since strict static equilib-
sIze rium is incompatible with differential stress.
3. Compositional features: mineral compositional We must also remember that the bulk compositions of
(including isotopic) variations, compositional metamorphic rocks do not have the same significance
relations among coexisting minerals and variations that they have in many igneous rocks since the former
of mineral composition with distance in a rock depend, in part, on the details of the sedimentary or
igneous processes that deposited the original minerals,
The macrostructures of rocks reflect bulk properties and in part on subsequent metasomatic changes they
such as compressibilities, thermal expansions, rigidity, may have undergone. Thus although the complex
viscosity, etc., which are in turn directly dependent on the early history governs the gross character of the ultimate
analogous properties ofthe individual minerals and of the metamorphic assemblages, details will reflect the degree
textural relations among the latter. Thus a quartz vein, of local metasomatism or diffusional communication,
which is observed to cut a gabbro, may ultimately have which determines the extent of equilibrium attained.
resulted not only from the susceptibility of this basic Indeed, metamorphic processes are frequently classified
rock to brittle fracture (so that a low-pressure zone was as either "metasomatic" or as "isochemical," but it is
formed) but also to the high solubility and consequent clear that such a division can have meaning only in
mobility of quartz in the aqueous vapor which very relation to the volume of diffusive communication. For
probably penetrated the fracture. example, aU rocks that have recrystaUized are metaso-
Microstructures and textures most clearly show the matic in the sense that volumes at least as large as the
interplay of specific rate and equilibrium processes. As crystal dimensions have undergone compositional
we noted in Chapter 1, perfect thermodynamic equilib- change. EquaUy obvious is the conclusion that virtually
rium in the gravitational field would result in a form of aU metamorphism results in loss of H 20, CO 2, etc.
mineral layering in which the denser phases would always Thus virtuaUy all metamorphic rocks are metasomatic
underlie less dense phases-a far simpler state of affairs in one sense or another.
than we commonly observe. On the other hand, much of
the compositional banding we attribute to metamorphic
differentiation is at least partly due to equilibrium
tendencies. The quartz vein that cuts the gabbro is Origin of microstructures and textures
found at its particular location primarily because the
initial fracture provided a low-pressure and hence more
Equilibrium aspects: crystal form, surface,
stable environment for quartz to grow than in the more
restricted environment of the solid rock. Again, although
and interfacial energy
we cannot attribute such features as the spatial distribu- The textural feature of metamorphic rocks that par-
tion of mineral porphyroblasts to equilibrium tendencies, ticularly reflects thermodynamic equilibrium is the
physicists and metallurgists have found that the shapes fundamental crystal form since the development of the
of minerals and the details of the intercrystalline bound- faces of a crystal is directly dependent on surface or
aries can be explained at least partially in this way. interfacial energy.2 By contrast, such features as crystal
The compositional relations among coexisting size and orientation reflect equilibrium in a less well
minerals in many metamorphic rocks show perhaps the defined manner. In the case of a single crystal growing
most convincing evidence of chemical equilibrium. in an isotropic medium, the equilibrium form is elucidated
However, impressive as these relations are, they can by Wulff's (1901) theorem, which states that the surface
again only represent an approach to the true equilibrium tension of specific surface free energy y for any face is
state since they do not satisfy the criteria of simple proportional to the perpendicular distance to that face
gravitational stability. The partial and restricted nature from an interior point (Wulff point) of the crystal. It
of this type of equilibrium is further ilIustrated by its
confinement to small rock volumes.
2 We speak of .. surface free energy" when a crystal grows in
A metamorphic feature that has given rise to much an isotropic medium such as air, water, a silicate melt or
controversy is the orientation of anisotropic crystals in in a vacuum. Where growth occurs in a crystalline aggre-
deformed rocks; it is usualIy interpreted as resulting gate we speak of the" interfacial free energy."

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

should be stressed that y as used here refers to a single

component system with no adsorption of additional
components. Under these conditions }' is defined as

(an (8.1 )
T.V .• , =Y
where F is the Helmholtz free energy3 of the entire
system, n is the surface area of the interface, T is the
temperature, V is the volume of the system. and nj is the
number of additional components. It is important to
realize that y must always be positive since it represents
a "tension" acting inward on a surface contour. If this
tension were directed outward, the surface would increase
indefinitely (Landau and Lifshitz, 1958). The surface
free energy of the entire crystal then is

f y(n)dn (8.2)

where n refers to the outward normal, and the integral

extends over the entire surface. By Wulff's theorem y
is a function of the outward normal at each surface 8.3 Illustration of Wulff's theorem. Plot of surface
point. The general relations are illustrated for the free energy and resultant crystalline polyhedra.
The perpendicular OA is proportional to the
two-dimensional case in Figure 8.3. Apparent from this
surface free energy of that face. (After Herring,
figure are the deeply cusped free-energy minima for the 1951.)
low-index faces (full lines) and the less well defined
minima for the higher index faces (broken lines).
Although Wulff's theorem is unambiguous in identi-
frequently metamorphic rocks consist of more than one
fying the low free-energy faces of single crystals in type of crystal with the added complication of adsorbed
isotropic media, most crystals we encounter in nature
additional species on the interfaces. As was stressed by
occur in crystalline aggregates, so that we must be
Smith (1948), the interfacial free energy between different
concerned not only with the variation of free energy from
grains largely governs the grain shapes and interfacial
face to face but also with its variation with respect to
angles. Following Johnson (1959) and Kretz (1966) we
the orientation of other crystals, which form the different
discuss the relations among F, the Helmholtz free energy
interfaces. The question then arises whether in a simple
of the total system; F., the Helmholtz free energy of the
one-component system a single crystal or a crystalline
phase ('J.; F~, the specific Helmholtz interfacial free energy
aggregate of the same mass has the lowest free energy.
for the interface a; r i .", the interfacial excess of the
This problem was examined in some detail by Fullman
component i per unit area of interface a; K, the number of
(1957), who showed that the interfacial free energy of a
components in the system; and e, the dihedral angle of
crystalline aggregate may indeed be so low that the
interfaces between the phases ('J. and P(Figure 8.4).
aggregate attains a lower free energy than the single
Now if a portion of the two phases ('J. and fJ with the
crystal. In particular this appears to be the case for certain
interface a has a total Helmholtz free energy F then
spherulitic growths. Such growths are common in both
igneous and metamorphic rocks (Misch, 1964). Read and F-F -Fp
F' = " (8.3)
Shockley (1950) have shown that the interfacial free " n
energy of such aggregates can be attributed to grain
boundary dislocations.
Although we are interested in the relationships
between different grains of the same mineral, more

3 Helmoltz free energy F is given by the relation F = U - TS where l1i is as usual the chemical potential of the species
where U is the internal energy. T absolute temperature. i. If absorption is negligible and the PV" term is sufficiently
and S entropy. small, obviously F~ = y".

Origin of microstructures and textures

complicated equation of equilibrium that takes into

account the variation of Ywith the orientation. According
to Herring (Swalin, 1962) the expression is

Yaa - 2Yap cos F

+ 2 ~e)
oYaP . 1Jl
stn 2 =
. (8.6)

Then if cYaplo(te) is not negligibly small, Y will depend

on the orientation. If, for example,

oYap ....... - Yaa
a(te) 2
then e . . . . 180°.
It is worth pointing out here that in the case of
porphyroblasts high on the crystalloblastic series e . . . .
180°, so that Yap should then be quite low.
The temperature dependence of F' is given by

(OF') S
\aT V.n, Q

where SIQ is the entropy per unit of interface. Thus the

Y plot (Figure 8.3) will also vary with the temperature,
and different crystallographic forms may have minimum
values of .f ydQ in different temperature ranges.
o 180 The interrelation of crystallographic form and other
Dihedral angle e [degrees] aspects of crystal growth is illustrated by the meta-
morphic staurolite crystal depicted in Figure 8.5.
8.4 Relationship between the ratio of interfacial
tension and the dihedral angle () in the absence of
orientation effects. r:t. and fJ refer to two crystalline 8.5 Crystallographic form and crystal growth in
phases. staurolite.

If the effect of the crystallographic orientation of ~l [001]

the grains at the interface is negligible, it is possible
to derive an expression for the ratio of the surface
tensions between like and unlike phases by a simple
\ \
1\ \ \
I I,
I 1/

balancing of forces (Figure 8.4). This yields \ \


Yap \ /
\ \ I f~
Y" 2 cos to 0"
It is apparent that if Yaa = Yap, as when like grains are ~\ 1/ -a
in contact, e = 120°. We shall see however that the
kinetics of grain growth sometimes modifies this result
so that in the case of certain metallic systems the most
probable interfacial angle is closer to 111 (Feltham, 0 /, I \ 1\
[ItO] [OtO]

1957). / / \\
From Figure 8.4 we see that a dihedral angle of 180 0

is excluded in the simple model, which ignores the

If / /[110] \ \
dependence of Y on the crystallographic orientations of f ,1\
/ I I
-\ D\
the adjoining grains. Yet such large angles are very \
common between different metamorphic grains (Figure
8.7). Large Y values can be explained by deriving a more
lV 11

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

Staurolite is orthorhombic and is high on the crystallo-

blastic series so that it tends to assume a characteristic
euhedral form with pronounced prismatic [110], side
pinacoid [010], and basal [001] faces. From the relative
prominences of these faces, one would expect that Y110 <
YOlO < Y001 if we assume that each face grew in contact
with similar material. Staurolite also shows the peculiar
but characteristic" chiastolite structure" in which planes
of inclusions divide the crystal into sectors that reveal
the growth patterns. In Figure 8.5 we have shown the
growth vectors along the junction of these sectors.
According to Hollister and Bence (1967), the compo-
sition of the sectors differ significantly.
Typical metamorphic textures which illustrate grain
8.6 Three grains of the same mineral in mutual contact.
(After Kretz, 1966a. Journal of Petrology) Reprinted by
forms and boundary relations are shown in Figures 8.7 permission of the Oxford University Press, Oxford.
and 8.6. Figure 8.6, which depicts a polymineralic
pyroxene-scapolite-sphene rock (Kretz, 1966a) illustrates
the relatively simple case of three grains of the same case the dihedral angles are governed almost entirely
mineral in mutual contact. Also the statistics (Table 8.2) by the low-index, low-y faces of one or the other of the
of the angles for the same rock (carefully measured with a grains. As a result the interface a is parallel to [110] of
universal stage to obtain the true values of 8) show that hornblende while the interface b is parallel to [001] of
the angle is 120° with a standard deviation of only 7S biotite. Vernon (1968, 1970) has carried out an extensive
for scapolite contacts. It is possible that some of the study of grain boundaries in granulites. The results
deviation from 120 is attributable to orientation effects
indicate the importance of such studies in petrogenesis.
or to failure of equilibrium. Yet the results of Table 8.2
are impressive testimony of the tendency toward an The crystalloblastic series
equilibrium grain shape.
In Figure 8.7 are shown the mutual contacts of several It was first pointed out by Becke (1913) that the meta-
biotite and hornblende grains (Kretz, 1966a). In this morphic minerals may be arranged in a series according

Table 8.2 Grain boundary angles in a pyroxene-scapolite-

sphene rock
Dihedral angles C)
Grain boundary angles
at junctions of three Pyroxene V Scapolite V
scapolite grains CO) Scapolite-scapolite Pyroxene-pyroxene

106 120 134 140 124

105 127 128 129 104
114 120 126 122 105
119 120 121 124 104
113 120 127 110 102
114 123 123 145 117
110 123 127
115 120 125
112 117 131
116 119 125
104 120 138
116 117 127
111 122 127

Data from Kretz (1966a).

Kinetic aspects of crystallization

clear that interfacial energy is all that is involved. Thus it

happens that mineral facies that are high in the series
have particularly deep interfacial energy cusps when they
contact minerals of faces lower in the series. If we again
consider the staurolite crystal previously referred to
(Figure 8.6), we note that the growth sector of the basal
pinocoid, which normally corresponds to the highest y
value, usually has anhedral boundaries with quartz
(Hollister and Bence, 1967). It appears, however, that
when a euhedral porphyroblast is developed, the interface
with the fine-grained matrix has some average value
characteristic of this matrix since there is little evidence
of accommodation of the crystal faces to the individual
matrix grains. It is likely that in the case of minerals so
high in the series the porphyroblast dominates the
8.7 Contacts between biotite (Bi) and hornblende (Hb) interfaces and the difference between individual matrix
crystals. a and b denote interfaces. (After Kretz, 1966a, grains is obscured.
Journal of Petrology) Reprinted by permission of the
Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Kinetic aspects of crystallization

to their tendency to display their crystallographic forms
against lower members of the series. He arranged them in Grain growth in metals
order of decreasing tendency to form faces as follows:
Rate phenomena are prominent in the processes of
1. Sphene, rutile, magnetite, hematite, ilmentite, nucleation and grain growth. Both processes are highly
garnet, tourmaline, staurolite, kyanite dependent on the size, shape, and surface character of
the nuclei and grains and at the same time determine
2. Epidote, zoisite what these characteristics become. Thus although the
3. Pyroxene, hornblende interfacial energy determines the ideal equilibrium form,
4. Ferromagnesite, dolomite, albite, mica, chlorite this is approached only in very small crystals under
special conditions (Herring, 1951). However, the faces
5. Calcite
of low interfacial energy assert themselves locally even
6. Quartz, plagioclase in coarse-grained metamorphic rocks, as illustrated in
7. Orthoclase, micro cline Figure 8.7.
In the study of both nucleation and grain growth,
However it was recognized by Becke that there are many one of the most important features is the grain size
exceptions to this scheme. The complicated nature of the distribution or the number of grains in each class inter-
series has already been illustrated for hornblende and val of dimension. These data are particularly useful
biotite in Figure 8.7. Kretz (1966a) proposed a refinement because grain growth is seldom observed directly but is
of Becke's concept in which minerals are replaced by determined through the observed distribution after a
particular interfaces with quartz. Then we would have period of nucleation and growth.
The most thorough studies of crystal growth have
1. [110] garnet-quartz been made by metallurgists. Burke (1948) in particular
2. [001] biotite-quartz showed that the driving force of grain growth in annealed
metals is the interfacial free energy. Feltham (1957)
3. [110] hornblende-quartz
demonstrated that the log normal distribution holds for
4. [110] cordierite-quartz aluminum and tin after a period of isothermal grain
etc. growth. He incorporated this distribution in a detailed
kinetic model, which is based on the activation energy
Although several different types of energy have been for intergranular diffusion and on the interfacial free
invoked to explain the crystalloblastic series, it seems energy.

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

An interesting observation made by Feltham was that of volume v created by this growth is
both the grain diameters and the numbers of sides of the
metal grains followed the log normal relation so that Ws=- (8.9)
these variables are related (Figure 8.8). Pi
According to F eltham the time rate of increase of a where y is the specific interfacial free energy.
metal grain diameter D j of the ith grain is If the bounding surfaces are not spherical but are
elements of a circular cylinder the energy is
dt j 2 a(kT)[
=3 h exp (-!:"F1) (-!:"Ft)]
~ - exp -----;:T (8.8) v')'
Wc =- (8.10)
In this equation a is the lattice spacing h is Planck's
constant !:"Fj is the free energy of activation for an atom F eltham used the mean of the two values or
to jump from an adjacent grain to the grain in question, 3 v')'
and !:"F b is the free energy of activation for the reverse w=-- (8.1l)
2 Pi
process. The factor of 2 occurs here from the possibility
of the addition of atoms to both ends of D j • The factor If now !:"F~ is the free energy of activation for grain
t, on the other, hand, takes into account the property boundary diffusion, Feltham assumes that
that only about t of the total atoms have their displace- !:"Fj = !:"F~ - W (8.12)
ments directed toward the grain in question.
Geometry requires that when crystalline grains have and
a large number of sides, many of the surfaces will be !:"F: = !:"F~ +W
concave outward so that the radius of curvature falls
and if W ~ kT, equation (8.8) becomes
outside the grain. In this case the sign of the radius of
curvature Pi of the ith grain is regarded as positive. while dD i = a(2V')') exp (_ !:"Ft) (8.13)
for smaller grains with convex boundaries it is negative. dt Pih kT
If the bounding surfaces are regarded as segments of a
It is clear first of all that according to Equation (8.13)
sphere and dA is an element of area, then as the surface
the metal grains will grow only if Pi is positive and will
advances a distance dpj, the surface area grows by an
diminish in size when it is negative. The grain diameter
increment (2/Pi)dAdpj while the volume grows by
for which (dDjdT) = 0, corresponding to an infinite Ph
dAdpj. Consequently the surface free energy per atom
and which divides the grain size distribution into growing
and shrinking grains, is D*, the most probable diameter.
8.8 Relation between most probable grain diameter Also according to Equation (8.13), even if I' is regarded
and the number of sides (n) of annealed as a constant independent of crystal orientation, Di
polycrystalline tin. (After Feltham, 1957.) will not vary directly with the time, since Pi varies in
Now it has been found that in at least some metals the
most probable interfacial angle is 111 rather than 120
0 0


• as predicted by simple equilibrium theory (F eltham, 1957)
so that Di must be taken to correspond to such grains.
We now impose the constraint that the total area of a
planar section or the volume of the metal must remain
constant. Then if pj is determined by a function of Di
and if the observed log normal distribution and the
relation of Figure 8.8 are taken into account, Equation
(8.13) can be integrated to yield a relation between the
most probable grain diameter and the time. Then if D*
and D6 are the most probable instantaneous and
initial diameters respectively,
::E (D*)2 - (D6f = (lva~} exp ( - ~~) (8.14)
o 15
n where }. is a numerical constant of the order of unity.

Kinetic aspects of crystallization

and Equation (8.17) becomes

Nucleation and growth of crystals in
metamorphic rocks dn
- = KIno (8.19)
We have seen that a log normal grain size distribution
can be related to interfacial energy effects in the case of which is known as the "linear law" of nucleation.
isothermal grain growth in single-component metals. A stable nucleus may also result from a bimolecular
It is interesting that in metamorphic rocks very similar process involving the combination of two active inter-
or identical size distributions characterize the por- mediaries, each of which is formed at a constant rate.
phyroblasts or isolated mineral grains of one mineral, If the concentration of an active species is A we have
which are enclosed by a matrix consisting of other
minerals. The nature of these distributions was first dA ,
-=K (8.20)
recognized by Galwey and Jones (1963) (see also Jones dt
and Galwey, 1964). In their study of garnet porphyro- where K' is a rate constant. Then the quantity of A
blasts in metamorphic contact aureoles, these authors formed in time t is K' t, if there is no reverse reaction and
found that if N equals the sum of the number of grains if their rate of combination is small compared with
in a class interval of average grain radius r and the num- K'. Thus the rate of stable nucleus formation is
ber in all classes of greater radius, then a straight line
is produced when log [N/(lOO - N)] is plotted against r. dn = K(KW (8.21)
The discovery of Galwey and Jones was followed by a dt
detailed study by Kretz (1966b) of grain size and spatial
distributions of garnets and biotites from metamorphic K being another rate constant. Consequently
aureoles and of phlogopite, pyroxene, and sphene in K(K')2 t 3
marbles of a regional metamorphic terrain. It is interest- n=--- (8.22)
ing that Kretz as well as Galwey and Jones attributed
the observed distributions mainly to nucleation-growth To generalize, if the reaction of f3 - 1 entities are re-
phenomena rather than to interfacial energy effects. To quired to form a stable nucleus, we have
follow the argument of Kretz it is helpful first to review
the elements of nucleation kinetics (Jacobs and Tomp- (8.23)
kins, \955).
For nucleation that involves only a single step we
proceed as follows: if initially there are no potential
nucleus-forming sites we may write for the rate of nucleus
formation -dn = D f3 t""- I (8.24)

(8.\5) which is the" power law" of nucleation.

The result of Kretz's (l966b) investigation of the
size distribution among phlogopite grains is shown in
where n is the concentration at time t, and K 1 is the Figures 8.9 and 8.10. Since Figure 8.10 is a plot on a
specific rate constant. If the elimination of nucleus- log-probability scale, the straight line plot of the large
forming sites through ingestion by growing nuclei is
grains indicates a log-normal distribution in this range.
neglected, Equation (8.15) may be integrated to yield
The break that divides the large and small grains at y
n = no[\ - exp (-KIt)] (8.16) is also a characteristic of biotites, pyroxenes, and sphenes.
Although Kretz considered the possibility of the
or influence of interfacial energy on the grain-size distribu-
tions, he concluded that it could not be operative in the
(8.17) case of isolated porphyroblasts. His conclusion that the
distribution results from nucleation phenomena, which
which is referred to as the "exponential law" of nucle- continue through a considerable time span of mineral
ation. If K 1 is small, because of a large energy of activa- growth, is supported by a number of characteristics of the
tion, Equation (8.16) may be written as assemblages and at the same time yields a very simple
interpretation. However this simplicity depends to a
(8.18) certain extent on the assumption that the grains grew at a

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

constant linear rate. It is interesting that in Feltham's 2.8/2G sec, where 2.8 mm is the top of the class interval
analysis of one-component metals this assumption holds occupied by the largest grains. Thus as time passes from
only for the largest grains in the assemblage [Equation t = 0 to t = 2.8/2G sec, new nuclei form and the
(8.14)]. number of mineral grains increases. For example, at
In the case of phlogopite, Kretz assumed that a t = 1.4/2G sec, n has increased from 0 to 8 grains of
grain with a maximum dimension Ii and a linear rate of each 100 grains that finally appear. Thus there exists a
growth G had grown for a time t;, so that definite relationship between the number of grains n
and t 2G, which is a measure of the time of nucleation
Ii and simultaneous grain growth. If the data are plotted
t·=- (8.25)
I 2G with log n as a function of t 2G, we obtain Figure 8.11.
Now the largest grains are found to fall in the class Comparison of this figure with Figure 8.10 shows that
interval 2.6-2.8 mm so that these grains grew for a the segments x-y and y-z of the curve seem to represent
time of about 2.7/2G sec. In these terms it is possible to two different nucleation rates, with the x-y portion
define a time scale of grain growth based on the largest essentially linear so that it yields the equation
grains for which t ~ 2.7 /2G sec, since this is the time at log n = 1.41t2G - 1.07 (8.26)
which all grain growth is completed. To be more precise,
we set the time of completion of crystallization at and
dt = (6.49G)O.0854 exp [(6.49G)t] (8.27)
8.9 Histogram (615 grains) of ph1ogopite grain size in
marble for maximum grain diameter and grain which is an example ofthe exponential law as represented
thickness. (After Kretz, 1966b, Journal of Geology.) by Equation (8.17). According to Kretz the nucleation
Reprinted by permission of The University of Chicago rate declined during the latter one-third oi the crystal-
Press. lization period represented by the curve segment y-z.


grain Grain
diameter thickness



o 1.0 2.0 3.0 o 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0

Diameter [mm] Thickness [mm]

Kinetic aspects of crystallization

100 ,_-4

-;; 40
~ 5
30 4
t:'" 20
'" 10
"- 2


Dimension [mm)

8.10 Cumulative size-distribution curves for maximum

0.1 :----_--L__ __.l...-_---1_ _-L_
~ ___.J

o 1.0 2.0 3.0

diameter (Dmax) and thickness (Dth ) of phlogopite t2G
grains plotted on log-probability paper. (After
Kretz, 1966b, Journal of Geology.) Reprinted by 8.11 Nucleation-rate curve for phlogopite plotted on
permission of The University of Chicago Press. log paper. n denotes number of crystals. (After
Kretz, 1966b, Journal of Geology.) Printed by
permission of The University of Chicago Press.

Kretz also found grain-size distributions similar to

that of Figure 8.9 for biotite, pyroxene, and sphene.
However the distribution for garnet in one rock did not Figure 8.12 shows compositional profiles from center
correspond to a log-normal curve; rather, it was found to edge in four different size garnets in one specimen
to lie between the log-normal and arithmetic-normal (No. 285) from the Yellowknife Group, Canada. It is
distributions. In another rock, the distribution was obvious that progressively smaller crystals nucleated and
bimodal. began growth at progressively later points in time. To
Kretz (1973) considered three models of garnet growth consider the correlation between the crystal growth rate
assuming the crystals to be spherical. In the first, second, in terms of either radius, surface, or volume and composi-
and third models, the respective rates of increase of tion, we write the following relations:
radius (r), surface area (a), and volume (v) are assumed to
be constant. The second model represents a growth rate
x = J(t) (8.27a)

intermediate between the first and third. Model 1 refers dX

to diffusion-controlled growth (dr/dt = constant), while dt = fleX) (8.27b)
model 3 corresponds to surface-reaction-controlled
growth (dv/dt = constant, therefore dv/da = constant) at where f(t) and II (X) are unspecified functions of time
constant temperature. and composition [X, e.g., Fe/(Fe + Mn)], respectively.

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

Kretz (1973) plotted weight-percent of F eO against

o volume, area, and distance and found that the composi-
1.5 mm 0.67 mm N
1.0mm v. tional data as presented in Figure 8.12 best fits the second
3 growth model for which the relationship between t and n
is approximately given by
~ 3.0

By differentiating we have
2.4 dn/dt = 2.79K~,07tl.07 ~ 2.8K~t (S.27e)
34 which is an expression for the nucleation rate. Kretz
also derived the following expression for the reaction rate
~ 301-----
dv(t) =
(2)(I1.2/120 1 !2)K 7 !2 t 5!2
~ 3.6
where v(t) is the volume of the product at the time of

::... 3.4~---....
~ ~:~
~ 1.8~-+-.......................
t Another important result of Kretz's study was the
conclusion that the spatial distribution of garnet grains
~ 1.4 H was such that the size of a grain was independent of the
u 1.20 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 0 I 2 3 4 0 I 2 distance to its nearest neighbors. The implication here
Distance from center to edge of crystal [mmJ is that the chemical constituents of the grains were not
primarily locally derived and that diffusion must have
8.12 Chemical profiles from center to edge of garnet been quite effective through distances of a centimeter or
crystals of diameter 1.5, 1.0,0.67, and 0.25 mm. more. This should not be construed to mean, however,
The Mn and Fe data have been averaged with that equilibrium was attained through this distance.
regard to both distance and concentration. In the
Mg and Ca profiles, a vertical bar (length = 2
standard deviations) indicates I or 2 readings and
a circle, the mean of 3 to 8 readings. (After Kretz,
1973.) Reprinted by permission: Canadian Rates of metamorphic reactions
Mineralogist, 12, 5.
It is necessary to distinguish the rates of metamorphic
reactions as such from rates of nucleation and simple
grain growth. These reactions may be either homo-
Now: geneous or heterogeneous. Although the kinetics of
many types of homogeneous fluid reactions are quite
dX dX/dt
(8.27c) well known, these are of less interest than the hetero-
dr dr/dt geneous reactions for which not even adequate theory
By substituting dr/dt = K 1 for the first growth model
The simplest of the heterogeneous reactions between
we have
solids is the dimorphic inversion. However, experience
dX I shows that even this type of reaction may be complex.
- = - fIX) first model As an illustration we refer to the work of Ernst and Calvert
dr Kl' 1
(1969) on the inversion of the Montery Porcelanite
Similarly (cristobalite) to quartz. Their study, which involved
isothermal heating at 300, 400 and 500°C and at 2000
dX I bar water pressure, indicates that the percent of conver-
- =- f~(X) second model
da K2 ' sion of porcelanite to quartz obeys the relation

dX I dCQ
- - - f'(X) third model -=K (8.28)
dv - K3 ' 3 dt

Rates of metamorphic reactions

where cQ is the concentration of quartz and K is the rate But we know from theoretical considerations that the
constant. If this is the true picture, the rate of conversion following reactions also occur at least to some degree:
is independent of the amount of reactant present.
Obviously such could not be the case if the inversion CaSi0 3 ------+ CaO +'Si0 2 (S.b)
occurred uniformly throughout the mass of porcelanite. wollastonite fluid flUid
It could, however, be explained if the reaction occurred
on internal surfaces or nucleation centers that remained SiOz ------+ SiOz (S.c)
constant in area or number throughout the reaction quartz fluid
period, This might happen if the reaction began along CaC0 3 (S.d)
------+ CaO + COz
individual grain surfaces and if the number of grains then
calcite fluid fluid
increased continuously so as to maintain a constant total
reaction interface. Now for simplicity it may be assumed that each grain
The most common type of heterogeneous meta- vaporizes at a constant rate K ~ per unit volume and
morphic reaction is that which occurs between two or reforms with a specific rate constant K+. We may then
more reactant phases to produce additional quantities write for the net rates of Reactions (S.b), (S.c), and (S.d):
of product phases which have already been nucleated.
It is conceptually simple to visualize such reactions as J(b) = K(b) - K(t)PCaOPSio, (S.29)
occurring between two grains in contact, and indeed
there is evidence such contact reactions between solids J(~) = K(~) - K(~)PSiO, (S.30)
do proceed at measurable rates. For example Brindley Jed) = Kid) - K(~)PCaOPCO, (S.31 )
and Hayami (1965) studied the reaction between grains
of MgO and Si0 2 in the temperature range of 1100 to If we now solve Equations (S.29) and (S.30) for PCaO and
1400C for times up to 144 hr and under essentially P SiO " respectively Equation (S.31) becomes

anhydrous conditions. They found that the reaction rate
was diffusion controlled and that the end product was
the following sequence of contacting phases:
(d) -
- K~
_ K+
(d) ( K~ K+-
(d) (b)
(e).) P
_ J~ CO, (S.32)
(b) (e) (e)

In this way the rate of formation of wollastonite can be

related to the differential rates of decomposition into the
The original grain boundary was identified between fluid phase of both reactants and products. Furthermore,
MgO and Mg 2 Si0 4 and the thickness of the Mg 2 Si0 4 although we have arbitrarily chosen to decompose the
layer always greatly exceeded that of MgSi0 3 . These solids into the species CaO, Si0 2 , etc., it may be shown
characteristics point to a greater mobility of MgO than that if the reactions between these other fluid phase
for Si0 2 under these particular conditions. constituents are rapid relative to the heterogeneous reac-
In Chapter 3 we discussed some of the results of tion then the choice of constituent is immaterial. Thus,
Greenwood's (1963) study of the kinetics of hetero- for example, we might have chosen Ca or O 2 as de-
geneous reactions in the system MgO-SiOz-HzO. composition products instead of CaO. They would of
Here it should be mentioned that such complex phases course be linked by the equilibrium equation PCaO =
as anthophyllite may not form spontaneously-so KPcaPb!,2. We can also see from Equation (8.32) that if
that, as was the case here, seed crystals must be Pco, is low enough the rate of disappearance of calcite is
introduced. directly proportional to the volume of calcite present,
Greenwood's result that all the reactions studied by which corresponds to a first-order reaction as defined by
him were first order cannot be easily explained. However, Greenwood. It is apparent that Equations (8.29) to
the problem is elucidated somewhat if we consider how (S.32) could be derived only with a highly idealized
the vapor of fluid phase may enter into such reactions. model and that the true kinetic behavior may well
F or greater simplicity we illustrate this point by setting depend on complex intermediate steps which are not
up a hypothetical reaction scheme for the formation of known. 4 The model does illustrate however how the
wollastonite from calcite and quartz. The overall
reaction is 4 It has been fouud experimentally (Chapter 7) that the
rate of formation of wollastonite from calcite and quartz
is diffusion-controlled under anhydrous conditions
CaSi0 3 + CO 2 (S.a) (Kridelbaugh, 1973; see also discussion by Helgesson,
calcite quartz wollastonite fluid 1971 ).

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

overall reaction such as (8.a) may depend on the participa- X being taken as the mole fraction of one of the two
tion of a fluid phase and how the restriction of actual species. It is easy to see that at equilibrium when
contact between grains is in this manner removed. (dX I/dt) = 0, Equation (8.34) reduces to
There is one type of homogeneous reaction that is of
great interest to mineralogists and petrologists and which o K 1z Xz{I-Xd4>zl
K =-= - (8.35)
provides considerable insight into the thermal behavior KZI X 1(1 - Xz) 4>IZ
of minerals through the entire temperature range of A well-known metamorphic mineral. which may be
metamorphism and magmatism. This reaction is the represented by Equations (8.34) and (8.35), is ortho-
intracrystalline exchange oftwo or more particles (atoms, pyroxene in which MgZ + and FeZ + are distributed
ions, etc.) between two or more structurally and energeti- between the two nonequivalent M 1 and M Z sites. The
cally nonequivalent lattice sites. The thermodynamics thermal behavior of this mineral has been extensively
of such reactions-long termed "order-disorder" phe- studied by Virgo and Hafner (1969) and by Saxena and
nomena-was first given a comprehensive treatment by Ghose (1970) and it has been found that the equilibrium
Bragg and Williams (1934). The extention of the theory distribution differs quite significantly from the "ideal"
to include time-dependent change of order was made by case in which (4)2114>d = I, particularly in the meta-
Dienes (1955). morphic range of temperatures. However the ideal case
We may represent the general case (Mueller, 1969c) is approached at 1000°C. The work of Virgo and Hafner
of the time rate of change of the concentration of a given also indicates that the activation energy that enters into
species K on a lattice site i of any crystal as follows: the specific rate constants, and which may be obtained
from their temperature variation, is only of the order of
20 kcal in the temperature range 500 to lOOO°C. Yet the
degree of disorder that corresponds to 500°C is retained
(8.33) at lower temperatures and persists even on the geologic
time scale. The simplest explanation of this behavior
In this expression L is one of m species other than K is that the order-disorder process consists of two con-
and j is one of n sites other than i. The c's are the molar secutive steps in which the lower energy step ( ~ 20 kcal)
or atomic concentrations (per cm 3) and KKL and KLK governs the overall reaction above 500°C and that the
represent the specific rate constants for the particular high-energy step governs it below this temperature. As a
particles and sites indicated. For example KKL is the rate consequence the equilibrium degree of order corre-
constant for the transport of the species K from the site sponding to temperatures below the critical transition
i and the species L from the site j. These constants are temperature TTr ~ 500°C can be attained only through
by definition functions solely of the temperature and complete recrystallization. The critical transition temper-
volume (or pressure). However, the 4> factors, which are ature may be different for different minerals. In antho-
analogous to activity-coefficient products in macro- phyllite, for example, Seifert and Virgo (1975) report
systems are also compositionally dependent. The 4> ordering up to a temperature as low as 280°C.
factors, like the rate constants, also contain the thermo-
dynamic properties of the activated states and so are
more complicated than ordinary activity coefficient
products. Mineral orientation
In the case of the distribution of two particles (quasi-
binary solution) between two nonequivalent sites which One of the most obvious features of many regionally
are present in equal numbers, Equation (8.33) may be metamorphosed rocks is a marked orientation of mineral
written as grains. In our treatment of igneous rocks we touched on
this subject as it applied to the orientation attained
through flowing magmas and in postmagmatic recrystal-
lization. Here, however, we consider it as one of the least-
understood features of metamorphic textures.
Rocks whose fabric elements have been oriented by
Here Co is the total concentration of sites both 1 and 2
pervasive deformation were termed "tectonites" by
Sander (1930), who stressed the relation between
orientation and deformation. This orientation may take
the form of mere elongation of grains irrespective of

Mineral orientation

crystallographic orientation or, more frequently, of both competent objects in a ductile matrix has been reviewed
dimensional and crystallographic orientation. Frequently in some detail by Ramsay (1967).
also there is strong crystallographic orientation but no Although crystal orientation through fracturing
dimensional orientation. The different forms of orienta- (cataclastic flow) is poorly documented, it seems reason-
tion for both igneous and metamorphic rocks are shown able that it could be effective in cases where elongate
in Table 8.3. cleavage fragments are produced. Thus it seems likely
The simplest and most easily understood orientation that cleaving of feldspar grains during the formation of
effect is the purely dimensional orientation, which arises flaser gneisses would give rise to some coincident crys-
through pressure solution in a clastic sediment. In this tallographic and dimensional elongation of the typical
iIIustration of "Rieke's principle" the upper and lower lens-shaped augen that occur in such rocks.
surfaces of spheroidal grains that are in direct contact, The orientation effects of gliding mechanisms within
and thus under load stress, undergo dissolution while the individual crystals is familiar from experimental rock
dissolved material is redeposited in the intergranular deformation studies. Thus Griggs et al. (1960) found that
spaces. The result is a fabric in which the grains roughly crystals of calcite in highly necked cylinders of deformed
approximate prolate eIlipsiods and which have the crys- marbles were characterized by having their c axes at high
tallographic orientation of the original clastic elements angles to the axis of extension. In addition, these crystals
except for effects of compaction. This fabric has been de- also exhibited orientation of their a axes. Several different
scribed from diagenetically altered sandstone and inter- types of gliding--including twin gliding-are thought to
preted by Weyl (1959). Also, it has been produced in the contribute to this type of deformation. It is likely that the
laboratory by Fairbairn (1950). rate-determining process in gliding is thermally activated
An almost equaIly well known type of orientation is flow (Heard, 1963) and that it is in this way closely
that which occurs when elongate or flat objects such as related to recrystallization creep proper. It has also been
amphibole needles or mica flakes are immersed in a suggested (Hahn et al., 1967) that thermally activated
flowing fluid or a ductile matrix. The most familiar gliding in calcite is accompanied by slip along crystal
example of this is the lineation of crystals in lava flows. boundaries and that this slip is thermally activated. Such
This type of orientation must also occur during dynamic processes are thought to be dependent on dislocations
metamorphism when highly competent linear or flat ele- and crystal imperfections such as vacancies and impurity
ments are suspended in an incompetent matrix. However, ions.
it is likely that oriented metamorphic porphyroblasts The most important and to a degree the most interest-
grow in size at the same time as the matrix minerals ing lattice orienting mechanism is recrystallization.
crystallize so that more complicated orientation mechan- Typical examples are the strong orientations ofthe c axis
isms are also involved. The dynamics of orientation of in quartz, calcite, and amphiboles and of micas and other

Table 8.3 Types of mineral orientation

Orientation type Example Probable mechanism

Dimensional Quartz in ortho- Pressure solution (Rieke'S

quartzite principle)
Crystallographic Quartz or calcite Recrystallization creep
in metaquartzite
Dimensional- Calcite in marble Translation and twin
crystaIlographic gliding
Dimensional- Amphibole in lava Hydrodynamic flow
crystallographic flows
Dimensional- Feldspar in flaser Mechanical orientation by
crystallographic gneiss cataclastic flow
Dimensional- Amphibole in Recrystallization creep in
crystallographic amphibole rock similar medium
Dimensional- Amphibole in Recrystallization creep in
crystallographic feldspathic rock different medium

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

platy minerals. That purely crystallographic orientation

mechanisms exist is well illustrated by the prevalence of
lattice orientation in recrystallized quartz and calcite,
which exhibit no dimensional orientation. That these
mechanisms are also operative in hornblendes and micas
is strongly indicated by the virtual absence of mechanical
stress effects either within the oriented grains or in the
Maximum and crossed gird les
associated matrix minerals. or quartz c axes
The progressive orientation of quartz in a quartzite
through recrystallization is shown in Figure 8.13. There
is little or no evidence for dimensional orientation of the
quartz, but the pertrofabric diagram shows the orienta- 8. 14 Relation between quartz and calcite orientation.
tion of the quartz c axis in the Harkless quartzite of the (After Sylvester and Christie, 1968.) Reprinted by
Inyo Mountains, which has suffered deformation in the permission of The University of Chicago Press.
aureole of the Papoose Flats granitic pluton. The sedi-
mentary beds exhibit considerable compressive thinning,
deformation of fossils, and boudin formation. From the any deformation. The orientation of calcite recrystallized
separation and thinning of the boudinaged beds it was during experimental deformation conforms to this pattern
estimated that an overall compressive thinning of at as found by Griggs et al. (1960) and by Heard (1963).
least 80 percent occurred. Presumably the thinning and Marked orientation of olivine crystals have also been
extension of the sedimentary beds occurred during produced by experimental deformation (Ave'Lallemont
emplacement of the pluton. The degree of orientation as and Carter, 1970). As was pointed out by Sylvester and
defined by the c axes is directly related to this thinning. Christie for Harkless quartzite, the correlation between
The general diagram of Figure 8.14 shows the typical the degree of preferred orientation and the degree of
relation between quartz and calcite orientation, the thinning of the beds suggests that the magnitude of the
foliation, lineation, and the probable principle stresses of strain is the factor most responsible for preferred orienta-
tion. We shall see that this conclusion is compatible
8.13 The progressive orientation of quartz in a quartzite with attributing the orientation to kinetic rather than
through recrystallization. (After Sylvester and equilibrium factors.
Christie, 1968.) Reprinted by permission of The It is possible that some degree of orientation of elon-
University of Chicago Press. gate and platy mineral grains in regionally meta-
morphosed rocks is due to fluid flow of a less competent
matrix around these grains. However this mechanism
cannot explain the exceedingly common occurrence of
clots of almost pure amphibole, mica, etc., in which
orientation is highly pronounced. It is clear that in such
cases the orientation must be more closely related to the
crystal structure than to the grain dimensions.
Lattice orientation of minerals of deformed rocks has
been treated by a number of authors notably, Verhoogen
(1951a), MacDonald (1957), Kamb (1959), and Ramberg
(1959). Without exception these authors have attempted
to show that orientation is a response to differential
stresses that modify the thermodynamic stability so that
a given orientation with respect to the stress field rep-
resents the lowest free energy state of the crystal. In all
of these papers the oriented phase is treated as a static
entity with certain stability relations irrespective of its
surroundings. Although the thermodynamic deficiencies
of these treatments are in themselves evident, it is clear
that they fail even more seriously in that they treat the
orientation process as a static balancing of forces. That

Origin of macro structures

this cannot be the true picture is indicated by the fact that tained. The quasiseparation is marked by segments of
rocks that contain oriented mineral grains show evidence different composition.
of considerable strain, as cited above for the Harkless It is perhaps not meaningful to speculate whether in-
quartzite. But if such is the case, the time rate of strain ternal plastic deformation or surface properties play the
almost certainly enters into a full description of the sys- most important role in thermally activated crystal
tem. Indeed, considered in the light of kinetic theory the orientation. It is more likely that these are but two aspects
problem of mineral orientation can be phrased as follows: of the same phenomenon, which depends more funda-
.. Given a certain initial distribution of mineral phases, mentally on the anisotropic properties that govern both
composition, and state of stress, what is the lowest free interior and exterior movements.
energy path along which a rock can yield to relieve the
stress and achieve a state of mechanical and chemical
equilibrium ?"
This is clearly a modified version of LeChatelier's Origin of macrostructures
principle. However we note that we are here concerned
with the path of energy change rather than with the energy Metamorphic rocks contain a variety of structures on
state of the end products. The relief of stress in an atom- scales larger than the normal grain size (1 mm). These
istic sense can result only from the motion of strain structures range from microscopic cracks and veins to
through gliding or recrystallization creep. That is, the large folds, faults, and dikes. However we shall concern
minerals in a sense grow in such a way as to allow the ourselves only with those aspects of structures that stem
total rock to deform as expiditiously as possible to primarily from chemical processes or that are greatly
relieve the stress. In terms of kinetics there will always be modified thereby. For example, we omit consideration of
a number of competing mechanisms by which a rock can the formation of open fractures or other features that
deform, but among competing mechanisms the most result from mechanical forces. It is convenient to tabulate
rapid one will always take over. the structures of interest as follows:
Although little information is as yet available to aid
in constructing a kinetic model for mineral orientation, I. Modified relict structures
several mechanisms suggest themselves. The most ob- Deformed and recrystallized primary sedimentary
vious of these are the internal deformation mechanisms structures such as pebbles, fossils, graded bedding,
such as the various forms of gliding and recrystallization, etc.
which we have already seen appear to be thermally Pinch and swell structures
activated. According to Buerger and Washken (1947) and Boudinaged and micro boudinage
Griggs et al. (1960) another source of the activation energy Folded beds, veins, and like bodies of metamorphic
is the mechanical strain that is accumulated in some types origin
of deformation. In any case such internal motions are Pressure shadow mineralization
probably accompanied by intergranular motions also
involving thermal or strain energy activation. The growth II. Newly developed structures
of crystals under stress may also involve elements of the Dilatent and nondilatent veins or other bodies, both
model suggested by Feltham (1957) in which the rate of zoned and unzoned, including pinch and swell secre-
growth of a given interface depends on the interfacial tion veins
energy [Equation (8.13)]. If we apply this to amphibole, Gneiss or schist bridges
for example, we should expect that the orientation of the Vein aureoles and selvages
c axis in the direction of extension of a rock would be
favored because the highest rate of growth should occur Like those of purely mechanical origin, the domi-
in the direction of (001) rather than in the direction nor- nantly chemical and mineralogic features of rocks are
mal to the dominant prism [liO] faces with low values valuable guides to the kinematics and dynamics of
of }'. An example of such growth is indeed given by deformation. In addition, they also serve as detailed
Misch (1969) who describes sodic amphiboles with their records of the chemical kinetic mechanisms and driving
c axes oriented in the direction of extension. The rate of forces of petrogenesis.
extension was initially so great that these crystals were It may be abserved that in the group-I structures the
incipiently boudinaged. However the growth of the element of mechanical behavior appears to be dominant
crystals then kept pace with the rate of separation of the in that these features depend on the bulk properties such
boudins so that the single-crystal structure was main- as yield strength, density, viscosity, etc. On the other

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

hand, in group-II chemical properties seem dominant. react to form calc silicates. Ramberg ( 1956) has emphasized
However it should be apparent that mechanical de- the relation between chemical composition and the
formation and chemical migration are so closely related manner of deformation under high-grade metamorphic
that no clear distinction can be made between them. conditions. He has found the following sequence of
The utilization of deformed relict sedimentary struc- decreasing tendency for rupture among silicate rocks
tures in the analysis of strain has been reviewed in depth under tension:
by Ramsay (1967). However our concern here is mainly
with what these structures can tell us about the chemical 1. Peridotite, pyroxenite, skarn rocks
history of rocks. Consequently we shall be particularly 2. Amphibolite
interested in the relationships of the primary group-I
3. Coarse-grained quartzo-feldspathic rocks
structures and the newly developed group-II structures
since these relationships bear directly on such important 4. Mica schist
petrogenetic questions as the origin of quartzo-feld-
spathic veins, pegmatites, and other controversial rocks. The calcite marbles are rather unusual in that their
The presence of heterogenieties such as competent response to stress appears to be largely independent of
beds brings about the localization of fractures to the the presence of water (Griggs et al .. 1960). It was also
competent parts. This behavior gives rise to the familiar found by Heard (1963) that the deformation of calcite
boudinage structures when the dislocated beds are pulled marbles could be represented by the general form of the
apart by further plastic yielding of the incompetent rate equation for fluid flow [Equation (3.48)], at least at
material. Of course the relative amounts of fracture and low strain rates. An extension of this theory to higher
flowage will depend on the magnitude of stress and the strain rates by the introduction of separate terms for
contrast in competence between the different beds. Even internal gliding and for slip along crystal boundaries was
when the stresses are weak enough for the entire rock proposed by Hahn et al., (1967). These problems have
mass to yield in a ductile way the varying viscosities of been reviewed by Elliot (1973). The relations found and
different beds are revealed by several geometric forms. In inferred by Heard (1963) between viscosity, strain rate
the case of extension parallel to the beds. "pinch and and temperature are shown in Figure 8.15 for extension
swell structures" in the least ductile layers represent parallel to the foliation plane in Yule marble. It appears
periodic necking down or thinning which corresponds to from his results that in the geologic range of strain rates
boudinage in more competent layers. On the other hand, the viscosity is independent of the strain rate as given by
compression parallel to the bedding can give rise to folds Equation (3.51) except in the lowest temperature range.
of varying wavelength depending on the thickness t and Thus if we can estimate the temperature and pressure at
the relative viscosities of adjacent beds. Thus if a single, the time of deformation of a given marble, it should be
relatively competent bed of viscosity "II is embedded possible to use Equation (8.36) to estimate the viscosity of
in a less competent medium of viscosity Yf2' the dominant beds of other composition that have been deformed with-
wavelength Wd is given by in the marble. Behavior such as is shown by Figure 8.15
also informs us that the so-called "yield point"-the
Yfl )1/3
~= 2m
( - (8.36) point at which the transition from elastic to plastic
61'/2 behavior occurs-~depends critically on the temperature
This expression. which was derived independently by and strain rate and probably vanishes entirely at low
Biot and by Ramberg, is discussed in detail by Ramsay strain rates.
(1967). It is interesting and important that the temperature
The bulk properties of rocks and their consequent sensitivity of rocks to plastic or fluid deformation is
structural behavior depend on the mineralogic con- matched by an almost equal sensitivity to higher stress
stitution as well as the temperature, confining pressure, modes which bring about fracture. Thus Griggs et al.
and magnitude of stress. It is apparent then that a rock (1958) found that hard rocks such as granite and py-
may respond quite differently to stress at different periods roxenite lost most of their strength at temperatures con-
of its history when it is composed of different minerals. siderably below beginning of melting. For example, it
Thus an argillaceous limestone, which yields by brittle was found that granite under a confining pressure of
fracture under low temperature and near surface con- 5 kbar was deformed to the same extent by a differential
ditions, may lose much of its strength at only moderate stress of 5 kbar at 800°C or by a differential stress of
metamorphic temperatures. But this same rock may again 20 kbar 25°C. The mechanism of deformation of such
return to a state of high competence after its constituents rocks in this high stress mode is largely cataclastic flow

Origin of macrostructures

filled by pegmatitic or other vein minerals. All these forms

2S of filling are evidence for the unity of response of vein-
forming processes under both high- and low-grade
metamorphism. Ramberg (1961), in his description of
quartz-calcite veins in low-grade Caledonian rocks of
Norway, has presented particularly good evidence for the
20 relation of such veins to ordinary quartzo-feldspathic
pegmatites. Ramberg (1956) also described many ex-
amples of interboudinage pegmatite minerals from
Greenland. Particularly interesting is his observation that
such mineral-forming sites often result in pegmatites
OIl with quartz cores. Presumably they are evidence for the
.£ 1S
continued availablity of transportable silica after the
depletion of corresponding feldspar by precipitation in
the border zones. It is likely that this merely reflects the
greater solubility of silica, as compared with feldspar, at
lower temperatures during the waning stages of meta-
10 morphism.
Misch (1969) has shown that boudinage also occurs
geologic strain rate------l on a microscale and that it can be good evidence for
synkinematic crystallization. Lower limits to boudinage
are obviously set by the scale of the crystallization or
o 10 recrystallization.
-log f [sec~11 A frequently observed microstructure is the pressure
shadows of quartz associated with garnet and pyrite
8.15 Relationship between viscosity, strain rate, and grains. This phenomenon is clearly a manifestation of the
temperature in Yule marble. (After Heard, \963.)
same driving force behind the filling of incipient and real
Reprinted by permission of The University of
cracks and voids by mineral matter on a macroscopic
Chicago Press.
scale. Geometrically identical structures have been
observed around boudinage fragments of competent
rocks that have undergone tectonic rotation and in the
with some internal gliding and is largely localized in process have picked up pegmatite minerals in a "snow-
shear zones. The application of such experiments to ball" fashion (Ramberg, 1956). Such structures indicate
nature appears to be confined to very local fracturing in that the pegmatite material was itself quite competent,
planetary litho spheres ; however, it may be of considerable presumably because it was coarse grained, and could
importance in the interpretation of earthquakes. continue to form pressure shadows even after the original
Boudinage structures and their associated miner- boudin was enclosed by it.
alization are quite important as sources of information on A characteristic related to crystal pressure shadows is
the relation between mechanical deformation and chem- the spiral or snowball structure of garnet, which ap-
ical transport of new materials into the site. In the plastic parently reflects rotation due to tectonic movements.
yielding of incompetent beds surrounding the boudins This phenomenon has been the subject of detailed studies
the rate of creep is governed by the rate of such processes by Spry (1963) and by Rosenfeld (1970). Rosenfeld in
of gliding and recrystallization, and this form of move- particular has shown that this feature of garnets can be
ment is usually adequate to prevent the appearance of utilized to place certain limits on the properties of rocks
open cracks. Filling between the bound ins thus occurs and orogenic forces during deformation. Thus he has
simultaneously with dislocation. If conditions are un- inferred (Rosenfeld, 1968) that the viscosity of mantling
suitable for the transport and deposition of mineral rocks of certain gneiss domes in Vermont must have been
matter from outside the system, the gaps between the less than 3 x 1020 P at the time of crystallization of these
boudins are filled with the incompetent layers that flow garnets. Rosenfeld (1970) has also used these same fea-
bodily into the low-pressure zone in which a "virtual" tures to place limits on the differential stress. It is inter-
incipient opening is forming. If conditions are favorable esting that the viscosity thus obtained is lower than that
for the deposition of new mineral matter the gaps may be commonly accepted for the low seismic velocity zone of

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

the mantle which is associated with postglacial rebound 3. Bulk chemical variations associated with varying
(Chapter 3). Thus there appears to be mechanisms for proportions of different phases
lowering crustal viscosities considerably during orogenic
We have discussed general kinetic aspects of compo-
Veins are frequently late-formed structures in meta- sitional variation in Chapter 3, where we also gave a
morphic rocks although their character and composition
specific illustration of the relation between the compo-
may be closely related to the nature of this rock. F ollow- sition of spatially separated but chemically connected
ing Goodspeed (1940) we categorize a vein as either
crystals and from which we inferred that this connection
dilatent or as nondilatent, which means that either it has can be maintained through heterogeneous reactions and
formed in a fracture in which the wall rock has been
the differential mobilities of certain constituents such as
dilated to approximately the thickness of the vein or that
H 2 0, H 2 , CO 2 , CO, etc. We pursue this topic further and
the vein material was deposited through replacement with
consider also the growth processes of single crystals.
little or no mechanical separation of the vein walls. It is
It has been pointed out (Mueller, 1967a; Misch, 1968)
obvious, however, that dilatent veins need never have
that the compositional variation with distance of a given
been more than incipient fractures at any stage of filling.
phase is almost always less pronounced than the bulk
We shall not concern ourselves with the criteria for
chemical variation across the layers of banded meta-
dilatency and replacement since these have been ex-
morphic rocks. The nature of these variations have been
haustively treated by Goodspeed and by others. How-
illustrated in Figure 3.1. It is apparent that in each case
ever, we draw attention to an interesting feature of some
the phase compositional variation is of a quite con-
dilatent veins of a discontinuous nature in which the vein
tinuous nature. However we should not be surprised at
is interupted by a schist or gneiss" bridge." It appears that
occasional discontinuities since these could arise through
such bridges are left when a secretion pegmatite forms in
such processes as postcrystallization mechanical dis-
a discontinous incipient fracture (Ramberg, 1956). The
bridge is an important aid in the interpretation of the
The compositional variation from grain to grain is
chemical mechanism.
sometimes duplicated within single grains of certain
As we have indicated, the chemical and mechanical
metamorphic minerals and it may assume a magnitude
properties of rocks cannot readily be separated in plastic
almost equal to the compositional zoning exhibited by
deformation. Thus the origin of all kinds of vems and
magmatic minerals. However, metamorphic zoning of
secondary structures of those veins can be understood
this type appears to be much more continuous as a
only from the standpoint of thermodynamics and kinetics
general rule. A typical example of metamorphic mineral
which govern the atomistic behavior. We shall explore
zoning, which is frequently found in garnets of the low to
these factors in more detail in the next section.
intermediate grade is characterized by a concentration of
manganese in the early-formed core. A somewhat differ-
ent type of zoning is shown by staurolite, in which the
composition varies from sector to sector (Hollister and
Origin of compositional variations Bence, 1967). We shall see that unlike the normal type of
compositional variation between grains that is shown by
The forms of variation all mineral species, the sharp zoning in single grains is
attributable to an almost complete failure of diffusional
The different forms of compositional variation encoun-
communication and equilibrium between zones.
tered in metamorphic rocks are as follows:
It is always difficult to decide in any given case whether
the bulk compositional variations in gneisses or schists
1. Compositional variations in single crystals are attributable to
Continuous variations
Discontinuous variations 1. Original differences between sedimentary or igne-
2. Compositional variations from crystal to crystal in ous bands
the same rock 2. Metamorphic differentiation, perhaps induced by
Continuous variation
parallel shears, tension fractures, or even by
Discontinuous variation
microfolding as described by Misch (1969)
Random variation
Interrelated variation 3. Emplaced foreign material

Origin of compositional variations

Then too we encounter the van at IOns of individual Thermodynamic factors in spatial
minerals and bulk compositions both within well-
variations in composition
defined veins and in the rock surrounding these veins and
which point to the veins and associated aureoles as We have seen earlier that in at least some instances
distinct entities that have been superimposed on the polycrystalline aggregates such as spherlites represent
rock in some way. Systematic variations of tourmaline lower free-energy states than the corresponding single
compositions from the wall to the core of pegmatites have crystals. A related question is whether the multiphase
been described in detail by Staatz et al. (1955). Variation systems of metamorphic rocks can indeed ever be in
in wall rock plagioclase associated with certain pegma- internal thermodynamic equilibrium. In the case of the
tites is shown in Figure 8.16. Frequently also this type of terrestrial environment, at least, the answer is simply
zonmg is accompanied by concentrations of dark minerals that a polyphase system cannot be in equilibrium unless
(selvages) in the wall rock next to the vein. it satisfies the requirement imposed by the gravitational
When compositional variations of a phase occur field that the density must increase downward (see
within a vein the variation is generally related to the Chapter 1). This means that in such a system the in-
characteristic zoning in texture or, phase proportions. dividual phases must segregate into large-scale layers in
However, Ramberg (1956) found that many of the biotite which each layer contains only phases of the same den-
grains in small veins and segregations in the gneisses of sity. It is obvious that this requirement would result in
west Greenland showed little or no variation although a few large mono phase layers. However, this type of
single crystals sometimes extended completely across the density layering is unknown in metamorphic rocks even
veins. at the dimensional scale of the mineral grains that
In many instances also there is a definite reaction comprise them. It follows from this that, despite the
relation between vein and wall rock minerals. For general picture of phase compatibility and orderly ele-
example, Ramberg noted that in the Caledonian rocks of ment distributions, the detailed spatial distribution of
Norway, referred to earlier, chlorite, calcite, and quartz phases must be determined by other than equilibrium
of the veins could be related to the epidote and actinolite factors. Yet despite these inhibitions on mechanical
of the country rock as follows: equilibrium, the driving forces that determine the gross
disposition of phases are thermodynamic in character.
This is true, for example, of the observed tendency for the
epidote actinolite establishment of continuous compositional variation of
phases as related to the diffusion of constituents since the
+ IOCO z + 8 HzO
tendency in such diffusion is to level chemical potential
fluid fluid
gradients. Also, it has frequently been suggested that one
3(Mg, FelsAI 2 Si 3 0 10 (OH)s + 10CaC0 3 + 21 SiOz of the chief driving forces of metamorphic differentiation
chlorite calcite quartz is the pressure differential that is established between the

It is interesting now to examine the thermodynamic 8. 16 Variation in plagioclase composition at the
factors in these compositional variations. contact with a pegmatite. (Data from Kretz, 1968.)

~ 10


Distance [cm I

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

country rock and certain incipient voids or low-pressure collision cross section. ii may be evaluated from the gas
areas that occur in cracks, crests of folds, etc. Mineral kinetic formula
constituents are thought to migrate from high- to low-
pressure regions because an increase in pressure always (8.38)
increases the chemical potential. In some cases, migra-
tion is one step in a heterogenous reaction so that the in which k is Boltzmann's constant and m is the particle
reaction itself depends on the ability of certain of its mass. Ifwe make the assumption that many fluids behave
products to migrate. An example is Reaction (8.e) since at least qualitatively like a perfect gas, we conclude that
it is known that the solids on the right-hand side of this the intrinsic mobility is approximately inversely pro-
reaction are greater in volume than those on the left. portional to the square root of the particle mass. On this
Presumably if the fluid H 20 and CO 2 could escape from basis H2 should be one ofthe intrinsically most mobile of
the rocks, chlorite, calcite, and quartz would be favored molecules. However, if the particle in question interacts
in low-pressure vein sites-as is observed. strongly with other particles or with mineral interfaces,
Numerous other examples of the action of ther- 0" may assume large and highly variable values so that D
modynamic forces in petrogenesis might be given. How- could be greatly diminished by such behavior.
ever proof of the existence of chemical potential gradients By the effect of concentration on mobility we mean
is only one step in an interpretation, and it can cast little simply that the latter is limited by the quantity of the
or no light on the much more difficult kinetic problem diffusing constituent in the medium in which diffusion
that must be solved to give a complete picture. occurs. This concentration will generally be quite in-
dependent of its concentration in some other chemical
Kinetic factors in spatial compositional compound as when it is tightly bound in mineral grains of
variations the system. This point is particularly well brought out in
the case ofthe diffusion of molecular constituents such as
The rate at which any heterogeneous chemical process H 20 which contain the common isotope 0 16 and the
occurs in rocks should depend on the following factors: much rarer isotope 0 18 . Since the chemical properties and
masses of these two isotopes differ only minutely, their
I. Rates of diffusion intrinsic mobilities and diffusion coefficients should be
Intrinsic mobilities of the various chemical species essentially the same. We may then write
Concentrations of the diffusing species in the
phase in which diffusion occurs most rapidly
2. Rates of the heterogeneous chemical reactions, in-
cluding nucleation if new phases are formed

In addition to the diffusion of individual particles, the

transport of fluids bearing the mobile constituents by or
hydrodynamic flow in fractures and in other openings
J H20 l8 dCH 2 0l8
may playa role in some cases, particulary where long-
distance transport is required. However, it is unlikely J H20 l6 dCH 20l6
that such flow is rate-determining in most cases since it We find that in natural systems the isotopic abundances
would be only a step in a sequence that probably involves
are approximately CH 20l6 = 500CH20l8 (Clayton and
slower chemical processes under items I and 2 above. Epstein, 1958) so that we obtain
By "intrinsic mobility" we mean the mobility attained
by virtue of the coefficient of diffusion D j , which char-
acterizes the species i in a particular environment. In the J H20 16 500
simple illustration of the diffusion of one gaseous isotope
into another isotope of the same element we find that Consequently the rate of exchange of these isotopes by
diffusion, as is required in metamorphic recrystallization,
I v should be governed by the concentration of the H 20 18
D=-- (8.37)
3 cO" molecule that is in lowest supply. This is simply another
example of the slowest step determining the overall rate
where ii is the mean speed of the particle, c is the total of a consecutive kinetic process.
concentration of both isotopic particles, and 0" is the On a rigorous theoretical basis the intrinsic mobility

Origin of compositional variations

and concentration factors are not easily separated since T = S73°K and P H20 = 1000 bar. Thus it is clear that at
both depend on interactions between particles. Thus we least under these conditions enstatite dissolves in-
may say that the 0z molecule has a low degree of mobility congruently and that more Si0 2 than MgO goes into
because its concentration is almost always vanishingly solution. It was subsequently pointed out (Mueller,
low. However, this characteristic depends directly on the 1967a) that the most likely reaction that occurred in
tendency ofO z to interact strongly with its surroundings. Morey and Hesselgesser's experiments was
In particular, it reacts strongly with Hz to form the stable
and hence highly abundant HzO molecule.
A petrologically interesting illustration of how the enstatite fluid olivine fluid
mobility of an element may be increased by reaction with Accordingly it seems likely that Mg zSi0 4 was metastably
another constituent is afforded by the system Mg-Si- deposited in their runs although it was not reported.
OrHz. Under anhydrous conditions enstatite and quartz Solubility relationships such as these, as experiment-
can decompose according to the reactions ally determined and interpreted according to solution
models, are necessary as a basis for the study of the trans-
MgSi0 3 (S.f)
port properties of different elements in metamorphism.
enstatite gas gas gas They are crucial to understanding the origin of large
SiOz Si0 2 (S.g) metasomatic complexes (Chapter 14).
quartz gas
The twofold character of diffusive processes in meta-
morphism requires that they be effective both within
which have the equilibrium constants single crystals and between crystals that are spatially
separated (Mueller, 1967). The vaporization processes
K(f) = PMgPSi02 P/12Z = 10- 58.6 (S.40)
just discussed not only supply the material for diffusion
K(g) = PSi02 = 10- 24 .6 atm (S.41 ) between grains but are also closely related to lattice
diffusion, since these reactions almost invariably occur
Now if the value P02 = 10- 18 atm is chosen as represent-
during recrystallization when lattice mobility is greatest.
ative for a typical regional metamorphic rock we find
It is generally agreed, however, that large-scale mass
that PMg = 10- 25 atm. In much the same way we could
transport is not possible through crystal lattices. Ex-
calculate the equilibrium fugacities for such molecular
periments and theoretical considerations indicate rather
species as SiO, MgO, etc., and show that virtually all of
that diffusion coefficients for transport along surfaces
these would be present only in vanishingly small con-
and through intergranular fluids should be many orders
centrations. However, the total concentration of mag-
of magnitude greater than corresponding coefficients
nesium and silicon in the vapor phase can be greatly
for lattice diffusion (Glasstone et al. 1941). An example
enhanced if water is present, and especially if it is present
of lattice diffusion under static conditions is the un-
as a high-density fluid as was shown by Morey and
mixing of immiscible crystalline phases in the pyrox-
Hesselgesser (1951) in their experiments. Wasserburg
enes and the feldspars, which results in perthitic textures.
(195S) attributed this enhancement to the reaction
In each case where such un mixing is pronounced it
Si(OH)4 (8.h) involves relatively low activation energies. Where higher
quartz fluid fluid activation energies are involved, as in the formation of
plagioclase components of peristerites, the unmixing is on
F rom the stoichiometric coefficients of this reaction it is a very fine scale. By contrast in most metamorphic
apparent that it is driven to the right by increasing the recrystallization even such high activation energies as are
pressure. Thus at 870 K and a vapor pressure of 1000 bar
0 entailed in the exchange of (NaSi)5 + and (CaAl)5 + units
the partial pressure of SiO z in the vapor phase is 0.88 bar. are overcome by differential stresses that act to lower the
Thus water under high pressure has increased the con- energy barriers so that not only lattice diffusion but
centration of vaporized silica many orders of magnitude heterogeneous chemical reactions are favored. It may be
over that corresponding to simple vaporization as given inferred on the basis of experiments with such compounds
by reactions such as (S.f)and (S.g). as AI 2 0 3 (Cobel, 1963) that in diffusive deformation
Morey and Hesselgesser also studied the solubility of processes in which Equations (3.50) and (3.51) apply, the
the mineral enstatite, and their data provide us with rate-controlling step is the diffusion of oxygen ions since
simultaneous information on the concentrations of MgO this species has a much greater activation energy of
and SiOz in the vapor phase. These were found to be diffusion than does a metal cation such as AlH. Con-
3.26 x 10- z and 1.6S x 10- 1 bar, respectively, at sequently if recrystallization creep occurs the lower

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

energy barriers for diffusion of such species Cal +, Na + , mechanism by which the zoning occurred and probably
AI3+, and Si 4 + will be overcome simultaneously with is not valid in most cases. The most satisfactory ex-
that of oxygen so that compositional homogenization planation for the common type of metamorphic zoning
which might be impossible under static conditions will be shown in Figure 8.17 was given by Hollister (1966) and
achieved under stress (Mueller, 1967a). Atherton (1968) who suggested that it involves Rayleigh
In addition to the homogenization of zoned or potenti- type fractionation . In the latter process a certain weight of
ally zoned minerals under stress we need also to consider rock substance W R in association with the garnet and
the mechanisms of formation of such zones, in the first containing a weight wN of the element in question reacts
place, by purely metamorphic crystallization. Perhaps to form a weight fraction M6.r of this element in the
the oldest explanation of compositional zoning in outer shell of the growing garnet so that
metamorphic crystals is that it arises through progressive
changes in grade which are registered in the successive E dwN (8.42)
M G• r = dW R
zones. However, this explanation scarcely elucidates the
Specifically this equation states that a weight increment
dltR of the rock reacts to contribute an increment dwN of
the element to the garnet. Since perfect fractionation is
8.17 (a) Mn, Fe, and Mg profiles across the type
garnet. (b) Example of Mn profile of nearly assumed, the quantity of the element added to the garnet
homogeneous garnet. (c) Example of Mn profile is effectively removed from the (rock) system. If D is
across a garnet with edge Mn content approaching regarded as either a thermodynamic or steady-state
zero. (d) Mn profile across cleavage of a biotite grain distribution coefficient the following simple distribution
from the same rock as in (a). (After Hollister, 1966.) relation may be assumed to hold:
Reprinted from Science. 154, pp. 1647- 1651,
Fig. 3. Copyright 1966 by the American Association (8.43)
for the Advancement of Science.

7.0 c
,', 7.0
"1'\,.0 ••.. Mil · · .. .. ..
6.0 ;::; 0


.. 6.0


5.0 o t'<
'\, .
., Ii< 4.0

4.0 . ....

0 3.0
00 4.1 ~
....cO o 2.0
3.45 ~ :
1.0 200"
~ '.'.
2.0 0.0

1.0 .. '

0.0 L-.,-30L O,----2,-'0..,.0- I..l.

OO .,...--0
" ---J
10-0- 2..J.'O-O---l300
Radius. 1111
~ ~dT>,,-r'-~~-r-r~r<~~
I 0.027 .f.A~~."v:--:,,:,:,,':"~"·;':..:;::.·~;,r,·:,,:-;,,,,,-,~':'~,,!.v_
<? O.COO . 1'+-+-1 20'" .. .

Origin of compositional variations

If now Equations (S.42) and (S.43) are combined and (S.j) and (S.k):
integrated we obtain
MR = (WR)D-l (S.44)
M~ W~
(S.4 7)
where MR = Wj/WR is the weight fraction of the element
in the rock exclusive of the garnet. The superscript 0 We note that if x~jn - X~n' both expressions approxi-
indicates the condition before any garnet was present. if mate the form of Equation (8.43). However, Reaction
we bear in mind that WR = W~ - WGap where WGar is (S.j) and Equation (S.46) also imply K-feldspar as a
the total weight of crystallized garnet, Equation (S.44) decomposition product of biotite so that if any sub-
maybe written as stantial quantity of garnet is formed from local biotite the

= DMoR( 1-~
)D-l (S.45)
rock should contain either K -feldspar or plagioclase with
the equivalent amount of this component in solution. The
only alternative is for KAISi 3 0 R to be transported and
This equation gives the weight fraction of a given element deposited outside the system.
at the edge of a garnet in terms of, M~, the weight fraction The zoning in garnets of Yellowknife area was dis-
of the element in the rock as a whole and the total weight cussed previously. Kretz (1973) considers that garnets
of crystallized garnet, WGar . Hollister found it possible have grown principally at the expense of chlorites ac-
to fit Equation (S.45) quite well to the manganese data cording to the reaction:
(Figure S.17). However, he did not further discuss the 1 chlorite (aluminous) + 4 quartz = 3 garnet + 8 H 2 0
heterogeneous reactions by which this form of frac-
Several possibilities of diffusional relationships between
tionation might occur. This may be done as follows.
garnet and chlorite have been discussed by Kretz. In
According to Hollister (1966) the rock specimen
general the interpretation of Hollister and Atherton
represented by Figure S.17 consisted of biotite, chlorite,
seems to be valid. However. Kretz finds that Equation
staurolite, ilmenite, graphite, quartz, and plagioclase.
(8.45) is too restrictive. In particular, the factor D is not
The biotite and chlorite are the chief sources of manganese
necessarily constant. Edmunds and Atherton (1971)
in the garnet. Since these minerals were the most abundant
suggested that the curious increase in the Mn content
ferro magnesian silicates, they presumably were also the
found in the outer margins of garnets (see Figure S.12)
major sources for Fe2+ and Mg in the garnet. If we con-
may be due to an increase in D as a result of decrease in
sider the possible reactions involved we are led to some-
growth rate. Kretz finds that such Mn concentration
thing like the following:
may be adequately explained by a restriction on diffusion
K(Fe, Mg, Mnh(Si 3 AI)OlO(OHh in chlorite during the reaction.
The compositional growth patterns such as have been
discussed depend not only on the kinetics of transport
and crystal growth but very fundamentally on the ther-
staurolite quartz modynamic properties of the material-supplying reactions
such as (S.f) and (8.g). The degree to which such reactions
occur at any stage of garnet growth will govern the
garnet feldspar fluid availability of the different constituents-Fe, Mg, and
Mn-and depends on the temperature and pressure (or
metamorphic grade). As is well known, reactions in-
volving volatiles are governed in part by the permeability
chlorite quartz
of the rock. To use another illustration, it is apparent
that the availability of iron for garnet formation would
also depend on such reactions as
garnet fluid Fe 3 0 4 + AI 2 SiO, + 2Si0 1 + Hl
magnetite AI-silicate quartz flUid
These reactions actually represent three independent sets
of reactions, one each for Fe, Mg, and Mn. Ifwe consider Fe3AlzSi3012 + H 20 (S.\)
only the manganese reactions, we may write the following garnet fluid
distribution coefficients corresponding to Reactions which involve the relative mobilities of Hz and H 2 0.

8 Metamorphism
and metamorphic mechanisms

It should be apparent that the many aspects of meta-
morphic crystallization are highly interdependent. The
first requirement for the growth of a crystal in a given
specific location is that it represents the lowest free energy
state attainable both with respect to the reactant crystals
and fluids from which it is derived and in relation to other
sites at which nucleation and growth might have occurred.
Secondly, it is necessary that the components of the
reaction have sufficient mobility to reach the site of
growth; and finally that the material-producing re-
actions, nucleation, and growth must all be rapid enough
to occur in the time available. These kinetic factors
determine what is the "attainable" thermodynamic
state. For the reactants and products to approach a state
of local equilibrium it is necessary that each part of every
crystal, including the interior, be in diffusional equilibrium
with every other crystal of the local volume. It appears
that the most effective agent for activating this communi-
cation is the recrystallization that occurs under differ-
ential stress. When stresses are ineffective, as in the case of
strong crystals such as garnet, the exchange process be-
tween the interior of the crystal and both its own exterior
and surrounding minerals is suspended and the peculiar
zoning record of growth is retained. The precise spatial
distribution of crystals in metamorphic rocks is a result
of kinetic factors such as those that favor certain nuclea-
tion sites. These kinetic factors totally dominate and mask
the driving forces of the gravitational potential. The
same kinetic factors also greatly modify the influence of
the equilibrium forms of crystals that result from inter-
facial free energies. In particular the dynamic processes
of flow (gliding recrystallization, etc.) in stressed rocks
result in the pervasive crystallographic co-alignment of
crystals, which is a response that favors the flow process


Experimental appraisal of the

stability of minerals
Although many metamorphic minerals are stable under
a variety of pressure and temperature conditions, there
are many minerals that are stable only over a narrow
range of P and T. Such index minerals provide useful
petrogenetic information. Index minerals have played
important roles in many classical studies in delineating
metamorphic zones. However, there are relatively few
minerals that are pure anhydrous phases. The stability
of most metamorphic minerals, therefore, is a function
of not only P and T but also of the fluid pressure and
bulk chemistry. In this chapter, we present the P, T and
compositional stability relations of many metamorphic
During the last 20 years a rapid progress has been
made in the experimental study of metamorphic re-
actions. These studies have improved our understanding
of the stability of different minerals and have led to a
revision in the P and T boundaries of metamorphism
and antexis. However, the bulk of the experimental data
is for reactions involving. pure solid and fluid phases
and not solutions. In the second part of this chapter we
present a theoretical analysis of the solution effect on the
The review of the experimental work is not exhaustive,
and the stability relations of mineral systems such as
carbonates and oxides have not been discussed in detail.
The chemical formulae and abbreviations for several
metamorphic minerals are listed in Table 9.1.

9 Metamorphic

Table 9.1 Abbreviations of mineral names and chemical formulae

Anth anthophyllite Mg 7Si s0 22 (OHh Kaol kaolinite AlzSizOs(OH)4

Ab albite NaAISi 30 S K-fs K-feldspar KAISi 30 S
Acm acmite NaFeSi 30 S Ky kyanite AlzSiO s
Act actinolite Caz(Mg, Fe)sSisOzz(OHh Lm laumontite CaA12Si4012·4H20
AI-Sil AI-silicate AI 2SiO s Lw lawsonite CaAl zSi z0 7(OHh . HzO
Aim almandine Fe3AlzSi301Z Mag magnesite MgC0 3
An anorthite CaAlzSizO s Me melilite Ca 2Al zSi0 7
And andalusite AI 2SiO s Ms muscovite KAI 3Si 30 10 (OH)z
Ann annite KFe 3AISi 30 10 (OHh Mt magnetite Fe 30 4
Anlc analcite NaAISi 2 0 6 • H 2O Ne nepheline NaAISi0 4
Bi biotite variable 01 olivine (Mg,Fe)zSi04
Br brucite Mg(OH)z Omp omphacite Jd + Di + Hd + Acm
Calc calcite CaC0 3 + Tschermak.
Chd chloritoid (Fe,Mg)AI 2SiOs(OH)2 Or orthoclase KAISi 3 0 S
Chi chlorite variable Per periclase MgO
Cor corundum Al z0 3 Pg paragonite NaAI 3Si 30 10(OHh
Cord cordierite (Fe,Mg)zAliSi sAI)01S·tH 2O Phi phlogopite KMg 3 AISi 30 10 (OHh
Cum cummingtoni te (Fe, MghSis0nC0Hh Plag plagioclase NaAISi30S-CaAlzSi20S
Cz clinozoisite Ca2AI3Si301Z(OH) Pr prehnite Ca2AlzSi3010(OH)z
Di diopside CaMgSi 20 6 Pu pumpellyite Ca2AI3(Si04)(Siz07)(OHh
Dol dolomite (Ca,Mg)C0 3 Px pyroxene variable
En enstatite MgSi0 3 Pyp pyrophyllite AI 2Si 4O lO (OH)z
Ep epidote Ca2(AI,FehSi3012(OH) Pyr pyrope Mg3AlzSi3012
Fa fayalite Fe2Si04 Q quartz SiOz
Fer ferrite (Fe,Mg)Fe z0 4 S serpentine Mg 3Si 2Os(OH)4
Fos forsterite Mg zSi0 4 San sanidine KAISi 30 S
Fs ferrosilite FeSi0 3 Sap sapphirine Mg 2AI 4Si0 1O
Fss feldspar variable Sd siderite (Fe,Mn)C0 3
G graphite C Sill sillimanite AlzSiO s
Gar garnet variable Sp spinel (Mg, Fe) (AI, Cr)z04
Ge gehlenite Ca2AI2Si07 Sph sphene CaTiOSi0 4
Gr grossularite Ca3AI2Si301Z Sps spessertine Mn3AI2Si3012
GI glaucophane Naz(Mg,Fe)3AlzSis022(OHh St staurolite (Fe,Mg)AI1SSis044(OH)4
Hb hornblende variable Stilp stilpnomelane variable
Hd hedenbergite CaFeSi z0 6 Tc talc Mg 3Si40 1S (OH)z
Hem hematite Fe203 Tr tremolite CazMgsSis°zi°Hh
Her hercynite FeAI 20 4 V vapor variable
Heu heulandite variable Wr wairakite CaAl zSi 40 12 ·2H zO
Hy hypersthene (Mg,Fe)Si0 3 Wo wollastonite CaSi0 3
II ilmenite FeTi0 3 Z zoisite Ca2A13Si3012(OH)
Jd jadeite NaAISi z0 6

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

Laumontite, wairakite, lawsonite, and Z
related minerals +
The hydrous silicates of Ca and Al forming at low Q
temperatures have been studied by Liou (1971 b). These +
laumontite (CaAI2Si40124H20), ~

wairakite (CaAI 2Si 40 12 2 H 20), 'il
and lawsonite (CaAI 2Si 20 7 (OHlz H 20), e
related by the following reactions:
laumontite = wairakite + 2 H 20 (9.a)
laumontite = lawsonite + 2quartz + 2 H 20 (9.b)
lawsonite + 2 Quartz = wairakite (9.c)

The equilibrium conditions are

200 300 400
T rOC]
(9.a) (9.b) (9.c)

230°C at 210°C at 3 kbar 305°C at 3.4 kbar 9.1 Minerals in the system CaAlzSi20s-SiOz-H zO.
0.5 kbar 275°C at 3.2 kbar 390°C at 4.4 kbar Data are from Liou (197Ib); boundaries on the right
255 ± 5°C at hand above 4 kbar are from Newton and Kennedy
1 kbar (1963).
282 ± 5°C at
2 kbar
297 ± 5°C at of view, both ferro- and ferri-stilpnomelane appear
3 kbar equally stable under appropriate oxidation conditions.
325 ± 5°C at There is no experimental data on the synthesis and
6 kbar stability of the mineral. It occurs in rocks of the lowest
metamorphic grade as in the schists of western Otago,
To these data we may add those of Newton and Kennedy New Zealand (Hutton, 1940; Brown, 1967) or in the
(1963) as shown in Figure 9.1. The boundary between low-temperature and high-pressure glaucophane schists
wairakite and quartz and anorthite (Liou, 1970) seems in central Japan (Miyashiro and Seki, 1958). The high-
to be the upper temperature limit for the zeolites under temperature limit of stilpnomelane may lie in the range
the condition that Ptotal is equal to P fluid ' If P fluid is less of temperature in which biotite appears. Generally,
than the total pressure, the dehydration curves will shift stilpnomelane and biotite do not occur in the same rock.
toward low temperatures. The effect of increasing P co , However, Brown (1967) has described stably coexisting
will be similar (see Albee and Zen, 1969). biotite and stilpnomelane from the Otago schist belt.
Actinolite is also commonly associated with this mineral
Stilpnomelane (Turner, 1968, pp. 271-274).

Eggleton's (1972) structural and chemical data indicate Chlorite

that stilpnomelane may be represented by the formula
Chlorites form a group of minerals characterized by
(Ca, Na, K)4(Tio.1AI2.3Fe35.5Mno.sMg9.3) principal substitutions of AI3+ and Mg2+ by Fe2+,
(Si 63 AI 9)(O, OHh16' n H 20. Fe 3 + , and Si 4+ . Those in pelitic schists may be described
Fe3+ is present in large amounts in some stilpnomelanes by the end members
called ferristilpnomelane by Hutton (1938). Zen (1960) Mg4.sAll.2(Si2.sAI1.2010)
suggests that this may be due to oxidation of Fe 2+
(OH)g-Fe4.8All.2(Si2.sAI1.20 1o)(OH)s,
subsequent to the formation of the mineral. Eggleton
(1972), however, considers that from a structural point with probable variation in AI and Fe3+.

9 Metamorphic

Experimental studies on the stability of chlorite are 10

available mainly for cIinochlore
ChI + Ms PhI + Ky +
Clinochlore alone is stable up to temperatures of 670°C
to 820°C over the range of PH20 from 1 to 7 kbar (Fawcett
and Yoder, 1966). The breakdown products above 3 kbar
are enstatite + forsterite + spinel, and below 3 kbar
forsterite + spinel + cordierite.
Clinochlore in combination with other minerals such o

as quartz, muscovite, and Al 2 SiO s becomes unstable at

much lower temperatures than those of cIinochlore alone,
which illustrates a general principle of mineral stability.
Recent data onthe reactions involving chlorite are shown
in Figure 9.2. The equilibrium reactions are

chlorite + quartz cordierite + talc + H 2 0

(Fawcett and Yoder, 1966)
500 680
chlorite + muscovite + quartz
phlogopite + cordierite + H 2 0 (9.e)
9.2 Experimental data on reactions involving chlorite.
(Seifert, 1970; Bird and Fawcett, 1973) The sources are 1: Fawcett and Yoder (1966);
2: Siefert (1970); 3: Siefert and Schreyer (1970);
chlorite + andalusite + quartz ~
4: Bird and Fawcett (1973); 5: Hoschek (1969).
cordierite + H 20 (9.f)
(Seifert and Schreyer, 1970)
mineral. It seems, therefore, that with quartz and
chlorite + muscovite ~ muscovite, a Fe-AI-chlorite would be eliminated from the
phlogopite + kyanite + quartz + H 2 0 (9.g) assemblage under 500°e. Hsu's (1968) work shows that
(Bird and Fawcett, 1973)
quartz, Fe-chlorite, and fluid at low f02 react to form
almandine between 500°C and 550°C in the pressure
All chlorites in Reactions (9.d) to (9.g) are magnesium range 500 to 3000 bar. See also Chernosky (1974).
chlorite (cIinochlore), and since Mg-silicates tend to be
relatively stable, these reactions represent the maximum
P and T for chlorite to be stable in metamorphic rocks.
Since chlorites in most pelitic rocks are rich in Fe 2 +
and AI 3 +, the T and P of the disappearance of chlorite in The coexistence of albite (An ~ 7 percent) and epidote is
regarded by most petrologists as a convenient index for
progressive metamorphism will be considerably lower
than, for example, the range of 580°C to 620°C at 4 kbar. the upper boundary of the greenschist facies. Experi-
This is quite evident in Hoschek's (1969) experimental mental data on the upper stability limit of epidote is
provided by Liou (1973), Nitsch and Winkler (1965),
results of the reaction:
and Holdaway (1967, 1972). Liou (1973) discussed the
(Fe-Mg) chlorite + muscovite following two reactions
staurolite + biotite + quartz + vapor (9.h) epidote
The equilibrium T and Pare 565 ± 15°C at 7 kbar and grandite" + anorthite + hematite + quartz + fluid
540 ± 15°C at 4 kbar. Turnock's (1960) result on the (9.i)
synthesis of the ferrous aluminum chlorite (daphnite)
suggest a maximum range of 56SOC to 595°C at 2 kbar epidote + quartz
water vapor pressure for the upper stability of this garnet" + anorthite + magnetite" + fluid (9.j)

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

where the subscript ss denotes solid solution. The break-

T[OC] P H20 [kbar]
down of epidote alone occurs in the temperature range
of 600°C to 750°C over a P fluid range of 1 to 5 kbar.
The epidote + quartz reaction takes place at a somewhat
400 ± 15 1.0 Hemley (1967)
lower range of 520°C to 670°C over a Pfluid range of
410 ± 15 1.8 Kerrick (1968)
1 to 5 kbar. The fluid phase contains both O 2 and H 20,
430 ± 15 3.9 Kerrick (1968)
and Reaction (9.i) is at f02 defined by the hematite-
490 ±5 2.0 Althaus (1966)
magnetite buffer and Reaction (9.j) by the Ni-NiO
525 ±5 7.0 Althaus (1966)
buffer. Liou's (1973) discussion shows that the stability
of epidote may be bounded by the reactions
There is a marked difference of about 80°C in the
prehnite + FeO x + O 2 ~ epidote + H 20 (9.k) results of Kerrick and Althaus. The combined results of
Kerrick and Hemley explain the transition between
and kyanite- and andalusite-bearing assemblages (Chinner,
epidote + quartz 1966).
The low-temperature stability of pyrophyllite may
hedenbergite + anorthite + fluid (9.1)
be established by the equilibrium P and T of the following
or reaction:
epidote AI 2Si 20s(OH)4 + 2Si0 2
anorthite + grandite + FeO x + quartz + fluid (9.m) kaolinite

where x represents the nonstoichiometric 0 in wustite. AI 2Si 40 1o (OHh + H 20 (9.p)

The second high-temperature reaction (9.1) takes place pyrophyllite
at much lower fa, than Reaction (9.m). At constant
fluid pressure, increasing fa, enlarges the stability field This reaction has been studied by many workers, more
to both higher and lower temperatures, while reducing recently by Althaus (1966), Velde and Kornprobst (1969),
conditions diminish the stability field. and Thompson (1970). Figure 9.3 shows the possible
If albite is present with epidote, the breakdown of fields of pyrophyllite stability according to the experi-
epidote would take place at a lower temperature than mental results of Althaus and Kerrick and Thompson.
that of any high-temperature reactions mentioned The two fields differ significantly. The upper and lower
above. The experiments of Liou et al. (1971) indicate the temperature limits are somewhere in between, and the
following equilibrium P and T for the reaction field may extend from about 350°C to 450°C at 2 kbar.
epidote + chlorite + albite + quartz ~
oligoclase + tschermakite Chloritoid
P fluid = 2 kbar, T = 475°C (f02 of QFM buffer) (9.n)
Important information on the stability of chloritoid has
The low-temperature stability limit of epidote under been gathered by Hoschek (1969), Ganguly and Newton
hydrous and oxidizing conditions may be estimated to be (1968), and Ganguly (1969). Petrographic studies indicate
220 ± 50°C over the total pressure range of 1 to 6 kbar that iron-rich chloritoid is formed in regionally meta-
and 300°C at 7 kbar (Seki, 1972; Tomasson and morphed rocks at about the beginning of the greenschist
Kristmannsdottir, 1972). facies probably according to the reactions

chlorite + AI-silicate (kaolinite, pyrophyllite)

Pyrophyllite = chloritoid + quartz + vapor (9.q)
Experimental determinations on the upper stability
3AI 4 Si 4 0 lO (OHh +
limit of pyrophyllite (AI 2Si 40 lO (OH}z) have been made
by several workers. However, the results where revers-
ibility could be demonstrated are few, and these are as 6A1 20 3 · H 20 + 4Fe 30 4 (or 6Fe203)
presented below: diaspore

pyrophyllite ~ andalusite + 3quartz + H 20 12FeAI 2SiOs(OHh + 6H 20 + 20 2 (or 30 2) (9.r)

(9.0) chloritoid

9 Metamorphic

with chloritoid (see Hoschek, 1969). The stability limits

Kaol +Q
rI of this association are not well understood. According to
theoretical calculations of Hoschek (1969), the equilib-
I rium conditions for the reaction
I chlorite + paragonite + quartz
Pyp I = chloritoid + glaucophane + vapor
5 I
lAnd + may be 450°C at 10 kbar and 500°C at 7.S kbar. For the
I Q +v
I chloritoid + quartz
I staurolite + almandine + vapor
I Hoschek estimated a temperature of ~57SOC at 5 kbar,
...... which is not much different from Ganguly's (1969)
experimental determination.
Ganguly (1969) has presented a detailed analysis of
the stability of chloritoid and its parageneses. Three
of these limiting chloritoid breakdown equilibria are
presented in Figure 9.4. These equilibria are
300 400 500
T rOC] 3 chloritoid
almandine + 2corundum + 3H zO (9.u)
9.3 Stability of pyrophyllite. Two sets of experimental
results are shown. The dashed lines represent the 23chloritoid + 8quartz ~
results of Althaus (1966), the solid lines of Kerrick 4staurolite + 5almandine + 21 H 2 0 (9.v)
(1968) and Thompson (1970).
4chloritoid + Ssillimanite ~
2staurolite + quartz + 3H 2 0 (9.w)
Chloritoid-bearing assemblages from emery deposits,
Samos, Greece (in Halfterdahl, 1961) include diaspore Unlike many other mineral systems, the stability
and kaolinite along with muscovite, magnetite, hematite, limit of chloritoid is not significantly affected by the
and rutile. The equilibrium temperature of such presence of excess quartz. At oxygen fugacities up to
assemblages is in the range 37SOC to 400°C as inferred those defined by the NNO buffer, excess silica depresses
from data on the dehydration of diaspore (see Winkler, the thermal stability limit of chloritoid by only 15°C.
1974). This effect disappears with increasing fo,. The variation
According to Hoschek (1969) the coexistence of in fo, within the field of magnetite does not alter the
chloritoid with albite or with biotite is rare. There is upper thermal stability of chloritoid significantly. It
probably a small temperature difference between the appears (Figure 9.4) that the highest temperature at
which magnesian chloritoid can exist in natural assem-
blages is around 57SoC to 600°C. The presence of chlorite
chlorite + muscovite and mica introduces a few additional chloritoid equi-
= chloritoid + biotite + quartz + vapor (9.s) libria, but all such curves must lie between the limits
defined by Reactions (9.v) and (9.w).
and the reaction Chloritoid in regional metamorphic schists has been
chlorite + muscovite generally regarded as one of the source mineral for the
formation of staurolite. Ganguly (1969) estimates that,
= staurolite + biotite + quartz + vapor (9.t)
after allowing for the various possible effects such as
Therefore these equilibria may be sensitive to small those of crystalline solubility (mainly Fe and Mg),
changes in PH,o or Po,. Chloritoid and biotite or variable oxygen fugacity, and of lowering of PH,o
chloritoid and albite were not found together by Hoschek relative to total pressure, the temperature at pressures
(1969) in the Central Alps, Austria. Petrologists have of 4 to 8 kbar for the reaction chloritoid to staurolite
also noted the rare occurrence of glaucophane together is in the range of 500a C to 57S°C.

