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Marginal Basin Geology

Volcanic and associated sedimentary

and tectonic processes in modern and ancient
marginal basins
Marginal Basin Geology
Volcanic and associated sedimentary
and tectonic processes in modern and ancient
marginal basins

edited by
B. P. Kokelaar & M. F. Howells
School of Environmental Sciences, Ulster
Polytechnic, Co. Antrim, and Wales Geological
Survey Unit, British Geological Survey,


Published for
The Geological Society
by Blackwell Scientific Publications
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First published 1984
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

© 1984 The Geological Society. Authorization to Marginal basin geology : volcanic and associated
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Preface: KOKELAAR, B. P. & HOWELLS, M. F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

FISHER, R. V. Submarine volcaniclastic rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
YAMADA, E. Subaqueous pyroclastic flows: their development and their deposits . . . . . . . 29
CAREY, S & SIGURDSSON,H. A model of volcanogenic sedimentation in marginal basins 37
SAUNDERS, A. D. & TARNEY, J. Geochemical characteristics of basaltic volcanism within
back-arc basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
PEARCE, J. A., LIPPARD, S. J. & ROBERTS, S. Characteristics and tectonic significance of
supra-subduction zone ophiolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


LEITCH, E. C. Marginal basins of the SW Pacific and the preservation and recognition
of their ancient analogues: a review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
COLE, J. W. Taupo-Rotorua Depression: an ensialic marginal basin of the North Island,
New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
LEWIS, K. B. & PANTIN, H. M. Intersection of a marginal basin with a continent: structure
and sediments of the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
R. Hydrothermal and volcaniclastic sedimentation on the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and
in its adjacent marginal basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
COLLEY, H. & HINDLE, W. H. Volcano-tectonic evolution of Fiji and adjoining marginal
basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
SMITH, 1. E. & MILSOM, J. S. Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern Papua .. 163
SYCHEV,P. M. & SHARASKIN,A. Y. Heat flow and magmatism in the NW Pacific back-arc
basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173


/~kBERG, G., AGUIRRE, L., LEVI, B. & NYSTROM, J. O. Spreading-subsidence and generation
of ensialic marginal basins: an example from the early Cretaceous of central Chile .. 185
BARTHOLOMEW, D. S. & TARNEY, J. Crustal extension in the Southern Andes (45-46°S) 195
STOREY, B. C. ~; MACDONALD, D. I. M. Processes of formation and filling of a Mesozoic
back-arc basin on the island of South Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
FARQUHARSON, G. W., nAMER, R. D. & 1NESON, J. R. Proximal volcaniclastic sedimenta-
tion in a Cretaceous back-arc basin, northern Antarctic Peninsula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

ROBERTS, D., GRENNE, T. & RYAN, P. D. Ordovician marginal basin development in the
central Norwegian Caledonides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ........... 233
The Ordovician marginal basin of Wales .......................................................................... 245
LORENZ, B. E. Mud-magma interactions in the Dunnage Mrlange, Newfoundland . . . . . . 271
PAN GUOQIANG. The Late Precambrian and early Palaeozoic marginal basins of South China. 279
ZHANG ZHIJIN. Lower Palaeozoic volcanism of northern Qilianshan, NW China . . . . . . . . 285
KOKELAAR, B. P., HOWELLS, M. F., BEVINS, R. E. &; ROACH, R. A. Volcanic and associated
sedimentary and tectonic processes in the Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field
guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Relatively small semi-isolated oceanic basins, record, generally as variously deformed tectonic
spatially associated with active or inactive slices, with numerous examples from the Ceno-
volcanic-arc and trench systems, are common zoic and Mesozoic, and increasing numbers from
features at the margins of major oceans. Many the Palaeozoic. Also, it has become apparent
such marginal basins clearly show evidence of that many ophiolite complexes originated in
development by crustal extension during sub- marginal basin settings.
duction of oceanic lithosphere, commonly in a Because of the wealth of data available from
position above the descending slab. The exten- modern basins and the wide recognition of an-
sion may occur before the development of an cient analogues, it seemed timely in 1982 to
arc or be initiated in a fore-arc, intra-arc or back- convene a meeting to consider marginal basins
arc position. Some basins, however, are not with emphasis on rock types, associations and
directly related to subduction but develop due to processes. The aim was to establish a dialogue
irregular and complex motions within a system between researchers studying modern and
of small plates, caused by movements of major ancient environments wherein the data from
plates outside the system. Other basins occur the modern basins would provide a framework
which are trapped fragments of major ocean for more precise determination of the origin of
lithosphere, for example where an oceanic trans- the ancient rocks, and also detailed studies from
form boundary has changed to a trench with the geological record would facilitate improved
active subduction. understanding of the widely spaced deep-sea
Basins developed within continental crust at samples and geophysical profiles. The meeting
destructive plate margins are also widely recog- held on the 9th and 10th September 1982 at
nized but are less common. These ensialic mar- Keele University, was organized by the
ginal basins may show slight to marked crustal Volcanic Studies Group of the Geological
thinning, with or without complete rifting and Society. This volume consists largely of papers
subsequent emplacement of oceanic litho- presented at the meeting and includes a
sphere. modified version of a field guide prepared for
The apparent paradox of the occurrence of the pre-conference field discussion meeting
extensional tectonism in destructive plate (1-8 September 1982). Although by no means
margin environments has been considered exhaustive, the volume reflects the state of
widely and was discussed in some detail at a research into marginal basin geology and
meeting of the Royal Society in 1980 (Phil. emphasizes the need to integrate observations
Trans. R. Soc. London, A300, 1981). Various from modern and ancient basins. Hopefully, in
models have been proposed to account for the the diverse topics and approaches, the
major features of marginal basins, and the re- interested reader will find new perspectives and
sults from deep-sea drilling and geophysical stimulation for future research.
surveys have been of paramount importance in
their formulation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are indebted to Pro-
The determination of plate tectonic environ- fessor G. Kelling and Dr R. A. Roach of the
ments and processes is more difficult in older Department of Geology at Keele University for
rocks. The spatial relationships and tectonic housing the conference so successfully. Finan-
settings become increasingly obscured by de- cial support for the conference was provided by
formation, metamorphism and erosion in long- the Geological Society and the Royal Society.
lived orogenic belts, and by such modification We particularly thank Professor B. W. Lang-
in successive orogenies. Commonly, in studies lands of the School of Environmental Sciences
of Lower Palaeozoic rocks for example, the at Ulster Polytechnic for his continuous en-
original environment has to be reconstructed couragement and support in many ways during
after it has been fragmented, with many of the both the preparation of the meeting and the
fragments well removed from their initial posi- completion of the volume. We also thank the
tions, some lost and perhaps with a large pro- Director of the British Geological Survey for
portion of the remainder being obscured by his sustained interest and support. The very
younger strata. In addition, the rock chemistry considerable assistance throughout from Drs
may be substantially changed. However, despite R. A. Roach, R. E. Bevins and A. J. Reedman
these factors, most types of extant marginal is greatly appreciated. We especially acknowl-
basins have been recognized in the geological edge the exceptional commitments of Pat
2 Preface
Andrews and to her we are most grateful. Lastly, for their interest and time, and the authors for
we thank the numerous referees and advisors their forbearance.

B. PETERKOKELAAR,School of Environmental Sciences, Ulster Polytechnic, Shore

Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT 37 0QB, U.K. Present address:
Department of Environmental Studies, University of Ulster, Jordanstown,
Newtonabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0QB, U.K.
MALCOLMF. HOWELLS,Wales Geological Survey Unit, British Geological Survey,
Bryn Eithyn Hall, Llanfarian, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 4BY, U.K.
Preface: KOKELAAR, B. P. & HOWELLS, M. F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

FISHER, R. V. Submarine volcaniclastic rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
YAMADA, E. Subaqueous pyroclastic flows: their development and their deposits . . . . . . . 29
CAREY, S & SIGURDSSON,H. A model of volcanogenic sedimentation in marginal basins 37
SAUNDERS, A. D. & TARNEY, J. Geochemical characteristics of basaltic volcanism within
back-arc basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
PEARCE, J. A., LIPPARD, S. J. & ROBERTS, S. Characteristics and tectonic significance of
supra-subduction zone ophiolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


LEITCH, E. C. Marginal basins of the SW Pacific and the preservation and recognition
of their ancient analogues: a review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
COLE, J. W. Taupo-Rotorua Depression: an ensialic marginal basin of the North Island,
New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
LEWIS, K. B. & PANTIN, H. M. Intersection of a marginal basin with a continent: structure
and sediments of the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
R. Hydrothermal and volcaniclastic sedimentation on the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and
in its adjacent marginal basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
COLLEY, H. & HINDLE, W. H. Volcano-tectonic evolution of Fiji and adjoining marginal
basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
SMITH, 1. E. & MILSOM, J. S. Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern Papua .. 163
SYCHEV,P. M. & SHARASKIN,A. Y. Heat flow and magmatism in the NW Pacific back-arc
basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173


/~kBERG, G., AGUIRRE, L., LEVI, B. & NYSTROM, J. O. Spreading-subsidence and generation
of ensialic marginal basins: an example from the early Cretaceous of central Chile .. 185
BARTHOLOMEW, D. S. & TARNEY, J. Crustal extension in the Southern Andes (45-46°S) 195
STOREY, B. C. ~; MACDONALD, D. I. M. Processes of formation and filling of a Mesozoic
back-arc basin on the island of South Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
FARQUHARSON, G. W., nAMER, R. D. & 1NESON, J. R. Proximal volcaniclastic sedimenta-
tion in a Cretaceous back-arc basin, northern Antarctic Peninsula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

ROBERTS, D., GRENNE, T. & RYAN, P. D. Ordovician marginal basin development in the
central Norwegian Caledonides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ........... 233
The Ordovician marginal basin of Wales .......................................................................... 245
LORENZ, B. E. Mud-magma interactions in the Dunnage Mrlange, Newfoundland . . . . . . 271
PAN GUOQIANG. The Late Precambrian and early Palaeozoic marginal basins of South China. 279
ZHANG ZHIJIN. Lower Palaeozoic volcanism of northern Qilianshan, NW China . . . . . . . . 285
KOKELAAR, B. P., HOWELLS, M. F., BEVINS, R. E. &; ROACH, R. A. Volcanic and associated
sedimentary and tectonic processes in the Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field
guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Submarine volcaniclastic rocks

R. V. Fisher
SUMMARY: The type, relative abundance and stratigraphical relationships of volcanic
rocks that comprise island volcanoes are a function of (i) depth of extrusion beneath
water, (ii) magma composition, and (iii) lava-water interactions. The water depth at which
explosions can occur is called the pressure compensation level (PCL) and is variable.
Explosive eruptions that occur above the PCL and below sealevel can give rise to
abundant hydroclastic and pyroclastic debris. Below the PCL, clastic material cannot form
explosively; it forms from lava by thermal shock. The volcaniclastic products are widely
dispersed in basins adjacent to extrusion sources by three principal kinds of marine
transport processes. These are slides, sediment gravity flows and suspension fallout.
Volcaniclastic debris can be derived in subaqueous and subaerial-to-subaqueous
environments (i) directly from eruptions, (ii) from remobilization of juvenile
volcaniclastics, or (iii) from epiclastic material which initially develops above sealevel.
Sediment gravity flows (fluids driven by sediment motion) exhibit the phenomenon of
flow transformation. This term is used here for the process by which (i) sediment gravity
flow behaviour changes from turbulent to laminar, or vice versa, within the body of a flow,
(ii) flows separate into laminar and turbulent parts by gravity, and (iii) flows separate by
turbulent mixing with ambient fluid into turbulent and laminar parts. Dominant kinds of
subaqueous volcaniclastic sediment gravity flows are debris flows, hot or cold pyroclastic
flows and turbidites. Fine grained material can be thrown into suspension locally during
flow transformations or underwater eruptions, but thin, regionally distributed subaqueous
fallout tephra is mostly derived from siliceous Plinian eruptions.

Volcaniclastic rocks in marine sequences occur marine volcaniclastic deposits are most abundant
in many kinds of sedimentary environments and near island arcs and ocean islands because large
tectonic settings (Table 1). Some are the result volumes of volcaniclastic material are trans-
of eruptions on land which deliver fallout ash, ported from land into the sea during eruptions
lava and pyroclastic flows into water. Others and during subsequent erosion. Volcanogenic
are derived from underwater eruptions which sedimentation and tectonics, an area of consid-
extrude lava flows and volcanic fragments of erable research, is reviewed by Mitchell &
various kinds, or are pyroclastic, hydroclastic or Reading (1978).
epiclastic materials reworked from land or
remobilized under water. This review is mostly
concerned with subaqueous sediment gravity
Underwater eruptions
flow deposits, because of their abundance in Whether underwater eruptions are effusive or
marine environments adjacent to volcanic explosive is determined by (i) the depth (pres-
regions. sure) of the water column (Fig. 1), (ii) the com-
The site of most voluminous volcanism is at position of the magma, especially amounts of
divergent plate boundaries where basaltic sheet volatiles, and (iii) the extent of interaction be-
flows, pillow basalts and smaller amounts of pil- tween magma and water. Subsequent transport
low breccias and hyaloclastites are formed. A n depends upon slope, which i n turn partly
estimated 4 - 6 km 3 of such material is added depends upon the growth rate of the volcano
each year to the Earth's crust at mid-ocean and the initial lava-to-clastic ratio of extruded
ridges (Nakamura 1974). The second important products. The manner of transport also depends
site of volcanism is at convergent plate bound- upon whether or not eruption columns can
aries. Basaltic and andesitic island arcs develop develop. When vapour pressure in the magma
at converging oceanic plates; converging exceeds water pressure, vesiculation com-
oceanic and continental plates give rise to mences. As depth decreases, vesicles become
dominantly andesitic to rhyolitic volcanic chains more abundant (Moore 1965, 1970; Moore &
on the edges of continents. Perhaps the most Schilling 1973) and, at a shallow level, explo-
varied and complex environments are the dif- sions caused by exsolution of magmatic vol-
ferent kinds of back-arc settings. A third import- atiles can occur. This depth, which is variable,
ant site of oceanic volcanism is represented by is here called the pressure compensation level
intra-plate seamounts and ocean islands. Sub- (PCL) and 'volatile fragmentation depth' by
TABLE 1. Simplified partitioning of environment, kind of extrusion, transport and emplacement processes and some typical pyroclastic
Directly from eruptions

Environment Eruptions Transport Emplacement Deposits

Subaqueous Effusive Lava flows Congealing flows Massive flows; pillow lavas; hyaloclastites.
(marine, ~ (shallow
lacustrine, or deep)
Explosive Dilute suspension Suspension fallout Thin, well sorted, normally graded beds. May
(shallow) in water be reworked by bottom currents. Local
occurrence near source.
Pyroclastic flows Suspension fallout Thin, fine grained well sorted, normally
~ (dilute suspensions graded beds. May be reworked by bottom
from tops of flows). currents. Rest on turbidites.
Turbulent flows from
tops of mass flows. Thin sequence of fairly well sorted beds, may
be cross-bedded. Tops may be reworked by
Laminar mass flows. bottom currents. Rest on pyroclastic flows.

(Flows also develop from slump and flow of Thick, poorly sorted, poorly bedded,
water-logged pyroclastic debris on subaqueous non-welded. Mixing with water can result in
slopes of volcanoes to give turbidites and lahars.) lahars. Tops may be reworked by bottom
currents. May contain rip-ups. Bases erosive
to non-erosive.
Subaerial Effusive Lava flows from Congealing flows, Massive flows. Broken pillow complexes and
eruptions with land into water. pillows, broken hyaloclastites. Explosive disruption may
subaqueous ~ pillows. Explosive produce littoral cones.
deposition disruption.

Explosive Turbulent Fallout on water to Thin, well sorted, normally graded beds.
suspensions in air. bottom. Sharp bases, bioturbated tops. May be in
\ deep sea 100s of km from source.

Pyroclastic flows Dilute suspension Thin, well sorted, normally graded. Partly
from land into fallout from tops of derived from air fall and surge from land
water (may be flows. which does not enter water. Rest on
destroyed by turbidites. May be reworked by bottom
explosive Turbulent flows currents.
disruption upon from tops of mass
entering water). flows. Thin sequence of fairly well sorted beds, may
be cross-bedded. Rest on pyroclastic flows.
Laminar mass flows. Tops may be reworked by bottom currents.

Thick, poorly sorted, poorly bedded. May be

welded to base.

Subaerial Effusive Flows Congealing flows Massive forms, sometimes mostly rubble.
No pillows. r~
Explosive Ballistic; Fallout from air
~ turbulent Thin to thick, well sorted; may show normally
suspension in air. graded bedding.

Pyroclastic flows. Fallout. Derived from Thin, well sorted beds.

tops of flows.

Turbulent suspensions Thin sequences, fairly well sorted, commonly

(pyroclastic surge.) well bedded, may be cross-bedded.

Laminar mass flows. Thick to thin, poorly sorted, massive to poorly

bedded, welded to non-welded.

8 R.V. Fisher

Volcanic Products


500 -

.E I000



20001Mafic Silicic
FIG. 1. Submarine volcanic products related to water depth and composition. Pressure compensa-
tion levels (PCL) are not specifically known and depend upon magmatic gas pressures, volumes and
expansion rates relative to pressure exerted by the water column.

(Fisher & Schmincke 1984). It might exceed 1972), kinetic processes of falling, slumping
1000 m for silicic and volatile-rich mafic alkalic and breaking of detached pillows on steep
magmas, but apparently is less than 500 m for slopes, rupturing of growing pillows (Rittmann
most mafic basaltic magmas (McBirney 1963), 1962) and implosions of evacuated pillows
well within the range of marine shelves that where water pressure exceeds internal pillow
fringe continents and many islands, and of the pressures (Moore 1975).
tops of some submerged islands. Geological Explosive hydroclastic processes occur when
evidence suggests that the PCL for explosive (i) pore water in rocks is rapidly vaporized by
alkali basaltic volcanism may be 500-1000 m an underlying magma body, or when (ii) water
(Staudigel & Schmincke 1981), but it is less becomes mixed with magma beneath the sur-
than 200 m below water level for most basaltic face, or under a lava at the surface. Mixing pro-
eruptions (Moore & Fiske 1969; Jones 1970; cesses are complex (e.g. see Bennett 1972; Col-
Fleet & McKelvey 1978; Allen 1980; Furnes et gate & Sigurgeirsson 1973; Wohletz 1980;
al. 1980). Kokelaar 1983). Pillowed lava flows and
In addition to pyroclastic fragmentation hyaloclastites, either mafic or silicic in composi-
caused by explosive expansion of volatiles from tion, are prime evidence of subaqueous envi-
within magma, there are hydroclastic processes, ronments. In areas where fossils or other evi-
i.e. fragmentation caused by contact of magma dence (e.g. turbidites, carbonates, and facies
and water (Fisher & Schmincke 1984). Hyd- associations such as shelf, slope or submarine
roclastic processes can be non-explosive or fan) are absent, pillow lavas are commonly the
explosive. Explosive processes can only take only evidence of a subaqueous environment.
place above the PCL, but non-explosive frag- Mafic pillowed and sheet lava are the two
mentation can occur at all depths. chief forms of lava flows at mid-ocean ridges, as
Non-explosive hydroclastic processes include directly observed by submersibles and inferred
granulation and thermal spalling due to stresses from drilling through the ocean crust (Bellaiche
set up in magma undergoing rapid quenching et al. 1974; Needham & Francheteau 1974;
(Rittmann 1962; Carlisle 1963; Honnorez Ballard & Moore 1977; Lonsdale 1977; Ballard
S u b m a r i n e volcaniclastic r o c k s 9

et al. 1979). Marie volcaniclastic debris is com- flow, turbidite and pelagic rain (suspension
monly overlooked in deep-sea environments fallout) (Fig. 2). In volcanic as well as in non-
because rock recovery from drill cores averages volcanic regions, initial debris can be epiclastic,
about 20% and gives a bias in abundance but in volcanic regions there also can be sub-
toward massive lava. Robinson et al. (1980), aqueous lava flow, pyroclastic flow and suspen-
however, obtained up to 20% hyaloclastite in sion fallout deposits derived directly from sub-
Cretaceous crust on the Bermuda Rise from aqueous or subaerial eruptions (Tables 1 and
three drill site cores with an average recovery of 2). Moreover, pyroclastic material deposited on
70%. steep volcano slopes or shelf margins can be
Subaqueous mafic pillow flows and hyalo- later remobilized as slides and transformed to
clastites are most abundant but silicic pillows and submarine lahars, turbidity currents and sus-
hyaloclastites have recently been described pension fallout (Fig. 3). The presence of prim-
(Bevins & Roach 1979; Furnes et al. 1980; De ary and reworked pyroclastic and hydroclastic
Rosen-Spence et al. 1980). According to Dim- debris indicates penecontemporaneous volcan-
roth et al. (1979), in comparison to subaqueous ism (and tectonism) whereas epiclastic volcanic
basic lavas, subaqueous silicic flows are thicker debris may not.
and less extensive, lava pods and lobes are simi-
lar but larger, quickly chilled rinds on pods and
lobes are thicker, and vesicles are larger. Flow transformations
It is generally thought that massive silica-rich Middleton & Hampton (1973, 1976) distin-
lava flow sheets cannot form in submarine envi- guish between (i) fluid gravity flow in which
ronments. However, thick, massive and exten- fluid is moved by gravity and entrains or drives
sive (up to 2000 km 2) dacite-andesite and the sediment parallel to the bed (e.g. rivers,
rhyodacite lava flows (Cas 1978) are interbed- ocean currents), and (ii) sediment gravity flow
ded and conformable with marine Palaeozoic in which movement is by gravity and the sedi-
flysch deposits in Australia. Cas (1978) sug- ment motion moves the interstitial fluid (e.g.
gests that the lava flows were erupted in water grain flow, debris flow) (Fig. 4). Lowe (1979)
depths great enough to prevent escape of most and Nardin et al. (1979) have classified sedi-
volatiles. The flows remained mobile because ment gravity flows based upon flow rheology
volatiles were retained, and the rate of viscosity and particle support mechanism.
increase from cooling was considerably less Sediment gravity flows exhibit the phenome-
than the rate of emplacement. non of flow transformation (Fisher 1983). This
term refers to changes within a flow from lami-
nar to turbulent, or vice versa, in turn related
Transport processes and deposits chiefly to particle concentration, thickness of
the flow and flow velocity (slope). Transforma-
There are four principal kinds of elastic (vol- tions from slides or slumps to flows (e.g. Naylor
canic or non-volcanic) deposists on the sea 1980) could be considered in another class of
floor. These are, from proximal to distal loca- transformations but are not discussed here.
tions, slump and slide (olistostromes), mass Stanley et al. (1978) use the word 'transforma-


(volcanic slopes, deltas,
narrow shelves, active SEA LEVEL
faults) P E L A G I C R A I N

"'K \ FLOW
~'~ ames) ( Liqu ified flow,
groin flow,
~,~:-., ( Laminar, liquified, or
~ • r-..
_ fluidized underflows with
~.':~V~...- ~ turbu lent tops }

Scale ranging from lO's of meters to IO0's of kilometers.

FIG. 2. Conditions for initiation of flows and spectrum of main subaqueous transport processes in
non-volcanic regions, but which also occur on subaqueous slopes of volcanoes (see Fig. 3).
10 R. V. Fisher

TABLE 2. Simplified list of particles, processes, environments and rocks in subaqueous settings

Origin of Processes of Sites of

particles emplacementb Kinds of deposits Sites of origin b depositionc

Hydroclastic a Slides Olistostromes Volcanic Beach

Pyroclastic Laminar flow Debris flows eruption Delta
Epiclastic Turbulent flow Turbidites Volcano Shelf
Suspension fallout Suspension fallout slopes Slope
Pyroclastic flows Sedimentary Fan
aprons Plain

aCan be of explosive or non-explosive origin.

b Subaerial or subaqueous.
cSediments can be supplied directly from an eruption or can be remobilized from steep slopes such as delta
fronts, continental slopes, etc. Lava flows can occur in proximal environments.

\ \ o \ \ \
V O L C A N O ~ ,~ (~~(~@ ~ I"e°/eve/
sLoPE ~~C":>.~.~~ ~ ~-,
•":'-":":":'~ ~ % ~
FIG. 3. Sources for subaqueous volcanic debris, and transport processes. This figure combines
conditions given in Fig. 2 with volcanics derived directly from an active volcano. (1) Clastic wedge.
Hydroclastic, pyroclastic and epiclastic debris. Dominance of particle type determined by type of
volcanic activity and periods of inactivity. (2) Slide-debris flow-turbidity current transitions.
(3) Pyroclastic flow from land into water. Transitions to subaqueous lahars and turbidity
currents. (4) Pyroclastic flows and suspension fallout from powerful shallow underwater eruptions.
Column may or may not breach water surface. (5) Lava flows from land into water; (5a) massive
flows; (5b) pillows and hyaloclastites. (6) Suspension fallout; (6a) from subaerial eruptions into
water; (6b) from underwater eruptions or flow transformations. (7) Deep eruptions below PCL;
flows and pillow lavas.


TERM Low High
Concentration Concentration
Type of Turbidity Liquified Groin Debris
flow current sediment flow flow flow
Grain Turbulence Upward Grain Matrix
support Intergranular Interaction Strength
mechanism Flow
~o~o .c~::- ~.~..

of flow Turbulent \0o , o00,I,,0 ,n0/

FIG. 4. Classification of sediment gravity flows. Modified from Middleton & Hampton (1973,
Submarine volcaniclastic rocks 11
B. pyroclastic flows (Sparks 1976; Fisher 1979;
Sheridan 1979; Wilson 1980; Moore & Sisson
Gg_)v 1981), and possibly from base surges (Wohletz &
Sheridan 1979). Fluidized water-saturated mass
flows may occur in subaqueous settings (Mid-
C. dleton & Hampton 1973, 1976; Carter 1975),
but the products of elutriation have not been
described or perhaps not recognized in the sub-
aqueous realm. As discussed below, in the sec-
FIG. 5. Schematic representation of (a) tion on subaqueous pyroclastic flows, gas-sol-
body transformations; (b) gravity trans- ids suspensions might also occur beneath water.
formations; and (c) surface transforma- The phenomenon of body transformations is
tions. More than one kind of transforma- suggested by the experiments and speculations
tion can occur in a single flow and, follow- of Kuenen (1952) and Morgenstern (1967)
ing separation of flows, transformations
can occur again. who proposed that slumps or debris flows can
change to turbidity currents, with no change in
water content, when their velocity is great
tion' but they describe 'transitions' of deposi- enough to produce internal turbulence. This
tional features, from mass flow to turbidity cur- can be related to Reynolds and Bingham num-
rent deposits, rather than the transformation bers. Middleton (1970) speculated that
processes as is done here. changes, from laminar to turbulent and back to
At least three kinds of flow transformations laminar flow can occur in large subaqueous
appear to be important in subaqueous envi- grain flows. Fisher's (1971) description of the
ronments (Fig. 5): Parnell Grit, New Zealand, where there are
large shale rip-ups in a massive 9 m thick,
(i) Body transformations, where flow
poorly sorted bed with an inversely graded
behaviour changes from turbulent to lami-
nar, or vice versa, depending upon the base, suggests that transformation from turbu-
Reynolds and Bingham numbers (see lent to laminar flow occurred but does not
demonstrate a preceding laminar to turbulent
below) within the body of the flow, with-
out significant additions or losses of water.
(ii) Gravity transformations, in which flows are Gravity transformations are shown experi-
initially turbulent but become gravitation- mentally to occur in high-concentration turbid-
ally segregated to form a high- ity currents with the development of a 'quick
concentration laminar underflow with an bed' (Middleton 1967). The quick bed is a
overriding lower concentration turbulent laminar flowing grain flow and/or fluidized
sediment flow (Gonzalez-Bonorino & Middle-
flow that can move independently.
ton 1976) which forms at the base of an initially
(iii) Surface transformations, where flow sep-
turbulent high-concentration turbidity current
arations arise due to the drag effects of
water on the top, or nose, of a flow, or due (solids concentration 1> 30% by volume) after
to incorporation of fluid at a hydraulic passage of the head. Lowe (1982) describes
gravity transformations and resulting deposits
jump or beneath the nose of a flow.
in high-concentration turbidity currents. He
The concept of flow transformation focuses concludes that individual flows become gravita-
upon the mass dynamics of flow which chiefly tionally segregated, with low-density flows
determine sedimentary textures, structures and evolving from high-density flows as grain con-
sequential relationships of massive and lami- centration increases toward the base of a flow.
nated units. Various combinations of these Gravity transformations also occur subaerially
three kinds of flow transformations evolving where initially turbulent pyroclastic flows
from one another are explained in Fig. 5. Also, develop into low-concentration, turbulent
fine grained sediment may be thrown into sus- pyroclastic surges flowing above high-
pension during transformation to produce sus- concentration, laminar block-and-ash flows
pension fallout. Fluidization transformations (Fisher et al. 1980; Fisher & Heiken 1982). The
develop by elutriation of fine particles by phenomenon has also been invoked to explain
upward moving fluids from a dense phase bed features of the blast deposits derived from the
to produce a turbulent dilute phase above the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens
bed. This type of transformation is best known (Moore & Sisson 1981). The pyroclastic surge
in gas-solids systems and is believed to produce may undergo continued gravity transformation
ash cloud surges from the upper parts of hot to develop a secondary block-and-ash flow.
12 R. V. Fisher

H a m p t o n (1972) reviews various subaqueous portant topic of olistostromes is neglected. They

transformations and shows how surface trans- are commonly regarded as bouldery mudstones
formations can occur whereby sediment strip- that originate from submarine slides and slumps
ped from the nose and surface of a subaqueous (e.g. McBride 1978), although Naylor (1981)
debris flow becomes turbulently mixed with cautions that the term should be used descrip-
water to form a turbidity current that continues tively for bouldery mudstones without refer-
beyond the debris flow. A n o t h e r kind of surface ence to origin.
transformation is described by van Andel &
Komar (1969) and Komar (1971). They sug- Debris flows and lahars
gest that at the base of slopes, rapid flows slow
down and may go from supercritical conditions Lahars are debris flows composed of vol-
(Froude No. > 1) to subcritical (Froude No. canic materials. They may form deposits in
< 1). Turbulence develops at this transforma- subaerial or subaqueous environments, and can
tion which is known as a hydraulic jump, originate in several ways (Table 3). Lahars can
thereby incorporating ambient fluid into the develop differently from non-volcanic debris
flow and reducing its density. A further type is flows, but flow and depositional processes are
described by Allen (1971) who concludes that essentially similar. They are sediment gravity
the frontal parts of slumps may be transformed flows in which the large fragments (sand,
into turbidity currents by the inflow and mixing gravel, boulders) are supported mainly by the
of water at their bottom through 'tunnels' that yield strength of the matrix (Fig. 4). Yield
occur along their fronts. The formation of strength in many debris flows is mainly a
lahars from hot pyroclastic flows that flow into function of water content and the type and
water (e.g. Macdonald 1972) could be classed amount of clay which together form the pore
as a surface transformation. fluid (Hampton 1975). Debris flows are
The manner by which particles are supported modified Bingham plastics (Johnson 1970) in
in the final stages of flow determines in large which internal shear stress (Q must overcome
part the textures and structures of a bed. The matrix cohesion, a frictional resistance, and
manner of support is a direct function of the internal viscous forces, in order to flow
particle concentration and the amount of fine (Middleton & Hampton 1973). Debris flows
grained cohesive sediment mixed with pore- have a non-flowing central region (rigid plug)
water, which in turn greatly affect whether or not where internal shear stress is less than the yield
laminar to turbulent or turbulent to laminar strength, ry. The competence of a debris flow
transformations take place. (D) is defined by H a m p t o n (1975) as the
The following sections deal mainly with sub- diameter of the largest clast that it can carry
aqueous debris flows and pyroclastic flows, and (D = 8.8 ty g - l ) (Pclast--Pmatfix)" Much current
their flow transformations. The large and im- research on debris flow deals with identifying

TABLE 3. Origin of subaqueous lahars

I. Direct and immediate results of eruption

1. Movement of lahars directly from land into water. Subaerial lahars formed by:
(a) Eruption through crater lake, snow or ice.
(b) Heavy rain during eruption.
(c) Flow of hot pyroclastic material into rivers or onto snow or ice.
2. Hot pyroclastic flow that moves directly from land into water and becomes mixed with the water.
II. Indirectly related to eruptions
1. Triggering by earthquakes or sudden liquefaction of water-soaked, pyrodastic or hydroclastic debris
previously deposited in shelf environments, or on steep submerged volcano slopes.
2. Reworking of subaerially deposited pyroclastic debris which enters water from land. Subaerial origin
can include:
(a) Triggering of water-soaked debris by earthquake.
(b) Bursting and rapid drainage of crater lakes.
(c) Dewatering of large avalanches originating from collapse of volcano side.
III. Not related to contemporaneous volcano activity
1. Epiclastic or hydrothermally altered material which becomes water-soaked and moves from land into
2. Epidastic material on steep coasts and frontal parts of deltas and shells which becomes mobilized
during slumps and slides.
S u b m a r i n e volcaniclastic r o c k s 13

environments of deposition (especially marine), I00 I I J

as aids in constructing facies models and

determining tectonic environments (e.g.
Stanley et al. 1978; Leitch & Cawood 1980;
Nemec et al. 1980; Swarbrick & Naylor 1980; tJ3
-.! ~" s ' J/°
Gloppen & Steel 1981). .10--

The plastic behaviour of debris flows is the 03 _c \

result of high concentration of particles relative
to trapped water, and the abundance of fine 7"

compared with coarse grained particles. A 7.o_

relatively small percentage (< 10%) of clay-size ! g
m Data plotted
fragments has a surprisingly large effect on ~, by Hampton (1972)
inhibiting turbulence (Hampton 1972). High
concentration, irrespective of particle sizes,
inhibits turbulence, results in high bulk density
and large apparent viscosity values, and 0.1
contributes to high strength properties. Such I00 I000 I0,000 I00,000

flows can support large particles despite REYNOLDS NUMBER, Re

laminar flow, and come to rest ('freeze') with FIG. 6. Relationship of Bingham to
steep fronts when internal shear stresses Reynolds number for development of tur-
decrease below the threshold strength on low bulence in a Bingham plastic. (After His-
slopes. Moreover, they can flow over soft cott & Middleton 1979.)
erodible materials without significantly
disturbing the underlying bed. Possibly, they
can flow beneath water as far as 500 km, over laminar to turbulent flow could be irreversible,
slopes as low as 0.1 ° (Embley 1976). although gravity transformations could occur
Although debris flows move in laminar later.
fashion (Johnson 1970), turbulence might Plugs are easily deformable masses of debris
develop within the body of a flow without that form within the interiors of debris flows
mixing with ambient water (a body where shear stresses fall below the strength of
transformation). The onset of turbulence in the fluid, and within which there is little internal
Bingham plastics is a function of the ratio of the shearing motion. The plug rides on an
Reynolds number (Re = Udp/l~) to the underflow of mobile debris believed to be
Bingham number (B = r f l / l l U ) where laminar (Johnson 1970, p. 500; Hampton
U = average velocity, d = thickness of the 1972). Movement in the undertow occurs
flow, p = density, /~ = dynamic viscosity and because stresses are high enough (a function of
z c = strength of the plastic. Figure 6 shows velocity and weight). As velocity decreases,
that turbulence occurs at Re I> 1000 B. This stresses decrease, and the lower part of the flow
is equivalent t o pU2/q£c ~ 1000 (i.e. progressively 'freezes' as the yield strength
Re/B I> 1000), which Hiscott & Middleton is reached. Thus, the undertow progressively
(1979) call the Hampton number. Hiscott & becomes part of the plug. Freezing locks in the
Middleton (1979) give an excellent review of textures, structures and fabrics inherited by the
the criteria for turbulence, calculations for plug from upstream before the internal yield
strength of debris flows, and depositional strength of the flow is reached.
processes of mass flows (also see Lowe 1976, Characteristic features of deposits from
1979, 1982). Turbulence, therefore, can subaerial and subaqueous high-concentration
develop within the body of a debris flow, flows include poor or no internal bedding,
despite high concentration, if it is large and matrix support of large fragments, poor sorting,
velocity is high enough (see also Middleton and inverse grading in a narrow zone at their
1970). If turbulence develops, erosion and base. Inverse grading has been recorded and
mixing with bottom materials and ambient discussed by many authors. For example in
water may occur. This in turn can modify the lahars by Schmincke (1967), in subaqueous
behaviour of the fluid. Entrainment of clays debris flows and other kinds of sedimentary
would tend to reduce turbulence (Hampton gravity flows by Fisher & Mattinson (1968),
1972), but entrainment of water could lower Hiscott & Middleton (1979) and Naylor
the relative solids concentration which would (1980), and in subaerial pyroclastic flows (in
favour development of turbulence. With which water or abundant clay is not important
enough water, a transformation from in the transport or depositional process) by
14 R . V. F i s h e r

Sparks (1976). Elongate particles in these later reworking. Subaqueous debris flows can
deposits are commonly oriented roughly be expected to interfinger with lacustrine or
parallel to the depositional surface or are marine sediments.
imbricated. Such orientation is most strongly A subaqueous volcanic debris flow in the
developed near the base. Basal contacts are Lesser Antilles (Carey & Sigurdsson 1980) is
commonly non-erosive, and thick, coarse referred to as a sediment gravity flow or pyro-
grained debris flows may overlie fine grained, clastic gravity flow by Sigurdsson et al. (1980),
easily erodible material in sharp contact. because the structures and textures are similar to
Large particles may be impressed upon fine subaerial debris flows. The deposit originated
grained sediments due to loading. These from pyroclastic flows which entered the sea and
features occur in subaqueous volcanic debris became mixed with water, as indicated by
flows as well as in subaerial counterparts incorporated pelagic clay. The clay content
(Fisher 1971), and they are used to recognize increases with distance from the source, thereby
debris flows in present-day marine basins (e.g. indicating continued mixing during transport.
Carey & Sigurdsson 1980; Sigurdsson et al. Thus it appears that the flow was turbulent
1980) and within the geological record (e.g. during most of its transport but was transformed
Cook et al. 1972; Cas 1979; Lewis 1976; (body transformation) t ° laminar flow in the last
Hiscott & Middleton 1979; Swarbrick & Naylor stages of movement. There appears to have
1980; Leitch & Cawood 1980)• Subaqueous been little difference between the flow
debris flows appear to differ from subaerial processes of the sediment gravity flow
debris flows in several respects, including the described by Carey & Sigurdsson (1980) and
ratio of maximum particle size (MPS) to bed those of the massive division of subaqueous
thickness, textures, degree of grading and pyroclastic flows described by Fiske & Matsuda
imbrication, and association with other facies (1964) and Bond (1973) (see below).
(Fig. 7). The bed thickness of subaqueous Large amounts of subaqueous volcaniclastic
debris flows is commonly 3-10 times greater debris were deposited as debris flows within an
than the maximum fragment size, whereas in Archaean volcaniclastic sequence in the Noran-
subaerial deposits, bed thickness is only 2-4 da region, Quebec (Tasse et al. 1978). In proxi-
times greater (Nemec et al. 1980; Gloppen & mal sections, a significant portion of debris flows
Steel 1981). Many subaerial debris flows are (type A beds, Fig. 8) are massive or inversely
abruptly overlain by a thinner, finer grained graded, with rare parallel laminations. Distally,
and better sorted mantle of massive the sequence has a higher percentage of
conglomerate or laminated and cross-bedded normally graded beds and beds with parallel
granule sandstone, interpreted to have been laminations. The lateral changes can be
winnowed by water flow following deposition of attributed to surface transformations in
the debris flow. Commonly the subaqueous developing turbidity currents. Their facies
deposits are capped by massive or rippled fine variations in terms of mean bed thicknesses and
grained sandstone which is gradational with the primary grading features are diagrammatically
underlying conglomerate. The sandstone is illustrated in Fig. 8.
apparently emplaced at the same time as the
underlying material rather than the result of
Subaqueous pyroclastic flows
Subaqueous pyroclastic flows can develop
/ . i . . i
. i , , i . . l . . l ,
.i. •• - . - . , . : . ,'
from pyroclastic flows that move into water
. _ , _ - - _ .

• . from land (e.g. 1902 Mt Pel6e: Lacroix 1904).

Also, they are postulated to form from entirely
• o O Q - ~ •
0 . 0 ~lJ ,,-~
~ o_..7"3. underwater eruptions (Fiske 1963; Fiske et al.
• .i •

1963; Fiske & Matsuda 1964; Kokelaar et al.,

this volume). Many workers do not believe that
hot pyroclastic flows can be deposited under
water, although some authors report welded
tuff from marine sequences (see Table 4).
- I
Moreover, Sparks et al. (1980b) present
A B theoretical arguments suggesting that welding
FIG. 7. Comparison of depositional fea- can occur beneath water. Wright & Mutti
tures of (a) subaerial debris flows, and (b) (1981) discuss many of the problems encoun-
subaqueous debris flows. (After Nemec et tered in interpreting subaqueous pyroclastic
al. 1980.) flows.
S u b m a r i n e volcaniclastic r o c k s 15

I / /. \
4- + 4- +



55cm IOOcm ..I'/

! / ; o I km

~43 ~
36 50%

~43 ~
+ + + .ASSJVF

+ +
FIG. 8. Lateral variations of primary structures and mean bed thickness in Archaean subaqueous
pyroclastic flow deposits, Canada. (a) Mass flow deposits. (b) Turbidite deposits as interpreted by
Tasse et al. (1978). (From Lajoie 1979.)

Non-welded deposits pyroclastic flows (Fiske & Matsuda 1964; Fer-

Evidence for subaqueous deposition in nandez 1969; Yamada 1973; Niem 1977; Fig.
ancient deposits is determined indirectly on 9), as are glassy fragments produced by sudden
stratigraphical grounds, using sedimentary quenching. Fine perlitic cracks are characteris-
sequence associations (facies models) or inter- tic of essential, non-vesicular, vitric clasts (Kato
bedding with pillow lavas or fossiliferous sedi- et al. 1971).
ments (Fiske & Matsuda 1964; Howells et al. Non-welded subaqueous pyroclastic flow
1973; Yamada 1973; Niem 1977). Subaqueous deposits characteristically are massive to poorly
pyroclastic flow deposits consist of lithic frag- bedded and poorly sorted in their lower part
ments, crystals, glass shards and pumice in vari- (lower division), and are thinly bedded in their
able proportions and sizes. Shale rip-ups and upper part (upper division) (Fig. 10). The lower
blocks up to several metres in diameter derived division can form 50% or more of the total
from underlying beds may be incorporated near sequence (Fiske & Matsuda 1964; Bond 1973;
the base of a sequence (Yamada 1973; Niem Niem 1977). The two-division sequence is
1977). interpreted in terms of a waning, initially vol-
Shattered crystals are common in subaqueous uminous underwater eruption (Fiske & Mat-
TABLE 4. S u b a q u e o u s pyroclastic f l o w occurrences (from Fisher & S c h m i n c k e 1984)

Environment Age Location Welding and temperature Remarks Reference

1883 Krakatau, Java Non-welded. Generated destructive tsunamis. Self & Rampino Ox
28,000 yr BP Grenada Basin, Non-welded. Resemble debris Derived from subaerial hot Carey & Sigurdsson
Lesser Antilles flow deposits. pyroclastic flows on Dominica. 1980; Sigurdsson
et al. 1980
Late Quaternary Subaqueous west Deposits not cored. Deposits traceable to subaerial Sparks et al. 1980a
flank, Dominica, flows (block and ash; welded
Lesser Antilles ignimbrite).
Middle Miocene Santa Cruz Non-welded. Pumice-rich. Within a marine sequence. Fisher & Charleton
Island, Calif., Massive beds, some with 1976
U.S.A. pinkish oxidized tops.
Miocene Tokiwa Non-welded. Pumice-rich. Interbedded conformably with Fiske & Matsuda
Formation, Japan fossil-rich beds. 1964
Oligocene Is. of Rhodes, Non-welded. Deep water, marine. Wright & Mutti
Greece 1981
Oligocene-Eocene Mt Rainier Natl Non-welded. Massive lower to Marine shelf deposition inferred. Fiske 1963; Fiske
Park, Wash., bedded upper divisions. et al. 1963
Early Oligocene- Philippines Non-welded. Pyroclastic Interbedded with marine limestone. Garrison et al. 1979
Marine Late Eocene turbidites.
Paleogene to Philippines Non-welded to welded (?) tuff. Within a marine sequence. Fernandez 1969
Lower Mesozoic Sierra Nevada, Metamorphosed (shards not Ponded in shallow marine calderas. Busby-Spera
California, U.S.A. preserved). 1981a,b
Permian Alaska, U.S.A. Non-welded. Massive lower to Structures and sequence similar to Bond 1973
bedded upper divisions. Tokiwa Formation, Japan.
Mississippian Oklahoma and Non-welded. Turbidite Interbedded within marine flysch Niem 1977
Arkansas, U.S.A. structures. sequence.
Ordovician Ireland Welded. Associated with shallow-water Stanton 1960;
deltaic sediments. Dewey 1963
Ordovician Wales, United Welded. In marine sequence. Traceable to Francis & Howells
Kingdom subaerial pyroclastic flows. 1973; Howells et al.
1979; Howells &
Leveridge 1980
Lower Ordovician S. Wales, U.K. Welded. Within marine sequence. Lowman & Bloxam
Archaean Rouyn-Noranda, Non-welded. Structures and sequence similar to Dimroth &
Canada Tokiwa Formation, Japan. Demarcke 1978;
Tasse et al. 1978

Plio-Pleistocene Japan Non-welded. Resemble Interbedded with lacustrine rocks. Yamada 1973
turbidites. Flow from land into water.
Lacustrine Mio-Pliocene Japan Non-welded. Thermoremanent Massive units resembling Kato et al. 1971;
magnetism suggests debris flows. Yamazaki et al.
emplacement at 500°C 1973
Submarine volcaniclastic rocks 17
. . . . . . . J

i:.]/.+:: /,: i??.' .

. . , ~
.o.o+ ..o

o.+ o. -° .
. o . . -
~- • ° d g "-.','." ; ==
o +i .,p .
. . . .
• , . ..

" o"O. :o
o o ,,
• • • <
e'C) o o "
~ o e o . • . . ..

• " .- "- 0 o ".o

0 -" • .°oO
o .- . + + ,

FIG. 10. Examples of non-welded suba-
queous pyroclastic flow deposits. (a)
Example interpreted to have developed
from waning eruption by Fiske & Matsuda
(1964); massive division (1) overlain by
doubly graded sequence (2). (b) Obispo
Tuff, interpreted to have developed from
passage of one flow or several pulses of
flow (Fisher 1977). Massive division (1),
overlain by (2) sequence of planar to wavy
beds or beds with low-angle cross-beds,
fine to medium grained tuff to lapilli tuff
layers, and (3) capped by a thin, very fine
grained bioturbated tuff of probable sus-
pension fallout origin. Interval (2) may
FIG. 9. Shattered quartz crystals from a reflect several pulses of flow, possibly
subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposit, representing retrogressive slumping
Eugenia Formation, Baja, California (J. (Morgenstern 1967). Pumice lapilli com-
Hickey, pers. comm. 1982). monly decrease in size from bottom to top
indicating that the tuff was water logged
prior to flow, thereby supporting the idea
that flow was remobilized pyroclastic
suda 1964). Yamada (1973, this volume), how- debris from an unstable subaqueous slope.
ever, recognizes five divisions similar to a
Bouma sequence (Bouma 1962). A 2-fold
sequence capped by a thin, very fine grained, Dense, lithic fragments may be inversely graded
bioturbated pelagic layer occurs in the Obispo near the base, as in debris flows (Yamada
Tuff, California (Fig. 10b), where basal con- 1973).
tacts are generally sharp on undisturbed strata, The upper division of non-welded subaque-
although flute marks, grooves and load casts ous pyroclastic flow deposits is commonly com-
occur locally. Where bottom contacts are plane posed of many thin, fine to coarse grained ash
and sharp, missing underlying strata m a y indi- beds. In some sequences, each bed may be
cate erosion (Yamada 1973). normally graded, and the entire sequence of
The lower division of a subaqueous pyroclas- beds becomes finer grained upward. This is cal-
tic flow unit is a single, coarse grained bed led a doubly graded sequence (Fiske & Mat-
commonly lacking internal structures or lamina- suda 1964). Not all upper divisions are doubly
tions (Fiske & Matsuda 1964; Bond 1973), graded (Niem 1977).
although some beds have incipient cross- Double grading is interpreted by Fiske &
laminations outlined by a crude orientation of Matsuda (1964) to signify contemporaneous
coarse fragments (Kato et al. 1971; Yamazaki et waning subaqueous volcanism with deposition
al. 1973). Larger and more dense fragments from thin turbidity flows following deposition
generally occur near the base of the massive of the massive bed. Deposits without double
divisions, with crystals, glass shards and pumice grading, such as those described by Niem
becoming more abundant toward the top. (1977) (see also Fig. 10b), are taken to signify
18 R. V. Fisher

sloughing from oversteepened pyroclastic enough heat to weld. As shown by Sparks et al.
slopes on the edge of a volcano where trans- (1980b), welding is theoretically possible. This
formations from slides to sediment gravity flows would be likely to occur where changes in slope
could occur. are insufficient to cause laminar to turbulent
body transformations. Such transformations are
Welded deposits more likely to occur where sudden steepening
Most controversial are welded pyroclastic of slope could cause turbulence and mixing,
flow deposits interpreted to be subaqueous on thereby producing a cool sediment gravity flow
stratigraphic grounds. The best known example (Sigurdsson et al. 1980). Also as shown for case
is from the Ordovician of Snowdonia in Wales. A (Fig. 11), turbulent ash cloud surges, which
There, a welded tuff within the Capel Curig can develop above dense flows on land, can
Formation is interpreted to be the submarine flow over the water (Anderson & Flett 1903).
correlative of subaerial welded tuff (Francis & Additionally, surface transformations on the
Howells 1973; Howells et aI. 1973; Howells et underwater flow could produce turbidity cur-
al. 1979; Kokelaar et al., this volume a,b). rents. In each instance, thin, graded beds with
Francis & Howells (1973) suggest that subaeri- small total volume can develop by fallout at the
ally produced pyroclastic flows entered the sea top of flow units.
and remained hot enough to weld after suba- For case B (Fig. 11), Fiske & Matsuda
queous emplacement. The subaerial welded tuff (1964) envisage an eruption column emerging
consists of an uninterrupted sequence of two or with great force from an underwater vent.
more flow units of greater combined thickness Large amounts of material are ejected into
(70m) than correlative subaqueous units water, fall back to the sea floor, and form a
(< 50 m). The base of the subaerial tuff is pla-
nar, contains fiamme and overlies a conglomer-
ate with a reddened top, and welding is
restricted to the middle of the sheet. The sub-
aqueous pyroclastic flow deposits are welded to
their base, and are interbedded with marine
." .i~) A
siltstones containing brachiopods. Basal con-
tacts of the subaqueous welded tuffs tend to be
irregular with zones resembling large-scale load
and flame structures. These flow deposits are
massive in the lower and central portions and
grade imperceptibly upward through ill-
defined, faintly bedded zones to evenly bedded
tuff which locally has broad, low-angle cross-
bedding suggestive of marine deposition. Their
tops are in sharp contact with overlying sand-
stone with similar broad cross-bedded struc-
tures. Kokelaar (1982) accounts for the large
load-structure protrusions at the base of the
subaqueous welded tuffs by fluidization of sub- FIG. 11. Means by which subaqueous
jacent wet sediments following emplacement of pyroclastic flows can develop. (a) Hot
a hot pyroclastic flow. pyroclastic flow from land into water
(Francis & Howells 1973; Yamada 1973;
Sigurdsson et al. 1980). Density separation
Origin o f subaqueous pyroclastic flows of flow and ash cloud surge at air-water
Three principle ways in which subaqueous interface; surface transformation to form
pyroclastic flows can be generated are given in thin turbidite sequence. Flow may weld if
Fig. 11. Massive lower divisions with finer not mixed with water, or be transformed to
grained bedded tops can develop in each situa- debris flow if mixed. (b) Pyroclastic flow
tion. Mixing with water by flow transformation develops from column collapse (Fiske
to form sediment gravity flows and turbidity 1963; Fiske & Matsuda 1964); waning
currents can also occur in each case. The eruption may produce overlying laminated
doubly graded sequence. Suspended mater-
occurrence of subaqueous welded tuff in Wales
ial can form thin fallout layers and floating
correlative with subaerial welded tuff (Francis pumice can form pumice rafts. (c) Sedi-
& Howells 1973) suggests that hot pyroclastic ment gravity pyroclastic flows develop
flows that enter water from land (case A) may from slumping of unstable slopes com-
do so without mixing with water and retain posed of pyroclastic debris.
Submarine volcaniclastic rocks 19

dense water-rich debris flow deposited as a with lacustrine sediments of Onikobe Caldera,
thick, massive layer. In the closing stages of Japan (Yamada 1973), closely resemble turbi-
eruption, small turbidity currents entrain dite sequences. The flows may have originated
pumice lapilli and crystals of plagioclase and from subaerial eruptions at the margin of the
quartz which are deposited as thinly graded caldera, but there is little evidence to indicate
beds above the massive beds. whether hot pyroclastic flows entered the water
Ash from a submarine eruption cloud that from land, or if slumping of unstable slopes on
breaks the water surface, or that has spread the margin of the lake initiated the flows.
widely away from the vent within the water Sparks et al. (1980b) have proposed on
body, continues to settle after the eruption theoretical grounds that if a hot pyroclastic flow
ends, but in decreasing amounts and becoming manages to pass through the air-water inter-
finer grained. Thus, there is an insufficient sup- face, subaqueous welding is not only possible,
ply to maintain the continuous flow that depo- but is enhanced. Hydrostatic pressure increases
sited the thick structureless part of the pyroclas- by 1 bar for every 10 m water depth, and if
tic flow. Instead, intermittent thin turbidity cur- water is 'drawn' into the hot pyroclastic flow it
rents follow one another in close succession. As can be absorbed into glass shards. At increased
the particle-rich column continues to settle, pressures, water content of glass can be higher,
successively smaller amounts of finer grained resulting in lower viscosities which favour weld-
and less-dense ash fall out, and the density cur- ing at lower temperatures (Smith 1960; Riehle
rents become less frequent and finally end. 1973). Calculations of the viscosity of glass
Thus, the total volume of the upper division is shards as a function of water depth suggest that
considerably greater than that developed at the the viscosity of glass decreases substantially
top of a single flow entering water from land with depth despite cooling of the flow (Sparks et
(case A), although distally Bouma sequences al. 1980b). For subaerial pyroclastic flows at
may dominate in case A (Yamada 1973, this 800°C, the viscosity of rhyolitic glass is about
volume). 2 x 1011 poise, but, at 755°C under 500 m of
A vertical eruption column formed entirely water, this is reduced by dissolution of water to
beneath water, such as that proposed by Fiske an estimated 2 x 109 poise. Thus glass under
& Matsuda (1964), may not develop into hot the latter conditions would compact much fas-
pyroclastic flows upon collapse because turbul- ter than in a subaerial flow under the same
ent mixing with water along its margin would be uniaxial stress. A major difficulty with the
enhanced by drag effects in water which would theory, however, is the slow diffusion rate of
cool the materials. Possibly, however, a vol- water into glass. In addition, there is a question
uminous 'boiling-over' type of eruption without of how water could be drawn into a flow and
a vertical column (Fisher & Schmincke 1984) into contact with glass participles. Turbulent
could be extruded at rates great enough to mixing is the dominant process by which water
produce a flow protected from the water by a can gain access to a flow, but this would also
carapace of steam and retain enough heat to tend to cool or explosively destroy the flow
become welded. As yet, however, no subaque- (Walker 1979). A rapid increase of pressure,
ous vents for welded tufts have been positively from loading by the water column, would
identfied, although one has been postulated by inhibit volatile escape and is a more likely cause
Kokelaar et al. (this volume a, b) to explain a of welding. Water surrounding the hot flows
welded tuff sequence on Ramsey Island in SW would create a thin vapour carapace around the
Wales. flow during cooling (Francis & Howells 1973;
Slumping of unstable material (case C) com- Yamazaki et al. 1973), provided that turbulent
posed exclusively of pyroclastic material is mixing does not occur at the surface of the flow.
probably common on submerged slopes of vol-
canoes, but has rarely been documented. It is to
be expected, however, that flow transforma- Submarine ash layers
tions from subaqueous lahars to turbidity cur- The initial depositional process of marine
rents can develop sequences similar to those fallout ash is by the settling of particles
produced directly from volcanic eruptions. A introduced into water from the air or from
thick (c. 15 m) coarse grained pyroclastic flow underwater flows or eruptions. The process
within the Obispo Tuff, California is inter- therefore depends upon the size, shape and
preted to have formed by cold water mobiliza- density of fragments, and the vertical and
tion of pyroclastic material off steep slopes lateral distribution is influenced by outside
(Fisher 1977). factors such as wind and water current
Subaqueous pyroclastic flows interbedded velocities and directions. For more complete
20 R . V. F i s h e r

reviews of this subject, the reader is referred to Island volcanoes

Kennett (1981) and Fisher & Schmincke (1984).
Data from widespread submarine fallout Irrespective of magma composition and margi-
layers are useful in many ways. For example, (i) nal or intra-plate setting, volcanoes in the sea
in correlating over long distances between can be considered to evolve through two over-
sequences deposited in different environments lapping stages (Fig. 12). Stage A develops
(Ninkovich & Heezen 1965, 1967; Huang et al. beneath the PCL and stage B above the PCL
1973; Watkins et al. 1978; Keller et al. 1978; (L. Ayres, personal communication). As sugges-
Hahn et al. 1979; Thunell et al. 1979; ted by previous discussions, volcanic island
Ninkovich 1979), (ii) in solution of problems of foundations (below the PCL) can be composed
magma genesis and evolution (Scheidegger et of massive and pillowed lava flows with lesser
al. 1978, 1980), (iii) in assessments of volcanic amounts of hyaloclastites (up to 20%). As vol-
cycles (Hein et al. 1978), (iv) in derminations of canoes grow and slopes steepen in stage A,
production rates of tephra and eruption column talus development and slides cause mechanical
heights (Shaw et al. 1974; Huang et al. 1973, fragmentation and movement of debris into
1975, 1979; Watkins & Huang 1977; deeper water, resulting in a decrease in the
Ninkovich et al. 1978), (v) in estimations of the lava-to-elastic ratio outward from the source.
duration of eruptions (Ledbetter & Sparks This is observed on sea-mounts (Stanley &
1979), (vi) as aids in determining rates of plate Taylor 1977; Lonsdale & Spiess 1979). Above
movements and arc polarity (Ninkovich & the PCL, however, there is a wider range of
Donn 1976; Sigurdsson et al. 1980), (vii) in transport processes, kinds of fragments and con-
determination of prevailing wind and water sequent lateral facies changes in rock types.
current directions (Eaton 1964; Nayudu 1964; Ayres (pers. comm.) infers a shield shape for
Ninkovich & Shackleton 1975; Hampton et al. the foundations of island volcanoes in stage A,
1979), (viii) in making inferences about with steeper slopes developing in stage B. In Fig.
climatic changes (Kennett & Thunell 1975, 12, lava-to-elastic ratio is estimated at up to
1977) and (ix) in solving problems concerning 5:1 in early growth stages and in flatter summit
diagenesis (Coombs 1954; Fisher & Schmincke regions of cones, decreasing perhaps to 2:1 or
1984). less away from the source as slopes steepen, to
Widespread marine fallout layers can occur entirely elastic on surrounding abyssal plains. In
in back-arc and fore-arc regions, depending addition to lava flows, the intrusion of sills may
mainly on wind directions, and occur in all be important in the growth of an island volcano.
marine sedimentary environments. In the On La Palma, Canary Islands, for example,
Lesser Antilles, marine fallout layers are the Staudigal & Schmincke (1981) report 2000 m
dominant volcaniclastic type in front of the arc of sills which contributed significantly to the
(Sigurdsson et al. 1980), but in the Cordilleran elevation of the volcano.
region of western North America they are most Rocks of stage B 1, above the PCL but below
abundant behind the Cascades volcanic arc, water level, can be dominantly explosive hyd-
presently as well as in ancient deposits (Eaton roclastic debris. At DSDP Site 253 (Ninetyeast
1964; Dickinson 1974). Ridge, Indian Ocean) for example, there is at
least 388 m of bedded Middle Eocene basaltic


~ ~ . ','.~
~ !. ~ , .

~ - ~ _ ~ ~ ~Lows .,.....-..

FIG. 12. Generalized model of an island volcano. Stage A, foundation of island volcano beneath
pressure compensation level (PCL); lava (L) > hydroclastics (H); may contain a significant volume
of sills. Stage B1, beneath sealevel and above PCL, L < H. Stage B 2, subaerial part; pyroclastics
(P) > H > L if andesitic, but L > P if basaltic shield. Clastic apron enlarges rapidly in stage B2 and
sediment gravity flows and fallout deposits increase in flanks and surrounding basin.
S u b m a r i n e volcaniclastic r o c k s 21

hydroclastic debris, believed to have been areas of long-continued volcanism and erosion,
erupted in about 150 m of water (Fleet & fringing shelves become the sites for develop-
McKelvey 1978). ment of deltas and fan-deltas with deep-sea fans
In stage B2, lava flows of basaltic islands, and abyssal turbidite plains farther away (Londs-
such as Hawaii, cap the hydroclastic material as dale 1975).
the vents become subaerial (Moore & Fiske Facies of volcanic rocks reflect distance to
1969). Along the fringes of such islands, explo- source. Dykes, sills, plutons, lava flows, coarse
sion debris, pillows and pillow breccias can be grained pyroclastic rocks and their reworked
generated where lavas flow into the sea (Moore equivalents, occur at or near the source. Farther
1975; Peterson 1976; Fisher 1968). Erosion away, lava flows and intrusive rocks disappear
commences to produce epiclastic volaniclastic and volcaniclastic sediments become finer
debris which increases in volume as the volcano grained (Dickinson 1968; Mitchell 1970). Fall-
grows in size. However, at volcanoes where out tufts occur within both of these near- and
pyroclastic material is abundant relative to lava intermediate-distance regions, but may be dis-
flows, such as andesitic stratocones, emerged persed globally and occur at great distances
slopes in stage B 2 are steeper than shield vol- from source volcanoes. These relationships
canoes, and pyroclastic debris is delivered to apply to both subaerial and submarine envi-
the sea as lahars, pyroclastic flows and fallout ronments.
ash directly from eruptions, or by remobiliza- It is also true that (i) volcanic rocks are em-
tion of loose pyroclastic deposits. The volumes placed in the order in which they are extruded,
of pyroclastic material stored in clastic wedges and (ii) the eroded products of an inactive vol-
on submerged slopes of andesite volcanoes is cano tend to be emplaced in reverse order of
consequently greater than for shield volcanoes, extrusion. Erosion can extend down to the
and so is the volume of debris deliverered to source plutons (Dickinson & Rich 1972; Inger-
adjacent basins as sediment gravity flows and soll 1978; Mansfield 1979). This simplified
suspension fallout. The rate and volume of scheme (Fig. 13) is only a basic framework,
debris supplied during periods of volcanic activ- however, because erosion of a volcanic edifice
ity and inactivity is discussed by Kuenzi et al. can alternate with periods of active growth,
(1979) and Vessel & Davies (1981). The rate adjacent volcanoes can supply material to
and volume of supply from fringing terraces to basins at different times, distant volcanoes can
adjacent slopes and basins can also be modified supply ash during any part of the constructive
by eustatic sealevel changes. During high stands or destructive cycles, constant settling of pelagic
of sealevel, more sediment can be stored in the and hemipelagic material from marine waters
clastic wedges and less reaches the basins than can occur, and sediments from land masses and
during low stands, when sedimentation rate and islands can be supplied from opposite sides of a
volume of sediment increases in the basins basin. Further complications arise, for example,
(Klein et al. 1979). Primary and reworked vol- where moving plates carry source areas away
canic products become more diverse as an from the depositional site (diverging plates),
island emerges, because erosion is contem- toward the depositional site (converging
poraneous with eruptions, and sediment aprons plates), or laterally along transform boundaries.
with unstable slopes can grow more rapidly Irrespective of lateral facies changes and
than before emergence. Reefs can form, and in despite the many complexities, it is possible to


Primary end Volconiclestic
reworked volcanics products of Sediments
during active erosion during from other
volcanism inactive volcanism sources

FIG. 13. Simplified stratigraphic scheme for deposition of volcaniclasitc debris from active and
inactive volcanoes in adjacent basins. (1) plutonic sources and epiclastic products, (2) and (3)
volcanic products in sequence of emplacement from active volcanoes. Erosion of the volcanic pile
produces epiclastic debris in inverse order.
22 R. V. Fisher
Lovo flows

seo level

Mossive Iovos
pillows, ond


FIG. 14. Facies model of island volcanoes. (a) Newly emergent intra-plate basaltic shield volcano
(from Moore & Fiske 1969). (b) Island-arc andesitic stratocone (from Sigurdsson et al. 1980).

gain considerable information, about many of the 98% of the volcaniclastic sediments in the
aspects discussed above, from vertical sequ- back-arc basin, and ash-fall layers form 60% of
ences (in outcrop or drill-hole samples), if the the volcaniclastic sediments in the fore-arc
origin of clasts can be determined (e.g. pyro- region. This asymmetry is attributed to wind
elastic, hydroclastic, epiclastic) and depositional directions, arc slopes (steeper toward the
processes can be interpreted from rock textures back-arc) and ocean current directions.
and structures (see Schmincke & von Rad Research in the Lesser Antilles documents
1979). sedimentary asymmetry associated with arc
Work in the Lesser Antilles has led to a facies polarity. Sedimentary asymmetry, however,
model of a calc-alkaline island-arc volcano (Fig. depends upon arc geometry (facing direction,
14) (Carey & Sigurdsson 1978; Sigurdsson et al. trend direction of the arc) relative to wind and
1980; Sparks et al. 1980a; see also Carey & ocean current directions. Therefore, volcani-
Sigurdsson, this volume). In the Lesser Antilles, elastic facies as related to arc polarity will differ
dominant kinds of sediment transport processes in different arcs.
and deposit types are highly asymmetric. Vol-
caniclastic sediments form 34% of the total ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: I thank James Hickey
cored sediment behind the arc and 4% of the (UCSB), Douglas Coombs (Otago), Hans-Ulrich
total in front of the arc, a proportion which does Schmincke (Bochum) and Cathy Busby-Spera
not significantly vary within 300 km of the arc. (Princeton) for critical, penetrating and extremely
Sediment gravity flows of various kinds form helpful reviews of this manuscript.

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RICHARDV. FISHER, Department of Geological Sciences, University of California,

Santa Barbara, CA 93106, U.S.A.
Subaqueous pyroclastic flows: their development and their
E. Yamada
SUMMARY: Subaqueous pyroclastic flows are generated by eruptions in shallow water or
close to a shore. Their flow mechanism is similar to that of their subaerial counterparts,
except that they incorporate steam and not air. Near the source area, their deposits are
non-sorted and resemble subaerial flow deposits. In some cases evidence of high
temperature is recognized. Within a short distance (less than a few km) they are sorted and
five subdivisions can be determined. In upward succession these are: (i) massive graded
pumice tuff; (ii) parallel-laminated pumice tuff; (iii) parallel-laminated sandy tuff; (iv)
parallel-laminated fine tuff; and (v) massive very fine tuff. With ificreasing distance from
the source, and laterally from the main direction of the flow, the lower divisions gradually
die out. Deposition of the upper three divisions is greatly influenced by sedimentary
processes. The thickness and constitution of each division vary according to the volume
and nature of the associated eruption.

Subaerial pyroclastic flow deposits have been 1971), slightly vesiculated perlite fragments are
studied intensively, and some flows have been also considered as essential particles. Pumice is
observed and recorded in historic times. The usually white, with abundant capillary-tubed
deposits are abundant in continental areas and vesicles, but grey, denser pumice (scoria) and
island arcs. However, there are many pyroclas- grey and white banded pumice also occur.
tic flow deposits which are intercalated with These essential particles range from andesite to
marine or lacustrine sediments, and these rhyolite in composition and include one or
commonly show lithological facies different to more of the following crystals; plagioclase,
those of subaerial flows, though their constit- quartz, K-feldspar, hornblende, pyroxene, and
uents are similar. In this paper such deposits are biotite.
called subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits. Accessory particles are those derived from
They are especially common in marginal and the cognate volcanic edifice from which the
intra-arc basins. The Green Tuff (Neogene), in pyroclastic flow was erupted. They include
the Japanese islands, is characterized by such fragments of rhyolite, dacite or andesite lava
subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits, which and scoria. Occasionally fragments of con-
have been altered and commonly show a green- trasting composition are included. These frag-
ish tint. ments may be torn from the vent or incorpor-
In this paper the constituents, vertical and ated on the flanks of the pile during transport of
lateral variations of facies, and the eruption and the pyroclastic flow.
deposition environments of subaqueous pyro- Accidental particles are either of the base-
clastic flow deposits are briefly reviewed. ment rocks of the volcanic edifice, plucked from
Emphasis is placed on those deposits which the the wall of the vent, or sediments scoured from
author has studied. The processes of their for- the substrate during flow beyond the edifice. I n
mation are discussed on the basis of this data. some deposits, blocks of incompletely lithified
silt, up to several metres in diameter, are
Constituents of subaqueous pyroclastic Thus the constituent particles of the sub-
aqueous pyroclastic flow deposits considered
flow deposits here are like those in subaerial pyroclastic flow
The constituents of subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits. This suggests a similar mode of erup-
deposits are subdivided into essential, accessory, tion. The relative proportions and sizes of the
and accidental. The essential particles are the constituent particles vary in different deposits.
pyroclastic fragments of juvenile magma Moreover they show marked vertical and lat-
directly related to the eruption. They comprise eral variations in a single deposit.
blocks and shreds of pumice, glass shards and Fiske (1963) distinguished three types of
dust, and crystal fragments. Accretionary lapilli subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits. Deposits
may also occur. In pyroclastic flow deposits of of the first type originate from fairly homo-
the Upper Donzurubo Formation (Kato et al. geneous domes, spines or lava flows which were

30 E. Yamada

erupted into water and fragmented by steam- massive graded pumice tuff; (ii) parallel-
blast explosions. They mainly contain only one laminated pumice tuff; (iii) parallel-laminated
or two kinds of lithic fragments. Deposits of the sandy pumice tuff; (iv) parallel-laminated fine
second type result from subaqueous phre- tuff; and (v) massive very fine tuff. The lower
atomagmatic eruptions and therefore contain two divisions correspond to the massive part of
a variety of lithic fragments and variable the flow described by Fiske & Matsuda (1964),
amounts of pumice. The third type of deposit is and the parallel-laminated sandy pumice tuff
produced by underwater eruptions of rapidly and the parallel-laminated fine tuff divisions
vesiculating magma and therefore contains correspond to the thin-bedded part. In places
abundant pumice and glass shards. In this the massive very fine tuff division at the top is
paper, only the third type is considered, but the missing, probably due to removal by currents.
eruption environment may be subaerial or sub- The vertical sequence shows double grading
aqueous. (Fiske & Matsuda 1964).
Subaqueous pyroclastic flows commonly
scour the underlying sediments and the bound-
Vertical sequences of facies ary with the underlying strata is sharply
defined. However, the base of the Garth Tuff
Most subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits have of the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation (Francis
a characteristic vertical sequence of facies & Howells 1973) is very irregular with large-
(Fig. 1). However, there are several exceptions. scale flame-like structures, highly transgressive
For example, the vertical sequence of the sub- protrusions and detached bodies (see below).
aqueous pyroclastic flow deposits in the Upper The massive graded division lacks bedding
Donzurubo Formation (Yamazaki e t al. 1973) although in places accidental silt clasts, scoured
is similar to that of subaerial deposits. This simi- from below the flow during transport, occur in
larity may be due to the very shallow depth of crude beds. This division is comparatively rich
water (several tens of metres) and the short dis- in accidental and accessory fragments; in some
tance of travel under water (less than 3 km) deposits accessory fragments form up to 60% of
which did not allow sorting to occur. total volume. Through most of the division the
The vertical sequence of subaqueous pyro- accessory lithic fragments show normal size
clastic flow deposits can commonly be divided grading, and close to the base they are com-
into five, from the bottom (i) to the top (v): (i) monly inversely graded. White, capillary-

.. _.=:._. d I~''''"""

......... C_ ; h i n ~x)
r ~l''-.Bedded,!
.,'-..<., /~P Toff. 1 .-''" ":~.--~"-':-'_ " "'. )' )'-"i "'-Fallout.
% --#.
~..~ ..~
..:.=_.. - .... i -~,sfi d o u d
$3 " ;:~:-~-3.:~t :" " ":" ' ::: ": ". \ P u m i c e " ~.-~o~.~
b ,~ ~i.~p..~ [.}':i::'?-?~...... '.:'::i" "\, ~- Swarms. '~.*:g';,
_. _
_ . ,
);:::"?:S -=-_ ;ro-~ .- ,.o o
Tuff _ -"
S ---. ~--" /-'~ ~': Pyroclastic ,0 " ~
..,m.'~ •
" ..".~7
. . . . .
~..~ Flow ~. :'"',
Sl ' ~ 4'" ,'
a. - ~,.,, .-...=.-._1 ::.?: .~?!J :.-.o
.~&,"2,;; 'L{,',.'~
-.*:AZ - G r ° an-d-S-ur g-e-I
Lowe Yamada Fiske & Matsuda Otagaki et al. Niem Fisher
(1982) (1973 & this paper) (1964) (1970) (1978) (1979)

FIG. 1. Comparison of the vertical facies sequences of subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits. The
deposits of high-density turbidity currents and of subaerial pyroclastic flow deposits are shown for
comparison. No relative vertical scale is implied.
Subaqueous py roclastic flows 31

tubular pumice clasts show inverse size grading high-density turbidity currents by Lowe (1982)
through the division. The grading characters are (Fig. 1).
controlled mainly by the settling velocity of
each fragment in the subaqueous pyroclastic
flow; the grey pumice and the banded pumice Lateral change of facies
show grading characters different to that of the
white pumice. In the ash-flow tufts of the Capel A model of proximal to distal facies changes in
Curig Volcanic Formation (Francis & Howells subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits is shown
1973) this division is welded. in Fig. 2. The facies within a few km of the
Above the massive division, the parallel- eruption centre is little known, probably
laminated pumice tuff division has ill-defined because it is very difficult to trace a flow to its
bedding at its base which becomes gradually source. In the Onikobe caldera (Yamada 1973),
more distinct upwards. Each lamina is crudely the subaqueous pumice flow deposits about
graded according to the density and size dif- 2 km from the source include cobble- to
ferences of the particles. The maximum size of pebble-sized lithic fragments through most of
pumice clasts in this division gradually increases the sequence. In places, accessory blocks,
upwards from the base, and reaches its peak 1-2 m in diameter, are included and some are
near the top. Commonly the maximum size of radially jointed due to rapid cooling in situ
pumice clasts decreases abruptly from this level (Fig. 3). Several irregular thin flow units occur.
to the contact with the overlying parallel- Dark fine laminae, slightly inclined to each
laminated sandy pumice tuff division. other and defined by concentrations of mafic
The parallel-laminated sandy pumice tuff crystals, are locally developed. Grading in each
division consists mainly of sand-sized pumice unit is mostly indistinct or absent. In the Green
shreds with lithic and crystal fragments. The Tuff of Japan, thick subaqueous pumice flow
lamination, defined by density and size dif- deposits are common. These are massive and
ferences of particles, exists throughout the div- show almost no stratification, though pseudo-
ision. Each lamina is thinner than that below. eutaxitic texture due to diagenetic flattening of
The parallel-laminated fine tuff division con- argillized pumice clasts is locally developed.
sists mainly of very fine white tuff which grades Similar deposits have been reported in the
upwards from the underlying parallel-laminated Delta River sequence (Bond 1973). These may
sandy pumice tuff division. Its laminae are also represent a proximal facies of subaqueous
defined by concentrations of fine, dark- pyroclastic flow deposits.
coloured crystal fragments and size grading of Between 2 and 4 km from its source, the sub-
glass shards. Cross-lamination and accretionary aqueous pumice flow deposits of the Onikobe
lapilli occur locally in this division, and in the caldera gradually assume a vertical sequence
parallel-laminated sandy pumice tuff division. similar to those shown in Fig. 1. In this tran-
The massive very fine tuff division grades sition zone, between the proximal and distal
upwards from the underlying parallel-laminated facies, several thin subaqueous pumice flow
fine tuff division. units can be distinguished in the upper part of
This vertical sequence is characteristic of the main eruption unit. Each thin flow unit
subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits and is shows scour-and-fill structure at its base and
similar to that determined in deposits from comprises massive, coarse pumice tuff in the


0 km 3 ~ ~ ~ , , . , ~ o ~ ' ~ ° " ' ~ . _ . . F


FIG. 2. Schematic cross-section of subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits, showing the proximal to
distal changes of facies. The vertical scale is greatly exaggerated. (Para-lami = parallel-laminated; Pu
= pumice.)
32 E. Yamada

erates interdigitate with the upper part of the

pumice flow deposits.
In the Wadaira Tuff D (Fiske & Matsuda
1964), the characteristic vertical sequence
changes away from the source and towards the
edges of the main course of the flow channel,
with the lower massive graded and the parallel-
laminated pumice tuff divisions gradually
disappearing within 1-2 km. In other sub-
aqueous pyroclastic flow deposits, the charac-
teristic vertical sequence continues for
20-30 km with little change--e.g, in the sub-
aqueous pyroclastic flow deposits in the Vati
Group (Wright and Mutti 1981) and in the Hat-
ton Tuff (Niem 1977).
In the Beavers Bend Tuft (Niem 1977) the
thickness decreases away from the source, from
12 to 3 m, over a distance of 30 km. In the
Wadaira Tuft D the thickness decreases more
FIG. 3. Closely spaced radial joints in an sharply from the source, 60-10 m, over a dis-
andesite block embedded in the proximal
facies (about 2 km from the source) of a tance of 1.7 km, although this is probably mar-
subaqueous pumice flow deposit in the ginal to the main flow channel. In contrast, the
Onikobe caldera, Japan. The scale length is tuff in the Vati Group (Wright & Mutti 1981)
lm. shows little thickness variation (7.5 m) in more
than 20 km, and in the main ash-flow tufts of
the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation (Howells
lower part; parallel laminations are gradually & Leveridge 1980), little thickness variation
developed upwards. Further upwards in the occurs. Here a transition from subaerial welded
minor flow unit, cross-stratification is locally tuft to subaqueous welded tuff facies has been
developed and parallel-laminated fine tuff beds determined.
lie at the top. Locally, in the upper part of the
deposit, drifted pumice blocks, up to tens of cm
in diameter, are embedded and eddies which Environments of eruption and
formed behind the blocks have truncated the
parallel laminae. In places, accretionary lapilli,
0.5 to 3 cm are scattered in the upper sandy and By geological mapping of pyroclastic flows and
fine tufts. Parallel laminations do occur in this the study of the associated strata, various envi-
zone but most are slightly inclined, bevelled or ronments of eruption and emplacement for
irregularly wavy. individual deposits have been interpreted. The
The components of the subaqueous pyroclastic Wadaira tuff member (Fiske & Matsuda 1964)
flow deposits beyond 4 km from the source are is considered to have been erupted under sea-
similar to those described in the previous sec- water and emplaced in open sea 400-500 m
tion. In the subaqueous pumice flow deposit of deep. It is considered to have travelled between
the Onikobe caldera, the maximum diameter of 12 and 18 km from its source. The subaqueous
lithic fragments gradually decreases from.6 cm pyroclastic flow deposits in the Shakanai area
at about 4 km to 0.3 cm at about 6 km away (Otagaki et al. 1970) are postulated to have
from the source. A similar decrease in the been erupted and deposited in similar environ-
diameter of lithic fragments away from the ments to the Wadaira tufts, although they are
source is described by Otagaki et al. (1970) in less extensive.
the Shakanai area. A decrease in the size of Fiske (1963) interpreted the pyroclastic flow
crystals and pumice clasts with distance from deposits of the Ohanapecosh Formation as
the source has been recognized in the Hatton having been erupted under shallow water or
and the Beavers Bend Tufts by Niem (1977). In partly above water, and deposited in a shallow
places beyond 4 km from the source the lower sea or lake. The main ash-flow tufts of the Capel
portions of the characteristic vertical sequence Curig Volcanic Formation have been inter-
are absent, probably because of emplacement preted (Howells & Leveridge 1980), from the
on topographic highs. Locally in the marginal associated sediments, to have been erupted sub-
parts of the Onikobe caldera, talus conglom- aerially, following which they transgressed a
Subaqueous py roclas tic flows 33

transitional zone into littoral and offshore sub- rise and fall more slowly in water than in air,
marine environments. They travelled more than and as a result their sorting is better. The gen-
35 km, of which about 10 km was under seawa- eration of subaqueous pyroclastic flows from
ter. subaqueous eruption columns may occur in a
The subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits in manner similar to that described by Sparks et al.
the Onikobe caldera (Yamada 1973) were (1978) for subaerial pyroclastic flows. How-
probably erupted just above the water level and ever, in moderate depths of water the lower
were deposited in a lake 200-500 m deep. The eruption column and the slower settling velocity
flows travelled a maximum of 6-8 km and of particles will reduce the initial momentum of
were stopped or deflected by the caldera wall. the pyroclastic flow to much below that of flows
The Hatton and the Beavers Bend Tufts (Niem generated from collapse of subaerial columns.
1977) were erupted in shallow water and de- When a small subaerial pyroclastic flow
posited in a deep-water basin at bathyal depth. transgresses into water, its outer surface will be
cooled suddenly and the flow will be impeded
because of the higher density and viscosity of
Discussion of the processes of formation water than air. But the main body of the flow
will continue along the bottom of the lake or
of subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits the sea as a high-density turbidity current. The
Eruption associated light fine-ash cloud may extend over
the water surface for some distance, as witnes-
The subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits so sed during the 1902 eruption of Mt Pel6e
far reported are considered to have been erupted (Anderson & Flett 1903, quoted in Macdonald
on land or in shallow water. Subaerial pyro- 1972). The interstitial medium of the high-
clastic eruptions generate subaqueous pyro- density turbidity current will be the ambient
elastic flows when subaerial pyroclastic flows water. However, when a large amount of pyro-
transgress into the sea or deep and extensive elastic material flows rapidly and continuously
lakes. The eruption mode of these subaqueous into water, the steam generated at its interface
pyroclastic flows is not affected by the aqueous with water is incorporated and facilitates flow
environment. Shallow subaqueous eruptions with a vapour medium for some distances from
may, however, be more violent than subaerial the shore. Deposition in the littoral zone may
eruptions because the fragmented magma may result in phreatic explosions (Walker 1980).
rapidly exchange heat with the water which
explosively turns to steam (see Self & Sparks
1978). Deep subaqueous eruptions are not Flow and deposition
likely to produce the type of subaqueous pyro- Normally, the subaqueous pyroclastic flow will
elastic flow deposits considered in this paper, as be a high-density current continuously supplied
the high ambient pressure will inhibit the ex- by particles from an eruption column. Near the
solution of vapour from the magma. McBirney source the flow will be turbulent and deposition
(1963) suggests that explosive vesiculation will will take place from the high-shear boundary
not normally take place at depths greater than layer at the bottom, as occurs in subaerial pyro-
500 m. Exceptionally, when the water content clastic flows (Fisher 1966). Therefore, the
of rhyolitic magma approaches 3%, explosive deposits near the source area tend to be non-
eruptions may occur at depths approaching graded and non-sorted. However, during trans-
2 km. However, McBirney (1971) questioned port along the sea or lake floor, sorting will
whether siliceous magma can vesiculate signifi- gradually take place and the flow will become
cantly at depths of more than a few tens of density and size graded, vertically as well as lat-
metres. erally.
The massive graded division will be deposited
rapidly by freezing of the basal traction carpet
and by suspension sedimentation from the
Eruption columns, from which pyroclastic high-density turbidity current. The overlying
flows are generated, probably reach higher parallel-laminated pumice tuff division results
levels in a subaerial and a shallow subaqueous from traction carpet layers of the successive
environment (less than a few tens of metres) small flows (Lowe 1982). The parallel-
than in deeper water. This is because in the laminated sandy pumice tuff and fine tuff divi-
latter environment the vesiculation is less sions will be deposited slowly from less dense
explosive and the viscous and inertial resis- turbidity currents, which separated from and
tances of water are great. However, particles lagged behind the denser preceding currents.
34 E. Yamada

The massive fine tuff division will be deposited with massive pumice flow tufts. This association
slowly from suspended fine-ash clouds. may be the proximal facies of subaqueous
This simplified model of flow and deposition pumice flow deposits, although typically the
of subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits will be Green Tuff comprises distal facies subaqueous
modified, especially in the upper divisions, by pyroclastic flow deposits intercalated with
ocean or other currents and by the complexity marine fossiliferous siltstone and sandstone
of pyroclastic eruptions. beds. In the marine Shirahama Group
(Neogene), on the Izu Peninsula of Japan, a
Post-depositional cooling welded pumice flow tuft occurs with the weld-
ing gradually becoming more pronounced up-
After deposition of subaerial ash-flow layers, wards to about 30 cm above the base, and
welding, devitrification and vapour-phase crys- above it becomes less distinct. In the intensely
tallization commonly take place. In subaqueous welded part, the pumice lapilli are like black
ash-flow deposits such post-depositional (although a few are reddish-brown) obsidian
processes are rarely reported. However, in (Fig. 4), but consist of highly compressed bun-
the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation (Francis dles of clay minerals. In the less-welded tufts,
& Howells 1973), and on Siargao Island the pumice lapilli are buff-yellow and bubble
(Fernandez 1969), subaqueous welded ash- wall texture is still discernible. The matrix is
flow deposits have been reported. In the sandy and contains no glass shards. Columnar
Green Tuff (Neogene) in the Japanese islands, cooling joints and closely jointed accessory
welded tufts are in places intricately associated blocks in the subaqueous welded tufts indicate
that they were at high temperature when de-
posited. Kato et al. (1971) considered that the
Donzurubo subaqueous pyroclastic flow
deposits were emplaced at a high temperature
because the remanent magnetism in embedded
essential rock fragments showed a consistent
orientation. In considering the temperature of
deposition, the transgressive base of the sub-
aqueously welded tuff of the Capel Curig Vol-
canic Formation was interpreted to have
resulted from heating of the underlying water
logged sediments which became fluidized and
displaced by steam (Kokelaar 1982). Thus sub-
aqueous pyroclastic flow deposits may retain
high temperatures, especially in the areas close
to the source or the shore where the flow
plunged into water. The increased solubility of
water in silicic glass with increased pressure
may favour welding under water (Sparks et al.

Subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits have a
characteristic vertical sequence (Fig. 1), and
their facies change laterally (Fig. 2). The verti-
cal sequence is generated mainly by sorting of
pyroclastic materials during flow. These charac-
teristic facies sequences only vary slightly in dif-
FIG. 4. Specimen from the basal part of a
subaqueous welded pyroclastic flow tuff in ferent deposits. The proximal facies are greatly
the marine Shirahama Group (late influenced by the eruption mode and history.
Miocene), Izu Peninsula, Japan. Welding The distal facies and the upper part of the
of pumice shreds intensifies upwards. Tile deposits are affected by ocean or other currents
scale is in cm. prevalent in the area of emplacement.
Subaqueous pyroclastic flows 35
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:An early form of this paper was sor Richard V. Fisher, and also expresses hearty
read at the Penrose Conference on Subaqueous Vol- thanks to the anonymous reviewers of the manu-
canism at Santa Barbara, California, in November script, whose valuable suggestions greatly improved
1977. The author profited from free discussions with this paper.
participants at the conference, especially with Profes-

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FERNANDEZ, n . E. 1969. Notes on the submarine ash ash-fall deposits in the deep-marine Ouachita
flow tuff in Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte. flysch basin. Oklahoma and Arkansas. Bull. geol.
Philipp. Geol. 23, 29-36. Soc. Am. 88, 49-61.
FISHER, R. V. 1966. Mechanism of deposition from OTAGAKI, T., ABE, Y., TSUKADA, Y., KIMURA, A.,
pyroclastic flow Am. J. Sci. 264, 350-63. OSADA, T. & FUJIOKA, H. 1970. Geology and
1979. Models for pyroclastic surges and pyro- ore deposit of the Shakanai Mine (4). On the
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FISKE, R. S. 1963. Subaqueous pyroclastic flows in 315-27. (in Japanese).
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geol. Soc. Am. 74, 391-406. widespread pyroclastic deposits formed by the
& MATSUDA,T. 1964. Submarine equivalents of interaction of silicic magma and water. Bull. Vol-
ash flows in the Tokiwa Formation, Japan. Am. canol. 41, 196-212.
J. Sci. 262, 76-106. SPARKS, R. S. J., SIGURDSSON, H. & CAREY, S. N.
FRANCIS, E. H. & HOWELLS, M. F. 1973. Transgres- 1980. The entrance of pyroclastic flows into the
sive welded ash-flow tufts among the Ordovician sea. II. Theoretical considerations on sub-
sediments of NE Snowdonia, N. Wales. J. geol. aqueous emplacement and welding. J. Volcanol.
Soc. London, 129, 621-41. geoth. Res. Amsterdam, 7, 97-105.
HOWELLS, M. F. & LEVERIDGE, B. E. 1980. The --, WILSON, L. & HULME, G. 1978. Theoretical
Capel Curig Volcanic Formation. Rep. Inst. geol. modelling of the generation, movement, and
Sci. London. 80 (6), 25 pp. emplacement of pyroclastic flows by column col-
KATO, I., MUROI, I., YAMAZAKI,T. & ABE, M. 1971. lapse. J. geophys. Res. 83, 1727-39.
Subaqueous pyroclastic flow deposits in the WALKER, G. P. L. 1979. A volcanic ash generated by
Upper Donzurubo Formation, Nijo-san district, explosions where ignimbrite entered the sea.
Osaka, Japan. J. geol. Soc. Japan, 77, 193-206. Nature, Lond. 281, 642-6.
KOKELAAR, I . P. 1982. Fluidization of wet sediments WRIGHT, J. V. & MUTTI, E. 1981. The Dali ash,
during the emplacement and cooling of various island of Rhodes, Greece: a problem in interpret-
igneous bodies J. geol. Soc. London, 139, 21-33. ing submarine volcanogenic sediments. Bull. Vol-
LOWE, D. R. 1982. Sediment gravity flows. II. canol. 44, 153-67.
Depositional models with special reference to YAMADA, E. 1973. Subaqueous pumice flow deposits
the deposits of high-density turbidity currents. J. in the Onikobe Caldera, Miyagi Prefecture,
sediment. Petrol. 52, 279-97. Japan. J. geol. Soc. Japan, 79, 585-97.
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EIZO YAMADA, Geological Survey of Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Yatabe, Ibaraki, 305
A model of volcanogenic sedimentation in marginal basins

S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson

SUMMARY: Marginal basins adjacent to oceanic island arcs receive volcaniclastic debris
from the bordering volcanic arc, back-arc spreading centre, and, to a lesser degree, the
remnant arc. The volcanic arc is volumetrically the most important source, with abundant
volcaniclastics being produced by explosive subaerial and/or subaqueous eruptions and
secondary erosion of the arc complex. Transport of material to the deeper parts of
marginal basins occurs by passive settling through the water column or by a variety of
sediment gravity flows generated by primary eruptions and secondary remobilization
processes. Deposition of arc-derived material at the base of the arc flank produces thick
volcaniclastic aprons and results in a marked asymmetry in the accumulation of
volcanogenic sediment within basins. The apron facies are complex and not analogous to
typical deep-sea fan systems because of the influence of arc volcanism on the nature and
delivery of sediment to the deep sea. Back-arc spreading centres supply a small volume of
deep-water hyaloclastites and hydrothermally derived volcanogenic sediments which are
incorporated into the basal parts of sedimentary sequences. The dispersal and deposition
of volcanogenic sediments are profoundly influenced by geological processes associated
with marginal basin evolution such as back-arc spreading, faulting, and island-arc splitting.

Marginal basins, as defined by Karig (1971a), analogous to the creation of new oceanic crust
are semi-isolated basins or a series of basins at mid-ocean ridge spreading centres. This
lying behind the volcanic chains of island-arc interpretation is supported by basin morphol-
systems. Lawver & Hawkins (1978) expanded ogy (Karig 1970, 1971a, Karig et al. 1978;
the definition to include small areas of oceanic Bibee et al. 1980), the mapping of linear
lithosphere between two island arcs, arcs and magnetic anomalies (Watts & Weissel 1975;
continental masses or between two continental Louden 1976), recovery of fresh basaltic rocks
fragments. within basins (Karig 1971b; Hawkins 1977;
These basins are the sites of complex Tarney et al. 1977) and seismic refraction pro-
sedimentation, usually with several genetically files which indicate an oceanic-type basinal
distinct yet interactive sediment sources. How- crust. Extensional basins have been classified as
ever, piston coring, DSDP drilling, and studies either active or inactive by Karig (1971a).
of uplifted marginal basin sequences all demon- Active basins are presently undergoing exten-
strate the volumetric importance and diagnostic sion by the formation of new oceanic crust, e.g.
potential of the arc-derived volcaniclastic the back-arc areas of the Tonga, Kermadec,
debris. This review therefore deals primarily Mariana, Bonin, New Hebrides, and Scotia
with the generation, transport and deposition of island-arc systems. Inactive basins were formed
both primary and secondary volcaniclastic ma- by extension at some time in the past but pres-
terial derived from the island arc. ently show no evidence of active spreading.
Marine geophysical evidence indicates that Inactive basins are further subdivided into two
the formation and evolution of marginal basins groups based on crustal heat flow (Karig
is coupled directly to the tectonics of lithos- 1971a). Inactive basins with high heat flow
pheric plate subduction (Karig 1971 a). Because include the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk and the
volcanogenic sedimentation within marginal Parece Vela Basin, whereas inactive basins with
basins is fundamentally related both in time and normal heat flow include the South Fiji and
space to this tectonism, we begin with a brief Aleutian basins. In this classification, heat flow
discussion of the origin and evolution of the is assumed to be indicative of the relative age of
basin environment. a basin with high heat flow implying a more
youthful basin. These generalizations apply to
many marginal basins, particularly those of the
Western Pacific, but there are exceptions. For
Origin and evolution of the marginal example, there is convincing evidence that the
basin environment Bering Sea may represent an old piece of
oceanic crust trapped by the initiation of sub-
It is now widely accepted that most marginal duction along the Aleutian island arc (Cooper
basins have formed by extension somewhat et al. 1976) and Uyeda & Ben-Avraham (1972)

38 S. Carey & H. S i g u r d s s o n

have suggested a similar origin for the western tensional stress regime (Fig. 2c). Eventually, a
Philippine Sea. new cycle of basin formation begins when the
Karig (1971b) proposed a tectonic model for spreading centre reverts to the site of major
the development of marginal basins in the tensional stress, either within the basin or back
Philippine Sea which begins with lithospheric at the volcanic arc (Fig. 2d).
plate subduction and the creation of a trench- The nature of the back-arc spreading process
volcanic arc system with active, typically calc- and whether it is truly analogous to mid-ocean
alkaline volcanism (Fig. la). Extension, ridge spreading or represents a type unique to
developed as a result of the subduction process, the back-arc environment has been a point of
causes the volcanic arc to split along zones of controversy. Early estimates of basin spreading
weakness, such as magma conduits and zones of rates suggested a lack of correlation between
active intrusion, and steep normal faults define spreading rate and axial high morphology
the boundaries of the resulting rift (Fig. lb). (Karig 1971b). However, recent studies, for
New oceanic crust is then produced along an example in the Mariana Trough, do show a cor-
axial high and the remnant arc migrates away relation between spreading rate (slow) and axial
from the active volcanic arc (Fig. lc). As the high morphology which is similar to that on typ-
basin grows, the flanks of the axial high subside ical mid-ocean ridges (Bibee et al. 1980; Hus-
in a manner similar to the subsidence of newly song & Fryer 1980; Hussong & Uyeda 1981).
formed oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridge spread- Several important features which are relevant
ing centres (Fig. ld). A new cycle of basin for- to the processes of volcanogenic sedimentation
mation begins when extension in the relatively emerge from all these studies. Marginal basins
mature back-arc basin ceases and the volcanic are dynamic tectonic and sedimentary envi-
arc rifts again. Bibee et al. (1980) proposed a ronments where new oceanic crust is formed in
model to explain the evolution of discrete mar- a manner analogous to the production of new
ginal basins and the often complex magnetic crust at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. Typi-
anomaly patterns (Fig. 2). They point out that cally, the new crust is morphologically complex,
the major difference between back-arc and consisting of a series of ridges and troughs,
mid-ocean ridge spreading is that the driving some en dchelon and cut at high angles by
mechanism in the back-arc area is more local- numerous faults. These features affect sedimen-
ized and closely tied to the volcanic arc-trench tation by providing localized sediment traps and
system. Symmetrical spreading in the back-arc large-scale barriers to sediment dispersal (Karig
causes the spreading centre to migrate continu- & Wageman 1975; Karig et al. 1978; Bibee et
ally away from the volcanic arc and out of the al. 1980). Of particular importance to facies


S.L. " ~ ~ll-

..!..ii " " " ' i.~:~::::" " "


J J~ REMNANT ~: ?..,2. b

-..-. " .:
S ~ . . . .

FIG 1. Generalized tectonic evolution of a marginal basin after Karig (1971a,b).

A model o f volcanogenic sedimentation 39

Island Arc variations of volcanogenic sediments is the

(a) long-term tectonic evolution of marginal basins.
The growth and subsidence of marginal basin
crust leads to lateral and vertical facies changes
as the locus of sedimentation continually moves
with respect to different sources (Karig &
Moore 1975).
The model of volcanogenic sedimentation pre-
sented in this paper is based on the tectonic
Remnant Center Isand (b) model depicted in Fig. 1. This will be used as
nch the long-term (1-10 Ma) tectonic framework
within which volcanogenic sedimentation takes
place. Admittedly not all marginal basins are
subject to such an evolution; for example,
basins created by the trapping of old oceanic
Spreading crust would remain tectonically stable com-
Remnant Center _ Island (C) pared with extensional basins. Nevertheless, as
A r c Ir ~\ ~~1I ~~ J.dgA'~LArc
~rc T r e n c h a generalization, crustal extension is regarded
as a common feature of marginal basin

Spreading Sources and transport mechanisms

Remnant Center
Island (d ) of volcanogenic sediment
ArcA -- i,,-- J ' ~ A r c Trench
There are two major sources of volcanogenic
sediments supplied to marginal basins adjacent
to oceanic island arcs:
(i) the bordering volcanic arc; and
FIG. 2. Model to explain rift-jumping in (ii) the back-arc spreading area (Fig. 3).
back-arc basins from Bibee et al. (1980).
Basin spreading results in the migration of The former is divided into the subaerial and
the spreading centre away from the ten- subaqueous parts in recognition of the role that
sional forces developed by subduction external water plays in the generation of vol-
(b,c). The change in stress field eventually caniclastics by magma fragmentation and ero-
causes the spreading centre to be re- sion of pre-existing deposits. The remnant arc
established back towards the island arc (d). may also supply some epiclastic debris but this

OSubaerial Volcanic Arc

Sea~ ' ~ " . ' 5 <

(~)Rm ~ : ' , ~ , (~)Subaqueous
- ~ " ~ ' ~ i b ~ V o Ica n ic Arc

Fio. 3. Major sources of volcanogenic sediment in marginal basins behind oceanic island arcs.
40 S. Carey & H . S i g u r d s s o n

is considered to be a relatively minor contribu- by the circulation of seawater into newly

tion (Karig & Moore 1975). formed oceanic crust (Fig. 4). At mid-ocean
The great water depth of back-arc spreading ridge spreading centres three different types of
systems inhibits the fragmentation of freshly hydrothermal deposits have been identified:
erupted magma by internal vesiculation or
phreatomagmatic explosions (McBirney 1971). (i) Fe-sulphide ore deposits (Francheteau et al.
Hyaloclastites can be produced, however, by 1979);
spalling and granulation as hot lava interacts (ii) Fe- and Mn-rich sediment (Bostrom &
with cool seawater. These deposits typically Peterson 1965; and
consist of sand- and silt-size glassy basaltic (iii) Mn-rich crusts (Scott et al. 1974).
fragments. Unlike fragments produced by
internal vesiculation of dissolved gases, hyaloc- It has been suggested that all three deposits
lastite fragments exhibit a blocky, angular mor- are created by precipitation from various mix-
phology bounded by fracture surfaces (Heiken tures of a hot, acidic, reducing solution which
1974). The occurrence of deep-water hyaloclas- has circulated through and leached the basaltic
tites at oceanic spreading centres was shown on pile, with a cooler end-member solution
DSDP Leg 46 at 23°N, 160 km E of the Mid- approximating to seawater in composition
Atlantic Ridge (Schmincke et al. 1978; Dick et (Edmond et al. 1979). Of these three main
al. 1976). types only the Fe- and Mn-rich sediment has so
Deep-water hyaloclastites are generally far been documented at back-arc spreading
restricted to the axial zone of the spreading centres (Bonatti et al. 1979; Cronan et al. this
centre during formation and can only be dis- volume).
persed significant distances by bottom currents. In the Philippine Sea, Fe- and Mn-rich sedi-
At site 396B (DSDP Leg 46) the occurrence of ment was found in the basal sections of sites
graded bedding and scouring features indicates 291, 294 and 295 with at least 58 m of fer-
some type of current activity but it is not poss- ruginous clay overlying basaltic basement at site
ible to determine its extent. Because of their 295 (Bonatti et al. 1979). Major and minor
limited dispersal, deep-water hyaloclastite element geochemistry of this material demon-
sequences are likely to be found at the base of strated a striking similarity to hydrothermal sedi-
marginal basin sedimentary sequences, where ments found on normal mid-ocean ridge
they are incorporated during the spreading pro- spreading centres. Because the hydrothermal
cess. deposits are formed and distributed about the
An additional source of volcanogenic sedi, spreading axis, they are found mainly at the
ments from back-arc spreading centres, albeit base of marginal basin sedimentary sequences,
indirect, is from hydrothermal systems created like the deep-water hyaloclastites.