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

Richardson (1968) studied the system Fe-Al-Si-O-H

Chd + AI2SiOs
~ St + Q + H20
with the oxygen fugacity controlled by the QFM buffer.
The reactions are as follows:

6staurolite + llquartz ~
4almandine + 23sillimanite + 3H 2 0 (9.x)
10 2 staurolite + 7 quartz
2cordierite + 5siIIimanite + H 2 0 (9.y)
4chloritoid + 5 sillimanite ~
2staurolite + quartz + 3H 2 0 (9.z)

Ganguly (1972) has also given experimental data on

Reaction (9.x), and his final analysis shows that staurolite
5 plus quartz are stable depending on bulk composition
over the temperature interval of 75°C to as much as
150°C at 10 kbar; it has a pressure maximum between
14 to 20 kbar around 600°C as well as a low-pressure
termination between 3 to 5 kbar. The association is
virtually unstable at oxygen fugacities within the field
of hematite. In association with magnetite, the field of
staurolite plus quartz (Figure 9.5) becomes restricted to
550 650 700
oxygen fugacities between the NNO and HM buffers;
the resultant form is a pyramidal volume with the apex
9.4 Section along NNO buffer showing the various around 16 to 20 kbar, 615°C to 62SOC, and log f02 = -14
stable chloritoid breakdown equilibria. (After to -15. The presence of mica and/or chlorite in natural
Ganguly, 1969.) The experimental data are from assemblages restricts the field of staurolite further. In
Ganguly (1969), Hoschek (1967), and Richardson the relatively rare assemblages devoid of free quartz,
(1968). Printed from Journal of Petrology (see such as reported by Uruno and Kanisawa (1965), the
reference) by permission of the Oxford University field of staurolite is extended, the major effect being on
Press, Oxford. the upper limit of thermal stability.
In natural assemblages, nearly all minerals are
crystalline solutions. The intergranular fluid or vapor
Staurolite phase is also a mixture of various components. Ganguly
The chemical composItion and structural formula of (1972) has estimated the probable effects of such solution
staurolite have been discussed by Smith (1968) and reactions on the stability limits and Figure 9.5 also
Griffen and Ribbe (1973) among others. It appears shows these effects.
that staurolite may be represented by the formula Hoschek (1969) investigated the following reactions
Fe4AllsSis044(OH)4' Most AI is in the AI VI site, and Fe with the oxygen fugacity at the level of the FMQ buffer:
in the Fe IV sites. From Griffen and Ribbe's statistical (Fe-Mg)chlorite + muscovite ~
analysis (as given in their table 4) it appears that Mg
(Fe-Mg)staurolite + (Fe-Mg)biotite + quartz + vapor
may be occupying both Al vI and Fe IV sites. Staurolites
(Figure 9.2) (9.aa)
may also contain Zn in significant concentration and
several other elements such as Ti, Mn, Cr, V, and Co in (Fe-Mg)staurolite + muscovite + quartz ~
minor amounts. Al 2 SiO s + (Fe-Mg)biotite + vapor (
Experiments on the stability of staurolite with the
composition 4MgO· 9Al 2 0 3 • 7.5Si0 2 • 2H 2 0 were The equilibrium conditions for the staurolite-forming
conducted by Schreyer and Seifert (1969). Mg-staurolite reaction are 565 ± 15°C at 7 kbar and 540 ± 15°C at
is stable at fluid pressures greater than 12 kbar within a 4 kbar. Those for the staurolite breakdown are
temperature range that increases with pressure. At 12 675 ± 15°C at 5.5 kbar and 575 ± 15°C at 2 kbar. These
kbar it is around 750°C and at 25 kbar it extends from ranges of pressure and temperature are close to those of
750°C to 975°C. Reactions (9.x), (9.y), and (9.z) represented in Figure 9.5.

9 Metamorphic

experimental difficulties in pressure determination and

variations in the composition and structure of the
I \
I \
starting material and the final products. Possible effects
of order-disorder in sillimanite have been considered by
\ Greenwood (1972).
Results of three recent studies of the fields of the
three polymorphs are shown in Figure 9.6. Richardson
et al. (1969) give the coordinates of the triple point as
15 \
622°C and 5.5 kbar with an uncertainty area. Holdaway
(1971) puts the triple point at 501°C and 3.76 kbar.
\Alm +Ky Althaus (1967) determined this point at 595°C and 6.5
\ kbar. Ganguly (1969) noted that the natural occurrence
of chloritoid and sillimanite, although rare does occur
in equilibrium in some metamorphic rocks (emery
"- 10 \
deposits, Naxos. Greece; see Ganguly, 1969). It is possible,
) therefore, that the· low-temperature boundary of the
I stability field of sillimanite and the high-temperature
I boundary of the stability field of chloritoid either overlap
!Alm + Sill
or they are not significantly separated in the P- T field.
9.6 The triple "points" in the Al 2 SiO s system.
Reactions (9.u) and (9.w) are discussed in the text.
0: Althaus (1967); *: Richardson et al. (1969);
. : Holdaway (1971); .. : average possible value.

600 700

9.5 Stability field of staurolite between NNO and HM

buffers. The dashed lines indicate the probable
shift as a result of crystalline solution effects.
Experimental data involving sillimanite are from
Richardson (1968). Reprinted from the Journal of
Petrology (Ganguly, 1972, see reference) by permission
of the Oxford University Press, Oxford.

The A1 2 SiO s polymorphs

The three AlzSiO s polymorphs-andalusite, sillimanite,
and kyanite-are common metamorphic minerals in
pelitic rocks. Several experimental determinations of the
triple point and the univariant transitions have been
made, the more recent being those by Newton (1966b),
Althaus (1967), Richardson et al. (1968, 1969), and
Holdaway (1971). As the difference in the free energy of
formation of the polymorphs is small, the experimental
accuracy in such determinations has to be very high.
Unfortunately, in spite of extensive investigations, the
location of the triple point remains uncertain. Zen (1969)
has pointed out the possible reasons for the discrepancies
in the various experimental results. These reasons include

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

In this respect, Ganguly's (1969) Reactions (9.u) and The upper stability limit for Fe-cordierite according to
(9.w) as shown below prescribe the limits within which the reaction
the triple point may be located. These reactions are
3 F e-cordierite
chloritoid ~ almandine + corundum + H 2 0 2almandine + 4sillimanite + 5quartz (9.dd)
is shown in Figure 9.7. The stability of Fe-cordierite at
chloritoid + sillimanite ~
about 700°C is limited to a maximum fluid pressure
(f02 . QFM buffer) of about 3.5 kbar.
staurolite + quartz + H 2 0 (9.w)
Figure 9.7 shows the results of Newton (1972) and
Figure 9.6 shows the univariant curves of the two Hensen and Green (1973). The upper stability limit of
reactions; the dashed curve being Ganguly's estimated Mg-cordierite breaking down to enstatite, sillimanite,
shift in curve [Reaction (9.w)] due to possible com- and quartz is different, as determined in the dry and wet
positional variations in natural assemblages. It appears systems. Newton (1972) suggests that this may be due
that at present we must be satisfied by assuming that the to the water in the cordierite structure which increases
three experimentally determined triple points represent its stability under wet conditions. Green and Vernon
the limits of an area within which the real triple point (1974), using natural assemblages as starting materials,
is located. A reasonable estimate may be 550°C and find that cordierite and amphibole coexist in a divariant
5 kbar. band within the temperature range 740°C to 860°C.

Cordierite 9.7 The stability of cordierite. 1 : Hensen and Green

(1973); 2: Newton (1972); 3: Richardson (1968)
Compositionally, cordierite vanes between the end (QFM buffer). Shaded areas are divariant bands
members Fe 2 AI 3 (Si 5 Al)OI8 and Mg zAI 3 (Si 5 Al)OI8' with amphibole + cordierite + kyanite + quartz
Most cordierites lie in the Mg/(Mg + Fe z +) range of (Green and Vernon, 1974). Cordierite + quartz
91 to 46 percent. Most cordierite analyses show a are on the low-pressure side of the band, while
significant concentration of water, ranging from 0.6 to amphibole + kyanite + quartz are on the
3.3 wt. percent (Lepezin, 1969). Structurally, cordierite high-pressure side.
may vary between an orthorhombic "low" structural
state (maximum "distortion") and a truly hexagonal
"high" form. The variation in structural states found in
metamorphic cordierites may not significantly change
the energetics, as noted by Newton (1972) who measured
the !lH of solution.
Several reactions that may introduce or remove CD __ Hy+Ky+Q CD
cordierite under hydrous conditions have been shown Hydrous Co;ct
above. Figure 9.2 indicates that at 500°C to 520°C 10
cordierite may be formed between 2 to 3 kbar by the

Mg-chlorite + andalusite + quartz

cordierite + vapor (9.f)

The maximum pressure the cordierite stability field 5

reaches under hydrous conditions in presence of micas
is about 6.5 kbar at about 640°C. Richardson's (1968)
data on the reaction

Fe-staurolite + quartz
Fe-cordierite + sillimanite + H 2 0 (
600 700 800 900
are T = 560°C, P = 2 kbar, and T = 650°C, P = 3 kbar.

9 Metamorphic

At 740°C, the band is between a pressure of 7.7 and 10.4

kbar at 860°C, between 9.5 and 11.4 kbar. The re-
crystallized cordierites are in the Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)
range of 0.89 to 0.94 and the coexisting amphiboles of
0.78 to 0.81. The f02 is estimated by the authors to be
between those of the FM Q and Ni-NiO buffers. 4

M uscovi te-paragoni te
The assemblage muscovite and quartz is very common
in low- to high-grade metamorphic rocks, whereas the 3

assemblage paragonite-quartz has been noted in low-

to medium-grade metamorphic rocks. There is partial
crystalline solution between muscovite and paragonite.
Recent work on the P- T (P H20 = P,o,a') stability of
muscovite or muscovite and quartz was carried out by
Velde (1966), Evans (1965), Althaus et al. (1970), and Day
(1973). The breakdown of paragonite and the assemblage
paragonite-quartz have been studied experimentally by
Chatterjee (1970,1972) and Ivanov and Gusynin (1970).
Figure 9.8 shows the univariant curves for the

1 muscovite 1corundum + 1sanidine + 1 H 2 0

( 400

1 paragonite 1corundum + 1albite + 1 H 2 0 9.8 The mica-quartz reactions. Helgesson (1975) finds
that the differences in various curves (e.g. 3, 4, 5)
may be due to the different structural states of
I muscovite + 1quartz ~ feldspars in the experiments. 1: Velde (1966);
2: Chatterjee (1970); 3: Althaus et al. (1970);
I K-feldspar + 1AI 2 SiO s + 1 H 2 0 (')
4: Evans (1965); 5: Day (1973); 6: Chatterjee (1972);
Sill/ And/ Ky . : Kerrick's (1972) muscovite data (50 percent
mixture of H2 0: CO 2 ),
1 paragonite + 1quartz
I albite + I Al 2 SiO s + I H20 (9.ff')
And/Ky presence of quartz could be present to a maximum
depth of 100 km.
Results on the two univariant curves for Reaction (') Chlorite + muscovite reactions already have been
by Day (1973) and Althaus et al. (1970) are not signifi- considered. These reactions and the equilibrium P and
cantly different and may be accepted as the upper critical Tare
limit in P and T for the reaction. These stability relations
are for reactions involving pure water. In rocks the 49(Mg-Fe) chlorite + 151 muscovite
gaseous or fluid phase would contain components other = 44(Mg-Fe)staurolite + 151(Mg-Fe)biotite

than water. Kerrick (1972) investigated Reaction ( + 360 quartz + 696 vapor (9.t)
with the fluid phase as a mixture of CO 2 and H 2 0. P = 7 kbar roc = 565 ± 15 Hoschek (1969)
Kerrick's three experimental results are shown in Figure P = 4 kbar roc = 540 ± 15 Hoschek (1969)
9.8. Note that the change in mole fraction by 0.5 changes
3 Mg-chlorite + 5 muscovite
the temperature stability of muscovite + quartz by over
= 8 kyanite + 5 phlogopite
100°C, Storre and Karotke (1971) and Huang et al. (1973)
have studied the high-pressure dissociation of muscovite.
+ I quartz + 12H 2 0 (9.g)
Their results (up to 30 kbar) indicate that muscovite P = 7 kbar roc = 639-631
dissociates or melts at shallow depths. Muscovite in the P = 8 kbar Toe = 645-634

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

Other reactions involving cordierite have been des- solvus curve, activity-composition relations, and the
cribed in preceding sections. effect of pressure on the thermodynamic relations. The
change of critical temperature with pressure is given by
Feldspars dT,jdP = 13.47°Cjkbar. The difficulties with the experi-
mental determination of the solvus were outlined by
Before a summary of the results on experimental systems Luth and Tuttle (1966) and were discussed by Thompson
involving feldspars is presented, it is necessary to point and Waldbaum (1969), who suggested that a starting
out that in most experiments feldspars may be generated material with excess alkalis may yield experimental
metastably. Attainment of chemical equilibrium in the results more consistent with natural feldspars than ideal
assemblage is particularly difficult because of the high or peraluminous materials.
activation energy for intracrystalline diffusion of Al and There is a very significant effect of PH20 on the
Si over the nonequivalent tetrahedral sites. This is due sanidine-albite solvus. This was pointed out by Yoder
to the charge linkage between Ca and Al on the one hand et al. (1957), who determined the solvus with a melting
and Na and Si on the other hand (Goldsmith, 1952, minimum of PH20 at 5 kbar and an estimated critical
Chapter 3). Excellent reviews of the kinetics of order- temperature of 715°C. More recent work on the system
disorder and exsolution and process of twinning have alkali feldspar-water was carried out by Morse (1970) and
been presented by Marfunin (1966), Barth (1969), and Goldsmith and Newton (1972). Morse (1970) found that
recently by Smith (1973). A summary of several systems the melting at a P H20 of 5 kbar begins at an isobaric
involving feldspars has been presented by Barth (1969) eutectic of 703 ± 2°C with critical composition as
and by Smith (1974). The results of some recent work on Or 28 . 5 wt. %(Or = KAlSi 3 0 8 ) (Figure 9.9). The liquidus
feldspar phase diagrams are presented here. Some of albite-H 2 0 at 5 kbar is 758 ± 3°C. Figure 9.9 also
liquidus relations of the system have been discussed in shows the K-feldspar-rich water-saturated liquidus
Chapter 2 as an illustration of crystal-melt equilibria.

~a}\ISi3()8-}(}\ISi3()8 9.9 Equilibrium diagram of the system Ab-Or-H 2 0 at

5 kbar, projected from H 2 0 onto the andydrous
The results of experiments at 2.5 and 10 kbar by Orville join. ss = solid solution. (After Morse, 1970).
(1963) and by Luth and Tuttle (1966) were used by Reprinted from the Journal of Petrology (see reference)
Thompson and Waldbaum (1969) to calculate the by permission of the Oxford University Press, Oxford.



.. :

Abss + Or" + gas

x x

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
wt. % Or

9 Metamorphic

(Yoder et al., 1957), and the sanidine-H 2 0 melting where T is temperature (OK), P denotes pressure (bar),
temperature as 876°C. Goldsmith and Newton (1972) and X 1 and X 2 are the mole fractions of the components
performed similar experiments on water saturated solvi NaAISi 3 0 s and KAISi 3 0 s , respectively. This equation
in the range 10 to 20 kbar PH20 . The effect of pressure in is based on solvus data ranging from 500°C to 700°C
decreasing the solid solubility on the K-rich limb in and from 2 to 10 kbar. The errors in the computed values
0.60 mole percent/kbar at 450°C; 0.80 mole percent/kbar for GE in the P- T range are of the same order of magni-
at 500°C; 1.05 mole percent/kbar at 550°, and greater tude as the errors in the solvus data. It must also be
than 1.65 mole percent/kbar at 600°. These data are noted that because oflack of pertinent data in the experi-
found to be in good agreement with the pressure effect mental systems, no account has been taken of AI-Si
calculated by Waldbaum and Thompson (1969). For ordering. The calculated GE values are, therefore, likely
the anhydrous system Morse (1970) found T;, = 738°C to change significantly as new data on feldspars appear
and XOr = 34 (wt. %) at 5 kbar. Combining this value of (see Waldbaum and Robie, 1971). We may still use
T;, with the value from Orville's 2 kbar results ('1;' = 675), Equation (9.1) for calculating GE for computing phase
Morse found dT;,/dP as 18.33°C/kbar, which is signifi- equilibria involving alkali feldspars. The results would,
cantly different from Thompson and Waldbaum's of course, be at best semiquantitative.
Waldbaum and Thompson (1969) arrived at the
following equation for the molar excess Gibbs energy Albite, anorthite, and plagioclase
for the alkali feldspar solid solution: crystalline solution
GE(P, T) = (6326.7 + 0.0925 P - 4.6321 T)X 1 X~ As indicated above, phase relations in the plagioclase
+(7671.8 + 0.1121 P - 3.8565 T)X 2 Xi system are very complex due to the high activation
(9.1) energies involved in intracrystalline diffusion and re-
distribution of cations. Smith (1974) has presented a
possible phase diagram, which he describes as highly
9.10 Possible phase diagram for plagioclase feldspars. uncertain but useful for teaching the complex phenomena
(After Smith, 1974.) The dashed lines show to students and for stimulating experimentalists and
metastable curves which govern the peristerite, theorists to make crucial tests. Figure 9.10 shows
B0ggild and Huttenlocher intergrowths. the phase relations. Starting at the lowest temperature,



8.8. High al bi te 8.8.
ordering to
albite 8.8.
albite 8.8. Int. albite 8.8. + I-anorthite 8.8.

Low albite t---------------------"'f.I,--Primitive

8.8. anorthite
Low albite 8.8. + P-anorthite 8.8.
NaAlSi 3 0 s CaAl2Si20s
(Ab) Mole percent An (An)

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

we have a low albite solid solution and a primitive An

anorthite solid solution. The primitive anorthite inverts
to body-centered anorthite near 250°C. The body-
centered anorthite becomes weakly disordered with
rising temperature and with albite substitution. The
disordering with temperature of this anorthite is not
significant even up to the melting point. Low albite
disorders slightly up to about 550°C where it inverts
discontinuously to intermediate albite. The disordering
continues without break above 550°C and up to 980°C,
where the intermediate albite becomes monoclinic. The
central field of the figure belongs to plagioclase solid
solution, disordered at the albite end at about IOOO°C.
This field approaches the ordered anorthite end at
about 1500°C. Above the solidus, both binary feldspar
liquids and crystals behave essentially as ideal solution
as discussed in Chapter 2. With decreasing temperature
the high plagioclase crystalline solution continuously 9.11 Ternary feldspar isotherms between 650°C and
orders to intermediate plagioclase solution. The inter- 900°C at I kbar water pressure. (After Seck, 1971.)
Reprinted from Neues lahrbuchfiir Mineralogi by
mediate plagioclase solution eventually gives way to
one of the two types of intergrowths depending on
composition. In terms of mole percent anorthite, we have,
between 2 to 23 peristerite intergrowth, and between
45 to 60 the B0ggild intergrowth. The temperatures at
which these intergrowths develop are crucial to phase
equilibria, but these are only imperfectly known. There Phlogopite or magnesian biotite is one of the products
is a third intergrowth, the Huttenlocher (65 to 95 mole of the
percent An) which may continue from low to high
temperatures, the binary loop being truncated by the muscovite + chlorite + quartz
solidus (see Smith, 1974 for discussion of intergrowths).
reaction studied by Seifert (1970) and Bird and Fawcett
(1973). Figure 9.2 shows the pressure and temperature
conditions for various reactions producing phlogopite.
Ternary feldspar The lowest temperature noted by Seifert (1970) is
Seck (197Ia, b) presented the ternary solvus data on around 495 ± 10°C at 1 kbar water pressure for the
feldspars at temperatures 650°C, 750°C, 825°C, and reaction
900 e and at pressures ranging from 0.5 kbar to 1 kbar.
+ + 2quartz

1chlorite 1 muscovite
Seck's results are shown in Figure 9.11 as four isotherms
representing the intersection of the ternary solvus
1phlogopite + 1cordierite + 3.5 H 2 0 (9.e)
surface with the composition plane at the four temper- In natural systems, however, phlogopite may appear at
atures. The 900°C isotherm is at 0.5 kbar while the other temperatures lower than 495°C for other reasons (e.g.,
three isotherms are at 1 kbar. Note that these isotherms impure H 2 0). The phlogopite breakdown reaction was
are free-hand curves drawn through the distribution studied by Yoder and Eugster (1954). This reaction
data points and are not fitted according to any nonideal takes place between l000 e and llOOoe in the pressure

ternary solution model. To construct a solution model, range of 1 to 3000 bar.

binary data are required for all three systems: Ab-Or, Much of the experimental work on the stability of
Or-An, and Ab-An. For an approximate ternary solution annite and the crystalline solution biotite has been done
model see Saxena (1973). The ternary miscibility gap by Eugster and Wones (1962) and Wones and Eugster
expands with increasing pressure (Seck, 1971b) and (1965). Depending on the oxygen fugacity, the equilib-
decreasing temperature. Seck's (1971 b) data indicate rium temperature for the reaction
that a pressure increase of 1 kbar results in the same
effect on the solvus as a temperature decrease of 15°C. annite + vapor ~ sanidine + magnetite + vapor

9 Metamorphic

may vary from nearly 400°C to 800°C at 2070 kbar. almandine + fluid ~
The breakdown temperature between the Ni-NiO and Fe-cordierite + fayalite + hercynite (')
QFM buffers is between 630°C and 700°C. This tempera-
ture is not significantly changed by the addition of quartz. (fa, determined by iron + quartz + fluid-fayalite buffer)
At fixed oxygen fugacity and total pressure, addition of
phlogopite to the system would increase the stability
quartz + Fe-chlorite + magnetite + fluid ~
field of biotite. With Ni-NiO buffer, annite breaks down almandine + fluid (9.hh)
at nearly 630°C, but a biotite with Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.55 (9.hh') as (')
is stable up to 800°C (Wones and Eugster, 1965, their
Figure 3). CIa, determined by iron-magnetite and iron-wustite buffers)

(9.ii) as (9.hh)
almandine + fluid
Hsu (1968) studied the system Al-Mn-Fe-Si-O-H quartz + hercynite + magnetite + fluid (9.ii')
with bulk chemistry matching that of almandine
(Fe3AI2Si3012) and spessertine (Mn3AI2Si30ul. The (fo, determined by fayalite + magnetite + quartz buffer)
stability field of almandine is highly dependent on the It is apparent that with increasing oxygen fugacity
oxygen fugacity, as shown in Figure 9.12. The curves the stability field of almandine is reduced. Curve (9.jj)
represent the following equilibria: represents the equilibrium
quartz + Fe-chlorite + fluid
almandine + fluid ( Mn-chlorite + quartz + fluid
spessertine + fluid (9.jj)
and is not significantly sensitive to variation in fo,.
Spessertine was found to be stable up to 930°C, the
9.12 Stability field of almandine and spessertine. Curves
(') represent the field with fo, determined highest temperature used in the study, at 500 bar fluid
by iron - quartz-fayalite buffer. Similarly pressure. Unfortunately the composition of phases such
(9.hh-9.hh') represent iron-magnetite/iron-wustite as chlorite are rather uncertain in the experiments and
and (9.ii-9.ii') fayalite-magnetite-quartz. Curve the effect of crystalline solubility cannot be estimated.
(9.jj) is for the reaction quartz + Mn-chlorite + Hsu and Burnham (1969) studied phase relationships
fluid + spessertine. Figure based on the work of Hsu in the system Fe3AlzSi3012-Mg3AI2Si301rH20 at
(1968). See text for further explanation. 2.0 kbar fluid pressure, under controlled oxygen
fugacities defined by the fayalite + magnetite + quartz
buffer. Garnet is stable at temperatures between ~ 580°C
to ~ 730°C. It is essentially almandine with a maximum
3 of 22 mole percent pyrope found at 648°C.
A study of almandine at high pressure by Keesmann
et al. (1971) showed that the stability field increases to
about 1130°C at 10 kbar, and to 1500°C at 25 kbar, in
the presence of metallic iron. At pressures between
about 12 and 20 kbar, the products of incongruent
melting are hercynite solid solution and liquid, while
at higher pressures almandine melts congruently. The
high-pressure (15 to 20 kbar) and low-temperature
stability of almandine is uncertain, but the breakdown
may be from 550°C to 600°C.
(') Figure 9.13 shows the upper stability limits of the
/(9.jj) /(9.ii') I garnet end members. It appears that almandine,
andradite, grossularite, and pyrope melt incongruently
700 at high pressures, but at still higher pressures they all
T [DC] melt congruently.

Experimental appraisal of the stability of minerals

high pressure (10 kbar) in the presence of quartz and

vapor grossularite melts incongruently to wollastonite +
liquid at approximately 800°C.
Gordon and Greenwood (1971) studied the stability
of grossularite in the presence of an H 20-C0 2 mixture.
The reactions restricting the grossularite field are, from
high to low temperatures,
grossularite + CO 2 ~

calcite + anorthite + wollastonite (9.nn)

grossularite + CO 2 ~
calcite + anorthite + quartz (9.00)

grossularite + H 20 ~ calcite + zoisite + quartz

The equilibrium boundary for the first reaction at
2000 bar passes approximately through the points;
9.13 Upper temperature stability limits of garnet end
members (Figure after Keesman et ai., 1971). X C02 = 0.15, T = 590°C; X eo , = 0.20, T = 665°C; and
1: pyrope (Boyd and England, 1959; Schreyer, X eo2 = 0.30, T = 790°e. For the second reaction we
1968); 2: almandine (Yoder, 1955); 3: almandine have X eo , = 0.10, T = 550°C; and X C02 = 0.08,
(Keesman et al., 1971); 4: grossularite (Hays, 1967); T = 530°C.
5: andradite (Huckenho1z and Yoder, 1971);
6: spessertine.
Yoder (1950) studied the hydro garnets in the system
Ca3AI2(Si04lJ-Ca3AI2(OHln and found that members
Boettcher (1970) has studied the system of the hydrogrossular solid solution series formed in
the presence of water below approximately 850°C and
below 2000 atm. Pistorius and Kennedy (1960) showed
at high pressures and temperatures. Two of the that the hydration of grossular starts at temperatures
grossularite-producing reactions with their equilibrium below 780°C and is nearly independent of pressure.
P and Tare: Roy and Roy (1957) indicated that anhydrous gros-
sularite is more stable than hydrogrossularite at temper-
zoisite ~ atures as low as 400°C. Gordon and Greenwood (1971),
grossularite + anorthite + corundum + vapor (9.kk) in their study described in the preceding section, found
only a small hydrogrossular component in their garnets.
(P = 3 kbar, T = 640°C; P = 10 kbar, T = LOOO°C) Hsu (1968) found that hydrospessertine
zoisite + quartz ~ Mn3AI2Si20s(Si04)1-m(OH)4m
anorthite + grossularite + vapor (9.11) (m varies between 0 and 1) forms at temperatures below
(P = 4 kbar, T = 580-610°C; P = 5.3 kbar, about 600°C, and that more (OH); substitute for SiO!-
T = 640-660°C; P = 8 kbar, T = 730°C) tetrahedra with decreasing temperature. Matthes (1961)
reported a synthesis of hydrospessertine containing as
Grossularite, in the presence of excess quartz,
high as 17.6 mole percent of Mn 3 AI 2(OH)12 corre-
disappears according to the following reaction:
sponding to 3.9 wt. percent H 20 at 500°C and 1000 atm.
grossularite + quartz ~ Hsu (1968) suggested that there may be a relation between
anorthite + wollastonite ( the size of the cations and the temperature at which the
hydration ofthe garnet begins. Grossular starts hydrating
(P = 3 kbar, T = 635°C) at 780°C, spessartine at 600°C. Almandine may be
At low pressures (1 kbar) grossularite breaks down hydrating below 450°C, and pyrope probably cannot
to anorthite + wollastonite + gehlenite at 840°C, At become hydrous in the laboratory.

9 Metamorphic

Pyroxene and olivine Newton and Smith (1967) and Popp and Gilbert (1972)
and theoretically by Essene and Fyfe (1967). At 600°C
In the metamorphic rocks, the pyroxenes (enstatite- and 4 kbar in the presence of quartz, there is between
ferrosillite and diopside-hedenbergite) are usually high 4 and S mole percent of jadeite component in the
in iron. However, orthopyroxene richer in iron beyond 80 acmite-jadeite pyroxene solutions, while at SOO°C and
mole percent offerrosillite is rare. This has been explained 4 kbar it is between Sand 6 mole percent. Calculations
as due to the instability of orthopyroxene relative to using an ideal solution model for the pyroxene and the
olivine plus quartz. Olsen and Mueller (1966) and breakdown P and T of pure albite (to jadeite plus
Kurepin (1970) presented a thermodynamic analysis of quartz) of 16.7 kbar at 600°C and 14.S kbar at SOO°C,
the ferrosillite breakdown reaction. Smith (1971) has show that the mole fractions are of the right magnitude.
restudied Lindsley's (196S) reaction The equilibrium P and T of the reaction
orthopyroxene ~ olivine + quartz albite ~ jadeite + quartz
and his data together with Kurepin's (1970) theoretical has been determined by Boettcher and Wyllie (1968)
curves are shown in Figure 9.14. Smith (1971) found that and Newton and Smith (1967) among others.
at a pressure of I kbar or lower the limiting compositions
are FSsoEn20 at 60-700°C, Fs 75 En 25 at 800°C, and
FS70En30 at 900-1000°C. It is interesting to note that
these compositions are fairly close to Kurepin's theo- An excellent review of amphibole chemistry and stability
retical values. Kurepin assumed that both olivine and was provided by Ernst (1968). A lot more information
orthopyroxene are ideal solutions. Saxena and Ghose has become available on natural amphiboles since then,
(1971) found that at low temperatures ( ~ 600°C) ortho- but few new data on experiments involving amphiboles
pyroxene is somewhat non ideal. It is likely that both ha ve been added. The upper stability limit for amphiboles
orthopyroxene and olivine deviate from ideal solutions at 2 kbar pressure varies over a wide range of temperature
to a similar extent and the nonideality effects cancel beginning around SOO°C for the Fe end members
out in the equation of equilibrium. (ferrotremolite, riebeckite) to above l000°C for the Mg
It appears, then, that an orthopyroxene with 80 mole end members (pargasite).
percent ferrosillite can be stable at 600°C at a pressure Reactions involving Mg-anthophyllite were studied
of I to 2 kbar. In presence of water, however, Smith by Greenwood (1963), Hellner et al. (196S), and
(1971) found that at 600°C, 1 k bar pressure ortho- Hinrichsen (1966). Anthophyllite breaks down to talc
pyroxene (Fsao) partly broke down to olivine, quartz, and and forsterite between 670°C and 680°C at a pressure
amphibole. Similarly olivine reacted with quartz to ranging from 1000 to 4000 bar. The width of the field
yield minor amphibole at 6S0°C and 1 kbar of PHzO ' of stability for Mg-anthophyllite is approximately 100°C.
Another experimental result consistent with the dis- At the upper temperature limit (7S0°C to 780°C),
cussion in the preceding paragraph is due to Hinrichsen anthophyllite breaks down to enstatite and quartz
(1966) on the Mg 7Si sOdOHh-Fe 7Si sOdOH}z join according to the reaction
at I kbar. Hinrichsen found the iron-rich pyroxene
(~7S mole percent), olivine, and quartz are stable down +Mg 7Si sOdOHh
to about 62SoC, below which they are converted to the anthophyllite
assemblage anthophyllite, olivine, and quartz. Fayalite-
MgSi0 3 + +Si0 2 + +H 20 (9.qq)
rich olivine and quartz are shown to be stable at least
enstatite quartz fluid
down to SOO°C.
Pyroxenes of the enstatite-ferrosillite and heden- Hinrichsen's result indicates that there may be extensive
bergite-diopside series are generally considered stable crystalline solution between magnesian and iron antho-
at high metamorphic temperatures (600°C) under an- phyllite (up to ~60 percent). The field of iron-rich
hydrous conditions. However, no actual experimental anthophyllite may extend down to SOO°C at 1 kbar. At
data are available on reactions involving crystalline such a temperature the coexisting phases are talc and
solutions at temperatures around 600°C. Reactions olivine. The low-temperature stability limit of hyper-
involving enstatite and diopside in the presence of a sthene + quartz + anthophyllite, however, is about
fluid phase (H 20, CO 2, 02) will be considered later. 620°C.
The acmite-jadeite (NaFeSi 30 3 -NaAISi 3 0 s) py- Gedrite [(Mg, Fe)5AI2Si6AI20dOHhJ is an alumi-
roxene series has been studied experimentally by nous orthoamphibole. The breakdown of gedrite alone

/ 0.9
/ 1
/ I
/ I
/ 1
/ ~I
" I
\000 /
// &/
/ 1
/ I
/ 1




9.14 (a) Pyroxene ¢ olivine + quartz equilibrium.

Numbers refer to mole fraction of Fe H in
orthopyroxene. Dashed curve: Kurepin (1970); solid 200L-----~------L-----~------L------

curve: Smith (1971); dot-dash curve: Lindsley 4 8 12 16

(1965). (b) Proposed approximate phase relations, at P [kbar]
constant pressure and water fugacity, between
anthophyllite, cummingtonite, orthopyroxene, and
talc as a function of the temperature and the atomic
fraction Mg/(Mg + Fe). The two-phase field is
shown only for the curve ( involving
cummingtonite and anthophyllite. The temperature
of crystallization of the coexisting pairs from
Sundius (1933) are not known but have been
interpolated. The high-temperature phase boundary
of talc and the low-temperature phase boundary of
orthopyroxene are shown as heavy dashed lines.
The relations are inferred from natural assemblages
and phase equilibria studies. Quartz is assumed to 1000.--,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,
be present. The sizes of the symbols do not indicate b
precision or accuracy. 0: Robinson (1963);
0: Sundius (1933); x: anthophyllite (Klein, 1966);
+ : cummingtonite (Mueller, 1960). (After Mueller,
1972.) 1-. Opx (


L-f ----- . '"

--- (9.rr) : ( ",'

500 Cum


o 0.5 1.0
Mg + Fe

9 Metamorphic

has not been determined experimentally. According to field and the relation x~~m > X~e were derived from the
Akella and Winkler (1966), natural gedrite with 2 wt. data of Sundius (1933) as based on the Fez + determina-
percent NazO breaks down in the presence of quartz tion. However, the crystallization temperature is un-
and cordierite at about 770 C under 2 kbar water
known for this pair. The proposed curve is supported
pressure. The solubility of Al would probably increase by the common occurrence of cummingtonite in low-
the stability field of gedrite, and gedrite alone may be to intermediate-grade metamorphic iron formations.
stable to higher temperatures than anthophyllite. On the This deduction applies only to cummingtonite-antho-
low-temperature side, gedrite + cordierite changes to phyllite pairs low in such elements as AI, Ca, etc.
chlorite + quartz at about 570°C under 2 kbar water The positive slopes of curves (9.U) and (9.uu) follow
pressure. from the general observation that the thermal stability
Little experimental work (however, see Cameron, of a ferromagnesian silicate with respect to its high-
1975) has been done on the stability relations of temperature decomposition products increases with an
cIinoamphiboles, cummingtonite-grunerite, increase in magnesium content. The extension of curves
( and (9.uu) to the pure magnesian end members
is made to agree with the experimental results of
A semiquantitative phase diagram with cummingtonite Greenwood (1963, 1971) on the stability of anthophyllite.
and anthophyllite has been constructed by Mueller The curves as extended correspond to water pressures of
(1972) using data from experiments and natural assem- approximately 5 kbar, a value roughly consistent with
blages. Figure 9.l4b shows a constant pressure and the regionally metamorphosed rocks represented.
water fugacity section of this phase diagram. The curves The upper stability limit of tremolite, as found by
labelled (9.rr), (, (, and (9.uu) represent the Boyd (1959), is shown in Figure 9.15. The reaction is
following reactions: CazMgsSisOzz(OHlz
+Mg Si sOdOHlz
7 +Mg Si sOdO H )z
7 (9.rr) tremolite
cummingtonite anthophyllite

+Fe Si sOzz{OHlz
7 +Fe Si sOzz{OHlz
7 ( diopside enstatite quartz fluid
cummingtonite anthophyllite As compared to tremolite, the upper stability limit of
ferrotremolite is at least 300°C lower (Ernst, 1966).
The system NaCazMg4AISi6AlzOzz(OH}Z pargasite
was studied by Boyd (1959). This amphibole is stable to
7(FeMg)Si0 3 + SiOz + HzO ( liquidus temperatures of 1050°C at 1000 bar of fluid
orthopyroxene quartz fluid pressure.
The high-temperature stability of ferropargasite is
7 (FeMghSi 401O(OH)2 ~ several hundred degrees (~450°C) lower than that of
talc pargasite at medium f02 (fayalite-magnetite-quartz
buffer). The stability of ferropargasite as a function of
cummingtonite quartz fluid fo, has been studied by Gilbert (1966) who finds that
even at low oxygen fugacity (iron-wustite buffer) there
The curves (9.rr) and ( define a narrow two-phase is a difference of about 200°C between the upper stability
field. Similarly there should be two phase fields for limit of the two pargasites.
equilibria ( and (9.uu), which are not shown in the Ernst's (1960b, 1961, 1962) work on sodic amphi-
figure. The extension of (9.rr)-( in the pyroxene boles shows that in presence of fluid, glaucophane
and taIc fields is metastable. The position of the curves [Na zMg 3Al zSi gOdOH)zJ and magnesioriebeckite
( and (9.uu) are strongly dependent on the water [NazMg3Fe~ +Sig0 22 (OH}ZJ are stable up to the
fugacity. The position and slope of the curve (9.rr)-( liquidus temperatures of 850°C and 925 C, respectively.

is fixed approximately by the roughly deduced values of The maximum stability for riebeckites
the temperatures of crystallization of the naturally [NazFe~ +Fe~ +SigOzz(OH)z-
coexlstmg anthophyllite-cummingtonite pairs of
Robinson (1963), Robinson and Jaffe (1969a, b), and the Naz.4FeUFe~.~Si7. 7Fe~.;Ozz{OH)zJ,
separately existing cummingtonite (Mueller, 1960) and on the other hand, is up to about 720°C at fo, defined by
anthophyllite (Klein, 1966). The width of the two-phase wustite-iron buffer.

Theoretical analysis of stabilities of crystalline solutions

1 kbar and to 740°C at 5 kbar. Above these temperatures
it decomposes to
hedenbergitic pyroxene + fayalite + melt + vapor.

,,, Ferrorichterite on the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer

is stable to only 525°C at 1 kbar, breaking down to form
, ,
acmite 67 hedenbergite 33 + fayalite
+ magnetite + quartz + vapor


O~ at higher temperatures.


(il ~ The study of natural amphiboles by Ross et al. (1969)
~ fayalite + Q
~ 0 + Hed pyroxene and by Robinson et al. (1971) has yielded useful informa-
. + fluid

8~ tion on immiscibility in amphiboles. The former authors

found that hornblendes, tremolites, and actinolites

2 contain exsolution lamallae of cummingtonite, and vice
~ versa. Sodium- and aluminum-poor anthophyllite and
sodium-aluminum-rich gedrite often contain exsolution
lamellae of gedrite and anthophyllite, respectively.
Several ex solution textures clearly show that there is a
miscibility gap between Ca-rich and Ca-poor clino-
amphiboles and between gedrite and anthophyllite in the
range of temperatures from 500°C to 600°C. Robinson
et al. (1971) find that the anthophyllite and gedrite are
completely miscible in sillimanite grade rocks of south-
I western New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Such
I amphiboles on cooling show anthophyllite gedrite
I / intergrowths.

600 700 900
SOO 800
T[OC] The lower stability limit of anthophyllite in Greenwood's
(1963) experiments is the upper stability limit of talc +
9.15 The thermal stability limits of tremolite (Boyd, 1959) forsterite. At a fluid pressure of 2 kbar, talc + forsterite
and ferrotremolite (Ernst, 1966). f02 for
change to anthophyllite at about 680°C. Forbes (1971)
ferrotremolite equilibria defined by
fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer.
studied the system Mg3Si401O(OHb-Fe3Si401O(OHb
(talc-minnesotaite). The maximum Fe2+ content of talc
[Fe2+ /(Fe2+ + Mg)] is 0.50 at 400°C with f02 defined
by the magnetite-iron, magnetite-wustite buffer. At this
Richterite [Na 2 CaMg sSi s0 22 (OHh] and magnesio- f02' the mole fraction of F e2 + decreases to 0.19 at 550°C
richterite [Na 2 Mg 6 Si sOdOHb] have been studied by and to 0.05 at 680°C. Extrapolation of the results indicate
Forbes (1971) and Schreyer and Seifert (1968), respec- that the upper stability limit of minnesotaite is about
tively. As compared to tremolite, the effect of a sub- 300°C on the magnetite-iron buffer and 270°C on the
stitution of Na for Ca in richterites seems to lend them fayalite-quartz-magnetite buffer. Attempts to synthesize
a greater thermal stability. This is shown by the upper minnesotaite have been unsuccessful.
thermal stability temperature of richterites, which,
according to Forbes, is between 900°C and 950°C at
fluid pressures ranging from 100 to 750 bar.
Charles (1975) has studied richterite and ferro- Theoretical analysis of stabilities
richterite. Richterite is stable to 1030°C at 1 kbar total
of crystalline solutions
pressure and to 1000°C at 200 bar. At higher temper-
atures, it breaks down to forsterite, diopside, enstatite, Relatively few systems involving phases of variable
melt, and vapor. Ferrorichterite under oxygen fugacity composition have been investigated experimentally.
defined by iron-wustite buffer is stable to 715°C at Therefore to understand how the P- T stability of a

9 Metamorphic

mineral may change as a function of composition, we use Coexisting cordierite and garnet
theoretical calculations (see Chapters 1 and 2). Although
several attempts have been made to refine experimental Let us consider the reaction
data on solvi and devise theoretical models, relatively
few calculations have been made to show how the effect 3 Fe2Al4Sis018 . n H 20
of crystalline solution may change the measured or Fe-cordierite
calculated pressure and temperature of phase equilibria.
One important reason for this lack of calculation may be
almandine AI-silicate quartz
the incomplete information of the activity-composition
relations in many rock-forming silicates. A review of
the many studies made on silicate crystalline solutions where n represents the possible number of moles of H 20
indicate that wherever Fe-Mg minerals with non- in cordierite. This reaction has been experimentally
equivalent sites are involved, it is important to consider studied by Richardson (1968) and more recently by
the intracrystalline partitioning (i.e., the distribution of Weisbrod (1973). Weisbrod has also calculated theo-
cations among crystallographic sites). However, many retically the number of moles of water in cordierite,
other minerals, such as biotite and garnet, are best which varies as a function of P H20 at a given temperature.
treated as ideal solutions until appropriate solution The derivation of necessary equations for calculating
models can be developed (Mueller, 1972). Ganguly's the effect of crystalline solubility (Fe2+ -Mg) on phase
(1973) model for omphacitic pyroxene and Ganguly and equilibrium is demonstrated by considering Reaction
Kennedy's (1974) model for garnet are examples of such (9.ww), for which at equilibrium we have (quartz and
developments. AI-silicate considered stoichiometric):
Divariant equilibria involving iron-magnesium sili-
cates may be represented by a surface in the P-T-XMg - PM(ww)) (a~:r)6 3n
K(ww) exp ( RT = (a~~rd)6 . f H 0
space. A projection of such a surface on the P- T plane
is represented by a band with univariant lines, each with where K(ww) is the equilibrium constant, ~ l-(WW) is the
a fixed Fe/Mg ratio. Theoretical calculations using the volume change in Reaction (9.ww) for solids only, P is
ideal solution model have been presented for several the pressure in bars, T is the temperature in OK, a is the
reactions by Olsen and Mueller (1966), Kurepin (1970), activity, and f is the fugacity. In this and other calcula-
Perchuk (1965), Ganguly (1972), and Evans and tions the change in ~ V with P and T will not be con-
Trommsdorff (1974), among others. In all cases, the sidered. Besides Reaction (9.ww), we may also consider
effect of changing the Fe/Mg ratio on the univariant the following ion-exchange reaction:
equilibria has been found to shift the curve systematically
toward high or low values of pressure or temperature. Fe-cordierite + Mg-Garnet ~

In this section some dehydration reactions involving Fe-Garnet + Mg-Cordierite (9.xx)

crystalline solutions have been selected to demonstrate
Considering the ion-exchange on one cation basis, we
the effect of crystalline solubility. In some cases, the effect
is the familiar shift in equilibrium P or T with change in
X, but in other cases due to the solution effect combined (9.3)
with the P- T effect on water fugacity the divariant
surface in the PtotalC~· PH20 )- T- X space is not of simple Activity-composition relations in the minerals
form. cordierite and garnet are not definitely known. For
Although numerical data have been used in all binary Fe2+ -Mg solutions, both minerals may be
calculations, the results are at best semiquantitative. considered as ideal. Ganguly (1975) has determined
This is due to a lack of all the necessary thermodynamic approximate activity-composition relations for ternary
data. Thus the P- T dependence of volume change (~V) and quaternary garnets with Ca and Mn, which may be
in the reaction has not been considered. The P- T used in the calculations where necessary. Equation (9.2)
curves for some pure reactions considered here are may be rewritten as
also only approximately known. In spite of these x Gar
difficulties and certain other conditions discussed ~G(P, T) = 0 = ~G°(1, T) + P~l-(WW) + 6RTln x%:rd
later, the results are important in metamorphic petro-
genesis. + 3 nR Tin fH2 0 (P, T) (9.4)

Theoretical analysis of stabilities of crystalline solutions

where the a's have been replaced by mole fractions for the
ideal solutions. From the experimentally determined n = 0.6
equilibrium for the pure phases, we have 9
11 = o.sL-_____________ _ XFe
GO(1, T) = -P'~l'(Ww) - 3nRTlnfH2o(P', T) (9.5)
--- -- -- ---,~- 0.1

From Equation (9.4) and (9.5) we obtain

+ ~ {3nRTln f H2o(P', T)
P = P'

-3nRTlnfH20(P' T) - 6RTIn x~:rd } (9.6)

Eliminating X Fe-Gar from Equation (9.6) with the help of

Equation (9.3) we have

P = P' + _1_ [3n{G H2o(P', T) - GH20(P, T)}

c====e ------ -
+ 2 105 5Q 3nH20
_ 6RTIn { K'(xx) X Cord
Fe }] 97
(1 - X Cord + K' xCord)xCord ( • )
Fe (xx) Fe Fe
600 700
where K(xx) = K(xx) exp (- P~ J-(xx/RT). T rOC)
Compositions of coexisting garnet and cordierite in
natural assemblages has been presented by Reinhardt 9.16 Solid curves represent the shift in Weisbrod's (1973)
(1968), Dallmeyer and Dodd (1971), and Currie (1971), experimental curve as a function of X Fe in
among others. For demonstrating solid solution effect, cordierite. nH20 in cordierite is 0.6. The dot-dash line
we may choose indicates the effect of changing nH20 at 600°C from
0.6 to 0.5. Dashed lines represent a change of K(xx)
K(xx) = 5.5 roc = 700 n = 0.55 from 8.5 to 3.5.
K(xx) = 8.5 TOC = 600 n = 0.5 or 0.6
These values are consistent with the data from natural behavior of the Ca component (cf. Ganguly and Kennedy,
assemblages. The value of nH20 at 700°C has been taken 1975).
from Weisbrod's (1973) figure and it has been assumed at Figure 9.16 also shows the calculated shift at 600°C
600°C. The ~ J-(ww) for the solid phases is - 3.95 when nH20 changes from the arbitrary value of 0.6 to 0.5.
cal/mole/bar, which is the same as used by Weisbrod. At 750°C, Weisbrod's figure shows that the nH20 versus P
The molar volume of F e-cordierite is taken to be 237 ± 1 curve flattens beyond nH20 ~ 0.55. At 600°C and 3800
ml/mole as given by Hsu (1968). Figure 9.16 shows the bar nH20, therefore, may not be very different from 0.55.
shift in the equilibrium curve as a function of x~~rd. The Note that following Weisbrod (1973) it has been assumed
curve for the pure Fe phases is due to Weisbrod (1973) that nH20 is the same in Fe and Mg end members.
and is somewhat less steep than Richardson's (1968) On the. basis of our experience with the Fe 2 + - Mg
curve. distribution in coexisting minerals, it was assumed that
As the curves have a small slope, we find that a small K(xx) increased with decrease in temperature. Generally
variation in the Mg : Fe ratio may require a large change the distribution coefficients increase or decrease towards
equilibrium temperature. Therefore in natural divariant unity with increasing temperature. However, if for some
assemblages from any small area, variation in Fe/Mg reason (see Currie, 1971), K(xx) decreased to 3.2 at 600°C,
in cordie rite-garnet assemblage will be comparatively the qualitative picture does not change. In Figure 9.16,
restricted and the range of compositions will be rep- calculated results corresponding to K(xx) = 3.2 are
resentative of the variation in pressure rather than of the indicated by dashed curves. Wood (1974) suggested
variation in temperature. This is, provided the total that nH20 may be very different in Fe-cordierite and Mg-
pressure and P H20 are similar and garnets do not contain cordierite. In the absence of any definite data, this
significant amounts of Mn and Ca. For Ca-rich garnets, possible difference in nH20 cannot be considered in
the calculations must take into account the nonideal these calculations. As the purpose of this section is to

9 Metamorphic

demonstrate the extent of crystalline solubility effect, For the pure phase reaction (9.yy), extrapolated results of
Reactions (9.ww) and (9.xx) could be replaced by similar Althaus et al. (1970), yield P' = 400 bar. [The experi-
reactions involving a hydrous phase other than cordierite. mental data of Chatterjee and Johannes (1974) yields a
pressure as 750 bar at 550°C.] Substituting P' = 400 bar,
Coexisting muscovite and sanidine ~l'(yy) = 0.0722, T= 848°K, a~s = 0.92, ais = 0.79, and
the appropriate GH20 (400 bar, 550°C) from Burnham
Kretz (1970) has discussed the composition of coexisting et al. (1969) in equation (9.12), the new equilibrium
muscovite and alkali feldspar at 550°C and 2 kbar. The pressure is calculated to be between 450 and 500 bar.
mole fractions are X~! = 0.089 and X~ = 0.261. Some (Note that the composition of the coexisting minerals is
tentative information is available on the crystalline strictly at 550°C and 2 kbar, and not 400 bar, as con-
solutions muscovite-paragonite and albite-sanidine. sidered here). The shift is rather small. If we change
Using the expressions of Eugster et al. (1971) and X~s from 0.739 to 0.7, keeping K(zz) the same as before,
Waldbaum and Thompson (1969), it is possible to calcu- the equilibrium pressure again changes only by about
late the Margule's parameters WG1 and WG2 at 550°C and 50 bar. The effect is thus not very significant for small
2 kbar for both mica and feldspar solutions. For mica changes in composition. We cannot expect large changes
these values are WG1 = 3390 and WG2 = 4751 cal/mole, in the mole fractions at 550°C since this will put the
and for feldspar WG1 = 2584 and WG2 = 4624 cal/mole. composition into the immiscibility region of one or
Activities in the binary solutions muscovite-paragonite both of the crystalline solutions. Note that in this case
and albite-sanidine can be calculated from the relations both mica and feldspar deviate positively from ideal
solution. Some of the nonideality effect cancels out, but
RTln aA = X~ WG1 + 2XA (WG2 + WG1 ) (9.8) the muscovite-paragonite solution is more nonideal
RTin aB = X~ WG2 + 2X B (WG1 - WG2 ) (9.9) than albite-sanidine. In the present case the change in
equilibrium pressure is less than what it would be if the
We may now consider the reactions solutions were ideal.

Coexisting actinolite, ortho- and

muscovite quartz
(9.yy) The three minerals along with quartz and water are
feldspar AI-silicate fluid related by Reaction (
K-feldspar muscovite actinolite

(9.zz) 2CaMgSi 2 0 6 + 3MgSi0 3 + Si0 2 + H 2 0 (

albite muscovite clinopyroxene orthopyroxene quartz fluid

The ion-exchange reactions may be written as

for which the equilibrium conditions are:
1 Mg-actinolite + Fe-orthopyroxene ~
- P ~ l'(yy») a~s Mg-orthopyroxene + 1Fe-actinolite (9.bbb)
K(yy) exp ( RT = a~s fH20 (9.10)
1 Mg-actinolite + Fe-clinopyroxene ~
Mg-clinopyroxene + 1 Fe-actinolite (9.ccc)
The equilibrium conditions are
Following the earlier approach for the cordierite-garnet - P ~ V(aaa») (X~x)2(Xg~X)3
equilibrium, the crystalline solubility effect may be K(aaa) exp ( RT = (X~~t)5 f H 20 (9.13)
calculated by using the expression
K (bbb) exP (
-P~l'(bbb») X~~t(l - xg~X) ,
RT -- (1 _ XAst)XOPX -- K (bbb)
p = P' + ~ {GH20(P" T) Mg Mg (9.14)
- P~ l'(ecc») X~~t(l - X~r) - ,
K (ecc) ex P ( RT -- (1 _ XAet)XCpx - K(eee)
Mg Mg (9.15)

Theoretical analysis of stabilities of crystalline solutions

Proceeding as before for other reactions, we have is - 0.57 calfbar (data from Robie and Waldbaum, 1968).
Figure 9.17 shows a substantial change in pressure with
P - P' = Ll~ [GHZO(P" T) - GHzO(P, T) changing X Mg . The shift in the equilibrium curve is
(aaa) consistent with Ernst's (1966) results on the breakdown
+ 2RTln {K(cccp - X~~I) + X~~I} of ferrotremolite. However, there are several other points
which must be discussed.
+ 3 R TIn {K(aaaP - X~~I) + X~~I} ] (9.16) In this and other calculations, we neglected the
change in Ll V with composition . The change in Ll V;(aaa)
wIll affect the results somewhat. For example, if at
In Equations (9.13) to (9.15) it has been assumed that
X~~I the Lll-(aaa) changes from -0.57 to - 0.64 caljbar;oC,
quartz is stoichiometric and other minerals are ideal
the shift in equilibrium pressure is of the order of 400 bar
solutions. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (with M2
as shown in Figure 9.17.
site nearly filled with Ca) are somewhat non ideal (Saxena
As mentioned before, small positive deviations from
and Ghose, 1971; Saxena, 1971). The deviations are
nonideality are likely in the ferromagnesian minerals. At
positive in both cases and will result in part cancellation.
X~~I = 0.5, the composition of orthopyroxene is repre-
The effect of nonideality will be demonstrated with one
sented by X~~x = 0.37. Let us consider that a~~1 is 0.55
example later.
(assumed) and a~~x 0.40 (Saxena, 1973). If K(bbb) continues
Kretz's (1963) study showed that the distribution of
to be 1.0, we find that the equilibrium pressure at 800°C
Fe2+ and Mg between pyroxenes in metamorphic rocks
will be 2730 bar as against 2150 bar for the ideal case.
follows the condition:
This shift is also shown in Figure 9.17.
Mg 1 _ XOPX)
Mg Finally, Figure 9.18 shows the intriguing result of the
XOPX(1 _ XCpX) = 1.80 (9.17) calculation. At 800 a C the equilibrium pressure increases
Mg Mg
Similarly for igneous rocks, the distribution coefficient
is 1.30. At 800°C we set the value of the distribution 9.1 7 Equilibrium curves for breakdown of ferrotremolite
coefficient as 1.67. Since Mueller (1961) found that in the (Ernst, 1966) and tremolite (Boyd, 1959) and the
shift in equilibrium pressure at 800a e as a function
high-grade rocks X~~I = X~~x, we have K(bbb) = 1.67.
of X Mg in actinolite. The data is apparently
The equilibrium P- T data on Reaction ( for
consistent but see Figure 9.18. Effect of changing
Mg end members are given by Boyd (1959) as shown in AV with composition is shown for the curve with
Figure 9.17. The effect of changing X~~I may now be X Mg = 0.5 by the arrow to a plus-within-a-circle.
calculated by substituting the appropriate values in The arrow to dot-in-a-triangle shows the effect of
Equation (9.16). Since XAMCgl = XCMP"
g K'( ccc ) is unity • M':(aaa) nonideality.

6 ,J0.33

... I

, L
3 ferrotremolite
fayalite + ' '1
' , ~~0.5 0.7
, I
""' Q + Cpx ', II ,I II
2 + fluid ,/ I
Tr En + diopside +
Q+ H2O

500 600 700 800

9 Metamorphic

continuously with decreasing x~~t. At 6200 bar x~~t is (1971). Phase relations, as presented by French (1971)
close to 0.3316. If we decrease x~~t further, there is no for an isobaric section with a fluid pressure of SOO bar are
solution to Equation (9.16). The x~~t's for which shown in Figure 9.19. The section truncates reaction
solutions are obtained at pressures higher than 6200 bar surfaces that separate phase volumes of hematite,
are plotted in Figure 9.18 and show that over the range magnetite, siderite, and graphite and the two univariant
x~~t = O.S to 0.3316 and probably throughout from space curves defined by the assemblages siderite-
x~~t = 1.0 to 0.3316, there are two equilibrium values of hematite-magnetite-gas (fluid) and siderite-magnetite-
pressure. The high P values mayor may not be beyond graphite-gas (fluid). At oxygen fugacity values below
the stability of the actinolite-pyroxene assemblage under those of the graphite reaction surface (Gr) the total
consideration. pressure of all gaseous species in the system Fe-C-O
To the writers' knowledge there is no compositional are less than SOO bar, so that the system is in a condensed
data on coexisting actinolite-orthopyroxene and Ca- state. However, if an inert gas such as argon is regarded
pyroxene (for all three) occurring in natural assemblages. as being present, so that the total pressure is SOO bar,
However, there is no reason why an assemblage with the reaction
x~~t = 0.33 should not occur. The effects of probable
non ideality and change in .1 V have already been con- 3 FeCQ 3 Fe304 + 3C + ~Oz (9.ddd)
sidered, and the pressure shift under such conditions is siderite magnetite graphite fluid
in the wrong direction. A possible explanation is that the
calculated pressure depends critically on the value of the becomes univariant and is defined by curve c in Figure
experimentally determined equilibrium pressure for 9.19. Although we have taken Oz and the inert gas into
the pure phases. account in Reaction (9.ddd), the gas phase will also
contain quantities of COz, CO, and other species
The system Fe-C-O required by equilibrium, as shown by writing the
alternative form
The effect of compositional variations on the stability of
siderite has been discussed by Mueller (1973) using the 3FeC0 3 + SCQ Fe 3 0 4 + 3C + SCO z
experimental results of Weidner (1968, 1972) and French (9.eee)

According to French (1971), even at high fluid pressures

9.18 Plot of X Mg in actinolite against equilibrium the phase volume of siderite is limited to temperatures in
pressure (Ptotal = PH,o) at 800°C. See text for the vicinity of SOO°C or less. However, Weidner (1972)
discussion. concludes that pure iron siderite is stable to temperatures


," '"


O.S 1.0
X Mg

Theoretical analysis of stabilities of crystalline solutions

-20r--------,--------.-------~------__, The equations of equilibrium are:

Pgos = 500 bar
PdV(eee) 5 Sd Sd
log K(ddd) = 4.576 T + llogfo, - 3 log X Fe YFe (9.18)
+ + Pd V;fff)
gas log K(fff) = - - - - llogfo,
+ 210gfco,
4.576 T
+ 3 log feD,
log K(ggg) = - - - - - 1 log fo,
4.576 T

- 3 log X~~Y~ (9.20)

Here P is the total pressure, d V is for the solid reactants
+ and products, f with subscript O 2 or CO 2 indicates
G fungacities of the gaseous (fluid) species, X~ and
gas Y~~ represent the mole fraction and activity coefficient,
respectively, of FeC0 3 in siderite, and K represents the
equilibrium constant and is a function solely of the
300 500
Butler (1969) presented an analysis of a siderite that
coexisted in equilibrium with quartz, orthopyroxene,
cummingtonite, ankerite, and magnetite. Mole fractions
9.19 Phase relations of siderite (Sd), magnetite (Mt), are FeC0 3 : 0.613; MnC0 3 : 0.117; MgC0 3 : 0.243; and
hematite (Hem), graphite (G), and gas at a total
CaC0 3: 0.027. Although the dependence of Y~ on
pressure of 500 bar as modified after French (1971).
composition is not known-the major components being
Log fugacity of oxygen is plotted against the
temperature. The lettered isobaric section curves a,
Mg2 +, Mn 2+, and Fe 2+ -we shall assume in analogy
b, and c refer to reactions discussed in the text. The with silicates that y~d does not differ greatly from unity.
shift in these curves corresponding to a change in Accordingly the substitution of X~ should shift log fo,
Fe/Mg + Fe + Mn + Ca from unity to 0.613 is to higher values by a factor of 4 log X~ for Reaction
shown by the curves a', b', and c' assuming (9.fff) and by 6 log X~~ for Reaction (9.ddd). However
siderite behaves as an ideal solution. Although the log f02 for Reaction (9.ddd) will be shifted to lower
general aspect of this diagram is in agreement with values by a factor of! log X~d. The result of substituting
the data of Weidner (1972) his data indicate that the
X~~ = 0.613 is shown in Figure 9.19 as curves a', b', and c'.
stability field of siderite is extended to temperatures
lt thus appears that at 500 bar, total pressure siderite of
in excess of 600°C at gas pressures exceeding 5
kbar. (After Mueller, 1973.) this composition in equilibrium with magnetite would be
stabilized at considerably higher temperatures as com-
pared with pure FeC0 3 . However the maximum
thermal stability without precipitation of graphite would
in excess of 600°C at 5 kbar, which is in the range of not be raised by more than about 25°C. Also since the
high-grade regional metamorphism. same shift will occur independently of total pressure,
Siderite apparently coexists stably with orthopy- this reasoning also applies to higher pressures as well.
roxene (Klein, 1966; Butler, 1969) and may represent
temperatures higher than 501)°C. The additional thermal
Coexisting biotite, magnetite, and sanidine
stability may be due to solid solubility of MgC0 3 and
MnCO) as estimated below. Consider Reaction (9.ddd) Biotite shows a complex substitution of cations. It
and the following reactions: appears that the Fe 2+ and Mg2 + end members form an
ideal solution (Mueller, 1972). In addition, biotite may
2FeCO) + t02 Fe203 + 2C0 2 (9.fff)
contain a variable concentration of AI) +, Fe 3 +, and Ti4 +.
siderite fluid hematite fluid
Rutherford (1973) has studied the stability of biotites
3FeC0 3 +t0 2 Fe 3 0 4 + 3C0 2 (9.ggg) along the join annite K2Fe6AI2Si602o(OH)4 aluminum
siderite fluid magnetite fluid biotite [K2AI6AI2AI602o(OH)4]. The aluminous biotite

9 Metamorphic

is stable to higher temperatures than annite. At 2 kbar the point X~~ = 0.91, X~! = 0.96, the intersection of the
fluid pressure, aluminum rich biotite is stable to 555°C curves Ann91 and Mt96 (Figure 9.20). This point is
on the HM buffer, 763°C on Mt-Hc-Cor, 820°C on approximately at 700°C and at a log f0 2 value of about
NNO, and about 860°C on QFM. We may calculate the -17. Compared to this point, at 700°C the AnnlOo
effect of crystalline solubility in biotite on the reaction point lies at -17.8. If (y~~/y~~)3 is unity, the difference
(treating orthoclase as stoichiometric) between the two points according to Equation (9.22)
should be much less. This would mean, as expected,
KFe 3AISi 30 I0 (OHh + !02 that y~~ and y~~ are not unity. Fe304-FeAlz04 is non-
biotite solid solution fluid ideal with positive deviation from ideality. It is likely,
then, that a~! is 0.98 instead of 0.96. This is not enough
magnetite solid solution orthoclase fluid to explain the shift in log f02 and we must consider that
a~~ should be of the order of 0.79, which means a con-
The equilibrium constant is given by siderable negative deviation from ideality in the
annite-KAI 3AIAI 30 lo (OH)2 solution.
K ( - p ~ "(hhh)) = x~~ y~! fH2 0 (9.21 ) It is apparent from the various examples of phase
(hhh) exp RT XBi yBi f1/2
Fe Fe 02 equilibria considered in this section that the thermo-
or in logarithmic form we have dynamic data on solutions is indispensable to the study
of petrogenetic processes. As long as necessary data on
p ~ "(hhh) I X~~ y~! fluid- and crystalline-solution is unavailable, the pressure
log K (hhh) - 2.303 R T + og (X~~ y~~)3 and temperature estimates of metamorphic assemblages
will remain uncertain.
+ log fH20 - ! log f0 2 (9.22)

where K(hhh)' the equilibrium constant, is a function of

temperature only. It is obvious that log f 0 2 will change
by a factor of 2 log X~~a~~/(X~~ a~~f if we substitute for
the value of the latter in Equation (9.22). Let us consider

9.20 Contours of aluminous biotite and magnetite

crystalline solution. (Data from Rutherford, 1973.)
G-CH = graphite-methane (see Table 8.1).




Pfluid = 2 kbar


450 850


Mineral facies classification was briefly discussed in

Chapter 4. We begin this chapter by adopting Ramberg's
(1952) definition of metamorphic mineral facies: "Rocks
formed or recrystallized within a certain P, T-field,
limited by the stability of certain critical minerals of
defined composition, belong to the same mineral
facies." Thus in Figure 4.3 we labeled various P- T
areas by different names, such as greenschist facies,
granulite facies, etc. The facies concept still provides us
with the most con venient framework for the discussion
of metamorphic rocks. However, we must not allow its
artificiality to bind us rigidly, nor must we lose sight of
its highly qualitative and provisional character. At
present there is a growing feeling among various workers
that the number of facies should be kept to a minimum
and the use of subfacies is quite unrealistic. Winkler
(1974) has proposed a fourfold classification of meta-
morphism~very low grade, low grade, medium grade,
and high grade ~ without the use of facies names.
The facies were originally defined on the basis of
natural occurrences of mineral assemblages. It is neces-
sary to bring out the correlation between their P- T fields
and the experimental data as well as the calculations
based on thermochemical information. Unfortunately,
however, the correlation between experimental systems
and the natural assemblages is still not fully developed.
Therefore it is preferable to limit the number of facies to
the necessary minimum. In order of increasing tempera-
ture the facies considered here are zeolite, lawsonite,
greenschist, amphibolite, and granulite. The pressure

10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

range is from low to medium. The low-pressure equiva- However, in order to obtain quantitative results we
lents of amphibolite and granulite facies, such as the must investigate the assemblages in more detail than did
hornfels and sanidinite facies, are not discussed separately. Goldschmidt, and we must, whenever possible, employ
The high-pressure facies rocks, the glaucophane-schist the analytical expressions of thermodynamics and
and eclogites, are discussed in Chapter 11. statistical mechanics to treat these multicomponent
Even before the facies concept was introduced by equilibria. These general methods were already suggested
Eskola (Chapter 4), Barrow (1912) recognized zones of some time ago by Ramberg (1944a, 1952).
metamorphic intensity in Scotland distinguished by One of the early attempts to relate the mineral
the occurrence of particular index minerals. Later Tilley facies to the temperature and pressure was made by
(1924) introduced the term isograd for the boundaries Miyashiro (1961) who superimposed the facies fields on
of these mineral zones with the implication that each the phase diagram for the AI 2 SiO s polymorphs. Other
such boundary determined an isothermal (and nearly general correlations have been made by Hietanen (1967),
isobaric) surface extending through the rock. The isograd Turner (1968) and more recently by Winkler (1974).
of a particular mineral marked the first appearance of Petrogenetic grids for specific systems have been
this mineral in the direction of increasing metamorphic constructed by Albee (1965a), Hess (1969), Hoschek
grade. Thus, successive zones were marked by the (1969), Grant (1973), Liou (l971a), and Schreyer and
appearance of chlorite, biotite, almandine, kyanite, and Seifert (1969) among others. Figure 10.1 presents some
sillimanite in rocks of pelitic composition. Since Tilley of the latest experimental data. The figure shows a
emphasized the need for the comparison of rocks of the collection of several important equilibria in the P- T
same bulk composition, the d~finition of the isograd is field and a division of regional metamorphic rocks into
in harmony with the concept of Eskola. However, in four mineral facies or four metamorphic grades, namely
practice the isograd and metamorphic zone concepts ha ve zeolite/lawsonite facies, greenschist facies, amphibolite
given rise to many abuses, and investigators have gener- facies, and granulite facies. A brief description and the
ally not seemed aware of the need to compare isochemi- important reactions and theoretical considerations on
cal series. Consequently, they have commonly, at least by which these divisions are based are discussed in the
implication, equated zones observed in the field in following sections.
particular areas with the universal facies boundaries
or subdivisions. Also some authors have entertained
the possibility of defining facies in terms of the chemical Diagenesis and metamorphism;
potentials or fugacities of certain constituents such as the zeolite and lawsonite facies
H 2 0, CO 2 , and H 2 S (Fyfe et aI., 1958). However, since
these are compositional variables as strictly defined, It seems appropriate to begin our detailed description
their use violates the facies principle and destroys its of metamorphic facies with a discussion of the be-
thermodynamic simplicity. ginnings of metamorphism. The initial chemical and
The inherent difficulty of the isograd-zone concept mineralogic changes that affect rocks at low temperatures
in metamorphism is that it is very difficult to determine and pressures are referred to as "diagenetic." An excellent
the position of a given rock in the bulk composition discussion of the chemistry of diagenesis is given by
field. This can seldom be done accurately with even Berner (1971).
the best chemical analyses since it is not known whether According to Coombs et al. (1959) the zeolite facies
the equilibrium volume of the mineral assemblages may be regarded as linking metamorphism with dia-
observed in a thin section or represented by analyzed genesis. However, because most common sediments are
mineral species coincides with the volume of the bulk of the nature of shales and graywackes, the most abun-
analysis. Also it is difficult to determine independently dant mineral group is that of the clays and their most
the fugacities of the volatile species that are needed to common representatives are the mica-like "montmoril-
fix the composition with respect to these constituents. lonoids." The montmorillonoids are essentially di-
Therefore it is far more desirable to make use of the octahedral or trioctahedral micas with a deficiency of
mineral assemblage rather than a single-index mineral. interlayer cations and large and variable amounts of
This was of course recognized by Goldschmidt (1911)1 in interlayer water. The charge deficiency in the interlayer
his applications of the phase rule to such ?ssemblages. is compensated by substitution in the octahedral and
tetrahedral framework (Grim, 1953). However, we
1 He was preceded by Van't Hoff and others in application to know that when sediments are reconstituted into low-
nonsilicate mineral systems. grade metamorphic rocks the montmorillonoids are

10. I 7
o I
I 0.
I ">
, I




200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
T [0C]

10.1 Collection of some important equilibria. Unless specified all reactions are with P H20 = Plolal' (1) Anle + Q ¢ Ab + H 20 (Thompson, 1971); (2) Jd + Q ¢ Ab (anhydrous;
Newton and Smith, 1967); (3) Lm ¢ Lw + 2Q + fluid (Liou, 1971); (4) Lm ¢ Wr + fluid (Liou, 1971); (5) Wr ¢ Q + An + fluid (Liou, 1970); (6) Kaol + 2Q ¢ Pyp + H 20
(Thompson, 1970); (7) Lw + 2Q ¢ Wr (Liou, 1971); (8) Pu + ChI + Q ¢ Clz + Act + H 20 (Nitsch, 1971); (9) Lw ¢ An + fluid (Newton and Kennedy, 1963); (9A) Lw ¢ Z
+ Ky + Q + fluid (Newton and Kennedy, 1963); (10) Z + Ky + Q ¢ An + fluid (Newton and Kennedy, 1963); (/1) Pyp ¢ And + 3Q + H 20 (Kerrick, 1968); (12) S ¢ 6Fo
+ Tc + 9H 20 (Scarfe and Wyllie, 1967); (13) And ¢ Ky ¢ Sill [inferred from experimental work of Richardson et al., 1968; Holdaway, 1971; and Ganguly's (1969) arguments;
see text in Chapters 10 and 11); (14) (Fe-Mg)Chl + Ms ¢ (Fe-Mg)St + (Fe-Mg)Bi + Q + vapor (Hoschek, 1969); (15) Chd + AI 2SiO s ¢ St + Q + H 20 (Richardson, 1968);
(16) Chd ¢ Aim + Cor + H 20 (Ganguly, 1969);(17) Ep (Ca 2AI. 7s Fe.2s)Si 3 0dOH) + Q ¢ Gar + An + Mt + fluid (NNO buffer; Liou, 1973); (18) (Fe-Mg)St + Ms + Q
¢ A1 2SiO s + (Fe-Mg)Bi + vapor (Hoschek, 1969); (19) Ms + Q ¢ K-fs + AI 2SiO s + H 20 (Day, 1973); (20) Ab-Or critical mixing (Morse, 1970); (21) Fe-St + Q ¢ AIm
+ Sill + H 20 (Richardson, 1968); (22) Ab-Or-Q-H 20 system, beginning of melting (Merill et al., 1970); (23) Anth ¢ En + Q (Greenwood, 1963); (24) Anth (XMg "" 0.60) ¢ Opx
+ Q (Hinrichsen, 1966); (25) Ms + Q + vapor ¢ (liquid) + AI 2SiO s (Storre and Karotke, 1971); (26) Ms + Q ¢ liquid + Or + AI 2SiO s (Storre, 1972); (27) Or + Q + Ms
+ vapor ¢ L; (28) Or + Q + Sill + H 20 ¢ liquid; (29) Ab + Ms + Q + H 20 ¢ liquid (27 to 29; Storre and Karotke, 1971); (30) Ab + Q + Vapor ¢ L; (31) An + Q
+ vapor ¢ liquid; (32) amphibole breakdown in gabbro (30-32: Merill et aI., 1970). Approximate facies boundaries are shown by large dashed curves. Clz = c1inozoisite,
Fs = feldspar, Fo = forsterite. Other symbols as in Table 9.1.
10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

usually replaced by true micas with a full complement of such clay minerals as glauconite in the surficial layers
of alkali ions in the interlayer. Thus if we designate the of some recent marine sediments.
cation content of a montmorillonoid by a fractional A great variety of types of alterations affect unstable
variable n and the water content by the variable m the materials under low-temperature conditions. The prod-
following reaction is one of the types of transformations ucts of high-temperature processes such as volcanic
that are likely to occur during early metamorphism or glasses and igneous and high-grade metamorphic
ad vanced diagenesis: minerals are particularly vulnerable. Among the greatest
deposits of montmorillonite clays are those that result
(Na, K)nAI2(Si4-nAln)Olo(OHh· mH 2 0 from the alteration of volcanic ash beds, probably in an
montmorillonoid environment of high silica activity engendered by the
presence of amorphous silica. 2 Other alterations result
+ (1 - n)(Na, K)AISi 3 0 s
in the formation of zeolites and the incipient albitization
of plagioclase.
In addition to the reactions between the unstable
white mica quartz fluid
products of sedimentation and volcanism, progressive
alteration of previously stable assemblages also occur
(lO.a) within the zeolite facies. Montmorillonoids and other
clay minerals formed as stable products in a given
In this illustration the alkali deficiency in the mont- diagenetic environment transform to other slightly
morillonoid is balanced entirely by the substitution of different assemblages when these conditions are slightly
Si 4+ in the tetrahedral framework with the result that altered. For example, when the temperature and pressure
silica is released. This reaction is particularly interesting increased somewhat by burial in New Zealand, zeoli tic
because it does not involve the release or absorption of alteration of volcanic deposits took the form of successive
any water other than that present in the montmorillonoid replacements of one zeolite by another (Coombs et al.,
interlayer. 1959). Thus heulandite-analcite-quartz assemblages
If the initial material consists of a mixture of kaolinite give way to laumontite-albite-quartz. Surdam (1973)
and feldspar the following reaction should occur: noted that even very subtle differences in the composi-
tion of the fluid phase are significant and can create a
large overlap of critical minerals such as laumonite,
kaolinite feldspar
wairakite, prehnite, pumpellyite, and epidote.
Some of the experimentally investigated equilibria
mica quartz fluid that may occur within the zeolite-lawsonite facies are
(Figure 10.1):
Reactions of the type of (1O.a) and (IO.b) probably
are always displaced strongly to the right since it would
analcite + quartz ~ albite + H 20 (1)

be expected that clay and feldspar mixtures resulting laumontite ~ lawsonite + 2 quartz + fluid (3)
from mechanical sedimentation would be thermo-
dynamically unstable. This is particularly obvious in the laumontite = wairakite + fluid (4)
case of Reaction (lO.b) and has been pointed out by
Garrels and Howard (1959).
lawsonite + quartz = wairakite (7)
The reason that reactions such as (lO.a) and (lO.b) pumpellyite + chlorite + quartz
do not occur immediately after sediment deposition is
of course a consequence of the high activation energies = c1inozoisite + actinolite + H 2 0 (8)
involved in the reconstitution of the tetrahedral and
The jadeite + quartz = albite curve is also partly in the
octahedral frameworks of the clay minerals. The same
high-temperature division of this facies. Some other
does not apply to the bulk of the interlayer cations that
zeolite equilibria are discussed in Chapter 11.
are readily exchangeable, and such exchanges un-
doubtedly occur with every alteration in the surrounding
fluids. For a discussion of these exchange equilibria 2 Note that in this case montmorillonite is a product of early
diagenesis whereas according to Reactions (lO.a) and
see Chapter 2. Also, the free energies of activation for the (lO.b) it is a reactant in this process. Such behavior is
deposition from solution of certain clays also seem entirely compatible and results from a variation chiefly
to be low. This is shown by the apparently rapid growth in the composition and temperature of the environment.

Greenschist facies

Zeolite-lawsonite facies to greenschist facies Greenschist facies

The zeolite-lawsonite facies corresponds approximately
to the low-temperature metamorphic division of Winkler This is the major facies of low-grade regional meta-
(1974). As suggested by Winkler, the diagnostic morphism, corresponding to the low-grade division of
minerals are laumontite, prehnite, pumpellyite, lawsonite, Winkler (1974). It extends at 5 kbar (P H20) from ~ 350°C
and illite with low crystallinity. In Figure 10.1 the to ~ 550°C. The name comes from the very common
high temperature limit of the zeolite-lawsonite facies green-colored schists that dominate many metamorphic
may be drawn roughly parallel to the boundary of the terrains. These schists usually consist of metamorphosed
reactions basalt flows, but also contain derivatives of a variety
of associated sediments. The equivalent pelitic rocks
wairakite = quartz + anorthite + fluid (5) consisting of slates and phyllites are also very widespread.
The dominant mineral species of the greenschist
lawsonite = anorthite + fluid (9) facies are muscovite, biotite, chlorite, epidote, actinolite,
and the carbonates, but the plagioclase and potassium
and feldspars are also common. Typical representatives of
greenschist facies rocks are shown in Tables 10.1, 10.2
lawsonite = zoisite + kyanite + quartz + fluid (9A) (specimens 3 and 4), and Table 10.3 (specimens 11, 14, and
15). The amphiboles of the greenschist facies tend to be
The temperature of the boundary is shown to be lower nonaluminous or actinolitic except near the high-
than the equilibrium temperature of the reactions in the temperature and pressure limits of the facies. Also,
system Al z0 3-SiO r H zO because the experimental plagioclase tends to be highly sodic in greenschists and is
results are modified in the natural system. The addition usually referred to as "albite". Apparently this is a
of Na 20 and Fe203 would be significant either because consequence of the instability of the anorthite end
of the possibility of new phases and/or because of crystal- member relative to epidote-bearing assemblages (Ram-
line solubility in plagioclase and epidote solutions. The berg, 1952). These characteristics of the Ca-amphiboles
latter effect would tend to displace the dehydration curves and plagioclase serve as rough but useful indicators for
toward lower temperature. Further, the effect of adding facies classification in conjunction with the total mineral
CO 2 to the gas phase would be very significant on most assemblage.
reactions labelled (1) to (8). As discussed by Albee and It is interesting to examine this facies for the type
Zen (1969) and Coombs et al. (1970), increasing the of Al 2SiO s polymorph most frequently recorded.
chemical potential of CO 2 may lead to a considerable Aluminous greenschists should be characterized chiefly
shift of these equilibria toward lower temperatures. by the occurrence of andalusite according to Figure 10.1,
In addition to the various compositional effects, although kyanite should also appear in the high-
kinetic considerations make the interpretation of various pressure range; sillimanite should be excluded. Some
reactions difficult in this grade of metamorphism. This authors have completely ignored the occurrence of
has been discussed by Zen (1967), Liou (1971), and A. B. andalusite in this facies, preferring to attribute the
Thompson (1970), among others. The nature of the presence of this mineral to superimposed thermal
starting material influences the reactions, and laumontite effects of hidden intrusions, etc. Harker (1932) believed
may form metastably in a variety of situations. Due to the that andalusite indicated rocks "deficient in shearing
slow rate of reactions and the high-activation energies stress." However, a perusal of the literature shows that it
involved in any cation-exchange reactions involving is a fairly common mineral in regionally metamorphosed
framework silicates, many of the assemblages en- schists. Harker himself summarizes numerous occur-
countered in this facies may not be in chemical rences of andalusite in the low-grade schists of the
equilibrium. British Isles. By way of contrast, kyanite in low-grade
Although the recent experimental work by Liou schists is very rare indeed.
(1971) and A. B. Thompson (1970a,b) has given us useful A typical example of a metamorphic terrain in which
information on the P- T conditions of the zeolite facies, greenschist rocks are well developed is the Lake Superior
the uncertainty due to kinetic and compositional region of the United States and Canada. There basaltic
influences in these estimates makes this part of Figure 10.1 lavas of Precambrian age are associated with slates,
generally less meaningful than the division into facies of graywackes, and iron formations. Many of the lavas
the region of medium- and high-grade metamorphism. show pillow structure and retain ghost textures of

Table 10.1 Chemical analyses of typical metamorphic rocks

Ilmenite- Ilmenite-
Kyanite- Staurolite- Actinolite- magnetite- magnetite- Magnetite- Plagioclase-
andalusite- biotite- albite- bearing hematite- hematite- quartz-
sillimanite garnet epidote Pelitic Pelitic pelitic bearing bearing biotite- Pyroxene
gneiss gneiss schist schist schist gneiss pelitic gneiss pelitic gneiss gneiss gneiss
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Si0 2 48.20 60.73 48.60 55.07 39.41 43.36 44.46 44.09 67.92 56.81
Ti0 2 0.14 0.74 0.32 0.98 0.66 1.41 1.33 1.69 0.70 1.01
A1 2 0 3 32.54 21.18 9.16 21.50 31.21 32.65 31.09 23.64 15.53 17.33
Fe 2 0 3 0.23 3.23 4.65 2.72 2.10 0.48 4.28 12.01 0.77 1.87
FeO 2.24 4.16 6.48 6.04 10.36 6.64 6.56 3.66 3.51 5.55
MnO 0.05 0.04 0.25 0.05 0.16 0.03 0.14 0.37 0.05 0.13
"""'"' MgO 9.30 2.75 18.41 3.00 3.41 3.16 2.85 2.61 2.04 3.46
0\ CaO 0.84 0.79 9.57 0.98 0.14 1.01 0.60 0.85 2.22 6.55
Na 2 0 1.66 0.90 0.53 1.43 1.55 1.54 0.87 2.03 3.90 3.54
K 20 2.32 2.30 0.20 3.01 4.01 6.10 4.69 6.01 2.67 2.24
H 2 O- 0.12 0.02 0.18 0.14 0.12 0.14
H 2 O+ 2.26 2.61 1.29 3.53 6.54 3.29 3.32 3.09 0.72 0.85
P20S 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.11 trace 0.16 0.15 0.11 0.26
CO 2 0.22 0.20 0.07 0.12
F 0.07

100.13 99.74 99.88 98.59 99.55 99.85 100.49 100.32 100.21 99.74

1. From Smith Ridge. Boehls Butte Quadrangle, Idaho (Hietanen, 1956). 6. From Glen Clova, Scotland, Harker Collection No. 83143 (Chinner, 1960).
2. From Agnew Lake area, Sudbury district, Ontario, Canada. Author's No.2 (Card, 1964). 7. From Glen Clova, Scotland. Harker Collection No. 83121 (Chinner, 1960).
3. From Agnew Lake area, Sudbury district, Ontario, Canada. Author's No.6 (Card, 1964). 8. From Glen Clova, Scotland. Harker Collection No. 83112 (Chinner, 1960).
4. From Agnew Lake area, Sudbury district, Ontario, Canada. Author's No. I (Card, 1964). 9. From West Balmat, New York. Author's No. Bgn 27 (Engel and Engel, 1958).
5. From west-central Vermont. Author's No. 213-1 (Zen, 1960). 10. Liitzow-Holm Bay, Antarctica. Author's No. JARE 57110802 (Ban no et al., 1964).
Table 10.2 Mineral assemblages of the metamorphic rocks of Table 10.1

Ilmenite- Ilmenite-
Kyanite- Staurolite- Actinolite- magnetite- magnetite- Magnetite- Plagioclase-
andalusite- biotite- albite- bearing hematite- hematite- quartz-
sillimanite garnet epidote Pelitic Pelitic pelitic bearing bearing biotite- Pyroxene
gneiss gneiss schist schist schist gneiss pelitic gneiss pelitic gneiss gneiss gneiss
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Quartz 3.2 +a + 5 trace 16.4 2.6 32.3

Plagioclase 15.6 + + + 16.4 9.4 13.8 44.4 +
K-feldspar 1.7 +
Muscovite 0.2 + + 34 26.3 25.2 53.7 0.9
Paragonite b 19
Kyanite 17.9 9.8 14.9 2.2
Sillimanite 12.0 trace 0.5
Biotite 25.1 + 33.9 26.2 13.3 20.0
Garnet + trace 4.8 2.4 +
1-00 Cordierite 37.1
QO Staurolite 0.3 trace 0.5
.......:J +
Chlorite + + 31
Epidote +
Actinolite +
Hornblende +
Ca-pyroxene +
Orthopyroxene +
Chloritoid 9
Sphene + +
Tourmaline trace trace trace
Calcite 0.5
Apatite trace trace trace 0.2 +
Zircon 0.1
Sulfide +
Opaques + + 1.6 2.8 11.2 0.1 +
composition AnI? An 4 0 Ano Ano An40

aindicates mineral is present.

b Paragonite is usually not distinguished from muscovite so that it may comprise some white mica classed as this mineral.
Table 10.3 Mineral assemblages of greenschist, glaucophane schist, amphibolite, and granulite
facies rocks



- !31
.c: ~

E"...: ! .!
~ al
~ ~ i!u
=:a ~u
c: (,,1-
.~ ~
!~ =
.S!! _ _
.~ ...

=:a f 5!:a =:a =:a =:a

... rIl

~ ~
rIl - rIl

~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ O~ rii ~ ~ ~ G~ ~~ ~~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Quartz + + + + + 79.0 30.8 + + + +
Plagioclase + + + 30.6 +
K-feldspar +a
Muscovite + 0.6 b 20.2b + + +
Andalusite + +
Sillimanite + +
Biotite + + + + +
Garnet 6.1 0.2 + + +
Staurolite +
Chlorite + + + 0.1 7.1
Stilpnomelane +
Epidote + + 2.3 +
Actinolite + + +
Na-amphibole 5.4 +
Na-pyroxene 4.0
Lawsonite +
Graphite 4.4
Opaques C
+ + 4.7
Calcite + 2.3 +
Argonite +
Pyrite 0.8 +
Apatite 0.1 0.4
Sphene 0.9 +
composition Ano Ano

II. From northern Michigan (James, 1955). 18. Cazadero, California (Coleman and Lee, 1962).
12. Northern Michigan (James, 1955). 19. Cazadero, California (Coleman and Lee, 1962).
13. Northern Michigan (James, 1955). 20. Elk River-Clarkia area, Idaho (Hietanen, 1963).
14. Northern Michigan (James, 1955). 21. Elk River-Clarkia area, Idaho (Hietanen, 1963).
15. East of Mecca, California. 22. East central Quebec (specimen No. II-G).
16. Koto-Bizan district, Japan. Author's No. E-7 (Ernst, 1964). 23. East central Quebec (specimen No. 13-G).
17. Koto-Bizan district Japan. Author's No. E-II (Ernst, 1964). 24. East central Quebec (specimen No. 3-M).

1 1 1c
t ~ -a
] ...! ...

; ~ .i... ...

:a ... Q,I
.<.:: ~ ~ ~ !'oil :s!
E :s
t .......

== I'G:)
1: ~ ~.e ~
._ ell III

t :S~
Q,I lls!!
~ .!: oS
Q,I c ..
~ .!: oS O~ ~i
:sa .-
~i ~ .!: oS !'! III III
cJ i

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

10 30 25 + + 30 + + + +
25 30 30 + + +
35 a 55 d + + +
5 3 5

7 + +
20 30 3 2 + + +
3 + + +

3 <5 <1 <1

+ +
+ +
30 +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
5 + +
+ + +
<1 <1 <1 +

25. East central Quebec. Author's No. DH4-185 (Mueller, 1960). a Microcline, relatively nonperthitic.
26. East central Quebec. Author's No. DH 3-172 (Mueller, 1960). b White mica.
27. Near Fine, New York (specimen No. 4-W). C Undifferentiated iron oxides chiefly.
28. Southwestern Quebec. Author's No. 97-56 (Kretz, 1959). d Microclinic perthite.
29. Mt. Reed areas Quebec. Author's No. A-8 (Kranck, 1961).
30. Western Greenland. Author's No. 3618 (Ramberg, 1949).
31. Western Greenland. Author's No. 3286 (Ramberg, 1949).

10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

igneous plagioclase and pyroxene although their present Reaction (lO.e) is also a biotite-forming reaction.
mineralogy consists largely of chlorite, actinolite, epidote, Chlorite and biotite are crystalline solutions of Fe,
calcite, and sodic plagioclase. Such is the famous Ely Mg, and Al end members. If the carbonate is also a
"greenstone" of northern Minnesota (Clements, 1903). solution of Mg and Ca end members (i.e., dolomite), the
Also in northern Wisconsin and Michigan in the Penokee- stability of the equilibrium assemblage will also change
Gogebic iron range pelitic rocks of this facies are well as a function of the activity-composition relation in
represented (Irving and Van Hise, 1892). In the latter dolomite.
region we find an apparent increase in metamorphic Mather (1970) described the following mineral
grade toward the western (Wisconsin) part of the range, assemblages from Aberfoyle area (Scotland):
with chloritic schists giving way to those richer in
biotite. Also in the biotitic slates andalusite appears in
quartz ± albite ± calcite ± phengite ± chlorite
the more aluminous beds. Many of the pelitic rocks still ± epidote ± ferro dolomite ± actinolite
show evidence of the original clastic quartz and feldspars.
This is a multicomponent system (at least nine) and the
The metamorphic zonal configuration of the eastern
molar volumes of such minerals as phengite are in-
part of this region was outlined by James (1955), who
completely known for a theoretical analysis. It is,
traced the low-grade rocks into their amphibolite facies
however, clear that, besides the effects due to crystalline
equivalents in central Michigan. Some typical reactions
solutions, the presence or absence of certain minerals
in the greenschist facies have been described by
in the assemblages at a given P and T must be critically
McNamara (1965), Brown (1967), and Mather (1970).
McNamara described the characteristic mineral assem- related to l1eo,!I1H2 o .
Brown (1967) has studied the assemblages in the
blage in the lowest grade Dalradian slates as quartz-
rocks of greenschist facies in Eastern Otago, New
albite-phengite-chlorite-calcite-dolomite-anatase. The
Zealand. Three compositionally different types of rocks
presence of dolomite is considered to be related to the
with varying proportions of minerals occur in the
absence of actinolite and the low-magnesium content
following assemblages (all contain quartz-albite-epidote-
of chlorites. A high I1co2/I1 H2o may not only inhibit the
muscovite) :
formation of epidote but may also drive the following
reactions to the left: stilpnomelane ± chlorite ± stilpnomelane ± actinolite
chlorite ± biotite ± stilpnome1ane ± garnet ± actinolite
chlorite calcite quartz
biotite ± actinolite ± stilpnomelane ± garnet
6Ca 2 (Mg, Fe)sSi g 0 22 (OHh + 12C0 2 + 14H 2 0 (lO.c)
actinolite A chemical study of the minerals showed the presence of
zoning in garnets (77 percent spessertine in the core to
35 percent spessertine 1511 away on the rim, see Figure
dolomite quartz 8.17). Epidotes have iron-rich cores and some actinolite
crystals have deeply colored hornblende cores. Grain-
to-grain compositional variation was also noted. With
actinolite calcite increasing metamorphic grade, however, these dis-
Reaction (lO.c) is idealized and only shows (Mg, Fe) equilibrium features disappear. The total assemblages
chlorite component in the (Mg, Fe, AI) chlorite. do not violate the phase rule and are at least divariant.
The incoming of epidote in Dalradian rocks may be One of the most important reactions that occurs
represented by the reaction within the greenschist facies and at the transition to
the amphibolite facies is the following:

muscovite chlorite

+ 32CaC0 3 + 21 SiOz calcite chlorite quartz

calcite quartz

actinolite epidote
epidote biotite
+ liH'
2 2 0+ llCO
3 2 (lOJ)
(lO.e) fluid fluid

Greenschist facies

Ramberg (1952) considered this reaction as defining to replace tremolite according to the reaction 3
the boundary between the greenschist and epidote
amphibolite facies (which we have incorporated into
our greenschist facies). However, it is clear that this quartz tremolite calcite
reaction has too many degrees of freedom to make it
useful except in a very rough way. In fact, if there is
ferrous iron present it has three degrees of freedom. diopside fluid fluid
The lack of suitable reactions to fix boundaries and of
distinctive assemblages within the facies are the main It is obvious that this reaction also can occur over a
reasons behind our elimination of the epidote amphibo- range of conditions determined by various independent
lite facies of Eskola. variables such as PH20 and Peol .
Schists that contain all the mineral phases appearing In carbonate rocks containing significant amounts
on both sides of Reaction (lOJ) are very common; an of iron and in the silicate-carbonate iron formations
example (specimen 15) is shown in Table 10.3. Some a variety of different iron-magnesium minerals occur.
other reactions are discussed in Chapter 11. In the carbonate iron formations siderite and ankerite
Although andalusite is the alumino silicate of many are stable in the presence of chert layers. In the silicate-
greenschist pelitic rocks, its range seems restricted to bearing iron formations the place of carbonates is taken
the high-temperature part of the facies. It is possible that by stilpnomelane and minnesotaite, and in the upper
this may be attributed to the reactions part of the facies by actinolite and cummingtonite,
which are frequent products of decarbonation reactions.
By contrast, the mineral greenalite is a constituent of
AI 4 Si 4 0 1o(OH)8
many pre-Cambrian iron formations and appears to
andalusite quartz fluid kaolinite
be a primary chemical precipitate. In Mn-bearing rocks
(lO.g) spessertite-rich garnet appears within the greenschist
facies, as was pointed out by Ramberg (1949) and by
AlzSiO s + 3Si0 2 + H 2 0 Al z Si 4 0 (OH}z Miyashiro (1953b).

andalusite quartz fluid pyrophyllite

Greenschist facies to amphibolite facies
The standard free-energy change for Reaction (to.g)
at 298°K is about - 2000 cal, but at 4000K it is about Although a variety of obvious and well-defined reactions
+ 1500 cal, indicating that kaolinite is stabilized relative characterize the transition from greenschist to amphibo-
to andalusite, quartz, and pure liquid water only in the lite facies, none of these appear to be suitable to fix the
lower temperature range. The effect of pressure is transition precisely since nearly all involve complex
difficult to evaluate because water wiII generally not phases which have the effect of smearing out the transi-
occur as a pure component; however under STP tion over a broad P- T range. The boundary at high
conditions this reaction shows a large volume decrease temperature may be suggested to lie slightly below
so that pressure might well act to further stabilize the temperature of the triple point for andalusite-
kaolinite. However, if the other fluid constituents lower kyanite-siIIimanite, so that we may exclude at a glance
the activity of water, this wiII again favor the left side any rocks from this facies that contain sillimanite.
of Reaction (lO.g). Reaction (lO.h), labeled 11 in Figure As discussed in Chapter 9, the position of the triple point
10.1, has been in vestigated by Kerrick (1968). in the P- T field is somewhat uncertain, Ganguly's (1969)
suggestion has been accepted here-namely, that the
In siliceous carbonate rocks (impure limestones) triple point should lie between the equilibrium curves
the products of the reaction of dolomite with quartz for the reactions
are tremolite, talc, and calcite, although the CO 2
pressure is frequently too high for this reaction to go to
chloritoid ~ almandine + corundum + H 2 0
completion in this facies, and for that matter even in (15)
the amphibolite facies. Under conditions when the escape
of the fluid phase becomes possible and particularly in 3 Ramberg (1952) suggested that this reaction marked the
the high-temperature range of the facies, diopside tends lower limits of the amphibolite facies.

10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

and suggested boundary between the greenschist and am-

phibolite facies. The occurrence of the assemblage talc
chloritoid + Al zSi0 5 and forsterite may be useful information in mapping the
staurolite + quartz + H zO (16) facies.
We also note that the staurolite-producing reaction
(Fe, Mg) chlorite + muscovite ~
Amphibolite facies
(Fe, Mg) staurolite + (Fe, Mg) biotite + quartz + vapor In rocks of pelitic composition there occurs a group of
(14) reactions that particularly characterize the amphibolite
(Hoschek, 1969) facies and that, at the same time, have the interesting
feature of involving only crystalline phases. The two
lies within the equilibrium pressure and temperature simplest of these reactions are
range of the two reactions. As suggested by Ganguly
KMg 3 (AlSi 3 )01O(OH)z + 2Al 2 Si0 5 + Si0 2
(1972), the transition from greenschist facies to amphibo-
lite facies should be recognized by the formation of biotite andalusite quartz
staurolite at the expense of chloritoid or chlorite. The kyanite
effect of solid solubility in the ferromagnesian minerals
and the change in composition in the vapor phase may
require that the boundary may be determined by garnet muscovite
referring to a particular composition of coexisting
staurolite and chloritoid or chlorite. This will be com-
biotite andalusite quartz
patible with Ramberg's definition of facies. The first sillimanite
appearance of staurolite, without established relationship kyanite
with chlorite or chloritoid, may not be used as an
indication of the beginning of the amphibolite facies.
Ganguly (1972) has shown that if the staurolite-pro- garnet muscovite
ducing reaction is governed by oxidation equilibria, As these reactions are written, the volume changes under
the temperature is not necessarily within the range of STP conditions are negative in both cases so that the
525°C to 575°C. For example the reaction assemblage garnet-muscovite is favored by pressure. The
volume changes for the two reactions are as follows when
almandine + H20 + O 2 ~
the indicated Al 2 Si0 5 polymorphs are involved:
staurolite + magnetite + quartz
andalusite = - 21.59 ml
has equilibrium temperatures in the range of 600°C to ~l'(i) { sillimanite
= -18.33 ml
675°C at 10 kbar, the temperature varying with oxygen kyanite = -6.73 ml
fugacity. andalusite = - 24.26 ml
The reaction labeled (14) in Figure 10.1 : ~ l'(j){ sillimanite =
- 21.00 ml

chlorite + muscovite ~
kyanite = -9.40 ml
staurolite + biotite + quartz + vapor (14) In addition to these reactions involving the biotite
end members phlogopite and annite, there are analogous
involves chlorite and biotite, which are complex crystal-
reactions involving the eastonite molecule:
line solutions. Unless the effect of solubility on the P- T
conditions of this equilibrium is evaluated, the reaction
may be used only with caution in marking the beginning biotite (eastonite) andalusite
of the amphibolite facies. sillimanite
For a reaction labeled (J 2) involving serpentine, kyanite
forsterite, and talc, + 130Si02 i(Mg, FehAl 2Si 30 12
S chrysotile = 6 forsterite + talc + 9 HzO quartz garnet

provided that the Fe 2+ content of talc is not significantly + K 2AI 4(AI 2Si 6 )02o(OH)4 (10.k)
high, the equilibrium P and Twould be very close to the muscovite

Amphibolite facies

As may be seen from Table to.2 and 10.3, assemblages subsequently recrystallized to an amphibolite, which
containing the phases on both sides of these reactions presumably is of the same metamorphic rank as the
are very common in amphibolite facies rocks so that a metasediments. Mineral assemblages from typical repre-
very wide stability range is indicated. sentatives of these rocks are shown in Table to.3.
Although the necessary thermochemical data do not The type rock of the Quebec suite, the amphibolite
exist for a full discussion of the stability relations of this (No. 22, Table 10.3) shows the high quartz content which
system, we may deduce some of the features if we make is typical of many amphibolites that are derived from
certain simplifying assumptions. These are that both high-temperature gabbros with little or no normative
biotite and garnet form ideal solutions and that the quartz and with high modal feldspar, pyroxene, and
other minerals are stoichiometric compounds. Under olivine. It should also be noted that this specimen
these assumptions the equations of equilibrium for contains a large number of mineral phases, which is in
Reactions (lO.i) and (to.j) are part a consequence of the relatively large number of
components that attain majority status. By contrast
K(jJexp (
-P~V(jJ) (x~:r)3 the schist (No. 23) has a simpler mineralogy correspond-
RT = (X~jg)3 (10.1 )
ing to a more extreme chemical composition. Schists of
- P~ V(jJ) (I - x~:r)3 the latter type grade into more feldspathic varieties,
K(") exp ( = --~~ (10.2) and these in turn envelop bands and lenses of granite
J RT (1 - X~~)3
(No. 24) which contains the same mineral species as the
Direct application of the phase rule to the reactions feldspathic schists but in different proportions. It is
leads to the conclusion that the system has two degrees of interest that these rock types generally contain all
of freedom since there are five effective components the phases that enter into one or the other of the following
and five phases. This is also borne out by the equations reactions:
since these are two in number and relate four variables
2 Ca 2 AI 3 Si 3 0 12 (OH)
to each other. The system is geometrically equivalent to
a double surface (one for garnet and one for biotite) in
P- T - X Mg space which separates the high- and low-
pressure assemblages. muscovite quartz
If we examine Equations (10.1) and (to.2) for the case
of constant temperature, we see that increasing the MgO
content of the system corresponds to an increasing plagioclase microcline fluid
equilibrium pressure. This follows from the fact that
garnets always contain more iron than the coexisting
biotites (Kretz, 1959). epidote quartz
Qualitatively similar conclusions would follow even
if biotite and garnet did not form ideal solutions unless
plagioclase garnet fluid
the departures from ideality were quite great. This is
especially true of the phase-rule deductions since these Reactions such as these have been proposed by Ramberg
are totally independent of the character of the solutions. (1952) as important in governing the composition of
In discussing the assemblages of the amphibolite plagioclase. Thus in the amphibolites, Reaction (lO.m)
facies it is possible to refer in detail to specific occurrences would be displaced to the left, and this would account in
since many of these have been studied. Some of these part for the sodic plagioclase. Reaction (10.1) would serve
metamorphic areas embrace a variety of rock types which the same end in the pelitic schists.
show great variation in bulk composition but which have In the metamorphosed iron formations of the Quebec
been formed under relatively constant P- T conditions. suite, the AI-rich minerals of the pelitic schists give
One such area forms part of the extensive regional way to Ca, Mg, and ferrous iron silicates and carbonates
metamorphic terrain of east-central Quebec (Mueller, and iron oxides. Here actinolite takes the place of
1960). This area, which is located in the southern hornblende and Ca-pyroxene finds a stability field. The
extension of the Labrador trough of iron-bearing sedi- assemblages differ greatly as a consequence of the
ments, consists of metamorphosed pelitic sediments, considerable variability in the bulk compositional
iron formation, and carbonate rocks which were intruded variables including Fe 3 + jFe 2 +. The latter is of course a
by sills and irregular bodies of diabasic gabbro somewhat function of the degree of oxidation. A clear idea of the
before the culminating metamorphism. The diabase was range in oxygen fugacities involved may be gained by

10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

noting the presence or absence of the oxides hematite effect closely related to the increase in Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)
and magnetite. For example, No. 25 is a relatively with increasing oxidation is the accompanying increase
oxidized assemblage with hematite and Mg-rich silicates,4 in manganese content of the same silicates. This is a
whereas No. 26 is a more reduced assemblage consisting direct consequence of the resistance of Mn 2 + to oxidation
of ferrous iron-rich silicates and with magnetite as the so that it behaves much as does magnesium, and
only oxide phase. In the latter assemblage, cummingto- accumulates in the silicates.
nite, a mineral with a relatively high affinity for ferrous For rocks like those from Glen Clova the presence
iron, is one of the most abundant phases. s It should also of an iron oxide in addition to the phases occurring
be noted that dolomite and quartz coexist in these rocks, in Reactions (lO.j) and (lO.k) relates the corresponding
which shows that P coz probably attained magnitudes Equations (10.1) and (10.2) to reactions like (lO.n). As
of the order of 10 3 atm or more. a consequence, the atomic fractions X~~ and x~:r will
Our second example of a suite of amphibolite facies depend on Poz. It is evident then that an increase in POz
rocks is taken from the classic metamorphic terrain of corresponds to an increase in the equilibrium total
Glen Clova, Scotland (Chinner, 1960). The rocks are pressure bearing on the solid phases, with the con-
gneisses of pelitic composition and consists of various sequence that the P- T range over which the reaction
combinations of the phases of Reaction (l0.i) to (lO.k). occurs should be greatly influenced by this parameter.
The coexistence of both sillimanite and kyanite, some- It is easy to see what the above effect of varying the
times in the same thin sections, points toward the high bulk composition through changes in Poz will have on
pressure part of the facies, perhaps as high as 104 bars. the identification of "isograds." The appearance or
The Glen Clova gneisses exhibit the same general disappearance of the various index minerals such as
effects of varying oxygen fugacity already discussed in biotite, sillimanite, and garnet will be a function of P 02
connection with the Quebec iron formation. Some of in addition to the temperature and total pressure.
these effects are clear from the bulk chemical analyses Since the effect of this parameter was unsuspected at
and the corresponding modes of Tables 10.1 and 10.2. the time isograds were proposed, it follows [hat many of
Although the three analyses (Nos. 6, 7, and 8) ofTable 10.1 these are invalid and may simply represent changes in
are not quite comparable because of the simultaneous degree of oxidation. This point has already been made
variations of several major components, they are enough when we discussed the appearance of staurolite in the
alike in bulk composition to illustrate the effect of transition of greenschist facies to amphibolite facies.
increasing oxidation in the sequence. This is shown by An additional interesting feature here is that the
the increase in the ratio Fe3+ /Fe2+ for the rock, which is assemblage stability relations are almost independent
accompanied by an increase in iron oxide phases and of the water fugacity since no dehydration reactions
muscovite and a decrease in ferro magnesian silicates. are involved. Of course a certain minimum PHzO was
As in the case of the Quebec iron formation, the ferro- necessary in order to stabilize the micas, but any value
magnesian silicates show a systematic increase in in excess of this only contributes to the total pressure.
Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) with increasing oxygen fugacity. However, staurolite also occurs in some of the Glen
Chinner (l960) pointed out that the oxidative process Clova rocks; and since this mineral reacts with quartz
is approximately equivalent to the reaction to form garnet, kyanite, and water, the equilibrium
P HzO might be defined in this way.
K z(Fe sAI)(AI 3Si s )Ozo(OH)4
A third area that shows some interesting contrasts
biotite with Glen Clova is the northern Michigan region already
+ Fe3AlzSi301z + 20z referred to in connection with the greenschist facies.
garnet fluid Although the green schists give way in north central
Michigan to amphibolite facies rocks, the latter appear
to have formed under somewhat lower pressures than
muscovite hematite quartz the rocks of Glen Clova since kyanite is not found.
in the field of hematite. In the more reduced region, Rather, biotite and quartz coexist with andalusite or
analogous reactions involving magnetite apply. Another sillimanite (James, 1955) so that only the left or high-
temperature side of Reactions (lO.j) and (lO.k) occur
4 Actinolite from this assemblage has Mg/(Mg +FeZ +) = 0.85. (specimen Nos. 12 and 13, Table 10.3).
A fourth area of interest is the regionally meta-
5 See Chapter 2 for a discussion of the distribution of Fe2+
and Mg among these minerals and Chapter 11 for a morphosed envelope of the Idaho batholith. Hietanen
thermodynamic analysis. (1963a) has described, from the Elk River-Clarkia area,

Amphibolite facies

the common occurrence of andalusite and sillimanite The second assemblage probably represents the transi-
with biotite, quartz, garnet, and muscovite (Nos. 20 tion between amphibolite and granulite facies. Its
and 21, Table 10.3) so that both reactants and products position in the P- T field should be above 3.5 kbar
of Reactions (lO.j) and (lO.k) again coexist here. around 680°C. This position would be on the high-
In northern New York State, over a wide region on the temperature side of the reaction (29). The equilibrium T
flanks of the Adirondack Mountains, amphibolite to of the above reaction would increase with increasing mole
granulite facies rocks are in contact with the anorthosite fraction of anorthite in plagioclase and no phase is lost
massif. In Table 10.3, the modal phase content of an by melting in these rocks over a range of temperature.
interesting specimen (No. 27) from this transitional
region is presented. This rock is from an extensive body
of granite-gneiss of unknown origin which contains many Amphibolite facies to granulite facies
oriented quartz ovoids similar to deformed pebbles of a
stretched-pebble conglomerate. The matrix of the ovoids In Figure 10.1 the boundary between amphibolite and
consists of a macro crystalline assemblage of microcline, granulite facies may be drawn quite close to the uni-
quartz, sillimanite, and muscovite, with minor amounts variant curves
of biotite and low-iron epidote. Thus the entire assem-
muscovite + quartz
blage represented by reaction labeled (19) in Figure 10.1
is present. Data on coexisting iron-titanium oxides (Bud- K feldspar + AI 2 Si0 5 + H 2 0 (19)
dington and Lindsley, 1964) indicate temperatures of muscovite + quartz ~
around 600 e to 650 e for the metamorphism of this
0 0
K-feldspar + sillimanite + liquid (melt) (26)
region, while the PH2 0 would be of the order of 3 kbar
(see Figure 10.1). However at this pressure, epidote is Thus any rock containing muscovite + quartz may be
unstable, as shown by Liou's (1973) experimental results excluded from the granulite facies. However, for other
plotted on the figure, and the pressure must be at least reasons the disappearance of this assemblage does not
5 kbar. The actual pressure would be between 5 and 7 necessarily signify that the boundary of the granulite
kbar, the higher limit being defined by the sillimanite-to- facies has been approached. In plagioclase-bearing rocks,
kyanite transition. This puts the sample into the middle muscovite + quartz may be eliminated according to
of the amphibolite facies in the present scheme of facies the reaction
Robinson and Jaffe (l969a) described the aluminous albite + muscovite + quartz + H 2 0
enclaves in gedrite-cordierite gneiss from southwestern liquid + sillimanite (29)
New Hampshire. The mica schists in the vicinity are (Storre and Karotke, 1971)
characterized by quartz-muscovite-sillimanite-plagio-
which takes place at high pressures and 50 e to lOOoe
c1ase-biotite-almandine ± staurolite. Orthoclase may

also be present occasionally. Figure 10.1 shows that below the reaction (26): muscovite + quartz. The assem-
blage muscovite + quartz is also very significantly affect-
provided P H20 is equal to Ptotal and plagioclase is albitic,
ed by a change in P H20 , as shown by Kerrick (1972). The
such an assemblage might form close to the equilibrium
P- T of the reaction labeled (29); intersection of the curve for reaction (19): muscovite + Q
with the granite melting curve, shifts from 650 e and 0

albite + muscovite + quartz + H 2 0 - 3.75 kbar to - 680°C and -7.75 kbar as a result of a
= liquid + AI 2 Si0 5 (29) change in X H 2 0 from 1.0 to 0.5.
As suggested by De Waard (1967), it may be desirable
and probably near the kyanite-sillimanite boundary. A to fix the minimum temperature of the granulite facies by
good estimate of temperature, therefore, would be 600 e 0
the P- Tcurve of the reaction (20) for albite-K-feldspar
to 650 e at - 6 kbar (Robinson, 1968), which is the middle
critical mixing. This curve has been recently redetermined
part of the amphibolite facies. by Morse (1970) and is given by the equation
Evans and Guidotti (1966) described the assemblages
P(kbar) = 0.0545(rq - 34.82
quartz + biotite + plagioclase + muscovite As noted in Figure 10.1, this critical line is rather close
+ sillimanite ± garnet to the
quartz + biotite + plagioclase + muscovite muscovite + quartz ~
+ sillimanite + orthoclase ± garnet Al 2 Si0 5 + K-feldspar + H 2 0 (or liquid)

10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

curves with Ptotal = PH,o' We must define this boundary The granulite facies is characterized by some common
for the anorthite free system because the line shifts minerals of peculiar aspect. Potassium feldspar tends
toward higher temperature as a function of anorthite to be mesoperthitic and is frequently green rather
content in the system (Morse, 1968). This is also apparent than pink in color, whereas the coexisting quartz is
from Seck's (1971a,b) results on the ternary Ab-Or-An sometimes bluish. Also, the plagioclase that coexists
system. with the potassium feldspar is frequently antiperthite,
The critical line intersects the sillimanite-kyanite illustrating the great mutual solubility of the two
boundary at about 850°C at pressures above 11 kbar. minerals in this facies. Then, too, some of the mineral
The coexistence of kyanite and hypersolvus alkali associations are unfamiliar in other facies, such as for
feldspar should represent very high P and T for crustal example the widespread coexistence of orthopyroxenes
conditions. Similarly, the coexistence of andalusite and and potassium feldspars in rocks approaching granites
hypersolvus alkali feldspar is possible only below about in composition.
3 kbar at high temperatures (650°C-800°C). Another There is every reason to believe that the granulite
reaction likely to be useful in recognising the granulite facies represents some of the highest temperatures
facies is the conversion of ortho-amphiboles (aluminum- and pressures of crystallization registered in large
free or low in aluminum) to orthopyroxene. Greenwood bodies of exhumed rock. Some of the mineralogic
(1963) determined the equilibrium curve for the reaction transformations that mark the transition from the
amphibolite facies, or which may take place within the
anthophyllite ~ enstatite + quartz + H 2 0 (23)
granulite facies, may be described from the Adirondack
In natural assemblages, the curve will shift considerably area of New York. The slight apparent increase in
to lower temperatures, and in the high-pressure (> 5 k bar) metamorphic grades in the surrounding rocks toward
part of the P- T field it may be close to our boundary. the Adirondack massif is marked by a number of
In plagioclase-bearing rocks, therefore, the disappearance assemblage transformations. One of the most striking
of aluminum-free orthoamphibole and the appearance of of these is the conversion of hornblende in amphibolite
orthopyroxene should be a definite indication that the into plagioclase-pyroxene assemblages of the granulite
P- T conditions have exceeded those of the amphibolite facies. This transformation is well shown in Table 10.4,
facies. which contains data presented by Engle and Engel
Some of the reactions at the highest temperature ofthe (1962). The table shows the chemical compositions and
amphibolite facies or at the beginning of the granulite modal phase contents of five average amphibolites which
facies may involve partial melting as shown below. span the distance from the Grenville lowland to the
plagioclase + sillimanite + biotite ~ massif. Although Engel and Engel stressed the small
differences in K 2 0 and Fe 3+ jFe2+ between these
sanidine + cordierite + garnet + liquid
rocks, they are remarkably alike chemically and therefore
plagioclase + sillimanite + biotite ~ serve well for tracing mineral transformations in
sanidine + cordierite + orthopyroxene + liquid progressive metamorphism. The decrease in hornblende
plagioclase + biotite + garnet ~ and quartz accompanying the increase in plagioclase
and pyroxene toward the massif may be illustrated by
sanidine + cordierite + orthopyroxene + liquid
the reactions
For such assemblages, the removal of the iiquid may
enlarge the stability field of the coexisting solid phases.
hornblende quartz

Granulite facies orthopyroxene plagioclase

This facies includes regionally metamorphosed rocks + Ca(Mg, Fe)Si 2 0 6 + 2H 2 0 (10.0)
of an anhydrous character in which feldspars, pyroxenes Ca-pyroxene fluid
and garnets are much more abundant than in the lower
temperature facies. However, as has been emphasized
by Ramberg (1949), this does not imply that the fugacity hornblende quartz
of water was necessarily lower than that in amphibolite
facies rocks since the effects of higher temperatures
could offset those of low water content. orthopyroxene plagioclase fluid

Granulite facies

Previously we have seen in the suite of Quebec rocks The following are some additional important reac-
(No. 22, Table 10.3) the result of the displacement of tions that are obvious from the observed assemblages:
these reactions to the left with the consequent develop-
K(MgFeh(AISi 3)Olo(OH)2 + 3Si0 2 ~
ment of quartz-rich amphibolities from gabbro.
It is of course impossible to be certain at this stage
whether the displacement to the right of Reactions (10.0)
and (lO.p) represent an increase in temperature since orthoclase orthopyroxene fluid
they might just as weIl reflect a drop in P HzO toward the
Adirondack massif. However, there is no other evidence K(Mg, Feh(AISi 3)OlO(OHh
that this occurred, whereas there seems to be some biotite
evidence for an increase in temperature in this + AI 2SiO s + 2Si0 2 ~
sillimanite quartz
The GrenviIIe rocks of Quebec also appear to be
astride the amphibolite-granulite boundary, as is in-
dicated by the assemblages reported by Kretz (1959). K-feldspar garnet fluid
This author caIled attention to the fact that in the Quebec
pelitic gneisses studied, Reactions (l0.j) and (lO.k) are CaTiSiO s + MgSi0 3 CaMgSi 20 6 + Ti0 2
displaced toward the left so that the association garnet- sphene orthopyroxene Ca-pyroxene rutile
muscovite is not stable within the granulite facies. ( lO.s)

Table 10.4 Average compositions of progressively metamorphosed amphibolite

Emeryville area, Edwards area, East Edwards area, Russell area, Colton area,
group 1 group 2 group 2A group 4 group 5

Si0 2 48.20 48.10 47.90 47.69 47.89

Ti0 2 l.89 l.72 1.56 1.76 1.56
AI 20 3 14.45 15.20 14.75 14.52 14.63
Fe203 3.50 3.37 2.44 2.06 l.85
FeO 10.53 10.59 10.91 11.31 11.20
MnO 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.23 0.25
MgO 6.62 6.87 7.08 7.26 7.41
CaO 10.25 10.01 10.67 11.16 11.54
Na20 l.94 l.86 l.97 2.13 2.19
K 20 0.96 0.98 0.82 0.67 0.58
H 2 O- 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03
H 2 O+ 1.31 1.26 l.04 0.81 0.72
P 20 S 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.14

Quartz 8.6 5.5 2.5 2.2 0.1

Plagioclase 18.5 21.7 29.6 33.5 35.6
Hornblende 68.6 65.8 5l.5 35.3 31.3
Ca-pyroxene 0.9 2.8 9.2 16.4 19.2
Orthopyroxene 5.3 7.2 11.3
Opaques 2.1 l.8 1.3 3.2 2.0
Biotite 0.6 1.3 trace trace 0.2
Sphene 0.4
Other 0.3 1.1 0.6 2.2 0.3

Data are from the Adirondack Mountains, New York, by Engel and Engel (1962).

10 Metamorphic
mineral facies

Reaction (10.q) may be called the "charnockite reaction" Figures 4.6 to 4.8, although generally several more
since it produces the characteristic assemblage of these phases will occur because of the great number of com-
granulites-namely, K-feldspar and orthopyroxene. Al- ponents. Thus olivine commonly occurs in quartz-free
though this reaction is a matter of the dehydration of gneisses of western Greenland in association with
a hydrous assemblage, it is also intimately connected pyroxene, hornhlende, biotite, and spinel (Ramberg,
with the high-pressure stabilization of FeSi0 3 , which 1949). In some silica-poor but MgO- and Al z0 3 -rich
is frequently a prominent component of these pyroxenes. rocks, sapphirine- and spinel-bearing assemblages occur
We have previously noted that the left side of Reaction (Ramberg, 1948a). Some of the stable assemblages,
(1O.r) is the high-temperature equivalent of the assem- which may be read from the tetrahedral diagrams of
blage garnet-muscovite and that this association is Chapter 4, are
stable throughout the amphibolite facies. We have also
seen that the left side of Reaction (lO.r) is stable into the I. hornblende-cordierite-enstatite-sapphirine
granulite facies. However, under certain conditions when 2. hornblende-enstatite-sapphirine-spinel
PH20 falls below a certain value corresponding to the 3. hornblende-olivine-enstatite-spinel
particular bulk composition and temperature, the
products of Reaction (l0.r) replace this assemblage. In the lime silicate environment the skarns and
Thus over a range of conditions in the granulite facies marbles developed, typically consisting of various
both product and reactant phases of Reaction (10.r) combinations of calcite, dolomite, diopside, scapolite,
substitute for the phases represented by Reactions (l0.i) olivine, chondrodite, spinel, amphibole, plagioclase,
to (10.1) in the amphibolite facies. micro cline, biotite, and quartz. Such minerals as olivine
Reaction (10.s) is one of several involving sphene, and chondrodite are nearly confined to quartz-free
which were discussed by Ramberg (1952) to account for rocks, as is usual also for dolomite and spinel. The
the virtual absence of this mineral in granulites. Since biotite found here is frequently close to phlogopite,
~ VZ1 is - 2.3 ml and ~sg is - 0.86 cal/aC, it appears that which has such a high thermal stability that it can occur
the left side of this reaction is the high-temperature- throughout the granulite facies (including the low-
low-pressure side, whereas the right side is probably pressure part) and even deep into the range of mag-
favored by high pressure and lower temperatures. matic temperatures.
A number of typical granulite facies mineral assem- Magnesium-rich orthopyroxenes apparently do not
blages are shown in Tables 10.2 and 10.3. In Tables 10.1 occur with calcite under attainable geologic conditions,
and 10.2 a chemical analysis and the assemblage are although more iron-rich varieties coexist with this
tabulated for a pyroxene granulite from Antarctica. carbonate in the metamorphosed iron formations (No.
It should be noted that in general these specimens 29, Table 10.3). The infrequency of this association may
exhibit a considerable number of phases including be attributed to the reaction
several hydrous minerals. As many as 10 phases are
found to coexist in certain specimens. Yet there is nothing 3 MgSi0 3 + CaC0 3
contradictory about this ifit is kept in mind that variations orthopyroxene calcite
in independent variables such as P 02 extend the stability
range greatly and that the number of major components
Ca-pyroxene olivine fluid
in these rocks is approximately 12.
The great number and variability of the major as well as Reactions (2.p) and (2.q), which are all displaced
components and the effect this has in extending the strongly to the right. The result of this is that COz
stability range of hydrous phases makes it practically fugacities needed to stabilize the left sides of these
meaningless to attempt their use as classification tools. reactions are so high that they seldom are attained
It is of little value to classify a rock as a representative within the crust. However in the assemblages represented
of a "hornblende or pyroxene granulite subfacies" by Reactions (2.p) and (2.q) it is found on theoretical
if we do not know the effects of such constituents as considerations that P eo2 is reduced as Fe z+ /(Fe Z + Mg)
TiO z , Oz, and HzO, which may change in such a way in the environment increases, and this probably explains
as to stabilize both pyroxene and hornblende-mica the restriction of the assemblage to iron-rich rocks
rocks at the same temperature and total pressure. (Mueller, 1966).
When SiOz is a less abundant constituent, a number
of interesting assemblages appear in the granulite facies.
Some of these assemblages may be read directly from

and theoretical
study of

In Chapter 9 we considered the formation or breakdown

of individual minerals. Information on the stability
limits of individual minerals is important in under-
standing metamorphic systems because no phase assem-
blage containing a particular phase can be in stable
equilibrium outside the stability limits of that phase.
However, the sta bili ty of a phase may change considerably
in the presence of other reacting phases. A study of
systems, therefore, is essential to understanding petro-
genesis. In what follows, an attempt will be made to
bring out the salient features of phase equilibria in the
experimental systems. Wherever possible this informa-
tion will be supplemented by theoretical analysis.

Geometric analysis of phase equilibria

The study of systems is particularly facilitated by
geometric analysis of phase equilibria based on
Schreinemaker's rules as described by Zen (1966).
Before we describe these rules, we may recall the ex-
pressions for the phase rule as discussed in Chapter 1.
For the condition when total pressure cannot be taken
as equal to the sum of the partial pressures, as for
example when the pressure of the overburden is in excess
of the gas pressure, the phase rule may take the form
v = (n + 3) - ¢ (1.56)
where as before v is the variance, ¢ the numbers of
phases, and n the number of components. While con-
sidering Schreinemaker's geometric analysis we shall

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

generally assume the total pressure as equal to the following reactions:

hydrostatic pressure and express the phase rule as
2chlorite + 8 AI-silicate + 11 quartz
v = (n + 2) - cfJ (1.49)
5cordierite + 5.5H 2 0 (Ms, Phi)
The number of components and the phases in equilibrium
2chlorite + 1muscovite + 2quartz ~
may be counted following the discussion presented in
Chapter 1. If cfJ = n + 2 in an equilibrium system, the 1 cordierite + 1phlogopite + 3.5 H 2 0 (AI-Sil)
coexistence of all phases in the P- T field is represented
by an invariant point. With cfJ = n + 1 there are uni- 5muscovite + 3chlorite ~
variant curves emerging from the invariant point, and 8 AI-silicate + 5phlogopite + 3.5 H 2 0 (Cord)
with cfJ = n there are divariant surfaces intersecting on
the univariant curves. 3 cordierite + 2 muscovite ~
Schreinemaker's rules are the topological expressions
2phlogopite + 8AI-silicate + 7quartz + l.5H 2 0 (ChI)
of the fact that a given phase cannot take part in an
equilibrium reaction outside its own stability field and
are as follows: Note that each reaction has been labeled by the phases
that are absent. Reaction (Ms, PhI) is degenerate and
the curve passes through the invariant point without
Rule I: When two divariant assemblages each of n change in slope (see Figure 11.3, below). The disposition
phases meet along a univariant curve of n + 1 of the univariant curves around the invariant point
phases, then on one side of the univariant curve, and the fields of divariant assemblages must be, according
the divariant assemblage I is relatively less metastable to the Schreinemaker's rules, as noted above.
than assemblage II, whereas on the other side of the As a result of changing P, T and bulk chemistry (see
curve assemblage II is relatively less metastable than discussion on bulk chemistry and mineral composition
assemblage I. in Chapter 4), we may encounter several different di-
variant assemblages in the field. These differing assem-
Rule II (Morey-Schreinemaker rule): The P- T region blages may have formed as a result of changing
in the neighborhood of each invariant point is geothermal gradient, may simply reflect the changing
divided by univariant curves into n + 2 sectors bulk chemistry, or may be due to a combination of both
(n > 1), each of which is < 180 in angular extent and
these factors. For a theoretical analysis and the con-
is occupied by one or more divariant assemblages struction of a petrogenetic grid for the entire area of
one of which is unique for the sector. interest, we may count all the phases together that occur
in all types of rocks in the area. These phases are not
coexisting in the sense of the phase rule (in direct contact
The rules have been quoted from Zen (1966), where or within a defined volume) and the procedure is adopted
the derivation and original references to Schreinemaker's only to facilitate the counting of the number of possible
work between 1915 and 1925 may be found. invariant, univariant, and divariant equilibria present
In Chapters 1 and 2, we presented examples of in the multisystems, i.e., rocks of the area. We then say
univariant, divariant, and trivariant reactions. An that the number of phases in rocks of all types taken
assemblage, which belongs to the system K 2 0-MgO- together may exceed (n + 2) with a resulting negative
AI 2 0 3 -Si0 2 -H 2 0, is chlorite, muscovite, phlogopite, variance. In the example discussed above, such a
cordierite, aluminum silicate, quartz, and water. With situation would exist if quartz and water are not present
five components and seven phases, this assemblage is in every assemblage. Korzhinskii (1957) called these the
invariant. If we consider that quartz and water are multisystems with negative degrees of freedom. Thus
present everywhere, we shall have five univariant curves a system with n + 3 phases has one negative degree
radiating from an invariant point. However, in this case, and a system with n + 4 phases has two negative degrees
there is one degenerate reaction. (In degenerate reactions of freedom. Zen and Roseboom (1972) and Day (1972)
certain assemblages of phases, because of compositional have discussed systems of n + 3 phases in ternary
coincidences, participate in univariant equilibria which systems.
can be described by fewer than n components). Therefore, The number of invariant points, univariant lines,
there are four univariant curves representing the and divariant surfaces in a system can be determined by

Method of interpreting metamorphic assemblages

using the combinatorial formula Stout (1975) have studied this problem and developed
computer programs to solve mass balance equations
for all possible univariant relationships between phases
¢!(P - ¢)! as a direct test for the possible overlap of composition
where P is number of all phases to be considered and ¢ spaces defined by observed mineral assemblages. Al-
is the number of coexisting phases present in equilibrium. though not used in this book, this approach when
¢ is determined by the phase rule. In a ternary system combined with Schreinemaker's system can illustrate
with P = 6, for the number of assemblages with different the phase relationships in muIticomponent systems in an
variance we have elegant manner.

6! /5! (6 - 5)! = 6 invariant assemblages

6!/4!(6 - 4)! = 15 univariant assemblages
6!/3!(6 - 3)! = 20 divariant assemblages Method of interpreting metamorphic
The number of independent geometric parameters assemblages
necessary for the Schreinemaker's diagrams is given by In many metamorphic areas, some rocks contain a
2 + [¢ - (71 + 1)](71 + 2) maximum number of phases possible in divariant
assemblages. There are, however, many rocks in the
Thus for a ternary system with five phases, we need to same area that lack one or more of the phases. This is
know the coordinates of the invariant point and slopes generally explained as due to some changes in the bulk
of the five univariant lines. To construct a diagram chemistry. Similarly, the apparent incompatibility of
with several invariant points, the only informa- two or more minerals may be due to a requirement of a
tion necessary is on the (1 - v) centers. For example, a rare or unusual bulk chemistry.
system of v = - lora ternary system of (71 + 3) Let us consider the following reaction:
phases requires two invariant points and their
radiating univariant lines. These would be twelve
{2 + [6 - (3 + 1)] (3 + 2) = 12} in number, i.e., co- muscovite cordierite
ordinates of the first invariant point, slopes of the five
lines on the first invariant point, distance to the second
invariant point, and slopes of four univariant lines. orthoclase garnet sillimanite
The geometric analysis of phase equilibria is being
used extensively for petrologic studies and for con- + 4Si0 2 + 2.5H 2 0 (11.a)
structing models for experimental work. In this chapter quartz fluid
. that approach will be used wherever possible. It must
be noted that it is often useful to consider only some This being a six-component seven-phase reaction, it is
of the phases that are chemically possible in the system. univariant and, therefore, all the seven phases may
However, in doing so, we may neglect certain phases coexist at a certain equilibrium P and T. We may choose
which individually or together may be more stable than anyone of the three variables P, T, and Fe/Mg in-
the assemblages being considered. Caution is therefore dependently. Whether a reaction is univariant or
necessary in the selection of phases. When considering divariant, we may rarely find the mineral phases in the
natural assemblages, a schematic grid may be con- right proportion as required by the equilibrium. If the
structed based on chemographic relations as found in the reactants are not in the right proportion, one of the
rocks. Such a grid shows the one (of several) possibility phases may be used up with the rise in temperature at a
most compatible with the natural associations. The grid given pressure. The temperature at which this happens
is constructed also with the assumption of local chemical is greater than the equilibrium temperature for the reac-
equilibrium among phases. tion. In the example of the assemblage above, we may find
One of the important problems in petrology is to either muscovite-orthoclase-garnet-sillimanite-quartz,
determine whether two or more mineral assemblages or cordierite-orthoclase-garnet -siIIimanite-q uartz.
can be related to one another by changes in P and T of In general it may be possible to divide the system
formation, or whether the difference in the mineral such as Reaction (l1.a) into subsystems and consider the
assemblages is due to change in bulk chemical compo- intensive variables and bulk chemistry for each sub-
sition. Perry (1967), Greenwood (1967a), and Braun and system. This is the same as considering the bundle of

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

univariant lines (subsystems) radiating from an invariant This may be geometrically represented by the crossing
point (system) in the P- T field. of two univariant curves for Reactions (l1.b) and (l1.c).
Reaction (I1.a) can be considered as a combination The position of the curves in the P- T field may be
of the following two reactions: determined by considering the experimental work.
At P H20 equal to 3 kbar, the equilibrium temperature of
3(Fe, MghAl4Si501s ·iH 20 Reaction (l1.b) may be around 730°C, which is the
cordierite temperature for the Fe end member reaction (dry)
(Richardson, 1968). The equilibrium temperature for
garnet AI-silicate quartz
Reaction (l1.c) is several degrees centigrade lower
(630°C to 640°C) (Evans, 1965; Day, 1973). The two
(11.b) univariant curves are schematically shown in Figure 11.1.
If we now introduce Mg2 + in cordierite and garnet,
Reaction (l1.b) becomes divariant and may be shown
muscovite quartz
as a surface in Figure 11.1. This figure shows a combina-
KAlSi 3 0 s + Al zSi0 5 + H 20 (11.c) tion of two P- T curves, one for the iron end members
K-feldspar AI-silicate fluid [Reaction (l1.b')] and one for magnesium [Reaction
(11.b")]. The equilibrium reactions are
Let us consider Reaction (l1.a) without Mg2+. A
five-component reaction with seven phases is invariant 3 Fe-cordierite
2almandine + 4sillimanite + 5quartz + 1.5H zO
11.1 Schematic representation of the isodimorphic
3 Mg-cordierite ~
Reaction (11.b) and Reaction (l1.c). The curves
for Fe and Mg end-members form a surface in 2pyrope + 4 sillimanite + 5quartz + 1.5H zO (l1.b")
the P- T - X >.Ig space. b' is the projection of
the Mg end-member reaction on the P- T The two equilibrium curves meet the equilibrium curve
plane. See text for discussion. for Reaction (l1.c) at points a(P Fe , TFe ) and b(P Mg , TMg ).


PMI ---- ------

Pr< - - - - - - - - - -

Fe ~----------------------~--~~~--L---~-------------------


Method of interpreting metamorphic assemblages

These points, therefore, represent the invariant equilib- cordierite; or quartz, K -feldspar, sillimanite, and cordier-
rium assemblage given by the combined Reaction (ll.a). ite, depending on whether muscovite or quartz are in
Note that for a particular Fe2+ _Mg2+ distribution the excess.
assemblage (ll.a) continues to be invariant, or at most At the same pressure PI and the temperature for
the assemblage may be regarded as univariant between equilibrium of Reaction (l1.b) (T2 ), we may have the
a and b' or in the temperature range of TFe - TMg and the assemblage quartz, K-feldspar, sillimanite, cordierite,
pressure range of PFe-P Mg . We may increase the variance and garnet, where the minerals cordierite, garnet,
in Reaction (ll.c) by introducing other components in sillimanite, and quartz are related by equilibrium
the solid solutions but the assemblage containing Reaction (ll.b), and K-feldspar does not directly
muscovite-cordierite-garnet will always have the lowest participate. This assemblage would correspond to the
variance. This in turn would mean an absence or rarity situation where quartz is in excess. Supposing the
of the three minerals coexisting in any natural assemblage. assemblage at temperatures less than T2 is muscovite,
Table 11.1 shows a list of mineral assemblages from many K-feldspar, sillimanite, and cordierite. In this case
areas and none of the assemblages contain coexisting Reaction (l1.b)
musco vite-garnet -cordierite.
With the help of Figure 11.1 we are able to consider 3cordierite ~
the effects of changing bulk chemistry, pressure, and 2garnet + 4sillimanite + 5 quartz + 2.5 H 2 0
temperature. Since we are concerned only with the six-
component seven-phase system, the change in bulk produces quartz, which should react with muscovite
chemistry may be simply considered as a change in the according to Reaction (l1.c). If cordierite is in excess,
proportion of the minerals in any assemblage. we shall finally consume all muscovite and obtain the
At the intersection of curve of Reaction (l1.b) for the equilibrium assemblage cordierite, garnet, sillimanite,
Fe end members and curve of Reaction (l1.c)-i.e., at K-feldspar, and quartz. If there is a large excess of
point a-all phases of assemblage (l1.a) must coexist muscovite, cordierite, and quartz will all be used up and
irrespective of their proportion in the rock. This would we shall have the assemblage muscovite, garnet, silliman-
be true even if the Fe/Mg ratio in the rock changes. The ite, and K-feldspar. These results have been summarized
changing Fe/Mg ratio would shift the equilibrium in Table 11.2, where the assemblages at a pressure
pressure and temperature of Reaction (l1.a) along the higher than P Fe are also listed. We note that the resulting
curve of Reaction (l1.c) from point a to point b'. assemblages are of the same character as occur in many
At a pressure PI, lower than the equilibrium pressure metamorphic areas. However, this analysis shows that
P Fe , and at a temperature of equilibrium (TI ) for Reaction to obtain such assemblages, the variation in proportion
(l1.c), we should have muscovite, quartz, sanidine, of minerals (bulk chemistry) alone is not enough, and
and sillimanite in equilibrium. Cordierite may not some variation in pressure and temperature is necessary.
directly participate in the reaction. At the same pressure However variance in the natural system could also be
PI and TFe or any temperature higher than T 1 , we may affected by certain components in solution not con-
have either muscovite, K-feldspar, sillimanite, and sidered in the simplified system.

Table 11.1 Coexisting phases in pelitic rocks

Quartz Biotite Plagioclase Muscovite K-feldspar Garnet Sillimanite Cordierite References"

+ + + + + + 1,2,3
+ + + + + 4
+ + + + + + + 2,5,6
+ + + + + + + 3,6
+ + + + + + 5
+ + + + + + 7
+ + + + + + 8

aData are from (I): Kretz, 1964; (2): Evans and Guidotti, 1966; (3): Dallmeyer and Dodd. 1971; (4): Butler. 1967; (5): Guidotti et al., 1973; (6): Hess
1971; (7): Guidotti. 1970; (8): Lal and Moorehouse, 1969.

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

0.S5chlorite + 1.75K-feldspar + 1.54quartz

Petrogenetic grids in the greenschist facies + O.OS albite + 0.05 epidote + 0.02 sphene
A petrogenetic grid for reactions producing biotite and + 0.02magnetite ~
other AI-Fe-Mg silicates in the greenschist facies was 0.76muscovite + O.OSactinolite + O.OOstilpnomelane
described by Brown (1975). The elements considered +0.39H 20 (Bi)
important are Si, AI, Ti, Fe3+, Fe2+, Mg, Ca, Na, K, H,
l.37stipnomelane + 0.15actinolite + 0.61 K-feldspar
and O. The phases are muscovite, biotite, chlorite,
+ 0.40muscovite + 0.14sphene + 0.05 magnetite
stilpnomelane, actinolite, K -feldspar, quartz, albite,
epidote, magnetite, sphene, and H 20 (fluid). Brown l.00biotite + 4.64quartz + 0.10albite
studied the composition of the coexisting minerals in + 0.1gepidote + 0.S6H 20 (ChI)
natural assemblages and fixed the composition of the
l.72stilpnomelane + O.ISactinolite + 0.66muscovite
minerals in the grid as follows:
+ 0.13sphene + 0.04magnetite ~
muscovite KI.S5Nao.D3Mgo.65Fe6.~5Fe6.il2 0.30chlorite + l.00biotite + 5.1Squartz
Ti~.~2AI4.24Si6.74(OH)4 + 0.12albite + 0.21 epidote + 0.73 H 20 (K-fs)
1.62chlorite + 3.93K-feldspar + 0.05albite
+ O.ISsphene + 0.09magnetite ~
biotite KI.84Nao.o ICao.ol Mg2.oFe~.toFe6.i2 1.03muscovite + 0.52stilpnomelane + l.OObiotite
Tio.16AI2.78Si5.s2(OH)4 + 1.71 quartz + 0.0gepidote + 1.61 H 20 (Act)
stilpnomelane KO.35Nao.02Mgo.99Fei.j7Fe6.~9 1.17chlorite + O.04actinolite + 3.02K-feldspar
Alo.66Si3.9s(OHh.91 + 0.01 albite + 0.17 sphene + O.OS magnetite ~
0.64muscovite + l.00biotite + 2.52quartz
actinolite K0.02 Na O.44 Cal.66Mg2.4 7F ei .~2 + 0.11 epidote + 1.40H 20 (Stilp)
Fe6.~2 Tio.osAlo.67Si7.54(OHh
It must be noted here that the practice of writing
Epidote is assumed to contain 20 percent of the iron reactions using chemical formulae for crystalline solu-
end member. Other phases are pure species with ideal tions with defined compositions is not recommended
chemical formulae. The subassemblage muscovite, quartz, by the authors for several reasons. The phases are too
albite, epidote, sphene, magnetite, and H 20 is of common complex to be defined as end members. The validity of
occurrence in the greenschist facies. Brown assumes that such diagrams is restricted to a definite bulk chemistry.
this subassemblage is always present and considers The stoichiometric coefficients may become either too
the representation of the following five "univariant" large or too small. However, the literature contains
reactions: comparatively few examples of the application of

Table 11.2 Scheme of P and T for various mineral combinations

Phases in parentheses do not participate in the reaction

quartz muscovite cordierite K-feldspar garnet sillimanite PFe TFe

quartz muscovite (cordierite) K-feldspar sillimani te PITI
muscovite (cordierite) K-feldspar sillimanite PITFe excess muscovite
quartz (cordierite) K-feldspar sillimani te PITFe excess quartz
quartz cordierite (K-feldspar) garnet sillimanite P I T2 excess cordierite
muscovite (K-feldspar) garnet sillimanite P I T2 excess muscovite
quartz cordie rite (K -feldspar) garnet sillimanite P I T2 excess quartz
quartz (muscovite) cordie rite garnet sillimanite P>PFeTI
quartz (muscovite) garnet sillimani te P> PFeTFe
quartz muscovite K-feldspar (garnet) sillimani te P> P Fe T 2
quartz K-feldspar (garnet) sillimani te P> P Fe T 3 excess quartz
muscovite K-feldspar (garnet) sillimani te P> P I T3 excess muscovite

Petrogenetic grids in the greenschist facies

Schreinemaker's technique to complex assemblages.

Therefore the description of some of these examples is
necessary to facilitate the understanding of the geo-
metric approach.
Considering the field occurrence of the assemblages,
a petrogenetic grid may be drawn as shown in Figure 11.2. 11.2 A petrogenetic grid for the greenschist facies
The location of the reaction lines in the P- T space (Brown, 1975). It is applicable to assemblages
takes into consideration the following observations. containing all the phases of the subassemblage
muscovite, quartz, albite, epidote, magnetite,
1. Biotite-free rocks exist at low temperatures and sphene, and H 2 0. The compositions of the solid
over a broad pressure range extending up into solutions are fixed. (Reprinted from the Journal
of Petrology by permission.) Note that K-feldspar
the blueschist facies.
plots outside the limits of the diagram ( - CJJ A).
2. Biotite with chlorite and muscovite is stable at It is schematically plotted for convenience to show
higher temperatures and also over a relatively correct reaction relations (Brown, 1976, personal
broad pressure range. communication).



Chi /./


I K-fs

/./ I
.// I
./// I
./ I
I Chi

"- I
I [bJAct
I K-fs
I Chi
$. I

"- I
2 I A
"2 I +

... u
I K-fs

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -Bi
- Act
- K-fs

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

3. A comparison of the greenschist facies rocks from phlogopite [KMg 3 AISi 3 0 IO (OH)z],
western Vermont and Dalradian and from Otago
K-feldspar (KAISi 3 0 s), and
shows that chlorite + K-feldspar may be confined
to the low-pressure rocks (western Vermont, AI-silicate (AlzSiO s)'
Dalradian) and muscovite + actinolite + stilpno-
If we consider as before that quartz and water vapor are
melane in the relatively high-pressure rocks
present in all assemblages (Ptotal = P H20 ), we have a
ternary system of (n + 3) phases. Consequently there are
Brown has listed some other field occurrences which six invariant points and 15 univariant lines. Two of the
support the grid in Figure 11.2. invariant points falling within the P- T range considered
The grid shown in Figure 11.2 is applicable only to here are shown in Figure 11.3. The assemblage of the
assemblages containing all the phases of the sub- first point and four univariant reactions were described
assemblage muscovite, quartz, albite, epidote, magnetite, in Chapter 9. The second invariant point and the
sphene, and HzO. Further continuous reactions in- associated equilibria are
volving changes in composition of the solid solutions IP z : Phases
cannot be represented on such a grid. However the grid muscovite + aluminum silicate + phlogopite
does provide us with the information about the P- T + cordierite + K-feldspar + quartz
area, where a continuous reaction may be operative. Reactions
For example, the reaction 3cordierite + 2muscovite ~ 2phlogopite
chlorite + K-feldspar ~ biotite + muscovite + 8AI-silicate + 7quartz + l.5H zO (K-fs)
may operate only between lines (Stilp) and (Act) as a 1 muscovite + 1quartz ~
result of a changing Mg/Fe ratio in the coexisting 1 K-feldspar + 1 AI-silicate + 1 H 20 (Phi, Cord)
phases. A continuous reaction may operate only in the
P- T fields where an assemblage containing both 2phlogopite + 6AI-silicate + 9quartz
reactants and products of the reaction is stable. 3 cordierite + 2 K -feldspar + 0.5 H 2 0 (Ms)
4muscovite + 4phlogopite + 3quartz
3cordierite + 4K-feldspar + 6.5H 2 0 (AI-Sil)

One of the reactions (Phi, Cord) is degenerate. It does

While studying a multicomponent system such as this not involve MgO and the univariant curve passes
one, we shall restrict ourselves to the study of a limited through IP 2 in Figure 11.3.
number of phases in a limited range of pressure and As discussed in Chapter 9, Reactions (Ms, Phi) and
temperature. This will reduce the work to certain (AI-Sil) at I p] mark the upper pressure stability limits
manageable details which will be more relevant to of cordie rite ; the latter reaction is important in forming
phase equilibria of interest. In the present system, for cordie rite porphyroblasts at low pressures. IP 1 at
example, Schreyer and Seifert (1969) find that several 645°C and 6.5 kbar is fixed by the intersection of the
important reactions take place over the range of pressure two curves (Seifert, 1970). Reaction (Ms, Phi) marks the
of approximately 4 to 8 kbar at temperatures between upper pressure stability limit of cordierite. However,
600°C and no°c, which corresponds to the P- T field above Reaction (Chi), cordierite may not be found in
of the amphibolite to granulite facies transition. The potassium-rich rocks. Reaction (Chi) represents the
following analysis is based on Schreyer and Seifert's upper P- T limit of a stable coexistence of cordierite
work. and muscovite. Reactions (Ms, Phi) and (AI-Sil) also
In the P- T range mentioned above, the crystalline mark the upper stability limit of chlorite. Not indicated
phases that are stable are in the figure is the reaction

quartz (SiO z), chlorite + quartz ~ cordierite + talc + HzO

muscovite [KAI 3 Si 3 0 1o (OHh], for which the equilibrium P and T are somewhat higher
than those of Reaction (AI-Sil) as considered before.
cordierite (MgzAl4SisOls 0.5 HzO), The position of I P2 (695°C, 5 kbar) is given by the
chlorite [Mg sAl zSi 3 0]o(OH)s], intersection of the univariant lines (AI-Sil) and (Phi,

Assemblages with staurolite

Cord). The former reaction (Schreyer and Seifert, 1967) common. Magnetite (and/or ilmenite) and AI-silicates
marks the end of the coexistence of muscovite and are also common. Cordierite and chloritoid may be found
phlogopite in the presence of quartz and the formation occasionally, and in some aluminous rocks gedrite may
of the cordierite-K-feldspar assemblage typical of the also be associated (Robinson and Jaffe, 1969a).
low-pressure contact aureoles. The probable position of
the univariant curve (Ms)
Staurolite, cordierite, and andalusite
phlogopite + sillimanite + quartz
We may consider the following reactions in the system
cordierite + K-feldspar Si02-AI203-K20-FeO-MgO-H20 as discussed by Hess
is also shown at IF 2' This reaction also leads to the (1969):
formation of cordierite-K-feldspar paragenesis but at a
higher pressure than that of Reaction (Al-Sil). 1.18staurolite + 1.23chlorite + 9.09quartz ~
2.77cordierite + 1.00garnet + 4.13H 20 (l1.d)

Assemblages with staurolite 11.3 P- T grid showing some equilibria in the system
K20-MgO-Al103-Si02-H20 studied by
Important mineralogic assemblages with staurolite have Schreyer and Seifert (1969). The melting curve is
from Schreyer and Seifert's unpublished data.
been listed in Table 11.3. Although the list does not
AI 2SiO s results are from Richardson et al. (1968)
cover exhaustively the different metamorphic areas, and are different from those adopted by us.
it is obvious that staurolite could occur in a variety Quartz and H 2 0 are present in all assemblages.
of pelitic rocks. We also note that the assemblage: quartz, (Reprinted from the American Journal of Science
muscovite, garnet, biotite, chlorite, and staurolite is very by permission.)

8 I

, "
I .",

.",,,'" "
7 ,,
'i.:l ","
"' ...... ~~\

.0 '"
"" ,I

(Phi, Cord)

0 xC ;..'"
ri;N ~'" x~
-\-Q (Ms)
-\- S\\\ ........
,,~ .... ~'t.:'\S

",(\\1 _ .... cot~
~s, _---
<;,0'>:'l I
l~'l. I
600 640 680

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

1.00staurolite + 2.25quartz ~ 0.25garnet + 0.62chlorite + l.OOmuscovite ~

0.50garnet + 0.25cordierite + 3.5andalusite 0042 staurolite + 1.00 biotite + 0.93 quartz
+0.40H 20 (l1.e) + 2.27H 20 (ll.m)
Figure 1104 shows a petrogenetic grid constructed by
1.00staurolite + 1.75quartz ~
Hess, after Albee's (l965a) method, using the following
0.50 garnet + 0.12 chlorite + 3.89 andalusite compositions:
+ 0.02H 20 (lU)
cordierite (MgI.2Feo.sAI4SisO 10 -tHzO);
5.65andalusite + l.OOchlorite + 3.19quartz ~ chlorite [Mg2.6Fez.4AI2Si3010(OH)s];
0.67staurolite + 1.83cordierite + 2.75H 20 (I1.g) biotite [KMgI.sFel.sAISi3010(OH)2];
garnet (MgO.6Fe2.4AI2Si30nl;
0.50staurolite + 1.00cordierite + l.OOmuscovite staurolite (MgO.6Fe1.4AI9Si40Z4H);
5.25andalusite + 1.00biotite + l.75quartz + 0.25H 20 muscovite [KAI 3Si 30 I0 (OH)2];
(I1.h) kyanite/andalusite (AI 2SiO s); and
0.93chlorite + 1.00muscovite + 1.22quartz quartz (SiO z).
1.00biotite + 0.12 staurolite + 0.70cordierite Although the P and T shown in Figure 1104 are only
+ 3.38H 20 (l1.i) approximate, the chemographic relations may be used
in the same way as was done in the previous section.
0.15staurolite + 0.54chlorite + 1.00muscovite ~ In the figure there are four invariant points with the
1.00biotite + 2.22andalusite + 2.24H 20 (l1.j) assemblages
(Chi) staurolite, cordierite, muscovite, andalusite,
l.00 staurolite + 1.00 biotite + 5.15 quartz biotite, quartz, garnet
0.75garnet + 1.38cordierite + 1.00muscovite (Gar) staurolite, cordierite, muscovite, andalusite,
+ 0.19 HzO (ILk) biotite, quartz, garnet
(And) staurolite, cordierite, muscovite, biotite,
4.50staurolite + 1.00muscovite + 7.30quartz ~ quartz, garnet, chlorite
1.00 biotite + 19.30andalusite/kyanite/sillimanite (Ms, Bi) staurolite, cordierite, andalusite, quartz,
+ 2.00garnet + 2.20 HzO (11.1) garnet, chlorite

Table 11.3 Important assemblages with staurolite

-..= -= -. - - - - -
'"e'I <Ii <Ii
';: ~
';: Q

~ <Ii C
N Q <Ii <Ii Q <Ii
0 ';: ,~ ';: <Ii
c '5i! Cij .s
e'I ~ =.cJ "0
:; < ..c
Q e'I
e'I N
Q <Ii
QI ~
== U U u =:
+ + + + + I
+ + + + + 2,3
+ + + + 2
+ + + + + + 3
+ + + + + + + 3
+ + + + + + 4
+ + + + + + 3
+ + + + + + + 4, 5
+ + + + + + 1,2,3,6, 7, 8
+ + + + + + + 1,6,9

a Data are from (I): Schreyer and Chinner, 1966; (2): Chinner. 1967; (3): Guidotti, 1974; (4): Guidotti, 1968; (5): Robinson and Jaffe, 1969a;
(6): Hietanen, 1969; (7): Guidotti; 1970; (8): Uruno and Kanisawa, 1965; (9): Hounslow and Moore, 1967 (also contain hematite).

Assemblages with staurolite

The inferred P- T gradient in the eastern Pyrenees quartz, muscovite, biotite, chlorite, staurolite, ±garnet
(Guitard, 1965) is represented by the broken line, which quartz, muscovite, biotite, sillimanite, garnet,
shows that the important reactions with increasing ±staurolite
temperatures are
If the rocks of the New Hampshire area are similar in
garnet + chlorite + muscovite bulk chemistry to the Maine rocks, the absence of
staurolite + biotite + quartz cordierite in these rocks may be due to an increase in
andalusite + chlorite + quartz the pressure gradient toward the kyanite-bearing rocks
cordierite + staurolite in Vermont described by Thompson and Norton (1968).
The pressure of formation of the assemblages must be
chlorite + muscovite + quartz above the invariant point (Gar) and on the high-pressure
biotite + staurolite + cordierite
side of Reactions (II.g) and (11.i). The surface formed by
staurolite + cordierite + muscovite ~ the line (Ms, Bi)-(Gar) and the high-pressure side of
andalusite + biotite + quartz Reaction (1l.i) may represent the upper pressure limit
staurolite + muscovite + quartz ~ of cordierite stability in these compositions. This surface
biotite + andalusite + garnet would be similar to the boundary of the univariant
Staurolite coexists stably with cordierite and andalusite
in the Pyrenees and parts of Maine and New Hampshire. chlorite + andalusite + quartz
In the latter area, staurolite persists to the sillimanite cordierite + vapor
zone as described by Green (1963) and Drake (1968).
The assemblages are
11.4 Staurolite-cordierite assemblages after Hess
quartz, muscovite, biotite, garnet, chlorite (\969). The P- T gradient in the eastern
quartz, muscovite, andalusite, chlorite, biotite, ±garnet Pyrenees is shown by the broken line.

Chi + Ms+Q

1~ __ ~ ____- k_ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _~_ _~_ _ _ _- k_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~_ _~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~_ __ _ _

500 550 600

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

as determined by Seifert and Schreyer (1970) (see by an increased compositional variance not only due to
Figure 11.3). Mn in garnet but also due to a variable concentration of
Ca. Along with Reactions (ll.j) and (l1.m), the following
reaction involving plagioclase should be considered:

At pressures higher than 5 kbar, andalusite in Reactions

(1I.j) and (ll.m) is replaced by kyanite. Hounslow and in garnet solution kyanite quartz
Moore (1967) have described the following assemblages 3CaAl zSi zO s (ll.n)
from Grenville schists near Fernleigh, Ontario (sample
in plagioclase solution
numbers are in parentheses):
Samples (7A), (7B), and (JO)-where all of the three
quartz, muscovite, biotite, staurolite, plagioclase (1)
minerals garnet, plagioclase, and kyanite coexist-the
quartz, muscovite, biotite, garnet, staurolite (2A)(A) grossularite content in garnet varies within a narrow
quartz, muscovite, biotite, plagioclase, kyanite, limit (8.6 to 11.6 percent). The grossularite content,
chlorite (2B) however, varies between 9.8 and 23.7 percent in garnets
quartz, muscovite, kyanite, hematite, chlorite (6) not coexisting with kyanite. Hounslow and Moore's
data are too few and incomplete (no plagioclase compo-
quartz, muscovite, biotite, garnet, staurolite,
sitions) for a detailed analysis of the problem. However
plagioclase, kyanite (7A, 7B, 10)
the indications are that these rocks probably formed at
quartz, muscovite, biotite, garnet, staurolite,
- 5 kbar and in the range of temperatures 550°C to
plagioclase (7e, 7D, 8, 9B)
Staurolite persists up to the sillimanite zone and is
The above samples are from a band of pelitic schists
unstable within this zone. Guidotti (1968, 1974) de-
extending from the southwest [sample (1)] to the
scribed staurolite in the lower sillimanite zone in Maine,
northeast [sample (10)], a distance of 12 miles. Rocks
it is absent in the upper sillimanite zone.
west of sample (1) belong to the greenschist facies, and
rocks east of sample (] 0) contain sillimanite. If we do not
consider plagioclase and the iron ores (ilmenite, magne- Staurolite-chloritoid and variation of
tite, and hematite), Reactions (ll.j) and (ll.m) may be oxygen fugacity; The system
applied to the interpretation of these assemblages by FeO-AI203-Si02-H20-02
referring to Figure 11.4. Acocrding to Reaction (ll.m),
The effect of variable oxygen fugacity has not always been
if the temperature is higher than the equilibrium tempera-
given due consideration in metamorphic petrogenesis.
ture ( ~ 580°C) at 5 kbar and if chlorite is used up, we may
A system where this effect is very significantly demon-
strated has been studied by Richardson (1968), Ganguly
muscovite, staurolite, biotite, quartz (1968, 1969, 1972), and Hoschek (1969). We shall adopt
Ganguly's treatment in the following theoretical analysis.
The minerals that are of particular importance are
garnet, muscovite, staurolite, biotite, quartz
chloritoid (H zFeAl zSi0 7 ),
i.e., samples (1) and (2A). In such assemblages without staurolite (HFezAI9Si40z4),
kyanite, garnet contains only a little Mn (0.4 percent almandine (Fe3AlzSi301z),
spessertine). In kyanite-bearing assemblages, garnet is
Fe-cordierite (FezAI4Sis01s),
rich in Mn (12.7 to 16.4 percent spessertine). The assem-
blage AI-silicate (AlzSiO s),
magnetite (Fe 3 0 4),
hematite (Fe 2 0 3),
may have resulted if the temperature exceeded the hercynite (FeAl z0 4),
equilibrium temperature of Reaction (l1.j) with staurolite quartz (SiO z), and
and mcscovite being in excess and garnet being stable
corundum (AI 2 0 3 ).
because of the concentration of Mn. The above analysis
shows that the thermal gradient increased toward the In a system such as this with three important variables-
northeast. However, the simple scheme above is disturbed P, T, and fugacities of HzO and O 2 in the fluid phase-

Assemblages with staurolite

we shall be concerned generally with divariant equilibria (20) 3 chloritoid :;:::=:::

of which the following are considered here: almandine + 2corundum + 3H 2 0
In presence of excess quartz: (21) 57 chloritoid + 40 2 :;:::=:::
12staurolite + 3 almandine + 8magnetite + 51 H 20
(1) 6staurolite + 11 quartz ~
(22) 48chloritoid + 6corundum + 40 2 :;:::=:::
4almandine + 23Al 2SiO s + 3H 20 12staurolite + 8magnetite + 42H 2 0
(2) 2 staurolite + 7 quartz :;:::=::: (23) 10staurolite ~
2cordierite + 5Al 2SiO s + H 20 3 almandine + 31 serpentine + 11 hercynite + 5 H 20
(3) 4chloritoid + 5Al 2SiO s ~ (24) 10staurolite ~
2staurolite + quartz + 3H 20 3cordierite + 25 serpentine + 14hercynite + 5H 20
(4) 6 staurolite + 3 quartz + 2
27 Al 2SiO s +
° 2 :;:::=:::
4magnetite + 3 H 20
(25) 3chloritoid + 5kyanite + hercynite ~
2staurolite + 2H 2 0
(5) 54chloritoid + 50 2 ~
In analyzing the relative dispositions of the different
12staurolite + 10magnetite + 6quartz + 48H 20 equilibria, a constant Pt(Ptotal) section in the Po,-Pt-T
(6) 54 almandine + 6H 20 + 230 2 volume is used. A univariant equilibrium curve intersects
12staurolite + 46magnetite + 114quartz such a section as a point and the divariant equilibrium
(7) 2almandine + O2 ~ plane as a curve. Not all the possible equilibria will be
2Al 2 SiO s + 4magnetite + 4quartz stable at every P t ; therefore a convenient choice of a P t
(8) 3almandine + O 2 + 3H 2 0 :;:::=::: must be made. Figure 11.5 shows a collection of several
3chloritoid + 2magnetite + 6quartz equilibria that have been experimentally determined or
theoretically inferred on an isobaric section at 10 ± 0.5
(9) 54 almandine + 180 2 :;:::=::: kbar. The abbreviation to oxygen buffers are HM, HMN,
27 cordierite + 36magnetite + 27 quartz NNO, QFM, and MW for Fe 20 3-Fe 30 4, Mn0 4-
(10) 27cordierite + 6H 2 0 + 50 2 :;:::=::: "MnO," Ni-NiO, SiOz-Fe2Si04-Fe304, and Fe304-
12staurolite + 10magnetite + 87quartz "FeO," respectively.
(11) 6cordierite + 20 2 ~ Ganguly (1972) calculated the possible effect of
12andalusite + 4magnetite + 18quartz crystalline solubility in some equilibria involving stauro-
lite. This has been discussed before. Another interesting
(12) 12chloritoid + 20 2 (or 302) :;:::=:::
aspect of this work is the calculation of the pressure
12Al 2SiO s + 4magnetite (or 6 hematite) + 12H2 0
dependence of the oxidation equilibria and the oxidation
(13) 23 chloritoid + 8 quartz ~ limits of staurolite, almandine, and Fe-cordierite. For
5almandine + 4staurolite + 21 H 2 0 this purpose a general equilibrium reaction is
(14) 3chloritoid + 2quartz ~
almandine + 2kyanite + 3 H 2 0 InRi + nO,02 + nH,oH20 = LPjPj (11.1 )

where Ri and P j refer to solid reactants and products

I n absence of excess silica:
respectively and ni stands for the number of moles of
the species i. At equilibrium, we have
(J 5) 6 staurolite :;:::=:::
4almandine + 12Al 2SiO s + llcorundum + 3 H 20 t1G(P, T, fo,) = 0 = t1G°(1, T) + Pt1Vs
(16) 4chloritoid + 4Al 2 SiO s + corundum :;:::=::: + 2.303 R T( =+= nH,O log fH,o
2staurolite + 3H 20 - no, log fo,) ( 11.2)

(17) 6staurolite + 20 2 (or 302) :;:::=::: which at constant temperature (and therefore with
24Al 2SiO s + 3corundum + 4magnetite cancellation of t1GO) transforms to
(or 6hematite) + 3 H 20 log f0 2 (P 2) = ____
(18) 8almandine + 19corundum + 3H 2 0 + 20 2 f02(Pd 2.303n02RT
~ 6staurolite + 4magnetite
x [t1V S(P2 - PI) =+= nH,O {'M/H'o dPJ
(19) 2almandine + 4corundum + O 2 :;:::=:::
6kyanite + 4magnetite (11.3)

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

where VH20 is the partial molar volume of H 2 0. For

PH20 = Ptotalo VH20 = VH20 , in which case the integral
may be evaluated using the data for pure water. Figure
11.5 Complete collection of all equilibria, 11.6 shows an isothermal section (620°C) of the field of
experimentally determined and theoretically stability of staurolite + quartz and staurolite + magne-
deduced, on an isobaric section at 10 ± 0.5 kbar. tite + quartz in the P- T -log f0 2 space. The diagram also
The locations of the invariant points (Cor, AIm), shows the field of stability for the assemblage Fe-
(Cor, Ky), and (Q, Ky) and the related equilibria cordierite + magnetite + quartz defined by the equilib-
involving chloritoid have been taken, with minor ria
readjustments, from Ganguly (1969), which have
been based on the buffer data from Eugster and (9) 54 almandine + 180 2
Wones, 1962). The fields of staurolite + quartz, 27 cordierite + 36magnetite + 27 quartz
staurolite, and almandine (± quartz) are shown,
respectively, by very heavy, stippled, and medium (10) 27cordierite + 6H 2 0 + 50 2 ~
heavy lines. The stippled area shows the field of 12staurolite + lOmagnetite + 87quartz
staurolite + magnetite + quartz. The field of
staurolite + magnetite is confined to the triangle (J 1) 6cordierite + 20 2 ~
defined by (Q, AIm), (Q, Ky), and (Q, Chd). The 12AI 2 Si0 5 (andalusite) + 4 magnetite + 18quartz
numbers represent equilibria discussed in the
text. (After Ganguly, 1972.) (Reprinted from the Figure 11.6 also shows the oxidation limits of almandine
Journal of Petrology by permission.) ± quartz [equilibria (6), (7), and (8)]. The breakdown

(Q, Chd) )



II 0 reaclion

: } Aim + 02 + H20" SI + MI + Q

o SI + MI + Aim + Cor + O 2 + H20


550 600 650 700 750 800 850

Temperature, ·C

11.6 Isothermal section at 620°C showing the fields of
staurolite + magnetite ± quartz and cordierite
+ magnetite + quartz; sections along 650°C and
590 C are also shown in the low-pressure region

to convey the three-dimensional form. Numbers

represent equilibria discussed in the text. (After
Ganguly, 1972.) (Reprinted from the Journal
of Petrology by permission.)





AI ZSi05 + MI + Cor


~>--__,."'----r("tl + Mt + 0---.:.....--....

12 14 16 18 20

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

reaction of almandine chlorite + muscovite ~

almandine + O2 ~
staurolite + biotite + quartz (Gar, Chd)
corundum + magnetite + quartz chlorite + muscovite + quartz ~

according to these results takes place at pressures below chloritoid + biotite (Gar, St)
4 kbar and at temperatures around 600°C to 675°C. In chloritoid + quartz ~
this P- T region, however, according to Hsu (1968) staurolite + chlorite (Gar, Ms, Bi)
almandine should break down to hercynite, magnetite,
and quartz. Figure 11.7 shows the invariant and univariant assem-
In natural assemblages, because of the reaction blages, which would become univariant and divariant,
between staurolite and mica/or chlorite, the high- respectively, with the introduction of Mg. The dashed
temperature stability of staurolite is lower (see Figure line shows a possible P- T gradient in Chinner's area.
11.4). Two important reactions involving chloritoid and For a further discussion of a possible univariant assem-
staurolite are blage chloritoid-muscovite-chlorite-staurolite-biotite-
quartz, more chemical data on the minerals are necessary.
23 chloritoid + 8 quartz The chloritoid-staurolite assemblage has been dis-
4staurolite + 5almandine + 21 H 2 0 cussed by Albee (1972), who studied the chemical
4chloritoid + 5AI 2 Si0 5 ~ composition of coexisting minerals in samples from
2staurolite + quartz + 3H 2 0 different areas. On the basis of the mineral-chemical
data, the effect of changing Fe/Mg in coexisting minerals
At oxygen fugacity defined by the Ni-NiO buffer, the
on Albee's (1965a) petrogenetic grid could be evaluated.
equilibrium temperatures for the two reactions at 5 kbar
Figure 11.8 shows parts of the grids with mineral phases,
are'" 540°C and", 570°C, respectively (Ganguly, 1969).
biotite, chlorite, chloritoid, cordierite, staurolite, garnet,
Chinner (1967) has described pelitic rocks with the kyanite, muscovite, and quartz. Figure 11.8a shows the
following common assemblages:
condition when P HzO = Ptotal or pressure on the solids,
chloritoid-muscovite-chlorite and Figure 11.8b shows the condition when P HzO <
11.7 Schematic representation of some equilibria
muscovite-( chlori te) ?-staurolite-biotite (Hoschek, 1969). Broken line shows a possible
muscovite-garnet-staurolite-biotite p- T gradient in Chinner's (1967) area.

All assemblages contain quartz and albitic feldspar in

addition. Following Hoschek (1969), we may draw a
schematic P- T diagram with the following two invariant
and seven univariant reactions (unbalanced):

chloritoid + biotite + muscovite + quartz ~

garnet + staurolite (Chi)

chloritoid + muscovite
staurolite + biotite + quartz (Chi, Gar)
staurolite + biotite + quartz ~
garnet + muscovite (Chi, Chd)

chloritoid + quartz
staurolite + garnet (Chi, Ms)
chloritoid + biotite + quartz ~
garnet + muscovite (Chi, St)

chloritoid + quartz + chlorite + muscovite ~

staurolite + biotite (Gar) T-

Assemblages with staurolite

PIOlal' It is obvious that the slope and relative positions chloritoid + AI-silicate :;:::==: staurolite + chlorite
of the reaction lines may be quite different in different
sections of P s- T - P H20 space and, as discussed by chloritoid :;:::==: garnet + staurolite + chlorite
Albee (1965), there is probably a continuous transition
from one to the other. If the garnet-chlorite join breaks garnet + chlorite staurolite + biotite
early, the sequence of reactions with excess quartz and
muscovite is Figure 11.9 shows the pseudo binary temperature-
composition sections as plotted by Albee (1972) for the
chloritoid + kyanite :;:::==: staurolite garnet-chlorite "join," illustrating the two sequencies of
garnet + chlorite :;:::==: chloritoid + biotite reactions. Similar diagrams for the chloritoid-cordierite
join ha ve also been drawn by Albee (1972). Such diagrams
chloritoid together with the Thompson (1957) projections are good
garnet + staurolite + Mg-rich chloritoid illustrations of the facies types. Both the sequences of
reactions discussed above seem to be present in the
chloritoid + kyanite staurolite + chlorite natural assemblages, and a preference of one sequence
over the other cannot be made without some informa-
chloritoid + chlorite staurolite + biotite tion on the Plolad1.H20 relationship.
chloritoid :;:::==: garnet + staurolite + biotite
In the other situation, when garnet-chlorite join breaks
down later than the breakdown of chloritoid, the reaction 11.8 Albee's (1972) petrogenetic grid for the multi-
sequence is system biotite, chlorite, chloritoid, cordierite
staurolite, garnet, kyanite, muscovite, and quartz.
chloritoid + AI-silicate staurolite Effect of variation in P H20 is shown in Figure
parts (a) and (b). P s = P solid ' (Reprinted from the
chloritoid Bulletin of Geological Society o( America by
garnet + staurolite + Mg-rich chloritoid permission.)

Ky + Gar Ky + Bi
Chd + Chi

a b
Gar + St

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

each other in the ferro magnesian phases, we have the

The system Si0 2 -K 2 0-AI 2 0 3 -FeO- following univariant [ ] and divariant ( ) reactions:
MgO-H 2 0 in transition from
1 muscovite + 3cordierite :;=::': I K-feldspar
amphibolite to granulite facies + 2garnet + 4quartz + S sillimanite + 2.S H 2 0 [Bi]
Four or more of the following phases occur in various
1 K-feldspar + 3cordierite :;=::': 1muscovite
combinations in metamorphic rocks (see Table 11.1):
+ 2garnet + 3sillimanite + 6quartz + 0.5 H 2 0 [Bi]
quartz, biotite, plagioclase, muscovite, K -feldspar, garnet,
sillimanite, and cordierite. Except plagioclase, all other 3 cordierite 2garnet + 4sillimanite + Squartz
minerals can be considered to belong to the system + l.SH 2 0 (Bi, Ms, K-fs)
SiOrK 2 0-AI20rFeO-MgO-H 20 in which PH 2 0 is
constant everywhere. We shall first consider the possible 1 muscovite + 1quartz
reactions in the six-component, nine-phase system. Later 1 K-feldspar + 1 sillimanite + 1 H 20 (Bi, Cord, Gar)
we shall study the increase of variance in this system as a
4muscovite + 2garnet + 9quartz :;=::':
result of additional components. Quartz, as well as H 2 0,
3cordierite + 4K-feldspar + 2.SH 2 0 (Bi, Sill)
may be considered as phases that are always present.
This reduces our system to a seven-phase, four-compo- 1biotite + 3 cordie rite :;=::': 1 K -feldspar + 3 garnet
nent system. With FeO and MgO completely replacing + 3 sillimanite + 3 Q + 2.5 H 2 0 [Ms]
1 K-feldspar + 3cordierite :;=::': I garnet + 1 biotite
+ Ssillimanite + 7 quartz + 0.5 H 2 0 [Ms]
11.9 Comparison of sequences of reactions.
(a) Garnet-chlorite breaks early; (b) Garnet- 2biotite + 6sillimanite + 9quartz :;=::':
chlorite break late. Figures, as in Albee (1972), 2K-feldspar + 3cordierite + 0.SH 2 0 (Ms, Gar)
are pseudo binary T - X sections. The
assemblages in the three-phase field (not labelled) 4biotite + 3cordierite + 3quartz :;=::':
consists of all phases in the adjacent one- or 4K-feldspar + 6garnet + S.S H 20 (Ms, Sill)
two-phase fields at the same temperature.
(Reprinted from the Bulletin of Geological Society 1 biotite + 2quartz + 1 sillimanite :;=::':
of America by permission.) 1 garnet + 1 K-feldspar + 1 H 20 (Ms, Cord)

a b

Gar Gar
t - - - - - - K y + ChI'" Cord-------1
t - - - - - K y + Bi ... Gar + Cord-----I

St t - - - - - K y + ChI + Bi'" Cord-----I

Bi t - - - - - - S t ... Gar + Ky + Bi--------<
r--------St (I) ... Gar + Ky + St (2)-------< + Bi

t - - - - - - S t + ChI --> Ky + Bi--------<

Bi Chd --> Gar + St + Bi Gar + ChI --> St + Bi Bi
Chd + ChI --> St + Bi Chd --> Gar + St + ChI
ChI Chd + Ky --> St + ChI Chd + Ky --> St + ChI ChI
Chd (I) --> Gar + St Chd(l)-->Gar+ St
+ Chd (2) + Chd (2)
"Mg" Gar + ChI --> Chd + Bi Chd + Ky --> St
"Fe" "Mg"

The system SiOz-KzO-Alz03-FeO-MgO-HzO in
transition from amphibolite to granulite facies

1muscovite + 3cordierite ~ I biotite + I garnet Quartz, biotite, sillimanite and H 20 are always present.
+ 6sillimante + 6quartz + 1.5H 2 0 [K-fs] If we consider the system SiOrK20-AI20rFeO-H20,
Reaction [Ms] is invariant and Reactions (Bi, Ms, Kfs),
3biotite + 3cordierite + 2sillimanite ~
(Ms, Gar), (Ms, Sill), and (Ms, Cord) are univariant.
3muscovite + 5garnet + 2quartz + 1.5H 2 0 [K-fs]
One possible configuration of the univariant lines is
2muscovite + 3cordierite ~ 2 biotite shown in Figure 11.10. This figure may be used to find
+ Ssillimanite + 7quartz + 1.5H 2 0 (K-fs, Gar) the possible assemblages in the system as a function of
changing pressure and temperature. At a pressure P j
2biotite + 3cordierite ~ 2K-feldspar + 4garnet lower than Pi (equilibrium P at the invariant point),
+ 3 quartz + 1.5H 2 0 (K-fs, Sill) we have the following assemblages as a function of
I biotite + 2sillimanite + 1quartz ~ increasing temperature
I muscovite + I quartz (K-fs, Cord, H 2 0) Tl biotite, sillimanite, Tj equilibrium T
2muscovite + 3cordierite quartz, K-feldspar for (Ms, Gar)
2 biotite + Ssillimanite + 7 quartz + 1.5 H 2 0 [Gar] cordierite

6muscovite + 2biotite + 15quartz ~ 7; (1) biotite, sillimanite, -, Due to changing

SK-feldspar + 3cordierite + 6.5H 2 0 (Gar, Sill) K -feldspar, cordierite proportion of minerals
(2) biotite, -, quartz, in (Ms, Gar). Also 3-
3biotite + 7muscovite + lSquartz ~ 1garnet K-feldspar, cordierite phase assemblages
+ 3cordierite + 10K-feldspar + S.5H 20 [Sill] (3) -, sillimanite, quartz, possible.
1 biotite + 1 muscovite + 3quartz ~ K-feldspar, cordierite
2K-feldspar + 1 garnet + 2H 2 0 (Sill, Cord) biotite, -, quartz, From 7; (2). T2 is
I biotite + 2muscovite + 4quartz ~ 3 K-feldspar K -feldspar, cordierite, equilibrium Tfor
+ I garnet + 1sillimanite + 3H 2 0 [Cord] garnet (Ms, Sill). No change
in Ti (I) and 7; (3).
3muscovite + 2garnet ~ 2biotite + 1 K-feldspar
+ 5sillimanite + 1quartz + I H 20 [Cord] T3(1) biotite, -, -, Due to changing
K-feldspar, cordierite, proportion of minerals
Dallmeyer and Dodd (1971) have listed a maximum
garnet in (Ms, Sill). No change
of seven phases-quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, silli-
(2) biotite, -, quartz, in 7;(1) and 7;(3).
manite, cordierite, biotite, and garnet-in rocks of the
K-feldspar, -, garnet
Hudson Highlands, New York. These phases (without
(3) -, -, quartz,
plagioclase) may be related by Reactions [Ms] and the
K-feldspar, cordierite,
subsystem Reactions (Ms, Gar), (Ms, Sill), and (Ms, Cord), garnet
which are univariant and divariant, respectively. The
variance could be increased by the additional components As we reach T4 , the equilibrium temperature for
in crystalline solution in garnet, biotite, cordierite, and Reaction (Bi, Ms, K-fs)
K-feldspar. In the seven-phase assemblages, large-
cordierite ~
scale mineralogic equilibrium may have been established
garnet + sillimanite + quartz + H 20
according to [Ms], or according to a third [Ms] reaction,
which can be written by adding (Ms, Gar) and (Ms, Cord), we have the assemblages 7;(1), 7;(3), T3(1), T3 (2), and
depending on the water fugacity. There are, however, T3(3). The reactions will be as discussed below.
other samples where one or two of the phases are missing. The breakdown of cordierite results in the production
The assemblages are (plagioclase and accessories ne- of quartz, garnet, sillimanite and H 20. Therefore,
glected) biotite and sillimanite in the assemblage 7;( I) (biotite,
sillimanite, K-feldspar, cordierite) will react according to
quartz K -feldspar sillimanite cordierite biotite garnet
Reaction (Ms, Gar), and biotite cordierite and quartz
quartz K-feldspar sillimanite biotite garnet according to (Ms, Sill) until all biotite is consumed,
quartz K-fe\dspar sillimanite cordierite biotite giving the assemblage sillimanite, cordierite, garnet,
quartz and K-feldspar. If biotite is in excess, we may have
quartz K-feldspar sillimanite biotite biotite, garnet, sillimanite, and K-feldspar or biotite,
quartz sillimanite cordierite biotite garnet garnet, quartz, and K -feldspar. Assemblage 7;(3) will

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

at a constant temperature. Using similar arguments as

before, we have the following assemblages at T1( <~)
at increasing pressures:
PI biotite, sillimanite, quartz, K -feldspar, cordierite
Pi biotite, sillimanite, quartz, K-feldspar, -
biotite, sillimanite, quartz, -, cordierite
Pi biotite, sillimanite, quartz, -, cordierite, garnet
(T1P j continues unchanged).
P3 biotite, sillimanite, quartz, -, -, garnet

From the assemblages listed above in the two cases,

we have the following results regarding the P and T of
(}]i, Ats the rocks in the Hudson Highlands:
, l(-fs)

biotite, sillimanite, quartz,

K-feldspar, cordierite,
biotite, sillimanite, quartz,
K-feldspar, cordierite, -
11.10 Schematic representation of possible equilibria biotite, sillimanite, quartz,
in the SiOz-KzO-AlzOrFeO-MgO-HzO system. K-feldspar, -, -,
See text for discussion. biotite, sillimanite, quartz, T 1 P Z [equilibrium P for
-, cordierite, garnet Reaction (ll.b)J
biotite, sillimanite, quartz, T > ~, P > P j [T and P,
change to sillimanite, cordierite, garnet, quartz, and K-feldspar, -, garnet equilibrium values for the
K-feldspar by a simple addition of garnet. For T3(1) reaction (Ms, Cord)]
(biotite, K-feldspar, cordierite, garnet), we have similarly
if there is excess biotite; biotite, garnet, sillimanite or The variance of the natural assemblages is greater
quartz and K -feldspar; or if there is excess cordierite; than that of the model assemblages. MgO, CaO, and
cordierite, sillimanite, garnet, quartz, K-feldspar. For NazO are three components and plagioclase a phase that
T3(2) there is no change (because cordierite is absent), must be included in the system. There is some interaction
and for T3 (3) we have the same general assemblage between plagioclase and garnet in the form of Ca
cordierite, sillimanite, almandine, quartz and K-feldspar. distribution and some between plagioclase and orthoclase
In summary we have in the form of Na and Ca distribution. Addition of MgO
does not change our results, and if NazO and CaO are
Tl biotite, sillimanite, quartz, K-feldspar, cordierite
neglected the qualitative results may not change sig-
~ biotite, sillimanite, -, K-feldspar, cordierite
nificantly. Dallmeyer and Dodd suggest that the ranges
biotite, -, quartz, K-feldspar, cordierite
of temperature and pressure of metamorphism may be
-, sillimanite, quartz, K-feldspar, cordierite
700°C to 750°C and 3.0 to 5.5 kbar, respectively. Such
Tz biotite -, quartz, K-feldspar, cordierite, garnet
changes are enough to produce the kind of changes in the
T3 biotite, -, -, K-feldspar, cordierite, garnet
assemblages described above.
biotite, -, quartz, K-feldspar, -, garnet
Hess (1971) has studied pelitic rocks from south-
-, -, quartz, K-feldspar, cordierite, garnet
central Massachusetts. The largest number of specimens
T4 -, sillimanite, quartz, K-feldspar, cordierite, garnet
contain the assemblage quartz, sillimanite, garnet,
biotite, sillimanite, -, K-feldspar, -, garnet
cordierite, K -feldspar, and biotite (Reaction [Ms ]).
biotite, -, quartz, K-feldspar, -, garnet
Cordierite-free samples are next in number (Ms, Cord),
It was obvious from the start that since all assemblages followed by orthoclase free samples (Bi, Ms, K-fs). On
included quartz, biotite, and sillimanite, the variation of the basis of the mineralogy of the rocks in the area and
temperature at a constant pressure « PI) could give us in other adjacent areas, Hess (1971) suggests that large-
only the assemblage at T1 (quartz, biotite, sillimanite, scale mineralogic and chemical equilibrium was estab-
K-feldspar, cordierite) which is present in Dallmeyer and lished around 700°C at P = 5 to 6 kbar. He also suggests
Dodd's area. Let us consider the variation of pressure that temperatures may have varied 50°C to 100°C

The system SiOz-KzO-Alz03-FeO-MgO-HzO in
transition from amphibolite to granulite facies

within the same facies, a conclusion that is supported -, -, sillimanite,

by the present analysis. K-feJdspar, biotite,
The assemblage quartz, sillimanite, biotite, garnet, and garnet
K-feldspar is common in many metamorphic terranes. -, quartz, -,
Kretz (1964) presented an equilibrium analysis of this K-feldspar, biotite,
assemblage from southwestern Quebec. Addition of garnet
muscovite to this assemblage leads to the common -, quartz, sillimanite,
assemblage -, -, garnet
quartz-sillimanite-musco vite-bioti te-garnet -K -feldspar At pressure P z and at increasing temperatures, we have
described by Evans and Guidotti (1966) from western P 2 T, (I) muscovite, quartz,
Maine. The probable reactions relating the mineral (biotite), sillimanite,
phases are ,
(2) muscovite, quartz,
biotite + 2muscovite + 4quartz (biotite), -,
3K-feldspar + garnet + sillimanite + 3H zO K-feJdspar, -
3muscovite + 2garnet ~ Ts muscovite, quartz, From T,(1). Ts is
2biotite + K-feldspar + 5sillimanite + quartz + HzO biotite, sillimanite, equilibrium T for
-, garnet Reaction (K-fs, Cord,
In addition to the six phases, plagioclase is present in
H 2 O).
all assemblages. The following reactions are pertinent to
T6(1) muscovite, quartz,
the six-phase system:
biotite, -, -,
muscovite + quartz ~ garnet
K-feldspar + sillimanite + HzO (2) muscovite, quartz, -,
sillimanite, -, garnet
(Bi, Cord, Gar)
T7 muscovite, quartz, From TI(2) and T6(1).
biotite + 2quartz + sillimanite ~ biotite, -, K-feJdspar, T7 is the equilibrium
garnet + K-feldspar + HzO (Ms, Cord) garnet T for Reaction (Sill,
biotite + 2sillimanite + quartz ~
The natural assemblages in western Maine, with
muscovite + garnet (K-fs, Cord, HzO)
their inferred P and T by comparison with the above
biotite + muscovite ~ model,are
2K-feldspar T garnet + 2H zO (Sill, Cord)
quartz, biotite, muscovite, K-feJdspar,
A possible configuration of the univariant lines as sug- sillimanite, garnet Pi 7;
gested by Ganguly (1974) is shown in Figure 11.11. The quartz, biotite, muscovite, K-feldspar,
mineral assemblages resulting from changes in T at a sillimanite, - P, TI
constant pressure P and bulk composition are quartz, biotite, muscovite, -, sillimanite, garnet P 2 Ts
quartz, biotite, muscovite, -, sillimanite, - P 2 T,
PI TI muscovite, quartz, TI is equilibrium T for
quartz, biotite, muscovite, K-feJdspar, -, -, P 2 TI
sillimanite, K-feldspar, Reaction (Bi, Cord,
quartz, biotite, muscovite, -, -, garnet P2 T6
(biotite) Gar). Biotite may not
be directly involved. It is obvious that both P and Tmust have varied over
Tz(l) muscovite,- a range to yield the mineral assemblages found in the
sillimanite, K-feldspar area. Therefore the "invariant" assemblage (which
(biotite) becomes univariant by introducing MgO) may have
(2) -, quartz, sillimanite, crystallized above 650°C at about 4 kbar. The interaction
K-feldspar, (biotite) of plagioclase with Ms and K-fs has been discussed by
-, quartz, sillimanite, T3 is equilibrium Tfor Evans and Guidotti, who have also drawn attention to a
K-feldspar, biotite, Reaction (Ms, Cord). possible existence of the univariant assemblage silli-
garnet Tz(l) assemblage manite K -feldspar (orthoclase )-muscovite-plagioclase-
unchanged. quartz in a large part of the area. The basic isograd

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

MgO and other elements in biotite. From Figure 11.11,

where if Pi and T; are approximately 4 kbar and 600°C,
respectively, the Tofthese gneisses may be in the range of
650°C to 700°C at about a pressure of 5 kbar.
Another area, where the assemblage quartz, biotite,
plagioclase, gamet, muscovite, and K-feldspar occurs,
has been described by Butler (1967). Unlike the northwest
Adirondacks, where the temperature must have exceeded
the equilibrium T for Reaction (Sill, Cord) to give the
assemblage quartz, biotite, plagioclase, garnet and
K-feldspar, the temperature here must have decreased
Pi during the metamorphism. This retrograde effect would
produce the quartz, biotite, gamet, muscovite, and
plagioclase assemblage, with all K-feldspar being con-
sumed in the reverse reaction. Note that the K-feldspar-
free assemblage has higher Al in muscovites, which is
due to bulk chemical changes as discussed by Guidotti
(1969) and not due to increasing temperature.
Lal and Moorehouse (1969) have described cordierite-
TJ T3 Ts T6 bearing assemblages from Fishtail Lake, Ontario. The
T2 T4 Ti T7
assemblages belonging to the system here are

11.11 Schematic representation of reactions in the (J) gamet, cordierite, biotite, sillimanite, quartz
assemblage muscovite, quartz, K-feldspar, (2) gamet, cordierite, biotite, -, quartz
sillimanite, biotite, garnet, H 2 0.
(3) gamet, cordierite, -, -, quartz
(4) -, cordierite, biotite, -, quartz
(5) -, cordierite, biotite, sillimanite, quartz
reaction is
(6) -, cordierite, -, sillimanite, quartz
KO.94Nao.06AlzAlSi301O(OHb + SiOz (7) gamet, -, biotite, sillimanite, quartz
+ 0.1 NaAlSi 30 s ~ in plagioclase ss
1.1(Ko.s6Nao.14AlSi30s) + AlzSiO s + HzO Plagioclase may be present in addition. Referring to
Figure 11.10 indicates that if we consider biotite as a
It may be that P H20 and T varied together along the uni-
phase originally present, garnet, cordierite, sillimanite,
variant curve for the above reaction or, as suggested by
quartz may be related by Reaction (Bi, Ms, K-fs):
Evans and Guidotti, P H20 was also a variable "due to a
combination of rapid dehydration and low permeability" cordierite
and was buffered by the above assemblage and controlled
by local values of P and T. almandine + sillimanite + quartz + H 2 O.
Engel and Engel (1960) have described paragneisses
The pressure must be higher than Pi (~4 kbar), otherwise
from northwest Adirondack Mountains, New York. In
the reaction
a 30-mile distance, the assemblage quartz, biotite,
plagioclase, muscovite, and K-feldspar (microcline) biotite + sillimanite + quartz
changes to quartz, biotite, plagioclase, gamet, and K-
feldspar according to the simplified reaction (Sill, Cord) K-feldspar + cordierite + H 2 0
biotite + muscovite + 3quartz ~ should have taken place. Assemblages (2), (3), (5), and
2K-feldspar + garnet + 2H zO (6) may be interpreted as due to retrograde decrease of
temperature. Assemblage (4) mayor may not be due to
Interaction of plagioclase with other minerals is also reverse reaction, while Assemblage (7) may represent any
evident because of a redistribution of anorthite and albite temperature between the equilibrium temperatures of
between feldspars. Variance in Reaction (Sill, Cord) may assemblages (2) and (6).
be increased by considering MgO and MnO in garnet and Grant (1973) has considered the model system A1 2 0 3-

The system Si02-K20-AI203-FeO-MgO-H20 in
transition from amphibolite to granulite facies

K 2 0-FeO-MgO-SiO z-H 2 0, with the phases quartz, II. K -feldspar-muscovite-cordierite-garnet,

K -feldspar, muscovite, AI-silicate, biotite, cordierite, K -feldspar-biotite-cordierite-garnet,
garnet, anthophyllite (or orthopyroxene), staurolite, and K -feldspar-biotite-garnet-anthophyllite/
fluid. A schematic P- T grid is shown in Figure 11.12. The orthopyroxene, muscovite-andalusite-
phases K-feldspar and muscovite are pure. In the ferro- cordierite-garnet, bioti te-cordierite-garnet-
magnesian minerals, Fe 2+ and Mg2 + are distributed such anthophyllite/orthopyroxene
that for Mg/Fe, cordierite > biotite> anthophyllite>
garnet. The following di variant assemblages are possible:

I. K -feldspar-muscovite-biotite-cordierite,
K -feldspar-muscovite-biotite-garnet, 11.12 Phase relations in the system K 2 0-AI 20 3-FeO-
K -feldspar-biotite-garnet -anthophyllite, MgO-SiOz-H 2 0. Quartz and water are present
muscovite-andalusite-cordierite-garnet, in all assemblages. (After Grant, 1973. Reprinted
muscovite-biotite-cordierite-garnet, from the American Journal oj Science by
biotite-cordieri te-garnet -anthophyllite permission.)

o IX





11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

III. K -feldspar-muscovi te-biotite-cordierite, Grant (1973) has provided an extensive list of assem-
K -feldspar-muscovi te-biotite-garnet, blages from the literature that belong to the various facies
K -feldspar-biotite-garnet -an thophy lli te, types noted above. The curve for andalusite-sillimanite
muscovite-andalusite-biotite-cordierite, traverses fields III, IV, and V, whereas the transition be-
muscovite-andalusite-biotite-garnet, tween orthoamphibole- and orthopyroxene-bearing
andalusite-biotite-cordierite-garnet, assemblages is inferred to traverse field IV. In natural
biotite-cordierite-garnet -an thophyllite assemblages cordierite + garnet are not found with
(andalusite may be replaced by sillimanite) kyanite. Similarly a muscovite-orthopyroxene assem-
blage, and an orthoamphibole facies V assemblage have
IV. K -feldspar-sillimanite-biotite-cordierite,
not been found. Assemblages recorded under III, IV, and
K -feldspar-silIimanite-biotite-garnet,
V are quite common in pelitic rocks (Reinhardt, 1968;
Wynne-Edwards, 1967; Gable and Sims; 1970). Type
orthopyroxene, sillimanite-biotite-
VIII assemblages have also been recorded often
cordie rite-garnet, bioti te-cordierite-garnet-
(Hietanen, 1959; Tilley, 1937).
V. K -feldspar-andalusite/siIIimanite-cordierite-
garnet, K-feldspar-biotite-cordierite-garnet,
K -feldspar-biotite-garnet-orthopyroxene, Anthophyllite-gedrite pelitic rocks
Anthophyllite-bearing pelitic rocks have been described
VI. K -feldspar-sillimanite/andalusite-cordierite
from a number of localities. Natural assemblages in the
garnet, K -feldspar-biotite-cordierite-
system FeO-MgO-AlzOrSiOrH 20 have been dis-
orthopyroxene, K -feldspar -cordierite-garnet-
cussed by Robinson and Jaffe (1969b). Using Albee's
(1965b) method these authors have calculated a P- T
VII. K-feldspar-muscovite-bioti te-cordierite, grid shown in Figure 11.13. The phases are: aluminous
K-feldspar-muscovite-biotite-garnet, anthophyllite [Mg3Fe2.5AlY~5Al~:5Si6.s022(OHh],cum­
K -feldspar-bioti te-garnet -an thophyllite, mingtonite [Mg2.sFe4.SSisOdOH)2], cordierite [Mg!.s
muscovite-sillimanite/kyanite-biotite- Feo.sAl~vSisOls], staurolite [Mgo.sFe1.5AI9Si3.7s022
cordierite, muscovite-sillimanitejkyanite- (OHh], garnet (Mg o.sFe 2.sAl 2Si 3 0 12), kyanite (AlzSiO s),
biotite-garnet, sillimanitejkyanite-biotite- and quartz (SiO z). The "univariant" reactions based on
cordierite-anthophyllite, sillimanitejkyanite- these formulae are
36staurolite + 34cummingtonite + 35quartz
VIII. K-feldspar-sillimanite/kyanite-biotite-
44cordierite + 74 garnet + 70H zO
cordierite, K-feldspar-sillimanite/kyanite-
biotite-garnet, K -feldspar-biotite-garnet-
444anthophyllite + l00staurolite + 1273 quartz ~
orthopyroxene, kyanite/sillimanite-biotite-
558cordierite + 218cummingtQnite + 326H zO
sillimanite/kyanite-biotite-garnet- 32anthophyllite + 218kyanite + 4 H 2 0 ~
52cordierite + 36 staurolite + 31 quartz
IX. K -feldspar-sillimanite/kyanite-biotite-
cordierite, K -feldspar-sillimanite/kyanite- 386cummingtonite + 212staurolite ~
biotite-orthopyroxene, K -feldspar- 264anthophyllite + 558 garnet + 493 quartz + 334H 20
sillimanite/kyanite-biotite-cordierite- 350staurolite + 766.5quartz ~
orthopyroxene 28anthophyllite + 182garnet+ 1351 kyanite + 322H zO
X. K -feldspar-sillimanite/kyanite-cordierite-
14anthophyllite + 38kyanite + 23 quartz ~
orthopyroxene, K -feldspar-sillimanite/
kyanite-garnet -orthopyroxene, K -feldspar- 25cordierite + 9garnet + 14H 2 0
54 anthophyllite + 25garnet + 143quartz ~
Quartz and fluid are possible in all assemblages. 53cordierite + 38cummingtonite + 16H zO

28staurolite + 65quartz ~
4cordierite + 16garnet + 102kyanite + 28H 20

102anthophyllite + 76staurolite + 334quartz ~ Boettcher (1970) has determined the equilibrium P and
T of several reactions in this four-component system
193cordierite + 109 garnet + 178 H 2 0 (Figure 11.14). The mineralogic phases with which we are
concerned are; anorthite (CaAl zSi 2 0 s), corundum
The assemblages encountered in the rocks are (AI 20 3), gehlenite (Ca 2 AI 2Si0 7 ), grossularite (Ca3A12
Si 3 0d, kyanite or sillimanite (AlzSiO s ), quartz (Si0 2),
quartz-anthophyllite-kyanite-staurolite zoisite [Ca2AI3Si30u(OH)J, and liquid or vapor. This
(Hietanen, 1959; Robinson and Jaffe, 1969b) system is, therefore, a four-component, nine-phase
system with several possible invariant and univariant
quartz-anthophyllite-cordierite-staurolite reactions. Although Boettcher (1970) has given a list of
(Tilley, 1937) 46 reactions, at metamorphic temperatures and pressures
it may suffice to consider the following important
quartz-andalusite-cordierite-staurolite reactions;
quartz-anthophyllite-staurolite-cummingtonite (1) zoisite
(Rabbitt, 1948) anorthite + grossularite + corundum + vapor
In the absence of garnet, these assemblages would all (2) zoisite + quartz ~

occur on the low temperature side of Figure 11.13. anorthite + grossularite + vapor
(3) grossularite + quartz ~
anorthite + wollastonite
11.13 Phase relations in the system FeO-MgO-Alz03- (4) zoisite + kyanite + quartz
SiOz-HzO. (After Robinson and Jaffe, 1969b. anorthite + vapor
Reprinted from special paper of the Mineralogical
Society of America by permission.) (5) grossularite + corundum
anorthite + gehlenite
(6) grossularite ~
anorthite + gehlenite + wollastonite
£ (8) grossularite + kyanite + quartz
eO anorthite
u" +...
+ 23 For low-temperature reactions see Liou (1970) and
til +
Thompson (1070a, b) and Chapter 10.
Three of these reactions involve the disappearance of
zoisite from the assemblages. At 4 kbar, zoisite alone
breaks down to grossularite, anorthite, corundum, and
vapor at about 7OO°e. With quartz, the reaction temper-
ature at 4 kbar is reduced to 595°C; finally, with kyanite
Anth + Gar + Q
and quartz it may further be reduced to below 5OO°e. If
Cord + Cum + H20
some Fe 3+ is present in zoisite, the reaction temperature
£ may be lower by as much as 50°e. Boettcher's results also
+... show that anorthite, wollastonite, and gehlenite are
til " stable throughout the P- T field up to the liquidus, but
+ "
0+ grossularite breaks down to anorthite, wollastonite, and
u gehlenite at rather high temperatures. At 3 kbar this
+ temperature is above 9OO°e. In the presence of corundum,
:><: the reaction temperature at 3 kbar is about 850°C; in the
T presence of quartz it is reduced to 63Ye. At 3 kbar,

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

grossularite forms by reaction (2) at 550°C. In presence of by the reaction

quartz, the width of the stability field of grossularite in the
system is about 100 e at 3 kbar.
cordierite (± garnet)
orthopyroxene + kyanite + quartz
This breakdown has not been established for hydrous
Assemblages with cordierite in the cordierite end members. According to Newton (1972)
anhydrous Mg-cordierite breaks down to enstatite +
granulite facies
sillimanite + quartz between 6 and 7 kbar at - 600 e 0

The stability field of cordierite extends beyond the possible (Figure 11.15). Hydrous cordierite may be stable up to
high-temperature limit of the division of granulite facies. -12 kbar. Figure 11.15 shows some other univariant
On the high-pressure side, the stability field is bounded equilibria involving cordierite. The low-temperature
equilibria are plotted from Richardson (1968) and refer
to Fe-cordierite. The high-temperature equilibria have
11.14 Some of the reactions in the system CaO-Alz03-
been investigated by Hensen and Green (1973) at low
Si0 2 -H 2 0 after Boettcher (1970). The reaction
numbers (see text) are the same as given by water fugacity. Their results indicate that the assemblage
Boettcher except that Reaction (8) is from Hays garnet, cordierite, and sillimanite may be stable up to
(1967) and Hariya and Kennedy (1968).13 and 14 very high temperatures (- 1050°C). This temperature,
are invariant points. however, is the maximum limit, and the granulite facies

Gr + Ky + Q


600 700 800

T rOC]

The charnockite assemblage

rocks in nature probably never attain this high tempera- Other problems involving the use of the garnet-cordierite
ture. The reactions studied by Hensen and Green (1973) assemblage in petrogenesis are the uncertain ther-
in sequence from high pressure and low temperature to mochemical quantities and the slope of the reaction
high temperature and low pressure are
cordierite almandine + quartz + sillimanite
cordierite + garnet (Froese, 1973)
hypersthene + sillimanite + quartz
Until more thermochemical and experimental infor-
(see also Grant's figure for this reaction, Figure 11.12)
mation are available, we should use this mineral with
cordierite + garnet ~
caution in petrogenetic studies.
hypersthene + sapphirine + quartz
cordierite + garnet
hypersthene + spinel + quartz The charnockite assemblage
cordierite + garnet olivine + spinel + quartz The "charnockite" system may consist of one or two
pyroxenes and some or all of the following minerals:
The stability field for cordierite + garnet, therefore, is hornblende, biotite, orthoclase, garnet, plagioclase,
bound by these reactions. The highest temperature for quartz, and other accessory minerals such as ilmenite,
this field is -I 140°C, which is probably too high. The
experiments involving cordierites suffer from the lack of
information on the content of water in the mineral. The 11.15 Some equilibria involving cordierite. Fe system
water content in cordie rite is not fixed and varies with (Richardson, 1968; P tota ) = PH,o); anhydrous
PH,o' An approximate calculation of water in cordierite cordierite (Newton, 1972); P H20 < P tota ) system
at various PH,o has been carried out by Weisbrod (1973). above 900°C (Hensen and Green, 1973).