I Pillow boselt extrusion I

• ~ '
Formotionof deep woter
L.,hyot°clastites 1
t Hydrothermal volcanogenicJ
Transport by bottom sediment I

I ~urre°ts / I Suldeposits
phlde~°re Manganese
1 /

_ , ~ ~ circu~,ation ~

FIG. 4. Sources and transport mechanisms of volcanogenic sediments from back-arc spreading
A m o d e l o f volcanogenic sedimentation 41

TABLE 1. Volume % of fragmental material in Vesiculated magma fragments can range in

island arcs, continental volcanic arcs, ocean grain size from pumiceous blocks to micron-size
basins, and oceanic islands from Garcia (1978) glass shards (Heiken 1974).
Volcaniclastics produced by subaerial arc
Volume % volcanism can be transported to marginal basins
Area fragmental Magma type a by:
Island arcs
Aleutians-Alaska 95 CA (i) direct fallout from the atmosphere with
Bonin-Izu 85 CA-Th subsequent passive settling through the
Indonesia 99 CA water column;
Grecian 83 Alk (ii) direct entrance of pyroclastic flows or
Lesser Antilles 95 CA-Alk lahars into the sea (e.g. Francis & Howells
Marianas 90 Th 1973; Yamazaki et al. 1973; Carey & Sig-
Continental arcs urdsson 1980; Sparks et al. 1980a, 1980b;
Andes 97 CA Self & Rampino 1981); and
Cascades 90 CA
(iii) secondary reworking of pyroclastic de-
Central America 99 CA
Ocean basins posits by fluvial and aeolian processes.
Pacific 3 Th
Atlantic 6 Th
In many instances the transport of material may
Indian 3 Th
Oceanic islands involve several episodes of storage and remobil-
Iceland 29 Th ization in different environments (Fig. 5). (For
Hawaii 1-2 Th-Alk a review of the production and transport of vol-
Canary Islands 20 Alk caniclastics see Fisher (this volume).)
Superimposed upon the primary production
aAlk = alkalic, CA = calc-alkaline, Th = tholeiitic. and transport of volcaniclastics from subaerial
arc volcanism is the secondary erosion of old
pyroclastics and lava to form volcanogenic epi-
clastic sediment. Unlike the episodic influx of
In contrast to the back-arc spreading centre, 'primary' volcaniclastics derived directly from
the bordering volcanic arc is a more diverse and subaerial eruptions, the supply of epiclastic
complex source of volcanogenic sediment. material is somewhat more continuous and
Explosive volcanism is a characteristic and ubi- more a function of specific erosion processes.
quitous feature of volcanic arcs. Fragmentation In the subaqueous volcanic arc, eruptions
of volatile-rich magmas by internal vesiculation may occur over a wide range of water depths
and the interaction with external water can (perhaps several kin) and involve magmas rang-
produce enormous quantities of volcaniclastic ing in composition from basalt to rhyolite. The
debris during the course of a single eruption. subaqueous production of volcaniclastic ma-
The efficiency of this process can be appreci- terial can occur either by non-explosive means
ated by comparing the volumes of fragmental (granulation, spalling, and brecciation of sub-
material in island and continental arcs with aqueous lava flows), or by explosive processes
oceanic islands and basins (Table 1). The (phreatic or phreatomagmatic eruptions) (Hon-
majority of island and continental arcs have in norez & Kirst 1975). External water is a major
excess of 90% by volume of fragmental ma- factor in determining the nature of eruptions.
terial, compared to less than 40% for oceanic Depending on the depth, it can act either to
islands and less than 10% for oceanic basins. inhibit fragmentation of magma by suppressing
The principal source of volcaniclastic ma- internal vesiculation due to high hydrostatic
terial in the subaerial r_egions of volcanic arcs is pressure, or to stimulate fragmentation by
highly explosive eruptions from composite vol- explosive expansion to a gas.
canoes and calderas. These eruptions vary Explosive eruptions will be more frequent in
according to magma volume, magma composi- the shallow areas of the volcanic arc, although
tion, volatile content, degree of crystallinity, the production of volcaniclastic debris by non-
eruption rate and vent morphology. explosive processes can still occur. Evidence,
Erupted material consists largely of three particularly from Iceland (Allen 1980; Furnes
components: et al. 1980), suggests depths of 200-300 m for
the transition from non-explosive to explosive
(i) vesiculated magma fragments; behaviour. A broad spectrum of eruption types
(ii) euhedral and fragmented crystals; and is to be expected depending upon magma com-
(iii) lithics. position, water depth, and the relative impor-
42 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson

Erosion and weathering of

Subaerial l. Plinian, vulcanian, sub-plinion, strombolian ELava flows

2.Phreatoplinian, phreatomagmatic, phreatic 3. Sedimentary, Metamorphic and
Plutonic rocks

irfall Pyroclostic flows surges lahars Fluvial and aeolian transport

~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . T'~
\ I 1 I Su~aeria, ~oposit,oo of / Sobaer,o, depos.ion of I
\ ] ] I pyroclostic units I / II epiclestic units I
X J I Remobilized by fluvial action, 1 Remobilization by fluvial
X I I rainfall, slope instability, / action, rainfall, slope instability,

s ~ I IS~°qu~°~depo~iiot~ of p~closticll 1 I Subaqueous deposition afl I

I N e ~ y lope instability,
I s e , ~ v . y , curre~ or storm


(Debris flows, fluidized sediment flows, grain flows, turbidity currents )


Deposition of volconiclastic / epiclastic sediment apron

FIG-. 5. Summary of volcanogenic sediment production and transport processes from the subaefial
volcanic arc.



ns Subaqueous erosion and weathering of

, Phreotomagmatic} I. Older volcaniclastics
flows ) 2. Lava flows
3. Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Plutonic rocks
~ ,, ~ bubaqueous fallout, flows, current transport Current transport~ sediment gravi.ty flows
_ bnallow
Subaqueous \'~ I I~ Sub°que°usdep°s't'on
T ' ' of Suba q ueous deposition
p ofq
{ volconic,astic un,ts I I epic,ostic units
bil.ized by slope instability Remobilized by sTope instability

\; [ seismic activity, current or

seismic activity, current or
\ , (Debris flows, fluidized sediment flows, grain flows~ turbidity currents } ,

Deposition of volcaniclostic/epiclastic sediment apron

FIo. 6. Summaryof voIcanogenicsedimentproduction and transport processesfrom the subaqueous

v o l c a n i c arc.
A model of volcanogenic sedimentation 43

tance of juvenile v. non-juvenile water. Figure 6 Previous models

is an attempt to summarize the major processes Several models have been proposed for
of sediment production and transport in the sedimentation in marginal basins (e.g. Karig &
subaqueous arc environment. Moore 1975; Klein 1975b, 1977). These deal
with some aspects of volcanogenic sedimenta-
tion but do not emphasize details of sediment
production and transport. Furthermore, vol-
Models of volcanogenic sedimentation canological interpretations have not been fully
in marginal basins incorporated into these models.
In the model of Karig & Moore (1975),
Volcanogenic sedimentation in marginal basins
sedimentation is discussed within the tectonic
occurs within a tectonically dynamic environ-
framework of an actively spreading marginal
ment of plate subduction and back-arc spread-
basin isolated from terrigenous sources. Four
ing. The sources and transport of sediment have
sediment sources are proposed:
been briefly discussed and these aspects are
now considered within a volcano-tectonic (i) volcaniclastic debris from the volcanic arc;
framework for a typical oceanic island arc. (ii) montmorillonitic clays produced by the
Clearly this is a somewhat simplistic case, as weathering of mafic volcanics;
basins commonly have other volumetrically (iii) biogenic components; and
important sediment inputs, such as of ter- (iv) wind-blown dust.
rigenes, which dilute the volcanogenic compo- The volcaniclastic contribution of the active
nents. However, this dilution does not affect volcanic arc is volumetrically the most impor-
many of the basic processes of volcanogenic tant (Karig & Moore 1975) and this results in a
sediment formation and transport. Thus some marked asymmetry in sediment accumulation
aspects of the model can be extrapolated to within basins. The thickest sedimentary se-
basins with more complex configurations and quences are found in the extensive volcaniclastic
heterogeneous sediment sources. aprons at the base of the active-arc flank and
The adopted model of marginal basin evolu- also, to a lesser extent, at the base of the
tion in an oceanic island-arc setting is from remnant arc. As in larger ocean basins, the
Karig (1971a, b) (Fig. 1). With this model two minimum sediment accumulation occurs over
different data sets have been used to construct the active spreading ridge.
an integrated volcanogenic sedimentation Karig & Moore (1975) illustrate the changes
model for marginal basins: in the distribution of sedimentary facies during
basin evolution (Fig. 7). In the early stages of
(i) results from DSDP sites located in back- rifting, the small inter-arc basin is flooded by
arc basins of the Western Pacific and; coarse volcaniclastic material derived from vol-
(ii) results from piston cores collected in the canic activity along the arc (Fig. 7a). With con-
Grenada back-arc basin of the Lesser An- tinued spreading the basin widens to a point
tilles island arc. where the arc-derived volcaniclastics can no
longer be dispersed basin-wide. In its place a
Each data set has it own limitations, but in brown montmorillonitic clay, rich in volcanic
combination they provide a more complete pic- glass and phenocrysts, accumulates towards the
ture of sedimentation. The DSDP results allow remnant-arc side of the basin. Closer to the
changes in sedimentation over long periods of
remnant arc, the clay grades into biogenic cal-
time (1-10 Ma) to be examined and related to
careous ooze (Fig. 7b). The volcaniclastic apron
the major volcano-tectonic processes, such as
at the base of the volcanic arc flank progrades
splitting of active arcs, back-arc spreading, into the basin by processes somewhat analogous
episodes of island-arc volcanism and hydro- to submarine fan growth. If the basin continues
thermal circulation. In contrast, although pis- to spread it is possible that biogenic calcareous
ton cores are not very useful for determining ooze will be deposited directly on the new crust
long-term changes in sedimentary styles, they created at the back-arc spreading centre. (Fig.
can, when collected in large numbers, provide 7c).
the correlation control for determining lateral Karig & Moore (1975) further emphasize
facies changes over shorter periods of time (up three factors which can affect facies associations
to 1 Ma). In particular, they provide informa-
in the basin:
tion on the nature of growth processes on the
volumetrically important volcaniclastic apron (i) cessation of basin spreading;
which develops at the base of the island-arc (ii) cessation of arc volcanism; and
flank. (iii) resurgence of arc volcanism.
44 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson
montmorillonite-rich clay, this brown clay con-
tains less volcanic glass, feldspar, quartz and
montmorillonite, reflecting reduced input from
3 arc volcanism. Finally, if a resurgence of volcan-
~ ' - - - - ~ - - ~ _ A A f [ - 4 ism occurs, then a new volcaniclastic apron will
be generated which will cover the facies depo-
(A) Example= New Hebrides sited during the lull in volcanic activity. This
model is important because it emphasizes the
importance of the volcaniclastic apron and its
formation by volcanism in the subaerial and
_/~,^ 2 subaqueous arc. The apron may be one of the
more diagnostic features of marginal basin
I '-" - • 4
Klein (1975b) proposed a model based on
(B) Example: Mariana Basin Leg 30 DSDP cores from the South Fiji, Heb-

"l- rides, and Coral Sea marginal basins. Seven

13_ sedimentary facies were discriminated for the
t.lJ three areas, which were then interpreted within
1 a tectonic framework for marginal basin evolu-
2 tion (Fig. 8). This model differs from that of
• , . o . .
3 Karig & Moore (1975) in many respects. In
~~,o__o~ Z-.-'-';'- L 5 Klein's tectonic scheme, basin initiation occurs
6 within oceanic crust even though there is evi-
dence that the South Fiji Basin, for instance,
(C) Example • Northern Lau Basin probably formed by splitting of a pre-existing
frontal arc (Karig 1970). A n o t h e r important
difference, in part due to the differences in tec-
2 tonic models, is that Klein's model does not
suggest asymmetry in sediment accumulation
resulting from the deposition of an arc-derived

D) Example: Parece Vela Basin
f / J_ /
FIG. 7. Tectonic and sedimentary evolu-
tion of a marginal basin, from Karig & 1 Plate S p l i t t i n g 4 Spreading C e a s e s ;
Moore (1975). At the base of each ex- Sediment Collapse. Pelagic Sedimentation.
ample the sedimentation rate and distribu-
tion of surficial sedimentary facies (see
text) is shown: (a) Initial stage; volcaniclas-
tics cover floor of entire basin. (b) Early
differentiation of facies. (c) Advanced dif-
ferentiation of facies; nannofossil ooze has
developed near remnant arc. (d) Following
cessation of spreading and volcanism; most 2 Early Spreading; 5 Resurgent Tectonic
of the basin has subsided below the CCD. High Slope Gradients Stage; Deposition of
Coarse- Grained Turbidity Turbidite Clastic Wedge.
Currents & Debris Flow.

Cessation of basin spreading would allow the ]Sandy Turbidites

Pelagic Carbonate
volcaniclastic apron to prograde across the Ooze & Chalk
spreading centre and the montmorillonite-rich H I Pelagic Clay
and calcareous ooze facies. If spreading con- m Clayey Turbidites
tinues while volcanism ceases, then the vol- Late Spreading' Low [] Coarse Grained Turbidites
Debris Flow CGL& SS.
caniclastic apron in turn will be buried by nan- Slope Gradients, Sandy
[ ] Ocean Crust
nofossil and radiolarian oozes while the basin Turbidity Currents.
floor is above the CCD (carbonate compensa- FIG. 8. Sedimentary evolution of SW
tion depth), and by brown clays when the floor Pacific marginal basins based on Leg 30
is below the CCD (Fig. 7d). In contrast to the DSDP cores, from Klein (1975a,b).
A m o d e l o f v o l c a n o g e n i c sedimentatic, n 45

volcaniclastic apron. However, the importance and remnant arcs become younger towards the
of these aprons has been clearly demonstrated presently active Mariana island arc. Each basin
by Karig (1975). Klein (1977) later argued that originated by the splitting of an active volcanic
the lack of asymmetry within the SW Pacific arc, followed by back-arc spreading. This has
basins was due to the complex curvature of resulted in an extensive eastward migration of
island-arc sources. He also indicated that clastic the active zone of lithospheric subduction.
sediment accumulation in basins can be sym- Whereas each of the remnant arcs only pre-
metrical if terrigenous and volcaniclastic aprons serves the record of volcanism associated with
occur on opposite sides of the basin, as is the the spreading of one basin, the eastward migrat-
case for the Sea of Japan. The interfingering of ing subduction area contains a complete vol-
different clastic aprons is well illustrated in the canic record of all basin-forming cycles (Hus-
Shikoku Basin where at least three different song & Uyeda 1981).
aprons are derived from the Japanese islands, The sites drilled on Legs 59 and 60 are ideal
the Palau-Kyushu ridge and the Iwo Jima ridge for studying the long-term (several to tens of
(White et al. 1980). millions of years) changes in sedimentary facies
Furthermore, in Klein's model the cessation which occur in marginal basins, because they
of basin spreading and arc volcanism occur at are located in a series of basins which are at
the same time. Although obviously related to different stages of development. By comparing
the subduction process in some way, there sites which are similarly located with respect to
would appear to be no a priori reason for major basinal features, such as the active or
back-arc spreading to be synchronous with arc remnant arc, but are found in basins of different
volcanism. There are several examples, such as ages, it is possible to relate sedimentary facies
the Japan Sea, of inactive marginal basins which transitions to the tectonic and volcanic proces-
are bordered by presently active volcanic arcs. ses which control basin development. Of par -
Karig & Moore (1975) favour a more indepen- titular importance is the volcaniclastic apron at
dent association of the two processes, which can the base of the island-arc flank. All data have
result in various combinations of frontal arc been obtained from Kroenke et al. (1980) and
volcanic cycles superimposed upon a non- Hussong et al. (1981).
steady basin spreading. Evidence for alternately Site 455, 54 km E of the Mariana Trough
intensified arc volcanism and back-arc spread- spreading axis, lies within the volcaniclastic
ing comes from the recent results of Legs 59 apron from the Mariana island arc (Fig. 9).
and 60 of the DSDP programme. Scott & Drilling had to be abandoned but the sequence
Kroenke (1981) show that initial periods of recovered illustrates the nature of the volcani-
back-arc spreading are coincident with periods clastic wedge. A basal unit of vitric mudstone,
of low volcanic activity along the active arc. chalk and tuff is overlain by 73 m of volcanic
sand and gravel consisting of angular basaltic
glass and pumice. Although no sedimentary
DSDP results from Western Pacific marginal
structures were preserved, this coarse debris is
interpreted as having been emplaced by high-
After the initial work by Karig & Moore concentration sediment gravity flows originat-
(1975) and Klein (1975a, b, 1977), two addi- ing from the arc. This sequence is overlain by
tional legs of the DSDP project were completed vitric mud and nannofossil ooze with abundant
which provided new data for refining models of interbeds of sandy vitric ash. The volcaniclastic
volcanogenic sedimentation in marginal basins. material reflects derivation from shallow water
Legs 59 and 60 in the Mariana arc area are a and possibly subaerial explosive eruptions.
transect across an active intra-oceanic volcanic Site 456 was drilled slightly to the W, on a
arc, back-arc basin, remnant arc, inactive topographic high (Fig. 9), and basaltic base-
back-arc basin, and additional remnant arc ment was encountered at 134 m sub-bottom
(Kroenke et al. 1980; Hussong et al. 1981). depth. This basement and the overlying sedi-
These features correspond, from E to W, to the ment show striking evidence of hydrothermal
Mariana Ridge, Mariana Trough, West alteration. The uppermost basalt, rich in chlor-
Mariana Ridge, Parece Vela Basin and the ite and epidote, is metamorphosed to green-
Palau-Kyushu Ridge (Fig. 9). schist facies. Pyrite occurs in both the basalts and
The results of Legs 59 and 60 (Scott & the overlying sediments, and recrystallized clay,
Kroenke 1981; Hussong & Uyeda 1981) sup- quartz, and wairakite in some of the sediments
port the original working model of Karig suggest alteration temperatures in excess of
(1971a,b) for the tectonic evolution of this 200°C (Natland & Hekinian 1981). The lower
area. From W to E, successive marginal basins part of the sedimentary sequence (456:
46 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson

[/~,._ \ 130"


' o

~ !ii: :"i )~-

CHINA /*•298
443 > - , ~ : : °i
i • = , • ~-
I J 296 •"" ..' . .°. ". ' " I
".\ 442+ -I- . .

444 "- ::~' 1

Sh ikoku "~i '":":

294-5 ~ ' g t ~ ' O ~ l
, Pa rece

* 293 "~4ti:~:'lO44 i 20°-

Philippine ~ C~o0 0447 . ~) "" 9 '~-"450 {:r.., 459 ;1
_(.... ~.~./,# . ~ [~/:)U Vela ~ : ~ 0
~'~ e/_ 294-A /~ L~ ~,.~...:.~
LUZON ~ e@. ~:'J~ Ipod TroughS!if ~ ~ 1452
e,~'~'~-% % 0448 /...:;4.~ ,~
.~oX, ~
~):~ .~ •
~ ,
0 ~ ' Basin


_ 1 0 °
° • .~ ..::.::.7:

:r <'°~" 1

FIG. 9. Location of DSDP sites from Legs 59 and 60 (solid and open circles) in the Western Pacific
(Hussong et al. 1981).

56-120 m) was deposited rapidly when the site ously influenced by arc-derived volcaniclastics,
was close to the back-arc spreading centre and although the dominant style of deposition
mainly under the influence of arc-derived vol- changed with time due to vertical tectonic
caniclastic turbidites. Subsequent uplift isolated movements.
the site from turbidites, but ash-fall layers con- Site 450, located W of the West Mariana
tinued to accumulate with nannofossil and Ridge in the Parece Vela Basin (Fig. 9),
siliceous oozes. This site has thus been continu- demonstrates how deposition close to the vol-
A m o d e l o f volcanogenic sedimentation 47

canic arc changes with time. The sequence replaced by dominantly pelagic sedimentation.
records major changes in sedimentation which This coincides with the widening of basins by
can be related to spreading in the Parece Vela back-arc spreading and the cessation of arc vol-
Basin, volcanism on the West Mariana Ridge canism as splitting of the arc initiates a new
and splitting of the active arc. Basalts, at a sub- cycle of basin formation. Furthermore, these
bottom depth of 332 m, show evidence of intru- sites illustrate that by comparison with the vol-
sion into unconsolidated sediment and true canic arc the remnant arc is not an important
basement was not reached. As at site 456, the source of volcaniclastic debris. In general these
basalt-sediment interface shows evidence of observations support the original model of
hydrothermal alteration. Tuffaceous sediment Karig & Moore (1975). Unfortunately the
above the basalt shows reddish-brown altera- DSDP results only allow the broadest of
tion and a thin (1 cm) yellowish-white band generalizations to be made regarding vol-
occurs directly at the contact. The succeeding canogenic sedimentation. Each basin exhibits
257 m comprises fine vitric tufts, vitric tufts, unique characteristics which are related to the
and tuffaceous volcaniclastic conglomerates. nature and orientation of major sediment
Sedimentary structures include parallel and sources (Klein 1977). Neverthe!ess, the similar-
ripple laminations, cross-bedding, load casts, ity of sedimentary sequences and facies transi-
and both normal and inverse grading, indicating tions in sites from different basins points out the
emplacement by sediment gravity flows and fundamental control of sedimentation by cyclic
possible reworking by bottom currents. volcano-tectonic processes.
This volcaniclastic sequence was derived dur-
ing a period of middle Miocene volcanism along
the West Mariana Ridge, and as this activity Volcanogenic sediments from the Grenada
waned the supply of material to the volcaniclas- Basin, Lesser Antilles
tic wedge was reduced. The waning is marked The back-arc area of the Lesser Antilles is
by the overlying 57 m of interbedded pelagic occupied by the N-S elongated Grenada Basin
clay and dark ash. Within this unit a transition which lies between the barely emergent Ayes
occurs at about 37 m sub-bottom depth, below Ridge to the W and the volcanic arc to the E
which point the sediment contains calcareous (Fig. 10). The basin contains 4.2 km of sedi-
fossils and above which they are absent. This ment resting on slightly thickened crust of
transition may represent subsidence of the site oceanic affinity (Boynton et al. 1979). The
area to below the CCD during the waning of depth to igneous crust, great thickness of sedi-
volcanism along the West Mariana Ridge. The ment and fast sub-Moho velocity all suggest that
uppermost 26 m, of ash-poor pelagic clay, was the basin is in excess of 40 Ma old and may have
deposited when volcanism along the ridge had been created by back-arc spreading (Kearey
ceased and the arc had begun to split, forming 1974; Boynton et al. 1979).
the Mariana Trough. The Aves Ridge is a N-S trending structural
In summary, the sequence at site 450 reflects: high separating the Grenada Basin to the E
(i) initial creation of back-arc crust; from the more extensive Venezuela Basin to
(ii) influx of volcaniclastic debris from the the W. Emergence of the ridge above sealevel
active arc producing an apron at the base only occurs at tiny Ayes Island where calcare-
of the arc's slope as the basin widens by ous and arenaceous sediments are exposed and
back-arc spreading; surrounded by coral reefs (Kearey 1974). Sev-
(iii) waning of arc volcanism allowing a pelagic eral hypotheses for the origin of the Aves Ridge
facies to become interbedded with arc have been presented (Edgar et al. 1971; Malfait
volcaniclastics; and & Dinkleman 1972; Kearney 1974). Both
(iv) cessation of arc volcanism and back-arc geophysical and geochemical observations sug-
subsidence as ash- and carbonate-poor gest that the ridge represents a remnant arc dis-
pelagic clay is deposited. placed from the present volcanic arc by back-
arc spreading (Grenada Basin), and as such can
Other DSDP sites are useful for tracing the be compared to the back-arc ridges of the
sedimentary changes at the remnant-arc side of Mariana and Tonga-Kermadec arc systems of
evolving basins. Site 453, located about 10 km the Western Pacific (Karig 1970, 1971a, b).
E of the eastern edge of the West Mariana Some of the twenty-nine piston cores re-
Ridge, and site 449, located E of the covered from the Grenada Basin (Fig. 10) have
Palau-Kyushu Ridge (Fig. 9), show that the been described by Carey & Sigurdsson (1978,
arc-derived volcaniclastic influx generally 1980) and Sigurdsson et al. (1980). Vol-
decreases with time in these areas and is canogenic sediments in these cores have been
48 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson

lOo.q~IsT" KITTS

tu 9
09 8A

,q- . _~"TI..DOMINIC'.A\'*A_~5 (4ooo--~ ~>o

Q °°°' ~
14" •° < t/Al I . ? ,oOO
BASI N J / /,5A Z4, 45( ~/ST..VlNCENT\\L-BARB/~DOSc

///GRENADA,oB/AS I N J / ~ , 4~\ ' ,, \

12" GRENADA.~eo ~(~
J i N dEN
Y ~ ,o00

66* 64* 62" 60" 58"
FIG. 10. Location of piston cores in the Lesser Antilles area. Solid circles are EN-20 cores and solid
triangles are GS7605 cores.

classified using a combination of lithological The associated genetic terminology, while

(Gretchin et al. 1978) and genetic terminology. concerned to some extent with volcanological
The term pyroclastic is restricted to deposits processes, is more directed towards the
formed directly by explosive eruptions, such as mechanisms of emplacement. Except for direct
ash-fall, pyroclastic flows and lahars. Com- ash-fall deposits, most of the volcanogenic sedi-
monly, the primary character of the pyroclastics ments have been emplaced by some type of
is difficult to determine; features which are use- sediment gravity flow. A classification was
ful for discrimination include homogeneity of therefore based on the idealized sedimentary
volcanic components, particularly volcanic structures of sediment gravity flows presented
glass, degree of particle rounding, and the by Middleton & Hampton (1973, 1976).
amount and nature of non-volcanogenic com- A chronostratigraphic framework for the
ponents. However, because the erosion pro- cores was established using a combination of
ducts of young pyroclastics can resemble certain foraminifera biostratigraphy (Ericson & Wollin
facies of primary pyroclastics, such classifica- 1968; Broecker & van Donk 1970; Imbrie &
tions must be viewed with caution. Kipp 1971; Prell 1976) and the correlation of
A model of volcanogenic sedimentation 49
radiocarbon-dated subaerial pyroclastic de- division B (parallel laminae), 9% division C
posits with marine pyroclastic deposits. (ripple, wavy, or convoluted laminations), 6%
The stratigraphy of the cores is presented in division D (upper parallel laminae) and 33%
Figs. 11-13. The basin contains a wide variety division E (inter-turbidite). As the sediment
of thick (up to 4.5 m), coarse grained (up to cores were not X-rayed, some of the upper div-
6.5 cm diameter pumices) pyroclastic and epi- ision may have escaped detection.
clastic gravity flow deposits interbedded with a
predominantly grey-green silty hemipelagic clay.
Near the top of some cores a transition from the TABLE 2. Bouma sequences o f volcaniclastic
grey-green hemipelagic clay to a thin sequence turbidites in the Grenada Basin
of brown pelagic clay is observed. This transi-
tion has been noted in other equatorial Atlantic Bouma divisionsa % of total turbidites
cores and has been interpreted as marking the
A (alone) 40
boundary between the Holocene and the last A, B 22
glacial period (Wisconsinan) (Damuth 1977). As A,E 12
a consequence of the rapid influx of volcaniclas- B (alone) 6
tics from the Lesser Antilles island arc, the only A, B, E 5
biostratigraphic boundary penetrated in the B,E 5
basin was the Z - Y (12,500yr BP). Vol- B,C 2
canogenic turbidites are most abundant in the B,D,E 2
Grenada Basin although debris flows are the A, B, C, E 2
thickest and coarsest grained. Rarely are all of C (alone) 1
B,D 1
the Bouma divisions present in a single turbi- D,E 1
dite; m o r e commonly only one or two of the B,C,E 1
divisions occur. Of all the turbidites examined,
76% include division A (massive, graded), 41% aBouma (1962)

2 I0 II 9 8 6 7 4 5
Lilhology code
P/GF ",-,- SK
B/TI"-'-' E- Epiclastic
B/T ~_~E/DBrN
PIT~ Deposit code
BIT ~ PIT z-/-7 1955 EIT~ G
'-'- GF-Grain flow
DR-Debris flow
200- / AF-Ash fall
Island source code

P"\ o AF SK-St. Kilts

•I D
300- AF =ID M-Martinique
SL-St. Lucio
P/TZG SV-SI. Vincent

400- 685
500- Lithology ~ Island source
co2e ~ co~le

600j P~ T V/J D
Dep~ositI " - ~ y hemipelagic
WeterCOde ~ - -
depth~ 2200rn
14-53Elm ~Zt D

P/DB ~'- G

FIG. 11. Stratigraphy of piston cores from the northern part of the Grenada Basin. Number at base
of each core refers to water depth (m) at core site.
50 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson
35 3 3cont36 34 37 37cont 2 39 32 33 18 46 21
O- -- E/T - - E/T '-7 I -- EIT 7- M

-- PITI'7- SV
~I E/T === S ~ / T I :
P / T < :===:= PIT "7" D E / T R M
E/T-~. VAF r-~ M PIT 2 AF
P/T"~ P/T [~/OB D E/T ,., PIT" " r ~SV I " - " SV
E/i-J N E,'T. I =
# / E/Trr AF--
I00- I I PIT1/ J D P/DB~
E / T === E/T ,-r
B/T ,7 D
! _' / / P/T// EIT 77 SL.,
U 1_ // / E/T
/ j ,, j VDB / / M
2740 / E/T = = P/DB D
E/TI === P/DB ' ' D ~ / , p/T// /, /,
200- /'7 F/DB
f / r / E/T~ M ~
SL ¢J E/T Zz M 2696 E/T 785
I/ P/T= /i /I
E f T 2712 E/T
E/T =
= E/T
'VT ~z: ) 28~o 4 ===SV
EIGF/ / P/TI== P/DB., J D /j EVT~zz
300- PIT~ M
I " J P/T~ /
7-- / j E/Ti==,=SV,
/l =' / ' il//
P/T D -" I
E/T 7-SL
~Tr'- ) PIT p/-[5 M
i j
400- E / T "-r- 2765
/--Z ..AF E2 D
: j/E/T 3[: E / T I= =
PITI= = i "D E/T' ,-.,-
AF ,--', ) - - - . . . . . AFI-,-7 ~ ~ / E / T j'
P/T ~ E / T . ~~'~-,-.,
E/T! ~ E/T... = E/T 77
.500 YT ~ ;L
yT:.,== ) p/TlZ-r~D P/T r-7"
P/T/ D 2924
600- 255 rn
2736 I 29t7
P/T ~-7" D


FIG. 12. Stratigraphy of piston cores from the central part of the Grenada Basin. Number at base of
each core refers to water depth (m) at core site. *GS7605 cores.

The most common turbidites consist of div- during debris-flow transport (Hampton 1972)
ision A alone and a combination of A and B or flow transformation (see Fisher, this vol-
(Table 2). Numerous other combinations exist ume).
(Table 2) but are generally less abundant. One of the debris-flow deposits has been cor-
The turbidites are lithologically quite variable, related with the subaerial Roseau pyroclastic-
consisting of homogenous pumice and glass flow deposits on the island of Dominica (Carey
shards, angular crystals (mostly plagioclase, & Sigurdsson 1980). It was probably formed by
hypersthene, hornblende, minor augite and pyroclastic flows entering the sea along the W
Fe-Ti oxides), and lithics. Others contain well- coast of Dominica, although temporary staging
rounded crystals, lithics, and reworked biogenic of pyroclastic material in shallow water fol-
debris. The former are likely to be associated lowed by remobilization cannot be ruled out. In
with a single eruption and the latter with ero- some cores, turbidites containing material of
sion of pre-existing pyroclastic deposits or lava Roseau composition overlie the debris-flow
flows. deposits and are probably associated with the
Typically the pyroclastic and epiclastic post-eruptive erosion of the subaerial pyroclas-
debris-flow deposits have a chaotic appearance, tic flows by the Roseau river.
with pumices up to 6.5 cm in diameter set in a The stratigraphy of the Grenada Basin cores
fine matrix consisting of crystals, lithics, glass indicates that hemipelagic deposition has been
shards, biogenic fragments and clay. Locally the interrupted periodically by the sudden influx of
turbidites are closely associated with debris- pyroclastic and epiclastic debris transported by
flow deposits. In core EN20-44 (Figs 10 and a variety of sediment gravity flows. The pyro-
13) a debris-flow deposit, with pebble-sized clastic material has, for the most part, been
pumices and clay clasts at its base, is directly derived from subaerial eruptions on the islands
overlain by a homogenous E Bouma division. of Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St
This may be an example of turbidite generation Lucia, and St Vincent. Epiclastic deposits are
A model of volcanogenic sedimentation 51

41 45 24 2.~ 42 43 4z 27"27cont.29" 50 50cont

O- 7-) P/T77
- - b m

B/ / x E / T ~=:

f ;
E/T p/T / / St/T~'-"

B I T ===
i IE/T
I IE/]
X ¢ /
I00- ,, ,' / !
' P/r~:= " ' E/T
E/T ",--, i x E/T
/ E / T ~=
xZ E/T =
200- El T~ ~
7-z~ D y~ ~ p / T ===

BIT z:::z: 2-7 /DB Z

PZDB ¢ j yF
300- AF ~,=z / / P/DB/ / yT~
B/T. /DB/ / / /
/ / P/DE
EXT.. i t ~ I j P/T 7 " SV
p/- Z::z:
AF-~ //
400- p/- 7-7 2980 2985 /
/ I
p/T z =z~ / P/T "-'- SV


500- B /

G F ~:z~ P/DB


600- 3005 B I T -'r"


1090m 2980 2795

FIG. 13. Stratigraphy of piston cores from the southern part of the Grenada Basin. Number at base
of each core refers to water depth (m) at core site. *GS7605 cores.

commonly mixtures of material from more than study the growth of the volcaniclastic apron and
one island source, indicating a complex to compare it to submarine fan complexes.
sedimentological history. Even in this case the number of cores available
With the exception of some of the pelagic and for study relative to the size of the basin is
hemipelagic deposits in the northern cores, admittedly small.
most of the sediments in the deeper part of the Recent models of submarine fan complexes
Grenada Basin belong to a volcaniclastic apron subdivide the depositional system into a series
facies as defined by Karig & Moore (1975). of sub-environments (Normark 1974, 1978;
These authors suggested that the volcaniclastic Walker 1978). Three major subdivisions have
apron facies may be similar to a submarine fan been recognized, based on detailed bathymetric
complex but that 'depositional processes on the surveying of modern deep-sea fans. These are
apron are not well known and may be different an upper fan characterized by a single, deep,
from those operating on other submarine fans'. leveed channel which is usually connected to a
Klein (1975a,b) compared the facies sequence landward submarine canyon system, a middle
of DSDP site 286 in the Hebrides Basin with fan constructed by the coalescence of migrating
ancient submarine fan deposits (Mutti & suprafan lobe deposits, and a smooth lower fan
Ricci-Lucchi 1972) and modern submarine fan which laterally grades into a basin plain. From
sub-environments (Normark 1970; Hein 1973). data of both modern and ancient fans, Walker
However, as already stated, the DSDP sites are (1978) incorporated five facies of deep-water
not particularly useful for evaluating laterally clastic rocks into a model of submarine fan
and vertically complex depositional systems. In deposition (Fig. 14). Coarse grained debris-
contrast the large number of cores from the flows and disorganized-bed conglomerates are
Grenada Basin provides a good opportunity to restricted to the upper fan within the main
52 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson
~I Debris D-B Slumps

( ...... _.J ~ ...... I

SLOPE BASlN-----------~,~~-" Thin BeddedTurbidites
UPPER ~ on Levee
CONGLOMERATES: i-.-.z;k . - " " .- E_R . . . . . .

Inverse-to-NormallyGraded~R_'$~.-''" ..-'
I~:.":.~~ .-"Terra(
,errace~/_/ ~ Pebbly SSTS.
Graded Bedt;.-~:~ .--" .-'j .......... ~ ~'
Graded-Stratified I~"'!} .-'~.-" /
~ii; f " ]'~:"/ ?/ ~ ~Massive

New Suprafan Lobe

Thin Bedded
No Relative Scale Implied
FIG. 14. Model of submarine-fan deposition, relating facies, fan morphology, and depositional
environment, from Walker (1978). D-B indicates disorganized-bed conglomerates.

feeder channel. Downslope within the main debris-flow deposit is found in cores farthest
channel these deposits are progressively from the source island and some cores more
replaced by inverse-to-normal graded, graded, proximal to island sources contain thin-bedded
and graded stratified conglomerates. Outside turbidites interbedded with hemipelagic clay. A
the main channel, thin-bedded turbidites are comparison of Bouma sequences in turbidites
deposited on the leveed slopes. In the mid-fan from proximal (to arc) and distal cores also
area channellized massive and pebbly sand- shows no systematic trends. Furthermore, elec-
stones coalesce into lenticular bodies. In this tron microprobe analysis of volcanic glass,
area migration of braided channels tends to shows that volcanogenic sediment from differ-
erode any finer material although finer grained ent islands is intercalated in many areas (Fig.
turbidites may be deposited within the chan- 15).
nels. The lower fan area is characterized by Based on these observations, it is proposed
hemipelagic and pelagic sediments interbedded that the Grenada Basin volcaniclastic apron is
with the 'classical' turbidites. not analogous to a simple or compound sub-
These proximal to distal facies transitions are marine fan depositional system. It is also infer-
diagnostic features of submarine fan deposition. red that this is likely to be the case for other
The volcaniclastic deposits in the Grenada marginal basin volcaniclastic aprons. Unlike
Basin were examined to see whether such a the .single source, radially distributed sub-
model is applicable to the marginal basin vol- marine fan, the volcaniclastic apron is better
caniclastic apron. Although only thin sequences interpreted as an elongate coalescence of mul-
can be compared, there does not appear to be tiple volcaniclastic depositional systems which
any systematic relationship between facies type show few systematic facies transitions of gravity
and location in the basin (Figs 10-13). For flow deposits. The fundamental difference be-
example, the thickest and coarsest grained tween the fan and apron systems is the nature
A model o f volcanogenic sedimentation 53
N ÷E


[~ S T . LUCIA


0! 5O
% km


14" ;IA


63"W 62* 61" 60*

FIG. 15. Correlation of volcanogenic sediment gravity flows in the Grenada Basin based on electron
microprobe analyses of glass shards.

and delivery of sediment to deep water in each the Grenada Basin, and the tectonic model of
case. Deep-sea fans usually develop from a marginal basin evolution can be used to arrive
single submarine canyon, through which sedi- at an integrated volcanogenic sedimentation
ment from a continental shelf or subaerial flu- model for back-arc areas of oceanic island arcs.
vial source is passed. In contrast, the apron The model is deliberately simplistic so as not to
receives sediment from multiple sources; vol- limit its applicability to more complex situa-
canic islands arranged along a curvilinear trend. tions. Details of specific processes such as sedi-
More importantly, sediment is not necessarily ment production and transport have already
supplied to the apron via well-defined sub- been discussed and will not be elaborated in the
marine canyons. Unlike most deep-sea fans the model summary. Many of the conclusions are
apron is subject to massive influxes of sediment similar to those of Karig & Moore (1975) and
derived from island-arc volcanism. This sedi- also to some aspects of Klein (1975a, 1977),
ment will be delivered to deep water at posi- but the model concentrates more on the nature
tions which are more strongly governed by the and growth of the volcaniclastic apron.
location of the eruption and its associated ash-
fall, pyroclastic flows and lahars. Because arc Stage 1: Initial rifting and development of
volcanism results in both more random sedi- inter-arc basin
ment dispersal and commonly enormous During the early stages of marginal basin
influxes of volcaniclastics, it is not surprising development, rifting of an island arc along a
that systematic facies transitions are rare. Cas et zone of weakness and subsequent back-arc
al. (1981) have arrived at a similar interpreta- spreading creates a narrow trough with steep,
tion for the lower Devonian Kowmung vol- fault-scarped margins.
caniclastics of the northern Lachan fold belt, The steep, unstable margins are conducive to
New South Wales, where deposits were derived the generation of mass-gravity flows (slumps,
from multiple sources and no remnant canyon slides, debris flows and turbidity currents)
or channels have yet been discovered. which inundate most of the basin floor (Fig.
16). These mass flows incorporate both epiclas-
tic and pyroclastic debris although if this period
Volcanogenic sedimentation model
corresponds to a lull in volcanic activity along
A combination of the DSDP results from the the arc (Scott & Kroenke 1981), then the
Western Pacific, the stratigraphy of cores from deposits will be dominantly epiclastic. Large
54 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson

c. 1,%

i...-r- L ,¢4.,0i ~.,

STAGE 3 ~%




T! "[

FIG. 16. Distribution of volcanogenic sediments in an evolving marginal basin. Stage 1. Early rifting
and high influx of volcaniclastics. Stage 2. Basin widening by back-arc spreading, and active island-arc
volcanism. Thick volcaniclastic apron developed at base of active-arc flank. Stage 3. Basin maturity,
waning of arc volcanism allows a transgression of pelagic deposition over volcaniclastic apron. Stage
4. Basin inactivity, back-arc spreading ceases and splitting of volcanic arc initiates a new cycle of
basin formation.

tectonic displacements during this stage can If basin spreading results in physical barriers
expose deep-seated parts of the original arc in to clastic sediment dispersal, then a pelagic
the vicinity of the remnant arc, as shown by facies will be deposited, especially on the basin
D S D P site 453 (Fig. 9). Hydrothermally side near the remnant arc. A low intensity of arc
derived volcanogenic sediments may be de- volcanism at this time would also allow the
posited in association with the clastic deposits pelagic facies to extend near to the base of the
about back-arc spreading centres and on nearby volcanic arc. Because basin subsidence at this
flanks. Elsewhere the rapid influx of sediment at stage is slight, deposition of the pelagic facies
this stage is not likely to favour the production will be above the C C D and may therefore be
of Fe- and Mn-rich sediments. calcareous. Dispersed volcanic ash, clays
A model o f voIcanogenic sedimentation 55

derived from the weathering of volcanic rocks, growth rate of the volcaniclastic apron appears
and aeolian dust will be the other major com- to be positively correlated with the variation in
ponents of the pelagic facies. subduction rate along the Mariana arc.
Various patterns can also be envisaged if the
role of back-arc spreading is taken into account.
State 2: Back-arc spreading and island-arc
Cessation of basin spreading during a period of
volcanism continuous arc volcanism would allow the
Continued back-arc spreading results in basin
apron to prograde towards the basin interior
widening, subsidence, and cooling as the newly
and replace pelagic deposition, whereas if
formed crust moves away from the ridge axis.
spreading was faster than the propagation of
The steep basin margins are modified to
the apron then increasing areas of the basin
smoother topography by the deposition of would receive pelagic deposits. The dominant
mass-flow deposits. At this point an increase in
pelagic deposition during this stage will be,
arc volcanism leads to the development of a
depending on the depth of the CCD and pro-
volcaniclastic apron at the base of the arc (Fig.
ductivity of the local water, calcareous or silice-
16). This apron includes three important com-
ous ooze or brown clay with abundant dispersed
volcanic ash. As in stage 1, hydrothermally
(i) primary volcaniclastic influx from sub- derived sediments will be produced at the
aerial and/or subaqueous arc eruptions; back-arc spreading centre and incorporated
(ii) an epiclastic influx from erosion of the into the base of the sedimentary sequence as
subaerial and/or subaqueous arc complex; the crust migrates away from the central axial
and high.
(iii) a continuous accumulation of pelagic
biogenic and aeolian debris. Stage 3: Basin maturity
The continuous deposition of pelagic compo- In later stages of basin development back-arc
nents and the intermittent deposition of epiclas- spreading begins to draw to a close (Fig. 16).
tic debris is periodically interrupted by massive The cessation may be due to the migration of
influxes of volcaniclastics from subaerial and/or the spreading centre away from the region of
subaqueous eruptions. Transport of volcaniclas- tensional stress induced by the subduction pro-
tics will be by debris flows, grain flows, turbidity cess (Bibee et al. 1980). Whatever the cause,
currents and passive settling through the water the next step in the tectonic development will
column (ash-fall) (Figs 5 and 6). These different be displacement of the rift to a position closer
sedimentation processes result in a complex to the volcanic arc, or splitting of the arc itself
array of superimposed facies with few systema- to initiate another cycle of basin formation, or
tic proximal-to-distal transitions such as those inactivity. On cessation of basin spreading, vol-
observed in submarine fans. Influx from mul- canism in the arc may either continue or begin
tiple sources arranged in a curvilinear trend to wane. If it continues, then volcaniclastic
(island arc) produces a volcaniclastic apron deposition may prograde into the basin. If vol-
which is elongate parallel to the trend of the arc canism wanes, as seems to be indicated by many
and wedge-shaped in profile. In some cases, of the DSDP sites in the Western Pacific, then
palaeocurrent evidence in apron deposits indi- pelagic sedimentation will prevail. At this point
cates transport parallel to the volcanic arc. the pelagic deposits will become ash-poor and
The combination of the three different com- are likely to be brown clays as a result of subsi-
ponents results in an overall high sedimentation dence below the CCD.
rate for the apron complex. In the Grenada
Basin this is roughly 0.2 km Ma -1 which com- Stage 4: Old age
pares to 0.1-0.3 km Ma -1, reported by Karig & After a new cycle of basin formation is initi-
Moore (1975). Because the most rapidly ated the older basin becomes inactive (Fig. 16).
accumulating component is directly linked to Influx of epiclastic debris from the splitting of
eruptions, the growth of the apron reflects the the volcanic arc may occur, but for the most
tempo of island-arc volcanism. Increased arc part pelagic sedimentation will now be the
volcanism will lead to a progradation of the dominant process. Dispersed ash from the arc
apron into areas previously dominated by at the leading edge of the new basin may be
pelagic sedimentation and decreased activity transported to the inactive basin but the abun-
will be marked by the interfingering and even- dance of this material should decrease as the
tual replacement of the apron facies by pelagic inactive basin is moved progressively further
sedimentation alone. For the Mariana Trough, away from the source by back-arc spreading in
Sample & Karig (1982) have shown that the the new basin.
56 S. Carey & H. Sigurdsson
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This paper benefited greatly Society and the conveners of the Marginal Basin Con-
from discussions with and reviews by Dick Fisher and ference for providing financial assistance for travel to
Malcolm Howells. One of the authors (S.C.) would England. This work was supported by NSF grants
also like to express appreciation to the Geological OCE-75-21197 and OCE-77-25789.

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from Dominica, Lesser Antilles. J. Volcan. geoth. and ancient submarine fans: models for explora-
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STEVEN CAREY • HARALDUR SIGURDSSON, Graduate School of Oceanography,

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, U.S.A.
Geochemical characteristics of basaltic volcanism within
back-arc basins

A. D. Saunders & J. Tarney

SUMMARY: Back-arc basins are formed by extensional processes similar to those

occurring at mid-ocean ridges. However, whereas the magmas erupted along the major
ocean ridges are predominantly LIL element-, Ta- and Nb-depleted N-type MORB, many
back-arc basins are floored by basalts transitional between N-type MORB and island arc or
even calc-alkaline basalts (viz. enrichment of LIL elements (K, Rb, Ba, Th) relative to
HFS elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti)). On a broad scale, it is possible to relate basalt
composition, tectonic setting of the basin, and maturity of the adjacent subduction zone.
Thus, the Parece Vela Basin, formed during the earliest stages of the Mariana subduction
system, is floored by basalts indistinguishable from N-type MORB, whereas the later
Mariana Trough is erupting N-type MORB and basalts with calc-alkaline characteristics,
commonly in close spatial proximity. The calc-alkaline component is best developed in
narrow, ensialic basins such as Bransfield Strait, where the extension is adjacent to
mature, continent-based magmatic arcs. This range of compositions, from N-type MORB
to calc-alkaline basalt, can be satisfactorily explained only by invoking chemical variations
in the composition of the mantle material supplying the back-arc basin crust. Two major
processes may be suggested: (i) selective contamination of the mantle wedge by
LIL-enriched hydrous fluids, perhaps together with sediments, derived from the
descending, dehydrating oceanic lithosphere; and (ii) repeated melt (and incompatible
element) extraction during basalt genesis. The former process will enrich the mantle
source of back-arc basalts with LIL elements; the latter will deplete the source in all
incompatible elements, but the net effect of both processes is to increase the LIL/HFS
element ratio of the source regions. Consequently, as the subduction zone matures, the
LIL/HFS element ratio of successive back-arc basalts will be expected to increase, from
initial N-type MORB 'background' values, to ratios more typical of island-arc basalts. The
model has implications for mantle dynamics in back-arc regions, because transfer of
material from the subducted slab may destabilize the overlying mantle, potentially leading
to diapiric uprise when tectonic conditions permit extension.

There now exists a considerable amount of Back-arc basins: a working definition

geochemical and geophysical data with which it
Marginal basins are loosely defined as 'semi-
is possible to review the character and pet-
isolated basins or series of basins lying behind
rogenesis of basalts erupted within back-arc
the volcanic chains of island-arc systems' (Karig
basins. The processes of basin formation, par-
1971). Back-arc basins represent but one major
ticularly crustal accretion, may not differ
category of marginal basins. Almost thirty mar-
greatly from those occurring in the major ocean
ginal basins have now been recognized (Weissel
basins, but the intimate association between
1981), the majority occurring in the Western
back-arc basins and contemporaneous island
Pacific, and it is convenient to group them into
arcs implies that subducted components may be
four main types:
involved in the genesis of back-arc basalts. In
addition to influencing the chemistry of back- (i) Those formed by back-arc extension
arc basalts, slab-derived material may also play (back-arc basins sensuo stricto).
an important role in the thermal and dynamic (ii) Those formed by predominantly
evolution of the underlying mantle, e.g. in the transform-style tectonics at zones of obli-
initiation of buoyant mantle diapirs. This paper que plate convergence (e.g. the Gulf of
reviews the geochemistry of back-arc basalts, California).
considers various processes which could (iii) Those formed by sea-floor spreading unre-
account for the observed characteristics, and lated to specific zones of plate con-
discusses their influence on mantle evolution vergence (e.g. the Woodlark Basin).
and dynamics in arc-back-arc regions. (iv) Those formed by entrapment of older

60 A . D. S a u n d e r s & J. T a r n e y

oceanic lithosphere (e.g. the Aleutian Volcanism in back-arc basins

Active back-arc basins have high heat flow, and
Extensional back-arc basins are formed by the patterns of sediment distribution and magnetic
accretion of new oceanic crust between diverg- lineations consistent with an extensional origin
ing 'active' and 'remnant' island-arc fragments (Karig 1970, 1971). It is reasonable to assume
(Karig 1970, 1971), and post-date the age of therefore that the uppermost crustal structure
the associated subduction zone. In most exam- in back-arc basins is formed by mechanisms
ples of back-arc extension, the associated island broadly similar to those occurring in the major
arc is built on oceanic crust, in which case the ocean basins, i.e. mantle fusion beneath an axial
basin is said to be intra-oceanic or ensimatic spreading centre, creation of sub-ridge magma
(Table 1). In at least two examples (the South reservoirs, dyke injection, and eruption of
Sandwich Islands and the Mariana Islands), the basaltic pillow and sheet lavas. However, few
active arc apparently sits on crust formed dur- back-arc basins have such well-defined magne-
ing the latest period of back-arc extension tic anomaly patterns as normal ocean basins. It
(Barker 1972; Hussong et al. 1981). Rarely, the has been suggested that this reflects a lack of
volcanic arc may be rooted on a sliver of conti- coherent spreading, with the possibility of
nental crust separated from the continental numerous small spreading axes scattered over a
margin by an ensialic back-arc basin. Such diffuse zone in the centre of the basin (Karig
basins may be floored by attenuated continental 1970, 1971; Lawver et al. 1976; Lawver &
crust, particularly during the earliest stages of Hawkins 1978). The diffuse-spreading model is
formation (e.g. the proto-Gulf of California: particularly attractive for regions such as the
Karig & Jensky 1972), but in this account we Lau Basin (Lawver et al. 1976), although Weis-
are concerned with ensialic basins floored by sel (1977) proposed a more organized, normal
mafic (essentially oceanic) crust (e.g. Bransfield plate-like evolution, maintaining that the
Strait). observed magnetic patterns have been compli-
Back-arc extension is commonly episodic, cated by spreading-centre jumps. Conversely,
with successive arc-basin pairs being accreted some back-arc basins, such as that in the E
on to the plate margin to form festoons of active Scotia Sea behind the South Sandwich volcanic
and remnant arcs separated by active or inac- arc, have well-developed lineations and a
tive back-arc basins. Most back-arc basins are dearly defined spreading axis (Barker 1972;
relatively short-lived, rarely remaining active Barker & Hill 1981).
for longer than 15 Ma, because of the effects of Poorly defined magnetic signatures may also
'roll-back' at the adjacent subduction zone result from the low geomagnetic latitude of
(Molnar & Atwater 1978). 'Roll-back' or equatorial marginal basins, the irregular base-
'trench-suction' effectively causes the active arc ment topography of many back-arc basins, and
to migrate trenchwards, with the result that the the thick sedimentary carapace covering early-
axis of back-arc spreading becomes increasingly formed basin crust. The latter will be particu-
remote from the subduction zone and, by infer- larly important if high sedimentation rates
ence, from the locus of mantle diapirism and the occur at the spreading axis, when Layer 2 may
main heat source. This is consistent with the ob- be emplaced as sills rather than as flows. This is
served thermal and topographic data, which de- demonstrably the case in the central Gulf of
monstrate that basin heat flow and basement California, where sedimentation rates exceed
elevation gradually diminish with age (Wata- 1000 m Ma -1, and where sills predominate
nabe et al. 1977). In addition, remnant-arc frag- over flows (Saunders et al. 1982a). Such high
ments subside to form submarine ridges (e.g. rates are more likely to occur during the initial
Kyushu '--Palau Ridge). stages of back-arc rifting, when juvenile basins
All back-arc basins for which reasonably will be subjected to sediment influx from the
comprehensive geochemical data are currently immediately adjacent arc or continental mar-
available are listed in Table 1. The Gulf of gin.
California is included because it superficially The available data imply that the structure of
resembles most 'conventional' back-arc basins, back-arc basin crust is broadly similar to that of
even though its extension has resulted from oceanic crust, and that either can be rep-
transform-style tectonics (Larson 1972; Moore resented by ophiolite complexes (Hawkins
& Burlington 1968), and it is probably not pre- 1977). It is interesting to note that one of
sently underlain by a subducted slab (Dickinson the few truly autochthonous ophiolites, the
& Snyder 1979). Mesozoic 'rocas verdes' mafic complex of
TABLE 1. Selected characteristics o f representative back-arc basins

(E: early; L: late; Contemporaneous Spreading half Predominant ~z
Basin M: middle) island arc rate (mm yr- 1) basalt geochemistry References
Mariana Trough L. Mioc-Rec Mariana Is. 16-22 N-type MORB + LIL-enriched 1-5
(island-arc) basalts
Lau Basin L. Mioc-Rec Tonga Is. - 38 N-type MORB + LIL-enriched 1, 6-8
(island-arc) basalts
Shikoku Basin L. Olig-E. Mioc Iwo-Jima Ridge ~ 20-30 1,9-11
Parece Vela Basin L. Olig-E. Mioc W Mariana Ridge ~20-30 ) N-type MORB
1, 10, 12
E Scotia Sea M. Plio-Rec S Sandwich Is. 25-35 N-type MORB + LIL-enriched 13-15
(island-arc) basalts
Bransfield Strait L. Plio-Rec. [S Shetland Is.] ~22 Transitional N-type 16-18
MORB/calc-alkaline basalts ¢5
Rocas Verdes L. Jur-E. Cret [Patagonian Batholith] ~, N-type MORB and 19, 20
Gulf of California M. Plio-Rec [Baja Peninsula] 3-0 ~ LIL-enriched basalts 21, 22

References: 1: Weissel (1981); 2: Hussong & Uyeda (1981); 3: Hart et al. (1972); 4: Fryer et al. (1981); 5: Wood et al. (1981); 6: Gill (1976); 7:
Hawkins (1976); 8: Weissel (1977); 9: Watts & Weissel (1975); 10: Mrozowski & Hayes (1979); 11: Marsh et al. (1980); 12: Mattey et al. (1980);
13: Barker (1972); 14: Barker & Hill (1981); 15: Saunders & Tarney (1979); 16: Barker & Griffiths (1972); 17: Roach (1978); 18: Weaver et al. (1979);
19: Dalziel et al. (1974) and Dalziel (1981); 20: Saunders et al. (1979); 21: Larson (1972); 22: Saunders et al. (1982a, 1982c).
Island arcs listed in square brackets may not have been extant during marginal basin formation.
62 A . D . S a u n d e r s & J. T a r n e y

southern Chile, is a fossil marginal basin, and 100

preserves the normal gabbro-sheeted dyke-pil-
low lava sequence (Dalziel et al. 1974; Dalziel
Altered MORB g
1981). It is the disputed origin of many ophiol- so l'Continental Crust'
ites, as ocean crust of back-arc crust, that has in ~0
part prompted detailed geochemical studies of 3~
the possible diagnostic characters of basalts
from the two environments (e.g. Pearce 1975; 20 Altered basalt
Pearce et al. 1981; Saunders et al. 1980b; (DSDP Leg 51/53)
Pearce et al., this volume).

rn Post - Archaean
¢r" / crust
Geochemistry of back-arc basin basalts ° s
General considerations >,,
Most samples of igneous rocks recovered
from the floors of back-arc basins are basaltic in ¢2 Altered
composition, usually olivine- (more rarely / Basalt
nepheline- or quartz-normative tholeiites, and
are virtually indistinguishable from ocean ridge 1

tholeiites on the basis of their mineralogy and

major-element chemistry (e.g. Hart et al. 1972;
Hawkins 1976, 1977; Saunders & Tarney
1979; Wood et al. 1980, 1981; Mattey et al.
1980; Marsh et al. 1980). More evolved rocks

V v \
do occur in ensialic basins, either plagiogranites
as in the 'rocas verdes ~ marginal basin ophiol-
ite (Saunders et al. 1979), or subaerially
exposed basalt to rhyodacite lavas of calc- 02t LIL HFS,
alkaline affinity as on axial islands in Bransfield 0.1 t I I I I 1 t i I t I I I I I I I I I i
Rb Bu K Th Sr La Ce Nb Ta Nd P Hf Z r Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr
Strait (Weaver et al. 1979), but they have not
been recovered from ensimatic basins. Trace FIG. 1. Selected altered ocean ridge basalts
element and isotopic data may, however, be and post-Archaean crustal average, nor-
used to characterize the mantle source regions malized against fresh N-type ocean ridge
of back-arc basalts. basalt (see Appendix 1). DSDP Leg 51/53:
highly altered basalt (LOI ~ 5.8%) from
Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean crust (sample
Analytical requirements and data selection 417A-27-1, 118-120cm) (Joron et al.
1979); Leg 45: slightly altered basalt
Multi-element diagrams are increasingly used (LOI ~ 1.9%) from upper Miocene Atlan-
to highlight geochemical variations between tic Ocean crust (sample 395A-37-1,
igneous rocks from different regions. However, 136-141cm) (Bougault et al. 1978).
these diagrams require a comprehensive selec- Post-Archaean crustal average values from
tion of precise trace-element determinations to Taylor (1964), with Nb and Ta values
be made on the same sample, a requirement taken from average granodioritic composi-
tions (unpublished data). The dashed line
only rarely met by existing data in published
represents normalized N-type MORB.
studies. In the pattern described in the follow-
ing account there are, unfortunately, some
omissions of certain critical elements. Two ele-
Seawater alteration of basalt
ments, Th and Ta, are of particular importance,
Th because it is one of the few large ion The degree to which LIL element enrichment
lithophile (LIL) elements (Fig. 1) which is rela- is due to secondary alteration or primary mag-
tively immobile during alteration of basalt by matic processes is of considerable significance
seawater, and Ta because it can be analysed to to the study of back-arc and ocean ridge basalts,
very low levels while retaining high precision because the main differences in chemistry are
(unlike Nb). Both Th and Ta can be determined based on relative abundances of LIL elements.
with high precision by neutron activation It has long been recognized that low-
analysis. temperature interaction between seawater and
Basaltic volcanism within back-arc basins 63

basalt causes enrichment of K, Rb, Sr, 87Sr, U It can be shown that, at least on a general scale,
and Cs (Hart et al. 1974; Mitchell & Aumento the degree of LIL-enrichment in back-arc
1977) and, under extreme conditions, even the basalts is dependent on the maturity of the ad-
light rare earth elements (LREE) (Ludden & j acent subduction zone, rather than simply on the
Thompson 1979; Terrell et al. 1979). Most evolutionary state of the basin and contem-
basalts recovered by drilling have, because of poraneous arc. To illustrate such features, it is
their exposure to porewaters, undergone some convenient to make direct geochemical com-
degree of alteration. Higher grades of hyd- parisons with mid-ocean ridge tholeiites.
rothermal alteration (greenschist to amphibo- The predominant basalt type erupted along
lite grade metamorphism) may lead to leaching the ocean ridge system has been termed a 'nor-
of some of these elements (Saunders et al. mal' or N-type MORB (Sun et al. 1979), and
1979; Stern & Elthon 1979). contains very low abundancies of the highly
To demonstrate the effects of low-grade incompatible elements Rb, Ba, K, Th, La, Ce,
alteration, data for two basalts, one slightly Nb and Ta (Kay et al. 1970; Hart 1971; Tarney
altered and the other more severely altered, are et al. 1980). It is generally accepted that the low
plotted in Fig. 1. In this diagram, the data have abundances of these elements, relative to other,
been normalized against a representative mid- less-incompatible species (e.g. Zr, Hf, heavy
ocean ridge tholeiite (N-type MORB: see rare earth elements (HREE)) implies deriva-
below), thus facilitating direct comparison be- tion of parental magmas from a source which
tween altered and fresh basalt. The following has undergone previous episodes of melt
observations may be made: (i) K and Rb are extraction. In addition, low 87Sr/86Sr
strongly enriched in both samples (no data are (0.7025-0.7028) and high 143Nd/144Nd
available for Ba) and Sr less so (although this is (0.5131-0.5133) ratios suggest that this extrac-
a function of the absolute primary abundance of tion began early in Earth history (Gast 1968;
Sr); (ii) the high field strength (HFS) elements O'Nions et al. 1977).
(Nb to Yb on Fig. 1) are essentially immobile Trace-element data for a representative
(cf. Pearce & Cann 1973); and (iii) Th is also N-type MORB are compiled in Appendix 1.
apparently immobile. Indeed, Th abundances in These data are not intended to be typical of all
the altered basalts are less than in the normaliz- N-type MORB, but do serve to compare with
ing basalt. This is not unexpected as many fresh data from back-arc basalts. This has been done
basalts from the East Pacific Rise and Mid- by normalizing back-arc basalt analyses to
Atlantic Ridge have much lower Th contents N-type MORB (Figs. 2, 4-6). The form of the
(< 0.1 ppm: see below) than average MORB. normalized data curves is of particular interest,
It is clear (Fig. 1) that the use of the LIL rather than merely the absolute abundance
elements K, Rb, Sr and possibly Ba in evaluat- levels.
ing primary magmatic LIL element distribution Data for a basalt from the Parece Vela Basin,
is open to uncertainty when studying even an inactive back-arc basin to the W of the
slightly altered submarine basalts, particularly Mariana Trough system, are plotted on Fig. 2a.
deeper drilled samples. This uncertainty is The slight deviation from the N-type MORB
compounded in meta-igneous suites affected by pattern probably results from secondary altera-
higher grade alteration and metamorphism. tion; fresh basaltic glass recovered from the
Nonetheless, we consider that Th is less mobile, basin floor retains the low K20 levels typical of
at least during low-grade alteration. N-type MORB, whereas crystalline interiors of
basalt fragments have higher K20 levels (Mat-
Trace element and isotope chemistry of back-arc tey et al. 1980). Note also the low abundance of
basin basalts: a broad perspective Th in this sample. The Parece Vela Basin, and
its northerly continuation, the Shikoku Basin,
In this section the evidence which demons- were active during mid-Oligocene to early
trates that many back-arc basin basalts have a Miocene time, separating the contemporary
chemistry transitional between ocean ridge island arc, the West Mariana Ridge, from the
tholeiites and island-arc basalts (cf. Gill 1976; remnant arc, the Palau-Kyushu Ridge, by as
Saunders & Tarney 1979) is considered. The much as 1000 km (Karig 1971; Mrozowski &
extent to which island-arc magma characteris- Hayes 1979). It could be suggested that the
tics (in particular the enrichment in LIL ele- absence of LIL-enriched magmas may be a
ments relative to HFS elements) are developed function of the width or maturity of the basin.
in back-arc basalts is variable, even within indi- However, it should be noted that the analysed
vidual basins; both LIL-enriched and LIL- samples were recovered by drilling from crust
depleted varieties can occur in close proximity. formed when the basin was only about 250 km
64 A. D. Saunders & 2. Tarney

A.Inactiveback-arc/remnant arc B. MarianaTrough



10 10

. . . . . .
1 - - . . . . .

~x ~<. ,x/x''x / --
o~- \ /'×..x / -

o2 Ridge
0 3 - -


~" L t i i i l t i L i I I i L I I i i i
Rb Be K Th Sr Lo Ce NbTa Nd P Hf Zr Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr Rb Be K Th Sr La Ce Nb To Nd P Hf Zr Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr


C. Mariana Arc

~o W.MarianaRidge

lo Mariana Arc

~.~z W.Marian~~(mv15201^

E Ridge


0.1 ~" l 1 L I I I I I L I I l I i l I I I I
Rb Be K Th St La Ce NbTo Nd P Hf Zr Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr

FIG. 2. Normalized multi-element plots of basalts and basaltic andesites from the Mariana
arc-back-arc system. (a) Basalts from the Palau-Kyushu remnant arc (448A-36-4, 130-133 cm)
and Parece Vela Basin (451-45-1, 20-32 cm) (Wood et al. 1980); (b) basalts from the Mariana
Trough back-arc basin (454-1: 454A-5-4, 15-18 cm; 452-2: 454A-16-1, 111-114 cm; 456:
456A-13-1, 23-26 cm) (Wood et al. 1981); (c) basalts and basaltic andesites from the West Mariana
Ridge remnant arc (451-46-1, 24-30 cm) (Wood et al. 1980) and Mariana Arc (MV 1520) (Wood et
al. 1981).
Basaltic volcanism within back-arc basins 65

(Site 499) and 4 0 0 k m (Site 450) wide

(Kroenke et al. 1980). 1
Basalts with N-type MORB geochemistry r
have also been recovered from the narrower 2 Mariana Trough
Mariana Trough and Lau Basins (Gill 1976; 1

Hawkins 1976; Wood et al. 1981), but here 3

they are much less abundant than LIL element ~ E Scotia Sea
enriched varieties. Fresh basalts dredged from 1

the axial zone of the Mariana Trough have

higher contents of K, Rb, Ba and Sr, slightly
higher 875r/86S_r ratios (0.7028-0.7030), and 3 ~
o Mid-Atlantic Ridge
higher L a J S m n ratios than N-type MORB 2 :2
(Hart et al. 1972; Fryer et al. 1981); they appear
to be transitional towards island-arc tholeiites. 0"5 1'0 1-5

Tholeiitic basalts showing strong LIL element H20 (wt%) in glossy rims
enrichment similar to calc-alkaline basalts were
FIG. 3. Frequency histograms of H20 con-
recovered at DSDP Site 454 in the Mariana tents of abyssal basaltic glasses recovered
Trough (Fig. 2b). Some of this enrichment (par- from back-arc basins and mid-ocean ridges.
ticularly in Rb, K and Ba) is doubtless due to Data sources: Mariana Trough and Arc,
secondary alteration, but the high Th levels are Garcia et al. (1979); E Scotia Sea, Muenow
probably primary (Wood et al. 1981). Of par- et al. (1980); mid-ocean ridges and
ticular interest are basalts from Site 454 show- Hawaiian average, Delaney et al. (1978).
ing a range from N-type MORB to calc-alkaline
basalts (Fig. 2b), implying a close spatial and
temporal association of two distinct magma a range of compositions similar to basalts from
types. the Mariana Trough, which concurs with the sug-
Dredged basaltic glasses from the Mariana gestion that the present spreading episode is but
Trough are enriched in volatile species, particu- the latest of a series of basin openings which
larly H20 , relative to N-type MORB (Fig. 3), formed the central Scotia Sea (Barker 1972;
which is consistent with the high vesicularity of Barker & Hill 1981). Rapid sea-floor spreading
some Mariana Trough basalts (Garcia et al. in the E Scotia Sea began approximately 8 Ma
1979). ago, and favours accretion on the trenchward side
Trace-element data for lavas from the island (Barker 1972). The adjacent island arc, the South
arcs and remnant arcs of the Mariana system Sandwich Islands, is erupting magmas of the
indicate that the degree of LIL element island-arc tholeiite series and, like the Mariana
enrichment has increased in successive episodes Islands, appears to be resting on crust gener-
of arc magmatism over the last 35 Ma. The ear- ated during the present episode of back-arc
liest arc, preserved as the Palau-Kyushu Ridge, extension.
is composed of volcanic rocks belonging to the Two (D20 and D23) of four dredge hauls
island-arc tholeiite series (Mattey et al. 1980). from the spreading axis in the E Scotia Sea
The degree of LIL element enrichment is min- comprise sparsely vesicular basalts which are
imal (Fig. 2a), although the abundances of HFS chemically similar to N-type MORB (Fig. 4),
elements, particularly Nb and Ta, are signifi- although there is a slight tendency towards
cantly lower than in most N-type MORB. enrichment in LIL elements, including Th. The
Basalts and andesites from the later arcs, the greatest enrichment in LIL elements relative to
West Mariana Ridge and Mariana Arc, have HFS elements is observed in the basalts from
trace-element compositions typical of calc- dredges 22 and 24, which are also exceptionally
alkaline suites: strong LIL element enrichment vesicular. D24.14 (Fig. 4), for example, is an
and low Ta and Nb abundances (Fig. 2c; Dixon unaltered quartz-normative basalt depleted in
& Batiza 1979; Wood et al. 1981). Superficially HFS elements relative to N-type MORB, but
it would appear that as the subduction zone enriched in Rb, Ba, and K. This chemical simi-
matures, the magmas erupted in successive arcs larity to island arc basalts is further supported
and associated back-arc basins become in- by moderately high S7Sr/S6Sr ratios
creasingly LIL element enriched. (0.7031-0.7034 in dredge 24 basalts) and high
Available geochemical data for basalts from magmatic water contents (at least 2.04% in
the back-arc basin in the E Scotia Sea are con- D24.11: Fig. 3; Muenow et al. 1980). Basalts
sistent with this observation. Samples recovered from dredges 20 and 23 also have higher mag-
from the presently active spreading centre have matic water contents (Fig. 3) and 875r/86Sr
66 A . D. S a u n d e r s & J. Tarney

100 formation can commence. The Andaman Sea

developed at an obliquely convergent plate
East Scotia Sea margin, and it has been suggested that the Sea
of Japan resulted from the subduction of part of
the Kula Ridge (Uyeda & Miyashiro 1974).
In the case of Bransfield Strait, the onset of
collision of the Aluk Ridge with the northern
Antarctic Peninsula led to the cessation of
calc-alkaline magmatism ('arc switch-off') dur-
ing Tertiary times (Herron & Tucholke 1976;
10 Saunders et al. 1982b). At present, only a small
remnant of spreading axis is preserved in Drake
Passage, to the NW of the South Shetland
Islands. A pronounced slowing of spreading
rate at this centre between 6 and 4 Ma ago
73 appears to have been the cause of rifting and
Z extension behind the South Shetland Islands
(Barker & Griffiths 1972; Barker & Burrell
1977), perhaps because of an increase in the
roll-back vector of the subducted slab. Exten-
1 sion behind the South Shetland Islands began
less than 2 Ma ago, and has formed the 60 km
wide Bransfield Strait; volcanicity is recorded
0.5 on the axial Bridgeman and Deception Islands
0-4 (Weaver et al. 1979).
0.3 The tectonic and volcanic setting of the Gulf
of California is similar to that of Bransfield
0-2 Strait, except that convergence between the
Pacific and North American Plates is highly
LIL HFS oblique. The resulting separation of the Baja
I BI ' lh~
Rb a K T
' I I I I I I ' ' I TI ' l I '
r La Ce N b T a Nd P H f Z r Eu Ti b Y Yb Ni Cr
Peninsula from the continent of Mexico is
therefore dominated by transform-style fault-
FIG. 4. Normalized multi-element plot of
basalts from the E Scotia Sea back-arc ing, linking short spreading centres (Larson
basin. Dredge 20 (sample D20.35) and 1972). As with the northern Antarctic Penin-
dredge 24 (D24.14) data from Saunders & sula, however, encroachment of young Pacific
Tarney (1979) and unpublished data. crust appears to have caused arc switch-off
before the basin began to open (Dickinson &
isotope ratios (0.7028-0.7030) than N-type Snyder 1979). Ridge-trench collision occurred
MORB. approximately 28 Ma ago, with the resultant
It now remains to consider briefly the triple point migrating southwards along the
geochemistry of lavas erupted within back-arc plate boundary (Atwater & Molnar 1973). A
basins formed along continental margins. consequence of this boundary configuration is
Unlike the intra-oceanic basins of the Western that no subducted oceanic lithosphere has
Pacific, ensialic back-arc basins (floored by underlain the Baja region since 10-15 Ma ago,
mafic crust) are rare: only five examples are although the Gulf began to open only 5 Ma ago
known (Bransfield Strait, Sea of Japan, Anda- (Dickinson & Snyder 1979).
man Sea, Gulf of California and the Mesozoic Both Bransfield Strait and the Gulf of
'rocas verdes' basin of S Chile) and of these, the California occur within regions with a long his-
Gulf of California and the Andaman Sea pos- tory of calc-alkaline magmatism (far longer
sess tectonic characteristics atypical of back-arc than, for example, the Mariana or South Sand-
basins in general. The scarcity of ensialic basins wich systems), although the chemistry of their
may be due to the inherent difficulty of splitting eruptive products is quite different. Lavas from
the continental lithosphere, or simply because Deception Island, on the axis of Bransfield
the present motion vectors and configurations Strait, display a wide range of compositions,
of the major plates are not conducive to basin from basalt to rhyodacite, and belong to
formation (Molnar & Atwater 1978). Nonethe- the sub-alkaline series of Irvine & Barager
less, it would appear that 'unusual' tectonic (1971) (Weaver et al. 1979). The basalts lie
conditions must prevail before ensialic basin within or close to Kuno's (1966) high-alumina
Basaltic volcanism within back-arc basins 67

basalt (calc-alkaline) series, and do not show calc-alkaline magmas; the characteristic low Ta
strong iron-enrichment. Bridgeman Island lavas and Nb levels are also seen.
have a more restricted composition, being Samples recovered from the Gulf of Califor-
quartz-normative basalts and basaltic andesites. nia show a more restricted range of composi-
Absolute abundances of LIL elements are sig- tions; with the exception of a basalt-andesite
nificantly higher than in N-type MORB and sequence from Tortuga Island, a small sea-
indeed most ensimatic back-arc basalts (Fig. 5), mount in the central part of the Gulf, they are
and more closely resemble those recorded in mostly tholeiitic basalts. Basalts recovered from
equivalent rocks from calc-alkaline island arcs the mouth of the Gulf are typical of N-type
(e.g. West Mariana Ridge: Fig. 2c). Bransfield MORB erupted elsewhere along the East
Strait lavas also have very low abundances of Pacific Rise, showing strong LREE depletion
Nb (Fig. 5) and their affinities with island-arc and having very low abundances of Rb, K, Ba,
suites is further supported by their high Th, Nb and Ta (Fig. 6) (Lopez et al. 1978;
87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7035-0.7039: Weaver et al. Saunders et al. 1982a). Dolerites and basalts
1979). For comparison, two calc-alkaline from the Guaymas Basin, in the central part of
basalts from the South Shetlands and the east- the Gulf, also show mineralogy and major-ele-
ern Antarctic Peninsula are included in Fig. 5. ment chemistry typical of N-type MORB, but
Although not contemporaneous with the Brans- they are enriched in K, Rb, Ba, Sr, LREE and Th
field Strait activity, these samples demonstrate (Fig. 6) relative to basalts from the Gulf mouth
the strong LIL-enrichment found in continental region. Some of this enrichment, particularly in


Antarctic Peninsula
Bransfield 50

Strait 30
S.Shetland Islands

10 10



~~,X Is. 72


. jQii1 0"5


0-2 0'2


L I Ihl t ,LINI i H I f I I I TI i I I , 0.1
0.1 Rb Ba K T Sr La Ce NbTa d P Zr Eu Ti b Y Yb Ni Cr Rb Ba K Th Sr Lo Ce NbTa Nd P Hf Zr Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr

FIG. 5. Normalized multi-element plot of basalts from Bransfield Strait, South Shetland Islands, and
the Antarctic Peninsula. Deception Island (sample B.138.2) and Bridgeman Island (sample
P.640.1b) data from Weaver et al. (1979); South Shetland Islands (sample P.600.1b: Tertiary basalt,
Fildes Peninsula, King George Island) and Antarctic Peninsula (sample R.215.4: Mesozoic basaltic
andesite, Jason Peninsula, Graham Land) from unpublished data•
68 A . D. S a u n d e r s & J. T a r n e y

(Verma 1982), similar to N-type MORB,
although andesites from Tortuga Island have
higher ratios (up to 0.7036: Batiza et al. 1979);
,0 Gulf of California again, the calc-alkaline 'signature' in the central
Gulf basalts is much less obvious than it is for
30 Bransfield Strait. This would concur with the
absence of a subducted slab beneath the Gulf
region, and the suggestion that the area is now
underlain by Pacific Ocean-type mantle (Saun-
ders et al. 1982a).
Generalized comparisons of the chemistry of
basalts from different back-arc basins are con-
tentious because of the wide range of composi-
o s Guaymas Basin (Site A81) tions within even the same basin. Variation in
absolute abundances of incompatible elements,
rather than relative differences between LIL
and HFS element contents, may be due to vari-
ous degrees of fractional crystallization or par-
7 tial melting. To reduce this effect, selected
analyses of back-arc basalts (in general the most
1 . . . . . LIL-enriched examples from each basin) have


o.3 / GulfNouth (Sites483&485)

Z r - normalised data

0.1/[ [ ] I ] 71; I i , i ii I i i ~l , , 2O
Rb Ba K Th Sr La Ce NbTa Nd P Hf Zr Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr

1o B~Bransfie[d Strai-t
FIG. 6. Normalized multi-element plot of
basalts recovered during Legs 64 and 65 of
the Deep Sea Drilling Project from the J-E, East Scotia Sea
Gulf of California. Data sources: Site 483
(65-483-15-2, 1-6 cm) and Site 485 (65- ~5 I; \ .
485A-35-5, 70-72cm) from Saunders k 1'~ " ~ v l a r l a n a Trough

(1983); Site 481 (64-481-15-3, 27-29 cm)

from Saunders et al. (1982c). New Ba val-
ues for Site 483 (4 ppm) and 485 (14 ppm)
samples supercede previously published

Rb, K and Ba, is due to secondary processes, ~.~..~.~

but the high Sr abundances are considered to be
primary (Saunders et al. 1982a,c). This sugges- o-s~- / Veta Basin
tion is supported by the high Sr contents seen in
subaerially erupted lavas from Tortuga Island :::L k EPR 1
(Batiza et al. 1979).
The degree of LIL element enrichment in the
Guaymas Basin samples is much less than that
in basalts from Bransfield Strait, particularly if LIL HFS
the effects of fractionation are taken into 0.1 , i i i i i i i i i i I I i i i i i i i
account. Thus, the LIL/HFS element ratios of Rb Bo K Th Sr La Ce NbTa Nd P Hf Zr Eu Ti Tb Y Yb Ni Cr

Bransfield Strait lavas are much higher (com- FIG. 7. Zr-normalized multi-element plots
pare Figs 5 and 6). 87Sr/868r ratios of Guaymas of back-arc basalts from various basins,
Basin samples range from 0.7024 to 0.7028 taken from Figs 1, 2, 4-6.
Basaltic volcanism within back-arc basins 69

been normalized to give constant Zr levels (Fig. of island-arc and continental margin calc-
7). Although only a crude approximation, this alkaline magmas (i.e. LIL enrichment and HFS
technique does circumvent the effects of low- depletion relative to N-type MORB) is still dis-
pressure fractionation. Three observations can puted. It is apparently not possible to derive
be drawn from Fig. 7: island-arc tholeiites or talc-alkaline basalts
(i) The back-arc basalts with the highest from mantle with trace-element and isotopic
LIL/HFS element ratios are found in nar- properties similar to the source of N-type
row basins associated with mature subduc- MORB. Although high-level fractional crystal-
tion zone systems. lization and low-pressure partial melting may
(ii) Wider basins associated with youthful produce variations in the absolute abundances
subduction zone systems (e.g. Parece Vela of trace elements, such processes cannot
Basin) erupt basalts with low LIL/HFS increase LIL/HFS element ratios to the extent
element ratios. observed, particularly at the high degrees of
(iii) The degree of LIL element enrichment in partial melting thought necessary to form
narrow ensialic basins such as the central tholeiitic melts ( - 10-15%: Green 1971). The
Gulf of California is less pronounced, problem is amplified by the elevated 87Sr/86Sr
perhaps because of the absence of sub- ratios seen in most subduction zone-related
ducted slab. magmas, and the displacement to higher
875q86Sr values from the 6Sr--gNdmantle array
The significance of these differences, in relation (e.g. Hawkesworth et al. 1979).
to the petrogenesis of back-arc basalts, is consi- Rather, it appears necessary to invoke
dered below. enrichment or metasomatism of the mantle
source of island-arc basalts with a LIL element
enriched fluid phase, probably originating from
LIL element enrichment: the role of the the dehydrating subducted oceanic crust.
subducted slab Dehydration, rather than melting, of the sub-
ducted crust not only overcomes the thermal
The close spatial and tectonic association be- problems of melting cool, refractory eclogite,
tween back-arc basins and island arcs is matched but also allows decoupling of the LIL elements
by a geochemical association of their magmatic from the HFS elements (Anderson et al. 1978;
products. The trace-element chemistry of Saunders et al. 1980a). We have previously
back-arc basalts is transitional between ocean suggested that the LIL elements are carried
ridge and island-arc basalts (Gill 1976; Saun- from the descending slab within supercritical
ders & Tarney 1979). The main evidence for fluid phases, leaving the small, highly charged
this conclusion is the LIL element enrichment HFS elements (e.g. Zr, Ta, Nb, Ti) bonded
of many back-arc basalts. However, LIL ele- within the residual crystal lattices. The net
ment enrichment is not unique to island-arc and effect is to enrich the overlying mantle wedge in
back-arc magmas. For example, LIL-enriched LIL elements, H20 and other slab-derived vol-
tholeiites and alkali basalts are erupted on some atiles, and ultimately to produce the charac-
segments of ocean ridge, and many intra-plate teristic high LIL/HFS ratios seen in arc basalts.
magmas are strongly LIL-enriched. Ocean ridge Furthermore, repeated production of arc
basalts which contain high abundances of K, magmas from within the mantle wedge will
Rb, Th, Ba and LREE are termed 'enriched' or gradually extract all incompatible elements
E-type MORB (e.g. Sun et al. 1979; Tarney et from the source region. Some trace elements,
al. 1980), and usually are erupted along ele- particularly the HFS elements may, under con-
vated ridge segments (e.g. Iceland and the ditions of high PH20 and Po2, be stabilized in
Azores Platform). However, unlike most minor mineral phases (e.g. Zr in zircon, Nb and
island-arc and back-arc basalts, E-type MORB Ta in rutile). They may then be retained in the
have enhanced abundances of Nb and Ta. source during melting (Saunders et al. 1980a).
Basalts resembling E-type MORB do occur However, at the high degrees of melting envis-
in back-arc basins, having been recovered from aged for island-arc tholeiite genesis, this model
the Shikoku Basin during Leg 58 of the Deep is less attractive than one whereby the low
Sea Drilling Project (Marsh et al. 1980). An abundances of HFS elements are due to melting
E-type MORB analysis was reported from the of a source which has undergone previous melt-
Lau Basin by Gill (1976). In general, however, ing events. Thus, repeated melt extraction
reports of such basalts from back-arc basins are serves to deplete the source in both LIL and
rare, pessibly because of inadequate sampling. HFS incompatible elements, but, because of
The origin of the characteristic geochemistry continuous LIL element transfer from the adja-
70 A . D. S a u n d e r s & J. T a r n e y

cent subducted slab, the net result is to decrease enrichment, but each has a distinctive Pb-
the abundances of the HFS elements more isotopic characteristic (Sun 1980). Most
rapidly. In effect, the concentration of the LIL continent-based arcs demonstrate the effects of
elements is buffered by the adjacent slab. crustal contamination in the pattern of their
There may be a third factor to consider. apparent crust-mantle Pb isotope mixing
Increasingly, evidence suggests that the upper trends and in their high contents of LIL ele-
mantle as a whole is subject to re-enrichment by ments. However, it is inherently difficult to
metasomatic fluids, rich in Nb, Ta and LIL ele- resolve the chemical effects of subduction of
ments, derived perhaps from the deeper mantle continent-derived material from that of crustal
(see Hanson 1977; Frey et al. 1974; Tarney et contamination of ascending magma. To elimi-
al. 1980; Bailey 1982). Where such enrichment nate the latter effect it is necessary to study
is focused, E-type MORB or alkaline, ocean island arcs based on oceanic crust.
island (e.g. Azores) magmas are produced. It is Unfortunately, a simple model of sediment
interesting to speculate that the mantle wedge subduction is not applicable to oceanic island
above an active subduction zone will not be arcs (Sun 1980). The Pb-isotopic compositions
subject to metasomatic re-enrichment from the of volcanic rocks from Tonga (Sun 1980) and
deeper mantle, because the slab forms a physi- the Mariana Arc (Meijer 1976) are similar to
cal barrier to ascending material. Consequently, N-type MORB, suggesting that the LIL ele-
the mantle wedge will not be replenished in Nb- ment enrichment may not be due to sediment
or Ta-rich fluids, unless material is transferred subduction. Nonetheless, recent Pb isotope
laterally. Indeed, only at the open end of the studies of the South Sandwich Islands and the
wedge, furthest from the trench, would the adjacent E Scotia Sea back-arc basin strongly
effects of 'deep' mantle metasomatism be support a model with small quantities of sedi-
expected. This would account for the fact that ment being involved in magma genesis (Cohen
although Nb- and Ta-enriched undersaturated & O'Nions 1982). In addition, preliminary
magmas are associated with many continent- modelling suggests that it is necessary to involve
based arcs (e.g. Japan: Wood et al. 1980; subducted pelagic sediments which have pro-
Patagonia: Hawkesworth et al. 1979; Antarctic nounced negative Ce anomalies, in order to
Peninsula: Saunders 1982), they occur well produce the Ce anomalies observed in several
behind the calc-alkaline belt. island-arc suites (e.g. Dixon & Batiza 1979;
Most of the LIL element enrichment Hole et al., in press). The volumes of sediment
observed in island-arc basalts may, therefore, envisaged (< 1% of the island-arc basalt source)
be linked to dehydration of altered oceanic are sufficient to produce the observed enrich-
crust in the subduction zone. Low-temperature ment in LIL elements.
alteration of basalts by seawater leads to The relevance of this discussion to back-arc
increases in the abundances of most of the LIL magma genesis should now be apparent. The
elements seen enriched in island-arc basalts, transitional nature of back-arc basalts, between
with the possible exception of Th (Fig. i). How- N-type MORB and island-arc basalts, can be
ever, subducted sediments may also play an most readily explained by localized LIL ele-
important role. Recent investigations of ment (and H 2 0 ) enrichment of their source by
accretionary prisms off Japan, the Mariana fluids derived from the subducted slab. It is not
Islands and Central America indicate that most necessary, because of the long time scales
sediment is not immediately scraped off the involved, that the fluids affecting the source are
descending slab, but is carried down into the derived solely from contemporaneous subduc-
subduction zone (e.g. Watkins et al. 1981). tion zones; it is more likely that the fluids come
Whether these subducted sediments are 'sub- from earlier (?10-20 Ma earlier) episodes of
creted' beneath the overhanging plate margin subduction. Such a derivation would explain the
(Karig & Kay 1981), taken into the deep man- increasing LIL-enrichment in basins associated
tle (White & Hofmann 1982), or involved in with mature subduction zones. With time, the
island-arc magma genesis (Kay 1980), is not mantle wedge will become increasingly LIL-
clear. The problem is exacerbated by a paucity enriched, and basins developed at a later stage
of chemical data for abyssal sediments. in the history of the subduction zone will tap
The sediment input into a trench system markedly LIL-enriched material. Conversely,
comprises two main components: (i) clastic the crust of back-arc basins formed at an early
material derived from the adjacent arc and/or stage of subduction history (e.g. the Parece
continental margin; and (ii) abyssal pelagic Vela Basin) will be derived from mantle with
detritus carried on the oceanic crust. Both types only minor (if any) subduction-related LIL-
of sediment tend to exhibit LIL element enrichment. Continent-based arcs, because of
Basaltic v o l c a n i s m within b a c k - a r c basins 71

their longevity, would be expected to overlie dehydrating slab. Some of the LIL elements
mantle wedges which have undergone the may be derived from subduction of sediments.
greatest degree of LIL-enrichment (which con- The degree of LIL-enrichment within the man-
curs with Dickinson's (1975) observation that tle wedge, and in the subsequent basaltic and
continent-based arcs are more LIL-enriched andesitic melts, will be proportional to the age
than most oceanic arcs), and hence any associ- of the subduction zone, older systems presum-
ated ensialic back-arc basins (e.g. Bransfield ably having undergone more LIL enrichment.
Strait) would be expected to erupt enriched There is probably an upper limiting value to this
magmas, at least during the initial stages of enrichment, perhaps buffered by the rate and
formation. extent of magma extraction. Back-arc basin
As the basin opens, and the spreading centre magmatism locally taps the LIL element-
separates from the island arc, the LIL element enriched source, producing a spectrum of basalt
component of successive magmas will become types from N-type MORB to calc-alkaline
less pronounced, through a combination of (i) basalts. However, in the back-arc environment,
removal of incompatible elements during the degree of LIL-enrichment is probably
magma extraction, and (ii) isolation of the dependent not only on the maturity of the adja-
source of the back-arc basalts from the zone of cent subduction zone, but also on the width of
LIL element replenishment. Both of these the basin. In addition, the model envisages melt
mechanisms are important but most probably extraction as being an important process in
the second is more effective. This is simply causing a net reduction in the abundances of
because extraction Of a tholeiitic melt would be HFS elements, particularly Nb and Ta, in the
expected to remove from the basalt source all source of most arc, and some back-arc, mag-
incompatible elements, to approximately the mas.
same degree, regardless of whether they are Finally, the implications of the geochemical
LIL or HFS elements. Thus, the LIL/HFS ele- results on models for back-arc extension will be
ments should not vary significantly from basin considered. Essentially there are three basic
to basin or from arc to arc; this is clearly not the models:
case. Testing this hypothesis within a single
basin is difficult, because of the lack of suitable (i) Passive diapirism in response to regional
data, although geochemical studies of the stress within the lithosphere (Packham &
Mesozoic 'rocas verdes' marginal basin in S Falvey 1971).
Chile do provide some supportive evidence. (ii) Active diapirism resulting from heat or
Marie rocks (gabbros and dolerites) from the fluids generated along the Benioff zone
northern outcrop of the ophiolite at Sarmiento, (Karig 1971, 1974).
where the basin was probably very narrow (iii) Dynamic circulation, involving secondary
( - 2 0 km), are LREE-enriched with abun- convection cells driven by drag of the
dances of Sr and Ba significantly higher than in downgoing slab along the Benioff zone
N-type MORB (Saunders et al. 1979; Dalziel et (Tokstz & Bird 1977).
al. 1974; Dalziel 1981). Further S, in the
Tortuga ophiolite, the b~isalts are LREE- The geochemical evidence, that the mantle
depleted, and are chemically indistinguishable source of arc magmas and of (initial) back-arc
from N-type MORB, although marie sills from magmas has been metasomatized by hydrous
the margins of the complex chemically resemble LIL element-rich fluids, supports Karig's model
dolerites from the Sarmiento ophiolite (Stern of active diapirism. It is supposed that such
1979). An interpretation which is consistent fluids lower the mantle solidus, promote inci-
with these observations is that early melts were pient melting, and ultimately destabilize the
derived from LIL-enriched mantle, adjacent to mantle above the Benioff zone sufficiently to
the source of a Mesozoic calc-alkaline magma- allow diapiric uprise. Such movement would
tic arc, whereas later melts were extracted from produce a circulation pattern in the back-arc
a chemically more depleted source (e.g. Tarney region (Fig. 8) which is almost the reverse of
et al. 1981). A similar model has been proposed that in the dynamic model of Toks6z & Bird
for the Gulf of California (Saunders et al. (1977). Mechanical decoupling of the subduct-
1982a). ing slab from the overriding mantle may be
To summarize, available geochemical data enhanced if significant volumes of clay-rich sed-
for back-arc and island-arc basalts are consis- iment are incorporated within the subduction
tent with a model where the mantle wedge zone. In most back-arc basins the extensional
beneath the arc is replenished with LIL ele- phase begins with the volcanic arc being split by
ments and volatiles derived from the subducted, mantle diapirism. The arc is evidently the weak
72 A. D. Saunders & J. Tarney

I ~ I I I
300 200 qo0 0 t00 200km

,, >\ ~ . ~ ,

. ./--'~ "t "~

LI L-enrichrd ~//I



Back- arc

Mantle enriched in
J /// -I




LIL elements from /~i~

subducted ocean crust. ,,~,~

FIG. 8. Schematic diagram without vertical exaggeration, across an intra-oceanic arc-back-arc

system, to illustrate the mantle destabilization model described in the text. Open arrows indicate
motion vectors of descending plate. Rock types represent major basalt types erupted in the Mariana
and Parece Vela Basins.

zone, capable of being exploited if plate mote back-arc extension, because to achieve
motions permit extension. diapiric uprise of sufficient magnitude requires
The location of the heat and magma source considerable intrinsic density contrast between
within the back-arc region will be controlled by the diapir and the surrounding mantle (cf.
two main factors: (i) the rate of diapiric ascent; Weaver & Tarney 1979). Rather, the injection
and (ii) the roll-back rate of the subducting of hydrous material from the subducting plate
oceanic crust. The diapir will rise initially will lead to potential diapiric uprise, with the
beneath the arc, but the long time before it destabilized mantle taking advantage of the
reaches the surface is sufficient for the arc to prevailing plate tectonic configuration.
migrate laterally, provided there is a significant
roll-back vector of the hinge zone of the sub-
ducting plate. For example, a diapir ascending Appendix
at a rate of 1 cm yr-1 from a depth of 150 km
would take almost 15 Ma to reach within 5 km N-type MORB normalizing values used in
of the surface, and in this time the arc could various text figures are from Tarney et al.
have migrated several hundred kilometres (1981), with minor modifications. All values
oceanwards. Thus the zone of initiation of such are in parts per million:
diapirs and the locus of their emplacement at Rb 1 P 570
the back-arc spreading axis become progres- Ba 12 Hf 2.5
sively separated, until the diapirs eventually Th 0.2 Zr 88
revert to splitting the volcanic arc again and a K 830 Eu 1.2
new phase of back-arc spreading begins. La 3 Ti 8400
It is probable that the major process control- Ce 10 Tb 0.71
ling the initiation of back-arc spreading is the Sr 136 Y 35
relative motion rates of the subducting and Nb 2.5 Yb 3.5
overriding plates, as shown by Molnar & Atwa- Ta 0.17 Ni 138
ter (1978). Diapirism alone is unlikely to pro- Nd 8 Cr 290
Basaltic volcanism within back-arc basins 73

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We would like to thank Peter and Mr N. Sinclair-Jones, who draughted the text
Kokelaar, whose comments improved the figures.
manuscript; Mrs Sheila Bishop, who typed the text,

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across the Mariana Trough, Arc, Fore-arc, and

ANDREWD. SAUNDERS,Department of Geology, Bedford College, Regent's Park,

London NW1 4NS, U.K. Present address: Department of Geology, Bennett
Building, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K.
JOHNTARNEY, Department of Geology, Bennett Building, University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K.
Characteristics and tectonic significance of supra-subduction
zone ophiolites
J. A. Pearce, S. J. Lippard & S. Roberts
SUMMARY: Supra-subduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites have the geochemical characteris-
tics of island arcs but the structure of oceanic crust and are thought to have formed by
sea-floor spreading directly above subducted oceanic lithosphere. They differ from
'MORB' ophiolites not only in their geochemistry but also in the more depleted nature of
their mantle sequences, the more common presence of podiform chromite deposits, and
the crystallization of clinopyroxene before plagioclase which is reflected in the high abun-
dance of wehrlite relative to troctolite in their cumulate sequences. Most of the best-
preserved ophiolite complexes in orogenic belts are of this type.
Geological reconstructions suggest that most SSZ ophiolites formed during the initial
stages of subduction prior to the development of any volcanic arc. Evidence from these
ophiolites suggests that the first magma to form in response to intra-oceanic subduction is
boninitic in composition, derived by partial melting of hydrated oceanic lithosphere in the
'mantle wedge'. As subduction proceeds, the magma composition changes to island-arc
tholeiite, probably because the hydrated asthenosphere of the 'mantle wedge' eventually
becomes the dominant mantle source. Other SSZ ophiolites formed in the early stages of
back-arc spreading following splitting of a pre-existing arc. Nonetheless the more common
mechanism for formation of SSZ ophiolites appears to have been pre-arc rather than
back-arc spreading.

It is generally accepted that ophiolite com- ics and timing of emplacement (e.g. Gealey
plexes could have formed in a variety of tec- 1977). The accumulated evidence from such
tonic settings: major ocean ridges, incipient studies has demonstrated that most of the
ocean ridges, marginal basins, 'leaky' trans- Earth's well-preserved ophiolite complexes,
form faults and (possibly) the roots of ocean and a significant proportion of its fragmentary
islands, aseismic ridges and island arcs. In the complexes, formed in marginal basins (e.g.
few cases where a complex is autochthonous or Upadhyay & Neale 1979). Clearly, therefore,
parautochthonous, its original tectonic setting these complexes can be a major source of
may be most easily deduced. Good examples information on the three-dimensional structure
are: Macquarie Island in the Tasman Sea (Grif- and composition of marginal basin lithosphere
fiths & Varne 1972), which formed at an ocean and on the magmatic and tectonic processes by
ridge in a small ocean between Australia and an which that lithosphere is formed. Before this
adjacent microcontinent, the Lord Howe Rise; information can be assessed, however, each
the 'Rocas Verdes' ophiolites in the Andes comprex has to be fitted more precisly into the
(Dalziel et al. 1974), which formed in a back- context of marginal basin evolution. It is impor-
arc basin behind an active continental margin; tant to determine, for example, whether a given
the Zambales Range of Luzon (Hawkins 1980), complex formed before or after the develop-
which may represent back-arc or fore-arc ment of a volcanic arc and in the latter instance
oceanic lithosphere thrust over its adjacent whether it formed in a fore-arc, inter-arc or
island arc; and the La Palma complex in the back-arc setting. In this paper, we examine one
Canary Islands (Schmincke & Staudigel 1976), important line of evidence for identifying the
which could have formed during the initial precise setting of marginal basin ophiolites: the
stages of Atlantic sea-floor spreading. Usually, presence or absence of a geochemical compo-
however, assigning an ophiolite complex to its nent from an underlying subduction zone. We
likely setting of formation is more difficult, term ophiolites containing this component
requiring information from a variety of sources, 'supra-subduction zone' (SSZ) ophiolites and
including its present geological setting (e.g. those not containing this component as 'mid-
Dewey & Bird 1971), its internal structure (e.g. ocean ridge basalt' (MORB) ophiolites. Our
Moores & Jackson 1974), the nature and aim is to present criteria by which SSZ ophiol-
provenance of the overlying sediments (e.g. ites can be recognized and to assess the con-
Robertson 1981), the geochemistry (e.g. Pearce tribution that this ophiolite type can make
& Cann 1973) and petrography (e.g. Cameron towards our understanding of the development
et al. 1979) of the igneous rocks; and the tecton- of marginal basins.