"," '"
a. ",'"

---- --
.~ "../ Sap +Q
8 £1\"'" S~ ________ - - - - - - - - - - - -

+ +
~ ~
tilI + I
" E
~:;: Cord I

600 900 1000

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

magnetite, and zircon. The components ofthis system are some of the minerals, no attempt will be made here to
study the system quantitatively. We may consider the
SiOz-AlzOrFeO-MgO-CaO-KzO-NazO-TiOrHzO. following reactions:
TiO z is significantly high in biotite and is considered to biotite + plagioclase + orthopyroxene + 2quartz
be essential for the stability of the mineral (Kretz, 1964).
Na 2 0 is present in hornblende and in plagioclase. In the
clinopyroxene + garnet + K-feldspar + HzO (Hb)
former its concentration does not vary significantly. The biotite + garnet + hornblende + 4quartz
mineral-chemical data from Varberg (Saxena, 1968) in- K-feldspar + 2plagioclase
dicated that we may simplify the system by assuming that + 10orthopyroxene + 2H zO (Cpx)
Na and Ca in hornblende, Ti in biotite, and Ca in garnet
are more or less fixed in concentration and the major 3hornblende + garnet + quartz ~ 4 plagioclase
variation is in the Fez + -Mgconcentration in the minerals. + 2clinopyroxene + 13 orthopyroxene + 3H zO
The scheme of distribution of Fe and Mg in minerals (Bi, K-fs)
of Varberg samples is
11 biotite + 9 plagioclase + 37 quartz
3 hornblende + I I K -feldspar
where X is Fe/(Fe + Mg). Assuming that the minerals + 6garnet + 3clinopyroxene + 8H 2 0 (Opx)
are ideal solutions, equilibrium constants for mineral
biotite+ hornblende + 3quartz ~ K-feldspar
pairs lie in the range
+ clinopyroxene + 6 orthopyroxene
Average + plagioclase + 2H 2 0 (Gar)

K(Bi-Hb) 0.789-0.996 0.90 where reactions are balanced with the compositions:
K(Bi-Cpx) 1.324-1.707 1.49
K(Bi-Opx) 0.759-1.055 0.90
K(Bi-Gar) 0.230-0.338 0.29

The ion-exchange reaction is written as clinopyroxene-(Ca, Fe, Mg)Si z0 6

Mg Bi + Fe rx ~ Fe Bi + Mg rx orthopyroxene-(Fe, Mg)Si0 3
where rx is the coexisting phase. K for other pairs may be
plagiociase-CaAl 2 Si 2 0 s
found by suitable divisions, for example
K-feldspar-KAISi30 g
K(Bi--Opx/ K(Bi--Cpx) = K(cpx--Opx) = 0.60
Other compositional averages in Varberg minerals that
may be specified are
A qualitative scheme of the reactions is shown in
Figure 11. 16 using the constraint that water is released on
X Bi

- 0.5 (ions)
-- the high-temperature side and at pressures above the
I 220
invariant point garnet is on the high-pressure side as
against plagioclase. This arrangement of univariant
xg:r(Ca + Fe +CaMg + Mn ) = 0.28 equilibria is also consistent with the fact that we have a
large P- T field on the low-temperature side where the
X An = 0.26 very commonly occurring assemblage biotite-garnet-
hornblende-plagioclase and quartz is stable. Similarly
Simplifying the system to eight minerals (+ H 2 0) and we have a large P- T field where the anhydrous assem-
seven components (K zO-FeO-MgO-Al z0 3 -CaO-SiO z- blage garnet-orthoclase-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-
H 2 0), we may consider an invariant assemblage and the plagioclase may be stable. The position of the "invariant"
several univariant reactions. One could write balanced points is uncertain in the P- T field and is a function of P,
reactions using the specified variation in Fe: Mg and T, IlH,Q, and the composition of the various phases. At
Ca: Na and consider the slopes of the reactions. Since the 5 kbar pressure the point may lie above 750°C above the
molar volume and entropy data are not available for Ab-Or critical line (see Figure 10.1).

Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks

II. a. garnet, hornblende, plagioclase,

clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene
[Bi, K-fsl b. hornblende, quartz, plagioclase,
v clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, biotite
c. garnet, quartz, plagioclase, clinopyroxene,
orthopyroxene, biotite
d. plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene,
biotite, hornblende, quartz
III. a. biotite, hornblende, K-feldspar,
clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase
b. quartz, hornblende, K-feldspar,
clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase
c. biotite, quartz, K-feldspar, clinopyroxene,
orthopyroxene, plagioclase
IV. a. biotite, plagioclase, orthopyroxene, garnet,
K-feldspar, clinopyroxene
b. biotite, orthopyroxene, quartz, garnet,
K-feldspar, clinopyroxene
c. plagioclase, orthopyroxene, quartz, garnet,
K-feldspar, clinopyroxene
d. plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene,
garnet, K-feldspar, quartz
e. hornblende, garnet, plagioclase,
clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, biotite
f. hornblende, quartz, plagioclase,
clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene
g. garnet, quartz, plagioclase, clinopyroxene,
orthopyroxene, K -feldspar
V. a. biotite, plagioclase, K -feldspar,
clinopyroxene, hornblende, garnet
b. biotite, quartz, K-feldspar, clinopyroxene,
hornblende, garnet
c. plagioclase, quartz, K-feldspar,
11.16 Schematic representation of the charnockite clinopyroxene, hornblende, garnet
phase equilibria. Roman numerals represent d. quartz, K-feldspar, clinopyroxene,
assemblages discussed in the text. hornblende, garnet
VI. a. biotite, garnet, hornblende, quartz,
The divariant assemblages possible in the basic to The seven-, eight-, or nine-phase assemblages found
intermediate compositions are as follows (see Figure in charnockites of Varberg and elsewhere (Leelanandam,
11.16): 1967) are obviously the result of an increase in variance
in the system due to solid solution of components such
I. a. biotite, garnet, hornblende, K-feldspar, as Ti, Na, and Ca.
plagioclase, orthopyroxene
b. biotite, quartz, hornblende, K-feldspar,
plagioclase, orthopyroxene Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks
c. biotite, garnet, quartz, K-feldspar,
plagioclase, orthopyroxene This section deals with phase equilibria where CO 2 is
d. hornblende, garnet, quartz, K-feldspar, involved as a fluid phase and the carbonates appear in the
plagioclase, orthopyroxene assemblages. We have already referred to the system

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

Fe-C-O experimentally investigated by French (1971) (11) 4zoisite + quartz ~

and Weidner (1973) in Chapter 9. Igrossularite + 5anorthite + 2H zO
(Newton, 1966a)

(12) 2zoisite + 5calcite + 3quartz

The carbonate-free system CaAlzSizOs-SiOz-HzO as 3grossularite + SCO z + 1 HzO
described by Liou (1971) was discussed in Chapters 9 (13) 2zoisite + 2calcite + 3quartz
and 10. Rocks of the zeolite facies generally appear + 2H zO ~ 3prehnite + 2C0 2
between the greenschist facies and the unmetamorphosed (14) 2 zoisite + 1quartz
sediments. However, in some carbonate-rich sediments, 1 prehnite + 2anorthite
the zeolites may be entirely eliminated by reactions of (15) 1 laumontite
the following type: 1anorthite + 2quartz + 4H zO
(Thompson, 1970b)
CaA1 2 Si 4 0 12 · 4H 2 0 + CO 2
laumontite fluid (16) 1wairaki te
1anorthite + 2quartz + 2 H 2 0
(Thompson, 1970b)
calcite kaolinite quartz fluid
(17) I wairakite + 1CO 2 ~

It is, therefore, important to study the relation between 1calcite + 1kaolinite + 1quartz
zeolite and carbonate assemblages. We shall follow the (18) 1heulandite ~
theoretical analysis of Thompson (1971 b) and present the 1 laumontite + (2 or 3) quartz + 2 HzO
results of experiments and calculation on the following (Thompson, 1971b)
reaction of interest:
(19) 1calcite + 1andalusite + 1quartz ~
1anorthite + 1COz
(1) 1 laumontite + 1CO 2
(20) 1 pyrophyllite ~
1calcite + 1 kaolinite + 2quartz + 2 HzO
1andalusite + 3quartz + 1 HzO
(2) 2laumontite ~
(Kerrick, 1968)
1 prehnite + kaolinite + 3 quartz + 5 HzO
(3) 1 laumontite + 1calcite ~
(21) 1kaolinite + 2quartz
1 prehnite + 1quartz + 3 H 2 0 + 1CO 2 1 pyrophyllite + 1 HzO
(Thompson, 1970a)
(4) 1 prehnite + 1 kaolinite + 1quartz ~

1 laumontite + 1H 20 (22) I pyrophyllite + 1calcite

1anorthite + 2quartz + 1H 2 0 + 1CO 2
(5) 1calcite + 1quartz ~
1wollastonite + 1COz (23) 2calcite + 1pyrophyllite ~

(Harker and Tuttle, 1956; Greenwood, 1967b)

1 prehnite + 1 quartz + 2CO z
(24) 2calcite + I andalusite + 2quartz
(6) 1 prehnite ~ + 1 HzO ~ 1 prehnite + 2CO z
1anorthite + 1wollastonite + 1 HzO
(25) Ilaumontite ~
(Coombs et al., 1959) + 2quartz + 2H zO
(7) 1calcite + 1quartz + 1anorthite (26) llawsonite ~ 1anorthite + 2 HzO
+ HzO ~ 1 prehnite + 1COz (27) 1 calcite + 1andalusite + 1quartz
(8) 5prehnite ~ + 2H zO ~ llawsonite + 1 COz
2zoisite + 2grossularite + 3quartz + 4H zO (28) 1pyrophillite + 1calcite + 1 HzO ~
(9) 1grossularite + 1quartz ~ 1 lawsonite + 2quartz + 1CO 2
2wollastonite + 1 anorthite (29) 1 lawsonite+ 1aragonite + 1quartz ~
(Newton, 1966a; Storre, 1970) 1 prehnite + 1 HzO + 1CO 2
(10) lanorthite + 2calcite + quartz ~ (30) 31awsonite + 1calcite ~
1 grossularite + 1 COz 2zoisite + 5H zO + COz

Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks

(31) 3anorthite + 1calcite + 1H 2 0 ~ lower than the experimental fluid pressure of 2000 bar.
2zoisite + 1CO 2 This will reduce the equilibrium X CO2 to even lower
(32) 1lawsonite + 5anorthite + 2calcite ~ values than 0.007. Wairakite may be more stable under
4zoisite + 2C0 2 moderate P- T conditions because Reaction (16)
(33) 12lawsonite ~ wairakite ~ anorthite + quartz + vapor
6zoisite + 3 kyanite (Sill) + 3quartz + 21 H 2 0
(Newton and Kennedy, 1963) (see Figures 10.1 and 11.18) occurs at higher temper-
atures than the laumontite Reaction (15) in pure water,
The references are for the experimental data. Many of and in H 2 0-C0 2 fluid the equilibrium X e02 at 2 kbar is
these equilibria are shown in Figures 11.17 and 11.18.
The zeolite minerals are restricted to fluids extremely
low in CO 2 and do not appear in Figure 11.18.
Thompson's calculations show that zeolites, in 11.17 PH20- T diagram showing experimentally

reactions such as (1) and (3), are in equilibrium with an determined univariant curves of equilibria in the
system CaO-AI 2 0 3 -Si0 2 -H 2 0. The numbered
H 2 0-C0 2 fluid phase having X e02 ~ 0.0075 for P fluid =
curves refer to the reactions listed in the text.
P tota ) = 2000 bar. In an equilibrium assemblage of
Schematic heavy broken line X [Reaction (4)J
laumontite, calcite, kaolinite, and quartz to change the and band Y [Reaction (2)J indicate the possible
condition to a maximum production of laumontite, limiting reactions for prehnite relative to
X C02 must be much lower than 0.007. At shallow to laumontite in this system. (After A. B. Thompson,
moderate depths, the fluid pressure would be generally 1971b.)

3 +


I, 0.
I !!
, c::

500 600

11.18 Calculated (solid) and schematic (dashed) curves of reactions in CaO-AI203-Si0z-C02-H20,
for Ptotal = P fluid = 2000 bar. The numbered curves refer to reactions listed in the text. Since
calcite is considered to be the stable polymorph of CaC0 3 in this region, aragonite reactions
are not shown. Some univariant curves at schematic "invariant" points have been omitted
for clarity. The following "invariant" points are shown: D: Gr-An-Wo-Q-Calc-(C0 2 -H 2 0);
E: Gr-An-Z-Q-Calc-(C0 2 -H 2 0); H: Pyp-An-And-Q-Calc-(C0 2-H 20); J: Pyp-And-Pr-Q-
Calc-(C0z-H20); K: Lw-An-Z-Q-Calc-(COz-H20); L; pyo-An-Lw-Q-Calc-(COz-H 20);
M: Lw-An-And-Q-Calc-(C0 2-H 2 0). The shape and position of curve (23) is uncertain. All of
the reactions shown are considered to occur in the COz-H 20 single-phase region. (After A. B.


Pto'a' = P fluid = 2000 bar



Wo + An
Gr + Q



+ q;, C.£;
Ji!r -


pY; + Calc

/" -- -- --
2-phase region CO2-H2O
-- - ""'" '-
/ "-
H 2O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 CO 2
XC0 2

Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks

somewhat higher (0'()()9). Reaction (17) will similarly be (Wyllie and Haas, 1966). The reactions delineating the
at higher XeD, than that of Reaction (1). Heulandite may field of grossularite are, from high to low temperatures:
occur at temperatures as low as 120 C at PH,o = 2 kbar

[Figure 11.17, Reaction (18)].

grossularite + CO 2
It is obvious from the conditions of the various zeolite calcite + anorthite + wollastonite
reactions that the situation would be different in open grossularite + CO 2
and closed systems. All phases laumontite, calcite,
calcite + anorthite + quartz
prehnite, and quartz of Reaction (3) could occur only as
a univariant equilibrium but if COz continues to escape grossularite + CO 2 calcite + zoisite + quartz
we may ha ve the assemblages laumontite-prehnite-quartz
or quartz-prehnite-calcite, which are commonly found. All these equilibria are highly dependent on X co,.
Similarly in volcanic rocks or derived sediments, Zoisite is restricted to temperatures below 500°C at 2000
zeolite-calcite may crystallize if X co, is low. However in bar in fluid with more than 10 mole percent CO 2 .
hyrothermal and vein deposits, where the minerals are
precipitated from solutions, calcite and zeolite do not
form an equilibrium assemblage.
The effect of an increasing CO 2 content of the fluid Greenwood (1967b) and Johannes (1969) have studied the
on some reactions involving only water (Figures 11.17 reactions in this system. The following phases are of
and 11.18) is to decrease the equilibrium temperature by interest. Anthophyllite [Mg 7 Si sOn(OH)z], brucite
the pressure effect on the solids. These reactions are [Mg(OH)z], enstatite (Mg zSi 2 0 6 ), forsterite (Mg zSi0 4),
magnesite (MgC0 3 ), periclase (MgO), quartz (Si0 2 ),
(II) 4zoisite + 1quartz ~ serpentine [Mg 3 Si z0 5 (OH)4] and talc [Mg 3 Si 40 IO
1grossularite + 5 anorthite + 2 H 2 0 (OH)z]. The reactions to be considered are
(20) 1pyrophyllite ~
1andalusite + 3quartz + 1 H 2 0 (1) 2forsterite + 2H zO + 1COz ~
1serpentine + 1magnesite
(26) llawsonite ~ anorthite + 2H 2 0
(2) 4forsterite + 1 HzO + 5CO z ~
Similarly equilibrium temperatures of reactions which 1 talc + 5 magnesite
proceed with evolution of CO 2 may decrease by several (3) 2serpentine + 3C0 2 ~
degrees with increasing XH,o. For example, the equilib- 1 talc + 3magnesite + 3H zO
rium temperature at 2000 bar for the reaction
(4) 1 talc + 3 CO 2
calcite + quartz ~ wollastonite + COz 4quartz + 3magnesite + 1 HzO
decreases from 730°C at XH,o = 0, to 630°C at X H20 = 0.7. (5) 1serpentine + 3C0 2
This effect was discussed in Chapter 2. 2quartz + 3magnesite + 2H zO
Gordon and Greenwood (1971) have considered this (6) 1 serpentine + 1 brucite
system at somewhat higher temperatures. They in- 2forsterite + 3H zO
vestigated the reactions: (7) 5 serpen tine
calcite + anorthite + wollastonite
6 forsterite + 1 talc + 9 HzO
grossularite + COz (8) + 2quartz ~
1serpentine 1 talc + HzO

calcite + anorthite + quartz (9) 1anthophyllite + 4H zO ~

9 talc + 4 forsterite
grossularite + COz
(10) 2anthophyllite + 2forsterite
Their experimental results and calculated equilibria are genstatite + 2H zO
shown in Figure 11.19. Note that the "invariant" point D
(11) 7talc
in Figure 11.19 and the equilibrium
3anthophyllite + 4quartz + 4H zO
wollastonite + anorthite ~ grossularite + quartz (12) 2 anthophyllite
lies below 600 C in this figure. The figure also does not
7enstatite + 2quartz + 2H 2 0
include such phases as portlandite, spurrite, and cal- (13) 1anthophyllite + 9magnesite ~
ciochondrodite, which occur on the water-rich side 8forsterite + 1 H 2 0 + 9C0 2

11.19 Experimental results and calculated equilibria
for a total pressure of 2000 bar. (After Gordon
and Greenwood, 1971.)

An Wo Ge



8~/ • /
e. I

Xe0 2

Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks

(14) 1 anthophyllite + 1H 20 +1 CO 2 ~ 11.20 Position of equilibrium curves (1) to (18) in the

2 talc + 1 magnesite T -Xeo, field at P nuid = 2000 bar. The solid lines
(15) 1 anthophyllite + 7 COz have been experimentally determined; the broken
8quartz + 7magnesite + 1 H 20 lines have been derived from intersection-point
relationships of the equilibrium curves. Those
(16) 4enstatite + 1 H 2 0 + 1 CO 2 mineral parageneses have been presented that were
I anthophyllite + I magnesite produced in the individual regions of the T - X co,
(17) 2forsterite + 2CO z diagram from an MgO: SiOz ratio = 2: 1 (forsterite
composition). The names of typical and especially
1 enstatite + 2magnesite well-known magnesite occurrences have also been
(18) 2quartz + 2magnesite indicated. At pressures greater than 2000 bar the
1enstatite + 2C0 2 equilibrium curves move to higher temperatures; at
lower pressures they move to lower temperatures.
Figures 11.20 and 11.21 show the equilibrium re- (After Johannes, 1969. Reprinted from the
lations in these equilibria as described by Johannes American Journal of Science by permission.) A =
(1969). anthophyllite.



Greiner, ScheUgaden




Q + Mag

l "'+

cy 200

Kraubath Pfluid = 2000 bar


20 40 60 80 CO 2
Xeo 2

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

Curves (3), (5), and (7) are the boundaries of the At low temperature quartz + magnesite have their
stability field of serpentine. Serpentine and magnesite can upper stability limit defined by equilibrium curves (5),
form at 2000 bar of fluid pressure between 380°C to (4), (15), and (18). Above this limit talc + magnesite have
490°C. Serpentinization of olivine may take place at a broad field of coexistence. Their upper stability limit
lower temperature according to Reaction (6): mostly matches with the lower stability limit offorsterite
which is defined by equilibrium Reactions (1), (2), (6),
2 forsterite + 3 H2 0 ~ 1serpentine + 1 brucite
(13), and (17). Curves (8) and (4) specify the lowest temper-
Curves (3) and (5) show that serpentine can coexist only atures (350 C to - 500°C) at which talc may occur in the

with a CO 2 -poor fluid phase. This has important im- system. The equilibrium pressure for Reaction (8) may
plications for the origin of certain meteorites, which increase somewhat with some iron in talc. Curve (4) may
contain serpentine like phases (Chapter 6). be used to estimate the temperature at which quartz and
magnesite will react to produce talc. The stability fields
11.21 Phase relationships in the T - X co, field in the of the assemblage anthophyllite + magnesite and en-
region of high-C0 2 contents of the fluid phase statite + magnesite are bounded by equilibrium curves
at P fluid = 2000 bar. The heavily delineated (13), (14), (15), and (16), and (16), (17), and (18), respecti vely.
curves (2), (4), (16), and (17) have been experi- These equilibria lie near the CO 2 end of the H 2 0-C0 2
mentally determined; the position of the remaining join and, therefore, such assemblages indicate an
curves have been estimated. Horizontally ruled
extremely high CO 2 in the fluid phase.
field: stability region of the assemblage enstatite
Evans and Trommsdorff (1974) have described meta-
+ magnesite; perpendicularly ruled field:
stability region of the assemblage
peridotites from Val d'Efra, Lepontine Alps, consisting
Mg-anthophyllite + magnesite. (After Johannes. of magnesite-bearing chlorite-talc-forsterite schist and a
1969. Reprinted from the American Journal of variety of sagvandite with the assemblage chlorite-
Science by permission.) In this figure A = forsterite-magnesite-talc and enstatite. The textural
anthophyllite, Mt = magnesite. study, an orderly partitioning of Fe-Mg in coexisting


A + Mt

Pfluid = 2000 bar

Q + Mt

0.7 1.0
--~. mole fraction Xeo 2

Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks

enstatite and talc, and a Nernst-type distribution ofNi in

forsterite, enstatite, talc, and chlorite indicate a close dolomite quartz fluid
approach to chemical equilibrium. The thermochemical
data are at present not sufficiently accurate to define the
equilibrium P- T for the reaction talc calcite fluid

anthophyllite ~ talc + enstatite -14330 0.190 (P-2000)

10gIOK(,) = T + 25.68 + T (11.7)
On the basis of the associated pelitic assemblages and the
general conditions of alpine metamorphism, Evans and
Trommsdorff postulate that the equilibrium P and T for talc dolomite
enstatite (X Mg = 0.9) + talc (X Mg = 0.973) :;=::=':
anthophyllite (X Mg = 0.88) diopside forsterite fluid .fluid
may be ~ 6OD°C and ~ 7 kbar, respectively. The pure - 75400 1.348 (P-2OOO)
Mg-phase equilibrium is estimated to lie at a temperature 10gIOK(t) = + 133.7 + (11.8)
2OD°C (±95°C) higher than the temperature for the
equilibrium involving solid solutions. (Note that in all the equations, the last term involves
~ V of solids only.)
Using these data, it is possible to calculate equilib-
The system CaO-MgO-SiOz-COrHzO rium data for any of the 49 reactions (see Skippen, 1971
for details) in the system (with HzO and COz as the two
This system, which is important in understanding reac-
fluid components). As an example, let us consider the
tions in siliceous carbonate rocks, has been studied
following reaction studied by Metz (1970)
by Skippen (1971) and Metz (1970) and Metz and co-
workers (Metz and Trommsdorff, 1968; Metz and Puhan CazMgsSig022(OH)2 + 3CaC0 3 + 2Si0 2
1970). Skippen (1971) determined the following equi- tremolite calcite quartz
librium relations for five independent reactions in the
system (yaK, P total fluid pressure in bars):
diopside fluid
Mg 3 Si 4 0 IO (OH}z 3MgSi0 3 + SiOz + HzO
talc orthoenstatite quartz fluid This reaction is the same as Reaction (l1.r) + (11.q)-
(l1.p) and, therefore, the equilibrium condition is
-7422 0.104(P-2000) log K(u) = log K(r) + log K(q) - log K(p)
10gloK(p) = - - - + 10.54 + ----- (11.4)
T T = -12885 + 27.95 + _0._51_5_(P_-_2000~) ( 11.9)
talc calcite quartz Expressions such as Equation (11.9) can be used ad-
vantageously either to draw fugacity diagrams-for
example, log fH20 versus log fC02 -or the T- X dia-
diopside fluid fluid
grams. Since log K(u) = log(f~02 . fH20), Equation (11.9)
-12930 0.494 (P-2000) can be solved for a specified P and T. For T-X diagrams
10glOKb = + 29.16 + - - - - - (11.5) we must solve Equation (11.9) simultaneously with the
T T following equation:

CazMgsSigOzz(OH}z fC02 +-
f H20 _
(u) [ = 2000 bar in Equation (11.9)J
tremolite Ye02 YH20

diopside orthoenstatite quartz fluid This may be done graphically, and the fugacities at the
intersections of the two curves [Equations (11.9) and
-6977 0.125 (P-2000) (11.10)J can be converted to partial pressures by using
10gIOK(r) = --T- + 9.33 + ---T--- (11.6)
the fugacity coefficients from standard references (see

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

Skippen, 1971, Table 1). The corresponding mole The (Dol) reaction was determined experimentally and
fractions of COz or H 2 0 may then be plotted against (Calc, Tr) was calculated thermodynamically. The two
temperature giving the T -x representation of the equi- curves intersect at the invariant point (Figure 11.22). A
librium (Il.u). thermodynamically calculated curve for the (Q) reaction
Metz (1970) has experimentally determined Reaction also meets at this point. This figure shows the lower
(11.u), and at 1000 bar the results are somewhat different stability limit of diopside in the presence of CO z , which
from those obtained by calculations using Skippen's lies at 495°C at 1000 bar fluid pressure. Ifthe fluid is very
data. Metz discussed the following four reactions radiating poor in CO 2 (X CO2 < 0.05) the temperature of formation
from the invariant point in the T-X diagram: of diopside according to the (Dol) reaction may be even
less and as low as 440°C at 1000 bar. At moderate pres-
5dolomite + 8quartz + 1 HzO ~. sures (3000 bar) and with X eo , ::::: 0.1, this temperature
1 tremolite + 3 calcite + 7 COz (Di) lies between 550 and 600°C.
Reaction (l1.s)
1 tremolite + 3calcite + 2quartz ~

5diopside + 3CO z + 1 HzO (Dol) (11.u) 3CaMg(C0 3 h + 4SiO z + HzO

dolomite quartz fluid
1 tremolite + 3 calcite ~
4diopside + 1dolomite + 1CO 2 + 1 HzO (Q)
talc calcite fluid
1 dolomite + 2quartz
1diopside + 2CO z (Calc, Tr) has been investigated by Gordon and Greenwood (1970)
and Metz and Puhan (1970). This reaction is considered
to initiate metamorphism of siliceous dolomites. Gordon
and Greenwood (1970) obtained the following equation:
11.22 Isobaric univariant equilibrium curves for the
(Oi), (Dol), (Q), and (Calc, Trl. (After -14490
loglo K(s) = + 27.00 (at 2000 bar) (11.11)
Metz,1970.) T

540,----------------,----------______- ,________________~


5~0 1------ I Dol + ~ Q '" I Di + ~ C02 (8)

5Dol+8Q+IH 20"'ITr+3Calc+7C0 2 (4)


IP nuid = 1000 bar I


0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0

mole fraction X eo ,

Magnesian, calcic, and carbonate rocks

which is closely similar to that of Skippen's. In this and Tuttle (1955) to produce the equation:
reaction, however, it is important to consider that both
dolomite and calcite are crystalline solutions and the (11.14)
activities of CaC0 3 and MgC0 3 should appear in the
log aCaCO,
. = ---
T - 0.110
expression for the equilibrium constant. Gordon and Gordon and Greenwood's (1970) equation for aMgCO, is
Greenwood have determined the activity-composition
relation in the CaC0 3 -MgC0 3 solution. The equation -730.9
for log K using these activities is given by
log aMgCO , T - + 0.4854
= -- (11.15)

-14145 Using these activity-composition expressions, Skippen

10giO K(s) = + 26.07 (at 2000 bar) (11.12) (1974) has calculated the following equilibria between
500 and 3000 bar:
Although in this case the variations among the three (4) 3dolomite + 4quartz + H 2 0
expressions (11.7), (11.11), and (11.12) are within the = talc + 3C0 2 + 3calcite (ll.s)
experimental errors, the effect of crystalline solubility
(8) tremolite + 3calcite + 2quartz
should generally be considered. Metz and Puhan's(l970)
= 5diopside + 3C0 2 + H 2 0 (11.u)
results are similar to the others and are shown in Figure
11.23. (12) 5talc + 6calcite + 4quartz
Gordon and Greenwood (1970) arrived at the follow- = 3tremolite + 6C0 2 + 2H 2 0
ing equation for the activity coefficient for CaC0 3 in (16) dolomite + calcite + 2quartz
calcite: = diopside + 2C0 2

In fCaCo, = (1 - X caco,j2( 1.2238 + 1.8960 X CaCo,)

11.23 Experimentally determined curves for the reaction
0> X MgCO , < 0.18 3 dolomite + 4 quartz + H 2 0 = talc + 3
calcite + 3C0 2 in the T - X field (b) P- T
Skippen (1974) combined the above equation with the curve for the same reaction at X co, = 0.5.
solvus data of Graf and Goldsmith (1958) and Harker (After Metz and Puhan, 1971.)


'O'l>~ /
~~~~ Q

~ ___ ~- ~'O\\~~"",,-
'C.... 500
~-~- ~ I
I rnm-!1!-..------
450 e-ft~~~--t~~-
,,1/EZl I<Zil
J...----rl2I / Tc

400 IZI--
T,,/ 2
~ Calc Dol
350 " 1!:3

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
X e02 300 400 600

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

(17) 2 talc + 3 calci te (32) tremolite + 11 dolomite

= tremolite + dolomite + COz + HzO = 8forsterite + 2calcite + 9CO z + HzO
(19) 8quartz + 5dolomite + H 2 0 (35) 3 tremolite + 5 calcite
= tremolite + 7C0 2 + 3calcite = Ildiopside + 2forsterite + 5CO z + 3H zO
(20) tremolite + 3 calcite
Figures 11.24 and 11.25 show these equilibria (numbers
= 4diopside + dolomite + COz + HzO
in parentheses refer to numbers on curves) with the
(27) diopside + 3dolomite
= 2forsterite + 4calcite + 2CO l

11.25 Equilibria affecting bulk compositions in the

11.24 Equilibria affecting bulk compositions in the triangle quartz-calcite-dolomite with the acti vi ties
triangle quartz-calcite-dolomite with the activities of MgC0 3 and CaC0 3 determined by the
of MgC0 3 and CaC0 3 determined by the calcite- calcite-dolomite miscibility gap and P eo , + PH,o
dolomite miscibility gap and P eo , + PH,o = Ptotal, = Ptotal. Equilibria (12) and (17) are dashed
at 500 bar total pressure and at 1000 bar total because of large limits of uncertainty. Figures are
pressure. (After Skippen, 1974. Figures 11.24 and for 2000 bar total pressure and 3000 bar total
11.25 reprinted from the American Journal of pressure.
Science by permission.)

8 U 8~
::.... 500
Q Tr ' ~19

-' 12 Q

z... ,1,
~ Di Fos
350 Dol ~z \ Calc M
1 - Dol

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
a Xeo, Xeo,

I kbar

3 27
500 \
tI-. U

450 I-.

400 Fos
Calc M

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 400

X eo ,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
b b X co ,

Metamorphism of ultramafic rocks

condition that PH 2 0 + Peo 2 = Plola 1. If PH20 + P CO 2 < zones of progressive metamorphism were developed:
Ptotal the curves are displaced to lower temperatures.
A: antigorite-olivine-diopside zone
Assemblages of five minerals are shown as points num-
bered as below: B: antigorite-olivine-tremolite zone
C: talc-olivine-tremolite zone
(1) and (1'): talc-tremolite-quartz-calcite-dolomite D: anthophyllite-olivine-tremolite zone

(2): tremolite-diopside-quartz-calcite-dolomite The univariant equilibria connecting these assemblages

(3) and (3'): forsterite-diopside-tremolite-calcite- 5 antigorite + 2diopside
dolomite = tremolite + 60livine + 9H zO (l1.v)
5antigorite = 60livine + talc + 9H 2 0 (l1.w)
There are significant uncertainties associated with these
points. Skippen's (1974) discussion, however, shows that 9talc + 40livine = 5anthophyllite + 4H 2 0 (l1.x)
the points are consistent with data from natural assem- anthophyllite + olivine = genstatite + HzO (l1.y)
blages. For petrogenesis the points that are important
Geologic data indicate a pressure of 2kbar (P tolal -~
in the field are the five-mineral assemblage points, the
PH,0)' At this pressure the experimental and calculated
maxima in the equilibrium curves, intersections with the
results suggests the temperature of transition from zone
X = I axis (16, 27) and the indifferent crossing of
A to B [Reaction Il.v)] to be ~ 420°C (Evans and
equilibrium curves (8-32). To bracket a point such as
Trommsdorff, 1970), from B to C [Reaction (11.w)]
(2), we may proceed as follows: The lowest temperature
~460T (Scarfe and Wyllie, 1967), and from C to D
a~ which the five-mineral assemblage tremolite-diop-
~67SOC [Reaction (l1.x)] (Greenwood, 1963). The Band
slde-quartz-calcite-dolomite exists is located by the
C zones are 500 ± 200 m and 700 ± 300 m wide, re-
final disappearance of tremolite-calcite-quartz-dolomite
spectively. The temperature gradient seems to have
[Equilibrium (19)] in moving from lower to higher grade.
suddenly steepened in the latter zone (~21O°C). The
The maximum temperature for point (2) is given by the
Fe-Mg solid solution in the phases is small and does not
appearance of diopside-dolomite-calcite in CO -rich
affect the temperature of the equilibria significantly. The
fluids according to Equilibrium (J 6). z
thermal gradient is calculated to be ~ 60°Cjkm and
Puhan and Hoffer (1973) have described the paragen-
is inadequate to explain the relative positions of the
esis of four mineral assemblages talc-calcite-dolomite-
equilibria in space. Trommsdorff and Evans consider
quartz and tremolite + talc + calcite + quartz from the
that this may be due to a greater thermal stability of
southern part of the Damara Belt in southwest Africa.
antigorite than that of chrysotile (serpentine), which is
Even five-phase assemblages tremolite + talc + calcite
the polymorph in experimental work.
+ dolomite + quartz have been encountered in the area. Evans and Trommsdorff(1970) have also described a
Associated pelitic rocks contain kyanite, which indicates
sequence of several critical mineral assemblages in the
a minimum pressure of about 5.5 kbar at a temperature
rocks of the Lepontine and Rhetic Alps. The reactions
of ~ 600°C. These results would be consistent with a
and the experimentally determined or theoretically cal-
probable extrapolation of Skippen's (1974) results on
culated temperatures at 2 kbar are
the invariant point 1.
serpentine + 2quartz = talc + HzO (310°C)
serpentine + brucite = 2forsterite + 3 H 2 0 (380°C)

5 serpentine + 2 diopside
Metamorphism of ultramafic rocks
= tremolite + 6forsterite + 9H zO ( ~415°C)
Trommsdorff and Evans (1972) have described the
5 serpentine = 6 forsterite + talc + 9 H 2 0 ( ~460°C)
mineral paragenesis in the serpentinite body of Val
Malenco, between the Bergell Alps, Italy and the Bemina 9 talc + 4forsterite
Mountains, Switzerland. The Malenco body was first = 5anthophyllite + 4H 20
metamorphosed into antigorite schist with the assemblage
antigorite + olivine + diopside + chlorite + magnetite. anthophyllite + forsterite
Later, due to contact metamorphism, the following = genstatite + H 20

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

7talc = 3anthophyllite + 4quartz + 4H zO (705°C) (1973), the effect of Mg2+ on the reaction

anthophyllite = 7enstatite + quartz + HzO (760°C) Ca zFe sSi s 0 22 (OH)z + 10 z

actinolite solution
tremolite + forsterite = 2CaFeSi 2 0 6 + Fe 3 0 4 + 4Si0 2 + H 2 0 (11.z)
= 5enstatite + 2diopside + HzO Ca-pyroxene magnetite quartz fluid
= 3enstatite + 2diopside + quartz + HzO Ernst's (1966) results on the pure iron system are shown
in Figure 11.26. By assuming actinolite and Capyroxene
The experimental determinations are from Johannes as ideal, we may write the equation of equilibrium for
(1968a), Greenwood (1963), and Boyd (1959). The temper- Reaction (l1.z) as follows:
atures have been calculated by Evans and Trommsdorff
(1970). log K
= 4.576T
P.1.l-(Z) - 5 log X Act
+ 2 log X CP
The temperature estimates of the various equilibria
in ultramafic rocks are subject to the same uncertainty + log/H20 - 1log/o2 (11.16)
with regard to P H20 as those of pelitic rocks. Although
the water pressure may be generally high and equal to .1.l-(z) , as before, is the volume difference for the solids.
total pressure as in the case of the Malenco serpentinites,
the interesting occurrence of the assemblage enstatite-
forsterite-chlorite in stable equilibrium (Trommsdorff
and Evans, 1969)may best be explained by metamorphism 11.26 Phase relations of actinolite and associated
in the amphibolite facies under conditions of low water minerals at a total fluid pressure of 3000 bar,
fugacity. The medium-grade metamorphic P and T is modified after Ernst (1966). Curve (z') shows the
indicated for these rocks because of the associated shift in curve (z) corresponding to a change in
parageneses of kyanite-sillimanite-muscovite in pelitic Fe/(Fe + Mg) in actinolite from unity to 0.15
rocks and diopside-calcite-anorthite in marbles. [Reaction (11.z)] (After Mueller, 1973.)

/ Mt+Q + Hed
-18 / - Px + fluid
The iron formations /
/+ Andr + fluid

-20 ,/ /
Metamorphic rocks rich in iron have been described z/ /
from many parts of the world. These rocks involve / /
hydrous and anhydrous silicates, iron oxides, and -22 ~t + Andr
I //
carbonates and provide an opportunity to study the ~+NO+flUid

effect of the fugacity of fluid components on the com-
position ofFe2+ -Mg silicates. A reference to Wones and ...€ -24 / / /
]' / / //
Eugster's (1965) experimental work on the iron-biotite-
V / /
annite has already been made. The system FeO-AlzO r /
-26 .A 7' /
SiOrHzO-O z investigated by Ganguly (1969, 1972) was / I / /
also discussed in this chapter and in Chapter 9. All these 1 / /
I / /
studies have emphasized the control of oxygen fugacity -28 I / Fe-Tr+ fluid : //
on the stability of minerals. In this section, before we
discuss the paragenesis of natural assemblages ~Mt+Hed-px+
Nontronite + fluid I
r Fe+Q+Hed+Px
+ fluid
from iron formations, we may consider the effect -30 I
of crystalline solubility in the system ferrotremolite I
[Ca2Fe5Sis022(OHh]-tremolite. I
The breakdown curve for ferrotremolite was presented
before (Figure 9.15). Here we consider, following Mueller

The iron formations

From Mueller's (l961b) data X~~x = x~~t, which arbitrary values offH20, P, and x~~t. To illustrate, we may
reduces Equation (11.16) to assume a fluid composition and pressure such that
P = 6000 bar,jHzo = 3000 bar, and x~~t = 0.15, a min-
P.1. Jt(z) Act
log K(z) = - - - - 3 log X Fe + logjH20 - 1
2 logj0 2 eral composition that corresponds to high-pressure
4.576T regional metamorphism on the hematite-magnetite
boundary (Mueller, 1960). We then find that
We compare an assemblage with arbitrarily chosen
values of X~~t,jH20,j02' and P with a reference state in log f 0 2 - log f02 = 5.15
which x~~t = XF~ct = I,jH20 = jH20 and P = P', where
the primes indicate the reference values. We then obtain It should be noted that this calculation is not particularly
the following from Equation (11.17): sensitive to P or fH2 0 but is dominated by the term
-610g X~~" which alone amounts to 4.94. We see then
, Act 2(P' - P).1. V
logj02 - logj 02 = 6 log X Fe - 4.576T that for values of the total pressure and water fugacity
in the range of high-grade regional metamorphism, the
+ 2(lOgjH20 - logjH20) (11.18) enrichment of actinolite in magnesium to x~~t = 0.15
corresponds to an increase of between 5 and 6 orders of
.1. V is -18 cm 3 (Robie et at., 1966) under STP con- magnitude in f02. This calculated shift in curve (z) is
ditions. shown as (z') in Figure 11.26.
We now consider the shift in log fo, at a tempera- The estimated shift in logf0 2 calculated from Equation
ture of 500°C. From Figure 11.26, P' = 3000 bar and (11.18) is in quite good agreement with the observations
f'o2 = 10- 24.8 bar. Note that under the experimental
from the Quebec iron-formation assemblages, if all the
conditions the reference system is reduced to the extent uncertainties in the correlation are considered. This in
that considerable hydrogen must be present in the fluid turn implies a good correspondence between the experi-
phase. From the thermodynamic data on the decom- mental results of Ernst and the natural assemblages. The
position of water (Kelley, 1960; Robie and Waldbaum, presence of both hematite and magnetite in the actinolite-
1968), we find that at this temperature and oxygen fugacity Ca-pyroxene assemblage with x~~t = 0.15 in the meta-
morphosed Quebec iron formation (Mueller, 1960)
fH20 = 21.4
places curve (z') directly on the HM curve. However the
values of P,fH 2 0, and T are not known or only uncertainly
From the experimental data on systems consisting of known for the iron formation. Examination of Equation
"pure" hydrogen (Shaw and Wones, 1964) and of "pure " (11.18) shows that decreasing P would have the effect of
water (Anderson, 1964; Burnham et at., 1969) we find increasing the shift of logj02 to higher values, whereas
decreasing fH20 would have the opposite effect. Also, it
f~20 = 0.35P~20 f~z = 2P~2
must be kept in mind that there are experimental un-
(T = 500°C, P = 3000 bar) certainties in curve (z), the precise location of which is only
inferred according to Ernst (1966). What is important
where the superscript refers to the "pure" phase. If we here is that the compositional variation of the ferro-
now assume that the fugacities of H 20 and H2 in the magnesian silicates is identified as the major effect on
mixture are proportional to their mole fractions, we the shift of log f 0 2 and that the shift (z) to (z') is of the
obtain the following expression for T = 500°C: expected order of magnitude and corresponds to the
theoretically expected sensitivity of f02 to changes in
- 20 +-
--- 3000 bar x~~t. It appears that perturbations arising from un-
0.35 2 certainties in the theoretical model and the experimental
Consequently fH20 = 1043 bar under the experimental data are of the same order as those involved in not know-
reference conditions. If we substitute these values into ing P,fH20, and T precisely.
Equation (11.17), we obtain K(z) and .1.G?Z)' the standard Kranck (1961) has described the assemblage
Gibbs free energy charge for Reaction (11.z) at 500°C:
calcite + quartz + orthopyroxene + Ca-pyroxene
= 10 15 and .1.G?Z) = -53,059 cal
± cummingtonite ± graphite

If we utilize the deduced value of f H20 = 1043 bar

and the experimental value of P' = 3000 bar, we can from the metamorphic iron formations in the Mount
determine that the shift in log f02 corresponding to Reed area of northern Quebec. The various phases may

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

be related by the reactions K(aa) may also be calculated from Skippen's (1974)data
on the reactions

orthopyroxene calcite
talc = 3 enstatite + quartz + H 2 0 (1l.p)
quartz clinopyroxene fluid
(ll.aa) talc + 3 calcite + 2 quartz
= 3 diopside + 3C0 2 + H 2 0 (1I.q)
MgSi0 3 + CaFeSi 2 0 6
by subtracting log K(p) from log K(q) at 2 kbar. At lO27°K
orthopyroxene clinopyroxene
the calculated log K(aa) is 4.42. At 5 kbar, this K would
FeSi0 3 + CaMgSi 2 0 6 ( be even higher and is not consistent with the possible
orthopyroxene clinopyroxene pressure and temperature conditions of the assemblage.
At constant P and T, the relation between f eo 2 and
( the composition of the pyroxenes is shown in Figure
fluid graphite fluid 11.27. The ordinate represents feo2lfgo2' where fgo2
represents the standard fugacity of 22.5 kbar. The effect
At equilibrium, we have offCO 2 on pyroxenes may be demonstrated with the help
of Figure 11.27. Consider a system at 700°C consisting
-PI1J.-(aa») X~x of orthopyroxene, calcite, and quartz with X~x = 0.6
K(aa) exp ( RT = X~~x feo2 (11.19)
and fco,/ fgo 2 = 1.6. If the latter is dropped to about 1.5,
Reaction (1l.aa) runs to the right and Ca-pyroxene with
-PI1J.-(bb») X~X(l - X~r) xft~x = 0.75 is first produced in conjunction with the
K exp ( - ----;c:=---~- (11.20)
(bb) RT - X~~X(1 - xft~X) ion-exchange ( Iffeo2 continues to drop, the reac-
tion is further displaced to the right until the last of the
In these equations both pyroxenes are ideal solutions orthopyroxene with X~~x = 0.45 is consumed. At lower
and calcite is stoichiometric CaC0 3 . Calcite in the feo2 we have Ca-pyroxene (X~X = 0.6), calcite and
natural assemblages may contain (Mg, Fe) C0 3 , quartz. The stability of the pyroxenes is thus a function of
although in the absence of dolomite the concentration the fugacity of CO 2 and their composition. This con-
would be low. By neglecting 11 J.-(bb) for the ion exchange,
which is small, we may write from Equations (11.19)
and (11.20)
11.27 Plot of the relative activity or fugacity ratio of
CO 2 as a function of the pyroxene composition.
= --exp (-PI1J.-(aa») [(K(bb) -
I)XMg + 1]. (After Mueller, 1966.)
K(bb) RT
(11.21) 2.0

Equation (11.21) shows that the fugacity of CO 2 is a

linear function of the composition of orthopyroxene at
constant temperature and total pressure.
From the general assemblage with two pyroxenes and
the AI-free amphibole cummingtonite and the occurrence
of kyanite in the adjacent area, we may infer the tem-
perature and pressure of formation of the assemblage to
be around 700°C and 5 kbar, respectively. Extrapolation
of the fugacity data in Skippen (1971) shows that i'co 2 may
be of the order of 4.5 under these conditions. If total pres-
sure is the same as Pea,. the fugacity (feo,) is 22.5 kbar.
This may be reduced by the presence of other fluid com-
ponents. 11 V (solids) is approximately - 25 cm 3 under
STP conditions, and K(bb) from the composition of co-
existing pyroxenes is 1.82. We may substitute these values
in equation (11.21) to obtain K laa ) as 9020.61 or log K laa )
as 3.96. Xmg pyroxene

Rocks of high-pressure and controversial origin

clusion is similar to those arrived at elsewhere in relation over a considerable range of composition as compared
to the effect of water fugacity and composition of solid to Mg-rich actinolites. The CO 2 pressure is really
solutions. immaterial to the stability of actinolite in the sense that
In the rocks described by Kranck, the association this mineral may be stable in the absence of CO 2 , In
quartz and dolomite does not occur. Skippen's results assemblages that contain dolomite in addition to the
[see Figure 11.25; Reaction (16)J show that at high other minerals as discussed above, Mueller (1960) found
fco, and 3 kbar, this reaction occurs above 540°C. At that actinolites are uniform in composition. According
5 kbar the equilibrium temperature may be still higher. to the phase rule, such a system is univariant. Then the
The association dolomite-quartz is quite common in compositions of all minerals, as well as the partial pres-
other Quebec iron-formation rocks, where orthopyroxene sures of all the gases, are determined at each temperature.
is absent and hydrous minerals such as actinolite and talc Butler (1969) has discussed changes in gradient of the
are common (Mueller, 1960). These rocks probably fluid components in the rocks of the same general area
represent lower temperatures than the rocks studied by as studied by Mueller and Kranck.
Kranck. Iron formation with
A particularly interesting aspect of the iron formation
biotite + amphibole ± magnetite ± hematite
is the possible correlation between the silicate com-
+ plagioclase + quartz + accessory minerals
positions and the chemical potentials or fugacities of
fluid components such as CO 2 and H 2 0. We have already has been described by Annersten (1968) from northern
considered the oxidation of actinolite. Mueller (1960) Sweden. He finds a similar control of oxygen fugacity on
discussed the assemblage actinolite-talc-magnetite- the Fe/Mg ratio in silicate minerals as described by
hematite-calcite-quartz using the reactions Mueller and Butler. An additional result of interest in
these minerals is a decrease in Ti content of silicates
tCa2Mg5SisOdOHh + 125H 20 + iC02 with increasing oxygen pressure.

talc calcite quartz Rocks of high-pressure and controversial

Jerrotremolite hematite
In this and previous chapters we confined ourselves to
rocks of regional and contact metamorphism, generally
calcite quartz magnetite formed below 10 kbar. There are other rocks that are only
occasionally exposed on the surface, and which may
At constant temperature under equilibrium assuming have formed over a wide range of temperature and
ideal solutions we have pressure. Some of these rocks, which will now be dis-
1 _ XActp2/5 p2/15
cussed are glaucophane schists, garnet-pyroxenites,
-K - Mg co, H,O (11.22) various types of eclogites, grospydites, and other in-
clusions of mafic types occurring in rocks of high-
and pressure origin such as kimberlites. Examples of the
(1 - x~~t)NI52 possible assemblages in these rocks are as follows:
K(ee) Pl/,~ Glaucophane schists: quartz, muscovite, glaucophane,
lawsonite, stilpnomelane; or quartz, omphacite,
where P is the partial pressure. Therefore
glaucophane, garnet, epidote, aragonite
p = (K(ee»)3 (1 - X~~)3 (11.24) Garnet-pyroxenites: garnet, clinopyroxene, amphi-
H,O K XAct
(dd) Mg bole, iron ores
and Eclogites: omphacite, almandine-pyrope-grossular
P _ - 3 / 2 K-(ee)1
K (dd) garnet
C02 - (1 _ x~~t)(X~~t)3/2 Grospydite: (xenoliths in kimberlites) garnet, clino-
pyroxene, kyanite
There is a positive correlation between the enrichment of
iron in actinolite and water pressure. Fe-rich actinolites We have already discussed equilibrium relations in
of this assemblage require relatively high gas pressures systems involving such minerals as lawsonite in Chapters

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

11.28 Some high-pressure facies boundaries. Eclogite- 9 and 10. The mineral glaucophane is stable up to
gabbro transition shown by the stippled area 850°C under hydrous conditions (PH20 = Ptotal) (Ernst,
(from D. H. Green and Ringwood, 1972.) The 1961). From Ernst's (l963a) work it appears to be stable
area takes into account the experimental results up to pressures of about 30 kbar. Recent experimental
of Ito and Kennedy (1971). The horizontally and
work has been directed mainly toward a study of
vertically striped areas represent high- and
recrystallization of natural assemblages under high
medium-pressure granulite facies according to
Green and Ringwood (1967). BD, AB, and CD
pressure and temperature. Results of some of these
represent the dry solidus, the appearance of experiments are plotted in Figure 11.28 and discussed
garnet, and the disappearance of plagioclase, below.
respectively, in a quartz-tholeiite composition
(D. H. Green and Ringwood, 1967.) Other solidus
curves for tholeiite, andesite, and dacite com- The gabbro-eclogite transformation
positions are from T. H. Green and Ringwood
(1968). Light solid lines represent phase relations A study of the gabbro-eclogite transformation was ini-
in a 1: 1 mixture of forsterite: anorthite as tiated by Kushiro and Yoder (1964). They were followed
determined by Kushiro and Yoder (1966). Lines by Ringwood and D. H. Green (1966a), and D. H. Green
with filled circles represent phase equilibrium and Ringwood (1967,1972). The latter authors compared
relations in high alumina basalt in the subsolidus the results of Ito and Kennedy (1971) with their own
field as determined by T. H. Green (1967). work. Figure 11.28 shows that the transformation of the
G-G': first appearance of garnet; P-P':
gabbroic mineral assemblage (plagioclase + pyroxene ±
disappearance of plagioclase. Curves (1), (2),
and (3) are from Kushiro (1969) for the albite ¢
olivine ± spinel) to an eclogite assemblage (garnet +
jadeite + quartz equilibria as a function of pyroxene ± quartz) takes place through the inter-
diopside content. Curve (4) is for the equilibrium mediate zone of a granulite assemblage, which is repre-
4 enstatite + 1 spinel ¢ 1 forsterite + 1 pyrope sented by the coexistence of garnet and plagioclase. The
from MacGregor (1974). Ec = eclogite. width of the P- T region of the granulite facies is a function

1100 1200 1300 1400

T roCi

Rocks of high-pressure and controversial origin

of the bulk chemistry. Generally the more aluminous an T. H. Green (1967) may be expressed as
assemblage, the wider the range of P over which garnet
and plagioclase coexist. In Figure 11.28 the low-pressure 2(Mg, FehSi0 4 + {2CaAI 2 Si 2 0 s }
boundary of the garnet-plagioclase zone (stippled) olivine plagioclase
marks the appearance of garnet, and the high-pressure = Ca(Mg, Fe)Si 2 0 6 CaAl zSi0 6
boundary, the disappearance of plagioclase. The hori-
zontally and vertically striped areas represent the high-
and medium-pressure divisions of the granulite facies as + {2(Mg, Fe)Si0 3 (Mg, Fe)Al zSi0 6 }
suggested by T. H. Green and Ringwood (1967). Figure orthopyroxene
11.28 also shows the solidus curves for various rock
compositions as determined by T. H. Green and (~V ~ - 37 cm 3 ) (ll.hh)
Ringwood (1968) and T. H. Green (1967). Note that the {4(Mg, Fe)Si0 3 } + {CaAlzSizOs}
slopes and positions of the various solidus curves change A l-orthopyroxine plagioclase
regularly as a function of composition from dacite to
olivine tholeiite. For comparison with the results from
rock compositions, results of a compositionally simpler garnet AI-clinopyroxene quartz
system (forsterite: anorthite = I : 1) as determined by (l1.ii)
Kushiro and Yoder (1966) are shown in the figure. Note
that in the absence of any solid solution in plagioclase, where { } denotes a component of a crystalline solution.
the field of coexisting garnet and plagioclase is eliminated Note that orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are com-
and the pressure of formation of garnet-pyroxene in the ponents in the aluminous pyroxenes
sodium-free system is considerably lower. Similarly the n(Mg, Fe)Si0 3 • MgAl zSi0 6
solidus curve is about 200°C higher than the solidus
curves for rock compositions. The reactions that are and
probable in the experimental system are n[Ca(Mg, Fe)Si 2 0 6 · CaAI 2 Si0 6 ],

respectively. The components MgAl zSi0 6 and

plagioclase clinopyroxene quartz CaAl zSi0 6 are Mg- and Ca-Tschermak's molecules,
( l1.ff) respectively. In pyroxenes, the AI3+ is partly in tetra-
hedral coordination and partly in octahedral. The
equilibrium condition for Reaction (11.ii) is
plagioclase clinopyroxene quartz
K (-Pdl-(ii)) _ (ag;;,Fe/aftX;,Fe)aSi02 (11.28)
(ii) exp RT - (OpX)4 Plag
where the { } denotes component of a solution. a(Mg.Fe) aAn
Equilibrium conditions for Reactions (ll.ff) and ( It is obvious that this is a complex relationship, since
are we have three ternary (Mg, Fe, Ca-garnet; AI, Mg, Fe-
orthopyroxene; AI, Mg, Fe-clinopyroxene) and one
binary (Na-plagioclase, Cal solutions involved. However
( 11.26)
at the lower pressure boundary where pyroxenes may be
binary solutions with a fixed Mg/Fe ratio, with other
conditions equal, the rock rich in anorthite will yield
(11.27) garnet at a lower pressure. A further complication would
be the reaction between the albite component and diop-
side [Reaction (11.ft)], which would change the pyroxene
where Ts stands for Ca-Tschermak's molecule. Three
into omphacite. Although from Kushiro's (1969) work
results of Kushiro's (1969) experiments have been
it appears that the diopside + anorthite reaction, to
plotted in Figure 11.28. We note that with increasing
yield a pyroxene with 20 mole percent Ca-Tschermak,
concentration of jadeite the equilibrium
takes place at a lower pressure than the formation of
albite ~ jadeite + quartz omphacite, with 20 mole percent jadeite in the P- T
range of the transitional granulite area, both reactions
shifts to higher pressures. Other reactions probable in would compete. In the absence of suitable compositional
experiments of D. H. Green and Ringwood (1967) and data and the activity-composition relations in the various

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

minerals, it is difficult to evaluate the quantitative nature content in enstatite in equilibrium with pyrope or spinel
of the boundaries between pyroxene-granulite and are shown in Figure 11.29. The use of the figure in
garnet-granulite, and garnet-granulite and eclogite. estimating the pressure and temperature of a natural
Recently MacGregor (1974) has experimentally assemblage requires the knowledge of the effect of other
studied the crystalline solubility of Al z0 3 in ortho- components and an independent assignment of either
pyroxene, using the reactions temperature or pressure. From Boyd's (1970) work it
would appear that at 30 kbar and 1200°C, the Al z0 3
Mg3AlzSi301z + (1 - X)Mg zSi04 content of enstatite in equilibrium with garnet varies
= (4 - X)MgSi0 3 XAl z0 3 + (1 - X)MgAl z04 from 5.9 to 4 weight percent from the calcium-
undersaturated to calcium-saturated assemblage. It is,
however, important to note that Figure 11.29 is applicable
XMgAl z04 + (1 + X)MgSi0 3 to all such assemblages that contain all the minerals of
= MgSi0 3 XAl z0 3 + XMg zSi0 4 (ll.kk) equilibrium Reactions (l1.jj) and (11.11) and the presence
of an additional phase such as a Ca-pyroxene should
XMg3AlzSi301z + 3(1 - X)MgSi0 3 significantly influence the Al z0 3 content of enstatite
= 3 MgSi0 3 X Al z0 3 (ll.ll) only if the chemical potential of Al z0 3 changes in
enstatite as a result of this addition. Such a change may
Note that the composition n(Mg, Fe)Si0 3· MgAl zSi0 6 be reflected in the change in composition of ortho-
may as well be represented by (n + I)MgSi0 3 ·Al z0 3, pyroxene such as an increased concentration of Ca. It
as done in Reactions (l1.jj) to (ll.ll). The equilibrium should be useful to study the distribution of AI 2 0 3
curve for Reaction (l1.jj) and the results on the Al z0 3 between coexisting pyroxenes as a function of P, T, and

11.29 Al 2 0 3 content of enstatite in equilibrium with

Rocks of apparently high-pressure and
forsterite and pyrope or spinel (heavy bold line
defines reaction boundary for Reaction (11.jj); low-temperature origin
less heavy lines represent Al 2 0 3 isopleths whose
values (given in circles) represent contents of There are rocks of the so-called glaucophane schist or
AI 2 0, in enstatite ranging from I to 15 wt. blue schist facies which occur in the mobile, feebly
percent). (After MacGregor, 1974. Reprinted from metamorphosed portions of late and post-Paleozoic
the American Mineralogist by permission.) eugeosynclines. They are generally concentrated around
the margins of the Pacific Ocean, in the Caribbean, and
1700 the Alpine-Himalayan region. A summary on occurrence
and mineralogic evolution of the blue schists has been
given by Ernst (1972a). References to most occurrences
can be found there. The minerals of these rocks include
1500 glaucophane, lawsonite, aragonite, jadeitic pyroxene,
and some other minerals common in the greenschist
facies, such as chlorite, actinolite, albite, stilpnomelane,
1300 muscovite, pumpellyite, and epidote. Glaucophane is
stable over a wide range of physical conditions, but
lawsonite, aragonite, and jadeite are stable only at
moderate to high pressures. The peculiar mineralogy of
1100 this facies of rocks has been explained variously. Some
favor the idea that the phase assemblages reflect low-
temperature metasomatism accompanying the emplace-
900 ment and serpentinization of alpine-type peridotites,
common in most glaucophane schist terranes, or they
represent metastable recrystallization. Others favor an
origin due to the equilibrium recrystallization of sedi-
o 10 20 30 40
mentary and basaltic rocks at high pressure (either high
P [kbarl litho static pressure or tectonic overpressure).

Rocks of high-pressure and controversial origin

The metasomatic production of observed assemblages Rocks of high pressure and

has been considered by Brothers (1954), Bloxam (1966),
and Gresens (1969), among others. Glaucophane-
high temperature
lawsonite schists commonly, but not invariably, occur Garnet pyroxenites and some eclogites may have
closely associated with bodies of serpentinites. Essene originated at high pressure and high temperature and
et al. (1965) proposed that deep-seated sedimentary under completely dry to very low PH20 conditions.
rocks at 200°C to 300°C and 10 kbar were intruded by Garnet pyroxenites. These rocks may be distinguished
ultramafic rocks, which were eventually serpentinized, from the eclogites by the composition of clinopyroxenes.
and during this process gave rise to local deformation The eclogites contain omphacite (with high ratios of
and fluids rich in Na20, CaO, and A1 20 3. These fluids jadeite and Tschermak's component) and lack plagio-
formed the vein assemblages (diopside,jadeite, lawsonite, clase. Garnet pyroxenites contain clinopyroxene of the
etc.) commonly developed in glaucophane schists and diopside-hedenbergite type with possible high concen-
metagraywackes at serpentinite contacts. While the trations of A1 20 3. They do not necessarily lack plagio-
formation of contact facies may have formed by some clase and may have formed under conditions of the
metasomatic introduction of material, the bulk of the granulite facies or at higher pressure and temperature.
glaucophane schists in the Fransiscan region appear to Forbes and Swainbank (1974) have described garnet
have been metamorphosed isochemically (Ernst, 1959, pyroxenite masses from the Red Mountain Pluton,
1963a,b,c, 1972a; Coleman and Lee, 1963) and formed Alaska, where the garnets are rich in grossular (24 to
from preexisting metavolcanics and metasedimen- 28 mole percent) and the clinopyroxenes are rich in
tary rocks as is indicated by their compositions Al 20 3 (7 to 8.29 weight percent). Using the experimental
(Table 4.4). data in Figure 11.29, these rocks may be inferred to have
Ernst (1972a) has discussed in detail the other recrystallized between lloo°C and 12OO°C, and at
hypotheses of origin, which include metastable re- pressures of 15 to 20 kbar.
crystallization and recrystallization due to tectonic over- Grospydites and other inclusions in igneous rocks.
pressures. Metastable recrystallization of a high albite Grospydite is the name for garnet + pyroxene ±
may result in the assemblage jadeite + quartz at moderate corundum ± kyanite xenoliths found in the kimberlite
pressures. Ernst (1972a) indicates that such disordered pipes of Yak uti a and Zagadochnaya in Siberia (Sobolev
feldspars are not present in major amounts to account for et ai., 1968). The garnets in the kyanite eclogite and
the common presence of jadeite. The influence oftectonic grospydites vary in composition from nearly 80
overpressures-an increase of fluid pressure due to percent grossularite (PyrI2Alms.oGrso) to 30 percent
stress-has been invoked by Blake et al. (1969) and (Pyr 34Alm36Gr 30) and are fine examples ofthe crystalline
Bailey and Blake (1969). The main difficulty with this solution series between grossular and pyrope/almandine.
hypothesis appears to be the amount of overpressure Pyroxenes are jadeite rich and are similar to omphacites
that can be generated. Under appropriate metamorphic in other eclogites. Their inclusion in the diamond-
conditions (T = 150°C to 300°C; P flUid = 2 to 4 kbar; bearing kimberlite, which is an ultra basic rock with
strain rates 10- 13 or 10- 14 ), the possibilities of generat- olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, and micas, indicate their
ing tectonic overpressures exceeding about 1 kbar on a origin under high-pressure conditions. T. H. Green's
regional scale are remote. This is particularly true for (1967) experimental results show that kyanite-eclogite
Fransiscan metagraywackes that are also intercalated assemblages are attained at l1OO°C at pressures between
with weak incompetent metashales. 20 and 25 kbar.
Although none of the hypotheses need be rejected at Several other types of eclogitic and noneclogitic in-
the present stage of discussion and argument (see Gresens, clusions have been described from basalts and peri-
1972, for example), an equilibrium recrystallization of dotites. Eclogite inclusions with fassaite (clinopyroxene
metavolcanics and metasediments at 200°C to 400°C and high in Tschermak's molecule), and inclusions with
5 to 10 kbar seems to be the favored mode of origin of such assemblages as garnet + plagioclase + pyroxene
rocks of the blue schist facies. We have already discussed and spinel + garnet + two pyroxenes + olivine or
several relevant experimental investigations-lawsonite: scapolite and plagioclase occur in basanite pipes in
Newton and Kennedy (1963), Crawford and Fyfe (1965), Delegate, Australia (Lovering and White, 1969).
Liou (1971); calcite-aragonite: Jamieson (1953), Clark Dallmeyer (1974) has described eclogite inclusions in
(1957), Boettcher and Wyllie (1968), Newton et al. (1969); periodotite sills in Georgia and North Carolina. The
albite-jadeite: Newton and Smith (1967), Boettcher and mineral assemblage is garnet and omphacite, with sec-
Wyllie (1968). ondary symplectites of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

amphiboles. The garnets are zoned. The core is generally c1usions in basaltic and ultrabasic rocks. Any inferences
rich in almandine and poor in pyrope (for example, of other physical conditions, such as those of area Y
core: Alm64Grl9Pyrl6' rim: Alm55Gr17Pyr27)' C1ino- must be made on the basis of extrapolation of the experi-
pyroxenes are omphacites with interior regions con- mental results. As to the extent of extrapolation, opinions
taining an average jadeite content of 28 mole percent. vary and temperatures and pressures as low as 200°C
The rims of these pyroxenes are depleted in jadeite and 7 kbar have been suggested.
component and enriched in the Ca-Tschermak's mole- Under hydrous conditions of metamorphism, alman-
cule. The petrography and mineralogy of these inclusions dine garnet enters the assemblage in the amphibolite
suggest the following possible history: facies. Hsu's (1968) results indicate a temperature of
about 550°C at low pressures and with f 0 2 determined
1. Formation of an igneous peridotite by the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer. In dry systems,
2. Formation of the subsolidus assemblage garnet the hydrous phases would break down probably at a
[(AIm + Sp)53~65(Pyr)13~26(Gr + Andr)19~27J, lower temperature. However, if we consider that garnet
omphacite (Jd24~3o, Ca-Ts4~lo), and plagioclase in eclogites contains a substantial amount of grossularite
(An9~15) at an inferred pressure and temperature (13.2 to 34.2 mole percent in eclogites in glaucophane
of 15 to 20 kbar and lOOO°C to 1200°C, respectively schists; Coleman et al., 1965) and pyrope (6 to 13 mole
percent), we should not expect a significantly lower
3. Emplacement of the periodotite series within the
temperature than 400°C for the stable recrystallization
crust with concomittant intercrystalline reactions,
of garnets. It is doubtful that grossular-pyrope-almandine
recorded as zoning in garnet and omphacite, as a
form an ideal solution, and the formation of a thermo-
partial reequilibration at lower pressures
dynamically stable garnet with 35 mole percent of
4. Shortly after emplacement, middle Paleozoic grossular and 13 mole percent pyrope at 200°C should
metamorphism effected a retrograde breakdown of be considered unlikely. Even at 300°C and 400°C, the
the primary omphacite to a secondary symplectic recrystallization of a rock under dry conditions may in-
composed of clinopyroxene (Jd4~9' Ca-Ts7~12)' dicate evidence of partial disequilibrium. It is possible,
plagioclase (An28~39)' and amphibole. therefore, that in such eclogites grain-to-grain compo-
sitional variation may be very common due to a lack of
Eclogites: rocks crystallized under various extensive diffusion.
Area Y in Figure 11.30 represents eclogites that may
physical conditions
form in some high-pressure granulite facies or amphi-
A lot of confusion can be avoided if we define eclogites bolite facies terranes. The experiments of Essene et al.
as rocks with the definite assemblage of garnet (grossular- (1970) indicate that under the condition P H20 = Ptot,l,
pyrope-almandine) and omphacite (a solution of jadeite, amphibole at 700°C is stable up to a pressure of 21 ± 3
diopside/hedenbergite, acmite, and Ca-Tschermak com- kbar. This means that only under dry or partially dry
ponents). When defined this way, the problem of the conditions can an eclogite form in the amphibolite facies.
formation of eclogite reduces to the problem of the This would also be true about the eclogites found in blue
stability of the garnet-omphacite assemblage. The schist facies terranes, as for example in California with the
stability range of these minerals is by no means estab- physical conditions defined by the area X. The eclogites
lished. The task is difficult because both minerals are in many of such areas are not strictly bimineralic
multi component solutions, and although information (garnet + omphacite) but also contain some hydrous
on many end members is available, little is known about minerals such as amphibole, zoisite, and sometimes micas.
the crystalline solutions. In any case, these minerals are Sillimanite has not been reported, but kyanite is occasion-
stable over a wide pressure and temperature range and, ally encountered in these assemblages. Therefore, from
hence, eclogites may also form under a variety of physical natural occurrences it would appear that the assemblage
conditions. garnet + omphacite may be stable in the amphibolite
Figure 11.30 shows the region of the basalt-eclogite facies with the low-pressure limit defined by the kyanite-
transition of D. H. Green and Ringwood (1967) and some sillimanite transition. The formation of eclogites and not
other experimental equilibria. Note that in the dry of amphibolites or the formation of a mixed assemblage
systems, experimental results are available only in the of garnet, omphacite, and hydrous minerals must depend
high-temperature range. Thus there is experimental on some critical compositional variables, particularly the
confirmation for the formation of eclogites in the p~ T fugacity of water.
field marked Z. Such eclogites generally occur as in- A particularly interesting example of an eclogite

Rocks of high-pressure and controversial origin

assemblage with hydrous minerals has been described transportation to the crust-should not be ruled out
by Morgan (1970) from Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. (O'Hara and Mercy, 1963; Lappin, 1966; Carswell, 1968).
Rocks of basaltic composition have been transformed However, generally the tectonic evidence of trans-
to omphacite-garnet eclogites, "eclogite-amphibolite" portation may be more obscure than the phase-petrologic
with garnet-clinopyroxene-zoisite-subcalcic amphiboles, evidence of equilibrium, particularly because the defor-
and to some other amphibolites. The associated country mation properties of a dry basic rock enclosed in wet
rocks have attained a metamorphic mineral assemblage metasediments are not well known.
of middle amphibolite facies (see area with crosses in Many eclogite bodies in western Norway occur in
Figure 11.30; T = 525 ± 50°C, P = 7 kbar). The basaltic migmatized areas. This led Bryhni et al. (1970) to con-
rocks were only partly open to fluid components, and the sider the relationship between partial melting of the
formation of the rocks in the sequence crustal rocks and the formation of eclogites. An old
basement that has been involved in repeated partial
zoisite-chlorite amphibolite --+ garnet amphibolite --+
melting may lose much of its water, thus creating the
eclogite amphibolite --+ eclogite condition P H20 < P s . If such a basement were intruded
took place with a decreasing chemical potential of H 2 0. by basic dykes, conditions could be unfavorable to
We should note here that the inference regarding the amphibolite formation but may be favorable to the
in situ metamorphism of eclogites has to be based on formation of eclogites under high pressure. In layers of
structural conformability of the rock units and the mixed basaltic and granitic composition, at a certain
petrographic and chemical evidence of equilibrium
among the anhydrous and hydrous phases of the assem-
blages. If the evidence is not sufficient, an alternate mode 11.30 Pressure and temperature of formation of various
of origin-namely, the formation of eclogite at higher eclogites and transitional facies. See text for
pressure and temperature in the mantle and its subsequent explanation. Ec = eclogite.

z I


=.'" 18

14 X


2 I

200 300 400 500 600 1000 1100 1200 1300

11 Experimental and theoretical study
of metamorphic systems

pressure, melting occurs at lower temperature in the activity-composition relations in pyroxenes, the P- T
granitic part, and under conditions of P H20 < Ptot,l estimates may be accepted as relatively accurate.
amphibole may break down before the basic part melts. MacGregor and Basu (1974) have compiled P and T data
The acidic part is enriched in water and the basic part on several groups of ultramafic rocks and xenoliths
becomes more suitable for crystallization of eclogite (Figure 11.31). It is interesting to note that a set of
assemblages. In western Norway eclogite lenses are samples from a single locality defines a linear trend,
closely associated with pegmatites. Such eclogites also which may be interpreted as the geothermal gradient
contain poikiloblastic hornblende, whose form suggests existing at the time the xenoliths were included in the
replacement of garnet and pyroxene. It is likely that this intruding host magma. Another interesting point of this
replacement occurred during the pegmatitic stage. figure is the sudden change in the interpreted geothermal
In summary, we ha ve evidence that eclogites crystallize gradients, which occurs at successively greater depths for
under various physical conditions. Conclusions regarding the Louwrencia, Lesotho, and Kimberley areas.
the origin of a particular eclogite body should not, how- MacGregor (1974) and Boyd (1973) have interpreted this
ever, be based on the nature of the terrane in which they change to coincide with the lithosphere-asthenosphere
occur unless it can be shown that the phase assemblage boundary.
is chemically and physically compatible with the sur-
rounding rocks.

Ultramafic rocks at high pressures

Significant progress has recently been made in estimating
the pressure and temperature of rocks of the upper
mantle (Boyd, 1973; MacGregor and Basu, 1974). The
temperature estimate is based on the enstatite-solvus
data, and the pressure estimate is based on MacGregor's
(1974) data on the concentration of Al 2 0 3 in ortho-
pyroxene. Although there is insufficient information on

11.31 Summary of P-T plots for ultramafic rock suites

from different tectonic environments. (After
MacGregor and Basu, 1974. Reprinted from
Science by permission .)

Depth IkmJ
50 100 150 200

~"t High-temperature peridotite

- San Quintin xenoliths
Hawaiian xenoliths
UlUll Low-temperalUre alpin e peridotites
~ Southwest Africa kimberlite xenolith
1111 11 u,sotho kimberlite xenoliths
1400 :,.~::: : Kimberley kimberlite xenolilh

U 1200



10 20 30 40 SO 60
P (kbar)

of Magmas

Structures of silicate melts

Magmas are natural melts which are usually complex
solutions of oxides or silicates. However, occasionally
magmas composed of sulfides or metals may also occur.
The complexity of the physicochemical behavior ex-
hibited by these melts arises from the interactions of the
solution components over a broad range of temperatures
and pressures. A part of this complexity is revealed by
the chemical analyses of rocks such as those presented in
Table 4.1 and elsewhere, which frequently show 10 or
more major components. However a large part of the
behavior of melts is attributable to constituents which
either do not regularly appear in the analyses or which
appear as only traces in them. This is true for water and
such other volatile constituents as Hel, HF, etc., the
greater part of which may have been lost from the
magma before solidification occurred. Then too the effect
of a component is usually more closely related to its
molar concentration than to its weight percentage so
that light constituents such as H 2 0 and HF may have
a proportionately larger effect (Buerger, 1948).
It is instructive to consider melts in terms of a
structural or atomistic model since this approach not
only provides us with some qualitative insights but also
forms the basis for a more quantitative treatment of
certain important properties such as volatile solubilities
and viscous behavior. There is considerable evidence
that silicate melts-like the crystals from which they
are derived-have as their fundamental structural units
the SiO!- tetrahedral group and the associated larger

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

cations such as Ca 2+ and Na + (Tomlinson, 1953). Also, correlated to the composition of a binary silicate melt.
as in the crystalline structure, the SiO: ~ groups will Activity composition curves for the systems PbO-SiO l
in the melt be linked or polymerized to varying degrees and NazO-SiOz and for some other systems calculated
into chains, rings, sheets, and three-dimensional frame- from such models are in good accord with the experi-
works consonant with the composition and the physical mental data. The distribution of the silicate species in
environment. In fact we are to regard melts simply as the melt is a function of temperature and SiOz content.
highly disordered versions of the crystalline solids. The number of Si0 4 monomers at a given temperature
This is particularly well illustrated in Riebling's (1966) decreases with increasing SiOz parallel to the poly-
work. He obtained a series of viscosity isotherms for merization of oxygen in the series olivine-pyroxene-
melts of constant SiOz content in the system amphiboles-micas-feldspars and quartz.
Na l O-AI 20 r Si0 2. A pronounced maximum in vis- This structural model must be modified further
cosity occurs when AliNa is unity. For more AI-rich when volatiles are introduced. Certain of these-water,
compositions, the viscosity of the melt decreases. It is for example-might be expected to react energetically
possible that at AljNa = 1, the melt is closely similar in with both the larger cations and with the SiO and Al-O
structure to albite, but with excess Al or Na, the linkages chains and frameworks present. The latter reaction is
depolymerize into other units. Change in the activation particularly important because it leads to rupture of the
energy for viscous flow is similar to the change in bridging oxygen bonds. This problem has been examined
viscosity, reaching a maximum at AliNa = 1 and in detail by Wasser burg (1957) in his important statistical
decreasing at other compositions probably because of treatment of water solubility in feldspar melts. According
depolymerization. If we pursue this idea to its ultimate to his analysis water may occur.
extreme an orthosilicate or olivine-like melt should
consist of the units Mg2+, FeZ +, and SiO: ~, a meta- 1. As HzO molecules segregated in holes or as water
silicate or pyroxene-like melt of MgZ +, Fe 2+, and Si n0 3n of hydration of the large cations
chains or rings, and feldspar melts of Ca 2+, Na +, and K + 2. As OH replacement of the bridging oxygen atoms
ions in a fairly continuous but disordered (Si, Al)02 3. As OH in replacing non bridging or unshared
framework. Presumably melts with compositions falling oxygen or as OH in combination with the large
between these unique stoichiometries would be composed cations
of a mixture of polymeric units. Actually this picture is
In the type 2 occurrence, the splitting of the Si-O chains
far too simple, and rather elementary energetic con-
or framework structures may be represented as follows:
siderations tell us that we would expect even in the ranges
of unique stoichiometry a distribution of silica and
alumina among a variety of groups. It might happen for
example that the energy content of the system requires
a metasilicate stoichiometry to be expressed as follows: (12.b)
MgSi0 3 Mg2+ + (Si03)Z~ Here the bracketed symbols represent arbitrary poly-
(12.a) merized chains or groups. Reaction (12.b) is particularly
2 MgSi0 3 2Mg2+ + (Si04)4~ + SiOz
important because it alters radically the continuity and
with both dissociation schemes represented to a certain mean coherence energy of the melt, and its ultimate
degree. We should of course expect the simplest units effect is the production of simple neutral species such as
to be favored at higher temperatures even if their forma- Si(OH)4, which interact-but weakly-with each other.
tion involves increasing ionization. In spite, however, We shall see that this has a profound effect on such
of the relative chaos introduced by this type of disocia- properties as the viscosity.
tion, we may still expect considerable local order to The foregoing picture of the silicate melt is depicted
prevail with the familiar associations and linkages being in Figure 12.1. In this figure an irregularly branched
maintained for short distances. Sin0 3n chain crOSSeS the field in association with a six-
Hess (1971) calculated the degrees of random poly- membered ring, various independent charged or neutral
merization of Si0 4 structural units using the statistical tetrahedra, and cations either singly occurring or in
methods of Flory (1953). These calculations yield the association with neutral particles. In an ordinary magma
size distribution of silicate species in a melt as a function the small neutral particles would consist dominantly
of the degree of polymerization. Using the Temkin model of H 2 0 molecules, whereas the neutral Si0 4 groups
of ionic liquids, the degree of polymerization can be would be represented by Si(OH)4' The mode of occur-

Solubilities of volatile components

cerned largely with the effects on physical properties;

we shall not discuss in any detail such phenomena as
the depression of liquidus temperatures by volatile
The first extensive work on the solubility of water
in silicate melts was undertaken by Goranson (1936,
1938), who studied the system NaAISi 3 0s-H 2 0 and
KAlSi 3 0s-H 2 0 and natural granites as well. Burnham
and Davis (1971) have determined the P- V - T relation-
ships in the system NaAlSi 3 0s-H 2 0. Wyllie and his
collaborators have carried out an extensive study of
water-silicate-melt relations (e.g., Koster van Groos and
Wyllie, 1968a,b, 1969; Merill, et aI., 1970; Boettcher and
Wyllie, 1969). Figures 12.2 and 12.3 show examples of
the water-melt relations as a function of pressure and
It may easily be shown from elementary thermo-
dynamic considerations (Chapter 1) that under isothermal
conditions the following equation relates a saturated
pure vapor phase to the water dissolved in a silicate

V H20 dP = V~2odP + RTd In a~20 (12.1)

Here V H20 and V~20 are the partial molar volumes of

12.1 Diagrammatic picture of silicate melt structures. water in the vapor and melt, respectively, P is the water
Cations are indicated by ( + ) symbol, anions by ( - ) pressure, and a~20 is the activity of water in the melt and
symbol. SiO!- tetrahedra are shown with (-) is regarded as independent of P (Wasserburg, 1958).
charges on corners. Neutral species are shown as If we now assume that the vapor is a perfect gas we have
plain circles. Several polymerized ring and branched- PV H20 = RT. Also if V~20 remains essentially constant,
chain structures of these tetrahedra are also shown.

rence of local order is clear in the figure, as is the lack Weight percentage of dissolved water in Stone
of any long-range order. 12.2
Mountain granite as a function of saturation water
It is evident that the inferred ionic melt structure pressure. T = 1173°K. (After Goransen. 1931.)
should be reflected in certain physical properties such
as, in particular, the electrical conductivity. That this is Equivalent depth [kmJ
indeed the case has been shown by numerous experi- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
ments (Tomlinson, 1953). However as yet there have
been few investigations of either the electrical properties
of rock-forming magmas (see Lebedev and Khitarov,
1964 and the recent work by Murase and McBirney
1973) or of the petrogenic consequences thereof. It is t\
hoped, however, that this will form a fruitful field of ~
... 5
research for the future. ..!:l
6 = 2.73 gm/cm 3

Solubilities of volatile components

The solubilities of H 2 0, HCl, etc., are of critical import-
ance in understanding both the physical and chemical 234
behavior of magmas. In this chapter we shall be con- PH 20 [kbarJ

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

By an expansion of the exponential term Equation

(12.3) may be converted into the following form:

XM - P (12.4)
H20 - A + BP
in which A and B are constants. This same general form
also holds for the weight fraction of water. Obviously
Equation (12.4) has validity over an even more restricted
25 range of temperature and pressure than Equation (12.3).
In spite of this, however, it was found by Goranson that
the general form of Equation (12.4) was a good approxi-
mation for the data represented by Figure 12.2.
20 We have already referred to Wasserburg's application
-'" of statistical mechanics to the system NaAISi 3 0 s -H 2 0
"- and the melt structure model, which forms the basis for
this approach. In this model the entropy of mixing Sm
is derived by enumerating the total number of states,
n, accessible to the system. These are then related by
the well-known expression
10 Sm = R In n. (12.5)
These states correspond to the number of ways N HzO
molecules of H 2 0 can be distributed either as replace-
ments for bridging oxygens [the type 2 structural
positions] or as nonbridging water [the types 1 and 3
structural positions]. If we let r represent the number of
bridging oxygens per silicate formula weight (eight for
NaAISi 3 0 s ) and NSil the number of silicate "molecules",
20 30
then there will be N HzO + rN Sil ways of placing the first
Water [wI. Jf]
water molecule, N HzO + rNSil - I ways for the second,
etc. The number of distinguishable configurations will
12.3 Solubility of water in rock melts at water saturated
then be
liquidus temperatures. (After Stern and Wyllie,
n= (N~20 + rN~I)(N~2o + rN~1 - 1) ... (rN~1 + 1)
Equation (12.1) integrates to (12.6)
which reduces to

(12.2) n= (N~20 + rN~I)! (12.7)

N~zo ! (r N~l) !

in which the subscript 0 refers to the parameters at If we apply Stirling's approximation to Equation (12.7)
some reference equilibrium condition which serves as we find that
the lower limit of integration. If in addition we assume
that the solution of water in the silicate melt is ideal, we Sm = -RN~20 In [ r X~20 M
- (r - I)X H2o

obtain the exponential form

R NM I [ rXM ]
Sil (12.8)
- r Sil n 1 + (r - l)X~1

In this expression X refers, as usual, to the mole fractions

of water dissolved in the melt.

Solubilities of volatile components

The model is equivalent to an ideal mixture of N~20 at 20°e. Further assuming that the OH- and 0 2 - ions
molecules and rN~1 "molecular segments." The activities in the hydrous glass at 20°C and 1 bar are essentially
for the water and silicate components are then rigid spheres in a close-packed arrangement, a VOH - of
9.8 cm 3 /mole led these authors to a claculated radius for
M X~20 (12.9) the OH- ion of 1.38 A. It is likely that OH- ions are
aH 2 0 =
r - (r - I)X~2o predominant in the melts.
Information on the solubility of volatile constituents

+ (r - I )X~l
Jr (12.10) other than water is being sought actively by Wyllie
and his collaborators. Some information comes to
If we substitute a~20 from Equation (12.9) for X~20 in us second hand from such effects as their influence
Equation (12.3), we obtain an alternative expression for on the melting behavior. For example, it was found
the solubility of water in a silicate melt. Wasserburg by Wyllie and Tuttle (1959) that the liquidus temper-
found that this expression provided a good approxima- atures of granites and feldspar are increased when
tion for the solubility of water in an albite melt in the their melts are subjected to high CO 2 pressures. This
region T = 1273°K and P = 2.3 X 10 3 bar. certainly indicates a very small solubility of COz in
In addition to the data of Goranson, further recent melts of this composition. As Wyllie and Tuttle suggested,
experiments on the solubility of water in complex silicate there should be a relation between the COz solubility
melts has been obtained by a number of investigators. and the amount of cations not bound to Si0 4 groups in
Much of this work! was discussed by Shaw (1964), the liquid; this is also indicated by the work of Morey
who also attempted a further refinement of the statistical and Fleischer (1940). Examples of such liquids are the
approach to the system CaAlSi 2 0 B -KAlSi 3 0 B- alkaline magmas with high values of the ratio
NaAlSi 3 0 B-SiO z-H zO. The model employed was that KzO + NzO + CaO + MgO + FeO
of the regular solution and it was found to provide a
Al z0 3 + SiOz
fair approximation for most of the data. The chief
deviation occurred in the binary join SiOrHzO, which In such miaskitic or agpaitic Z liquids, homogeneous
appears to require an even more complex solution model. reactions of the following type are pertinent:
It was generally found that a negative heat of solution NazO + COz :;::::::=:: Na Z C0 3 (12.c)
was required to fit the data. This is instructive because it melt melt melt
indicates that these melts have a greater affinity for
water than would be the case if the solution were ideal. CaO + COz ..---
CaC0 3 (I2.d)
Also, as was pointed out by Shaw, this behavior practi- melt melt melt
cally eliminates the possibility of liquid immiscibility MgO + COz MgC0 3 (12.e)
occurring in melts of these compositions. melt melt melt
Burnham and Davis (1971) have determined the
P-V-T data on the NaAISi 3 0s-HzO system. Their FeO + CO 2 ..--- FeC0 3 (12.f)
results indicate that the pressure dependence of the melt melt melt
partial molar volume of water in the melt is significant. so that the solubility of CO 2 is thereby promoted. Of
The ~ V of solution of HzO in NaAISi 3 0 B melts at high course the COz partial pressures required to maintain
temperatures and moderate pressures is very large and a given solubility will depend on the stabilities of the
negative. This is probably due to interaction between carbonate complexes. Since NaC0 3 is less stable than
H 2 0 and the silicate melt. Burnham (1967) and Carron MgC0 3 , CaC0 3 , and FeC0 3 , the latter constituents
(1969) consider the water melt reaction as follows: should require the highest pressures.
Wyllie and Tuttle, examined, in addition to CO 2 ,
the effects of H ZS0 4 , H 3 P0 4 , HCl, HF, and LizO on
where (M) stands for melt. Assuming that (OH) ions are the melting points of granite and feldspars (Wyllie
predominant in the NaAISi 3 0 B -H zO melt, the calculated and Tuttle, 1961, 1964). Some of the volatile components,
value of Vow from the experimental P- V - T data was such as F or CO 2 , may be added as salts. As an example,
found by Burnham and Davis (1971) to be 9.8 cm 3 /mole we may consider the system albite-NaF-HzO at 1 kbar
pressure, studied by Koster van Groos and Wyllie
1 See, especially, the work of Stewart (1958), Tuttle and
Bowen (1958), Burnham and Jahns (1962), and Spengler 2 The reader is referred to the discussion on alkalic rocks in
and Burnham (1962). Chapter 14.

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

(1968a). Addition of NaF to the system albite-H 2 0 However, for most anhydrous basic magmas the density
lowers the temperature of initial melting from 910°C will be closely related to the iron content. Unfortunately
to 688°C at 1 kbar. Similarly NaCI also reacts with the most of the existing density determinations refer to
melt and doubles the solubility of H 2 0 in the silicate quenched glasses near STP conditions, although some
liquid (albite-H 2 0) (Koster van Groos and Wyllie, high-temperature data are available. From these data
1969). It appears from these studies that, as might be it appears that glasses under STP conditions range
expected, certain of the constituents react strongly from about 2.3 gm/cm 3 for granitic compositions with
with the melt and bring about substantial lowering of high-water contents to about 2.8 gm/cm 3 for anhydrous
the liquidus temperatures in some cases. However, the basalts. These values correspond to approximately
precise solution relations and mechanisms remain 10- and 5-percent volume changes on melting for granites
unexplored as yet. and basalts, respectively. The effect of dissolved water on
glasses of granitic composition are shown in Figure 12.4.
The effect oftemperature and pressure on the densities
of melts may be evaluated from the isobaric thermal
Densities of magmas expansion a and the coefficient of isothermal com-
pressibility K (see Chapter 1). For magmatic glasses, a
During the intrusion or extrusion of magmas there is a falls in the range of 20 x 1O- 6tK and K in the range
close relation between the height of the magma column 3 x 1O-6/bar. One consequence of the scale relation
and the pressure which obtains at the source of the between a and K is that the volume increase occasioned
column. This may be expressed by the following relation: by a lOoooK increase in temperature is counteracted
approximately by a pressure increase of 104 bar. As a
(12.11) result of this, it seems likely that the densities of many
magmas at great depth might not be far different than
the densities of corresponding glasses under STP
In this expression P I is the hydrostatic pressure at the
conditions. Thus a plateau basalt glass under STP
magma source, which is located at a height hi and is
conditions was found to have a density of 2.84 gm/cm 3 ,
extruding magma at a height h2 in the gravitational
whereas at 1673°K and 17,000 bar the density of this
field; g is the gravitational acceleration, which is for all
same glass was 2.8 gm/cm 3 (Daly, 1933). Although the
practical purposes a constant in crustal regions; and
density changes brought about by thermal expansion and
15 m is the density, which is of course a function of the
compressibility effects may not seem large, they could
temperature, pressure, and composition (i.e., 15 m =
playa critical role in a magma with a density distribution
bm{P, T, X), where P, T, and X are indications of these
such that the two sides of Expression (12.12) are nearly
parameters at any point in the column). Obviously if PI equal.
exceeds the integral the magma will rise and be extruded
or intruded. Such a condition could result if the sum of
the weights of the overburdening rock layers exceeded
the weight of the magma column penetrating them. 12.4 Effect of dissolved water on the densities of three
This may be expressed as rhyolite glasses. Data taken from Tilley (1922).


in which the index i refers to the ith layer ofthickness !:.h i

and density bi ; summation is between hi and h2 . In-
equality could of course also result if the overpressure ~ 2.350
were developed by organic stresses.
The relation between the density of a melt and its .~ 2.340

composition is very complex since it depends on the Ci

partial molar volume of mixing of each constituent. 3
3 Density may be calculated approximately by using the
partial molar volumes of oxides as discussed by Bottinga 3.0
and Weill (1970).

Viscosities of magmas

presented a critical review of the measured viscosity

Viscosities of magmas data. If a melt is truely Newtonian then at constant
pressure and composition it should yield a linear plot
General of log '1 against liT. In Figure 12.5 several such plots
are given for natural anhydrous lavas ranging in compo-
The gross effects of the variation of viscosity among the sition from basalt to alkaline dacite. However, one set
different magma types are known to every student of of data shown in this figure, that of Minakami (1951),
elementary geology through their influence on volcanic does not refer to measurements of anhydrous lavas at
land forms. The impressive steep-sided stratocones, constant composition since the measurements were
which are the products of acid and alkaline volcanism, made on a naturally flowing basalt that was losing its
contrast sharply with the lava plains and unimpressive volatiles. It must also be kept in mind that most of the
shield volcanoes of basaltic volcanism. But beyond these data of this figure were obtained at temperatures far
surficial effects, viscosity plays a more subtle but equally above those possessed by natural magmas. It is only in
impressive part in many deep-seated magmatic processes. the low-temperature range that they attain these values.
It governs not only the rates of intrusion but also the It is apparent, however, that most of the measurements
forms the resulting igneous bodies take in relation to the adhere closely to the Newtonian model. It is also clear
country rock, and it enters into the details of magmatic that the effects of increasing silica content in the basalt-
differentiation through influences on such processes dacite series is very large. Although the effects of silica
as crystal settling, filter pressing, and the segregation and is apparent largely from the parallel upward displace-
flow orientation of solid elements in the magma. ment of the curves, which is equivalent to an increase in
We have already seen (Chapter 3) that viscous flow A, careful measurement of the slopes reveal that these
phenomena are essentially chemical in nature since they
involve the thermal diffusion and interaction of atomistic
particles. We have also seen that according to the theory 12.5 Variation of the viscosity IJ (in poises) as a function
of absolute reaction rates a simple expression for the of temperature. Data taken from Volarovic et al.
logarithm of the viscosity results when the system reduces (1906), Kani (1934), and Minakami (1951). The
to the Newtonian fluid model. This may be written as broken vertical lines indicate crystallization.
h) L1S~ L1H~ PL1 V~
log '1 = log V - 2.303R + 2.303RT + 2.303R T + Volarovic et al. (1906) +
• Kani (1934)
• Minakami (1951)

The first three terms on the right-hand side of this ex- 6.0
pression can be combined to form the semi empirical
L1Et PL1V~
log '1 = log A + 2.303RT + 2.303RT (12.14)

in which the first two terms on the right-hand side

represent the conventional Arrhenius equation in which -
A is the frequency factor or preexponential constant and
L1E~ is the empirical "energy of activation." The third 4.0
term on the right-hand side containing the hydrostatic
pressure P and the volume change of activation L1 V~
takes account of the variation of the viscosity with
pressure, which may be an important consideration 3.0
in some geophysical problems.

Effect of temperature and silica content

Expression (12.14) is very useful in the analysis of 2. 0 ~~---'-"-----"--'-~-'--L--"--"----'--'--_"'--_L.......I._
6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6
viscosity data that represent melts of different tempera-
tures and silica contents. Bottinga and Weill (1972) have 1 X 104

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

For rhyolite and obsidian the anhydrous values of more
than 10 5 cal are reduced to approximately 4 x 104 cal
64 when more than 6 wt.-percent water is added.
() Scarfe (1973) has determined viscosity of some basic
:::: 62 magmas. The effect of dissolving 4 ± 0.5 weight-percent
<J H 2 0 in the melt of basic andesite at I 150°C was to lower
the viscosity from 10,000 to 2,500 P. A tholeiitic melt
58 was lowered from 1600 to 600 P. A melt of olivine basalt,
however, showed no measurable reduction in viscosity.
50 55 60 65
It seems that ultrabasic melts are already depolymerized
Si02 [wI. %1
to the extent that water is ineffective as a depolymerizer.
12.6 Variation of the activation energy t':..Et as a function It should be apparent from the foregoing that it is
of Si0 2 content from three rock melts. t':..Et may be very difficult to determine, even approximately, from
obtained directly from plots such as those in Figure rock analyses what the viscosity of a magma might have
12.5. been at the time of intrusion or extrusion. However it is
clear that certain highly useful limits may still be specified.
F or example, it might be determined from the mineral
also increase with silica content so that this increase assemblage of a granite that crystallization took place
implies a substantial increase in !'lEt. This change is in the neighborhood of l0000K and that the total pressure
depicted in Figure 12.6. cannot have exceeded 1 kbar. Under such conditions the
granite melt can, from Figure 12.2, contain a maximum
of approximately 5 to 7 weight percent H 2 0. Then
Effect of water content
comparison of these data with Figure 12.7 tells us that it
The effect of water, referred to previously in connection is unlikely that the viscosity could be much less than
with the atomistic model of melts and solubility relations, 10 5 P. By such means it is possible to place close re-
is to break up the high polymer chains and groups to strictions on the interpretation of certain structural
simpler units; as might be expected the viscosity is evidence which is common to many plutonic bodies.
thereby greatly reduced. In the case of basalts this
effect is apparent in the curve obtained by Minakami
(1951) (Figure 12.5), which represents the change of 12.7 Effect of water content on the viscosity of obsidian
viscosity in a natural lava flow in which cooling was melt (Shaw, 1965). Numbers indicate weight
accompanied by loss of volatiles, presumably mostly percentage of H 2 0.
water, and perhaps also by certain simultaneous re-
actions such as the oxidation of FeO. The bulk of the
volatiles were lost in the initial stages when the lava was
at a temperature of nearly 14000K so that on further 12
cooling the viscosity increased at a decreasing rate and
eventually the slope of the curve approached asymptoti-
cally those of the anhydrous experiments.
As might have been anticipated the effect of water on
viscosity is greatest in melts of granitic composition since
these have the highest degree of polymerization in the
anhydrous state. As in the case of the more basic melts, "
there is only a small amount of data for melts of granitic
composition and most of this has been summarized by
Shaw (1965), who presented the results in the form shown
in Figure 12.7. Shaw (1963) and Friedman et al. (1963)
also demonstrated that natural obsidian and rhyolite
melts of fixed water contents yield linear log 1'/ - liT
plots similar to those of Figure 12.5. Also, it was found 2
that there were very marked decreases in the experi- 700 900 1100
mental activation energies with increasing water content. T [OCI

Viscosities of magmas

Recently there has been a significant advancement in ature. If we now further assume that these separate
our understanding of the interrelationship of viscosity effects can be combined, we may write the following
and the composition of the magmas, largely due to the expression for '1 as a function of T and P:
work of Burnham (1967), Bottinga and Weill (1970,
1972), and Shaw (1965, 1969, 1972). A method of calcu- '1=Aexp(~+cp) (12.19)
lating viscosity in a multicomponent silicate liquid from
chemical composition has been presented by Shaw in which obviously A = A'A". This expression is now
(1972). differentiated with respect to the pressure at constant
temperature and vice versa, and these results are sub-
Effect of pressure stituted into Equation (12.16), which then yields the
following expression for the pressure coefficient c:
It has sometimes been suggested that a considerable
amount of magma might exist within Earth's upper ~B ~Poc 1 oB
C=------- (12.20)
mantle and that these magmas might be so viscous that T2 oT ToP
they would behave essentially as solids in the trans-
mission of seismic waves. Presumably this high viscosity which reduces approximately to
would result from the high pressures which would in
this region overcome the effect of tempeature. (12.21)
This problem was examined by Birch and Bancroft
(1942), who applied a modified version of Equation (12.14) Now the values of C may also be derived directly from
to the problem. These authors assumed that to a first Equation (12.19) if at the same time we have experi-
approximation the viscosity is a function of the specific mentally determined values of '1, A, and B for various
volume alone, so that we have values of T and P. In this way Birch and Bancroft com-
'1 = f(V) (12.15) pared values of C for certain glasses with those obtained
from Equation (12.21) and found good agreement. They
It is therefore possible to relate the viscosity, the isother- then applied Equation (12.21) to basalt glass for which
mal compressibility K, and the isobaric coefficient of B was available and found the small value C = 0.0005.
thermal expansion a as follows: This corresponds to an increase in '1 by only about a
factor of 104 for a pressure increase of 17,000 bar. It is
oT p
= of (V) (OV) = of (V) aV
oV oT p oV
consequently very improbable that a basaltic magma of
exceptionally high viscosity could exist within the upper
( 0'1) = of (V) (OV) = of (V) KV
oP T oV oP T oV
from which it follows that
Viscosities of suspensions
Thus far we have limited our discussion to completely
where ~ = Kia. liquid magmas. However it frequently happens that
It is now assumed that for a limited range of pressure crystallization is already in progress at the time of in-
and at constant temperature trusion or extrusion. As we see from Figure 12.5 when
isothermal crystallization occurs the viscosity of the
= A' exp (~)
suspension increases rapidly. There are two main reasons
'1 (12.17)
for this:
where A' is a constant and B is another constant in-
dependent of T but which is a function of P. Similarly it 1. The melt becomes more viscous by virtue of an
is assumed that for a limited range of the temperature increase of silica. This effect may be offset in a
and at constant pressure we have closed magma chamber by the simultaneous
increase in the concentration of volatiles.
'1 = A" exp (CP) (12.18)
2. A melt with suspended particles is more viscous
where A" is a constant and C is another constant in- than a melt of identical composition that does not
dependent of the pressure but dependent on the temper- contain these particles.

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

It may be shown that the viscosity I1s of a suspension of

spheres is related to the viscosity 110 of the pure suspend-
ing liquid as follows:
Here 4> is the volume fraction occupied by the spheres and
a and n are positive constants. In the case of dilute
suspensions, Equation (12.22) reduces to a form first
given by Einstein (1906, 1911) in which a = 2.5 and n = 1.
In an analogous formula given by Roscoe (1952) for more
concentrated suspensions, a = -1.35 and n = -2.5. A
review of these and other pertinent experimental data
regarding suspensions is to be found in the previously
quoted paper by Shaw (1965). Shaw (1969) compared
experimental data for various concentrations of crystals
with the viscosities for rigid spheres in a Newtonian
liquid under isothermal conditions using relations such
as Equation (12.22). He found that suspended crystals FeO 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
in basaltic liquids have a different effect from that pre- (KAIO z) I
dicted by the equation.
12.8 Molar plot showing liquid immiscibility and
associated crystal phase equilibria in the plane
(KAIO z)1/2-FeO-Si0 2 of the system K2 0-FeO-
AI 2 0 3 -SiO z . The letters A and B refer to two
Liquid immiscibility coexisting liquids. For explanation see text. (After
Roedder. 1951.)
Under certain conditions a magma may spontaneously
split into two immiscible fractions, and this may have
(1951). The component (KAI0 2 )1/2 was utilized because
important implications not only in magmatic evolution
figures scaled on such a "per cation" basis frequently
but also in the interpretation of certain structural and
give convenient plots that do not differ too much from
textural features of igneous rocks. As yet we know very
those based on weight percent. The small region of
little about the frequency of occurrence of this phenom-
immiscibility near the FeO-Si0 2 join is of little interest
enon in silicate magmas, although we know that it must
since the liquidus temperatures in this region are far too
occur when very unlike substances such as silicates,
high for nearly all natural conditions. However, the larger
sulfides, and metals are melted together.
region is of great interest since a number of rock types do
Immiscibility in binary oxide systems has been
fall in the analogous natural system [(K, Na) AI0 2Jl/2-
investigated by Kracek (1930) and others. This work has
(Fe, Mg, Ca)O-Si0 2 •
shown that miscibility gaps occur in the systems MO-Si0 2
As an illustration of the equilibrium relations between
where MO refers to certain common rock-forming
two typical immiscible liquids in the system represented
monoxides. The tendency in order of decreasing im-
by Figure 12.8, we may consider the coexisting liquids A
miscibility is as follows: MgO > FeO > CaO > SrO.
and B for T = 1423°K. The tie line joining these liquids
By contrast the oxides BaO, Li 2 0, Na 2 0, and K 2 0
is of particular interest because it also joins the phase
exhibit no gaps at all with silica.
boundaries for coexisting tridymite and fayalite. In this
The first evidence of an immiscibility field in a multi-
case and in general the activities of the fayalite compo-
componental melt of major petrologic interest was
nents of the liquids may be expressed as follows:
provided by the experiments of Roedder (1951) in the
system K 2 0-FeO-AI 2 0 r Si0 2 • Later Holgate (1954) a~a = (X~eof X~0,(y~a)3
presented some convincing evidence that two immiscible a~a = (X~eof X~i02Ma)3
liquids may at times arise in reactions between basic
magmas and siliceous xenoliths. Here X is the mole fraction of the oxide and y is the mean
Figure 12.8 depicts the immiscibility and associated activity coefficient appropriate to the X chosen.4 Since
liquid-crystal phase equilibria in the plane (KAI 02)1/Z- 4 See Chapter 2 for a discussion of the choice of concentration
FeO-Si0 2 of the quaternary system studied by Roedder variables in complex melts.

Origin of magmas

at equilibrium we have a~a = a~a, we obtain the relation sected. However if, as is the case with the meteorite
inclusions, the melt lies near the pyroxene-feldspar join,
Y~a (12.24) then such intersection seems highly probable even within
YFa the more complex system.
The mole fractions, which may be read directly from We cannot discuss here all the possible occurrences of
Figure 12.8, then yield Ma/Y~a) = 3.04. The relatively liquid immiscibility in magmatic systems. We should,
large value of the activity coefficient of Fe 2 Si0 4 in the B however, mention that another instance of this phenom-
liquid is of course consistent with its low concentration enon occurs within the compositional range occupied
in this phase and expresses its positive excess free energy by the rare but interesting carbonatites (Koster van
relative to the A phase. Gross and Wyllie, 1966, 1968), which are usually found in
The detection of liquid immiscibility in the system association with alkaline rocks. This problem will be
K 2 0-FeO-AI 2 0 3 -Si0 2 leads us to enquire whether or examined in more detail in later chapters.
not an immiscibility region might not also occur in the
more complex systems which contain the additional
major components MgO, CaO, Na 2 0, Fe 2 0 3 , H 2 0, etc.
As Holgate (1954) and others have emphasized, no Origin of magmas
substantial immiscibility fields have been detected in
silicate melts of other combinations of these oxides than Our knowledge of the field distributions of rock types, as
those of Figure 12.8. However Holgate drew attention to well as elementary logic, lead us to consider two broad
the shape of the liquidus in certain of these systems that categories of magmas:
seemed to hint that an immiscibility field might be
encountered if the liquidus were somewhat depressed by 1. Those which are formed by fusion of preexisting
additional components. Such, in fact, may be the case for rock approximately in the locality in which their
certain basic magmas of Uganda, Africa, and elsewhere, solidified equivalents are found
which were studied by Holgate. In these rocks, quartzite 2. Those which have been introduced from some
xenoliths show rims of acid glass corresponding to the other, perhaps geologically inaccessible, region
more complex analogue of liquid B, whereas the basic
magma in which the xenolith was immersed is the an- Most igneous bodies encountered were probably derived
alogue of liquid A. However, liquid B also resembles from magmas of the second type so that we are forced to
certain simple rhyolitic or granitic magmas so that the consider the possible ultimate sources of these magmas.
possibility must be considered that such magmas may In the past, petrologists have been greatly concerned
at times arise in the differentiation sequence. However with primary magmas, which presumably are derived
there appear to be certain cogent arguments already from some source at great depth and which subsequently
raised by Bowen (1928) that counter the idea that any give rise to derivative magmas by various mechanisms of
substantial body of magma could be generated in this differentiation or contamination. However the only
way. We shall have occasion to return to this problem igneous rock that comes close to representing a primary
again. magma is the basaltic or gabbroic compositional type
Another case of liquid immiscibility in natural systems which alone occurs on a circumplanetary scale as basalt
has come to light in certain iron meteorites that contain flows, diabase dikes and sills and as plutonic bodies such
nodules or inclusions of silicates (Olsen and Mueller, as lopoliths. The composition of these basaltic rocks is
1964). In this case the basic component of the melt is remarkably constant both in space and time since they
completely devitrified and consists of a mixture of are known from the early Precambrian as well as from
orthopyroxene Ca-pyroxene, and feldspar, whereas the contemporary volcanic deposits. These characteristics
acidic glass is only slightly devitrified and appears to be point to a source within a world-circling shell subject to
rich in silica and alkali feldspar components. The two few of the vagaries of crustal events and inhomogenities.
types of glass are separated from each other by an almost Almost certainly then the source of basaltic magma must
planar surface, which presumably represents the original lie within Earth's mantle at depths of the order of 50 km
meniscus. It is again informative to examine this occur- or greater. Also, intrusion or extrusion from these depths
rence in relation to Figure 12.8. If the melt is too rich in must frequently occur in such a way that little reaction
divalent oxide or alkali and aluminum oxide components, with crustal rocks takes place, otherwise the constancy
such as, for example, the compositions near the fayalite- of composition in space and time would not be possible.
feldspar join, then the immiscibility region is not inter- One factor in this lack of reaction with crustal rocks

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

appears to be the speed of intrusion, especially in the case up of stresses, the whole process might repeat itself and
of the larger feeder dikes. 5 in this way magma might well be transported from great
What then of the mode of origin of the primary depths to a level in the crust where openings could be
basaltic magma? Is it derived from a layer in the mantle sustained until extrusion could occur.
which is permanently above its melting temperature? While release of pressure is a definite mechanism of
We have already seen in our discussion of the effect of melting, it is likely that melting may occur independently
pressure on the viscosity that we cannot expect such a due to other mechanisms, or the release of pressure due to
melt to exhibit any strength comparable to that of solid fracturing may be combined with other factors in pro-
rocks. Then, since the mantle clearly transmits shear ducing the melt. To explain the rise of temperature, Green
waves, it seems clear that no substantial bodies of magma and Ringwood (1967) proposed a model that involves
can be present at these depths. This then leaves us with the diapiric uprise of solid mantle. Wyllie (1971a) has pro-
inference that basaltic magmas are derived by partial posed a further modification of this model by introducing
fusion within the mantle of crystalline material which the possible effect of trace amounts of water in the mantle.
exists there on a global scale. While the precise nature of According to Wyllie (1971 b), uprise of the mantle material
this material is still a matter of conjecture, it is possible may begin at the base of the low-velocity zone-at depths
from theoretical considerations, analogies with certain of the order of300 km-and that uprise may be triggered
crustal minerals, and high-pressure experiments to by the outward migration of water from within the deep
attempt the deduction of some of the mineral assemblages mantle. Whether any hydrous minerals occur in the deep
involved. We have also seen (Chapter 11) that there is mantle is uncertain, but it is important to note that even
some evidence from the inclusions found within certain the presence of 0.1 percent water in the mantle can in-
basaltic explosion breccias that this source rock may fluence the melting relationships very significantly
resemble an eclogite. It is best, however, to postpone our (Wyllie, 1971a). Introduction of water into the mantle
discussion of this interesting topic until we consider the beneath island arcs is considered possible according to
physico-chemical basis of high-pressure differentiation. the new global tectonics (Isacks et al., 1968). Allen et al.
Here we are concerned more with the possible mechanism (1972) have shown experimentally that phlogopite is
of melting. We can, of course, conceive of several different stable at 132SOC at pressures up to 35 kbar. Similarly
ones. The most obvious of these is a simple rise in temper- amphiboles persist to a maximum temperature of 1090°C
ature, perhaps brought on by mass transfer (convection) and a maximum pressure of 25 kbar.
or radioactive or chemical heating. Another mechanism Some petrologists (Turner and Verhoogen, 1960) also
is a release in pressure such as might follow unloading or favor the existence of primary granitic magma to account
fracturing. A third mechanism is the influx of certain for the widespread occurrence of granitic rocks in the
volatile components, which would lower the liquidus Precambrian shield areas of continents. However there
temperatures. We tend to perfer the second alternative seems to be little evidence in this case for a uniform source
because it may occur with great rapidity and would be rock. Many of the so-called Precambrian "batholiths"
confined to linear or slightly curved belts, as are most have had exceedingly complex histories and do not
regions of volcanism. Also it is known that earthquakes possess either the petrographic or structural unity of the
occur at depths of several hundred kilometers along these Mesozoic batholiths, which are in any case not granites.
belts. It thus seems likely that when stresses exceed the We shall in fact see that the widespread occurrence of
values normally associated with plastic or fluid defor- granitic rocks on the continents may be more easily
mations, fractures or shear zones form within the upper related to a more generalized and complex process of
mantle. The life time of the actual openings or low-pres- continent formation and cannot be attributed to either
sure regions in these zones must be short and it is in fact magmatism or metamorphism acting alone. According
to be expected that the generated magma itself would to Yoder (1973), however, it is probable that two con-
play an important part in healing them. Although the trasting types of magmas such as rhyolite and andesite
existence of magma would be very transient, it might at may be generated from the same parental source at
times be transported for significant distances before the shallow depths (P ~ 20 kbar, H 2 0) through fractional
healing process would be finished. With a further building melting.
To summarize, there appears to be a single major type
5 It may be shown (Shaw, 1965) that in the case of instan- of primary magma, that of basaltic composition, and
taneous fracture of the country rock, large masses of this is derived from a world-circling layer at some distance
basaltic magma of viscosity of 10 6 P and under differential
pressures of 1000 bar can be introduced on a time scale below the crust and exceeding 50 km in depth. The source
of hours or days. of magma is a layer of solid crystalline material which is

General features of the occurrence of magmatic rocks

occasionally partially melted. The precise mechanism by igneous rocks and their structural relations to the country
which melting occurs is unknown but it may well be rocks into which they have been intruded.
through rapid pressure release in deep fracturing. By As might be expected, the modes of occurrence of
contrast, there is little evidence for any primary granitic igneous bodies of different kinds are closely related not
magma source, but the widespread occurrence of granitic only to the physico-chemical properties of the fluid
rocks on continents appears to be related rather to the magma but also to the nature of the country rock and the
general process of continent building, which includes properties of the igneous body that formed on cooling.
both magmatic and metamorphic elements. That is, the multiplicity of features we observe in igneous
bodies reflect the total history, which may have been only
partly magmatic. We can best illustrate this broad view
of igneous rocks by examining certain types of occurrences
General features of the occurrence of of basic and acidic igneous bodies within the crustal
environment. These occurrences are illustrated diagram-
magmatic rocks matically in Figure 12.9, which is supposed to represent
Our evidence for the ongm and sources of primary a more or less typical section through the crust.
magmas such as the basaltic type is necessarily indirect.
By way of contrast, we have a wealth of field and labor- 12.9 Diagrammatic cross section of Earth's crust to
atory evidence that bears on the origin and history of illustrate the forms of igneous rock masses of
derivative magmas. In particular, we have accumulated different composition. All the illustrated structures
field data for many years on the modes of occurrence of do not ordinarily occur together as shown here.


A cidic


B ic igneou

12 Properties, origin
and environment of magmas

In the region so labeled, we note a small concordant Nevada and Idaho batholiths, for example, there must
body of granite that occupies the crest of the fold and is occur either a massive metasomatic transformation or
therefore known as a phacolith (Daly, 1933). As will redistribution or an assimilation by magma on a scale
become clear later, the true igneous nature of such bodies scarcely deemed possible under liquidus conditions. The
is usually far from clear since there appear to be meta- alternative is the improbable forceful shouldering aside
morphic processes that can give rise to similar forms. of the country rock by the magma. The same problem is
Then, too, because they are usually formed under deep- encountered to a lesser degree in the case of the smaller
seated environments in which regional metamorphism stocks such as shown in the figure, which sometimes
has also been prominent, the original character of these appear to occupy the former position of unmetamor-
granitic rocks is frequently obscured by postmagmatic phosed country rock with little structural disturbance of
events. When such bodies coalesce to form larger bodies, the surroundings. 6
they are known as batholiths. These larger bodies fre- As the surface is approached, there is an increasing
quently extend laterally over thousands of square tendency for the intruding acid or alkaline magma to lift
kilometers and vertically for many thousands of meters. up the roof rocks, and the typical laccolith structure
In their upper reaches, where they come in contact with illustrated results. If the viscosity of the magma is high-
relatively unmetamorphosed sediments, they may show and this is more probable since volatiles are lost more
sharp unambiguous intrusive relations, but in their rapidly in the near-surface region-then an accentuated
lower reaches they exhibit all the ambiguous character- doming of the laccolith such as is shown will occur
istics of deep-seated igneous bodies. Because of their (Paige, 1913) and the magma may actually break through
great vertical dimensions, the" roots" of batholiths may to the surface. The extrusion of such viscous magma is one
be grounded within the more basic sialic material or even of the commonest features of acid volcanism, and domes
within the simatic material, which presumably underlies and spines of partially solidified magma are frequently
this. Consequently, the batholith as a whole is affected by extruded from the cones of stratovolcanoes in association
strong buoyancy forces which assume the scale of isostatic with pyroclastics and more fluid lavas as shown in
adjustments. The resulting upward movements, which Figure 12.9, labeled "volcanic stratocone."
usually occur some time after the body has formed If we now compare the products of basic magmatism
(whether by magmatic or metamorphic processes), bring with those just discussed we see a rather marked con-
about great distortions in the surrounding layers, and trast. This contrast arises largely from the density and
these may erroneously be attributed to forceful intrusion viscosity differences of the magmas but is also at least
of magma. Of course the same type of structural com- partly related to the density differences between the
plications can also ari~e in the vicinity of the smaller crystallization products. We have seen that unless a
bodies if they are subject to orogenic forces. But in basaltic magma contains considerable water, the density
general these smaller bodies have densities not greatly is likely to exceed 2.7 gm/cm 3 . This will of course be
different from the mean value of the enveloping rocks so augmented to the extent that suspended crystals are
that there will be only weak buoyancy forces involved. present. Thus it will frequently happen that even the
The small concordant granitic lenses and phacoliths basaltic magma is more dense than the rocks it intrudes.
frequently grade into the country rock, which then form On the other hand the viscosity will be considerably less
the migmatite complexes which in particular characterize than acidic magma under the same conditions. The effect
the pre-Cambrian shield areas. We shall see that there is of the low viscosity is the formation of intrusive and ex-
evidence that at least such smaller bodies can form not trusive bodies of great lateral dimension as compared
only by partial melting or anatexis of the country rock with those resulting from acidic magmas. This feature is
but also very likely by some means of differential vapor also illustrated in Figure 12.9, where a massive sequence
transport or metasomatic process. In neither type of of relatively thin basalt flows is depicted. Also shown is
origin is there any great problem of the disposal of the the basining effect, which is attributable largely to the
material displaced by the granite, since in any event the high density of solidified basalt and usually occurs some-
intrusion or metasomatism is usually accompanied by time after deposition. Somewhat analogous processes
profound plastic or fluid deformation which could easily occur underground when sills are intruded between
accommodate either increase or decrease of volume. sedimentary layers. If these are of minor magnitude, as in
However, in the case ofthe larger bodies we encounter the the "single sill" illustrated, there is no tendency for
"room problem" in the disposition of the replaced
country rock. In order to form large homogeneous bodies 6 An example of such a stock, beautifully exposed, is the
of granite or granodiorite such as we find in the Sierra Notch Peak intrusive in Utah (Gehman, 1958).

General features of the occurrence of magmatic rocks

basining to occur although the lateral dimensions may be

nearly as impressive as those of the corresponding flow.
When, on the other hand, the intrusion involves a large
volume of magma, the difference in density between the
partly crystalline magma and the country rock coupled
with the loss of strength attending heating of the latter
may initiate basining early in the history of the intrusion.
This would of course be continued after solidification,
and the end result is the development of the typical
"differentiated lopolith" structure as shown. An added
distinction oflarge sills and lopoliths is the differentiation
brought about by the gravitational settling of crystals.
In the larger bodies this can result in the formation of a
substantial amount of acidic or intermediate rock in the
upper layers, as we have also indicated in the figure. Prime
examples of such strongly differentiated lopoliths are the
well-known Stillwater complex of Montana and the
Bushveld complex of South Africa.
Since basaltic magmas have their sources in the mantle,
most intrusive bodies of this rock must be connected with
it by extensive feeder dikes. These dikes, which are usually
straight walled and may be hundreds of miles in length,
result from tension fractures that characterize non-
orogenic zones of the crust. The relatively quiescent
character of most basic igneous activity is also reflected in
the structures of lopoliths, which show little evidence of
deformation beyond that assbciated with intrusion or
adjustment to the gravitational field.
Sometimes, also, basic igneous activity is associated
with block faulting of a type that results in "ring dikes."
When this is carried to its ultimate result, cone-shaped
blocks of country rock may be pushed upward toward
the surface to make way for the intrusion. If the cone-
shaped mass is large enough, differentiation may also
occur and a layered complex similar to the lopoliths can
result, as we have shown in the figure. A well-known
igneous body that has been thus interpreted is the
Skaergaard complex of eastern Greenland.


The existence of rock series and their

The conclusion that the common igneous rocks form
continuous series with respect to bulk compositional
variation was an outgrowth of the detailed investigations
of the nineteenth century petrographers. However, an
understanding of the full evolutionary meaning of these
series, in particular with respect to physical chemistry,
did not come until the turn of the century. The ground-
work for this interpretation was laid by such investigators
as Michel-Levy and 1. H. L. Vogt and was carried forward
by the careful experimentation and solid deductions of
N. L. Bowen and his associates. The ground broken by
these early investigators is still being explored today,
and recent work has revealed some important facets·
which were virtually ignored by these and even most
comparatively recent investigators as well. One of the
most important of recent developments is a growing
appreciation of the effect of oxidation, while another is
concern with the effect of high total pressures on crystal-
lization, partial melting, and differentiation, with par-
ticular reference to the origin of basaltic (or gabbroic)
and andesitic magmas. Today these two topics are among
the most active areas of petrologic research.
Among the evolutionary rock series referred to above,
one of the most important is that which ranges in
composition from "tholeiitic" basalt to rhyolite. This,
the classical "calc-alkali series," bulks very large in the
continental batholiths and volcanic belts of orogenic
regions and is of some importance in oceanic areas as

Homogeneous differentiation

well. Equally interesting and important from a genetic exhibited by the alkaline basalts, quite different, highly
viewpoint, although far less frequent in occurrence, is the undersaturated alkaline series leading to such rocks as
gabbroic series of layered basic complexes represented nephelene syenite or phonolites result. In less extreme
by such bodies as those of the Bushveld in South Africa variations of this nature a trachyte series may develop,
and of the Skaergaard in Greenland. Although it was but even more bizarre tendencies leading to such rocks
until recently suggested that these gabbroic complexes as carbonatites must be considered. Given this state of
differ from the calc-alkali series largely in terms of degree affairs it is well to keep such questions as the following
of oxidation, this has now been found to be untrue. continuously in mind:
Although some of these differences may be attributable
to differences of structural setting and water content, the 1. Do the calc-alkali and other rock series represent
factors that lead in one case to the calc-alkali series and a true liquid line of descent formed under fractional
in another to the gabbroic series are only beginning to crystallization of basaltic magmas in a crustal
emerge. environment or do they somehow arise by some
The gabbroic complexes present us with the oppor- form of high-pressure subcrustal differentiation?
tpnity of observing, virtually in its entirety, the differen- 2. Are the differences both within the calc-alkali
tiation history of a basaltic magma, chiefly it is thought series and between other series attributable to
through the comparatively well-understood mechanism original chemical differences in a parent basaltic
of fractional crystallization. However, it is the very con- magma or do they result from other factors such
dition of crystallization-that of a static, tectonically as the physical environment?
stable environment-that makes it possible for the
3. To what extent are the series products of differen-
process to go to completion and for its products to be
tiation mechanisms other than fractional crystal-
preserved in the original sequence of formation through
lization or melting?
deposition in orderly gravitationally differentiated layers.
The same, unfortunately, does not apply to the calc- 4. To what extent do contamination and other ex-
alkali series. These never form well-defined, neatly ternal modifying processes contribute to the
integrated complexes ofiayered rocks varying uniformly formation of rock series?
from bottom to top. By contrast, the members of the
series are made manifest through multiple intrusions, In this chapter we shall attempt to establish the
extrusions, or pyroclastic members which are usually physicochemical basis for answering these and other
found in chaotic relationships in large volcanic or plutonic questions, and in the following chapters we shall propose
provinces. Frequently there is no clear-cut time sequence some tentative answers.
extending from basalt to rhyolite (or gabbro to granite),
but even complete reversal of this sequence. Furthermore,
this already chaotic state of igneous affairs is further
complicated by evidence of at least some contamination Homogeneous differentiation
from intruded subcrustal and crustal rocks or com-
positional modifications attributable to late or post- There are two general modes of differentiation by which
magmatic fluid-transport processes. a magma may undergo compositional change. These are
Despite the above difficulties, the calc-alkali series (1) homogeneous differentiation, in which only the
has been widely studied and there is a wealth of useful magma itself is involved, and (2) heterogeneous differen-
data already available. However, these studies have tiation, in which some other phase, either fluid or crystal-
revealed significant chemical variations not only within line, separates from the magma. In the first mode of
the series from province to province but also apparent differentiation, which we shall consider first, diffusion is
continuous transitions toward other far less abundant the primary mechanism, although the chemical potential
and well-recognized series of more radical chemical gradients that drive this diffusion may arise in different
composition. Thus it seems possible that variants of the ways.
basalt-rhyolite series might result from the fractional In a completely isolated magma at superliquidus
crystallization of basaltic magmas, with considerable but temperatures, differentiation may be induced by gravi-
strictly bounded variations in original chemical com- tational potential differences such as result when a
position and in particular the degree of silica saturation column of matter initially uniform (vertically constant)
or supersaturation and volatile content. Then, when this in composition is subject to a gravitational field, or it
variation corresponds to the degree of undersaturation may be induced by a temperature gradient that exists in

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

the column. In the case of the gravitational field we can within the magma should be directly comparable with
write a phenomenological expression for the vertical that in purely homogeneous systems. We shall assume
flux of a constituent i if we make certain simplifying that D is independent of the composition, varies with T,
assumptions. Thus if we assume that we are dealing with and is derivable from the bulk viscosity as discussed in
an ideal binary solution in which the partial molar Chapter 3. Implicit in the latter assumption is the notion
volumes of both components are identical, we obtain the that the same statistical unit that is involved in the fluid
following expression for the flux of i: flow of basaltic magma is also that which is involved in
the diffusion under discussion, or at least that the activa-
(13.1 ) tion energies are the same. Although this assumption will
certainly be invalid when the details of any real situation
are considered, we shall present evidence that it can at
In this expression D is as usual the coefficient of diffusion, times yield results that are reliable to within a few orders
Cj is the concentration of i, M j its molecular weight, and of magnitude in D.
g the acceleration due to gravity. It is obvious that the Under the assumption that the diffusion mechanism
second term in parentheses corresponds to the driving is similar to that of fluid flow and that A, = A2 = A3 = A,
force of the gravitational field whereas the first term we may make use of Equations (1.80) and (3.51), which
corresponds to the ordinary concentration gradient. It give us the relation
may be shown by substitution of reasonable values of
c· M· and T that the second term in Equation (13.1) is D=- (13.2)
oli ne~ligible magnitude for most situations and thus I1A
may usually be disregarded in computing the flux; In this expression k is Boltzmann's constant and A is the
however, it is also obvious that it is this term that must characteristic interatomic distance which we take to be
be responsible for the adjustment of the system to 10- 8 em. To obtain approximately correct values of 11
chemical-and hence perfect mechanical-equilibrium for a basaltic magma we may consult our viscosity data
in a gravitational field. In fact this result gives us a hint as given in Figure 12.5 or use Shaw's (1972) method of
of the unlikelihood of such adjustments in nature. calculation. We then see that for a magma near its
At the present time there does not exist, to our knowl- liquidus at 1400o K, 11 ~ 104 P, although this may vary
edge at least, any information on the possible significance by a factor of 10 depending on the anhydrous com-
of diffusion induced purely by a temperature gradient positional variation and on the volatile content of the
(So ret effect) in systems of petrologic importance.' In magma. If we substitute these values of T, A and 11 into
any event, we shall see that the thermal gradients Equation (13.2), we obtain the result that D ~ 10- 9
necessary for the effect to be operative will generally cm 2 /sec. As a rough check on this result we may compare
have a life time that is small relative to the gradients that it with experimentally determined values of D presented
drive ordinary particle diffusion. by Bowen (1921) in his classical paper on diffusion in the
It is interesting now to examine in some detail the system albite-anorthite-diopside. This system, in which
case of particle diffusion along a concentration gradient the diffusion of feldspar components into diopside was
in a magma, since this process must have essentially the studied, should be at least somewhat comparable to a
same activation energy as other more complicated basaltic system. However, all Bowen's data are concerned
processes such as are involved in the Soret effect and with temperatures far above the basalt liquidus. A typical
movement in a gravitational field, and so will have a valueobtainedbyhimforT= 1773°KisD = 3.5 x 10- 6
direct bearing on them also. cm 2 /sec. If we again consult Figure 12.5 we see that in this
The case we shall discuss is diffusion in a homogeneous general temperature range 11 ~ 10 2 P, so that by sub-
basaltic magma since this has some important bearings stitution into Equation (13.2) we obtain D ~ 10- 7
on features of certain gabbroic complexes and other cm 2 /sec for a basaltic magma. Certainly this value is as
problems. However, the system we shall treat is as a whole close to Bowen's value as we have any right to expect and
not a completely homogeneous one since we assume that indicates that our assumptions yield values of D that are
it is crystallization occurring at the boundary that sets up in the right range.
the concentration gradients. Yet the diffusion itself Having obtained a value of D that is probably correct
to within several orders of magnitude, we may consider
, This statement of course excludes transport induced in
diffusion in our model of boundary-locallized crystal-
heterogeneous systems by the effect of temperature
gradients on equilibrium constants as discussed under lization. We may visualize the system as an extensive
the heading of" Quasiequilibrium processes" in Chapter 3. plutonic intrusive such as a sill or lopolith which is

Homogeneous differentiation

cooling slowly and in which crystallization is confined Co at a distance x from the border. Under the assumption
to a layer on the wall or floor (border zone). It might of a constant D, a simple solution for the concentration
happen, for example, that a single phase such as plagio- C as a function of x and t the time may be obtained by
clase or olivine is being deposited there. If we consider integration of Equation (1.76), which is the statement of
a period some time after the intrusion, then we should Fick's second law of diffusion. The boundary conditions
expect that all but the smallest temperature gradients for this integration are as follows:
will have been levelled within the magma. 2 Also we
c = Co at t = 0, O<x<oo
should expect that while the magma in contact with the
border should be just saturated, varying degrees of c= Cs at x = 0, O<t<oo
supersaturation should occur within the interior of the
magma and that, because of diffusion, the degree of
supersaturation should increase uniformly from the 13.1 Fractional degree of supersaturation
border to some maximum value in the interior. We may (c - cs)/(co - cs) of diffusing constituent of an
therefore designate two constants, the saturation con- anhydrous basaltic magma as a function of distance
from the point of saturation (crystallization). Cs is
centration Cs and the maximum supersaturation concen-
saturation concentration, Co the maximum
tration Co. We shall be concerned with a variable super- supersaturation concentration, and c the variable
saturation concentration c which falls between C s and supersaturation. The system is treated as binary for
simplicity, and the diffusing substance may be
2 As we show later, this is justified in terms of the heat regarded as either a feldspar or ferromagnesian
conductivity. component. For further explanation see text.

21 yr

T= 1400 K 0

1/ = 104 P

D = 10- 9 cm 2 /sec
1000 yr

I""I ~I 0.5
" &


X [em]

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

The integration, which is straightforward (Darken and all cases the higher rates of cooling as compared with
Gurry, 1953), then yields the following expression for those of mass transport by diffusion would be expected
the fractional degree of supersaturation: to bring about crystallization before large-scale homo-

- s _
C --C-
X / 2 (Dt)'/2
e -P'd{3 (13.3)
geneous differentiation could occur. This conclusion
does not however depreciate the important role that
Co - Cs In 0
diffusion might have over distances up to a meter or more
in transporting crystallizing constituents to the site of
The right-hand side of Equation (13.3) is the well-known crystallization. It is also probable that the effects of
probability integral given in terms of the integration {3. diffusion working in conjunction with other mechanisms
Tables of values of this integral for each value of X/(Dt)1/2 such as convection have been underestimated. We shall
are readily available. If we make use of such tables and return to these questions in our discussion of differen-
our previously determined value of D, we may obtain the tiation of certain gabbroic complexes.
fractional degree of supersaturation as a function of x
for any time interval we choose to substitute into
X/(Dt)1/2. The results for three geologically interesting
time intervals are shown in Figure 13.1. It is clear from Heterogeneous differentiation by
this figure that although little change in the degree of separation of a fluid phase
supersaturation is to be expected beyond 1 cm in time
intervals of the order of 1 yr, an interval greater than Effect of the gravitational field
1000 yr is adequate for substantial change to occur at
distances of 10 cm or more, which is large compared to We have already seen that under certain circumstances
the scale of banding encountered in gabbroic complexes. a second liquid phase may separate from a magma as a
Also as was pointed out by Bowen (1921), the area result of immiscibility. We saw, however, that a silicate
bounded by each curve and the horizontal line corre- melt can split into two immiscible parts only in certain
sponding to maximum supersaturation (c = co) is pro- restricted composition ranges. Also, since such un-