78 J . A . Pearce et al.

Trace-element characteristics of mantle source. The main incompatible

SSZ basalts element-depleted reservoir of convecting upper
mantle is thus thought to yield the flat patterns
of N-type MORB, whereas the humped pat-
The nature of the subduction component that terns are thought to be derived from the incom-
can be used to fingerprint SSZ ophiolites may patible element-enriched portions of this reser-
be identified by comparing oceanic basalts of voir such as those associated with 'mantle
known non-SSZ and SSZ affinities. This com- plumes' (e.g. Schilling 1973; Tarney et al.
parison is made in Fig. 1 using MORB- 1980).
normalized geochemical patterns for a selected Figure la can be contrasted with Fig. lb,
range of trace elements. which shows the patterns that are obtained
Figure la shows the patterns that are from basalts that clearly are affected by subdue-
obtained from basalts that are clearly unaf- tion--i.e, basalts from island arcs. The patterns
fected by subduction. They range from flat pat- presented are typical examples from tholeiitic,
terns in N(normal)-type MORB to humped pat- high-K calc-alkaline and alkalic series and cover
terns in E(enriched)-type MORB and ocean the spectrum of arc basalt compositions. The
islands. Since the shape of these patterns is little most distinctive feature common to all three
affected by differences in partial melting and types of pattern is the selective enrichment in
fractional crystallization histories (Pearce 1983), certain elements (Sr, K, Rb, Ba, Th ___Ce --- Sm
the variations between the patterns are best --- P) and a relative lack of enrichment in others
explained in terms of heterogeneities in the (Ta, Nb, Hf, Zr, Ti, Y, Yb). This feature can be

Oceanic non-SSZ basalts
- = E-type MORB (MAR 45°N)
, p ~ - O - ~ - ' ( 3 - ~-~ o-------0 tholeiitic OIB (Hawaii)
10 ,/El'-- ~=1~..~'~.~n [3- --0 alkalic OIB (Azores)
r /
N-type MORB 'C}-.£3.-(Ep- _El

0.11 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb

] ~
Oceanic SSZ basalts
o----o tholeiitic (S.Sandwich Is.)
J /_.r{ \ / ~ - - C ] high-K (New Hebrides)

V \ I = e alkalic (Grenada, L.Antilles)

-~-k-k t ',/ A
i \7 ?,
1LJ~ \ ', ,' ' ~ ' ,

0.1/ , , , , , , , , , , ,
$r K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb

FIG. 1. Geochemical patterns (normalized to an average N-type MORB) for oceanic basalts from
(a) non-SSZ, and (b) SSZ settings (from Pearce 1982).
Supra-subduction zone ophiolites 79

attributed to the modification of the mantle tion and which would produce the flat-to-
source region for island-arc basalts by a 'subduc- humped patterns of Fig. la; and the 'subduc-
tion component', i.e. by aqueous and siliceous tion component' which causes an additional
fluids derived from an underlying subduction selective enrichment in elements that are in
zone (e.g. Best 1975; Hawkesworth et al. 19772 high concentration in the fluids derived from the
Saunders & Tarney 1979). Thus the shape of subduction zone.
each pattern in Fig. lb can be explained in All three patterns in Fig. lb can be broken
terms of the two components in the mantle down into their two components using the
source: a 'mantle component' which represents method described by Pearce (1983). The
the composition of the mantle prior to subduc- results are shown in Fig. 2. It is thus apparent

10: South Sandwich Is.

tholeiitic basalt


1 ~ ~"

0.1~ " ""-""f'-""-"~'~"" ~ " ~

Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb

1 O01 New Hebrides

high K c a l c -
alkaline basalt

10. ~ . ~


0.1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ,
Sr K Rb Ba Th T a Nb C e P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb

alkalic arc
/ t basalt



i iiiiii!i!i!i!i!i!iii!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!ii!i!i!i!i!iii!i!i!i!!i!ii!i!i!i!i!i!iii!i!iii!iii!iiiiiiiii!ii!ii!!iiii!i!i!i!i!i!!ii!!!ii!i!i!i!i!i!i

O. 1 ..... ;..... ;....... ; .... , .... ; .... , .... , .... ','"'"'"T"'""', ..... , ' " ' " " f " ' " , ' " " ~
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb

FIG. 2. Breakdown of the patterns for SSZ basalts into their mantle components (shaded) and
subduction components (striped) (from Pearce 1983).
80 J.A. P e a r c e et al.

that the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalt pat- Hf/3

terns are made up of subduction components

superimposed on a flat pattern indicating that
their mantle components resembled an N-type West
Mariana / ]// ) - . ~ Philippine
MORB source; by contrast the alkalic basalt fore- . . . . 459/. ~ ~ ~ Basin
pattern is made up of a subduction compo-
nent superimposed on a humped pattern indi- 458./ (-~ ~ " ~ / ~ . . ~ / . . . . h "P . . . . .
cating that its mantle component resembled an ~AT "><-_\~7_'L'~\ Ve,a
c//p/~ ~ ,r?_.%,, \ Basin
E-type MORB mantle source. The latter type Mariana / /.4V ~ 4 ~ _k/
Trough ----~//I / \ ~ \
of pattern is however very rare in present-day
island arcs. It is also apparent from Fig. 2 that,
compared with tholeiitic basalts, the subduction
component in calc-alkaline basalts is both larger
and more diverse chemically.
MORB-normalized patterns for marginal
basin basalts have been discussed in detail by
Saunders & Tarney (this volume). From their Th Ta

work, it is apparent that only some marginal FIG. 3. Th-Hf-Ta discrimination diagram
basin basalts show this subduction component, of Wood (1980) showing the separation of
the others usually having flat N-type MORB volcanic-arc basalts (VAB) from mid-
patterns. Clearly, only the former are potential ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and within
analogues for SSZ ophiolites. Their precise plate basalts (WPB). Compositional fields
for marginal basin basalts from DSDP
setting will therefore depend on their tem- cores (core numbers in parenthesis) are
poral and spatial relationship with the under- taken from Wood et al. (-1981, 19825.
lying subduction zone, a point made by Saun-
ders & Tarney and followed up later in this
paper. are assumed to have been derived from mantle
The selective enrichments characteristic of diapirs containing (on this diagram) no detect-
this subduction component also form the basis able subduction component. Those plotting as
for a number of discrimination diagrams. It is 'VAB' include one basalt suite from the
apparent from the patterns in Fig. lb that any Mariana Trough (a back-arc basin) and both
ratio of an enriched to an unenriched element suites from the Mariana fore-arc basin.
should provide an effective discriminant for the The patterns in Fig. lb are also characterized
identification of SSZ character. However, most by low abundances of the elements not enriched
of the enriched elements are mobile during by the subduction or (in the case of the alkalic
weathering and metamorphism and thus rarely basalt) mantle components. Thus the elements
applicable to the study of lavas from ophiolite Ti, Y and Yb in all patterns, and Ta, Nb, Zr
complexes (Cann 1970). The only element in and Hf in all except the alkalic pattern, plot
the pattern that is always enriched yet is usually significantly below the values of the N-type
stable during metamorphism up to at least MORB normalizing factor. This feature has
greenschist facies is Th. A ratio such as Th/Ta is been attributed to the hydrous conditions of
particularly useful, since these two elements melting which may cause more refractory man-
behave in a coherent way in oceanic non-SSZ tle to melt (e.g. Green 1973), increase the
basalts and are only decoupled in the subduc- degree of partial melting (e.g. Pearce & Norry
tion environment. Published discrimination 1979) or stabilize minor oxide phases in the
diagrams based on this ratio include: Th-Ta melt residue (e.g. Dixon & Batiza 1979).
(Wood et al. 1979); Th-Hf/3-Ta (Wood et al. It also forms the basis for a set of discrimin-
1979; Wood 1980); Th/Yb-Ta/Yb (Pearce ant diagrams that can be used to study the
1982); Hf/Th-Ta/Th (Noiret et al. 1981). Best affinities of ophiolite lavas. Alteration is o f
known is the diagram of Wood (1980) which is minor importance since all the unenriched ele-
reproduced as Fig. 3. It shows the field of ments are usually immobile during weathering
volcanic-arc basalts (VAB) displaced towards and metamorphism. Unlike the Th/Ta ratio,
the Th axis relative to the fields of mid-ocean however, the abundances of these elements will
ridge basalt (MORB) and within plate basalts vary with fractional crystallization, causing
(WPB). The compositional fields of basalts overlap between the magma types. The best
from some marginal basins have also been plot- discrimination is therefore achieved by plotting
ted on this diagram. Those plotting as 'MORB' one of these elements against an independent
are all derived from basins of back-arc type and index of fractional crystallization such as Cr or
Supra-subduction zone ophiolites 81
Trace-element characteristics of SSZ
Immobile trace-element data have been used by
Or many authors to identify the tectonic environ-
ppm ments of formation of ophiolite complexes and
it is from their results that the concept of SSZ
ophiolites has developed. These results are
summarized below using the two discrimination
diagrams of Figs 3 and 4 to compare the com-
positions of the various complexes and to
100 demonstrate their subdivision into MORB and
SSZ ophiolites.

Tethyan ophiolites
Data from Tethyan ophiolite complexes has
been plotted in Figs 5 and 6a,b. Thus it is appar-
ent that the Jurassic complexes of the W Med-
iterranean, from Calabria (JAP, unpublished
data), Corsica and the N Apennines (Ferrara et
10 al. 1976; Beccaluva et al. 1977; Venturelli et al.
5 10 100 1979, 1981), the French Alps (Lewis & Smew-
Y ppm
ing 1980) and the Austrian Alps (Bickle &
FIG. 4. Cr-Y discrimination diagram of Pearce 1975), plot almost entirely within t h e
Pearce (1982) showing the separation of MORB field of both diagrams, a result consis-
mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from tent with their inferred origin in small oceans of
island-arc tholeiites OAT) (the latter field Red Sea type. The Jurassic complexes of
also includes calc-alkaline and alkalic Greece are more varied geochemically. The
basalts from oceanic arcs). The composi- Othris ophiolite (Bickle & Nisbet 1972) plots
tional fields for the marginal basin basalts
are taken from Wood et al. (1981); Mattey within the MORB field. However, the Vourinos
et al. (1981); Marsh et al. (1980); Saunders complex (Noiret et al. 1981; Beccaluva et al.
& Tarney (1979); Wood et al. (1982); 1984) plots within the volcanic-arc field in
Sharaskin (1982); and Bougault et al. Fig. 5 and within and to the left of the IAT field
(1982). in Fig. 6a. It is thus assumed to be of SSZ type
and to have boninitic affinities. The Pindos
complex (Capedri et al. 1980), plotted only in
Ni. Published diagrams of this type include Fig. 6a, contains lavas of both boninitic island-
Ti-Cr (Pearce 1975), Cr-Y (Pearce 1980), Ni-Y arc and MORB affinities, indicating that more
(Capedri et al. 1980), Cr/Ti-Ni (Beccaluva et al. than one mantle source and possibly more than
1979) and Ti-V (Shervais 1982). Figure 4 one eruptive setting may be represented in the
shows the Cr-Y diagram, in which island-arc samples analysed.
tholeiites (IAT) are displaced towards lower Y Further east, the Cretaceous ophiolite com-
values relative to MORB. Compositional fields plexes of Cyprus (the Troodos Massif) and
for some marginal basins have also been plotted Oman (the Semail Nappe) both plot as SSZ
and, as in Fig. 3, fall into two groups. Those ophiolites. The Troodos lavas (Desmons e t al.
from most back-arc basins fall entirely within 1980; JAP, unpublished data) plot clearly
the MORB field, whereas those from one within the volcanic-arc fields in both Figs 5 and
back-arc basin locality (dredge haul 24 from the 6b. The lavas from the Semail thrust sheet
Scotia Sea), and both of the fore-arc basin (Alabaster et al. 1982) plot within the IAT field
localities, plot within or to the left of the IAT in Fig. 6b and generally within the volcanic-arc
field and therefore represent the best analogues field in Fig. 5. However, it is also apparent in
for SSZ ophiolites. A further point of note is Fig. 5 that the lower (axis) lavas from this com-
that the samples from site 458 of the Mariana plex plot closer to, and partly overlap, the
fore-arc basin that plot to the left of the IAT MORB field, whereas the upper lava units plot
field are those with boninitic, as opposed to entirely within the volcanic-arc field. It can thus
tholeiitic, affinities. be inferred that the magnitude of the subdue-
82 J.A. P e a r c e et al.

tion zone component has increased with time plete stratigraphies and is associated with
during the formation of this complex. The island-arc volcanic sequences and thick volcani-
Troodos Massif and the Semail Nappe mark the clastic sediments. On Fig. 6c, ophiolites of the
W and E extremities of a well-defined ophiolite first group all plot clearly within the IAT field
belt termed the 'Croissant Ophiolitique Peri- and are therefore of SSZ type. The second
Arabe' by Ricou (1971) that extends from Cyp- group, however, plots entirely within the
rus through Turkey and Iran to Oman. Other MORB field on this diagram and is therefore of
complexes of similar age within this belt include MORB type.
Baer Bassit in Syria (Parrot 1977), Hatay in Figure 6d includes data from the Ordovician
Turkey (Delaloye & Wagner, in press) and the Betts Cove and Bay of Islands ophiolites from
Zagros ophiolites of Iran (Desmons & Bec- Newfoundland. Lavas and dykes from the Betts
caluva 1983), all of which can also be chemically Cove ophiolite (Coish & Church 1979) plot
assigned to the SSZ group on the basis of the predominantly within and to the left of the IAT
limited geochemical data so far available. field indicating that the complex is of SSZ type
Other ophiolites in this eastern region and that it has boninitic affinities. However, the
include the Cretaceous complexes of Masirah upper lava unit from this complex has MORB
Island (Abbotts 1981), the E Iranian ranges of affinities indicating temporal changes in mantle
Baluchistan (Desmons & Beccaluva 1983) and source and possibly in eruptive setting during
the Zangbo suture of Tibet (JAP, unpublished the development of this complex. The Betts
data), all of which have MORB affinities, as Cove ophiolite belongs to a lineament which
illustrated in Fig. 6b. extends from Newfoundland to Quebec and
includes the ophiolites of Mings Bight and Bale
Verte in Newfoundland and Thetford Mines in
Caledonian ophiolites Quebec, all of which have been shown on Ti-Cr
Ophiolites are found throughout the and other diagrams to be of SSZ origin (Laur-
Caledonides of the N Atlantic region in Nor- ant 1975; Upadhyay & Neale 1979). By con-
way, Scotland and Canada. In the Norwegian trast the Bay of Islands complex of western
Caledonides, where detailed studies of ophiol- Newfoundland (Suen et al. 1979), which is
ites have so far only been carried out on the W off-set from this lineament, plots predominantly
coast around Bergen and in the Trondheim re- in the MORB field of Fig. 6d.
gion, two groups have been recognized (Furnes
et al. 1980): the first is of pre-Arenig age and
Other ophiolites
includes complexes with well-developed stra-
tigraphies such as Karmay (Sturt et al. 1980) and Data from two W U.S.A. ophiolites are plot-
Leka (Prestvik 1980); the second group is ted in Fig. 6e. The Point Sal complex (Menzies
younger (?early to mid Ordovician), has incom- et al. 1977) in the coast range of S California


,0 Western Mediterrenean
0 Semail (lower laves)
A Semeil (upper laves)



Th To
FIG. 5. Distribution of basalt analyses from some Tethyan ophiolites on the Th-Hf-Ta discrimina-
tion diagram (see text for sources of data).
•o o
o ~,~/ i i i i i i i ii
~ o i i i i i i ii i i i i i i iii
~.m i i i i i i ii L I I I l I I I I , , ,,,,,,, ~o~.~

~ ......... ~. ~

o o o z >

>'2", ,

i i i i i i i i L I I [ I , , II__
l::r ~ i i i i i L II I I I I I I I II i I i i i i i IL R L i h i illh


N •
8 ~

_< •o .




84 J.A. P e a r c e et al.

plots within the IAT field thus classifying as a generally exhibit distinct crystallization se-
SSZ ophiolite. The Smartville complex (Men- quences. In SSZ ophiolites, clinopyroxene, and
zies et al. 1980) in the W foothills of the Sierra sometimes orthopyroxene, usually crystallizes
Nevada plots in and below the MORB field, before plagioclase, whereas the reverse is true
and thus does not classify unequivocally as of MORB ophiolites. Thus, in SSZ ophiolites,
either a SSZ or MORB ophiolite. Given the basal cumulate dunites are generally followed
strong geological evidence for a back-arc setting up-sequence by lherzolites, wehrlites, norites
of formation (Xenophontos & Bond 1978) it is and gabbros. In MORB ophiolites, basal
possible that this complex is genuinely transi- dunites are followed up-sequence by troctolites
tional between the two types, containing only a and gabbros. This contrast in the order of
small subduction component. crystallization corresponds to that between
Finally, Fig. 6f contains data from two boninites (01 ~ opx ~ cpx), is!and-arc tholei-
ophiolites, Macquarie Island (Griffin & Varne ites (01 ~ cpx ~ pl) and MORB (01 ~ pl
1980) and the Sarmiento complex of S Chile cpx) from present oceanic settings. A likely
(Stern 1979), which are known to have formed explanation is that primary magmas generated
in a small ocean and a back-arc basin respec- above subduction zones contain higher
tively. Data from Macquarie Island plot pre- CaO/AI20 3 ratios than primary magmas gener-
dictably in the MORB field whereas data from ated outside the influence of subducted oceanic
the Sarmiento complex plot within and below crust, a model which is strongly supported by
the MORB field. Like the Smartville complex it the marked paucity of Ca-bearing clinopy-
is probable that the Sarmiento complex con- roxene in the mantle residue of SSZ ophiolites.
tains only a small subduction component. Other A further characteristic of SSZ ophiolites,
ophiolites of 'known affinities' include the summarized in the fourth column of Table 1,
Zambales and Palawan complexes of the is the common occurrence of cumulate
Philippines (Hawkins 1980) and the various chromite-dunite bodies (podiform chromites)
complexes of Papua-New Guinea (Davies & within their mantle sequences. This discrimin-
Smith 1971), all of which are thought to repre- ant is not perfect, since small podiform chro-
sent the crust of fore-arc basins that was mite bodies do exist within MORB ophiolites
detached as a result of continent-island-arc col- such as Othris, but it is nonetheless true that, on
lisions (Gealey 1980). The limited geochemical the basis of information so far available, all
data available for these complexes are of bonin- major podiform chromite deposits are found in
ite and island-arc tholeiite compositions and SSZ ophiolites. The reason for this relationship
hence indicate SSZ affinities. between podiform chromite deposits and SSZ
The main conclusion that can be reached on ophiolites is not fully understood, although it is
the basis of these geochemical studies is that thought that the presence of subduction-de-
there is a bimodality of compositions, one rived water in the melt could expand the olivine
group having clear MORB affinities, the other and spinel phase volumes and so lead to exten-
(the SSZ group) having clear island-arc sive crystallization of olivine and chromite.
affinities. The ophiolites that did not com-
pletely fit this pattern were Pindos and Betts
Mantle sequences
Cove which contained lavas of both affinities
and Smartville and Sarmiento which may be of The key difference between the ultramafic
transitional character. tectonites ('mantle sequences') of SSZ and
MORB ophiolites is summarized in the third
column of Table 1.
Other characteristics of SSZ ophiolites The predominant lithology present in SSZ
Having divided ophiolites into two groups on ophiolites is harzburgite, which usually com-
the basis of their chemical characteristics, it is prises between 80 and 90% of the total outcrop,
now possible to compare the two groups of the remainder including irregular lenticular
ophiolites on the basis of other criteria. The masses of dunite and pockets of lherzolite and
differences observed are essentially those re- pyroxenite. Olivine (Fo90_92) generally consti-
cognized by Rocci et al. (1975) for Tethyan tutes about 70% of the mode and orthopyro-
ophiolites, and are summarized in Table 1. xene (En90_91) reaches a maximum of 30%.
Other minerals are clinopyroxene, which occurs
Cumulate sequences as isolated grains of chrome diopside and aver-
ages less than 1% of the mode in most com-
As summarized in the second column of plexes, and chrome spinel, which generally has
Table 1, SSZ ophiolites and MORB ophiolites a modal abundance of about 2%. The dunite
TABLE 1. Characteristics of some of the world's major ophiolite complexes (see text for references)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chemical Total
signature Lava crustal Inferred
Crystallization Mantle Chromite thickness thickness Conformable Age of Age of ophiolite
Complex Lower Upper sequence residue pods? (km) (km) cover formation emplacement type

Betts Cove IAT MORB A C -- -- 1.0 >5 VS OL -- SSZ

Thetford Mines IAT (A)B -- C 0.6 2-3 VS OL -- SSZ
Baer Bassit IAT IAT A B H C 0.2 2-3 P KM KM SSZ
Troodos IAT IAT (A)BC H C 1.0 3-4 P KM KM SSZ
Hatay IAT IAT BC H C 0.5 3-4 p KM KM SSZ -~
Vourinos IAT BC H C 0.5 3-4 p JL JL-M SSZ ~,
Papua-New Guinea IAT BC H -- -- > 4.5 VS? KU-TL TL SSZ
Semail IAT M IAT (A)BC(D) H C 1.5 6-7 p KM KM SSZ
Karm¢y IAT C -- -- 1.1 5-6 S OL? -- SSZ
Point Sal IAT IAT C H -- 1.0 2.5 PS KM -- SSZ ~.
Zambales IAT C H C -- -- p TL? TU SSZ
Sarmiento MORB I CAB* -- -- -- 2.0 >4 VS J -- MORB/SSZ
Smartville MORB I CAB* D -- -- 1.5 >4 VS J J MORB/SSZ
Bay of Islands MORB D HL (C) 0.3 3-4 S OL OM MORB
Pindos MORB IAT D HL (C) 0.4 2-3 p JL JL-M MORB
Liguria MORB D L no 0.5 3 P J TL MORB ~"
Inzecca (Corsica) MORB D L no 1.0 2-3 P J TL MORB ~"
Xigaze (Tibet) MORB D L no -- >3 P KU -- MORB ~-
Othris MORB D L (C) 0.6 ~ 1 P JL -- MORB
Macquarie Is. MORB D H? -- 1.5 5 P TU -- MORB

1. IAT, island-arc tholeiite; M O R B , mid-ocean ridge basalt; CAB, calc-alkali basalt; *not part of ophiolite sequence; Mslight M O R B affinities;
Islight I A T affinities.
2. A, ol ~ opx ~ cpx ~ plag; B, ol ~ cpx ~ opx ~ plag; C, ol --~ cpx ~ plag; D, ol ~ plag ~ cpx.
3. H, predominantly harzburgite; HL, harzburgite+ lherzolite; L, predominantly lherzolite.
4. C, significant component; (C), minor component.
7. P, pelagic sediment; S, terrigenous sediment; VS, volcaniclastic sediment --- lava.
8. and 9. O, Ordovician; J, Jurassic; K, Cretaceous; T, Tertiary; L, lower; M, middle; U, upper.
10. SSZ, supra-subduction zone; M O R B , mid-ocean ridge basalt.
- - , no data available.
86 J.A. P e a r c e et al.


o Semait • tnzecca
~3T r o o d o s • Liguria
V o u rin o s • Lanzo
• Othris
0 Others

". ==,0 ! ''"a

1000 I i i i i i i i i | i i i i I i i s
0.005 O.Ol o.1 ' 1.o


FIG. 7. Cr-TiO 2 plot for tectonized ultramafic rocks from some Tethyan ophiolites. The 'SSZ'
ophiolite mantle residue is generally more residual (carries less TiO2) than that of the 'MORB'
ophiolites. Cr is used as a vertical axis for comparison with Fig. 8.

masses consist almost entirely of olivine acid composition. None of these correlate well
together with 2-3% of small subhedral chro- with ophiolite type, though all may permit
mite grains. important qualifications to be made regarding
The mantle sequences in MORB ophiolites tectonic setting of formation.
contain both harzburgites and lherzolites. The Crustal thickness varies from 2 to 3 km to at
lherzolites are typically four- or five-phase least 7 km. Even though the former may be
assemblages (ol + opx + cpx + sp "~ plag) and underestimates due to the difficulty of recon-
these can grade into harzburgite when the structing fragmented sequences, it is apparent
modal proportion of clinopyroxene drops below that complexes such as Pindos, Thetford,
5%. In the mantle sequence of the Bay of Inzecca, Troodos, Hatay and Vourinos are
Islands ophiolite, for example, the composition considerably thinner than average in situ
grades from a harzburgitic top to a lherzolitic ocean crust and also that this group includes
base (Suen et al. 1979). The proportion of lher- both SSZ and MORB complexes. One con-
zolite relative to harzburgite varies from the tributory factor may be the very short time
Bay of Islands (harzburgite > lherzolite) to the interval between the formation and emplace-
W Mediterranean complexes (lherzolite > ment of these complexes; another may be the
harzburgite). Dunite pods are found in MORB fact that some of these complexes may have
ophiolites, but gabbroic segregations are more formed at incipient spreading centres or 'leaky'
common (Spray 1982). transform faults rather than at 'normal' ridge
Clearly this simple discriminant is not perfect axes. Lava thickness shows a fair correlation
since harzburgite can occur in both ophiolite with crustal thickness, bearing in mind that both
types. Nonetheless the lherzolite does appear to sets of figures are approximate values.
be restricted to MORB ophiolites; moreover, A better discriminant may be the proportion
the harzburgite of MORB ophiolites is gener- of intermediate and acid rocks within the lava
ally less depleted than that of SSZ ophiolites, sequence and in high-level plutons. MORB
containing on average more A1, Ca and Ti ophiolites thought to have formed in major (as
(Fig. 7). The mantle sequence of SSZ ophiolites opposed to marginal) ocean basins contain only
may therefore be considered as more 'residual', a tiny proportion of diorites and plagiogranites.
having been derived by higher degrees of melting By contrast, MORB ophiolites of apparent
of a similar source, or by similar degrees of back-arc origin, such as Sarmiento and Smart-
melting of a less fertile source, than the mantle ville, are intruded by large bodies of diorite and
sequences of MORB ophiolites. granodiorite and are also directly overlain by
lava sequences containing a significant propor-
Ophiolite structure tion of andesites and rhyolites. Of the SSZ
ophiolites, Troodos, Hatay and Vourinos do
Three aspects of ophiolite structure have contain a greater proportion of intermediate
been investigated as possible indicators of SSZ and acid lavas than MORB ophiolites thought
character (columns 5 and 6 of Table 1): the to have formed in major ocean basins (e.g.
thickness of the crustal sequence; the thickness Miyashiro 1973; Beccaluva et al. 1984),
of the lava sequence; and the proportion and although basic rocks still predominate. How-
geological setting of rocks of intermediate and ever, the Semail complex of Oman is intruded
Supra-subduction zone ophiolites 87

by diorite-plagiogranite bodies and also con- (ii) the transition from spreading to arc volcan-
tains a significant proportion of andesites and ism, and (iii) the transition from arc volcanism
rhyolites in its upper lava sequences. to back-arc spreading.

Sedimentary sequences The initial stages of spreading

It is commonly believed that all marginal One ophiolite likely to represent the earliest
basin ophiolites should be conformably overlain stages of marginal basin evolution is the
by sediment that contains a volcaniclastic com- Troodos Massif of Cyprus. Despite the consen-
ponent derived from an adjacent volcanic arc sus that this complex formed in a marginal
(Karig 1982). basin, its exact setting is still the subject of
As Table 1 shows, however, this need not be debate. At one extreme, Miyash!ro (1973)
the case. Many of the Tethyan SSZ ophiol- favoured an origin in an island-arc setting; at
ites--e.g, the Troodos Massif, Hatay, and the the other, Smewing et al. (1975) favoured an
Semail Nappe--are overlain by ferro- origin by sea-floor spreading. Pearce (1975)
manganoan sediments and chalks which contain presented an intermediate view in which the
no significant volcanogenic component. This main complex formed by sea-floor spreading
result is not surprising as none of these com- and the upper lava unit (the 'Upper Pillow
plexes are related in space or time to subaerial Lavas') marked the initiation of island-arc vol-
arc volcanoes. The simplest explanation is that canism. More recent work by Robinson et al.
the spreading events that formed these com- (1983) and Schmincke et al. (1983) has indi-
plexes took place immediately after subduction cated that the volcanic stratigraphy may be
and that the subduction event was too short- more complex than the simple 2-fold
lived for any subaerial arc to develop and hence (Lower-Upper Pillow Lava) subdivision hither-
for any source of volcanidastic sediments to be to envisaged. They also demonstrated the pres-
available. Ophiolites that were associated with ence of a geochemical discontinuity near the
longer-lived subduction events are, however, base of their lava section which, they suggested,
overlain by sediments or volcano-sedimentary could mark the change from an initial arc to a
sequences of arc derivation. For example, the later spreading event.
Smartville ophiolite is overlain by an upper unit In making sense of these conflicting interpre-
comprising basalt to andesite lava flows, brec- tations, it is important to distinguish between
cias and tufts, which is in turn overlain by petrological-geochemical and geological evi-
volcaniclastic turbidites containing angular dence. The former indicates a supra-subduction
clasts of acid lava and quartz (Xenophontos & zone origin, as detailed earlier, but does not
Bond 1978). actually distinguish between a spreading axis
The sedimentary cover thus indicates the above a subduction zone and an arc edifice. To
likely presence of an adjacent subaerial arc, but achieve this distinction, geological evidence is
this is not a necessary criterion for the re- required, and here the sheeted dyke swarm, the
cognition of a SSZ ophiolite. thin crust and the pelagic nature of the volcan-
ics and overlying sediments favour the spread-
ing axis hypothesis of Gass et al. (1975) and
Evidence from SSZ ophiolites for the others. Thus the combination of geological and
magmatic and tectonic evolution of geochemical evidence points to an origin by sea-
floor spreading in a supra-subduction zone set-
marginal basins ting.
Even though SSZ ophiolites form a distinct A further feature of complexes formed dur-
geochemical group, they exhibit a considerable ing the initial stages of spreading is the absence
diversity of lava stratigraphies, internal struc- of a significant volcanic component in the over-
tures, geological settings and detailed geo- lying sediment, the absence of any major over-
chemical and petrological characteristics. This lying or adjacent sequences of arc volcanics, and
diversity may reflect variations between margi- the absence of any major intrusions cross-cutting
nal basins, due perhaps to differences in the the ophiolite stratigraphy. It is resonable, there-
various subduction vectors, or it may reflect fore, to propose that the spreading event that
variations within marginal basins, due perhaps formed these complexes was neither preceded
to the preservation of different parts of margi- nor superceded by the construction of a volcanic
nal basin systems. Here we examine the second arc. The absence of preceding arc volcanism can
possibility by attempting to identify examples of be explained if spreading, rather than arc vol-
(i) the initial stages of marginal basin spreading, canism, was the first subduction-related event
88 J.A. P e a r c e et al.

in these areas. The absence of subsequent arc faults, which have been interpreted as
volcanism may be explained by the fact that transform-fault directions. These faults form
subduction was clearly short-lived in these areas planes of weakness that transect the marginal
(as indicated by the short time interval between basin lithosphere and which can be exploited by
formation and emplacement of the complexes), magma that is generated after the oceanic crust
so that we are seeing only the earliest stages of is formed. The later Alley lavas, however,
marginal basin evolution. exploited planes of weakness that lay parallel to
We therefore suggest that complexes of this the direction (170 °) of the original ridge axis.
type represent episodes of 'pre-arc' spreading. Few, if any, other complexes are preserved in
If the related subduction events had been this stage of evolution. More usually, arc sea-
longer-lived, these complexes would have mounts develop into major volcanic edifices
become the crust of fore-arc or back-arc basins and the underlying oceanic crust is not pre-
and been covered by volcanogenic sediments served or exposed. Perhaps the best example of
and lavas from the adjacent arcs. a true 'arc ophiolite' is Canyon Mountain (Ger-
lach et al. 1981). However, it will be noted that
Spreading-arc transition the Canyon Mountain sequence is not an
ophiolite sensu stricto in that it lacks a sheeted
The interpretation of the Troodos complex as dyke complex and contains an acid-basic sill
the product of spreading rather than arc volcan- and lava complex and large volumes of high-
ism is further reinforced when one looks at level acid intrusions.
complexes which do contain volcanic arc sequ-
ences. The Semail ophiolite of Oman may pro- Arc-back-arc spreading transition
vide a good example of the transition from
spreading to arc volcanism. The main ophiolite The clearest example of the transition bet-
sequence is overlain by two lava sequences, ween arc magmatism and back-arc spreading is
both entirely submarine in charcter. The first, provided by the Jurassic volcanics and 'Rocas
termed the Lasail Unit by Alabaster et al. Verdes' ophiolites of the southern Andes (e.g.
(1980), occupies discrete volcanic centres along Dalziel et al. 1974). The transition is marked by
the ophiolite and is associated with high-level regional extensional faulting accompanied by
intrusions of gabbro-diorite-trondhjemite com- eruption of mafic and acid lavas, the latter
position from which cone-sheet swarms ema- thought to be derived by crustal anatexis
nate. The second, termed the Alley Unit by (Bruhn et al. 1978). This was followed by prob-
Alabaster et al. (1980), is best developed in able sea-floor spreading and formation of the
graben structures between the volcanic centres. Tortuga and Sarmiento complexes. Although
It, too, is associated with high-level intrusions exposure is not continuous, it has proved poss-
and cone sheets. Both lava units are dominated ible to recognize a temporal and spatial trend
by basalts, but the Lasail Unit contains signifi- from calc-alkaline arc to MORB magmatism.
cant proportions of andesites, dacites and rhyol- Ophiolite evidence for the initial stages of
ites and the Alley Unit contains a small propor- back-arc spreading in an oceanic environment is
tion of rhyolites. The time difference between more ambiguous. Crawford et al. (1981) used
the eruption of the ophiolite lava unit and that evidence from the Pacific to suggest that the
of the overlying lava units is, however, very period between cessation of arc volcanism and
small throughout the complex. Thus it is still initiation of back-arc spreading is characterized
not certain whether these upper lavas genuinely by the eruption of boninites. They thus consi-
represent arc volcanism or whether they simply dered that ophiolites representative of the ini-
represent seamount volcanism of the type found tial stages of arc splitting should contain bonini-
in such regions as the Mariana fore-arc basin tic lavas and that, with time, lavas of MORB
(Hussong & Uyeda 1982). What is very prob- composition would be erupted. They cited the
able, however, is that the Lasail Unit was erup- Betts Cove and SE Australian ophiolites as
ted from a chain of major submarine volcanic examples of crust formed in this setting.
edifices that developed on marginal basin crust
above a subduction zone.
A reconstruction of the marginal basin in Evidence from SSZ ophiolites for the
which the Semail ophiolite is thought to have petrogenetic evolution of marginal
formed is presented by Pearce et al. (1981), and
the details of the lava stratigraphy by Alabaster
et al. (1982). In this reconstruction the main By petrogenetic modelling of the geochemical
volcanic centres are spaced some 25 km apart variations observed in the Th-Hf-Ta and Cr-Y
and tend to be developed on 120°-trending diagrams it is possible to place some constraints
Supra-subduction zone ophiolites 89

re~i.~"' oooao,o
20 C°rn~ositions
" ~ aslhenosphere
'.. ~ composition

\ .... i ',..8o~
•..~..o~1 ...: ~




v . . . . .
Y ppm

FIG. 8. Petrogenetic pathways on the Cr-Y diagram for 'MORB' ophiolites (pathway C), 'SSZ'
ophiolites of island-arc tholeiitic affinities (pathway B) and 'SSZ' ophiolites of boninitic affinities
(pathway A).

on the genesis of the SSZ ophiolites and, in which the phases melt in the ratio 3:1:4:4).
particular, to explain the general trend from Fractional crystallization of the primary magma
boninite to island-arc tholeiite to MORB com- can be represented by crystallization vectors. In
positions that appears to characterize marginal Fig. 8, the steep vector represents crystalliza-
basin evolution. tion of olivine + Cr spinel __+clinopyroxene and
Figure 8 illustrates how the differences in Y the shallower vector represents crystallization
and Cr between MORB, IAT and boninites of olivine + Cr spinel + clinopyroxene + pla-
might be explained. The choice of Y and Cr is gioclase. The combination of trends required to
not arbitrary, but based on the fact that neither reach a given basalt composition can be termed
element appears to be significantly affected by the 'petrogenetic pathway' for that lava.
the processes that cause heterogeneities in the Three petrogenetic pathways are shown in
convecting upper mantle. In consequence, the Fig. 8. Pathway C represents the pathway for a
composition of the convecting upper mantle can typical basalt from a MORB ophiolite. Projec-
be predicted from meteorite compositions, man- tion of the basalt composition back to the par-
tle xenoliths and estimates of primordial mantle, tial melting trend indicates that the primary
as approximately 2500 and 5 ppm for Cr and Y magma was derived from about 15% partial
respectively. The compositions of primary melting of a convecting upper mantle source.
magmas derived from this mantle composition Pathway B represents the pathway for the
can be modelled and presented as partial melt- basalts from a typical SSZ ophiolite. Projection
ing trends annotated according to the degree of of its composition back to the partial melting
melting. The exact trend will depend on the trend indicates that the primary magma was
mantle mineralogy and rates of disappearance derived from a greater degree of melting than
of the various phases, but should not differ that of the MORB ophiolite, perhaps 30%.
greatly from the trend shown in Fig. 8 (model- Pathway C represents the pathway for a basalt
led for a mantle of o10.6 opx0. 2 cpx0.1 Pl0.1 in from a typical boninite suite from an ophiolite
90 J.A. Pearce et al.

complex. In this case, projection of the compos-

ition back to the partial melting trend would IIIIl'lttll ~illltl'lllllllllllllllll
intersect the trend at some 80% melting, clearly
an impossible value. It is thus necessary to
propose that the source of these magmas was
not the convecting upper mantle but the over-
lying sub-oceanic lithosphere. Having lost a
basaltic component, the lithosphere will be
depleted in Y relative to the convecting upper
mantle, as modelled in Fig. 8. Melting of mantle
of this composition could yield boninites (and
perhaps also some IAT) after a geologically
reasonable degree of melting. This model for the
generation of boninites is essentially that pro-
posed by Crawford et al. (1981) and provides a
very plausible explanation of the Cr-Y covaria-
This model is also consistent with the varia-
tions observed in the Th-Hf-Ta diagram C
(Fig. 9). This diagram can be considered the
petrogenetic opposite of the Cr-Y diagram in
that it records heterogeneities in the convecting ,,, _, ~ .
. .' " ... :::.-~.:X'.::::-.:.%

upper mantle and lithosphere yet is largely

independent of variations due to fractional
crystallization and partial melting. The pre-
dicted variation in the composition of the con-
vecting upper mantle is denoted by the dashed
line: mantle enrichment events in within plate
settings cause increases in concentrations of Th
and Ta relative to Hf (cf. Fig. la) and hence D
I i i i r i~i i i I i i ~ ~ .... : : : ; !~I/ :: i i i I
move the mantle composition towards the WPB
field; similarly, mantle depletion events move
the mantle composition towards the MORB
field. Thus Pathway A, which represents the
pathway for MORB ophiolites, is simply a line
of depletion relative to an estimated bulk man-

Conveclmg upper mantle ~ Incipient arc volcanism

/ ~ Within plate
/~ ,4" ~x_~ mantle depletion
/ k ~ r - ~ \ trend
SSZmantle / Z I \ \ i i i , Old oceanic crust Zone of hydration
enrichment / / / ,~I~A \ \
New marginal basin • Zone of partial melting
trends \ , , ~ /1/111 I \ .Estimated bulk oceanic crust :~.
Boninite volcanism Z.~ Plate vector to pointrelative
of deflection of subducting plate

FIG. 10. Schematic model for the initial

/ /
/ / .....
i t h i n plate
\ mantle enrichment
stages of evolution of at least some ensima-
tic marginal basins. Hydration of sub-
oceanic lithosphere immediately follows
subduction (A). Melting of this mantle
source generates initial boninitic magmat-
ism (B) which marks the start of the pre-arc
spreading event that forms Troodos-type
ophiolites (C). This is followed by sub-
FIG. 9. Petrogenetic pathways on the marine arc volcanism (D). In this model,
Th-Hf-Ta diagram for 'MORB' ophiolites the extent of pre-arc spreading will depend
(pathway A), 'SSZ' ophiolites (pathway B) in part on 'roll back' of the subducting
and 'SSZ' ophiolites of boninitic affinities plate and 'subcretion' of the leading edge
,(pathway C). of the overriding plate.
Supra-subduction zone ophiolites 91

tie composition. By contrast, mantle enrich- plagioclase. They may also contain lavas of
ment events in SSZ settings move the mantle boninitic composition. They are sometimes
composition along Th enrichment trends into overlain by arc volcanics and/or volcanogenic
the volcanic-arc field. Pathway B, which repres- sediments but this is not a diagnostic feature.
ents the pathway for island-arc tholeiites from Ophiolites of this type are found in most, if not
SSZ ophiolites, therefore requires the addition all, of the world's major Phanerozoic orogenic
of a subduction vector to Pathway A. To obtain belts, where they commonly comprise the
Pathway C, which represents the pathway for largest and best-preserved complexes.
boninite compositions from SSZ ophiolites, it is It has been shown that many SSZ ophiolites
necessary first to invoke an additional depletion were detached soon after their formation, often
(relative to that of Pathway A) before the sub- because they were related to the subduction of
duction component is added. This depleted the crust of small oceans and soon became
mantle could be the lithosphere source required involved in continent-arc or continent-fore-arc
to explain the Cr-Y covariations. collisions. They may therefore provide useful
This petrogenetic model is illustrated in its information on the earliest stages of marginal
geological context in Fig. 10. It is suggested that basin evolution. Most interesting are the
subduction is followed by hydration of sub- Troodos-type complexes, which appear to have
oceanic lithosphere and that it is the melting of formed by some form of marginal basin spread-
this source that gives rise to boninites and ing event, yet are neither preceded nor followed
depleted IAT of ophiolites such as Vourinos by significant arc volcanism. It is probable,
and Troodos (e.g. Simonian & Gass 1978). therefore, that, in these cases, the first signifi-
Subsequently, hydrated asthenosphere from the cant volcanic episode related to subduction is a
mantle wedge is melted producing IAT compos- spreading event, rather than the construction of
itions of ophiolites such as the Semail complex. an arc edifice as is commonly supposed. I n
The accumulation of magma of this composi- more evolved arc-basin systems, the products
tion to form an arc edifice rather than oceanic of this event would be found as the basement to
crust marks the transition from supra-subduc- fore-arc basins. However, the process should be
tion zone spreading to arc volcanism. Sub- termed 'pre-arc' rather than 'fore-arc' spread-
sequently, this arc may split, perhaps generating ing to signify that the arc was not in existence
further boninites, and back-arc spreading may when spreading took place. Petrogenetic con-
take place. The lava may then eventually siderations indicate that the boninitic affinities
achieve MORB composition, being derived of the lavas from these complexes may be due
from mantle that contains no component from to the fact that hydrated lithosphere, rather
subducted oceanic lithosphere. than convecting upper mantle, is melted during
the initial stages of subduction.
The passage from 'pre-arc' spreading to arc
volcanism may be preserved in the Semail
Conclusions ophiolite. If so, the transition is marked by the
accumulation of magma in discrete magma
By plotting geochemical data from ophiolite chambers which develop on fracture zones in
lavas and dykes onto basalt discrimination diag- the newly formed marginal basin crust. These
rams, it has proved possible to divide ophiolite chambers erupt magma of basic, intermediate
complexes into two groups: SSZ (supra-sub- and acid composition, as lava and cone-sheet
duction zone) ophiolites which have the geo- swarms, to form a series of submarine volcanic
chemical characteristics of island-arc tholeiites; centres; these may contain sheeted dyke
and MORB ophiolites which have the geo- swarms of limited extent at depth. If the anal-
chemical characteristics of mid-ocean ridge ogy is correct, basaltic fissure eruptions can also
basalts. Study of lavas from known environ- take place in the depressions between the vol-
ments suggests that present-day equivalents of canic centres. Given a sufficiently long period
SSZ ophiolites lie in fore-arc and parts of some of subduction, these centres could develop into
back-arc basins. Equivalents of MORB ophiol- subaerial volcanic islands of the type seen in
ites lie in incipient oceans, major oceans, 'leaky' many of the W Pacific intra-oceanic arcs.
transforms and most back-arc basins. Supra-subduction zone ophiolites may also
SSZ ophiolites are also characterized by form in the initial stages of arc splitting. If the
strongly depleted, harzburgite mantle sequ- interpretations of Crawford et al. (1981) are
ences containing podiform chromite deposits correct, magmas of boninitic affinities, this time
and by crystallization sequences in which derived from hydrated sub-arc lithosphere, are
olivine is followed by pyroxene rather than erupted initially, although magmas of MORB
92 J . A . Pearce et al.

affinities m a y be e r u p t e d o n c e a b a c k - a r c basin ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are grateful to Professor I.

of significant size has evolved. G. Gass, Drs M. Menzies, T. Alabaster, R. Hall, J.
Finally, it must be e m p h a s i z e d that the m o d e l Malpas, P. Ryan, A. H. F. Robertson, A. G. Smith
m a y not be generally applicable as plate and many others for helpful discussions during the
g e o m e t r i e s and plate m o t i o n s , including roll- writing of this paper, to Professor J. R. Cann, Drs K.
G. Cox and H.-U. Schmincke for reviewing the
back of the s u b d u c t e d plate (Elsasser 1971;
manuscript, to Drs P. Potts, O. Williams Thorpe and
M o l n a r & A t w a t e r 1978; C h a s e 1978), are Mr J. Watson for analytical assistance, to Neil Mather
highly variable. N o n e t h e l e s s , the o c c u r r e n c e of and Helen Boxall for drawing the diagrams and to
SSZ ophiolite c o m p l e x e s of similar c o m p o s i t i o n Marilyn Leggett for typing the manuscript. S. Roberts
and i n t e r n a l structure in so m a n y o r o g e n i c belts was supported in this work by an EEC studentship.
must indicate that sea-floor spreading in a
s u p r a - s u b d u c t i o n z o n e setting has c h a r a c t e r i z e d
m a n y m a r g i n a l basins in the past.

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Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, U.K.
Marginal basins of the SW Pacific and the preservation and
recognition of their ancient analogues: a review

E. C. Leitch

SUMMARY: Marginal basins of the SW Pacific floored by oceanic lithosphere comprise

those formed by sea-floor spreading immediately behind active magmatic arcs (back-arc
basins) and those created by the rifting of continental crust without obvious connection to
an arc system (small ocean basins). The basins opened rapidly, range greatly in shape and
size, and show diverse relations to sediment sources. Thick sediment piles mainly
accumulated adjacent to emergent continental margins or active arcs, with thin sequences
of pelagic sediments, ash, and fine grained turbidites on basin floors. Facies are commonly
asymmetrically distributed. Basaltic magmatic activity, mild deformation and submarine
erosion affect both types of basins. Ancient back-arc basins should be identifiable on the
basis of their temporal relations to magmatic arcs and the volcanic influence in their
sedimentary sequence, but distinguishing between small and major ocean basins is often
difficult. Narrow marginal basins may collapse following accumulation of a thick sediment
pile, but most basins close by subduction. Similarities are recognized between the
present-day SW Pacific and the formative stage of the North American Cordillera. The
Late Mesozoic palaeogeography of the Western Alps resembles the complex of small
ocean basins and continental fragments west of the Norfolk Ridge, and the Ordovician
palaeogeography of central Newfoundland bears close resemblance to the assemblage of
back-arc basins, remnant arcs and active arc east from the Norfolk Basin.

This paper examines the marginal basins of the Indian plates have been resolved along a com-
SW Pacific with the aim of recognizing diagnos- plex series of rapidly evolving plate boundaries
tic characters that will aid in the identification (Packham 1973; Packham & Andrews 1975;
of their ancient analogues. Considerable infor- Crook & Belbin 1978). Despite recent investi-
mation on these basins has been derived from gations many of the sea-floor features remain
the Deep Sea Drilling Project and from marine poorly known and their characters disputed
geophysical surveys. These data, allied with the (Leitch 1981); only generalized tectonic recon-
range of marginal basin types, make the region structions can be made.
a suitable one from which to derive criteria of The oldest oceanic sea-floor identified in the
wide applicability. SW Pacific is of Late Cretaceous age and it was
However, such derivation of criteria largely probably at about this time that the present
ignores any features that may result from the cycle of fragmentation of the margin of E Gond-
incorporation of marginal basins into fold belts. wanaland commenced (Packham 1973). The
Thus the mechanisms whereby marginal basins shape and size of the marginal basins range
are converted into stratotectonic units are also widely as does their proximity to major ter-
discussed. Several examples of marginal basins rigenous sediment sources. Bounding tectonic
interpreted in ancient sequences are reviewed, elements include continental masses, micro-
to illustrate the scales on which analogies with continental blocks, active and remnant arcs and
the present-day SW Pacific can be drawn, and fracture zones. Following Karig (1971) and
also the evidence used to support these Packham & Falvey (1971), usage here of the
interpretations. term marginal basin is restricted to those basins
floored by oceanic crust. These workers sup-
ported Carey (1958) in suggesting that the
marginal basins of the W Pacific were formed
Marginal basins of the SW Pacific by rifting at independent spreading centres
removed from the main ocean basin, a conclu-
The SW Pacific region comprises a collage of sion clearly confirmed by magnetic anomaly
continental blocks, island arcs, trenches, margi- patterns, palaeomagnetic results, and basement
nal basins, remnant arcs, seamount chains and ages derived from deep-sea drilling. However,
fracture zones that lies between the major con- not all marginal basins are as closely linked to
tinental mass of Australia and the Pacific Ocean island arcs as these writers suggested and two
Basin (Fig. 1). It is a broad zone in which major categories can be recognized; those that
changes in the relative motion of the Pacific and formed immediately behind active magmatic

98 E . C. L e i t c h

~ Active arcs
~,~, Islands
Remnant arcs

Continental & quasi-continental

/, m m Trench
* 286 DSDPdriU-holelocation

HEBRIDES anuatu ~
B A S I N 2~6 ~ New
. Hebrides)


S O U T HAbyssa!
>5 o

* 285

MA ~
co,v.yH ~'~ Kermadec
N 35 °
~ ~ ~ l s l New
a Zealand
n d Arc

150° 155° 160° 165° 170° 175° 180° 175°

FIG. 1. Marginal basins of the SW Pacific and their bounding tectonic elements. (Five degrees of
longitude is about 550 kin.)

arcs (back-arc basins), and those that formed 1979), the New Hebrides Basin (Weissel et al.
without any clear connection to an active arc 1982b), the Lau Basin (Weissel 1977), the
(small ocean basins). Havre Basin (Malahoff et al. 1982), the North
The apparent absence of clearly defined Fiji Basin (Malahoff et al. 1982) and the South
linear magnetic anomaly patterns in marginal Fiji Basin (Watts et al. 1977; Malahoff et al.
basins led Karig (1971) to suggest that the 1982). However, in the basins closely associ-
oceanic lithosphere was generated from ran- ated with island arcs, no simple system of
domly distributed diapirs, rather than from a spreading normal to the trend of the arc has
well-defined axial zone as occurs in major been identified. Taylor's (1979) model for the
ocean basins. However, such absence may Bismarck Sea involves asymmetrical spreading
result from extensive hydrothermal alteration, across a plate boundary composed of two trans-
relatively thick sediment cover, widespread forms, a leaky transform and a spreading seg-
off-axis magmatic activity and the presence of ment. Opening of the Lau Basin (Weissel 1977)
numerous transform faults (e.g. L a w v e r & produced several small plates with the bound-
Hawkins 1978). A well-developed pattern of ary between three being a ridge-trans-
axially symmetrical anomalies occurs in the form-transform triple junction, and a three
Tasman Sea Basin (Hayes & Ringis 1973; ridges triple junction has been recognized in
Weissel & Hayes 1977; Shaw 1978), and linear the South Fiji Basin (Watts et al. 1977) and the
anomaly patterns have recently been recog- North Fiji Basin (Falvey 1978). The distribu-
nized in parts of other basins including the tion of early rift structures in the Tasman Sea
Coral Sea Basin (Weissel & Watts 1979), the Basin (Mutter & Jongsma 1978) suggests that
Bismarck Sea Basin (Connelly 1976; Taylor initial opening patterns, of long transforms and
Marginal basins of the SW Pacific 99

irregular boundaries, become simpler with Packham (1973) and Terrill (1975), has
time. recently been interpreted as a spreading centre
Linear spreading rates within some marginal (Larue et al. 1977; Daniel et al. 1978).
basins vary considerably, indicating proximity The Tasman Sea and Coral Sea basins and,
to the pole of opening. The angular opening tentatively, the New Caledonia Basin, are clas-
rate of 4 ° Ma -1 calculated by Taylor (1979) for sified as small ocean basins. Falvey & Mutter
the Bismarck Sea yields spreading half-rates (1981) suggested that at the time of opening of
of about 6.5 cm yr -1, and a rate of 1 ° Ma -1 in the Tasman Sea Basin (80-55 Ma) a W-dipping
the Tasman Basin (Shaw 1978) indicates half- convergent plate margin lay adjacent to the
rates of about 1-3 cm yr -1. Half-rates of present-day eastern coastline of the North
3-3.5 c m y r - 1 have been estimated for the Island of New Zealand. A high-potassium
ridges of the South Fiji Basin (Watts et al. 1977; calc-alkaline andesite-dacite-rhyolite suite of
Malahoffet al. 1982), 3.5 cm yr -1 for the North this age occurs in the Mt Somers area of the
Fiji Basin (Malahoff et al. 1982), 3.8 cm yr -1 South Island (Oliver et al. 1979), but according
for the Lau Basin (Weissel 1977), 3 cm yr-1 for to Falvey & Mutter (1981) these rocks occur
the Woodlark Basin (Weissel et al. 1982a), and beyond a transform boundary which terminated
2.7 cm yr-1 for the Havre Basin (Malahoffet al. the convergent margin. Late Cretaceous rhyol-
1982). ite from Lord Howe Rise and a Cretaceous
Information concerning basin type, age, and basalt-rhyolite assemblage from the North
site of rifting are summarized in Table 1. Sev- Island, are probably related to rifting rather
eral basins ascribed to back-arc settings are than to plate convergence (Leitch 1975; Pira-
queried because of the absence of a clearly jno 1979) and Late Cretaceous sedimentary
related arc. Interpretation of the New Hebrides rocks fail to show any arc influence (Leitch
Basin as a back-arc structure is based on the 1975).
reversal of polarity of the New Hebrides arc Taylor (1975) commented on the absence of
subsequent to basin formation (Karig & Mam- an arc associated with the opening of the Coral
merickx 1972). A similar situation holds with Sea Basin. No arc rocks of appropriate age
the Solomon Sea Basin, unless it developed occur on the Queensland Plateau (Mutter
behind a S-facing 'Woodlark-Louisiades arc' 1977) and arc rocks of Late Cretace-
that was later split by the opening of the Wood- o u s - E o c e n e age are absent from Eastern Papua
lark Basin. However, the existence of this arc and the Louisiades Archipelago (unless the
(Karig 1972), and hence also the tectonic posi- low-potassium basalts of these regions (Davies
tion of the Woodlark Basin, remain to be & Smith 1971) comprise primitive arc base-
demonstrated (Weissel et al. 1982a) (see Smith ment rather than ocean floor) (see Smith &
& Milsom, this volume). The narrow S Rennel Milsom, this volume).
Trough, considered to be a fracture zone by The age of the Norfolk Basin has not been

TABLE 1. Marginal basins o f the S W Pacific

Basin Type Site of rifting Age of rifting Reference (age)

Tasman Small ocean Continental crust 76-55 Ma Shaw (1978)

Cato Small ocean Continental crust 65-56 Ma Falvey & Mutter (1981)
Coral Sea Small ocean Continental crust 62-56 Ma Weissel & Watts (1979)
Louisiade Small ocean Continental crust 60-56 Ma Weissel & Watts (1979)
Middleton Small ocean Continental crust 76-65 Ma Shaw (1978)
Lord Howe Small ocean Continental crust 76-65 Ma Shaw (1978)
New Caledonia ?Small ocean ?Continental crust c. 76-55 Ma Packham & Andrews (1975)
Norfolk ?Back arc ?Arc/continent boundary ?Early Miocene (see text)
New Hebrides ?Back arc ? 55-42 Ma Lapouille (1978)
Woodlark ? ? 3.5-0 Ma Weissel et al. (1982a)
Solomon Sea ?Back arc ? Eocene Packham & Andrews (1975)
Bismarck Back arc Arc 3.5-0 Ma Taylor (1979)
South Fiji Back arc Arc 36-25 Ma Malahoff et al. (1982)
Havre Back arc Arc 2-0 Ma Malahoff et al. (1982)
Lau Back arc Arc 3.5-0 Ma Weissel (1977)
South Rennell ? ? Oligocene Larue et al. (1977)
North Fiji Back arc Arc 8-0 Ma Malahoff et al. (1982)
100 E . C. L e i t c h

established. Packham & Andrews (1975) basin to determine the detailed distribution of
favoured Eocene rifting but Davey (1982) and sedimentary facies. However, the sedimenta-
Malahoff et al. (1982) argued for a late tion within the basins can be inferred from
Oligocene or more recent age and suggested DSDP sites (Fig. 2) and seismic reflection sur-
that the basin is a back-arc structure which veys.
opened behind an arc now represented by the The initial topography of marginal basins is
Three Kings Rise (see also Lapouille 1978). irregular, with fault-bound ridges and troughs
Interpretation of the rise as an extinct E-facing producing numerous small and narrow sedi-
arc is supported by the westward younging of ment ponds. Thick clastic deposits, largely from
magnetic lineations in the adjacent part of the sediment gravity flows, dominate the early
South Fiji Basin and the dredging of andesite stage of basin opening. With widening of the
from the rise (Davey 1982; Malahoff et al. basin these deposits are restricted to areas adja-
1982). Early Miocene activity is indicated by cent to emergent margins, especially close to
the Tertiary stratigraphy of northernmost New magmatic arcs, and towards the basin centre
Zealand (Leitch 1970). pass laterally into distal silt turbidites which are
The age of the New Caledonia Basin has not in turn succeeded distally by nannofossil ooze.
been accurately established. The geology of Sediments progressively bury the early
New Caledonia suggests that the Norfolk Ridge irregularities of the basin floor and wide abyssal
is a continental fragment rather than a remnant plains are characteristic of larger mature basins.
arc, and the New Caledonia Basin possibly Seismic reflection records indicate that major
opened without associated arc activity. lithostratigraphic units in these basins are per-
Three points can be made from consideration sistent even though they can be diachronous
of Table 1: and show marked thickness variations.
Decrease in the supply of clastic detritus, due to
(i) Marginal basins have a short spreading his-
tory. source degradation, waning volcanic activity, or
the development of a new spreading system
(ii) With the possible exception of the S
between basin and source, increases the area of
Rennell Trough, rifting commenced within
pelagic deposition and oozes overlie fine clastic
relatively thick crust, either in continental
rocks. Where thermal contraction has resulted
or island-arc settings, and not within areas
of thin oceanic crust. in basin floors sinking below the carbonate
compensation depth, calcareous rocks are suc-
(iii) Back-arc basins that are presently spread-
ceeded by abyssal days.
ing (Bismarck, Lau, Havre, North Fiji) are
Unconformities are present in the sequences
all associated with arcs that are volcani-
of many of the marginal seas. Some breaks are
cally active. They thus contrast with the
restricted to a single basin or just part of a
basins of the NW Pacific that appear to
basin, but that of Early-Middle Oligocene age
have opened during periods of little or no
which was related to strong submarine currents,
arc volcanism (Scott et al. 1981).
occurs over much of the SW Pacific (Kennett et
al. 1972).
Source area evolution in the SW Pacific
Sedimentology favours an asymmetrical distribution of clastic
facies within the basins, similar to that in the
The sediments in marginal basins of the SW marginal basins of the Mariana island-arc sys-
Pacific reflect the variable influences of spread- tem (Karig & Moore 1975), rather than the
ing history, dastic sources, biogenic sediment symmetrical distribution indicated by Klein
production and water depth. Sedimentation (1975). In the Tasman Sea Basin thicker sedi-
adjacent to the emergent continental margins of ment piles probably occur along the E
the Tasman and Coral Sea basins, which resem- Australian margin than along the Lord Howe
bles that at the margins of major ocean basins, Rise because, although non-axial breaching of
has been described by Mutter (1977), Taylor & the early rift valley complicated the geology of
Falvey (1977), Mutter & Karner (1980) and the rise (Mutter & Jongsma 1978), DSDP
Falvey & Mutter (1981). The sedimentation in results (Burns et al. 1973) indicate that it was
marginal basins close to New Zealand has been the site of marine deposition even before open-
described by Katz (1974) and Davey (1977). ing of the Tasman Sea Basin was completed.
These areas are only briefly considered here Nevertheless, at least some of the relatively
and discussion concentrates on regions thick (3000 m) sediment sequence in the New
removed from major continental sources. Caledonia Basin has been derived from sub-
Insufficient data are available from any single marine slumping off the Lord Howe Rise
M a r g i n a l b a s i n s o f the S W P a c i f i c 101

DSDP 283 210 287 286 206 2O5 203


°1- -I Q .',-
_ .x...* it.. t/.



I A A A I i~I'L" /. -¢.-j
~,-, ,

,-._-- ._J_
..... M -.-L
.... J- .
-+-- J- .-L
40C ~T_--A I ~ .J-.
Pa ------.
. ~ .
E _L .
.... -- .L _
so( -....~ :-_-. .-I-
.... L-
&-:-. - --. O .-L.
.... J-_
A A/~ .J-
E J._a
Pa L_~.,-..LI

800 metres
~ clayeysilt ~ voicenogenic ~'-&-q Q -Quaternary
silty clay silt & sand chert
P -PIIocene

-~ siliceous volcanogenic M -Miocene

ooze conglomerate basalt
O -Oligocene

gradedand ~ detritel clay ~ gebbro E -Eocene

Pa - Palaeogene

-~ nannofossll •v w w , unconformity
ooze ash

FIG. 2. DSDP sections from SW Pacific marginal basins. Key to sites: 283--Tasman Basin (Kennett
et al. 1975); 210--Coral Sea Basin (Burns et al. 1973); 287--Coral Sea Basin (Andrews et al. 1975);
286--New Hebrides Basin (Andrews et al. 1975); 206--New Caledonia Basin (Burns et al. 1973);
205--South Fiji Basin (Burns et el. 1973); 203--Lau Basin (Burns et al. 1973).

(Bentz 1974). In back-arc basins, thicker clastic fossil ooze. At DSDP Site 210 some 1900 turbi-
sediment piles are likely to occur along the dites occur in a sequence 470 m thick which was
active arc margin than along the remnant-arc deposited in the last 10 Ma (Burns et al. 1973).
margin facing the arc. Thick elastic accumula- In the South Fiji Basin intense middle Miocene
tions on the margins of remnant arcs facing volcanic activity is indicated b y the thick sequ-
away from the rift formed on the margin of the ence of tuffaceous rocks encountered at Sites
active arc before rifting. 205 and 285. An extraneous source has also
Source rejuvenation has been recognized in affected sedimentation in the southern part of
the sediments of the Coral Sea Basin and South the South Fiji Basin. Although drill-hole infor-
Fiji Basin (Fig. 2). In the former, clays depo- mation is not available, the many seismic reflec-
sited below the carbonate compensation depth tors present indicate extensive clastic deposits
are overlain by a thick sequence of terrigenous derived from northern New Zealand (Packham
silt and clay turbidites interbedded with nanno- & Terrill 1975). The southern part of the Havre
102 E . C. L e i t c h

Basin also contains a thick terrigenous sediment Rise (van der Lingen 1973), small alkaline
sequence derived from this source (Karig 1970; intrusions in SE New South Wales and Tas-
Cronan et al., this volume; Lewis & Pantin, this mania (McDougall & Wellman 1976), and
volume). possibly also the mainly allochthonous Cre-
The volcanic seamounts and extensive frac- taceous basaltic and silicic volcanic rocks in
ture zones within the marginal basins provide northern New Zealand (Leitch 1975).
sources for local accumulations of coarse clastic Igneous processes in the generation of new
igneous material similar to those associated crust in marginal basins are probably similar to
with these features in other oceanic basins. those of accretion of oceanic lithosphere in
Sedimentation rates in the SW Pacific basins major ocean basins. In the SW Pacific detailed
range widely. Rates of 5 0 - 1 0 0 m M a -1 are data concerning the composition of marginal
reported from the volcaniclastic sequence of the basin lithosphere are only available for the
Lau Basin (Burns et al. 1973), and 200 m Ma -1 basalts of the Lau Basin (Hawkins 1974, 1976,
may have been reached in the sequences of 1977; Gill 1976). Basalts akin to mid-ocean
coarse volcanic detritus in the New Hebrides ridge basalts (MORB) and those enriched in
Basin (Andrews et al. 1975). Very high rates large ion Iithophile elements both occur (see
also occurred in the basal section of DSDP Site Saunders & Tarney, this volume). Much less
285 in the South Fiji Basin (Andrews et al. complete information from the Woodlark Basin
1975). The turbidite sequence in the Coral Sea (Luyendyk et al. 1973) and the Coral Sea Basin
Basin accumulated at rates of 25-120 m Ma -1, (Stoeser 1975) suggests they are floored by
nannofossil oozes between 5 and 15 m Ma -1, rocks of mid-ocean ridge affinity.
and abyssal clays at an average of about Off-axis igneous activity within the marginal
6 m Ma -1 (Andrews et al. 1975). basins is indicated by seamounts in the Lau
Clastic detritus in the basins reflects the Basin (Hawkins 1974), the South Fiji Basin
nature of the bounding elements; volcanogenic (Packham & Terrill 1975), and the Tasman Sea
glass, crystal debris and rock fragments domi- Basin (Vogt & Conolly 1971). Dolerite has
nate in back-arc basins, whereas in small ocean intruded Middle Miocene sediments at DSDP
basins quartz, feldspar and mica are the most Site 285 in the South Fiji Basin (Andrews et al.
prominent detrital phases. Hawkins (1974) 1975).
suggested that on a carbonate-free basis the
sediment in back-arc basins has a somewhat
higher SiO 2 content (60-65%) than average
abyssal sediments (c. 45%). Discrete layers of ash Acoustic basement in SW Pacific marginal
and tuff are confined to back-arc basins, but dis- basins, which normally corresponds to the
tal ash-fall material is scattered through the basaltic oceanic crustal layer, usually has a
sedimentary sequence of the small ocean basins rough topography resulting from normal fault-
close to volcanic sources. Thus, although no ing during spreading. Overlying sediments are
volcanic component was recognized in sedi- mostly horizontal and continuous over large
ments from DSDP Site 283 from the Tasman areas, indicating that there has been little sub-
Sea Basin (Kennett et al. 1975), glass shards are sequent deformation. Close to the basin mar-
a minor constituent of the Miocene and gins the bedded sediments are commonly
younger rocks of the New Caledonia Basin faulted and/or gently tilted, and small horst and
intersected at Site 206, and occur in trace graben structures locally affect basin floors.
amounts throughout the sequence here (Burns Packham & Terrill (1975) presented evidence
et al. 1973). Volcanic glass fragments also occur of both local and regional faulting, and possibly
in the upper part of the Coral Sea sequence folding, in the South Fiji Basin, and a 'rolling'
(Andrews et al. 1975). topography in the New Caledonia Basin (Burns
et al. 1973) may be the result of very open flex-
Igneous activity uring.
Close to active transform faults and fracture
In the SW Pacific the opening of both back- zones, the sea-floor topography is irregular and
arc and small ocean basins was preceded by seismic reflectors are disturbed. Deformation of
igneous activity. Back-arc basins developed the Minerva Abyssal Plain in the north of the
within the island-arc tholeiite and calc-alkaline South Fiji Basin increases towards the Hunter
rocks of the magmatic arcs (e.g. Gill 1981). Fracture Zone (Packham & Terrill 1975). In
Igneous activity preceding the opening of small between the New Hebrides and Solomon Arcs
ocean basins is represented by diverse units and Papua several major fractures disrupt the
including rhyolitic rocks on the Lord Howe floors of marginal basins producing widespread
Marginal basins o f the S W Pacific 103

disturbance of sedimentary layers, giving rise to on the basis of sediment type and composition
local sediment traps and complex depositional alone. In the small ocean basins of the SW
patterns (e.g. Daniel et al. 1977; Hamilton Pacific the tendency for one margin to subside
1979). soon after rifting is probably reflected in an
asymmetry in both sediment thickness and
facies, but such a pattern could also occur in
major ocean basins. Where both flanks of a
Recognition of marginal basin deposits small ocean basin have largely subsided, as is
The rocks of the marginal basins of the SW the case for the New Caledonia Basin, there is
Pacific share many characteristics with those of an almost complete absence of terrigeneous
the major ocean basins. The basements to both material in the subsequent basin fill. Similar
are subalkaline basalts, sedimentary sequences basinal sequences in old rocks might be inter-
are generally thin and dominated by deep-water preted as reflecting such subsidence.
pelagic clays and oozes (except at basin mar-
gins), sequences commonly indicate progressive Incorporation of marginal basin
subsidence, many units are regionally extensive
and most clastic material is fine grained. Local deposits into the geological record
intercalations of extrusive basalts and their Extant marginal basins are all relatively young
degradation products and breccias, mostly of components of the Earth's surface and older
basic and altered ultramafic material, that have analogous features must have existed. Subduc-
accumulated close to active fracture zones are tion is the only viable mechanism for closure of
probably present marginal basins of the size of those in the SW
The earliest sediments deposited in back-arc Pacific. Current views vary on the amount of
basins are arc-derived, and hence include a sub- sedimentary material removed from downgoing
stantial volcanic component. This commonly slabs (Scholl et al. 1980). Several plate margins
decreases up sequence, although influxes of once considered to be sites of major subduction
pyroclastic debris periodically occur in accretion have been shown to have only a very
pelagic-dominated sections and in most back- small or no subduction complex (von Huene et
arc sequences at least a minor volcanic fraction al. 1980a,b; Hussong & Uyeda 1982), and it is
is present throughout. Although volcanism possible that these complexes form only when
commonly accompanies the rifting that leads to thick sections of relatively buoyant material
the development of both major and small ocean occur on the downgoing plate. Thus much of the
basins, this activity is short-lived and is not a sediment mantling oceanic lithosphere in mar-
continuing or important source of debris. ginal basins may be subducted rather than
Bimodal (rhyolite-basalt) volcanism character- accreted and, irrespective of whether it forms
izes initial ocean basin rifting whereas back-arc parts of deep-seated metamorphic complexes, is
basins open adjacent to or within volcanic recycled by melting, or is incorporated into the
chains dominated by basic-intermediate rocks mantle, evidence of its original character is
of island-arc tholeiite or calc-alkaline affinities. probably almost completely destroyed.
Subduction-related magmatism may accom- Destruction of marginal basin crust is pres-
pany closure of small ocean basins but debris ently taking place in the SW Pacific. The Sol-
derived from this source will be present only in omon Sea Basin is being consumed at the New
the youngest ocean floor sediment units. Britain and Solomons trenches. Further S the
Determinations of age relations between Woodlark Basin is being thrust beneath the
ancient magmatic arcs and adjacent sedimentary Solomons Trench, and part of the New Heb-
rocks can help to determine the depositional rides Basin has disappeared below the New
setting of the latter. Back-arc basin fill is Hebrides Trench. No undoubted accretionary
younger than the onset of activity within the subduction complex has been determined along
associated magmatic arc, commonly by tens of the convergent margin off the Solomon Islands
millions of years, whereas deposition within or Vanuatu (Karig & Sharman 1975; Ibrahim et
some major ocean basins commenced a al. 1980), but seismic-reflection profiles
hundred million years or more before the start (Hamilton 1979, Fig. 153) suggest that a small
of subduction and accompanying generation of accretionary mass forms the inner wall of the
a magmatic arc. New Britain Trench. Thus some marginal basin
It appears almost impossible to distinguish deposits are probably preserved by subduction
between the sedimentary sequences of small accretion, presumably as thrust-repeated slices,
ocean basins, like those in the Coral Sea and the commonly intensely deformed and perhaps, in
Tasman Sea, and those of major ocean basins, places, constituting m61ange.
104 E. C. Leitch

If sufficient underthrusting proceeds for Comparisons between present-day marginal

subduction-related magmas to be generated, basins of the SW Pacific and the formative
then marginal basin deposits will be over- stages of major fold belts can be made on the
lain by volcaniclastic strata derived from an scale of the whole assemblage of basins, or on
active arc. The arc-derived strata may be (i) the scale of the individual basins and their mar-
conformable with the basinal sequence if the gins. The former comparison can be only gen-
supply of detritus was voluminous and any eral because of uncertainties in the palinspastic
trench buried so that volcaniclastic material reconstruction of even the best-known belts.
gained access to the floor of the marginal basin, If the small ocean basins of the SW Pacific
(ii) separated from earlier deposits by a low- (Table 1 and Fig. 1) were to close by subduction
angle unconformity if the volcaniclastics were the result would be an assemblage of continen-
deposited within the trench, or (iii) unconform- tal blocks, some topped by arc volcanics dating
able if the clastics were trapped within slope from the subduction event, separated by narrow
basins in the outer part of the fore-arc complex. tracts of deformed pelagic sediment, marginal
Alternatively, where closure occurs before the clastic rocks, seamount remnants and possibly
development of arc volcanism the marginal ophiolite slices. The width of the assemblage
basin deposits may be overlain by diverse sequ- would depend on the importance of subduction
ences of flysch with olistostromes. accretion relative to subduction erosion, and
Where subduction has not produced an the effects of strike-slip displacements. Abrupt
accretionary prism, the sites of former marginal along-strike discontinuities would result from
basins are probably marked only by narrow the diverse shapes of the basins and both thrust
suture zones containing disrupted mafic and zones and weakly deformed regions would
ultramafic rocks, pelagic deposits and possibly characterize most convergent zones (cf. Dewey
remnants of basin margin clastic accumulations & Kidd 1974). Closure of the back-arc basins
(cf. Dewey 1977). further E would produce an assemblage of nar-
Packham & Falvey (1971) argued that large row masses of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic arc
marginal basins such as the Tasman Sea Basin material separating accreted back-arc basin
and the South Fiji Basin are a consequence of floor. Churkin (1974) drew attention to the
unusual plate interactions and suggested that broad similarities between the interpreted
small basins may have been more typical of ear- evolution of the North American Cordillera
lier times. They also speculated that the base of and the evolution of the SW Pacific, and
thick sediment accumulations in narrow margi- although subsequent investigations suggest that
nal basins might fuse, engendering the rise of some Cordilleran terranes are truly exotic (e.g.
granites, deformation of the sedimentary pile Coney et al. 1980), and stress the importance of
and low-pressure-high-temperature regional very large strike-slip movements, the analogy
metamorphism, ultimately producing a fold still holds.
belt. However, it has not been shown that large The Late Mesozoic palaeogeography of the
marginal basins are more prevalent today than W Alps (Trumpy 1960) can be compared with
they were in the past, and it has yet to be the assemblage of small ocean basins between
demonstrated that this mechanism for incorpor- Australia and the New Caledonia-Norfolk
ation of marginal basin deposits into the Ridge-New Zealand region. The small oceanic
geological record is viable. basins of the Piemont and the Valais are
analogous to the Tasman Sea and New Cale-
donia basins, and the Brianconnais Platform,
perhaps to a diminutive Lord Howe Rise. The
Ancient analogues scarcity of arc debris in the Alpine Belt and
A marginal basin origin has been proposed for indeed in much of the Tethyan realm, is
many units now incorporated in fold belts. noteworthy. In the Alps no volcanic arc debris
These range from ophiolite nappes to shredded is recorded prior to the onset of ocean basin
suture-zone complexes, and from high-grade closure, indicating that the basins opened with-
metamorphic terranes to comparatively well- out associated arcs. The subsequent small
preserved sedimentary sequences. The state of amounts of volcanic arc debris suggest that in
preservation depends in part on the tectonic most cases the opposed continental margins
history of the fold belt and in part on the level came together before underthrusting was suffi-
of exposure within it. Several examples of cient to generate large volumes of arc magma.
interpreted ancient analogues of marginal Many individual basins and basin remnants
basins are discussed below, concentrating on have been likened to modern marginal basins,
less metamorphosed sedimentary sequences. although in some cases the term has been used
M a r g i n a l basins o f the S W Pacific 105
to include a broader range of structures than dominated by siltstone with intercalated sand-
herein. In the Appalachian-Caledonian stone turbidites, conglomerates, tufts and man-
Orogen, units as diverse as the Highland Boun- ganiferous beds (Kay 1975; Pajari & Currie
dary Complex and the Dunnage Zone have 1978) that in the E rest unconformably on
been interpreted as marginal basin accumula- ultramafic rocks, trondjhemite and pillow lavas
tions. Although there is a diversity of opinion of the Gander Ultramafic Belt (Currie et al.
(e.g. Henderson & Robertson 1982; Curry et al. 1980). The sedimentary rocks are of oceanic
1982), much evidence suggests that the High- facies and can be interpreted as the fill of a
land Boundary Complex of Scotland formed marginal basin in a tectonic position compar-
between a continental mass beneath the Mid- able to the South Fiji Basin. The analogy with
land Valley (Graham & Upton 1978) and the SW Pacific can be extended with the Gan-
another beneath the S Highlands. The compo- der Ultramafic Belt interpreted as a former
nents of the complex, including mafic and remnant arc that could be compared with the
ultramafic bodies, coarse clastic sedimentary Three Kings Ridge, and the Gander Group,
rocks, chert, jasper, and argillite, could be which accumulated between the Ultramafic
fragments of the floor and margin of a narrow Belt and the old Avalon continent (Williams
back-arc basin that opened behind a S-facing 1979), having accumulated in a basin similar to
arc (Dewey 1974; Curry et al. 1982). the Norfolk Basin which is flanked on the W
The central section (Dunnage and Gander by continental crust of the Norfolk Ridge. The
Zones) of the Appalachian Orogen in northern gradation between the Gander Group and
Newfoundland contains a diverse assemblage of sedimentary rocks deposited W of the
early Palaeozoic oceanic, island-arc and conti- Ultramafic Belt results from the progressive
nental margin rocks (Strong 1977; Williams subsidence of the remnant arc and its ultimate
1979), for which a variety of tectonic schemes burial by marginal basin deposits. The
has been devised (see Currie et al. 1980). Com- pinching-out of the Dunnage Zone against the
parison of the inferred Ordovician palaeogeo- Cabot Promontory in southern Newfoundland
graphy of this region with the region W from the (Williams 1979) may in part reflect the lateral
Kermadec Arc to the Norfolk Ridge reveals a termination of the inferred Ordovician arc-
basically similar assemblage of elements. basin assemblage against older rocks, in a man-
The western part of the Dunnage Zone ner similar to the termination of the arcs and
includes parautochthonous ophiolites, which basins E of the Norfolk Ridge against New
are associated with older and younger magma- Zealand (Fig. 1).
tic arc rocks (Mattinson 1975; Williams et al. Cas & Jones (1979) considered the middle
1976; Strong 1977), and are probably of mar- Palaeozoic Hill End Trough in E Australia to
ginal basin origin (Upadhyay et al. 1971). This be an ancient analogue of the southern termina-
suggests an arc-back-arc basin-remnant-arc tion of the Havre Basin. Both are flanked by arc
assemblage comparable with the Kermadec volcanics, pass S into regions of intense silicic
A r c - H a v r e Basin-Colville Ridge assemblage. magmatism, and are atypical of the general SW
To the E the magmatic arc rocks give way to Pacific pattern in containing a thick sequence of
a thick sequence of volcaniclastic turbidites, clastic rocks (see Lewis & Pantin, this volume).
olistostromes (including the Dunnage It is unclear if this part of the Havre Basin has
M61ange), intercalated mafic volcanic rocks and an oceanic basement, and unlikely that the Hill
penecontemporaneous silicic igneous masses End Trough is so floored. However, the volume
(e.g. McKerrow & Cocks 1981). The Ordovi- of sediment that accumulates in marginal set-
cian evolution of this region as shown by H o m e tings of this type suggests that they may be pre-
(1969, Fig. 5) portrays the situation anticipated ferentially preserved in the stratigraphic record
at the rear of an arc soon after the onset of and hence be of greater significance than their
back-arc spreading. The Dunnage M61ange is present areal extent might suggest.
considered to mark the initial rifting (E. C.
Leitch & C. A. Cawood, unpublished data) and
the igneous rocks probably represent peripheral
later magmatism on the active arc (see Lorenz, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The greater part of this paper
this volume). The W slope of the Colville was written during study leave from the University of
Ridge shows a very similar situation with thick Sydney. Thanks are extended to Professors E. R.
sedimentary sequences, intrusive igneous bodies Oxburgh and H. B. Whittington for making available
to me facilities within the Department of Earth
and common slumping on the upper slope (Pack- Sciences, University of Cambridge. Discussions with
ham 1978). W. R. Dickinson, G. H. Packham, J. Rodgers, A. G.
The western part of the Dunnage Zone is Smith and R. Trumpy are gratefully acknowledged.
106 E. C. Leitch

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E. C. LEITCH, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Sydney, NSW

2006, Australia.
Taupo-Rotorua Depression: an ensialic marginal basin of North
Island, New Zealand

J. W. Cole
SUMMARY: New Zealand lies on the boundary between the Pacific and Indian plates. In
the vicinity of North Island, oceanic crust of the Pacific plate is subducted obliquely
beneath continental crust of the Indian plate to form the Taupo-Hikurangi arc-trench
The volcanic component of this system is the Taupo Volcanic Zone which comprises a
young (<50,000 yr) andesite-dacite arc, to the west of which is the Taupo-Rotorua
Depression, a basin filled with approximately 2 km of low-density volcanics. Most of these
volcanics are rhyolitic (total volume > 10,000 km 3) and have been erupted in the last
0.6 Ma from the Rotorua, Okataina, Maroa and Taupo Volcanic Centres. Approximately
2 km 3 of high-alumina basalt has also been erupted from the Depression.
Normal faults are common in the Taupo-Rotorua Depression and some have been
active in historic time when open fissures formed. No strike-slip movement has been
recorded. This evidence, together with the presence of basalt dykes, suggests the area is an
extensional ensialic marginal basin. A change in orientation of the faults, from 040 ° at
Taupo to 090 ° at the N end of the Okataina Volcanic Centre, is considered to be a result
of dextral strike-slip movement within the North Island Shear Belt superimposed on the
extensional tectonics of the marginal basin. The resultant oblique extension would also
account for the en ~chelon basalt dykes in the 1886 Tarawera rift.
Crustal thickness in the marginal basin is estimated to be 15 km compared to 30-35 km
outside the basin. This may account for the high heat flow recorded (average may be up to
1575 mW m -e) and for partial melting of the base of the crust to produce the voluminous
rhyolitic volcanics. The high-alumina basalts are considered to be derived from the upper
mantle. They form dykes in the crust which in places reach the surface to form a series of
vents aligned parallel to the regional fault pattern. The basalts are considered to be
intruded and extruded mainly as a response to the extensional tectonics.

The boundary between the Pacific and Indian Wellman (1964) considers rocks on either side
plates is largely convergent (Fig. 1). Along the of this fault to have a total offset of 450 km. In
northern part of the boundary, the Indian plate the southern part of South Island, oceanic crust
is subducted beneath the Pacific plate to form of the Indian plate is obliquely subducted
the Solomon Islands and New Hebrides ensima- beneath continental crust of the Pacific plate
tic arcs (Mitchell & Warden 1971; Karig & (Christoffel 1971) with the boundary marked
Mammerickx 1972), and in the central part the by the Puysegur Trench (Fig. 2).
Pacific plate is subducted beneath the Indian
plate to form the Tonga and Kermadec ensima-
tic arcs (Oliver & Isacks 1967; Karig 1970,
1971). The southern part of the boundary is
Taupo-Hikurangi arc-trench system
marked by the Macquarie Ridge Complex The T a u p o - H i k u r a n g i arc-trench system
(Hayes et al. 1972) which is partly convergent extends from the Hikurangi Trough on the E
and partly transform (Fig. 1). Present-day shift side, to the Taupo Volcanic Zone on the W
pole for the two plates is given by Walcott (Fig. 2). The Hikurangi Trough is not directly
(1978) as 60°S, 180 ° and by Chase (1978) as continuous with the Kermadec Trench but is
62°S, 174°E. Rotation is estimated to be slightly offset in terms of bathymetry, and the
1.27 ° Ma -1 (Sissons 1979). area between the two is seismically quiet (Eiby
In North Island, the Pacific plate is obliquely 1977; Ansell 1978). Katz (1974) and van der
subducted beneath continental crust of the Lingen (1982) do not regard the trough as a
Indian plate (Fig. 2) to form the subduction-related trench, but, as the Benioff
T a u p o - H i k u r a n g i arc-trench system (Cole & zone dips at a shallow angle from this location
Lewis 1981). In South Island, continental crust (Adams & Ware 1977; Reyners 1980), Cole &
of the Chatham Rise is obliquely obducted on Lewis (1981) regard it as the easternmost limit
to continental crust of the Indian plate, much of of the Indian plate.
the movement being taken up by reverse- For some 200 km W of the Hikurangi Trough
dextral movement on the Alpine Fault (Fig. 2). the Benioff zone dips at about 5 ° until it

110 J. W. Cole

150 °




~%~,~ o.


Chatham Risse~
J' MACoOAR,F/ r" 40 o

Active diverging boundary

CO PLATEAU / tspreaoing axis)
Active converging boundary
ANTAR~I C';., PACIFIC (subduct ion zone)

PLATE/I ~;%~ PLATE J Transform or

transcurrent fault
(~] at plateboundary
(amount in mm/yr)

FIG. 1. The Pacific-Indian plate boundary showing relative motion at various positions. Minor
plates in the N are: 1--North Bismarck plate; 2--South Bismarck plate; 3--Solomon Sea plate.
Based on map by Wellman & McCracken (1979).

reaches a depth of approximately 25 km. The Above the low-angled part of the Benioff zone
dip then changes to about 20 ° and the zone is an accretionary prism up to 150 km wide and
continues at this angle until it reaches a depth of characterized by a series of imbricate thrust
80 km under the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Here a faults, along which movement becomes pro-
second increase in dip occurs to about 55 ° and gressively more oblique (dextral) towards the W.
the zone continues to its maximum depth of On the outer edge of the prism is the accretionary
250 km (Reyners 1980). slope, comprising a series of ridges and basins
Taupo-Rotorua Depression 111

i:i:i:iiii!i:i:i:i:!ii:i:il 165° ~ I'z0° _~ 1~75° ,sd ~ ; d I :-:~'~1 ] ~']', \,, s(@ /

iiiiiiiii~:i::!i!iiii:!i!iiz ~ / / ~ l

..........:.:.:.:.:.:.: ~ ~ ~ ~ i i

...................... " " ° " ' " "

.-Z---Z-Z-_--Z ---~ -,-,-,-,-----------------.---..,---------- -
:.:.:.::.~,:.:.::.: ~~ ~ ~e~ ~,~ I .~,.I
~ ~~t~ " * ,,~
~ ~ -I .-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z------ " I£-Z-'-Z--------- --~I_-ZZZ-Z--Z---
~:!:i:i:i~i:i~ik O. O / ' ~ , ' f f 3 ~" / ---'----- TAUPO -£---
~iii!!iii~!~ ~
===================== @.
~N::-~,%:~ /
/ /
~'.~ T
~ b~ /
~i~'o ~,'~ // ~¢~.-, -1 :-,__-,_----:-:-:-::~-~
Z - zo.e ,~~~--~'-:-~ .it~-_-- ~.-Z-Z.

:: : :: IFAU
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~--~, "g- ".T

~. . . . . ao~,~I ........ "-!-!:!:_::i:i:_).

":-:i:?i%~- _-i:i:i-i:??i::-::-
ui:i:ii: ~ ~ i i i i ! l

I °': ---"--'----"------"
,... ===========================================

~iiiii::i]~:!~:~!~iri~i:iii::iiii~:'~i~~ [ FIG. 3. Taupo-Hikurangi arc-trench sysL

f~:::.~!ii!iii]i!i]t!:~:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:i:i:!:!:i:~:!:::!::::~i:!:!~ I I
tem in the North Island. The offshore area
FIG. 2. Major components of the of continental crust is shaded.
Pacific-Indian plate boundary in the New
Zealand region. Stipple represents conti- plates. The oblique subduction shown in Figs 1
nental crust. Arrows show motion of and 2 can therefore be resolved so that move-
Pacific plate relative to the Indian plate.
Rates are from Walcott (1978). ment at the trench is almost entirely normal to
the boundary, and movement along the shear
belt is mainly strike-slip.
5 - 3 0 km wide and 1 0 - 6 0 km long. Sediments on The Taupo Volcanic Zone (Healy 1962)
the accretionary slope are progressively older extends N N E from Ohakune to White Island
away from the trench, with the oldest sediments and comprises a main andesitic arc, to the W of
forming the highest accretionary ridge. The inner which is the T a u p o - R o t o r u a Depression (Fig.
part of the prism is structurally a fore-arc basin 4).
filled by thick Plio-Pleistocene sediments. These At the S end of the main andesite arc is the
sediments are crossed by strike-slip faults which Tongariro Volcanic Centre which consists of
increase in number and in displacement west- four major andesite massifs (Cole 1978a).
wards. The locations of the main features of the Much of the lava forming these massifs was
accretionary prism are shown on Fig. 3 (after erupted within the last 0.3 Ma (Cole 1981)
Cole & Lewis 1981). from aligned vents within a series of NW-
The prism is bound on the W by a frontal trending en ~chelon zones. The orientation of
ridge composed of Upper Palaeozoic-Mesozoic these zones is similar to that of aligned vents
greywackes and argillites. This ridge is undergo- within an older andesite arc to the N (Fig. 4).
ing rapid uplift. Present uplift rates are esti- Volcanoes in this arc are progressively younger
mated to vary from 2 to 7 mm yr -1 along the southwards (Cole 1978b), so that the Tongariro
axis of the ranges (Wellman 1967), and studies Volcanic Centre may represent the youngest
of summit height surfaces at the S end of North eruptive centre of this feature. Crossing the en
Island, give rates of 3.0-4.5 mm yr -1 (Ghani ~chelon zones are a series of younger
1978). (<50,000 yr) vents from which predominantly
Cutting obliquely across the frontal ridge is olivine-bearing andesite, low-Si andesite and
the North Island Shear Belt (Fig. 3), a zone of low-Al basalt have been erupted. These vents
major dextral strike-slip faults. These faults are are aligned NNE, parallel to the major linea-
still active and have a combined dextral dis- ments of the T a u p o - H i k u r a n g i system (Cole
placement of 14-18 mm yr -1 (Lensen 1975; 1979), and it is these which are considered to
Sissons 1979) and a reverse component of form the southern part of the present-day main
4 mm yr -1 (Sissons 1979). This belt is regarded andesite arc.
as the western limit of the movement caused by Young andesite-dacite volcanoes also occur
relative motions of the Pacific and Indian at the N end of the main andesite arc at Man-
112 J. W. Cole

lectively named the Taupo-Rotorua Depres-

sion. These extend from Lake Taupo in the S to
Lake Rotorua in the N. The depresssion is filled
with 2.0 --- 0.2 km of low-density, low-velocity,
predominantly rhyolitic pyroclastics and lavas
(T. A. Stern, pers. comm. 1982), which have
been erupted from four rhyolitic volcanic
centres: Rotorua, Okataina, Maroa and Taupo
(Fig. 5). The volcanic centres are considered to
be multiple calderas formed after voluminous
eruptions spread thick ignimbrite sheets on
either side of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. The
maximum age of the ignimbrites clearly demon-
strable as having been erupted from the
Taupo-Rotorua Depression is 0.6 Ma (Cole
1981). Smaller volumes of rhyolite lava and
tephra have subsequently been erupted within
each centre. The total volume of rhyolitic vol-
canics is estimated to be >10,000 km 3 (Cole
Late in the history of Maroa, Taupo and
Okataina volcanic centres there were small
eruptions of high-alumina basalt (Cole 1972,
1979). This basalt has a total volume of about
2 km 3.
Fro. 4. The Taupo Volcanic Zone. Solid
circles are locations of recent andesite or
dacite volcanoes; open circles are andesite Lineaments in the Taupo-Rotorua Depression
volcanoes of a NW-trending arc; solid Normal faulting
square represents Waimarino olivine Normal faults, commonly with topographic
basalt. Rhyolitic volcanic centres are as fol-
lows: 1--Rotorua; 2--Okataina; expression, are abundant within the
3--Maroa; 4--Taupo. Taupo-Rotorua Depression (Fig. 6; for exam-
ples see also Hochstetter 1864; Grange 1937;
Grindley 1960; Nairn 1971, 1976, 1981).
awahe, Whale Island and White Island (Duncan Grindley (1960) considered that there were two
1970; Cole 1979). Lavas are predominantly episodes of faulting, in the Early and the Late
dacite but in March 1977 olivine-bearing ande- Pleistocene, and that faulting in the latter
site, similar to that erupted from the NNE- episode formed, what he termed, the 'Taupo
trending vents of the Tongariro Volcanic Fault Belt'. However, there is little evidence of
Centre, was erupted at White Island (Clark et a time break and it is more likely that faulting
al. 1979). In the middle section of the arc continued throughout the tectonic history of the
andesite-dacite lavas have only reached the sur- depression. Many of the fault traces show dis-
face at four localities (Fig. 4). At Tauhara, 8 km placements of 1 m or less, but others (e.g.
E of Taupo, magnesian olivine phenocrysts Paeroa, Ngakuru, Whangamata and Whakaipo
(Fo83) occur in a dacite, suggesting that andesi- Faults; Fig. 5) have displacements of many tens
tic magma, perhaps similar to the young Ton- of metres. No strike-slip movement has been
gariro lavas or the 1977 White Island lava, identified.
occurs at depth under this volcano. Historic earth movements with open fissures
The most primitive lava in the Taupo Vol- have been recorded at three locations. Hoch-
canic Zone is the Waimarino olivine basalt stetter (1864) observed a large and widely gap-
which has been erupted in the last 20,000 yr ing fissure to the SE of Earthquake Flat (Fig. 6)
(W. M. Hackett, pers. comm. 1982). and Thomas (1888) reported the re-opening of
this and many other fissures in the area during
the 1886 Tarawera eruption. These fissures
Taupo-Rotorua depression were 5 cm to 2 m wide and sufficiently numerous
'to make it difficult to take a horse across
Behind the main andesite arc is a series of linear country' (Smith 1886).
faulted depressions which Grindley (1960) col- In August 1895, a series of NE-striking fis-
Taupo-Rotorua Depression 113

" Y

~~___] CENTRE,


~y_~e.~ CENTRE ~jT[

Z#/ /
TAUPO / ~[ /

LAKE~,..~c~) /
= "",. ,
/. ] ,/
• Rhyolite

• Docite

• Andesite

1~ault (dawnthrown side shown}

I / -; .......... Fault [uncertain)

O Thermal Area

./:TONGARIRO ~/ oundary of volcanic centre

5 IO 15 20
Centre of Marginal Bosin
FIG. 5. Structure and lava types of the Taupo-Rotorua Depression. Boxes bound areas shown in
Figs 6, 7 and 8.

sures opened up across the W flank of Maun- 30 cm wide, 1 m deep and tens of metres long
ganamu, which is a small rhyolite dome 5 km were reported from a number of localities
SE of Taupo. Many slips occurred and much (Ward 1922). Vertical displacements ranged
damage was done to roads and tracks (Hill from 0.3 to 4 m (Fig. 7) and, by the end of the
1911; Henderson 1932). No vertical displace- episode, total subsidence at the centre of
ment was recorded. Whakaipo Bay was 4 m relative to the level of
From May to December 1922 more numer- the outlet of the lake (Grange 1932).
ous earth movements occurred on the northern Fault movement is known to have occurred
shores of Lake Taupo (Fig. 7). Fissures up to throughout the late Quaternary. Nairn (1971)
114 J. W. Cole

q/ Fault
0 I km 2 3

,i, ". , /
-~ / f , l~.d.
. ~ . EARTHQUAKEJ , , / I/
/ y / ~ ~~ ~ ... .F. . "LATIn., ~ 1,


,% #

/ / ,,--"" ,/"

FIG. 6. Faults in the Earthquake Flat area (from Nairn 1971).

has demonstrated from the displacement of part of the Taupo Volcanic Centre and in the
tephra layers that movement has occurred on Maroa Volcanic Centre the strike averages
several occasions during the last 42,000 yr. The 040 ° (Fig. 5), but in the Okataina Volcanic
relationship between near-surface and subsur- Centre it is 057 ° and at the northern margin
face faulting has also been investigated in the many faults trend 080-090 ° (Nairn 1981).
Wairakei and Waiotapu geothermal fields Faults are not continuous throughout the
(Grindley 1963, 1965). At these locations depression and appear to occupy a series of en
Grindley (1965) showed that there were few ~chelon fault belts. This is most clearly demon-
major faults at depth, but abundant faults at the strated in the Maroa Volcanic Centre (Fig. 5).
surface. The fault planes were steeply dipping Some NW-trending faults have also been re-
(80-85 °) and their throw increased with depth cognized. Northey (1983) has described the
indicating repeated movement throughout the NW-trending Horomatangi Fault across Lake
accumulation of the volcanics. Taupo (Fig. 5) and Modriniak & Studt (1959)
Orientation of the normal faults changes have suggested, on the basis of gravity and
progressively along the length of the magnetic data, that a NW-trending structure
Taupo-Rotorua Depression. In the northern (Maroa graben) occurred in the southern part
T a u p o - R o t o r u a Depression 115


I ( COMPLEX -_-4~'/-.-,

ROf~MAHANA r-" - ~ / ,c~

EDG£ ~ i

dZ.,,. >,+- 6-,, J

FIG. 7. Fault movement in Whakaipo-- + ¢'(..,'T_,,_-7-1
Whangamata Bay areas north of Lake ,, +<<,-. I, ° . -2 :,,.
Taupo from May to December 1922 (from
Grange 1932).
FIG. 81 En #chelon arrangement 0f vents in
the Tarawera-Lake Rerewhakaaitu area.
of the Maroa Volcanic Centre. However the lat- Dots represent explosive vents, squares
ter feature has not been clearly identified from represent basalt dyke exposures (data from
surface geology. Nairn 1981 and Nairn & Cole 1981).

Alignment o f basaltic vents

High-alumina basalt lavas have been erupted to as the Tarawera rift (Cole 1970). This rift has
within the Maroa, Okataina and Taupo Vol- a general trend of 057 ° (Fig. 8). Most dykes
canic Centres (Cole 1972, 1979). Vents are typ- are less than 2 m wide and appear to have filled
ically aligned parallel to the regional fault trend pure dilatational fractures without detectable
and probably represent the surface expressions horizontal or vertical shear displacement of the
of basaltic dykes. fissure walls (Nairn & Cole 1981). This evi-
At K Trig, 5 km W of Taupo, four small dence, together with the relatively small size of
scoria cones are aligned parallel to NNE faults the eruption, suggests that the dykes were pas-
in the area (Fig. 5) and a magnetic anomaly sively emplaced during or immediately after
within Lake Taupo, along strike to the S, prob- dilatation had occurred.
ably marks the location of a fifth vent. Another Contemporaneous with this activity, smaller
basaltic vent alignment occurs at Rotokawau in amounts of basalt were erupted from Lake
the NW part of the Okataina Volcanic Centre Rotomahana (Fig. 8) to the SW, and still further
(Fig. 5). High-alumina basalt was erupted from in this direction from craters at Waimangu
five craters approximately 4,000 yr ago. Three (Nairn 1979). No dykes are exposed at either
of the craters are linked and all five are aligned location but the trends of the vents are the same
at 090 ° . as those at Tarawera which strongly suggests
The most voluminous eruption (approxi- that the 'feeder' dyke for the Tarawera eruption
mately 0.7 km 3) of high-alumina basalt took extends as far SW as Waimangu, along a total
place on 10 June 1886, from Mt Tarawera. length of about 17 km.
Basaltic scoria was erupted from an en 6chelon To the S of Tarawera, a series of explosion
series of dykes (trending between 073 ° and vents, the West Rerewhakaaitu Fissures (Fig.
0_8_.0°) across the mountain (Fig. 8). The erup- 8), were formed about 10,000 yr ago. They have
tion lasted 4.5 h and in its final phase explosions an en 6chelon arrangement, with vents aligned
formed the series of coalescing craters referred between 042 ° and 048 °. Nairn (1981) consid-
116 J. W. Cole

ers that they result from phreatic explosions with little heat contributed to the surrounding
triggered by the intrusion of basalt dykes to a rocks. From equilibration studies, Ewart et al.
shallow depth. There are likely to be many (1971) suggested that the 'low-temperature'
other dykes in the Taupo-Rotorua Depression rhyolitic magmas of the Taupo Volcanic Zone
which have not reached the surface. This con- accumulated at depths of 5 - 7 km, and, as the
clusion is supported by the occurrence of basal- most recent rhyolitic eruption at Tarawera
tic fragments in many rhyolitic tephras. Indeed (Kaharoa eruption) took place only 600 yr ago
there is evidence from some tephras that intru- (I. A. Nairn, pers. comm. 1982), some partially
sion of a basaltic dyke or dykes may have trig- crystallized acidic magma may still be present.
gered the rhyolitic eruption. Such reservoirs, however, are likely to be
small and are therefore unlikely to provide the
Other vent alignments amount of heat necessary to account for the
In the Okataina Volcanic Centre, Nairn total flow for the zone.
(1981) recognizes an alignment of rhyolite High heat flow in back-arc spreading areas is
domes along the Haroharo and Tarawera lin- well known and is commonly related to rota-
eaments. Both are parallel to the 1886 rift tional asthenosphere flow caused by the sub-
(approximately 057°). Similar alignments duction (Andrews & Sleep 1974; Tokstz &
occur in the southern part of Lake Taupo (Fig. Hsui 1978). It may well be that a similar expla-
5). The lineaments probably reflect deep-seated nation applies to New Zealand. Sissons (1979)
faults which have acted as channelways for the considers that as a result of this flow the bound-
magmas and there is some indication that the ary between asthenosphere and lithosphere
locations of the vents along these faults may be under the Taupo-Rotorua Depression may be
controlled by cross-fractures (Northey 1983). unusually shallow, possibly at a depth of only
10-15 km. If so, hydrothermal circulation may
penetrate the entire thickness of the lithosphere
Heat flow to provide a very efficient heat transfer mechan-
ism and an explanation for the abnormally high
The Taupo-Rotorua Depression is an area of heat flow values.
particularly high heat flow, most of which
reaches the surface through hydrothermal sys-
tems (Fig. 5). Some systems are large enough to
form commercial geothermal fields, as at
Wairakei (Fig. 7). The features of the Taupo-Hikurangi
Total natural output for the Taupo Volcanic arc-trench system (Fig. 9) compare closely to
Zone, most of which is through the the generalized framework of arc-trench sys-
Taupo-Rotorua Depression, is estimated by tems described by Karig (1974), and the situa-
Studt & Thompson (1969) to be 3.3x 109 W tion of the Taupo-Rotorua Depression in the
and by Hochstein (1976) to be arc-trench system is the same as for many
4.0-6.3× 109W. Assuming an area of the oceanic marginal basins elsewhere in the W
Taupo Volcanic Zone of 4000 km 2, these val- Pacific (e.g. Karig 1971; Packham & Falvey
ues give an average range of heat flows of 1971; Weissel 1981). Karig (1970, 1971) con-
825-1575 mW m - 2. Normal continental crust is sidered the Taupo Volcanic Zone to be a direct
estimated by Lee & Uyeda (1965) to have an continuation of the L a u - H a v r e Trough but
average heat flow value of 59.2 ± 21.8 mW m -2, there is a clear offset between the two struc-
so Taupo heat flow may be up to 27 times tures (Fig. 2) and it is more likely that the
higher than normal. Taupo Volcanic Zone is a separate structure
Hochstein (1976) has indicated that this high (see Lewis & Pantin, this volume).
heat flow could be explained by a slab of molten The Taupo-Rotorua Depression is regarded
material at 1200°C and a depth of 10 km, but as an ensialic marginal basin (Fig. 4). Sissons
this is not supported by studies of S-wave (1979) has calculated that the spreading rate at
attenuation or P-wave travel time delays within the Bay of Plenty Coast is 7 mm yr -1 and con-
the crust (Robinson et al. 1981), nor is it likely siders that this amount is probably constant
from geological considerations. Small, local throughout the zone. No geodetic data on rates
reservoirs of magma could occur at higher of extension are yet available for the main part
levels within the crust, with little affect on P and of the Taupo-Rotorua Depression, but it seems
S waves, but it is unlikely that these are basalt likely from the open fissures formed during his-
dykes. At Tarawera the dykes are only 1-2 m toric fault movement, and from evidence of
wide, so they are likely to solidify very quickly basalt dyke intrusion, that the value quoted is a
Taupo-Rotorua Depression 117


I \j(~_~

I i I

FIG. 9. Schematic model of the major features of the Taupo-Hikurangi arc-trench system.

minimum. However, even if a value of northern end of Okataina Volcanic Centre. The
7 mm yr -1 is adopted and the maximum age of combined extension and rotation produces an
volcanism is 0.6 Ma, total widening of the en #chelon arrangement of faults and fissures,
Depression would be 4.2 km. Some of this is such as that in the 1886 rift across Tarawera
obviously taken up by intrusion of basalt dykes, (Fig. 8).
but some may well be due to crustal thinning, The origin of the magmas of the marginal
perhaps by listric fault development. Seismic basin is uncertain although their bimodal com-
refraction experiments indicate that the crust position suggests two sources. The high-
under the Taupo Volcanic Zone is about 15 km alumina basalts are almost certainly derived
thick (T. A. Stern, pers. comm. 1982), com- from the mantle (Cole 1973, 1979, 1981;
pared to 30-35 km outside the zone (Thomson Ewart et al. 1977). Cole (1973) has suggested
& Evison 1962). Precise levelling in the central that the initial rise of basaltic magma could in
part of the Taupo-Rotorua Depression has part be due to the eruption of the voluminous
been undertaken since the 1950s but results are rhyolitic volcanics. Large eruptions of ignim-
still being evaluated. Preliminary results, how- brite would leave a potential void in the crust
ever, indicate that the Earthquake Flat area which would be compensated by caldera col-
(Fig. 6) is sinking at about 8 mm yr -1 (P. M. lapse at the surface and possibly also by diapiric
Otway, pers. comm. 1982). This would be con- rise of basaltic magma from the upper mantle.
sistent with crustal thinning. Once in the crust it is likely that the basalt will
Extensional tectonics of the Taupo-Rotorua rise as dykes along the regional faults related to
Depression are complicated in the N by the the extension from the back-arc spreading.
effects of the North Island Shear Belt. This belt Basaltic eruptions simply mark the locations at
deviates to the NW in the Bay of Plenty (Fig. 4) which basalt dykes reach the surface.
and almost certainly extends through the north- Most authors (e.g. Clark 1960a,b; Steiner
ern part of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. As this 1963; Ewart 1963; Ewart & Stipp 1968; Cole
shear belt is active, it superimposes dextral 1979, 1981; Reid 1983) agree that the
strike-slip movement on to the extensional tec- rhyolitic lavas are derived by partial melting of
tonics of the marginal basin. The combined crustal rocks, probably Mesozoic greywacke-
effect of the two processes is to rotate the direc- argillite basement. The main problem concerns
tion of maximum extensional stress from the heat source necessary for partial melting.
approximately 130 ° at Taupo to 180 ° at the Cole (1981) considered that initial melting
118 J. W. Cole

might have been due to hydration of the base of (< 1 Ma) ensialic marginal basin and the fea-
the crust, the 'water' having come from dehyd- tures described represent the early stages of
ration of the downgoing slab. But if the crust is development. Geodetic measurements indicate
15 km thick and Sissons' (1979) interpretation that both extension and subsidence are still tak-
of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at ing place. This activity is likely to continue until
10-15 km is correct, then heat for the partial there is a change in plate configuration or rela-
melting may be derived from the rotational tive motion causing cessation of subduction in
asthenosphere flow. Possibly because of the the T a u p o - H i k u r a n g i arc-trench system.
extension, the partial melt is able to rise into
reservoirs in the upper crust ( 5 - 7 km), where
partial crystallization occurs. With continued ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: I should like to thank my col-
extension, perhaps accompanied by basalt dyke leagues in the Geology Department and Institute of
intrusion, rhyolite eruption takes place. Vents Geophysics, Victoria University of Wellington, in
for particularly large eruptions (e.g. Taupo particular, Professor H. Wellman and Dr R. Korsch
Ignimbrite of 1820 yr BP: Vucetich & Pullar for the many discussions related to this paper. I
1973; Walker 1980; Froggatt 1981) may be should also like to thank many of our past and present
located at the intersection of NNE- and NWo research students, particularly B. Sissons, D. Northey
and T. Stern for the discussions and valuable con-
trending faults such as on the Horomatangi
tributions they have made to my thinking on the sub-
Fault. These locations would provide the easiest ject. Dr R. Korsch reviewed an early draft of the
access to the surface. paper. Drafting of the figures was undertaken by
The T a u p o - R o t o r u a Depression is a young E. F. Hardy, to whom I am most grateful.

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J. W. COLE, Department of Geology, Victoria University, Private Bag, Wellington,

New Zealand.
Intersection of a marginal basin with a continent: structure and
sediments of the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

K. B. Lewis & H. M. Pantin

SUMMARY: West of the Kermadec Trench and Arc, the Havre Trough is an actively
spreading, oceanic marginal basin. Bathymetric, magnetic and seismic data indicate that it
terminates against the lower slope off the Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand. It is
replaced on the adjacent upper slope, and on land, by the ensialic marginal basin known as
the Taupo Volcanic Zone, which is part of the Hikurangi Plate Boundary System. The
Taupo Volcanic Zone is offset about 50 km eastwards from the Havre Trough, by
transform faults on the middle and lower slope. It is intersected on the upper slope, and its
bounding faults are offset, by the northern end of the North Island Shear Belt.
The central part of the Bay of Plenty, which is crossed by the marginal basins, is
characterized by a network of active faults, and by arc and back-arc volcanism.
Sedimentation here is highly variable and the result of local balances between a
continuous, rapid, terrigenous supply from rising, frontal ridge mountains to the E, and an
intermittent supply of mainly rhyolitic, pyroclastic debris from the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
This contrasts with the smooth, non-volcanic, eastern side of the bay where there is a
sigmoidal, prograding shelf and slope of terrigenous silt on the northward plunging frontal
ridge. It also contrasts with the western side of the bay where an extinct, Upper Miocene
to Lower Pleistocene, arc-back-arc system has been eroded and is covered by a veneer of
relict gravel and volcanogenic sand on the shelf, and buried by sandy mud on the slope.

The Bay of Plenty, off North Island, New Zea- Bathymetry

land, is in a critical structural position. Here,
volcanic and structural elements of a late The bathymetry of the Bay of Plenty (Fig. 2;
Neogene to present-day oceanic subduction sys- Pantin et al. 1973) provides a wealth of infor-
tem, including the tholeiitic volcanism of the mation on structural character and trends, not
Kermadec Ridge (Brothers & Hawke 1981) available from the sparse geophysical data. The
and the back-arc spreading of the Havre continental shelf is smooth in the E but its sur-
Trough (Malahoff et al. 1982), abut against the face is interrupted in the centre and W by
NE margin of the New Zealand continental numerous small islands, stacks, and submerged
block (Fig. 1). The arc-back-arc relationships pinnacles. The continental slope is smooth in
continue on land in the ensialic Taupo Volcanic both the E and W, but diversified in the centre
Zone (Cole, this volume), which is associated by rounded knolls and by NNE-trending val-
with subduction and accretion occurring leys, scarps and ridges.
250 km to the E, along the Hikurangi Trough The boundary between the smooth eastern
(Lewis 1980). Dextral strike-slip faulting in the zone and the irregular central zone is a NNE-
North Island Shear Belt caused the rotation, trending lineament, clearly marked on the shelf
during late Neogene times, of fore-arc elements by the 26 m high, W-facing Motuhora Scarp, on
of the T a u p o - H i k u r a n g i System into their pre- the upper slope by the zig-zag White Island
sent alignment with the H a v r e - K e r m a d e c Sys- Canyon, and on the lower slope by the White
tem. The two systems have very different struc- Island Trough. This lineament lies on an
tures and histories (Cole & Lewis 1981; van der extrapolation of the eastern boundary of the
Lingen 1982; Ballance et al. 1982). The North downthrown Taupo Volcanic Zone, and is
Island Shear Belt, the Taupo Volcanic Zone interpreted as an extension of the fault or faults
and the Havre Trough now meet and interact in defining the eastern margin of the zone. It
the Bay of Plenty. apparently ends at the Raukumara Plain, at the
In this paper we collate bathymetric, seismic, base of the slope.
magnetic and sediment sample data to deter- Most of the ridges, knolls, islands and stacks
mine the structural, volcanic and sedimentolog- to the W of this lineament are known or pre-
ical relationships in this critical region. We sumed to be volcanic. Immediately to the W of
interpret the results in terms of the relation- the lineament there are several andesite-dacite
ships between an ensialic arc-back-arc system volcanoes. The crater remnant of Motuhora
and a contiguous intra-oceanic arc-back-arc (Whale Island) protrudes from the inner shelf,
system. while the active volcano of White Island, and the

122 K. B. Lewis & H. M. Pantin

175°E 180 °

30 ° 30 °

35°S 35°S

, . ,
"." • . .
. .

• " " • • . G,

40 ° • ."-.'.'." 40 °
• . . . . . . . . , • <
rr-,~" • ." "." : . . ,

175°E 180 °

FIG. 1. Major elements of the Indian-Pacific Plate Boundary in the vicinity of northern New
Zealand, showing the structural position of the Bay of Plenty (boxed) at the intersection of the Havre
Trough Marginal Basin with the ensialic Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) and the North Island Shear
Belt (NISB). Open triangles indicate arc volcanism• Diamonds indicate back-arc spreading. Serrated
ornament indicates underthrusting of the Pacific Plate beneath the feather-edge of the Indian Plate.
Thick lines indicate the area of dextral strike-slip faulting. Contours are depths below sealevel in
1000 m intervals, with light stippling to 2000 m. WIT = White Island Trough; NB = Ngatoro Basin;
A T = Alderman Trough•
Structure and sediments of the Bay of Plenty 123

i¢ o "


Tr ugh


+~;" ... Raukumara Plain

o~ @ ~ c'e'
.,, ~ 2800 • 24OO

i~ .-"
".. "2Ooo
".. x+ • :'
o:. "i. ......~ ~~ o o o ....
.. ~ .~
~5. ~.; • .:~ .... 37o.
% •. . ~ --~ " • ,

% •" ~ ~. • ,.~: . ..... - .::..... .....

MI • %

.Tauranga • 2.:

Active Features
~9¢ Andesite
_~_ Pantellerite ~W h a k a t a n e
I volcano
<> volcanism
/ t TVZ

FIG. 2. Bathymetry and simplified onshore geology of the Bay of Plenty. Offshore, bathymetric
contours are at 200 m intervals and the broken hatched line indicates the shelf break. Onshore, O =
Matakaoa ophiolites; M = Mesozoic greywackes; T = Tertiary marine sediments; A = Miocene
andesites; R = Miocene-Lower Pleistocene rhyolites; I = Quaternary ignimbrites; Unstippled = Late
Quaternary marine and fluviatile deposits; WI = White Island; V = Motuhora (volcanic remnant);
MI = Mayor Island (pantellerite volcano). Also shown are the positions of seismic profiles (A-A',
B-B' and C-C') illustrated in Fig. 4.

neighbouring Volkner Rocks, rise from the two other NNE-trending lineaments. One con-
White Island Ridge (on the upper slope). They tinues the trend of the W margin of the Taupo
form a continuation of the line of andesite-dacite Volcanic Zone. On the upper slope, it is
volcanoes in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (see marked by the 60 m high, E-facing Motiti
Cole, this volume, Fig. 4). On the lower slope the Scarp, on the mid-slope by the zig-zag Tauranga
NNE-trending Ngatoro Ridge is offset west- Canyon and on the lower slope by the flat-
ward from the White Island Ridge and, like the floored Tauranga Trough. The other NNE-
White Island Trough, it fades into the flat floor trending lineament, the Alderman Trough,
of the Raukumara Plain. incises the lower slope and marks the western
Most of the central zone, between the White boundary of the central zone.
Island-Ngatoro Ridge and the Alderman Across the slope, transverse to the other
Trough, is studded by numerous circular, ellip- geomorphic trends, there is a conspicuous mid-
tical, crescentic and irregular knolls. The basal slope scarp, above which is a mid-slope terrace.
diameter of the knolls ranges from 1 to 5 km, Most of the NNE-trending ridges, canyons and
and the relief from 150 to 700 m. O n e - - troughs stop, are offset, or change character at
Mahina Knoll at 37°21'S, 177°06'E--even has this scarp. A similar, linear discontinuity of
a central crater 1.5 km across and 150 m deep. bathymetric features occurs at the base of the
All are considered to be volcanic. slope.
The continental slope in the central zone has Beyond the base of the slope, at a depth of
124 K. B. Lewis & H. M. Pantin

about 2000 m, there is the flat floor of the 5 km apart, reduced and contoured (Roberts
Raukumara Plain in the E, and the undulating 1967), and synthesized with data from adjacent
southern end of the Havre Trough in the W. areas (Davey & Robinson 1978). The data,
The most conspicuous feature of the Havre although sparse, are adequate to distinguish the
Trough is the 3300 m deep Ngatoro Basin. high magnetic relief of the intra-oceanic margi-
nal basin beyond the base of the slope, the
moderate magnetic relief with several major
anomaly belts on the volcano-studded continen-
Geomagnetic data tal margin of the central and western Bay of
Geomagnetism, like bathymetry, can indicate Plenty, and the low magnetic relief with a single
important structural trends. Magnetic data for large bipolar anomaly field on the fore-arc of
the Bay of Plenty were collected along tracks the eastern Bay of Plenty (Fig. 3).

• \2

O AnoC~rnal~

- -

10o to 200 /

. oo-,ooto-
_ oo,,ooto oo /

FIG. 3. Simplified magnetic anomalies in the Bay of Plenty. The boundary between low magnetic
relief of the continental margin and high magnetic relief of the oceanic system is indicated by a heavy
dashed line. Contours at 100 nT (nanotesla) intervals. (Adapted from Davey & Robinson 1978.)
Structure and sediments of the Bay of Plenty 125

The onshore geology of the Bay of Plenty the magnetic slope for which no signature was
(Fig. 2) consists mainly of indurated Mesozoic detected. The lack of anomalies may reflect the
flysch, soft Neogene marine sediments, wide spacing of survey tracks relative to the size
abundant Quaternary acid pyroclastic debris of the structures, or indicate that the bathy-
and Neogene rhyolitic lavas, andesite-dacite metric feature is constructed of sedimentary
volcanoes and rare basalts (Healy et al. 1964a; rocks or acid igneous rocks with low magnetic
Kingma 1965; Schofield 1967). In general, susceptibilities.
basic and intermediate igneous rocks are more
highly magnetic than acid igneous rocks and A frontal ridge ophiolite anomaly
sediments (Hatherton 1954; Hunt & Smith
In the fore-arc area of the eastern Bay of
1982). Thus, at least some of the complex
Plenty, the low geomagnetic relief is inter-
anomalies in the Bay of Plenty are interpreted
rupted by one broad bipolar anomaly, the
as due to bodies of intermediate (and rare
Matakaoa Anomaly Field. It consists of a major
basic) volcanic rock.
positive anomaly (+400 nT: Roberts 1967)
extending E - W on the inner shelf off the
Volcanic-arc anomalies northern end of the Raukumara Peninsula,
together with a parallel negative anomaly ( - 3 0 0
In the centre of the Bay of Plenty, the White nT: Davey & Robinson 1978) onshore to the S.
Island Anomaly Field is a group of mainly posi- This large, simple, bipolar magnetic anomaly,
tive magnetic anomalies that coincides with the typical of a large igneous body with steep con-
White Island Ridge and adjacent knolls. tacts, coincides with the fault-bound outcrop of
Anomalies range from +700 nT t o - 2 0 0 nT the Lower Cretaceous to Middle Eocene
(Roberts 1967). The field lies at the northern Matakaoa Volcanics (Kingma 1965; Strong
end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone Anomaly Belt, 1976, 1980). These rocks are an ophiolite
a NNE-trending line of anomalies associated sequence, interpreted as allochthonous, dis-
with the line of andesite-dacite volcanoes that
membered oceanic seamounts, obducted on to
extends for 250 km SSW of White Island (Cole, greywacke foreland in the Mid-Tertiary (Bal-
this volume).
lance & Sprrli 1979; Pirajno 1980; Brothers &
In general, large positive anomalies lie over Delaloye 1982). Since the magnetic anomaly is
the northern flank of conical bathymetric fea- truncated just W of the coast, it is possible that
tures and, in the case of Volkner Rocks, White the Matakaoa Volcanics are truncated just off-
Island and Motuhora, there are also small nega- shore by a N-S fault, similar to faults seen
tive anomalies to the S (Roberts 1967). This onshore.
anomaly pattern indicates simple magnetic
bodies, magnetized when the geomagnetic field
A transverse anomaly belt
was the same as at present.
The Bay of Plenty Transverse Anomaly Belt is
an elongate, low-amplitude magnetic feature ex-
Isolated back-arc anomalies
tending between the peninsulas on either side of
In the central and western parts of the Bay of the bay and crossing both the fore-arc and the
Plenty, there are numerous small, isolated back-arc. It is positive (up to + I50 nT: Roberts
anomalies, crossed by only one or two survey 1967) on the slope off the Coromandel Penin-
tracks (Roberts 1967). Some are bipolar but sula, and negative (up to --200 nT: Roberts
mostly only a positive or negative anomaly was 1967) across the rest of the bay. On the eastern
detected. The mid-slope terrace is almost (fore-arc) side of the bay, it crosses the continen-
devoid of anomalies. On the shelf, some very tal margin diagonally and appears to continue
localized, high-amplitude anomalies may indi- the WNW structural trend of the onshore Cre-
cate steep-sided volcanic plugs left by wave taceous strata of the Raukumara Peninsula
erosion (during lower sealevel) of an extrusive (Kingma 1965). The anomaly belt then trends
pile. Broader anomalies on the lower slope may northwards for some 60 km, roughly along the
indicate complete volcanic bodies. On both shelf line of the White Island Trough, before continu-
and slope, some anomalies correlated with ing WNW along the outer edge of the mid-slope
known bathymetric features. However, com- terrace in the central (back-arc) part of the bay.
monly there is no bathymetric expression of a Thus, it appears to be dextrally offset at the
magnetic anomaly, perhaps indicating trunca- lineament between the fore-arc and the back-
tion by wave erosion on the shelf, or burial by arc basin. Seismic evidence (see below) suggests
sediment on the slope. Conversely, there are that the Bay of Plenty Transverse Anomaly
several islets on the shelf and several knolls on Belt is due to a basement high, possibly of
126 K. B. L e w i s & H. M. Pantin

Mesozoic rocks that include magnetically sus- from the lower slope (Davey 1977). Later mul-
ceptible igneous units. tichannel data, collected by oil companies, from
the shelf and upper slope, are available on open
file at N.Z. Oceanographic Institute, Welling-
Intra-oceanic marginal basin anomalies
ton, and N.Z. Geological Survey, Lower Hutt.
About 20 km N of the western part of the
Transverse Anomaly Belt, there is a change,
The offshore frontal ridge
from the low magnetic relief of the continental
slope, to a high magnetic relief associated with Profiles to the E of the White Island Canyon
the 0-1.8 Ma old oceanic crust in the Havre and Trough show a smooth prograding sequ-
Trough (Malahoff et al. 1982). ence of clinoform surfaces (Fig. 4 A-A'). Some
layers are sigmoidal lenses, others are termi-
Extinct arc anomalies nated updip by toplap or erosional truncation.
The whole seismic configuration could be clas-
The Coromandel Shelf Anomaly Belt, on the sified as complex sigmoid-oblique (Vail et al.
western side of the bay, is an irregular, N-S 1977).
trending, zone of localized, high-amplitude Within the seismic configuration, four depos-
positive and negative anomalies. Anomaly itional sequences are identified in the slope
peaks range from +1300 nT t o - 7 0 0 nT deposits (more than 3 km thick). The oldest
(Roberts 1967). At some places anomalies cor- sequence (1 on Fig. 4 A-A') is of divergent
respond with known igneous outcrops, at others reflectors indicating slope-front strata that thic-
they do not. The many, very sharply peaked ken away from a buried shelf break. This is fol-
anomalies may indicate volcanic cones that lowed by a sequence of onlap and then regres-
have been wave-eroded on the shelf, leaving sion of the shelf break (2 in Fig. 4 A - A ' ) , with
only steep-sided plugs. Several sharp positive strata terminated updip by toplap and passing
anomalies with little or no associated negative downdip to bottomset strata, indicating deposi-
anomaly (e.g. 37°07'S, 175°58'E; 37°26'S, tion from high-energy into low-energy envi-
176°14'E: see Roberts 1967) may indicate ronments. This prograding sequence is buried
plugs magnetized when the geomagnetic field by onlapping fill (3 in Fig. 4 A-A'), which is at
was much the same as at present. Conversely, least 1 km thick on the lower slope at the edge
negative anomalies (e.g. 36°39'S, 176°03'E; of the Raukumara Plain. The top sequence (4 in
37°07'S, 176°06'E: see Roberts 1967) Fig. 4 A-A') is of sigmoidal lenses of sediment
perhaps indicate remanent magnetism formed that are thickest on the upper slope and onlap
when the geomagnetic field was the reverse the shelf. Surface strata that dip at only 1-2 °
of that at present. The Coromandel Shelf are deformed by penecontemporaneous sheet-
Anomaly Belt lies E of, and parallel with, a slumping similar to that occurring elsewhere on
line, on the eastern Coromandel coast, of the Hikurangi Margin (Lewis 1971). On the
Upper Miocene to Lower Pleistocene rhyolitic upper slope there is a filled channel, perhaps
domes and flows, which become younger indicating erosion during a phase of lower sea-
towards the S (Kear 1959; Healy et al. 1964a; level and filling during a subsequent phase of
Rutherford 1978). The belt may indicate rising and high sealevel.
andesitic arc volcanism E of the rhyolites. It The repeated onlaps on this margin represent
extends to the coast near Tauranga and is tenta- several major relative rises of sealevel, which
tively traced southwards to intersect the Taupo are considered to indicate continuing tectonic
Volcanic Zone Anomaly Belt near Lake Taupo. downwarping on which eustatic and sediment
There are no active volcanoes along this line so supply changes are superimposed.
that the anomalies are considered to represent Beneath the shelf, the older depositional se-
an extinct arc whose activity immediately pre- quences are folded, together with a core of
ceded that of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (Bal- reflection-free 'basement' strata, into an outer
lance 1976; Cole & Lewis 1981). anticline and a nearshore shallow synclinal
basin. This configuration can be correlated with
the Cretaceous 'greywacke basement' and
Seismic data Neogene basin-fill which crop out on the adja-
cent peninsula. A nearshore anticline correlates
Seismic reflection data are available along with the WNW-trending Transverse (magnetic)
about 2000 km of ship's track in the Bay of Anomaly Belt, and appears to be a lateral con-
Plenty. Early single-channel data, collected by tinuation of a WNW-trending anticline in Cre-
Lamont Geological Observatory, are mainly taceous rocks onshore.
Structure and sediments of the Bay of Plenty 127

~' Shelf
Om -- _ _ ~ ~

Raukumara Sheet s l u m p l n ~ ~ _ ~ ? - - ~ ' ~ ~ " " -
1500m - plain ~ ~ p : . . ; ~ . / -


3000m ~:-~.3~~~,~.~..~J---~_~ ~ . ~ . /Y~ ¢ Bur ed

:~. -~-J- ~ ------- ~ - - _.-->" -- ~="'~ ~ "" Z1. " Shelf
3750m - ~ - - ~ .i ~ ~. - break

4500m - ~ J- 72-132


OmB ~ B'
750m ~" Ngatoro
I ~ Wmr~k= • Ridge Ngatoro
/ f White
, Island
=" = f
~ ~, ~ - ~ _ I
Tauranga ,
f Basin
'Landward end) ....
k Trough ~ " \~.-"~-.~.- J,~t Trough ~ ~t._arlu ___~'~~7-,~

3 0 0 0 m V - ~ / r ~ _ ~ _ ~.--X:- ~ - ~ ~~ . . . . .
----~ " r
I - ;;~C~" " 12--/LSz-I •

3 7 5 0 m ~ " (Transverse) _

C, Shelf C~.
°mF f? Hi d slfDef f Mid slope break . . . . . . ?-]
l d ,v, v / / terrace ~ ~ 4 ~ I
• scarp 1~ =~:. "
750mF Base of a ~ . ~ ~ ; .
slope _.. ~£~.'~--~. • = ~ \ ~ ? ~ : - l

' ~ ° ° n ~ ~ ~ "" '~ ~ ' ~ ' '" 1

22~0m~~-7:- 7 2--135 -I
3 0 0 0 m ~ (Central) _J
FIG. 4. Tracings of continuous seismic reflection profiles from the Bay of Plenty continental margin.
Profile locations are shown in Fig. 2. Seawater depths indicated at 750 m (1 s two-way travel time)
intervals. A-A' is obliquely downslope on the eastern margin off the frontal ridge of the Raukumara
Peninsula. Thickened lines indicate unconformities. B-B' is across the bay on the lower slope.
Broken lines and 'f' at faults. C-C' is downslope in the western part of the central volcanic zone.
Broken lines and 'f' at faults, and heavy broken line at unconformity. (Profiles courtesy of Mobil
Exploration and Producing Services Inc, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.)

The boundary between the frontal ridge and the Plenty from the seaward extension of the Taupo
volcanic zone Volcanic Zone.
The amount of throw on the White Island
Profiles across the Bay of Plenty show the Fault is difficult to determine, because of the
smooth, regular, depositional sequences of the different nature of the reflectors on the two
eastern margin pinching out towards the up- sides. However, tentative correlations suggest a
thrown side of a major NNE-trending fault throw much less than the 2 km estimated on
(Fig. 4 B-B') (Davey 1977). This fault, here land (Healy et al. 1964a). Strike-slip movement
named the White Island Fault, is the lineament is indicated only by speculative evidence of
defined by the Motuhora Scarp, the White dextral offset of the Transverse Anomaly Belt
Island Canyon and the eastern side of the White (Fig. 3). The bathymetrically determined zig-
Island Trough. It clearly separates the non- zag course of the White Island Canyon and
volcanic frontal ridge of the eastern Bay of landward end of the White Island Trough
128 K. B. L e w i s & H. M. Pantin

reflect the complex interaction between the tors from steep-sided knolls project through the
NNE-trending White Island Fault and the curv- sediment cover, both above and below the
ing, N-NW-trending faults of the northern end Mid-Slope Terrace. Just above the base of the
of the North Island Shear Belt. slope, conformable strata thin towards, and
onlap, reflection-free outcrops, the most sea-
The volcanic central zone ward of which is steep and possibly faulted on
its seaward side.
Profiles across the central part of the Bay of
Plenty (Fig. 4 B-B') (Davey 1977) show that
most of the ridges produce strong, parabolic, The extinct volcanic margin
seismically opaque reflections, typical of vol- Published seismic data (Davey 1977), and
canic basement. They show that most of the open-file oil company reports, indicate that the
troughs, including the Alderman Trough in the smooth bathymetry of the NW margin of the
far W, have at least 1 km of fill, with parallel Bay of Plenty, off the Coromandel Peninsula,
and, or, contorted (slump-modified) seismic overlies a buried, irregular erosional unconfor-
reflectors, overlying reflectors considered to be mity. This contact separates a draped upper
volcanic. The exception is the Ngatoro Basin, sequence, 0 - 3 0 0 m thick, of 'divergent-fill'
which has a bare volcanic floor at the base of strata that thin over underlying highs and thic-
the slope (Fig. 4 B-B'), and only thin or uncer- ken in depressions, from a folded and faulted
tain indications of sediment fill further N older sequence that includes volcanic
(Davey 1977, Fig. 32). Faulted sedimentary basement-type reflectors. At the base of the
layers occur in the White Island Trough, slope there is a basement ridge and on its sea-
through the middle of the perched trough bet- ward side a faulted contact with the NW margin
ween the Wairaka Ridge and the Ngatoro of the Alderman Trough.
Ridge, and on each side of the Tauranga
Trough, where faulting may have triggered
instability in sediments on the flanks of the adj-
acent ridges (Fig. 4 B-B'). A major slump on Sediment cover
the flanks of the Ngatoro Ridge, and a buried A synthesis of 200 analysed sediment samples
slump deposit along the opposite side of the and over 5000 Admiralty Chart notations, adap-
Tauranga Trough, are each more than 500 m ted from Doyle el al. (1979), is presented in
thick and are therefore distinct in form from the Fig. 5. Additional information on offshore
thin sheet-slumping that occurs on the eastern tephra stratigraphy, rates of sedimentation and
margin. sedimentary history for the last 30,000 yr has
The NNE trend of the volcanic ridges is been obtained from piston cores from the east-
probably also controlled by faulting. The ridges ern Bay of Plenty (Kohn & Glasby 1978).
could be horsts of pre-sedimentary volcanic On the continental shelf, the lithology of
basement, but indications of strong reflectors the sediments shows the same bipartite division,
downlapping on to sedimentary strata (e.g. between a non-volcanic eastern zone and a
Ngatoro Ridge in Fig. 4 B-B') suggest that volcanic central and western zone, that is evi-
the ridges are actively growing, elongate dent in the bathymetric and geophysical data.
accumulations of volcanic material erupted However, the division is blurred by the move-
from fissures. The seismic data cannot show ments of sediment.
such fissures, but their positions can be inferred The eastern shelf is blanketed by a prism of
to lie along the ridge axes. Holocene sediments, predominantly derived
The Mid-Slope Terrace, at right-angles to the from the adjacent greywacke ranges. The
other structures, is the surface of a broad anti- prism, labelled the Eastern Silt Prism (Fig. 5), is
cline, which has an unconformity and eroded fill thickest and most silty on the mid-shelf. Here,
on the landward flank, and faulting along the Holocene (< 10,000 yr) sediments are esti-
axis and seaward flank (Fig. 4 C-C'). The mated, on the basis of tephrachronology, to be
faulting, with downthrow to the NE, defines the about 20 m thick (Kohn & Glasby 1978); grey-
position of the Mid-Slope Scarp. The faulted wacke-derived silt and mud (Glasby 1975) con-
fold axis coincides with the position of the stitute more than 90%. These beds thin to less
Transverse Anomaly Belt. On the upper slope, than 4 m on the outer shelf where modified
smaller anticlines have been erosionally trun- beach deposits, of mainly greywacked-derived
cated and the synclines between them have pebbly sand, radiocarbon dated at
been infilled by a surface layer that is every- 12,000-13,000 yr, are found in short cores and
where less than 150 m thick. Parabolic reflec- exposed at the seabed (Kohn & Glasby 1978).
Structure and sediments o f the Bay o f Plenty 129

.,... . ":"..".. ",.-........../.,~

..~. . ...~.....i.. • . • .
•I~;, ~-
.. ~. .. ... . ' .. . .'(-...~: I. [........?:"...2
- ' "
• . . . . . . . . . \ ( . . ' o , . \ ~ , , . . • "

'i"-~~ ' "X: ~ '""~' -

". . -.z,~:...:: ~ ..
~;.- ..... ' ~ " .......-
.i..: :.~. \: ,,:..~ o
~..... ...:o..........., ~ '"

~ . . , . . ~ •

- . . .,,
. . ..%- , .~L~ii~ ~2 -~,,"
~- ,. '.'.."
'~ . . . .

...,:...,,-...".~,'-- .....C;)....__,~.~/ i
. . .;.......: ~./
!!!;: > i :i
: •
~( " - ~ i " ~.i..
• . . .

<°° .-... " ..© . ~

. ~. . ..'-.'..'.'.'.-'..,{.'.'." .'

I • • - . . . . . . . - . • ~-~
L . "--, - - . . " . " ' , ..

- ~ . ii~ 1 ~ . . ~ . . . . . . ,,

Key \
[] sand & gravelly sand
[] silty & muddy sand
[] sandy silt
sandy mud
[~] silt and mud

FIG. 5. Surface sediments in the Bay of Plenty (adapted from Doyle et al. 1979). Sediment
classification after Folk 1974. Solid contours at 90, 50 and 10% sand in the< 2 mm fraction. Broken
line at 67% silt in the mud fraction. Broken hatched line at shelf break.

The Holocene prism also thins towards the rounded, are of rhyolite and andesite, appar-
shore, within 3 km of which it becomes predo- ently eroded from what are now small islands,
minantly quartz-rich detrital sand with some stacks and submerged pinnacles when the
greywacke pebbles. Except for well-developed, breaker zone was well seaward of its present
white rhyolitic ash layers, the Holocene prism position. Holocene deposition must be slow or
in the eastern Bay of Plenty is essentially similar absent. Patches of sandy silt and sandy mud
in form, thickness and composition to the occur on the outer shelf between the larger
Holocene prism in fore-arc areas elsewhere on islands. These represent the feather-edge of an
the Hikurangi Margin (Lewis 1973). Upper Slope Sandy Mud facies (Fig. 5).
The Eastern Silt Prism extends W of the On the continental slope there is no clear
White Island Fault, into the offshore extension division between a volcanic and a non-volcanic
of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. In the vicinity of regime. Much of the slope is blanketed by sandy
the Motuhora Scarp there is a NNE-trending mud, the largest area, in the western part of
belt of impure sand and sandy silt, which may the bay, being labelled Upper Slope Sandy Mud
be a consequence of the constriction of coast- (Fig. 5). White, rhyolitic ash layers, correlated
parallel currents at the fault scarp. with dated eruptions in the onshore Taupo Vol-
In the western half of the bay, the shelf sedi- canic Zone, indicate rates of deposition that are
ments are predominantly feldspathic sand with generally between 0.1 and 0.2 m (1000 yr) -1.
abundant vesiculated glass and bubble-wall Many of the knolls in the area protrude from
shards, interspersed with large patches of the mud blanket, and have a covering of muddy
shelly and pebbly sand (Godfriaux 1973). sand, or gravelly sand. The sand fraction is feld-
They are labelled the Western Sand Sheet (Fig. spathic with abundant rhyolitic shards, derived
5). The arenaceous fraction is considered to from the onshore Taupo Volcanic Zone. The
come mainly from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, gravel fraction is autochthonous andesite and
although sand in pocket beaches on the inde- shell debris with allochthonous pumice clasts
nted Coromandel coast is locally derived (Duncan 1970). However, on knolls within
(Schofield 1970). The pebbles, generally about 12 km of White Island, the surface
130 K. B. L e w i s & H. M. P a n f i n

sediment contains dark-grey andesitic ash, which the eastern, non-volcanic, frontal ridge, (ii) the
is also found in cores up to 60 km NE of White central, active, volcanic marginal basin, and (iii)
Island (Kohn & Glasby 1978). the western extinct arc. In each of these three
Along the Mid-Slope Scarp and on the mid- zones there are also downslope changes from a
slope E of the White Island Fault, there is a continental to an oceanic system.
broad belt of sandy silt, labelled the Mid-Slope
Silt (Fig. 5), and again one of the principal con-
stituents is rhyolitic tephra. However, tephra is The non-volcanic, downwarping frontal ridge
less abundant in the Trough Mud (Fig. 5) that On the eastern margin of the Bay of Plenty,
fills each of the major NNE-trending depres- there has been considerable Neogene tectonic
sions. Beyond the base of the slope there is cal- deformation and rapid Holocene sedimenta-
cilutite in the southern end of the Havre Trough tion, but there are no local volcanic vents and
but terrigenous mud, with a significant ash only a subordinate input of volcanogenic sedi-
component, in the troughs to the E and on the ment.
Raukumara Plain (McDougall 1975, Cronan et A correlation, between seismic data, magne-
al., this volume). tic data and onshore geology, suggests that folds
trend northwestward across the shelf, continu-
ing the change in trend of folds and faults, from
Discussion on the structural and a regional NNE trend to a N W trend, that
sedimentological relationships occurs at the northern end of the North Island
Shear Belt (Fig. 6). The same data suggest that
The structural and sedimentological complexity the allochthonous ophiolitic Matakaoa Volcan-
of the Bay of Plenty reflects its position at the ics are limited to the extreme tip of the
rapidly evolving junction between an intra- Raukumara Peninsula and do not continue far
oceanic marginal basin and a virtually contigu- offshore in any direction.
ous ensialic marginal basin. For each parame- If it is assumed that the erosional unconfor-
ter considered there are differences between (i) mities in probable Neogene strata underlying

A ~/
HavreTrough /
.~ ,,'.._f @~, L,,,'' ~ ~ fault with tick
% o,l~ /~y# ~ .," ,,,~ ~,~ ,~,'\,,,,' on downthrown
/ k,~'~/ ~ " - ' : -'~" o ~ ' ,.,'" side
/ - ,, .< , .',~,
f'X'" /_ ;,,,~/ _~.d ~ .-"~'.. ~ anticlinal axis
• .,,S X synclinal axis
~, / ,9/^'~ _f~.~/~/.~ I - .~,--. ~'~ volcanic cone
•,~ >~.-"-°x~
.~. ='~ .~ //~L /o..~@J ,::::,: volcanic ridge

Mayor ~ _ "
Island ~ ' ) . .,w ~.G

" " White" . .]

• Island/ ~ "~

tuh~ra -~}(';



FIG. 6. Major structural features of the Bay of Plenty showing inferred trends of faults, fold axes,
volcanic cones (including knolls) and volcanic ridges. Onshore information from Healy et al. (1964a)
and Kingma (1965).
Structure and sediments o f the Bay o f Plenty 131

the smooth slope N of the Raukumara Penin- depressions. The angular zig-zag changes of
sula were caused by sea-surface wave action, course in the canyons are considered to indicate
then there must have been downwarping of the interaction of the northern end of the North
continental margin towards the N. Such down- Island Shear Belt with the normal faults that
warping was less marked towards the White define the graben; Cole (this volume) describes
Island Fault. It may be inferred that similar the same interaction of faults onshore. There
deformation is still active. If it is further assumed are no indications of strike-slip movement in
that the shelf break formed at a uniform level the onshore Taupo Volcanic Zone (Cole, this
(c. 120 m below present sealevel) during the last volume) so that the magnetic evidence, pre-
major glacio-eustatic lowering of sealevel about sented here, of a 60 km dextral offset of a
20,000 yr ago, then the present variation in basement high, and a similar apparent offset of
depth, from 100 m immediately adjacent to the the Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone (Karig
White Island Fault to 160 m off the Raukumara 1970), require further investigation.
Peninsula (Pantin et al. 1973), can be inter- The major subsidence in the Taupo-Rotorua
preted to be the result of subsequent tectonic region (Cole, this volume) decreases towards
deformation. The downwarping offshore con- the N, and inliers of Mesozoic greywacke base-
trasts with rapid uplift onshore, illustrated by a ment and Mid-Pleistocene marine strata crop
Last Interglacial Age marine terrace that is out near the coast (Fig. 2; Healy et al. 1964b).
274 m above sealevel at the northern end of the Offshore, the evidence from shelf break depths
Raukumara Peninsula (Gibb 1981) and dips is equivocal. If it is again assumed that the shelf
almost to sealevel at the boundary with the break was everywhere formed at about 120 m
Taupo Volcanic Zone (Chappell 1975; Iso et al. below present sealevel during the last glacial
1982). It is inferred that the northern end of the maximum, the bathymetry (Pantin et al. 1973)
frontal ridge of the Hikurangi Margin is a grow- indicates subsidence of about 50 m in the E, on
ing anticlinal structure plunging towards the N. the promontory between Motuhora and White
Rapid seaward tilting may be a partial cause of Island, and no detectable deformation to the W.
the sheet-slumping on the mid-slope. However, subsidence relative to the s e a floor
The rapid deposition of detrital silts and on either side is indicated by the inward-facing
sands on the eastern margin reflects a source in scarps and by tentative correlations across
the high, Mesozoic greywacke ranges of the bounding faults from seismic data.
Raukumara Peninsula. The rivers that drain the The andesite-dacite volcanism of the eastern
ranges have catchments that are a factor of 10 side of the Taupo Volcanic Zone obviously con-
larger, and suspended sediments yields that tinues as far as the activity on White Island and
approach a factor of 100 larger, than the rivers Volkner Rocks, which project from the upper
that drain the Taupo Volcanic Zone and ignim- slope. It is clearly defined by a magnetic ano-
brite plains to the W (Adams 1979). This maly belt. Some of the scattered knolls on the
results in burial, by the Holocene silt prism, of upper slope to the W of White Island also have
the transgressive sands a n d gravels that are magnetic signatures, and samples collected
exposed further W on the mid-shelf. from them have all been andesitic (Duncan
1970). Some knolls have no associated magne-
tic anomalies, but no rock samples have been
Offshore continuation of the Taupo Volcanic
collected from these. All of these knolls occur
in relatively the same back-arc position as the
On the shelf and upper slope, inward-facing rhyolitic volcanoes on the adjacent land, and the
fault scarps define a graben at the extrapolated supposed basaltic sea floor in the intra-oceanic
position of the downthrown Taupo Volcanic back-arc basin to the N. The back-arc andesite
Zone (Fig. 6). Further offshore the margins of volcanism may reflect conditions and processes
the zone are defined by subparallel zig-zag peculiar to the setting at the continental edge.
canyons. Canyon erosion or, at least, reduced On the lower slope, the arc-back-arc pattern
deposition, probably occurred along structural is difficult to recognize. The Ngatoro Ridge
depressions as a result of the passage of turbid- may possibly represent an offset continuation of
ity currents. It is envisaged that, during periods the andesite arc, although no samples are avail-
of lower sealevel, longshore-moving sediments able. It has only a small negative magnetic
were trapped at fault scarps near the shelf anomaly. The Tauranga Trough is in a back-arc
break, where the increased sediment loading position. The White Island Fault continues to
precipitated periodic failure. This resulted in define the eastern boundary of the seaward
autosuspension currents (Pantin 1979, 1982) extension of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, but a
which travelled along downsloping fault-angle continuation of the western boundary is more
132 K. B. L e w i s & H. M. P a n t i n

difficult to demonstrate in the Tauranga margin of the northern North Island. The anti-
Trough. dine on the mid-slope may also be related to
The faults, ridges and troughs of the offshore margin processes that predate the 0.6 Ma
continuation of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (Cole, this volume) Taupo Volcanic Zone, since
appear, on the basis of the present sparse data, this fold appears to be offset by the White Island
to fade into the flat floor of the Raukumara Fault.
Sedimentation in the active volcanic zone
The relationship of the ensialic and intra-oceanic In the Bay of Plenty, sedimentation in the off-
marginal basins shore ensialic marginal basin is highly variable.
The trenches, frontal ridges, Benioff zones At any place it is primarily the result of a local
and gravity anomalies of the Havre-Kermadec balance between the supply of terrigenous,
and Taupo-Hikurangi systems are not contigu- detrital, quartz, rich, sand and mud from the
ous (Hatherton & Syms 1975; Eiby 1977; van frontal ridge, and volcanogenic shards and feld-
der Lingen 1982), and the nature and location spar from the rhyolitic pyroclastic eruptions of
of the boundary between the systems is difficult the onshore Taupo Volcanic Zone.
to determine. The supply of detrital sediment is almost con-
The presently available data suggest that the tinous, whereas the supply of volcanogenic sed-
southernmost part of the Havre Trough lies iment is episodic. Vesiculated glass and
parallel with, but to the W of, the northernmost bubble-wall shards indicate fallout from plinean
part of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (Fig. 6). The clouds that blew offshore (Healy et al. 1964b;
major bathymetric expression of the southern Pullar et al. 1977; Kohn & Glasby 1978).
Havre Trough, the Ngatoro Basin, ends Widely dispersed finer grained, less vesiculated
abruptly at the base of the slope, as do associ- shards may have been derived from phreatopli-
ated ridges and large, oceanic-type, magnetic nean eruptions, probably from Lake Taupo
anomalies. The only continuation of extension (Self & Sparks 1978), there being no evidence
into the lower slope is in the far W, at the for such eruptions offshore. Some volcanogenic
Alderman Trough. However, there is evidence, material may also be derived from pyroclastic
from the pantellerite volcanism at Mayor (ignimbrite) flows that reached the coast (Nairn
Island, that incipient rifting extends landward 1972), although there is as yet no clear indica-
as far as the shelf break (Cole 1978). tion of the fate of the flows when they entered
Thus, there is overlap between the two sys- the sea. A suggestion that some flows exploded
tems. The main change, from dominance of in major, secondary, 'ventless' eruptions on
extension in the Taupo marginal basin to domi- contact with seawater (Walker 1979) is prob-
nance in the Havre marginal basin, takes place ably stratigraphically and physically untenable
on the mid- and lower slope. In this position (Nairn 1981); certainly pyroclastic flows do
there are two faults or fault zones perpendicular enter the sea without exploding (Sparks et al.
to the axial trend of the basins, one at the Mid- 1980). Except in the immediate vicinity of
Slope Scarp and one, less clearly defined, at the White Island, the conspicuous andesite-dacite
base-of-slope discontinuity (Fig. 6). It is inferred volcanoes are insignificant contributors of
that these have acted as transform faults bet- pyroclastic debris, but erosion of volcanic cones
ween the axis of spreading in the Havre Trough has produced a locally significant supply of epic-
(Malahoff et al. 1982) and that in the Taupo lastic gravel. Fallout directly from rhyolitic
Volcanic Zone (Sissons 1979). The axes are offset ~.ruptions, and rapid fluviatile flushing of loose
by about 50 km. The reason for an overlap of material soon after eruptions, probably account
structure across the transform boundary may be for the major input of volcanogenic material.
related to the present rapid evolution of the The present river input is minor, much of the
Taupo Volcanic Zone (Cole, this volume). Taupo Volcanic Zone being drained by a river
Although they have approximately the same system that flows to the sea on the W coast of
trend, the inferred transform faults in the Bay North Island. The shelf sediments in the central
of Plenty are unrelated to the major discon- Bay of Plenty include large areas, particularly
tinuity off northern New Zealand known as the on the inner shelf and near the shelf break, that
Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone (Fig. 1). This is are predominantly volcanogenic sand with
truncated NE of the Coromandel Peninsula and autochthonous shell fragments and allochthon-
appears to predate the opening of the Havre ous gravel. The ash and shell debris could be
Trough (Malahoff et al. 1982). The similar relict or modern, but rounded igneous pebbles
trend may be a function of the trend of the plate almost certainly remain from the time when the
Structure and sediments of the Bay of Plenty 133

surf zone migrated across the shelf during the largely from deposition from dilute suspension,
post-glacial rise of sealevel. Thus, the shelf sand the incised canyons on the upper slope, and
is considered to be a transgressive sand sheet horizontal fill in the lower slope troughs and
which has been subsequently modified by the parts of the Raukumara Plain, suggest that
addition of shell debris and tephra, and by high-density turbidity currents have played a
reworking and redistribution during storms. significant roll in slope sedimentation during
In the eastern part of the shelf volcanic zone, periods of lower sealevel.
the episodic supply of ash is subordinate and The thin veneer of calcilutite in the southern
incorporated as discrete layers into sequences Havre Trough indicates a site without major
that reflect the otherwise continuous, rapid terrigenous input, whereas the shard-rich mud
influx of detrital silt from the large rivers that on the Raukumara Plain to the E is downcur-
drain the main ranges. The transgressive West- rent from detrital sources in the eastern Bay of
ern Sand Sheet is buried by the Eastern Silt Plenty and downwind from the tephra eruptions
Prism, which overlaps the Motuhora Scarp. of the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
Eddying of coast-parallel currents at the scarp
is considered to limit mud deposition and
The western eroded and buried extinct arc
produce the band of sandier sediment on either
side of the scarp. A line of geothermal activity Erosion of the continental shelf on the west-
W of the scarp (Duncan & Pantin 1969) has no ern side of the Bay of Plenty has planed an
detectable effect on surface sediments (Glasby extinct volcanic arc. The outer part of the arc
1975). In the western part of the volcanic zone has been buried on the upper slope. This arc,
detrital silt has settled only on the outer shelf. which is probably of uppermost Miocene to
The sediments on the slope of the central Bay Lower Pleistocene age becoming younger
of Plenty reflect two different modes of trans- southwards (Kear 1959; Ballance 1976;
port as well as two different sources. The vol- Rutherford 1978), intersects the Taupo Vol-
uminous rhyolitic tephra eruptions in the Taupo canic Zone in the vicinity of Lake Taupo.
Volcanic Zone (Cole, this volume), and minor The wide dispersal of volcanogenic sand,
andesite-dacite eruptions from White Island, derived from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, north-
periodically produce a rain of lithic, crystal and wards along the shelf of the western Bay of
vitric ash which settles through the water col- Plenty is difficult to explain under present con-
umn. Much of this material, although subject to ditions. Like the associated but locally derived
dispersal by tidal and geostrophic currents, set- gravels, it is probably relict from the last period
tles in a more or less continuous mantle, cover- of glacially lowered sealevel, when a phase of
ing the entire slope, including the knolls and intense rhyolitic volcanic activity coincided with
troughs. Conversely, the detrital mud reaches a phase of severe erosion in a cold, seasonally
the sea at point sources along the coast where wet climate (Schofield 1965; Hume et al. 1975).
much of it flocculates and settles to the lower At that time a sharp atmospheric thermal gra-
part of the water column. Here, much remains dient probably existed to the S, giving rise to
in dilute suspension, or is resuspended during frequent intense, cyclonic storms with con-
storms, to move as density currents, down the comitant southerly gales. The littoral drift so
slope as underflows, or perhaps away from the engendered would have carried volcanogenic
slope as interflows on top of denser, colder material northwards, away from the centre of
water layers. Underflows tend to carry the mud the bay (Harray & Healy 1978).
into the troughs that incise the slope, and The sandy mud that buries an eroded and
around the ridges and knolls that protrude from probably downwarped surface on the continen-
it. Thus, the ash on the ridges and knolls is tal slope onlaps the outer shelf in large patches.
buried by mud more slowly, and has more time By analogy with examples around the British
for mixing by bioturbation, than the ash in the Isles (Belderson & Stride 1966), the patches
troughs. Because of this, the sand/mud ratio at are probably growing laterally as they blanket
a particular site is a rough inverse measure of the rough, relict or palimpsest gravelly sands
the overall rate of deposition. away from islands, where water flows are least
The origin of the mid-slope silt belt is less constricted or disturbed.
obvious but it may be related to some inter-
mediate geostrophic flow at depths of
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We wish to express our gra-
1000-1500 m, or to internal waves between titude to Dr J. W. Cole of Victoria University of
water masses that inhibit the settling of clay- Wellington; Dr F. J. Davey of Geophysics Division,
sized material at that depth. D.S.I.R., Wellington; Mr J. V. Eade of N.Z.O.I.,
Although the mud in the troughs may result Wellington; and Dr D. Hamilton of Bristol
134 K. B. Lewis & H. M. Pantin

University, U.K., all of whom have willingly discussed We are particularly indebted to Dr B. P. Kokelaar
the subject of this paper and offered valuable for his thorough editing and many helpful
criticism of the manuscript. suggestions.


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K. B. LEWtS, New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, P.O. Box 12-346, Wellington

North, New Zealand.
H. M. PANTIN, British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, Nottingham
NG12 5GG, U. K.
Hydrothermal and voicaniclastic sedimentation on the
Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and in its adjacent marginal basins

D. S. Cronan, S. A. Moorby, G. P. Glasby, K. Knedler, J. Thomson

& R. Hodkinson
SUMMARY: Analyses of over 180 sediment samples from the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge
and adjacent marginal basins demonstrate volcaniclastic, biogenic, lithogenous and
hydrothermal influences on them. The volcaniclastic component decreases westwards
from the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge where volcanism is presently active. Biogenic
components are predominant in sediment throughout most of the region, but a significant
lithogenous component becomes apparent in the S, in the vicinity of New Zealand.
Hydrothermal influences have been detected in two areas: (i) on the Tonga-Kermadec
Ridge where Mn oxide crusts represent the end member of a hydrothermal fractionation
sequence, earlier members of which may occur beneath the sea-floor; and (ii) in the Lau
Basin where Fe and Mn are widely dispersed in the sediments and where sulphide deposits
may occur in the immediate vicinity of hydrothermal vents.

In contrast to mid-ocean ridges, island arcs and

marginal basins have been little studied with
regard to hydrothermal sedimentation. Early
reports of localized hydrothermal deposits tu
developed in such settings include those of the (3
E Indian and SW Pacific Oceans (Zelenov ~(
1964; Ferguson & Lambert 1972; Bertine &
Keene 1975) and the Mediterranean
(Honnorez 1969; Bonatti et al. 1972; Smith &
Cronan 1975). In thege settings, volcaniclastic
sediments have a much wider distribution than SOUTH 25 ° -
hydrothermal deposits. FIJI
In order to outline areas of possible BASIN Area shown ]
submarine hydrothermal activity in the SW
in detail in
¢3 Figure 5
Pacific, Cronan & Thompson (1978) carried CC
out a regional geochemical survey based on
u.t Kermadec
analysis of all the sediment samples available Is.
3o o-
from the region. These data, together with an
appraisal of the likely loci of submarine
volcanic activity in the region based on tectonic
information, led to the delineation of several
areas of greatest potential for hydrothermal ~, , f~f ./:i::::
sedimentation within the SW Pacific (Cronan S.W.

1983). One of these areas was the PACIFIC

Tonga-Kermadec Ridge, and the adjacent BASIN 55 ° -
marginal basins, the Lau Basin-and Havre
Trough (Fig. 1).
As part of a joint research programme by 0 200 4 0 0 Km

"-..... :iiii:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Imperial College and the New Zealand I i ,

i =

Oceanographic Institute, two cruises to the

175 °
Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and its adjacent I
marginal basins were carried out by the
N.Z.O.I. research vessel, Tangaroa, in 1981 FIG. l. Simplified bathymetric map of the
and in 1982. During this work, sediments were SW Pacific Ocean showing the main topo-
recovered from over 180 stations (Fig. 2), by graphic features. Bathymetric contours are
coring and dredging. A wide variety of in km.

138 D.S. C r o n a n et al.

tis ?" / Volcanic Zone of the North Island, New Zea-

land (Cole, this volume). On the W side of the
Lau Basin and Havre Trough lies the remnant
20os -
arc represented by the Lau and Colville Ridges
(Karig 1970). The average depth of the back-
arc basins, 2500 m, is in marked contrast to
average sea-floor depths, in excess of 4000 m,
in the South Fiji and SW Pacific Basins to the W
and E (Fig. 1). Another difference is the more
rugged topography and thinner sediment cover
25 ° -
of the back-arc basins.
Both the Lau Basin and the Havre Trough
consist of many ridges and small basins with an
overall relief of 500-1500 m, probably repre-
• ./'"u23, u24 senting faulted blocks (Karig 1970; Hawkins
1974). The acoustic basement in the Lau Basin
consists of basalts of M O R and island-arc types
30 o-
(Saunders & Tarney, this volume). The Lau
Basin is subject to frequent shallow-focus
u187,u189 seismic activity and is an area of comparatively
high heat flow (Sclater et al. 1972; Hawkins
1974). The age of the Lau Basin has been esti-
mated as about 5 Ma by Gill (1976) and Lawver
et al. (1976), who suggested that the magnetic
°~ anomaly patterns did not show any unambigu-
35 o-
ous evidence of symmetrical spreading of nor-
, 2o0 , 4oo~ mal mid-ocean ridge type. However, magnetic
(Approx,) surveys of the Lau Basin by Weissel (1977,
1982), Cherkis (1980) and Malahoff et al.
(1982) revealed the presence of symmetrical
! magnetic anomalies, although there is not com-
FIG. 2. Map showing location of sample plete agreement between these authors on the
stations (dots) used in this study. exact location of the spreading centre or
centres. The magnetic anomaly patterns
obtained in the Havre Trough by Malahoff et al.
sediment types was found, including (1982) led these authors to suggest that spread-
hydrothermal Mn crusts at a number of ing also occurred in this basin, but that it com-
localities. A preliminary report on the latter has menced more recently (2 Ma ago) than in the
been published elsewhere (Cronan et al. 1982). Lau Basin and with a lower half-spreading rate
In the present paper, we attempt to describe the of 27 mm yr -1 compared with the 38 mm yr -1
sediment characteristics of the whole region calculated by Weissel (1977) for the Lau Basin.
studied, and to discuss volcanic influences, both
clastic and hydrothermal, on them.
Sediment distribution
Sediment cover in much of the Lau Basin and
Geology and structure Havre Trough is very thin. Seismic reflection
The Lau Basin-Havre Trough-Tonga-Ker- profiles (Hawkins 1974) show generally less
madec Ridge area forms part of the SW Pacific than 100 m of sediment cover ( < 0.1 s acoustic
island-arc-back-arc system. The volcanic penetration), with a few narrow ponded areas
Tonga and Kermadec Islands delineate the displaying 0.1-0.2 s penetration. Because of
active volcanic arc (Fig. 1), generated by the their generally rugged nature and their com-
descent of the Pacific Plate in the E beneath the paratively young age, sediment cover is prob-
overriding Austral-Indian Plate in the W, the ably not continuous in the marginal basins, and
zone of subduction being marked by the Tonga may be absent altogether along parts of the
and Kermadec Trenches. To the W of the active Colville Ridge (Karig 1970). Along the
volcanic arc, the back-arc basin system com- Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and its western flanks,
prises the Lau Basin, Havre Trough and Taupo however, sediment cover is up to 700 m thick.
S e d i m e n t a t i o n o n the T o n g a - K e r m a d e c R i d g e 139

In this area, many ridges, seamounts and scarps, rapid accumulation of the volcanic material.
some of which are probably fault-controlled The westward decrease in the volcanogenic
(Hawkins 1974), tend to pond the sediment and component of the sediments is less marked in
probably restrict sediment input to the Lau the northern Lau Basin than further S. This
Basin and Havre Trough. may be because in the northern part of the Lau
Basin the SE trade winds are more persistent
than in the S and a greater westward dispersion
Methods of sediment analysis of volcanic material might therefore be
expected (Karig 1970). Alternatively, or in
Shipboard smear-slide analysis was carried out addition, this pattern may reflect an increase in
on all surface sediment samples recovered. the rate of generation of volcaniclastic debris
Where these were from gravity cores the sam- northwards along the volcanic arc, or the
ple represented the uppermost 1 cm of sedi- greater westward penetration of such material
ment. However, pipe-dredged sediment sam- by gravity flows due to more favourable topo-
ples represent a homogenized sample of the graphic controls. Presently there is insufficient
uppermost 2 5 - 3 0 cm. Smear-slide estimates of data to show which of these possibilities is most
abundances were based on areal estimates with important.
the help of a comparison chart for visual per- Amounts of volcanic glass in the sediments
centage estimation (Terry & Chilingar 1955). fall to lower than 5% towards the western edge
The accuracy of this method may approach of the Lau Basin and most of the Havre Trough.
-+ 2% for distinctive minor constituents (e.g. In the southern part of the Havre Trough
volcanic glass and Fe oxides), but for major amounts increase slightly away from the vol-
components _+ 10-20% is the best which can be canic arc, probably as a result of volcanic activ-
expected (Burns et al. 1973). Estimation of nan- ity both on the North Island of New Zealand
nofossil abundance is particularly difficult and and at White Island (see Lewis & Pantin, this
can only be regarded as semi-quantitative. volume). The distribution pattern and the silicic
Chemical determination of Ca is a much better nature of the volcanic glass, however, confirm
guide to carbonate content in carbonate-rich that the main source of volcanic debris
sediments. Wherever possible, sediments were throughout the region is the volcanic activity
classified according to the standard DSDP clas- along the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge (Ewart et al.
sification scheme (see Burns et al. 1973). 1977).
The uppermost sediment recovered at each Much of the sediment in the area W of 177°W
site was analysed chemically by inductively is carbonate ooze, consisting predominantly of
coupled plasma spectrometry, after the samples nannofossils, with a total carbonate content of
had been air-dried, crushed, digested in a mix- up to 75%. Siliceous microfossils are mostly
ture of hydrofluoric, perchloric and nitric acids either absent or present only in trace amounts,
and taken up in 1 M HC1. Levels of analytical but the northern Lau Basin radiolaria form as
precision are given in Table 1. Accuracy was much as 5-8% of the biogenic component of
checked by analysis of standard reference ma- the sediment. No part of this area lies below the
terials; no systematic errors were observed. carbonate compensation depth, which, generally
in this region, lies at about 4300 m (Berger et
al. 1976). Small, isolated basins in the Havre
Surface sediment lithology Trough exceed this depth but none was sam-
pled. The rapid increase in the volcanogenic
A smoothed pattern of regional variation in the component, from W to E across the back-arc
volcanogenic component of the sediments, basins, is such that at the eastern edges of the
based on smear-slide analysis, is shown in Fig. basins and lower slopes of the volcanic arc, the
3. No attempt has been made to try to indicate surface sediments recovered had a carbonate
areas where sediment cover is absent. The vol- content of only 20-40%. Although the flanks
canogenic component of the sediments and upper slopes of the Tonga-Kermadec
decreases very rapidly westwards from the Ridge are dominated by volcanic silts and
Tonga-Kermadec Ridge. Sediments on the sands, in the N, where the ridge is wider and
flanks and upper slopes of the ridge generally there are many coral islands, calcareous sands
contain 75-100% volcanic debris, of fine sand occur in the shallowest waters (Karig 1970). In
to silt size, comprising acidic glass shards, calcic the extreme S of the area, near New Zealand,
plagioclase and clinopyroxene with minor terrigenous material becomes a major sediment
amounts of opaques. The low amounts or component.
absence of included biogenic debris indicate The regional variation in the reddish-brown

T A B L E 1. Mean chemical composition (with standard deviation) of sediments from different regions of the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge and
associated marginal basins

Ca CaCO 3 A1 Fe Mn Ni Cu Zn
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

White Island area 3.6 +-- 1.6 7.4 +- 2.1 7.0 -+- 0.90 3.9 +- 0.8 0.057 - 0.02 57 -+_ 18 41 -+- 13 58 +- 5
(9 stations)
Havre T r o u g h 14.8 +- 7.7 35.7 +-- 18 6.7 - 0.97 2.9 +-- 1.3 0.19 +-- 0.12 35 - 25 69 -+- 41 66 --- 10
(61 stations)
Lau Basin 14.9 --- 9.0 36.0 -+- 21 7.4 ___ 1.1 8.8 - 1.2 0.94 --- 0.56 68 - 36 210 --- 47 165 -+ 34
(44 stations)
KermadecRidge 11.8 --- 5.6 28.2 --+ 12 7.1 --- 1.3 4.3 --+ 1.5 0.19 --- 0.07 23 ___ 19 71 --- 43 107 +_ 24
(16 stations) r--
Tonga Ridge 10.2+--6.4 24.2--+-14 8.7-+2.4 6.8-+2.4 0.20---0.13 24---16 125---41 116---27
(47 stations)
Analytical precision +2% -- ---3 % +--2% +-2% +--4% + 2% --- 5%

D a t a are expressed on a CaCO3-free basis (except for Ca).

Sedimentation on the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge 141

: •

• .
20°S -

i( i(
;iI • r

25 ° •
.'." .'.tr 25 ° -

:° :. • ")" "

,, •

...'. ¢
-. • . VO L e A N OG EN IC 30 o. 30 o.
:. . . ' • •
-. .
. . .
:. '" . "i <5%
: •
: • • •
5 - 10%
I 0 - 25%
[:-7-] <5%
:. .

~ ] 25-75%
35 o- \ 1 35o-

II >75% I > 10%

"~'":~". - -'I .....
0 200 400 Krn
.// 0
i i

NE (Approx.)
ZEALAND /I //,,~oow ,75o
ZEALAND /~r //?0ow ,75o,
FIG. 3. Regional variation in the vol- FIG. 4. Regional variation in the
canogenic component of surface sediments authigenic Fe-oxide component of surface
in the SW Pacific, based on smear-slide sediments in the SW Pacific, based on
estimates• smear-slide estimates.

semi-opaque Fe-oxide component of the sedi- U189 large hauls were recovered of both platy
ments is shown in Fig. 4. In view of the rela- material and blocky crusts up to 5 cm or more
tively small amounts present, no attempt has in thickness. Details of the morphology and
been made to divide the material into the vari- geochemistry of some of the samples are given
ous sub-classes recognized in metalliferous sedi- in Cronan et al. (1982) and Moorby et al.
ments by Quilty et al. (1976). Throughout (1984). On the basis of their chemical composi-
much of the region, Fe oxides are absent or tion and accumulation rate, Cronan et al.
present only in trace amounts. This is particu- (1982) have shown that the deposits are of
larly so in sediments where volcaniclastic or ter- hydrothermal origin•
rigenous material is a major component. Only A detailed bathymetric survey and sampling
in the Lau Basin does the Fe-oxide component operation was carried out at 27°S on the
of the surface sediment regularly exceed 5%. In Tonga-Kermadec Ridge (Fig. 5). In this area,
the central Lau Basin, the Fe-oxide component Mn crusts were only recovered at stations U23
exceeds 10%. However, Fe oxides were not a and U24, suggesting that the deposits are very
dominant sediment component at any site, maxi- localized. No Mn enrichment was found in the
mum amounts being of the order of only 15%. sediments recovered from the other sites shown
Manganese oxide crusts were recovered by in Fig. 5. Stations U23 and U24 lie on the lower
pipe dredging at three sites along the flanks of a feature which is 400-500 m high and
Tonga-Kermadec Ridge. At stations U40 and forms part of a NNE-SSW-trending ridge (Fig.
U187 (Fig. 2) small amounts of platy crusts 5). This ridge lies WNW of the main part of the
were recovered, but at stations U23, U24 and volcanic arc, which shoals in places to within a
142 D . S . Cronan et al.

177°45'W 177°35'W
\ 1
o° / // \ o
\\ \ U28
2C o


27°0 0'S

0 , , 5krrl
I t |

177 45 W 177 35 W
FIG. 5. Detailed bathymetry of the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge in the vicinity of stations U23 and U24.
(Contours are in metres below sea level.)

few hundred metres of sealevel. The topogra- sediment-free nature of these environments.
phy of the survey area probably results from the This is an important difference since it implies
effects of local submarine activity superimposed that whilst many hydrothermal Mn deposits at
upon the normal-fault scarp which defines the oceanic spreading centres precipitate out from
western margin of the volcanic arc (Hawkins the water column on to exposed basalt close to
1974). hydrothermal vents, some of those described
No detailed surveys were carried out at the here may result from precipitation at the
other two localities at which Mn crusts were sediment-water interface from hydro-
recovered. However, both sites lie in positions thermal solutions slowly upwelling through a
analogous to that of stations U23 and U24, on sediment or talus blanket. This has important
the western flanks of the T o n g a - K e r m a d e c implications with regard to the possible occurr-
Ridge, in water depths of 1 5 0 0 - 1 9 0 0 m on the ence and location of other hydrothermal
lower flanks of seamounts 4 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 m high. deposits in the area and is discussed below.
Only a few of the Mn crust samples had a
substrate attached. These substrates comprised
indurated sediment or small, rounded pumice Distribution of elements in surface
fragments, indicating growth on sediment or
talus rather than on a hardrock substrate. By
contrast, hydrothermal crusts recovered from Cronan & Thompson (1978) have shown that,
oceanic spreading centres tend to be associated in SW Pacific sediments, certain element dis-
with basalt substrates, because of the largely tribution patterns closely reflect specific sedi-
S e d i m e n t a t i o n on the T o n g a - K e r m a d e c R i d g e 143

ment sources. Calcium, for example, reflects low in sediments on the Tonga-Kermadec
the distribution of biogenic CaCO3, A1 reflects Ridge and its flanks.
the distribution of lithogenous and volcaniclas- Manganese levels within the surface sedi-
tic materials, and Mn reflects the distribution of ments of the region are very low, with the
authigenic and/or hydrothermal deposits. The exception of the central Lau Basin area (Table
average concentrations of several elements in 1). Manganese averages less than 0.06% adja-
different parts of the study area have therefore cent to White Island (Table 1) compared with
been compiled (Table 1) in an attempt to refine around 0.2% for the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge
conclusions concerning their provenance based and Havre Trough sediments, and a mean of
on lithological data. 0.94% (2.8% max) in central Lau Basin sedi-
The distribution of Ca and A1 in the sedi- ments. Possible causes of this enrichment of Mn
ments closely reflects the variations in the car- in the sediments of the Lau Basin, of up to
bonate and volcanogenic component of the 10-fold compared with the remainder of the
sediments (Fig. 3). The Fe/AI ratio of the region, include diagenetic remobilization, hyd-
sediments (Fig. 6) clearly shows the influence rothermal activity, or an increase in the hyd-
of terrigenous input in the S and the presence of rogenous component of the sediment. These.
abundant Fe oxides in central Lau Basin sedi- are evaluated below.
ments. However, the Fe! AI ratio does not seem
to be markedly affected by the variations in the
amount of volcanogenic debris present (Fig. 3),
although there is a tendency, particularly in the Sediment accumulation rates
northern parts of the region, for Fe/AI to be Griffen et al. (1972) estimated a sediment
accumulation rate of 2-3 cm 10 -3 yr for one
core from the Lau Basin, but found consider-
FIJI~ able differences in accumulation rates in a suite
of 1-2 m gravity cores from the basin. They
.~iliiiiiiiiiiiiiii! noted, however, that their data were consistent
20os - with rapid sediment accumulation, of the order
of several centimetres per thousand years. In an
attempt to discern possible hydrothermal influ-
~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? ences on the sediments, two cores have been
selected for radiometric dating by 23°Thex,~ss
and 231Paexcess methods (Thomson 1982), and
for detailed chemical analysis. Core U69 was
25 ° -
taken about 50 km W of the supposed spread-
ing centre in the Lau Basin, and the other, U49,
:iii!!!))i!i~ was collected from the axial rift, near where the
spreading centre was thought to be on the basis
of coincidence of the magnetic anomaly data of
Weissel (1982) and Malahoff et al. (1982).
The radiochemical data for the two cores
::ii!!iiiiiii!il are presented in Table 2 and 23°Thexcess and
231paexcess decay plots for U69 in Fig. 7. The
Fe/AI Th contents in both cores are low and this
<0.5 leads to high 23°Th/232Th activity ratios in U69.
iiiiiiiiiiiii~i Similar observations were made by Griffin et al.
(1972) in the cores they studied. The Th/U
o.r5-,.o ratio is also low by comparison with the average
35 o-
value of 5.6 usually observed in deep-sea sedi-
l > I:0 ments (Heye 1969). This fact, together with the
h i g h 234U/238U activity ratio, suggests U en-

richment in the sediments.

• (Approx.) Whilst Fig. 7 illustrates that a satisfactory
O°W 175 ° estimate of sediment accumulation rate may be
made for U69, another aspect of this data is
FIG. 6. Regional variation in the Fe/A1 noteworthy. The expected value of the initial
ratio of surface sediments in the SW Pacific 23°Thexcess/231Paexcess activity ratio, from supply
Ocean. by the U content of seawater, is 10.6. The val-

T A B L E 2. Uranium, thorium and protactinium data for cores U49 and U69, Lau Basin

Depth U Th Th/U 234U/238U 23°Th/232Th 234U 23°Th 23°Thexceos 23Ipaexcess

(cm) (ppm) (ppm) activity ratio activity ratio (dpm g-1) (dpm g-1) ( d p m g - ~'i (dpm g-l)

Core U69
2 0.71 -+- 0.03 0.60 --+ 0.08 0.85 +- 0.12 * 106 --+ 13 -- 15.6 +-- 0.4 15.0 _+ 0.4 2.17 -+ 0.14
12 0.65 +-- 0.02 0.40 +- 0.05 0.62 - 0.08 1.19 --- 0.05 136 +_ 18 0.58 --- 0.02 13.0 - 0.4 12.4 ___0.4 1.57 +-- 0.09
25 0.54 +_ 0.03 0.59 --- 0.05 1.09 +-- 0.11 1.19 - 0.08 68 +- 5 0.48 +-- 0.02 9.7 --- 0.2 9.2 +-- 0.2 1.01 +-- 0.05
40 0.54 --- 0.03 0.54 - 0.04 1.00 -+ 0.09 * 69 --+ 5 -- 9.1 +-- 0.2 8.6 + 0.2 1:00 --- 0.06
55 0.57 --- 0.03 0.52 --- 0.04 0.91 +-- 0.09 1.06 +-- 0.06 71 +-- 5 0.46 +-- 0.02 8.9 +-- 0.2 8.4 - 0.2 0.86 +-- 0.05
75 0.66 --+ 0.03 0.49 - 0.07 0.74 --+ 0.11 * 82 - 12 -- 9.8 --- 0.3 9.3 --- 0.3 0.76 --- 0.05

Core U49 r.-

13 0.27 +-- 0.01 0.23 --- 0.02 0.85 +- 0.08 1.09 +- 0.07 15 --- 2 0.22 +- 0.01 0.80 --- 0.03 0.58 - 0.03
33 0.22 +-- 0.01 0.27 +- 0.02 1.2 +-- 0.1 0.98 +-- 0.06 9.6 +- 0.7 0.16 +-- 0.01 0.64 +-- 0.02 0.48 -+ 0.02
57 0.37 _-+ 0.01 0.26 --+ 0.03 0.70 + 0.08 1.13 -+- 0.06 23 +-- 2 .0.31 +-- 0.01 1.44 +-- 0.04 1.13 -+ 0.04

* Spectra c o n t a m i n a t e d with 231Pa.

Sedimentation on the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge 145


•-- 20
23OTh 1.4cm/lO3yr
E excess
io- I
12"8 t z
.._., t


~ 2'

231Paexcess I. 5 c m / 1 0 3 y r
O 1-82

x:~ 0.5


2'0 3'0 4'o 5'0 zb 8'0

Depth (cm)
FIG. 7. Variation with depth of 230Thexcessand 231paexcessin core U69 from the Lau Basin.

ues in core U69 are considerably lower than lated at an uneven rate, reflected by the pres-
this, showing an enrichment in 231paexcess. This ence of volcaniclastic-rich layers (probably
situation is unusual, but has been noted in Mn rapidly deposited) and CaCOa-rich layers
nodules (Turekian & Chan 1971) and mid- (probably deposited more slowly). As a rough
ocean ridge sediments (Cochran 1982). In fact, guide, the accumulation rate for U49 may be as
the estimated 231paexcess and 23°Thexcess in the much as 10 times higher than that for U69, on
sediment column of U69, relative to the calcu- the basis of their 23°Thexcess contents. This esti-
lated supply from a water column of 2444 m mate, however, has to be viewed with extreme
depth, are 2.9 and 1.7 times too high respec- caution in view of the limitations of the data.
tively. In other words, both are high, but
231paexeess more so than 23°Thexcess. Since the
water column is the most probable source of the
Metal accumulation rates
23°Thexcess and 231paexcess, it is tempting to
invoke the scavenging properties of the sedi- The chemical composition of core U69 was
ments as the cause. Cochran (1982) has specu- found to be reasonably constant with depth
lated that enhanced removal of these two (Table 3), permitting metal accumulation rates
radionuclides from the water column in the vic- to be calculated using the following equation:
inity of ridge crests may be related to effective
scavenging by precipitation of hydrothermally Element accumulation rate = [ M ] . p . S,
supplied Mn. where [M] = mean element concentration
It was not possible to obtain a meaningful (average of six samples), p = dry in situ sedi-
sediment accumulation rate for core U49 ment density (measured as 0.59 g cm -3 for core
because the 23°Thexcess values are very low. U69 sediments), and S = sediment accumula-
Additionally, this core appears to have accumu- tion rate.
146 D. S. Cronan et aL

TABLE 3. Bulk chemical composition o f cores U49 and U69 from the Lau Basin

Core interval CaCO 3 A1 Mn Fe V Co Ni Cu Zn
(cm) (%) (%) (%) (%) ~ ppm ~-

U69 0-2 55 2.2 0.65 2.8 98 18 41 121 59

11-13 50 2.9 0.64 3.4 126 20 31 126 61
24-26 45 2.3 0.63 3.2 126 20 30 107 54
39-41 41 3.9 0.62 4.1 169 25 47 121 57
54-56 45 3.4 0.62 3.6 141 21 44 113 54
74-76 55 2.7 0.72 3.2 120 20 37 112 60
Average 48 2.9 0.65 3.4 130 21 38 117 58
U49 Average 15 5.8 0.38 6.6 300 30 21 140 83
(6 samples)

Taking a value of S from Fig. 7 of 1.5 cm distribution of volcaniclastic material in them.

10 -3 yr, the metal accumulation rates obtained As might be expected, this influence is strongest
are given in Table 4, together with other pub- in the vicinity of the Tonga Ridge, where some
lished values for comparison. sediments are almost entirely of volcanic origin.
It can be seen from Table 4 that the accumula- The influence is somewhat less on the Ker-
tion rates of Mn and Fe are higher than typical madec Ridge where fewer subaerial volcanoes
rates for Pacific pelagic clays and approach occur, and it decreases in a westerly direction,
some of the values reported for sediments at away from both ridges. Volcaniclastic particles
active ridge crests. Co, Ni and Zn show values can be transported through the atmosphere by
similar to pelagic clay, but V and Cu show winds, within the water column suspended in
somewhat higher values. There is therefore currents, and along the sea floor in the form of
some evidence to suggest an additional supply slides, slumps and turbidity currents. Sediment
of Mn and Fe to the sediment in core U69, over gravity flows are of greatest importance in the
and above a normal authigenic supply, but evi- immediate vicinity of the volcanic arc, as exem-
dence for the other elements is inconclusive. plified by the exceptionally flat, ponded rather
than blanketing, nature of the sediments in the
Tofua Trough between the two arms of the
Tonga island chain.
Discussion Regional hydrothermal influences on the
The lithological information, on the nature and sediments are not as easy to discern as volcani-
distribution of volcanic activity in the region clastic influences. However, hydrothermal Mn
investigated, enables us to consider the influence crusts have been formed at several locations
of volcanism on its sediments. along the T o n g a - K e r m a d e c Ridge and crusts of
The gross influence of subaerial volcanism on similar composition also occur on the island of
the sediments of the region is clearly seen in the Tonumea in the Tonga Islands (Table 5). These

TABLE 4. Comparison o f metal accumulation rates in core U69 with values for other localities

Metal accumulation rate (/zg cm -2 10 -3 yr)

U69 Pacific EPR crest EPR crest TAG area

(this study) pelagic clay* (Leinen & Stakes 1979) (Dymond & Veeh 1975) (Scott et al. 1978)

Mn 5500 700 5400 5800-28000 3500

Fe 18000 7700 29000 11000-82000 49500
V 80 32 -- -- --
Co 12 15 -- -- 120
Ni 30 30 80 56-160 235
Cu 90 48 160 50 214
Zn 27 24 170 22

*Data for pelagic clay obtained from Cronan (1969) (element abundances) and Krishnaswami (1976)
(values for p and S).
Sedimentation on the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge 147

TABLE 5. Chemical composition of Mn oxide deposits from Tonumea Island and from station
U23 on the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge (see Figs I and 2 for locations)

Mn Fe Ca AI Co Ni Cu Zn
(%) (%) (%) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Tonumea Island Mn deposit 59 0.36 1.3 0.75 102 51 100 130
U23/1 (average of 5 samples
of hydrothermal layers) 48 0.05 1.5 0.10 7 80 27 90

findings indicate that the volcanic arc has been, elements in the latter, particularly Fe, are
and still is, the site of sporadic hydrothermal amongst the lowest recorded in the whole SW
activity. Pacific region.
It has become apparent in recent years that Manganese and Fe are higher, on average, in
submarine hydrothermal Mn deposits are the the Lau Basin than in any of the other areas
final precipitates from submarine hydrothermal considered (Table 1; Fig. 4). It is well known,
systems, earlier, higher temperature precipi- however, that Fe and Mn concentrations in sed-
tates from which include massive sulphides, Fe iments are not, in themselves, unequivocal evi-
silicates and Fe oxides, in that order of deposi- ctence of hydrothermal supply of these metals.
tion (Cronan 1980, and references therein). In Elevated Mn values, for example, may be
this respect the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge hyd- caused in surface sediments by diagenetic
rothermal deposits show similarities with those remobilization of Mn from shallow depth, and
seen in the T A G area in the North Atlantic, high Fe values may reflect an increase in the
where Mn crusts are the only surface hyd- importance of volcanogenic material or its low-
rothermal deposit, and the surrounding sedi- temperature weathering products. The Lau
ments show little Mn enrichment (Cronan et al. Basin does not differ significantly in its surface
1979). These fields differ from those discovered sediment lithology from the Havre Trough. The
on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift. On type and amount of biogenic carbonate
the Galapagos Rift, for example (Malahoff et al. received appear to be similar on both basin
1983), higher temperature hydrothermal floors. We can see no reason, therefore, why
deposits, dominated by sulphides, occur at the diagenetic remobilization of Mn might be more
surface and are surrounded by Mn-enriched marked in the Lau Basin than in the Havre
sediments. If sulphides and silicates have been Trough. Furthermore, Mn levels at depth in
precipitated by hydrothermal circulation along Lau Basin sediments (Table 3 and unpublished
the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge, they are therefore data) provide little evidence for its upward
most likely to occur at depth. remobilization. At comparable distances from
Hydrothermal influences elsewhere in the the volcanic arc, volcanogenic material is more
region are not as easy to discern as those on the predominant in Lau Basin sediments than in
Tonga-Kermadec Ridge. The main areas those from the Havre Trough. If this material
where such influences would be expected are were the source of the Fe enrichment in Lau
associated with crustal extension in the back-arc Basin sediments then, by analogy, an area of Fe
basins. There is good evidence for crustal enrichment would be expected in the Havre
extension in the Lau Basin, but no definite Trough also, albeit somewhat smaller and
geological or geophysical evidence exists to closer to the volcanic arc. No such area exists.
suggest that such a process occurs at the present The metal accumulation rates obtained for
time in the Havre Trough. This is in agreement the Lau Basin core, U69, demonstrate Fe and
with our geochemical data which are compatible Mn accumulation above pelagic Pacific rates
with the likelihood of submarine hydrothermal and near to East Pacific Rise crest rates. How-
activity in the Lau Basin, but provide no evi- ever, U69 was taken about 50 km from where
dence for such activity in the Havre Trough. the spreading centre was thought to be. In core
This conclusion is based on the observation that U49, from the axial rift, sedimentation rates are
elements normally widely dispersed around higher and metal accumulation rates, based on
spreading ridge segments on the World Mid- the average composition of the core (Table 3),
Ocean Ridge System, such as Mn and Fe, are are also higher.
much more abundant in the Lau Basin than in Thus, available evidence indicates that there
the Havre Trough. Indeed, the values of these is a hydrothermal contribution of Mn and Fe to
148 D . S . Cronan et al.

the Lau Basin sediments. Hydrothermal E l e m e n t distribution trends in the sediments

enrichments of Fe and Mn occur in sediments in of the study area closely reflect their lithol-
the vicinity of spreading ridges such as the East ogy. Ca and A1 reflect biogenic and detrital
Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift, which also components respectively, and the Fe/A1 ratio
exhibit sulphide deposition. The axial rift of the highlights the contribution of Fe oxides.
Lau Basin, therefore, might also be a favour- Manganese tends to be low throughout much
able area to seek hydrothermal sulphide of the area, but is enriched up to 10-fold in
deposits. the sediments of the Lau Basin.
Radiometric dating of one core, taken 50 km
W of the supposed spreading centre in the
Conclusions Lau Basin, gave an accumulation rate of
1.4-1.5 cm 10 -3 yr, from which accumula-
1 Surface sediment lithology indicates a large tion rates of 18000/~g cm -2 10 -3 yr Fe and
volcanogenic contribution to the sediments 5500/~g cm -2 10 -3 yr Mn have been calcu-
of the study area, which decreases in abun- lated. These approach some of the accumula-
dance in a westerly direction. O t h e r influ- tion rate values for these elements reported
ences on the sediments are predominantly on hydrothermally active mid-ocean ridge
biogenic, and lithogenous in the S of the crests, suggesting a hydrothermal input of
area. Semi-opaque Fe oxides occur in trace these metals to the Lau Basin. If this is so,
amounts in sediments throughout much of sulphide deposits might be expected to occur
the region, but increase to as much as 15% of in the vicinity of the hydrothermal vents in
the sediment in the Lau Basin. the Lau Basin.
2 Hydrothermal Mn-oxide crusts were reco-
vered at a number of stations on the
T o n g a - K e r m a d e c Ridge, and also on land in
the Tonga Islands. No Mn enrichment was
detected in their associated sediments, sug-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank that master and
gesting that the crusts represent the end Crew of R.V. Tangaroa and scientific staff of the
m e m b e r of a submarine hydrothermal frac- N.Z.O.I. for the collection of the samples described in
tionation sequence, earlier members of this work. Financial support was received from
which may be present at depth. N.E.R.C.

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Volcano-tectonic evolution of Fiji and adjoining marginal basins

H. Colley & W. H. Hindle

SUMMARY: From the Eocene to the Middle Miocene, Fiji was part of a N-facing Outer
Melanesia arc system, stretching from Papua New Guinea to Tonga, and was dominated
by tholeiitic arc volcanism. Oligocene back-arc spreading to the S of Fiji led to the
formation of the Minerva Plain (South Fiji Basin). Reorganization of the plate boundaries
in Outer Melanesia during the Middle Miocene fractured the simple arc system and caused
polarity reversal in arc segments W of Fiji. Fiji, the major yield point in the break-up,
experienced a compressive event followed by progressive isolation from a subduction
regime as arc segments were rotated away from the region. This led to asthenospheric
melting with a decreasing subduction component, and a consequent change in Fiji
volcanism from arc andesites and tholeiites to alkalic ocean island basalts. During the
Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene, rotation of the Vanuatu arc segment caused opening
of the Fiji Plateau marginal basin. This was accompanied by widespread, chemically
diverse volcanism in Fiji, in which contamination of rising magma by pre-existing crust
may have been an important process. The most recent phase of arc rotation resulted in
opening of the Lau Basin between Fiji and Tonga, and effected the final divorce of Fiji
from a subduction influence with commencement of ocean island basalt volcanism in the
Middle Pliocene.

Outer Melanesia (Fig. 1), including the island Lau Basin

chains of Vanuatu, Fiji, Lau and Tonga, is an
area of considerable tectonic complexity in The Lau Basin is the youngest of the margi-
which the t r e n c h - a r c - m a r g i n a l basin associa- nal basins, for which, on petrological grounds,
tion does not show a regular pattern. Within Gill (1976b) suggested an age of 5 Ma, and
this region, the Fiji Platform is an area of Weissel (1977), on the basis of recognition of
shallow water, generally less than 1 km deep, magnetic anomaly 2', gave an age of 3.5 Ma.
upon which the major Fiji islands are situated. DSDP site 203 was drilled to 409 m in the
The shallow water extends southwards along southern part of the basin (Fig. 1) and did not
the Lau island chain and southwestward along reach acoustic basement; the oldest sediments
the H u n t e r - K a n d a v u Ridge. The Fiji Platform were of Mid-Pliocene age at 3.0-3.5 Ma (Burns
is flanked by a number of marginal basins; the & Andrews 1973). Using seismic refraction
Lau Basin to the E, the Fiji Plateau (North Fiji data from the southern part of the basin and
Basin) to the N and W, and the Minerva Plain sedimentation rates derived from DSDP 203
(South Fiji Basin) to the SW. studies, Katz (1978) gave an age of
The main aim of this paper is to relate vol- 8.0-8.5 Ma.
canic events in Fiji to developments taking High heat flow values (average 2.0 HFU),
place in the marginal basins. thin sediment cover (about 100 m increasing to
700 m in marginal areas), and rugged topogra-
phy are further evidence for a young basin.
Seismic refraction profiles (Shor et al. 1971)
Characteristics of the marginal basins suggest an oceanic crustal thickness between 6
and 10 km.
Although the general characteristics of the Lau Since the Lau Basin was described as a mar-
Basin, Fiji Plateau, and Minerva Plain are ginal basin by Karig (1970), a number of
reasonably well known, the manner in which hypotheses have been proposed for the manner
the basins opened continues to be widely of its extension. Most show various combina-
debated. Most of the major differences between tions of spreading ridges and orthogonal trans-
the proposed models stem from the various forms forming triple junctions (Sclater et al.
interpretations of the zones of shallow seism- 1972; Weissel 1977; Weissel 1981). Estimates
icity, which, taken in conjuction with diffuse of half-rates of opening vary from 1-2 (Sclater
magnetic patterns, have been regarded to rep- et al. 1972) to 3.8 cm yr -1 (Weissel 1977).
resent either spreading centres or transform A radically different interpretation for the
faults. Lau Basin has been propounded by Katz

15 2 H. Colley & W. H. H i n d l e

I I/ I I I
165 E ~ 175 E 180 175W

%C/~/c ,.
~6~'~~)~ ~Anud~~ rs"t
.t> ___.~\ Tikopea o Rotuma

Fiji Platform q$

\\... ~ ~ ,or,


**:'., i~**l 8 i ~Kandavu'~ .... C'+'r"~

', i' ~',~'''' , ~; ,'7!-
i %/ ,~? ,

.///_/ ~.

_!-t_<.,,,. !L /
/ \ xx/zx

.~ / 4

FIG. 1. The morphology of Outer Melanesia with bathymetric contours at 1, 4 and 6 km; island
chains (vertical stripes); trenches (stipple); fracture zones (dot-dashed); rises (dotted); magnetic
lineations (dashed); focal mechanisms (circles with arrows showing direction of movement); DSDP
sites 203, 205 and 285; and present-day plate spreading directions (large arrows). BR = Bounty
Ridge; FFZ = Fiji Fracture Zone; HHFZ = Hazel Holme Fracture Zone; HKFZ = Hunter-Kan-
davu Ridge (Fracture Zone); MP = Minerva Plain (South Fiji Basin); NR = Nova Rise; PR = Peggy

(1977) who envisages the basin as a collapse more rugged topography, and magnetic linea-
structure in quasi-continental crust, flanked by tions possibly dating back to anomaly 4, indi-
rising island arcs (Lau and Tonga). Young basin cate a much younger basin. Chase (1971) has
basalts represent 'piercement' of this older crust proposed a maximum age of 10 Ma, and Falvey
which is being progressively 'oceanized'. (1975) and Malahoff et al. (1982a) give an age
of 7.8 Ma to coincide with anomaly 4. In accor-
Fiji Plateau dance with the young age, sediment cover is
thin, ranging from 100 to 1200 m close to the
A number of studies (e.g. Chase 1971; Mac- Vanuatu arc (Chase 1971; Shor et al. 1971).
Donald et al. 1973; Luyendyk et al. 1974) have Seismic refraction studies indicate an oceanic
demonstrated major differences in the Fiji crustal thickness of about 8 km (Solomon &
Plateau N and S of the Hazel Holme Fracture Biehler 1969; Shor et al. 1971).
Zone (Fig. 1). To the N, low heat flow values, There is no consensus of opinion on the loca-
thicker sediment cover and subdued topogra- tion of spreading centres within the Fiji Plateau,
phy suggest a basin of considerable age, poss- because of the irregular pattern of heat flow
ibly dating back to the Mesozoic. To the S, high values, the diffuse nature of magnetic
heat flow values, in the range 1.5-5.6 HFU anomalies, and the varying interpretation of
(MacDonald et al. 1973; Watanabe et al. 1977), shallow seismicity zones. Chase (1971), Luyen-
V o l c a n o - t e c t o n i c e v o l u t i o n o f Fiji 153

dyk et al. (1974) and Malahoff et al. (1982a) old (Rodda 1974). There are three distinct
favour a N-S spreading ridge at 173 °E (Nova stages, which reflect major changes in the geo-
Rise, see Fig. 1). A more complex situation, logical evolution of the islands.
with a ridge-fault-fault triple junction in the
SE portion of the Fiji Plateau, is presented by
Packham (1982). Spreading half-rate estimates Stage 1. Upper Eocene-Middle Miocene
are 3.0-3.9 (Chase 1971; Luyendyk et al. Early Tertiary rocks in Fiji, restricted to the
1974) and 4.75 cm yr -1 (Falvey 1975). southern part of Viti Levu (Fig. 2), are assigned
principally to the Wainimala Group and the
South Fiji Basin Singatoka Group.
The Wainimala Group consists of various
The South Fiji Basin can be divided into two volcaniclastic sediments interbedded with sub-
morphological units about the Cook Fracture marine lava flows and breccias of basalt and
Zone: the Kupe Abyssal Plain to the S and the dacite, and their metamorphosed equivalents,
Minerva Plain to the N. Only the latter is dis- spilite and keratophyre. Reef limestones within
cussed in this paper. The Minerva Plain is the the sequence have been dated as Tertiary b
oldest of the marginal basins in Outer Melanesia. (Cole 1960) and Tertiary e - f (Hirst 1965).
It has magnetic anomaly ages of 35 (anomaly Wainimala Group rocks exhibit zeolite to
12) to 28 Ma (anomaly 7A) and appears to greenschist facies metamorphism and Gill
have been inactive since the Lower Miocene (1970) has shown them to have the chemical
(Watts et al. 1977). Sediments from the lower characteristics of arc tholeiites.
part of DSDP site 205 (Fig. 1) have been dated The Singatoka Group, which crops out in SW
as Upper Oligocene, with an age around 29-30 Viti Levu, was formerly interpreted as part of
Ma (Burns & Andrews 1973). Sediment cover an island-arc succession (Houtz 1960; Rodda &
is variable, ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 km in thick- Band 1967). However, Colley (1984) interprets
ness, and heat flow values are generally below the group as the upper part of an ophiolite suite
1.0 HFU (MacDonald et al. 1973). Seismic in which the widespread pelagic sediments, such
refraction profiles show a total crustal thickness as foraminiferal oozes, cherts, red clays and Fe-
of 8-9 km (Shor et al. 1971). and Mn-rich sediments, with interbeds of fine
Shipborne and airborne magnetic surveys grained turbidite and polymict lapillistone, are
(Watts et al. 1977; Weissel 1981; Malahoff et taken to represent Layer 1 of oceanic lithos-
al. 1982a) suggest opening of the basin, bet- phere. Beneath these sediments, and regarded as
ween 35 and 28 Ma, along a ridge-ridge-ridge Layer 2, are thick sequences of pillow lava cut
triple junction at half-rates of 2.6-3.4 cm yr -1. by diabase dykes and including pockets of gab-
The Bounty Ridge (Fig. 1) spreading centre has bro. The lavas have REE patterns (Fig. 4) typi-
the best-defined magnetic anomalies, and ter- cal of ocean-floor tholeiites although, overall,
mination of these lineations against the their chemistry shows affinities with both arc
Hunter-Kandavu Ridge suggests subduction of and ocean-floor tholeiites.
the Minerva Plain beneath this ridge. From the The Singatoka Group was emplaced against
present-day direction of movement of the the Wainimala Group arc rocks along low-
Indo-Australian plate (Fig. 1), it is apparent angle, arcuate thrust faults (Fig. 2). A Tertiary
that the Hunter-Kandavu Ridge is close to a e - f age for the Singatoka Group (Skiba 1964)
critical angle where a slight change in the rela- suggests that it is an obducted portion of the
tive direction of plate movement could result in South Fiji Basin (Colley 1984).
a switch from subduction to transform faulting.
It seems likely that changes in tectonic style
occurred along this ridge in the late Cenozoic. Stage 2. Middle Miocene-Middle Pliocene
It is significant that Johnson & Molnar (1972) This, most complex, period of Fiji's history
locate focal mechanisms with both strike-slip began with a phase of deformation--the Tholo
movement and thrusting, along or close to the Orogeny--which was unusually intense for
ridge (Fig. 1). Outer Melanesia. The strata of the Wainimala
Group, which occur in a belt curving from ENE
Geological history of Fiji to NNW (Fig. 2), were deformed into a series of
folds with axes parallel to the curve of the belt.
The geological history of Fiji is apparently Within some fold cores there are synorogenic
restricted to the Cenozoic Era; the oldest rocks tonalite-gabbro bodies (Tholo Plutonic Suite),
known are of Upper Eocene age and the young- ranging in age from 11 to 7 Ma.
est are subaerial ash falls on Taveuni, < 2000 yr During the waning stages of the orogeny, and
154 H. Colley & W. H. Hindle
178°E 179°W
0 km 80

0 o~> Yasawas
-17 So 'V'Taveun i
/ o
o ?o
o, Q
~K0r0 o
_Viti Levu o Lau Islands o
o Lomaiviti
MBUA 13p ------~ Thrust
-19°S Kand~~3 D SINGATOKA Gp
FIG. 2. The geology of the Fiji Platform showing the distribution of the major lithostratigraphic
units. Age ranges are shown in Table 1.

the following period, a vigorous resurgence of Stage 3. Middle Pliocene-Recent

volcanic activity and associated sedimentation
During the latest stage of Fiji's history there
occurred over a wide area of the Fiji Platform.
was a remarkable change in the style of volcan-
In northern Viti Levu the Mba and Koroimavua
ism. Ocean island basalts were erupted along
Groups are largely composed of basic sub-
major NNW and NE-trending fissures in SW
marine lava flows and volcaniclastic sediments
Vanua Levu (Mbua Group), on Koro and
of shoshonitic and tholeiitic affinity (Gill 1970;
Taveuni, and on a number of the Lau islands
Seeley & Searle 1970). Similar rocks extend
(Hindle & Colley 1981). Although this period
eastwards into the Lomaiviti island group (Fig.
is dominated by basaltic volcanism, high-K
2). In SE Viti Levu the Mendrausuthu Group
calc-alkaline andesites were erupted in the
consists of the Namosi Andesites, of calc-
Upper Pliocene-Recent period on Kandavu
alkaline composition (Gill 1970), and derived
(Woodrow 1980). These andesites may repres-
ent a phase of subduction along the
During this stage, the large island of Vanua
Hunter-Kandavu Ridge.
Levu was formed by eruption of arc tholeiite
basic andesites of the Natewa Group (Hindle
1976), low-K dacites and rhyodacites of the
Undu Group (Colley & Rice 1975), and very Correlation of events in Fiji with
minor calc-alkaline andesites of the Nararo
Group (Hindle 1976). marginal basin formation
Low-K andesites and tholeiitic basic ande- The three stages in the geological history of Fiji
sites were also erupted during this stage in the reflect events in the formation of the marginal
Lau island group, the former ranging in age basins of Outer Melanesia.
from 9 to 6 Ma and the latter from 3.9 to 3.5 Table 1 shows an age correlation between
Ma (Gill 1976b). formation of the Wainimala and Singatoka
Volcano-tectonic evolution o f Fiji 155

TABLE 1. Correlation of major lithostrati-

graphic units in Fiji with marginal basin
opening in Outer Melanesia
1 2 3 4
"1 "1 Zl ~i I Z ~!
5 ........ -3 ~ .