portional to the quantity of crystals deposited in the mixing can occur only by a diffusive mechanism limited
time interval. by the same conditions just discussed, such a magmatic
In Bowen's treatment of the analogous problem, he pair would begin as a highly dispersed suspension which
assumed that the maximum concentration Co was main- would still have to be segregated by gravitation to form
tained by higher temperatures in the interior region large separate bodies. Evidence for such suspensions of
rather than by supersaturation, as we have assumed. one immiscible silicate melt within another have occa-
However, as Bowen himself pointed out, great tempera- sionally been presented but none has been entirely
ture differences between the interior and border regions convincing. However, another form of fluid immiscibility,
of a plutonic magmatic body are not to be expected be- that which involves the formation of a volatile-rich
cause of the high value of the heat diffusivity as com- vapor phase, is of very common occurrence in magma-
pared with that of matter. This may readily be demon- tism, and evidence in the form of vesicular rocks is
strated by substituting the temperature T for c and widespread in volcanics of all types.
K/Cb for D in Equation (13.3). Here K is the heat con- The separation of a vapor phase from a magma is
ductivity, C the heat capacity, and (j the density of the highly pressure-dependent because of the large change in
magma. Now reasonable values of these constants are molar volume involved, and consequently certain com-
K = 2 X 10 5 erg/cm/sec, C = 1.2 X 107 erg/gmtK and plications are present that do not occur in ordinary liquid
b = 2.8 gm/cm 3 ,so that K/Cb = 6.2 x 1O- 3 °Kcm 2 /sec. immiscibility. In order to treat the problem, we shall
Thus it is clear that for similar time intervals the curves discuss several idealized situations.
of fractional temperature decrease (T - T,)/(To - T,) We may begin by considering the condition ofsepara-
versus x would be much displaced to the right relative tion in an isothermal column of completely liquid magma
to the curves of Figure 13.1. This of course means that which is subject to the gravitational field. For simplicity
the temperature gradients would disappear long before we shall assume that the vapor phase is pure water and
comparable composition gradients. the water in the melt forms an ideal binary solution with
The above results are in general agreement with the the silicate component. We shall further assume that the
early conclusions of Bowen that it is unlikely that magma has the same solubility with respect to water as
significant changes in composition could affect any large the granite depicted in Figure 12.2. The appropriate
body of magma while it is dominantly liquid. In virtually equation for a binary ideal solution in the gravitational

Heterogeneous differentiation by separation
of a fluid phase

field may be obtained from Equation (1.69) by setting

w=o: 30

X~20 = X~20 exp [Ms - M H20 guAh] (13.4)

1 - X~20 1- X H20 RT

In this equation M H20 (= 18 gm/mole) is the molecular

weight of water, and since we are treating the solution as
binary, Ms may be regarded as the "mean" molecular
weight of the silicate components. 3 Then for a hypo-
thetical "granite melt" a value of Ms = 50 gm/mole
seems appropriate since this is close to the weight of
!<KAISi 3 0 s )' Thus if we choose T = 1173°K from
Figure 12.2 and if L\h is taken as positive upward,
X~20 in Equation (13.4) may be regarded as the upper
limit of concentration of water as defined by the maximum
solubility at the given depth within the magma column.
Similarly X H20 may be regarded as the variable down- E
ward concentration in the column. Let us choose the ~
(I) (2)
..c:: 10
upper limit as 5 weight percent, which according to 0.
Figure 12.2 corresponds to a depth of 3 km. Then by 0"
calculation X~20 = 0.128 or 12.8 mole percent H 2 0.
Figure 13.2 then shows X H20 as a function of the depth
within the magma column (curve 1). It also shows the
curve of maximum solubility (curve 2) of water with
depth at 1173°K. It is obvious from this figure that under 14
conditions of solubility approximating those shown, the
variation with height of water in the gravitational field
is quite small. The intersection of the two curves gives 16
the height at which vesiculation begins, which is in this
case 3 km. If diffusive equilibrium were maintained
throughout the column during progressive water loss 18
above this point, curve 1 and its intersection with curve
2 would progressively migrate to the left, and vesiculation
would be confined to higher and higher levels.
The system just discussed is certainly too idealized
for any natural situation. In the first place, such a column
13.2 Highly simplified and idealized diagram to illustrate
of magma would have both vertical and horizontal the effect of the gravitational field in bringing about
temperature gradients, which would ensure correspond- saturation of water near the top of a magma column.
ing chemical and mechanical potential gradients in It is assumed that water forms an ideal solution
addition to those induced by the gravitational field. with the silicates and that the temperature of the
These would result in mass and heat transfer by both column is a uniform 1173°K. In addition, the partial
diffusion and convection, with the latter process playing molar volumes of water and silicate are taken to be
the dominant role. As a result the simple gravitational the same. Variation of the mole fraction of water in
profile of water concentration would be greatly modified. the melt is given by curve 1 while the variation of the
saturation mole fraction is given by curve 2. For
Secondly, any actual magma column would most
further explanation see text.
probably be partially crystalline so that not only the
density (and hence the convection) but also the thermal
properties would be further modified. Nevertheless,

3 Also implicit in the derivation of Equation (1.69) is the

assumption that the partial molar volumes VH,o and V.
are identical.

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

Figure 13.2 does provide us with a useful reference where .1hH20 and .1 VH20 are the molar heat and volume
model in that it is the simplest possible equilibrium state of evaporation of H 2 0 and .1hs and .1 V. are the molar
that water could attain in a magma column. heat and volume of solution of the silicate at the con-
centration given by X~20 and X}.
It is clear that the sign of dP/dT will depend on the
relative heat and volume changes of solution as compared
Separation of a fluid phase in a with those of vaporization. It is to be expected that
generally .1hH20 , .1h., .1 VH20 ' and .1 V. will all be positive,
crystallizing magma and if X}.1h s exceeds X~2o.1hH20 while the opposite
Most frequently a fluid phase begins to separate from a holds for X~20.1 VH20 and X}.1 V., the vapor pressure will
magma only after crystallization has already begun. increase with falling temperature, which is opposite to
Under these circumstances there may be a strong the case for liquid-vapor equilibrium in the absence of
interaction between the two types of phase separation, crystals. This is the explanation of the "second boiling
and this will have an important influence on when the point phenomena" so frequently discussed in petrologic
fluid phase begins to separate. The situation may be literature.
illustrated by an analysis of a two-component system The system NaAISi30s-KAISi30s-H20 which is of
consisting of the three phases-liquid, vapor, and great petrologic interest and is analogous to that just
crystal (Morey, 1922). This system may be approached discussed was treated in detail by Tuttle and Bowen
through the Gibbs~Duhem relation [Equation (1.7)], (1958). However since it is a three-component system it
which may be written as follows for each phase: possesses an additional degree of freedom. At any given
total pressure and temperature, crystallization of feld-
- VVdP + SVdT + X~2odll~20 + x;di; = 0 spar may begin before the system is saturated with respect
- VLdP + SLdT + X~2odll~20 + X;dll; = 0 (13.5) to water. With further cooling P H20 rises toward the
- VCdP + SCdT + X~2odll~20 + x;dlj = 0 saturation level as the quantity of liquid diminishes.
However when the saturation isobar is attained, further
In these equations the superscripts V, L, and C refer to cooling is along this isobar, and boiling occurs with only
vapor, liquid and crystal phases, respectively. slightly falling temperatures. As boiling continues the
We shall now make several assumptions which are liquid becomes slightly enriched in water but greatly
required to simplify the problem. These are that the diminishes in absolute amount until it is all used up and
vapor phase consists entirely of water and that the crystal crystallization is complete. A highly detailed analysis of
phase is pure silicate so that X; = X~20 = 0, while the system NaAISi 30s-H 2 0 has recently been given by
X~20 = X; = 1. Consequently at equilibrium P = PH20 , Burnham and Davis (1974).
where P H20 is the vapor pressure of water. Also at Although we have so far confined our discussion to
equilibrium4 1l~20 = 1l~20 = 1l~20 and Il; = Il} = Il;. water, other volatile constituents also are subject to
Then by eliminating the chemical potentials we obtain: differentiation processes in magmas. Thus we have reason
dP SVX~20 + SCX} - SL to believe that the major volatiles of a basaltic magma
(13.6) consist of almost equal parts of H 2 0, CO 2, and S02'
dT VVX~20 + VCX} - VL
with perhaps a slight preponderance of the latter two
Furthermore if we let S~20' V~20' S}, and V} represent constituents (Nordlie, 1967, 1971). However, CO 2 and
the partial molar entropies and volumes of H 2 0 and the S02 seem to diminish relative to H 2 0 as differentiation
silicate in the liquid we may write Equation (13.6) as progresses. This effect is proabably partly attributable
to vapor-phase solubility and partly to the precipitation
dP SVX~20 - S~20X~20 - (X}S} - SCX;)
(13.7) of crystalline phases containing sulfur and carbon.
dT VVX~20 - V~20X~20 - (X}V} - VCX}) Although it is sometimes difficult to distinguish
which may in turn be rewritten as follows: "volatiles" from "refractories," the solubility of the
latter in the vapor of fluid phase is usually quite re-
dP X~2o.1hH20 - X}.1h s stricted. 5 However, if we consider any real magma, the
dT T(X~20.1VH20 - X;M~) solubilities of such constituents as SiO z and MgO
assume considerable importance in any vapor-transport
4 The relations P~20 = P~20' p; = p; hold even though we
have assumed that X; = X~20 = O. This is true because
stoichiometric phases are only a limiting case of a slight 5 As we have already learned in our study of mass transport in
solubility which is always present. metamorphism.

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

phenomenon. Although any real magma will have many then transported upward to a region of lower tempera-
components and hence many degrees of freedom, the ture and pressure there will be a tendency for the volatil-
problem is somewhat simplified when saturation accom- ization reaction to be reversed so the oxide is deposited.
panies crystallization. Let us consider a magma from Thus the concept of vapor transfer or "gaseous transfer"
which olivine and pyroxene have begun to precipitate. If as advocated in particular by Fenner (1926) fits our
a vapor phase separates from this magma, equilibrium knowledge of the physical chemistry of magmas quite
demands that a certain quantity of MgO, Si0 2 , etc. will well. However it remains to be proven in one given case
go into the vapor and we may represent this as follows: just how effective the mechanism can be. 7

MgO MgO (\3. a)

melt vapor

Si0 2 SiOz (13.b) Crystallization and heterogeneous

melt vapor differentiation in magmas
We also know that such reactions will be promoted General features
by high vapor pressure (Chapter 8) so that the quantity
dissolved will depend on the water content as well as the Since the time of Bowen, crystallization, partial melting,
quantity of MgO and Si0 2 in the magma. However, and reaction between crystals and liquids in general have
since crystals are present, the following equilibrium must come to be widely accepted as the chief mechanisms by
also hold: which the differentiation of magmas occurs. Although
this conclusion is to a great extent the outgrowth of
Mg 2 Si0 4 2MgO + Si0 2 (l3.c) laboratory experiments and physico-chemical argu-
olivine vapor vapor ments, there is also a wide variety of field evidence that
supports this idea. In fact, much of this field evidence
MgSi0 3 MgO + Si0 2 (13.d) was also adduced by Bowen (1928). Yet even the wealth of
pyroxene vapor vapor evidence now available is still inadequate to reveal
unambiguously the detailed course of differentiation in
If for the moment we regard these crystals as stoichio-
most common magmatic series even when it is unper-
metric, the equilibrium constants for these reactions are:
turbed by other factors. However, now the problem is at
(\3.9) least well defined in most cases.
One of the classical problems of igneous petrology is
that concerned with the differentiation of basaltic
so that Kfd/K(C) = P Si02 and K(c/K(d) = P MgO , which is magma to yield such rock series as the gabbroic com-
the same as the case when no magma is present. However, plexes, the calc-alkali series of orogenic regions, or other
because of the higher magmatic temperatures, the solu- less well known series. Although it is recognized that
bilities will be greater for any given water pressure. fractional crystallization alone is probably inadequate
By the same type of reasoning and based on such to account for this diversity or of even certain character-
experiments as those of Morey and Hesselgesser (1951), istics of individual series, we shaH present certain evidence
we should expect the magmatic vapor phase to be charged that points to this mode of differentiation as dominant in
with a variety of refractory constituents,6 but especially at least some important magmatic provinces. At any
with silicates such as the feldspars and certain metal rate, the fractional crystallization of a basaltic magma is
oxides. The solubility of the latter will of course be a highly useful reference process and starting point for
greatly enhanced by the presence of HCI. Now we have our discussion of crystallization-differentiation in
already seen that the reactions of H 2 0 and HCl vapor general.
with refractory oxides are usually endothermic and at the We may begin by outlining a number of points of
same time may show a decrease in the number of gaseous critical information in Table 13.1, which we must have
molecules. Thus if a bubble of such gas is formed at in order to trace the course of evolution in any system
depth in a magma column where the temperature and undergoing crystallization-differentiation, whether the
pressure are both relatively high, and if this bubble is
7 Such doubt exists only for vapor transport within a magma.
6 The heavy-metal content of such a vapor phase based on There is a wealth of evidence that vapor transport is
thermochemical data has been discussed in detail by important in postconsoiidation phenomena and at igneous
Krauskopf (1959). contacts.

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

Table 13.1 Critical information required to trace this lies in the implied complete reaction and exchange
the course of differentiation by crystallization of materials between liquid and crystals. However, in
fractional crystallization where this exchange is less
1. Composition of the original system including the complete, or in the case of perfect fractional crystal-
volatile content of a primary magma; it is usually lization where it is nonexistent, the liquid may undergo
useful to summarize this information in terms of such great compositional change that it attains the lowest
normative minerals accessible temperature of the system.
2. Composition and proportion of each crystal
In considering the compositions of crystals and
separating at each stage
3. Stage of appearance and dissappearance of each liquids we must concern ourselves not only with the
crystal type familiar metal oxides that appear in rock analyses but
4. Identification and characterization-including the also with the volatiles that may have escaped in the con-
volatiles-of possible pure liquids in the differenti- solidation process. We must concern ourselves not only
ation sequence (liquid line of descent) whether these with the total iron but also with the different oxidation
be represented by quenched glasses or holocrystalline states of this metal.
rocks Of course, if for any given differentiation series, we
5. Temperature and total pressure at each stage of had all the information listed in Table 13.1 for each stage
crystallization either as recorded in experiments or as of the process we should know nearly all there is to know.
inferred from the phase assemblages
However, such a wealth of information is never available
even in the most exhaustively studied artificial systems.
Rather, we invariably can only hope to learn the crystal
system is a simple artificial one or the most complex of and liquid compositions, the temperatures, and the
natural magmas. pressures at a limited number of points so that at other
The importance of knowing the composition of the points we must infer their values.
original (primary) magma arises from the control
details of this composition exert on the whole course of Flowage differentiation and Muskox
differentiation, both in terms of compositional trends of Intrusion
the derivative magmas and in terms of the separating Bhattacharji and Smith (1964) conducted experiments to
crystals. For example, we can account for the dominance demonstrate the process of flowage differentiation and
of hypersthene in the lower gabbroic complex at explain the vertical zoning of rocks in the feeder dike of
Stillwater, Montana, by the abundance of this mineral Muskox Intrusion situated in the Northwest Territories
in the norm of the original magma. Similarly, a knowledge of Canada. In a flowing magma with crystalline and fluid
ofthe compositional details and crystallographic charac- phases, the crystals can segregate to form cumulates
ter of the separating crystals is important because because of the inherent flow properties of the mixture.
the instantaneous change in composition of the magma The cumulates form away from the walls and toward
is always away from the resultant sum of the crystal the central axis conduit. This process of segregation is
compositions separating or being resorbed at that called flowage or flow differentiation and has been
moment. For stoichiometric crystals in the primary studied theoretically and experimentally by Bhattacharji
field of crystallization, this change takes the form of a and Smith (1964), Bhattacharji (1967), Bhattacharji and
straight line in composition space; but if the primary Nehru (1972), and Komar (1972a,b).
crystal is a solid solution the line (crystallization path) The feeder dike of Muskox Intrusion is vertically
will be a curved one. For equilibrium crystallization the zoned, with norite forming the margins and picrite the
crystallization path depends only on the temperature, central part. Olivine increases in grain size, abundance,
the total pressure, and the compositional details of the and Mg/Fe ratio from the dike margins toward the center
system (expressed as concentrations and activity while plagioclase decreases in abundance but increases
coefficients). However, in the case of fractional crystal- in grain size, anorthite content, and degree of order.
lization, this path also depends on the degree of fraction- Bhattacharji and Smith (1964) showed the following
ation. In only one case, that of perfect fractional crystal- with their model experiment:
lization, do the disequilibrium paths assume a simple
form. In the case of perfect equilibrium crystallization 1. In laminar flow the solid particles separate from
involving solid solutions, crystallization in principle the walls and gradually increase in concentration
ceases and the liquid is consumed after it has undergone toward the center as the solid-fluid mixtures are
only a limited change in composition. The reason for pushed upward in the conduit.

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

2. Spherical and rod-shaped particles rotate as they

move from the walls toward the center.
3. The rate of concentration toward the center in-
creases with increased velocity or shear gradient.
Thus constrictions in the conduit accelerate the
4. For equivalent shapes, the rate of inward move-
ment of solids increases with the particle size.

These experimental observations suggest that the early

crystallized Mg-rich olivine in the flowing magma at
Muskox must have migrated away from the walls,
leaving the residual fluid depleted in Mg relative to Fe.
Succeeding crystals would become more Fe-rich as the
process-a flow analogue of gravitative differentiation-
continued. Bhattacharji's (1967) other model experiments
have dearly established flowage differentiation to be a Magnesiowustite
quantitatively important factor in causing a fractionation MgO FeO
of rock types, mineralogic zoning, and chemical differen-
tiation in nature. 13.3 Molar plot of system MgO-FeO-Fez03-Si02
modified after Muan and Osborn (1956). Primary
phase volumes solid solution joins and crystallization
paths are shown. The plane MgO-Si0 2-Fe 30 4 is
We have already encountered this system in our treat- also shown as light, broken lines. See text for
ment of planetary and meteorite chemistry (Chapters 5 explanation.
and 6). In terrestrial rocks its importance arises largely
from its status as one of the major subsystems of basaltic
magmas. Muan and Osborn (1956) and Osborn (1959), phase volumes or volumes of the tetrahedron, in which
who worked out the major liquidus relations at 1 atm crystallization of a given mineral begins, appear in this
total pressure, found it convenient to describe the system figure as irregular polyhedra which subdivide the entire
in terms of the four following idealized modes of crystal- tetrahedron. In each of these volumes one crystalline
lization: phase, one liquid phase, and a gas phase consisting of a
mixture of CO, CO 2, H2 and H 20 is present. In the ex-
1. Equilibrium crystallization at constant total com- perimental system these gases are controlled mixtures
position of the condensed system that govern the oxidation state and may be omitted in
2. Fractional crystallization at constant total com- treating the condensed phase relations. Within the
position of the condensed system volumes there are of course three degrees of freedom.
3. Equilibrium crystallization at constant oxygen The primary phase volumes are separated by surfaces,
fugacity corresponding to two degrees of freedom, along which
two crystalline phases coexist with the liquid and gas.
4. Fractional crystallization at constant oxygen These surfaces in turn intersect to form a number of
fugacity univariant space curves, the most important of which ex-
tend through the lower central part of the tetrahedron.
Of these four, the first two are the simplest and, as we
These in particular define the junction of the primary
shall see, the most pertinent to the crystallization of
phase volumes of olivine, pyroxene, silica, and ferrite. In
natural magmas. the right-hand part of the diagram three of these curves
In Figure 13.3 the system is depicted within a tetra-
intersect to form the quaternary invariant point I at
hedron, the base of which forms the previously discussed
which all four crystalline phases coexist with the liquid
system MgO-FeO-Si02 (Chapters 5 and 6). 8 The primary
and gas.
Also shown in Figure 13.3, as light, dashed lines, is the
8 For a summary of the data sources for the systems which
form the other faces of the tetrahedron see Muan and plane MgO-Si0 2 -Fe 3 0 4 , which is a cross-section of the
Osborn (1956). entire tetrahedron. This is one of an infinite number of

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

such planes that hinge on the tetrahedron edge MgO-SiO 2

and whose apexes vary from Fe03/2 to FeO. These
planes roughly approximate surfaces of constant oxygen
fugacity which decreases steadily toward the highly
reduced base system MgO-FeO-Si02.
We shall discuss first the case of equilibrium crystal-
lization at constant total composition. In terms of the
experimental system, which includes a separate gas phase,
this implies conditions under which mass exchange
between the gas phase and the condensed system is
small. However, it is obvious that in natural magmas a
separate gas phase may never appear, so that in this case
the condition of constant total composition corresponds
to little or no reaction with dissolved constituents such
as H 20 and CO. If these conditions hold in each case,
the course of crystallization will be similar to that in the
classical systems such as albite-anorthite-diopside as
discussed in Chapter 3. Let us follow the course of a melt
of initial composition P (Figure 13.3) which lies in the
primary volume of olivine just above the base of the
tetrahedron. Then on cooling the homogeneous melt, 13.4 Molar plot of crystal joins certain phase volume
crystallization begins with the separation of Mg-rich intersections and tie lines of the system MgO-FeO-
Fe203-Si02 as shown in Figure 13.3. The irregular
olivine of composition 01 on the olivine join, which is
tetrahedra which define coexisting phases are
shown connected to P by its tieline. As cooling con- discussed in the text.
tinues, separation of olivine continues and the liquid
changes composition along the equilibrium path P-Q.
Also because of the free exchange between the liquid and
crystal, the composition of the latter moves along the
olivine join toward the end member fa. Just as in the case are prevented from reacting with the melt, so that the
of the three-component systems, the tieline connecting effective composition of the total system is diminished
liquid and crystal must always pass through P. Also by these crystals. For example, if crystallization begins
because the olivine compositions all lie on the join at P and the Mg-rich olivines of composition 01 are
fo-fa, the curved path P-Q must lie in a plane that in- isolated from the melt, the effective composition of the
cludes this join and P, and that intersects the primary system is no longer P but some composition to the right
phase volume of pyroxene at Q. When Q is attained, and upward from this point. As a result, not only does
pyroxene begins to crystallize directly from the melt but the liquid follow a different path than in equilibrium
also forms by reaction of dissolved silica with olivine. crystallization but also the composition of the last liquid
For simplicity, the pyroxene join is not shown, but here is shifted toward tht; iron-rich side of the diagram along
the behavior is precisely analogous to the olivine join. the univariant line. In fact, the liquid may move as far as
At this point the crystallization path undergoes a dis- the invariant point I, where pyroxene must disappear,
continuous change and thereafter follows the curved or even beyond to the ternary eutectic on the face
path Q-R to R, where it intersects the univarient line FeO- Fe03/2-Si02. The resulting liquid is shown as
just as ferrite begins to precipitate. From this point the 1.: in Figure 13.4. It is obvious that such extreme fractional
liquid coexists with olivine, pyroxene, and ferrite, whose crystallization would result in an enormous enrichment
composition tielines form an irregular tetrahedron of the liquid in FeO relative to MgO.
which is not shown but which moves continuously During the first stage of crystallization along any such
toward the right along the joins shown separately in path as P-Q-R there is an enrichment of the ratio
Figure 13.4. The last liquid is consumed, and crystalliza- Fe0 3/2/FeO in the melt, but later when the univariant
tion ceases when the triangular base of this tetrahedron line is attained on the beginning of crystallization of
intersects P. ferrite, this trend is reversed. During the latter course
In the case of fractional crystallization at constant of crystallization there is in fact a steady drop in the
total composition, a portion of the early-formed crystals oxygen fugacity as is necessitated by the falling tempera-

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

ture. This is true because for any given oxygen fugacity see, however, that even magmas with large quantities
the tendency for oxidation increases greatly as the tem- of such volatiles are usually not very oxidizing but are
perature declines. This may readily be seen by examin- more frequently somewhat reducing.
ation of such diagrams as Figure 5.4.
We shall discuss only briefly the cases of crystallization
under conditions of constant oxygen fugacity. In this
mode of crystallization the liquid composition is con- System NaAISi30s-CaA12Si20s-KAISi30s-
strained to a plane (more properly a surface) of the type Si0 2-H 20
of MgO-Si02-Fe304, as previously mentioned. How-
The system albite-anorthite-orthoclase-silica-water is
ever, the point corresponding to P, which represents
not only the major subsystem of basaltic magmas but
the total composition, must move off this plane during
also assumes increasingly greater importance as dif-
crystallization since oxygen is either added or subtracted.
ferentiation proceeds. When we discussed this system
The movement of the bulk composition point is along
in relation to quartzofeldspathic metamorphic rocks,
"isocompositional lines," which are directed from the
we introduced the ternary feldspar subsolidus diagram
oxygen corner of the Fe-Mg-Si-O tetrahedron of which
(Figure 9.11) which depicts the important immiscibility
the system MgO-FeO-Fe0 3/2-Si0 2 forms a subtetra-
relation among these minerals. We shall be obliged to
hedron. Obviously such liquids cannot move toward the
refer to this diagram here also and consider it in con-
FeO-Fe0 3/2-Si0 2 face and so cannot become enriched
junction with what is known of the liquidus.
in FeO. However when crystallization begins as pre-
Our chief approach will be through the tetrahedron
viously in the field of olivine, or indeed in any composi-
albite-anorthite-orthoclase-silica considered at some
tion range of significance to basaltic rocks, the liquid will
fixed water pressure. Figure 13.5 shows the tetrahedron
eventually move toward the Si0 2 corner and experience
silica enrichment. The fundamental reactions con- that corresponds to a saturation water pressure of 5 kbar
trolling this behavior are of the following types:

3FeO + toz (13.e)

melt gas 13.5 Molar plot of the system NaAlSi308-CaAlzSi20s-
KAlSi30s-SiOz-H20 at 5 kbar water pressure.
Hypothetical phase volumes are based on a similar
2FeO + MgO + t02 (13.f)
diagram presented by Bateman et al. (1963). Possible
melt melt gas
equilibrium and fractional crystallization paths are
also shown and are discussed in the text.
which shows that as oxygen is added to the system-as
is required with falling temperatures at constant oxygen
fugacity-ferrite is withdrawn from the liquid and silica
Certain details on composition of minerals have
been added to Muan and Osborn's work by Speidel and
Osborn (1967) who determined the composition of
coexisting phases in the system MgO-FeO-Fez03-SiOz
as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity under
equilibrium conditions at a pressure of 1 atm. Their
results indicate that the distribution of Mg and Fe 2+ in
coexisting olivine, orthopyroxene, and magnetite may
be significantly different at lower temperatures than at
original crystallization temperatures.
In the artificial system under discussion here the
source of this oxygen is largely HzO and COz of the
equilibrated gas phase, which is of controllable com-
position. In nature the idealization of constant oxygen
fugacity is probably never realized since the source of
oxygen would frequently be confined to dissolved water
and other substances within the magma itself. We shall

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

Q 0. 0 1423

0. 9 PI_g
0..1 111 8

solid solution

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

t(KA ISi)08l
so lid solu tion
13.7 Molar plot of system NaAISi 30s-KAISi 30 s-
CaAI 2Si 20s-H 20 at 5 kbar water pressure. Based
13.6 Molar plot of system NaAlSi30s-KAlSi30s-Si02-
on data of Yoder et al. (1957).
H 20 at 5 kbar water pressure. Based on data of Luth
and Tuttle (1964). Temperature in oK.

as inferred from the limited experimental data. 9 The best 13.8 Molar plot showing shift offeldspar-silica phase
boundary with changes in water pressure in the
known parts of this tetrahedron, the basal and frontal
system NaAlSi30~-KAISi30s-Si02-H20. After data
faces, are shown separately in Figures 13.6 and 13.7. 10 of Tuttle and Bowen (1958). The shaded area
These diagrams should also be studied in conjunction shows the compositions of natural granitic rocks.
with those presented by Tuttle and Bowen (1958) on the
system albite-orthoc1ase-silica-water. Attention is specifi-
ically directed to the shift toward the silica-rich corner
of the feldspar-silica boundary and the appearance of a
leucite field at lower water pressures. The positions of
the feldspar-silica phase boundary at several different
water pressures are shown in Figure 13.8.
Many of the general qualitative phase relations, as
well as their geometric expressions, are similar to those
previously discussed for the systems albite-anorthite-
diopside and MgO-FeO-Fe0 3 /z-SiO z ' This is true
despite the fact that much water is present, because all
the crystalline phases are anhydrous in character. Also

9 Data for the tetrahedron base are from Luth et al. (1964),
for the system albite-a northite-orthoclase from Yoder et al. ({.?
(1957) and for anorthite-silica join from Stewart (1958).
Certain phase boundaries are as those previously inferred A.,
by Bateman et al. (1963) in a similar diagram.
10 Such diagrams representing anhydrous projections in 0. 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0:5 0.6 07 0.8 0.9
systems that are water saturated are referred to as .. satura-
tion surfaces" by Tuttle and Bowen (1958).
t (NaAISi)08) t (KA1Si)08)

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

the diagrams at constant water pressure should corre- before crystallization ceases; or in the case of lower water
spond to reasonably constant water contents ofthe melts, pressure, the path of such extreme fractionation will lead
especially near the tetrahedral base (Tuttle and Bowen, to the minima shown in Figure 13.8.
1958). The crystallization path beginning at M' will at first
The tetrahedron of Figure 13.5 is divided into a be similar to the segment M-N. However, because the
relatively small number of phase volumes. A characteristic system in this case has less Si0 2 , the field of orthoclase is
of some significance is the large size of the plagioclase intersected at N' before that of quartz at 0'. Other
field as compared with that of orthoclase, a feature which features distinguishing the equilibrium and fractional
should hold for lower water pressures as well. In no case crystallization paths are similar to those already de-
has any attempt been made to differentiate the various scribed for the system M and may be easily deduced by
polymorphs such as tridymite or IY. and f3 quartz; how- the reader.
ever, some of these may be located approximately by Although we have not referred explicitly to the crystal
reference to the isotherms of Figures 13.6 and 13.7. compositions and their tie lines, their general character
We shall illustrate differentiation of a melt in this will be similar to those already discussed for the system
system by considering two different paths of isobaric MgO-FeO-Fe203-Si02. For example, along the path
crystallization, one beginning at M well within the segment N-O these will form a triangle, which intersects
tetrahedron and one beginning at M' somewhat nearer the point M under equilibrium conditions. Similarly
the albite-anorthite-orthoclase face (Figure 13.5). Since along the path segment o-p the tielines form a tetra-
both points fall within the field of plagioclase, the first hedron. The precise configurations of these geometric
part of the path of crystallization will be somewhat elements is of course critically dependent on the tempera-
similar to that already discussed for the system albite- ture, the pressure, and effective bulk composition of the
anorthite-diopside (Chapter 2). Then if crystallization system as it is expressed in the phase compositions.
begins at M, the first plagioclase will be anorthite-rich, Because we have stipulated that the crystallization
corresponding to the point pi, which is shown joined to just discussed is isobanc, it is necessary that water be
M by the dashed tieline. As crystallization proceeds, this continuously withdrawn from the system, otherwise
crystal becomes enriched in both orthoclase and albite, P H20 would build up rapidly as the quantity of liquid
but mainly in the latter. Consequently the direction of diminished. Of course we use this idealization of constant
change of the liquid will have a strong component away P H20 only as an illustration and recognize that in nature
from the anorthite corner along the curved path M-N. there would probably be a constant rise in water pressure
At N the path intersects the field of quartz, suffers a as differentiation proceeded. Eventually, however, a
discontinuity, and thereafter curves downward to 0 on maximum value of P H20 consistent with the confining
the univariant space curve along which orthoclase also pressure or permeability of the surroundings would be
begins to separate. attained.
So far we have not stated whether the crystallization There is one feature of this subsystem that leads to
path refers to equilibrium or fractional crystallization. some rather important petrologic conclusions. This is
If equilibrium is maintained and if the projection of M that the minimum temperatures at which liquids can
on the albite-anorthite-orthoclase face does not fall exist within the system probably all lie within the base
within the two-feldspar field at the lowest attainable ofthe tetrahedron of Figure 13.5 or its analogs at different
liquid temperature (Figure 13.5), then crystallization water pressures. These are of course the quaternary
ceases when the last liquid lies somewhere along the eutectic points like that of Figure 13.6 and the minima
path segment corresponding to N -0 since no separate of Figure 13.8. As a consequence, liquids that are
orthoclase can crystallize. If, however, the projection of products of differentiation in the plagioclase field
M falls within the two-feldspar field on the albite- can approach the base system albite-orthoclase-silica
anorthite-orthoclase face, crystallization can cease only (anorthite = 0) only in this low-temperature region.
along the univariant space curve between 0 and P Conversely, it is unlikely that liquids that have very low
since in this case two feldspars must appear in the crystal- anorthite content and that also lie toward the orthoclase-
line product along with quartz. rich part of the diagram are products of differentiation
In the case of fractional crystallization, the paths will in the field of plagioclase. It appears, however, that the
not only differ in location and curvature but they will compositions of the majority of rocks of general granitic
also be greatly extended just as in the other systems character do project near the region of the ternary
already discussed. If M-N-O is such a path, the liquid minima as was demonstrated by Tuttle and Bowen
may in fact move all the way to the invariant point P (1958) (Figure 13.8).

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

in the system albite-orthodase-SiOrHzO, for which

Isothermal and adiabatic crystallization
Tuttle and Bowen (1958) have provided an interesting
In many magmatic systems that contain substantial discussion. It is in all probability also a characteristic
quantities of water, the possibility exists for crystalliza- of the system albite-anorthite-orthocIase-SiOz-HzO and
tion to occur under isothermal conditions when heat is the even more complex systems of the calc-alkali and
continually lost from the system. Furthermore in some other magma series.
systems crystallization may occur even when the heat of
crystallization cannot escape and actually raises the
temperature. These modes of crystallization are of
Effect of water on liquidus relations of
course accompanied by substantial loss of water from the magmas
melt with a consequent drop in PH2 0 so that the liquidus In our discussion of the experimental data on the
temperatures are increased faster than the actual temper- quartzofeldspathic systems we have seen that water has a
ature ofthe system. Such behavior is especially important rather profound effect. The major way in which water
acts is of course to generally lower the liquidus temper-
tures, which is equivalent to an increase in the solu-
13.9 Projection of natural olivine tholeiite-water system.
bilities of the feldspars and quartz. This is, of course, to be
The low-temperature limits of pyroxene and olivine expected in view of what we already know of the reaction
and the high-temperature limit of sphene have been between water and the highly polymerized silica
omitted because of uncertainties. (After Yoder and structures of such melts (Chapter 12). It is hardly
Tilley, 1962.) surprizing then that melts corresponding to the com-


Anhydrous basalt liquidus (01)


hibole stability limit

o 10

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

position of natural rocks show a similar effect. Especially 1100

interesting and important to petrologic interpretation PH,o = 10 kbar
is the behavior of basalt under varying water pressures, 1000
as was determined in the work of Yoder and Tilley
(1962). If we examine their experimental results on a 900
typical tholeiitic olivine basalt (Figure 13.9) several ~
features stand out: f... 800

1. There is a considerable lowering of the liquidus 700

temperature as defined by the beginning of
crystallization of olivine. 600
2. Olivine and pyroxene are the first minerals to
crystallize at all water pressures in the range 1000
investigated for this specimen.
3. The temperatures of beginning of crystallization ~ 900
of plagioclase is greatly depressed, corresponding ~
to increased solubility as the water pressure is 800
increased. This has the effect of greatly extending
the temperature interval of crystallization or 700
melting. K-Fs out
4. At high water pressures, amphibole crystallizes 600
directly from the melt and forms by reaction
between plagioclase and the ferromagnesium PH,o = I kbar
5. The region of anhydrous basaltic or gabbroic 1000
mineral assemblages is virtually confined to water
pressures less than 2000 bar. u
"-- 900

It is worth noting that most of the depression of the

crystallization temperatures of plagioclase occurs within
the first 2000 bar where amphibole is not stable. Also, Solidus
although in the particular example chosen the order of
beginning of crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, and
plagioclase is the same at all water pressures, the same 100 80 60 40 20
is not true generally. Specifically, Yoder and Tilley Differentiation index
(1962) found that in some high alumina basalts, for
example, plagioclase is the first mineral to crystallize at 13.1 0 Phase boundaries of typical members of the
low water pressures, but at pressures in excess of 2000 calc-alkaline sequence at three different water
pressures. The members of the sequence are
bars it already lags behind olivine and pyroxene.
expressed in terms of the differentiation index
Figure 13.9 also shows the curve of the beginning of (O.I.), which is defined as the sum of the weight
melting of a typical granite as found by Tuttle and Bowen percentage of normative quartz + orthoclase
(1958). The minimum melting curve also coincides well + albite. (After Piwinskii, 1973.)
with the values of Tand PH20 of the ternary minima in the
system albite-orthoclase-SiOz-HzO (Figure 13.~). How-
ever, the range of melting of granite is quite restricted as throughout the sequence is similar to that of basalt,
compared with basalt when refractory phases such as with the quartzofe1dspathic components showing a
pyroxene and hornblende do not occur on the liquidus. marked increase in solubility relative to the ferro-
The general melting behavior of a typical calc-alkaline magnesians with increased water pressure.
sequence of rocks is shown in Figure 13.10, which is In addition to the direct effect that water and other
taken from Piwinskii (1973). It is apparent from the volatiles have on the solubilities of minerals, there is a
figure that the response to increased water pressure more subtle influence that these volatiles exert on the

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

gamut of mineral stability relations. One of the most alkaline sequence. A part ofthis effect may be attributable
important of these effects is the complex relation between to the increased Fe/Mg ratio of these minerals since
the composition of the dissolved volatiles and the iron-rich ferromagnesians tend to be less stable than
oxidation and hydration states of the system, including their magnesian counterparts. However, the effect may
both the melt and the coexisting crystals. It should be also be explained as follows: if biotite is in equilibrium
stressed that these states are strongly coupled in magmas. with the melt, we have for the phlogopite component:
However, detailed consideration of these effects is best
KMg 3 AISi 3 0 1o (OHh
delayed until we consider certain specific rock types in
which some evidence has come to light.
KO liz + 3MgO + AI03/z + 3SiO z + H 2 0
Crystallization of amphiboles and micas Then the corresponding equation of equilibrium may be
Some of the effects of the crystallization of these minerals written as
on differentiation trends were already well appreciated
by Bowen (1928). In considering what these effects will
indeed be, the guiding principle is, as in all previous cases, where X represents the mole fractions of the constituents
the utilization of compositional information on these indicated and ¢(P, T, X) represents the product of the
minerals since it is these compositions that govern the activity coefficients. Similar relations also apply to the
kinds and degrees of element depletions suffered by the Fe members. It is apparent from the chemical analyses
magma. For example, it frequently happens that of the rocks (Piwinskii, 1968) that although X/(0,/2'
amphiboles that separate from plutonic calc-alkali X~I03i2' and X~i02 increase, their percentage increase,
magmas are enriched in normative anorthite relative to which is significant here, is much less that the percentage
albite and contain less silica than either feldspar or decrease of xtgo in the range 0.1. (differentiation index)
pyroxene. This stoichiometric relation, which is ex- = 60 to 0.1. = 95. The same argument also applies to the
pressed by the reactions already discussed in connection CaO component, which influences the stability of horn-
with progressive metamorphism of amphibolites (Chapter blende. This may be seen from the following tabulation
10), leads to the relative enrichment of magmas in albite of ratios for the Cartridge Pass tonalite (T) to the Dinkey
and silica. Similarly, when biotite crystalizes early in the Creek biotite granite (G) (Piwinskii, 1968):
differentiation sequence it has the effect, through certain
other reactions, of depleting the melt in the orthoclase
molecule so that the residual differentiate is of Oxide TIG
trondhjemitic rather than granitic composition (Barth,
1962). MgO 2.5/0.10
The obvious hydration effects that stabilize the FeO 3.62/0.64
biotites and hornblendes form one aspect of the more CaO 5.92/1.0
subtle interactions with the magmatic volatile com- Si0 2 59.14/75.4
AIO I / 2 18.23/13.5
pliment alluded to in the last section. For example, it is 2.19/4.6
K0 3 / 2
apparent that the oxidation state of a system may be
defined in terms of the reaction HzO ¢ Hz + toz and
the activity ratio aH20/aH2 so that the system becomes Also it should be noted that X~g and X~, which show
more reduced as this ratio diminishes. We shall see that the greatest, change appear raised to the third power in
there is evidence that reduction accompanies the the equation of equilibrium. Thus it seems likely that the
differentiation of the common magmas. Although the decreased thermal stability of the ferro magnesian
precise reason for this effect is still not experimentally minerals in the sequence from basic to acid magmas
established, it seems reasonable that it is connected with is at least in part due to the decreasing concentrations
the affinity of silicate melts for water and with the of their most characteristic components in the melt.
crystallization of amphiboles and micas that characterize If we compare this effect with the effect of the dif-
these magmas. ferential increase of solubility of quartzofeldspathic and
One noteworthy effect shown in Figure 13.10 is the ferromagnesian constituents as a function of water
apparent decline in thermal stability of biotite and pressure (Chapter 14), we note that although water
hornblende from basic to acid members of the calc- pressure stabilizes ferromagnesians relative to feldspars

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

on the liquidus, the ferromagnesians are subject to since they depend on the properties of the ubiquitous
increased crystal fractionation from the magma as a solid solutionsY
consequence. This fractionation in turn gives rise to the In disequilibrium melting the affected mass is in
low concentrations of MgO, FeO, CaO, etc. in tht some structural or compositional state not appropriate
granitic melts and results in the eventual thermal to the temperature and pressure at which fusion occurs.
destabilization of the ferromagnesians that contain these This is the case, for example, when a zoned plagioclase
oxides. or a low-temperature microcline crystal is melted
before the proper homogeniety or structural state can
Partial melting (anatexis) be attained by diffusion. In the case where a disequilib-
rium structural state occurs it is difficult to predict
In addition to the various crystallization mechanisms, whether melting will begin at higher or lower tempera-
differentiation can also occur through partial or tures than under precise equilibrium conditions.
differential fusion or dissolution of existing rocks. After Where compositional factors are the overriding ones
such melting or anatexis has occurred, the liquid formed the question regarding the possible appearance of a given
may be separated from the crystalline residue, be anatectic liquid can sometimes be decided through
transported for varying distances, and intruded into the knowledge of the mineral assemblages and compositions.
country rock. Only occasionally will this liquid remain For example, if a normal gabbro consists of essentially
precisely where it formed since it is always subject to at homogeneous plagioclase and ferromagnesian minerals,
least the body force of gravity. the small quantity of normative orthoclase will almost
Although anatexis probably plays an important role certainly be in solution with far greater quantities of
in the generation of basaltic magmas under deep-seated albite and anorthite. It is inescapable that, in such a
conditions, it is discussed most frequently in connection rock, melting could begin only at temperatures sub-
with the formation of granitic melts, since only these stantially above those of the normal granitic quartzo-
can form at temperatures that are readily attainable within feldspathic liquidus (Figure 13.9). However, if another
the crust. The question then usually boils down to gabbro, identical in bulk composition to the first, is a
whether or not a given rock-whether it be of sedi- product of disequilibrium crystallization which has
mentary or of igneous origin-can give rise to a granitic retained a segregated granite component, either through
melt. crystal zoning or as interstitial symplectites, it is obvious
As in crystallization, it is necessary to distinguish that melting could well begin at temperatures corre-
whether melting occurs under equilibrium or dis- sponding to the granitic liquidus. However, if after the
equilibrium conditions. Under equilibrium melting-an initial liquid were formed, there should be a reaction
idealization that is probably as rare in occurrence as tending toward the homogeneous equilibrium state,
equilibrium crystallization-phases appear and dis- this liquid might again disappear.
appear precisely in the reverse order as they do under Tuttle and Bowen (1958) have discussed in some
equilibrium crystallization in the same system. Con- detail the production of anatectic granitic melts and
sequently the first liquid to form is identical in composi- some of the conditions affecting their transportation.
tion and forms at the same temperature and pressure as Also Winkler (1974) has devoted considerable attention
the last to disappear with crystallization. Also as in to anatexis. One of the most important factors in their
crystallization, the composition, temperature, and pres- production is the available water. If this is restricted to
sure of this initial anatectic melt is limited to a con- that present in the rock as hydrous minerals, then there is
siderable degree by the bulk composition of the system. a definite relation between this water, the solubility of
For example, in the system albite-orthociase-SiOz-HzO water in the melt, and the quantity of melt produced.
(Figure 13.6) the first liquid to appear as the temperature For example, a mass Q of granite may contain a fraction
is raised will coincide with the quaternary minimum of water X H20 bound only as entirely unstable hydrous
only if its bulk composition falls within one of the three minerals. Then, if with anatectic metling, a quantity of
triangles whose liquid apex also coincides with this melt q is produced, and if under the prevailing tempera-
minimum. In any other composition range farther from ture and pressure conditions this melt contains a
the minimum, equilibrium melting can only begin at fraction XU2 0 of water, then obviously
some higher temperature. This point is also illustrated
QXH20 = qXU2 0
by the difference in beginning of melting of granite and
basalt (Figure 13.9). These conclusions are equally 11 See also Presnall's (1969) geometric analysis of partial
applicable to virtually every system of petrologic interest fusion.

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

Now at the higher water pressure x:12 o ~ 0.10, so that formations that usher in highly unfamiliar assemblages
if X H20 = 0.001 (as in many dry rocks), then q/Q = 10- 2 . that only infrequently reach the Earth's surface.
Thus under these circumstances only 1 percent of the A clue to these transformations is provided by certain
granite could melt. This quantity may of course be familiar high -densi ty minerals of regional metamorphism,
increased by increasing the quantity of unstably bound which should, by simple analogy, have their counter-
water in the original rock. However, it will be decreased parts in deep-seated magmatism. Evidence of the latter
to the extent stable hydrous minerals can coexist with in fact do occur as eclogitic inclusions in certain basalts
the melt. and other basic rocks, which are assumed to have their
An additional compositional factor to be considered sources within the mantle. Since their minerals assem-
is the possible formation of a water-rich fluid, which blages, consisting of garnet and pyroxenes, differ con-
occupies the continuum between magmas and dilute siderably in composition from the feldspar, pyroxenes,
aqueous (so-called "hydrothermal") solutions. Pre- and olivines of crustal magmatic rocks, we infer that their
sumably such fluids could form at temperatures con- appearance on the liquidus should directly influence the
siderably below those of the liquidus (saturation course of igneous differentiation at depth. To the extent
surface) in the system albite-orthoclase-SiO r H 2 0. that we can deduce the compositions of the high-pressure
However, the work of Tuttle and Bowen (1958) indicates magmatic minerals of the mantle, we can also predict
that these fluids could only form in a system with excess the course of differentiation brought about by either
alkalis so that [(K + Na)/AI] > 1. Consideration of the crystallization or partial melting. However we first face
chemical compositions of normal sedimentary and the difficulty of not knowing, except in the grossest
igneous rocks shows that such compositions are very terms, what the bulk chemical composition of the
unusual and that consequently we should not expect subcrustal material is. All that we can infer from the
such fluids to arise very often in nature. comparatively crude geophysical data is that this
The relatively small quantity of anatectic melt that material probably consists of the constituents MgO,
will ordinarily be produced, the lack of significant FeO, CaO, Si0 2 , and A1 2 0 3 , with minor amounts
superheat, and the decrease of water solubility with of Na 2 0, K 2 0, and other elements and that it is more
decreasing confining pressure all militate against ex- basic than any basaltic magma that reaches the surface.
tensive upward transport of such melts within the In addition we may also infer that basalt is a component
crust. Consequently although anatexis may play an of this material since it appears to be derived from
important role in the formation of certain plutonic it on a world-wide extent by partial melting. Ringwood
migmatites, we shall apparently have to look elsewhere (1965) was one of the first to attempt a detailed de-
for a source of the more massive outpourings and duction of mantle composition, and for it he proposed
intrusions of volcanic and plutonic granitic magmas. the term "pyrolite" which he defined as a mixture of
It may indeed happen that a number of common and three parts peredotite to one part basalt. Thus pyrolite
even rare magma types are regularly produced by should yield basalt on partial melting if for no other
anatexis within the Earth's upper mantle as suggested reason than it was put there for this purpose. Sub-
particularly for andesites. It is virtually certain that sequently many other mantle compositions have been
basaltic magmas are produced in this way as is discussed discussed but all remain conjectures.
in the next section. Although we can only roughly surmise the bulk
chemistry of the subcrust, it is possible that our knowl-
edge of high-pressure minerals as obtained by direct
Differentiation under high pressures observation and through carefully controlled experi-
ments may enable us to arrive at certain significant
Until recent years magmatic differentiation has been conclusions on at least conceivable differentiation
discussed largely in terms of minerals that regularly trends. In recent years there have indeed been many
appear on the liquidus under crustal conditions. Specifi- high-pressure experiments on rocks and synthetic mix-
cally the discussion has centered around the feldspars, tures that are inferred to resemble mantle material
pyroxenes, quartz, and olivine, with lesser attention and its differentiates, while other experiments have
paid to the spinelloids, hornblende, and the micas. To be extended the classical phase equilibrium studies to
sure, there are modifications, some of which are far hydrous magmas and phases that resemble calc-alkaline
from obvious, that are imposed on these minerals by or other rock suites that correspond to depths of the
pressure effects within the crustal range. However, order of 30 to 60 km. In particular, the latter type of
we are here concerned with the more dramatic trans- experimentation is exemplified by the work of Yoder and

Crystallization and heterogeneous
differentiation in magmas

Tilley (1962), Piwinskii and Wyllie (1968), and Piwinskii

(1973) on basalts and the calc-alkaline suite. In this plagioclase pyroxene pyroxene
range of experimentation the quartzofeldspathic con-
stituents show the increased solubility with water
garnet garnet melt
pressure, which appears to be crucial to the development
of the calc-alkaline series under crustal conditions (l3.i)
(Chapter 14), while the hydrous minerals biotite and
CaAl 2 Si 2 0 s ~ CaAl(AlSi)06 + Si0 2 (13.j)
hornblende are stabilized. However, at higher pressures
plagioclase pyroxene melt
and temperatures the latter again become unstable. It
is in the region beyond 20 kbar where this occurs. Here
we conceive the primary basaltic-and some say plagioclase olivine
andesitic-magmas to be generated. Commencing in
NaAlSi 2 0 6 + 2(Mg,Fe)Si0 3 (13.k)
this range, the chief minerals found on both the dry and
water-saturated liquidus in compositions ranging from
periodotite to andesite consist chiefly of the pyroxenes
(ortho and c1ino), olivine, and garnet (Figure 13.11). This plagioclase olivine pyroxene
has now been confirmed by numerous experiments such
as those of Green and Ringwood (1968), Green (1972),
Millhollen and Wyllie (1974), and Nichols (1974), pyroxene garnet
while Green and Ringwood (1968) have shown that
quartz is the liquidus phase only for dacitic and rhyod- (Mg,Fe)zSi0 4 + Si0 2 2(Mg,Fe)Si0 3 (13.m)
acitic anhydrous melts under high pressure. olivine melt pyroxene
One of the constituents for which we should be able
to infer behavior at depth is Si0 2 . The reason for this plagioclase olivine melt
is that the high- and low-pressure assemblages differ
markedly in their contents of this oxide. This may be
illustrated by the following reactions: pyroxene garnet

(l3.g) Al 2 0 3 (13.0)
plagioclase pyroxene melt pyroxene

plagioclase pyroxene 13.11 Approximate liquidus and solidus boundary curves

and stable phases under anhydrous conditions for
high alumina quartz tholeiite compositions. (After
pyroxene garnet melt Green and Ringwood, 1968.)

,,- Above liquidus
35 Phases co-existing with
30 clinopyroxene
0 garnet
• 0 plagioclase
~ 25 Subsolidus assemblages
I Px + Gar + Plag
• Px +Gar + Q

" /



1200 1300 1400 1500

T [0C]

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

In these reactions Mg and Fe have been combined .these mineral changes would be the silica enrichment or
for brevity. However in any quantitative application depletion implied by the stoichiometry. For example, if
the end-members of the solid-solution series must be the system is rich enough in silica to form pyroxene
distinguished, and this will double the number of instead of olivine under low-pressure conditions, then
reactions in which they occur. Also all the reactions have according to the first four reactions silica enrichment
been written in such a way that the volume is inferred of the melt will occur under sufficiently high pressures.
to decrease toward the right. 12 Thus in the case of the The subsolidus equivalent of this is the transformation
first four reactions, silica is released to the melt as the of olivine basalt to quartz eclogite. Conversely, silica
low-volume (high-pressure) assemblage of garnet and depletion of the melt will occur under high pressures
pyroxene forms. However, in the case of Reactions if the melt is relatively undersaturated with respect
(13.m) and (13.n) the reverse is true, and the melt is to the low-pressure assemblage.
depleted in silica with the formation of the high-pressure Of course the actual effect in any differentiation
assemblage. sequence will depend on the sum of reactions of this
Reaction (13.0) plays a crucial role in forming sub- type. Thus it is possible for reactions such as (13.0) to
silicic pyroxenes enriched in Al z0 3 , which characterize bring about silica enrichment in relatively silica-depleted
the high-temperature, high-pressure assemblages (Green rocks for which Reactions (13.m) and (13.n) are operative.
and Ringwood, 1968). The effect of the crystallization One conclusion that may be drawn from reactions
of these pyroxenes from a melt or of forming a melt of this type is that they should extend over a considerable
from rock containing these is to enrich the melt in range of pressures and temperatures with both the
silica. However, the effect is less marked where pyroxene high- and low-pressure assemblages coexisting over this
coexists with garnet (Green and Ringwood, 1970) range (Mueller, 1963a). This conclusion, based on the
because Al 20 3 enters the garnet according to the reaction behavior of solid solutions is borne out by the results
of the experiments, which show that various combina-
Mg 2Si z0 6 + MgAl zSi0 6 Mg3Al2Si3012 tions of pyroxenes, garnet, olivine, and plagioclase can
orthopyroxene qarnet coexist in the range of 5 to 30 kbar between the liquidus
(13.p) and solidus.
It is interesting that the typical calc-alkaline trend
The result of this equilibrium (Wood, 1974) is that of differentiation, as indicated by the MgO-FeO-alkali
although the Al content of orthopyroxene coexisting plots or AFM diagrams (Chapter 14), is shown under both
with garnet increases with the temperature, it decreases hydrous crustal conditions (Piwinskii, 1973) and anhy-
with increasing pressure at a given temperature (see drous mantle conditions (Green and Ringwood, 1968).
also Chapter 11). Although the trend under hydrous conditions appears to
The crystallization of garnet also has the additional result from increased quartzofeldspathic solubility with
effect of decreasing the partitioning of iron between water content, the corresponding effect at high pressures
crystals and melt. The distribution of iron between probably results from the occurrence of low-alkali,
pyroxenes and basaltic magmas is such that it is greatly high-iron phases such as garnet and pyroxene on the
concentrated in the latter relative to magnesium liquidus. In each case it amounts to suppression of
(Chapter 14). For garnet this effect is much less pro- feldspar crystallization and the precipitation of both
nounced (Green and Ringwood, 1968). However, since iron- and magnesium-rich ferromagnesians rather than
pyroxene usually coexists with garnet on the liquidus, ferromagnesians dominantly enriched in magnesium.
melts formed in the mantle should always be more The result is a more rapid enrichment in alkalis than in
iron-rich than the crystal residua. gabbroic type differentiation.
It is clear from these reactions that high pressure One of the great controversies that has arisen in
will favor the appearance of pyroxene relatively enriched recent years revolves around the possibility of deriving
in Na, Ca, and Al and that garnet should be increasingly andesitic magmas from various conceivable mantle
favored as the pressure is increased. Accompanying materials by direct partial fusion rather than by differenti-
ation of basaltic magma. Green and Ringwood (1968)
12 The volume changes can only be roughly estimated since showed that under anhydrous mantle conditions andesite
only STP data are available. In the case of the partial represented the lowest melting composition within
molar volume of Si0 2 in the melt the volume of pure Si0 2
may be utilized (Mueller, 1963). A better estimate might the silica-saturated calc-alkaline suite. Meanwhile it
be obtained from the work of Bottinga and Weill (1970). was determined (Kushiro, 1973; Nichols, 1974) that
However, no data exist for the pressures involved. liquids of andesitic composition could also arise from

Subtraction and variation diagrams

the partial melting of rocks as silica-undersaturated as

peridotite. It seems that the appearance of andesite Subtraction and variation diagrams
liquids versus silica-undersaturated liquids is in this
case highly dependent of the partial pressure of water. So far we have been concerned largely with the physico-
Thus andesitic liquids can coexist with magnesian chemical principles that govern the various mechanisms
olivine crystals only at water pressure of less than 10 by which magmatic differentiation takes place. However,
kbar, while at higher water pressure liquids in equilibrium we have said little about the quantitative chemical and
with olivine are silica-undersaturated (Nichols, 1974). mineralogic changes that must be known in order to
This result is regarded as reflecting unfavorably on the determine the extent of differentiation precisely. It is
genesis of andesite by melting of mantle peridodite in important, for example, to know what proportion of a
regions overlying the Benioff fault zones, which play given magma must crystallize to yield another magma of
such an important part in current global tectonic ideas. given composition on the same line of descent as the
The effects of pressure on melting relations and first. Then, too, it is equally important to see how the
differentiation trends of subcrustal materials and ba- abundance of the rock-forming oxides vary along the
saltic magma have also been widely discussed in relation entire differentiation sequence.
to simplified synthetic systems which are extensions of The foregoing questions can be answered very easily
classical phase equilibria studies. In particular the for synthetic systems once the phase compositions and
concern (O'Hara, 1965; O'Hara and Yoder, 1967) has crystallization paths have been determined (Bowen,
been to show how increased pressure shifts the cotectic 1928). However, such information is difficult to obtain for
troughs and thermal divides such as those discussed in natural magmas. Instead, it is necessary to combine all
relation to Figures 13.6, 13.7, and 13.8. Such shifts would available information on the minerals in rocks that are
play a crucial role in determining whether or not the products of this differentiation with certain plausible
silica-saturated magmas would result by partial melting assumptions about the history of these rocks. For
of any given mantle material. example, if we can assume that two such rocks represent
It is clear from the cited experiments that basaltic former pure liquids on the same line of descent, and if
magma of various types can be derived by partial we can infer the character of the crystallization products
melting of mantle material similar to pyrolite. The that separate them, then not only can we deduce the
precise nature ofthe basaltic magma-whether tholeiitic, quantity of each crystal precipitated but also how much
alkaline, or more basic-can be a function of a variety of the first magma had to crystallize to yield the second.
of factors either related to differences in composition The result of such a calculation is usually presented
of the mantle source material, the P- T conditions of graphically as a subtraction diagram.
fusion, or to modifying factors such as volatile concentra- We shall illustrate what we have just said by making
tion (Ito and Kennedy, 1974). use of two volcanic rocks from the Cascade Province,
It also seems clear that andesitic liquids can be one an olivine basalt and the other of basaltic andesite,
derived by partial fusion of a variety of materials. For which we shall assume (at least tentatively) lie on the
example (Green, 1973), when 28-percent pyrolite is same liquid line descent. The chemical analyses of these
fused under saturated conditions at 10 kbar, magnesian, rocks, which were first presented by Williams (1942)
quartz-normative basaltic andesites result; and if 33 and later used by Osborn (1959) in a similar illustration,
percent of the same material is fused, quartz tholeiite are given in Table 13.1. The mole percentages of the
melt is obtained. Similarly, Nichols (1974) showed that oxides for both rocks are given in columns 2 and 4 of
andesitic liquids could coexist with peridotitic material the table and from these Figure 13.12 has been con-
as explained previously. Such experiments do not structed by the following method: Since the basaltic
establish, however, that andesite is an important andesite does not differ greatly from the olivine basalt,
primary magma. Rather, the experiments of Green (1973) it seems justified to introduce the critical assumption
showed that the tendency to form andesitic liquids that the crystalline product contains no KO l/2 • We also
through fractional crystallization is so strong that they make the second assumption, which is quite arbitrary
are frequently formed on quenching more basic liquids. in this case, that the crystalline product consists entirely
It is possible that some andesites form by direct fusion of plagioclase, Ca-pyroxene, olivine, and magnetite. The
of subcrustal material. However it always must be first assumption regarding KO l/2 enables us to establish
remembered that its lower density as compared with the horizontal scale of the figure by drawing a straight
basalt will tend to make andesite more prominent near line between the KO l/2 content of the basaltic andesite
the surface and conceal basalt (gabbro) at depth. and the zero-value representing the crystalline product

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

Table 13.1 Compositions of two rocks from the Basaltic Olivine

andesite basalt
Cascade volcanic province. See Fig. 13.12

Ll Olivine basalt L2 Basaltic andesite

~ 60
Wt.% Mole % Wt. % Mole % "
~ 50r----------S~i~O~2___r--------------__~
Si0 2 50.7 46.5 55.8
tAl 2 0 3 18.0 19.8 18.0 19.9
§ 40 1

CaO 9.7 9.7 7.4 7.4

MgO 7.6 10.6 5.1 7.2
FeO 7.0 5.5 4.1 3.2
t Fe 2 0 3
tNa 2 0
6.5 A_IO~3~/2
20r-_________ __~----------------~
tK 2 0 0.7 0.8 1.2 1.4
Data from Williams (1942) and Osborn (1959).

on the right. This scale, which has been arbitrarily set ~

at 100 units, then contains the mole percent of olivine -E 12
basalt crystallized. The numerical value of the latter, E
i'l 10
which may be found by fitting the basaltic KO l/2 .;;

content to the straight-line plot, is found to be approxi- o 8

mately 47 percent. Once the position of the olivine basalt
is plotted, the oxide contents of the crystalline product 6
are fixed by straight-line plots, except that some FeO
must be oxidized to form the required magnetite. The
quantity of the latter is governed by the amount of
FeO + MgO that is in excess of that required for olivine 2~::~~F~eO~3~/2~~:J~::;;~::~~:=~1
L KO I/2
and pyroxene. 13 o 20 40 60 80 100
The most important lesson that we can learn from L2 LI C
calculations of this type is that in the passage from one Crystalline [mole %1
magma to another by crystallization differentiation,
even when the chemical difference between them is not 13.12 Subtraction diagram of two volcanic rocks of the
great, involves the crystallization of a large fraction of Cascades province. Data are from Williams (1942)
the parent magma. Unfortunately, it is not possible to and Osborn (1959). For a detailed explanation see
extend this method to later members of the differentia-
tion sequence since the assumption regarding KO l/2
no longer holds. However, it is clear by extension of this
line of reasoning that a very great proportion of basaltic
type of variation diagram which has seen wide use in the
parent magma must crystallize to yield dacite or rhyolite,
petrologic literature. These diagrams were examined
and this effect will be all the more pronounced precisely
critically by Bowen (1928), who showed that the form
because the late crystallization products contain large
of the variation curve for each oxide may be related
amounts of alkalis.
to corresponding details in the crystallization path
When the oxide contents of two or more rocks are
when the rocks concerned all lie on a single liquid
plotted against some continuously varying parameter
line of descent. As in the case of the subtraction diagram,
such as the Si0 2 content (Harker diagram), we have a
the variation diagram may be constructed in terms
of a variety of parameters. For example, in the diagram
13 An alternative way of constructing the subtraction dia- introduced by Larsen (1938), the parameter tSi0 2 +
grams makes use of the quantity of a given oxide plotted K 2 0 - FeO - MgO - CaO (in weight percent) sub-
on the horizontal scale. Thus Bowen (1928) and others
have found the Si0 2 content a convenient index of stitutes for Si0 2 in the better-known Harker diagram.
differentiation. Since the Si0 2 content is usually an almost linear

Subtraction and variation diagrams

function of the Larsen parameter, the oxide variation oxide in the same manner, and exhibits well the dif-
curves tend to be similar in the two types of plots. ference in silica-saturated and silica-unsaturated dif-
An interesting type of variation diagram introduced ferentiation sequences.
by Thornton and Tuttle (1960) makes use of a parameter Although the efficacy of the variation diagram as
known as the" differentiation index," or D.I. The D.1. a petrologic tool has been challenged, it was demonstra-
is defined as the sum of the weight percentages of ted by Larsen in particular that significant systematic
differences exist between the variation curves of different
normative quartz + orthoclase + albite + nepheline geologic provinces and different igneous episodes in
+ leu cite + kalsilite. the same province. Thus the rocks of the San Juan
These are the components of "petrogeny's residua volcanic province of Colorado (Larsen and Cross, 1956),
system," which tend to accumulate in melts as differentia- and as illustrated in Figure 13.13, are generally rich in
tion proceeds or result from early anatexis. Since no
more than three of these normative minerals will
appear in any given norm, the D.1. is simply the sum of 13.13 Variation diagram of Conejos quartz latite, in
the percentages of three normative minerals. Thus in a weight percent. Crosses and circles indicate rocks;
granite this sum would be orthoclase + albite + quartz, dots are ground masses. Curves are variation curves
whereas in a phonolite it could be orthoclase + albite for the Potosi volcanic series. (After Larsen and
+ leucite. The D.1. has the advantage of treating each Cross, 1956.)

~ 70
0 60



. ..
~ 4 OiA

~ 16 " " " ~,

8 :;;: 12 "
~ 6
0 4

"'- ~ K20
~ 4 ~tJ.6. 6·

0 ,,----'*"""'7:,.~~ "

'~* 4 Q
:0 o 9
. .,.
0 g
6•• .~o-..:.

Z" 0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
1/3 SiOz + K20 - FeO - MgO - CaO [wt. %]
Basalt Quartz latite Rhyolite

13 Differentiation
and crystallization of magmas

K 2 0 as compared with other calc-alkali provinces. Of

course, a great part of the uncertainty in such diagrams
is immediately attributable to errors in the chemical
analyses. However, it was also shown by Bowen (1928)
that such diagrams are sometimes greatly influenced by
admixtures of crystals so that the rocks deviate from
possible pure liquids in the line of descent. If such ad-
mixtures are present in varying proportions, the varia-
tion curves tend to be straight like those of subtraction
diagrams, which is, of course, in the nature of mixtures.
Bowen also demonstrated that variation curves that
represent a true liquid line of descent may have quite
characteristic curvatures so that, for example, the Na 2 0
curve characteristically is concave downward while the
K 2 0 curve is concave upward near the rhyolitic end of
the diagram.
Several other interesting features are shown by
Figure 13.13. One of the most important of these is the
relation between a given rock and its ground mass. It
is apparent that both rock and ground-mass composi-
tions generally lie on or near the same variation curve so
that we have in this case direct evidence of not only
liquid lineage but also for an origin by normal crystal
differentiation involving ordinary crustal minerals.

Igneous plutons:
Their physical
and mode of

The compositional fields of igneous rocks

Our topics here are the physical chemistry of the rocks
and magmas and the structural modes of occurrence of
the prominent plutonic bodies as illustrated by specific
examples from the literature. However, it is desirable
first to consider the observed range of chemical com-
position of those bodies. The primacy of composition,
which we have previously emphasized for metamorphic
rocks, compels us again to settle the question of the
compositional fields of stabilities of magmatic minerals
before it is possible to discuss meaningfully the contri-
butions of temperature and pressure. Our concentration
on plutonic rocks is dictated not only by their relative
importance in the evolutionary scheme but also by their
registering with greater fidelity than volcanics the
physicochemical environment of the deep-seated regions
in which differentiation occurs.
Although it is difficult to summarize in any succinct
way the compositional variety of even the commonest
igneous rocks, something approximating this may be
done by the use of charts and diagrams in conjunction
with stoichiometric chemical equations which display
most precisely the compositional transformations be-
tween one rock and another. We already made an
attempt in this direction when we introduced the simple
classification scheme of Table 4.3 for igneous rocks.
However, it is apparent that this chart, which is based on

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

(K, Na)O I (Ca, Mg, Fe)O vite in more siliceous rocks such as granite. The region
above the line K + Na = AI is characterized by AI
deficiency so that the chemical analyses show normative
acmite, and Na-Fe3+ pyroxenes and amphiboles occur
in the mode.
Because of the importance of Al z0 3 and SiOz
variation on the mineralogy, some authors have found
it convenient to distinguish the regions of Figure 14.1
by terms which are defined as follows:

Ekeritic: silica adequate or excessive, alumina deficient

Miaskitic: silica deficient, alumina adequate or
Agpaitic: silica and alumina both deficient

The origin of these terms has been discussed by Barth


Basaltic compositions
14.1 Molar plot of normative minerals to indicate
degree of saturation or undersaturation with Figure 14.2 is a familiar tetrahedral plot, also on the
respect to Si0 2 and A1 2 0 3 , Other oxides have per-cation scale, that covers most of the common basaltic
been lumped together. compositions, although it depicts largely the degree of
silica saturation. The plane albite-diopside-enstatite
the variation of quartz, feldspar, and feldspathoids, falls
short of distinguishing the many important rock types
which differ in Al z0 3 , KzO, NazO, CaO, and other 14.2 Molar plot of most common minerals in the
oxides. basalt system to indicate degree of saturation and
A generalized triangular diagram, which is a useful undersaturation with respect to silica. The plane
supplement to Figure 4.3, is shown in Figure 14.1. On albite-diopside-enstatite defines silica saturation.
this diagram are plotted, on a per-cation basis, the com- The plane albite-diopside-forsterite is the plane of
mon rock-forming minerals. Of necessity some of the critical silica undersaturation since rocks to the
mono- and di-valent cations have been lumped together left of it contain nepheline.
to increase the scope of coverage. Most of the formulas
appear regularly in normative calculations while others,
such as melilite, do not.
Figure 14.1 depicts not only the degree of silica sat-
uration (or undersaturation) but also the degree of
saturation with respect to Al z0 3 . We may in fact define
the line of critical Al z0 3 undersaturation as the line
which bisects the SiOz corner, since most rock-formers
with K + Na = Al fall on this line, and only AI-deficient
species fall above it. For rocks of intermediate com-
positions, which contain substantial CaO, MgO, FeO,
etc., there is a range of undersaturation with respect to
Al z0 3 between this line and the plagioclase join albite-
anorthite, since AI-rich phases ordinarily will form only
after all the available CaO has been converted to
anorthite. Outside this area, however, saturation with
respect to Al z0 3 is manifested as modal corundum in
certain syenites and as andalusite, sillimanite, or musco- Ne

The compositional fields of igneous rocks

defines silica saturation as it is ordinarily understood CaO

since compositions lying to the right of this plane con-
tain normative quartz and include the prominent
basaltic type known as quartz tholeiite, (which is the
best known example of primary magma, see Chapter 12).
In spite of this normative saturation, volcanic rocks
frequently contain olivine phenocrysts, since this mineral
does not react completely under conditions of rapid
crystallization. Also, iffractional crystallization is intense
enough, free silica may occur in normatively under-
saturated basalts lying to the left of this plane. However,
we shall be concerned here mostly with tholeiitic magma
types rather than rocks, since it is these that may give
rise by differentiation to the dominant calc-alkali and
gabbroic plutonic complexes.
The plane albite-diopside-forsterite of Figure 14.2 is
sometimes referred to as the "plane of critical under-
saturation" with respect to silica since compositions to
the left of it contain normative nepheline. The natural
equivalents of these compositions yield the alkaline 14.3 Molar plot of normative minerals illustrating
basalts, tephrites, basanites, etc., composed of plagio- certain relations in alkaline and melilite basalt
systems. For explanation see text.
clase, nepheline, and ferro magnesian silicates. On
differentiation such magmas may of course give rise to
even more alkaline and silica-undersaturated types.
normati ve anorthite:
To show the effect of varying the alumina content of a
magma, we make use of a stoichiometric transformation
between the normative minerals. For example, if we add
anorthite melilite
AI 2 0 3 to typical tholeiitic basalts near the albite-
diopside-enstatite plane, the following transformations
anorthite melilite
diopside quartz
CaO + CaMgSi 2 0 6 -- Ca z MgSi 2 0 7 (l4.e)
04.a) diopside melilite
anorthite enstatite
According to these equations, melilite rocks may result
either through high CaO or low Al 2 0 3 and Si0 2 con-
diopside enstatite tents. This effect is illustrated by path B in Figure 14.3.
Analogous transformations involving nepheline are
04.b) obvious and may readily be visualized in Figure 14.2.
anorthite forsterite One of the most important conclusions that may be
drawn from these stoichiometric considerations is that
Reactions (14.a) and (14.b), which may be taken to apply variations in the compositions of basaltic or gabbroic
to silica-saturated and undersaturated melts, respectively, magmas may arise in a variety of ways and do not neces-
show that the norms of nonaluminous phases are altered sarily involve subtraction or addition of common modal
drastically as Al 2 0 3 is added or subtracted. The effect is minerals such as might result from crystal settling or
shown graphically by path A of Figure 14.3. assimilation. Rather, the oxides, as may be seen by
In the field of the alkaline or greatly undersaturated examination of analyses, usually vary independently.
melilite basalts, variation of Al 2 0 3 or CaO brings about The source of this variation may of course be complex
transformations which go a step beyond Reactions and in fact returns us again to the question of the origin
(\4.a) and (l4.b) and involve the disappearance of of primary basaltic magmas.

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

gradation between magmas of calc-alkaline and alkaline

Acid and alkaline compositions types. This was found to be the case by Larsen (1940) in
The AI 2 0 3 content of magmas is an important deter- the broad central Montana petrographic province. He
mining factor in the mineralogy of rocks that do not found that the rocks of each subprovince, whether calc-
contain much CaO, since then the buffering effect of alkaline or alkaline in character, exhibited smooth
anorthite is not available. One of the most obvious variation diagrams which are most easily explained as
results in such acid and alkali-rich rocks, and which has marking a dominantly liquid line of descent. He also
already been mentioned, is the production of normative believed that the parent magmas of these subprovinces
and modal acmite in a system critically undersaturated all had a common origin. Consequently, although we
with respect to this oxide. The stoichiometry may be shall find it necessary to concentrate our study of
written as follows: differentiation in the dominant gabbroic and calc-
alkali series complexes, it is well to stay alert for possible
NaAISi 3 0 s + t Fe 2 0 3 ~ alternative mechanisms of a purely magmatic character
albite hematite which might lead to an explanation of more unusual rock
acmite quartz

It is clear that if AI 2 0 3 is withdrawn from the system or

is low to start with, this reaction is displaced to the right. General factors in the differentiation
In silica-poor rocks this gives rise to aegerine or Na-Fe3+
amphibole-bearing syenites, while in the silica-rich or
of basaltic magmas
"ekeritic" field, aegerine granite or pantellerite volcanics Before we enter fully into our discussion of the differen-
will result. tiation of specific plutonic complexes, it is desirable to
If somewhat more CaO and MgO are present, the compare in the most general terms the characteristics of
following reaction is applicable: the two major trends as exemplified by the gabbroic and
calc-alkali series rocks (Table 14.1). In so doing we
should, however, caution the reader against regarding
albite hematite diopside Jorsterite
the two series as distinct from one another. Indeed, the
opposite seems to be true since there is considerable
acmite anorthite enstatite evidence of complete gradation between them.
There is a rather close relationship between the
different characteristics of the series as presented in
Reaction (l4.g) may be regarded as a purely stoichio- Table 14.1. There is first of all the question of the com-
metric transformation or as defining an equilibrium positional details of the parent magmas, which-as we
state. In the former case it defines the normative mineral have seen in Chapter I3-play such an important role
composition as given by the chemical analysis of the in determining the course of differentiation. In this
rock. For example, if Na = AI, the left-hand side repre- regard the calc-alkali magmas appear to be water-rich
sents the conventional norm since normative acmite and and this seems to hold for early as well as late members
anorthite are mutually exclusive. However, ifit is regarded of the series. Whether this is a fundamental characteristic
as an equilibrium reaction, then members on both sides of the parent magmas at their source (presumed to be in
of the arrows could conceivably coexist in solid solutions. the upper mantle) or is acquired on the way up is as yet
In fact, the acmite molecule is a prominent constituent undetermined. However, it seems highly likely now that
of many pyroxenes of syenites and other rocks which this feature not only governs the differentiation trend
show no normative acmite but contain considerable but also imparts to the complex its characteristic
anorthite. structural-dynamic style which involves regional defor-
We omit here a detailed discussion of the more mation and the upward thrust oflarge bouyant masses of
extreme chemical types of Figure 14.1 since it appears the granodioritic plutons. By contrast, the heavy iron-
that their genesis involves processes analogous to the enriched gabbroic bodies tend to sink out of sight since
more common types. Such is the case, for example, of they usually are more dense than their surroundings. An
many nonfeldspathic alkaline rocks and the associated exception to this behavior occurs, however, when large
carbonatites. However, it should be mentioned that segregations of plagioclase form anorthosite bodies.
certain magmatic provinces show evidence of complete Such bodies then appear to be of sufficiently low density

General factors in the differentiation of basaltic magmas

to move under buoyancy forces (Martignole and and Larsen diagrams cannot be employed in comparing
Schrijver. 1970). their chemistry with that of the calc-alkali rocks. In fact,
It is frequently possible to determine the nonvolatilic silica activity remains at about 0.7 (Williams. 1971). One
composition of the parent magmas in the gabbroic of the most informative diagrams for this purpose is the
complexes because the quiescent mode of crystallization triangular plot shown in Figure 14.4. This plot, which
favors the preservation of quenched border-zone rocks. compares the southern California and Idaho batholiths
But in the calc-alkali complexes many factors such as with the Skaergaard gabbroic complex. shows the vari-
synkinematic deformation. small temperature gradients, ation of the important ferromagnesian oxides as a func-
and intense local metasomatism, to mention only a few tion of the major residue oxides in both systems. An
complications, work against such preservation. In spite examination of the literature will reveal that the curve
of these difficulties, we shall see that there is much AC is characteristic in form and location to those of most
evidence that the major calc-alkali batholiths stem from large and small calc-alkali complexes throughout the
a basaltic parentage not greatly different from those of world. However, the Skaergaard curve (ABC) in its
the gabbros. Some of this is structural and textural steep course toward the FeO corner is a somewhat
evidence for the existence of liquid gabbroic magma extreme representative of the gabbroic complexes. It
intrusions, but most is in the form of the termination, should also be kept in mind that the Skaergaard is
through scattering, of the basic part of the variation slightly undersaturated with respect to Si0 2 • whereas
diagrams. It is thought that the scatter distinguishes the both the typical gabbroic and calc-alkali primary
crystalline cumulates from the most basic liquid of the magmas tend to be saturated or oversaturated in this
senes. respect.
Since the gabbroic series show little or no silica It is immediately apparent that although the two
enrichment during differentiation. the ordinary Harker curves ABC and AC are significantly different. this

Table 14.1 Comparison of the features of major

differentiated complexes

Gabbroic series Calc-alkali series

Structural form Stratified sill, Complex batholiths of

lopolith, or massive steepwalled
funnel intrusion plutons, domes, or
Structural N onorogenic: Orogenic; both
environment faulting dominant faulting and folding
Number of One or few Multiple
Water content of Low High
the magmas
Mean temperatures High to moderate Moderate to low
of differentiation
Dominant character Anhydrous gabbroic Hydrous quartzo-
of mineralogy feldspathic
Type of Absolute iron Relative iron enrichment;
differentiation enrichment, no strong silica enrichment
silica enrichment
Contact effects Modest thermal Modest to profound
thermal and metasomatic

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

FeO diagram should also be studied in relation to Figure

9.11 and the discussion in Chapter 9. In the upper left-
hand part of this diagram appear the feldspar norms of
the quenched border facies of the Bushveld, Stillwater,
and Skaergaard gabbroic complexes which are thought
to represent the primary magmas (1, A, and B). These
magmas also do not differ greatly from those of the calc-
alkali complexes. Further to the left, nearly on the
anorthite-albite join, are plotted representative plagio-
clase crystals from early differentiates of the Stillwater
Complex. Again these resemble the feldspar of early
. calc-alkali differentiates. Presumably the most anorthite-
rich of these represents the primary precipitate from the
• Southern California parent magma A .
batholith It is informative to consider differentiation under
c ... Idaho batholith conditions when the water content of the magma in-
0.5 MgO creases as is thought to occur in calc-alkaline differenti-
ation, since then the ternary feldspar solvus is intersected
14.4 Molar plot showing fractionation trends in the
southern California and Idaho batholiths (path
AC) and the Skaergaard layered complex (path 14.5 Molar plot of fractionation trend in the feldspar
ABC). Numbers refer to analyses shown in subsystem in various complexes as illustrated
Table 14.5. by a composit from such complexes. Points I, A,
and B are thought to represent primary magmas
(Table 14.2) of the Bushveld, Stillwater, and
Skaergaard basic complexes, respectively. C
difference is one of degree only. It is also obvious that represents a jotunite from Quebec and D the
curve ABC must represent absolute iron enrichment in southern California batholith . • crystals,
the segment AB since there is little enrichment of alkalies Stillwater (Hess, 1960); 0 border facies rock,
until B is passed in going from right to left. By the same Stillwater (Hess, 1960); t:,. border facies rock,
criteria, the curve AC cannot represent absolute iron Bushveld (Hess, 1960); D border facies rock,
enrichment. However, a close examination of the succes- Skaergaard (Wager and Deer, 1939); ~ jotunite
sive points of intersection of this curve with the lines of rock (Phil potts, 1966); • jotunite crystals
(Philpotts, 1966); + crystals, Woodson
constant alkali content shows that there is relative iron
Mountain granodiorite (Larsen and Draisin,
enrichment with respect to MgO. Such behavior, which
results in convexity toward the Fe corner, is character-
istic ofliquids from which crystals with increasing values An

of Fez + I(Mg + Fe2+) are separating and, as such,

points strongly to the existence of a complete family of
curves between AC and ABC and which are differentiated
by varying degrees of alkali enrichment.
We have seen in Chapter 13 that in an anhydrous
system, such as the gabbroic complexes, the subsystems
MgO-FeO-FezOrSiOz and Ab-An-Or-SiO z are to a
large degree independent. However, it is clear that in the
calc-alkali series these subsystems must be strongly
coupled through reactions between olivine, pyroxene,
and feldspars to produce hornblende and biotite. Yet
the system anorthite-albite-orthoclase, taken by itself,
should exhibit many similar features in both series
although details will vary. We may illustrate this point
by plotting the normative feldspars of representative
rocks together on the same diagram (Figure 14.5). This Ab

Differentiated gabbroic complexes

at successively lower levels and the compositions of the

feldspars show maximum divergence rather than actual Differentiated gabbroic complexes
convergence as in high-temperature volcanic rocks
(Carmichael et al .. 1974). The early course of differenti-
ation may still be illustrated by the successive differ- General features
entiates from the Bushveld complex (numbers 1.2. and
3) as obtained from the quenched border-facies. The We have already presented a resume of characteristics
intermediate course of differentiation, corresponding to by which we compared the gabbroic and calc-alkali
higher water content. is illustrated in the segment complexes. Here we are concerned with those features
3-C -D. In the general vicinity of C, alkali feldspar com- that particularly characterize the gabbros and have few
ponents become sufficiently enriched in the crystallizing counterparts among the calc-alkaline rocks.
feldspars to cause precipitation of a potassium-rich I t seems clear now after the detailed studies of such
feldspar as illustrated by the pair from the jotunite rock complexes as the Skaergaard that the dominant chemical
from Quebec. The trend of alkali enrichment has been process involved in their formation is the co-precipitation
carried much further at D. which represents even lower of plagioclase and ferromagnesian silicates from a slowly
temperatures than C. We choose to illustrate this by cooling melt of basaltic composition. The deposition of
utilizing a feldspar pair from a granodiorite of the these crystals in layers by largely mechanical sedi-
sourthern California batholith. The path of crystallization mentation processes is accomplished at least in part
here is somewhat analogous to that considered in relation through the agency of con vection currents. As was
to Figure 14.5. Thus it is clear that a very alkali-poor pointed out by Wager and Deer (1939) the relatively low
parent magma can through strong fractional crystal- viscosity of these melts (Chapter 12). and the fact that the
lization give rise to alkali-rich differentiates. However, complexes cool principally through the roof. tend to
the precise course of differentiation can be influenced favor convection. Then. too. the quiescent state of affairs
by the coupled reactions referred to earlier. Thus if the required for orderly layer-by-layer build-up of sedi-
water pressure is high enough as in the typical calc- mentary beds is likely to be best achieved in the non-
alkali magmas. the precipitation of biotite might tend to orogenic environment. which is typical of these
direct the crystallization path farther from the orthoclase complexes. In general. the convection-controlled mode
corner. As we have seen (Chapter 13) the temperature at of crystal settling results in a rhythmic layering in which
each stage of differentiation is given. at least in principle, high concentrations of dark. heavy ferro magnesian
by the length and orientation of the crystal tielines crystals alternate with leucocratic feldspar-rich con-
assuming that equilibrium between the two crystals was centrations. There generally also is a mimicking of the
attained. Unfortunately, the latter requirement is seldom graded bedding of aqueous sedimentation, with the
satisfied. Thus although the homogeneous feldspars of ferromagnesian concentration gradually decreasing up-
the jotunite seem to indicate equilibrium (Philpotts. ward in each layer. Also. crystals of tabular form such
1966) the highly-zoned character of the plagioclase from as the feldspars tend to lie parallel to the bedding. This
the granodiorite (Larsen. 1948) disproves it in that case. igneous lamination is. where the horizontal currents
The systematic increase in Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+). which assert themselves. modified to an alignment of the grains
results in absolute iron enrichment in the gabbroic in the direction of current flow.
series but only relative iron enrichment in the calc- This mechanically deposited crystal aggregate is
alkali series. is a consequence of the equally systematic termed the cumulate and has a porosity ranging from
change in the same parameter for all the ferro magnesian 10 to 30 percent. The pores are of course filled with
minerals. We shall see that this change in iron contents, liquid magma. which mayor may not be in equilibrium
which accompanies the enrichment of alkalies in the with the crystals. depending on the rate of crystallization,
feldspars. implies a tendency toward reduction in both as compared with the rate of diffusion and liquid com-
series so that oxidation-reduction phenomena do not position change. Eventually the pore liquid solidifies to
distinguish the series as was thought by Kennedy (1955) give rise to the intercumulate crystals.
and Osborn (1957). Rather. as was pointed out by Both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the
Bowen (1913) a long time ago. the distinction must be differentiated layers vary greatly, depending on the
sought in the physicochemical process that acts, on one dimensions and history of the complex. In the smaller
hand. to maintain an almost constant ratio of feldspar to complexes. such as the Skaergaard, the thickness
ferromagnesians and. on the other hand. acts to accumu- variation is relatively small, with the thickest beds
late the quartzofeldspathic components in the melt. measured in meters. But in the larger complexes some

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

members of almost monomineralic anorthosites measure it has most frequently been proposed that they are de-
hundreds of meters in thickness. rived ultimately from just below the roof and are brought
Superimposed on the rhythmic layering is a subtler to their resting place either by quiescent settling or by
kind of variation. termed cryptic layering by Wager and convection currents. In any case, the nature of these
Deer (1939). but which is actually the progressive or initial precipitates provide at least a rough indication of
oscillatory vertical change in mineral composition which the thermodynamic properties and chemical character-
corresponds to iron enrichment. Where this iron enrich- istics of the parent magma. To the degree then that
ment has reached some critical value. at a given strati- equilibrium was attained we can obtain the coefficients
graphic height it may. by its influence on the mineral for the distribution of the elements between these phases.
stabilities. cause certain phases to disappear or new One of the most interesting features of the layered
phases to appear. Also because the intercumulate gabbroic complexes is the occurrence within them of
crystals recapitulate on a minor scale the differentiation thick zones of nearly monomineralic rocks such as
history of the complex as a whole, new crystalline phases anorthosites. As we shall see, the occurrence of such
tend to appear at a lower stratigraphic height than in the layers can be explained by variations of normal crystal
cumulate. fractionation processes. These occurrences should, how-
The absolute iron enrichment of the cryptic layering ever. be compared with the much larger anorthosite
results in an increase upward in the densities of the rocks bodies of the Precambrian anorthosite complexes, such
and magmas. Thus although the layering is a response as that of the Adirondacks, where relatively much smaller
to the tendency toward gravitational stability through quantities of gabbroic rocks occur and which usually
crystal settling, the end-product is a gravitationally show evidence of profound deformation. It appears that
unstable rock mass in which dense layers overlie less in the latter bodies buoyancy forces have brought about
dense layers. an even greater segregation of plagioclase than crystal
When large bodies of basaltic magma are first in- fractionation acting alone (Martignole and Schrijver.
truded, they suffer chilling against the floor, walls, and 1970).
roof of the intrusion. At the same time, the heat of the
magma and the emitted volatiles also effect a certain The Skaergaard gabbroic complex, East
amount of metamorphism. The chilling in the outer Greenland
shell of magma is usually adequate to lower the tem-
perature below the solidus range so that a rather Chiefly through the monumental work of Wager and
fine-grained sample of rock approaching the bulk com- Deer (1939). I the Skaergaard intrusion is the most
position of the nonvolatile fraction is preserved. In extensi vely studied and best known of all differentiated
large lopoliths where intrusion or transgression of the complexes. Erosion has revealed an ovoid cross section
magma consumes appreciable time. so that differentiation of the complex approximately 5 by 10 km in dimension
occurs in the interim. samples of successive liquid directly on the sea coast. so that its accessibility as well
differentiates may be preserved at successively higher or as its relatively small size ha vefavored its study. However.
more advanced positions in the chill zone. Such appears this small size has brought with it certain features that
to be the case with the three border-zone rocks from the are not found or at least are highly modified in the far
Bushveld complex (Figure 14.5). On the other hand, in larger lopoliths of like composition.
some small bodies such as the Skaergaard there is The complex is Tertiary in age and is intruded into
evidence that deposits of successive liquids comprise the older gneisses and Tertiary sediments and basalt flows.
inward succession of border-zone rocks of the roof and It is likewise cut by regionally developed dikes of basaltic
walls as well as the layered series of the floor so that the composition. A diagrammatic cross section of the mass,
whole amounts to a box-within-a-box structure. which is classified as a funnel intrusion. is presented in
When the initial chilling against the wall rock has Figure 14.6. In this figure account has been taken of
terminated and the steep temperature gradients have regional tilting and bending to give the complex its
been much reduced, slow cooling of the main body of approximate attitude at the time of intrusion. It is
the magma continues. It is likely that the cooling rate apparent that erosion has exposed three major structural
and temperature are then regulated to a certain degree units as follows:
by the release of latent heat of crystallization. It is at the 1. The marginal border group formed by chilling
inception of this stage that the initial cumulate crystals and accretion of the magma on the wall rocks
are deposited on the floor. At present we are not yet
sure where the bulk of these crystals come from, although I Most of what follows is taken directly from this work.

Differentiated gabbroic complexes

2. The layered series primarily of igneous-sedimen- Table 14.2 Compositions of quenched-border-

taryorigin facies magmas of three gabbroic complexes
3. The upper border group. which has an ongm Skaergaard a Stillwater b Bushveld C

similar to the marginal border group except that

it is more complex Si0 2 47.92 50.68 51.45
AI 20 3 18.87 17.64 18.67
Fe203 1.18 0.26 0.28
A fourth group of rocks. the hidden layered series, is FeO 8.65 9.88 9.04
inferred from the general form of the intrusion and the MgO 7.82 7.67 6.84
contrast between the composition of the complex as a CaO 10.46 10.47 10.95
whole and the composition of the chilled marginal zone. Na 20 2.44 1.87 1.83d
which is assumed to represent the parent magma (Tables K 20 0.19 0.24 0.24d
14.2 and 14.3). H 2O+ 0.41 0.42 0.34
The size and form of the intrusion are thought to have H 2O- 0.10 0.06 0.03
exerted considerable control on the mode and rate of P 20 S 0.07 0.09 0.09
cooling of its various parts as well as on the crystallization Ti0 2 1.40 0.45 0.34
Cr203 0.00 0.04
and sedimentation. This is shown. for example, by the
MnO 0.11 0.15 0.47
relatively greater thickness-corresponding to more CO 2 0.06
rapid heat loss of the upper border zone and the hanging S 0.27
wall portion of the marginal border zone as compared ZrO l 0.00
with the footwall (Figure 14.6). The study of the layered srO 0.20
series has revealed a basic structure like nested saucers BaO 0.02
as well as details such as trough banding. which is defined CuO 0.007
by trough-shaped rhythmic layers that appear to mark NiO 0.00 0.04
former channels radiating from the center of the funnel. 100.21 99.96 100.57
The latter have been interpreted as resulting from hori-
zontal. inward-directed segments of convection cells on "Wager and Deer (1939).
the floor of the intrusion. This interpretation is supported b Peoples (in Hess, 1960).
by the alignment of tabular plagioclase parallel to the • Daly (1928).
axes of the troughs. d Corrected by Hess (1960).

Table 14.3 Normative mineral compositions of border-facies

magmas of three gabbroic complexes

Skaergaard Stillwater Bushveld

Quartz 0.0 0.00 2.76

Plagioclase albite 1. "} 61.55
15.72 56.17
I'I} 57.82
anorthite 39.75 39.06 43.09
Diopsite enstatite
•.2.9099} 9.74 5~} 9.95
2.60 } 8.47
ferrosilite 1.85 2.31
Hypersthene fierroslTt
1e ~:~~}11.92 16.70}3182
15.12 . }29.52

or' {orsterite
lVlne t rt ~:~nlO.96
aya 1 e
Magnetite 1.86 0.46 0.46
Ilmenite 2.66 0.91 0.61

Data are from Hess (1960).

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

Although the rhythmic layers that form the trough that the rhythmic layering assumes a finer scale along the
bands lens out within a few meters of the trough axis, the margin seems to support this picture.
ordinary rhythmic layering frequently shows horizontal In their monograph Wager and Deer adduced
continuity for several kilometers. However the well- evidence that the increase of pressure with depth in the
differentiated layers, which are usually 10 cm or so in descending current would more than compensate for
thickness, are sometimes separated by much thicker the rise in temperature so that the liquidus temperatures
layers of undifferentiated "average rock." This shows would be raised faster than the ambient temperature.
that the forces that produced the layers were for a time Consequently, crystallization might even be enhanced in
suspended so the feldspar and ferromagnesium com- the descending current. This may be shown as follows:
ponents settled together. First let it be assumed that when convection is occurring,
From the structural features of the complex we obtain the rate of temperature change with height dT/dh is close
a picture of symmetrical multiple-celled convecting to an adiabatic one. Then it may easily be shown that at
magma in which the upper, outward-directed horizontal any point in the magma we have
component, heavily charged with crystals. is initiated by
dT Ct.gT
cooling from the roof. This current sweeps downward (14.1 )
along the margin and then turns again inward along the dh C
bottom and deposits its crystals along the way. The fact where Ct. is the coefficient of thermal expansion [see
Equation (1.5)], g is the gravitational acceleration, and
C is the specific heat. Now for liquid basalt C ~ OJ
14.6 Diagrammatic cross section of the Skaergaard cal/gmtK, or approximately 10 7 erg/gmtK while (1. =
complex, East Greenland. (After Wager and 44 X 10- 6 . Also for the present purposes it is adequate
Deer, 1939.) to assume a single temperature, which we take as 14()()OK.

Upper border group Basalis. etc.

Hidden layered series


Differentiated gabbroic complexes

We then find that the oxygen fugacity did not drop with cooling we should
expect hematite to be an important phase in the later
differentiates, A detailed discussion of silica, oxygen, and
iron activities in the Skaergaard is given by Williams
But we have already seen (Chapter 2) that liquidus (1971).
temperatures increase of the order of several degrees per The iron enrichment of the ferro magnesian minerals
kilometer and this is borne out in a variety of direct has important effects on their stabilities. For example,
experiments. Consequently the contention of Wager and the reaction
Deer is well supported.
Evidence for magmatic differentiation in the (14.h)
pyroxene oliz'ine melt
Skaergaard complex is to be found particularly in the
systematic change in mineral composition with strati- is probably displaced to the right over the entire tem-
graphic height as shown in Figure 14.7. The steady perature range so that when the iron content of the
upward increase in the albite content of plagioclase pyroxene exceeds a certain amount, pyroxene becomes
shows a reversal in the unlaminated layered series at the unstable relative to olivine. In the Skaergaard this occurs
top of the complex, but this is easily understood as an at an elevation of approximately 1500 m when the ortho-
inward accretion of the upper border group from the pyroxene phase has a composition of Fs 6o . By con-
rooL These changes in the feldspar compositions are trast, the temporary disappearance of olivine at the level
accompanied by equally regular increase in the fraction of the middle gabbros cannot be so readily explained.
Fe2+ j(Mg + Fe2+) of all the ferro magnesian minerals, Such behavior does occur in the experimental system
including ilmenite and magnetite (Vincent and Phillips, MgO-FeO-SiO z (Bowen and Schairer, 1935) when bulk
1954). In Chapter 13 in our discussion of phase relations
in the system FeO-MgO-Fe203-Si02 we saw that such
a trend is correlated with a steady decrease in oxygen 14.7 Variation of mineral compositions with height in
fugacity. We can say with considerable assurance that the the Skaergaard complex. ULS is the un laminated
same conclusion applies to the Skaergaard magma, for if layered series. (After Wager and Deer, 1939.)

ULS An40 W044EnlFs54

t--- Fa97
An 30 W030EnlFs6s Fa 96

An37 W016En13Fs61 FaS5

2000 f- '"OIl
0.> An40 W0 27 En15 Fsso Fa60
:c I I
r-- I I
:r: ;"
2 An45 W032En32Fs36 FS S7
g:, I I
1000 t-::E
r-- I I
s:: I I
'0I I I
AnS6 W047 En34Fs19 Fs4S Fa)7 I I
J:: I I
~ ~
~ 0
0.> .... I I
:r: g:, FS41 I I
An61 Fa34
.. 1 1 I I
PlagiOclase Total Orthopyroxene OliVine Iron Quartz ApatIte
pyroxene are and

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

compositions fall on the silica side of the pyroxene join,

but extrapolation to the Skaergaard magma can be
done with little confidence for such complex crystal-
lization paths. Fifth liquid )
The status of the iron-titanium oxides in the scheme ~------~--------

of Figure 14.7 is also uncertain. Wager and Deer (1939) Fourth liquid
inferred, on the basis of textural evidence, that primary Third liquid
precipitation of these minerals began in the upper part
of the hypersthene-olivine gabbros when Ti0 2 and Second liquid

Fe 2 0 3 reached concentrations of2.5 and 3 weight percent, First liquid

respectively, in the melt. It has been shown (Vincent and (hidden layered series)
Phillips, 1954; Buddington and Lindsley, 1964) that
these oxides originally probably consisted of coexisting
solid solutions of Fe 2 Ti04 -Fe 3 0 4 and FeTiO r Fe 2 0 3
(ulvospinel-magnetite and ilmenite-hematite). It may 14.8 The box-within-box structure for Skaergaard