" h -' ='l ~ o I

,o -~ "/ I o ,,,
t- ,~
" fl-: ~ Z
-15 .... ~ THOLO OROGENY

e s |

-20 ]

-25 el-4 v
- 7 Z II <1: <{

Lu Z
Z-8 ~,

-' -zl
-,o z

-35 -12 ~1

, j
-40 I,¢1-15
Column 1: age (in Ma); 2: Indonesian letter
stage; 3: period; 4: magnetic anomalies. Solid lines
indicate measured age range and dashed lines are
possible extensions of that range.

Groups and the formation of the Minerva Plain, basin system existed in Outer Melanesia (Fig.
the coincidence of the opening of the Fiji 3a). The trench was located on the Pacific side
Plateau with the major Upper Miocene volcan- of the arc, with subduction of the Pacific plate
ism on the Fiji Platform, and the initiation of beneath the Indian plate in a SW direction.
spreading in the Lau Basin with the onset of During this stage there appears to have been
ocean island basalt volcanism in Fiji. a switch of volcanic activity, from the arc to the
Such correlations strongly suggest that tec- marginal basins and back to the arc. The ear-
tonic events in marginal basins can be linked to liest recorded activity in Outer Melanesia is of
volcano-tectonic events in the neighbouring Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene age and
arcs, and that arc development represents a occurs in Fiji (Cole 1960; Rodda & Band
complex interplay of extensional tectonics and 1967), on Eua in Tonga (Ladd 1970), and in
subduction. Vanuatu (Coleman 1969). In contrast, in the
Middle Oligocene no significant volcanism
Stage 1 occurred in Fiji (Rodda 1974) and Vanuatu
(Carney & MacFarlane 1977) and this was the
It is assumed that throughout the early Terti- time of principal extension of the Minerva Plain
ary a relatively simple trench-arc-marginal (Table 1). Finally, in the Upper Oligocene, with
~.~ST /
~"~. / Pacific
~, Plate

U ~I-" //.I

A Plate MP
"~-~l TT

C ~,,- 1 6 (~] E? ~ . ~ . ~ o ~ . ~
170E 1810 170IW
~ ...,,~
r f./.
// 0 km500
! I 5S

• ~ ViT~

~)~ FP /¢'=FF..Z,__-,,


FIG. 3. Schematic plate tectonic reconstruction for Outer Melanesia during the Tertiary. Stage 1
( E o c e n e - M i d d l e Miocene): subduction of the Pacific plate southwestwards beneath the proto-
Melanesian arcs; opening of the Minerva Plain behind the arcs. Stage 2 (Middle Miocene-Middle
Pliocene): arc polarity reversal with subduction of the Indo-Australian plate northeastwards;
orogeny in Fiji; opening of the Fiji Plateau with development of a complex transform system
between the Vanuatu and Tonga Arcs. Stage 3 (Middle Pliocene-Recent): continued opening of the
Fiji Plateau; opening of the Lau Basin; growth of the V a n u a t u - T o n g a transform system (after Colley
& G r e e n b a u m 1980). F = Fiji Platform; F F Z = Fiji Fracture Zone; FP = Fiji Plateau; F £ = Fiji
Trench (postulated); H K F Z = H u n t e r - K a n d a v u Fracture Zone; L = Lau Arc; LB = Lau Basin; LT
= proto-Lau-Tonga Arc; M B F Z = Melanesian Border Fracture Zone; MP = Minerva Plain (South
Fiji Basin); NC = New Caledonia; OJP = Ontong Java Plateau; S = Solomon Arc; ST = proto-
Solomon Trench; T = Tonga Arc; TT = Tonga Trench; V = Vanuatu Arc; VT = Vanuatu Trench;
ViT = Vitiaz Trench.
Volcano-tectonic evolution of Fiji 157

the cessation of Minerva Plain extension, TABLE 2. Representative analyses of Stage 1

renewed volcanic activity occurred in the arc. igneous rocks
Thick sequences of volcaniclastic material of
Tertiary e-f age occur in the upper part of the 1 2 3 4
Wainimala Group in Fiji (Hirst 1965) and on
Santo and Malekula in Vanuatu (Mitchell & SiO2 52.1 45.65 53.30 72.34
Warden 1971). TiO2 2.5 1.34 1.09 0.42
There are significant differences in chemistry A1203 15.8 15.17 17.18 13.88
Fe203 4.3 2.15 3.82 1.38
between rocks erupted in the marginal basin FeO 4.5 7.10 4.95 1.59
and those in the arc. Diabase from DSDP site MnO 0.54 0.15 0.25 0.08
285A on the Minerva Plain is of basaltic andesite MgO 6.8 12.58 4.05 0.69
composition (Table 2, Column 1), with high CaO 8.3 9.79 7.33 1.49
TiO 2, typical of mid-oceanic ridge basalts, but Na20 3.5 2.60 3.77 6.27
Ni and Cr values intermediate between mid- K20 0.62 0.45 0.60 0.87
oceanic ridge basalts and arc tholeiites (Stoeser P205 0.29 0.12 0.24 0.10
1975). Basalts of the Singatoka Group (Table L.O.I. 0.77 2.95 2.85 1.02
2, Column 2), which is regarded an an obducted
Total 100.02 100.05 99.63 100.13
portion of the Minerva Plain (Colley 1984)
have a major-element chemistry, and R E E pat- Rb 17 5 9
tern with slight L R E E depletion (Fig. 4a), typi- Sr 150 285 186 155
cal of mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB). Ba 20 -- 98 228
Rocks from the arc sequence in Fiji Zr 100 -- 76 150
(Wainimala Group) form a bimodal arc Ni 30 -- 6 <5
tholeiite suite (Gill 1970) which is dominated Cr 70 -- 7 2

by basaltic andesite (Table 2, Column 3), with Y 50 -- 29 52

subordinate rhyodacite (Table 2, Column 4).

Column 1: Diabase, DSDP site 285A; 2: olivine
The major elements, apart from TiO2, are simi- basalt, Nandi River, Viti Levu; 3: Wainimala
lar for the Wainimala basaltic andesite and the basaltic andesite (average of six); 4: Wainimala
Singatoka (Minerva Plain) basaltic andesite. rhyodacite (average of four).
Trace elements, however, show significant dif- Data from Colley (unpublished); Gill (1970); Gill
ferences with the Wainimala rock showing & Stork (1979); Stoeser (1975).
lower Ni and Cr, and a more fractionated R E E
pattern (Fig. 4b), although the last may reflect
seawater alteration and/or burial metamorph-
ism, rather than primary magmatic differences.


A B ¸


I'a C~ P~" N'd S'mE'uG'd T'b E~y RoE'r Y'b

FIG. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for Stage 1 rocks from Fiji. (a) Tholeiitic basalts from
the Singatoka Group (range of three samples); (b) arc tholeiite basic andesites from the Wainimala
Group (range of four samples).
158 H. Colley & W. H. Hindle

Stage 2 TABLE 3. Representative analyses of Stage 2

volcanic rocks
In the M i d d l e - U p p e r Miocene, plate bound-
ary reorganization in Outer Melanesia led to 1 2 3 4 5
fracturing of the existing arc system and polar-
ity reversal in arcs to the W of Fiji (Fig. 3b). As SiO 2 52.50 58.4 49.18 72.71 49.5
a consequence, a complex transform system TiO 2 0.83 0.7 0.65 0.50 1.2
formed between Vanuatu and Tonga. Subse- A1203 17.78 17.4 15.88 14.09 15.5
quent movement along this system facilitated Fe203 3.51 7.0* 5.16 2.43 3.9
the opening of the Fiji Plateau and the Lau FeO 5.29 -- 4.05 1.11 6.2
Basin and progressively isolated Fiji from a MnO 0.18 0.2 0.18 0.06 0.1
subduction-dominated tectonic regime. MgO 5.14 3.4 6.76 0.61 6.7
In Fiji, the early part of the stage, probably CaO 9.78 7.5 10.34 2.75 11.3
between 14 and 12 Ma, was marked by emp- Na20 2.88 3.9 2.51 4.82 2.7
lacement of the Singatoka Group ophiolite K20 0.61 1.2 3.24 0.74 0.3
suite and downbuckling and folding of the P205 0.16 0.2 0.43 0.11 0.1
Wainimala Group volcanic pile during the L.O.I. 1.41 -- 1.89 0.86 1.5
Tholo Orogeny. Temperatures at the base of
the downbuckled pile were sufficient to cause Total 100.07 99.9 100.27 100.79 99.9
melting and intrusion of synorogenic tonalite-
gabbro bodies. Rb 15 21 67 9 --
The opening of the Fiji Plateau, around 8 Sr 273 545 1193 100 150
Ma, coincided with the period of most intense Ba 323 388 644 117 --
volcanism in Fiji. This commenced around 8 - 7 Zr 29 99 52 146 --
Ma (Table 1) with the eruption of Natewa Ni 41 8 32 2 90
Group basaltic andesites in Vanua Levu (Table Cr 135 19 88 3 300
3, Column 1) and Mendrausuthu Group calc- Y 25 22 16 43 --
alkaline andesites in Viti Levu (Table 3, Col-
umn 2). This was closely followed by emplace- *Total Fe as Fe203.
ment of the Mba and Koroimavua shoshonitic Column 1: Basaltic andesite, Vanua Levu
rocks (Table 3, Column 3) and arc tholeiite vol- (average of eleven); 2: calc-alkaline andesite,
canism in northern Viti Levu, and Undu Group Namosi, Mendrausuthu Range, Viti Levu; 3: basic
dacite-rhyodacite volcanism in NE Vanua Levu shoshonite (absarokite), Viti Levu (average of
(Table 3, Column 4). twelve); 4: rhyodacite, Undu Peninsula, Vanua
This volcanism in Fiji has been taken to rep- Levu (average of five); 5: basalt, Fiji Plateau.
resent arc activity related to subduction along Data from Mineral Resources Division, Fiji
the Tonga Trench (Gill & Gorton 1973; Gill (unpublished); Colley & Rice (1975); Gill (1976a);
1976a). However, its varied character with no Gill & McDougall (1973); Hawkins (1977).
coherent K - h relationship, the large arc-trench
gap (minimum of 250 km), and a lack of arc have to pass through hot crust, thickened
geometry in a geographical sense, cast doubt on by downbuckling and deformation. Fluids
the validity of a simple subduction model. In in this crust, derived from the original
the late Miocene, the only part of Fiji that submarine volcanic pile, would probably
resembles an island arc is Lau, where andesitic contain elevated contents of elements such
volcanism occurred between 9 and 6 Ma (Gill as Si, K, Ba, Sr and Cu, as a result of
1976b). Compared to the volcanic activity to rock-water interactions (Humphris &
the W in most of the Fiji islands, Lau volcanism Thompson 1978; Mottl & Holland 1978),
is very minor. and rising magmas would be subject to
In considering this important volcanic phase contamination.
in Fiji the following observations are relevant: (iii) The evolving transform system between
the Vanuatu and Tonga arcs, produced by
(i) With fracturing of the Outer Melanesia arc
the Upper Miocene extensional tectonic
in the M i d d l e - U p p e r Miocene, the influ-
regime, would bisect the Fiji region.
ence of subduction would wane in Fiji,
although melting of subducted lithosphere Of these observations the last is regarded as the
beneath Fiji would continue after the most important in leading to the intense and
break-up. widespread Upper Miocene volcanism in Fiji.
(ii) Magmas produced by the melting of sub- Without the fractures the thickened crust would
ducted lithosphere beneath Fiji would probably have restricted the passage of magmas
Volcano-tectonic evolution o f Fifi 15 9

and hence limited the volcanism. However, the uatu-Tonga transform system with the opening
fracture system facilitated the movement of of the Lau Basin (Fig. 3c).
magma, with the result that volcanism was L a w v e r & Hawkins (1978) used the Lau
intense. Support for this proposal is provided by Basin as a model for marginal basin formation
the marked N E - S W linearity of Vanua Levu in which 'disorganized' opening results from
(Fig. 2), and the fact that many of the Upper point-source magmatism along a number of
Miocene-Lower Pliocene volcanic centres in short-lived ridges. The age of Seatura volcano
Fiji are located along N E - S W or E N E - W S W in SW Vanua L e v u - - 2 . 9 - 3 . 3 Ma (Hindle &
trends. Such trends are parallel to major trans- Colley 1981)--is similar to that for initial open-
form features that are presently active (e.g. ing of the Lau Basin--3.0-3.5 Ma (Burns &
Hunter-Kandavu Ridge; Fiji Fracture Zone; Andrews 1973; Weissel 1977)--which suggests
Hazel Holme Fracture Zone; see Fig. 1), that magmatism was not restricted to the basin
though on Viti Levu the probability of anticlock- but also occurred on the Fiji Platform. In addi-
wise rotation of around 30 ° (James & Falvey tion, the Seatura volcano is centred on a NNWo
1978; Malahoff et al. 1982b) in the last 4-5 Ma trending fissure system which is parallel to the
has to be considered. axis of the Lau Basin. Thus the volcano may
Where the crust was thin in Fiji (e.g Vanua represent an arrested stage of opening, with the
Levu) basaltic andesite of tholeiitic composition main locus of volcanism eventually being estab-
(Table 3, Column 1) was rapidly erupted along lished between Lau and Tonga where the crust
the fractures. This magma is regarded as the was thinner. Comparison of Seatura basalt
closest approximation to parental magma pro- (Table 4, Column 1) and Lau Basin basalt
duced by melting of the subducted slab beneath (Table 4, Column 3) shows the former to have
Fiji. Where such magma passed through thick- higher Ti, K, Rb, Sr, Ba and Zr, and lower Ni
ened crust, as on Viti Levu, slow ascent, and Cr. The Seatura volcanism resembles ocean
increased differentiation, and contamination
under fluid-rich conditions led to eruption of
shoshonitic (Table 3, Column 3) and calc- TABLE 4. Representative analyses of Stage 3
alkaline andesite (Table 3, Column 2) magmas. volcanic rocks
Although magmas erupted during Stage 2 in
Fiji had an arc-like chemistry (Table 3), the tec- 1 2 3 4
tonic conditions which allowed their eruption
also led to the formation, by extension, of the SiO 2 48.02 49.81 48.8 60.17
Fiji Plateau marginal basin. The little data TiO 2 2.34 2.78 1.0 0.54
available on basalts from the floor of the Fiji A120 3 15.73 16.97 16.2 16.84
Plateau (Table 3, Column 5) suggest that they Fe20 3 3.71 4.20 1.6 1.70
are chemically transitional between arc FeO 6.99 7.30 7.2 3.56
MnO 0.17 0.26 0.2 0.11
tholeiites and mid-ocean ridge tholeiites (Haw-
MgO 6.71 4.23 9.3 3.18
kins 1977). CaO 9.43 7.63 12.8 5.96
Whether extension of the Fiji Plateau is con- Na20 3.63 4.58 2.2 4.22
tinuing at the present time is debatable. Geog- K20 1.03 1.04 0.12 2.63
raphically the Fiji Plateau can be regarded as a P205 0.44 0.70 0.07 0.28
back-arc basin to the Vanuatu Arc and in the L.O.I. 1.78 0.23 -- 0.99
models of back-arc spreading of Chase (1978)
and Uyeda & Kanamori (1979) the Fiji Plateau Total 99.98 99.73 99.49 100.18
is inactive. However, this is not consistent with
Rb 18 20 2 35
the formation of very young extensional Sr 495 460 97 1470
troughs at the southern end of Vanuatu (Dugas Ba 250 260 <2 --
et al. 1977; Coudert et al. 1981), or with the Zr 193 180 90 --
development of the central intra-arc basin in Ni 60 -- 199 --
Vanuatu with its active basalt volcanism (Col- Cr 105 -- 459 --
ley & Warden 1974; Gorton 1977). It seems Y 29 32 16 --
that incipient arc splitting and spreading is cur-
rently taking place in Vanuatu. Column 1: Basalt, Seatura Volcano, Vanua Levu
(average of seven); 2: basalt, Taveuni; 3: basalt,
Lau Basin; 4: calc-alkaline andesite, Kandavu
Stage 3 (average of two).
Data from Gill (1976a); Hawkins (1977);
In the Middle Pliocene, extension com- Woodrow (1-980); Hindle & Colley (1981);
menced at the eastern end of the Van- Hindle (unpublished).
160 H. Colley & W. H. Hindle

island activity and the Lau Basin volcanism is basins, some general conclusions concerning
more closely allied to abyssal tholeiite activity. the volcano-tectonic evolution of Fiji can be
The low Ti values in Lau Basin basalts probably made:
indicate high-pH20 conditions close to the
(i) Extensional tectonic events leading to
Tonga Trench subduction zone which would
marginal basin development affect the
stabilize Ti phases in the mantle (Hellman &
adjacent arcs and may produce phases of
Green 1979).
intense volcanism. In a simplistic subduc-
The most recent volcanism in Fiji occurred
tion model such increases in activity may
along N E - S W fractures. In the Lau Basin, frac- be attributed erroneously to an increase in
tures with this orientation have been inter-
the rate of subduction, rather than to
preted as both transforms and spreading
establishment of an extensional tectonic
centres. Basalts from Taveuni (Table 4, Col- regime.
umn 2) and Koro are similar to Seatura basalts (ii) Rocks with a subduction-type chemistry
but with increased Ti, suggesting progressive de-
may be produced for a considerable time
volatilization of the mantle beneath Fiji. How-
after cessation of active subduction, in Fiji
ever, this simple pattern is complicated by the this period was about 10 Ma.
U p p e r Pliocene-Recent eruption on Kandavu of
(iii) Magmatism in the marginal basins, espe-
high-K calc-alkaline andesites (Table 4, Col- cially the Fiji Plateau and Lau Basin,
umn 4). This volcanism possibly reflects a phase
seems to be concentrated along short-lived
of northward subduction of the Minerva Plain fissures in the m a n n e r described by
beneath the H u n t e r - K a n d a v u Ridge. In sup-
Lawver & Hawkins (1978). These fissures
port of this, Johnson & Molnar (1972) deter-
may develop in the adjacent arcs as well as
mined a focal mechanism solution with north-
in the basin. Thus, Stage 3 ocean island
ward thrusting, just S of Kandavu (Fig. 1).
basalt volcanism in Fiji could represent
The eruption of ocean island basalts in Fiji arrested development of Lau Basin open-
from about 3.5 Ma onwards indicates melting of
ing, and the extensional troughs in the
an asthenospheric source containing no subduc- Vanuatu arc may signal a new phase of
tion component. It is probable that active sub- spreading of the Fiji Plateau.
duction beneath Fiji stopped at around 14 Ma
with the break-up of the Outer Melanesia arc, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:For part of the work H. Colley
so it seems to have taken approximately 10 Ma was recipient of a NERC research grant. Dr P.
before volcanism without a subduction-type Harvey (Nottingham University) and Dr N. Walsh
chemistry was established. (King's College, London) are thanked for providing
analyses under NERC assisted schemes. We are
indebted to the Director of the Mineral Resources
Conclusions Division, Mr H. Plummer, for assistance in Fiji
including access to unpublished data. We also thank
Although more data are required, particularly Dr P. Kokelaar (Ulster Polytechnic) for comment and
on the basaltic basement rocks of the marginal criticism of the original draft.

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H. COLLEY, Department of Geology and Physical Sciences, Oxford Polytechnic,

Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, U.K.
W. H. HINDLE, Brimfield Hall, Brimfield, Ludlow, Shropshire, U.K.
Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern Papua

I. E. Smith & J. S. Milsom

SUMMARY: The sea floor around eastern New Guinea is divided into a number of deep
basins, separated by submarine ridges which are capped in places by islands of
metamorphic, volcanic or coralline rock. The area has been subject to phases of extension
since at least the Palaeocene, when the Coral Sea basin was formed. There have also been
major compressive events, including the thrust emplacement of an ophiolite, the Papuan
Ultramafic Belt, on to the Papuan Peninsula in the Oligocene. This peninsula, on the E of
New Guinea, has been volcanically active from the Middle Miocene to the present day,
and there have been eruptions on many of the surrounding islands and in the marine
basins. Extension-related volcanic rocks include low-K tholeiites dredged from the floor of
the Woodlark Basin and a peralkaline rhyolite association on islands near the E end of the
peninsula. Volcanic rock types usually regarded as indicators of subduction, including
andesites and high-K trachybasalts (shoshonites), are common.
During the Neogene, two phases of extension with associated igneous activity can be
interpreted; the first in the Middle and Late Miocene, and the second from the Middle
Pliocene to the present day. Only in the first phase was the formation of marginal basins
related to subduction. The later phase is seen as part of the response of the complexly
fragmented Melanesian area to changes in relative motions of the surrounding major
plates. Sea-floor spreading is currently occurring in the Woodlark Basin, and the
post-Miocene calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks of the Papuan Peninsula and offshore
islands reflect reactivation of subduction-modified mantle under this tensional regime, and
not renewed subduction.

The geology of the eastern part of New Guinea, had begun to appear. The Coral Sea had
and of the surrounding marine basins and opened, separating a part of the N Australian
archipelagos, reflects past and continuing margin from the continent (Weissel & Watts
interaction along plate boundaries which have 1979), and Late Mesozoic mafic and ultramafic
varied in both function and position according (ophiolitic) rocks, which now form the Papuan
to the relative movements of the Pacific and Ultramafic Belt (PUB), had been thrust on to
Indo-Australian plates. The main features of the detached segment from the N and E, prob-
the area are shown in Fig. 1. This paper is ably in the Oligocene (Davies 1980). The PUB
concerned chiefly with the Woodlark Basin and is considered to be the frontal portion of an
with the Papuan Peninsula and its largely Early Tertiary island arc (Davies & Smith
submerged eastern continuations, the 1971; Pieters 1978; Davies 1980). It is cut and
Woodlark and Pocklington Rises (Fig. 2). This overlain by intrusions and extrusions of
entire area is here termed Eastern Papua. 'island-arc' rocks of Eocene age which are
In one of the earliest papers to consider chemically distinct from the ophiolite (Jaques &
subduction-related extensional processes, Karig Chappell 1980). Metamorphism of the sialic
(1972) interpreted the arcuate ridges of rocks along the axis of the peninsula, which
Eastern Papua as remnant arcs. Active grade into unmetamorphosed Cretaceous to
subduction-type volcanism is widespread in the Eocene sediments near Port Moresby, can
area and sea-floor is currently being formed in probably be attributed to the Oligocene colli-
the Woodlark Basin (Weissel et al. 1982), but sion (Pieters 1978). Similar metamorphic rocks
there is no associated Benioff zone. It seems make up most of the islands of the Louisiade
that there have been two main extensional Archipelago on the Pocklington Rise (Smith
phases and that only the first, in the Middle and 1973). However, between these two areas of
Late Miocene, was accompanied by subduction. metamorphic rock, much of the S and E of the
peninsula is composed of Cretaceous-Eocene
submarine tholeiitic basalts and associated
Pre-Miocene evolution of Eastern intrusions, which have been referred to as the
Papua Milne Ophiolite (Hamilton 1979). Since there
is no direct evidence for large masses of
By the beginning of the Miocene, the general ultramafic rock, and gravity gradients are gen-
outlines of the present-day Papuan Peninsula erally low (Milsom 1973), the term Milne Basic

164 I . E . Smith & J. S. Milsom

.... " .... :" .... --. ( ' '

' :, ' ' ~anus ""~Ooo,~ ". PA C I F I C 0 C EA N

O/ugly/ ~ ~ ~ , ~ % , "-. ', (Ontong Java ,,-"

ARCK S - " ~~'""'~ Plateau) ",

~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ . ~ ..- ',, _ _

~ ~ ,:" SOLOMON ~... eO~ ............. :,

(...__ aooO" C 0 R A L 26 S E h," ....... ;,/'" "': .... : ~ ,:)

',""", "- ....

. ~25--~~ ~-~- ","""
,,' ,,,.:.
~ ~ ~ , -.. ""..'.. . . . "." .. ... . . . . . ,~0 ~ ok ~~ - ~~ - .~" < 0 " . . . .....
... ,:~ "-% o

FIG. 1. Eastern New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, showing the currently active sites of
subduction (heavy lines with triangles indicating overthrust side) and axes of sea-floor spreading
(parallel thin lines). Magnetic lineations in the Woodlark Basin after Weissel et al. (1982), in the
Bismarck Sea after Taylor (1979) and in the Coral Sea after Weissel & Watts (1979).


C~ , ~ - ~ ~
/~ SEA

...... ~ ~.T.~.nd ~
".. TROB.FIlAND - ~,.: @

~2~ - !,..~--~..0~ ~ ~ U LA R K :: "~, c~'~". R I SI:

PORT ". \ ~
~ ... ~ ~ . ~ - - ~ :..~ :: ....... ~MB ..........

\ ..... .~.:~.~.: ~ ~ ~. BASIN
Cretaceous-EoceneSediment-s- ~ .......".....
OwenStanleyMetomor~ic Belt .......~ . ~ -.~:
M,n, Bo,i, Comp~x[Ma] ~~ ................................ ...~ '-..
Papuan Ultromofic Belt ~ ........ '....... .... - ~oo.~ '
"Island arc" rocks ossociot~l with POl)UOn Ultromofic l ~ I t ~ . .*"*~e
................ :'": : •....... .
0 100 EOOk~ ~ "-..
148° 152°

FIG. 2. Pre-Miocene geology of Eastern Papua, after Dow (1977).

Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern Papua 165

Complex seems more appropriate. The only (Fig. 2). Many of the rock units of Eastern
pre-Miocene rocks known on the Woodlark Papua can be related to such subduction (Fig.
Rise are Eocene tholeiitic basalts which have 3). These include basaltic agglomerates, tufts
been tentatively correlated with those of the and lavas in the W part of the Papuan Peninsula
Papuan Peninsula. (Talama Volcanics: Brown 1977), andesites
There is no indication as to whether the near Cape Ward Hunt (Iauga Formation:
Woodlark and Pocklington Rises existed as dis- Paterson & Kicinski 1956) and smaller out-
crete units in the Early Miocene, or that there crops of basaltic and andesitic pyroclastic
was a basin between them. The Solomon Sea deposits near Port Moresby (Kore Volcanics:
almost certainly existed at that time, either as a Pieters 1978). In all these areas, Miocene ages
back-arc basin to the arc represented by the have been determined from fossils in associated
rocks of the PUB, or as a fragment of oceanic sediments. Granodiorites in the NW of the
crust contemporaneous with the PUB basalts. peninsula have radiometric ages of 12-15 Ma
Major uplift in Eastern Papua began late in the (Page & McDougall 1972) and pyroxene ande-
Oligocene (Davies & Smith 1971). site from the W end of the Louisiade
Archipelago dated at about 11 Ma (Smith
Rather different Middle Miocene volcanics of
First volcano-tectonic phase the eastern part of the Papuan Peninsula (Smith
Middle and Late Miocene basic to intermediate & Davies 1976) are predominantly high-K
volcanics are widely distributed throughout basaltic subaerial lavas and agglomerates with
New Guinea, and are thought to be relics of a minor submarine flows. Those known as the
short period of southward subduction beneath Fife Bay Volcanics, which crop out S of Mullins
the Australasian continental margin (Dow Harbour, have been dated at 12.6 Ma, and
1977). Hamilton (1979) identified a shallow parts of Cloudy Bay Volcanics, which occur
trench, parallel to the N coast of W New further W along the S coast of the peninsula,
Guinea, as the surface trace of the subduction are sufficiently similar for a similar age to be
zone, and suggested a similar origin for the assumed (Smith & Davies 1976). Comparable
Trobriand Trough, N of the Woodlark Rise high-K basalts, dated at 11.2 Ma, occur on

[~ ~ o ~ o a E
~ANO~ m~.~
[ ~ Borehole, with d,pth in metres ]
. . . . . .
5hoshonite ossociation
Granite, granodiorite
L~'~'~~ (~z-lsN a ) ~ High-K intrusivcs 1

J N ~ FOR/IAAIFION ~ C a p e Ward Hunt

- - ~ ~lublarn No.1 ?/ o

" ~ ~ ~ C-oodenough ¢ "~'~/& 0 °oo /-~-...._ WOODLARK I.

t,,., i f~"~ ~, r* q=- (ll.Z Ha) " ~

\ . c,a~,rE~ _..) ~ -
)~ (10.8, 9.4 Mo)~,~" ~ ~ /4/O O D Z A

ctod~'-~'r~ ~ ~ o

" ~ ~
(12.6 Md)
{11.2Na) I'01"II"?140
lOCI 200
AN . . . . . . 7 q ~ " l~l~t~,~._C/y,1~4 ' ~

152 °

FIG. 3. Miocene volcanism in Eastern Papua. Geology after Dow (1977); radiometric dates for Mt
Suckling and the Fife Bay Volcanics from Smith & Davies (1976), for the Morobe Granodiorite from
Page & McDougall (1972), for Woodlark Island from Ashley & Flood (1981) and for the Louisiade
Archipelago from Smith (1973).
166 L E. Smith & J. S. M i l s o m

Woodlark Island (Ashley & Flood 1981). Plu- We consider that the patterns of volcanic
tons and dyke swarms which intrude the eastern activity, uplift, subsidence and extension in
part of the Milne Basic Complex are considered Eastern Papua, coupled with the evidence for
on their chemistry to be the intrusive equival- southward subduction beneath central New
ents of the Fife Bay Volcanics and have been Guinea in the Miocene, suggest that there was
dated at 12-16 Ma (Smith 1972). The plutons also southward subduction beneath the Papuan
are associated with strong magnetic and gravity Peninsula. The alternative of N-directed sub-
anomalies and were regarded by Milsom & duction (Karig 1972) seems less likely, as this
Smith (1975) as evidence for crustal thickening would involve subduction in opposite directions
by intrusion in a tensional environment. in Eastern Papua and central New Guinea, and
This eastern group of volcanics and intrusives also because the 56-62 Ma magnetic anomalies
constitutes an association of under- and over- in the Coral Sea (Weissel & Watts 1979) are
saturated mildly alkaline rocks which has been symmetrically disposed about the central axis of
termed shoshonitic (Joplin 1968). Their rela- the basin so that little, if any, of the basin crust
tively low TiO 2 distinguishes them from the can have been destroyed. The Trobriand Basin
alkaline rocks which are commonly found in is interpreted as an intra-arc marginal basin
continental rift systems. Morrison (1980) notes which formed as a consequence of subduction,
that shoshonites are normally found closely although there was insufficient extension for
associated with calc-alkaline rocks, and that the development of new oceanic lithosphere.
they are characteristic of areas where there has
been oblique convergence followed by 'flipping'
of the subduction zone or complete cessation of
Volcanic and tectonic quiescence
subduction. Smith (1970) recorded a raised Plio-Pleistocene
The Middle Miocene igneous activity seems erosional and depositional surface in the east-
to have been accompanied by emergence of the ern part of the Papuan Peninsula. It marks a
Papuan Peninsula above sealevel. Smith & period of stability during which the land surface
Davies (1976) note that the sedimentary record was eroded to a relief of generally less than
in the E of the peninsula indicates that uplift 100 m over wide areas at the margins of the
began in the Middle or Late Oligocene and that emergent mountain chain. The surface implies
a landmass was being rapidly eroded by the that the very considerable Neogene uplift took
Late Miocene. Further W, emergence occurred place in at least two stages.
in the Early Miocene (Pieters 1978). Luyendyk et al. (1973) suggested, on the
During the Miocene the E - W fault-bound basis of the rifted sediment pile noted above,
Trobriand Basin, defined by seismic surveys, that extension in the Woodlark Basin was also
developed N of the Papuan Peninsula (Fig. 3). in two stages, with a hiatus in the Late Miocene
The maximum thickness of sediments estimated and Pliocene. This is reflected in the Trobriand
from seismic records is > 5000 m, but two Basin, where the transition from deep marine to
boreholes, drilled on structural highs, bottomed deltaic sedimentation is marked by lignites in
in Middle Miocene volcaniclastics at 2367 and the Late Miocene; slow subsidence continued
2863 m below sealevel (Tjhin 1976). The vol- but deep-water conditions were never re-
caniclastics lie close to the seismically defined established (Tjhin 1976).
basement and may be regarded as indicating The available radiometric dates (Figs 3 and
basin initiation in the Middle Miocene or a little 4) suggest that there was a period of volcanic
earlier. The volcaniclastics contain a distinctive quiescence between 9 and 6 Ma. It is possible
pale-green clinopyroxene which is characteristic that this gap will be bridged by future determi-
of the Fife Bay Volcanics. In both holes, about nations, but Brown (1977) and Pieters (1978)
700 m of marine shales and marls overlie the both note the existence of volcanics of two dis-
volcaniclastics, but shallow-water conditions tinct phases separated by a layer of non-
prevailed from the Late Miocene onwards and volcanogenic sediments deposited in the Late
fluviatile and deltaic sediments were deposited. Miocene or Early Pliocene. The volcanic and
In the W part of the Woodlark Basin, Luyen- tectonic quiescence probably marks the interval
dyk et al. (1973) determined 200 m of sedi- between the cessation of subduction and the
ments which were rifted during the latest phase establishment of a purely tensional regime. It is
of extension. They suggested an age of 20 Ma not necessary that the breaks were simultane-
for the earlier (proto-Woodlark) basin, within ous in all processes, as the times taken for the
which the sediments were deposited, on the deep-seated causes to give rise to the various
basis of postulated changes in the Pacific near-surface effects would presumably have
spreading regime at that time. been very different.
Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern P a p u a 167

Andesites D)))~
~,1 y~,q,r) Shoshoni~association
~,1 ' Gronite,gmnodiorite ~
Cornenditic association


~I _ -~r,,~, ~'HiGH-I(BASALT-m°nz°mtel (0.8Ha) ~O~N

LORMANBY J b'//Ooo/~/c. ~z/S'/A/ 10°.
~ . ~ ~ ~.~:I'E ~

o ,00 ~oo ~,

1~ ° 152 °

FIG. 4. Post-Miocene volcanism in Eastern Papua. Geology after Dow (1977); radiometric dates for
Mt Suckling, Managlase Plateau, Musa Valley and Hydrographers Volcanics from Smith & Davies
(1976), for Fergusson Island, Amphlett Islands and Egum from Smith & Compston (1982), for
Lusancay Island from Smith et al. (1979) and for Edie Porphyry from Page & McDougall (1972).

Second volcano-tectonic phase been accompanied by uplift of the adjacent land

masses. The Plio-Pleistocene surface, described
Extension is probably the most important generally by Smith (1970) and in the Milne Bay
aspect of the second tectonic phase and is most area in more detail by Smith & Simpson (1972),
clearly demonstrated by the sea-floor spreading is now raised as much as 600 m above sealevel.
in the Woodlark Basin. Weissel et al. (1982) Another effect of rift propagation has been
deduced that this spreading began at about the eruption of mildly peralkaline rhyolites
3.5 Ma in the extreme E and progressively later (comendites) in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands
further W. There are also three deep, fault- near the E end of Goodenough Bay (Fig. 4).
bound depressions towards the E end of the The latest eruptions probably occurred less
Papuan Peninsula. The oldest of the three is than 1000 yr ago and the volcanoes are regarded
probably Mullins Harbour (Fig. 2), which is as still active (Smith 1982). The lavas, similar to
almost entirely filled with sediment and is those associated with continental rifts, are
defined clearly only by gravity measurements anomalous in having been produced in close
(Milsom 1973). Milne Bay is described by spatial and temporal juxtaposition to subduc-
Jongsma (1972) as a graben, of unknown age, tion-type andesites (Smith 1976).
which has subsided almost 800 m in the last Volcanic rocks dated at 1-2 Ma in the
18,000 years with the accumulation of about Lusancay Islands (Fig. 4), on the N side of the
450 m of sediment. Probably the youngest of Trobriand Basin, are also unusual. They are
the three is Goodenough Bay. It is seismically exceptionally potassic trachytes (K20 5-7%,
active (Fig. 5) and, although it is surrounded by Na20 2-4% and SiO a 63-66%) with high con-
high and rapidly eroding land masses, the tents of large ion lithophile elements (Smith et
200 m isobath is very close to the shore and the al. 1979).
maximum depth is more than 2 km. The remainder of the volcanic rocks of this
All three basins can be regarded as due to second volcano-tectonic phase in Eastern
propagation of the Woodlark Basin rifting into Papua are similar to the calc-alkaline and
the Papuan Peninsula. Their subsidence has shoshonitic rocks of the first phase. The oldest

- TRORI~=^ =,~. • ooAt

. ="t., .......
e. . , , ~ . ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ SEA
". " "........... :i:" L'~,.~,. vv~lu ~- 3000
.si iii.::: , .ant,,~*°00
'. :: ':~. ."' '"'. • ~ 1000

".. ~,o:,~",."~'~.. . .'}~,... • .

Trobriandt~ •
Islands "~
k..._,. , ".......... '..i['...i:.?-.. i '"i:::'~ j - - f - ' h C . Nelson

\\,,.,~ ,, -~.:.-. ~ ~
"-~ \ ........~ - : . c . . . Wej~ • e WOODLARK ,...,,,

Bay BASlN~-~
Earthquake Depth.,
• 0 -
km 39
• 40 km- 99
• 100 - 200 km 0 km 150

Bathymetric contours in metres ~ ~ - -% JJ

Generalised topographicl contours in m e ~ . E ~
154" E
S i
FIG. 5. Seismicity of Eastern Papua, after Ripper (1982).
Late Cenozoic volcanism and extension in Eastern Papua 169

second-phase andesites recorded, at 6 Ma, occur epicentres of the deeper events, which sup-
on islands immediately N of the D'Entrecas- posedly define the zone, all lie beyond the W
teaux Group, and the oldest shoshonites have limits of outcrops of volcanics of the second
been dated at 5.5 Ma. However, most of the phase. Hamilton's (1979) association, of the
ages determined are considerably younger and second-phase volcanoes with slow southward
calc-alkaline rocks have been erupted in the last subduction beneath the central and eastern
40 yr at Wai-owa and at Mt Lamington (Taylor parts of the Papuan Peninsula, encounters the
1958). There is no evidence of any evolution objection that the only deeper-focus earth-
with time from one type to the other, but there quakes near there, which might indicate a sub-
has been a tendency for andesites to be erupted ducting slab, have been two isolated events at c.
in a northern belt and shoshonites in a southern 140 km beneath the Lusancay Islands. These
belt (Smith 1982). The granite intrusive com- were located very close to the supposed trench
plex of Mt Suckling (Fig. 4) occupies a rather and well to the N of the andesitic activity.
ambiguous place in the dating scheme, with
some ages around 10 Ma and others at 6.3 Ma
or less. Smith & Davies (1976) believed that
the earlier dates might record the initial em-
placement of the complex and the later ones the Here a model is presented to explain the
commencement of uplift. The Edie Porphyry, volcano-tectonic evolution of Eastern Papua.
which intrudes the Middle Miocene Morobe Fundamental to this is the supposition that
granodiorite in the NW of the Papuan Penin- subduction-related magmas can be generated
sula, is 3.8 Ma or younger (Page & McDougall long after subduction has ceased. Johnson et al.
1972). (1978) suggested such an origin for the Late
Cenozoic volcanism in both central New
Guinea and Eastern Papua, but the subduction
event was considered to be Cretaceous rather
Seismicity than Miocene in both areas.
As noted above, the seismic activity associated It is proposed that after the Oligocene colli-
with the spreading centre in the Woodlark sion of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt with the
Basin appears to extend into Goodenough Bay, Cretaceous-Eocene sediments of the Papuan
which may be currently rifting (Fig. 5). The Peninsula, the convergence of the Indo-
Woodlark Basin seismic pattern is complicated Australian Plate and the lithosphere to the N
by the existence of a 'quiet zone' from 152°E to was accommodated by southward-directed sub-
154°E, and by a zone of shallow shocks along duction during much of the Miocene. Intra-arc
the rise to the N. Weissel et al. (1982) sug- basins developed locally, one remnant, in a pos-
gest that the latter zone may indicate decoupl- ition rather far forward on the arc, being the
ing of the crust of the Solomon Sea from that of Trobriand Basin. The Middle and Late
the much younger Woodlark Basin as they react Miocene igneous rocks are related to subduc-
in different ways to collision with the Solomons tion. The shoshonitic magmatism seems to have
Arc. been concentrated where there is evidence of
Current extensional movements in the Wood- Miocene extension, along the margins of the
lark Basin seem to be seismically well defined, Trobriand Basin and its poorly defined con-
but there are few indications of subduction in tinuation into the proto-Woodlark Basin. This
the seismicity of Eastern Papua. All the focal suggests that extension may have been one of
depths determined in the Woodlark Basin, and the factors which influenced the magma com-
most of those of the peninsula, are less than position. The importance of the spatial correla-
70 kin. However, rare focal depths of 180 kin, tion, between the Middle Miocene shoshonites
S and W of Cape Ward Hunt in the extreme and outcrops of the Milne Basic Complex, is
NW of the peninsula, have been interpreted as impossible to determine without information on
defining a very weakly active Benioff zone, dip- the early history of this complex. We believe
ping to the SW (Ripper 1982). This interpreta- that the Benioff zone interpreted (Ripper
tion poses some problems. Firstly, it is hard to 1982) in the W part of the Papuan Peninsula
envisage current southward subduction in the marks lithosphere subducted during the
region where the surface trace of such a zone Miocene, and that its absence further E is prob-
should lie--i.e, in the extreme W of the Sol- ably due to Miocene rifting which disrupted and
omon Sea and the N coast ranges of New attenuated the subducted slab.
Guinea. Secondly, it does not explain the vol- Subduction beneath New Guinea, including
canic activity in Eastern Papua, since the Eastern Papua, ceased near the end of the
170 L E. Smith & J. S. Milsom

Miocene, and continuing convergence in Eastern which determined the composition of the
Papua since that time has been taken up by trachytic rocks emplaced there. Elsewhere, the
subduction northwards beneath the New Bri- post-Miocene volcanic rocks are very similar to
tain Arc. However, at about 3.5 Ma or shortly those which were erupted during the original
before, the Woodlark Basin began to open in subduction event.
response to stress caused by changes in motion The problems of interpreting the volcano-
of the Pacific Plate (Weissel et al. 1982). Fresh tectonic history of Eastern Papua since the
basaltic glass dredged from near the central rift Miocene are apparent from the diverse conclu-
is compositionally similar to basalts from the sions (see e.g. Karig 1972; Johnson et al. 1978).
mid-ocean ridges (Luyendyk et al. 1973). The Such differences concerning a relatively brief
opening of this marginal basin is not geological history emphasize the problems of
subduction-related and it is not an intra-arc interpretation of older marginal basins. If the
basin in the usual sense. Woodlark Basin extension and Eastern Papuan
One effect of the W-propagating rift was the volcanism were to cease in the near future, and
eruption of the peralkaline comenditic volcanic convergence were to continue between
rocks in the eastern D'Entrecasteaux Islands. In Australasia and the Pacific, then the evidence
this tensional regime a second ascent of magma that the basin had not been a subduction-
from the subduction-modified mantle beneath related back- or intra-arc feature would be
Eastern Papua occurred. Evidently fragmental obliterated within a few million years.
relics of Middle Miocene subduction retain suf-
ficient rigidity to give rise to earthquakes at
depths of more than 100 km. The two shocks ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank Ian Ripper and Jeff
recorded beneath the Lusancay Islands are Weissel for providing copies of papers on Eastern
attributed to such fragments, the presence of Papua and the Woodlark Basin prior to publication.

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Australasia, 275-85. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 38, 117 pp.
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tonophysics, 87, 315-34. Pet. Explor. Assoc. J. 16, 81-90.
-- & COMPSTON, W. 1982. Strontium isotopes in WEISSEL, J. K. & WATTS, A. B. 1979. Tectonic evolu-
Cenozoic volcanic rocks from southeastern tion of the Coral Sea basin. J. geophys. Res. 84,
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165, 86 pp. lark spreading system and the evolution of
& SIMPSON, C. J. 1972. Late Cenozoic uplift in northern Melanesia since mid-Pliocene time.
the Milne Bay area, eastern Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics, 87, 253-77.
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I. E. M. SMITH, Department of Geology, University of Auckland, Private Bag,

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J. S. MILSOM, Department of Geology, University College London, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT, U.K.
Heat flow and magmatism in the NW Pacific back-arc basins

P. M. Sychev & A. Y. Sharaskin

SUMMARY: High heat flow is a characteristic feature of a number of back-arc basins of

the NW Pacific Ocean. Temperature calculations related to the geological and geophysical
data reveal that the sources of the high heat flow are located at shallow depths in the upper
mantle and probably are zones of partial melting. From the location of these zones, the
character and composition of magmas, and the evolution of the basins, it is proposed that
injection of magmas, by a magmafracting (magmarupture) mechanism, is the main deep
process within the back-arc basins. It is assumed that 'primitive' ultrabasic magma rises
from great depths in the mantle along vertical or sub-vertical channels and is then
distributed nearly horizontally close to the lower boundary of the crust, under the back-arc
basins. The initial cause of the magmatic process is apparently a stepped gravity
differentiation, beginning perhaps on the core-mantle boundary, and not the supposed
subduction of oceanic lithosphere.

There are many back-arc basins in the NW back-arc basins of the Bering and Philippine
Pacific Ocean. Although they have been closely Seas. The Komandorsky (Kamchatka) Basin is
studied their origin and evolution remain characterized by high average heat flow of 135
debatable. Heat-flow data reflect tectonic and mW m -2, whereas in the Aleutian Basin values
magmatic processes and are important in the are near to normal at 5 0 - 7 0 m W m -2 (Marshall
discussion of deep processes in back-arc basins. 1978; Smirnov & Sugrobov 1979). A more
An understanding of the causes of high heat complex pattern is observed in the Philippine
flow allows discussion of the deep processes in Sea. In its western part the average heat flow is
the Earth's crust and upper mantle. This paper near to the 'normal' value, although the range
concentrates on the relationships between heat of individual values is wide. In the eastern part
flow and magmatism. of the basin, the heat flow is higher, especially
in the Shikoku Basin. In the Mariana Trough
the heat flow reaches 377 m W m -2 in a general
Anomalously high heat flow in the background of low values (Uyeda 1980).
back-arc basins and sources of excess Anomalously high heat flow is commonly
attributed to crustal thinning in the deep-water
heat areas of marginal seas. However, there are
With a few exceptions, anomalously high heat shallow-water troughs where high heat flow is
flow, approximately 1.5-2 times higher than observed and deep-water basins where the heat
the 'mean' value for tectonically stable regions flow is near to normal (e.g. the western part of
(c. 60 mW m-2*), is observed in the NW Pacific the Philippine Sea). Also, local high anomalies
back-arc basins (Fig. 1). For example, in the occur within shallow seas and on submarine
back-arc basins of the Japan and Okhotsk Seas rises.
a fairly uniform high heat flow of mean value In many cases the transition from high to
9 0 - 9 5 mW m -2 is recorded (Sychev et al. mean or low heat flow values is sharp, in less
1982), and very high heat flow, up to 180 than several tens of kilometres, suggesting that
m W m -2, occurs in the Ryukyu Basin the heat sources are at shallow depths. In order
(Watanabe et al. 1977). to estimate deep temperatures, numerous calcu-
High heat flow is also observed in the com- lations have been made using Poisson's equa-
paratively shallow-water troughs of the margi- tion for a stationary field (Smirnov & Sugrobov
nal seas. In the Tatar Strait, the northern exten- 1980; Sychev et al. 1983). According to these
sion of the Japan Sea, the mean value is 110 calculations, the 1 1 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 ° C isotherms, at
m W m -2 and the maximum value is 173 which partial melting of the upper mantle can
mW m -2, and high heat flow is observed in the occur, are at depths of about 10-40 km in the
Deryugin and Tinro Troughs in the Okhotsk Komandorsky and Kuril Basins.
Sea (Sychev et al. 1983). Calculations to estimate the depth of the
Heat-flow distribution is less uniform in the lower boundary of excess temperatures, and
hence the thickness of the anomalously hot zone,
* H F U = 1/~calcm - 2 s = 4 2 m w m -2. are of interest. Results from the Kuril Basin

174 P. M . S y c h e v & A . Y. S h a r a s k i n

•:~.:k'.~'..., r _ - - - BASI N - -
.. TROUGH I--__- _ _ _
,'.~-~._~.~:- "":<""/.'.:t
~ DE R Y U G I N ' - - - ~ - - - _
,'.TROUGH '."- : - - -
•.._...~.:~....'- -

-_- SEA-_Z-i~t-~



~ High Heat Flow

~--z~-~-q _T ~-
~ Variable Heat Flow
:.-...::..-v i~.
"'.'.':'.:.'.:'" .':7
"--..:..-.-.: .~ I~Low Heat Flow
~__Z'Z--.~" r
..t..,. T r e n c h
N~--2 Y

15o° 18o~
FIG. 1. Map of heat-flow distribution in the NW Pacific back-arc basins.

(Soinov & Soloviev 1978) are shown in Fig. 2. zone of high heat release lies approximately
It appears that the temperature disturbance is within an interval of 2 0 - 7 0 km (Tuyezov et al.
restricted to depths shallower than 1 5 0 - 2 0 0 km 1982).
beneath the basin. Since this solution is limiting, The calculated shallow position of excess
the thickness of the excess temPeratures zone heat sources is commonly in agreement with
may be considerably smaller. From calculation other geological and geophysical data. In par-
of a two-dimensional stationary equation, the ticular, the existence of a layer of high elec-
H e a t f l o w a n d m a g m a t i s m in the N W Pacific 175

Sakhalin Kuril Basin Iturup Island

A I ' ...................................... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2°°° B
...... . ............................................ "-: . . . . . . . "................. /- ...... . ..... 400:

loo .......... . .... "-..:"- ....... ................ 12oo

J ............................. .... "'~"..::"~:". ............... 1400°
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................., ooo
..................... ::::::........... ........................... 6oooo

1::::::::: ..................... "....... )


F[o. 2. Stationary temperature distribution in the upper mantle of the Kuril Arc and Basin (adapted
from Soinov & Soloviev 1978). Location of the cross-section is shown on Fig. 1 (A-B).
1--isotherms; 2--excess temperatures zone.

troconductivity coincident with a zone of partial tectonomagmatic activity (Polyak & Smirnov
melting is proposed in the Japan and Shiko- 1968). High heat flow indicates recent tec-
ku Basins (Honkura 1974, 1975). Velocity tonomagmatic activity and low heat flow older
inhomogeneities are observed at both shallow activity. Therefore data on the age of magmat-
and great depths, including a possible velocity ism provide evidence of the origin and duration
decrease at more than 1000 km (Julian & Sen- of the sources of excess heat.
gupta 1973; Barazangi et al. 1975; Evans et al. Magmatism occurred over a long time inter-
1978; Kirahara 1980; Boldyrev & Kats 1982). val in the region. Within a number of island arcs
Of particular interest is that between 11 and 30 the latest period of intense magmatic activity oc-
km in the Kuril Basin, immediately beneath curred in the Miocene. Magmatism at that time
the Moho discontinuity, there are layers where was extensive, occurring in western regions
P-wave velocities decrease to 6.8-7.0 km s -1, of Japan (Matsuda et al. 1967), in Sakhalin
and the entire interval is characterized by (Melnikov 1970), along the Aleutian Ridge
anomalously high attenuation and absorption (Hein et al. 1978), and the Izu-Bonin-Mariana
which indicate the existence of a zone of partial (Scott et al. 1980) and Ryukyu island arcs
melting (Starshinova 1980). (Bowin & Reynolds 1975). In places it has con-
With regard to the interpretation of gravity tinued to the present.
data, it has been suggested that positive gravity Information on the age of magmatism in the
anomalies represent a considerable (Karig back-arc basins is more limited because of
1971) or small (Gainanov et al. 1974) density the thick sediments that fill the basins. Cores
deficit in the mantle under back-arc basins. The from the Komandorsky Basin proved Middle
deficit may be due to thermal expansion. How- Oligocene basalt overlain by Miocene and
ever, the situation is complicated as positive younger sediments (Scholl & Creager 1973).
background in the back-arc basins is required Evidence of magmatism has not been recorded
by the anomalous geoidal heights (e.g. Watts from the deep part of the Okhotsk Sea. In the
& Leeds 1977) that result from deep density Japan Sea, rocks dredged from the slopes of
inhomogeneities. Taking this factor into volcanic seamounts and at rises of the acoustic
account, relatively dense shallow upper-mantle basement give ages of 30-2.5 Ma (Sakhno et al.
layers probably occur under some back-arc 1976). In the Japan Basin interlayers of vol-
basins at least. Relatively dense mantle layers canic rocks in the sediments indicate that mag-
perhaps account for the great depths of the matic activity waned from Middle or Upper
Philippine Sea. Miocene to Holocene times (Vasilkovsky
1978). In the Philippine Sea magmatic activity
has been determined with deep-sea drilling
Magmatism and some aspects of the (Ingle 1975; Scott et al. 1980). Here the age
geological history of marginal basins gradually decreases from c. 50 Ma in the West
Philippine Basin, to 25-17 Ma in the Parece
Generally a close relationship is observed be- Vela Basin and to 6-7 Ma in the Mariana
tween the heat flow value and the age of Trough.
176 P. M . S y c h e v & A . Y. S h a r a s k i n

The above data indicate that the high heat most contaminated and the deeper calc-alkaline
flow is related to Miocene magmatism. In con- magmas should reflect more closely the typical
sidering the magmatism in the Philippine Sea, mantle. However, the opposite pattern is
certain patterns emerge. Firstly, it was episodic, observed. For instance, in the Japanese island
with distinct maxima and minima (Scott & arc the initial ratio S7Sr/86Sr does not exceed
Kroenke 1980). Secondly, space-time relations 0.704 in alkaline basalts of the back zone and
can be defined between inter- and back-arc nowhere exceeds 0.7038 in tholeiites of the
basins and island arcs; the minima at island arcs frontal zone. It could be assumed that, having
coincide with the maxima (spreading) in the reached a proper depth and having passed
adjacent back-arc basins. For example, the end through the magmatic cycle, all the sialic com-
of the Kyushu-Palau island-arc volcanism coin- ponents return to the Earth's crust. However,
cided with the early period of magmatism in the even if this happened, isotopic exchange reac-
Parece Vela Basin (Scott et al. 1980), although tions should take place between the sialic com-
it is possible that this correlation is not suffi- ponents and the mantle rocks which should
ciently distinct (Hussong & Uyeda 1981). eventually result in the isotopic ratio being
However, in the northern part of the Philippine levelled to values corresponding to the inter-
Sea, Honza (1981) confirms alternation of mixture ratio. However, the available evidence
island-arc and inter-arc magmatism in the is to the contrary, and suggests that the isotopic
Ogasawara Ridge and the Shikoku Basin, with character of the mantle that generates abyssal
the island-arc activity preceding the inter-arc. tholeiites and identical basalts of inter-arc
Such episodic and alternating behaviour is dif- basins originated and evolved independently,
ficult to reconcile with the continuity of the starting from 1.5 to 1.7 Ga (Tatsumoto 1978;
subduction process. The depth of origin and the Sun 1980).
nature of the sources of inter-arc and island-arc On the other hand, vertical geochemical
magmas are also problematical. inhomogeneity of the mantle is shown by
Layer 2 in the back-arc basins is composed of basalts of oceanic islands. Their S7Sr/86Sr ratios
low-K tholeiites similar to those of 'normal' vary within 0.7024-0.7060, the mean value for
oceanic crust, so their sources in the mantle the Pacific islands being 0.7037 (Hedge 1978).
should be similar (e.g. Sharaskin et al. 1981; The same variation limits and mean value of
Bougault et al. 1982). Recent petrological data this ratio are characteristic of the rocks of most
suggest that the mantle melting and separation island arcs.
of magmas that form abyssal tholeiites take These considerations make us reject the idea
place at a depth of not more than 6 0 - 7 0 km that island-arc magmas originated under the
(Yoder 1976; Bender et al. 1978; Dmitriev et effect of subducting oceanic lithosphere or due
al. 1979). The basalts of the West Philippine to its direct melting. An alternative explanation
and Parece Vela Basins were formed from lher- is that the source of these melts is purely mantle
zolitic mantle at temperatures near to 1270 ° and with a primitive composition.
pressures of not more than 10 kbar (Zakariadze Finally, features of the evolution of the NW
et al. 1980). The composition of chilled glass in Pacific back-arc basins are discussed. It seems
basalts of the Shikoku Basin (Hole 442) sug- expedient to remark that the problem of the
gests that the initial melt originated at depths of origin of back-arc basins is far from resolved,
10-15 km (Nesterenko & Suschevskaya 1981). not even for the Philippine Sea (see e.g.
This supports the proposal that excess heat Mrozovski et al. 1982). In addition to the idea
sources lie at shallow depth. It is also noted that of spreading in back-arc basins, other proposals
these basalts formed intermittently over a long have been made, such as the separation of parts
period. of the ocean by newly formed island arcs (Vas-
The alkaline olivine basalts of island arcs ilkovsky 1978; Sychev 1979), and the destruc-
originate at a great depth and, having different tion of land areas with the development of
isotopic characteristics, they ought to be related marine basins in their places (Puscharovsky et
to a different mantle source. It is commonly al. 1977; Artyushkov et al. 1979). These debat-
assumed that the subducted oceanic lithosphere able problems are not considered but certain
is the source, but if this were so there are a general features of the structure and evolution
number of consequences which strongly con- of these basins are discussed in this paper.
tradict the observed data. Firstly, tholeiitic, calc- A common feature of back-arc basins is the
alkaline and alkaline magmas of island arcs are infill of sediments. Especially thick sequences
formed within a rather wide depth interval, and are found in the Aleutian and Kuril Basins and
if contamination is derived from the upper part in the Tatar Strait where they are at least 5 km
then the shallowest, tholeiitic melts should be thick. Acoustic characteristics of the sediments
Heat flow and magmatism in the N W Pacific 177

and their relation to the surrounding areas sug- exist under the back-arc basins. The most prob-
gest that their lower part is at least of Creta- able mechanism to satisfy these conditions is
ceous age (Sychev 1979). Seismic studies in the magmatic injection. The effects of extrusive and
Japan Sea indicate that in Miocene times this intrusive magmatism are widespread and the
basin had dimensions and depths similar to the ability of magma to intrude horizontally for
modern examples (Ludwig et al. 1975). The long distances is impressive. Sills, 50-300 m
even and persistent bedding of the sediments thick, extending for 750-950 km have been
suggests that they were deposited in stable con- recorded (Feoktistov 1978). Theoretical calcu-
ditions over a long time and were accommo- lations suggest that slightly overheated basaltic
dated by gradual downwarping. In many cases melt (1300°C) can intrude narrow (up to 10 m)
the basement to the sediments is composed of fractures for hundreds of kilometres due to the
basalts similar to the oceanic Layer 2. Locally in magmafracting (magmarupture) mechanism
the Okhotsk and Japan Seas the basement is (Popov 1972). To discuss satisfactorily a model
uplifted to crop out on the sea floor. The inter- of deep processes the adopted assumptions
bedding of Neogene sediments and volcanics should be considered.
indicates that at least in places this basement is For periods of < 1000 yr crustal and upper-
newly formed by intrusions of basalts in the mantle rocks can be treated as an elastic solid
lower part of the sedimentary sequence (Sychev medium whose tensile strength is estimated to
& Snegovskoy 1976; Sychev 1979). lie within 1-10 × 1 0 6 N m -2, which corres-
ponds to a stress difference of 10-100 bar
(Magnitsky 1965). As a result, under relatively
A possible mechanism of deep processes short-time mechanical actions, the formation of
brittle ruptures is possible within a wide depth
in the upper mantle of back-arc basins
range, probably to 700 km.
Understanding of the mechanisms of deep pro- Viscosity of magmas decreases with increas-
cesses in back-arc basins requires resolution of ing temperature and pressure and can be < 10
the problem of the excess heat sources. Differ- poise (Kushiro et al. 1976; Lebedev & Khitarov
ent thermo-mechanical models have been 1979). At depths of tens or hundreds of
proposed to account for the existing thermal kilometres magmas would be extremely fluid.
anomalies. The fundamental process in the Boundaries in the upper mantle are com-
models is considered to be frictional heating of monly interpreted as being caused by phase
rocks due to the subduction of the oceanic transition. But physical experiments show that
lithosphere, which is assumed to cause either chemical composition should also change at
rise of diapirs (e.g. Karig 1971) or secondary these boundaries. More gradual changes in the
convective cells (e.g. Sleep & Toks6z 1973). upper mantle possibly occur with depth
However, there is great doubt as to whether (Levykin & Vavakin 1978; Liu 1980; Hales
such processes are possible. In particular, it is 1981) which would be related to changes of
unlikely that a large amount of heat can be gen- density.
erated by friction. The amount of energy neces- High electrical conductivity is associated with
sary to cause the thermal anomalies in back-arc partial melting zones in which the liquid frac-
basins is an order or more higher than that tion does not exceed 7-10%. But the high elec-
which can be generated by means of the sub- trical conductivity is possible only if the liquid
duction (Artyushkov 1981). Hence another fraction is distributed in a network of intercon-
much more powerful source of heat, capable of nected channels (Shankland & Waft 1977).
maintaining high temperatures in the upper Using these observations, it is possible to
mantle for a long time, is necessary. Further, a construct a model of deep processes (Fig. 3).
frictional heat source cannot explain the pro- This model implies that high-temperature melts
nounced localization of excess heat zones in the of presumed ultrabasic primitive magma rise
mantle, their high temperature and mosaic dis- from local low-velocity zones at depths of
tribution, and the character and composition of approximately 200-300 km. This rise is caused
the magmas. Also it is difficult to reconcile the by buoyancy wherein the excess pressure (•P)
rise of diapirs, or the existence of ascending = zipgH where Ap is the density difference, g
convective currents, with the data on stable the gravitational constant, and H is the height
downwarping of the back-arc basins. of the magma column (or thickness of the
The number of possible means of heat trans- magma layer). It should be noted that it is not
fer in the Earth's interior is limited. Rapid heat necessary to assume the existence of a continu-
supply is necessary to form distinctly localized ous magma layer. If the magma is distributed in
partial melting zones such as those assumed to an interconnected system of fractures, then the
178 P. M. Sychev & A. Y. Sharaskin

~ ~ _ Back-Arc Basin
-- ~-4+ ~ - - ~

I: M Discontinuity

Zone of Partial ~1
Primitive Magma
! :
FIG. 3. Model of deep processes in the
upper mantle of the back-arc and island-arc
system (not to scale, explanation in text).

value of excess pressure at the upper edge of (Popov 1972). But since the Earth's crust
the layer will be the same. thickens due to a continuous supply of basic
If, for instance, it is assumed that Ap = and relatively light components in the places
0.1 g cm -3 and H = 50 km, then the hydrosta- where magma rises, the ultrabasic magma will
tic excess pressure and the tension stresses are be deflected to the shallowest position of the
approximately equal to about 500 bar at the upper-mantle surface, which occurs where the
upper boundary of this layer or column and, as crust is thinnest--i.e, the back-arc basins. The
this exceeds the strength of the host medium, vertical and lateral distribution of upper-mantle
tension fractures can form. So, solid upper- densities sensitively controls the paths of
mantle rocks appear not to be a serious obstacle ultrabasic magma. Therefore the paths and
for magmas where density is less than that of depths where ultrabasic magma moves under
the surrounding medium. the Earth's crust of the back-arc basins can be
Stresses over an area of excess pressure can variable.
form not only vertical but also inclined zones of It can hardly be expected that one can
decreased strength along which the magma can observe this horizontal movement of magma,
intrude into overlying layers (Roberts 1970), hut such a possibility should not be excluded.
and magma may rise along the surface of the The loci of shallow seismicity in the Kuril
Benioff zone. This is partly supported by ana- back-arc region have been observed to shift
lysis of the mechanism of intermediate-depth gradually from the Kuril Island Arc, where they
earthquakes, some of which can be directly re- are deeper, to beneath the Kuril Basin. The
lated to the ruptures formed by intruding magma duration of this shift is estimated to be 1 yr
(Robson et al. 1968). Detailed analysis of both (Baranov & Lobkovsky 1980), which agrees
relatively deep (Balakina & Golubeva 1979; with data on the high velocity of magma move-
Balakina 1981) and shallow earthquakes ment.
(Takagi 1972; Hayakawa & Iizuka 1976) The intrusion of ultrabasic magma below the
commonly indicate that some are not due t o back-arc basins transfers the heat which results
shear but are dilational. in high heat flow observed at the sea floors. The
The rise of magma is limited by its density tholeiitic basalts of back-arc basins are con-
difference with the surrounding medium. Basal- sidered to originate by interaction of the
tic magma being of a much lower density than ultrabasic magma and the enclosing mantle,
the upper mantle will intrude into the crust and with partial melting of the latter. As basalts
can flow out on to the surface. In contrast, have significantly lower density than the
ultrabasic magma can intrude the crust only in upper-mantle rocks, it is unlikely that they can
special cases, as its density is greater than that of accumulate in large quantities in the partial
the crust. The model (Fig. 3) assumes that the melting zone. It is more likely that as they
initial melts are of predominantly ultrabasic accumulate, even in relatively small portions,
composition. As this magma rises the pressure tension fractures would be formed along which
and temperature decrease and lighter basaltic basalt will intrude the crust. Similar to the
fractions separate from it and intrude the crust. intrusions of ultrabasic magmas, the formation
At the base of the crust, the ultrabasic magma of tholeiitic basalts is considered to be a con-
will, if its density is between that of the upper tinuous process which lags behind the volcan-
mantle and crust, move horizontally by the ism of the nearby island arcs.
magmafracting (magmarupture) mechanism The ultrabasic magma that is intruded under
Heat flow and magmatism in the NW Pacific 179

the back-arc basins and has density equal to pressure formed in this movement increases in
that of the enclosing rocks, constitutes excess the uppermost layers to the level at which ten-
mass, but the equilibrium is rapidly re- sion fractures would form. The fractures appear
established in such cases by downwarping of the only during magma movement along them.
underlying layers. At the same time, partial Later they may be represented by zones of
melting zones which had been formed, will cool decreased strength which subsequent magma
and disappear. This should contribute to the intrusion would favour. The inclined zones of
downwarping of both the zone itself and the weakness may originate from stresses in the
overlying layers. It is proposed that this process base of upper mantle or deeper (Kodama &
explains the anomalous great depths in the Suzuki 1977; Suzuki et al. 1978).
West Philippine Sea and part of the downwarp-
ing of back-arc basins in general. The existence
of low-velocity zones in the upper mantle does Conclusion
not contradict this proposal because the velo-
city decrease can be related to the influence of The principal deep process in the back-arc
a liquid phase of intruded ultrabasic magmas upper mantle may be called mantle trap mag-
matism by analogy with trap magmatism in the
without a significant density decrease.
Earth's crust. This model implies that ultrabasic
Considering the velocity and other physical
magmatism is a powerful p h e n o m e n o n in the
property inhomogeneities beneath island-arc
regions, up to considerable depths (probably upper mantle.
The process of magmatic injection concurs
more than 1000 km), it is logical to assume that
with the geological and geophysical data,
the ultrabasic magmas also have a deep source.
including interrelation of island-arc and back-
This source may be due to gravity differentia-
arc magmatism. Some problems of the magma
tion at the core-mantle boundary (Artyushkov
injection process still demand explanation. It is
1968, 1979). Heat energy release due to gravity
hoped that this paper will stimulate further
differentiation, and its stepped transfer as rela-
investigations in this trend to elucidate the deep
tively light melts along weakened zones, are
apparently the fundamental causes of the processes.
magmatic process (Sychev 1973, 1979). An ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors are grateful to M.
interrupted, pulse-like character of magmatism S. Fedorishin for translating the paper from Russian
at the surface would result from relatively light into English, to T. F. Eliseeva for her most useful
differentiates (in the upper mantle at least) ris- assistance, and to Dr P. Kokelaar for editorial revi-
ing in batches as they accumulate. The excess sion.

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Spreading-subsidence and generation of ensialic marginal
basins: an example from the early Cretaceous of central Chile

G. ~berg, L. Aguirre, B. Levi & J. O. Nystr6m

SUMMARY: During the early Cretaceous, intracontinental rifting, spreading and
subsidence led to the formation of an ensialic trough in central Chile. This trough is
interpreted as an aborted marginal basin since no oceanic crust was generated. However,
mantle-derived material, represented by flood basalts with low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio and
evolved geochemical characteristics, was deposited in the basin. Rb-Sr dating shows that
the lavas suffered burial metamorphism shortly after their extrusion. The flood basalts
were extruded during an episode of slow oceanic spreading in the Pacific, and subsequent
folding, granitoid intrusion and uplift are correlated with an episode of fast oceanic
spreading and plate subduction. The intracontinental events related to these two episodes
constitute a cycle, repetition of which might account for the geological evolution of
central Chile during the Mesozoic and the Palaeogene.
The western margin of South America, during the Cretaceous, was characterized by
basin formation with eruption of mantle-derived basalts. Some basins developed into
marginal basins proper, with generation of oceanic crust, others were aborted.Th e type of
basin was determined by the rate and volume of upwelling mantle material, and continental
crust thickness. Rapid upwelling gave rise to back-arc spreading and marginal basins with
primitive basalts and ocean-floor metamorphism or burial metamorphism reflecting steep
thermal gradients. Slow upwelling produced ensialic basins with evolved basalts affected by
burial metamorphism with less steep thermal gradients, as in central Chile during the early

The main geological structure in central Chile ensialic spreading-subsidence, acting alternately
(approximately 27-35°S) is a N-trending or simultaneously although at different rates,
synclinorium (Fig. 1), 200 km wide and 800 km was proposed by Levi & Aguirre (1981)
long, comprising predominantly volcanic rocks to explain the geological record of central
of early Jurassic to Palaeogene age. Both Chile. The spreading-subsidence mechanism
flanks of the synclinorium rest on a Palaeo- envisaged is similar to that of the oceanic
zoic pre-Andean basement. T h i s ensialic crustal extension and subsidence in the
synclinorium is composed of several strati- Icelandic rift zone (Bodvarson & Walker 1964;
graphical-structural units separated by un- P~ilmason 1973), although in central Chile it
conformities. The cumulative thickness of would have operated within the margin of a
the units in the W flank exceeds 20 km, and in continental plate. The formation of the
the E flank 10 km. The units are intruded by synclinorium is consistent with a cyclic
granitoids distributed in N-trending belts which recurrence of spreading-subsidence which
are successively younger towards the E. produced ensialic troughs where large volumes
A coupled action of plate subduction and of volcanic rocks were deposited. Such a

wesl east
, upper lower middle & upper 6
. [o w e r & m i d d l e tower upper Poloeogene ., Cret. l Cret.',, ~ t Jurassic [
13-. Jurassic Cretaceous, C r e t a c , ~ J J 4 ?'.x" . n_l-4 2

l1 (f volcanic & volcanic & continental vo cont. marine and marine sedimentary
/ subordinate subordinate sedimentary & subordinate sed. & continental rocks; abundant gypsum;
rj marine and continenta[ subordinate continental subord sedimentary & subordinate continental
l) S ' continental sedimentary volcanic sedimentary votcanic subordinate sedimentary& volcanic
(/ , / sedimenlary rocks rocks rocks rocks volcanic rocks rocks
rocks 20 km
i i
PZ Palaeozoic pre-Andean basement J, K, TT Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary granitoids / t Cenozoic thrust

FIG. 1. Schematic cross-section through the ensialic synclinorium in central Chile at c. 33°S (slightly
modified from Levi & Aguirre 1981). Deposits younger than Palaeogene are not included. The only
normal faults shown are those delimiting the Quaternary Central Valley graben. The longitudinal
extent of the synclinorium (in black) and the location of the cross-section are given in the
accompanying map.

186 G. ~berg et al.

mechanism explains the symmetrical geological The environment changed with time from
structure in which flat-lying, young volcanic shallow-marine to alternating shallow-marine
flows and their feeder dykes are located in and continental. Turbidites, limestones and
the central part of the synclinorium, and continental sediments with considerable vol-
increasingly steeper, older volcanics and umes of dacitic ignimbrites and subordinate
associated feeders occur towards its flanks. A basaltic flows, totalling 2-4 km, were laid down
bilateral symmetry is also revealed by a on the western ('eugeosynclinal') side of the basin
preliminary geochemical study (Levi & during most of the Neocomian (Fig. 2). On the
Nystrrm 1982; see also Charrier 1981) which eastern ('miogeosynclinal') side, a sequence, c.
shows that coeval volcanics from both flanks of 2 km thick, of marine clastic sediments, lime-
the synclinorium have similar K20 contents and stones and gypsum layers, was deposited with
Zr/Ti/Y ratios. The structural and geochemical intercalations of dacitic tuff and basaltic lava.
symmetry suggests that intra-continental During the Hauterivian the volcanism in the
spreading took place during periods of volcanic basin changed markedly. Eruption of basic to
activity. intermediate lavas, along deep N-trending
It is proposed that the ensialic troughs faults, built a thick volcanic pile on its western
generated during periods of spreading- side. The lower and middle parts of the pile are
subsidence were aborted marginal basins in the composed of flood basalts, whereas the upper
sense that rifting, spreading and subsidence part is dominated by andesitic flow breccias
occurred in an ensialic environment without (Fig. 2). The volcanism continued to Albian
generation of oceanic crust, although times. It was less intense at the northern and
voluminous mantle-derived flood basalts were southern ends of the basin where the sequence
extruded. One of these aborted basins is is dominated by marine sediments. The pile is
described. Recent metamorphic, geochro- thickest (5-8 km) in the central-S section
nological and geochemical studies in central (between 30 and 34°S), where the intercalated
Chile suggest that such a basin existed during
the early (to middle) Cretaceous. Relations
between this and other basins along the W
margin of South America during the ' I~
~ ' ~ I-~ andesitic
Cretaceous are also discussed. flow-breccia

basaltic lava
The early Cretaceous cycle o
"4-" ~ aphyric
~- basaltic lava
Outline of the geological record . m

. m
~ dacitic
The following summary is based on Carter & ignimbrite
Aguirre (1965); Corval~in (1965); Ruiz et al.
(1965); Mufioz Cristi (1968); Levi (1970); Ver- a ~ marine
-1- limestone
gara (1972); Aguirre et al. (1974); Zeil (1979);
Charrier (1981); Drake et al. (1982); Aguirre marine
(1983) and references therein. volcanic
By the end of the Jurassic, central Chile had o
.4-. t- greywacke
gone through a cycle of volcanic arc and basin
0 >
formation, deposition of volcanic and sedimen-
tary material, burial metamorphism, intrusion ...i,-,
1 km
of granitoids, and regional uplift which estab- s_ 0 vertical scale
lished continental conditions. The early Cre- cn
taceous cycle began with the development of a
volcanic arc and an ensialic trough. Subsidence
was initiated probably by rifting processes FIo. 2. A schematic stratigraphic column
which were controlled by a regional block-fault of the lower Cretaceous in the western
pattern imposed by the late Jurassic uplift. The flank of the syndinorium, central Chile at
arc was formed within the continental margin, c. 33°S (based on Levi 1970, Table 1 and
references therein). The shaded part of the
on eroded Jurassic rocks and the pre-Andean column represents the main volume oflavas,
basement. Material from the volcanic arc was the flood basalts. REE and Rb-Sr isotope
deposited in the trough ('geosynclinal' basin) compositions have been studied in samples
and interfingered with sediments from the E. from the part of the column indicated by A.
Ensialic marginal basin of central Chile 187

sedimentary rocks are largely continental. The 87Sr (o)

coeval sequence on the eastern side of the basin 86Sr
is 1-2 km thick and composed of continental 0.7060 \\Oe 32l,/
sedimentary rocks with intercalations of basal- Te~. ~-f
~ ' 1 ~,d~,O ~ ' f ' ~ N410
tic lava. 07050-
o 3o3~- N-413
The subsiding volcanics and sediments suf-
fered burial metamorphism, folding without 070~0.
/ N417

penetrative deformation, and intrusion by

granitoids. On the western side of the basin, 07030
mineral assemblages of zeolite to greenschist o15 1'.o 8%
facies were produced in the c. 10 km thick
sequence, and in the c. 4 km thick sequence in
the E the assemblages range from zeolite to 87Sr (b)
prehnite-pumpellyite facies. Radiometric data 86St N412
suggest that plutonic activity was fairly continu- 0.708
ous and overlapped the volcanism, although it
appears to have reached a maximum during the 0.706-
middle Cretaceous, immediately after folding. , ~ . ~ 250
Whether the bulk of granitoids emplaced dur- 0.704 250D
ing the early (to middle) Cretaceous cycle, as
well as in subsequent cycles, is related to exten- 0.702 Sr(i) = 0.7040 z 00002
MSWD = 0.22
sional or folding events is, however, a subject
for debate. :1,

After considerable uplift along N-trending i ~ 87Rb

lineaments, and erosion, a new cycle of basin 86Sr
formation, volcanism and sedimentation was FIG. 3. Rb-Sr whole rock diagrams for
initiated in the late Cretaceous. early Cretaceous porphyritic flood basalts,
central Chile. Analytical data are given in
the Appendix. (a) Samples of 'unaltered'
Closeness in time between extrusion and burial basalt from six flows. The scatter is prob-
metamorphism of the flood basalts ably due to incipient alteration, present in
even the best-preserved samples. The
The lower Cretaceous rocks underwent bur- reference line for 117 Ma is based on
ial metamorphism before folding, since isograds palaeontological data. (b) Samples of
are parallel to the overall fold structure. Also, strongly altered basalt, i.e. spilite (circles)
late Cretaceous conglomerates, unconformably and amygdales (filled circles) from three of
overlying the lower Cretaceous volcanic pile, the flows plotted in (a).
contain pebbles representative of the entire
spectrum of metamorphic facies observed in the
pile (Levi 1970). formed). The Rb-Sr whole rock systems closed
According to palaeontological data (Aguirre at 102 +-- 3 Ma (Fig. 3b), which would be about
& Egert 1965), the porphyritic basalts in the 10-20 Ma after the flows were extruded.
middle part of the flood basalt sequence (Fig. 2)
were extruded at some time during the
Hauterivian to Aptian, i.e. between 126 and Spreading- subsidence
108 Ma (timescale after van Hinte (1976)).
The overall symmetry in structure, stratigra-
Rb-Sr data for six 'unaltered' samples of these
phy and geochemistry can be explained in terms
basalts plot (Fig. 3a) close to a reference
of a simple depositional-deformation history.
line for ll7Ma, the mean of the
However, these symmetries are also consistent
palaeontological time span. The average initial with a mechanism of spreading-subsidence, and
87Sr/86Sr ratio, Sr(i), is 0.7038 --- 0.0004. The
this is preferred for the following reasons:
similar Sr(i) for strongly altered basalts (0.7040
--- 0.0002; Fig. 3b) is taken to indicate that (i) The lower Cretaceous rocks in both flanks
diagenesis and burial metamorphism closely of the synclinorium constitute a belt, sev-
followed extrusion. However, one amygdale eral hundred km long, predominantly of
sample (250D; Sr(i) = 0.7040 --- 0.0001) is volcanic rocks. Faults associated with
almost Rb-free and consequently reflects the block movements, and numerous feeder
Sr(i) of its host rock at the time of dykes (locally dyke swarms) parallel to the
metamorphism (i.e. when the amygdale was trend of the belt, indicate extension at 90 °
188 G. Jtberg et al.

to deep, persistent fractures along the belt. TABLE 1. Compositional range in porphyritic
Also, rifting is interpreted as important in flood basalts o f early Cretaceous age
the development of a belt of apatite±rich
iron deposits associated with the flood Wt% a b
basalts and their comagmatic intrusions
(Oyarzfin & Frutos 1982). SiO 2 48.5-53.5 La/Yb 6.5 8.9
(ii) Rapid subsidence must have occurred TiO 2 0.8-1.1 La/Y 0.5 0.9
A120 3 15.9-17.7 K/La 1020 814
because, in spite of a high rate of accumu- FeO t°tal 8.1-11.9 P/La 74 49
lation of volcanic material in the basin, the MnO 0.2-0.3 Th/U 3.6 3.6
depositional surface remained close to sea- MgO 2.0-4.6 Zr/Y 3.8 5.4
level, and because burial metamorphism CaO 6.7-9.6 Hf/Yb 1.4 1.7
closely followed extrusion. Furthermore, Na20 1.8-3.6 Ni/Co 1.1 1.0
the subsiding volcanics did not experience K20 1.4-3.4 Sc/Cr 0.6 0.6
long periods at high temperatures and P205 0.1-0.4 Sc/Ni 0.8 1.1
pressures, probably because they were ppm
removed laterally by intracontinental Ba 450-680
Rb 90-180
spreading. This interpretation is consistent Sr 400-530
with the prevalence of metastable mineral Y 31-39
assemblages in the metamorphosed vol- Zr 125-160
canics (Levi et al. 1982), and the fact that
greenschist-facies assemblages occur at a The ranges are based on analyses of eight
stratigraphical depth of several km with- representative samples from two profiles, at
out the development of pumpellyite- c. 33°S (Levi 1969) and 300S (Chfivez &
actinolite-facies assemblages. Nisterenko 1974), central Chile. Also given are
(iii) High-level emplacement of granitoids in a some elemental ratios considered by Bailey (1981)
to be sensitive discriminators of tectonic setting.
linear belt is consistent with crustal spread- a = this paper; b = Bailey's median values for
ing. Drake et al. (1982) suggest that the continental island-arc andesites. Trace elements
emplacement of granitoids rifted and and ratios are based on four to six samples from the
extended the continental margin in a way profile at 330S.
analogous to mid-ocean ridge spreading.
Chfivez & Nisterenko 1974; L6pez-Escobar et
Mantle-derived flood basalts al. 1977), and the inner part of continental
island arcs (e.g. NW Japan: Katsui et al. 1978;
The early Cretaceous flood basalts exceed see also the compilation by Bailey 1981). The
60,000 km 3 and show a rather limited spatial and
temporal variation in primary mineralogy and
chemistry (Ch~vez & Nisterenko 1974; Levi et 60 :
al. 1982; Oyarztln & Frutos 1982). The predo- so ~iiii~..........
minant type is highly porphyritic with unzoned
phenocrysts of labradorite (up to 3cm),
clinopyroxene, magnetite and olivine (altered), 3o ............
in a groundmass of the same minerals with
minor amounts of K-feldspar-quartz inter- 20 :!:~.
growths. The lavas are K-rich calc-alkaline
basalts according to the classification of Irvine &
Baragar (1971), though transitional to ande- 10
sites (Table 1). A calc-alkaline affinity is also i i i i i i i i
shown by their Zr/Ti/Y ratio, although a LoCe Nd SmEu Tb YbLu
tholeiitic character might be inferred from their
high Fe content and low Mg/Fe ratio (cf. Oyar- FIG. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE pat-
zfin & Frutos 1982). The rare-earth element tern for porphyritic flood basalts of early
(REE) pattern of the porphyritic lavas (Fig. 4) Cretaceous age, central Chile (shading
indicates an evolved basaltic type. The initial Sr covers range in samples 324, N410, N417
ratio is low (0.7038 -+ 0.0004; Fig. 3a). and N419). Instrumental'neutron activa-
tion analytical procedures are given in Nys-
The early Cretaceous flood basalts have a trrm (in press). The REE pattern of conti-
composition resembling that of lavas of corre- nental island-arc andesites, compiled by
sponding SiO 2 content occurring in thin conti- Bailey (1981; circles = median values) is
nental margins (e.g. central-southern Chile: given for comparison.
Ensialic marginal basin o f central Chile 189
low initial Sr ratio of the flood basalts, their pied with still slower spreading (cf. Uyeda &
uniformity and large volume indicate a mantle Kanamori 1979).
source. Their evolved character might be due to In addition to the back-arc rifting, the em-
contamination with mantle-derived crustal placement of granitoids in the volcanic arc and
material. In fact, granitoids and volcanics with along its border with the basin contributed to
low initial Sr ratios (James et al. 1974; Zentilli the extension of the continental margin (Drake
1974; McNutt et al. 1975) constitute the et al. 1982; Oyarzfin & Frutos 1982).
Jurassic 'basement' to the northern continua-
tion of the early Cretaceous flood basalts in
Chile. Intracontinental spreading-subsidence and plate
An aborted marginal basin Intracontinental events can be correlated
It is generally considerd that the formation of with spreading rates in the ocean. An episode in
rifts and marginal basins is preceded by doming the SE Pacific, with a spreading rate of 5 cm
(e.g. Bott 1981; Hsui & Toks6z 1981). The yr -1 during the interval 125-110 Ma (Larson &
uplift and establishment of continental condi- Pitman 1972), can be correlated with extension
tions in central Chile at the end of the Juras- in the western margin of South America (Frutos
sic might be interpreted as due to an up- 1981). This interval corresponds to the time of
welling phase prior to rifting. Rifting, block extrusion of the flood basalts (cf. Oyarzdn &
movements and volcanism subsequently led to Frutos 1982). The subsequent (110-85 Ma)
the development of a volcanic arc within the folding, intrusion of granitoids and uplift occur-
continental margin, and a basin to the E of the red during an episode of rapid spreading in the
arc. ocean (18 cm yr-l: Larson & Pitman 1972).
Upwelling mantle material, whether the The plutonic activity culminated after a folding
result of induced convection (e.g. Hsui & Tok- event (Aguirre et al. 1974; Aguirre 1983)
s6z 1981), mantle plumes (e.g. Sengor & Burke which can be correlated with the Oregonian
1978; Anderson 1981) or other processes, (mid-Cretaceous) orogeny around 100 Ma.
initiated a spreading phase. Partial melting of However, the studies of Ramberg (1967)
crustal rocks by heat from the rising mantle demonstrate that the kinds of broad folds seen
material (Hildreth 1981) might account for the in the central Andes could be a consequence of
predominant dacitic ignimbrites of the Neoco- magmatic activity and block movements.
mian arc volcanism (Fig. 2). The mantle mater- Cyclic repetition of alternating intracontinen-
ial, which probably started its ascent several tal spreading and rapid sea-floor spreading and
million years earlier (cf. Zorin 1981), eventu- plate subduction can account for the geological
ally yielded magmas which were erupted in the evolution of central Chile during the Mesozoic
basin as flood basalts, from the beginning of the and Palaeogene, wherein volcanism, burial
Hauterivian to Albian time. Despite their large metamorphism, folding, intrusion of granitoids
volume, no oceanic lithosphere was formed and and uplift occurred cyclically. For example,
the basin failed to evolve into a marginal basin basic lavas, similar in mineralogy and chemistry
sensu stricto. This failure could have been due to the flood basalts of the early Cretaceous
to slow upwelling of the mantle material, which cycle (though quantitatively less important),
was hot enough to permit considerable assimila- and silicic ignimbrites, were erupted in basins
tion of crustal rocks at depth, thus producing a formed during the late Cretaceous and Tertiary.
magma of evolved character. Although this However, the duration of each cycle was short
character might alternatively reflect chemical (c. 40 Ma) and the paucity of good radiometric
heterogeneity in the upper mantle, it is consi- and palaeontological dates is a serious limita-
dered that assimilation and slow spreading tion in precise correlation with oceanic spread-
below the basin could explain the composition ing.
of the flood basalts and the lack of oceanic
crust. In addition, a slow rate of cooling would
explain why most of the basalts are highly por-
Cretaceous m a r g i n a l basins in western
phyritic with unzoned phenocrysts. The less
common aphyric flood basalts (Fig. 2) could South A m e r i c a
represent pulses of more rapidly rising magma Basin formation with eruption of mantle-
and the change to intermediate lavas during derived basalts was an outstanding feature of
Aptian-Albian times might be a consequence the western margin of South America during
of more extensive assimilation, possibly cou- the Cretaceous. Some of the basins developed
190 G. A b e r g et al.

into marginal basins proper, with the genera- and associated volcaniclastic material was
tion of oceanic crust, although most were deposited during the late Cretaceous. Accord-
aborted. ing to Barrero (1979), the basaltic rocks of the
In the southernmost Andes (Magallanes) an sequence (low-K tholeiites) were extruded dur-
ensialic basin opened at the end of the Jurassic ing the initial stage of an evolving island arc,
and lasted until uplifted and destroyed by mid- probably formed upon pre-existing oceanic
Cretaceous times (Dalziel 1981). A pillow crust.
lava-sheeted dyke-gabbro complex, probably The various basic volcanic sequences of Cre-
representing the upper part of an ophiolite, taceous age outlined above show significant
indicates that oceanic crust was generated in geochemical differences. Lavas of a primitive
this basin. Large volumes of basaltic magmas character and close affinities with ocean-ridge
intruded the continental crust and led to the basalts, or island-arc tholeiites, are present in
development of an oceanic spreading centre the Northern and Southern Andes, and more
towards the S of the basin (De Wit & Stern evolved basalts with calc-alkaline features are
1981 and references therein; Dalziel 1981). located in the central Andes (central Chile, this
An abortive ensialic basin of similar age was paper). Northwards from central Chile a transi-
formed in the Southern Andes of Ays6n, tion to more primitive types is indicated by the
approximately 500 km N of the Magellan basin early Cretaceous lavas of northern Chile (cf.
(Bartholomew & Tarney, this volume). Here Zentilli 1974; McNutt et al. 1975; Dostal et al.
the lavas resemble normal arc magmas with 1977) and the middle Cretaceous volcanics of
R E E patterns showing enrichment in L R E E in Peru (Atherton et al. 1983). Towards the S,
comparison with the magmas from the oceanic the lavas from the Ays6n region (Bartholomew
spreading centre at the southernmost end of the & Tarney, this volume) represent types transi-
Magellan basin (see also Baker et al. 1981). tional to the primitive Magellan basalts. The
In the central Andes of W Peru, large vol- possible transition from the 'eugeosynclinal'
umes of basaltic lava were extruded during the basins of the central Andes to truly oceanic
middle Cretaceous. Crustal extension and basin marginal basins was pointed out by Dalziel
formation thinned the continental crust without (1981).
generating oceanic lithosphere (M6gard 1978; The metamorphism of the Cretaceous volcan-
Cobbing et al. 1981). In northern Peru, pillow ics also varies with the type of basin. It is of
lavas and related dyke swarms emplaced along burial type in the ensialic basins (cf. Levi 1970;
fractures of Andean trend have been reported Aguirre et al. 1978; Offler et al. 1980; Levi et
by Bussell (1983 and personal communica- al. 1982), and of ocean-floor type in the margi-
tion), who interprets this activity as characteriz- nal basins towards the N and S (cf. Dalziel et al.
ing the early stage of an episode of crustal 1974; Stern et al. 1976; Espinosa-Baquero
extension which was followed by an episode of 1980). In central Chile, the passage from rocks
compression. Atherton et al. (1983) conclude of zeolite to greenschist facies requires a strati-
that basaltic flows and dykes belonging to the graphic depth of the order of several km. The
same volcanic group, in N-central Peru, repre- metamorphic gradient is steeper in Peru, and
sent primitive mantle-derived material extruded towards the Northern and Southern Andes.
in an ensialic, aborted, marginal basin. From This consistent relationship, between the
the pattern of burial metamorphism of these character of the basin, its metamorphic gradient
volcanics, Aguirre et aI. (1978) and Offler et al. and its associated basalts, suggests a common
(1980) inferred the presence of a steep geo- cause.
thermal gradient during the metamorphism The rate and volume of upwelling mantle,
which was due to abnormally large fluxes of and the thickness of the continental crust, where
heat associated with mantle-derived basic present, are likely to be controlling factors in
magmas. basin generation processes. A rapid upwelling
In the northern Andes of W Ecuador, a would lead to back-arc spreading and the for-
volcanic arc was active from the Aptian to the mation of a marginal basin with primitive
Eocene. A major geological discontinuity, the basalts and a steep thermal metamorphic gra-
Guayaquil-Bucay line, divides the Cretaceous dient. Slow upwelling would produce basins
arc rocks of southern Ecuador, extruded in an with more evolved basalts bearing the imprint
ensialic environment, from those of northern of a shallow thermal gradient of burial
Ecuador which were built upon a basement at metamorphism. The various Cretaceous basins
least partly of oceanic character (Henderson in western South America, thus, could be pro-
1979). Further N, in the Western Cordillera of duced by variations in the rate of upwelling,
Colombia, a sequence of pillow lavas, diabases which controlled the rate of spreading in rela-
Ensialic marginal basin of central Chile 191

tion to subsidence. It is tempting to interpret 'unaltered' and altered parts of the flood basalts
the development of the Cretaceous basins as are given in Levi et al. (1982). The Rb-Sr
the result of a process of lithospheric splitting analytical procedure followed conventional
initiated during that period. The progressive routines. The samples were run on A V C O 901
younging of the basins from Magallanes to the and Finnegan M A T 261 mass spectrometers at
Northern A n d e a n volcanic arcs suggests that the Laboratory for Isotope Geology, Stock-
the process p r o c e e d e d from S to N. holm. The 875r/86Sr ratios were normalized to
86Sr/SSSr = 0.1194. The isochron was calculated
according to the m e t h o d of Williamson (1968),
with a 87Rb decay constant of 1.42 x 10-11a -1
Appendix (Steiger & Jhger 1977). Age and initial ratio
Rb-Sr analytical data: the superscripts I, II, and errors are given at the l a level. Error in
III indicate samples from the same flows. 87Rb/86Sr = 0.6% (XRF); in 87Sr/86Sr = 0.05%
Mineralogical and chemical compositions of ( A V C O 901) and = 0.01% ( M A T 261).

Sample No. Material S7Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr (117 Ma)

N417 'Unaltered' basalt 0.5187 0.70446 0.70360

N419 'Unaltered' basalt 0.5198 0.70470 0.70384
303 nI 'Unaltered' basalt 0.6258 0.70523 0.70419
N413 'Unaltered' basalt 1.0246 0.70544 0.70374
3241 'Unaltered' basalt 1.0507 0.70565 0.70390
N410 n 'Unaltered' basalt 1.0680 0.70555 0.70377

mean = 0.70384
2511 Strongly altered basalt 0.5985 0.70501
2501 Strongly altered basalt 1.0979 0.70558
304 nI Strongly altered basalt 2.7133 0.70763
N412 II Strongly altered basalt 2.9752 0.70830
250D I Amygdales 0.0157 0.70399
251E I Amygdales 0.7072 0.70500

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are indebted to M. P Chile. A. O. Brunfelt is thanked for providing advice

Atherton, D. S. Bartholomew, F. Hervt, G. Mason, and facilities for neutron activation analysis at the
D. Rickard, J. Tarney and F. E. Wickman who kindly Mineralogical-Geological Museum, Oslo. E. Welin
reviewed the manuscript and contributed with kindly put at our disposal the facilities at the
valuable suggestions. B. P. Kokelaar is thanked for Laboratory for Isotope Geology, Stockholm. This
several improvements to the text. The authors greatly research was made possible thanks to grant No.
benefited from discussions with M. P. Atherton, A. 82-184 from the Swedish Agency for Research
Bussell and V. Warden about different aspects of Co-operation with Developing Countries (B.L. and
Andean volcanism, and with J. Oyarzfin concerning J.O.N.) and to a University of Liverpool Research
the genesis of the porphyritic flood basalts of central grant and a Guggenheim Fellowship (L.A.)

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G. ~kBERG, B. LEVI & J. O. NYSTROM, Geologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Uni-

versitet, S-10691, Stockholm, Sweden.
L. AGUIRRE, Department of Geology, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147,
Liverpool L69 3BX, U.K. Present address: Laboratoire de P6trologie, Facult6
des Sciences et Techniques de Saint J6rome, Universit6 d'Aix Marseille III,
13397 Marseille Cedex 13, France.
Crustal extension in the Southern Andes (45-46°S)

D. S. Bartholomew & J. Tarney

SUMMARY: As a result of back-arc extension along the Andean margin of southern
Chile, marginal basins formed during both Mesozoic and Tertiary times. Crustal extension
was limited but was accompanied by tholeiitic basalt or bimodal (acid-basic) volcanism
rather than the calc-alkaline magmatism normally characteristic of the Andean margin.
The basement in southern Chile is composed of highly deformed metasediments, part of
a major accretionary wedge built out from the Pacific margin in late Palaeozoic to early
Mesozoic times in front of the late Palaeozoic magmatic arc now situated in Argentina. In
the mid-Jurassic the locus of calc-alkaline magmatism moved W to near the present
continental margin, and a narrow marine basin developed behind the magmatic arc from
the late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous. The formation of the basin was marked by
extensive silicic volcanism, probably a product of melting of the metasedimentary
basement, followed by bimodal acid-basic volcanism in the early to mid-Cretaceous and
the emplacement of a major batholith. Extension was less than in the contemporaneous
'rocas verdes' back-arc basin in southernmost Chile in which new mafic crust was formed.
The basin was closed and uplifted during compression in the mid-Cretaceous. However, in
the late Cretaceous a new basin, floored by mafic crust, opened within the calc-alkaline
arc. Tholeiitic volcanism and plutonism continued in this basin during the Tertiary while
alkaline volcanism occurred in the back-arc regions. Compression in the Miocene,
accompanied by further calc-alkaline plutonism, dosed the basin and resulted in deep
levels of the Patagonian batholith being juxtaposed with the volcanic sequences of the

Convergent plate boundaries, though normally tinental margins do exist, such as Bransfield
regarded as zones of compression with associ- Strait (Barker 1976; Weaver et al. 1979) at the
ated high-magnitude seismic activity, can also northern end of the Antarctic Peninsula, and
be zones of extension. This is most frequently the Gulf of California (Dickinson & Snyder
manifest in intra-oceanic areas, the best exam- 1979; Saunders et al. 1982).
ples being in the western Pacific where a series The eastern margin of the Pacific, along the
of marginal basins (Mariana, Parece Vela, Andes of S America, is very different from that
Shikoku, Fiji and Lau Basins) have opened up in the western Pacific (see Uyeda & Kanamori
behind relatively young, primitive island arcs by 1979; Dewey 1980), and has been regarded as
the process of back-arc spreading (see Uyeda & an essentially compressive plate boundary
Kanamori 1979; Weissel 1981 and references dominated by large calc-alkaline batholiths,
therein). The primary cause of back-arc exten- intermediate to acid volcanism, and generally
sion may depend on several factors, amongst shallower-dipping Benioff zones. Although the
which are the age and density of the subducting record of such subduction-related magmatism
plate controlling the dip of the Benioff zone and tectonism in the Andes extends back to the
(Molnar & Atwater 1978), and the relative vec- late Palaeozoic, it is becoming increasingly
tors of the subducting and overriding plates apparent that extensional phases have also been
permitting 'roll-back' of the hinge of the sub- important in the evolution of the Andean mar-
ducting plate (Dewey 1980). The ultimate gin, and can perhaps be recognized from the
expression of back-arc extension is mantle character of the associated volcanism and
diapirism which splits the volcanic arc, initiates sedimentation. In this paper we examine the
spreading, and is associated with a change from evidence for extensional regimes in a section
calc-alkaline to tholeiitic magmatism (Tarney et across the Southern Andes between 45 and
al. 1981). However, Toks6z & Bird (1977) 46°S, but first we outline the evidence in the
have pointed out that the rifting of mature con- regions to the S and N.
tinental margin lithosphere may be much more
difficult than with oceanic lithosphere, due to
its greater thickness and strength. Hence mar-
ginal basins resulting from back-arc spreading
Southernmost Chile
are more common in intra-oceanic environ- South of 49°S remnants of a small ensialic mar-
ments than at continental margins. Examples of ginal basin, which opened in the late Jurassic to
marginal basins formed through rifting of con- early Cretaceous, have been recognized by Katz

196 D. S. B a r t h o l o m e w & J. Tarney

, I- -~ L. 6 ~'-'6-'
! 33° _
~ Patagonian Batholith /
(Jurassic - Tertiary)
Late Palaeozoic - Early
36 °.
Mesozoic Batholith

.39 °

42 °

Fig. 2

. . . . SB
- /

I "1 I
.48 ° / I

S Sarmiento Complex ~.:: ~ , S k ~ 51°

- T Tortuga Complex ~ ~
SB San Bernardo Fold Belt

0 km 300 ~'~~ _="

- ~ , i , 78° 7 3 ~ ' ~ . ~- "' ~~:-:
' I .'..:..~. 6~
I I "~4":.? /
FIG. 1. Simplified geological map of southern South America. The proposed segmentation of the
margin is shown by horizontal dashed lines. From N to S the segments are central, south and
southernmost Chile. Only the main plutonic belts are indicated; flanking plutons are not shown.

(1973) and Dalziel et al. (1974a). Ophiolitic and de Wit & Stern (1981) suggest that mantle
fragments (the 'rocas verdes'), particularly well diapirism within the volcanic arc thinned and
displayed at Sarmiento and Tortuga (Fig. 1), locally ruptured the crust to form the marginal
indicate that crustal rifting took place parallel basin. The extensive silicic volcanism which
to the Andean margin with the formation of immediately preceded basin opening is inter-
new oceanic lithosphere within the established preted as reflecting widespread melting of the
volcanic arc. Because of the basin fill of early deep crust by the uprising mantle diapir. The
Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanogenic mafic rocks of the basin floor (Saunders et al.
debris, and the deformation associated with 1979; Stern 1980) are tholeiitic, with trace-
closure of the basin in the mid-Cretaceous, it is element characteristics typical of ocean-floor
difficult to estimate the exact amount of exten- basalts where the basin was wide, but transi-
sion that occurred. D alziel (1981) estimates the tional calc-alkaline characteristics where the
original width of the basin as c. 50 km at Tor- basin was narrower. This variation compares
tuga in the far S, narrowing northwards to a closely to that in the lavas of Bransfield Strait
minimum of 5 km near Sarmiento at 49°S; but (Weaver et al. 1979). Clearly, extension occur-
how much of the basin floor in the former is red at the Andean margin S of 49°S in the late
new mafic crust and how much is thinned conti- Jurassic, and it is a point of interest whether this
nental crust is unknown. Bruhn et al. (1978) was manifest further N.
C r u s t a l e x t e n s i o n in the S o u t h e r n A n d e s 197

Central Chile Tobifera, consist of thick piles of poorly-bedded

silicic tufts and breccias, interbedded with sub-
Levi & Aguirre (1981) and /~berg et al. (this ordinate ignimbrites and lavas of dacitic to
volume) have demonstrated the importance of rhyolitic composition (Dalziel et al. 1974b).
extension in the evolution of the Andean mar- There is considerable evidence that regional ex-
gin in central Chile, and have noted a marked tensional faulting occurred contemporaneously
cyclicity of events during the Mesozoic and with eruption, and that the marked variations in
early Tertiary. Each cycle began with a shift in thickness resulted from deposition in an area
the locus of volcanic activity, accompanied by undergoing active subsidence (Bruhn et al.
accumulation, subsidence and burial 1978). Locally the volcanics are interbedded
metamorphism of thick volcanic sequences, and with shallow-marine sediments of Kimmerid-
was terminated by folding, closely followed by gian-Tithonian age (Natland et al. 1974), and
emplacement of granitoid magmas, uplift and available radiometric dates suggest that activity
erosion. The cycle was repeated with further was roughly restricted to the interval 170-150
extension, block-faulting and subsidence. Levi Ma (e.g. Bruhn et al. 1978; Ramos et al. 1982).
& Aguirre (1981) proposed a mechanism o f A pronounced unconformity exists between
ensialic spreading-subsidence broadly similar to the Tobifera and the underlying metasedimen-
that operating in Iceland. tary basement in the region roughly coinciding
with the present outcrop of the Patagonian
batholith (Fig. 1). Close to the E side of the
Crustal evolution in south Chile batholith, the silicic volcanics are subordinate
(45-46°S) to subaerial Middle and Upper Jurassic basaltic
to andesitic lavas and tufts (Ramos 1976; Baker
Metasedimentary basement et al. 1981). A little further to the E of the
batholith, silicic Tobifera volcanics lie conform-
In the late Palaeozoic a broad accretionary ably on Toarcian sediments (Hailer & Lapido
wedge built out from the continental margin in 1982). The earliest super-unit of the Patago-
southernmost South America to form the nian batholith was intruded in the Mid-
basement into which Mesozoic-Recent mag- dle-Upper Jurassic and lies on the W side of
mas were emplaced (Dalziel 1982; Forsythe the batholith (zone B, Fig. 2). It is of tonalitic to
1982). Between 45 and 46°S the basement is granodioritic composition and marks the posi-
dominantly composed of metasedimentary tion of the new Mesozoic calc-alkaline magma-
rocks which, prior to their burial and deforma- tic arc. Therefore in the Jurassic at this latitude
tion, consisted mainly of greywackes and shales. there was an abrupt westwards shift in the locus
However, the intense deformation associated of magmatism, from its position in the Triassic
with the accretionary process has largely des- within the late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic
troyed the original bedding. No large-scale batholith (Fig. 1). In Oxfordian times the zone
folds have been recognized although several of bimodal Tobifera volcanism lying E of the
late minor fold phases occurred. Deeper levels of Jurassic calc-alkaline arc (zone B) subsided to
the accretionary wedge are characterized by a form a back-arc basin (Ramos 1976).
strong new pervasive foliation, of quartz and
mica-rich bands, which dips consistently
towards the continent at low to moderate ang- Late Jurassic-Tertiary evolution (45-46°S)
les. The strata along the E side of the batholith
In the Permian and Triassic the large fore-arc (zone F, Fig. 2) contain the most complete
basin, lying between the late Palaeozoic mag- record of the succeeding evolution of the conti-
matic arc and the trench-slope break of the nental margin. The western volcano-
accretionary wedge, filled with sediments and sedimentary basin (zone C) and the plutonic
stabilized to a continental area of low relief complex (zone D) are described in separate sec-
(Lesta & Ferello 1972). tions.
Along the E flank of the Patagonian bath-
Middle Jurassic rifting and volcanism olith, volcanism continued intermittently in the
late Jurassic (Ramos et al. 1982) and marine
Intense silicic volcanism began around the conditions prevailed until mid-Cretaceous
Middle Jurassic, its products accumulating times. Ramos (1976) investigated the portion
throughout South America, as far N as latitude just to the N of 45°S. There, owing to subsi-
40°S, to an estimated average thickness of dence, the largely subaerial Middle Jurassic
1 km. The volcanics, generally known as the andesitic volcanics became submerged and the
198 D. S. Bartholomew & J. Tarney

7~. . . . " " ~ ' ~ ~ . , ~ ~ ¢, ~, Kl:.::-.tA;::~,t:~,~,;-::i~..,::~,~i~:,.,
+ + + x
~:,, z-. + + + + + + j
~':b(: :5: i + + + + + + "\
+?;~+~ +~ + + + + + + 7
~:.~:~ ~:: + + + + + +
:?~:5: !-; + + + + + + \
~(2i~! ~ + + + + + + 4
-~:¢#;.~ ~" + + + + + ÷ CHILE J
PLe ~ + + + + + +z
,~ ~'+÷++++÷+++++/ (...../
~,,-. - + + + + + 4 - /
~#:~ + + + + + +
:i., .........

g.% + + + + + + "x
'.~i:. + + + + + +
~'.~.~ + + + + ÷ +
~:,~t + + + + + + • ~ ARGENTINA
~ ~
i :~~]_++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +/
:-.~ + + + + + + ÷ + + + .+ f k
:~+ + + + , ~ -
~t + + +
. . +. . + + + + + "1 0 10 20krr
+ + + + + + ~ /- ,
F++++ + +++++ + + + + + +++ ~++ ~..,\
-++ +÷+ ++++++++..t 'i
~- + + + +++ + + + t

I-~ LatePa[aeozoic-EadylVlescEoic
~Ptutonic Complex ~ Tertiary tonatite-
Metasedimentarybasement trondhjemite p[utons
Post-Miocene votcanoes
Middle-Late Jurassic ~ Mid-Cretaceous granites
tonatite-granodiorite bathotith ~ a) Recent
~ Late Cretac eous
inter-arc basin
~ Late Cretaceous granites ~b) Pre-glaciol

FIG. 2. Geological map of Chile between 45 and 46°S.

upper lavas are intercalated with limestones. basin was a northward extension of the Magal-
These are succeeded by coral reef and bioclastic lanes basin of southernmost South America.
limestones. The base of the overlying Tithonian Ramos et al. (1982) described early Cretaceous
succession is marked by conglomerates up to c. dyke and sill complexes of basic alkaline rocks
16 m thick, composed of small sub-rounded intruding the Neocomian black shales between
clasts of chert in a calcareous or ferruginous 47 and 49°S. They concluded that this magmat-
matrix (Ramos 1976; Ramos & Blasco 1978). ism was the northern equivalent of the marginal
The abundant chert fragments suggest that basin magmatism of the 'rocas verdes' complex,
chert had been accumulating in a marine envi- but that extension had only caused incipient
ronment to the W and that a nearby subaerial rifting. The lavas preserved along the E margin
volcanic arc had not by this stage become estab- of the batholith between 45 and 46°S, although
lished. The conglomerates are overlain by bio- silica-saturated, are not calc-alkaline in charac-
clastic limestones and minor deltaic sandstone- ter. They clearly display enrichment in Ti, Zr
shale-limestone units. and Nb (Fig. 3). This suggests that a limited
This sequence is conformably overlain by degree of back-arc extension and magmatism
thick black shales, dated on the basis of their also took place in the early Cretaceous between
microfaunas as Valanginian-Hauterivian 45 and 46°S.
(Masiuk & Nakayama 1978). Similar black In Barremian times, a short-lived andesite-
shales are present in many areas along the E dacite volcanic arc developed in the E part of
flank of the Andes. Around Coyhaique (Fig. 2), the marine basin (Ramos 1978). The growth of
where they are over 400 m thick, they rest the arc contributed to the infilling of the marine
unconformably on Jurassic acid volcanics basin. However the marine regression has also
(Skarmeta 1976a). To the W of Coyhaique, been attributed to uplift caused by the mid-
close to the batholith, the shales are interca- Cretaceous deformation (Skarmeta & Charrier
lated with lavas and tufts of intermediate com- 1976). This deformation, which also affected
position, and to the E, near the border with the continental margin in central and south-
Argentina, sandstones become abundant in ernmost Chile, caused appreciable uplift in the
parts of this sequence passing on to the low- region where the main body of the Patagonian
lying continental platform of central Patagonia. batholith is now exposed (zone D and E, Fig.
In the early Cretaceous there was therefore a 2) and was coincident with the emplacement of
narrow marine basin with restricted circulation, the E zone of the batholith. The continental
between a volcanic arc and the continent. This deposits which accumulated along the E side of
Crustal extension in the S o u t h e r n A n d e s 199

i , , t I I i I i I i I I I I I I I i I I I , i I

• Intra-arc basin {zoneC) Back-arc basin {zone E-F)

• Gabbros x Dykes & Lavo.s
• Dykes
o Lavas

v × --


o', "xLjX
x c
Aand B : LKT
C and B : CAB
BandD " OFB

' I I I ~ f t t I I I I l I I I I I I ~ ~ I i ,[
50 100 150 2 oo 250
FIG. 3. TiO2-Zr relationships for mafic igneous rocks from the intra- and back-arc basins. Fields for
various basalt types after Pearce & Cann (1973). LKT--low-K tholeiite; CAB--calc-alkaline basalt;
OFB--ocean-floor basalt.

the batholith at this time are up to 1000 m thick from 57 to 43 Ma and 16 to 4 Ma (Charrier et
and include lavas of dominantly silicic composi- al. 1979; Baker et al. 1981), which form part of
tion, voluminous ash-flow tufts and coarse the extensive Patagonian plateau basalt pro-
detritus derived from the erosion of volcanic vince. There was also a widespread marine
rocks (Baker et al. 1981). The entire E part of incursion into the back-arc regions during the
the batholith (zone E, Fig. 2) is mid-Cretaceous Eocene and early Oligocene, suggesting a
in age (105-80 Ma: e.g. Halpern & Fuenzalida period when extensional processes prevailed.
1978) and consists of intrusive granophyres and Metasediments in the W (zone A) are intruded
granites. The presence of abundant vesicles is by a cluster of discordant plutons of late Cre-
consistent with their emplacement as magma taceous age (c. 70 Ma: Halpern & Fuenzalida
chambers at shallow depths, from which thick 1978). The plutons are associated with unde-
sequences of ash-flow tufts were erupted over formed granitic sheets and a suite of basic
the terrane to the E. The granites are cut by dykes.
basaltic dykes of quartz tholeiite and olivine In the Miocene considerable uplift of the
tholeiite composition, similar in chemistry to Cordillera must have occurred, as coarse conti-
the Lower Cretaceous lavas along their E flank nental clastic material was deposited along its E
(Fig. 3). The coarse detritus consists largely of flank (zone F) (Skarmeta 1976b). These sedi-
basic and intermediate volcanic material ments consist mainly of coarse, cross-bedded
derived from the uplifted terrane to the W. sandstones and conglomerates with imbricated
Granite clasts are present in some of the upper clast fabrics, pointing to deposition in a high-
beds, indicating that granites (sensu stricto) energy fluvial environment. The conglomerates
were already being unroofed in the source reg- contain clasts of metamorphic and granitoid
ions by this stage (Baker et al. 1981). rocks, as well as volcanics, indicating that ero-
Following the emplacement of the granites, sion had reached deeper levels of the Patago-
olivine tholeiite plateau basalts were erupted in nian batholith in the W.
the late Cretaceous (77 Ma: Baker et al. 1981),
along the present border with Argentina (zone
F, Fig. 2). This essentially back-arc activity was Western basin
a precursor to the extrusion in this region of The western basin (zone C, Fig. 2) can be
greater volumes of tholeiitic and alkali basalts, regarded as an intra-arc basin, about 25 km
200 D. S. Bartholomew & J. Tarney

wide, between the Jurassic belt of calc-alkaline plot of TiO 2 against Zr (Fig. 3) shows that most
plutons (zone B) and the plutonic complex dykes and lavas plot in the ocean-floor basalt
(zone D). The history of the basin is poorly field of Pearce & Cann (1973). The gabbros,
known and much of it is presently below sea however, show a trend of strong TiO 2 enrich-
level. Lavas, tufts and shales accumulated ment, indicating that titanomagnetite was a
within it until at least the Miocene and the older cumulus phase. The magmas must have had an
strata are mostly buried. However, along the E extensive earlier fractionation history, judging
margin a major eastward-dipping Miocene by their predominantly quartz-normative
shear zone marks the boundary between the nature, low Ni and Cr and relatively high levels
basinal rocks and higher-grade, foliated rocks of incompatible elements, including REEs
of the batholith, and here older rocks within the (Fig. 4). The rocks are chemically similar to the
basin are also exposed. gabbros, dykes and pillow lavas of the Sar-
South of Fiordo Aysen (Fig. 2) sheared basalt miento Complex of the marginal basin to the S
and chert sequences, and lesser rhyolites, sedi- of 49°S (Fig. 1) (Saunders et al. 1979).
ments and gabbros are in tectonic contact with On Isla Magdalena (44°30'S), just to the N of
foliated, often gneissic, rocks of the batholith. the area, Fuenzalida & Etchart (1976) noted a
The volcanics and sediments pass laterally into 4000 m thick sequence of mafic pillow lavas
less deformed sequences and are part of the interbedded with greywackes, shales and chert
Mesozoic basin infill, and not of the underlying of possible late Jurassic to early Cretaceous age.
highly deformed metasediments of the base- The volcanics most probably belong to the same
ment accretionary wedge. At the N entrance to episode of submarine volcanism as that
Fiordo Aysen there is an 8 km wide slice of described here, and the evidence indicates that
gabbros and mafic volcanics, metamorphosed the basin formed by rifting in the late Cretace-
in the amphibolite facies. Furthermore, just N ous or early Tertiary. During late Jurassic to
of 45°S, numerous mafic dykes cut rocks form- early Cretaceous times, when the 'rocas verdes'
ing the E part of the basin. Dyke injection was marginal basin formed to the S, volcanism
most intense over an E - W coastal section more occurred in a marine basin in the back-arc reg-
than 10 km long, where the dykes intrude ions (zones E - F ) of the calc-alkaline arc be-
medium-grained gabbros and locally constitute tween 45 and 46°S. It is therefore unlikely that a
up to 40% of the outcrop, giving the appearance second marginal basin formed on the ocean-
of a sheeted-dyke complex. ward side of the arc at this time. However, after
Fractionation trends of these basic rocks are the mid-Cretaceous compression, magmatism
essentially tholeiitic rather than calc-alkaline. A shifted to the W and, in the Tertiary, arc mug-

100 -



-o A78

010 A94 -

n ~

- - . e _ _ _ . 6 ~ ~ B33

I I I I I 1 1 I I I I
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Ho Er Yb Lu

FIG. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for a dyke (A431), a Tertiary low-K tholeiite lava
(B33) and a tonalite (A78) from the intra-arc basin (zone C), and for a typical tonalite (A94)
from the plutonic complex (zone D).
Crustal extension in the S o u t h e r n A n d e s 201

matism occurred within, or close to, zone C. It plex is heterogeneous and is greatest in several
is therefore concluded that the W basin opened shear zones which probably developed contem-
at some time in the late Cretaceous. In poraneously with the main bounding Miocene
central Chile it is known that extension occur- shear zone. Late Miocene K-Ar hornblende
red in the late Cretaceous, accompanied by fis- dates have been obtained from rocks close to
sure eruptions of large volumes of mafic lavas the main shear zone between 42 and 43°S
(Levi & Aguirre 1981). (Herve et al. 1979) and from both foliated and
Between the Eocene and Miocene a suite of unfoliated tonalite in the 10 km to the E of the
tonalite-trondhjemite plutons was emplaced shear zone at 45°40'S (R. M. Maclntyre,
within the W basin, in places intruding coeval unpublished data). Some of the complex, there-
low-K tholeiitic lavas. Their geochemical fore, was emplaced in Miocene times. Halpern
characteristics are strikingly different from & Fuenzalida (1978) obtained late Miocene
those of the calc-alkaline plutons of the adja- single biotite Rb-Sr ages across the entire width
cent batholith. There is a trend towards high of the complex between 45 and 46°S. However,
Fe/Mg ratios, the concentrations of Zr, Ba and since rocks from the E of the plutonic complex,
the REEs are high, but the REEs are unfrac- near Puerto Aysen, gave a poor Rb-Sr isochron
tionated and have marked negative Eu of 107 --- 18 Ma and a cross-cutting pegmatite
anomalies (Fig. 4). These geochemical features vein gave a model age of 92 Ma (D.S.B. un-
are closely similar to those of Deception Island published data), the biotite ages cannot be ages
dacites from the Bransfield Strait marginal of granitoid emplacement. Instead it would
basin (Weaver et al. 1979). seem that the E part of the plutonic complex
was emplaced at about the same time as the
eastern granite (zone E, Fig. 2), and the Rb-Sr
Plutonic complex (Patagonian batholith) biotite systems were either reset in the Miocene
compression, or did not close until uplift and
The plutonic complex (zone D, Fig. 2), cooling at that time.
to the E of the Miocene shear zone, repres- A line of recent stratovolcanoes and associ-
ents a deep section of the Patagonian batholith ated smaller volcanic centres, of calc-alkaline
which has been uplifted and exposed by ero- basalt to basaltic andesite composition, has
sion. The most abundant rocks are variably developed in the W part of the plutonic com-
foliated diorites, quartz diorites and tonalites, plex (Fig. 2). Within the area studied two pre-
and the average composition of the complex is glacial volcanoes of this group have been deeply
rather more basic than that of most circum- dissected to reveal underlying tonalite-diorite
Pacific batholiths. The western portion consists plutons.
in part of basement metasediments containing
numerous small intrusions of basic to inter-
mediate composition. These intrusions are Crustal evolution (45-46°S): summary
commonly garnet-bearing and have melted, and
hybridized with, the surrounding metasedi-
and synthesis
ments. Also there are several larger gabbro plu- The evidence indicates that during the late
tons, which have been amphibolitized and dis- Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic a broad
rupted by later tonalite intrusion. However, accretionary wedge developed at the continen-
most of the plutonic complex is composed of tal margin in southernmost South America, to
numerous small intrusions of tonalite and dior- the W of a calc-alkaline magmatic arc. In the
ite, commonly intermingled on a scale of tens or Middle Jurassic rifting of this metasedimentary
hundreds of metres. Distinctive within the basement occurred and volcanism was initiated
complex are the large number of marie inclu- to the W of previous activity. The volcanism
sions in the granitoids and numerous amphibo- was restricted to a linear belt of uplift which
lite dykes in all stages of deformation and dis- broadly coincides with the zone of later
ruption. Field relationships suggest that the Mesozoic and Cainozoic magmatism. Large
marie inclusions resulted from repeated injec- volumes of silicic volcanics, possibly generated
tion of sheets of mafic magma into hot, ductile by anatexis of the metasedimentary basement
tonalite magma at depth, with the marie mater- (Bruhn et al. 1978), were erupted along this
ial being disrupted and drawn out by later flow developing rift and accumulated within subsid-
to give a gneissic appearance to the complex. ing basins to the E. With continuing extension
The magmas in the plutonic complex have a and extraction of crustal melts the rift axis pro-
clear calc-alkaline signature. gressively subsided and voluminous basic mag-
Strain imposed later within the plutonic com- mas were extruded. A subduction-related
202 D. S. Bartholomew & J. Tarney
magmatic arc developed on the western side of gests that a new, steeper subduction zone was
the rift zone (zone B) in the late Jurassic, and established after the mid-Cretaceous compres-
around Oxfordian times the rift zone subsided sive event.
below sea level and most volcanism probably Magmas with tholeiitic characteristics, some
ceased in the back-arc regions. resembling island-arc tholeiites, were emplaced
In the early Cretaceous calc-alkaline mag- through the young crust of the marginal basin
matism shifted eastwards to the eastern part of (zone C) during the Tertiary. In addition, calc-
zone D. Extension and subsidence allowed thick alkaline magmas of Tertiary age were injected
shales to accumulate in a narrow back-arc basin as a suite of basic dykes in the eastern part of
but, in contrast to southernmost Chile, genera- zone B, and calc-alkaline magmas of basic to
don of new marie crust never took place. How- intermediate composition were emplaced both
ever, bimodal volcanism did occur in the west- in the western part of the plutonic complex
ern part of this basin (mainly zone E) during the (zone D) and within the marginal basin. The
early to mid-Cretaceous. In the early Cretace- eruption of alkali basalts, and a temporary
ous, basic and intermediate volcanics were restoration of marine conditions, suggest a
erupted in zone E and the extreme western part return to extensional tectonics in the back-arc
of zone F. Then mid-Cretaceous compression regions (zone F) during the Tertiary.
caused uplift and the destruction of the basin, In the Miocene a major compressive event
with considerable silicic volcanism and erosion led to thrusting within the calc-alkaline arc
of earlier volcanics in zone E, accompanied by (zone D) and underthrusting of the marginal
the emplacement of the eastern, granitic por- basin (zone C) beneath the crust to the E, caus-
tion of the batholith (Fig. 5). The granite is ing appreciable uplift in the region of the
intruded by late basic dykes. The basic to plutonic complex (zone D), and intense erosion
intermediate magmas are similar in chemistry towards the E (Fig. 5). The,unroofed complex
to the mildly alkaline basalt-trachyandesite of foliated calc-alkaline intrusive rocks, with
suites of continental rift zones. In the Barre- numerous amphibolite dykes, abundant marie
mian, at about the onset of mid-Cretaceous inclusions and relict metasedimentary screens,
compression, a short-lived andesite-dacite arc is interpreted to represent deep levels of the
formed in the eastern part of the back-arc basin main continental margin magmatic arc.
(zone F). Since the Miocene, calc-alkaline magmatism
During the late Cretaceous, extension was has occurred in the western part of the plutonic
re-established at the continental margin. It is complex and alkaline activity has continued
considered that the intra-arc marginal basin intermittently in the back-arc regions.
(zone C) opened at this time, and plateau
basalts were erupted in the back-arc regions
(far east of zone F). The marginal basin was Extension and compression at the
floored in part by new marie crust. In the far W
(zone A) the local emplacement of a bimodal Andean continental margin
olivine tholeiite-granite suite took place in the The Andean continental margin between 45
late Cretaceous. Trenchward migration of and 46°S has been subjected to alternating
magmatic activity in the late Cretaceous sug- periods of extension and compression, resulting

Wes t East

"~ ~. ~. ~;:~ %~ %.
% "i'G^ % ~'%~'a CHILE ARGENT NA
'%. "%. %~^ °°'~#~_ I
\ \ \ e~. %{%
~.~,,& M ~ ~ Atkalibosatts

...... -} .::.:- : :.i::i '

i i

FIG. 5. Schematic E-W section through the continental margin around 45-46°S. (M--Miocene
Crustal extension in the Southern Andes 203

not only in a complex migration of the loci of The effects of compression upon the three
magmatism and sedimentation, but also in segments were also different. In southernmost
changes in the character of the associated mag- Chile thrusting occurred mainly along
matic activity. The normally dominant calc- continent-verging structures in the mid-
alkaline activity of compressional periods was Cretaceous and resulted in the uplift of the
replaced by basaltic or bimodal silicic-basic vol- marginal basin relative to the crust to the E
canism as basins developed during exten- (Nelson et al. 1980). Later eastward propaga-
sion. The erupted basalts, and the coeval plu- tion of similarly oriented thrusts in the Tertiary
tons emplaced within the intra-arc basin, have gave rise to a foreland fold and thrust belt
tholeiitic fractionation trends but transitional (Winslow 1982). In central Chile (33-39°S),
calc-alkaline trace-element characteristics. where the Mesozoic to Cainozoic igneous rocks
These features are similar to those of intra- lie to the E of the main late Palaeozoic bath-
oceanic arc-marginal basin systems, and in olith, the mid-Cretaceous compression first
particular to those of ensialic basins, such as folded the western volcanics and was then
Bransfield Strait, Sarmiento and Gulf of transmitted eastwards to produce d6collement
California, which have developed at continental along Oxfordian evaporite horizons in the east-
margins by rifting and 'back-arc' spreading. To ern basin (Aguirre et al. 1974). Miocene com-
what extent the migration of the locus of igne- pression produced movement between base-
ous activity has been a function of the changing ment blocks in the E, with overthrusting
dip of the Benioff zone is not possible to deter- directed towards the continental interior. How-
mine, but the subduction geometry would be ever, in S Chile (39-47°S) the volcanics and
expected to change after any phase of back-arc sediments immediately to the E of the bath-
mantle diapirism leading to the formation of a olith, although uplifted, are essentially unde-
back-arc basin. Moreover, closure of such formed. The back-arc basin was destroyed by
basins, involving a return to normal crustal uplift and magmatism in the mid-Cretaceous,
thickness, could explain the observed juxtaposi- without deformation of the strata to the E and,
tion of deep-level, high-grade, foliated zones of in the Miocene, thrusting along ocean-verging
the batholith and the high-level volcanic rocks shear zones uplifted the main calc-alkaline
of the marginal basin. magmatic arc (zone D) relative to the late Cre-
The Andean margin of southernmost South taceous marginal basin. However, further E, in
America can be divided into three main seg- Argentina, the San Bernardo fold belt (Fig. 1)
ments (Ramos et al. 1982) that responded dif- reflects contemporaneous tectonism (Zam-
ferently to the periods of extension and com- brano & Urien 1970), which suggests cover
pression: central Chile (33-39°S), S Chile deformation as a result of movement along
(39-47°S) and southernmost Chile (47-56°S) ocean-verging thrust faults (Gonzalez 1971).
(Fig. 1). In late Jurassic to early Cretaceous
times, while new oceanic lithosphere was
formed in a back-arc basin in southernmost
Chile, emplacement of oceanic lithosphere in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are particularly grateful to
the rifted continental crust was never achieved the Instituto de Investigaciones Geologicas of Chile
for help during fieldwork, especially Dr M. Suarez,
in S Chile (39-47°S), and instead large volumes
J. Skarmeta and O. Perez. We thank Dr R. M. MacIn-
of silicic magma were generated beneath the tyre for K-Ar dates and Dr A. N. Halliday for aid
back-arc basin and emplaced as granites along with Rb-Sr isotopic analysis. These studies were sup-
the E side of the batholith. This could account ported by the Natural Environment Research Coun-
for the much broader outcrop of the Patagonian cil. DSB acknowledges receipt of a NERC student-
batholith between 39 and 47°S. ship.

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ter, Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.
Processes of formation and filling of a Mesozoic back-arc basin
on the island of South Georgia

B. C. Storey & D. I. M. Macdonald

SUMMARY: South Georgia contains a diverse suite of rocks representing different stages
in the development of a back-arc basin on the Gondwana margin during the Mesozoic.
Basin formation initially involved intrusion of large gabbroic plutons into deformed
paragneisses and calc-alkaline rocks of a magmatic arc, and then extension of this crust by
dyke emplacement. Partial melting of the metasediments formed a migmatitic aureole
around the basic rocks. Rifting of this thinned continental crust led to the emplacement of
marie crust composed of lavas, dykes and plutonic gabbros with oceanic crustal
characteristics. On an upper slope marginal to the arc, the marie crust is overlain by a
thinly bedded sequence of tufts and mudstones deposited by turbidity currents. Overlying
andesitic volcaniclastic rudites, deposited by debris flows, represent a major channel-fill
sequence. The basin was filled by thick sequences of both arc-derived volcaniclastic
sandstones and silicic detritus with a continental provenance. The volcaniclastic sediments
form a fault-controlled aggrading system, deposited by high- and low-density turbidity
currents in an elongate basin.

The sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, tion zone, a 1 km wide ductile shear zone
located on a microcontinental block 2000 km E (Storey, in press) which traverses the South
of Cape Horn (Fig. 1), is thought to be a con- Georgia block (Simpson & Griffiths 1982).
tinuation of the Andean Cordillera (Dalziel et Rocks of the basin floor and island arc lie to the
al. 1975; Tanner 1982) moved eastwards by SW of this dislocation, and all the basin-fill
major transform movement during Tertiary rocks lie to the NE.
times (Barker & Griffiths 1972). South of 50°S A geochemical and petrographical compari-
an accretionary fore-arc terrane, active in the son between the marie rocks of the Drygalski
Triassic and early Jurassic, was replaced by an Fjord Complex and the Larsen Harbour For-
arc-back-arc basin system in the late Jurassic mation suggest a common origin that can be
and Cretaceous (de Wit 1977; Dalziel 1981; related to formation of a back-arc basin. The
Tanner et al. 1981). marie rocks of the Larsen Harbour Formation
are conformably overlain by andesitic tufts of
the volcanic-arc sequence. The petrography of
Geology of South Georgia the clasts within the basinal sedimentary rocks
can be directly correlated with the volcanic arc
Summaries of the geology and stratigraphy of and with continental rocks which occurred on
South Georgia and references to earlier work the opposite side of the basin. This is supported
are given by Tanner (1982) and Thomson et al. by palaeocurrent evidence (Macdonald & Tan-
(1982). Four major units record the develop- ner 1983). The age relationships of the mag-
ment of the arc-basin system on the South matic and sedimentary rocks (Tanner & Rex
Georgia block (Fig. 1). These are: (i) extended 1979; Thomson et al. 1982) are consistent
continental basement rocks of the basin with the proposed back-arc basin tectonic
floor (Drygalski Fjord Complex: Storey et al. model. The Annenkov Island Formation and
1977; Storey & Mair 1982; Storey 1983); Cumberland Bay Formation are lateral equiv-
(ii) mafic rocks of the basin floor (Larsen Har- alents.
bour Formation: Mair, in press; Storey & Mair
1982); (iii) calc-alkaline volcanic, sedimentary
(Annenkov Island Formation: Pettigrew 1981) Drygalski Fjord Complex
and intrusive rocks (Tanner et al. 1981) of the T h e complex comprises deformed para-
magmatic arc; and (iv) sedimentary fill of the gneisses and metamorphosed elastic sediments,
basin (Cumberland Bay, Ducloz Head, San- intruded by small calc-alkaline granitic plutons
debugten and Cooper Bay Formations: Tanner of a subduction-related magmatic arc (Storey
& Macdonald 1982; Macdonald & Tanner 1983; 1983). A large volume of tholeiitic magma,
Storey, in press; Macdonald 1982a). with mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) affinities,
The island is split by the Cooper Bay disloca- was intruded into this sialic crust and represents

208 B. C. Storey & D. L M. Macdonald

0 ,


, 04, -:.:.:.::":~i

Iv v '71 rorm~lon .*/-~-e~**o "~k~ ~ ~ "~'"~':".".::'k

• .r.~r_~..o . \ , ~__ :'-.':.:.--..""
. ."

v 015., ,

"-. , - c~v ~ . ' - : , ,, o

( 54 l d s -

• VVV / ;'- ~,

-. . :. ~ ~ ) -,~,vvo;,
o"-" o
" .
. , 2 , . , ~
200 ~
~;f/~>~7~ ~o~. . k'~ ' ~
/ //
/ // / /./ CBF

+++/ ,'
/ /. ....---t..~ - "2

,-- / // /,~ ~ ~ 12kin

FIG. 1. Location and geology of South Georgia: (a) the position of South Georgia (SG) relative to
the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) and South America (SA); (b) the South Georgia microcontinent with
the batholith (stipple) and the offshore extension of the Cooper Bay dislocation zone (C-C) (after
Simpson & Griffiths 1982). The main figure is a geological map of South Georgia with palaeocurrent
directions in the Cumberland Bay Formation indicated by arrows (from Macdonald & Tanner
1983); note the bimodal directions along the SW coast. Correlated with the Sandebugten Formation
are the Ducloz Head (D) and Cooper Bay (C) Formations. The diagrammatic cross-section is of the
South Georgia microcontinent (after Tanner et al. 1981). CBD, Cooper Bay dislocation zone; CBF,
Cumberland Bay Formation; SF, Sandebugten Formation; DFC, Drygalski Fjord Complex; LHF,
Larsen Harbour Formation; AIF, Annenkov Island Formation.

the early stage of formation of the back-arc acidic differentiates caused migmatization of
basin, in the middle-late Jurassic. Crystalliza- the surrounding country rocks. Anatectic melts
tion and fractionation of this magma produced intruded, brecciated and net-veined the mag-
massive and layered gabbros, diorites and matic rocks. Some basaltic dykes, with chilled
plagiogranites within the basement rocks. Con- margins, cut the migmatitic aureole.
tinued emplacement of basaltic magma within
the gabbros and basement resulted in the
Larsen Harbour Formation
development of sheeted-dyke complexes, with
up to 80% extension of the continental crust. The Larsen Harbour Formation is separated
Emplacement of the basaltic rocks and their from the Drygalski Fjord Complex to the E by a
South Georgia back-arc basin 209

marked topographic break, inferred to be a granodiorite stocks and plutons ranging in age
fault (Storey et al. 1977). It comprises a wes- from 100 to 8 0 M a (Tanner & Rex 1979).
terly dipping sequence, nearly 2 km thick, of Geophysical evidence suggests that the island-
amygdaloidal, massive and pillowed basaltic arc terrane stretches to the SW edge of the con-
lavas and lava breccias, thin andesitic and basal- tinental block where a large magnetic batholith
tic tufts and numerous basaltic dyke complexes. (Fig. 1) has been correlated with the Patago-
The formation is intruded by a large, multi- nian Batholith (Simpson & Griftiths 1982).
phase, plagiogranite-diorite-layered gabbro Within the Lower Tuff Member, the turbidi-
pluton, minor gabbroic plutons and dacitic and tic tuff beds are generally 1-5 cm (max. 40 cm)
rhyolitic stocks (Mair, in press). No basement thick (Fig. 2). Almost all are graded and later-
rocks are exposed. ally persistent, and many contain mudstone
intraclasts. Sole marks are rare. Parallel lamina-
Volcanic-arc terrane tion is most common, either in Tbe or Tabe types.
Cross-lamination is uncommon, occurring as
The Annenkov Island Formation consists of single tabular sets of straight-crested ripples.
a 2-3 km thick gently inclined series of thinly The beds show no systematic coarsening or
inter-bedded andesite crystal-lithic turbidite thickening trends. The mudstones commonly
tufts and mudstones (Lower Tuff Member), show faint parallel or cross-lamination and
overlain by poorly bedded volcaniclastic breccia include concentrations of recrystallized
with subordinate sandstone, at least 1 km thick radiolaria which may be lag deposits. Slumping,
(Upper Breccia Member). From the map of synsedimentary faults, small sedimentary
Annenkov Island (Pettigrew 1981), the base of dykes, and load structures at the base of tuff
the upper member diverges by 15-20 ° from the beds are all fairly common.
bedding in the lower member; the upper The Lower Tuff Member is sharply overlain
member was probably deposited in a large-scale by very coarse sandstone and fine granulestone
erosion feature. The sequence is intruded by beds, mostly 0.5-2 m thick (Fig. 2), of the
hornblende and biotite andesites, sparse meta- Upper Breccia Member. These basal beds have
basic sills, and gabbro, monzodiorite and sharp, slightly undulating bases and are either

B cm in ¸ rn
75- 7"5 - - ' 0 -

. KJ.,,'


. .- !.., ~

km 50-

Upper Breccia
[ ] Basal sandstones

~ LowerTuff Member

~" Fau It
• Location of logs

0 O-
c si s g csa s g p c

FIG. 2. Geological map of Annenkov Island showing location of graphic logs: (A) Lower Tuff
Member (B) Basal sandstones (C) Upper Breccia Member. Sediment grades: c, clay; si, silt; s, sand;
g, granule; p, pebble; c, cobble; b, boulder; mudstone, black; sandstone, fine stipple; granulestone,
coarse stipple; rudites, large ornament.
210 B. C. Storey & D. L M. M a c d o n a l d

amalgamated or separated by thin beds of struc- metamorphic fragments with intraformational

tureless mudstone. The sandstones are either shale clasts. Beds are structureless or crudely
structureless or have faint parallel lamination, graded, up to 10 m thick, with angular to sub-
although one bed shows inverse grading near its angular clasts and very poor sorting. The
base. All contain mudstone intraclasts up to 30 sedimentary rocks indicate derivation from a
cm across and have sharp, flat tops. nearby area of continental basement and silicic
The sandstones are overlain by andesitic vol- volcanic rocks; their association with basic
canic breccias (Fig. 2) in beds generally 1-5 m pillow lavas is interpreted as indicating deposi-
thick. Bed bases are highly irregular, and locally tion in an active submarine rift. The absence of
downcut 0.5-1.5 m. Some beds exhibit crude andesitic detritus suggests that deposition was
coarse-tail grading. Clasts are angular to sub- either before commencement ofcalc-alkaline arc
rounded, vary in size from a few cm to 1.5 m volcanism or that the site was topographically iso-
and are supported by a matrix of andesitic sand- lated from the arc. The former is more likely,
stone or granulestone. In places, beds similar to and these sediments possibly represent the in-
those of the Lower Tuff Member and basal itial fill of the basin.
sandstones are intercalated with the breccias,
commonly draping clasts which protrude from
the top of the breccia beds. Pettigrew (1981, Cumberland Bay Formation
Fig. 15) noted extensive erosion and drag- This formation is a sequence of andesitic vol-
folding of mudstones underlying the breccia caniclastic greywackes and shales. Minimum
beds. In a number of localities the breccias estimates of the thickness of the formation vary
include large intraclasts of laminated mudstone from 5 to 8 km (Tanner & Macdonald 1982).
and tuff. The greywacke beds, < 1 cm to 7 m thick, most
commonly show Ta, Ta6 and Tabc turbidite
Basin-fill formations sequences, with mixed detritus of up to ten clast
types which can be matched petrographically
Four sedimentary rock formations represent with the rocks of the island-arc terrane (Tanner
various types of basin fill. All of these were et al. 1981). Such provenance is supported by
deformed and metamorphosed during closure palaeocurrent evidence (Fig. 1) which shows
of the basin in the mid-late Cretaceous that although most transport was to the NW
(Thomson et al. 1982). along the basin axis, the components were
derived from the SW, from many points along
Sandebugten and Cooper Bay Formations the arc (Macdonald & Tanner 1983). Sparse
These formations consist of similar silicic body fossils indicate deposition from (?)
detritus and are probably equivalent. The San- uppermost Jurassic or Neocomian to the Albian
debugten Formation has been interpreted as (Stone & Willey 1973; Thomson et al. 1982). In
reflecting turbidite accumulation (Dalziel et al. contrast, trace fossils are numerous but belong
1975; Tanner 1982). Although the complex de- to a restricted number of ichnogenera, suggest-
formation prevents reliable measurement of ing deposition in a restricted, partially anoxic
palaeocurrent directions, petrographical evi- basin (Macdonald 1982b).
dence strongly indicates a NE continental prov- Tanner & Macdonald (1982) recognized
enance for both formations (Winn 1978; Stone three major facies; shale-dominated, transi-
1980). tional and sandstone-dominated. The first two
(fine grained) facies are constant in character
Ducloz Head Formation across the island, however the sandstone facies
This formation consists of two members, both varies between the SW and NE coasts. In the
unfossiliferous and, possibly due to the prox- SW the sandstone facies forms more than 50%
imity of the major ductile shear zone (Cooper of the succession, mean sandstone bed thick-
Bay dislocation zone) (Storey, in press), both ness is > 50 cm and beds are commonly thicker
highly deformed. The fault-bound Inland than 2 m. On the NE coast, sandstone facies
Member is equivalent to the Annenkov Island form 30-40% of the successions, mean bed
Formation of the volcanic-arc terrane. The thickness is c. 35 cm and few beds exceed 2 m
Coastal Member consists of massive epiclastic (Macdonald & Tanner 1983). The facies form
sub-quartzose sandstones and sandstone brec- thickening- and coarsening-upward cycles, as a
cias, interbedded with thin-bedded fine sand- result of migration of depositional lobes. These
stones, siltstones and black shales and massive, data, together with palaeocurrent and palaeo-
felsitic volcaniclastic breccias. The epiclastic slope indicators, demonstrate that along the SW
rocks are composed of igneous and margin of the basin there were areas of high
South Georgia back-arc basin 211

submarine relief, which were also major sites of medium and coarse grained, pale-green to
coarse clastic deposition (Tanner & Macdonald dark-grey and black, massive and of variable
1982). Variations from the common turbidite composition (troctolites, olivine gabbros,
deposits are described below: hornblende-pyroxene gabbros, 2-pyroxene
Thin, fine beds. Within the two fine sediment gabbros, norites, leucogabbros and melagab-
facies, 30% of the beds consist solely of cross- bros). Many of the larger plutons display
laminated sandstone. In some shale-dominated rhythmic layering (Fig. 3a) and cumulus tex-
facies, up to 50% of these are clearly not turbi- tures; many are composite. In one area,
dites. They are generally 0.5-5 cm thick, very ultramafic (lherzolite, peridotite and picrite)
fine sandstones with undulating bases and tops, inclusions, up to 40 m across, are enclosed
in places occurring as discrete lenses with fes- within the gabbros. There is marked variation
toon cross-lamination. These sandstones are in the strike of the layering, and dips are mostly
better-sorted than the others and are ungraded. steeply inclined. Disrupted layering, folding,
Thick, coarse beds. These beds, on the SW minor unconformities (Fig. 3a), cross-layering
coast, vary from 1 to 7 m in thickness and are and large (3 m) blocks of layered gabbro in
typically of very coarse, very poorly graded or massive gabbro are also present.
structureless sandstone. Variation in grading The layering can be ascribed to repeated
can be related to bed thickness. This ranges intrusion of magma into a chamber where
from totally structureless beds (up to 7 m) to crystal fractionation takes place (see O'Hara
beds showing distribution grading and a full 1977). The irregularities, mentioned above,
range of Bouma structures (< 1 m). Between may indicate the site of a zone of repeated
these types, otherwise structureless beds may intrusion. The steep dips of the cumulate layers
have a concentration of crudely parallel- could be due to deformation; disharmonic fold-
laminated coarse to medium sandstone towards ing and slumping of the cumulates indicate that
the top, or a thin (< 5 cm) graded layer (normal deformation and magmatic activity were syn-
or inverse) at the base. Thick, coarse beds may chronous. Intrusion was facilitated by magmatic
have scour and toolmarks at the base, although stoping, with blocks of paragneiss floating in the
they are rare; the tops of these beds are sharp roof zones of the magma chambers.
and flat.
Tuff beds. Tufts composed of white, coarse Extension of continental crust (Drygalski Fjord
prehnite after glass, in planar parallel structure-
less beds, 5-20 cm thick, occur randomly in the
sequence. Extensional dykes (Fig. 3b) intrude meta-
sediments, granites and gabbroic rocks. The
amount of extension varies markedly through-
out the crustal block, from at least 80% at the
Processes of basin f o r m a t i o n
western margin to isolated basic dykes within
Four major processes were involved in the for- the metasediments on the E, over a distance of
mation of the back-arc basin on South Georgia, 6 kin. Within smaller areas there are also
which was initiated in the early Jurassic. They abrupt changes in the amount of extension.
are: (i) emplacement of basic plutons; (ii) The dykes have chilled margins, and occur
extension of continental crust by basic dykes; both singly and in multiple units up to 10 m
(iii) partial melting of continental crust; and (iv) wide. Up to five separate intrusions occur in
rifting and formation of mafic crust. some multiple units with successive dykes
Some of these processes overlapped in space intruding along the centre of the preceding
and time. For example, the early gabbroic plu- dyke. Dyke trends are mostly bimodal (Fig. 4),
tons are cut by extensional dykes, and the with NW and NE orientations. The NE dykes
anatectic melts both invade pre-existing dykes have azimuths ranging from 47 to 73", and the
and gabbros and are cut by basic dykes with NW dykes vary from 283 to 329 °. The angle
chilled margins. between dyke sets varies from 34 to 90 °, from
subarea to subarea (for details of subareas see
Storey 1983). Only in a few cases is there a
Emplacement of basic plutons
departure from this pattern. For example, in the
In the southern part of the Drygalski Fjord northern part of the complex a third (dominant)
Complex, large gabbroic plutons were em- mode is oriented N-S. The cross-cutting rela-
placed within deformed paragneisses, metamor- tionships of the dykes are complex and
phosed clastic sediments and small calc-alkaline although the NE set is mostly younger than the
intrusions of the magmatic arc. The gabbros are NW set, variations do occur.
212 B. C. Storey & D. L M. Macdonald

FIG. 3. (a) Irregular layering within gabbros of the southern part of the Drygalski Fjord Complex.
(b) Extension dykes within basement rocks of the Drygalski Fjord Complex. (c) Migmatites within
metasediments on the margin of the basic plutons of the Drygalski Fjord Complex. (d) Dyke
net-veined by anatectic granite within the Drygalski Fjord Complex.
214 B . C . Storey & D. L M. Macdonald

"-.':-.. t_ .,
L ~, \\"~'-
~ (,3 ~ = 03
k,¢'~ 35 ' " ~ ' . . /\
"~' \ \\ NN l

- 54°40'$ k
, \\' . 6 O,,p/~\ \ \
" h 0..', '~v.\ b r--~
-%,", %.Ya-".'°'*,,,,, k

461 ~ ...../
- --f Inferred fault --#-~ ~ £ '
Dyke trends -~'~, , 4 17i~'~d~ ~- 109~
~ i r e c t i o n 162.-~v'~ , . , ~,~~15~" r
o ,o ......

' ' L,~"d':~e-+" " '

km136"20'W 159 219

FIG. 4. Dyke trends and extension directions within the basin-floor rocks of the southern part of
South Georgia, with number of readings at each locality.

If a dyke trend is related to a given stress dykes have acted as conduits for the migrating
system, the Drygalski Fjord Complex, with fluids, with the fine grained granitic neosome
more than one trend, records changes in the preferentially invading the dykes (Fig. 3d).
stress field during formation of the back-arc There is a marked bimodality in the composi-
basin, perhaps with early extension in a tion of the acidic rocks within the complex. The
N E - S W direction and later N W - S E extension. migmatites and granitic veins were produced
However, as the cross-cutting relationships are both by partial melting of the metasediments
not consistent with a single change, it is possible and by migration of acidic fluids formed by dif-
that the trends reflect a conjugate fracture sys- ferentiation of the basic magma (Storey & Mair
tem related to a single stress field (see inset Fig. 1982).
4), with the obtuse bisectfix of the dyke modes
as the extension direction. If this is the case, the
Rifting and f o r m a t i o n o f marie crust (Larsen
Drygalski Fjord Complex records a change
Harbour Formation)
from N-S extension in the SE part to E - W in
the NW part. The relative timing of the dyke The main phase in the formation of the
emplacement in different parts of the complex back-arc basin is characterized by complete rift-
is unknown and so this change in orientation ing and emplacement of lavas, dykes and gab-
could be due to a spatial or temporal shift in the bros of the Larsen Harbour Formation. In con-
stress field, or due to rotation of the block dur- trast to the Drygalski Fjord Complex, this for-
ing formation of the basin. mation contains no direct evidence of continen-
tal crust and has been considered to be part of
Partial melting o f sialic b a s e m e n t
an ophiolite sequence (Mair, in press) that
formed the floor of the basin. The dacites,
The gabbros and basic dykes suites of the rhyolites and plagiogranites which are associ-
Drygalski Fjord Complex are surrounded by ated with the marie rocks have trace-element
migmatitic aureoles (Fig. 3c). Considerable dis- concentrations typical of oceanic plagiogranites
ruption of the basic bodies occurs, with irregu- (Storey & Mair 1982; Mair, in press). There is
lar areas of breccia in which angular to sub- some enrichment in the alkali content of the
rounded, partially assimilated basic fragments rhyolites, which may indicate that the dykes and
are set in a granitic matrix. Commonly the basic lavas were emplaced through thinned continen-
South Georgia back-arc basin 215

tal crust, but this is not conclusive as alkali ele- Standing ocean currents
ments are known to be mobile in hydrothermal
sea-floor settings. It is thus suggested that the Standing ocean currents produced the well-
formation represents a phase of complete rift- sorted festoon cross-laminated sandstones in
ing of the extended continental crust. the Cumberland Bay Formation and the cross-
As in the Drygalski Fjord Complex, there is a lamination and radiolarian lag deposits in the
bi- or tri-modal dyke orientation in each sub- mudstones of the Annenkov Island Formation.
area (Fig. 4; see Mair, in press). In the SE there This reworking was a very minor basin process
are generally two trends, 070 ° and 130 ° , with and the sediments are not large-scale contourite
130 ° and 175 ° trends elsewhere. The age rela- deposits in the sense of Stow & Lovell (1979).
tionships are again conflicting, although the
130 ° trend is most commonly the earliest. As Direct volcanic input
already discussed, the dyke trends may record
major spatial or temporal changes in the exten- The prehnitized tuff beds represent minor
sional direction within the basin, irrespective direct volcanic input, either by airfall or pyro-
of whether they are related to a single stress clastic flows entering the sea (Sparks et al.
field or to a change in the stress system with 1980). These deposits may have been re-
time. The inconsistent age relationships of the distributed by mass flows or reworked by
dykes favour the former hypothesis. standing ocean currents (Winn 1978).

P r o c e s s e s of infilling Discussion
During the Jurassic, four processes interacted
Turbidity currents to extend the continental crust of South Geor-
gia and produce a back-arc basin floored by
The most important agents of transport and
mixed mafic and continental crust. The em-
deposition, both within the basin and on the arc
placement of large volumes of basic magma pro-
shelf, were low-density turbidity currents
duced a crustal block transitional between
(usage of Nardin et al. 1979). However, the
oceanic and continental, and a block of mafic
structureless and poorly graded beds, which are
crust with no obvious continental characteris-
volumetrically significant within the Cumber-
land Bay Formation on the SW coast, and the
The initial stage in the formation of the basin
sandstones at the base of the Upper Breccia
involved massive upwelling of mantle-derived
Member of the Annenkov Island Formation,
tholeiitic magma, which is similar to the model
are similar to those described by Walker (1978)
proposed by McKenzie (1978) for sedimentary
and Hein (1982) and ascribed by Lowe (1982)
basin development involving upwelling of hot
to deposition from high-density turbidity cur-
asthenosphere with rapid stretching and thin-
rents. Most of the coarse beds of the Cumber-
ning of continental lithosphere. Haxby et al.
land Bay Formation can be assigned to suspen-
(1976) produced a similar model, suggesting
sion sedimentation from a sandy high-density
that mantle diapirs intrude and replace the
turbulent flow (S 3 unit of Lowe 1982). The few
lower part of the lithosphere.
inverse-graded bases resemble traction-carpet
As the basin is floored by extended continen-
sedimentation ($2). The range from ungraded
tal crust, the model of McKenzie (1978, Fig. 4)
to distribution-graded turbidites (S3/Ta to T.~)
is applicable. Taking extreme estimates for the
represent a change from high- to low-density subsidence time of 25 and 60 Ma, and minimum
turbulent flows.
sediment thicknesses 6 - 8 km, an extension fac-
tor (fl) between 4 and ~ is required, with the
Debris flows most likely value fl i> 10. As these values
exceed those of the Drygalski Fjord Complex,
Debris flow deposits, although not found where emplacement of basic magma resulted in
within the main basin-fill formations, are very an overall extension factor of c. 1.8 (locally 5),
important in the (?) early basin-fill Coastal the stretching of the continental crust must have
Member of the Ducloz Head Formation. On reached a limit after which extension was
the arc terrane debris flows were responsible accommodated by emplacement of new mater-
for rapidly depositing the voluminous Upper ial to form the mafic crust.
Breccia Member, possibly within a large sub- Much of the bedding variation in the basin-
marine canyon or channel. fill reflects the variety of back-arc environ-
216 B. C. Storey & D. I. M. Macdonald




? Fault Scarp Slides ?

O (UpperSlope)

FIG. 5. The distribution of environments and processes in the Annenkov Island Formation (arc) and
Cumberland Bay Formation (basin) during deposition.

ments. The Cumberland Bay and Annenkov TABLE 1. Summary of lithological units of the
Island Formations together make up a large volcaniclastic depositional system
volcaniclastic depositional system (Fig. 5)
which corresponds to those developed in elon- Environmental
gate basins (see Walker 1978). Lithological unit interpretation
This depositional system can be divided into
the products of four distinct submarine envi- A. Upper Breccia Major channel or
Member of Annenkov canyon fill
ronments (Table 1). These form an aggrading
Island Formation
system with essentially vertical accumulation, B. Lower Tuff Member Upper slope deposits,
possibly controlled by a fault at the basin mar- of Annenkov Island bypassed by most
gin. Formation coarse material
The abrupt change in facies and thickness C. SW coastal exposure Inner part of large
between the Cumberland Bay and Annenkov of Cumberland Bay coalescing lobes
Island Formations, across the Cooper Bay dis- Formation
location zone, suggests that the dislocation lies D. NE coastal exposure Outer part of large
along an earlier fault which controlled sedimen- of Cumberland Bay coalescing lobes
tation in the basin. Contemporaneous fault Formation
movement would have prevented the upper
slope and channel facies (Annenkov Island
Formation) from prograding across the mid and (1980) have shown, in the Lesser Antilles, how
lower fan facies (Cumberland Bay Formation). strong currents between islands can give rise to
The clasts within the sandstones and turfs of the fans of volcaniclastic sand in a back-arc basin. It
Cumberland Bay and Annenkov Island Forma- could be that due to shifting sources, true fan
tions reflect a source which was an area of ero- systems cannot develop in back-arc basins.
sion and mixing of different volcanic rock
types, possibly the shelf around volcanic islands
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We would like to thank our
on the arc. Here the high erosion rates and colleagues within the British Antarctic Survey and in
rapid palaeogeographical changes (Mitchell particular Drs B. F. Mair and P. W. G. Tanner for
1970; Mitchell & Reading 1971) would have discussions during this work. D.I.M.M. carded out
created a supply of mixed volcanic sand on the this work while employed by the British Antarctic
shelf and randomly shifted major sites of depo- Survey 1975-80, and during tenure of a demonstra-
sition along the arc with time. Sigurdsson et al. torship at the University of Keele.
South Georgia back-arc basin 217

BARKER, P. F. & GRIFFITHS, D. H. 1972. The evolu- HUANG, T. C. 1980. Volcanogenic sedimentation
tion of the Scotia Ridge and Scotia Sea. Phil. in the Lesser Antilles arc. J. Geol. 88, 523-40.
Trans. R. Soc. London, A271, 151-83. SIMPSON, P. t~ GRIFFITHS, n . H. 1982. The structure
DALZIEL, I. W. n . 1981. Back-arc extension in the of the South Georgia continental block. In:
southern Andes: a review and critical reap- CRADDOCK, C. (ed.) Antarctic Geoscience,
praisal. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, A300, 185-93. University of Wisconsin Press, Madi-
319-35. son.
, DoTr, R. H., WINN, R. D. & BRUHN, R. L. SPARKS, R. S. J., SIGURDSSON, H. & EARLY, S. N.
1975. Tectonic relations of South Georgia Island 1980. The entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea.
to the southernmost Andes. Bull. geoL Soc. Am. I. Oceanographic and geologic evidence from
86, 1034-40. Dominica, Lesser Antilles. J. Volcan. geoth. Res.
HAXBY, W. F., TURCOTrE, D. L. & BIRD, J. B. 1976. Amsterdam, 7, 87-96.
Thermal and mechanical evolution of the STONE, P. 1980. The geology of South Georgia. IV.
Michigan Basin. Tectonophysics, 36, 57-75. Barff Peninsula and Royal Bay areas. Sci. Rep.
HEIN, F. J. 1982. Depositional mechanisms of deep- Br. Antarct. Surv. 96, 45 pp.
sea coarse clastic sediments, Cap Enrage Forma- -- t~ WILLEY, L. E. 1973. Belemnite fragments
tion, Quebec. Can. J. Earth Sci. 19, 267-87. from the Cumberland Bay type sediments of
LOWE, D. R. 1982. Sediment gravity flows. II. Depos- South Georgia. Bull. Br. Antarct. Surv. 36,
itional models with special reference to the 129-32.
deposits of high density turbidity currents. J. sedi- STOREY, B. C. 1983. The geology of South Geor-
ment. Petrol. 52, 279-97. gia. ~V. Drygalski Fjord Complex. Sci. Rep. Br.
MACDONALD, D. I. M. 1982a. The sedimentology, Antarct. Surv. 107, 88 pp.
structure and palaeogeography of the Cumber- - - . In press. The geology of the Ducloz Head area,
land Bay. Formation, South Georgia. Ph.D. South Georgia. Bull. Br. Antarct. Surv.
Thesis, University of Cambridge, 155 pp. -- & MAIR, B. F. 1982. The composite floor of the
(unpublished.) Cretaceous back-arc basin of South Georgia.
1982b. The palaeontology and ichnology of the J. geol. Soc. London, 139, 729-37.
Cumberland Bay Formation, South Georgia. , -- & BELL, C. i . 1977. The occurrence of
Bull. Br. Antarct. Surv. 57, 1-14. Mesozoic oceanic floor and ancient continental
-- 8z TANNER, P. W. G. 1983. Sediment disper- crust on South Georgia. Geol. Mag. 114, 203-8.
sal patterns in part of a deformed Mesozoic STOW, D. A. V. & LOVELL, J. P. B. 1979. Contour-
back-arc basin on South Georgia, South Atlantic. ites. Their recognition in modern and ancient
J. sediment. Petrol. 53, 83-104. sediments. Earth Sci. Rev. 14, 251-91.
MAIR, B. F. In press. The geology of South Georgia. TANNER, P. W. G. 1982. Geologic evolution of South
VI. Larsen Harbour Formation. Sci. Rep. Br. Georgia. In: CRADDOCK, C. (ed.) Antarctic
Antarct. Surv. Geoscience, 167-76. University of Wisconsin
MCKENZIE, D. P. 1978. Some remarks on the Press, Madison.
development of sedimentary basins. Earth planet. - - & MACDONALD, D. I. M. 1982. Models for the
Sci. Lett. 40, 25-32. deposition and simple shear deformation of a
MITCHELL, A. H. G. 1970. Facies of an early Miocene turbidite sequence in the South Georgia portion
volcanic arc, Malekula Island. Sedimentology, of the southern Andes back-arc basin. J. geol.
14, 201-43. Soc. London, 139, 739-54.
- - & READING, H. G. 1971. Evolution of island - - & REX, D. C. 1979. Timing of events in an early
arcs. J. Geol. 79, 253-84. Cretaceous island arc-marginal basin system on
NARDIN, T. R., HEIN, F. J., GORSLINE, D. S. & South Georgia. Geol. Nag. 116, 167-79.
EDWARDS, B. D. 1979. A review of mass- , STOREY, B. C. & MACDONALD, D. I. M. 1981.
movement processes, sediment and acoustic Geology of a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous
characteristics, and contrasts in slope and base- island arc assemblage in Hauge Reef, the Pick-
of-slope versus canyon-fan-basin floor systems. ersgill Islands and adjoining areas of South
In: DOYLE, L. J. & PILKEY, O. H. (eds) Geology Georgia. Bull. Br. Antarct. Surv. 53, 77-117.
o f Continental Slopes. Soc. econ. Paleont. Miner. THOMSON, M. R. A., TANNER, P. W. G. & REX, D. C.
Spec. Pub. 27, 61-74. 1982. Fossil and radiometric evidence for ages of
O'HARA, M. J. 1977. Geochemical evolution during deposition of sedimentary sequences on South
fractional crystallisation of a periodically refilled Georgia. In: CRADDOCK, C. (ed.)Antarctic
magma chamber. Nature, Lond. 266, 503-7. Geoscience, 177-84, University of Wisconsin
PETrlGREW, T. H. 1981. The geology of Annenkov Press, Madison.
Island. Bull. Br. Antarct. Surv. 53, 213-54. WALKER, R. G. 1978. Deep-water sandstone facies
SIGURDSSON,H., SPARKS,R. S. J., CAREY,S. N. & and ancient submarine fans: models for explora-
218 B. C. Storey & D. L M. M a c d o n a l d

tion for stratigraphic traps. Bull. Am. Ass. Petrol. tological approach to lithosphere plate recon-
Geol. 62, 932-66. struction. Bull. geol. Soc. Am. 89, 533-47.
WINN, R. D. 1978. Upper Mesozoic flysch of Tierra DE WIT, M. J. 1977. The evolution of the Scotia Sea
del Fuego and South Georgia island: a sedimen- as a key to the reconstruction of southwestern
Gondwanaland. Tectonophysics, 37, 53-81.

B. C. STOREY, British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council,

Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET, U.K.
D. I. M. MACDONALD,Sedimentology Branch, BP Exploration Co. Ltd, Britannic
House West, London EC2Y 9BU, U.K.
Proximal volcaniclastic sedimentation in a Cretaceous back-arc
basin, northern Antarctic Peninsula

G. W. Farquharson, R. D. Hamer & J. R. Ineson

SUMMARY: During Cretaceous times, the northern Antarctic Peninsula was the site of
an active ensialic magmatic arc. Volcanism was dominated by pyroclastic eruptions with
rare lava flows. Marine conglomerates and sandstones formed a volcaniclastic apron along
the eastern margin of the arc and represent the proximal deposits of an extensive back-arc
basin. Volcanogenic material, redeposited by turbidity currents and other sediment gravity
flows, forms an important part of the proximal basin fill. Air-fall tufts and eruption-induced
sediment flows form a small but significant part of the succession and large exotic slide-
blocks of Jurassic sediment are a distinctive feature of the Lower Cretaceous strata on
James Ross Island. Aeromagnetic data and regional geology indicate that the arc-back-arc
basin boundarv was fault-controlled. Sedimentation within the basin was strongly influ-
enced by both the steep, unstable nature of the faulted arc flanks and the coeval volcanism.

From at least early Mesozoic through to late (Saunders & Tarney 1982), developed over the
Tertiary times, the Antarctic Peninsula lay to area now occupied by the Antarctic Peninsula.
the E of an active trench related to easterly Volcaniclastic strata (Jurassic-Tertiary) occur
subduction of the Pacific plate beneath to the E of this arc, on the margins of the
Gondwana. A n associated magmatic arc, Weddell Sea (Fig. 1), and represent an apron of
typical of convergent c o n t i n e n t - o c e a n plate arc-derived debris that accumulated along the
boundaries and bearing a close similarity to the edge of an ensialic back-arc basin. This paper
western cordillera of southern South America considers the Lower Cretaceous rocks of the

l I
70ow 60 °
6305 60°W 56 °
- ,,,,, - ~,~ ,~ ~ / .......~ -~ AMERIC~(/ 50°S

c3 ~ ¢~ ~.,/ ,/-T~, ~ "TABARINPENINSULA

S ?.oss.f, s,,,.ou...


"~::';= .....:.:.:..':" ..'i ,oo

T A KNUNATAK [~ Cretaceousback-arc basindepos,ts

--"c s'iF / ~ : ~ ~ AntarcticPeninsulaVolcanic Group

OC "",,

FIG. 1. Location map showing the outcrop of Cretaceous rocks in the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
BB" Brandy Bay, D: Duse Bay, PGC: Prince Gustav Channel, TC" Tumbledown Cliffs. Inset shows
position of study area relative to South America and the Antarctic Peninsula. LC: Lassiter Coast,
OC: Orville Coast.

South Shetland Islands Trinity Peninsula James Ross Weddell Sea t~

, -

Back-arc sedimentary rocks, including large slide

Plutonic rocks (Saunders & Tarney 1982)
R blocks of Nordenskj/~ld Formation

Alluvial sedimentary rocks (Farquharson 1982b) Volcanic rocks (Hamer 1983)

Late Jurassic mudstone-tuff sequences of Trinity

Oceanic crust with a thin capping of sedimentary rocks
BE Peninsula (Nordenskj61d Formation, Farquharson
1982a) and South Shetland Islands (mudstone
member, Smellie et al. 1980) Mantle

Subduction zone complex (Scotia metamorphic

complex, Tanner et al. 1982) and ?fore-arc terrane

?Carboniferous-Triassic deformed metagreywackes

of Trinity Peninsula (Trinity Peninsula Group, Hyden
& Tanner 1981) and South Shetland Islands (Miers
At present limited marine geophysical observations
Bluff Formation, Smellie 1981)
indicate oceanic crust (pre-late Jurassic to early
?Pre-Mesozoic basement (Hamer & Moyes 1982, Cretaceous) in the eastern Weddell Sea (LaBreque
Pankhurst 1983) & Barker 1981)
FIG. 2. Interpretive section across the northern Antarctic Peninsula in early Cretaceous times. Bransfield Strait did not open until the late Cenozoic.
Volcaniclastic s e d i m e n t a t i o n , A n t a r c t i c P e n i n s u l a 221

back-arc basin succession exposed in the this occur in the small marginal basin of Brans-
northern Antarctic Peninsula. The deposits are field Strait (Fig. 1), which opened 1.3 Ma ago
described and the tectonic and volcanic (Barker 1982), and the late Cenozoic alkali
influences on their accumulation are discussed. basalts (James Ross Island Volcanic Group:
Nelson 1975) that unconformably overlie the
volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks in the back-arc
Stratigraphy and tectonic setting
The Mesozoic and Tertiary geology of the
northern Antarctic Peninsula and South Shet-
land Islands is dominated by calc-alkaline
plutonic and volcanic rocks. They intrude or
Basin morphology
rest unconformably on metagreywackes of the Aeromagnetic data together with outcrop geol-
(?) Carboniferous-Triassic Trinity Peninsula ogy delineate the boundary between the late
Group (Hyden & Tanner 1981) and Miers Mesozoic arc and back-arc basin. The majority
Bluff Formation (Smellie 1981) (Fig. 2) that of magnetic profiles perpendicular to the axis of
were deformed during the early Mesozoic. the peninsula (Fig. 3) can be divided into two
Along the E coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, distinct sections (British Antarctic Survey, un-
however, scattered outcrops of migmatitic published aeromagnetic data). Over the penin-
gneiss constitute an older crystalline basement sula the magnetic signature comprises numer-
representing the leading edge of the Gondwana ous high-amplitude short-wavelength anomalies,
massif (Pankhurst 1983). reflecting the basic igneous component of the
Evolution of the northern Antarctic Penin- arc terrane. In contrast, to the E of the penin-
sula during the late Mesozoic can be divided sula the magnetic profiles are either flat or have
into two distinct phases of volcanic arc very low gradients (Fig. 3), indicative of sub-
development. In late Jurassic times much of the stantial thicknesses of sediment (Renner et al.
area was covered by an epeiric sea in which 1982). Localized short-wavelength, high-
radiolaria-rich mudstones accumulated (Nor- amplitude anomalies to the E of the peninsuIa
denskj61d Formation: Farquharson 1982a). coincide with occurrences of the James Ross
Volcanism regularly contributed air-fall tufts to Island Volcanic Group (see profiles marked
the marine succession, although the absence of with a star, Fig. 3). The change from 'quiet' to
epiclastic detritus suggests that at this time the 'noisy' magnetic signature generally coincides
magmatic arc lacked appreciable subaerial with a line drawn between outcrops of the Cre-
relief. Uplift, possibly in response to increased taceous marine sedimentary rocks and arc ter-
magmatic activity (Pankhurst 1982), led to rane rocks (plutons, volcanic rocks and associ-
emergence of the arc during the earliest Cre- ated sedimentary rocks); it defines the western
taceous (Fig. 2). This phase is represented by edge of the preserved back-arc basin (Fig. 3).
the development of local fault-bounded alluvial Several lines of evidence suggest that conti-
basins (Farquharson 1982b) and the onset of nental crust underlies at least the western edge
widespread terrestrial calc-alkaline volcanism of the basin. Firstly, the chemistry of garnet-
(Hamer 1983). Contemporary with emergence bearing xenoliths in (?) early Cretaceous arc
was the initiation of an ensialic back-arc basin terrane volcanic rocks indicates crustal thick-
within which an extensive and thick ( ~ 5 km) nesses of approximately 25 km adjacent to the
pile of arc-derived debris accumulated. To the basin margin (Hamer & Moyes 1982). Furth-
rear of the arc volcaniclastic deposition con- ermore, the aeromagnetic profiles militate
tinued from early Cretaceous (Hauterivian/ against an abrupt termination of the basement
Barremian) through to Eocene/(?)Oligocene at the basin margin (R. G. B. Renner, personal
times (Farquharson 1982a). The widespread communication). In addition, the James Ross
arc volcanism was dominated by explosive Island Volcanic Group, which was formed by
eruptions of intermediate to acidic pyroclastic extrusion through the basin sequence, has
material, except in the South Shetland Islands chemical affinities with intra-plate alkali basalts
(Fig. 1), closer to the trench, where pyroclastic generated in sub-continental mantle (Saunders
rocks are subordinate to basic lavas (Hamer & Tarney 1982).
1983). The basin extends southward beneath the
An extensional tectonic regime, associated Larsen Ice Shelf (Renner et al. 1982) and can
with the gradual cessation of subduction, be extrapolated as far S as the mainly Upper
characterized the final stages in the arc's Jurassic marine sedimentary rocks of the
development (Barker 1982). Expressions of Orville and Lassiter Coasts (Laudon et al.
222 G. W. Farquharson et al.

I i !
64°W 60 ° 56 °



x 1900

< 1300

FIG. 3. Outline of the northern Antarctic Peninsula with aeromagnetic flight lines and profiles
superimposed (British Antarctic Survey, unpublished data). Dashed/dotted line marks the inferred
boundary between the Cretaceous arc and back-arc basin based on aeromagnetic data and outcrop
geology (Fig. 1). Stars denote profiles with anomalies due to the James Ross Island Volcanic Group.

1983) (Fig. 1). The 5 km of presumed Cretace- Basin processes

ous and Tertiary deposits, detected by seismic
refraction and magnetic surveys to the S of the Although the basin was a site of deposition
South Orkney Islands (Harrington et al. 1972), from early Cretaceous times through to at least
probably are a northward continuation of the Eocene, the facies examples cited here are
the basin. Thus the exposed basin in the north- mainly drawn from Lower Cretaceous strata.
ern Antarctic Peninsula may represent an Thus, they are penecontemporaneous with pre-
embayment of a more extensive, possibly con- served arc-terrane deposits (Antarctic Penin-
tinous, back-arc system, the lateral extent of sula Volcanic Group) and were deposited when
which is undefined. Its eastern margin may the basin margin was actively fault-controlled.
either lie further out on the continental shelf, or
Sobral Peninsula
more likely was disrupted by the opening of the
Weddell Sea and the concomitant dislocation of On the Sobral Peninsula (Fig. 1), 750-1000
the Antarctic Peninsula from the Gondwana m of predominantly conglomeratic strata are
massif. exposed. Some beds have yielded dinoflagel-
Volcaniclastic sedimentation, Antarctic Peninsula 223

lates and calcareous nannofossils which indicate existence (Davies & Walker 1974; Johnson &
a late Hauterivian/Barremian age and a marine Walker 1979; Hein & Walker 1982).
depositional setting (Farquharson 1982a). The The type of flow responsible for the thick-
succession comprises monotonous thick-bedded bedded, cross-stratified conglomerates is prob-
red-brown conglomerates with sparse units, up lematical. Winn & Dott (1977) described
to 20 m thick, of well-bedded, graded, large-scale traction-produced structures from
feldspar-rich conglomerates (Fig. 4a). These Cretaceous conglomerates of the southern
two rock associations are the result of contras- Andes and proposed deposition by turbidity
ting sedimentary processes. currents. Lowe (1982) also concluded that they
reflect traction sedimentation beneath gravelly
Thick-bedded conglomerates high-density turbidity currents. However, the
The thick-bedded conglomerates form beds described here lack features associated
> 95% of the succession and are invariably with such sediment gravity flow deposits, which
clast-supported. The clasts are poorly sorted, are a basal, inversely graded, traction carpet
very well rounded, up to 3 m across although layer overlain by a normally graded suspension
they are generally 5-30 cm across, and are sedimentation layer (R 2 and R 3 of Lowe 1982).
derived from the Trinity Peninsula Group and Possibly deposition occurred beneath a low-
Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group. Bed density fluid gravity flow of sufficient compe-
thickness ranges from 0.5 to 17 m. Many of the tence to entrain a basal bed load of pebbles and
conglomerates possess erosive basal contacts, cobbles that progressed by rolling and saltation.
commonly having considerable relief (up to 5 m)
and inclination (up to 40°). The conglomerates Graded, feldspathic conglomerates
typically show large-scale cross-stratification Sequences of graded, feldspathic conglomer-
(Fig. 4b) with planar foresets 2-3 m high defined ates form distinct pale bands within the thick-
by slight variations in clast size and in places bedded conglomerates (Fig. 4a). Bed thickness
by drapes of sandstone. is generally 80-120 cm and maximum clast size
Both thinning- and fining-upward, and thick- is 14 cm. Bases are planar, sharp and lack sole
ening- and coarsening-upward sequences occur. marks. The clasts are sub-rounded to rounded
The former (10-20 m thick) show erosional and consist largely of meta-siltstones and meta-
basal contacts overlain by conglomerate, up to sandstones derived from the Trinity Peninsula
15 m thick, which is in turn overlain by progres- Group, but also include lithologies from the
sively thinner and finer grained conglomerates Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group. These con-
and finally capped by alternating lenses of con- glomerates can be classified into four main
glomerate and coarse-grained sandstone. These types:
sequences are the result of channel aggradation (i) Inverse-to-normally graded, stratified (Fig.
and abandonment. The thickening- and coar- 4c). Such beds are characterized by a basal
sening-upward sequences, between 20 and 40 m inversely graded layer overlain by a normally
thick, comprise planar stratified coarse-grained graded layer that passes up into medium- to very
sandstone with trails of isolated clasts, overlain coarse-grained sandstone. The sandstone dis-
by pebble conglomerates with thin very coarse- plays diffuse planar stratification and is Com-
grained sandstone interbeds. Cross-bedded monly normally graded (distribution type).
cobble conglomerates with erosional basal con- Clast imbrication, with long axes parallel to flow,
tacts cap the sequence and become thicker is a ubiquitous feature. Some beds are overlain
bedded and coarser grained upwards. These by sharp-based planar laminated fine- to coarse-
sequences reflect the gradual approach of a grained sandstone, up to 20 cm thick (Fig. 4c).
channel, and the progressive thickening and Isolated clasts, up to 5 cm across, thin inverse-
coarsening of the channel-fill is ascribed to the to-normally and normally graded layers, and
plugging of a channel elsewhere. Vertical ripple cross-lamination occur in places within
sequences within the thick-bedded conglomer- these overlying beds.
ates therefore indicate deposition in a system These beds comprise R 2, R 3 and S 1 divisions
dominated by braided channels. Such channels of Lowe (1982). The conglomeratic parts
have been described from the mid-fan region closely resemble density-modified grain flows,
of modern submarine fans (Haner 1971) and comprising gravel supported predominantly by
interpreted from ancient submarine fan se- intergranular dispersive pressure, beneath a
quences (Walker 1978). However, there high-density turbidity current (Sanders 1965;
appears to be no account of a modern submarine Davies & Walker 1974; Lowe 1976; Mullins &
gravelly braided system, although other workers Van Buren 1979; Nardin et al. 1979). The basal
on ancient marine conglomerates envisage their gravel-rich part of several beds contain two


~.'~ • ~ ~ ° . ~ ? ~ i ~ i~. "

FIG. 4. Field photographs of Lower Cretaceous back-arc basin deposits. Scale interval in (B), (C) and (D) is 10 cm. (A) Clast-supported, red-brown
conglomerates overlying a sequence of graded, feldspathic conglomerates, Sobral Peninsula. Scale provided by figure lower centre. (B)
Cross-stratified, red-brown conglomerates with erosive base, Sobral Peninsula. (C) Inverse-to-normally graded and stratified conglomerate (type
i) bed, Sobral Peninsula. (D) Breccias interbedded with silty clays (dark) and thin graded sandstone beds (light), NW James Ross Island.
Volcaniclastic sedimentation, Antarctic Peninsula 225

inverse-to-normally graded cycles (R2, R3, R2, dense pyroclastic flows can move underwater
R3 and $1 sequences). Surging flows (Lowe but no ignimbrites have yet been recognized in
1~)82) or closely related pulses of sediment the Cretaceous marine succession of the north-
input (Hendry 1973) could produce such fea- ern Antarctic Peninsula. However, the graded,
tures. feldspathic conglomerates (particularly types i
(ii) Inverse-to-normally graded. These beds and iii) are remarkably similar to the deposits of
are essentially the same as those described subaerial sediment flows associated with the 19
above but lack stratification and distinct planar- March 1982 eruption of Mount St Helens (Har-
laminated sandstone caps. They comprise R2, rison & Fritz 1982). These deposits result from
R 3 and S 3 divisions (Lowe 1982) and are the single catastrophic events and are restricted to
product of high-density turbidity currents with a certain river valleys. They are divisible into three
basal layer of pebbles and cobbles supported by zones: (i) a basal zone up to 1 m thick, of massive
dispersive pressure. or normally graded, clast-supported conglomer-
(iii) Normally graded and stratified. In this ate; (ii) a granule sandstone layer with ubiquit-
group a basal, normally graded layer of pebbles ous horizontal stratification, generally the same
(up to 6 cm across) fines upwards into very thickness as the lower zone; and (iii) a layer of
coarse- to medium:grained sandstone. The peb- boulders and logs on the top surface of the flow.
ble-rich units may be clast- or matrix-supported It is conceivable that should such flows reach
and imbrication is rare. The sandy upper parts the sea, incorporation of water would transform
of the beds are planar-stratified and in a couple them into gravelly high-density turbidity cur-
of beds contain sparse ripple cross-lamination. rents capable of generating the range of
Bed thickness is generally between 10 and 50 deposits represented by the graded feldspathic
cm. Sharp-based planar-stratified sandstones, conglomerates. The cyclical arrangement of
similar to those above type i beds, occasionally these conglomerates on the Sobral Peninsula
cap type iii units. The conglomerate beds com- may thus be the result of repeated eruption-
prise R3 and $1 divisions, typical of depo- induced sediment flow events.
sition by gravelly high-density turbidity currents Subaqueous pyroclastic-flow deposits have
(Lowe 1982). been reported from ancient sequences in
(iv) Non-graded. These conglomerates lack Washington (Fiske 1963), Japan (Fiske & Mat-
grading, stratification and imbrication. Largest suda 1964) and Quebec (Tass6 et al. 1978). In
clast size ranges from 1 to 12 cm and matrix these occurrences inversely and/or normally
percentage varies between 5 and 95%. Particle graded conglomerates are overlain gradation-
support by matrix strength, particularly in the ally by horizontally stratified sands. The flow
matrix-supported beds, was probably a major deposits described by Fiske (1963) and Fiske &
cause of the lack of an organized fabric and Matsuda (1964) are sharply overlain by lami-
grading. In the clast-rich beds dispersive pres- nated or thin-bedded finer grained tufts which
sure contributed towards the support of parti- they interpret as the deposits of turbidity cur-
cles. These disorganized conglomerates are rents fed from ash settling slowly from the erup-
interpreted as deposits from sandy debris flows tion cloud. A similar mechanism is envisaged to
transitional to modified grain flows (cf. Surlyk account for the sharply based, distinctly finer-
1978). grained sandstones that overlie types i and iii
Normally graded sandstones, 10 cm thick, graded conglomerates. This is supported by a
with stratified upper parts are locally interbed- positive correlation between bed thicknesses of
ded with the conglomerates. These S 3 T b se- the sandstone and conglomeratic units which
quences are the products of low density turbidity implies that they are genetically related.
currents (Lowe 1982).
The matrix and sandstone partings of the
graded conglomerates are characterized by a
James Ross Island
large (up to 67%) modal content of euhedral
plagioclase feldspar with lesser embayed, clear The Lower Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian)
quartz crystals and clinopyroxene. This petro- sequence of James Ross Island (Fig. 1), approx-
graphy implies an origin either as resedimented imately 1500 m thick, comprises an alternation
unconsolidated tufts or as direct eruption- of units dominated by conglomerates and peb-
related flows. Thick sequences of (?)early Cre- bly sandstones with units of mudstones, silt-
taceous welded ash-flows tufts (Pankhurst stones and thin sandstones. The conglomeratic
1982) accumulated on the arc, including areas units comprise clast- and matrix-supported,
adjacent to the back-arc basin margin, and it is poorly sorted fine pebble to boulder conglom-
possible that some ignimbrites entered the erates, graded pebbly sandstones and medium-
basin. Sparks et aI. (1980) have shown that to coarse-grained sandstones with minor inter-
226 G . W . Farquharson et al.

bedded siltstones and mudstones. Inverse-to- nificant proportion of the Lower Cretaceous
normal and normal grading, and imbrication, strata exposed in NW James Ross Island and
are common features of the conglomerates, includes distinctive large slide-blocks embedded
which were probably deposited by gravity flows within conglomerates. One block, 3 km SW of
similar to those interpreted for the graded feld- Brandy Bay (Fig. 1), is approximately 200 m
spathic conglomerates of the Sobral Peninsula. thick and at least 800 m long. Graded tuff beds
These coarse units alternate with, and grade indicate that the block is the right way up. Bed-
into, nodular silty clays, weakly lithified ding in the block is only locally distorted and is
bioturbated mudstones and siltstones, thin, approximately concordant with the surrounding
graded, coarse- to fine-grained sandstones and Lower Cretaceous strata. Two similar blocks
rare Conglomerates. occur in the Tumbledown Cliffs area (Fig. 1).
The larger, 220 m long and 26 m thick, displays
Breccia beds brecciation and brittle folds at its base indicating
Breccia beds (Fig. 4d) characterize one mud- a transport direction towards the SSE. These
stone-dominated interval of early Cretaceous isolated exotic blocks of Nordenskj61d Forma-
age. These occur sporadically throughout the tion are interpreted as having been transported
200-250 m thick interval. Beds vary in maxi- to their present position by submarine sliding.
mum thickness between 0.2 and 7 m and amal-
gamation is common. They are sheet-like or Volcanogenic deposits
broadly lenticular in form, generally with planar Air-fall tufts form less than 5% of the
bounding surfaces, although some beds have exposed Cretaceous succession in the ensialic
hummocky upper surfaces, particularly where back-arc basin. Shardic tufts occur in units up to
large clasts protrude above the top of the bed. 2 m thick, both at Cape Longing (Farquharson
Internally the breccias are unstratified (Fig. 1982a) and on James Ross Island. Accretionary
4d) and are composed mainly of tabular and lapilli, 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter, occur in discrete
equant, angular or subangular clasts of Upper beds up to 20 cm thick on James Ross Island,
Jurassic Nordenskj61d Formation (Farquharson and typically show normal grading which prob-
1982a). Clasts range in size from < 1 cm to ably resulted from differential settling through
blocks and slabs with dimensions up to 5 by 6 the water column. However, substantial quan-
m. The breccias are typically very poorly sorted tities of dispersed volcanogenic material, par-
and clast-supported, with a variable sandy or ticularly plagioclase and quartz, occur through-
silty clay matrix that forms between 5 and 20% out the Cretaceous strata of the James Ross
of the beds. Generally the breccias are Island group and Cape Longing. Some of this
ungraded though about 30% of beds display material may be the product of direct air-fall,
abrupt normal grading at their top into a bed, either of insufficient volume to be preserved as
3 - 1 0 cm thick, comprising pebbles supported in a discrete bed or involved in a secondary
a silty clay or sand matrix. Inverse grading, sedimentary process. Most is probably the
restricted to a matrix-supported basal layer, result of penecontemporaneous erosion and
5-20 cm thick, was observed in less than 10% resedimentation of unconsolidated pyroclastic
of the breccia beds. material originally deposited on, or immedi-
A positive correlation between maximum ately adjacent to, the volcanic arc.
clast size and bed thickness of the breccias sug-
gests that the beds were deposited from single
mass flows. Poor sorting, pervasive fine-grained
matrix, lack of stratification and chaotic, disor-
ganized fabric are features characteristic of Discussion
debris flow deposits (Johnson 1970). Using the
terminology of Lowe (1979), the breccia beds The abrupt change in aeromagnetic signature
described here are the result of flows transi- between the arc terrane and back-arc basin
tional between cohesive debris flows and grain (Fig. 3) suggests that there is a substantial
flows. Their clast-rich nature and the sparse thickness of sedimentary rock at the basin mar-
development of a basal inversely graded layer gin and implies a faulted boundary. The arcuate
suggest that dispersive pressure played a signi- Prince Gustav Channel between James Ross
ficant role supporting clasts during flow. Island and the mainland (Fig. 1) has long been
thought to be fault-controlled (Bibby 1966).
Slide-blocks This fault, or fault zone, has a long history of
Coarse debris derived from the Upper movement reflected in (?)early Cretaceous
Jurassic Nordenskj61d Formation forms a sig- alluvial fan deposition at Camp Hill (Farquhar-
VoIcaniclastic sedimentation, Antarctic Peninsula 227

son 1982b), flexuring of strata along the NW resedimented volcanic sands. Such remobiliza-
coast of James Ross Island (Bibby 1966), the tion may be the result of oversteepened volcanic
present scarp topography on Tabarin Peninsula debris or instability caused by contemporane-
and the submarine trough in Duse Bay (Renner ous fault movement on the flanks of the arc.
1980). A period of mid-Cretaceous flexuring is Although the thick-bedded conglomerates of
indicated by an unconformity within the succes- the Sobral Peninsula contain clasts derived pre-
sion on NW James Ross Island which may be dominantly from the Trinity Peninsula Group,
the result of further motion along the Prince it is possible that they represent resedimenta-
Gustav Channel fault(s). It is probable that tion of subaerial and/or shallow-subaqueous
these faults limited the back-arc basin in this volcanogenic material. At several localities on
area during the Cretaceous. The proximal the arc terrane (e.g. Camp Hill: Fig. 1) the ini-
deposits of the basin, particularly the large- tial pyroclastic rocks were erupted through, and
scale slide-blocks of Nordenskj61d Formation, incorporated, the conglomerate infill of alluvial
are consistent with a fault-scarp basin margin. basins (Bibby 1966; Farquharson 1982b).
By the Tertiary the western margin of the These conglomerates were derived solely from
basin was no longer fault-controlled. the Trinity Peninsula Group. Elsewhere (e.g.
Palaeocene-(?)Oligocene arc-derived deltaic Crystal Hill: Fig. 1) the pyroclastics were
sandstones and siltstones occur on Seymour erupted directly through the Trinity Peninsula
Island (Fig. 1) (Elliot & Trautman 1982). Group, producing agglomerates composed of
These rocks are the youngest preserved strata clasts of the group set in a tuffaceous matrix.
of the basin and represent a regressive phase Erosion and redeposition of these agglomerates
involving eastward migration of the coastline could produce conglomerates with an apparent
and probably cessation of the controlling nature Trinity Peninsula Group provenance. Similarly,
of the original boundary fault(s). The overall the blocks of Upper Jurassic Nordenskj61d For-
succession is analogous to the basinward pro- mation from the Lower Cretaceous breccia beds
gradation of a volcaniclastic apron as recognized of James Ross Island are embedded in a matrix
in modern marginal basins around the Pacific containing scattered angular plagioclase and
Ocean (Karig & Moore 1975; Carey & Sigurds- clear quartz crystals indicating the incorpora-
son, this volume). tion of unconsolidated tuffaceous material.
Palaeocurrent directions from the Cretaceous Indeed it is likely that all the Cretaceous back-
back-arc basin deposits, and the transport arc basin deposits contain at least some primary
direction of the Nordenskjrld Formation and/or resedimented pyroclastic components.
slide-blocks, have an approximate mean orien- The ratio of pyroclastic to resedimented vol-
tation towards the SE, consistent with deriva- canogenic deposits preserved within modern
tion from an arc terrane on the site of Trinity arc-related basins varies greatly and may be
Peninsula. It is as yet uncertain whether the significantly different on one side of an arc
deposits accumulated on a laterally uniform compared to the other (Bouma 1975; Sigurd-
apron or on coalescing fan-shaped bodies. Pre- sson et al. 1980). The relative paucity of prim-
liminary results from the James Ross Island ary volcanogenic deposits and abundance of
strata, however, suggest an overall radial dis- coarse resedimented material, within the Cre-
tribution pattern away from the peninsula. taceous back-arc basin of the northern Antarc-
These deposits illustrate the complex nature tic Peninsula, indicate the strong influence of
of marine proximal sedimentation in an ensialic the steep and unstable faulted arc flanks on
back-arc basin and the influence of volcanic and proximal sedimentation in the basin. The
non-volcanic processes. Recognizable primary character of the back-arc basin deposits also
volcanogenic deposits, in the form of air-fall tuffs reflects the continental foundation of the arc;
and eruption-induced sediment flow units, form 'basement' rock sequences (Trinity Peninsula
only a minor part of the basin fill. Dispersed Group) contributing significant quantities of
volcanogenic material, however, is an impor- detritus to the otherwise volcaniclastic apron.
tant component of the sedimentary accumula-
tion, much of it reaching the basin following ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" We wish to thank our colleagues
remobilization of near-shore volcaniclastic at the British Antarctic Survey, and S. Garrett in par-
deposits. The coarse-grained volcaniclastic tur- ticular, for valuable criticism and discussion. M. P. D.
bidites of mid-Cretaceous age from Cape Long- Lewis, M. C. Sharp and N. St J. Young assisted in the
ing (Farquharson 1982a) are an example of field.
228 G.W. Farquharson et al.
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G. W. FARQUHARSON, R. D. HAMER & J. R. INESON, British Antarctic Survey,

Natural Environment Research Council, Madingley Road, Cambridge
CB2 0ET, U.K.
Ordovician marginal basin development in the central
Norwegian Caledonides

D. Roberts, T. Grenne & P. D. Ryan

SUMMARY: In the Caledonides of central Norway, volcano-sedimentary successions, of
the Lower and Upper Hovin and Horg Groups (Ordovician to ?Lower Silurian),
unconformably overlie a variable substrate which includes fragmented oceanic crust and
ensimatic immature arc assemblages initially deformed and metamorphosed in earliest
Ordovician times. In western areas, remnants of a mid-Ordovician, evolved island-arc
complex comprise a volcanic-plutonic suite of clear calc-alkaline affinity. To the E, in the
Trondheim district, continental margin-type basic to andesitic volcanics, and sediments of
comparable age, denote accumulation in a fault-dissected, back-arc marginal basin
characterized by marked facies variations and bipolar sediment dispersal patterns.
Sediment composition reflects the nature of the contemporaneous volcanism, although an
input of metamorphic detritus from a continental margin source can also be determined.
Thick, massive to pillowed tholeiitic greenstones, mainly of OFB chemistry, occur in
several areas and some contain thick sheeted-dyke units, gabbro complexes and
subordinate plagiogranites. These ophiolitic assemblages appear to~ occur at two
stratigraphic levels within the Lower Hovin Group, reflecting separate phases of crustal
thinning and oceanic lithosphere accretion. Mega-breccias and an olistostrome may relate
to abortive ophiolite displacement or intra-basinal movements in late Arenig times.
During the Caradoc and Ashgill, and possibly in earliest Silurian times, continental
margin-type acidic volcanism developed widely, particularly in the S, while in central and
northern parts of the basin, turbidites and resedimented conglomerates, derived from the
basin margins, show SW transport in the deeper-water axial trough. Although there is
strong evidence that the marginal basin and arc lay at the edge of the continental plate
(Baltoscandia) on the SE side of the Iapetus, with SE subduction, this is not supported by
the faunas in the lowest parts of the Ordovician successions, which are largely of North
American affinity. A compromise model involving an elongate microcontinental plate
within the Iapetus is invoked.

Metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rock 1980; Grenne et al. 1980; Grenne & Roberts
sequences of early Ordovician to early Silurian 1981). Also, it has been recognized that the
age constitute a significant part of the alloch- thick basaltic greenstone units, and in some
thon in the Caledonides of central Norway. The cases ophiolitic complexes, lie at different
structural position, degree of allochthoneity stratigraphic levels.
and the depositional environment of these thick This paper considers the post-mid-Arenig
sequences have been subjects of debate since sequences, comprising mixed sedimentary, vol-
the late 19th century ( T r r n e b o h m 1896). For canic and associated plutonic rocks, in the west-
much of this time the Norwegian Caledonian ern part of the central Norwegian Caledonides
lithostratigraphic successions were divided into (Fig. 1A). It is these sequences which reflect
facies types (Bailey & Holtedahl 1938; Strand accumulation in a marginal basin.
1960; StCrmer 1967), related to the shelf,
miogeosyncline and eugeosyncline of Stillean
terminology. In this scheme the rocks of the
Trondheim region of central Norway were con- Regional setting
sidered to be eugeosynclinal. During the past The metamorphic allochthon comprises Pro-
decade the sequences have been reinterpreted terozoic-Silurian rocks in an array of SE-
to relate to a plate tectonic reconstruction. Early transported nappes and thrust sheets which rest
models delineated magmatic arc complexes, on a thin cover of autochthonous Ven-
back-arc marginal basin environments and d i a n - C a m b r i a n sediments deposited upon crys-
probable major (Iapetus) ocean regimes (Gale talline Precambrian basement (Roberts &
& Roberts 1972; 1974). Subsequently these Wolff 1981). In western areas, however, this
models have been refined with the recognition basement is probably partly or largely alloch-
of almost complete ophiolite assemblages in thonous.
some parts of the region (Prestvik 1974, The sequences in the Trondheim area are

234 D . R o b e r t s et al.

E:;T~ 7 N


~ upper Hovin & "7

Horg Groups |
I tu
! ophiolltes
(mid-Llanvirn I
to ¢;eraoocl I q¢
sediments & volcanics | ;~
ophiolites (pre-U.Arenig)|
~ - ~ St(~ren Group(pre-M.
~. \ "~ Areni~oJ (n

~/ dip & strike of layering

0 km 20
I t

FIG. 1. (a) Location map showing the relevant principal geological units of the central Norwegian
Caledonides. 1. Gabbro and ultramafite. 2. Granite, trondhjemite, quartz diorite. 3. Precambrian
crystalline basement, lower nappes and autochthonous sediment. 4. Gula Complex, Sk¢tingen Nappe
and equivalents. 5. Trondheim Supergroup (minus Gula). 6. Helgeland Nappe Complex. 7. Old Red
Sandstone deposits. Fo = Forbordfjell; F = Frosta; G = Grefstadfjell; H = H¢londa; L = LCkken;
Sm = Sm~la, Sn = Snhsavatn; St = St~aren; V = Vassfjell. (b) Simplified geological map of the
Trondheim-LCkken-St~ren district, modified from Grenne & Roberts (1981) which is based on
Wolff's (1976) map-sheet 'Trondheim'.

situated in the StCren Nappe (Gale & Roberts sequences are cut by trondhjemite massifs and
1974) of the Upper Allochthon (Roberts & dykes of early to middle Ordovician age (Klings-
Gee 1981). This nappe is a composite tectonic por & Gee 1981). As the Gula Complex includes
sheet comprising two main units: (i) a tectono- Tremadoc slates (Vogt 1940), the deformation
stratigraphically lower unit of MORB-type cycle is broadly equivalent to the later stages of
tholeiitic basalts with subordinate cherts and the Finnmarkian orogenic event (Sturt 1978;
hemipelagic sediments (StCren Group), rare Roberts & Sturt 1980), which corresponds to
marie dykes and gabbros; and (ii) an uncon- the Grampian deformation of the British
formably overlying volcano-sedimentary suc- Caledonides. The younger volcano-sedimentary
cession of Ordovician to possible early Silurian sequence (unit ii, above) was deposited uncon-
age (the Lower and Upper Hovin Groups and formably upon the trondhjemite-intruded
Horg Group of Vogt (1945)). The Stcren St¢ren Group and was initially deformed in
Group unit, together with its substrate, the approximately mid-Silurian times. Both these
Gula Complex, upon which it was tectonically units were transported as one nappe complex
emplaced, is considered to have been initially during this later (Silurian), major orogenic
deformed and metamorphosed in earliest event.
Ordovician times (Furnes et al. 1980; Hardenby It is the volcano-sedimentary sequences of
et al. 1981). The Stcren Group is interpreted as the Hovin and Horg Groups, and coeval rocks
a slice of a dismembered ophiolite (Furnes et al. on the island of Sm¢la (Fig. la), which furnish
1980; Grenne & Roberts 1981). The deformed the characteristic features of marginal basin and
O r d o vician m a r g i n a l basin d e v e l o p m e n t 235

adjacent magmatic arc volcanism and sedimen- (Fig. lb). Here, the Lower Hovin Group is
tation. In some areas, well-preserved ophiolitic inverted, with the plutonic member of the
sequences, from gabbros, through sheeted-dyke ophiolite occurring in the core of the synform.
complexes, to pillow-lava piles with associated The gabbros, more than 1 km thick, are mainly
marine sediments, have been described high-level leucogabbros that locally contain
(Grenne et al. 1980; Grenne & Roberts 1981). small bodies of plagiogranite. Dykes increase in
Several of the separate sedimentary successions frequency upwards into a dolerite dyke com-
contain a rich fauna of graptolites, brachiopods, plex of uncertain thickness. The dykes are feed-
trilobites, molluscs, corals and conodonts ers to the overlying MOR tholeiitic basalt se-
(Neuman & Bruton 1974; Berry 1968; quence, approximately 1 km thick, and through
Bergstrrm 1979; Bruton & Bockelie 1980; the basalts the frequency of dykes diminishes.
Ryan et al. 1980) which provides fairly reliable The basalt sequence comprises lower, non-
stratigraphical control. In the Arenig-Llanvirn, vesicular, variolitic pillow lavas which grade
North American faunas dominate over Euro- upwards into generally vesicular, pillowed and
pean, though t h e r e a r e variations between massive flows. Massive stratiform sulphide
areas. However, uncritical evaluation of faunas deposits are common, including the L~kken
may promote misleading provenance interpre- Cu-Zn pyrite orebody (c. 25 x 1060 with
tations if viewed in isolation (cf. Roberts & associated jaspers, various cherts and thin
Gale 1978). sulphide-oxide Fe formations, locally known as
The W Trondheim region is an important 'vasskis'. The widespread alteration and sul-
mineralization province, noted primarily for its phide disseminations within the basalts are
massive stratiform sulphide deposits, which interpreted to result from sea-floor hydrother-
tend to be associated with some of the thicker mal activity. Hydrothermal activity was facili-
volcanic sequences (Grenne et al. 1980). Ore tated by faults with surface expressions marked
types differ between volcanic settings, e.g. those by fault-scarp breccias (Grenne 1981; Grenne
in mature island-arc rocks and those occurring & Roberts 1981).
in ophiolitic assemblages. Lower Hovin Group sediments overlying the
greenstones vary from coarse breccias to silt-
stones with ophiolite-derived detritus and, loc-
Magmatic and sedimentary ally, limestone fragments. Sediments also occur
intercalated within the uppermost lavas W of
assemblages L~kken (M. Heim, personal communication
1982). No fossils have yet been recovered from
Ophiolite complexes the sediments directly above the L~kken
The pervasive Silurian deformation dismem- ophiolite. Quartz-feldspar porphyrites, of tona-
bered and fragmented the Norwegian lite composition (Table 1), intrude both the
Caledonide ophiolite complexes (Furnes et al. ophiolite complex and the overlying breccias.
1980, 1984; Roberts et al. 1984). In addition, They are, however, also found locally as clasts
erosion of these complexes is such that in within the breccias.
some areas only parts are preserved. In the
interpretation of ophiolite assemblages, the Vassfjell
importance of assessing the geological context The Vassfjell ophiolite is situated the right-
as well as the magmatic associations and way-up in the wide greenstone belt that lies
geochemistry has been stressed by Grenne & between Trondheim and H¢londa (Fig. lb).
Roberts (1980), and by Moores (1982) who The lowest preserved part of the ophiolite com-
introduced the concept of the ophiolitic associa- prises c. 1 km of gabbro, including several small
tion. In this 10-fold subdivision of an ideal plagiogranites similar to those at I.¢kken. The
ophiolite assemblage, the sedimentary associa- uppermost 300-400 m of the gabbro is a transi-
tion is a key factor in the interpretation of tional zone, with an increasing frequency of
genesis and palaeoenvironment. In the case of dolerite dykes, which passes upwards into a
the ophiolite fragments of the Trondheim re- 100% sheeted-dyke complex c. 1 km thick. The
gion, from ~ to 8 of Moores' 10 units are exposed dyke complex is overlain by 800-1000 m of
in any one area. basaltic pillow lavas with dolerite dykes intrud-
ing the lower portion of the lava pile. As at
LOkken Lekken, small massive sulphide deposits, jasper
The LCkken basaltic greenstone and gabbro horizons and the characteristic cherty Fe forma-
complex occurs in a late, major, E-W trending tions (vasskis) occur (Grenne et al. 1980),
synform, a few km N of the Grefstadfjell area although here they are not as common.
236 D. Roberts et al.