further be shown both from phase-rule considerations magma.
and direct experiment (Buddington and Lindsley, 1964)
that knowledge of the composition of the two phases
part. The result, again after Wager and Deer. is given in
yields an estimate of both the temperature and oxygen
the last column of Table 14.4.
fugacity. However, it must be mentioned here that there
The characteristics of the mineral assemblages, their
is evidence in the form of olivine reaction rims between
change with height in the complex, and the major bulk
pyroxene and iron ore for the reaction pyroxene +
magnetite --+ olivine + 2 , which has already been
discussed in Chapter 5 (Reaction 5.s). It is possible that
chemical features of the rocks and liquid differentiates
(Table 14.4) are all directly related to the characteristics
of the parent magma (Table 14.1) although these have
some of this reaction involved the interstitial liquid, but
also been modified by the environment of crystallization.
much of it may have occurred under subsolidus con-
As distinguished from basaltic magmas, in general
ditions. Buddington and Lindsley (1964) found that
this magma is quite low in KzO, but in terms of Sial
widespread subsolidus reactions have affected the iron-
content it is typical of the undersaturated olivine
titanium ores and temperatures registered by the oxide
tholeiitic type. However, it is also quite high in alumina.
compositions are never over I 173°K.
It is about average in terms of NazO, TiO z , and Fe z0 3 •
The structural and compositional evidence indicate
Certainly it is not excessively high in FeO as might be
that the Skaergaard intrusion solidified by a combination
thought from its late differentiates. As compared with the
of accretion on the walls and gra vitational accumulation
Stillwater and Bushveld magmas, it is relatively high in
of sediments on the floor. The first type of solidification
Fe 2 0 3 and Ti0 2 • which undoubtedly favored an early
corresponds to the marginal and upper-border groups,
appearance of iron titanium oxides. It is very Iike~y that
while the second type is represented by the layered series.
the low K 2 0 content of the primary magma contnbuted
The net result of both processes is the box-within-a-box
somewhat to the late alkali enrichment as exhibited in
structure shown in Figure 14.8. It is clear from this figure
the variation diagram (Figure 14.4). It is thought that the
that if an estimate can be made of the volumes and
latest differentiates are represented by certain trans-
compositions of these closed shells of deposits, the com-
gressive granophyres. However, there is evidence, in the
positions of the successive liquid differentiates repre-
form oflens-shaped granophyric inclusions in the border-
sented by them can also be deduced. This may be done
zone rocks, of some assimilation of alkali-rich country
by beginning with the deposits of the last (fifth) liq~id and
rocks which may have supplemented the late dif-
working back toward the first, which is directly eqUIvalent
ferentiates. 2
to the quenched-border facies. The results as obtained
More recent work on the Skaergaard (Wager and
by Wager and Deer are shown in Table 14.4.
Brown, 1967) has slightly modified certain of the original
From their knowledge of the structural form, Wager
findings of Wager and Deer (1939) on the structure. ~nd
and Deer also estimated that the hidden part of the
petrology. For example, a slightly different composItIOn
complex was approximately 60 percent of the whole. If
of the parent magma has been inferred, and the hidden
this information is combined with the known com-
position of the exposed complex and the parent magma, 2 These lens-shaped masses have been interpreted by Holgate
a simple calculation yields the composition of the hidden (1954) as examples of liquid immiscibility.

Differentiated gabbroic complexes

layered zone is thought to be somewhat larger. Also, the of quartzofeldspathic to ferro magnesian constituents in
beha vi or of the trace elements in fractionation were the liquids. Only in the fifth liquid, which represents the
studied in detail. However, these modifications and transgressive granophyre deposits, does the quartzo-
additions ha ve no major effect on the original conclusions feldspathic constituent greatly dominate the other. It
regarding the complex, and are themselves subject to will be interesting to compare this feature with the calc-
constant revision (see Chayes, 1970). alkali differentiates.
Unfortunately one of the most important character- The general characters of the minerals of the
istics of the parent magma-its water content-cannot Skaergaard show that crystallization generally occurred
be evaluated since this may have been lost or supple- under conditions quite far displaced from equilibrium.
mented by later absorption. However, we have already This is clearly shown by the common occurrence of
implied, by the criterion of the type of differentiation, zoned plagioclase and ferro magnesian minerals. Fre-
that this must have been quite low. quently also the crystals of pyroxene in the intercumulate
The characteristic of extreme absolute iron enrichment fraction are far too iron-rich when compared to cumulate
revealed in Figure 14.4 is equally apparent in Table 14.4. olivines. Thus there is a sharp compositional distinction
Also apparent in this table is the relatively constant ratio between cumulate and intercumulate minerals.

Table 14.4 Compositions and weight norms of liquid differentiates and invisible rock of the
Skaergaard complex

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Invisible

liquid liquid liquid liquid liquid rock

Si0 2 47.92 46.7 45.7 46.1 49.8 48.7

AI 20 3 18.86 15.3 12.7 11.5 13.7 21.2
Fe203 1.18 2.9 3.6 3.4 5.67 0.0
FeO 8.66 12.9 18.2 21.3 15.37 5.8
MgO 7.82 5.9 3.5 1.2 0.87 9.0
CaO 10.46 9.9 8.3 8.3 6.57 10.8
Na20 2.44 2.83 3.16 2.87 3.23 2.2
K 20 0.18 0.29 0.44 0.51 1.08 0.10
Ti0 2 1.35 2.18 2.36 2.10 1.32 0.80
MnO 0.10 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.31 0.05
P20 5 0.07 0.42 0.92 1.57 0.77

Quartz 5.28
1.11} 61.55
23.58 53.65
2 48.7
24.10 44.40
27.25 53.38
18.34 66.72
Diopside enstatite 4.9~}
2.90 9.74
3.40 15.28 7.1~
1.8 14.6
0.60 13.20
0.30 7.34
1.60 4.70
ferrosilite 1.85 4.22 5.7 6.34 3.56 0.66
Hypersthene tenstat!t.e
ferroslhte ~:~~} 11.92 1:; }1O.40 ~:;} 12.6 2~:ci~}29.46 1~:~~}20.25 1~:~~} 15 .22
or' forsterite
Ivme t 1't ~:~nlO.26 ::~ }1O.9 ~:6} 11.7 i:~} 9.86
aya 1 e
Ilmenite 2.66 4.0 4.6 3.95 2.43 1.52
Magnetite 1.86 4.2 5.3 4.87 8.35
Apatite 0.20 1.0 2.0 3.70 2.02

Data are from Wager and Deer (19:19).

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

In general the contact effects of the Skaergaard endured. it is remarkably well preserved. In contrast to
intrusion on the country rocks are quite modest, with the Skaergaard, and happily for our interest here, the
notable effects extending out only a few meters. However, exposed part is approximately the lower half. In fact, in
in some large gabbroic inclusions that were completely terms of rock and mineral compositions, the Stillwater
immersed in magma, obliteration of ophitic texture is stratigraphic section ends approximately where that of
apparent at 50 m from the contact. the Skaergaard begins.
Typically the complex shows well-developed rhythmic
The Stillwater gabbroic complex, Montana and cryptic layering as well as igneous lamination.
However, there is little or no indication of lineation in
The Stillwater complex is a variant of the stratified
the plane of lamination such as might be attributed to
gabbros that differs from the Skaergaard in some signifi-
strong horizontal convection currents.
cant ways. The chief source of these differences is the
The only representatives of border-zone rocks in the
much greater original size of the Stillwater, but there are
exposed complex are those which occur at the contact
also important differences in the primary magmas, as
with the floor of the intrusion. and these differ in funda-
was mentioned in connection with Table 14.2.
mental ways from the border rocks of the Skaergaard.
The Stillwater complex is an erosional remnant some
In the first place. they are intimately involved with and
60 km in length which occurs in a highly faulted and
difficult to distinguish in the field from a thick zone of
dissected mountain area (Jones et at., 1960). In spite of its
contact hornfelses. Secondly, they grade gradually up-
pre-Cambrian age and the mountain building it has
ward into the region of more slowly cooled rocks. which
contain abundant settled cumulate ferromagnesian
14.9 Variation of mineral compositions with height in crystals.
the Sti11water complex, Montana. (After Hess, The mineralogic character and variation with height
1960.) is shown in Figure 14.9. This figure shows that although

En65 W04oEn43Fs2( An63
zone En73 W0 41 En45 FS l4 An75
"" L ___ --.J
Gabbro En75 IWo41En48FSI31
0 I I

:~ Anorthosite

L ___ J ~ WO ll En47 FS l2

E 2400 I F077 I
En77 An79
£·il gabbro
:r: zone
W0 41 En48 FSII
En78 An80
Norite I I
I I Al186
En87 I I
IW040 EI153 Fs4 1 I

Uitramafic I

I I Al168
Border zone I I 1 1 1 J
Chromlte OlIvme Orthopyroxene Ca-pyroxene PlagIOclase

Differentiated gabbroic complexes

the first cumulate to form under the slow-cooling origin of the primary magma and the upward transport
condition was olivine, the high normative hypersthene of iron in the Earth's crust. For it is clear that a fairly
content (Figure 14.3) soon asserted itself so that ortho- iron-rich melt can be derived from a Mg-rich crystalline
pyroxene is the dominant phase throughout the ultra- aggregate and that by partial melting a continual upward
mafic zone. By contrast, Ca-pyroxene occurs only as an enrichment of iron can occur. Not the least important
intercumulate mineral below the lower gabbro. However, consequence of this is the continually renewed gravita-
above this level it is found both as cumulate and inter- tional instability of the crust.
cumulate. It should be observed that plagioclase in the The strikingly high value of the ratio Fe2+ /Fe3+ of
ultramafic zone occurs only as an intercumulate phase, the Stillwater parent magma (Table 14.2) indicates a
and this is the reason for its relatively low anorthite somewhat more reduced state than is usual for basaltic
content. Precipitation of this phase begins at the base of magmas. This is also reflected in the primary crystalline
the overlying norite zone where the earliest crystals are precipitates which contain no free oxides other than
approximately anorthite 86 as compared with normative chromite. According to McCallum (1968), even these
anorthite 68 in the parent magma (Figure 14.5). chromites contain Fe 3 0 4 only in very dilute solution. He
An interesting and important datum available here has shown that the reaction
is the distribution of the elements between the parent
magma and the primary precipitates. This distribution
is shown for the system CaSi0 3 -MgSi0 3 -FeSi0 3 in pyroxene chromite
Figure 14.10, where it is seen to amount to a difference of Mg 2 Si0 4 + Fe 2 Si0 4 + t 0 2
more than 0.25 in terms of Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+). It is, of olivine olivine fluid
course, this factor that lies behind the strong observed
iron enrichment in these magmas. Perhaps equally may be used to estimate P02 by taking this dilution factor
significant is what this means relative to the anatectic into account. An experimental study of the chromite
system has also been made by Hill and Roedder (1975).
The result is that P02 for the chromite horizon of the
ultramafic zone was probably at least several orders of
14.10 Molar plot of the distribution of the components
MgSi0 3 , CaSi0 3 and FeSi0 3 in the Stillwater magnitude lower than if pure Fe 3 0 4 had been precipi-
complex between the parent magma (point L) tated. It is likely that this comparatively reduced state of
and orthopyroxene (point Opx) and olivine (point the magma is a consequence of the deep-seated plutonic
01). Three successive coexisting clinopyroxene- environment under which differentiation occurred.
orthopyroxene pairs are also shown. In contrast to the Skaergaard, there is in the Stillwater
The composition of the primary magma is no very clear-cut distinction between cumulate and inter-
inferred to be represented by quenched border cumulate minerals. If, however, this distinction had been
facies (Hess, 1960) as shown in Table 14.2. blurred by strictly local recrystallization or post-
depositional reaction with the interstitial liquid, we
should expect that each local composition would be
intermediate between the cumulate and intercumulate
and that the degree of iron enrichment would depend
on the ratio of intercumulate to cumulate material.
For example, in layers rich in cumulate pyroxene, the
composition should resemble that of the original
pyroxene precipitate at that stratigraphic level. Con-
versely, in an anorthositic layer in which intercumulate
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~CaFeSi206
pyroxene greatly exceeds that in the cumulate, consider-
able iron enrichment might occur (Hess, 1960). Although
the Stillwater rocks do exhibit this effect, it is much
smaller than might be expected if the reaction had been
localized as discussed above. It turns out that a number
of processes were superimposed to give the observed
L result. For example, it appears that the rate of accumu-
lation of the cumulate crystals was by and large slow
enough for a high degree of diffusive communication to

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

rhythmic layering. He also rejected the alternative

explanation that cesation of ferromagnesian deposition
might be the result of a shift in the phase equilibria. The
explanation finally adopted by him is a rather complicated
mechanism involving

1. The preferential settling of the ferromagnesian

component from crystal-charged convection
2. The subsequent resorption of the plagioclase
component of these currents by mixing with hotter
undifferentiated liquid
3. The reprecipitation solely of plagioclase from the
plagioclase-enriched liquids resulting from (1)
and (2)

However, consideration of the effect of water on the

solubilities of the silicates and specifically the experiments
of Yoder and Tilley (1962) (Figure 13.9) indicate that the
14.11 Molar plot of the distribution of the components second alternative-that of a shift in the phase equilibria
CaSi0 3 , MgSi0 3 and FeSi0 3 in the Stillwater -is not only possible but far simpler than the resorption
complex between coexisting clino- and ortho- mechanism. If, for example, the plagioclase concentration
pyroxenes. The distribution constant for the
is quite high in the melt -as it is in the Stillwater-so that
cumulate and intercumulate crystals is 1.24; for
under low water pressure crystallization of this mineral
the exsolution lamallae, 1.71. Data are from
McCallum (1968). precedes the ferromagnesians, then it seems possible that
a decrease in water pressure might well shift the equilib-
rium from the plagioclase and ferro magnesian field to the
plagioclase field. The suggested process is presented
be established between the interstitial liquid and the schematically in Figure 14.12.
overlying magma so that something resembling equi-
librium between the cumulate and intercumulate was
also approached. However, it seems that there was also 14.12 Two hypothetical configurations of a basalt
some reaction between this magma and the original liquidus. jm and pI represent the original liquids
cumulate crystals as revealed in particular by the ap- of ferromagnesian and plagioclase components,
parent metasomatic replacement of cumulate olivine by respectively. fm' and pI' the same liquids after
pyroxene (Jackson, 1961). The end result of this is a quite some differentiation has occurred. A and Bare
orderly distribution of the major components as shown possible crystallization paths.
in Figures 14.10 and 14.11 (see McCallum, quoted in
Saxena, 1973, p. 48). In the latter figure we have distin-
guished the mineral pairs of the cumulate and inter-
cumulate crystals from those of exsolution lamellae. It
is clear from the differences in the distribution constants
for the two sets of values that exsolution occurred at fm
temperatures considerably below the liquidus and
corresponding to high-grade metamorphism.
One of the most interesting problems of the Stillwater ......- -~
----=:::::_ ~m'
-- ---
and other large gabbroic complexes is the origin of the J'
thick layers of practically all monomineralic rock such ---pI'
as the 400-m anorthosite units (Figure 14.9). This
problem has been discussed by Hess (1960), who re-
jected the hypothesis of simple-crystal sorting of the
kind that has generally been invoked to explain the PH 20 -

Differentiated gabbroic complexes

Although there is considerable evidence that plagio- by these hidden rocks. It is known, for example, that the
clase was the only mineral precipitated at the time the overall composition of the exposed complex is much
anorthosites were deposited, the deposition of a mono- richer in MgO than the quenched border facies that is
mineralic cumulate is still inadequate to yield a taken to represent the parent magma. If it is assumed for
monomineralic rock since the interstitial liquid contains the moment that the exposed portion of the complex
ferromagnesians as well as feldspars. It was suggested by contains all the MgO and that the hidden portion con-
Hess that this obstacle might be overcome by the same tains none, then a simple graphical solution yields a
process that tended to eliminate the compositional minimum of 28 percent for the hidden portion. Then by
difference between cumulate and intercumulate crystals. considering the compositional variation of the plagio-
This process, which we have already identified as clase, Hess also arrived at a maximum value for the
diffusional communication with the overlying liquid, hidden part-namely, 50 percent of the whole. The true
would enable the cumulate crystals to continue to grow value, which must fall between these extremes was
until all the interstitial space and consequently all liquid considered to be approximately 40 percent. Given this
was eliminated. The mechanism, which has been called value, it is a simple matter to calculate its composition
"crystal growth differentiation" elsewhere (Mueller, from those of the border-zone rock and the exposed
1963al is probably of great importance in the formation of portion. It is found, in accord with our expectation, that
deep-seated magmatic rocks. this composition closely resembles the ferrogabbros of
Structural features, such as slumping of the rhythmic the Skaergaard complex.
layering, led Hess (1960) to conclude that the thickness
of the unconsolidated crystal mush was generally in the The Bushveld gabbroic complex, Transvaal,
range of a meter or so. He also attempted to estimate the South Africa
time that the complex took to cool by applying Lovering's
(1935) heat-conductivity equations. His result is that the This large pre-Cambrian intrusion extends approxi-
complex was deposited at a rate of about 10 cm/yr. He mately 500 km in greatest dimension and bears many
then also made an independent estimate of the effective- resemblances to the Stillwater complex. However, it is
ness of diffusion by applying diffusion coefficients much better preserved and still reveals the typical
obtained by Bowen (1921) from the system albite- lopolithic form. Contributions to the geology of the
anorthite-diopside, and which we referred to earlier Bushveld complex have been numerous, as exemplified
(Chapter 13). The general agreement obtained by Hess by the works of Daly (1928), Hall (1932), and Lombaard
between the effective diffusion distance from these data (1934). Hess made an interesting comparison with the
and the time of deposition of the 1 m thickness of crystal Stillwater and other complexes.
mush is probably fortuitous, however. This is already The Bushveld complex reveals the typical strati-
indicated by the many assumptions that enter into the graphic range of rock types from a chilled-border facies
heat-conductivity calculations, but it is virtually assured closely resembling that of the Stillwater (Table 14.3)
by the fact that Bowen's data refer to much higher tem- through harzburgites, norites, dunites, and anorthosites.
peratures than those which could have prevailed during It is also capped by a thick section of intermediate and
crystallization of the Stillwater complex. Almost cer- acid rocks which some have interpreted as differentiates
tainly the diffusion coefficients obtained by Bowen are of the complex but which others infer to have a more
too high for basaltic magmas, as we have already shown complex origin. A particularly interesting feature of the
in our own calculations in Chapter 13. There we saw that Bushveld is the transgressive nature and chemical
for a typical basaltic magma, diffusion is probably variation of its chilled border facies. Apparently the
effective over a distance of much less than 1 cm/yr so magma invaded successively more remote regions from
that a rate of deposition of 10 cm/yr would quickly its source as differentiation occurred (Hess, 1960). A
overcome the effectiveness of diffusion, to maintain comprehensive overview of the Bushveld and similar
communication between the interstitial and overlying layered intrusion forms the subject of a special publi-
liquids. That there is evidence such communication was cation (Symposium on the Bushveld igneous complex,
maintained seems to indicate a considerably lower rate 1969).
of crystal deposition than that obtained by Hess. Unfortunately we cannot dwell further on the gabbroic
It is thought that the upper part of the complex is complexes here; however, it is felt that their salient
hidden beneath overlying Paleozoic strata. It was demon- characteristics have been adequately revealed for the
strated by Hess, however, that limits could be placed interesting comparisons with other plutonic types of
on the volume percentage of the total complex represented differentiates which follow.

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

2. Intermediate rocks such as tonalite (southern

Large calc-alkali plutonic complexes California), quartz monzonite (Idaho), and grano-
diorite (Sierra Nevada) cover by far the largest
General areas, while gabbros and granites aggregate less
than 10 percent.
The large calc-alkali intrusive complexes, or batholiths, 3. The magmatic plutons consist of well-defined,
are of great interest for many reasons. First, they homogeneous lithologic types, which are recog-
obviously represent a course of differentiation that nizable over large areas.
stands in striking contrast to that of the gabbroic 4. These plutons frequently show gneissic borders,
complexes and that cannot be understood through so-called flow banding and lineation.
classical phase-equilibria studies on anhydrous systems.
5. The intermediate rocks frequently contain in-
Secondly, they are sufficiently large to exhibit a more or
clusions of a basic character which appear to be
less complete series of differentiates. And third, they are
cognate and traceable to early members of the
unquestionably major features in the evolution of
continents and the Earth's crust.
By our emphasis here on complexes of batholithic 6. The magmatic rocks as a whole show systematic
dimensions we do not mean to gloss over the fact that bulk chemical and mineralogic variations which
there is a more or less complete spectrum between these appear as smooth curves on the variation diagrams.
large complexes and the minor stocks and other bodies In addition, it is not unusual for individual plutons
that intrude the crust at every level. Nor do we imply that to show a distinct compositional zoning, with the
little can be learned from these small intrusions. However, latest differentiates occupying the center of the
it seems to the writers that they can be discussed more pluton.
informatively when examined in the light of processes
first seen at work on this grander scale.
Because of their relatively recent age and their It has not been generally stressed in the textbooks
occurrence in accessible, highly dissected mountain that batholiths are the products of a complex inter-
areas of good exposure, the late Mezozoic batholiths of weaving of magmatic and metamorphic processes.
western North America have been most intensively Instead, there has been a decided tendency in the past to
studied. The distribution and structural trend of these stress the magmatic features, so that the student is left
batholiths, which are highly significant in the overall with the impression that batholiths always consist of
planetary picture, is well known and need not concern well-defined, steep-walled plutons in sharp contact with
us at this point. We should, however, draw attention to their wall rocks, which have been only locally meta-
the close correspondence that frequently prevails be- morphosed to rocks of the character of "hornfels."
tween many structural elements of the batholiths and the Actually the not clearly magmatic parts, which resist
regional trends. simple classification, have thus far been systematically
We shall concentrate our major attention on the excluded from study except by the unconventional few.
southern California batholith since it is there that the Into this category falls the entire north-eastern side of
important mineral chemical problems which bear on the the southern California mass as well as large parts of the
environment of crystallization have been most ex- northwestern margin of the Idaho batholith. However,
haustively studied, particularly by E. S. Larsen and his the latter terrain has been studied by Hietanen (1963b),
co-workers. Although comparable data for the other whose work we shall have occasion to refer to later.
batholiths is as yet sparse, we shall have occasion to At present we shall confine ourselves to what we
refer to them also in terms of bulk chemical variations infer to be the clearly magmatic parts of the batholiths,
and the structural environment. and save the more complicated metamorphic features
There are certain features that are held in common by for a later section.
the large batholiths such as those of southern California,
Idaho, and the Sierra Nevada:
The southern California batholith
1. Their magmatic parts all consist of multiple The southern California batholith of upper Cretaceous
intrusions ranging from gabbro to granite, al- age is the northern extension of a much larger mass
though these differ in detail. which is exposed intermittently to the southern tip of

Large calc-alkali plutonic complexes

Baja California in Mexico. 3 At present we shall confine region is shown in Figure 14.13. It is clear from this figure
ourselves to an even more restricted part of the batholith, that the plutons show a rough alignment parallel to the
that which embraces the Corona, Elsinore, and San Luis trend of the nearby coast as shown by the arrow.
Rey quadrangles as studied by Larsen (1948). According Field studies clearly show that most of the contacts
to Larsen, the average composition of this part of the between individual plutons are quite sharp and that
batholith is tonalite with the following areal distribution the time sequence of intrusion is gabbro-tonalite-
of rock types: granodiorite-granite. These plutons contain large screens
of highly deformed country rock which are meta-
gabbro 7 percent
morphosed to amphibolite rank. Although no detailed
tonalite 68 percent
study has been made of the metamorphism in these
granodiorite 28 percent
inclusions, it is known that they sometimes contain sil-
granite 2 percent
limanite. It is a point of some importance that the earliest
The batholith in the region mapped is complex and con-
sists of over 20 separate intrusions. A typical part of this

3 The Mexican parts of the batholith are little known but 14. 13 Typical area of southern California batholith,
appear to contain rocks similar to those of southern after Larsen (1948). Arrow is approximately
California (Woodford and Harris, 1938). parallel to coast and regional structure.

Indi.lll mounl ~lln


granodiori te

lake Wolford

Bonsai l onal ile

San Marco

Pre batholi th

Post batholith


Table 14.5 Compositions of rocks from the southern California batholith

EI303 Average
calcic SLR 218 SLRM 299 San SLR 1016 Ra 135 EI 167
SLRM354 hornblende hornblende hornblende SLR 334 Marcos Bonsall Woodson Rubidoux
Sample troctolite gabbro norite norite norite gabbro tonalite granodiorite granite

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SiOz 42.86 45.78 47.22 48.16 52.12 50.78 55.14 72.58 73.60
TiO z 0.18 5.13 1.60 0.76 0.33 0.77 0.93 0.30 0,18
A1 z0 3 24.94 15.59 18.18 19.66 20.88 20.40 17.82 14.12 13.84
Fe z0 3 2.13 1.89 6.14 1.53 0.34 1.75 2.07 0.65 0.63
FeO 6.14 10.92 7.80 5.06 6.52 6.20 6.59 2.36 1.43
W MnO 0.06 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.02 0.04
MgO 9.28 7.20 4.93 7.59 6.90 6.49 4.16 0.07 0.29
CaO 13.08 11.96 10.46 13.46 10.14 10.24 7.46 2.44 1.34
NazO 0.76 1.00 2.74 1.88 2.40 2.20 3.10 3.91 3.74
KzO 0.09 0.42 0.13 0.31 0.25 0.45 1.36 2.84 4.27
HzO~ 0.03 0.46 0.01 0.06
HzO+ 0.78 0.36 1.48 0.22 0.65 0.75 0.32 0.17
PzOs none trace 0.11 none 0.05 0.11 none 0.02
S 0.03 0.38 0.08 none 0.04 0.15 0.07
COz none none none none none
BaO 0.04 0.08
SrO none none
ZrO z 0.05

100.33 100.45 100.22 100.22 100.19 100.11 99.78 99.73 99.82

Data are from Larsen (1948).

Large calc-alkali plutonic complexes

member of the sequence, the San Marcos gabbro, is are also shown beside their representative points in
frequently in contact with or intrusive into the meta- Figure 14.4.
sedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, since the hot According to Miller (1937), who made a special
hydrous magma which these gabbros represent should study of the gabbros, the troctolite (Table 14.5, No.1)
have been best able of all the batholithic magmas to is equivalent to solidified liquid magma. This conclusion
assimilate these rocks. is based on a distinctive mosaic texture and lack of
As in the case of the screens within the batholith, compositional zoning that is quite unlike the crystal
there has been no detailed study of the contact relations cumulates. Also very similar rocks occur as fine-grained
with the outlying country rocks. Although Larsen (1948) lamprophyric dikes in the region. If this conclusion is
describes this metamorphism as "mild" even within a valid, comparison with ordinary basalts (Table 4.1) as
few feet of the granitic rocks, it seems best to reserve well as the quenched border facies of gabbroic com-
judgment pending more detailed studies. plexes (Table 14.2) shows this parent magma to have been
A prominent feature of the intermediate rocks is the one of the most Ca- and AI-rich on record. Furthermore,
common occurrence of basic inclusions. We shall see Tables 14.6 and 14.7 show that virtually all the Ca is
that there is evidence that these are cognate, and repre- bound up as anorthite. In fact, high normative feldspar
sent the earliest member of the series, the San Marcos content is a characteristic of these gabbros.
gabbro. Generally these inclusions are sharply angular, It should be noted at this point that the troctolite
and although in massive rocks they are almost equi- contains normative olivine rather than quartz. This
dimensional, in more gneissic rocks they are much drawn feature presents some difficulty to the hypothesis that
out and elongated in section. Typically also these this rock represents the solidified parent magma of the
inclusions fade out uniformly during assimilation by southern California batholith since it is difficult to
the magma. conceive of such a magma yielding a silica-rich differen-
The chemical and mineralogic characteristics of the tiate. It is likely that this sample contains some cumulate
southern California rocks are shown in Tables 14.5, olivine, which would have little effect on its position in
14.6, and 14.7, as well as in Figure 14.4 as already Figure 14.4, since the Mg/Fe ratio does not differ greatly
discussed. In these tables the first six columns represent from other silicates. It is possible that the parent magma
the San Marcos gabbro. The prominence given the was more nearly like the average San Marcos gabbro,
gabbro in the tables is due in part to the great variety it which is silica saturated (Table 14.5).
exhibits but also because it is thought to be most rep- Another important characteristic of the troctolite and
resentative of the parent magma of the entire series. In indeed of the San Marcos gabbros in general is the very
order to better illustrate these compositional varieties, low K 2 0 content, a feature that it shares with the parent
the index numbers of the rocks that appear in the tables magmas ofthe gabbroic complexes. Furthermore, Larsen

Table 14.6 Normative mineral compositions of rocks from the southern California

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Quartz 2.28 1.38 1.26 3.18 6.96 32.10 31.20

Orthoclase 0.56 2.72 0.56 1.67 1.11 2.22 8.34 16.68 25.38
Albite 6.29 8.38 23.06 16.24 20.44 18.34 26.20 33.01 31.44
Anorthite 64.22 36.97 36.97 44.20 45.59 41.98 30.58 12.23 6.95
Diopside 0.68 18.30 12.17 17.38 3.76 7.20 4.80 3.50
Hypersthene 4.09 19.40 13.12 9.18 26.53 21.42 17.01 2.55
Olivine 20.09 6.01
Ilmenite 0.46 9.73 3.04 1.52 0.61 1.52 1.67 0.61 0.30
Magnetite 3.02 2.78 8.82 2.09 0.46 2.55 3.02 0.93 0.93
Apatite 0.34 0.33 0.34
Pyroxene 0.24 0.12

Data are from Larsen (1948).

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

(1948) demonstrated through his variation diagrams that euhedral crystals or by obvious compositional zoning,
even the intermediate and late members of the series are these features are common among most of the gabbroic
slightly but systematically lower in this oxide than are plagioclase. Most of the hornblendes in fact show a
many other calc-alkali complexes. Also it may be noted poikilitic texture with respect to plagioclase, but it is
that although the Al z0 3 contents of all the gabbroic possible that this is largely of overgrowth origin.
varieties are high, this is never reflected as normative Generally also more than one type of amphibole is
corundum in any rocks of the series either early or late. found in the same rock. Green-brown hornblende
These chemical characteristics of the southern California appears to be the primary magmatic amphibole, while
batholith militate strongly against any extensive con- pale fibrous and blue-green hornblendes are features of
tamination of the magmas by pelitic metasediments or late replacement of olivine and pyroxene.
acidic meta volcanics of the prebatholithic screens (see If we refer again to the variation diagram of Figure
also, Brooks, et al. 1976) and generally strengthens the 14.4 we see that most of the gabbro points fall quite far
view of Larsen and others that differentiation was here off the curve, which is inferred to represent the path of
dominated by fractional crystallization. compositional change of the magma. That the rocks
The thoroughly magmatic character of the rocks of represented by these points are very probably cumulate
Tables 14.5 to 14.7 is revealed in manifold mineralogic in origin is shown by Table 14.7. For example, Nos. 2 and
characteristics as well as the large-scale structures and 3, which lie farthest from the curve, contain unusual
bulk chemical features such as those just mentioned. amounts of Fe-Ti oxides, which could have been pre-
Thus although many of the hornblende-rich gabbros cipitating and accumulating at the time this rock was
superficially resemble metamorphic amphibolites, their formed. Such early precipitation of oxides distinguishes
minerals are quite different in detail. For example, these gabbros from those of the gabbroic complexes and
reference to Table 14.7 shows that high modal hornblende seems to indicate rather more oxidizing conditions in the
content is frequently combined with abundant and very batholithic primary magma. It is possible and even
anorthite-rich plagioclase. As we saw in Chapter 10, likely that this is a direct consequence of the lower
metamorphism of gabbroic or basaltic rocks to amphi- liquidus temperatures, which are implied by high water
bolites almost invariably leads to a combination of content.
calcic hornblende or epidote with rather sodic plagio- Next in the differentiation series and in order of in-
clase. If, however, hornblende precipitates early from a trusion to the gabbros come the tonalites, the character-
magma, it may form cumulate rocks with co-precipitating istic rocks of the batholith. About a half dozen varieties
or interstitial calcic plagioclase. Although the horn- were distinguished by Larsen, and one, the Bonsall
bien des do not readily reveal their primary origin by tonalite, alone accounts for 38 percent of the area. A

Table 14.7 Modal minerals of the rocks from the southern California

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9

Quartz trace trace 12 30 33

K-feidspar trace 21 32
Plagioclase 67 47 61 51 65 53 42 34
Biotite 1 1 trace 14 5 2
Hornblende IO 34 12 42 1 18 1 1
Ca-pyroxene 5 IO 5 4 1
Orthopyroxene 2 6 8 28 0.5
Olivine 18
Fe ore" I 8 8 2 2 + + +
Spinel 1.5
Anorthite content
of feldspar 93 86 59 70 64 47 25 21
Data are from Larsen (1948).
" Magnetite and Fe-Ti ores; plus indicates phase is present.

Large calc-alkali plutonic complexes

notable feature of this tonalite is the presence of abundant Further, the systematic decrease in anorthite content in
basic inclusions such as we have already referred to. the series gabbro to granite is accompanied by an equally
These were studied in detail by Hurlbut (1939), who not systematic increase in Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+) in all the
only identified them as San Marcos gabbro but also ferro magnesian minerals (Figure 14.14). This trend
described localities where the two rock types were in reaches its culmination in the granite of Rubidoux
gradational contact. From this latter observation he Mountain, which contains orthopyroxenes in which
concluded that the gabbro was still partly liquid when this parameter reaches 0.80. We shall see that this trend
the Bonsall tonalite was intruded. in mineral composition, which parallels that of the
The tonalites are distinguished by the abundance of gabbroic complexes, has important implications relative
feldspars relative to the ferromagnesians and by the to the variation of oxygen fugacity in the series.
simultaneous coming into prominance of quartz and
biotite as primary precipitates. As is well known, the The Sierra Nevada batholith
early precipitation of biotite will impart a trend toward
enrichment ofNa 2 0 relative to K 2 0 in the magma. As in This is perhaps the best known of the American batho-
the case of the San Marcos gabbro, the tonalite mineralogy liths, and has come to typify these complexes to many
bears the characteristic stamp of magmatism. Many of geologists. It has been, especially since the classic work
the minerals, but particularly plagioclase, tend to of Cloos (1936), the archetype of the sharply discordant,
assume euhedral forms, are compositionally zoned, or steep-walled batholith of ultra-igneous aspect. This
are corroded. Generally also there is a close resemblance impression stems in part from its contacts with sediments
between the minerals in the tonalite and the same species usually being faulted. Like the southern California
in the gabbroic inclusions so that it seems clear that the batholith it appears to be largely of Cretaceous age,
latter ha ve been transformed by reaction with the tonalite although some individual peripheral plutons are older.
magma. Similarly it is a composite of many large relatively
The tonalite grades by imperceptible changes into homogeneous plutons which have been intruded in the
granodiorite and granite by an increase of quartz, normal time sequence gabbro to granite. Typically also
alkali feldspar, and the ratio of biotite to hornblende. many of the plutons contain deformed or undeformed
basic inclusions similar to those of the southern California
rocks. However, the average composition of the Sierran
rocks is nearer granodiorite than tonalite.
14.14 Systematic increase in the atomic fraction According to Cloos many of the plutons contain
Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+) with percent albite in the gneissic layers that are steeply dipping at the margin
minerals of the southern California batholith. and nearly horizontal near the center so that they form
Data are from Larsen and Draisin (1948). dome-like structures. Superimposed on this essentially
rheologic feature are various joint systems which also
appear to be related to the broad structure of the pluton.
• Orthopyroxene The gneissic layers are, following Cloos, widely inter-
• Biotite preted as representing a largely mechanical orientation
x Hornblende of elongate or flattened elements such as hornblende and
mica crystals by flowage during the last stages of solidifi-
cation. In some places, as exemplified in particular by the
Tioga Pass region of Yosemite Park, there is evidence
OIl that a later more acid intrusive has been discordantly
+ ::E 0.5 emplaced in the cores of older plutons as if the more acid
N", +
'" magma had continued to move upward after the more
'" basic exterior had already solidified. It appears also that
in some cases this mode of intrusion gi ves rise to marked
chemical and mineralogic zoning of the plutons. Thus a
study of Bateman et al. (1963) revealed that in one small
pluton, approximately 8 km in greatest dimension,
quartz and potassium feldspar increase regularly toward
100 10 the center, while anorthite and ferromagnesian minerals
Modal anorthite [% I as well as basic inclusions all increase toward the borders.

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

This picture is certainly consistent with continuous thermal nature so that rocks of a hornfels character
differentiation of the magma during intrusion. resulted. However, studies to date are quite inadequate
Although to date no study comparable to that of to make this argument convincing. In any case it is
Larsen and Draisin (1948) on the southern California diametrically opposed to the hypothesis set forth by
batholith has been done, the bulk chemical analyses of Hamilton and Myers (1967), who envision a regional
the Sierra Nevada (Bateman et al., 1963) indicate a trend flowage of metamorphosed and metasomatized country
very similar to but slightly displaced from those rocks rocks beneath buoyantly rising granodioritic plutons.
(Figure 14.15). Furthermore. Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+) shows There seems to be general agreement that forceful
the same increase through the series. Since iron oxides intrusion was dominant over stoping or other permissive
are quite generally low in these rocks, so that they have processes in the Sierran plutons. However, we shall see
only minor influence on the curve, it is clear that the that such distinctions lose much of their meaning when
ferro magnesian minerals must also show a change in considered in dynamic terms.
this parameter similar to that exhibited in Figure 14.14.
According to a number of field studies (Pabst, 1928; The Idaho batholith
Cloos, 1936; Bateman et al., 1963) the contacts of the
batholith with the metasedimentary or metavolcanic The strong family resemblance of the Idaho complex to
country rocks are almost always sharp, and show only the other large western American batholiths has been
minor metasomatic effects. The grade of metamorphism made clear through the studies particularly of Larsen and
appears to be dominantly amphibolite facies rank but Schmidt (1958) and of Hietanen (1963), whose data form
again few detailed studies have been made. There have, the basis for Figures 14.4 and 14.15. Because of these
however, been some local studies of interest (Kerrick, similarities it will serve us little to discuss the magmatic
1970; Morgon, 1975). Although the prebatholithic rocks aspects of this batholith in any detail. However, we shall
appear to have formed a closely folded synclinorium have occasion to return to this complex again in con-
(Bateman et al., 1963), the above-cited authors agree that nection with the widespread metamorphism and meta-
any deformation associated with the batholith is only somatism encountered there.
local. It is also generally argued that the metamorphism
associated with emplacement was largely of a static
Medium-sized calc-alkali plutons
Some of the features of emplacement and differentiation
14.15 Molar plot showing fractionation trends in the of the calc-alkali magmas are best displayed in the
Sierra Nevada batholith. The trend for the medium-sized plutons, which range upward from 5 to
southern California and Idaho batholiths is lOO km in greatest dimension but which are still much
shown for comparison as the broken line. Data smaller than the batholiths proper.4 This is especially
are from Bateman et al. (1963).
true of the chemical and structural relations between the
intrusion and the country rocks since these are in contact
over the entire periphery. Then too many of these plutons
appear to have been emplaced in one continuous process
of intrusion so that they show a greater unity than the
large composite masses whose different parts may differ
widely in age. Examples ofthese medium-sized plutons are
very common both in the near vicinity of the large
batholiths and as quite isolated masses. Generally the
range in composition they exhibit is more restricted than
that of the batholiths, but sometimes the complete
spectrum ranging from gabbro to granite is present.
Among the best known examples of this type of
pluton are the Garabal Hill-Glen Fyne complex of
Scotland, the Bald Mountain "batholith" of north-
eastern Oregon, and the Bald Rock "batholith" of

4 Many of these plutons are, however, referred to as

MgO "batholiths" in the literature.

The physical chemistry of calc-alkaline-type

northern California. Although all three of these plutons compositional variation adheres to the classical variation
are of calc-alkaline character, they differ greatly in their diagrams.
structural and chemical details. An analogous type of zoning also occurs in the Bald
The Garabal Hill-Glen Fyne complex (Nockolds, Rock batholith (Compton, 1955). In this mass, which is
1940) is the smallest of the three, with a maximum dimen- simply an outlier of the Sierra Nevada, a tonalitic border
sion of about 15 km, but it exhibits a very large range of grades inward to an intermediate zone of granodiorite
rock types extending from ultramafic peridotites to and a leucotrondjhemitic core. It is interesting and
granodiorites and pegmatites. Because of certain chemical perhaps significant that this trondjhemitic character is
criteria particularly as exhibited in the variation dia- shared not only by adjacent similar plutons but also by
grams, the rock inferred to resemble the parent magma older volcanic rocks of the area (Hietanen, 1951). In
most closely is a pyroxene mica diorite. The pluton this case emplacement seems to have occurred under
discordantly intrudes regionally metamorphosed schists more deep-seated conditions than at Garabal Hill-Glen
of amphibolite facies rank. According to Nockolds, a Fyne or Bald Mountain. This is shown by the generally
metamorphic aureole, largely thermal in its effects, concordant structures, evidence for plastic deformation,
extends somewhat more than a kilometer from the con- and intensive metasomatism and migmatization of the
tact. In this aureole the regionally metamorphosed contact rocks. According to Compton there is a syste-
schists have been transformed to hornfels facies rocks. matic increase in the anorthite content of plagioclase
Among the effects of the thermal metamorphism is the toward the contact in an aureole, which is several kilo-
almost total disappearance of almandine garnet. In meters thick in some places. He has attributed these
fact, it appears that in conformity with the reactions dis- effects to the forceful intrusion and stoping action of a
cussed previously (Chapters 9 and 10) the garnet-musco- very energetic magma that was able to assimilate a
vite assemblages ha ve been replaced by biotite-andalusite. volume of country rock equal to one-third that of the
The fact that peraluminous minerals such as andalusite pluton itself. Although this conclusion is not at all
are abundant in the aureole favors the idea that alkali established, it appears that metasomatism was far more
metasomatism was quite limited in this case. However, acti ve here than in some of the contact aureoles previously
evidence that some did occur locally is found in the discussed.
vicinity of certain "injected schists" or migmatites very
close to the contact where andalusite and sillimanite are
altered to white mica.
The Garabal Hill-Glen Fyne rocks fall on the classical The physical chemistry of calc-alkaline-
variation diagrams of the calc-alkali series. More type differentiation
particularly they exhibit the relative iron enrichment,
which is so typical of the large batholiths. In this case We shall now seek a plausible explanation for the sharply
this conclusion is also reinforced by a number of analyses contrasted differentiation trends of the gabbroic and
of individual minerals such as pyroxene, hornblende, calc-alkali series. Since we have already determined
and cummingtonite, which also show the trend. that the trend of the gabbroic series may be understood
The Bald Mountain pluton (Taubeneck, 1957) is one in terms of more or less classical phase-equilibrium
of several isolated calc-alkali complexes approximately principles, the question reduces to determining the
100 km west of the Idaho batholith. It, too, is Mesozoic factors at work in the calc-alkali series. To understand
in age, bears many resemblances to the large batholiths these we must explain the observed trend of relative
of that age, and is probably a product of the same period iron enrichment in the ferro magnesian minerals as well
and type of plutonic activity. The pluton abruptly as the tendency for the quartz-feldspathic constituents
transects the closely folded east -west structure of to be increasingly concentrated in the magma.
regionally metamorphosed country rocks. At the contact The question of iron enrichment can be approached
with the pluton, this regional trend is highly disturbed through a thermodynamic analysis of the ferromagnesian
by folding locally concordant schistosity and considerable compositional parameter Fe2+ /(Mg + Fe2+). We al-
faulting and brecciation. The pluton is notable for its well- ready know from numerous examples that this quantity
developed compositional zoning, which is similar to is an inverse function of the oxygen fugacity, so that we
that already described in connection with certain may gain some idea of the variation of the state of oxi-
Sierra Nevada plutons. This zoning takes the form of a dation throughout the series by noting the mineral
gradation inward from a tonalitic rim to a granodioritic composition as revealed in Figure 14.14. To eliminate
core. Like that of the other calc-alkali complexes, this the complications that arise in considering H 20 and at

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

the same time utilize phases for which thermochemical

data are available, we make use of the following reaction
between anhydrous phases:

FeSiO J + i0 2 (14.i)
orthopyroxene fluid ferrite quartz

It will be observed that two reference points for this

reaction exist among the specimens represented in
Figure 14.14 and Tables 14.5 to 14.7. These specimens,
Nos. 5 and 9, a norite and a granite, not only exhibit
large differences in Fe 2+ j(Mg + Fe2+) but also both
contain all the necessary coexisting phases that appear TrOK]
in Equation (14.2). If then all these phases attained -80 400 600 800 1000 1400
approximate equilibrium with each other during solidus
conditions,S we may write the equation of equilibrium: 26 22 18 14 10 6

1 X 104
log PO 2 = - 6 log K (i) - 6 log X~~ + 2log a~~r
14.16 Stability fields of phases in the pure system
(14.2) Fe-O as a function of temperature and oxygen
+ 2.303RT fugacity. The inferred path of differentiation of a
typical calc-alkaline suite of magmas is shown as
In this equation we have, as usual, assumed ideality for
an arrow. The field of wl1stite has been omitted.
orthopyroxene; however, no such assumption is possible
regarding ferrite, and a~~" the activity of Fe J 0 4 in this
phase, has been left in the implicit form. However, we
know that the other major solution components of the plotted as the curve (a) in Figure 14.16 along with the
latter phase are Fez Ti0 4 and MgFe z0 4 , and that phase boundaries in the system Fe-O.
Fez Ti0 4 is likely to dominate and behave quite non- U now MgO is added to the system, a family of curves,
ideally with respect to Fe 3 0 4 . each corresponding to smaller values of X~~, will lie
Now it may be shown that the maximum value of the above and parallel to curve (a). Thus if differentiation
fourth term of Equation (14.2) involving ~ V(i), the dif- begins at some high temperature where X~~ - 0.2, as is
ference in volume between the solid reactants and prod- the case for the earliest members of the series, and ends
ucts, will be of the order of 1.5. Also its variation under with the low-temperature granite with X~~ - 0.8, then
crustal conditions is likely to be less than 0.5 in terms of it is clear that a curve something like curve (1 )-(2) must
log P 01 so that we are safe in dropping the term to represent the course of differentiation. However this
obtain conclusion must be modified somewhat to allow for the
effect of a~~r, which will assume a range of values less than
log POl = -610g K(i) - 6 log X~~ + 2 log a~~r (14.3)
unity depending on the quantity of Fez TiO 4 and other
It is desirable to consider this equation first in terms of constituents dissolved in the ferrite. However, these
the limiting case when all the phases of Reaction (14.2) constituents usually comprise less than 50 percent by
are in their standard states corresponding to X~~ = weight of the ferrite even in such high-temperature rocks
a~~r = 1. We then have as the gabbros, while in the granites their concentrations
are far lower. Consequently it seems likely that although
log POl = -610g K(i) (14.4) log POl might decrease less with temperature than the
path defined by curve (1)-(2), yet it should decrease at
If we now make use of the available thermochemical
least as much as defined by curve (a).
data (Robie, 1966; Kelley, 1960; Olsen and Fuchs, 1967)
From the foregoing analysis we conclude that the
we may obtain K(i) as a function of T. This is shown relative iron enrichment, which generally characterizes
the ferro magnesian minerals in the series gabbro-
5 Although it is unlikely that equilibrium was attained with
respect to the distribution of Fe 2 + and Mg between the granite, corresponds to a substantial decrease in oxygen
phases, the requirements of equilibrium are not so stringent fugacity, perhaps as much as ten orders of magnitude.
for energetic reactions of this type. The few exceptions among plutonic rocks (Czamanske

The physical chemistry of calc-alkaline-type

and Wones, 1973) only serve to reinforce this rule. Also, to consider the interaction of the system O-H with the
although we have made use of orthopyroxene to deter- other components of the magma.
mine this trend, it is clear that it is also reflected in the We might of course begin by deducing the oxidation
compositions of hornblende and biotite since these are states of more complex gaseous mixtures of the system
linked to that of orthopyroxene by the distribution O-H and such additional elements as C and S. However
relations. It is now necessary to explain how this decrease there is evidence that although such species as CO 2,
in oxygen fugacity comes about. CO, and S02 are important constituents of the gases
Let us begin with the simple gaseous system O-H given off by basaltic magmas, their importance tends to
and see how the oxidation state depends on the O/H wane relative to water as differentiation proceeds. The
ratio. We may immediately discount the case where occasion for this is of course readily apparent in the great
O/H > 1 since such mixtures have oxygen in excess to tendency for H 20 to react with the silicate melt as we have
the amount present in pure water and are far more oxidiz- already learned in Chapter 12. We shall therefore pass
ing than anything encountered under plutonic con- directly to considering how this interaction may account
ditions. We shall therefore confine our discussion for the not only for an additional reducing tendency but also
range O/H :s; 1. If the quantity of H2 derived from the how it can bring about major changes in the crystal-
decomposition of H 20 is 21X and the excess over this is fJ, lization path.
then we obtain the following quantities of each species at Regardless of the complexity of the solution com-
equilibrium: ponents ofthe magma, we may characterize the oxidation
state of the system by the ratio a~20/a~2' the ratio of the
2 - 21X 21X + fJ water and hydrogen activities in the melt. Although we
(14.j) ha ve considerable evidence for the strong interaction
of water with the silicate melt according to reactions such
If we assume that the gases form a perfect mixture, we as (12.b) there are no corresponding data for H 2 .
obtain for the equation of equilibrium However, we do know that H2 reacts with ferric iron as

(14.5) Hz + 2 Fe03/2 2FeO + HzO (14.k)

melt melt melt melt
Then if IX is negligible compared to fJ, as is usually the so that
case for plutonic conditions, Equation (14.5) yields
Thus considerable hydrogen might be consumed in a
We see then that for this simple system the fugacity of melt that contains substantial ferric iron. However, it is
oxygen is a function only of T and the PH20/PH2 ratio as clear that the capacity for such absorption is con-
given by fJ. Consequently, if log P 02 is plotted as a func- tinuously diminished as differentiation proceeds and the
tion of T on a liT scale, a line with nearly constant absolute quantity of ferric iron is greatly reduced. In the
slope and subparallel to curve (a) results for each value case of water, on the other hand, the capacity for absorp-
of PHzO/PHz. For purposes of illustration, one member of tion into the melt should steadily increase. The reason
this family of curves is shown plotted in Figure 14.15. for this is the increased tendency for reactions of the type
The foregoing analysis indicates that when O/H < 1, (12.b) to occur. We shall presently see that the tendency
the degree of decomposition of water is so small that the for this type of reaction is continuously increased as
ratio PHzO/PHz is fixed by the initial hydrogen content differentiation proceeds and the melt becomes enriched
fJ quite independently of the total pressure. Under these in quartzofeldspathic relative to ferromagnesian con-
circumstances log Paz decreases significantly with the stituents. Consequently there seems to be substantial
temperature so that this simple system alone can in theoretical and experimental support for the conclusion
principle account for much of the decrease shown by that during the normal course of calc-alkaline-type
this parameter during igneous differentiation. However differentiation the ratio aH 20/aH 2 should steadily decline
it is desirable to see if we can also account for an even and that this effect further enhances the decrease in log
greater rate of decrease in log POz with T such as is Paz' which is already demanded by falling temperature
necessary for curve (1 )-(2). For this it will be necessary according to Equation (14.6). Various aspects of these

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

problems have also been discussed by Eggler and illustrated by considering the transfer reactions
Burnham (1973).
We consider now what effect the interaction of water anorthite ( l anorthite (14.1)
and the silicate melt has on the major phase relations crystal liquid
other than those involving oxidation. The great enhance- diopside ( ) diopside (14.m)
ment by water of the solubilities of the quartzofeldspathic
crystal liquid
constituents is well known and is manifested in phase
phenomena as a great lowering of the liquidus tempera- at some liquidus temperature. Let us choose the tem-
tures as the water content is increased (Chapter 13). What perature of the anhydrous eutectic at Xin = 0.36 and
we are interested in here, however, is the differential T = IS48°K. Then if the solid phases are assumed to be
increase of the solubilities of the quartzofeldspathic and stoichiometric, the equations of equilibrium are
ferro magnesian constituents. We have already seen a
rather striking example of this effect in the previously (14.8)
discussed (Figure 13.9) experiments of Yoder and Tilley and
on the melting behavior of basalts under varying water
pressure. In that example the plagioclase liquidus tem- (14.9)
peratures are depressed more than 2000K at PH20 = 2000
bar, while the ferro magnesian liquidus temperatures are and where the mole fractions xin and Xf5i are referred
depressed less than 1000K for the same water pressure. to the anhydrous system so that xf5n + Xf5i = 1. Then
The effect is more concisely illustrated, however, in the as P H20 is increased isothermally, say to 1000 bar,
much simpler system diopside-anorthite-H 2 0. The phase K An and KOi remain relatively constant since they are
diagram of this system as determined by Yoder and not sensitive to the pressure. However we see from
reported by Clark (1966) is shown in Figure 14.17. As Figure 14.17 that xin changes to (Xin)' ~ 0.66, while
the water pressure is increased in the system, the greater Xf5i changes only to (xf5J' ~ 0.775. We may illustrate
increase in solubility of anorthite relative to diopside the general process by dividing Equation (14.8) by
affects a striking shift in the phase boundary and eutectic Equation (14.9):
toward the anorthite side of the diagram. As a conse- (yf5J' K An (xin)'
quence all crystallization paths lead to the enrichment (14.10)
Mn)' KOi (Xf5J'
of anorthite in the liquid. The energetics involved may be
Here as above the singly and doubly primed values refer
to the anorthite and diopside liquidus, respectively. Then
it is clear that as P H20 is increased (Xin)' always increases
14.17 System diopside-anorthite-HzO as determined by faster than (xf5J', so that if K An and KOi remain constant,
Yoder (Clark, 1966). Note reduction of field of the ratio (yf5J'/(yinl' must steadily increase. By the
anorthite as water pressure is increased. conventional interpretation of activity coefficients this
corresponds to a greater negative excess free energy of
solution of anorthite than of diopside. In other words,
anorthite has a greater affinity for water than diopside
has so that water has a greater tendency to hold anorthite
in solution and prevent its early precipitation. We may
interpret this further to mean that water tends to form
soluble species more readily with highly polymerized
melts containing the small cations Si 4 + and A1 3 + than
with the larger cations such as Ca 2 + and Mg2 +. If this is
true, a simple extension leads us to expect the water-melt
interaction to increase steadily as differentiation pro-
ceeds and Si 4 + increases in concentration.
The most important petrogenic consequence of all this
is that increased water contents direct the crystallization
paths into composition fields in which the quartzo-
feldspathic constituents are enriched and the ferro-
Mole fraction magnesian constituents are depleted. It is largely this

Alkaline rocks

effect that is thought to account for the diverse differen- rocks derived from the mantle, it must be concluded
tiation trends of the gabbroic and calc-alkali series that at least large parts of the calc-alkali batholiths of
(M ueller, I 969a). However it is likely that its effects are western North America have a similar origin. However,
even more far reaching than this, so that they are felt in it is possible that some plutons in the eastern part of the
the alkaline and other differentiation trends as well. These Cordillera have been derived by partial fusion of deep-
results also tend to be confirmed by recent experiments lying crustal material. According to Kistler it is difficult
on the complex system CaAI 2 Si20s-NaAISi30s-Si02- to fit these isotopic and chemical variations into the
MgO-Fe-Oz-HzO-CO z by Eggler (1974). He noted that preferred scheme of deriving batholithic rocks by partial
increased water pressure in the system brought about a fusion along the hypothetical subduction zone.
marked decrease in the primary phase volume of quartz. Another question of great importance is the origin
Also the fugacity of oxygen decreases markedly sub- of the large segments of batholiths, which apparently
parallel to the Ni-NiO buffer curve during fractionation have resulted from the metasomatic replacement of
as in Figure 14.16, while the ratio Fe/Mg systematically geosynclinal sediments. This problem has been largely
Increases. ignored in the literature but it is quite apparent in the
The effect of water pressure on the differentiation of a instances ofthe southern California and Idaho batholiths.
basaltic magma should also be compared with the effects Although good progress has been made by Hietanen
of anhydrous high-pressure differentiation and partial (l963d) on the Idaho batholith detailed studies of mass
melting discussed in Chapters 12 and 13. balances are needed for other batholiths as well.

Origin of calc-alkali magmas Alkaline rocks

In our discussion of the chemical variation of the batho- Alkaline rocks comprise a minor but petrologically
lith of southern California we noted that this appeared interesting class of igneous rocks, which have continued
to be consistent with a derivation by fractional crystal- to attract much attention. Although we are concerned in
lization of a basaltic magma. Elsewhere we have indi- this chapter with plutonic igneous rocks, it is convenient
cated that such magmas are almost certainly derived to discuss all alkaline rocks-whether plutonic, hyabys-
from the upper mantle. However, recently there have sal, or volcanic-together. In any case, alkaline com-
been several attempts to explain the large Mesozoic plexes are well known for their gradation to hyabyssal
batholiths of western North America as having been and volcanic environments.
derived by partial melting of crustal rocks and in par- Alkaline rocks are almost all silica-undersaturated or
ticular oceanic crust "subducted" under the western agpaitic and miaskitic in character, although peralkaline
North American continental margin (Presnall and granites are known. The most common and most
Bateman, 1973). Numerous attempts have also been ordinary members of the class are the alkaline basalts,
made to explain a variety of plutonic and volcanic whose compositions fall to the left of the plane of silica
rocks around the world in this manner. A review undersaturation in Figure 14.2. These basalts are most
has been given by Boettcher (1973). Some light is cast common in oceanic islands such as St. Helena in the
upon this problem by the overall compositional variation Atlantic and Samoa in the Pacific, although they also
of these batholiths as discussed here and by the measured occur in association with continental flood basalts.
values of the initial ratio S7Sr/ 86 Sr of constituent minerals Closely related to alkaline basalts are the lampro-
as well. Since 87Sr is derived from 87Rb by radioactive phyres, which consist of dark-colored dike rocks that
decay and since 87Rb is concentrated in crustal rocks, a frequently cut granite bodies. Characteristically, lampro-
high value of the ratio presumably reflects crustal con- phyres are rich in biotite, hornblende, titaniferrous
tamination. The subject was reviewed by Kistler (1974), pyroxene, and olivine, which form euhedral pheno-
who found a systematic increase in initial S7Sr/ 86 Sr crysts in a ground mass of feldspars and feldspathoids.
from west to east in California and Nevada from low Apparently there is also a genetic relation between
values of less than 0.704 in the west to high values of alkaline rocks and kimberlites (Heinrich, 1966), which
0.709 in the east. Furthermore this increase is correlated form ring structures or pipes and which, like carbonatites,
with an increase in alkalies as well as other regional frequently contain abundant carbonates.
chemical variations. Since the initial values of 87Sr/86Sr Classic occurrences of potassic alkaline rocks are
of 0.704~0.706 fall in the range of this ratio in basaltic found in the Highwood Mountains of Montana, in

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

Italy (Mt. Vesuvius), in the African rift zone, and in alkaline and calc-alkaline rocks, there is also a parallelism
Australia. Outstanding examples of sodic alkaline rocks in the beha vior of oxygen fugacity during differentiation.
are the nepheline syenites, ijolites, etc., which occur in Thus, as in the calc-alkaline sequence, a drop in oxygen
the Kola peninsula of Russia, in Norway, and elsewhere. fugacity along the differentiation sequence of alkaline
An integral part of many alkaline complexes are carbon- magmas is indicated by the increase in F e2+ /(Mg + F e2+)
atites consisting of a mixture of calcite, dolomite, of the ferromagnesian minerals. This has been documen-
ankerite, siderite, and sodium carbonates as well as ted in the case of the Shonk in Sag laccolith, for example
carbonates of rarer elements. Characteristically, but not (Nash and Wilkinson, 1970), where it was found that the
invariably, alkaline rocks occur as ring complexes in oxygen fugacity decreased in a manner very similar to
stable continental regions of tensional faulting. In such that shown in Figure 14.15 for the calc-alkaline batho-
complexes the carbonatite is usually one of the latest liths as the laccolith differentiated from a shonkinitic
members in the magmatic sequence. magma to a nepheline syenite magma. However, in the
In addition to the clearly magmatic features of last stages of differentiation, where olivine was no longer
alkaline-carbonatite complexes there is usually also a a precipitate, the decrease in oxygen fugacity with
zone of pervasi ve metasomatism of the wall rocks. This temperature became less marked. The decrease in
zone of contact metamorphism (fenitization) has as its oxygen fugacity with temperature along the differentia-
product the characteristic rock fenite, which consists of a tion sequence in the Shonk in Sag laccolith was also
development in the country rock of alkali and ferric accompanied by a decrease in silica activity as deter-
iron-rich minerals similar to those of the alkaline mined by the coexistence of sanidine and leu cite (Nash
intrusives. and Wilkinson, 1970). As in the case of the oxygen
Although it was originally thought that alkaline fugacity, this is partly a thermal effect and partly related
rocks were products of limestone assimilation, there is to the compositions of the melts.
mounting evidence that even the carbonatites are of It has generally been assumed that the appearance of
magmatic origin. This conclusion is strongly supported ferric-iron-rich acmitic pyroxenes in alkaline rocks
by experimental evidence that mixed carbonate melts indicates a higher value of the oxygen fugacity than does
can exist at temperatures below 600°C under only mod- the presence of the ferrous iron silicates. However, this is
erate water pressure (Wyllie, 1965). As in the case of not necessarily true and is not confirmed by experi-
basaltic magmas, carbonatites appear to originate in the mental evidence (Bailey. 1969). One explanation is that
upper mantle. In particular, this is indicated by their the ferric iron is stabilized by the presence of the alkalis
87Sr/86Sr ratios, which fall in the range of typical mantle- Na20 and K 20. which interact with it in the melt to
derived materials (Powell et al., 1966; Hyndman, 1972). form stable complexes which are the precursers of acmite.
The magmatic origin of at least some carbonatites is Various aspects of the relation of the Fe 3+ /Fe2+ ratio in
proved by the discovery of sodium-rich carbonate lava melts have also been discussed by Carmichael et al.
flows at the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Chapter 15). (1974).
The origin and evolution of alkaline rocks may be
traced most rapidly and conveniently by reference to the
principles we have already applied in the case of the
calc-alkali sequence of differentiates. If we ignore the
apparently discredited limestone syntexis hypothesis, we
can sketch a crystal fractionation scheme which leads
Assimilation and alteration of
directly from alkaline basalts to nepheline syenites,
phonolites, and other leucocratic differentiates which
fall in the compositional field of undersaturated residual General principles
liquids shown in Figures 15.2 and 15.3. However, there
is almost unanimous concurrence that there is no easy Many controversies center around the role of assimi-
way to obtain these alkaline differentiates from silica- lation reactions in petrogenesis, and particularly the
saturated basaltic liquids (Edgar, 1974). Furthermore, extent to which crystallization-differentiation is in-
there seems to be considerable evidence that carbonatite fluenced by assimilation. As is well known. magmas
magmas may result from the differentiation of extremely react directly with their wallrocks. and these reaction
alkali-rich magmas as well as by liquid immiscibility zones are transitional to contact metamorphism in all
(Wyllie, 1974; Koster van Groos, 1975). its variety of thermal and metasomatic manifestations.
In addition to the analogous differentiation paths of Commonly, however. we see evidence of reaction between

Assimilation and alteration of inclusions

the magma and inclusions that were completely Im- give rise to wholly new phases or change the proportions
mersed in it. These fall into two broad categories: of phases already crystallizing from the magma. Thus if
inclusions of AI-rich pelitic sediments are immersed in a
1. Inclusions of igneous, metamorphic, or sedi- gabbroic magma, they will accentuate the precipitation
mentary origin with no previous genetic relation of anorthite and olivine or Mg-Fe pyroxene from the
to the magma magma as governed by Reactions (14.a) and (14.b). But
2. Inclusions of igneous rocks that are either solidi- within that part of the inclusion that may remain un-
fied equivalents of cogenetic magmas earlier in the assimilated and where the bulk composition might
liquid line of descent or are crystal cumulates from approach AI 2 SiO s , such minerals as corundum might
such magmas (referred to as cognate inclusions) form. Similarly when carbonate-rich inclusions are
immersed in a basic magma, the bulk composition on
The groundwork for a systematic physicochemical assimilation may be silica-deficient enough to give rise
approach to assimilation effects was laid by Bowen to alkaline differentiates. Bowen also pointed out that
(1928) who discussed the above-mentioned categories in limestone syntexis, as discussed above, could not be
considerable detail. He also discussed two categories of expected to desilicate a granitic melt directly since it
igneous inclusions from the same liquid line of descent could only accentuate the precipitation of minerals such
as the magma: as Ca-pyroxene hornblende and feldspars, which would
not accomplish this end. This argument, which is sup-
1. Cognate, or other inclusions of a more basic ported by recent experimental evidence (Wyllie, 1974),
nature than the magma, which are chemically and has important implications for the hypothesis for the
mineralogically equivalent to early differentiates origin of alkaline rocks by limestone syntexis.
2. Inclusions equivalent to later differentiates than Most of Bowen's closely argued thesis still holds up
the magma well today. However, we will find it useful to examine
some of the more important reactions in somewhat
He demonstrated from physicochemical arguments that greater detail in the following sections.
inclusions of the first type could not be dissolved directly
by the magma since it was effectively supersaturated
Assimilation of igneous inclusions by
with their constituent minerals. These minerals could by
exothermic reactions be transformed into others identical
magmas from the same liquid line of
to those with which the magma itself is saturated. How- descent
ever, this reaction decreases the total quantity of the The case of assimilation of anhydrous inclusions con-
liquid since the exothermic heat must be supplied by sisting of such minerals as quartz, feldspar, olivine, and
precipitation of crystals from the melt. For the trans- pyroxene has been discussed in considerable detail by
formation of calcic to sodic plagioclase, the overall Bowen (1928). Equally interesting, however, are the
reaction is calcic plagioclase + liquid magma --+ more assimilation reactions that involve the hydrous phases
plagioclase of somewhat more sodic composition + a of typical calc-alkali rocks. Although we have already
smaller quantity of liquid + fiB, where fiB < o. Con- discussed metamorphic versions of these reactions we
versely when inclusions corresponding to late differen- write them again here:
tiates are immersed in a more basic magma, these
inclusions may be dissolved directly. Although this can
be done only with the absorption of heat, the quantity pyroxene melt melt
of liquid is thereby slightly increased.
Bowen also provided a broad-ranging discussion of K(Mg, FehAISi 3 0 1o (OHlz + 3Si0 2 (14.n)
the more difficult problem of the reaction and assimila- biotite melt
tion of inclusions-sedimentary or otherwise-that do
not stem from the same liquid line of descent as the
pyroxene plagioclase melt
magma. He was able to show by stoichiometric argu-
ments that the assimilation of inclusions that differ
greatly in composition from the magmatic differentiates hornblende melt
could be regarded as being composed of a "magmatic
fraction" and an "excess" fraction. By a variety of From Reaction (14.n) we see that if anhydrous inclusions
reactions with the magma, the excess fraction could of gabbroic composition are present in, let us say, a

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

tonalite magma, the alkali feldspar component of the proposed to explain no rites, it should be remembered
magma can react with the pyroxene of the inclusion to that KAISi 3 0 s is at the same time added to the melt.
produce biotite similar to that which will also be pre- Actually this evidence for K 2 0 assimilation is seldom
cipitating from the magma. Similarly Reaction (14.0) present in norites. More particularly it is totally lacking
states that pyroxene and basic plagioclase of the in- in those of the southern California batholith as we have
clusion can be converted to hornblende. It should be just noted (Table 14.5).
noted that since both of these reactions involve an Because of the high thermal stability of Mg-rich bio-
absorption of water, they are bound to be exothermic, tites, a certain minimum value of PH2 0 will bring about
as we have seen is the case with the accompanying the following reaction in pelitic inclusions:
anhydrous reactions.
In addition to Reactions (14.n) and (14.0), both the
hydrous and anhydrous minerals will undergo reactions muscol'ite melt melt
of the type Bowen discussed. These reactions will act in
such a way as to continuously adjust the anorthite
biotitt' plagioclase melt
content and the atomic fraction Fe 2+ /(Mg + Fe2+) of
the inclusion minerals to the same parameters of the (l4.r)
minerals precipitating from the magma. We shall see
that while studies show that striking adjustments of this As a result of this reaction the thermally unstable
type do occur-particularly in basic cognate inclusion assemblage ofthe schist is replaced by one in equilibrium
of calc-alkaline rocks-they are seldom adequate for the with the magma. The biotite, pyroxene, and feldspar so
attainment of complete equilibrium between inclusions derived may of course precipitate directly from the melt
and magma precipitates. surrounding the inclusions so that this represents one
mechanism for assimilation and dispersal. However, it
may happen that these phases are nucleated within the
Assimilation of inclusions-sedimentary inclusion so that little actual dispersion occurs.
or otherwise-that are not on the liquid When pelitic sediments of a somewhat more complex
line of descent of the magmas character react with magmas that contain little or no
As in the case for cognate inclusions, it is desirable to normative diopside, a reaction of the following type is
trace the assimilation of hydrous constituents in some- possible:
what more detail than Bowen did. For example an
important reaction which occurs when pelitic schist
muscorile biolile
reacts with basic magma is the following:

quartz K-feldspar cordierite

muscovite quartz
melt melt melt

In basic magmas this reaction always runs to the right If the inclusion contains a higher proportion of muscovite,
since the temperatures of such magmas lie above the the cordierite may be accompanied by sillimanite,
stability range of muscovite + quartz. If adequate andalusite, or other AI-rich phases either as crystal-
normative diopside is present-as is always the case for lization products of the melt or within the inclusions
normal basaltic compositions-Reaction (14.p) will be themselves.
followed by the reaction It should be noted that reactions such as (l4.p) and
(14.s) are likely to be endothermic since they involve the
CaMgSi z0 6 + AlzSiO s ------+
decomposition of hydrous phases. However, they may
melt melt take place concurrently with other strongly exothermic
reactions. Whether or not these reactions proceed with
falling temperature will then depend on the net thermal
plagioclase pyroxene
effect and whether or not the water released can be
so that the precipitation of a noritic assemblage will be absorbed by the melt or can in some way escape from the
favored. Although this reaction has frequently been system.

Structural environment and mode
of emplacement of igneous plutons

Reactions of the type (14.p), as well as the normal 3), it acts similarly6 on all the crystal components and
crystallization processes in granodioritic and granitic involves a minimum of physical rotation of the type
magmas, frequently result in the feldspathization or encountered in pure liquid flowage alignment such as
"granitization" of the inclusions, which takes the form affects crystals in lavas. It is clear that this mechanism of
of a growth of alkali feldspar porphyroblasts. However, solid-state recrystallization is highly compatible with the
as was pointed out by Nockolds (1940) in his discussion observed tendency toward compositional zone elimina-
of the Garabal Hill-Glen Fyne complex, the precipitation tion. It is further likely that this type of recrystallization
of these feldspars is seldom accompanied by a corre- is greatly facilitated by the heterogeneous reactions that
sponding precipitation of quartz within the inclusions accompany it.
although this mineral may be a major precipitate in the

Structural environment and mode

Interpretation of the chemistry and
of emplacement of igneous plutons
structure of deformed cognate inclusions
Igneous plutons are emplaced into the terrain in which
When the cognate inclusions, which are so common in we observe them in essentially two different ways: they
intermediate and acidic plutons, are examined it is found are emplaced as dominantly liquid magmas or as
that the relation between the chemistry and structure essentially solid bodies. However, we must also allow for
has been quite generally misinterpreted. The obser- transitional conditions between these two extremes,
vational facts of this relation were described clearly by when dominantly crystalline bodies still possess a
Hurlbut (1935) for the gabbroic inclusions of the Bonsall residue of melt, which although highly viscous, may
tonalite from the southern California batholith. He impart to the bodies a degree of mobility considerably
provided evidence for reactions of the type (14.n) and greater than if they are completely solid.
(14.0) by which the minerals of the high-temperature It is not our intention here to give an exhaustive review
gabbroic assemblages are converted to those compatible of all that has been written about the emplacement of
with the tonalite. That these reactions frequently did not igneous magmas. Much of the classical view of this
go to equilibrium is shown by the ferro magnesian subject is covered adequately in such books as those of
minerals of the inclusions, which usually retain higher Daly (1933) and of Balk (1937). Although the intrusion
values of Mg/(Mg + Fe 2 +) than those of the surrounding of solid bodies is little discussed in the classical literature,
tonalite. That these reactions were accompanied by a much attention is given to the question whether the mode
pervasive recrystallization of the entire inclusions is of emplacement of a magma in any given case was
shown by such features as the tendency for compositional "forceful" or "permissive." Daly tends to stress the
zoning in plagioclase to be obliterated as well as the permissive mode of intrusion such as is represented by
parallel crystallographic alignment of minerals in the cauldron subsidence of blocks into a lighter, upwelling
inclusions and the tonalite. For example it was found that magma, or the closely related piecemeal stoping by which
not only the [OIOJ faces of plagioclase are parallel in the the magma fractures its wall and roof rocks through
tonalite and inclusions but also that the a axes of these thermal and buoyant stresses. Balk, on the other hand
grains are in good alignment. Furthermore the c axes of (having been a student of Hans Cloos), believed that
hornblende in the inclusion are also well aligned. forceful intrusion overwhelmingly dominated the igneous
In view of the features just described it is difficult to scene. According to his thesis the magma was generally
see why the deformation of inclusions and the orientation intruded upward from below with considerable force so
of mineral grains within the magma are so frequently that it thrust 'aside the wallrocks and left signs of this
attributed to a mechanical orientation process in the movement in well-defined structural features of the
flowing magma. For if this were the case, why should the solidified pluton. According to Cloos (1925) these
crystals of the inclusion, which must have been solid, also structural indicators of motion consist oflinear elements
be parallel to those in the magma? An alternative ex- such as elongate crystals or stretched inclusions which
planation is that the alignment, both within the inclusion define flow lines, or as platy mica or feldspar crystals
and in the magma, is a postconsolidation feature which form platy flow structures. Also many joints in the
in which the orientation was achieved by solid-state margin of the pluton and the adjacent wall rocks were
recrystallization in the differential stress field. Although
this type of flow may also be "fluid" in nature (Chapter 6 This "similarity" is a matter of degree (see Chapter 8).

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

thought to register movement that was either post- ment be defined by the broken line of the same figure.
consolidation or due to viscous drag of the magma or It is obvious that if the body is incompressible (which
adjacent rocks. The general picture is one of steep-sided, corresponds rather closely to rocks and magmas) the
upward-expanding, dome-like .bodies in which the volume V - lost at the end of the pluton at which con-
marginal motion is nearly vertical but in which the central traction occurs is equal to the volume V+ gained at the
motion may be virtually horizontal. These classical end at which expansion occurs. The spatial component
models have provided us with many insights into the of change of the mechanical potential then is
geometry and kinematics of intrusion; however, they
are at the same time severely limited in quantitative
applications since they totally ignore the energetics and
Ll<Pspat = ff
PdAdr + ff
P'dA'dr' (14.12)

dynamics of the processes involved.

Here P is the pressure (taken as hydrostatic for sim-
An advance in the direction of the dynamical analysis
plicity), A is the bounding area, and r is the normal radius
of the intrusive process, particularly with respect to the
of displacement on the expanding end while P', A', and
gravitational effects on solid bodies, has been made by
r' are the corresponding quantities on the contracting
Ramberg (1967). His analysis is based largely on theo-
end. Both A and A' are positive, but whereas r is positive,
retical fluid dynamics and the application of centrifuged
r' is negative. Also P and P' are both positive for compres-
scale modes to duplicate the effect of gravity. Ramberg
sion but negative for tension.
has shown that it is instructive to consider the mechanical
The change in gravitational potential is then
potential change Ll<Pmech of an intruding body as the sum
of a spatial potential change Ll<Pspat and a gravitational (14.13)
potential change Ll<Pgrav, so that
Here p is the density of the pluton and hand h' are the
Ll<Pmech = Ll<Pspat + Ll<Pgrav (14.11)
heights of the centers of gravity of the volumes V+ and
For example, a cross section of a pluton, which is defined V-, respectively, above a common datum plane.
by the solid line of Figure 14.18, may after some move- It is clear that in the situation depicted in Figure
14.18, which corresponds to an upward expansion,
Ll<PgraV' for the pluton itself must always increase. How-
14.18 Movement of a body ofrock or magma under ever, it is obvious that if the pluton is to move up, an
various forces in Earth's lithosphere. For equal volume of surrounding material must move down
explanation see text. (After Ramberg, 1967.)
to occupy the space evacuated. Ifthe surroundings are of
the same density p as the pluton, then such movement
Low pressure
would result in no net change in the total Ll<Pgrav for the

/1" '\ pluton and its surroundings. In this event the driving
force of the upward motion must come from a decrease

\- in Ll<Pspa,. In other words, the pluton expands upward
into a region oflow pressure, lower in fact than that which
/ I is demanded by hydrostatic equilibrium. If on the other
I I hand the surrounding rock density is greater than p

J /
I then the upward motion also results in a decrease in

total Ll<Pgrav for the pluton and its surroundings.
I Seen in terms of Ll<Pmech' much of the distinction
I between forceful and permissive intrusion vanishes,
h becoming largely a matter of the magnitude of this
{ quantity. In the case of piecemeal stoping or cauldron
\ subsidence, the strongest element is probably Ll<PgraV'
\ but since the difference in density between the magma and
"- / country rock is seldom greater than 0.5, the forces do not
v- reach a magnitude sufficient to greatly deform the wall
rock. However when solid plutons rise, the surrounding

rocks will always show distortion even though the
High p~ssure density difference between the pluton and country rock
may be considerably smaller than 0.5. The reason for this

Plutonic rocks of complex origin

is that stoping except for salt or limestone intrusions is have been acquired except under conditions of very
insignificant so that movement can occur only through deep-seated emplacement. Yet we know from their
external deformation, either by faulting or by plastic or present levels in the crust and from the tectonic patterns
fluid flow. that such plutons do move upward after they have
Consideration of gravitational effects has very broad solidified -according to Ramberg (1967) chiefly as a
implications in petrology in general; in particular it response to buoyancy forces. Martignole and Schrijver
holds the key to the classical problem of the abundance (1970) have identified the same forces at work in the
of rock types as determined from exposures. For example, Morin anorthosite of Quebec.
petrologists were long baffled by the relatively small We can in fact see evidence in different plutons for this
quantities of basic and ultra basic rocks in the calc- upward movement at every stage from a highly liquid
alkali plutonic complexes, as we have noted for the condition to the stage of complete solidification. Some
southern California batholith. In the past this was of the most con vincing evidence for highly fluid magma
frequently taken to mean that the great quantities of is to be found in those plutons showing evidence for
intermediate tonalites and granodiorites could not have cauldron subsidence, such as has been described in the
been derived by crystallization-differentiation acting Ossipee Mountains of New Hampshire (Kingsley, 1931).
alone but that this had to be supplemented or completely Almost equally good evidence is present in some of the
supplanted by some such mechanism as partial melting minor tertiary intrusives of the western United States.
or large-scale assimilation of acid crustal rocks. How- For example, the Notch Peak quartz monzonite of
ever, when full account is taken of the density differences western Utah (Gehman, 1958) has displaced almost
of these rock types, this apparent discrepancy is not only horizontal Cambrian limestones with only minor dis-
accounted for but it is difficult to imagine any other state turbance and up-arching of the strata. Also, sills are well
of affairs. The great volumes of basic and ultrabasic developed. These types of structures are best explained
rocks and magmas, which have given rise to the acidic by an upwelling of the low-density fluid magma in a block-
plutons, could never have found their way to the upper faulted terrain. But the porphyritic character and the
crust. Rather it was only isolated segments and apophyses up-arching of the strata also indicate that the last
of them that had become entrapped in far larger volumes stages of intrusi ve motion occurred while the magma was
of more buoyant rock and were thus lifted into view. already quite viscous. In striking contrast to this is the
Although we can roughly categorize rocks as to depth pluton described by MacColl (1964) at Rattlesnake
of origin, one of the most difficult problems in igneous Mountain in the northern part of the San Bernardino
petrology is the determination of the depth of emplace- Mountains of southern California. In this case the
ment of a given exposure of igneous plutonic rock. One quartz monzonite body appears to have moved upward
obvious reason for this difficulty is that much further by shearing of largely solid blocks in a funnel-shaped
movement and even reemplacement may have occurred structure. Comparison of its features with Ramberg's
since the original magma was intruded. Even when the centrifuged models of buoyancy domes show many
wallrocks of a pluton contain high-pressure assemblages, similarities.
we cannot be certain that these were not metastable with
respect to the depth at which intrusion occurred.
It has been proposed (Hamilton and Myers, 1967) that
many batholithic plutons were emplaced at shallow
depths and actually are covered by roof deposits of their Plutonic rocks of complex origin
own volcanic ejecta. 7 However, this thesis may confuse
the present position of the plutons with their actual depth
at the time of intrusion. Thus according to Hietanen
(1963a, b) the northwest margin of the Idaho batholith We are concerned here chiefly with complexes of rocks
exhibits synkinematic plutons of quartz diorite and tona- known throughout the world, which appear to have been
lite as well as a broad belt of high-grade (and high- derived by processes not entirely igneous nor entirely
pressure) metamorphism and extensive metasomatism metamorphic but containing strong elements of both. In
that extends out from the main batholith as much as particular the metamorphic element usually consists of
50 km. It is difficult to imagine that such features could evidence ofiarge-scale metasomatism or "granitization,"
although the latter term is not always appropriate since
the rocks concerned are frequently far from granites.
7 See Klepper et aI., 1974. Some of these controversial rocks, such as the great

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

anorthositic massifs of the pre-Cambrian shield areas, the periphery to sillimanite paragneisses in the core ofthe
contain clear evidence of a magmatic history which may complex. The dominant-introduced component was
link them to the layered gabbroic complexes. However, KzO, and metasomatism by this component became
they are also products of considerable deformation and important in the kyanite zone of metamorphism.
recrystallization in the solid state, and some authors Although the paragneisses of the complex have been
regard them as being products of metamorphism. transformed to granitic augen gneisses, the calcareous
Generally the replacement crystallization of the marbles have resisted transformation and serve as
metasomatic complexes has been synkinematic or con- marker horizons. Metamorphism and metasomatism
temperaneous with intense folding and shearing. Gener- were essentially synkinematic, as is shown by such
ally, also, they are confined to rocks of amphibolite to features as the porphyroblasts of the augen gneisses.
granulite facies rank. Frequently the end product is
granite, tonalite, quartz diorite, or, as in the case of the North Cascades, Washington State
Idaho batholith, even more basic rocks. In many cases
the replaced rocks are part of a miogeosynclinal pile This area, also studied by Misch (1968), consists of
which includes beds of carbonates. The latter serve as regionally developed migmatitic gneisses, biotite schists,
excellent marker horizons since they are resistant to and amphibolites. In contrast with the Nanga Parbat
metasomatism. area, metasomatism involved the introduction of NazO
The metasomatic complexes have always been contro- as well as SiO z, resulting in leucocratic trondhjemitic
versial as is attested by a number of classical works such and quartz diorite gneisses. An epidote-bearing sub-
as "The granite controversy" by Read (1957). We do not facies 8 contains sodic andesine, while an epidote-free
intend here to review this voluminous literature but subfacies contains plagioclase ranging from oligoclase
present as examples a number of classic areas that have to bytownite. The presence of staurolite and other
been subjected to detailed and careful investigations. minerals indicates Barrovian-style metamorphism at
Since we wish to distinguish the metasomatic rocks from approximately 600°C according to Misch. The major
the products of ordinary metamorphism and mag- criteria for large-scale metasomatism listed by Misch
matism, it is well to consider the following criteria: include the following:
I. There is no wholesale basification of schists and
1. Evidence of chemical replacement of preexisting amphibolite remnants such as might result from
structures and minerals anatexis or pervasi ve local metamorphic differenti-
2. Compatibility or lack of compatibility with pos- ation.
sible metamorphic differentiation processes which 2. Generally, schist and amphibolite-derived leuco-
involve only local mass transport cratic gneiss sequences contain only subordinate
3. Compatibility or lack of compatibility with pos- remnants of their parent rocks.
sible anatectic processes which involve only local 3. Plagioclase compositions range widely depending
mass transport on the parent rock (Figure 14.19), while bulk com-
4. Compatibility or lack of compatibility of minerals positions of the leucocratic layers do not corre-
with subsolidus temperatures spond to what one would expect from anatectic
5. Evidence or lack of evidence of fluid magma as melts.
distinguished from solid plastic or fluid flow 4. In addition, the ratios of leucocratic gneiss to
remnant material are too high for the former to
These criteria should be reviewed in relation to the have split off from the latter.
chemical mass-transport properties discussed in Chapters 5. Finally, most of the mineral assemblages indicate
3 and 8. temperatures of crystallization too low for melts
of the compositions of the gneissic layers.
Nanga Parbat area
Although these characteristics also appear to rule out
This area (Misch, 1949), located in the northwestern large-scale anatexis, they are consistent with some
Himalayas, is one of the classic areas of granitization. A metamorphic differentiation as well as large-scale meta-
thick sequence of Precambrian argillites with calcareous somatic introduction of material.
and basic layers underwent progressive metamorphism
that resulted in rocks ranging from slates and phyllites on 8 This is merely a descriptive term as used here.

Plutonic rocks of complex origin

. .

of the Grenville rocks as observed in several seasons of
field work by one of us (Mueller), is the highly fluid flow
45 ~ • structure shown by the marble beds and the almost
total lack of such structures in the feldspathic rocks
(usually syenites) where these are in contact with the
... marbles. These features, in agreement with the con-

\:l .'

• .. ..
• <, .. '
// .'
\;> .• ' clusions of Engel and Engel, seem to indicate that the
-/ .'
feldspathic rocks only rarely, if at all, were in a molten
..... 0'. . .'
state in such locations.

'is. .... • • • Ie'
.= .. ' .... '1,1 Idaho batholith
~ .
,;···.1 A.t')
. ....-'
tf. I- ..
Very widespread and complex metasomatic phenomena

have been described from metasedimentary rocks in the
: ,.C vicinity of the Idaho batholith. In this area it was found
by Hietanen (1962) that pelitic schists and quartzites
underwent basification near the batholithic plutons.
35 45 FeO, MgO, CaO, A1 2 0 3 , and Na 2 0 were introduced,
Mean % An in plagioclase of leucocratic layers while Si0 2 and K 2 0 were lost. On the basis of structural
and textural criteria it was inferred by Hietanen that
14.19 Correlation between mean plagioclase metasomatism was both synkinematic and postkine-
compositions (mole % An) in schist and matico Especially interesting is the occurrence of large
leucocratic gneiss layers of 76 lit-par-lit-type
bodies (10 to 20 km in length and 2.5 to 5 km in width) of
samples from Skagit gneiss. epidote-free
amphibolite facies. Dark layers (e) are (garnet)- anorthosite (Hietanen, 1963d) within highly aluminous
biotite schists, a few hornblende-bearing, and a pelitic schists and associated with quartzite, amphibo-
few (.) cummingtonite-bearing. ~ = mean lites, and lime silicate rocks. Schist layers, which occur
percentage An of plagioclase in dark layers as inclusions in the anorthosite, contain kyanite, andalu-
minus mean percentage An of plagioclase in site, siIIimanite, muscovite, staurolite, and garnet. The
leucocratic layers. (After Misch, 1968.) anorthosite itself contains two plagioclases-an early
bytownite (present in small grains) and a later andesine
(present in larger grains). Although some of the minerals
Northwest Adirondacks present are consistent with metamorphism of an igneous
anorthosite, it is difficult to explain the occurrence of the
This area of intensely folded and thoroughly meta- plagioclase in this way, as was pointed out by Hietanen.
morphosed metasediments (GrenviIIe geologic province) According to her the most likely origin for the anorthosite
has been studied in some detail by Engel and Engel. In is as a product of the metamorphism of shaly limestone
their study of the major paragneiss (Engel and Engel, to yield andesine. While some metasomatic effects in the
1958), they found that the dominent metasomatic effect metasediments appear to be directly related to the
was the enrichment of biotite-plagioclase gneisses in igneous intrusives, much metasomatism is also evident
K 2 0 and a depletion in Ti0 2 , FeO, MgO, CaO, and at a distance from these bodies. However, there appears to
H 2 O. As in the previously cited examples, the develop- be a general tendency for the end-products of metasoma-
ment of migmatites and porphyroblastic feldspar gneisses tism to resemble the igneous quartz diorites and tonalites
is prominent. Also abundant are calcitic marbles, which of the batholith proper.
tend to resist the metasomatism. The Grenville terrain is
also noted for its well-developed alaskitic granitic Southern California batholith
phacoliths described in the classic studies of Buddington
(1929), who believed them to be of strictly magmatic Northeast of the classical magmatic province described
origin. However, Engel and Engel (1963) concluded on by Larsen (1948), the plutonic rocks of the southern
the basis of the structurally continuous gneissic, am- California batholith assume a different face. There,
phibolitic, and marble remnants in and around the between the North Pinyon Mountains and the Santa
phacoliths that the alaskitic granites were largely of Rosa Mountains, occur regionally developed oligoclase-
metasomatic origin. An almost universal characteristic biotite quartz gneisses with interlayered remnants of

14 Igneous plutons: Their physical chemistry
and mode of occurrence

Paleozoic carbonaceous pelitic schists, calcite marbles, alkali batholiths (Figure 14.4). It is thus possible that the
and lime-magnesian silicate skarns. Every stage of parent magma of the anorthosite-mangerite suite had a
transition between the gneisses and metasediments can water content greater than the gabbroic magma but less
be observed. Here, as in the other examples discussed, than the calc-alkali magma.
calcite marbles resisted the metasomatism although the It seems possible that the anorthosite-mangerite
calcite has been depleted of all but traces of MgC0 3 suite may represent a deep-seated equivalent ofthe layered
(Mueller and Condie, 1964). As usual, the metasediments gabbroic complexes. If the parent magma of the former
show evidence of intense folding and plastic deformation, were intruded at a depth corresponding to the lower crust,
and augen gneisses and migmatites are well developed. the lack of strength of the waIl rocks might prevent the
As in the case of the Idaho rocks, Na20 rather than K 20 stabilization to a form (lopolith or funnel) where quiescent
appears to have been introduced, and there is con- differentiation into layers could occur. Instead the pro-
siderable resemblance to the tonalite magmatic rocks to duction of virtuaIly monomineralic anorthosites by a
the southwest. However, to date no detailed assessment crystal fractionation system outlined previously (Figure
of chemical mass balances has been made to establish 14.12) would result in a gravitational instability. The
the extent and type of metasomatism involved. anorthositic layers would move upward under buoyant
forces creating plutons similar to batholiths. The
Anorthosite-mangerite complexes mangeritic rocks formed later in the sequence would
respond in a similar way. Philpotts (1966) suggested
These rocks are widespread throughout the Precambrian that the anorthosite-mangerite rocks are deep-seated
shield areas, particularly in eastern Canada, but occur equivalents of the calc-alkali suite. As explained here, it
throughout the world. The best-known example is the is possible that they are related to gabbros as well.
Adirondack massif in the eastern U.S., which is dis-
cussed in an important memoir by Buddington (1939).
The anorthosites consist almost entirely of inter-
mediate plagioclase in the range of oligoclase-andesine
but also contain minor amounts of ferromagnesian
minerals. They are associated with subordinate gabbros
and abundant quartz syenite (mangerite). Characteris-
tically they are the loci of magnetite-ilmenite ore bodies.
Profound deformation as shown by isoclinal folds and
catoclastic textures is the rule. The mineralogy conforms
to amphibolite-granulite facies rank while the com-
positions of certain coexisting minerals such as pyrox-
enes and feldspars indicate that these have survived
from an early magmatic period. (Philpotts, 1966).
According to structural studies by Martignole and
Schrijver (1970), the Morin anorthosite of Quebec
shows evidence of emplacement by buoyancy forces.
Some authors (Hargraves, 1962) believe the mangeritic
rocks to be of metasomatic origin, although there is
evidence in the form of variation diagrams (Phil potts,
1966) that the entire suite is related and the product of
fractional crystallization. Although some authors have
been puzzled by the high ratio of acid and intermediate
rocks to gabbro, the explanation of this appears to be
similar to that already given for the same phenomenon
in calc-alkali batholiths. It appears that in this case also
the rocks found their way to the surface in some inverse
proportion to their densities.
It is interesting that the members of this suite studied
by Phil potts (1966) show fractionation paths that faIl
between those of the gabbroic complexes and the calc-


It is only in volcanic processes that we directly experience
magmatism and the fluid emanations of magmas.
Consequently, it is of the greatest importance to petrology
to extrapolate what we learn from these processes to the
fossil products of magmatism in geologic deposits. Yet
volcanism differs greatly from plutonism, and its prod-
ucts usually bear the stamp of that geologically unique
discontinuity between the lithosphere and the relatively
cool and oxidizing atmosphere or hydrosphere.
We previously concluded (Chapter 12) that basaltic
magmas have their ultimate source within the mantle.
However, we also have evidence from the field that
magmas may undergo differentiation not only within
deeper regions of the crust but also in chambers that
approach closely to the surface under volcanic edifices.
Differentiation under these circumstances follows a
quite different course than it would for the same magma
at depth.
There are, however, certain invariant characteristics
of magma that are common to both extrusive and in-
trusive rocks. For example, it appears that the non-
volatile bulk chemistry of the average volcanic rock does
not differ greatly from its deep-seated equivalent. In
particular, basic lavas in general and acid lavas quite
frequently retain oxidation states not too dissimilar from
those deduced for plutonic magmas. However, where
elements of limited solubility, such as H, S, C, Cl, and F,
are concerned, it is likely that extensive loss or exchange
with the surroundings occurs long before the surface is

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

attained by the magma. Frequently, evidence for this when attempts are made to decipher trends of magmatic
volatile loss is apparent in the breakdown and alteration evolution in volcanic deposits. Two of the most frequently
of volatile-bearing phenocrysts and in the formation of encountered products of these alterations are the welded
vesicles. tuffs which are enriched in KzO and the spilitic suite of
Although the products of volcanism are of almost volcanics which appear to result from the interaction of
infinite variety, they may be interpreted with considerably magma and seawater. However, such alterations are
greater ease than those of plutonic magmatism. This is of more properly considered as forms of metamorphism.
course a direct consequence of the fact that they are
formed under the low-pressure and short-time-scale
conditions familiar to us from ordinary experience and
from relatively unsophisticated laboratory experiments. Volcanic and hypabyssal mineralogy
Typical of these products is the abundant glass which
may show to varying degrees signs of gas evolution and The primary mineral species that regularly occur in
simple volume expansion in the form of vesicles. Other volcanic rocks are, with few exceptions, the same as those
typical products of volcanism are those of mechanical in plutonic equivalents. However, the volcanic varieties
brecciation and liquid flow. By contrast, these same of these minerals may differ greatly in detail.
features in plutonic rocks are obscured by postconsoli- The characteristic of volcanism that especially in-
dation plastic and fluid deformation, recrystallization, fluences the crystal structures and forms of volcanic
and metasomatism. minerals is the rapid rate of cooling from high tempera-
It is an elementary deduction of field geology that tures. The characteristics that primarily govern the
volcanic structures vary greatly in response to the stabilities of certain minerals are the low volatile
chemistry that imparts to the magma characteristic pressures and high oxidation states that result from
viscosity, density, and consolidation features. Pyro- volatile escape and interaction with surface fluids.
clastics are generally associated with acid or alkaline Obviously only the hottest of magmas reach the surface,
volcanism, and highly fluid lavas appear to occur only in since low temperature melts can exist only under high
the basic range of compositions. However, certain volatile pressures. Rapid cooling from these high
products, such as ash and pumice, result from a wide temperatures then tends to quench in the high-tempera-
range of magma compositions, although their relative ture structural states of such minerals as feldspar and
volumes and modes of deposition vary greatly. pyroxene so that monoclinic sanidine, "high plagioclase,"
Because of the abundance offree H 20, N 2, and Oz in and supersolvous feldspars and pyroxenes are character-
the upper crust and atmosphere, the opportunity of istic. Many volcanic pyroxenes also show a disordering
contamination of magmas and magmatic fluids by these of Mg2 + and FeZ +, which reflects high temperatures always high. In addition, there is also a (Saxena, 1973). Finally, the high-temperature forms of
high probability that magmatic gases may be con- silica-cristobalite and tridymite-are found in the
taminated by their own condensation or distillation hottest rocks. However, evidence of the high-temperature
products. We shall see that both types of contamination f3 form of quartz is retained only in the morphology of
are evident even in those gases given off directly by phenocrysts since inversion to the low-temperature form
fresh lavas in volcanic vents. It is apparent then that in the occurs far too rapidly for quenching of the f3 phase to be
cooler fumaroles and hot springs more remote from the possible.
vents, the contaminants may greatly dominate over The oscillatory compositional zoning of plagioclase
original magmatic fluids. In fact, many studies have made already noted in plutonic rocks is even more highly
clear that the chemistry of such waters is apt to be more developed in the phenocrysts of volcanics, where it may
a function of the rock types through which they have register a complex series of events. An example of this is
passed than of the magma from which their thermal the phenocryst from a volcanic ash sequence of the Taupo
energy was derived. Finally, because of their complex area, New Zealand, as shown in Figure 15.1. According
involvement with surficial crustal waters (including those to Ewart (1963), the sharp changes in anorthite content
of the oceans) and because they are frequently in contact of the zones of this crystal can be correlated with the
with flows and pyroclastics for long periods, the mag- diminished water pressure attending eruption of the
matic fluids may bring about profound secondary ash showers.
changes in rocks that originally represented congealed The fractionation trend in the subsystem albite-
magmas on the liquid line of descent. Consequently, anorthite-orthoclase of volcanic rocks is strikingly
such secondary effects must always be taken into account different from the corresponding trend in plutonic rocks.

Volcanic and hypabyssal mineralogy

3Ca 2Fe sSigOdOH)2 + 2Ca zMg sSi sOdOHlz

hornblende hornblende

pyroxene ferrite silica fluid

CaFe~ + Sig022(OHh CaFe~ + Fe~+Sis024 + H2

hornblende oxyhornblende

biotite fluid

sanidine ferrile fluid

48 Shower 4
47 19
47 K Fe3AISi30Io(OH}z
46 46
biotite sanidine ferrite fluid
An 45
44 (l5.e)
42 K Fej+ AISi 30 lo (OH)2
41 biotite
Erup tion of Erup ti on of K Fe2+Fe~+ AISi 30 11 + H1 (15.1)
show 20 shower _I
oxybiotite fluid

15.1 Plagioclase phenocryst from volcanic ash of These reactions may be regarded as either equilibrium
Toupo area New Zealand. The changes in or disequilibrium processes. However, we should note
anorthite content registered can be correlated that Reactions 05.a) and 05.b) are related by the reaction
with other phenocrysts and probably reflect
for the decomposition of water, and the same holds for
fluctuations in water pressure. (After Ewart,
Reactions (l5.d) and (l5.e). Analytical expressions for the
equations of equilibrium for these reactions are difficult
to write down, and this is especially true for Reactions
In the latter, increasing water content of the melt, as (15.c) and (15.1), which involve the complex oxyhorn-
differentiation proceeds, causes the intersection of the bien de and oxybiotite formula units. However, for
solidus with the solvus to occur at successively lower purposes of illustration we may assume that Fe 30 4 and
temperatures and the feldspars diverge in composition KAISi 3 0 g occur as pure phases, and that the ferro-
(Chapter 14). In volcanic rocks, on the other hand, the magnesian silicates are ideal solutions of their Mg2 + and