TABLE 1. Geochemical data for the quartz porphyrites cutting the pre-uppermost Arenig
ophiolites; the H¢londa basic porphyrites; and the dacites and rhyolites intercalated within the
Lower and Upper Hovin Groups

Lower Hovin Lower and Upper Hovin

Quartz HOlonda (basic)

porphyrites porphyrites Dacites Rhyolites


SiO 2 70.41" 2.97 50.12 1.90 64.51 1.28 74.00 2.40

TiO 2 0.28 0.04 1.10 0.09 0.70 0.15 0.34 0.09
AI20 3 15.30 1.97 16.23 1.54 16.19 0.88 13.54 0.81
Fe20 3 2.26 0.56 9.23 1.44 4.76 1.00 1.98 0.81
MgO 0.78 0.32 4.73 1.48 2.09 0.41 0.54 0.23
CaO 2.96 1.75 7.81 1.45 3.32 0.39 0.87 0.43
Na20 5.61 1.26 3.70 0.90 3.08 0.86 4.09 0.80
K20 0.79 0.64 1.56 0.70 2.67 0.53 3.56 0.91
MnO 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.40 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.02
P205 0.07 0.03 0.39 0.05 0.13 0.03 0.04 0.02

Nb <5* 14 3 13 2 15 2
Zr 131 49 159 22 250 34 224 28
Y 18 27 26 2 26 2 35 4
Sr 323 210 614 200 467 78 195 76
Rb 14 11 59 34 100 15 118 27
Ni <5 33 17 11 10 <5
Cr 5 90 81 47 45 10 9
V 30 14 271 43 106 44 27 18
Ba 141 113 488 238 616 274 667 137

(n) 8 13 5 6

*Weight %.
t Ppm.

Structurally below and to the E of the com- and SW of the L 0 k k e n and Vassfjell complexes,
plex is a thick breccia, comprising fragments respectively (Fig. lb). At its present base are
derived from various parts of the ophiolite gabbros which grade upwards into a 100%
together with a high proportion of recrystallized sheeted-dolerite-dyke complex, which in turn
limestone and exotic basic and acidic igneous is overlain by 1.1 km of pillow lavas, the
rocks. This breccia is structurally underlain by lower and middle members of which con-
Lower Hovin Group metagreywackes and phyl- tain no intercalated sediment. Small sul-
lites of unknown age. In places, the breccia, phide bodies are located at the dykes-lavas
which is interpreted as an olistostrome (Grenne contact. The upper lavas (maximum 350 m) are
& Roberts 1981), includes clasts from 10 to interlayered with fossiliferous Lower Hovin
> 100 m across (Grenne 1980). As yet there is Group sediments of uppermost Arenig (Ya 2)
no direct evidence of the age of the Vassfjell age. As the lower lavas show evidence of rapid
ophiolite fragment. However, the ophiolite eruption, and as there is no break evident in the
forms part of the Bymark Group greenstones of accumulation of the lava pile, this age is consi-
Carstens (1919) which have generally, though dered to be that of much of the ophiolitic com-
probably mistakenly, been correlated with the plex. The Grefstadfjell ophiolite is underlain by
St0ren Group (e.g. Gale & Roberts 1974; Bru- a fossiliferous Arenig (Ca 2 - Y a 1) sqquence, of
ton & Bockelie 1980, 1982). Some 20 km along non-volcanic calcisiltites and graphitic quartz
strike SW of Vassfjell, the ophiolite assemblage siltstones of the Lo Formation (Ryan et al.
is overlain by the late A r e n i g - L l a n v i r n 1980), thus defining a lower limit to the age of
H01onda Limestone (Bruton & Bockelie 1980). this complex. The mainly graptolitic faunas of
the sediments associated with the ophiolitic
Grefstadf]ell complex are currently being re-examined by Dr
The Grefstadfiell ophiolite occurs to the S B. E r d t m a n n with a view to determining a more
Ordovician marginal basin development 237

precise biostratigraphy for this part of the

Lower Hovin Group. Age relationships of the ophiolitic complexes
It has been traditional to assume that all
greenstone complexes in the Trondheim region
form part of the StCren Group, which Vogt
Greenstone units of probable ophiolitic affinity
(1945) defined as being older than the Lower
Hovin Group and separated from it by a tec-
Forbord~ell and Jonsvatn tonometamorphic break. Earlier, however,
Although geographically separated (Fig. lb), Carstens (1919) had demonstrated that thick
these neighbouring volcanitic rock sequences greenstone-gabbro units also occur within the
are of comparable stratigraphic position. Also, Lower Hovin Group, which was later corrobo-
the stratigraphic subdivisions of the se- rated by Roberts (1975). One such unit is the
q u e n c e s - b a s e d on major- and trace-element Grefstadfjell complex which is considered not
chemistry (see below; Grenne & Roberts to belong to the StCren Group for the following
1980)--are similar. The successions, 0.5-2 km reasons:
thick, are characterized by both massive and (i) Pillow lavas at the top of the lava pile are
pillowed basaltic lavas, with local pillow brec- intercalated with cherts, manganiferous sedi-
cias. A cyclic sequence, of massive lava flows ments and black shales. Graptolites from these
succeeded by pillow basalts and then pillow black shales are of a similar age to those within
breccias, tufts and thin tuffaceous sediments, is the Bogo Formation sediments of the Lower
Common. Gabbro, transected by basic dykes, Hovin Group.
occurs in one part of the Forbordfjell area. (ii) These shale and chert sequences are cut by
The Lower Hovin Group in these areas varies channels containing volcanic breccias which
from generally shallow-marine sandstones, also cut shales of the Bogo Formation.
pelites and limestones below the lavas, with (iii) At the extreme E end of the Grefstadfjell
dark pelites and cherts immediately below, to complex, vesicular pillow lavas, occurring at
mainly greywackes, fanglomerates and pelites high levels in the ophiolite, interdigitate with
of a deeper-water environment above. Dacitic greenstone breccias and conglomerates that
to rhyolitic lavas and tufts occur in these overly- pass laterally into sediments of the Lower
ing sequences. Higher in the stratigraphy, fairly Hovin Group, thus showing that these breccias
deep-marine turbidites have been recorded formed contemporaneously with lava eruption
(Roberts 1972; Pedersen 1981). and are not the product of a subsequent tec-
The Forbordfjell and Jonsvatn basalts occur tonic disturbance as suggested by Vogt (1945).
within the upper part of the Lower Hovin The precise stratigraphic relationship be-
Group, apparently above the level of the tween the Grefstadfjell, L0kken and Vassfjell
H¢londa Limestone but below the late Caradoc ophiolites is not known. However, all show
phyllitic shales at the top of the group (Vogt similar geochemical traits (see below) and have
1945; Bruton & Bockelie 1982). They thus lie been subjected to the same tectonothermal his-
within the Llanvirn-early Caradoc. tory as the sediments of the Lower Hovin
Group. None of these three complexes contains
pre-Lower Hovin Group medium-grade fabrics
as would be expected had they been subjected
Frosta to the earliest Ordovician metamorphic event
The greenstone lavas in the Lower Hovin recorded in the Trondheim area (Hardenby et
Group on the Frosta peninsula (Fig. la) are al. 1981; Klingspor & Gee 1981), which is gen-
stratigraphically and geochemically similar to erally taken as being equivalent to the post-
those at Forbordfjell. Fossils in the nearby StCren Group (Trondheim) disturbance.
Tautra Limestone indicate a mid-Ordovician Although the bases of the Lckken and Vassfjell
age or younger (N. Spjeldna~s, written com- complexes are nowhere exposed, these ophiol-
munication 1974; Roberts 1975), but the pre- ites, like the Grefstadfjell complex, are overlain
cise relationship of the carbonate to the Frosta by sediments of the Lower Hovin Group to
greenstones is uncertain. Cobbles of lava in an which they have contributed detritus. The bal-
adjacent conglomerate are chemically similar to ance of evidence at the present time therefore
the Frosta lavas, suggesting that the clasts were suggests that these complexes are more prop-
derived from these lavas. The turbidites of the erly assigned to the Lower Hovin Group, rather
Upper Hovin Group, above the level of the that to the StCren Group. The interpretation
Tautra Limestone, reflect a deepening marine that these complexes are broad correlatives,
environment. representing fragments of an originally exten-
238 D. R o b e r t s et al.

sive pre-uppermost Arenig (Ya 2) ophiolite, In the NE Snhsavatn area, rocks above the
requires that they now occupy a major, SE- basalts are not exposed, but to the SW the
facing F 1 isoclinal fold-nappe, with LCkken on Upper Hovin Group sequence (Carstens 1960;
the inverted limb and Grefstadfjell-Vassfjell Springer Peacey 1964) lies in this position. The
on the normal limb. Upper Hovin Group here comprises a turbiditic
The Jonsvatn and Forbordsfjell ophiolitic greywacke-shale-conglomerate association.
fragments, the Snhsavatn upper lavas (see
below) and the Frosta lavas, on the other hand, Central-southern areas
all appear to be of a slightly younger age. If this Here, a variety of hypabyssal, volcanic and
is confirmed then they would represent the volcaniclastic rocks, apparently unrelated to the
products of a later spreading event. ophiolitic assemblages, occurs in the Lower
Hovin Group and partly in the Upper Hovin
Subduction-related igneous activity and basin Group. In the Meldal-H¢londa district, for
fill example, volcanic breccias and tufts are com-
mon at lower levels in the Lower Hovin
Srn~la Group, and in places the lowest part of the
Low-grade volcanic rocks on the island of sequence is cut by late Arenig-early Llanvirn
Sm¢la (Fig. l a) are, in part, intercalated with quartz porphyrite dykes of tonalitic composi-
fossiliferous limestones of Arenig-Llanvirn age tion. The H¢londa porphyrites, of early Llan-
(Bruton & Bockelie 1979), with faunas compar- virn age, are basaltic to andesitic in composition
able to those found in the H¢londa Limestone and occur both as flows and as subvolcanic
(Neuman & Bruton 1974). The volcanic rocks intrusions. At one locality, H¢londa porphy-
range from high-A1 basalt through andesite to rite dykes transect strongly sheared L0kken
subordinate rhyolite, with the chemistry defin- basalts (Grenne & Roberts 1981).
ing a distinct calc-alkaline trend (Roberts 1980). Higher in the sequence, in the Jons-
Following a minor episode of folding and fault- vatn-StjCrdal district, dacitic to rhyolitic lavas
ing, the sequence was intruded by quartz diorite and tufts occur near the top of the Lower Hovin
and granodiorite in late Ordovician times. The Group and in the Upper Hovin Group. Further
complete sedimentary-magmatic association is SW, towards Meldal, chemically similar acidic
indicative of development in a mature, evolved, volcanic rocks first occur in the Upper Hovin
magmatic arc. Several magnetite-chalcopyrite- Group (Table 1). These acidic rocks were
pyrite occurrences are associated with the vol- mostly reworked in a marine environment,
canic rocks and skarn, and these supported a although rare ignimbrites are still preserved.
local mining industry in the 18th century. This The sediments of the Lower Hovin Group
mineralization can be traced for some 200 km include limestones, black and green shales,
along strike northeastwards to the Snhsavatn sandstones, volcanic conglomerates and mega-
area. Comparisons with the chemical and breccias, with marked changes in facies. In the
sedimentary characteristics of the contem- SW the Upper Hovin Group comprises calcare-
poraneous ophiolitic and basinal sequences in ous sandstones and acidic volcaniclastics con-
the L0kken-H01onda district indicate that the taining abundant polycrystalline quartz frag-
Sm¢la arc lay to the 'W' of the main basin; ments. To the NE, in the Forbordfjell-Frosta
details are given by Roberts (1980). district, comparatively deep-marine turbidites
predominate (Pedersen 1981). Shale geo-
Sndsavatn chemistry in the Lower Hovin Group (Ryan &
The basalts in the vicinity of Sn~savatn (Fig. Williams 1984) can be related to a basic and
la), 1.5-1.8 km thick, are unusual for the re- intermediate volcanic source at lower levels,
gion in that no clear pillow structures have yet whereas an acidic component is dominant higher
been recognized. The basalts, which are locally up.
interbedded with basic to intermediate tufts,
overlie the Snhsa Limestone of mid-
Ordovician or younger age (N. Spjeldn~es, writ-
ten communication 1974). Whereas the lower Geochemistry
basalts are of calc-alkaline affinity, the bulk of
the lavas are tholeiitic (Roberts 1982b) and Pre-late Arenig ophiolite assemblages
comparable to the Forbordfjell and Jonsvatn The basaltic lavas of the older, LOkken-Vass-
basalts of similar age. Thus, the sequence is fjell-Grefstadfjell ophiolitic complexes show
interpreted to represent a transition from arc to clear Fe- and Ti-enrichment trends (Grenne et
basin-spreading volcanism. al. 1980; P. D. Ryan, unpublished data) typical
Ordovician marginal basin development 239

3] ~ L6kken 20- /~ Smola

2]/~ Vessfjetl (gplo,gp2.) \ / \

0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . Y . ,
2]/~ Grefstadfjell (upper.,10wer.) on" /~
~[ ~ ~ " ~ ~ // \ _ S~sotower.

A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~-* \
3j /-~ ForbordfjeIl (tower+upper,) . ~----~'~ /~

4] ~ Jonsvatn (lowerupperl ) 40 ' ~=~SHO . . . . . . . . . .

1 ~ - - - ~ 1 ~ "/
"~l~ll~ll~k~_ . ~ 1 L K T ~

B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
_ "il
Sr K Rb Ba To Nb Ce P Zr Hf SmTi Y Yb ScCr Sr K Rb Be ToNbCe P Zr Hf SmTi Y YbSc Cr
o.u E . . . . . . . . . . . . . !

FIG. 2. Rock/MORB diagrams (Pearce 1980) for: (a) the pre-uppermost Arenig ophiolites; (b) the
Llanvirn-Caradoc ophiolitic greenstones; (c) Sm¢la metabasites; (d) H01onda basic porphyrites and
Sn&sa upper basic lava unit; and (e) a compilation of data for comparison purposes from Cenozoic
and Mesozoic active continental margins and ensimatic island-arc complexes, showing the fields from
both environments of island-arc tholeiites (IAT), calc-alkaline basalts (CAB) and shoshonitic basalts
(SHO). Data from: Atherton et al. (1979); Brown et al. (1977); Dostal et al. (1977); Jakes & White
(1972); Jakes & Gill (1974); Lopez-Escobar et al. (1977); Mackenzie & Chappel (1972); Meijer &
Reagan (1981); Morrison (1980); Myashiro (1974); Saunders et al. (1980); Siegers et aL (1969).

of spreading-ridge ophiolites. MORB- complexes is generally fairly uniform, the

normalized trace-element diagrams show nearly uppermost lavas of the Grefstadfjell area are
flat trends (Fig. 2a). The slight enrichment of somewhat anomalous with a more primitive
the large ion lithophile (LIL) elements, Sr, K, character, in places approaching komatiitic
Rb and Ba, may not be diagnostic in view of the compositions (P. D. Ryan, unpublished data).
mobility of these elements (Humphris & However, the incompatible-element ratios are
Thompson 1978), but for all three complexes comparable to those of the lower, MORB-like,
average contents of high field strength (HFS) major part of the complex.
elements are close to or only slightly above
those typical of tholeiitic rocks of mid-ocean
ridges. Also, tectonic environment discrimina- Younger greenstone units
tion based on stable elements only, such as in The thick basaltic sequences of Forbordfjell,
Ti-Zr-Y and Ti-Cr diagrams (Grenne et al. Jonsvatn, Frosta and Sn~savatn (upper lavas)
1980; P. D. Ryan, unpublished data), clearly show tholeiitic fractionation trends similar to
demonstrates the OFB affinity of these com- those of the older ophiolites. The earliest lavas
plexes. Although the composition of the three in these units are characterized by a hint of
240 D. R o b e r t s et al.

within-plate basalt geochemistry (Grenne & The Snhsavatn lower lavas are chemically
Roberts 1980; Roberts 1982a,b), reflected in very similar to the H¢londa porphyrites (Fig.
Fig. 2b by a slight enrichment of most incom- 2d); clear calc-alkaline trends, together with
patible elements (including the LIL elements) levels of HFS elements that are far too high for
and a decreasing trend towards Y and Yb. island-arc lavas, again indicate an origin close to
Higher in the sequence the composition a continental margin. The comparatively low Zr
changes towards more normal MORB, contents of the rhyolites and dacites from the
although the youngest basalts at Forbordfjell central-southern areas (Table 1) are also diag-
and Jonsvatn revert to slight within-plate nostic of subduction-related acidic volcanism
tholeiitic characteristics. Details of the (Pearce 1980). Furthermore, the clear pre-
geochemistry are given by Grenne & Roberts dominance of acidic effusive rocks in this upper
(1980). part of the sequence is also strongly suggestive
of an active continental margin environment,
rather than an island-arc origin (Jakes & White
Subduction-related igneous activity
The Sm01a suite of high-Al basalts, andesites,
dacites and minor rhyolites defines a typical
calc-alkaline fractionation trend (Roberts
1980). Trace-element ratios and abundances in
the basic members (Fig. 2c) conform to those of The Ordovician magmatic and sedimentary
island-arc calc-alkaline basalts, with charac- sequences in the W Trondheim region are
teristically high LIL/HFS element ratios, low interpreted as having accumulated in a back-arc
Ta and Nb, and a low, generally decreasing marginal basin. The interpretation that an arc-
trend from Zr towards Yb. An ensimatic arc basin couplet is represented is based on vol-
origin for these rocks is suggested by the pre- canic stratigraphy and geochemistry, as well as
dominance of basalt and basaltic andesite. on sedimentological studies. The occurrence of
Elsewhere in the region, intrusive quartz ophiolite complexes, in some cases with interca-
porphyrites of tonalitic composition (Table 1) lated fossiliferous dark shales, indicates that,
are the first non-ophiolite magmatic products. prior to Silurian tectonic disruption, the basin
The intrusions were contemporaneous with the was sited above a zone of crustal dilation
late Arenig-early Llanvirn uplift of the early associated with accretion of oceanic lithosphere
ophiolites. By comparison with similar low-K at a spreading ridge. The nature of the sedimen-
acidic rocks elsewhere (Payne & Strong 1979; tary infill argues against a major ocean envi-
Size 1981), and as shown experimentally by ronment, whereas several of the features out-
Helz (1976), it is suggested that these magmas lined above accord with the marginal basin
formed by small degrees of melting of a basaltic interpretation. The late Cambrian-early
source, possibly the amphibolitic lower parts of Ordovician Finnmarkian orogeny (Sturt 1978;
the ophiolites which may have suffered partial Roberts & Sturt 1980; Ryan & Sturt 1984)
fusion in connection with uplift and displace- pre-dated the basin development. In the Trond-
ment of this oceanic crust. heim region this orogeny included eastward
The H01onda porphyrites, of basaltic to obduction of pre-mid-Arenig ocean floor and
andesitic composition, show calc-alkaline frac- immature arc products on to a continental mar-
tionation trends (unpublished data). However, gin complex.
the incompatible elements towards Ti (Fig. 2d) In the Grefstadfjell area, the oldest recorded
are distinctly enriched compared to normal Lower Hovin Group sediments of the Lo For-
island-arc calc-alkaline basalts. The high con- mation (mid-Arenig, Ca 2: Ryan et al. 1980)
tents of LIL elements in the basic porphyrites define a minimum age for the Finnmarkian
conform to this 'enriched' nature and suggest event. The formation comprises limestones and
that, although these elements are susceptible to graphitic quartz siltstones of continental deriva-
alteration during sea-floor weathering and tion (Ryan & Williams 1984). At this time
metamorphism, abundances of elements such as there was rapid generation of oceanic crust,
Sr, K, Rb and Ba are not greatly altered from now represented by the ophiolite sequences at
the original values in these thick massive flows LCkken, Grefstadfjell and Vassfjell. The pet-
and subvolcanic intrusions. Such high K20 / rochemistry of these basalts is that of normal
Na20 ratios and high alkali and HFS element MORB; interbedded sediments are Mn-shales,
contents (Table 1) are more typical of calc- cherts, jasper and 'vasskis', as well as cuprifer-
alkaline basalts of active continental margins ous massive sulphide orebodies. Such an associ-
than of island arcs (e.g. Jakes & White 1972). ation suggests the existence of thin oceanic
Ordovician marginal basin development 241

crust forming the floor to a basin dilating by intermediate-type crust, the calc-alkaline
accretion of mantle-derived magmas. basalts at Snhsavatn are of a more continental
Cessation of spreading and basalt generation margin character. This maturing of the Sm¢la
was marked by development of locally thick rocks, contemporaneous with a migration of
accumulations of breccias which, in the Vass- continental margin-type volcanism east- or
fjell area, are of olistostrome character, compris- southeastwards (to the H¢londa and Snhsavatn
ing mega-blocks derived mainly from the adja- areas), is thought to relate to a constriction of
cent ophiolite. This development, in late Arenig the back-arc marginal basin.
times, may relate to local abortive obduction or The thick, pillowed to massive, variolitic
intra-basinal disruption of the oceanic crust, lavas of the Forbordfjell and Jonsvatn com-
coeval with a temporary change to a compres- plexes are evidence that in mid-Ordovician
sive or transpressive regime, with the breccias times in the main basin there was a second
accumulating both ahead of, and along faults spreading stage. Geochemically, these lavas dif-
within, the rising ophiolite. In some areas the fer from the earlier ophiolitic basalts in that
intrusion of tonalitic quartz porphyrites was both the early and the late lavas are enriched in
contemporaneous with and immediately suc- incompatible elements and are of within-plate
ceeded breccia formation. Late Arenig-early type (Grenne & Roberts 1980), reflecting a
Llanvirn basaltic to andesitic porphyrites that thickening crust to the marginal basin. How-
intrude sheared LCkken basaltic greenstones ever, the bulk of the lavas are of MORB type,
suggest that, locally, the uplift and dissection of with no hint of subduction-zone influence; the
the ophiolites was accompanied by penetrative Frosta basalts are similar. The upper lavas of
deformation. the Snhsavatn area are also of ocean-floor type,
The non-ophiolitic component of the breccias though with a trace of within-plate characteris-
varies between complexes. Fragments of the tics, and are of broadly equivalent age. These
tonalitic rocks are abundant in the breccias basalts, succeeding the calc-alkaline lavas, a r e
above the LOkken basalts, the Vassfjell olistos- thought to reflect an oceanward migration of
trome contains blocks of island-arc calc-alkaline the subduction zone and arc, with marginal
rocks (T. Grenne, unpublished data), and the basin accretion thus taking over up-sequence.
Grefstadfjell breccias contain material that is Alternatively, they may have formed in a nar-
similar to the H¢londa porphyrites. These brec- rower ensialic basin where adjacent subduction
cias may thus record the passage of the ophiol- had ceased (cf. Saunders & Tarney, this vol-
ite slabs through different segments of the mar- ume).
ginal basin. Following the second period of tholeiitic
The tonalitic intrusions are believed to be basalt generation, immediate uplift is recorded
derived from the melting of a basaltic source, as in locally thick conglomerates. The overlying
there is no indication in their composition of sediments, at least in central and northern dis-
continental crust derivatives. However, the late tricts, reflect a deepening of the depositional
Arenig-early Llanvirn H01onda porphyrites, environment into Caradoc-Ashgill times. Over
lavas and subvolcanic intrusions are composi- this period the volcanism changed from basic
tionally closer to continental margin rocks than and intermediate to acidic with the incoming
to island arc. These rocks are temporally closely of dacite and rhyolite lavas (Carstens 1960;
associated with the richly fossiliferous H01onda Loeschke 1976). These are of continental margin
Limestone (Neuman & Bruton 1974; Berg- character and indicate that subduction was still
str6m 1979). This suggests that the ophiolite active in a gradually more evolved continental
slabs, with their associated oceanic sediments, margin environment. The acidic volcanics tend
were either uplifted or perhaps subject to abor- to thin northwards and tufts are dominant in the
tive obduction on to the continental margin deeper parts of the basin. Lavas are well
where sediments of the Lo and Bogo Forma- developed in the shallower-water SW areas
tions accumulated and the H¢londa porphyrites where ignimbrites occur locally. There, the
were emplaced during latest Arenig-early boundary between the Lower and Upper Hovin
Llanvirn times. This event was broadly coeval Groups is an unconformity, marked by uplift
with the construction of a magmatic arc of dis- and gentle folding (Ryan et al. 1980). In the
tinctive calc-alkaline chemical character, rep- Forbordfjell-Frosta district, to the N, the con-
resented on Sm01a and possibly at Sn~savatn, tact is conformable within a sequence of fairly
where associated limestones have some faunal deep-marine turbidites and debris-flow con-
affinity with the H¢londa Limestone. While the glomerates. These turbidites and debris flows
Sm¢la rocks are ensimatic, though they were deposited in distal to proximal fan systems
matured during gradual thickening towards and submarine canyons, respectively (Pedersen
242 D. Roberts et al.

1981). Palaeocurrent directions indicate trans- ing oceanic lithosphere. The magmatic activity
port from both NW and SE into a longitudinal represented on Sm¢la and at H¢londa supports
or axial dispersal system with current flow from this model, the Sm¢la rocks being of evolved
NE to SW. The depositional basin thus nar- island-arc character whereas most of the volcan-
rowed and became shallower towards the NE ics at H¢londa to the E are more like a continen-
(Pedersen 1981), a feature previously tal margin type. The spatial and temporal varia-
developed in Llanvirn times. tions of spreading ridge, island-arc and conti-
In the N, the flysch-type deposition with nental margin-type volcanism suggest a model
abundant conglomerates and pebbly mudstones involving at least two phases of widening and
continued into the Caradoc to ?lowermost subsequent rapid narrowing of the marginal
Llandovery Upper Hovin Group, although basin with displacement of the trench and sub-
shallower-water sandstones appear higher in duction zone southeastwards close to the conti-
the sequence. In the S, coarse-grained vol- nental margin.
canogenic sediments and acidic volcanic rocks With reference to the major plate tectonic
overlie limestones. The volcanogenic sedi- configuration, it is suggested that the marginal
ments, which are the youngest pre-Devonian basin and arc were located in the eastern part of
sediments known in the district, contain abun- the Iapetus, adjacent to either the Baltoscan-
dant polycrystalline quartz in sandstones and dian plate or an elongate microcontinental plate
quartzite cobbles in conglomerates derived separated from the Baltoscandian plate by a
from an easterly source. marine gulf (Roberts 1980). However, the
Thus the late Arenig-Caradoc evolutionary Arenig-mid-Llanvirn faunas in the sediments
history of the basin records a varied sedimen- deposited within the marginal basin are largely
tary and magmatic development, including of North American affinity. Clearly, any model
oceanic lithosphere accretion and related which is based solely on these faunas belonging
pelagic sedimentation through to turbiditic strictly to either the North American or the Bal-
infilt, with a coeval magmatic arc to the NW of toscandian plate is too simplistic. The com-
the main basin. Sediment dispersal patterns in promise model involving an elongate microcon-
the S mainly indicate a southeasterly continen- tinental plate within the Iapetus, with arc and
tal source, and further N palaeocurrents indi- basin volcanism and sedimentation related to a
cate submarine dispersal from both NW and SE destructive plate margin along its NW side,
into a marine trough deepening to the SW. offers the most satisfactory explanation of the
Clast material from the NW was predominantly current palaeontological, geochemical and
derived from the arc and adjacent shelf lime- sedimentological data.
stones, and that from the SE was largely of con-
tinental derivation (Pedersen 1981). The bulk ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors are grateful to
of the evidence thus suggests the presence of a Drs D. L. Bruton and H. Furnes for written and oral
continental block along the E or SE margin of discussion on points arising from this manuscript, and
the basin, with the arc constructed to the W of to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful com-
the basin, above easterly dipping and subduct- ments before the final revision.

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D. ROBERTS, Norges Geologiske UndersCkelse, Postboks 3006, 7001 Trondheim,

T. GRENNE,Geologisk Institutt, Norges Tekniske H0gskole, 7034 Trondheim-NTH,
P. D. RVAN, Department of Geology, University College, Galway, Ireland.
The Ordovician marginal basin of Wales

B. P. Kokelaar, M. F. Howells, R. E. Bevins, R. A. Roach & P. N. Dunkley

SUMMARY: The Lower Palaeozoic Welsh Basin was founded on immature continental
crust. During late Precambrian-early Cambrian times, volcanism and sedimentation were
influenced by NE-SW-trending faults which defined the NW and SE margins of the basin.
During the Cambrian, marine sediments infilled a graben and at the end of the Tremadoc
widespread tectonism was associated with an island-arc volcanic episode. In the
Ordovician this subduction-related activity was succeeded by mainly tholeiitic volcanism
related to back-arc extension, with the locus of arc volcanism sited further N, in the Lake
District--Leinster Zone of the Caledonides. In Wales, the Ordovician volcanic activity
shifted in time and space. In S Wales volcanism persisted from the middle Arenig through
the Llanvirn. In N Wales the volcanism can be broadly divided into dominantly
pre-Caradoc activity in southern Snowdonia and an intra-Caradoc episode in central and
northern Snowdonia. In eastern Wales, including the Welsh Borderland, and in Ll~,n, both
episodes are represented. In all areas faults greatly influenced both volcanism and
sedimentation. Intrusive activity was dominated by high-level emplacement of sills.
Granite (s.l.) stocks are restricted to central and northern Snowdonia and Ll~n and many
were coeval with extrusive volcanism.
Volcanism in the basin was essentially bimodal with voluminous eruptions of tholeiitic
basalts with ocean-floor affinities, and of rhyolites. Minor volumes of andesite to
rhyodacite resulted from low-pressure fractional crystallization of the tholeiitic basalts.
Available evidence suggests that the rhyolites resulted mainly from crustal fusion,
although in some instances evolution by crystal fractionation from intermediate magma
has been proposed. Calc-alkaline assemblages are petrographically distinct, of minor
occurence and, contrary to previous conclusions, are relatively insignificant in the
characterization of the tectonic environment of the basin.
Throughout the basin, volcanism was generally succeeded by deposition of black muds
and then turbidite-dominated sequences.

The major outcrops of Ordovician igneous subaqueous emplacement and welding of silicic
rocks in Wales and the Welsh Borderland are tufts is likely and does occur, and it is now
shown in Fig. 1. In N Wales these rocks were argued (e.g. Howells & Leveridge 1980) that
first described in detail by Ramsay (1881). In a the environment was dominantly marine and
distinguished essay, Harker (1889) described that the few determinable volcanic islands were
the petrography of the volcanic rocks, defined small and short-lived.
possible centres and even postulated the extent In SW Wales notable early investigations are
of related extrusions. Later work concentrated recorded in accounts of the volcanic rocks on
on establishing the lithostratigraphical detail in Ramsey Island (Kidd 1814) and around Fish-
selected areas, and the broad biostratigraphical guard (Reed 1895). The first detailed studies of
divisions (for references see Bassett 1969). the volcanic successions were made by Cox
Apart from a few expressions of doubt, notably (1915, 1930), Cox & Jones (1914), Cox et al.
by Dakyns & Greenly (1905) and Williams (1930a,b), Pringle (1930) and Thomas & Cox
(1927), the early consensus was that, because (1924), and later by Evans (1945) and Thomas
the extrusive rocks were interbedded with & Thomas (1956). Recently, the principal aim
marine sedimentary rocks, they had been em- of investigations (Bevins 1979; Bevins & Roach
placed in a submarine environment. However, 1979a,b; Kokelaar 1982; Kokelaar et al., this
with the independent recognition by Oliver volume; Lowman & Bloxam 1981) has been a
(1954) and by N. Rast, R. V. Beavon and F. J. modern interpretation of the sequences in terms
Fitch (summarized by Fitch 1967) that many of of environments and emplacement processes.
the rhyolites are welded ash-flow tufts, this To the E, near Llandeilo, the lithostratigra-
assumption was revised in the belief that such phy and biostratigraphy of Llanvirn strata,
rocks could not form after subaqueous em- which include volcanic rocks, has been
placement. Consequently the palaeogeographic described by Williams (1953), Lockley & Wil-
setting was modified to account for widespread liams (1981) and Williams et al. (1981), and the
and repeated emergence of land. Recently, nature of Caradoc igneous rocks around Llan-
theoretical considerations (Sparks et al. 1980) wrtyd Wells was reported by Stamp & Wooldrige
and field evidence (see below) have shown that (1923). The igneous rocks of the Builth-Llan-

246 B. P. Kokelaar et al.



-53°N / h



Ber wy.n Dome

~¢ ~ -k ~ Fault
. Z. :"'.,',::'.'... J
SILURIAN ~der ~ ~ S h e l v e Inlier
~ CAMBRIAN °........•



J ~ ) "...
~ "

. . .;
~\0 "';°..'°"°.,°
Is, Llandeilo

0k 1m
10 20I ~ 30t 40I
L ~ ? "~ 7'~

4 ° W

FIG. 1. Simplified geology of the Welsh Basin. (A--Arenigs; Ab--Abereiddi; B--Bangor;
Ba--Bala; BH--Breidden Hills; CCF--Carreg Cennen Fault; F--Foel Fras Volcanic Complex;
L--Llanberis; M--Migneint; Mo~Moelwyns and Manods; N--Newcastle Emlyn; P--Pendawdd;
R--Rhiw; S--Snowdon).

drindod Inlier (hereafter abbreviated to the gave an account of the complex form of nearby
Builth Inlier) were described in detail following basic intrusions of Caradoc age.
the mapping of Jones & Pugh (1941, 1946, The igneous rocks of the Shelve and Breid-
1948a,b, 1949). These authors described an den Hills areas have been described by Blyth
Ordovician shoreline with reworking of predo- (1938, 1944) and Watts (1885, 1925), and the
minantly subaerial Llanvirn volcanic rocks, and palaeogeography of tufts in the Berwyn Dome
O r d o v i c i a n m a r g i n a l basin o f Wales 247
has been discussed in detail by Brenchley the Precambrian basement is indicated by re-
(1972, 1978) and Brenchley & Pickerill (1980). peated activation, during the Palaeozoic, of cer-
Recently the Welsh Ordovician igneous rocks tain fault zones. A strong N E - S W grain is evi-
have figured significantly in numerous models dent, both at the margins and within the basin,
of Caledonide plate tectonics (e.g. Fitton & and a lesser N-S grain is also determinable (see
Hughes 1970; Phillips et al. 1976; Fitton et al. below). The N E - S W lineaments in particular
1982), and there is a consensus that they were probably reflect major tectonic discontinuities
emplaced in an ensialic basinal environment, in the basement.
which developed along a destructive plate mar- Faunal evidence (Cocks & Fortey 1982) indi-
gin associated with closure of the Iapetus Ocean cates that, during the Arenig and lower Llan-
to the NW. virn, New Brunswick, E Newfoundland, S Bri-
In this paper recent detailed field and petro- tain, France and Bohemia constituted the
chemical studies of the major outcrops of northern margin of Gondwanaland, located at
Ordovician igneous rocks in the Welsh Basin southern hemisphere cold temperate to subarc-
are summarized, to demonstrate the volcanic tic latitudes. Studies of palaeomagnetism, how-
and associated sedimentary and tectonic pro- ever, indicate southern tropical latitudes (Piper
'cesses that occurred, and to revise existing 1978; Smith et al. 1973, 1981). Disparate
views concerning the petrochemistry and hence faunas in the Baltic region are attributed
the tectonic affinities of the basin. Detailed (Cocks & Fortey 1982) to separation from
descriptions, maps and interpretations of sev- Gondwanaland by an intervening true ocean,
eral of the volcanic terranes are given separately Tornquist's Sea. At this time both Gondwana-
in a field guide (Kokelaar et al., this volume). land and Baltica were separated by the Iapetus
Correlations of Ordovician strata across the Ocean from the equatorially situated North
basin are imprecise and there is a wealth of American continent. Closure of Tornquist's Sea
parochial lithostratigraphical nomenclature during the Caradoc is indicated by faunal simi-
(see Allen 1982). In order to emphasize proces- larity between S Britain and Baltica from the
ses, this paper treats the major outcrops sepa- Ashgill through the Silurian. Also, from
rately with minimal use of formal terminology. Caradoc times earlier faunal distinctions be-
The base of the Arenig is taken as the base of tween opposing sides of the Iapetus Ocean
the Ordovician. A revised Ordovician timescale began to diminish, heralding its late-Silurian-
(McKerrow et al. in press) indicates a 57 Ma early-Devonian closure.
duration, with the beginning of the Arenig at The development of the Ordovician basin of
492 Ma, the Llanvirn at 470 Ma, the Llandeilo Wales was broadly contemporaneous with sub-
at 461 Ma, the Caradoc at 454 Ma and the aerial and submarine transitional tholeiitic
Ashgill at 442 Ma. and calc-alkaline arc volcanism in the Lake
District-Leinster Zone, which presently
lies to the NW, beyond the Precambrian of the
Basement and general tectonic setting Anglesey (Irish Sea) Horst (Stillman & Francis
1979). Most plate tectonic models (e.g. Phillips
The Lower Palaeozoic rocks of Wales accumu-
et al. 1976; Fitton et al. 1982) indicate south-
lated on continental crust which extended in a
easterly subduction of Iapetus oceanic litho-
belt from the Midland Platform in Britain,
sphere from a trench NW of the Lake Dis-
through SE Newfoundland and New Bruns-
trict-Leinster arc, even though no associated
wick, into the NE Appalachians (Kennedy
fore-arc terrane has been positively identified
1979). Radiometric evidence suggests that in
and the original relative positions of the Ang-
Britain this basement is mostly younger than c.
lesey Horst and the Lake District, and hence
900 Ma, although slivers of older crust may be
the Welsh Basin and the arc to the NW, are
present (Thorpe et al. 1984; see also Hamp-
uncertain. The presence of a volcanic arc to the
ton & Taylor 1983). It comprises gneisses,
NW places the Welsh Basin in a back-arc setting
schists and igneous rocks with calc-alkaline
with a subjacent mantle wedge and subduction
affinities, overlain by low-grade, commonly
zone. Whilst suspecting that future work will
flyschoid sedimentary and various igneous
show this model to be a simplification, it is con-
rocks which locally range into the Lower Cam-
sidered the best available at present.
brian. The latter are mostly calc-alkaline pro-
ducts of ensialic volcanic arcs, although some
show affinities with ocean-floor basalts and Cambrian developments
others with continental tholeiites. The rocks Many major structures which influenced the
represent craton development, mainly by accre- development of the Ordovician basin in Wales
tion of volcanic arcs (Thorpe 1974, 1979; Rast were established before or during the Cam-
et al. 1976). A pronounced structural grain in brian.
248 B.P. K o k e l a a r et al.

In NW Wales the Anglesey Horst and the through shallow marine, to below wave base
fault zone along its SE side exerted a profound (Crimes 1970a). These strata are unconform-
influence on early Cambrian volcanism and ably overlain by further shallow-marine sedi-
sedimentation. In the Llanberis and Bangor ments (Solva Group), which contain clasts
regions more than 2 km of acidic ash-flow tuff derived from the Precambrian (Williams &
of the Arfon Group (Arvonian of Greenly Stead 1982) and are succeeded by black mud-
(1944); Reedman et al. 1984) was ponded in stones with turbidites in the upper part (Mene-
a narrow graben, bound on the NW by the vian Group: Rushton 1974). The overlying
Dinorwic Fault. Only minor volumes of tuff Lingula Flags, once thought to have resulted
escaped from the confines of the graben during from turbiditic input of coarse terrigenous
eruption, suggesting extremely rapid volcano- detritus (George 1970; Stead & Williams
tectonic subsidence. Similarly, the succeeding 1971), are now interpreted as having accumu-
sediments, including coarse alluvial and lated in an intertidal to subtidal environment
shallow-water sandstones, vary dramatically in (Turner 1977).
thickness and lithology and are related to con- The general derivation of detritus from the S
tinued movement along the Dinorwic Fault, and SE (Crimes 1970a) suggests reactivation
and along several other closely spaced NE- along a major basement fault or fault zone
trending faults, including the Aber Dinlle Fault which lay in this direction and defined the basin
(see Institute of Geological Sciences 1984). The margin.
NW limit of the Arfon Group probably lay To the ENE the Towy (Tywi) Anticline and
along the scarp-foot of the NE-trending Berw the Carreg Cennen Fault strike into the Pontes-
Fault on Anglesey (Reedman et al. 1984). ford-Linley and Church Stretton Faults (Fig.
Clear correlations in the Arfon Group across 1). This fault system defined the boundary be-
the faults on to Anglesey, and considerations of tween the Midland Platform to the SE and the
provenance, show that there have been no sub- Cambrian and Ordovician basins to the NW.
stantial transcurrent movements on the faults East of the fault system, a sequence of Cam-
since deposition of the Arfon Group (Reedman brian shallow-water sandstones and carbonates,
et al. 1984; cf. Nutt & Smith 1981). The 700 m thick, oversteps the platform (basement)
faults are the first indication of a profound and numerous tectonically induced breaks with
crustal weakness which was to be repeatedly either erosion or non-deposition can be deter-
activated and would define the NW margin of mined. These sediments contrast markedly with
the Ordovician marginal basin. Historic earth- thicker, deeper-water, clastic-dominated se-
quakes along the Dinorwic Fault (Wood 1974) quences to the W, although by late Cambrian
testify to its continued movement. The faults times extensive open-sea conditions were estab-
are here collectively referred to as the Menai lished across most of the area (Bassett 1980).
Straits Fault System (Fig. 1), although no fault In the late Tremadoc a major episode of tec-
actually lies in the straits. tonism and volcanism terminated the Cambrian
Faults, with probable basement control, basinal sedimentation (Kokelaar 1977, 1979;
influenced sedimentation in the succeeding Kokelaar et al. 1982). In N Wales most basal
Llanberis Slates Formation (Howells et al., in Arenig strata show either disconformable or
press), with coarse turbiditic sandstones inter- low-angle unconformable relationships with
bedded with silty mudstones infilling rifted mainly Upper Cambrian strata (Mawddach
depressions (Webb 1983). Correlation between Group: Allen et al. 1981), but to the N of Llan-
the thick Cambrian succession of greywackes, beris there is major overstep of the Cambrian,
sandstones, siltstones and mudstones in the with the Arenig resting on the Arfon Group in
Harlech Dome (Institute of Geological Sciences the Bangor area (Wood 1969; Reedman et al.
1982) and the succession about Llanberis is 1983) and on the Precambrian on Anglesey.
extremely difficult, but from S to N there is a Clearly, the Menai Straits Fault System had
marked thinning due both to active faulting, been reactivated.
which restricted accumulation, and to late Along the E side of the Harlech Dome,
Cambrian overstep (George 1963). Cambrian sediments were folded, faulted and
In SW Wales the Cambrian succession rests locally eroded prior to subaerial eruption and
unconformably on late Precambrian andesite shallow subvolcanic intrusion of magmas with
lavas and tufts, granites, granophyres and dior- distinct island-arc characteristics transitional
ites. Above a thin basal conglomerate, the between low-K tholeiitic and calc-alkaline
lower Cambrian sequence (Caerfai Group) (Kokelaar 1977, 1979). The volcano, partly
records a transgression with deepening of the preserved as the Rhobell Volcanic Complex,
depositional environment from intertidal, was centred over a N - S basement weakness
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales 249

known as the Rhobell Fracture. As well as Sedimentation

influencing the location of the volcano, this The Arenig sediments are mostly composed
defined the E margin of a newly emergent horst of a thin, impersistent basal conglomeratic
of Cambrian strata, the proto-Harlech Dome. sandstone with phosphatic oncoliths (the so-
The Mochras Fault (Fig. 1) may represent the called Bolopora undosa: Hofmann 1975), over-
complementary basement weakness (Kokelaar lain by quartzose and feldspathic sandstones,
1977, 1979). Tectonism along the Rhobell Frac- laminated sandstones and silty mudstones, and
ture persisted through and outlived the volcanic tuffites. The sediment constituents indicate two
episode such that the volcanic complex was main sources; the quartz grains from uplift and
folded, faulted and deeply eroded before being erosion of thick greywackes of Cambrian age,
unconformably overlain by the basal Arenig. and feldspars and lithic clasts from igneous
This volcanic-arc episode, also represented in S rocks of the late Tremadoc volcanic-arc
Wales by the Trefgarn Volcanic Group of Tre- episode. In the Migneint area, sparse meta-
madoc or lowermost Arenig age, is considered morphic clasts indicate a lesser source, poss-
to mark the beginning of the southeasterly sub- ibly in the Precambrian rocks of the Anglesey
duction of Iapetus lithosphere that eventually Horst (Lynas 1973).
led to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean. Clasts SE of the Bala Fault, in the Arans, thick and
of igneous rock from this volcanic episode are coarse alluvial conglomerates, composed of
common in the lowermost Arenig strata in N clasts of Tremadoc volcanic-arc igneous rock,
Wales and indicate that the arc volcanoes were accumulated along and just NW of a fault-scarp
extensive. However, the widespread Arenig with uplift on the SE (cf. Dunkley 1978). The
transgression reflected a distinct change in tec- source of this material must have lain to the E
tonic conditions and heralded the development or SE, indicating the former existence of the
of the Ordovician marginal basin (Kokelaar igneous rocks far beyond their present outcrops
1979; Dunkley 1979). (see Institute of Geological Sciences 1982).
Northwest of the Bala Fault, along the E side of
the proto-Harlech Dome (horst), block move-
ments along N-S faults dominated patterns of
The Ordovician marginal basin erosion and sedimentation and reflected reacti-
The most extensive outcrop of Ordovician vation of the Rhobell Fracture. Here the
strata in N Wales (Fig. 1) forms a belt around Arenig rocks over most of the outcrop have
the S, E and N margins of the Harlech Dome been interpreted as reflecting delta prograda-
(southern Snowdonia), extending to a broad fion over the erosion surface recently sub-
synclinorium further N (central and northern merged between horsts, later giving way to
Snowdonia). On the western edge of the latter more general marine conditions (Lynas 1973;
outcrop Cambrian rocks are exposed but Ridgeway 1976; Kokelaar 1979). Flaggy feld-
further W an Ordovician sequence occurs in spathic sandstones, interbedded with mud- (Lleyn). To the E of Snowdonia the stones containing a restricted graptolite fauna,
Ordovician is overlain by the Silurian but reap- occur near the top ot the Arenig sequence in
pears further E in the Berwyn Dome. Other the Arenigs and indicate a shallow subtidal
major outcrops occur in SW Wales, in E Wales environment (Zalasiewcz 1982).
in the Builth Inlier and near Llanwrtyd Wells, The overlying sequence, through the Llan-
and along the Welsh Borderland, most notably virn and probably into the early Caradoc, is
in the Shelve Inlier and the Breidden Hills area. dominated by volcanic rocks which are inter-
bedded with marine siltstones and mudstones,
without widespread influxes of coarse ter-
rigenes. Coarse sandstones do occur locally and
Southern Snowdonia
their high content of volcanic clasts and
Around the Cambrian rocks of the Harlech restricted occurrence suggest that they are
Dome, the Ordovician rocks crop out from the directly related to local uplift and reworking.
Cader Idris escarpment in the S, through the Desiccation cracks in mudstones associated
Aran and Arenig Mountains (referred to as the with the volcanics about the Arenigs (Zalasiew-
Arans and Arenigs respectively) on the E, to icz 1982) reflect temporary emergence.
the Manod and Moelwyn Mountains (Manods Chamositic algal concretions in mudstones in
and Moelwyns) in the N. The sequence is domi- the Arans indicate a low rate of detrital
nated by volcanic rocks of Arenig--early sedimentation in an environment interpreted as
Caradoc age. shallow marine (Dunkley 1978).
Throughout southern Snowdonia the vol-
250 B . P . Kokelaar et al.

canic rocks are overlain by mudstones and silt- density turbidity current deposits. The thinning
stones of early Caradoc age with little evidence of the sequence is mainly attributable to uplift
of reworking. Most of the succeeding Caradoc on the SE side of the Bala Fault, which is also
and Ashgill strata are argillaceous. The upper- reflected in the sediments (see above; Dunkley
most beds of Caradoc age are pelagic black 1978). Dunkley (1979) considered that, in the
graptolitic mudstones which were deposited at Arans in contrast to elsewhere, each of the
this time across most of the basin in N Wales. three lower acidic ash-flow tufts were emplaced
These are overlain by mudstones, siltstones and eroded subaerially prior to rapid subsi-
and, locally, sandstones of Ashgill age. These dence and re-establishment of marine condi-
sediments generally become more turbiditic tions. However, with no evidence of reworking
upwards and hence similar to the succeeding at the top of the uppermost multiple ash-flow
Silurian strata. tuft unit, which is intercalated with and overlain
by mudstones, subaqueous emplacement was
Volcanism interpreted.
The volcanic rocks and their associated sedi- To the N of the Arans, the Aran Volcanic
ments in the Ordovician of southern Snowdonia Group can be traced from the Bala Fault
have recently been termed the Aran Volcanic northwards into the Arenigs (Zalasiewcz 1982)
Group (Ridgway 1975; Dunkley 1978; 1979; and the Migneint area (Lynas 1973). In this
Institute of Geological Sciences 1982). The age direction successive formations overlap and the
of the group ranges through the Arenig to poss- sequence thins. The lower acidic rocks comprise
ibly early Caradoc. In the S, on Cader Idris, two subaqueously emplaced non-welded ash-
there is an alternating sequence, up to 2 km flow tufts, massive at the base and thinly bed-
thick, of acid and basic extrusive rocks with ded at the top due to secondary sloughing of
interbedded sediments (Cox 1925; Davies tuff which was subsequently redeposited from
1959). The acidic horizons are mainly of rhyoli- sediment gravity flows or suspension. Subaque-
tic ash-flow tufts, both welded and non-welded, ous emplacement is readily interpreted in the
and the basic rocks comprise two horizons of succeeding sequences of basaltic pillow lavas,
basaltic pillow lavas and thin tufts interbedded hyaloclastites, slumped thick agglomeratic and
with graptolitic mudstones. By their sedimen- crystal tufts, and tuffites. These vary consider-
tary association and lack of extensive rework- ably in thickness and lithology along strike, and
ing, the volcanic rocks are interpreted as having wedge-out laterally into marine siltstones and
been subaqueously emplaced. Several major mudstones. The tuftites range from coarse peb-
and minor dolerite sills, and semi-concordant ble to fine silt in grade and display bedding
and transgressive bodies of granophyre, also from massive to thin and flaggy. Although they
occur. SW of Cader Idris a N-S oriented fault are predominantly of basaltic composition, an
was active, to the W of which several volcanic intermediate and acid component is present in
and sedimentary horizons are missing and are places. As in the Arans, these are interpreted as
replaced by a condensed sequence of nodular having accumulated from debris and turbiditic
and oolitic mudstones and ironstones with flows which redistributed previously emplaced,
non-sequences (Jones 1933; Dunkley 1979). or stored (Carey & Sigurdsson, this volume),
To the NE, in the Arans, a similar bimodal pyroclastic debris, and locally incorporated
alternation of extrusive rocks is recognized sediment from the basin floor.
(Dunkley 1978, 1979), although in this direc- In the Arenigs, high-level penecontem-
tion the group shows overstep and thins consid- poraneous dacite domes intrude a sequence of
erably. The acidic rocks are represented by crystal tufts, debris flows and mudstones locally
thick, welded and non-welded, multiple ash- with desiccation cracks (see above; Zalasiewcz
flow tuft units, locally underlain by rhyolite 1982). Lynas (1973) recognized similar intru-
lavas and domes with carapaces of autobreccia sions further N in the Migneint area, and associ-
and surrounding aprons of poorly sorted, ated debris-flow breccias and volcanogenic
poorly bedded breccias resulting from their col- conglomerates were interpreted as resulting
lapse. The basic component is represented by directly from slumping of unlithified deposits
pillowed basalts, hyaloclastites and tufts, the caused by magma emplacement. However, this
latter indicating eruption above the Pressure association was restricted to the E of a penecon-
Compensation Level (Fisher, this volume). temporaneous N-S fault which profoundly
Common slumping of these basic extrusions, affected the basin-floor topography and associ-
together with the muds with which they were ated sedimentation pattern, and is attributable
interbedded, is indicated by the widespread and to the continued influence of the Rhobell Frac-
repeated occurrence of debris flow and high- ture (Kokelaar 1979).
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 251

The uppermost, multiple, acidic ash-flow tuff grained dolerite, but at successively shallower
unit of the Aran Volcanic Group extends across levels they are thinner, finer grained and show
the total outcrop on the E side of the Harlech pillowed and peperitic margins where they
Dome. Here the tufts are welded and non- interacted with wet host sediments and tufts
welded, generally massive, although locally during emplacement.
with ill-defined bedding, and typically comprise
shards, feldspar and quartz crystals, and few
Central and northern Snowdonia
lithic clasts, in a matrix originally of vitric dust.
Impersistent dust-tufts and breccias occur in From the Moelwyns in the S, the folded
places. The tufts overlie, and are themselves Ordovician strata form a broad outcrop about
overlain by, marine siltstones and the lack of the Snowdon massif and through northern
extensive reworking of the flow tops or incision Snowdonia to W of the Conwy Valley Fault,
by drainage channels suggests that they were where they lie in juxtaposition with Silurian
emplaced subaqueously, as in the Arans and on rocks to the E. The outcrop is dominated by
Cadet Idris, beneath wave base and away from volcanic rocks that lie almost entirely within
the influence of strong currents. The absense of the Caradoc.
intercalated sedimentary rocks suggests that
accumulation must have been rapid, although Sedimentation
mudstone is intercalated at one horizon in this The basal Arenig is locally marked by biotur-
sequence in the NE Arans. bated sandstones which lie with slight angular
In the Manods and Moelwyns area, on the N unconformity on Cambrian strata. To the NW
side of the Harlech Dome, the Aran Volcanic this unconformity is more pronounced (see
Group is dominated by rhyolite lavas with above and Reedman et al. 1983). These sand-
coeval high-level rhyolite sills and intrusive stones have been interpreted (Crimes 1970b) as
domes (Bromley 1965). A deeper, fault-bound, having been deposited within or near the inter-
boss-like intrusion indicates the site of a poss- tidal zone to below wave-base, with deposition
ible source, and the disposition of the rocks much affected by fault movements along the SE
about pronounced N-S faults suggests fault side of the Anglesey Horst.
influence in magma ascent and eventual dis- The overlying Arenig to early Caradoc strata
tribution. To the SW the group becomes domi- comprise a monotonous sequence of marine
nated by debris-flow breccias, tufts and tuffites mudstones, siltstones and impersistent sand-
which thin to a feather-edge further SW. stones (Howells et al. 1983), and there is no
Throughout the outcrops of the Aran Vol- indication here of the volcanism which domi-
canic Group the sources of the explosive acidic nates the lower Ordovician sequence in south-
eruptions are problematical. Davies (1959) ern Snowdonia. The strata reflect offshore
showed that a major transgressive granophyre sedimentation broadly keeping pace with subsi-
intrusion on Cadet Idris could be traced to the dence, although temporarily reduced rates of
uppermost tufts and suggested that it might sedimentation are indicated by impersistent
represent their source. Within the group in beds of pisolitic ironstone. Towards its top, the
the Arans, Dunkley (1979) recognized the sequence is dominantly of mudstones, which
remnants of an extrusive rhyolite dome, c. 600 possibly reflect a eustatic transgression (Leggett
m thick, which, with its subjacent intrusion, 1980). Locally developed slumped mudstones
might mark an eruptive centre. In the SW and mudstone breccias, at the top of the se-
Moelwyns, a volcanic neck, 260 m in diameter quence, reflect disruption of the basin floor by
and containing rhyolite lapilli tuff and breccia faulting and tilting immediately prior to the
with some accidental fragments, has been corre- onset of volcanism.
lated with tufts which lie stratigraphically some Two major volcanic groups have been deter-
460-600 m above (Bromley 1968). Such struc- mined, a lower, Llewelyn Volcanic Group and
tures are uncommon and are unlikely to rep- an upper, Snowdon Volcanic Group (Howells et
resent the vents of major eruptions. al. 1983). Sedimentation was little affected by
The basic volcanic rocks are more local in the early Llewelyn group volcanism. Marine
distribution than the rhyolitic tufts and there is mudstones and siltstones are intimately associ-
no expression of a major centre. Rather, the ated with the thick accumulations of extrusive
magma reached the surface step-wise via the rocks, which themselves show little evidence of
extensive basic sills and transgressive sills which reworking, suggesting that the volcanic piles
are virtually ubiquitous beneath the highest subsided rapidly and, or, were emplaced in deep
basic extrusive rocks. At depth in the sequence water. However, towards the top of the Llewe-
these intrusions are thickest and of coarse lyn Volcanic Group (in the Capel Curig Vol-
252 B.P. K o k e l a a r et al.

canic Formation) the associated sediments The Llewelyn Volcanic Group (Howells et al.
show a shallowing of the depositional environ- 1983) is largely confined to northern Snow-
ment, with incursions of coarse terrigenes, donia. Early eruptions from a number of
especially in the N of the district. These coarse penecontemporaneously active centres pro-
sandstones have been interpreted (Howells & duced petrographically distinct, local volcanic
Leveridge 1980) as the deposits of subaerial piles. In NE Snowdonia an acidic centre is
alluvial fans encroaching into the basin due to marked by high-level rhyolite intrusions with
rapid fault-block uplift to the N and W. From flow-folded and autobrecciated rhyolite lavas.
the NW to the SE a low-profile palaeoslope To the SW these lavas abut and interdigitate
developed, through a complex coastal zone, with porphyritic trachyandesite lavas and tufts
into a marine environment. The position of the erupted from a centre which in part is marked
coastline is interpreted as having been control- by intrusions of similar composition. These
led by an active N E - S W trending flexure, rocks constitute the Foel Fras Volcanic Com-
probably marking a concealed basement frac- plex (Fig. 1), a centre which is unique in this
ture, with subsidence to the SE. part of the basin in being dominated by magmas
This flexure continued to affect sedimenta- of an intermediate composition. To the S the
tion in the interval between the emplacement of lavas and tufts from this centre interdigitate
the Llewelyn and Snowdon Volcanic Groups with basalts, pillow breccias and hyaloclastites,
and similar facies variations can be determined, and also with welded rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs
with alluvial and fluvial sandstones in NE and lavas, the eruptive centre of which is marked
Snowdonia, thick-bedded, coarse-grained quart- by a rhyolite plug.
zose sandstones, locally cross-bedded and inter- As noted above, the volcanism producing
calated with siltstone in central Snowdonia, these lower piles in the Llewelyn Volcanic
and offshore mudstones and siltstones in E Group had little effect on the associated marine
Snowdonia. sediments. However, it is evident from varia-
Within the Snowdon Volcanic Group in cen- tions in the thickness of the volcanics and
tral Snowdonia there is no clear indication of associated sediments that locally both were
background sedimentation, though all the restricted during accumulation by active faults.
faunas in the volcaniclastic deposits are shallow Further to the S these volcanic rocks thin
marine. In NE Snowdonia siltstones and black through a zone of mixed tuffitic debris, isolated
graptolitic mudstones are intercalated with the tufts and thin lavas, to a feather-edge in marine
thick sequences of volcanic rocks which show siltstones on the W of the Snowdon massif
no signs of reworking, although some thin tur- (Howells et al., in press).
biditic sandstones can be distinguished. A rela- The upper part of the Llewelyn Volcanic
tively deep-water environment here is envis- Group (the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation) is
aged. restricted to N and E Snowdonia and represents
Widespread accumulation of pelagic black the first major phase of acidic ash-flow volcan-
graptolitic mudstones after Snowdon group vol- ism. It accumulated by eruptions from three
canism suggests general volcanic and tectonic centres, two of which were established in the
quiescence by this time. The mudstones are subaerial environment in the N of the district
equivalent to those seen in the uppermost part (see above), with the third at the edge of the
of the Caradoc in southern Snowdonia and offshore marine environment to the SE (How-
indeed throughout much of N Wales. From ells & Leveridge 1980). From the subaerial
strata preserved in NE Snowdonia, as in the S, sources, ash-flows transgressed from land into
sediments of Ashgill age compare more closely the sea where they retained sufficient heat to
with the tubiditic accumulations of the lower develop lobate bases by fluidization of sub-
Silurian than with the preceding Ordovician jacent unlithified sediments, and welded fabrics
strata. (Francis & Howells 1973; Kokelaar 1982). The
accumulation about the subaqueous centre is
Volcanism characterized by mass- and debris-flows from
The Caradoc volcanic rocks are predomin- previously emplaced pyroclastic debris, with few
antly of acid or basic composition. They mainly primary ash-flows. Accretionary lapilli tufts
belong to the Llewelyn Volcanic Group or around this third centre indicate that the erup-
Snowdon Volcanic Group, although there are tive column temporarily had a subaerial expres-
distinctive expressions of volcanism in the sion.
intervening sedimentary rocks throughout the In the predominantly sedimentary sequence
area, and also in the closely overlying strata in which separates the Llewelyn and Snowdon
the NE. Volcanic Groups, volcanic activity is reflected
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 253
in an extensive horizon of welded, rhyolitic Rhyolite Tuff Formation) comprises up to 600 m
ash-flow tufts in central and western Snowdonia of unbedded, mostly non-welded, rhyolitic ash-
(Pitt's Head Tuff and Llwyd Mawr Ignimbrite: flow tufts with local pyroclastic breccias at the
Roberts 1969), local basalt lavas and hyaloclas- base and bedded and reworked tufts, conglomer-
tires, and repeated thin beds of distal ash-fall atic in places, at the top (Howells et al., in press).
tuff (Howells et al. 1978, 1981). In the marine The basal deposits show faulting against subja-
sediments which occur immediately below and cent sediments which can only have occurred
above the ash-flow tufts in central Snowdonia, during emplacement of the tuff (see Kokelaar et
there is no obvious change of facies or composi- al., this volume). Late-stage rhyolite intrusions
tion and this, coupled with the lack of signs of within the main body of the tuff can be traced
subaerial erosion (such as incision by drainage into overlying autobrecciated flow-folded lavas.
channels), indicates subaqueous emplacement. Littoral erosion and minor unconformity with
To the S of Snowdon the top of the sequence is succeeding strata are evident on Snowdon. It is
marked by a thick wedge of breccias (the Llyn considered that this central area lies close to the
Dinas Breccias: Beavon 1963) which were source, which was mostly contained in a sub-
probably produced by the disruption of strata marine environment although a small island
during faulting and, or, as magma moved to a was eventually formed and immediately eroded
higher level immediately prior to the first major (see below). To the N of Snowdon the massive
eruption of the Snowdon Volcanic Group. The rhyolite tuff passes laterally into bedded tufts
breccias have been interpreted as representing which are intercalated with sedimentary rocks
sector collapse of a caldera wall (Beavon 1980). reflecting a continuously submarine environ-
Further N they are missing, and there is uncon- ment proximal to the volcanic centre (Fig. 2).
formity at the base of the Snowdon Volcanic To the E a more distal, deeper-water environ-
Group (see below). ment is defined where two subaqueously
The Snowdon Volcanic Group is essentially emplaced, non-welded, rhyolitic ash-flow tufts
that defined by Williams (1927). In the vicinity are interbedded with marine siltstones and
of Snowdon it is composed predominantly of mudstones (Howells et al. 1973). These two
volcanic rocks, broadly with an acid-basic-acid ash-flows probably changed from being hot
cycle, whereas to the N and E intercalations of gas-charged to cool water-saturated, during
volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks occur transport from their source near Snowdon.
increasingly. In central Snowdonia the lowest formation of
On Snowdon the lowest formation (Lower the Snowdon Volcanic Group is overlain by


v rhyolitic
/ ~ ~" ~ ash-flow tuff EASTERN
lava ~ ~ ¢ ~ c600m ~ SNOWDONIA

. . . . .
rhyolite r ~
~c300m I~ pyroclastic c 200m
:~:.'."!:.-'.:.~:". X:',': :" i :'.':'~"


~ O o W silty

FIG. 2. Proximal to distal variations in accumulation of the lowest formation of the Snowdon
Volcanic Group.
254 B.P. K o k e l a a r et al.

basic volcaniclastic deposits with basalt lavas, renewed activity and is the final expression of
commonly pillowed (Bedded Pyroclastic For- Caradoc volcanism in Snowdonia. Overlying
mation). The volcaniclastic deposits include black graptolitic mudstones show no evidence
local piles of hyaloclastite and bedded lithic of reworking of the underlying volcanics.
breccias, but are mostly very well bedded, very The nature of the source of the major ash-
coarse to very fine sandstones which commonly flow tufts of the Snowdon Volcanic Group
show cross-bedding, wave and current ripples, remains problematical. The distribution of the
slumps, dewatering structures and bioturbation. lower acidic rocks, their variations in thickness
These overall characters and associated faunas and lithological characters indicate a source in
indicate a shallow, intertidal to subtidal envi- central Snowdonia. It was here that a central
ronment. subaerial volcano-tectonic structure was pro-
In contrast, in E and NE Snowdonia the posed by Rast (1969) and Bromley (1969) and
equivalent strata are rhyolitic tufts interbedded later elaborated by Beavon (1980). However,
and admixed with black graptolitic mudstones. current work indicates a mainly submarine vent
Here a subaqueous volcanic centre has been and that the main structural control of the vol-
determined in a thick sequence of rhyolitic ash- canism was N E - S W and approximately N - S
flow tufts, tuffite debris flows and mudstones, oriented faults, which were active prior to the
which passes laterally into a thinner sequence of volcanism and controlled the upward move-
thin, in places blocky, ash-flow tufts and fine ment and eventual distribution of the magma.
grained ash-fall tufts striped with laminae of What has to be explained is the great thickness,
black mudstone (Howells et al. 1978, 1981). up to 600 m, of ash-flow tuff close to its source,
Thus two contrasting volcanic expressions and the dramatic thinning away from it (Fig. 2).
and sedimentary environments have been Near the source the tuff is underlain by marine
defined within the Snowdon Volcanic Group; in sediments, locally with unconformity, and fault-
central Snowdonia, of basic composition ing of the base contemporaneous with tuff em-
erupted in a shallow-marine environment, and placement is evident. Unconformity and con-
in the E, of acid composition emplaced in a glomerates at the top of the tuff in the source
deeper-marine setting (Fig. 3). It has been area indicate erosion of a small island located
proposed (Howells 1977) that these environ- here, and the succeeding basic volcaniclastic
ments were separated by an active ridge, poss- deposits indicate a general shallow-water envi-
ibly controlled by a deep-seated fracture. ronment. For such a relationship to occur, the
The upper part of the Snowdon Volcanic underlying strata must have sloughed or been
Group crops out mainly in E and NE Snow- eroded away prior to the eruption, perhaps
donia. Here it is characterized by a widespread owing to uplift and, or, tilting, and massive sub-
accumulation of acidic ash-flow tufts with much sidence must then have occurred during the
incorporated black mudstone. An horizon o_f eruption to accommodate locally the great
basaltic tufts (Howells et al. 1981) in the black thickness of tuff. Normal faulting is envisaged
mudstones overlying the Snowdon Volcanic such that the pile of tuff, rather than forming a
Group in NE Snowdonia reflects temporarily wholly positive topographic feature with a flat


distal acidic fine tuffs ~1~ fl

-~- \ /
\ /
\ /
-, c ,skin ~,/

/ \ I \
\ ! \

.sea . level
. . / ~ ,/" I ~' ~. I I ,I ,

~ ' ~ " "~"~- " ~'-""-~"-'"~?'~ sandstone turbidite~ i i f~ ~--~ " :: subequeous
"~L"%,.-] v " ~ ~*facidic ash flows
. s i c su aooeo
eruptions in

distal acid tuff turbidites slumped acidic

in black mudstone ~ ; ash flow tufts

FIG. 3. Variations in volcanism and emplacement environment in the middle formation of the
Snowdon Volcanic Group.
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 255

base, was mostly ponded in a deep depression. of the main tuff units are postulated to lie to the
The dramatic thinning of the tuff excludes the E (Brenchley 1972) and NW (Brenchley 1978).
possibility that subsidence occurred after the
eruption. Except perhaps in the latest stage, the
eruption must have occurred subaqueously. The
two well-defined ash-flow tufts in E Snowdonia To the W of Snowdonia a sequence of
escaped from the depression when the accumu- Ordovician strata lies in the core of the ENE-
lation rate of the ash exceeded the subsidence. trending syncline that crosses the Ll.~n penin-
As in southern Snowdonia, the dolerite sills sula (Institute of Geological Sciences 1979).
and transgressive sills throughout this area tend Here, volcanic rocks of both Arenig-Llanvirn
to be thick and coarse grained at depth, and and Caradoc age occur. The earlier episode is
thinner and finer grained with wet host interac- represented by pillow basalts and a thin, welded
tions at the shallowest levels. Proximity of the ash-flow tuff, interbedded with black graptolitic
latter features to the localized piles of extrusive mudstones. The Caradoc volcanic rocks com-
basalt strongly suggests that the sills represent prise a thick sequence of lavas and pyroclastic
the feeder systems. rocks interbedded with marine sediments, and
In NE Snowdonia, at one of the basaltic numerous granitoid stocks (Croudace 1982).
centres locally active during Snowdon Volcanic Fitch (1967) described an upward transition
Group times (Howells et al., in press), distal from basaltic andesite to rhyolite and local
rhyolitic ash-flow tufts of the Snowdon group changes from shallow-marine to subaeriai em-
can be traced through a sequence of basaltic placement, prior to the final inundation by
tufts and hyaloclastites, the latter having a marine mudstones at the end of Caradoc times.
limited distribution close to their vent(s). For The local sequence of intrusion and extrusion is
such a relationship to occur the basaltic tufts intimately associated and the tufts do not rep-
could not have formed a marked positive fea- resent distal correlatives of the volcanism in
ture on the basin floor. They either accumu- Snowdonia.
lated in a depression or local rapid subsidence
occurred during their emplacement.
SW Wales
A broad belt of Ordovician rocks (Fig. 1)
East of Snowdonia
crops out from Ramsey Island in the W,
To the E of the Conwy Valley Fault and its through N and central Pembrokeshire, includ-
projection S to the Bala district, the expressions ing the Prescelly Hills (Mynydd Preseli), to
of Caradoc volcanism are less prominent. How- Newcastle Emlyn and Carmarthen in the E. To
ever, the distal representatives of the two major the NE these strata are overlain by turbiditic
rhyolitic ash-flow eruptive cycles, at the top of sediments of Llandovery age. There is abun-
the Llewelyn Volcanic Group and at the base of dant evidence of volcanism during Llanvirn
the Snowdon Volcanic Group, have recently times with relatively minor activity during the
been determined (Campbell 1983). The Arenig.
sedimentology and petrography of three other
Caradoc tuff units around Bala have been Sedimentation
described by Schiener (1970). In this area the The Lower Ordovician of SW Wales records
Ashgill lies unconformably on the Caradoc, a period of transgression following late or
which suggests that uplift occurred to the E of post-Tremadoc uplift. Early Arenig arenaceous
the Conwy Valley Fault and its putative exten- sediments rest with slight unconformity on the
sion. Continued fault control over sedimenta- Upper Cambrian (Lingula Flags) on Ramsey
tion is suggested by the presence of an intra- Island and with probable disconformity on sedi-
Ashgill unconformity, linked by Bassett et al. ments of Tremadoc age in the Carmarthen area
(1966) to movements along the Bala Fault. (Cope et al. 1978; Cope 1979; Owens et al.
The pre-Ashgill unconformity can be deter- 1982). At Carmarthen they fine upwards into
mined further to the E, in the Ordovician inlier mudstones and siltstones with a fauna, the
of the Berwyn Dome (Brenchley & Pickerill 'Neseuretus Community' of Fortey & Owens
1980, and references therein). Here the (1978), indicative of a shallow-water, inshore
Caradoc sequence includes thin acidic ash-flow environment. These are succeeded in turn by
tufts and air-fall pumice tufts that are com- deeper-water mudstones with a 'Raphiophorid
monly reworked. The emplacement environ- Community' fauna, followed by deep-water
ments have been determined as shallow- 'oxygen-deficient' mudstones with an 'Olenid
marine, subtidal and subaerial, and the sources Community' fauna (Fortey & Owens 1978).
256 B . P . K o k e l a a r et al.

The sequence reflects deepening of the deposi- Towy Anticline (George 1963). This line seems
tional environment with time, but common and to define the Ordovician shelf-basin boundary.
widespread turbiditic incursions occur in this
sequence and in the succeeding middle Arenig, Volcanism
e.g. in the 'Tetragraptus Shales' (Owens & For- The earliest evidence of volcanism in SW
tey 1982) in the Carmarthen area. Upper Wales is provided by several thin ( > 0.5 m)
Arenig and Llanvirn times were dominated by rhyolitic volcaniclastic turbidites of approxi-
offshore marine conditions with black-mud mately middle Arenig age, exposed on Ramsey
accumulation. Island and the nearby mainland (Bevins &
On the basis of the 'Olenid Community' Roach 1982). These occur in association with
fauna, Fortey & Owens (personal communica- mudstones containing a mixed trilobite and
tion 1983) suggest that, during the later part of graptolite fauna suggestive of accumulation in
the lower Arenig times, the Carmarthen area an outer shelf-like environment. The first major
was the site of a restricted basin, with no free volcanic episode, determined on Ramsey
access to the N and W. This possibly resulted Island, is represented by two units of rhyolitic
from the presence of fault blocks whose orien- turbiditic tufts of upper Arenig to lower
tation is likely to have been N E - S W , reflecting Llanvirn age. The lower part of the lower unit
the Precambrian 'grain' in SW Wales. Similarly, comprises 20 m of laminae and thin beds of
the general development of euxinic conditions recrystallized vitric dust and shards, interca-
in the Lower Ordovician of the area probably lated with mudstones. The succeeding 63 m
resulted from the formation of fault-bound comprise thicker bedded, fine to medium
basins, rather than from a eustatic rise in sea- grained, rhyolitic, vitroclastic debris including
level (see Leggett 1980). Active faulting is also minor pumice and crystals, with only rare and
indicated in the regular turbiditic incursions thin mudstone partings. These are the deposits
(e.g. in the Carmarthen area), which contain of both high- and low-density turbidity currents
lithic clasts similar to the Precambrian igneous (Lowe 1982), with the finest material perhaps
rocks which crop out in the area. also of ash-fall origin. They accumulated in
Black mud accumulation persisted through relatively deep water from distal rhyolitic erup-
to late Llandeilo and early Caradoc times when tions. It is uncertain whether the eruptions were
the Dicranograptus Shales were widely depo- subaerial or submarine or whether ash-falls or
sited during eustatic transgression (Leggett ash-flows were predominant. These beds are
1980). In the late Caradoc and Ashgill, turbi- succeeded in turn by upper Arenig mudstones
dites with associated black graptolitic muds and a second, closely similar, tuffaceous se-
were deposited and are now exposed in the area quence, 50 m thick, which records another
around Cardigan and in the Plynlimon Dome major, distal rhyolitic eruption.
(Fig. 1; see James 1971, 1975). However, from what is preserved and
To the E, along the line of the Towy Anti- exposed it seems that the main episode of vol-
cline around Llandeilo, black mudstones of canism in this area occurred during the lower
Llanvirn age are overlain by predominantly Llanvirn, with major volcanic piles around
volcanogenic conglomerates and flaggy sand- Fishguard (Thomas & Thomas 1956) and on
stones, rare siltstones, tufts and local rhyolite Ramsey Island (Pringle 1930), and a relatively
lavas. Williams et al. (1981) record that the vol- minor centre near Abereiddi (Cox 1915). Tuf-
caniclastic beds thicken and become coarser to faceous sediments at several horizons in the
the NE towards the Builth Inlier, which they lower Llanvirn are probably the feather-edges
speculatively interpret as the source area. The of other accumulations and it is clearly imposs-
sediments were deposited in a sublittoral to ible to comment on their relative importance.
intertidal environment, in three regressive Around Fishguard, 1800 m of acid and basic
cycles (Williams et al. 1981). The sequence is lava flows and volcaniclastic deposits constitute
overlain unconformably by a thick succession of the entirely subaqueously emplaced Fishguard
flaggy to massive-bedded limestones, sand- Volcanic Group, which together with contem-
stones, siltstones and mudstones with a poraneous intrusions comprise the Fishguard
shallow-water shelly fauna. These are suc- Volcanic Complex (Bevins 1982). West of
ceeded by lowermost Caradoc black muds of Fishguard the succession shows a general alter-
the eustatic transgression. Younger strata in the nation of activity (acid-basic-acid-basic), but
Llandeilo area include fossiliferous limestones, detailed field examination reveals that both
possibly reflecting shallowing in the early Ash- compositions were simultaneously available
gill. The absence of upper Caradoc strata may (see Kokelaar et al., this volume). To the E of
be attributed to uplift along the line of the Fishguard, basic extrusive rocks are scarce
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 257

(Lowman 1977; Lowman & Bloxam 1981) erupted. Sedimentological and palaeontological
although this seems to be compensated by evidence suggests that the volcanics were em-
abundant hypabyssal dolerites. Fluid basic placed in an offshore environment starved of ter-
magmas were emplaced mainly as complexly ngenous detritus and dominated by deposition
interdigitating pillowed and sheet flows with of black muds. Uplift to the W of a contempor-
high-level sills, and accordingly the lava/elastic ary N-S fault resulted in major sliding of the
ratio is high. However, thin hyalotuff horizons, entire pre-existing Ordovician succession (up to
particularly towards the top of the pile, show 2 km thick), and part of the Cambrian, and also
that eruptions took place above the Pressure generated major debris flows. Emergence of
Compensation Level (Fisher, this volume). A the block on the W led to littoral development
minor volume of basaltic hyaloclastites is also of conglomerates which were subsequently
present. Rhyolitic activity produced much redeposited in deeper water.
lower lava/elastic ratios with voluminous sub- The lowermost volcanic member, conform-
aqueously emplaced welded and non-welded ably succeeding the conglomerates, comprises
ash-flow tufts (Lowman & Bloxam 1981). Rela- 165 m of massive rhyolitic lapilli tufts with
tively local, thick rhyolite lava flows and domes thinly bedded and laminated fine tufts, inter-
comprise flow-banded and perlitic cores man- preted respectively as the deposits of high- and
tled by autobreccia carapaces (Bevins 1979). low-density turbidity currents, perhaps with
Collapse of the unstable marginal breccias pro- some distal ash-fall. The middle member,
duced aprons of poorly sorted, poorly bedded approximately 250 m thick, is composed of
breccias. Heterolithic debris-flow deposits, with three rhyolitic ash-flow tufts, each overlain by
both basalt and rhyolite clasts, pumice clasts, laminated very fine turbiditic tufts. The ash-
crystals and a vitric component, represent ma- flow tufts comprise ragged tube-pumice clasts,
terial derived from earlier explosive and quiet rhyolite lithics, crystals and shards, in a recrys-
eruptions which was mobilized by intrusion tallized vitroclastic matrix. Moulding of pumice
and, or, contemporaneous tectonism. Small clasts around lithics and crystals is common,
volumes of intermediate magma were emplaced although a well-developed eutaxitic foliation is
as tonalite intrusions and an exceptional pil- not apparent. The lowest tuff comprises a lower
lowed rhyodacite lava flow (Bevins & Roach part, 161 m thick, which is massive with flatten-
1979a). Laterally continuous, thinly bedded ing fabrics and columnar jointing, overlain by a
and laminated tufts and volcaniclastic intercala- fining upwards sequence, 25 m thick, which
tions are a minor but important component, contains flattened small pumice clasts. The tuff
deposited from sediment gravity flows and sus- is interpreted as a closely proximal, hot ash-flow
pension. Silicic turbidites occurring within and with the graded deposit representing associated
near the top of the basic lava pile have no ash-fall. The eruption and emplacement are con-
known local source and their presence indicates sidered to have proceeded under water (with
that the pile cannot have formed a marked posi- explosive activity suppressed by hydrostatic
tive topographic feature on the sea floor. It is pressure), within a cupola of steam and magma-
envisaged that the basic eruptions took place tic volatiles (see Kokelaar et al., this volume).
within or along the margin of a graben whose The upper member comprises graded and
subsidence mostly kept pace with growth of the laminated turbiditic tufts with two beds of
pile. poorly sorted coarse lapilli tuff. These interdigi-
Eastwards, the lateral equivalents of the tate with, and wedge-out against, autobrecci-
Fishguard Volcanic Group, comprising local ated rhyolite lavas, and the two coarse tufts are
rhyolite lavas, subaqueous ash-flow tufts and considered to be the marginal facies of slumped
distal, silicic, mostly turbiditic, volcanogenic ash-flows. At the thin edge they show normal
sediments, can be traced for c. 20 km (Bevins & grading of lithics and inverse grading of pumice
Roach 1979b; Lowman & Bloxam 1981). It is clasts, but away from the edge they are chaotic,
unclear whether the thin sequences of distal, containing convoluted rafts of fine tufts up to
silicic sediment gravity flow deposits exposed 10 m long. This is interpreted as due to slump-
NW and NE of Narberth (Institute of Geologi- ing and further flow of primary deposits with
cal Sciences 1963, 1967) are related to the the feather-edges remaining undisturbed.
Fishguard Volcanic Group or whether they Elsewhere on Ramsey Island, intrusion of
belong to another centre. autobrecciated rhyolite caused overlying vol-
A second major volcanic pile of lower Llan- caniclastic sediments to slide and slump. High-
vim age, exposed on Ramsey Island (Kokelaar level porphyritic intrusions occur about the con-
et al., this volume), differs from that near Fish- temporaneous N-S fault, as small rounded
guard in that only rhyolitic magmas were bosses, semi-concordant sills or thin irregular
258 B . P . K o k e l a a r et al.

sheets. Their emplacement into unconsolidated Volcanism

and wet host material is evident by the peperitic In the Builth Inlier, Llanvirn lavas and pyro-
and pillowed margins attended by fluidization elastics were erupted into shallow-water and
(Kokelaar 1982). In places, subsequent slump- subaerial environments (Jones & Pugh 1949) at
ing exposed the intrusive rocks at the sea floor. the basin margin. Extensive shallow-marine
The youngest Ordovician volcanic episode re- reworking produced a range of volcaniclastic
corded in SW Wales was basaltic and occurred deposits, commonly with a derived shelly fauna.
during upper Llanvirn times. The tufts, the Wide dispersal to the SW (Llandeilo area) has
Didymograptus murchisoni Ash of Cox (1915), been postulated (see above).
constitute two fining-upwards sequences, each Hypabyssal intrusions of complex form
grading both vertically and laterally from mas- (Jones & Pugh 1946, 1948a,b) intrude these
sive, coarse lapilli tuff to well-bedded, medium and younger rocks and by their interactions
and fine tufts. The tufts, together up to 100 m with wet unlithifled Caradoc sediments they
thick but thinning laterally to the finer facies, must belong to a later volcanic episode. Thin
are composed of moderately to highly vesicular tufts of Caradoc age are exposed at the NE end
basalt lava fragments, some angular, some of the inlier, and a minor Caradoc episode is
bomb-like, and clearly the eruption occurred recorded in the Llanwrtyd Wells area, where
above the Pressure Compensation Level basic and acid volcanics were erupted.
(Fisher, this volume). The coarser, more proxi- To the N, in the Shelve Inlier, nearby Llan-
mal deposits are of debris flows but, more dis- virn volcanism is reflected in volcaniclastic sedi-
tally and upwards in each cycle, these are ment gravity flow deposits and subaqueous
superceded by deposits of high- and low-density ash-flow tufts (B. D. T. Lynas, personal com-
turbidity currents. They represent slumping of munication 1983). In a Caradoc volcanic
the unstable flanks of a tephra pile during erup- episode, magmas of basic through intermediate
tion, with waning activity in each cycle generat- to acid compositions were emplaced here and in
ing successively more minor sediment gravity the Breidden Hills, and conglomerates and vol-
flows. Overlying deposits of mixed tephra and caniclastic turbidites indicate reworking (R. J.
mudstone reflect late slumping of the pile when Dixon, personal communication 1983).
it was partly mantled by pelagic sediments.

Builth-Llandrindod Inlier and the Welsh Petrochemistry

In the Builth Inlier, black graptolitic mud- All of the igneous rocks in the foregoing
stones of lower Llanvirn age are overlain by a account have suffered low- or very low-grade
thick volcanic sequence which accumulated regional metamorphism (Roberts 1981; Bevins
under subaerial and shallow-marine conditions et al. 1981; Bevins & Rowbotham 1983). In
(Jones & Pugh 1949). A return to deeper-water addition, many have suffered deuteric altera-
conditions occurred during early Llandeilo tion or have interacted chemically with ambient
times and black graptolitic mud accumulation seawater and, or, connate brines, during or soon
persisted through to the Caradoc. after emplacement. Accordingly the determina-
The strata of the Welsh Borderland show a tion of original rock compositions is problem-
facies change across, and controlled by, the atical and analyses must be interpreted with
NE-SW-trending Pontesford-Linley Fault. To caution.
the W, 4 km of Ordovician strata are exposed in Most of the pyroclastic rocks were initially
the Shelve Inlier. These comprise transgressive composed mainly of glass. The margins and the
shallow-water sandstones at the base, overlain mesostasis of many basic lavas and some high-
by a mixed offshore (probably outer-shelf) level intrusions were originally sideromelane,
sequence. To the E, the oldest strata are of and most high-level intrusive and extrusive
lower Caradoc age, deposited during eustatic rhyolites were obsidian. Such originally glassy
transgression (Leggett 1980). The strata are rocks are completely devitrified and recrystal-
about 200 m thick and generally of shallow- lized. Also, adjacent to relatively undeformed
water facies although lateral facies changes and initially holocrystalline rocks, they are com-
diachronism of certain units indicate contem- monly strongly cleaved. This localization of
poraneous faulting (Bassett 1980) or a sus- strain is attributable to the alteration of the
tained transgression over a varied relief (P. J. glass to phyllosilicate-rich rocks; sideromelane
Brenchley, personal communication 1983). or palagonite to chlorite, and obsidian to
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 259

quartzo-feldspathic intergrowths with chlorite Southern Snowdonia

and sericite. Extreme hydration and alteration
are clearly implied. Analyses of pyroclastic Dunkley (1979) determined that at outcrop
rocks are interpreted with caution for the addi- the intrusive and extrusive rocks in the Aran
tional reason that they may have suffered frac- Volcanic Group, in the Arans and on Cader
tionation by purely physical processes during Idris, show a marked basic-acid bimodality,
eruption, transport and deposition. with progressively diminishing volumes of
intermediate rocks from basaltic andesite to
Originally glassy rocks have only been ana-
rhyodacite, and voluminous (c. 60%), mainly
lysed where holocrystalline equivalents are lack-
pyroclastic, rhyolites. The basic and intermedi-
ing, and rocks that obviously have been
ate rocks together show continuous element
intensely deformed, badly weathered or sub-
variation (Figs 4 and 5) with marked Fe and Ti
jected to hydrothermal activity, have been
enrichment which, considered with their rela-
avoided. The analyses presented are of the pet-
tive abundances, is characteristic of a tholeiitic
rographically freshest rocks available but, even
series derived by low-pressure fractional crys-
so, there is a wide range of alteration states and
tallization of mantle-derived parental magma.
because of the potential for element redistribu-
The large volume of rhyolites, and absence of
tion, this range has been investigated, particu-
any geophysical evidence to suggest large vol-
larly in the basic rocks, in order to determine
umes of marie residua at depth, led Dunkley
those elements which may be assumed with
(1978, 1979) to conclude that the silicic mag-
reasonable confidence to approximate closely
mas were the products of crustal fusion. Analyt-
to primary concentrations. It has been con-
ical data are equivocal in this respect as the
cluded (Kokelaar 1977; Dunkley 1978; Bevins
intermediate to acid discontinuity in variation
1979, 1982) that, of the elements determined in
trends (Fig. 4), such as for Zr, Y, Nb, Ce and
most of the samples, contents of Ti, P, Zr, Y
La, could, for example, for attributed to late
and Nb reliably approximate to primary com-
fractionation of apatite and zircon from inter-
positions. These elements are of course
mediate compositions, although the wide scat-
renowned for their immobility (e.g. Pearce &
ter of plots might be more consistent with vari-
Cann 1973; Pearce 1975). Also, in basic and
able crustal fusion. Discriminant analyses (Fig.
intermediate rocks, contents of La, Ce, Fe, Mg
6; also in Ti v. Cr (after Pearce 1975), Dunkley
and Si are regarded as acceptable indicators of
1978, Fig. 4: 14c) show the basic rocks to have
original composition. Silica commonly shows
strong affinities with ocean-floor basalt.
strong correlations with Zr, for example (co-
Around the E and N margins of the Harlech
herent secondary mobility not expected), and
Dome, other pre-Caradoc igneous rocks are
with petrographical classifications based on
predominantly rhyolitic with some of basic and
relict mineralogy and texture (Kokelaar 1977;
intermediate composition. The latter are mod-
Dunkley 1978). Na, K, Rb, Sr, Ba, H2 O÷ and
erately Fe-rich (data from Hughes 1977) and
FeZ+/Fe 3+ are clearly prone to considerable
with the presently available data a petrogenetic
selective alteration.
scheme similar to that for the Arans and Cader
These conclusions may be to some extent
Idris rocks is envisaged.
anticipated if the petrography of the rocks is
considered, wherein accessory apatite and zir-
con remain unaltered, Fe-Ti oxides although Central and northern Snowdonia
altered are commonly associated with leucox- There is as yet only sparse geochemical data
ene and sphene so that Ti and Nb are probably available from the Caradoc igneous rocks of N
fixed locally, clinopyroxene is quite commonly Wales.
fresh, and plagioclase ranges from calcic lab- The lithologically distinctive intrusive and
radorite to almost pure albite and is commonly extrusive rocks of the Foel Fras Volcanic Com-
associated with sericite, epidote, clinozoisite, plex show calc-alkaline affinities in their lack
prehnite and pumpellyite. The latter minerals of basic compositions and absence of Fe
indicate that Ca and A1 may also be fixed enrichment (Fig. 5). Rocks from the remaining,
locally. major Caradoc outcrops show marked
For reasons implicit from the above, discus- basic-acid bimodality with moderate to marked
sion bearing on Ordovician igneous rocks in Fe enrichment and sparse intermediate compos-
Wales that rely heavily on whole-rock norma- itions. Discriminant plots (Fig. 6) of basic rocks
tive analyses or require immobility of the alkali cluster about the junction of the fields of
elements (e.g. Fitton & Hughes 1970; Hughes ocean-floor, calc-alkaline and within-plate
1977; Lowman & Bloxam 1981; Fitton et al. basalts (see also Floyd et al. 1976). The deriva-
1982) must be considered as weakly founded. tion of the acid rocks, including the numerous
260 B . P . Kokelaar et al.
Ti 02
::1 zr......
o° ~ . . ~

:.. ,.
X,ooj ..~'... .°

i-. • • ! .:" ~°°

~2 .o
..,.~i~::..l,..:" " "" B
° i

• ..:. ," ..

). ~.',.#....

a° 1 La
• •:°"

1'0 1 Pz Os • °.
.. 40 ". • • " " " • °. °

o 0-5 , . , " , .•
., . •

;;, ....
"/. ,~,lo.&.." . °

i i

• °
1 ° °1 Y
0 • • . ° ..:..
:T 51
=~ ' "::
..'s . ...~ . • •
J mI ~ •
>. 75 1 • "" •

i ,-:
C a O
• *, l,f

o 10
.¢.,..= I." . •
• .~ • ~ :..
25- Nb o.
o.. • ° °.•..
20- i.
•,,..-~ . , ¢ . . . . . ... •

.o 15- .°
° • • °
~. lO-
d. • •.
o0.4 M n O

. °
o~O2 .4"::,..'• . "-•... ..~v..-.. ,
, ~ o~, ",¢. ",, ~-
50 6'0 70 80 50 ' ~o 70 ' 80

~'~ Si 0 2 , % SiOz

FIG. 4. Selected chemical variation diagrams of rocks from the Aran Volcanic Group in the Arans
and on Cader Idris (data from Dunkley 1978).

high-level granitoid intrusions, is uncertain• As are mildly alkalic (Cattermole 1976), but the
in southern Snowdonia their large volume rela- hydrous nature of the magma, along with the
tive to basic rocks, and geophysical considera- strong possibility of metasomatism and the lack
tions, tend to favour an origin by crustal fusion. of published trace-element data, preclude
characterization of the parent magma•
SW Wales
In Ll~,n, Caradoc basic and intermediate
rocks are scarce in comparison with acidic Petrographically, chemically and petrogenet-
types, but do, however, show marked Fe ically the rocks of the Fishguard Volcanic Com-
enrichment (Fig. 5) and are here interpreted as plex are closely similar to those of the Aran
members of a tholeiitic suite• A detailed Volcanic Group and its associated intrusions.
geochemical study (Croudace 1982) indicates At outcrop, the Fishguard Volcanic Complex
that the andesitic lavas probably result from shows a basic-acid bimodality with subordinate
approximately 70% low-pressure fractional intermediate compositions. Bevins (1982)
crystallization of a transitional tholeiitic demonstrated that the basic to intermediate
magma, and that the granitoid intrusions are compositions represent a tholeiitic series
related to the andesites by further low-pressure derived by low-pressure fractional crystalliza-
crystal fractionation. The least fractionated tion of a parental magma which originated as a
basic rocks in thehigh-level layered Rhiw partial melt of upper mantle. Fractionation of
Intrusion (Fig. 1) bear primary hornblende and plagioclase, clinopyroxene and minor olivine
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 261

FeO ~ FeO

/ 2
, 8" LLYN

Na20+K20 MgO
~FeO ~FeO

Na20÷ K20 MgO

FIG. 5. F.M.A. diagrams of Ordovician igneous rocks in Wales. Some scatter is attributable to alkali
metasomatism. (Data from Floyd et al. 1976; Hughes 1977; Lowman 1977; Dunkley 1978; Furnes
1978; Bevins 1979; Croudace 1982; J. Esson & W. J. Wadsworth (unpubl.); R. E. Bevins, G. J. Lees
& R. A. Roach (unpubl.).)

resulted in whole-rock Fe- and Ti-enrichment crustal fusion, cannot be ruled out with the data
trends (Figs 5 and 6), and Fe enrichment in presently available.
clinopyroxenes from the intrusions (different in The suggestion (Lowman & Bloxam 1981)
composition to disequilibrium (quench) that the Fishguard Volcanic Complex is calc-
clinopyroxenes in the basalts), which are dis- alkaline in nature derives mainly from a consid-
tinctly tholeiitic in character. eration of alkali element contents, which are
The origin of the acidic rocks in the complex notably susceptible to alteration (see above),
is uncertain. Partly on the basis of rare-earth and the suggestion is untenable in the light of
element (REE) analyses, Bevins (1982, Fig. 8) more complete data (Bevins 1979, 1982). In
tentatively suggested that the rhyolites may be discriminant trace-element diagrams (Fig. 6),
extreme derivatives of the fractionation series. the basic rocks of the complex show strong
Trace-element concentrations can be inter- affinities with ocean-floor basalts, although
preted to support this view, but alteration of the they are slightly richer in Ti than these and the
original element contents and an origin by Aran rocks.
262 B . P . K o k e l a a r et al.

1 +2
A+ B =L K T
2~4= OFB

Zr Y-3





FIG. 6. Discriminant diagrams of Ti, Y and Zr in rocks of basaltic composition (after Pearce & Cann
1973). Fields: LKT--low-K tholeiite; CAB--calc-alkaline basalt; OFB--ocean-floor basalt;
WPB--within-plate basalt. (Data from Floyd et al. 1976; Hughes 1977; Lowman 1977; Dunkley
1978; Furnes 1978; Bevins 1979; J. Esson & W. J. Wadsworth (unpubl.); R. E. Bevins, G. J. Lees &
R. A. Roach (unpubl.).)