temperature drop is much less and the compositions of Fe2+ end members. Then for Reactions 05.b) and (I5.e)
coexisting feldspars may converge. The latter effect has we may write
been discussed by Carmichael et al. (1974).
However the most striking effects of the volcanic (15.1)
environment are seen in the hydrous ferromagnesian
silicates such as the amphiboles and micas which are
subject to simultaneous dehydration and oxidation. (15.2)
Some pertinent chemical reactions 01 these phases are
as follows: Since generally X~x ~ X~~, Equation (15.1) simplifies to
3Ca 1 Fe s Si s0 22 (OHh + 2Ca 2Mg s Sig0 12 (OHlz + ~Oz
KitS _ fHz (15.3)
hornblende hornblende (b) - (X~~)3

which has the same form as Equation (15.2).

pyroxene ferrite silica fluid Reaction (l5.c) has been subject to experimental
(l5.a) studies by Wones and Eugster (1965), who concluded

15 Volcanism
and volcanic Ouids

that Reaction (15.f) is also of importance, so that a Phase relations of the major leucocratic minerals
quantity of oxybiotite, which depends on the temperature, of volcanic rocks are best understood in terms of Figures
fluid pressure, and oxygen fugacity, is always present as a 15.2, 15.3, and certain diagrams already presented in
solution component of biotite. This is in accord with the Chapters 12 and 14. A characteristic of both Figures
earlier observations of Larsen et al. (1937) on biotite and 15.2 and 15.3 is the thermal divide of the feldspar join
hornblende phenocrysts from the lavas of the San Juan which separates the depressions into which liquids
volcanic province of Colorado. descend by fractional crystallization. A consequence of
If the foregoing reactions and equations are accepted, this divide is as follows: It may be imagined that liquids
their consequences may be summarized as follows: originally of basaltic composition approach the triangle
NaAISi0 4-KAISi0 4-Si0 2 from multidimensional space
I. A decrease of the total fluid pressure on the ex- in which such components as anorthite are important.
trusion of lavas results in all the reactions being The vicinity at which these liquids approach the triangle
displaced to the right so that the net effect is one depend on their Si0 2 contents, and it is clear that small
of oxidation, even when no oxygen is introduced variations of this component may throw the liquids on
into the system. one or the other side of the thermal divide, giving rise
2. If equilibrium is maintained, both hydrous and either to rhyolitic or phonolitic resdua. Sometimes,
anhydrous ferro magnesian minerals, which crystal- however. it happens that the melt ends up directly above
lize under low fluid pressures or high oxygen the divide, or, in other words, turns out to be trachytic
pressure, will be enriched in MgO and Fe 2 0 3 As might be expected, such end-products usually
relative to their plutonic equivalents. contain substantial amounts of anorthite.
3. A drop in fluid pressure and an increase inio2 (at An extensive and illuminating discussion of equi-
constant fluid pressure) leads from a hydrous to an librium and fractional crystallization paths in the system
anhydrous Mg-rich assemblage. This is the re- NaAISi0 4-KAISi0 4-Si0 2 -H 2 0 has been given by Fudali
verse of Bowen's well-known reaction series for (1963). In the illustrated crystallization paths shown in
plutonic rocks. Figure 15.2 the path M-N-O illustrates equilibrium
crystallization. while path S- T illustrates fractional
The disequilibrium versions of these reactions are
frequently at work in volcanic rocks where they are
revealed in the striking changes which phenocrysts
undergo. Thus, although fresh ordinary biotites and 15.2 Molar plot of the system NaAISi0 4 -KAISi0 4 -
hornblendes may be preserved in the dense, glassy parts SiO z , Paths of equilibrium and fractional
of flows, in the broken and vesiculated parts these are crystalJization are also shown. (After Schairer,
likely to be replaced by their "oxy" counterparts. 1957.) Isotherms are in °e, P = I bar.
Where the alteration has only begun, the latter are
distinguished by their aberrant optical properties, but
where it has gone far enough, the entire hornblende or
biotite has given way to a mixture of the anhydrous
reaction products feldspar, magnetite, and pyroxene.
The affinity of the silicate melt for water aids in
maintaining the iron in the ferrous state. Indeed, this
effect appears to be so strong that virtually pure fayalite
may crystallize from rhyolitic melts. However, just as in
the cases of hornblende and biotite, these crystals fre-
quently show evidence of oxidation according to the
~Fe2Si04 + H 20
fayalite fluid ferrite quartz fluid
The occurrence of fayalite and its alteration products
has been noted by Boyd (1961) in the welded tuffs and
obsidian flows of Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. tNaA1Si04 tKA1Si04

Volcanoes and volcanic deposits

more, Scarfe et al. (1966) also found that the addition of

Na 2 0 to the system further stabilized the right-hand side
of the reaction so that the field of leucite might be elimi-
nated by only modest pressures in these systems.
In the formation of pseudoleucite the homogeneous
sodium-rich leucite that crystallizes from the melt breaks
up into even more sodium-rich nepheline and a potas-
sium-rich feldspar; however, in the process the leucite
becomes increasingly enriched in the KAISi 2 0 6 com-
Fractionation trends in a broad spectrum of silica-
undersaturated volcanic rocks from the East Otago
volcanic province of New Zealand have been summarized
by Coombs and Wilkinson (1969). In this province they
found evidence for several lineages depending on
Kalsilite (FeO + Fe 2 0 3 )!MgO and K 2 0/Na zO ratios, as well as
the degree of silica undersaturation. Fractionation
t NaAISi04 tKAISi04
trends in both sodic and potassic series indicated that the
degree of undersaturation of the salic liquids is dependent
15.3 Molar plot of the system NaAlSi0 4 -KAlSi0 4 - on that of the parent magma, which could be slightly
SiOz-HzO. (After Fudali, 1963.) Paths of undersaturated alkali basalt or more undersaturated
equilibrium and fractional crystallization are
basonite. Additional factors such as foz are also inferred
also shown. Isotherms in DC, P = 1 bar.
to affect the course of fractional crystallization.
In magmas greatly deficient in silica and high in
crystallization in which a liquid that originally precipi- alkalis, extreme rock types such as nephelenite, ijolite,
tates leucite finally reaches the feldspar quartz cotectic and carbonatite are products of volcanism. A well-
and precipitates quartz. known example from Tanganyika is the volcano
It should be observed that while the positions of the Oldoinyo Lengai (Dawson, 1962a, b). Especially interest-
thermal depressions are not shifted greatly by 1 kbar ing is the sodium carbonate, which in combination with
water pressure, the field of leucite is greatly restricted calcite forms lava flows. Sodium carbonate is unknown
thereby. Also, we know from field experience that in deep-seated carbonate rocks. According to Koster
although leucite is a common primary crystallization van Groos (1975) it is likely that only alkali carbonatite
product in volcanic and hypabyssal rocks, its former magmas can be stable at shallow depths within the crust,
existence is usually manifested only by mixtures of while derivation of such melts from the mantle would
alkali feldspar and nepheline, known as pseudoleucite. require that they had contained substantial quantities of
Furthermore. leucite in any form is unknown from Mg and Fe 2 + at their point of origin. These constituents
plutonic rocks. This behavior of leu cite cannot be under- might however be lost in transit by reaction with
stood in terms of its liquidus relations as presented in various silicates.
Figures 15.2 and 15.3. but must be considered in terms of
subsolidus reactions (Fudali, 1963). In fact, both pseudo-
leucite and the absence of leucite in plutonic rocks can
be explained by a reaction of the type
Volcanoes and volcanic deposits
2KAISi 2 0 6 ~ KAlSi 3 0 s + KAlSi0 4 (IS.h)
leucite p!ldspar K-nephrline General
A variant of this reaction was studied experimentally by The lavas and pyroclastics of continental deposits are
Scarfe et al. (1966), who found that at 650°C, 5 kbar of derived largely from calc-alkali series magmas similar
pressure stabilized feldspar + hexagonal kalsilite, the to those that give rise to the batholiths. Where the
latter being the equivalent of K-nepheline in natural series is best developed the vents and centers of activity
systems. This effect of pressure might have been antici- are aligned along the major orogenic trends, but par-
pated from the fact that the volume decrease of Reaction ticularly along the island arcs and continental borders of
(lS.h) is almost 7 cm 3 under STP conditions. Further- the circumpacific region. The products of volcanism in

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

such regions are only occasionally of an alkaline charac- alkalies (Table 15.1). By contrast, the oceanic alkaline
ter as in Eastern Otago, New Zealand (Benson, 1941) and rocks appear to be more restricted, although they
in central Montana (Larsen, 1940). The major fields of received much attention in early petrographic descrip-
alkaline volcanism occur largely in regions of non- tions of oceanic rocks. Descriptions and occurrences of
orogenic rifting, as in eastern Africa. alkaline basalts have been summarized by Wilkinson
The character of volcanism in the ocean basins and (1967). It has been suggested (Engel and Engel, 1964)
on the oceanic ridges that cross them is still poorly that the oceanic alkaline rocks are largely confined to the
known, but information is rapidly being accumulated. tops of volcanic edifices and that they are the products
The major basins of the Pacific and the Atlantic appear of differentiated tholeiitic magma.
to be dominated by vast outpourings of tholeiitic In the continental orogenic regions the dominant
basalts which resemble rather closely those of continental member of the calc-alkali series is andesite, and this is
deposits, except that they may be somewhat lower in especially true of the geologically young circumpacific

Table 15.1 Relatively unaltered volcanic rocks of diverse origins and common types

Glassy to Porphyritic
Porphyrite micro- Labradorite Labradorite Oligoclase augite
bytownite crystalline olivine alkali anorthoclase Basaltic olivine
basalt" basaltb basaW basale trachyte" pumice! Basalt9 basalth

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Si0 2 48.53 49.80 47.13 48.00 60.30 50.21 50.87 50.17

AI 2 0 3 22.30 14.88 12.54 17.42 18.08 13.36 12.92 19.65
Fe 20 3 0.69 1.55 4.72 6.17 4.21 1.39 2.85 2.54
FeO 4.82 10.24 6.26 4.64 1.17 9.88 13.19 7.92
MgO 7.14 6.74 13.19 4.55 1.38 8.34 5.40 4.54
CaO 12.86 10.72 10.17 9.60 3.14 10.81 9.02 11.29
Na 2 0 2.18 2.91 2.25 4.00 6.80 2.34 2.46 1.66
K 20 0.06 0.24 0.65 1.30 2.91 0.55 0.76 0.29
H 2O+ 0.38 0.54 0.35 0.42 0.39 0.11 0.17 0.41
H 2O- 0.01 0.06 0.30 0.15 0.38 0.00 0.04 0.20
Ti0 2 0.76 2.20 1.84 3.20 0.94 2.63 2.95 0.87
P20S 0.07 0.28 0.36 0.54 0.29 0.27 0.10
MnO 0.16 0.21 0.19 0.13 0.18 0.17 0.26 0.17
CO 2 0.01
Cl 0.02
F 0.04
Zr0 2
99.96 100.19 99.95 100.12 100.17 100.11 100.89 99.81

"Porphyritic bytownite basalt with glassy to microcrystalline ground mass, East Pacific Rise, depth 1700 m (Engel and Engel, 1964).
b Glassy to microcrystalline basalt, East Pacific Rise, depth 2300 m (Engel and Engel, 1964).
, Labradorite olivine basalt flow, Guadalupe Island. East Pacific (Engel and Engel. 1964).
d Labradorite, alkali basalt flow, Guadalupe Island, East Pacific (Engel and Engel. 1964).
, Oligoclase-anorthoclase, trachytic flow, Guadalupe Island, East Pacific Rise (Engel and Engel, 1964).
f Basaltic pumice, Makaopuhi Crater, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (Wright et al .• : 96R).
'Basaltic lava, Askja Volcano, Iceland (Thorarinsson and Sigvald<\son. 1962).
/, Augite-olivine basalt (with microphenocrysts of hypersthene). Taga Volcano near Nirayma. Japan (Tsuy. 1937; as quoted by Kuno. 1950).
'Olivine-bearing hypersthene-augite andesite, Hakone Volcano. Japan (Kuno. 1936; as quoted by Kuno. 1950).

Volcanoes and volcanic deposits

belt. However, even within the andesitic chains, basalt is spread deposits of welded and unwelded tuffs, and as
an ever-present and abundant constituent. There it not flows of rhyolite and obsidian. By contrast, active
only participates in building the large strato volcanoes rhyolitic volcanism is more restricted today, and although
but also contributes numerous valley flows and cinder the violent outbursts, such as at Mt. Katmai, have attrac-
cones. Frequently such basaltic flows and cones are the ted much attention, the volume of their deposits is small
last lava outbreaks in a region of declining activity. compared with the prehistoric pyroclastics.
Although andesitic volcanism dominates present
activity, there is much evidence that in certain parts ofthe Lava flows
orogenic belts, such as in New Zealand, Sumatra, and
the Yellowstone and Nevada regions of the USA, We must distinguish here between the general term lava,
rhyolitic magmas were more prevalent in the past. This which refers to extrusive magma, and lava flows, which
activity is recorded for us in numerous thick and wide- result from the flow of lava as liquid or liquid-crystal

Hypersthene hornblende Ground Quartz Glassy
augite quartz Posphyrite mass latite Rhyolite Rhyolite welded Obsidian
andesite i dacitei adamellitek of (11)1 tuff m tuff" lapillio tuffP flow q

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

57.07 76.05 65.31 75.58 68.7 76.6 71.2 73.15 76.77

17.53 12.79 15.62 12.18 16.7 12.7 13.2 12.13 11.71
2.59 1.47 1.46 1.27 1.4 0.86 0.75 1.12 0.64
5.44 0.31 3.51 0.61 0.74 0.07 1.35 0.66 1.05
3.87 0.08 1.79 0.02 0.45 0.49 0.30 0.13 0.33
8.77 1.60 3.99 1.06 1.1 0.63 1.35 0.71 0.49
2.80 3.89 3.36 2.86 4.3 3.4 4.75 4.01 4.01
0.52 1.82 3.31 6.00 6.0 5.1 2.85 5.27 5.10
0.27 0.74 0.82 0.54 2.63 1.91 0.10
0.12 0.52 nil nil 0.74 0.21 0.16
0.77 0.19 0.59 0.11 0.41 0.10 0.25 0.14 0.15
0.08 tr 0.24 0.22 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00
0.14 0.05 0.11 0.02 0.10 0.06 0.10 0.04 0.05
<0.05 0.00 0.00
0.095 0.06 0.06
0.08 0.02
0.04 0.04
0.00 0.03
99.97 99.51 100.11 100.47 100.0 100.0 99.61 99.66 100.71

j Hypersthene-hornblende-quartz-dacite, dacite dome near Kamitaga(Kuno, 1936; as quoted by Kuno, 1950).

'Adamellite-porphyrite (border phase 016) New South Wales, Australia (Wilkinson el al., 1964).
I Microcrystalline ground mass of 11.
m Quartz-Iatite tuff (Topopah Spring member of Paintbrush tuff, southern Nevada) (Lipman, 1966).
" Rhyolite tuff (Topopah Spring member of Paintbrush tuff, southern Nevada) (Lipman. 1966).
"Rhyolite Lapilli Quaternary pumice ash, Taupo area, New Zealand (Ewart, 1963).
P Glassy welded tuff, base of Yellowstone tuff, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming (Boyd, 1961).
• Obsidian flow, Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming (Boyd, 1961).

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

suspensions over the surface of the ground. This dis- vanetles. The maximum temperatures recorded are
tinction is necessary because we frequently encounter around 1200°C, although Zies (1946) found an extreme
forms of lava that are not extruded as liquids but are of 1250°C at Paricutin. It has been shown, however, that
fragmented and congealed within the vent as they are usually high temperatures may result from exothermic
ejected in either a violent explosion (nuee ardente) or as gas reactions at the surface.
more quiescent pumice flows. The products of such Attempts have also been made to measure tempera-
activity are classed among the pyroclastics. tures of various lavas and pyroclastics by indirect
In terms of composition, the lavas-both flow and methods based on the mineralogy. Ewart et al. (1971)
pyroclastic, as well as hypabyssal magmas-form series utilized the compositions of coexisting titanomagnetite-
that are closely parallel to the plutonic magma series. ilmenite solid solutions to estimate the temperatures of
This has already been pointed out in Chapter 4, where a formation of glassy acid pumices, lavas, and ignimbrites
direct comparison of average plutonic and volcanic of the Pleistocene-Recent Central volcanic region of
rocks was made. Further examples of certain select New Zealand, and obtained temperatures ranging from
flows and pyroclastics are given in Tables 15.1 and 15.2. 695°C to 890°C, which is in the range to be expected from
It appears that magmas of virtually any composition such rocks. Similar results were obtained by Heming and
may be extruded as freely flowing liquid-crystal suspen- Carmichael (1973) for pyroclastics of the Roboul
sions, although the possibility of this happening seems Caldera in New Guinea.
to diminish greatly with a decrease in the mafic con- As we have noted in connection with viscosity
stituents and an increase of highly polymerized leuco- measurements, anhydrous basalts begin to lose their
cratic constituents such as silica, feldspar, and the fluidity between I 100°C and 1200 e when crystallization

feldspathoids. It has been pointed out by Verhoogen sets in; but as was shown by Minakami (1951), those
(1946) that phenocrysts are almost always present in with a high volatile content may retain fluidity at much
lavas, indicating that liquidus temperatures are rarely lower temperatures. On the other hand, Sahama and
exceeded. Yet there are examples of almost phenocryst- Meyer (1958) recorded a fountaining nephelinite lava at
free rocks representing lavas ranging from basalt to only 980°C. While there are no corresponding measure-
rhyolite, and it is not uncommon to find obsidian flows ments for intermediate or acid lavas, minimum liquidus
that are virtually pure glass. Because of the generally low temperatures for rhyolitic compositions may be estima-
volatile contents of these obsidians (Table 15.1), the ted from liquidus temperatures in the system albite-
lava temperatures must have been quite high to enable orthoclase-Si0 2-H 20 ifit can be inferred that no signifi-
them to flow over the surface. cant quantities of volatiles such as F and el were dissolved
Unfortunately, reliable lava-temperature measure- in the melt. It then appears, from Figure 15.2, that such
ments are scarce and are almost confined to basaltic melts could not remain fluid below l000 e if they

contain the amount of water found in many obsidians.

Lava that flows on the surface must not only have a
Table 15.2 Normative mineral certain minimal fluidity but must also possess a limited
compositions of volcanic rock from potential for violent disruption, which could prevent
the flow from retaining coherence. Thus, if the lava is too
the Hakone Area, Japan
charged with volatiles, it may be so fragmented and under-
Numbers are the same as/or Table 15.1 cooled by rapid loss of these volatiles so that only pumice
or other pyroclastics result.
8 9 10 It has been noted by some volcanologists that a
correlation exists between the mode or position of
Q 5.70 13.68 42.96
eruption of lava and its volatile content. As an example,
Or 1.67 2.78 10.56
Ab 14.15 23.85 33.01 Krauskopf (1948) found that the basaltic andesite lavas
An 45.31 33.92 8.06 of the Mexican volcano Paricutin emitted different
Wo 4.18 3.60 1.43 proportions of volatiles depending on whether they were
En 11.40 9.70 0.20 discharged from the central vent or from fissures at the
Fs 11.22 6.73 0.00 base of the cone. The gases from the main vent retained
Mt 3.71 3.71 0.46 a higher proportion of the relatively insoluble species
II 1.67 1.52 0.46 S02, while those from the basal fissures contained more
Hem 1.12 He\. An interpretation of the structure leading to this
Ap 0.34 0.34
situation is depicted in Figure 15.4. It is likely that the

Volcanoes and volcanic deposits

small edifice of Paricutin is fairly typical of the type of should be trapped in a structural environment similar to
activity that builds cinder cones. In this situation the lava the original melt. However, silicate glasses have a great
of the main column is buoyed up by the vesciculation of affinity for water at all temperatures (Chapter 12) so that
gases, which decreases its density substantially. On the this constituent may be absorbed later, and greatly
other hand, the denser, volatile-poor lavas can only dilute the juvenile volatiles. This was indeed shown to be
find their way out at the base, where they form valley the case by Ross and Smith (1955), who discovered that
flows. the hydrous glass perlite is derived by postmagmatic
It might be expected that the holocrystalline flows, in hydration of obsidian, with the amount of water added
common with plutonic and hypabyssal rocks, would usually ranging from 2 to 5 weight percent.
retain only that part of the volatile fraction of the magma Lava flows exhibit a great variety of features that
that is dissolved in or reacts with the crystals themselves, reflect their extrusive and cooling histories. Although
or that is included as bubbles. Detailed studies (Roedder, they usually have little effect on rocks with which they
1965; Roedder and Coombs, 1967) have shown that come into contact, they sometimes bake unconsolidated
although bubble inclusions within crystals may com- sediments and weld glassy ash and tuff over which they
prise only a minute fraction of the rock, they contain a flow. A somewhat idealized cross section of a rhyolite
variety of fluid phases such as glass (congealed silicate flow from Nevada is shown in Figure 15.5. In this case
melt), saturated saline solution, and liquid CO 2 , How- the flow eroded, incorporated, and altered previously
ever, in volcanic phenocrysts such inclusions are more
likely to reflect conditions at depth than at the surface.
Normally it would be expected that glassy lava flows 15.4 Interpretation of the structure of Paricutin
would provide the best opportunity for retention of the volcano, Mexico, a cinder cone. (After
small quantities of equilibrium volatiles since those Krauskopf, 1948.)

sw E


Moving lava

Older subsurface ~
lava channels ~
PariclIli n nows ~=~::~~==E~
pyroclastic material ler~i'!j;3)1

Pre·PariCU lin Ilow. I

and pyroclastics L ._ _- - "
o 200 400 600 m

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

deposited tuffs, breccias, and agglomerates. High tem-

peratures are indicated: the fiow contains only 5 to 10
percent phenocrysts and the basal tuffs are welded. The
upper part of the fiow shows evidence of rapid chilling
in the form of a vesiculated and almost pumaceous glass
rind. Below this and completely encIosing the interior
is a zone of perlitic vitrophyre which originated both by
rapid cooling of magma and by welding of the basal tuff.
By contrast, the central part of the fiow cooled slowly Partial welding Reddening
enough so that thorough crystallization occurred by
precipitation of microlite crystals, devitrification, and 15.5 Idealized relationships in longitudinal section
by the formation of lithophysae and open crystal- between emplacement, alteration, and cooling
and crystallization zones in rhyolite of Comb
Iined ca vities.
Peak, near Fortymile Canyon, Southern Nevada.
The formation of glass in basaltic fiows is much more
(After Christiansen and Lipman, 1966).
infrequent, although the crystals of the aphanitic
groundmass may be so small as to be invisible to the
unaided eye. However, as in the case of rhyolite, the contrast, lapilli and bombs are simply congealed cIots of
interior of fiows show a more marked crystallinity than magma, and although lapilli are frequently spheroidal,
the edges, and in some ca ses possess a coarseness of the larger bombs assurne characteristic spindle-shaped
grain approaching that of plutonites. forms in their f1ight through the air. Lapilli and bombs
are more typical of fluid, basic magmas, whereas the
Pyroc1astics corresponding congealed acid magmas result in blocks
that are shaped by postconsolidation fracturing. Fre-
The term pyroclastic is somewhat misleading in that it quently avalanches of such blocks form variants of
seems to imply a preexisting rock has been broken up. ordinary ash fiows.
This is of course true in the case of many breccias and It is important to note that although all tuffaceous
agglomerates, but it is not for the most common pyro- rocks are by definition consolidated, welded tuffs are
cIastic material-the dust and ash that result largely products of consolidation under magmatic heat. Un-
from the explosive disintegration of frothing liquid welded tuffs, which presumably were deposited at lower
magma. While it is difficult to categorize all pyrocIastic temperatures, are sometimes called sillar after the wide-
material, the more common varieties may be cIassified spread deposits ofthis nature in the Andes Mountains of
as folIows: Peru (Fenner, 1948; Jenks and Goldich, 1956). According
to current opinion, welded tuffs are deposited by
glowing avalanches or nuees ardentes such as have been
Original Consolidated observed on Mt. Pelee and elsewhere in historic times.
Deposit Size(mm) equivalent These avalanches consist of high-temperature suspen-
sions of dust, ash, and other pyrocIastics. The so lids are
Pumice suspended in magmatic gases that are in the process of
<~.05} Tuff or welded
exsolving from the solidifying magma. Such avalanches
32 tuff (ignimbrites) may result when frothy pumice overflows the vent, but
Bombs >32 in their most characteristic forms they break out of the
Blocks, agglomerate, etc. Agglomerates side of the stratocone near the summit and fiow down to
of breccias the valley bottoms at high speeds under the force of
gravity. Less frequently they ass urne the form of great
horizontally directed blasts of devastating power. It is
Although lava that gives rise to pyrocIastics does not thought that in the thickest parts of such avalanche
f10w over the surface as such, it does move as a solid-gas deposits, enough heat is retained to weId the fragments
emulsion. When explosive disintegration of the magma is of ash into solid rocks and even denseobsidians. However,
minimal, a coherent froth or pumice results. Of course it should be kept in mind that no examples ofwelded tuffs
every gradation exists between boulder-sized blocks of are known that have formed during historie times. It is
pumice and the finest ash. However, ash so derived comes thought that this is a consequence of all known modern
largely from the attrition of larger pumice particIes. By tuff f10ws being relatively small.

Volcanoes and volcanic deposits

Chemical analyses of some pyroclastic lavas are itself, however-that the solubility of water might be
shown in Table 15.1. This table includes an example of greatly increased by the presence of certain other volatiles.
basaltic pumice from the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, Later we shall see that both Cl and F are candidates for
which differs very little chemically from the associated this role.
lava flows. However, extensive studies reveal that one of When the evolution of gases occurs slowly at depth,
the salient features of the more acid tuffs is their high especially within the fluid basic lavas, the bubbles may
Fe 2 0 3/FeO ratios as compared with the corresponding coalesce within the conduit and rise to the surface. The
flow rocks. However, as we have seen, such oxidation rate of rise of these bubbles will be governed by their
may also affect flows that are highly vesiculated. size, and this will steadily increase because of accretion
Numerous authors have speculated about the precise and expansion. Thus, it is likely that as these bubbles
conditions that lead to the formation of pyroclastics and reach the surface, minor but quite violent local explosions
the attendant eruptive phenomena. Of the different would result, and that these explosions are the major
deposits, pumice is perhaps the best understood since sources of the energy required to eject the clots of magma
its structure and the properties of water (where this is the that become lapilli and bombs. We shall see that the
major volatile) set limiting conditions for its formation. gases emitted from liquid basaltic magma are rich in
Although the volume of the vesicles in pumice frequently CO 2 and S02' so that it is possible that the formation
exceeds that of the glass, it does not do so by more than a of large bubbles is dependent on the evolution of these
factor of four or so (Ewart, 1963). How much dissolved comparatively insoluble gases at depth rather than as the
water this represents may be seen by reference to evolution of water vapor.
p- V- T data. Making use of these data, Ross (1964) gives It is natural to turn to the active volcanic processes
the following illustration: If 1 percent water is released of the present to better understand those of the past.
from a magma at 900°C and P = 1 atm, the P- V- T data Thus, if we wish to interpret the ash flows and ignimbrites
for water indicate that the volume occupied by the vapor in the geologic column, we would do well to note studies
is 123 times that of the magma from which it was re- such as those that were made by Peret (1937) on the
leased. At higher pressures this volume is of course nw!e ardentes of Mt. Pelee. His major observations and
reduced, but even if P = 100 atm, the volume would still deductions are as follows:
be of the order of the volume of the melt or greater. Thus,
it appears that the quantity of dissolved water involved
in pumice formation is less, and perhaps much less, than 1. Nuees ardentes or glowing avalanches result when
1 percent by weight. However, the water content of an autoexplosive (water-supersaturated) magma
unaltered obsidians and other natural glasses (Table finds egress from a volcano and rushes downhill
15.1) indicates that the amount required is probably under the force of gravity.
greater than 0.1 percent by weight. 2. As it descends, the nw?e maintains its general
When we consider the formation of la va dust and ash, coherence but also gives rise to high vertically
such as accompanies the ash flows, we encounter greater rising dust clouds.
difficulties. It seems evident, first of all, that these products
3. The nuee proper consists of a suspension of solidi-
require a greater quantity of water than is required for
fied or partially solidified lava which emits gases
pumice formation since the volume of vesiculation is
as it moves. These gases, consisting largely of water
clearly so great as to rapidly destroy the coherence of
vapor, are thought to keep the solid particles
the melt. The difficulty is in explaining how this water is
separated, and so confer great lubrication and
maintained in solution during the ascent to the surface,
buoyancy to the mass.
for if the evolution of gas occurred deep within the con-
duit, we should expect more vertical blasts than horizon- 4. The nuees descended Mt. Pelee at about 60 kmjhr.
tal avalanches. Verhoogen (1951a) attempted to explain They usually were silent, but the more powerful
such problems by suggesting that ash formation is a ones were also accompanied by a variety of
question of kinetics or, more precisely, of bubble nuclea- sounds, including detonations.
tion in an unstable supersaturated melt. However, 5. Nuees with much of their autoexplosive force
Roedder and Coombs (1967) have presented evidence spent were sometimes reactivated by the shock of
that suggests that many magmas, even at considerable collisions with obstacles. Also, although they
depths, might contain bubbles of CO 2 -rich fluids. Thus, sometimes possessed enough momentum to over-
there could be no supersaturation since some bubbles ride low hills, the role of gravity was well shown by
would always be present. Another possibility presents their frequent deflection by such obstacles.

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

6. The nU/ie emission caused but slight damage to the A diagrammatic illustration of the nuee ardente type
volcanic edifice, and their deposits generally con- of activity is given in Figure 15.6. Detailed chemical
tained little or no old material. analyses of the Pelean lavas have been presented by
7. The coherence of the nuees is thought to have been Gunn et al. (1974).
maintained by downdrafts of cool air and perhaps One aspect of processes occurring in nuee ardente
by electrical forces between particles. activity was pointed out by Walker (1972). According to
him there is a strong tendency for crystals to concentrate
8. The general volcanic activity was observed to
in ignimbrites by the selective loss of pumice above the
begin with violent explosions, continued through a
volcanic vent or moving pyroclastic flow. A corollary of
period of combined nuees and dome building and
this study is that chemical analyses of ignimbrites prob-
ended with the latter. It is thought that doming
ably are not representative of the magma.
resulted after lava stood so long in the conduit
Ash-flow deposits, either welded or unweIded, are
that it became almost gas-free to a considerable
common in most regions of acid volcanism, and are
clearly recognizable on many ofthe large stratovolcanoes
of the andesitic ranges. For example, they are prominent
15.6 Diagrammatic illustration of nuee ardente-type features of the more acid stratovolcanoes of the southern
volcanic activity. For further explanation see Cascade range of Oregon and California. In this region
text. Crater Lake occupies the former position of the pre-

Ascending dust cloud


Volcanoes and volcanic deposits

historic but geologically recent stratocone called "Mt. it was deposited in "a single rapid series of eruptions"
Mazama." According to Moore (1934), Williams (1942), with single pyroclastic flow units more than 100 m in
and others, the formation of the large present-day thickness. As no wel1-defined vents are known, it is
crater was preceded by activity that began with violent inferred that eruption occurred from a number of dis-
outbursts of pumice and ash that were carried downward persed fissures.
to form deposits that were still more than 10 cm deep at a In this section, the YeIlowstone tuff is seen to consist
distance of 100 km to the northeast. These outbursts chiefly of aligned fragments of glass (shards) which form
culminated in glowing avalanches that rushed down the the matrix for coIlapsed pumice fragments and pheno-
radial valleys for some tens of kilometers and deposited crysts of sanidine ( ",Or 50), plagioclase ('" An to ), quartz,
about 30 km 3 of pumice and ash. The ejection of this ferro augite, fayalite, and magnetite. The high albite
volume of magma undermined M t. Mazama to the extent content of the sanidine indicates high liquidus tempera-
that the large caldera of collapse was formed. As is the tures, while the occurrence of ferro augite and fayalite
case with many other such deposits, the Crater Lake ash with magnetite is consistent with quite reducing con-
flows show no welding except in the walls of former ditions immediately before extrusion.
fumarole vents. Although most of Mt. Mazama consists As might be expected, the Yel1owstone tuff is most
of andesite, the explosive phase appears to have been thoroughly welded at the base, which is marked by a
related to the production of more dacitic magma by bed of dense obsidian averaging more than 1 m in thick-
crystal settling. The same appears to be true of the his- ness. However, the top is not welded.
toric eruption of Mt. Lassen in California. In this case Of considerable interest is the attempt made by Boyd
also, several nwie ardente type of eruptions accompanied (1961) to estimate the physical conditions and energy
the vertical ejection of ash. According to Day and Allen requirements during emplacement of the YeIlowstone
(1925), nuees like those of Mt. Pelee were emitted from tuff. His approach was to calculate the maximum degree
beneath a plug of solidified lava near the summit. of cooling during emplacement and to compare this with
The highly welded tuffs that characterize some of the the difference between the magma temperature and the
older volcanic deposits appear to have occurred on a temperature required for welding. He assumed that the
more massive scale than those associated with recent minimum magma temperature could be approximated
stratocones. They also appear to be more rhyolitic than by the line of minimum temperatures corresponding
dacitic in composition. Typical representatives are very to different water pressures in the system albite-ortho-
widespread in the Great Basin of the western USA (Cook, clase-Si0 2 -H 2 0 (Tuttle and Bowen, 1958). The tem-
1963), in the Yellowstone Region of Wyoming, and in perature of welding was experimentally determined by
many other parts of the world. subjecting volcanic glass powders to heat and water
The YeIlowstone region contains a series of volcanic pressure in a bomb. In order to relate these experiments
deposits ranging in age from early Eocene to late to the natural situation, it was assumed that the water
Pliocene. The oldest rocks, which are predominantly pressure attained a maximum value of 30 bar, corre-
breccias and agglomerates, range in composition from sponding to a 100-m-thick flow with a specific gravity of
andesite to dacite (Rouse, 1937; Boyd, 1961); they are 2.0. Since this water pressure corresponds to a solubility
separated by an erosion interval from the later rhyolites of 0.4 weight percent water in the melt, glass with this
and minor basalts and a few rocks of intermediate com- water content was used as starting material. The results
position. This late series forms the "rhyolite plateau," of these experiments suggested that on a time scale of the
which consists of a complex of rhyolitic ash flows, order of several weeks the minimum welding temperature
rhyolite and obsidian lava flows, and rhyolite domes. The was fairly well defined at about 600°C. If this value is
earliest members of the series consist of the dome adopted for the welding temperature, the alIowable
extrusives. These are overlain by breccia and the thick temperature range of cooling was found to be 50°C to
YeIlowstone tuff, which is highly welded and is inter- 350°C.
preted as having resulted from large nw!es ardentes. The The major processes that were inferred to have con-
tuff is in turn separated by an erosion interval from the tributed to the cooling of the tuff during emplacement are
plateau rhyolite lava flows ranging from holocrystalline
1. Exsolution and expansion of the gas and the
varieties to obsidians virtually free of phenocrysts.
associated magma in the conduit
The Yellowstone tuff apparently extends far beyond
the Yellowstone Park boundaries and may cover 2. Radiation from the top of the flow
thousands of square kilometers. In some places it 3. Conduction and convection of heat into the
attains 300 m in thickness. According to Boyd (1961), ground and into the air above the flow

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

This list does not include certain energy expenditures Differentiation of hypabyssal
and gains involved in opening the conduit, through
and volcanic magmas
dissipation as shock waves and in potential energy
changes. The expenditure of energy in shock waves and The mineralogy of some volcanic rocks tells us that
in opening the conduit are impossible to evaluate, and differentiation in the corresponding magmas probably
the potential energy contributions can be shown to be occurred at considerable depth. This is indicated in
small or as negating each other. For example, potential particular by the presence of phenocrysts of iron-rich
energy gained on extrusion will be converted into heat hydrous silicates, which demand high water pressures and
by turbulence in the down-rushing avalanche, and this quite reducing conditions. The alterations undergone by
will add a small increment to that derived from strictly such phenocrysts on extrusion have already been dis-
magmatic sources. cussed.
Unfortunately the great uncertainties of the assump- Such bodies as the Palisade sill (Walker, 1940) provide
tions in Boyd's calculations for the major cooling evidence that substantial differentiation through crystal
process (item 1 above) make it unprofitable to present settling can also occur under hypabyssal conditions, al-
them here. Also, it is likely that his model would be though as compared with the plutonic complexes these
altered significantly by the presence of CI, F, or other sills are but poor representatives of the process. In some
volatile constituents. However, one of the major mech- cases also, as in a number of diabasic sills of northern
anisms for heat loss during flow-that from radiation- Minnesota, differentiation appears to have produced far
is easy to evaluate. The amount of heat that could be too much granitic rock as compared with the visible
lost from the top of a static flow by this mechanism is parent diabase (Schwartz and Sandberg, 1940). These
negligible. However, if the flow is assumed to be in generally occur as granophyric concentrations near the
turbulent motion (as shown in Figure 15.6) heat from the tops of the sills and are sometimes complexly intruded
interior would constantly be supplied to the surface into the diabase. In the instance of the Endion sill of the
and cooling would be much more rapid. If then it is Duluth area, these relations have been ascribed to an up-
assumed that heat was transported to the flow top as dip migration of granophyric liquid while the sill was
rapidly as it was radiated away, and if Q is the total intruded as an inclined sheet (Ernst, 1960a). In any case,
energy radiated by 1 cm 2 of flow surface per minute we it appears that differentiation in such bodies took place
may write largely before they reached their present locale. This
conclusion is also supported by the bulk chemistry of
the diabase fractions, which in most cases show higher
where G is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and is equal (FeO + Fe z0 3 )/MgO ratios than is typical for basaltic
to 8.17 x 10 - 11 caljcm2/min/"K. If now we assume magma. For example, in the basal part of the Lester
T = 1123°K to be a safe upper limit for the temperature, River sill (Schwartz and Sandberg, 1940) this (weight)
we find that Q = 130 cal/cm 2/min 1. According to Boyd, ratio is approximately 10, which is greater than for the
a minimum thickness for a single tuff flow is 30 m, so that third Skaergaard liquid (Table 14.4). This seems to
if the density of the collapsed tuff is taken as 2.0, a indicate that differentiation through absolute iron enrich-
vertical column 1 cm 2 in cross section would contain ment may already have been substantial before intrusion.
6 x 10 3 gm of tuff. Consequently, each gram of this The differentiation of basic sills illustrates that even
tuff must have lost I.3 caljh. If then the specific heat is under shallow conditions the latest residue of crystal-
taken as 0.3 cal/gmtK, the tuff should have cooled at a lization is feldspathic or quartzofeldspathic in com-
rate of 4°K/h. Since this calculation corresponds to position. In fact, the nature of this residue is, as expected,
higher temperatures and a thinner flow than expected, closely dependent on the chemistry of the parent magma
we may conclude that even under the most favorable so that melts with much normative olivine give rise to
conditions no significant cooling can occur by radiation trachytic residues while quartz tholeiite magmas yield
unless the emplacement of the tuff took many hours. granophyres (Kennedy, 1933). MgO-FeO-alkali variation
Although evaluation of heat losses by conduction is more curves for the differentiated diabase sills usually lie
difficult, they must have been even less than those between those for the plutonic gabbro and the calc-
attributable to radiation. alkali complexes as shown in Figure 14.4. Yet this does
While Boyd's analysis offers few conclusive answers, not necessarily imply intermediate physicochemical
it does indicate that retention of sufficient heat for welding conditions; rather, it may simply reflect the imperfect
requirements may be possible for tuff flows of the magni- crystal settling within the smaller more rapidly cooled
tude found in the Yellowstone region. sill.

Volcanoes and volcanic deposits

In their description of differentiated diabase sills

many authors refer to the small quantity of rocks
intermediate in composition between diabase and grano-
phyre. A similar gap has been observed in the magmas
of many volcanic provinces such as the Yellowstone
region already discussed, in Iceland (Thorarinsson and
500 bar
Sigvaldason, 1962) and elsewhere. In fact, this character-
istic was also recognized in the great Duluth gabbro by 1000 bar

Grout (1918). Since it has subsequently been recognized

that the Duluth gabbro follows a differentiation trend
similar to the other gabbroic complexes (Hess, 1960), B

we can attribute it to the same differentiation mechanism

already assigned to those rocks. It therefore seems likely
that the shallow basaltic magmas that formed sills and
many volcanic deposits differentiated under essentially A

anhydrous conditions, and that those conditions sup-

pressed the formation of large quantities of feldspathic 0.5
rocks during the middle stage of differentiation.
Diverse trends of differentiation in volcanic rocks
have been suggested as explanations for mineralogic 15.7 Molar plot of compositional variation of
differences. Thus, Kuno (1950), in his study of the Tertiary volcanic ash flows from central Nevada.
Hakone volcanic province of Japan (Table 15.1), dis- (After Lipman, 1966.)
tinguished a "hypersthene rock series" in which the
ground mass is characterized by orthopyroxene and a
"pigeonite rock series" in which it is characterized by the system albite-orthoclase-SiOrHzO as given by
pigeonite. Kuno interpreted the occurrence of hypers- Tuttle and Bowen (1958). It is obvious that if fractional
thene as indicative of lower temperatures of crystal- crystallization was indeed operative in these ash-flow
lization consequent to the assimilation of volatile-rich magmas, and if they can be represented by the simple
xenoliths. However, his hypersthene suite is also dis- quaternary system, then differentiation must have oc-
tinguished by the presence of hornblende, and this may curred under quite low water pressures and terminated
simply indicate differentiation under higher water in the range of 500 to 1000 bar. Of course, the experi-
pressure as has already been suggested for the hypers- mental reference system implies water-saturated melts
thene and hornblende-bearing calc-alkali batholiths so that the water pressure might well have been even
(Chapter 14). lower.
The Hakone volcanic series also exhibit the usual If Figure 15.7 is compared with Figure 13.5 it is seen
trend toward relative iron enrichment, which is common that the early part of the differentiation path of these
to all known plutonic series. The end product of this lavas, leading from the hypothetical basaltic parent
enrichment results in the occurrence of fayalitic olivine magma (if such indeed played a role!), must have been
and other ferrous iron pyroxenes as druse fillings of the like the path M'-N', with the line A-B of Figure 15.7
late hypersthene dacite. corresponding to N'-O', due account being taken of the
It has also been possible in some cases to trace lower water pressure. This general interpretation is
differentiation trends within a series of acid volcanics. supported by the observed phenocrysts which consist
Lipman (1966) recognized a number of such series in the largely of plagioclase and alkali feldspar with little or no
Tertiary ash flows of southern Nevada. According to quartz.
him, the individual ash flow sheets become more mafic Of course an interpretation such as the above must be
and phenocryst-rich with stratigraphic height so that tempered with caution. They are valid only if the rocks
they represent in inverse order the compositional layer- in question approximate the quaternary system closely.
ing within the magma chamber. Chemical analyses for In particular, the anorthite content must be low since
two members of one of these series are shown in Table this component has the effect of shifting the feldspar-
15.1 and the entire series is shown plotted in Figure 15.7. quartz phase boundary toward the SiO z corner and
As was pointed out by Lipman, the trend rather closely could yield spuriously low water pressures. Then too we
approximates the lines offractional crystallization within must assume that no significant quantities of such

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

volatiles as F or Cl were present since they may have and S02 appear to be on a par with H 20. In fact, water
large effects on the liquidus. Unfortunately, evidence of is the most consistantly important contaminant even at
their former presence is particularly difficult to recognize. the very source of magmatic gases, and it is easy to see
An example of an acidic volcanic suite that follows a why this must be even more the case as the distance from
quite different trend than the foregoing is that of the the source is increased.
Taupo ash showers of New Zealand (Ewart, 1963) Because of the contaminating effect of ground water,
(Table 15.1). In this case no alkali feldspar phenocrysts the self-contaminating effect in magmatic gases 1, and
occur and those of quartz are virtually absent. Also, the reactions with rocks, the abundance of the dissolved
normative anorthite contents of the glasses are all high. constituents may be only remotely related to the chem-
If we again refer to Figure 13.5 it is apparent that the istry of the source. Indeed, many volcanologists now
crystallization path is best represented by a curve favor the idea that the composition of hot spring waters
similar to M-N, but with N lying close to the base of the simply reflects the rocks through which they have passed,
tetrahedron. Obviously the projection of these data onto although they may still contain 5 to 10 percent of a
the quaternary system cannot be used to estimate the magmatic component (White, 1957).
water pressure. However, the gases of the direct emanations of
In summary, it might be said that volcanic and magmas are likely to at least approach an equilibrium
hypabyssal magmas show evidence of the same differen- with their dissolved parent species within the melt.
tiation trends as plutonic rocks, depending on the precise Consequently, they not only contain potential informa
conditions prevailing in the magma chamber. Thus they tion about the "juvenile" volatiles which come from the
may reflect either the calc-alkali of gabbroic trends. planet's interior, but also of the physicochemical
However, a superimposition of shallow chamber con- mechanisms and energetics of solution. It is therefore
ditions may at times modify these trends greatly, an worth examining the magmatic gases in some detail.
example being the restricted crystal settling in hypabyssal
sills on the loss of volatile pressures in volcanic eruptions. Magmatic gases
The direct emanations of volcanic magmas are available
from a number of studies made in the past. Although
Volcanic fluids they are now more than 50 years old, the most impressive
and useful set of such data are still those presented by
T. A. Jaggar and E. S. Shepherd. Chemical analyses of
General these gases, which were collected from the vents of the
The term volcanic fluids as used here includes all the basaltic volcanoes in Hawaii during the period 1917 to
emanations-gaseous or liquid-that are at least in part 1919, were carried out by Shepherd. However, the great
derived from shallow magmas and may be so identified. significance of these analyses was revealed only recently
Because of the high temperatures and low pressures through the elegant mathematical treatment of Nordlie
all direct emanations of volcanic magmas are gaseous. (1967, 1971). It is the latter interpretation that is sum-
This fact is of some importance since the solubilities of marized here.
many constituents such as the refractory metals are The gases selected for study by Nordlie comprise the
largely functions of the temperature and fluid density. J-series (for Jaggar) since these appear to be superior to
The low densities of volcanic emanations thus greatly the others both in terms of the collecting conditions and
restrict their chemical transporting capacities in spite of the chemical analytical techniques employed. The
their high temperatures. analyses had originally been corrected for what Shepherd
The orifices from which the emanations of shallow assumed to be atmospheric contamination. However,
magmas issue are conveniently classified as either Nordlie's calculations, which take into account several
fumaroles or as hot springs. Fumaroles are orifices or different types of contamination, required the restor-
vents close to the magma source and their gases may be ation of the original values; it is these restored original
as high or even higher in temperature than the magma gas compositions that are presented in Table 15.3.
itself if exothermic reactions take place. It should be pointed out immediately that of the
Many of the chemical analyses of magmatic gases 14 J-series specimens, J-8 occupies a unique position in
seem to point to water as the overwhelmingly dominant that it appears to be the least contaminated of the series.
species. But we shall see that for at least some magmas
this may not be true and that other gases such as CO 2 1 This occurs through distillation and condensation processes.

Volcanic fluids

This unique quality of J-8 is attributable largely to its 3. Based on total Oz + total S03
being the only specimen for which the glass collecting 4. Combination of cases 1, 2, and 3
tube was sealed by melting the tip in the glowing cavity
before it was withdrawn. In the type-l correction, all the free oxygen of each
Some of the most obvious effects of contamination specimen of Table 15.3 was removed with the corre-
are immediately apparent from a glance at the table. sponding proportion ofN z , Ar, and COz. In type 2, N z
These are the presence of Oz and N z in approximately was removed with the atmospheric proportions of Oz,
the atmospheric ratio, of substantial quantities of the Ar, and CO z . In type 3 it was assumed that all the S03
highly oxidized constituent S03, and the dominant but resulted from reaction with atmospheric oxygen, and
highly variable quantity of water. We shall see that these all the reacted and unreacted oxygen was removed with
features are qualitatively incompatible with such original the atmospheric proportions of the other gases as before.
emanations of magma as CO, Hz, Sz, and SOz. It is It was found that the type-l correction corresponded
obvious, therefore, that these gases have suffered certain to a minimal degree of contamination, while by type 2
modifications subsequent to their emission from the some specimens ended up far too reduced. Without
melt. going into further details we shall anticipate that the
Nordlie distinguished the following major modifying type-4 correction yielded the most satisfactory results in
effects on the magmatic gas: terms of the internal consistency attained. In fact, when
this type of correction was applied, the data were found
I. An addition and loss of H 2 0 and SOz which ap- to correspond to a highly unique and interesting theoret-
parently occurred at high temperatures even before ical curve. This" HzO addition curve," which is shown
the gases were trapped in the vacuum tube in Figure 15.8, has the following meaning: If water is
II. A contamination of the trapped gases by atmospheric continuously added to a specimen such as J-8, which is
N z , Oz, Ar, and COz low in water and which plots as shown in terms of
OjH and %0 + %H, then the composition must
In his analysis the first task he set himself was the correc- change precisely along the curve as plotted and end up
tion for the atmospheric contaminant; to this end he at 100 percent 0 + H and with (O/H) = 0.5. The fact
tested the following types of corrective procedure: that all the other specimens of the J-series fall on or very
near this curve is persuasive evidence that the series is
1. Based on total Oz present essentially one of varying degrees of water and atmos-
2. Based on total N z present pheric gas contamination.

Table 15.3 Restored volume percentages of J-series samples

No." CO COz H2 H 2O S2 SOz S03 CI/ Nz Ar Oz Total

J-2 (P) 0.000 0.336 0.000 4.35 0.000 0.276 0.140 0.239 75.9 0.009 19.0 100.0
J-3 (P) 0.150 4.51 0.102 54.7 0.000 2.20 3.75 0.756 26.6 0.683 6.73 100.0
J-4 (P) 0.111 5.36 0.134 67.1 0.118 1.09 2.71 0.490 18.2 0.195 4.39 99.9
J-6 (P) 0.115 0.626 0.0504 56.7 0.000 0.00719 0.0935 0.0216 36.2 0.262 5.88 100.0
J-8 (E) 1.32 43.2 0.435 32.8 0.0362 10.2 0.0381 0.0362 9.67 0.315 2.00 100.0
J-IO (E) 0.0736 11.0 0.0669 34.1 0.0334 9.10 2.38 0.0201 35.8 0.448 6.90 99.9
J-11 (E) 0.508 18.0 0.276 53.0 0.215 9.82 0.473 0.000 14.3 0.396 2.90 99.9
J-12 (P) 0.0413 1.18 0.0662 80.4 0.0580 0.422 0.000 0.0248 14.0 0.202 1.60 98.0
J-13 (E) 0.471 13.8 0.780 54.8 0.0730 6.42 2.00 0.0812 17.4 0.711 3.95 100.0
J-14 (F) 0.218 6.89 0.0792 35.8 0.0465 1.70 0.480 0.000 43.1 0.501 11.2 100.0
J-15 (F) 0.0858 7.60 0.0660 48.7 0.0198 4.05 1.12 0.0660 30.5 0.413 7.13 99.8
J-16 (E) 0.449 14.4 0.538 53.2 0.120 6.85 2.03 0.0642 17.9 0.248 4.15 100.0
J-17 (G) 0.276 8.67 0.433 59.2 0.179 4.84 0.000 0.0374 20.8 0.267 5.33 100.0
J-18(E) 0.576 13.7 0.646 48.2 0.171 8.41 2.51 0.10\ 20.7 0.299 4.64 100.0

"E = excellent; G = good; F = fair; P = poor.

h Probably mostly He\.

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

further it may be stated that the effect of this calculation

was merely to move the points of Figure 15.8 along the
water-addition curve without changing the form of their
If the type-4 correction for atmospheric contami-
nation is applied to the specimens of Table 15.3, and if
J -8 is assumed to possess only magmatic water and
1.300 oxygen, then the major gas components are fixed for
each CIS ratio. If the total pressure is taken as 1 atm it is
1.200 possible to calculate the variation of the molecular
abundances with the temperature and this ratio. For
1.100 example, if CjS is assigned values of 0.5 and 1.0, the


15.9 Possible equilibrium composition of the

magmatic gas from the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii.
Partial pressures of molecular species are given as
0.700 a function of temperature at a total pressure of
I atm and a CjS = 0.5. (After Nordlie, 1971.)

_ 5
65 70 75 SO S5 90 95 100 ;::
%O+%H x

15.8 Plot of atomic ratio OjH against the sum percent

of 0 + OH for the J-series of the Kilauea gas
samples. (After Nordlie, 1971.) Atmospheric
contamination has been removed on basis of
case 4 (see text). The solid curve is the" H 2 0
addition curve." Letters indicate quality of ;::
sample collection: E = excellent, G = good, x
F = fair, P = poor. (After Jagger, 1940.)

Actually, the problem is somewhat more complicated 5
than this, and if this is to be taken into account the 0

analysis must be carried one step further. In this final x

step Nordlie took account also of the variation of carbon
and sulfur. He did this by considering that there was
little evidence in volcanism for any systematic loss of
carbon from the gases, but that there was much evidence
for the loss of sulfur in the form of deposits of the native .,.
element. Consequently, it was assumed that no carbon o

had been added or subtracted, and that variations in the x

CIS ratio was entirely due to a loss of sulfur. Furthermore,
analysis showed that the sulfur loss occurred as S03'
Thus all the analyses could be recalculated on an "equal 700 SOO 900 1000 1200 1300
carbon basis." Again without pursuing the subject T[OC]

Volcanic fluids

extent that quenching from magmatic temperatures was

possible. He found a definite correlation between the
kinds of gases and the stages of cooling at which quench-
I ing occurred. His general picture of the processes in-
volved is shown in Figure 15.11.
It is not known to what extent the compositions of
the Hawaiian gases are representative of the volatiles of
basaltic magmas in general or how they differ from those
of more acid magmas. It is not even known to what
extent the least contaminated specimens such as J-8 with
high CO 2 and S02 contents actually represent the
;:: volatiles of the Hawaiian magmas since some magmatic
X constituents such as S02 have been lost. It is possible that
these compositions are really the result of the filtering of
~ the least soluble gases into bubbles formed at depth.
Q.,.~ Presumably this early enrichment in CO 2 and S02 was
again partially compensated for by the enrichment of
water through condensation at the orifice.
I An interesting comparison with the Hawaiian gases is
X provided by analyses for fumarolic gases collected from
a dacite dome of the Usu volcano of Japan. These gases,
shown in Table 15.4, are relatively rich in CO and H2 so
that for specimen No. 1 at 760°C we find that

CO 2
... H 2 0 = 158
CO = 358
I H2
Figures 15.9 and 15.10 show that in the corrected
Hawaiian gases both of these ratios would fall in the
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 range of 500 to 1000 at the same temperature if equilib-
T[°e] rium were attained. Thus if equilibrium is assumed in
both cases the Usu gases are the more reduced of the two.
15.10 Possible equilibrium composition of the
This result is compatible with the low quantities of
magmatic gas from the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii.
Partial pressures of molecular species are given as
atmospheric contaminants in the latter and also argues
a function of temperature at a total pressure of for the magmatic origin of most of their water. However,
I atm and a CjS = 1.0. (After Nordlie, 1971.) it is again possible that this water was concentrated by
The analyses of the first three specimens of Table 15.4
are presented in more detail in Table 15.5. For con-
venience these analyses may be discussed in terms of two
corresponding temperature variation is shown by Figures groups of species. The first group consists of those com-
15.9 and 15.10, respectively. It was concluded by Notdlie mon "volatiles" such as CO 2, CO, S02, and H 2. The
(1971) that a value of 0.5 for CjS probably corresponded relation between these species within the gas phase are
most closely to the unmodified magmatic gas. well known, as are certain of their reactions with crystal-
The state of oxidation and the variation of the oxygen line components such as Fe 2Si0 4 and FeS. In particular
fugacity with the temperature is also determined for each these reactions may be utilized to define the oxygen
fixed value of CjS. In each case f 0 falls in the range of
2 fugacity of an equilibrated magma.
10 - 9 to 10 - 8 atm at the liquidus temperatures of The second group consists of the" refractory" metals
ll00°C to 1200°C. These values compare rather well and other substances which usually are only minor
with those measured directly by Sato and Wright (1966). components of the gas but which also bear definite
Nordlie was able to show that the corrected gas reaction relations to either magmatic crystalline pre-
samples reflect thermodynamic equilibrium only to the cipitates or the wall rocks. However, the solution

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

mechanisms and solubility constants in the melt are only 200 to 300 ppm Sial in the fumarolic gases corresponds
poorly known for both groups. Some of the vaporization to water pressures of less than 500 bar if equilibrium was
reactions of the refractory metals and oxides were already established with quartz. Similarly, the approximately
discussed in previous chapters dealing with metasoma- 50 ppm of NaCI in these gases implies water pressures of
tism and magmatic gas transfer. Here these reactions less than 100 bar if the vapor was saturated with NaC!.
again play an important role in relating the concentra- However, saturation with this substance is unlikely, so
tions of the refractory species to the physical and that the pressure might well correspond to the higher
chemical conditions of volatilization. limit implied by the Sial content.
Of the refractory constituents listed in Table 15.5, It is obvious that by far the greatest amount of
only Sial and NaCI bear reasonably simple relations chloride present in the Usu gases is not associated with
to mineral phases. As a result these relations have been Na + , K + , etc., but with hydrogen as HC!. The abundance
subject to experimental investigation as shown in Figures of this gas as well as of HF may be evaluated through
15.12 and 15.13. If we compare the high-temperature certain interesting reactions that relate these acid gases to
specimens of Table 15.5 with Figure 15.12 we see that the the silicates and halogen salts,l which may be present
within the wall rock or in the magma itself.

z Although such phases as CaCl l and NaF are stable in

certain chemically restricted environments, the presence of
15. 11 General scheme of processes effecting various both Ca2+ and Na + stabilizes NaCl and CaF z since flG
groups of gas samples from the Kiluea volcano, for the reaction CaCl z + 2 NaF -> 2 NaCI + CaF z is
Hawaii. (After Nordlie, 1971.) negative.

Decreasing rate of cooling

Group I Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

(1-8) (J-2.1-4, (1-3,1-10,1-11,1-13, (1-6,J-12)
1-16,1-17) 1-14,1-15,1-16)

Magmatic gas Magmatic gas Magmatic gas Magmatic gas

at equilibrium at equilibrium at equilibrium at equilibrium

All reactions
Carbon gases
Carbon gases
Carbon gases
E quench
! !
Slight oxidation
"u~ ~
Sulfur gases Sulfur gases
Sulfur gases
and hydrogen quench quench

gases quench
Hydrogen gases Hydrogen gases
~ quench quench

! !

Oxidation of Oxidation of Oxidation of Oxidation of

S02 and HzS S02and 1l 2S S02 and H2S S02 and HzS

Analysis of sample
Analysis of sample
Analysis of sample
Analysis of sample

Table 15.4 Analyses of fumarolic gases from the Usu volcano, Showa-Shinzan, Japan
The extrusive is a hypersthene dacite dome.

total Gross composition "Active" gases recalculated to 100 percent
Sample Reference Temp. active
location number (0C) gases O2 N2 Ar H 2O CO 2 CO CH 4 NH3 H2 HCI HF H 2S S S02 S03

A-I 2.5
(9081 ) 760 1.879 0.0032 0.057 x 98.1 164.4 0.18 0.090 a 33.0 0.022 0.011 2.3 0.026
t.H 10- 5
~ A-3
(9051 ) 2 525 1.442 0.027 0.054 98.5 174.2 0.15 0.15 a 23.0 0.16 0.007 1.41 0.019
C-3 6.6
(9063) 3 220 0.632 0.0013 0.089 x 99.3 I 84.8 a 2.8 9.1 3.2 0.009
10- 5
" East 5
side" 4 655 0.516 0.0000 0.014 x 99.48 I 56.2 0.12 0.17 27.2 8.7 3.5 0.39 3.7
10- 5

Data are from Nemoto el al., (1957), as reported by White and Waring (1963).
a Values given in Table 15.5.
Table 15.5 Fumorolic gases of Showa-Shinzan,
Japan in weight ppm

Reference No. 1 2 3
Location No. A-I (9081) A-3 (9051) C-3 (9063)
Temp. Cc) 760 525 220

SiO l 253 289 48

AI 15 14 1.3
Fe 1.3 I.2 5.9
Ca 4.6 4.3 21
Mg 32 14 7.9
Na 22 22 13
K 15 11 1.7
CO 2 29,200 25,800 13,000
CO 50 34
SOl 1,490 716 716
S03 21 11 2.7
HlS 8.0 42 1,080
S 3.7 1.8
CI 728 420 433
F 238 169 35
Br 1.1 0.9 I.2
B 39 21 5.6
P0 4 2.8 3.0 0.8
NO l 0.01 0.001 0.008
O2 51 47 23
Hl 685 381 20
NH3 1.3 0.8 17
N2 567 676 1,250
Ar40 0.6 1.5
CH 4 1.5 18
Nia <0.01 0.0007 0.0007
cua 0.03 0.03 0.004
Zn" 0.5 0.4 0.02
Ge a <0.01 0.03 0.0007
Asa 0.7 0.3 0.007
Mo a trace trace trace
Ag" 0.003 0.0007 <0.0001
Sn a 0.3 0.006 0.001
Sb a <0.1 <0.01 <0.005
Pba 0.03 0.03 0.005
Bi" <0.05 <0.005 <0.002
Rn (1.3) (2.1 ) (12.6)

reported 33,432 28,698 16.685

Data are from Nemoto et al. (1957; as presented by White and Waring. 1963).
" Semiquantitative analyses of solids in condensate.

Volcanic fluids

Some of the simplest of these reactions are as follows: If all the solid phases are present as stoichiometric
2NaCl + Al 2 SiO s + 5Si0 2 + H 2 0 crystals the equations of equilibrium for these reactions
halite are:
andalusite silica gas

2NaAlSi 3 0 s + 2HCl (15.i)

(fH20K(i))1/2 = fHCI (15.5)
plagioclase gas (fH20K(j))1/2 = fHF (15.6)
CaSi0 3 + 2HF (fH20K(k))1/2 = fHF (15.7)
fluorite silica gas wollastonite gas
(K (I))1/2 _ fHF
(15.j) - (15.8)
CaF2 + Al 2 SiO s + Si0 2 + H 2 0
fluorite andalusite silica gas If the crystalline phases are not stoichiometric or if
certain of the reactants or products occur only as
CaAl 2 Si 2 0 S + 2HF (15.k) solution components of magma or vapor, then the acid
plagioclase gas
gas fugacities will either be reduced or increased in
comparison with those calculated from the equations.
fluorite plagioclase gas

2NaCl + 4Si0 2 + CaAl 2 Si 2 0 s + 2HF (15.1) 15.12 Isobaric curves of solubility of quartz in H 2 0.
halite silica plagioclase gas (After Kennedy, 1950.)





Q + liquid + gas

160 200 300 400 500 600

15.13 Isobaric curves of solubility of crystalline NaCI
in H 2 0. (After Soupirajan and Kennedy, 1962.)








Volcanic fluids

It is also apparent that reactions such as (15.1) are not 6

I 1400
independent but are obtained through combinations of 8 I

the others. Equations (15.5) to (15.7) may also be written 10 PH 20 = I Atm : 1000


HF F,,""
(15.9) 600
- ....
20 "'"
f H2
-1/ZK 1/ Z _ fHF (15.10) 22
0 (j) - I'
J H 20
- 1/ 2 K (k)
f H20 _ fHF
- ----;-- (15.11) 28
JH 2 0 30
34 298
from which we see that the mole fraction of the acid gas -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 I 2
decreases as the pressure increases. Log p(g)

The extent to which these reactions apply to fumarolic

gases will depend on the degree of equilibrium attained 15.14 Logarithms of gas fugacities of Hel and HF as a
and their approximation to the actual reactions with the function of the temperature and at constant
rock or magma. In terms of validity, Reaction (15.1) fugacities of water and solid constituents. The
seems the most appropriate since plagioclase, free silica, curves, with letters referring to the corresponding
and fluorite are common phases in acid to intermediate reactions (see text) were calculated from
rocks and NaCI-rich brines are common as mineral thermochemical data. (After Mueller, 1969d.)
inclusions. However, there is no record of NaCl as a
primary magmatic precipitate so that we should expect
this reaction to be shifted somewhat to the right of the
values yielded by Equation (15.8). compilation of White and Waring (1963). It is perhaps
If we consider Reactions (15.i) and (15.k) we should important to a detailed interpretation of these data to
expect even greater deviations from the simple equations note that the Katmai, Usu, and Kliuchevskii volcanoes
than for Reaction (15.1). The reason for this is that neither are rhyolitic, dacitic, and basaltic, respectively. An
AlzSiO s nor NaCl saturate normal magmas, so that the interesting feature of the data is their convergence with
acid gas fugacities should be smaller than those obtained the thermochemical curves at approximately the liquidus
from Equations (15.5) and (15.7). temperatures of anhydrous melts. Even the slight dis-
The deviations from the simple Equations (15.5) to placement of the bulk of the observational points to the
(15.11) may be checked against existing chemical analyses right of the curves is explicable in terms of the inferred
of fumarolic gases. The curves calculated from Equations undersaturation of NaC!' It is of course also possible that
(15.5), (15.6), and (15.7) withfH20 = 1 atm are shown in the feldspar activity function aAb/a;!;, which is assumed
Figure 15.14. From Table 15.5 we note that for specimen to be unity in Equation (15.8), was not actually so. How-
No.1 collected at 760°C (1033°K) the equilibrium value ever, it might be argued that this effect should be small if
of fHCllfH20 as given by Equation (15.5) or (15.9) is the plagioclase does not deviate greatly from an ideal
10- 0.5. Although this ratio decreases as f H2~Z with solution. To see this we note that XAb/X;!; will be unity
increasing water pressure, it is still 10- z.o when f H2 0 = if XAn = 0.38, since then 0.38 = (0.62)2. While it is un-
1000 atm. However, Table 15.5 shows that the observed likely that the feldspars of acid or intermediate rocks will
value is approximately 728/10 6 or approximately 10- 3, a cause this ratio to differ greatly from unity, the same is
result which is compatible with undersaturation of not true of the basaltic feldspars. However, in this case
Al 2 SiO s and NaC\. the effect will be counteracted by the tendency for silica
Figure 15.15 shows the calculated curves corre- undersaturation to occur.
sponding to Equation (15.8) [Reaction (15.1)] and the Although the convergence of the observational points
analogous equation which results from combining of Figure 15.15 with the theoretical curves is consistent
Reactions (15.i) and (15.j) (Mueller, 1970). Also shown with an approach to equilibrium at high temperatures,
are a number of observed acid-gas ratios from volcanoes the almost equally high values of fHFIfHCI shown by the
from Alaska, Japan, and Kamchatka as taken from the low-temperature gases indicate that equilibrium was not

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

maintained on cooling. It appears that the gases were pre-

vented from back-reacting with the vent rocks and so re-
tained their high-temperature compositions with varying
15.15 Logarithms of the fugacity ratiosj~Flj~Cl (solid fidelity. This behavior is consistent with the deductions of
lines) and the abundance ratios HF/HCl (data Nordlie for the Hawaiian gases. It should be noted,
points) as a function of temperature. The however, that recently Stoiber and Rose (1974) reported
fugacity ratios were calculated from apparent agreement between observed values offHFIfHcl
thermochemical data and correspond to from certain Central American volcanoes and the corre-
Reaction (15.1) and combined Reaction (l5.i) sponding value from Equation (15.8). Thus it is possible
and (l5.j) (see text). The data points represent the
that equilibrium between fumarolic gases and minerals is
HF IHCl abundance ratios from fumaroles and
sometimes attained.
are assumed to be the same as the fugacity
ratios. The corresponding value for the Venusian The streaming and concentration of magmatic gases
atmosphere is also plotted. The normal range of in volcanic vents has many implications for the origin of
the equivalent ratio for igneous rocks falls to the such extreme rock types as occur in the highly silica-
right of the unit ratio line which is dashed. (After deficient and alkali- and carbonate-rich magmas of
Mueller, 1969d.) carbonatite complexes. Since the low fluid pressures of

o u~ '''""
® Kliuchevskii. Kamchatka

1 1000
_ Katmai, Alaska ° 1 900
6. Atmosphere of Venus
I Equivalent
log (F I Cl) 800
°1 in igneous

14 9 1 rocks

-V -
1 600

~ ° -I
" 1;7 1
Dc ~
h 500

22 /0 1

-4.2 -3.4 -2.6 -1.8 -1.0 -0.20 0.2 1.0
og fHel

Volcanic fluids

the volcanic environment do not favor the solubility of NaF + HzO Na(OH) + HF (l5.q)
either alkali silicates or carbonate minerals in gases, it is l'illiaumite gas melt melt

likely that rapid precipitation of these constituents would
occur in near surface parts of volcanic vents. This may
explain the concentration of sodium carbonate in such CaF z +
volcanoes as Oldoinyo Lengai.
fluorite melt

Dissolved forms of the magmatic volatiles
The chemical elements that comprise the molecular CaO + (15.r)
emissions of magmas must once have been dissolved in
the silicate melt. However, the precise chemical com- melt melt
binations they may have assumed therein are still largely
mysteries. As yet we have only meager experimental and
theoretical knowledge to guide us in determining what
these combinations might be (Chapter 12). Certainly the
associations of the different elements within the gas and fluorite melt me/t
magma need bear no close relationship to each other. It
is more likely that the specific gas molecules come into
being only as their constituents are liberated. This con- (15.s)
clusion becomes all the more apparent if we again con-
sider the melt structure as in the following reactions: melt melt

2F'" + [-~;-OH HO-~;-] == NaCl

+ H 20
Na(OH) + HC1
melt gas

melt melt

+ Fe 2 0 + HZ
NaCI + H 0 + [-Ji-O-Ji-]
[ -Ji-o-Ji-] (l5.m) 2
I I 3
melt gas melt
melt melt gas

[-~;OH F-~;-] [-~;-o-~;-] + HF

Na(OH) +
[-~;-OH CI-~;-]

melt melt gas


2Na' melt
l'illiaumite melt
H-O-H+H,S (15. v)
Na 0 + [-Ji-F F-Ji-] (15.0)
z I I melt gas
melt melt
SiOz + Na ZC0 3 Na zSi0 3 + COz (l5.w)
melt melt melt gas

villiaumite gas SiOz + CaC0 3 CaSi0 3 + COz (15.x)

melt melt melt gas

Na(OH) + [-~;-OH F-~;-] (15.p)

melt melt melt melt melt gas

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

The first of these reactions [Reaction (I5.m)] is infer- pressure is high and iron abundant, exsolution as a
red by analogy with the dehydrogenation of hornblende immiscible sulfide melt readily occurs.
and biotite and the viscosity data that point to a splitting Reactions (15.w) to (15.y) are inferred to play an im-
of the Si-O bond by water. Thus there should be a strong port an t ro Ie in go verning the so 1u bility of CO 2 in magmas.
relation between the escape of volatiles and the oxidation They show that there should be a close relation between
state of the melt even when no ferrous silicate crystals the thermal stability of the carbonate and the activity of
are present. Loss of pressure and consequent ex solution silica in the melt. The carbonates Na 2 C0 3 and CaC0 3
of water should bring about the oxidation of at least some with high thermal stabilities should be able to exist in
dissolved FeO. relatively siliceous melts as compared with MgC0 3 .
We find evidence for the leftward displacement of It is thus possible that Mg-rich basaltic magmas exsolve
Reaction (I5.n) in the profound lowering of liquidus much of their CO 2 at relatively high pressures when the
temperatures and viscosities of silicate systems by HF magma is still at considerable depth, while silica-poor
(Wyllie and Tuttle, 1961). It is likely that its displacement alkali basalts and undersaturated alka:Iic rocks maintain
to the right accounts for some of the primary fumarolic this gas in solution at much shallower levels. These
emissions of this gas. Furthermore, there is evidence that processes playa crucial role, in the evolution of alkaline
Reaction (I5.0), which involves the same interaction of rocks and carbonatites (Wyllie, 1974; Koster van Groos,
fluorine and the Si-O chains, occurs even in the absence 1975).
of water. This is shown for example, by the considerable
lowering of the melting temperature of albite by NaF and
Hot spring waters
by evidence for low-viscosity melts in this system (Koster
van Groos, 1966). It has also been demonstrated by The two most easily distinguishable types of hot spring
Koster van Groos that when water is added to the system waters are (I) the sodium chloride or alkaline type and (2)
NaAlSi 3 0s-NaF there is not only a further lowering of the acid sulfate type. In addition, acid sulfate chloride,
the liquidus temperatures but also a greatly increased sodium bicarbonate, and calcium bicarbonate types have
solubility of water over that in the system NaAISi 3 0 s- also been recognized (White, 1957). The predominant
H 2 0 at corresponding water pressures. This enhance- type of water in thermal areas is the sodium chloride
ment of the solubility of water by NaF may be explained type, and it appears that these waters are rather closely
by reactions such as (I5.p) and (15.q). related to the magmatic source. White (1957) regarded
The affinity of F for the silicate lattice also appears to them as mixtures of highly saline magmatic emanations
apply when this element occurs in CaF 2. as was demon- modified by reactions with the wall rocks and by precipi-
strated by Weymouth and Williamson (1957). When they tation of the least soluble constituents. Representative
heated fluorite-bearing granites under nearly anhydrous chemical analyses of these different types of waters are
conditions, it was observed that melt readily formed shown in Table 15.6.
where fluorite was in contact with mica, microperthite, The sodium chloride waters contain only modest
and albite between 800°C and 900°C. The inferred melting quantities of NaCI as compared with brines, and their
reaction, which occurs at more than 100°C below the concentrations of Fe. AI, Ca, Mg, and F are low. But,
normal melting range of anhydrous granites, may be like other thermal waters they contain quite high con-
explained by a reaction such as (l5.r). By analogy with centrations of Si0 2 . According to White et al. (1956)
NaF, we also expect a reaction with water such as this dissolved silica is present in the monomeric form
(15.s). [probably as Si(OH)4]. The observed concentrations
Koster van Groos (1966) also found that in the system correspond rather closely with those inferred from
NaAlSi 3 0s-NaCl-H 2 0. NaCl had an effect similar to solubility equilibria with amorphous Si0 2 (Krauskopf,
NaF in that it enhanced the solubility of water in the 1956), In contrast, the acid sulfate waters have rather high
silicate melt, so that one might anticipate a reaction such concentrations of Fe and AI. As was stressed particu-
as (15.t). However. there was little or no evidence for a larly by Ellis and Mahon (1964), the chemistry of spring
reaction of the type (l5.u) since the effect of NaCl on the waters is closely related to the wall rock mineralogy so
melting point of albite was observed to be quite small. that we can expect their element concentrations to be
Reaction (15. v) may be regarded as entirely specu- governed by certain dissolution equilibria involving
lative, but it may account for some sulfur solubility of these minerals. A particularly interesting example of this
iron-poor magmas under relatively high pressures. In is the composition of the feldspars that are deposited by
the presence of iron, sulfur probably occurs largely in the waters or that result from the alteration of the original
association with this element. However. if the sulfur volcanic feldspars. The result of this alteration is usually

Volcanic fluids

an adularia or other potassium-rich variety as found The ion-exchange reactions of the feldspars are also
in the Yellowstone Park region and at Wairakei, accompanied by others that result in a net release of
New Zealand. According to Fenner the potassium cations. For example, feldspar may be converted to clay
is derived in part from magmatic waters and in part or mica:
from the country rocks. As we have already seen
in our discussions of metamorphism and metasoma-
tism, the dissolution of K + at high temperatures feldspar solution
and its deposition at lower temperatures is well sub-
stantiated by the laboratory experiments of Orville
mica solution solution
(1963). As a result of this process the very potassium-rich
feldspars can be deposited from solutions that contain Reactions of this type maintain the neutral or slightly
KINa ratios no larger than those of the hot spring waters. alkaline character of the sodium chloride waters as was

Table 15.6 Representative hot spring waters

Composition is given in ppm

Sodium Sodium Sodium Acid Sodium Calcium

chloride" chloride" chlorideb sulfate b bicarbonate" bicarbonate"

Steamboat Morgan Yellowstone Yellowstone WellS Yellowstone
Springs, Springs, Park, Park, Wairakei, Park,
Nevada California Wyoming Wyoming New Zealand Wyoming

Temp. (0C) 89.2 95.4 87 73 >100 70.5

pH: 7.9 7.83 7.32d 2.45 d 6.7 6.9

Si0 2 293 233 256.0 230.0 364 56

Fe 0.05 0.25 2.9
AI NO" 5.25 1.6
Ca 5.0 79 1.6 0.20 2.6 209
Mg 0.8 0.8 NO NO 1.0 78
Sr I 10
Na 653 1400 395.6 158.0 27 129
K 71 196 38.0 14.4 24 56
Li 7.6 9.2 0.1 1.4
NH4 <1 <1 10
As 2.7 2.2
Sb 0.4 0.0
C0 3 0 0
HC0 3 305 52 nil 526
S04 100 79 145.0 404.0 482 529
CI 865 2430 512.0 166.0 6.0 169
F 1.8 1.5
Br 0.2 0.8
I 0.1 <0.1
B 49 88 1.5 4.4
H2S 4.7 0.7 2.4
P04 0.55 0.57

a Data are from White (1957). d pH measured at the temperature recorded.

b Data are from Raymahashay (1968). • NO indicates not detectable.
C -indicates no determination.

15 Volcanism
and volcanic fluids

noted by Day and Allen (1925) in their classic study of the In addition to the dissolved major rock constituents,
Mt. Lassen thermal region of California. hot spring waters also transport a variety of minor ele-
In the acid sulfate springs we encounter a situation ments in detectable quantities (Table 15.6). Particularly
quite different from the alkaline springs. Since the sulfate common among the dissolved trace metals are As, Sb,
springs are acid they must result from reactions other and Hg. It was shown by Krauskopf (l95l) that mercury
than with silicates. According to White (1957), the acid can be transported at hot spring temperatures by alkaline
character results from the condensation of steam boiled sulfide solutions, as a volatile chloride, or as vapor of
from sodium chloride waters at depth. This steam would metallic mercury. In the Steamboat Springs thermal area
contain greater concentrations of volatile H 2S than the of Nevada, considerable mercury is transported by the
parent waters, and this would react with oxygen near the vapor emitted by the spring waters, while cinnabar,
surface to produce sulfuric acid. Another oxidation stibnite, pyrite, and other sulfides are deposited in
product is native sulfur, which results from the reaction siliceous sinter and gravel beds. Also some siliceous muds
H 2S + t02 ¢ S + H 20. Of course, highly acid sulfate deposited by the springs contain concentrations of gold,
springs can exist only where the production of H 2S04 antimony, silver, mercury, copper, and arsenic (Brannock
is at least as rapid as its destruction or loss. The destruc- et al., 1948). With proper caution such deposits may
tion of H 2S0 4 comes about by reactions that result in the provide many clues to the transportation and deposition
distinctive mineralogy of the acid sulfate springs. One of of metals under deep-seated conditions.
these produces alunite as follows:
3KAlSi 3 0 g + 3H 2S0 4 ---->
feldspar solution

alunite solution solution

while another important product is kaolinite:
2KAlSi 3 0 g + (H 2 S0 4 + H 2 0) ---->
feldspar solution

kaolinite silica solution

The last two reactions are regarded as irreversible be-
cause the feldspar attacked was formed under other
conditions. Also it is clear from all the foregoing reac-
tions that silica is one of the most important products of
the degradation of rocks by hot spring waters. This
conclusion is different from that of Raymahashay (1968),
who concluded that quartz in the altered rocks is largely
The high aluminum content of the acid sulfate waters
is attributable to the further equilibrium decomposition
of kaolinite and alunite in the acid waters. Following
Raymahashay we may write:
AI 2 Si 20 5 (OH)4 + 6H+
kaolinite solution

solution solution solution

alunite solution

solution solution solution solution


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Subject index

Abbreviations and chemical formulae, 156

ACF diagram, 56-61
Achondrite, 90-92, 99-100
Acmite, 40, 170
Actinolite, 20-23,113,149,176-178,190-191,194,
Activity, 3-4, 11-12,22,237
Activity coefficient, 4, 12, 19,22,31,237
Adamellite, 50
Adiabatic crystallization, 280
Adirondacks, 327
Agpaitic rocks, 292
Akermanite, 78, 112
Alabandite, 78
Albite, 16,30-33, 165-168, 190,204-205,246,277-279
Alkaline rocks, 319-320
Almandine, 168, 191-192,210-213,243
Amphibole, 170, 185,243,247,249,282-283
Amphibolite facies, 188, 191-196,216,249
Analcite, 40, 184
Anatexis, 283-284
Andalusite, 129, 162-163, 191, 192, 194,207-209,223,
Andesite, 50, 284-287
Annite, 167-168, 179-180
Anorthite, 30-33, 165-168,223-224,228-229,230,244,
Anorthosite, 122-123,325,327
Anorthosite-mangarite complex, 328
Anthophyllite, 43-45, 114, 170-172, 231-235, 239


Antigorite, 239 Cauldron subsidence, 323-324

Apatite, 78 Charnockite, 21, 225-227
Aragonite, 243, 246 Chemical potential, 2-5, 8, 9, 16, 133
Assimilation, 320--323 of gases, 2
Ataxite,78 of liquids, 2
Autoexplosion, 340 of solids, 2
Chiastolite structure, 134
Chlorite, 149, 153, 157-158, 190, 192,200,204,
Basalt, 51, 122-124,261-263,268-270,284-287, Chloritoid, 159-160, 191-192,210--216
292-293 Chondrites
Batholith, 263-265 carbonaceous, 80--82, 90-92
Bald Mountain, 314-315 enstatite, 80--82, 90-92
Idaho, 314, 327 mechanism of liquidus crystallization, 95-97
Sierra Nevada, 313-314 metamorphism of, 83-86, 100--104
Southern California, 308-315, 327 metal/silicate ratio in, 83-86
Benioff zone, 129, 287 minor elements in, 86--87
Biotite, 23-24, 114, 153, 167-168, 179-180, 190, non-uniform, 80--82
192-194, 196,204,208-210,216--222,225-227, ordinary, 80--82
243 origin of metallic component, 98
Blue schist facies, 205, 246--247 oxidation and hydration of, 90-92
Boiling point: second, 272-273 petrography of, 83-86
Boudinage, 147 polymict structures in, 80--82
Border groups in Skaergaard, 298-300 subclasses of, 86--87
Bowen's reaction series, 332 uniform, 80--82
Breccia, 124 vapor transport of Fe in, 98
Brucite, 42, 231-234, 239 failure of gravitational equilibrium in, 98
Buffer Chondrule types, 83, 95-97, 98, 101-104
Constants for fo" 130 Chromite, 78
Bulk chemistry Chrysotile, 192, 239
acid and alkaline, 294 Cinder cone, 337
and competence, 146 Classification
and mineral composition, 56-61, 201 of meteorites, 76--77
diagrams, 56-61 of rocks, chemical, 49-52
of igneous rocks, 50,291-294 of rocks, mineral facies, 52-55
of lunar rocks, 124 Clay minerals, 27
of metamorphic rocks, 131, 148-154 membrane model of, 27
of volcanic deposits, 334-335 Clinozoisite, 183
Buoyancy forces, 325, 328 Cognate inclusions, 321
Bushveld complex, 307 Cohenite, 78, 99
Component, 7
origin of variation in, 148-154
Compressibility, 3
Calcite, 7,17-19,24,41,78,112,190--191,198, Condensation
228-239,243 of graphite, 66
Calc-alkali plutons of silicates and metallic iron, 67-69,100--104
large size, 308-314 of solar gas, 63-70,100--104
medium size, 314-315 Cordierite, 163-164, 174-175, 196, 198,200--205,
Carbonate rocks, 227-239, 326 206--225
Carbonatite, 319 Corundum, 191,210--214,223-224,247
Carisbergite, 78 Crystallization differentiation, 273-277


Crystalloblastic series, 134-135 Eh,27

Cummingtonite, 20-23,38,171-172,191,222,241 Ekeritic rock, 292
Electrode potential, 6
Enstatite, 43-45, 69, 78,151,170,196,198,231-235,
Entropy, 2, 3, 133
Daubreelite, 78
Epidote, 149, 158-159, 190, 193,204,243,246
Deformation Epidote amphibolite facies, 191
of marble, 146-147
Epsomite, 78
Dellenite, 50
Density C, 0 and H, 65-66
effect of water on magma, 256 conditions, 7
effect of thermal expansion and compressibility, 256 constant, 6, 10, 20-21
of magma, 256 coupled, involving solutions, 24
role of: in forming igneous rocks, 263-265 crystal-melt, 29-33
Diagenesis, 35, 182-183 equations, 6
Diagrams: subtraction and variation, 287-290 exchange, 19-23
Diamond, 16, 78, 99 grain shape, 134
Differentiation, 8, 122,267-270,284-287,315-319 invariant, uni- and di-variant, 16-19,200-201
flowage, 313-314 ionization, 64
index, 280, 288 local, 34-35
in sills and ashflow sheet, 342-344
membrane, 28
of hypabyssal and volcanic magmas, 342-344 mosaic, 34
Differentiation at high pressure, 284-287 of mineral systems, 15
and magmatic assemblages, 286-287 quasi-processes, 36-37
role of Al 20 3 in, 286 Essexite, 51
silica fractionation and, 284-285
and mass transport, 35, 150-151
coefficients, 40, 46 Farringtonite, 78, 94
in basaltic magma, 268-270 Fayalite,26, 170-171,240
in crystals, 40-42 Feldspar, 41, 78, 165-168
in gravitational field, 268 Feldspathization, 323
in rocks, 150-154 Fenite,320
laws, 10-12 Fenitization, 320
Diopside, 30-33, 69, 78,170,191,235-239 Ferrite, 78, 275-276
Distribution Ferrosilite, 26, 170
of albite and anorthite, 30 Fick's law, 11,36, 39
of elements in meteorites, 94-95 Flowage differentiation, 274-275
of elements with pressure and temperature, 23 Flow lines, 323-324
of Fe 2+ and Mg2 + in minerals, 174-180, 193 Flow structures: Platy, 323-324
of ions in crystals, 21,142 Fluid phase, 130
of manganese and vanadium in minerals, 23 Folding: isoclinal, 328
of minor elements, 23-24 Forsterite, 69, 170-171,231-239,244
of oxygen isotopes, 94-95 Fractional crystallization, 96, 275
Dolomite, 17-19,78,190,235-239 at constant composition, 275
Donnan equilibria, 5,28 at constant oxygen fugacity, 275
Free energy
activation, 136
Helmholtz'S, 132
Earth, 45, 10~107, 125-126 interfacial, 131-132, 135
Eclogite, 243-250 surface, 131-132


Fugacity, 3 Hibonite, 78
of carbon dioxide, 235, 241-242 Hornfels, 315
of hydrogen, 39, 317-318 Hypabyssal mineralogy, 330-333
of oxygen, 25,130,194,210-213,241,315-318,320 Hypersthene, 225 (see also pyroxene)
of water, 194, 196,235,241,317-318
Fugacity coefficient, 3
Fumaroles, 344, 347-355
Igneous layering, 297
Igneous rock series, 266-267
Igneous plutons
Clabbro, 50,244, 308-313 emplacement, 323-325
Clabbro-ec1ogite transformation, 246-247 structural environment, 323-325
Clabbroic complexes, 297-307 Igneous sedimentation, 299
Clarabal Hill-(]Jen Fyne Complex, 314-315 Ignimbrite, 339
Clarnet,24, 140, 147, 152-154, 168-169, 174-175, 190, Ijolite, 319
192-194,197,201-203,207-210,216-223, Ilmenite, 78
225-227,243-245,247-248,285-286 Immiscibility
Clarnet-pyroxenite, 243, 247-248, 285-286 . and activity coefficients, 260-261
Cledrite, 170-171, 195,222 composition ranges, 260-261
Clehlenite, 78, 223-224 evidences of, 260-261
Cleothermal gradient, 128, 250 in liquids, 260-261, 320
Clibbs-Duhem relation, 2, 22, 272-273 Intrusion: funnel, 298
Clibbs free energy (see also Free energy), 2 Ionic processes, 26-29
excess, 12, 19, 166 Ionization potential, 63-70
of activation, 10-11 Iron formations, 191, 193,240-243
Cllaucophane schists, 247-248 Island are, 129
Clranite Isograd zone, 182, 194
alkali, 50 Isostacy, 126
calc alkaline, 50, 308-313 Isothermal crystallization, 280
peralkaline, 50
Clraphite, 16,24,65, 78, 92, 118,242
Clranitization, 323 Jadeite, 128, 156, 170, 183
Clranodiorite, 50, 308-313
Clranophyre, 342-344
Clranulite facies, 188, 195-198,216,224
Clravitation, 8 Kamacite, 78, 85, 99
Kaolinite, 159, 184, 191,228-229
and separation of fluid phase, 270-272
K-feldspar, 114, 195,202-203,206-207,216-221,
potential, 8, 324
Clreen schist facies, 185-192,204 330-333
Kilauea basalt gases, 344-345, 348
Clrospydite, 243, 247
Clrossularite, 78, 169, 223-224, 2~8-231, 243 Kimberlite, 243, 247, 319
Kinetics, 1. 9-14, 34
Clrunerite, 172
aspects of crystallization, 135-140
Clypsum, 78
of composition variation, 150-154
of crystal formation, 39
of dissociation, 42-43
Heat of distribution on crystals, 142
of fusion of albite and anorthite, 30 of heterogeneous reactions, 43-45
of solution and vaporization, 270-272 of nucleation, 137
Hematite, 6, 25-27,36,38,179,194,210-213,240-241 of rock deformation, 35, 45-48
Hercynite, 210-213 KREEP, 123
Heulandite, 184,228-229,231 Kyanite, 129, 162-163, 185, 192,210,222-224,229-243,
Hexahedrite, 78 247


~elt: silicate
dissolved forms of magmatic volatiles in, 355-356
Laccolith, 263-265 ~e1ting
Lamprophyres, 319 composition and temperature of, 254-255
Lapilli, 338 effect of gases on granite and feldspar, 255-256
Latite,22 effect of halides, 355-356
Laumontite, 157, 184-185,228-229,231 relations of basalt and calc-alkaline rocks, 280
Lava ~ercury: atmosphere and surface, 117-118
dome building in, 340 ~esosiderite, 79-80
evolution of, 339 ~etamorphic rocks
volatiles from, 339 chemical analyses of, 186
water in, 339 diffusion in, 151
Lava flows, 335-338 micro- and macro-structures in, 130--131, 145
Lawsonite, 157, 184-185,228-229,231,243,246 mineral assemblages in, 187
Layered series, 299 nucleation and crystal growth in, 137-140
Leucite: pseudo, 333 orientation of minerals in, 142-144
Limestone syntexis, 320, 321 structural and textural equilibrium in, 131-135
Liquidus, ternary, 22 volumetric and geometric properties of, 34-35
Lopolith, 263-265, 328 ~etamorphism, 127-130
Lunar rocks and minerals, 123-124 contact, 310--311, 320
differentiation in, 148
facies classification of, 181
mechanism in, 130
~agma, 129, 256-263 mobility of fluids in, 37-39
derivative, 261 paired belts of, 129
mechanism of melting and formation of, 262 pressure and temperature in, 183
origin of, 261-263 ~etaperidotite, 234
origin of calc-alkali, 319 ~etasomatism, 130,314-315,326
primary, 261 ~eteorites (see also chondrites)
role of global tectonics in the origin of, 263 classification of, 76-77
~agmatic gases, 344-355 dating of, 75-76
J-series, 344-345 diamonds in, 99
~agmatic rocks: occurrence of, 263-265 fields of stability of, 73
~agnesite, 78, 231-235 general characteristics of, 74-76
~agnetite, 25, 27, 38, 68 mineralogy of, 77-82
~antIe,249 origin of, 100--104
~argule's parameters, 5 pressure of formation, 99
~ars, 118-121 secondary veins in, 83-86
~askelynite, 123 temperature of crystallization in, 94-95
~elilite, 69 ~ineral facies, 181-182
~elts: silicate ~ineralization: inter-boudinage, 146-147
interaction ofH 2 , H 2 0 and iron in, 317-318 ~innesotatite, 173, 191
Newtonian behavior of, 258 ~ontmorillonite, 27, 184
polymerization and depolymerization by water and ~onzonite, 21
other gases, 251-253, 355-356 ~oon, 121-124
role ofOH ions and order in, 251-253 ~uscovite, 164, 176, 190--193, 195,200--202,204,
solubility of volatile components in, 253-254 206-2lO,216-217
statistical mechanical model of water solubility in,
structure of, 251-253
variation of activation energy with silica content in, Nanga Parbat area, 326
258 Nepheline, 16,40


Nepheline syenite, 319 Plutonic rocks of complex origin, 325-328

Newtonian flow, 46 Post-kinematic crystallization, 327
Niggli norm, 51-52 Prehnite, 159,228-229,230-231
Niningerite, 78 Pressure
Norite,308-31O effect on melting, 31
North Cascades, 326 in metamorphism, 128-130
Nucleation, 12-14, 135 partial, 6-8
exponential law of, 137 total, 8
kinetics of, 13 Prior's rules, 87-89
power law of, 137 Pumice, 338-339
rate curve of phlogopite, 139 Pumpellyite, 184
Nuees Ardentes, 338-339 Pyroclastics, 338-342
Pyrope, 243
Pyrophyllite, 159, 191,228-229,231
Pyroxene, 6, 7, 16,20-26,68, 73, 78, 112, 170, 176,
Obsidian, 336 196-198,240-242,245,247,275-276,285-286
Octahedrites, 78
Oldhamite, 78
Olivine, 67, 68, 73, 78, 91, 94,170,198,225,239,245,
275-276 Reaction
Omphacite, 243, 247-248 half cell, 27
Ordanchite, 51 oxidation involving calcite, pyroxene, graphite, 25
Order-disorder in minerals, 21, 142, 330-333 rate and rate constants, 10, II, 35,44-46
Orientation of porphyroblasts, 143 rates for exchange on sites, 142
Orthoclase, 40, 165-168, 197,201,225-227 rates in metamorphism, 140
Osbornite, 78 univariant involving gases, 17
Oxidation-reduction, 38 Recrystallization creep, 143
Oxybiotite, 330-333 Regular solution, 4, 12
Oxyhornblende,330-333 Rhyodacite, 50
alkali, 50
peralkaline, 50
Pallasites, 79-80 volcanism, 335
Paragonite, 27, 164 Richterite, 173
Pegmatite, 149 Riekie's Principle, 143
Pelitic rocks, 222 Rubidoux granite, 308-310
Pentlandite, 78
Periclase, 23
Peridotite, 246, 248
Perovskite, 69, 78 Sanidine, 176, 179-180
PH, 26 San Marcos Gabbro, 310-311
Phacolith, 263-265 Sapphirine, 198, 225
Phase rule, 7-8, 199 Sarcopside, 78, 94
Phlogopite, 200, 206, 207 Schist, 187-188
grain size in marble, 138-140 Schreibersite, 78, 94
nucleation rate of, 139 Schreinemaker's rules, 199-200
Phonolite, 51 Sedimentary primary structure, 145-148
Pinch and swell structure, 145-148 Serpentine, 91, 231-234
Plagioclase, 31,39-40,78,149,166-167,185,193,196, Shonkinite, 320
210,218,220,225-227,243-245,247,330-333 Siderite, 179, 191
Planck's constant, 10 Sillimanite, 129, 162-163, 192, 195, 197,201-205,
Plessite, 78, 85, 99 216-223, 225


Sinoite,78 FeO-MgO-Si0 1 , 71
Skaergaard complex, 298-304 K10-MgO-AI203-Si0z-H20, 201, 206
Snowball structure, 147 MgO-FeO-Fe203-Si02, 275-277
Sodalite, 78 MgO-Si0 1-H 20-C0 2,231-235
Solar system NaAISi30s-CaAI2Si20s, 166
elemental abundance, 64 NaAISi30s-KAISi30s-H20, 165
origin of, 63-70, 100-104 O-Si-Mg-Fe-Ni-P, 70-73
Solids in space, 62 Si02-AI203-K10-FeO-MgO-H20, 207, 216
Solution Ternary feldspar, 167
binary, in gravitation, 9
electrolytic, 5
ideal, 4, 26
of aluminium in pyroxene, 246 Taenite, 78, 85, 99
regular, 4-5, 9 Talc, 43-45, 91, 170-173,231-240,243
stability, 173-180 Tamman temperature, 41
Spatial potential, 324 Tectonite, 142
Sphalerite, 78, 93 Tephrite, 51
Sphene, 197,204-205 Terrestrial planets
Spinel, 69, 78, 198,225,247 basification and its effect on, 126
Spessertine, 168 comparative isostatic behavior on, 125-126
Springwaters: Hot, 344, 356-358 comparative volcanic processes of, 125
Stability effect of gravitational field on, 105-110
condition for diffusional, II, 12 escape and retention of gases on, 105-110
extrinsic, 26 gross characters, origin and evolution of, 105-110
intrinsic, 26 Theralite,51
of minerals, 155 Thermodynamics, 1
Standard state, 4 of activated complex diffusion, 10
Staurolite, 133-134, 161-162, 192, 195,207-215 of spatial variation in composition, 149
Stillwater complex, 304-307 Tonalite, 308-313
Stilpnomelane, 157, 190-191, 204-205, 243 Trachyte, 51
Stoping: piecemeal, 323-324 Tremolite, 172-173, 191, 235-240, 243
Strain Troilite, 68, 78, 93
role of magnitude of, 144 Tschermak's molecule, 245, 248
Stress Tschermakite, 159
growth of crystals under, 144
Strontium isotopic ratio, 319-320
Subduction zone, 319 Ultramafic rocks
Syenite, 51 at high pressures, 250
Symplectite, 247-248 metamorphism of, 239-240
Synkinematic recrystallization, 326-327 xenoliths of, 250
Systems Unmixing,4, 12, 41
Ab-An-Di,31-33 in feldspars, 165-167
Ab-An-Or-Si02-H 20, 277-279
Almandine-pyrope-water, 168
CaO-AI 20 3-Si0 2-H 20, 223-224 Vapor
CaO-MgO-C02 ,17-19 transport, 273
CaO-MgO-Si0 2-CO r H 20, 235-239 pressure of refractory elements, 270-272
Fe-C-O,178 Variance, 7, 8
Fe-Ni,70 Venus, 45,110-117
Fe-Ni-P,71 CO 2 producing reaction, 113
FeO-AI203-SiOl-H10-02,21O-213 chemistry and petrology, 110-117


Venus [cont.]
halogen compounds, chemical zones, photochemical
effects, 116
mineralogy, Ill-ll2
oxidation state, 115
water on, ll4
Viscosity, 46
effect of pressure on, 259
effect of temperature and silica content, 257-258
effect of water content on, 258-259
general relations, 257
of suspensions, 259-260
relation to fold wave length, 146
role of: in forming igneous rocks, 263-265
Volatiles: juvenile, 344
Volcanic ash, 338
Volcanic bomb, 338
Volcanic dust, 338
Volcanic minerals, 330-333
Volcanic processes on the terrestrial planets, 125
Volcanic ratio of CO 2 /CO, 347
Volcanic ratio of H 2 0/H 2 , 347
Volcanism, 329-330
alkaline, 333-335
gases and fluids in, 329-330
temperature of extrusion in, 336
volatile content in, 336
and kinetics, 43-45
molar, of albite and anorthite, 31
dilatent and non-dilatent, 145-148

Wairakite, 157,228-229
Welded tuff, 338, 341-342
Widmanstatten structure, 78
Wollastonite, 17, 112, 223-224, 228-231
Woodson Mountain, 310-311
Wulff's theorem, 131

Yield point, 146

Zeolite/lawsonite facies, 182

Zeolites, 157
Zoisite, 223-224, 228-229, 231, 249
Zoned garnets, 140, 152-153,248
Zoned plutons, 313-314

Author index

ADAMS, L. H., 4, 16
ADLER, I., 123
AKELLA, J., 172
ALBEE, A. L., 157, 182, 185,208,214,215,222
ALFVEN, H., 63, 64, 68,108,109
ALLEN, E. T., 341, 358
ALLEN, J. c., 262,341,358
ALTHAUS, E., 159, 160, 162, 164
ANDERS, E., 75, 76, 86, 87, 92, 99, 101, 102, 103
ANDERSON, D. L., 124
ANDERSON, G. M., 241
ATHERTON, M. P., 152, 153

BAILEY, A., 40
BAILEY, D. K., 320
BAILEY, E. H., 247
BALDWIN, R., 121, 123
BALK, R., 323
BANNO, S., 186
BARNES, H. L., 93
BARROW, G., 182
BARTH, T. F. W., 49, 165,282, 292
BARTON, P. B. Jr., 93
BASU, A. R., 250
BATEMAN, P. c., 277, 278, 313, 314, 319


BECKE, F., 134, 135 CAMERON, K. L., 172

BELL, P., 374 CARD, K. D., 186
BELOUSSOV, V. V., 110 CARMICHAEL, I. S. E., 297, 320, 331, 336
BENCE, A. E., 134, 135, 148 CARRON, J. P., 361
BENSON, W. N., 334 CARSWELL, D. A, 249
BERMAN, R., 16 CARTER, N. L., 144
BERNER, R. A., 182 CHAMBERLIN, T. c., 101
BERNSTEIN, F., 29 CHAO, E. C. T., 75
BHAITACHARJI, S., 274, 275 CHARLES, R. W., 173
BlOT, M., 146 CHATTERJEE, N. 0.,164,176
BIRCH, F., 259 CHAYES, F., 303
BIRD, G. W., 158, 167 CHINNER, G. A., 159, 186, 194,208,214
BLAKE, M. C. Jr., 247 CHRIST, C. L., 27
BLANDER, M., 69, 101 CHRISTIANSEN, R. L., 338
BLOXAM, T. W., 247 CHRISTIE, J. M., 144
BOETTCHER, A. L., 169, 170,223,224,247,253,319 CLARK, S. P. Jr., 93, 118,247,318
BOLAM, T. R., 28 CLAVAN, W., 20
BOTTINGA, Y. A., 256, 257, 259, 286 CLAYTON, R. N., 150
BOWEN, N. L., 30, 32, 33, 70, 71, 91, 95, 255, 261, CLOOS, E., 313
266,268,270,272,273,278,279,280,281,282, CLOOS, H., 313, 323
283,284,287,288,289,297,301,307,320,321, COBEL, R. L., 151
322,341,343 COHEN, M., 70
BOYD, F. R., 169, 172, 173, 177,240,246,250,332, COLEMAN, R. G., 188,247,248
335,341,342 COMPTON, R. R., 315
BRAGG, W. L., 142 CONDIE, K. c., 328
BRANNOCK, W. W., 358 CONNES, P., 116
BRAUN, G., 201 COOK, E. F., 341
BRETT, R., 99, 122 COOMBS, D. S., 182, 184, 185,228,333,337,339
BREWER, L., 8, 109 CRAIG, H., 87, 88
BRINDLEY, G. W., 141 CRAWFORD, W. A., 247
BROOKS, C., 312 CROSS, W., 50, 289
BROTHERS, R. N., 247 CRUTCHER, R. M., 63
BROWN, E. H., 157, 190,204-205,206 CURRIE, K. L., 175
BROWN, G. M., 124, 302 CZAMANSKE, G. K., 316
BROWN, H., 75, 99
BRYHNI, I., 249
BUDDINGTON, A F., 195, 302, 327, 328 DALLMEYER, R. 0.,175,203,217,218,247
BUERGER, M. J., 145,251 DALY, R. A., 256, 264, 299, 307, 323
BUNCH, T. E., 79, 94, 95 DANIELSON, A., 17
BUNDY, F. P., 16 DARKEN, L. S., 11, 38,130,270
BURKE, J. E., 135 DAVIS, N. F., 253, 255, 272
BURNHAM, C. W., 130, 168, 176,241,253,255,259, DAWSON, J. B., 333
272, 318 DAY, A L., 341, 358
BUSECK, P. R., 91 DAY, H. W., 164, 183,200,202
BUTLER, B. C. M., 203, 220 deCARLI, P., 104
BUTLER, P. Jr., 20, 179, 243 DEER, W. A, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303
DEFAY, R., 2, 4
DeVORE, G. W., 20
DeWAARD, 0.,195
CALVERT, S. E., 140 DIENES, G. J., 142
CAMERON, A. G. W., 64, 87, 109 DOAN, A S. J., 71, 79,93


DODD, R. T., 102, 175,203,217,218 FULLMAN, R. L., 132

DONNAN, F. G., 5 FYFE, W. S., 43,55,56,170,182,247
DRAISIN, W. M., 296, 313, 314
DRAKE, J. c., 209
DRAKE, M. J., 33 GABLE, D. J., 222
DuFAY, J., 63 GALWEY, A. K., 137
DuFRESNE, E. R., 92 GANGULY, J., 130, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 174, 175,
DUNNING, W. J., 13 183, 191, 192,210,211,212,213,214,219,240
GARNER, W. E., 43
GARRELS, R. M., 26, 27, 184
EDGAR, A D., 320 GEHMAN, H. M., Jr., 264, 325
EDMUNDS, W. M., 153 GHOSE, S., 22,142,170,177
EGGLER, D. H., 318, 319 GILBERT, M. c., 130, 170, 172
EGGLETON, R. A, 157 GLASSTONE, S., 10, 11, 12, 35,46, 151
ELLIOT, D., 146 GOLDSCHMIDT, V. M., 116, 182
ELLIS, A. J., 356 GOLDSMITH, J. R., 17, 18, 19,40,41, 165, 166,237
ENGEL, A. E. J., & c. G., 186, 196, 197,220,327,334 GOLDSTEIN, J. I., 70, 71, 79, 93, 123
ENGLAND, J. L., 169 GOLES, G. G., 101
EPSTEIN, S., 150 GOLDICH, S. S., 338
ERNST, W. G., 61, 95,140,170,172,173,177,188, GOODSPEED, G. E., 148
240,241,244,246,247,342 GORANSON, R. W., 253, 254, 255
ESKOLA, P., 52, 55, 56, 182, 191 GORDON, T. M., 19, 130, 169,231,232,236,237
ESSENE, E. J., 122, 170, 173,247,248 GRAF, D. F., 17, 18, 19,237
EUCKEN, A, 63 GRANT, J. A, 182,220,221,222,225
EUGSTER, H. P., 130, 167, 168, 176,212,240,331 GREEN, D. H., 163,224,225,244,245,248,262,285,
EVANS, B. W., 164, 174, 195,202,203,219,234,235, 286,287
239,240 GREEN, J. c., 209
EWART, A., 330, 331, 335, 336, 339, 344 GREEN, T. H., 244, 245, 247
GREENWOOD, H. J., 17, 19,35,43,45,59,114,115,
FAIRBAIRN, H. W., 143 228,231,232,236,237,239,240
FARMER, C. B., 118 GREGG, S. J., 43
FAWCETT, J. J., 158, 167 GRESEN, R. L., 247
FELTHAM, P., 133, 135, 136, 138, 145 GRIFFEN, D. T., 161
FENNER, C. N., 273, 338, 357 GRIGGS, D. T., 42, 47, 143, 144, 145, 146
FIREMAN, E. L., 76 GRIM, R. E., 182
FISH, R. A., 101, 102, 103 GROSSMAN, L., 64, 69, 91, 101
FISHER, G. W., 39 GROUT, F. F., 340
FLEISCHER, M., 255 GUIDOTTI, C. V., 195,203,208,210,219,220
FLORY, B., 252 GUITARD, G., 209
FODOR, R. V., 94, 95 GUNN, B. M., 340
FOLWEILER, R. c., 46 GURNEY, R. W., 4
FORBES, R. B., 247 GURRY, R. W., 10, 11,38, 130,270
FORBES, W. c., 173 GUSYNIN, V. F., 164
FREDRIKSSON, K., 72, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 103
FRENCH, B. M., 130, 178, 179,228
FRIED MAN, I., 258 HAAS, J. L., 231
FROESE, E., 225 HAFNER, S., 142
FUCHS, L., 93, 316 HAHN, S. J., 143, 146
FUDALI, R. F., 333 HALFERDAHL, L. B., 160


HALL, A. L., 18, 307 ITO, K., 244, 287

HAMILTON, D. L., 314 IVANOV, I. P., 164
HANEL, R., 119
HARKER, A., 17,34,185,228,237 JACKSON, E. D., 306
HARIYA, Y., 224 JACOBS, P. W., 137
HARRIS, T. F., 309 JAFFE, H. w., 172, 195,207,208,222,223
HASKELL, N. A., 47 JAHNS, R. H., 255
HAYAMI, R., 141 JAMES, H. L., 188, 190, 194
HAYS, J. F., 169,224 JAMIESON, J. c., 247
HEARD, H. c., 18, 143, 144, 146, 147 JENKS, W. F., 338
HEINRICH, E. W., 319 JOHANNES, W., 176,231,233,234,240
HELGESON, H. c., 35, 141, 164 JOHANNSEN, A., 49,51,52
HELLNER, E., 170 JOHNSON, R. E., 132
HEMLEY, J. J., 159 JOKIPPI, J. R., 108
HEMING, R. F., 336 JONES, K, A., 137,304
HENSEN, B. J., 163,224,225
HERRING, c., 132, 133, 135
HERZOG, G. F., 76
HESS, H. H., 252, 296, 299, 304, 305, 306, 307, 343 KAMB, W. B., 144
HESS, P. c., 182,203,207,208,209,218 KANI, K., 257
HESSELGESSER, 151,273 KANISAWA, S., 161,208
HEWITT, D. A., 127 KAROTKE, E., 164, 183, 195
HEUBNER, J. S., 130 KATZ, J. L., 69, 101
HIETANEN, Anna, 182, 186, 188, 194,208,222,223, KAUFMAN, L., 70
308, 314, 319, 325, 327 KEESMAN, I., 168, 169
HILDEBRAND, J. H., 4 KEIL, K., 72, 77, 80, 94, 95, 103
HILL, R., 305 KELLY, K. K., 241,316
HINRICHSEN, Th. J., 170, 183 KENNEDY, G. c., 17, 157, 169, 174, 175, 183,224,
HOFFER, E., 239 229,244,247,287,297,342,351,352
HOLDAWAY, M. J., 158,162,183 KERRICK, D. M., 39, 159, 160, 164, 183, 191, 195,
HOLGATE, N., 260, 261,302 228,314
HOLLISTER, L. S., 134, 135, 148, 152, 153 KHITAROV, N. I., 253
HOSCHEK, G., 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 182, 183, 192, KINGSLEY, Louise, 325
210,214 KISTLER, R. W., 319
HOUNSLOW, A. W., 208, 210 KLEIN, c., 171, 172, 179
HOWARD, H. T., 116 KLEPPER, M. R., 325
HOWARD,P.,184 KLOTZ, I. M., 5, 6
HOWIE, R. A., 20, 21 KOFFMAN, D. M., 94
HOYLE, F., 109 KOMAR, P. D., 274
HSU, L. c., 158,168,169,214,248 KORNPROBST, J., 159
HUANG, W. L., 164 KORZHINSKII, D. S., 34, 200
HUCKENHOLZ, H. G., 169 KOSTER van GROOS, A. F., 253, 255, 256, 261,320,
HUEBNER, N. S., 130 333, 356
HURLBUT, C. S., Jr., 313, 323 KRACEK,260
HUTION, C. 0., 157 KRANCK, S. H., 20, 24, 26, 189,241,243
HYNDMAN, D. W., 320 KRAUSKOPF, K. B., 273,336,337,356,358
KRETZ, R., 20,21,22,23,24, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138,
IRVING, R. D., 190 219,226
ISACKS, B., 262 KRIDELBAUGH, S. J., 114, 141



KUDO, A. M., 33 MATTHES, S., 169
KUIPER, G. P., 107, 108 MAYEDA, T., 98, 99, 102, 103
KULLERUD, G., 93 MCBIRNEY, 124,253
KUNO, H., 334, 335, 343 MCCALLUM, I. S., 91,305,306
KUREPIN, V. A., 170, 171, 174 MCCAULEY, J. F., 119, 120
KUSHIRO, I., 244, 245, 286 MCCONNELL, R. K., 47
MCNAMARA, M. J., 190
MEDARIS, L. G. Jr., 94
MERCY, E. L. P., 249
LAL, R. K., 203, 220
MERILL, R. B., 183, 253
LANDAU, L. D., 132
MERRIHUE, C. M., 75, 76
LAPPIN, M. A., 249
METZ, P., 130, 235, 236, 237
LARIMER, J. W., 69, 72,91,94,101
MEYER, C. Jr., 124, 336
LARSEN, E. S. Jr., 288, 289, 294, 296, 297, 308, 309,
MILLER, F. S., 311
LATIMER, W., 63, 68
LAVES, F., 41
MINAKAMI, T., 257, 258, 336
LEBEDEV, E. B., 253
LEE, D. E., 188,247 MISCH, P. H., 132, 145, 147, 148,326,327
LEELANANDAM, c., 227 MIYASHIRO, A., 127, 128, 129, 157, 182, 191
MOORE, B. N., 341
LEPEZIN, G. c., 163
MOORE, J. M. Jr., 208, 210
LEVER, R. F., 36
LEVIN, B. Y., 101 MOOREHOUSE, W. W., 203, 220
LEWIS, J. S., 116 MORELOCK, C. R., 98
LIFSHITZ, E. M., 132 MOREY, G. W., 151,255,272,273
LINDSLEY, D. H., 170, 171, 195,302 MORGAN, B. A., 249, 314
LIOU, J. G., 56,157,158,159,182,183,185,195,223, MORSE, S. A., 165, 166, 183, 195, 196
228,247 MOSESMAN, M. A., 16
LIPMAN, P. W., 335, 338, 343 MUAN, A., 70, 73,94, 95, 275
LIPSCHUTZ, M. E., 99 MUELLER, R. F., 4, 20, 22, 23, 30, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39,
47, 72, 88,92,94, 102, 104, Ill, 113, 114, 116,
LIU, Y. H., 70
LOMBAARD, B. V., 307 130,142,148,151,152,170,171,172,174,177,
LORD, H. C. III, 101 178,179,189,193,198,240,241,242,243,261,
LOVERING, J. F., 99, 247 286,307,319,327,328,353,354
LOVERING, T. S., 307 MURASE, T., 124,253
LOWMAN, P., 110, 121, 122, 123 MURDOCK, T. L., 118
LUTH, W. c., 165,278 MURRY, B. c., 118, 119
MUTCH, T. A., 119
MYERS, W. B., 314, 325

MACCOLL, R. S., 325

MACDONALD, G. J. F., 144 NAFZIGER, R. H., 94
MACGREGOR, I. D., 244, 246, 250 NASH, W. P., 320
MAHON, W. A. J., 356 NEHRU, C. E., 274
MAMPLE, K. L., 43 NEMOTO, T., 349, 350
MANDEL, G., 36, 37 NEWTON, R. c., 17, 19, 157, 159, 162, 163, 165, 166,
MARFUNIN, A., 165 170,183,224,225,228,229,247
MARKUS, J., 18 NEY, E. P., 118
MARRINGER, R. E., 99 NICHOLS, I. A., 285, 286, 287
MARSHALL, C. E., 27 NIGGLI, P., 50, 51
MARTIGNOLE, J., 295, 298, 325, 328 NITSCH, K. H., 158, 183
MASON, B., 75, 77, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88,91,99 NOCKOLDDS, S. R., 50, 51, 53, 315,323



NORDLIE, B. E., 272, 344, 346, 347, 348, 354 RIBBE, P., 161
NORTON, D. A., 20, 209 RICHARDSON, S. W., 161, 162, 163, 174, 175, 183,
NUSSBAUMER, H., 88 202,207,210,224,225
RIEBLING, E. F., 252
RINGWOOD, A. E., 72, 80, 86, 87, 90, 94, 99,101,
OGILVIE, R. E., 70 ROBIE, R. A, 130,166,177,241,316
O'HARA, M. J., 249, 287 ROBINSON, P., 171, 172, 173, 195,207,208,222,223
OLSEN, E., 79, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 99,102,104,170, ROEDDER, E., 260, 305, 337, 339
174,261,316 ROEDER, P. L., 33
ONUMA, N., 95 ROSCOE, R., 260
ORVILLE, P. M., 27, 165, 166,357 ROSE, W. I., 354
OSANN, A., 50 ROSENFELD, J. L., 147
OSBORN, E. F., 70, 73, 95, 275, 287, 288,297 ROSS, C S., 337, 339
OWEN, E. A., 70 ROSS, M., 173
OWEN, T., 118 ROUSE, J. R., 341
OPIK, E. J., 107, 118 ROY, D. M., 169
ROY, R., 169
RUNCORN, S. K., 119
PERCHUK, L. L., 174
PERET, F. A., 339 SAHAMA, T. G., 336
PERRY, K. Jr., 201 SANDBERG, A E., 342
PHILLIPS, R., 301, 302 SANDER, B., 142
PHILPOTTS, A. R., 296, 297, 328 SATO, M., 130,347
PISTORIUS, C W. F. T., 169 SAXENA, S. K., 4, 5,22, 95, 142, 167, 170, 177, 226,
PITZER, K. S., 16 306, 330
PIWINSKII, A. J., 281, 282, 285, 286 SCARFE, eM., 183,239,258,333
POPP, R. K., 170 SCHAIRER, J. F., 70, 71,95,301,332
POST, R. H. Jr., 47 SCHMIDT, R. A, 314
PRESNALL, D. C, 283, 319 SCHREYER, W., 158, 161, 169, 173, 182,206,207,
PRIGOGINE, I., 2, 4 208,210
PRIOR, G. T., 75, 77, 82, 86, 87 SCHRIJVER, K., 295, 298, 325, 328
PUHAN, D., 235, 236, 237, 239 SCHWARCZ, G. M., 342
SCHWARTZ, H. P., 93, 99
SCOTT, E. R. D., 93
SECK, H. A, 167, 196
RABBIT, J. C, 223 SEIFERT, F., 142, 158, 161, 167, 173, 182,206,207,
RAMBERG, H., 8, 17,20,55,56,60, 110, 121, 144, 210
146,147,148,149,181,182,185,189,191,192 SEKI, Y., 157, 159
193, 196, 198,324,325 SHARAPOV, V. N., 128
RAMSEY, J. G., 143, 146 SHAW, H. R., 241, 255, 258, 259, 260, 262, 268
RAZOUK, R. I., 43 SHEPHERD, E. S., 344
RA YMAHASHA Y, B. C, 357, 358 SHIMIZU, M., 117
READ, H. H., 326 SHOCKLEY, 132
REED, G. W., 87, 132 SHORT, N., 130
REINHARDT, E. W., 175,222 SIGVALDASON, G. E., 334, 343
REVERDATTO, V. V., 128 SIMON, F., 16


SIMS, P. K., 222 TUTTLE, O. F., 17,91, 165,228,237,255,272,278,

SINGER, S. F., 118 279,280,281,283,284,288,341,343
SIPPEL, R. F., 40, 41
SKIPPEN, G. B., 130,235,236,237,238,239,242,243
SMITH, C. S., 132,274 UHLIG, H. H., 99
SMITH, D., 170, 171 UREY, H. C., 63, 66,68,87,88,98,99, 100, 101, 102,
SMITH, J. V., 124, 161, 165, 167, 183,247337 103, 106, 107, 108, 119
SOBOLEV, N. V. Jr., 247 URUNO, K., 161,208
SORBY, H. c., 99, 102
SPEIDEL, D. H., 277
SPENGLER, C. J., 255
SPITZER, L. Jr., 108 VAN BEMMELEN, R. W., 110
SPRY, A., 147 VAN HISE, C. R., 190
STAATZ, M. H., 149 VAN SCHMUS, W. R., 85, 94,102
STECHER, T. P., 63 VELDE, B., 159, 164
STERN, C. R., 254 VERHOOGEN, J., 144,262,336,339
STEWART, D. B., 255, 278 VERNON, R. H., 134, 163
STOIBER, R. E., 354 VINCENT, E. A., 301, 302
STORRE, B., 164, 183, 195,228 VINOGRADOV, A. P., III
STOUT, J. H., 201 VIRGO, D., 142
STRUVE, 0.,70 VOGT, P. R., 266
STUDIER, M. H., 93 VOLAROVIC, M. P., 257
SUESS, H. E., 88, 101, 108 VON WEIZACKER, C. F., 63
SULLY, A. H., 70
SUNDIUS, N., 171, 172
SURDAM, R. c., 184
SWAINBANK, R. c., 247 WAGER, L. R., 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303
SWALIN, R. A., 133 WAHL, W., 86
SWINGS, V. P., 88 WALDBAUM, D. R., 130, 165, 166, 176, 177,241
SYLVESTER, A. G., 144 WALKER, F., 342
WALKER, G. P. L., 340
WARING, G. A., 349, 350, 353
WASHKEN, E., 145
TAUBENECK, W. H., 315 WASSERBURG, G. J., 151,252,253,254,255
TAYLOR, S. R., 123, 124 WASSON, J. T., 74
THOMAS, G. E., 118 WEEKS. W. F., 38
THOMPSON, A. B., 56, 159, 160, 183, 185,223 WEIDNER, J. R., 178, 179,228
THOMPSON, J. B. Jr., 5,165,166,176,209,215 WEILL, D. F., 33, 256, 257, 259, 286
THORAINSSON, S., 334, 343 WEIR, C. E., 16
THORNTON, 288 WEISBROD, A., 174, 175,225
TILLEY, C. E., 182,222,223,256,280,281,285,306, WELCH, A. J. E., 41
318 WEYL, P. K., 143
TOMASSON, J., 159 WEYMOUTH, J. H., 356
TOMLINSON, J. W., 29, 252, 253 WHITE, D. E., 247, 344, 349, 350, 353, 356, 357, 358
TOMPKINS, F. c., 137 WIIK, H. B., 77, 86,99
TOULMIN, P., 93 WILKINSON, J. F. G., 320, 333, 334, 335
TROMMSDORFF, V., 174,234,235,239,240 WILLIAMS, D. A., 63
TURNER, F. J., 55, 56, 127, 157, 182,262 WILLIAMS, H., 51,94,287,288,295,301,341
TURNOCK, A. c., 158 WILLIAMS, R. J., 100



WINKLER, H. G. F., 127, 158, 160, 172, 181, 182, 185
WONES, D. R., 127, 130, 167, 168,212,240,241,317,
WOOD, B. J., 175, 286
WOOD, J. A., 67, 68, 69, 85, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104
WOODFORD, A. 0., 309
WRIGHT, T. L., 334, 347
WULFF, G., 131
WYLLIE, P. J., 170, 183,231,239,247,253,254,255,


YODER, H. S., 16, 158, 167, 169,244,245,262,278,

ZEN, E-An, 157, 162, 185, 186, 199,200
ZIES, E. G., 336

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