The separate suite of noritic gabbros to the the SW, indicates the possible presence off-
SW of Fishguard (Roach 1969; Bevins & shore of a large coeval intrusion.
Roach 1979b, 1982) shows a tholeiitic paren- We have no direct evidence bearing on the
tage, evidence of low-pressure fractional crys- origin of the voluminous rhyolitic magmas rep-
tallization prior to emplacement (locally resented by the Ramsey Island volcanic centre,
attended by further fractionation, e.g. St although speculatively the closeness of the nori-
David's Head and Carn Llidi) and, in the least tic gabbros to this centre may be significant. An
evolved rocks, ocean-floor basalt affinities (P. association through extreme fractionation or
A. Floyd & R. A. Roach, unpublished data). A crustal fusion remains to be determined.
large positive magnetic anomaly, along strike to
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales 263

Builth-Llandrindod Inlier and the Welsh At outcrop the volcanism is dominantly

Borderland bimodal and the common fractionation con-
The Llanvirn episode of volcanism rep- tinuum, basalt to rhyodacite, is dominantly
resented in the Builth Inlier shows a fractiona- tholeiitic. Strictly calc-alkaline series are
tion trend characteristic of calc-alkaline mag- restricted to locations near the E margin of the
matism (Fig. 5). MgO-rich compositions have Welsh Basin and one minor centre in northern
not been determined and no bimodality is Snowdonia. Such dominance of tholeiitic series
apparent at outcrop. Furnes (1978) considers and basalts with ocean-floor affinities, with
the basic rocks, which are strongly plagioclase- transitions to arc-like compositions, are charac-
phyric, to be high-alumina basalts derived by a teristic of basalts emplaced in back-arc marginal
moderate degree of partial melting of upper basin environments (e.g. Saunders & Tarney,
mantle. Discriminant plots (Fig. 6) show clus- this volume).
tering rather similar to that of the basic rocks These conclusions are at variance with those
from central and northern Snowdonia. Llanvirn of Fitton & Hughes (1970), Hughes (1977) and
and Caradoc rocks from various localities in the Fitton et al. (1982). The latter authors claim
Welsh Borderland show some petrochemical that in the Ordovician rocks there is no evi-
similarities to the Builth rocks (Figs 5 and 6). dence of low-pressure fractional crystallization
from basaltic compositions, that the intermedi-
ate rocks constitute a distinct calc-alkaline suite
Synthesis unrelated to the basic rocks, and that the over-
The petrochemical characteristics of the all character is calc-alkaline. But the 'earliest
major or distinct Ordovician igneous complexes tholeiitic lavas' of Fitton et al. (1982, p. 611)
in Wales are summarized in Table 1. We recog- are late Tremadoc basalts and dolerites of the
nize that we have grossly 'averaged' the charac- Rhobell Volcanic Complex, which clearly are
ter of volcanism in central and northern Snow- transitional between island-arc tholeiites and
donia, where several volcanic centres and calc-alkaline basalts and reflect an island-arc
perhaps distinct suites were formed. Also, the regime distinctively different to the Ordovician
character of what appear as minor igneous out- regime (Kokelaar 1977, 1979; Dunkley 1978,
crops but may be relicts or feather-edges of 1979; Kokelaar et al. 1982). The rest of the
unexposed major complexes, is unknown. Thus sample considered representative of the 'main
our sample may be biased. group' (Ordovician) (Hughes 1977), is strongly
The compiled geochemical data are from biased towards intermediate compositions, with
many different sources and we are unable to relatively numerous analyses from the Builth
assess the magnitude of the likely inter- Intier, the Welsh Borderland, the Foel Fras
laboratory variations in precision and accuracy. Volcanic Complex (Llwytmor andesites) and
Because of this, and the incomplete availability Ll~,n. The major outcrops are under-
of many 'useful' elements, we cannot comment represented. The sample also includes the late
in detail on possible small variations in mantle Tremadoc or lowermost Arenig rocks of the
source compositions, mantle partial melting his- Trefgarn Volcanic Group which are like those
tories and controls of fractionation. However, of the Rhobell Volcanic Complex (Kokelaar
we believe that the differences in the trends of 1977) and belong to the earlier volcanic-arc
relative Fe enrichment (Fig. 5), and in the clus- regime. The characteristic low-pressure fractio-
ter locations and trends in discriminant plots of nation series in the major complexes were over-
Ti, Y and Zr (Fig. 6) are real. looked owing to the widespread and inadequate

TABLE 1. Summary of petrochemical characteristics of the major or distinct Ordovician igneous

complexes in Wales

Igneous complex Age Fe enrichment Character Rocks Affinity

Fishguard Llanvirn Marked Tholeiitic BiA OFB

Arans-Cader Idris Pre-Caradoc Marked Tholeiitic BiA OFB
LIS,n Caradoc Marked Tholeiitic BiA ?
Central and northern Snowdonia Caradoc Moderate to Tholeiitic BiA Mixed
marked (-transitional)
Foel Fras Caradoc None Calc-alkaline IA ?
Builth Inlier Llanvirn None Calc-alkaline BIA Mixed

B--basic, I--intermediate, A--acid; lower case signifies minor proportion.

264 B . P . K o k e l a a r et al.

sampling programme. The rocks with calc- fault-scarps could have developed. Dip-slip
alkaline affinities from the Builth Inlier, the movement at depth would, at shallow levels,
Welsh Borderland and Foel Fras are volumetri- probably have caused monoclinal flexuring ini-
cally far less important than the tholeiitic series tially, perhaps with minor scarps, and then slid-
rocks and cannot be deemed representative of ing and slumping. Allochthonous sequences of
the Welsh Basin. Also, the L1S,n suite was incor- sediments and tufts in SW Wales (Ramsey
rectly interpreted as calc-alkaline. Further- Island) involve up to 2 km of the basin succes-
more, contrary to Fitton et al. (1982, p. 623), sion and show the massive scale at which such
there is considerable similarity between many sliding could occur.
of the basic rocks and modern ocean-floor The largely unlithified and partly compacted
tholeiites. nature of the basin-floor strata is reflected in
However, we do agree with other authors the abundance of sills, which show that non- or
that the origin of the acidic rocks is enigmatic. weakly vesiculating basic and acid magmas, by
Their relatively large volumes and composi- virtue of their greater density, tended to flow
tional discontinuity with intermediate rocks, laterally, interacting with wet host material,
coupled with the lack of geophysical anomalies rather than reaching the sea floor (cf. Guaymas
suggestive of major marie residua, tend to Basin, Gulf of California: Saunders et al. 1982).
favour an origin by partial fusion of deeply Partly because of this, the extrusive volcanism,
underlying crust. Croudace (1982) has inter- which occurred at numerous local centres
preted the granitoid intrusions of Ll~,n as having across the basin, was greatly influenced by the
evolved from andesitic liquids by crystal frac- contemporary fault system. The major piles of
tionation, with removal of apatite and zircon to basic extrusive rocks (e.g. in the Fishguard Vol-
account for R E E patterns. The solution to the canic Group and in NE Snowdonia) appear to
problem at the major outcrops must await the have accumulated in contemporaneously
availability of detailed trace-element analyses. developed depressions which were probably
fault- and, or, flexure-bound and fed by trans-
gressive sills and, or, dykes which utilized the
faults to reach shallow levels. The extrusions
formed little or no constructional feature on the
The volcanism, sedimentation and tectonic basin floor.
activity in the Welsh Basin during the Ordovi- The same development of an infilled
clan are consistent with the general model of volcano-tectonic depression is interpreted in
Ordovician plate tectonics, which places the some major rhyolite tuff accumulations (e.g. in
basin in a back-arc setting. There seems to be the lowest part of the Snowdon Volcanic
no single close modern analogue, although in Group), which also must have had bases which
New Zealand the Taupo Volcanic Zone (Cole, were markedly convex downwards, although at
this volume), and its extension into the Bay of times ash-flows escaped from these centres. We
Plenty (Lewis & Pantin, this volume), show consider these 'inverse volcanic piles' to be a
many conditions and processes in common with direct reflection of the extension in the Welsh
the Welsh Basin. Basin. Although the depressions associated
The marginal basin of Wales developed on with the major rhyolitic eruptions may loosely
immature continental crust and, although be analogous to calderas, in that major magma
crustal tension is indicated by the tectonic and evacuation must have been attended by subsi-
sedimentary histories, and by the character of dence and ponding of pyroclastics, the location
the magmas, oceanic lithosphere was not of the centre and form of the 'pond' were
formed. The basin was predominantly the site almost certainly controlled by established faults
of marine sedimentation, partly on shallow (cf. the major rhyolitic centres of the Taupo
shelves and partly in deeper water. Topo- Volcanic Zone of New Zealand: Cole, this
graphic relief within the basin resulted mainly volume).
from the contemporaneous activity of normal Silicic pyroclastic rocks occur in all the major
faults with N E - S W and N - S trends. These volcanic horizons of the basin and, although
faults produced marked facies changes, either relatively scarce, deposits of highly vesicular
directly, for example where they resulted in basic clasts are present in most sequences.
local emergence above sealevel, or indirectly, Explosive eruptions of silicic magma can occur
where they restricted the deposition from vari- at water depths in excess of 1 km, but the limit-
ous pyroclastic and sediment gravity flows. ing depth for large-scale vesiculation (Pressure
However, because the strata of the basin floor Compensation Level: Fisher, this volume) of
were largely unlithified, it is unlikely that steep most basic magmas is less than 500 m (McBir-
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales 265

ney 1963). Probably most of the subaqueous Volcanogenic sediments, particularly those of
eruptions in the Welsh Basin occurred at water mass-gravity flows resulting from sliding and
depths close to or shallower than 500 m. How- slumping of unstable deposits, also are a major
ever, within the basin, volcanic islands were c o m p o n e n t of the submarine volcanic succes-
u n c o m m o n and ephemeral, and even quite sions. Oversteepening during accumulation,
major eruptions commonly caused little or no shallow intrusive activity and tectonic move-
change in the facies or composition of the 'nor- ments were c o m m o n causes of such secondary
mal' sediments occurring immediately b e n e a t h distribution processes.
and above the volcanic horizon.
Subaqueously emplaced silicic ash-flow tuff, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are grateful to Drs M. G.
welded or non-welded, is a major constituent of Bassett, P. J. Brenchley, R. M. Owens and W. J.
the volcanic successions. Major ash-fall layers Wadsworth for discussion and constructive criticism
are scarce. Although some ash-flows crossed of an early draft of the manuscript. Also, Drs J.
from a subaerial into a submarine environment, Esson, P. A. Floyd, G. J. Lees and W. J. Wadsworth
kindly allowed us to use their unpublished petro-
others were erupted subaqueously where it
chemical data. Jane Bidgood is thanked for typing the
seems that the surrounding water, by confining numerous versions of the manuscript, and we are
the volcanic explosions and hence eruptive col- grateful to Pat Andrews, who assisted in the prepara-
umns, resulted in the production of less ash-fall, tion of the paper in many ways. M.F.H. publishes
with less dispersion, than would have b e e n the with the permission of the Director of the British
case in a subaerial eruption. Geological Survey.

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R. E. BEVlNS,Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cathay's Park,
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R. A. ROACH, Department of Geology, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire
ST5 5BG, U.K.
P. N. DUNKLEY,British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG,
Mud-magma interactions in the Dunnage M61ange,

B. E. Lorenz
SUMMARY: The Dunnage M61ange, part of back-arc basinal assemblages in north
central Newfoundland, is host to a suite of dacitic to rhyolitic intrusions. Intrusion
occurred during the late stages of m61ange formation. Lobate, pillowed, corrugated and
pahoehoe-like igneous contact surfaces, complex interlayering of host mudstone and
dacite, and the occurrence of peperite, indicate that the magma intruded unconsolidated
mud and the adjacent sediment was fluidized. This evidence for shallow emplacement of
the magma is inconsistent with the existence of a tectonic overburden during m61ange
formation, and supports an olistostromal origin for the Dunnage M61ange.

The Cambro-Ordovician Dunnage M61ange, qJ

part of back-arc basinal assemblages in north g
central Newfoundland, is host to a suite of daci- (o)
tic to rhyolitic intrusions, collectively known as
the Coaker Porphyry (Kay 1972). The intru- •.~ ~ ~

sions are confined to the m61ange terrane,

where they comprise approximately one-third
of the outcrop area. The age, physical charac-
teristics, and distribution of these intrusions Z
suggest that they were intruded during m61ange
formation (Williams & Hibbard 1976). In this
paper, the physical relationships between the
Coaker Porphyry and the host m61ange are
described and their origin is explained. Implied
conditions during intrusion, and the origin of the I J
m61ange, are discussed.
(b) Dunnage Zone

Regional setting of the Dunnage ~ ~ G~2U

M61ange ~'~<'~.~./{ back arc basin
~"~' assemblages
The Appalachian Orogen in Newfoundland is \ \ including Dunnage
divided into four major tectonostratigraphic
zones (Williams 1979) (Fig. 1). The Dunnage FIG. 1. (a) Generalized map of Newfound-
Zone, including the Dunnage M61ange, consists land showing the location of major zones
of ophiolites, early Palaeozoic mafic volcanics and geological features. Volcanic-arc and
and marine sediments, and represents the arc-flanking assemblages of the Dunnage
remains of the ancient Iapetus Ocean. The Zone are shown in the shaded area. After
Humber Zone, to the W, represents the ancient Williams (1978). (b) Diagram, modified
from Malpas (1977), depicting the cur-
continental margin of North America, the east- renfly accepted model of Lower Ordovi-
ernmost part of which was deformed and cian Newfoundland, showing the position
metamorphosed during emplacement of the of the Dunnage M61ange relative to the
Taconic allochthons on to the continental mar- subduction zone and island arc. Question
gin. To the E the Gander and Avalon Zones are marks indicate the enigmatic nature of the
enigmatic suspect terranes (Williams & Hatcher relationship of the Gander Zone to the
1982) whose relationships to the Appalachian westerly parts of the Appalachian Orogen.
Orogen are poorly understood. They have been
interpreted as continental masses from the western edge of the zone, and locally in horsts
eastern edge of the Iapetus Ocean. in the central part of the zone (Haworth et al.
The Dunnage Zone is underlain by an 1978; Lorenz & Fountain 1982). Thick piles of
ophiolitic basement which is exposed along the Lower Ordovician volcanic and volcaniclastic

272 B. E. L o r e n z

rocks in the western and central parts of the effected by an E-dipping subductian zone
Dunnage Zone have been interpreted as having located along the Baie Verte Lineament (Fig.
formed in an island-arc environment (see Hib- 1) (cf. Malpas & Stevens 1977; Haworth et al.
bard & Williams 1979, and references thel ~in). 1978). The Baie Verte Lineament, comprising
The Dunnage M61ange is part of an as, emb- tectonized and imbricated ophiolitic slices,
lage of arc-derived basinal sediments that ] ies to is interpreted as a suture zone analogous to the
the E of the island-arc volcanics. Pre¢ious Dun Mountain Belt of New Zealand. Subduc-
workers have disagreed as to whether this basi- tion of the leading edge of the continental mar-
nal assemblage was located in a fore-arc or a gin (Humber Zone) resulted in the emplace-
back-arc position. Most of the advocates of a ment on to the continent of allochthonous slices
fore-arc environment based their conclusions of slope and rise clastic sediments and ophiolite.
on the presence of the Dunnage M~lange itself, Subduction ceased by Caradocian time. This
which they interpreted as having formed in the model places the Dunnage M61ange in a back-
trench of a W-dipping subduction zone, in a arc setting (Fig. lb).
similar manner to the Franciscan m61anges
(Dewey 1969; Kay 1976; McKerrow & Cocks
1978). Hibbard & Williams (1979) proposed
that the Dunnage M61ange is an arc-flanking Local setting of the Dunnage M~lange
olistostrome rather than a trench-fill m61ange, A summary of the previous work pertaining to
but they were unable to distinguish between the the Dunnage M61ange can be found in Hibbard
fore- and back-arc environments. However, & Williams (1979).
most of the regional evidence favours the cur- The Dunnage M61ange is a chaotic unit, with
rently accepted tectonic model for Newfound- inclusions mainly of sedimentary and :aaafic vol-
land in which closure of the Iapetus Ocean was canic rocks in an argillaceous matrix. The inclu-


NEWBAYFM. []DUNNAGE /t/J I1 1/-J-"..'i
^ ~ o DlY~a

' >- C~

z 2;

_.1 (/~

~ -~'~0 ~ """ ! ~

,.-, /7/////Y/////////'/~ ra- ~ KILOMETERS NE

FIG. 2. Generalized geological map of the Bay of Exploits area (modified after Williams & Hibbard
1976) showing the distribution of Coaker Porphyry.
/'i 49 °15'
54 ° 35'
Mud-magma interactions in the Dunnage M~lange 273

sions range in size from a few mm up to 1 km interlayered with mudstone and folded; (iv)
across and comprise < 50% of the m61ange. lobes, in isolation or as part of types i-iii; and
The Dunnage M61ange crops out in an area 40 (v) breccias.
km long with a maximum width of 10 km (Fig.
2). It is bound to the E by the Reach Fault, to
the S by the granodioritic Loon Bay Batholith Stocks
and to the NW by the granodioritic Long Island Stocks are the most common intrusive form
Batholith. To the W, the m61ange interdigitates and range from a few meters to about 3 km
with the sediments and volcanics of the Exploits across. They are irregular, rounded and com-
Group and a ghost stratigraphy of this group monly have undulose, lobate, or pillowed con-
can be determined within the m61ange (Hib- tacts. Their surface is generally corrugated with
bard & Williams 1979). The base of the Dun- the wavelength of the corrugations greater than
nage M61ange is not exposed. To the S, on the amplitude; wavelength is usually 1 cm or
Chapel Island, the m61ange grades upwards into less but locally 6 or 7 cm. A few stocks display
folded, vertically dipping, S-facing, bedded silt- cracked surfaces. Chilled margins and vesicles
stones, greywackes, and conglomerates. To the are rare and marginal trachytic-textured dacite
N, it is in contact with N-facing, vertically dip- shows pronounced flow-banding with alignment
ping turbidites of the Caradocian Dark Hole of mica flakes and plagioclase laths parallel to
Formation (Horne 1969). Palaeontological evi- contacts.
dence indicates a Cambro-Ordovician age for
the components of the Dunnage M61ange (Hib-
bard et al. 1977). Dykes
Dykes are irregular in thickness and shape; in
mudstones they split, then abruptly pinch out.
The Coaker Porphyry Some terminate in pillow forms although they
The igneous rocks in the Dunnage M61ange display straight, smooth, parallel contacts
were described (Heyl 1936; Patrick 1956; Wil- where they intrude brittle materials such as vol-
liams 1964) before the m61ange was recognized canic blocks and hornfels. They are composed
(Home 1968; Kay 1970). Although basalts of trachytic-textured dacite, and are locally rich
were later recognized to be older blocks, rather in xenoliths which are concentrated in the
than flows interlayered with the shales, the silicic centre by flow segregation. Unlike the stocks,
rocks continued to be described as intrusions. the dykes commonly have chilled margins.
Kay (1970, 1972, 1973, 1976) named and
described the igneous intrusions of the NE Interlayered Coaker Porphyry and mudstone
Dunnage M61ange, the Coaker Porphyry, the
Causeway Xenolith Phase of the Coaker Por- Coaker Porphyry that is interlayered and
phyry, and the Puncheon Diorite. folded with mudstone is the least common and
The Coaker Porphyry is a suite of peralumin- most complex form in which the intrusions
ous dacitic to rhyolitic hypabyssal intrusions. It occur.
is restricted to the area between Dildo and On Inspector Island (Fig. 2), in an area about
Reach Runs (Fig. 2), where the individual 500 m long and 150 m wide, an elongate, flow-
intrusions occur as irregular stocks that are banded stock of rhyolite is bordered by small
weakly elongate in a N E - S W direction. The rhyolite dykes that split into sheets interlayered
Coaker Porphyry is distinguished by the large with the host mudstone. The interlayered rhyol-
size and concentration of its component intru- ite and mudstone are complexly folded (Fig. 3).
sions, its intrusive relationships, the occurrence Commonly the limbs and hinges comprise sev-
of ultramafic and marie xenoliths, and its eral layers of rhyolite and mudstone that bear
geochemistry. Williams & Hibbard (1976) sug- no systematic relationship to adjacent folds.
gested that the Coaker Porphyry intruded the Individual layers display complex folding within
m61ange while the host sediments were uncon- large folds, pinch and swell structures, boud-
solidated. inage, bifurcation, and brecciation (Fig. 3).
Fold hinges in rhyolite commonly thicken into
lobate structures that locally contain subparal-
Intrusive relationships of the Coaker lel, discontinuous layers of mudstone. Other
Porphyry hinges give rise to third limbs that extend paral-
lel to the axial surface or are folded around with
The Coaker Porphyry occurs in the following the original limbs (Fig. 4). The surfaces of the
forms: (i) stocks; (ii) dykes; (iii) complexly small rhyolite dykes are commonly convoluted
274 B. E. Lorenz

FIG. 3. (a) Complex mixing within a larger folded structure of interlayered dacite (light) and
mudstone (dark), Birchy Island. (b) Contrasting behaviour of rhyolite layers within a fold, Inspector
Island. (c) Bifurcation of rhyolite layers in mudstone, Inspector Island. (d) Break-up of layering in a fold
limb, Birchy Island.

into ropy structures resembling pahoehoe. The ships occur in an area about 200 m long and
layering varies from being dominantly rhyolite 1 5 - 2 0 m wide. Although here the overall struc-
with narrow (1 ram) stringers of mudstone, to ture is of a recumbent isoclinal antiform (Fig.
being dominantly mudstone with narrow (2-3 5), the internal layering is chaotic. The inner
cm) stringers of rhyolite. part of the antiform consists of interlayered
On Birchy Island (Fig. 2) similar relation- mudstone and trachytic dacite, and the outer
Mud-magma interactions in the Dunnage MOlange 275

part of massive trachytic dacite. The interlayering

occurs from a fine scale with some layers only
mm thick, where the rock resembles a lami-
nated shale, to dacite layers up to 1 m thick.
Individual layers display the same kinds of dis-
ruption as those on Inspector Island.
< O.5m. >
Fro. 4. (a) A three-limbed fold of Coaker
Porphyry (white) in mudstone (mottled). Bulbous or lobate protuberances of trachytic
(b) Mechanism of formation of three- dacite occur on the sides of stocks, the termina-
limbed folds during slumping of mud and tions of dykes, and the hinges of folds of dacite
magma. interlayered with mudstone. They range from
c. 30 cm to 4 m in diameter. Mostly they occur
singly, but in places as clusters with intervening
A I n t e r l a y e r e d dacite and
mudstone i n t e r i o r
mudstone. Commonly a flow lineation, defined
by plagioclase laths, lies concordant with the
~ M a s s i v e dacite contact.


,~--- 20 m .-. ::,
Trace of axial s u r f a c e
Breccia is scarce, occurring locally in associa-
tion with the stocks in two distinct forms:
(i) As a mantle of breccia gradational into mas-
sive dacite. Dacite fragments in the breccia are
set in a matrix composed primarily of coarse,
elongate anhedral secondary quartz crystals
with a weak subparallel alignment, with minor
carbonate and wisps of mudstone. Some of the
fragments display a jigsaw-fit near the contact
(i) < with the massive body of the stock and else-
where the breccia commonly contains drusy
cavities. Because of the gradational contacts
between the breccia and the massive stocks, and
the presence of mudstone and silicification in
C2) the matrix, these breccias are interpreted as
peperites (cf. Kokelaar 1982).
(ii) Dacite breccia with mudstone matrix
occurs in dykes that cut some stocks. Similar
features, developed during cooling of viscous
rhyolite, are described by Kokelaar (1982) who
ascribes them to the opening of cooling joints
with simultaneous injection of hot fluidized
mud and peperite formation.

In agreement with Williams & Hibbard (1976),
the Coaker Porphyry is interpreted to have
FIG. 5. (a) Schematic drawing of the body been intruded into Lower Ordovician uncon-
of interlayered and folded dacite and mud- solidated wet sediments that comprised the
stone on Birchy Island. (b) A possible
mechanism of formation of the body matrix of the Dunnage Mrlange. The evidence
depicted in (a). (1) A sill of dacite intrudes supporting this interpretation is as follows:
wet mud. (2) Magma sags into the less (i) Corrugated and pahoehoe-like surfaces on
dense underlying mud. (3) The mass folds some of the intrusions suggest that both magma
into its final form during contemporaneous and host were fluid at the time of intrusion.
slumping. Similar features have been described by
276 B. E. L o r e n z

Kokelaar (1982) on a rhyolite sill which apparently gravity-controlled asymmetry inher-

intruded Ordovician wet muds on Ramsey ent in these forms. Sheets interpreted as intru-
Island, SW Wales. Also, cooling cracks on sive into wet sediments, on Ramsey Island, SW
Coaker stocks resemble the 'breadcrust' struc- Wales, and near Waterford, SE Ireland, have
tures from the Hammond Sill, interpreted by smooth upper contact surfaces, and irregular
Hoyt (1961) as intrusive into wet sediment. bulbous protrusions extending from their lower
(ii) Lobate margins of the intrusions are similar surfaces. This asymmetry would appear to be
to pillows developed at the flow fronts of sub- the result of loading of the denser magma into
aqueous lava flows. the less-dense (fluidized) sediments. On Inspec-
(iii) The peperitic intrusive margins indicate tor Island, the small dykes extend from an elon-
intrusion into and fluidization of wet sediment gate stock, not simply loading as they might in a
(Kokelaar 1982). pile of stagnant mud, but folded into complex
The folded interlayering of Coaker Porphyry forms. On Birchy Island, the massive outer
and mudstone with thickening and extension of layer of the isoclinal antiform probably origi-
hinges, the pinching out of mudstone layers nated as a thick dyke from which the thin dykes
within intrusive rock and vice versa, and the lack of its inner part were formed, with the whole
of systematic structure, also indicate deforma- unit slumped into its present form (Fig. 5b).
tion of unconsolidated materials. The trachytic The relationships of the Coaker Porphyry
texture of the rhyolites and dacites, and the support the interpretation that it intruded
absence of strain within euhedral phenocrysts unconsolidated sediments. Fluidization of the
of quartz, muscovite, and feldspar, indicate that associated sediments indicates depths of intru-
the interlayered structures of igneous and sion of less than 1.6 km (Kokelaar 1982), and
sedimentary rocks are primary and not tectonic. the presence of dacite cobbles in conglomerates
For such relationships to occur the following in the Dunnage M61ange indicates penecon-
require explanation: (i) the mechanism of inter- temporaneous erosion of extrusive or very shal-
layering of mud and magma; (ii) the origin of low intrusive Coaker units. Shallow emplace-
folding; and (iii) the persistence of very thin ment is thus implied.
magma layers within the original mud.
Kokelaar (1982) has argued that the complex
intermingling of magma and mud results from
fluidization of the mud by steam generated at
contacts. Fluidized sediments offer little resis-
tance to intrusion, and extremely complex con- The Coaker Porphyry intruded the water-
tacts between magma and sediment can result saturated, unlithified Lower Ordovician mud
because magma can extend unrestricted in any matrix of the Dunnage M61ange. Complex
direction. Fluidized sediments also insulate the interlayering and folding of mud and magma
magma from immediate chilling, thus allowing occurred as a result of intrusion of the magma
persistence of very thin magma layers. into mud on slopes. The evidence suggests that
The style of folding indicates that the magma the Coaker Porphyry was emplaced at shallow
and mud slumped in an unconsolidated state. levels, which is inconsistent with the existence
This may have been triggered by the continued of a large tectonic overburden at the time of
intrusion of the magma into muds at the edge of intrusion. The relationships between the
an escarpment or on a slope. Magma intrusion Coaker Porphyry and its host mudstones are
contemporaneous with slumping is envisaged inconsistent with a tectonic origin for the Dun-
such that a sheet of magma is folded into mud nage M61ange.
as the combined mass moves down-slope. The
magma entering the hinge continues to flow ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: [ wish to thank D. F. Strong,
down-slope, producing the third limb which R. K. Stevens, and H. Williams for their guidance and
may in turn be folded over (Fig. 4b). financial support for the field work done during 1981
Two factors support the interpretation that and 1982. I have benefitted greatly from discussions
the folding and interlayering are slope- with G. Home, D. Reusch, W. S. McKerrow, N. Rast,
controlled rather than a primary function of D. Karig, R. Flood, and P. Wonderley. Thanks are
intrusion, such as by squirting of the magma due also to D. F. Strong, R. M. Easton, R. K. Stevens,
and P. Kokelaar for their constructive criticism of the
into the mud: (i) the scarcity of the phenome- manuscript. I particularly appreciate the warm hospi-
non, in contrast to an abundance of dykes and tality of Mrs Stella Small and Dr Ann Roberts, and
other simple forms, suggests that a special con- the expert boatmanship of Mr Elmo Small of Sum-
dition--the local presence of a slope--is merford, Newfoundland. I also wish to thank Mr
required for its formation; and (ii) there is an Winston Howell for drafting the diagrams.
Mud-magma interactions in the Dunnage Mdlange 277

DEWEY, J. F. 1969. Evolution of the Appalachian/ igneous bodies,J, geol. Soc. London, 139, 21-33.
Caledonian orogen. Nature, Lond. 222, 124-9. LORENZ, B. E. & FOUNTAIN, J. C. 1982. The South
HAWORTH, R. T., LEFORT, J. & MILLER, H. G. 1978. Lake Igneous Complex, Newfoundland: a mar-
Geophysical evidence for an east-dipping ginal basin--island arc association. Can. J. Earth
Appalachian subduction zone beneath New- Sci. 19, 490-503.
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the Bay of Exploits area, Newfoundland. Bull. World Island, Newfoundland. Bull. geol. Soc.
Newfoundld Dept Nat. Res. geol. Sec. 3. Am. 89, 1121-32.
HIBBARD, J. P. & WILLIAMS,H. 1979. Regional set- MALPAS, J. 1977. Petrology and tectonic significance
ting of the Dunnage Mrlange in the Newfound- of Newfoundland ophiolites, with examples from
land Appalachians. Am. J. Sci. 279, 993-1021. the Bay of Islands. In: COLEMAN,R. G. • IRWIN,
, STOUGE, S. & SKEVINGTON, D. 1977. Fossils W. P. (eds) North American Ophiolites. Bull.
from the Dunnage Mrlange, north-central New- Oregon Dept geol. Min. Ind. 95, 13-23.
foundland. Can. J. Earth Sci. 14, 1176-8. -- & STEVENS, R. K. 1977. The origin and em-
HORNE, G. S. 1968. Stratigraphy and structural geol- placement of the ophiolite suite with examples
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Newfoundland. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis., Col- 453-66.
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1969. Early Ordovician chaotic deposits in the land, map with notes. Pap. geol. Surv. Can.
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land. Bull. geol. Soc. Am. 80, 2451-64. WILLIAMS,H. 1964. Notes on the orogenic history and
HOYT, C. L. 1961. The Hammond Sill--an intrusion isotope ages in the Botwood Map area, north-
in the Yakima Basalt near Wenatchee, Washing- eastern Newfoundland. Pap. geol. Surv. Can.
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KAY, M. 1970. Flysch and bouldery mudstone in 1978. Geological development of the northern
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Flysch Sedimentology in North America. Spec. British Isles. In: BOWLS, D. R. & LEAKE, B. E.
Pap. geol. Ass. Can. 7, 155-64. (eds) Crustal Evolution in Northwestern Britain
1972. Dunnage Mrlange and Lower Paleozoic and Adjacent Regions. Geol. J. Spec. Issue, 10,
deformation in north-west Newfoundland. Int. 1-22.
geol. Congr. 24th, sec. 3, 122-33. 1979. Appalachian Orogen in Canada. Can. J.
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1976. Dunnage M61ange and subduction of the orogen. Geology, 10, 530-6.
Protacadic Ocean, northeast Newfoundland. & HIBBARD,J. P. 1976. The Dunnage Mrlange,
Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 175, 49 pp. Newfoundland. Pap. geol. Surv. Can. 76/1A,
KOKELAAR,B. P. 1982. Fluidization of wet sediments 183-5.
during the emplacement and cooling of various

BRENNA E. LORENZ, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of New-

foundland, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X5
The Late Precambrian and early Palaeozoic marginal basin of
South China

Pan Guoqiang
SUMMARY: An integrated study based on recent geological mapping and encompassing
the evolution of sedimentary facies, volcanism, plutonism and metamorphism in the Sinian
and early Palaeozoic rocks of SE China has led to a reinterpretation of the area as
representing a marginal basin situated at the SE margin of the Yangtze continental plate.
The marginal basin comprised an active basin or trough and an inactive or marginal sea.
The two parts display different sedimentary facies and tectonic and volcanic histories. It is
concluded that in the early stages of evolution magma was derived from the mantle but
later magmas were generated mainly in the crust.

The Precambrian and early Palaeozoic marginal jiang-Fujian-Guangdong island arc formed on
basin of southern China was an extensive the inner side of the subduction zone. A margi-
back-arc depression, over 2000 km long and nal basin, wide in the SW and narrow in the NE,
700 km wide, situated between a volcanic arc to lay to the NW of the island arc and adjoining
the SE and an epicontinental sea to the NW. An the epicontinental sea of the Yangtze platform
analysis of the sedimentary facies, facies varia- (Fig. 1). Within the marginal basin a positive
tions and volcanism within the basin indicates area, named 'Hunan-Jiangxi old island',
that for most of its history it comprised an occupied a zone from E Hunan to NE Jiangxi
outer, tectonically active zone adjacent to the and separated the active marginal basin to the
continental slope of the island arc, and an inner, SE from the inactive marginal basin to the NW.
transitional zone adjacent to the upper conti- Also in Late Sinian times, local uplift occurred at
nental slope of the stable continental area. This the margins of the Yangtze epicontinental sea
configuration is similar to that proposed by (Fig. 1).
Karig & Sharman (1975) who divided marginal The broad configuration of the basin
basins into active and inactive basins separated remained the same during the Cambrian except
by a remnant arc. The two parts can also be that the active basin extended towards W
related to the classical geosyncline, the internal Hunan and E Guizhou (Fig. 2). In the active
eugeosyncline corresponding to the active basin basin in Jiangxi, N Guangdong and SE Hunan,
and the external miogeosyncline to the transi- thick sediments accumulated, indicating con-
tional or inactive part. tinual subsidence of several thousand metres.
This contrasts strongly with the thin, non-
compensated sediments of the inactive basin
History of development of the South (Fig. 2).
China Marginal Basin During Early and Middle Ordovician times
subsidence in the basin was slow. At the begin-
The initiation and early development of the ning of the Late Ordovician, the interaction of the
South China Marginal Basin occurred in the eastward subduction along the Ailaoshan sub-
Sinian period which commenced at c. 800 Ma. duction zone at the SW margin of the Yangtze
The basin persisted until Middle Silurian times Plate and the westward subduction of the
and therefore occupies the post-Jinning and Nanhua oceanic plate caused the regions of
pre-Guangxi stage in the stratigraphic S Guizhou, N Guangxi and SE Yunnan to be
development of China (Wang Hongzheng & uplifted and accreted to the Yangtze plate, with
Wang Ziqiang 1981). a consequent contraction of the marginal basin
In Early Sinian times the main tectonic ele- (Fig. 3). By Silurian times only a narrow trough
ments in southern China were the overthrusting existed in W Zhejiang, W Fujian and the Qin-
Yangtze plate to the NW and the underthrust- zhou-Fangchen area (Fig. 4). In Middle and
ing Nanhua plate to the SE. The plates were in Late Silurian times further uplift, accompanied
contact along a NW-dipping subduction zone, by folding in the E, resulted in connection of
along the Shaoxing-Lishui-Nanping-Haifeng the various islands and the disappearance of the
line. In Late Sinian times, the Zhe- marginal basin.

~? , ~]1


J 127736


Yangtze ~_-.~,.__. Marg
i ~ Island
Arc "~ Nanhua

NW Epicontinental Sea Marginal Sea Trough SE

k , km
FIG. 1. Palaeogeographical map and section of the South China Marginal Basin during the Late
Sinian. 1. Sedimentary area of Yangtze plate. 2. Island arc and remnant rise. 3. Subduction zone. 4.
Lithofacies boundary. 5-10: Lithofacies. 5. Siliceous-carbonaceous. 6. Pelitic-siliceous. 7.
Clastic-siliceous. 8. Clastic-siliceous-carbonaceous. 9. Pyroclastic and pelitic flysch. 10. Clastic

t ' • ~ , , ~ , ~ - " - ' \' ~ 3

,.~. ,,_:,#Z ,.-.,~

. , . ,, . ; . ,. ~ m"-/
;~, y- ^,~
,~ 6
f '',.(~" " /" +0" ~ 7

Mt Wuling Central Jiangxi Nanping

NW ~, f f SE

200 km I
/ 4
FIG. 2. Palaeogeographical map and section of the South China Marginal Basin during the
Middle and Late Cambrian. 1-4 as in Fig. 1. 5-7: Lithofacies. 5. Pelitic-carbonate. 6.
Carbonaceous-siliceous-pelitic-carbonate. 7. Pelitic sandy flysch-like and flysch.

Beichuan Y u e d i Longshan Shuangfeng Yongxin Yongan

NWv V V7 E V V V./I]-o
~z::::~z_--.. /--7-&--;- ~ - , . z ~ I" km
200km I ~ [.
FIG. 3. Palaeogeographical map and section of the South China Marginal Basin during the Late
Ordovician. 1. Sedimentary area of Yangtze plate. 2. Erosion area of Yangtze plate and island arc. 3.
Lithofacies boundary. 4. Sandy pelitic flysch-like facies. 5. Pelitic flysch facies.

Yangtze Plate

~ . ~ .... __ ~~:~,~2~-/oo o
~ ,j-- / y,,~"

Shanyang Zhushan YongshunHuaihua Sanjingliantan

Nf f f }' f S


FIG. 4. Palaeogeographical map and section of the South China Marginal Basin during the Early
Silurian. 1-3 as Fig. 3.4. Clastic-pelitic flysch-like facies. 5. Pelitic-carbonaceous facies.
282 Pan Guoqiang

Sediment associations in the South southern Jiangxi, some small basic and
China Marginal Basin ultrabasic intrusions were emplaced, and Fe
mineralization is associated with the volcanic
Within the marginal basin characteristic sequences in central Jiangxi and Guangdong. In
sedimentary facies can be related to variations general the Cambrian period was a time of vol-
in the amplitude and rates of relative subsi- canic quiescence with only small quantities of
dence or uplift of the basement, the intensity of rhyolite and acid tuff erupted in southern
penecontemporaneous fault movement and the Jiangxi. Acidic volcanic rocks in northern
occurrence of magmatic activity. Typically the Guangdong and southern Jiangxi are of Early
sedimentary facies of the epicontinental sea, the and Late Ordovician age respectively.
inactive marginal basin and the active marginal The dominant phase of activity in early
basin and inner part of the island arc, reflect Sinian times has been studied in most detail.
the stable, transitional and active tectonic envi- The volcanic assemblages are intercalated with
ronments respectively. The lateral and vertical bathyal-abyssal flysch and carbonate sequences.
migration of the various facies can be modelled In the Yingyangguan area of Guangdong, three
to demonstrate the development of the South separate eruption cycles have been disting-
China Marginal Basin. uished with each major cycle composed of two
In the inactive basin siliciclastic sediments are to five minor cycles with thicknesses of up to
most common. Locally, carbonaceous sedi- 350 m. With the exception of the rhyolite of the
ments containing sedimentary V, U and Mo eastern flanks of the Wuyi Mountains, the vol-
deposits accumulated slowly in non- canic rocks of Guangdong and Jiangxi all
compensated deep euxinic basins, as for exam- belong to the spilite-quartz keratophyre associ-
ple in the Sinian, Cambrian and Ordovician ation. They have been modified by regional
sequences of central Hunan. Except for rare metamorphism, generally to the greenschist
intercalations of pyroclastic material, vol- facies but locally into the amphibolite facies.
canogenic sediments are absent in the inactive Those in the greenschist facies exhibit distinct
basin. relict textures and are porphyritic. Spilite com-
The active basin was dominated by areno- monly displays pilotaxitic, intergranular and
pelitic, flysch-like and flysch facies with com- diabasic textures and where phenocrysts of
mon siliceous interbeds. Volcanic rocks occur in albite (Ans_10) are present the rock is termed
sequences of Sinian-Ordovician age. The rates spilitic porphyrite. Typically the keratophyres
of subsidence and sedimentation were in show flattened amygdales and trachytic texture
approximate balance here, with the result that a with albite (An7) , the quartz-keratophyres con-
succession of great thickness accumulated, the tain phenocrysts of quartz and albite, and occa-
Sinian system alone being 2-5 km thick. sionally of relict anorthoclase.
The number of sediment facies being de- Although the Na20 content of the Early
posited within the marginal basin was reduced in Sinian volcanic rocks is generally greater than
the later stages of its development. This can be their K20 , most samples have N a 2 0 / K 2 0 < 2.
determined in both the inactive and active parts According to the classification of Middlemost
of the basin and is associated with continuous (1972) they should therefore be assigned to the
accretion of the basin and thickening of the con- potassic type (Fig. 5). The correlation diagrams
tinental plate. of FeO/MgO:SiO z and FeO/MgO:FeO (Fig. 6)
indicate that they belong to the calc-alkaline
The basic magmas, rich in Mg, but low in Ca
Volcanism in the South China Marginal and A1, display a low degree of differentiation
and probably originated in the upper mantle.
Basin Ultrabasic rocks such as diopsidite and forster-
Volcanic activity commenced in Sinian times ite peridotite are associated with the basic rocks
and recurred intermittently, but with decreasing in southern Jiangxi. Upwelling of the magma
intensity, into Ordovician times. The eruptive was probably facilitated by major fractures
centres were almost entirely restricted to the developed during crustal extension in the
active part of the marginal basin. The products back-arc region, possibly caused by
of large-scale eruptions of the Early Sinian convection-induced eddy currents in the
period crop out extensively in Jiangxi, Fujian asthenosphere. Deep and persistent fractures,
and Guangdong and include spilite, such as those identified on both flanks of the
keratophyre and rhyolite together with pyro- Wuyi Mountains, in the Yunkai Mountains and
elastic rocks of corresponding compositions. In between Suichuan and Wanan, probably acted
The South China Marginal Basin 283

matite zones and zones of granitoid emplace-

ment within the basin, and suggested that they
were related to zones of deep fractures. The
metamorphism, migmatisation and melting
developed in the later stages of the basin evolu-
tion when continuing accretion at the margin of
2_ the Yangtze plate and compression and depres-
sion of the marginal basin restricted it to a fairly
0 narrow trough. The three polymorphs of
Al2SiOs, andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite,
o occur in the metamorphic series developed in
O the older parts of the basin succession of the
O A• • region. The sequence of events envisaged began
a AA with the development of high compressive and
•A• shear stresses, which initiated or reactivated a
A A• A
major deep fracture zone, accompanied by
4 6 8 10 medium-pressure metamorphism. Subse-
K20 4- N a 2 0 % quently, heat ascending the fracture zone from
deeper levels of the lithosphere produced a
• Yingyang Pass , Guangdong low-pressure, high-temperature andalusite-sil-
0 Xinyi , Guangdong limanite type metamorphic belt. Migmatization
and, eventually, anatexis with the production
a Ninghua , Fujian of granitic magmas took place in the zones of
FiG. 5. Alkalinity of the Early Sinian vol- highest heat and chemical energy transfer.
canic rocks. Intrusion and eruption of the magmas occurred
during stress release. The granitoid rocks,
as major channels for the eruption of the mag- which developed from the end of the Cambrian
mas. to the Silurian, thus display an evolutionary
Post-Cambrian magmas were acidic, occur- trend from migmatitic granitoids to hybrid and
ring as granitoid plutons and acidic extrusive finally magmatic granitoids.
rocks. The acidic magmas are interpreted as
having originated by crustal anatexis. Guo Lin- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author is extremely grate-
zhi et al. (1980) noted the close spatial coinci- ful to A. J. Reedman for assistance in the preparation
dence of prograding metamorphic zones, mig- of the manuscript.

A 15-
A Field of calc-alkali
A CA volcanic rocks
[] I I I OI .
/ TH Field of Tholeiites

7O A • • / OTH Oceanic Tholeiite
ITH Island-arc Tholeiite
, / // / i l T H ( i Sinian Volcanic Rocks :
b3 • Y i n g y a n g Pass , Guangdong
o Xingyi , Guangdong
""'" X TH /'. N i n g h u a , Fujian
4- Wuyi Mountain A r e a , Jiangxi
• -y" ) t-++ ~ " CA
Early Palaeozoic Intrusive Rocks :
" , / / //' -'TH/ I \ [] Migmatitic Granitoids
+o+ 7 X , - . . I " • Hybrid Granitoids

8° -., " , , 2 , , • • M a g m a t i c G raniteids

DD • [] Z~
i i I i i
1 2 3 4 5

(Fed) / MgO

FIG. 6. Petrochemical variations of Sinian and early Palaeozoic igneous rocks.

284 Pan Guoqiang
Guo LINGZHI et al. 1980. The Geotectonic MIDDLEMOST, E. A. K. 1972. A simple classification
Framework and Crustal Evolution o f South of volcanic rocks. Bull. Volcanol. 36, 382-97.
China. International Exchange Geological WANG HONGZHEN & WANG ZIQIANG 1981. An
Research Papers. The Geological Publishing outline of palaeogeographical development in
House, China (in Chinese). China since the mid-Proterozoic Era. J. Strati-
KARIG, D. E. & SHARMAN,G. E. 1975. Subduction graphy, 2 (in Chinese).
and accretion in trenches. Bull. geol. Soc. A m .
86, 377-89.

PAN GUOQIANG,Geological Bureau of Anhui Province, Ministry of Geology and

Mineral Resources, People's Republic of China.
Lower Palaeozoic volcanism of northern Qilianshan, NW China

Zhang Zhijin
SUMMARY: Thick volcanic sequences of mid-Cambrian-mid-Silurian age crop out in
northern Qilianshan in NW China. Volcanism was concentrated in a marine basin almost
1000 km long situated at the SW margin of the N China-Korea paraplafform. The basin
was subsequently deformed during Caledonian folding. Calc-alkaline, mildly alkaline and
alkaline volcanic rock suites have been identified and a variety of ore deposits, genetically
related to the volcanism, have been discovered.

The Qilianshan (Qilian Mountains) form the the geotectonic setting and character of the
NE part of the Nanshan ranges on the borders Lower Palaeozoic volcanism of northern
of Tsinghai and Kansu Provinces in NW China Qilianshan are briefly described.
(Fig. 1). They form a remote and rugged area with
the highest summit over 6000 m. Sequences
of submarine Lower Palaeozoic volcanic rocks
were recognized in northern Qilianshan over
Geotectonic setting and history of
30 yr ago and since then the completion of volcanism
a regional geological survey, at 1:200,000, and The Lower Palaeozoic volcanic belt of northern
exploration for mineral resources, have pro- Qilianshan, over 9 0 0 k i n long and almost
vided considerable new data concerning the 8 0 k m wide, comprises slightly metamor-
geology of the area. In particular, ultrabasic phosed, basic to intermediate and more rarely
rock masses, belts of glaucophane schist and acidic, volcanic rocks of Middle Cam-
associated spilite-keratophyre volcanic suites brian-Middle Silurian age. The belt forms a
have been studied in detail (e.g. Song Suhe et al. part of the Qilian eugeosyncline which sub-
1980; Song Zhigao 1980; Wang Quan et al. sequently became part of the Qinling-
1976; Xiao Xuchang et al. 1978). In this paper Q i l i a n - Q u n l u n fold belt of Caledonian age.

Yumen f ~. \ 100 E


[hangye SILURIAN

12 "

~ "~ Wuwei 38~N

N Fianzhu


) "~/(.4...~\Y°ngden~
km 100 "%, ~ I
I ~ M i n h eo
I "~"~oLafizhou(
FIG. 1. Sketch map showing the distribution of Lower Palaeozoic volcanic rocks and geotectonic
units at Qilianshan, NW China. 1. Alashan Block. 2. Hexi Corridor transitional zone. 3. Marginal
basin assemblage at northern Qilianshan. 4. Island-arc zone. 5. Ocean basin zone.

286 Zhang Zhijin
Xiao Xuchang et al. (1978) interpret the volcanic Early Ordovician
belt of northern Qilianshan as representing
Volcanism of Early Ordovician age was con-
a narrow marginal basin formed on an oceanic
centrated in the W part of the belt with lesser
plate adjacent to a continent termed the
development in the Dakeiha and Langshidang-
N China-Korea paraplatform. To the SW
gou areas, S of Tianzhu, within the E sector.
of the marginal basin lay an island-arc uplift
The main extrusions were of basaltic and
zone, which now crops out in mid-Qilianshan,
andesitic lavas which are intercalated with mud-
and to the NE the Alashan Block, a part of the
stone, sandstone and limestone. Locally, small
N China-Korea paraplatform, is separated
quantities of acidic material were erupted.
from the volcanic belt by a narrow transitional
zone known as the Hexi Corridor, within which
volcanic rocks are poorly represented (Fig. 1). Middle Ordovician
Major fault zones form the boundaries between
these geotectonic units. The most widespread volcanism of the
Early Cambrian strata are absent in northern Qilianshan volcanic belt occurred in the Middle
Qilianshan. Subsidence and sedimentation Ordovician. The eruptions were dominantly
commenced in the Middle Cambrian and thick basic though in some areas, such as Dacha in
sequences of marine sediments and volcanics Sunan, Chelengou in Wuwei and Zhongbao in
accumulated into Early Ordovician times. Vol- Yongdeng, relatively large amounts of acidic
canism was accompanied by the intrusion of material were also erupted. In addition,
ultrabasic masses. The volcanic activity inten- alkaline volcanics crop out in Zhongbao dis-
sified to a peak in Middle Ordovician times trict. In general the eruptions are interpreted as
when it was tectonically controlled with fis- having been of fissure-type which were distri-
sure-type eruptions dominant and central-type buted in a zone parallel to the axis of the basin,
eruptions more rarely developed. Activity although in the Sunan and Yongdeng districts
declined in the Late Ordovician and volcanic volcanic sequences resulting from explosive,
rocks are rare in the Silurian clastic sequences. central-type eruptions have been recognized.
The characteristics of the main phases of activ- The volcanic sequences exceed 3000 m in
ity are outlined below. thickness in the Zhongbao district and a con-
spicuously rhythmic pattern of activity, quiet
effusion-violent eruption-intermittent erup-
tion-quiescence, is recognized. The sequences
Middle Cambrian also demonstrate a regular evolution of the
Isolated eruptive centres were sporadically magmas from basic through intermediate to
acid and finally alkaline types.
developed within the basin during Middle Cam-
brian times. The volcanism was most intense in
the E and W of the basin. The thickest volcanic Late Ordovician
sequences occur in Baiyin in the E, Xiangmao
Mountain and Yingzui Mountain to the W of Volcanism waned in the early part of the Late
Yumen in the northern part of the belt, and in Ordovician and the zones of activity migrated
the Heihe area of the middle of the belt. In the from the centre of the basin to marginal depres-
Baiyin district, an extensively differentiated sions. A thick sequence of carbonate and clastic
suite of spilite-quartz-keratophyre tufts and sediments was deposited with minor intercala-
lavas, totalling over 1700 m in thickness, was tions of basic to intermediate tufts in two areas,
erupted (Zhang Zhijin 1976). Spilite and Yaomoshan in Yumen and Suyouhe in Sunan.
spilite-porphyrite were dominant in the middle At a later stage, volcanic activity increased but
and western sections. was still confined to limited areas such as
Yumen, Gulang in Wuwei and Menyuan. Erup-
tions were of fissure-type and involved basic to
intermediate magmas, the basic rocks compris-
Late Cambrian ing mildly alkaline spilite and the intermediate
The region was volcanically quiescent for rocks normal calc-alkaline andesite.
most of the Late Cambrian period. The only evi-
dence of volcanism is in the few beds of tuff
Early and Middle Silurian
intercalated in the sequences between the
northern slopes of Xiangmao Mountain and the Early Silurian volcanic rocks occur in the N
Yumen Petroleum River. of Qilianshan and reflect weak and intermittent
TABLE 1. The average chemical composition ofLower Palaeozoic volcanic rocks from Qilianshan, N W China

Calc-alkaline Mildly alkaline Alkaline

Rock type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


SiO 2 44.86' 54.77 48.85 45.57 47.76 48.05 47.92 53.82 52.67 71.66 75.06 73.66 54.36 52.38 58.32
TiO 2 1.32 0.70 0.81 0.81 1.18 0.88 0.92 0.38 1.39 0.43 0.15 0.20 0.75 0.84 0.56
A120 3 15.73 16.21 15.65 13.75 14.71 16.52 16.97 14.70 15.52 12.85 12.73 13.91 17.38 17.61 18.02
Fe203 1.89 2.90 3.39 2.93 2.25 1.38 2.60 3.01 3.46 1.90 1.16 1.12 1.96 2.50 0.83
FeO 6.99 2.75 5.97 7.72 8.36 5.98 5.55 5.00 6.96 1.96 1.24 0.72 3.05 3.74 2.65
MnO 0.17 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.06 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.11 0.05
MgO 9.20 2.62 7.51 8.47 7.59 4.58 5.73 6.01 4.82 0.85 0.38 0.98 2.82 3.50 1.84
CaO 8.13 6.68 6.98 8.73 6.89 7.05 7.98 6.43 5.02 1.55 1.32 0.42 4.23 5.14 2.94
Na20 2.91 1.82 2.93 3.45 4.30 3.40 3.47 3.44 5.60 5.51 5.27 4.36 4.51 4.55 5.39
K20 1.03 0.33 2.21 0.80 0.59 4.51 1.10 0.38 0.20 0.58 1.29 3.35 5.63 4.76 5.67
P205 0.18 0.21 0.32 0.19 0.18 0.58 0.29 0.10 0.26 0.16 0.05 0.02 0.39 0.48 0.26
LOI 8.64 0.21 4.56 7.47 6.16 7.01 6.65 6.83 4.97 2.82 1.08 1.43 4.86 4.93 > 1.54

Total 101.05 100.84 99.32 100.07 100.16 100.11 99.32 100.24 101.05 100.33 99.78 100.18 100.01 100.54 >98.07

* Percent
1. Basalt 2. Andesite 3. Spilite 4. Potash spilite 5. Spilite-porphyrite 6. Keratophyre 7. Quartz-keratophyre 8. Potash quartz-keratophyre 9. Trachyte
10. Pseudoleucite-phonolite 11. Alkali trachyte. MO--Middle Ordovician. MC--Middle Cambrian. LOI--loss on ignition.
288 Zhang Zhijin

eruptions. Intermediate to acid tufts predomi- the two rock series are related to variations in
nate, although small amounts of andesite and their autometamorphic albitization. The slightly
basaltic lava crop out in the Shuiguanhe and alkaline rocks are rich in sodium, with Na20
Xiaohegou districts, Sunan. In the Middle generally greater than K20 (Table 1), and their
Silurian sequences, the only volcanic rocks are feldspars are mainly albite or oligoclase. In
small amounts of basic and intermediate tuff at places they are relatively rich in potassium and
Quannasgou Mountain, Yumen in the W sec- potash spilites and trachytes occur. The mildly
tion of the belt. alkaline spilite-quartz-keratophyre association
is particularly widely developed in the Middle
Cambrian eruptive phase.
Reliable data of the alkaline volcanic rocks
Volcanic facies and chemical have been obtained only from Shihuigou,
characteristics of the Lower Palaeozoic Yongdeng. The principal rock types include
volcanic rocks trachyte, pseudoleucite-phonolite, trachybasalt,
tephrite and augite-leucitite. They occur at the
Five volcanic facies can be recognized in north- top of the Middle Ordovician and may be in
ern Qilianshan; a subvolcanic facies, volcanic- part of Late Ordovician age.
pipe facies, explosive facies, effusive facies and
a volcanic-sedimentary facies. Of these, the
explosive and effusive facies are most widely
developed. The various eruptive facies can be Mineralization associated with
related to compositionally similar high-level Lower Palaeozoic volcanism
intrusives; e.g. spilite, spilite-porphyrite,
Commercial deposits of copper, lead, zinc and
keratophyre and quartz-keratophyre lavas and
iron, all closely associated with volcanic rocks,
tufts have their intrusive counterparts in bodies
have been found in northern Qilianshan. The
of diabase, albite-diorite and quartz-albite-
deposits are of two kinds; the copper and
porphyry. Amongst the spilites of the effusive polymetallic ores are volcanic pneumato-
facies, well-developed pillow lavas are inter-
hydatogenic fissure infills, and the iron,
bedded with fossiliferous marine limestones
together with sub-economic manganese ores
and flysch-like greywackes which indicate that
are of sedimentary-exhalative origin.
the lavas were emplaced in a submarine envi- The copper and polymetallic ores are
associated mainly with thick volcanic sequences
Compositionally, the volcanic rocks can be reflecting prolonged volcanism. Most of the
assigned to three major series; calc-alkaline, deposits occur either in sodium-rich rocks of the
mildly alkaline, and alkaline (Table 1). Rocks spilite-quartz-keratophyre series or in
of the calc-alkaline and mildly alkaline series associations of normal calc-alkaline rocks. The
are volumetrically the most important with wall rocks are most commonly those of the
alkaline rocks found only in a few localities. explosive or effusive facies and penecon-
Calc-alkaline basalt and andesite, together with temporaneous fractures associated with
lesser amounts of the mildly alkaline eruptive centres, and volcanic domes, are
spilite-quartz-keratophyre association, were favourable sites for mineralization.
abundant in the various Ordovician eruptive
phases, for example in the Lower Ordovician of
Daqingyangshan, Jiuquan and in the Middle ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author is particularly
Ordovician in Shihuigou, Yongdeng and grateful to A. J. Reedman for assistance in
Chelungou, Wuwei. The differences between preparation of the final draft of the manuscript.


its bearing on ophilite suite. Bull. Chin. Acad.

SONG SUHEel al. 1980. The major types and metal- Geol. Sci. (edited by the Xian Institute of Geol-
logenetic characteristics of magmatic rocks in ogy and Mineral Resources) 1, 14-22 (in Chin-
China. Geological Scientific and Technological ese).
Information of North West China. 3, 1-9 (in WANG QUANet al. 1976. Palaeo-oceanic crust of the
Chinese). Qilianshan Region, western China and its tec-
SONG ZHIGAO, 1980. Lower Palaeozoic spilite- tonic significance. Sci. geol. Sin. Peking, 1,
keratophyre suite of North Qilian Mountain and 42-54.
Lower Palaeozoic volcanism in N W China 289
XIAO XUCHANGet al. 1978. A preliminary study on ZHANG ZHIJIN, 1976. Some characteristic features of
the tectonics of ancient ophiolites in the Qilian the Middle Cambrian marine volcanism at the
Mountain, north west China. Acta geol. Sin. Pek- eastern section of the Qilian Mountain. Geologi-
ing, 52, 281-94. cal Scientific and Technological Information of
North West China, 2, 54-8 (in Chinese).

ZHANG ZHIJIN, Geological Bureau of Gansu Province, Ministry of Geology and

Mineral Resources, People's Republic of China.
Volcanic and associated sedimentary and tectonic processes in
the Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide*

B. P. Kokelaar, M. F. Howells, R. E. Bevins & R. A. Roach

This is a modified version of the guide which from Arenig to late Caradoc times volcanism
was prepared for a field discussion meeting, was widespread in a marginal basin setting
1-8 September 1982, prior to the Ordinary (Kokelaar et al., this volume). From the evi-
General Meeting of the Geological Society with dence in the present Ordovician outcrops,
the theme 'Volcanic Processes in Marginal major volcanic centres of the marginal basin
Basins'. The guide describes some of the were located in SW Wales and S Snowdonia in
localities in the Ordovician of Wales which have pre-Caradoc times and in central and N Snow-
recently provided much information on proces- donia in Caradoc times.
ses in an environment interpreted (Kokelaar et In SW Wales the main episode of volcanism
al., this volume) as being a marginal basin on occurred during the Llanvirn, represented by
the SE side of the Iapetus Ocean. In particular, the acid and basic igneous rocks of the Fish-
the volcanic and associated sedimentary and guard Volcanic Complex and the acidic volcanic
tectonic processes are emphasized. rocks on Ramsey Island. In S Snowdonia the
pre-Caradoc volcanism is represented by the
Aran Volcanic Group which crops out about
General geological context of the Lower the S, E and N margins of the Harlech Dome.
Palaeozoic volcanism In central and N Snowdonia the Caradoc vol-
canic rocks comprise a lower Llewelyn Volcanic
The geology of Wales is dominated by the Group (Howells et al. 1983) and an upper
Lower Palaeozoic (Fig. 1) and it was here in the Snowdon Volcanic Group. Seemingly lesser
19th century that Murchison, Sedgwick and accumulations have been determined else-
Lapworth established the Cambrian, Ordo- where, for example, in the Builth Inlier and in
vician and Silurian Systems, with their various Ll~n (Llanvirn and Caradoc), and in the Ber-
series. The nomenclature of Lower Palaeozoic wyn Dome (Caradoc). The evolution of the
stratigraphy (Harland et al. 1982) reveals the Ordovician marginal basin of Wales is
influence of these Welsh sequences. described by Kokelaar et al. (this volume).
During Lower Palaeozoic times a major During late Silurian-early Devonian times,
sedimentary basin, the Welsh Basin (equivalent with closure of the Iapetus Ocean and collision
to the geosyncline of Jones 1938), was estab- between the opposing plates, the basin se-
lished on a basement of late Precambrian rocks. quence was deformed and uplifted to form part of
Its N E - S W orientation was largely determined the Caledonian mountain chain (Caledonides).
by faults along its NW and SE margins (Fig. 1). Many of the major folds, such as the Towy
Sedimentation at the edges of the basin was dis- Anticline, Plynlimon Dome, Harlech Dome
continuous and generally of shallow-water elas- and Snowdon Synclinorium (Fig. 1) are open
tics or carbonates whilst towards the centre structures, although locally deformation
there was slow accumulation of pelagic muds resulted in small thrusts, especially along the
with periodic incursions of turbiditic sands and NW and SE margins of the basin. A mainly
silts. An estimated 13 km of sediment accumu- axial planar cleavage is widely developed,
lated towards the centre of the basin and a max- which in the mudstones was sufficiently intense
imum of 5 km at the margins. to produce slates, and low-grade metamorph-
Recently, the development of this basin has ism of prehnite-pumpellyite or lower green-
been interpreted in the broad context of the schist facies is ubiquitous.
evolution of the major Iapetus Ocean occurring
to the NW (e.g. Phillips et al. 1976). With clos-
ure of this ocean a period of arc volcanism Itineraries ( F i g . 2)
occurred at the end of Tremadoc times
(Kokelaar 1979; Kokelaar et al. 1982) and Excursions A and B: Ramsey Island [SM 7024]
(full day each)
*Almost invariably, little can be gained by using a
hammer on the rocks described here, whereas a great To examine Arenig and Llanvirn sequences
deal can be lost. Please conserve the outcrops. which include an early distal sequence of rhyoli-

292 B. P. Kokelaar et al.


i ...)
-- 53 ° N


•., •,"•'•,.."" •.. •:"

z ".""

Bet w'yn" D o m e
Q : . •. • .'.%...,
:~ ."...':-:.. /

"----~-Shelve Inlier
nlimon Domel
CAMBRIAN ,.v°.,•"




/ . "
" r-i:es i::.":?: ~.:;
"-• .'.. •".'.. , '- . ",':, . . • "~o~.~
. •

0 10 20 30 4 0 km lC'/:P
FIG. 1. Simplified geology of the Welsh Basin (Mo-Moelwyn and Manod Hills)•

tic volcanogenic sediments and a later proximal explosive submarine volcanism and deposited
volcanic pile, comprising subaqueously em- from debris and turbiditic flows.
placed welded and non-welded rhyolitic ash-flow
tufts, rhyolitic domes and high-level rhyolitic
intrusions with peperites. Coeval wet-sediment Excursions D and E: Pen Caer [SM 887393 a n d
slides and associated debris-flow deposits are 937404] (half and full day respectively)
also demonstrated.
To examine a thick bimodal volcanic accumu-
lation, of Llanvirn age, comprising basaltic pil-
Excursion C: Abereiddi [SM 796310] (half day)
lowed and sheet lavas, and tufts, flow-banded
To examine proximal to distal variation in a and autobrecciated rhyolitic lavas, rhyolitic
Llanvirn sequence of basic tufts produced by tufts and breccias, rhyodacitic pillow lavas and
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 293

N ANGLESEY ~ ~ 2 - ~ ~ C

- , , ~ / ~ ! . ~ .......... - ....
| Lla nberis ! ~.--.e~-e Betws - y- Coed :.
/ I ! t;ape= ~ / ~ \
/ / .... C u r i g -;" - "" - ~. ",,
/-¢ / ~ ~ ~.,. Llangollen "-.,,
,,.../SNOWDONIA ~ e, , , ...... ":
/ ~ ! ', ~°'~ ; ~'.
EXCURSIONS ~ £ \, ~ (
• Dolgellau ""'.
A&B Ramsey Island / t l ..-
C Abereiddi CARDIGAN / ii~F'!i ,. /
~ 7 le Machynlleth ~ ":
D & E Pen Caer ~ _ ~ / / '.'" .';
/ • -." .
F Pared y Cefn-h;r .... r"],,/, N wtown ........
.. BA~ /.'L~ ° :"
G - L North-Central Snowdonia /~Aberystwyth "-,,.
I ~ "'-..... :::

// .."
_~///// ~ Builth Wells :

.....%.! J / // " •Cardigan
~" •
Llanwrtyd Wells :
Abereiddi~ -'/ ' - ~ '-
~ " -~C rlsnguard v ".
..... . .... .
. :....:- ~x ~ _ _ _,-i~Carmarthen
""'" " " ".' . .
A &B I "% . . . . . . . . _-'-_ -""'-. - ""
f Haverfordwest ~ - ""-,.
o° "--.. ;


0 10 20 30 40 km
[ I I I I

FIG. 2. Generalized route and location of excursions.

volcanogenic debris flows. Also, high-level con- A t Pared y Cefn-Mr is a well-exposed sequ-
temporaneous intrusions, principally of basic ence through the pre-Caradoc A r a n Volcanic
composition and associated with fine tuffaceous Group which is restricted to S Snowdonia.
sediments which show wet-sediment sliding, are
Excursion G: Lianberis Pass [SH 63005650]
(half day)
Excursion F: Journey between Fishguard and To examine the Pitt's H e a d Tuff, basaltic
Snowdonia including a brief stop at Pared y lavas, rhyolitic dust tufts and associated marine
Cefn-hlr [SH 662148] sediments of the Cwm Eigiau Formation, and
294 B . P . K o k e l a a r et al.

an important locality which demonstrates the mudstones. The localities demonstrate thixo-
synvolcanic tectonism which accompanied the tropic deformation of tufts and sediments as a
emplacement of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff For- result of loading and, or, seismic activity.

Excursion H: Pen y Pass to Llyn Llydaw Excursions A and B: Ramsey Island*

[SH 64705565] (half day) (Figs 3, 4 and 5)
To demonstrate the general sequence of the Ramsey Island displays proximal and distal
Snowdon Volcanic Group in central Snowdonia rhyolitic volcanic rocks which were in the main
and in particular the proximal facies of the erupted and emplaced in a marine environment
Lower Rhyolitic Tuff Formation. in which pelagic muds accumulated. Coeval
rhyolitic intrusions show various interactions
with wet and unlithified ashes and muds.
Excursion h Gallt yr Ogof [SH 69355950] (half
Penecontemporaneous tectonism is reflected in
major gaps and repetitions in the stratigraphy
To examine the rhyolitic tufts and associated and in debris-flow deposits, which result from
sediments of the Capel Curig Volcanic Forma- major slides and mass-gravity reworking of
tion. The locality provides evidence of sub- strata respectively.
aqueous emplacement of welded ash-flow tufts The N - S Ramsey Fault divides the island
with irregular transgressive basal contacts and into two blocks with contrasting stratigraphy
planar tops. (Fig. 3). To the E of the fault an upper Cam-
brian and an almost complete lower Arenig
Excursion J: Cwm Idwal [SH 65006030] (full sedimentary sequence is succeeded by the Aber
day) Mawr Formation of upper Arenig-lower Llan-
virn age, comprising mudstones with distal
To examine the sequence between the Pitt's rhyolitic tufts. These are overlain by the lower
Head Tuff and the Bedded Pyroclastic Forma- Llanvirn Porth Llauog Formation, including
tion. The Lower Rhyolitic Tuft Formation black mudstones, siltstones and minor tufts, but
comprises subaqueously emplaced rhyolitic characterized by several major and many minor
lava, primary rhyolitic ash-flow tufts and second- deposits of cohesive debris flows. These mostly
ary, sloughed deposits of previously emplaced comprise a mixture of the lithologies of the
ash-flow material with intercalated marine sedi- underlying strata. This formation is overlain by
ments. The Bedded Pyroclastic Formation tufts which are correlated with the lower part of
includes bedded basaltic tufts deposited in shal- the rhyolitic C a m Llundain Formation in the
low water and associated basaltic pillow lavas block to the W of the Ramsey Fault. On the
and breccias. western side, however, these tufts grade down
into a conglomerate which unconformably over-
Excursion K: E of Capel Curig [SH 72105810] lies the Trwyn Llundain Sandstones, probably
(half day) of lower Middle Cambrian age (equivalent to
the Solva Group on the mainland). The pre-
To examine the marine sediments and associ- Carn Llundain Formation sequence E of the
ated volcanics of the upper part of the Cwm fault is missing to the W. To the E of the Ram-
Eigiau Formation and the three rhyolitic non- sey Fault and W of the Road Uchaf Slide, the
welded ash-flow tufts of the Lower Crafnant strata including part of the upper Cambrian and
Volcanic Formation. The former include a up to at least the base of the Porth Llauog For-
basaltic vent entrapped in the sedimentary mation are allochthonous, with numerous gaps
sequence, reworked rhyolitic tuffs and a debris- and repetitions in the stratigraphy occurring
flow breccia. The ash-flow tufts, interbedded across major, unlithified wet sediment slide
with marine siltstones, are in part the distal planes.
equivalents of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff Forma- Initial tectonism caused the large-scale slid-
tion in central Snowdonia. ing of the pre-Porth Llauog Formation succes-
Excursion L: Sarnau [SH 77305890] (half day)
*Ramsey Island is privately owned and permission for
To examine the Middle Crafnant Volcanic access must be sought from the owner. Access to
Formation which comprises a sequence of thin, localities A4 and B8 is steep, loose and exposed, and
blocky rhyolitic ash-flow tufts and water-settled most other localities, around cliff edges and on steep
dust tufts interbedded with graptolitic black slopes, must be approached with caution.
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales: a field guide 295

sion and then, more locally, uplift on the W side ing up into 63 m of thicker bedded, medium- and
of the Ramsey Fault resulted in shedding of all fine-grained rhyolitic tufts, with only minor
strata down to the lower Middle Cambrian silicified mudstone partings. The tufts contain
beds. The debris-flow deposits of the Porth whole crystals and fragments of quartz and
Llauog Formation on the E side of the fault plagioclase. Pumice fragments and shards are
reflect this stage of tectonism which, from the discernible in some coarser units but thorough
presence of the several moderately thick hori- recrystallization, into diffuse segregations of
zons of pelagic black mudstones (with lower quartzo-feldspathic aggregates within more
Llanvirn graptolite and trilobite faunas), must micaceous areas, is common. Carbonate
have been quite protracted. The extrusive vol- nodules are also common.
canism of the upper part of the Carn Llundain Within the tufts three bed forms can be de-
Formation and the numerous coeval high-level termined. Firstly, there are massive beds, 1.5-
intrusions are probably centred on the fault. A 5 m thick with mudstone intraclasts, which are
late Caledonian penetrative cleavage affects most common in the upper part of the member.
most argillaceous rocks, although strain is mar- Some beds show normal coarse-tail grading,
kedly inhomogeneous around and between the and parallel laminations towards their top.
rhyolitic intrusions. Flute casts occur at some bed bases. These
Excursion A (Fig. 3), confined to the E of the beds are regarded as mainly suspension de-
Ramsey Fault, examines the distal tufts of the posits of high-density turbidity currents (the S 3
Aber Mawr Formation, the cohesive debris- division of Lowe (1982) or T a of Bouma
flow deposits of the Porth Llauog Formation (1962)), with deposition by traction sedimenta-
and striking exposures of rhyolites intruded into tion producing the laminations, T b. The second
wet sediments. Excursion B (Figs 4 and 5) bed form, up to 2 m thick but mostly much
examines the products and processes of em- thinner, includes fine parallel laminations and
placement of the relatively proximal volcanism no evidence of grading. The laminations are
of the Carn Llundain Formation, W of the commonly convoluted and locally slump-
Ramsey Fault. folded, and the beds are in places associated
with others dominated by current ripples or
Locality AI: Aber Mawr cross-lamination. Beds of this second type are
traction sediments, Tb_d, of low-density turbid-
At the N end of the bay, black mudstones, ity currents which may represent fractions of
presumed to be of Arenig age (Tetragraptus the immediately underlying and, or, more
mudstone), dip steeply S and are hornfelsed proximal S 3 units. The third type is of thin beds
and spotted up to 10 m from their discordant mainly of massive, although in places lami-
contact with the Carn Ysgubor microtonalite nated, very fine grained tuff. These are prob-
boss. To the S of a fault, faintly laminated black ably suspension deposits, Ta_e, associated with
mudstones of lower Llanvirn age (D. bifidus the turbidity currents, although some may
mudstone) are contorted and dip mainly W and represent distal ash-fall.
SW. These mustones contain several thin (up to The turbiditic tuff sequence is interpreted as
1.5 m) felsite sheets which are sinuous and dis- a moderately deep-water distal accumulation,
continuous, semiconcordant or discordant, and either from a single rhyolitic centre where activ-
display features indicative of emplacement into ity increased in frequency and intensity, or from
wet sediment. more than one centre. There is no evidence to
South of the D. bifidus mudstone, rhyolitic indicate whether the eruptions were submarine
turfs (Lower Aber Mawr Tuff Member) are or subaqueous, ash-falls (Plinian) or ash-flows,
conformably overlain by upper Arenig muds- or both.
tones (pencil slates) so that a major break must This lower tuff member is succeeded by c.
occur between the D. bifidus mudstone and the 50 m of distinctive sooty-black pencil slates, of
tufts. No fault is evident and the boundary is upper Arenig age. The overlying Upper Aber
interpreted as having been a major slide plane Mawr Tuff Member comprises two tuff sequ-
in wet sediment, similar to those widely ences separated by black mudstones. These
developed across the N and NE of Ramsey tufts are similar to the upper part of the lower
Island. The laminations in the mudstones are member, and they are considered to represent
discordant to the strata above and below, indi- two further episodes of distal rhyolitic volcan-
cating deformation during movement. ism.
The Lower Aber Mawr Tuff Member com- The succeeding black mudstones, locally with
prises c. 20 m of laminae and thin beds of fine faint laminatlons, contain a D. bifidus (lower
rhyolitic tuff intercalated with mudstones, grad- Llanvirn) fauna. They generally dip steeply S
296 B . P . Kokelaar et al.

Ogof H6n

Drain-du /
60 J ~

x x x x x x x x ~
x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x
N × x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x Carn x x x
x x x x x Ysgubor.
x x x x x x xx

..... i
x x x x x x x x x ×
x x x x x x x x ~
x x x x x x x x
..... /
~ .~RUS
Road U c h a f

Aber A1

Trwyn + + + + + + v .4~tt;
Llundain = 7 t.,¢"
. +++++++++++++÷+H
+ + + + + + + + 4- A-

4- 4` + + +4` + ÷ 4` 4` + + + + + + 4`4` landing place

:4- 4- + 4- + + + + A- +
÷ + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- ÷ RUS
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + ~J4 v , , .
Og + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- 4- 4- -Jptb
4- 4- 4- + + 4- + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-.f~K~
..,4-4- 4- + 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- 4- ~%~
I"p~÷~. .4~ ' 4+-` +~+ 4-4`+i4-÷+ 4-4-+ +4`+ +4`4`4- 4 ` + "~'~-'
-- ~
,e B i t c H e s
4- 4- 4- ÷ 4- 4- 4 - 4 - ~ . ~ +,-
Pwll + + + 4` + 4` + y+'+ + ~ Ynys Hwrddod
4 - + + + + + -~+ + + +1
Bendro ".','¢+ + + + + + +/+ + + + 41
+ + + + + +/+ + + + +]
+ + + + +/+ + + + + -/[ ~-
I+ + 4- + 4- 7~ 4- 4- 4- 4-,4-~[/ F+
+ 4` 4` +
y 4 ` 4 ` + 4- + + + ~
B ~.,,t- 4- 4- + 4- + + + 4-
~ + 4- + + / + + + + + + +
1-10 + + 4- "/" + + + + + + + + + 4 ` + + 81
4 4`+4-+ ++ 7++ /
4- + + + + + +
4-+4--3-+++++4-.....r_ + +{
-++4`++)~,+ + 4- +
+ + + + + + ++.~ + -4- + + r Hen-ffordd

i + ~+m / m m ~~-

+ +

+ ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ + +
L + + + + + + + + 4

+ + ++ + 4-


4- 4- 4-
+ + + q-



Felin-fawr + + .,,--~.+ + Aber Myharan


• T h o m a, '~ "+L,~5_~'7
Williams .-...__ ~W'~=~' Foel Fawr
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 297

turbiditics I /
'lamU tuff
deposits ~"~ ' ~ I laminated
autobrecc. ==~= &'~z I I / ~ turbiditic
lavae ~ <~ ~ • I~ / tuff •
penecon- + + + 1
t e m p s i l l e~~ >~~ / I/,'" ~ ;~,s /

ash-flow ~ / g
tuffs* ~,;~¢**1 A
(lowest . = ~ ,
unit has ~<'~ ~ ,.~1
= i
/ /
associated ~=k. # ~,vl E ,
L :ARN *******1
N LLUN- ~< ~ ~1 /
V DAIN .~ ~ ~ ~1 / •• eposits
,MN. // ,%1
._,. . . . //
[ ~ ~o°t~t~ with | /
/ o [] ~ [] n . minor / /
o[] [] pal slltstone /
[] [] m ql and |
-~o[]o~°oc~tuff• // ;
turbiditic B=a ~ BB==1 / I
,u,,. o.....
U ~ooo []
o o O•OOnl
/ I
L or1 ooo~l
~ODgt~ /'LLAUO

%oogo[]~j /
Llundain ~:'"~',':':':::1 J ~
30 OoOoOl / / Lingula
Sandstones [ ~ : ( ! . i i I 0 [] ~[]~[] Flags


~ rhyolite ~ fault 3~" probable level
of Porth Llauog
~ porphyritic ~. unconsolidated sed. rhyolite intrusion
rhyolite ~'~..slide plane RUS Road Uchaf Slide

microtonalite .~45 dip of strata A~B excursions

FIG. 3 (above and opposite). Simplified geology of Ramsey Island (Excursion A1-4).

but are disturbed and overturned in places. The the fine Aber Mawr tufts and mudstone, in a
mudstones are the youngest strata certainly mudstone matrix.
involved in the major wet sediment sliding on
Ramsey Island. The Aber Mawr section is only
a small part of the allochthonous pile of sedi- Locality A2: Porth Llauog
ments and tufts present on the island. In the cliffs on the SE of the bay, NW-dipping
The base of the succeeding Porth Llauog beds of the Porth Llauog Formation have been
Formation is taken at the lowest debris-flow unit disturbed by penecontemporaneous shallow
within the D. bifidus mudstone. This bed, up to intrusion of rhyolite. The brecciated rhyolite
2 m thick, contains angular to rounded clasts of has gently domed and locally transgressed the
298 B.P. K o k e l a a r et al.

bedded sequence, parts of which have slipped The cohesive debris flows reflect contem-
to the NW and overlie their lateral equival- poraneous fault activity, including that on the
ents. The breccia in the rhyolite contact zone is Ramsey Fault with major uplift to the W. The
peperitic, comprising mostly angular and irregu- deposits include most of the lithologies of the
larly shaped fragments, some with crenulated underlying sequence and well-rounded pebbles,
margins, in a matrix of fine angular rhyolitic mostly of rhyolite, probably derived from an
fragments and silicic mudstone. emergent supra-littoral environment.
The bedded sequence on top of the rhyolite,
up to 9 m thick, comprises grey silty mudstone
Locality A3: Ogof Thomas Williams (viewed
overlain by massive, rhyolitic, pebbly and gritty from the cliff tops)
sandstones intercalated with thinly bedded and
laminated rhyolitic sandstones and siltstones. Numerous steep sided, rounded and irregular
The massive, poorly sorted sandstones are com- domes of intrusive rhyolite crop out extensively
posed of angular to sub-rounded pebbles and in the S of Ramsey Island, mostly occurring
granules of rhyolite and mudstone lenticles, in a with the dominantly black argillites of the Porth
sandy matrix of rhyolitic fragments, and quartz Llauog Formation pinched between them. The
and plagioclase crystals. The beds, up to 75 cm rhyolites are composed of abundant euhedral to
thick, mostly show normal coarse-tail grading, anhedral quartz and plagioclase phenocrysts in
although some are inversely graded close to a fine, quartzo-feldspathic groundmass which is
their base. Erosion and, locally, convolution of locally spherulitic. Chilled margins cannot be
the underlying beds of laminated fine sandstone distinguished although perlitic fractures occur
or siltstone is apparent. These sandstones close to some contacts. Hornfelsing of host rock
include beds of current ripple cross-lamination is absent, but thin silicified mudstone veneers
and bedding planes with straight to sinuous adhere to some contact surfaces.
asymmetic ripple patterns. These strata are On the E and W walls of Ogof Thomas Wil-
interpreted as turbidites. The massive, poorly liams, clearly displayed intrusion surfaces are
sorted beds are predominantly suspension broadly undulose with distinct and extensively
deposits, $3, of high-density turbidity currents developed wrinkles, commonly closely spaced
with traction carpet, $2, deposits at some bases. and parallel over tens of metres. In addition,
The fine sand and silt units show features of the surfaces display larger-scale tucks and folds
deposition from low-density currents and are which locally preserve veneers of the original
traction Tb_d and suspension Td_e deposits. The host. Such patterned surfaces are common and
sequence reflects slumping of rhyolitic indicate slight withdrawal of magma soon after
hyaloclastite formed during submarine extrusion development of maximum volume, so that the
of rhyolite. The shallow intrusion which dis- still plastic margin shrivelled. A bulbous pro-
turbed the turbiditic hyaloclastites was prob- trusion, several metres across, extends from the
ably coeval and emplaced shortly after the sedi- foot of the W wall and irregular sheets form
ments. the stacks in the centre of the cove.
The bedded sequence is sharply overlain by a
massive cohesive debris-flow deposit (Lowe
Locality A4: W of Foel Fawr
1979), approximately 20 m thick, comprising
randomly oriented ellipsoidal Fe-Mn concre- Minor intrusions of porphyritic rhyolite occur
tions, clasts of rhyolitic tuff, poorly sorted 125 m W of Foel Fawr within black mudstones
rhyolitic sandstones and breccias, pumice, of cohesive debris flows. Here the contacts are
crystals of quartz and plagioclase, and mud- distinctively peperitic, with angular and irregu-
stone, supported in a black silty mudstone mat- lar clasts of rhyolite supported in mudstone,
rix. Also, blocks of similar deposits can be dis- commonly close to the site of fragmentation.
tinguished where the mudstone matrix and clast Also, extremely irregular fingers, bulbous pro-
content are slightly different to the host. Both trusions and isolated pillows of rhyolite occur
the mudstone blocks and the matrix have within the host. These features indicate em-
yielded a D. bifidus and older faunas. placement of the rhyolites into the debris-flow
This deposit is faulted against similar deposits deposits while they were still wet and unlithified.
which dip SE. A distinctive pale-brown and yel- The cohesive debris-flow deposits, c. 100 m
low debris-flow deposit with abundant rounded thick, are lithologically similar to those at local-
(although tectonically deformed) rhyolitic peb- ity A2. The presence of several flow units is
bles, angular clasts of rhyolite and pumice in a indicated by slight differences in clast content
fine rhyolitic matrix is succeeded by another and large-scale slump-folding is apparent in
muddy debris-flow deposit with rhyolitic clasts. places. To the SE, around the headland, the
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 299

deposits are less argillaceous with a preponder- of the Ramsey Fault at Pwll Bendro (Locality
ance of rhyolite, pumice and tuffaceous mud- B4).
stone clasts with quartz and plagioclase crystals
in a fine tuffaceous mudstone matrix. Rounded
Locality B1 (Fig. 4)
boulders of this material occur in a matrix of
similar composition. Here contacts are exposed between irregular
In the cliffs S of Foel Fawr, the debris-flow rhyolite intrusions and a well-bedded sequence
deposits are succeeded by mudstone and thin- of moderately sorted medium to coarse micace-
bedded tufts which are correlated with those of ous sandstones and siltstones (Trwyn Llundain
the Carn Llundain Formation cropping out W Sandstones, Middle Cambrian). Mostly the con-

p intrusion

Llundain I • Rh lite •
intrusion • /..&...

/..2: ",
t'.':.'.. .: ,
OGOF • . . -:.-.:-:.:..-: ........-.......-. ~o. . : : . x . _ .

COLOMENOD CONGLOMERATE :"Sa/~s;'o~e'~ ": i' :"." ",4 "/

' ( M i d Cam. b.rian): "': 66 ]
rhyolite c o n g l o m e r a t e Ogof

' z:.:.:': :.::.'.."..: -..1

0 \ " " ' . ' . . ' , ." , ' . . . ' . ;
t'.O \'..''" .... :J
v ~,, 0 0 \.'.:,'.: ".'..".I
PWLL BENDRO MEMBER ,4 ~ o\ : ,'; :'.'- ":1
Pwll v~:~'~,~, \ ' , ' , ", . . . . !
rhyolitic turbiditic tuffs

r h y o l i t i c a s h - f l o w turfs;
u n i t s l & 2 are o v e r l a i n by
thin turbiditic tuffs

yr AIIt

• -,~(,,-~= + + + + + +-,~6 +-....~.~k=."~, ....

+ + + + + + \+ 4- J~afj~/ll/ #
+++ + + + + + + + +.~%, , t ~ : , , ii'~'
+ + + + + + + ~ + + ~L'-.)?',7-7
OgofGlyma I~,4- Porphyritic rhyolite \+ + + ~ ' ~ '
+ intrusion ( s i l l ) + + X- + + + ~ ' : ~
+ + + + + + + + + + + + ~
4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- I-I- -I- -I- 4- I 1 \

+ + + +l+ + + + '~
• +/+ + + + -~V
Autobrecciated + 4-/j~ + + + + 4- + 4- + 4- t"11'
ALLT F E L I N FAWR M E M B E R • rhyolite lava • ~ '+ + + + + 4"
, ~ • • A • ~ / / - + + + + + + ' +++ + +,
thin t u r b i d i t i c tuffs,
AIIt + + ~ & • • • • •t
debris flow d e p o s i t s and FelinFawr • • •/4-4-4-+++4-++++--+
s l u m p e d a s h - f l o w tuffs
' •••& +++
",, +++++++++J

0 metres 200
I- , I

FIG. 4. Detailed geology of SW Ramsey Island (Excursion BI-10).

300 B . P . Kokelaar et al.

tacts are sharp and discordant with finger-like cate the presence of sub-units. Sorting improves
apophyses of rhyolite intruding the sediments. slightly, and mean clast size generally
Rhyolite margins, locally flow-banded parallel decreases, upwards. In places, large clasts have
to the contacts, are commonly brecciated, and been tectonically moulded against one another
in places the adjacent sediments are also brec- and small clasts squeezed into the intervening
ciated up to several metres from the contact. spaces. At its top the conglomerate grades over
Some rhyolite margins are peperitic, with trains 3 - 4 m into grits which, through a further 2 m,
of rhyolite fragments within the sediments. are interbedded with the succeeding tufts.
Such contact relationships indicate that the The conglomerate is interpreted as a rapid
rhyolites were fluid when intruded into a locally accumulation from a series of sediment-gravity
unlithified, wet host. flows in which the clasts were probably mainly
On Ramsey Island, there are numerous supported by dispersive pressure due to particle
minor intrusions of rhyolite. The majority collisions. Thus the deposits may reflect a type
intrude D. bifidus mudstones and so post-date of coarse grain flow. The flows probably origi-
the Aber Mawr Formation, and those in this nated in a littoral or supralittoral environment
vicinity pre-date the Carn Llundain Formation. and their deposition in at least moderately deep
Intrusion contemporaneous with tectonism water is inferred from the succeeding tufts.
(Porth Llauog Formation times) is thus indi- Such flows could have been initiated by a
cated. tsunami or directly by volcano-tectonism.

Locality B2 Locality B4
Here flinty and locally flow-banded rhyolite The Pwll Bendro Member, c. 165 m thick,
contains extensive and irregular zones of brec- comprises massive rhyolitic lapilli tufts inter-
cia. Massive rhyolite grades through rhyolite bedded with thinly bedded and laminated
with hairline fractures and jig-saw breccias, into finer tuffs. The lapilli tuff beds range from a
breccias comprising angular to subrounded few cm to 20 m thick (mapped unit, locality
rhyolitic clasts in a relatively chlorite-rich mat- B4a), but are most commonly between 1 and 2
rix. Some post-brecciation movement is indi- m. They are composed of abundant lapilli of
cated in zones where adjacent clasts do not rhyolite and randomly oriented tube pumice,
fit together. with quartz and plagioclase crystals, in an
Late-consolidation exsolution of volatiles intensely recrystallized fine vitroclastic matrix.
from the rhyolites probably accounts for most Sorting is poor and some beds contain fewer lith-
of the brecciation. Movement may have ics and more pumice towards their top. Normal
resulted from explosive release of volatiles, vol- coarse-tail grading, with rhyolite pebbles con-
atile streaming or, perhaps, further intrusion. centrated towards the bases of beds, can be dis-
Streaming volatiles, or later percolating fluids, tinguished near the bottom of the sequence.
corroded the clasts and produced the altered Most bases are fiat, although locally the coarse
matrix. The explosive release of magmatic vol- tuff downcuts obliquely or by steps into the
atiles probably caused fragmentation of the underlying tufts by as much as 30 cm. With
host sediments, although explosive boiling of decreasing lithic content, these tufts grade into
connate water trapped in lithified sediments thin beds of pumice-rich medium and fine tuff,
would produce similar results. some of which show normal grading with crystal
concentration towards their bases. These mas-
Locality B3 sive tuffs commonly become thinly bedded or
laminated towards their tops, fining rapidly into
The Ogof Colomenod Conglomerate is the parallel laminated tufts composed mainly of
basal member of the Carn Llundain Formation crystal fragments and recrystallized shards.
(Llanvirn). It is 35 m thick and rests with Cross-laminated beds are present but uncom-
extreme angular unconformity on the Middle mon. Locally the thin beds and laminae have
Cambrian sandstones and on the rhyolitic intru- been disturbed by dewatering or soft-sediment
sions. The poorly sorted conglomerate com- faulting. In a small cliff face (locality B4a) the
prises well-rounded cobbles and pebbles of thick lapilli tuff displays a rotational slump-
rhyolite, supported in a matrix of rounded small with-scar, involving its base and the underlying
pebbles and granules, mostly of rhyolite, but laminated tufts which are also disrupted by
towards the base also of fine sandstone. Distinct dewatering.
bedding is absent, although slight variations in The massive tufts are suspension deposits
matrix proportion occur throughout and indi- ($3) from cold, locally erosive, high-density
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 301

turbidity currents, with the thinner-bedded and pebbles and granules of rhyolite, angular clasts
laminated tufts representing traction and sus- of perlitic and flow-banded rhyolite and lenticu-
pension deposits (Tb_~) from less dense turbid- lar fragments of black mudstone. At the gully
ity currents and, perhaps, distal fall of ash sus- this mixture extends irregularly upwards
pended above the vent. The absence of interca- c. 12 m into the overlying tuff.
lated pelagic sediments, and the uniform, pre-
dominantly juvenile character of the deposits, Locality B6
suggest rapid deposition associated with a single
The main body of the tuff comprises ragged
eruption or rapid succession of eruptions.
clasts, up to 32 cm, of tube pumice, with vari-
Although this sequence appears to be more able proportions of rhyolite clasts and crystals
proximal than those of the Aber Mawr Forma- of quartz and plagioclase in a strongly recrystal-
tion (Locality A1), the individual thin beds and lized vitroclastic matrix. Although welded shard
lack of very coarse material suggest that the fabrics are not evident, moderate flattening of
source was not close. The absence of reworking the pumice, roughly parallel to the sheet dip, is
implies deposition in at least moderately deep, widely developed, including places along the
tranquil water. Positive determination of the base. Pumices moulded around lithic clasts, and
style of eruption, or of a subaerial or submarine
porphyritic rhyolite fiamme, are common. Such
source, does not seem possible, although the flattening fabrics are as significant as welded
absence of accretionary lapilli suggests the latter shard fabrics in indicating heat retention. Small
environment. Although some massive lapilli pockets of crystals, winnowed by volatiles
tuff beds may have originated as discrete ash- streaming through ephemeral pipes, also occur.
flows derived directly from subaerial or sub-
Crude columnar joints extend from the base to
marine column collapse, the Pwll Bendro turfs
c. 100 m in the tuff and are further evidence of
do not exhibit simple relations with an eruption
heat retention.
column as modelled by Fiske & Matsuda
(1964). Most beds are more likely to be the
Locality B7
result of slumping of tuff penecontemporane-
ous with eruption. As in the Aber Mawr tur- Although the relative proportion and grade
biditic tufts, the low-density turbidity current of the main tuff constituents are variable, no
deposits probably represent fractions of the sub-units or overall grading can be distin-
immediately underlying and, or, more proximal guished in the lower 161 m of the unit. However,
S 3 units. above there is a gradation into an unbedded
fining-up sequence, through crystal pumice vit-
roclastic tuff with strongly flattened pumice
Localities B5, B6 and B7
clasts, into extremely fine grained vitroclastic
The Cader Rhwydog Member mainly com- tuff. Fine laminations in the lowest metre of the
prises three rhyolitic ash-flow tufts: the Cader conformably overlying tufts show convolution
Rhwydog Tuff, the Trwyn yr Allt Tuff, and the in places.
Ogof Glyma Tuff in upward sequence (respec- The Cader Rhwydog Tuff is interpreted as a
tively units 1-3 in Fig. 4). Each is overlain by closely proximal, subaqueously emplaced, hot
thinly bedded and laminated turbiditic tufts ash-flow with associated ash-fall, produced by
which above the upper ash-flow tuff are termed column collapse and subsequent deposition
the Allt Felin Fawr Member. Thus, thin turbidi- from suspension in a single, entirely submarine
tic tufts constitute the background deposition in eruption. Emplacement under water is implied
the upper members of the Carn Llundain For- by the gradation from the main massive tuff to
mation. These localities are within the Cader the finely laminated top with clear evidence of
Rhwydog Tuff (unit 1) which is 186 m thick and 'wet-sediment' disturbance. The absence of
comprises 161 m of uniformly coarse lapilli tuff, slumping or major incursions of remobilized
overlain by tuff grading into extremely fine vit- tuff indicates that the depositional surface here
ric tuff at the top. was virtually horizontal, perhaps due to pond-
ing. Proximity to the vent is suggested by the
great thickness of the tuff and the thickness of
Locality B5
the associated fall which grades directly from
Here the tuff rests unconformably on a sur- the coarse grade of the flow. This proximity,
face which slightly cuts down into the underly- together with the apparent lack of slope, indi-
ing Pwll Bendro tufts to the E and infills a cates that the vent must have been submarine.
deeply incised gully close to the cliff top. Loc- This is also supported by the flattening fabrics
ally, near the base, the tuff includes rounded in the graded fall which could not have
302 B . P . K o k e l a a r et al.

developed if the tuff had settled from air into two tuffaceous wedges which occur in the lava
water and then through a water column. Simi- pile.
larly, the graded fall could not represent a cloud The lava, of quartz and plagioclase-phyric
suspended in water by the ash-flow, but must flow-banded rhyolite, is entirely brecciated at
have been rapidly deposited from suspension in outcrop. Its base has locally sunk into and dis-
the eruption column. It is envisaged that, com- turbed laminated turbiditic tufts. To the E the
pared with a subaerial Plinian event, the explo- lava is apparently a single unit, c. 35 m thick,
sive violence of the submarine eruption would but the two wedges in the W show it to be com-
have been suppressed and the column height pound. In places near basal contacts, the brec-
reduced. Once initiated, much of the eruption cias form a jigsaw fabric, suggesting that they
would have proceeded within a cupola of steam are at least in part derived by in situ autobrecci-
and magmatic volatiles , resulting in less chilling ation.
than might otherwise be expectedin a subaque- At the base of the lower wedge (columns 5
ous eruption. As the eruption waned, much of and 6) there is a thin sequence of turbiditic fine
the suspended column rapidly settled through tufts which mantles the rhyolite in the SW but
the steam and finally the remaining finer sus- does not persist to the NE, indicating topo-
pension settled more slowly through water. Hot graphic restriction of the turbidity currents.
clasts enveloped by steam were readily flat- The succeeding (lower) ash-flow tuff in the
tened during burial. If this interpretation is cor- NE (columns 3 and 4) consists of a basal zone
rect, the Cader Rhwydog Tuft includes the first of coarse lapilli tuff, which grades up into a
recorded subaqueously welded ash-fall deposit. poorly sorted gritty tuff showing normal grad-
To the E of the Ramsey Fault the Cader ing of rhyolite clasts and inverse grading of
Rhwydog Tuff rests unconformably on Pwll pumices. Lapilli in the basal zone are of suban-
Bendro tufts and on sparsely pebbly mudstones gular to subrounded perlitic rhyolite and irregu-
of the Porth Llauog Formation. The unconfor- lar pumices, up to 20 cm, and the matrix com-
mity probably developed mainly by volcano- prises medium- to fine-grained vitroclastic tuff
tectonically induced slumping, with minor gul- with quartz and plagioclase crystals and frag-
lies cut by sediment-gravity flows. Apparently ments of fine tuff. The top grades sharply into
the unconformity surface and gully at locality fine tuff. Towards the SW (columns 5 and 6)
B5 were overlain by a muddy debris-flow the tuff shows a flattening fabric and contains
deposit which became admixed with the ash- randomly oriented, contorted slabs of fine, in
flow, perhaps facilitated by explosive evolution places laminated, crystal- and pumice-bearing
of steam from trapped water. tufts. These slabs are up to 1 m thick and 10 m
The laminated fine turbiditic tufts at the top long. In addition, a block--2.1 m in diam-
of the Cader Rhwydog Tuff are conformably e t e r - w i t h lobate and peperitic protrusion of
succeeded by the Trwyn yr Allt Tuff, a further porphyritic rhyolite in laminated tufts (column
thin sequence of turbiditic tufts and the Ogof 5) lies at the base. This block is derived from
Glyma Tuff. The latter is similar to the Trwyn the top contact zone of the closely subjacent sill
yr Allt Tuff but also includes welded shard fab- (locality B8).
rics. The overlying Allt Felin Fawr Member, This lower ash-flow tuff is overlain by a
comprising thinly bedded, graded and lami- debris flow, up to 0.5 m thick, composed of
nated turbiditic tufts with intercalated debris- rhyolite clasts and crystals in a mudstone mat-
flow deposits and rhyolitic lava, is best rix. Towards the NE this bed is overlapped by
examined at localities B9 and B10. However, the upper ash-flow tuff, which is lithologically
near its base (locality B8), this latter member is similar to the lower. In the NE (column 2) nor-
intruded by a slightly discordant sill of por- mal grading is well developed but to the SW the
phyritic rhyolite which, at its contacts, shows grading breaks down. Coarse and fine tufts, in
remarkable features of intrusion of magma into ill-defined patches, and large chaotically con-
unconsolidated wet ashes; these features have torted slabs of laminated fine tuff, occur
been described and interpreted by Kokelaar throughout the unit. In places the tuff grades up
(1982). into bedded sandy tufts (columns 4 and 5) and
the underlying debris-flow deposit is disturbed,
Locality B8 with flame-like protrusions penetrating
See Kokelaar (1982, pp. 28-9). upwards to 2 m (column 5). Further SW the tuff
occurs as large, rounded and irregular sack-like
Locality B9 (Fig. 5) bodies separated by thin silicified veneers of the
debris-flow deposit (column 6). A contorted
This is to examine the rhyolitic lava and the slab of pelagic black mudstone is included. This
two slumped ash-flow tufts in the lower of the remarkable deposit also contains intru-
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 303

r • • •

• - - ~ - - i mw~'' --L" " "-I--

(D -

, ...o,
o o ooo l o o l I:O O-oo /'l,/J2 M

®22; I/ • A A ". ".'." I

/ ' ~ I/" ..... I
debris flow (3) / • - • -I
deposit ~.i / • • ~ll"~z
t ~ '\
contorted i' 4. ~ \
slabs of ~
bedded fine t u f f ~ I

laminated block of upper ~ L ~ ~

c o n t a c t zone of
disturbed subjacent sill A A• A

'~"~ ~'o'"o graded Q--Q= 130m

- • • m • • • • •

autobrecciated • • • A• • A••~• A : ~ - A~__ I
r h y o l i t e lava A • A ~- __..~ - !

m • • II • • • • • • • • • • • • • "....
"• " I L O C- A L I T Y

approx, location of ~_ " ~32 ~ ~ - I ~ s,umped ash-flow tuffs

detail c o l u m n s (aboveq -'--&" : • " • A& & ~ j
• • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •,• • &• • • • &&A&&6• laminated t u r b i d i t i c
-'~ tuffs
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • -~----debris flow deposit

NE (not to scale) SW

FIG. 5. Schematic cross-sections of rhyolite lava with intercalated slumped ash-flow tufts and
turbiditic tufts, SW Ramsey Island (localities B9 and 10).

sions--up to 8 m in diameter--of porphyritic material at the edge (NE) was deposited before
rhyolite with peperitic margins. The fine tur- that towards the centre (to the SW). It is consi-
biditic tufts that generally overlie this deposit dered that the upper slumped ash-flow
are commonly contorted, soft-sediment faulted, ploughed into the muddy debris-flow deposit
or cut by the succeeding rhyolite breccia. and, for reasons that presently are unclear,
The upper and lower tufts of the wedge are bodies of the tuff maintained their integrity and
interpreted as slumped, poorly sorted ash-flow balled-up in the mud.
tufts. The contorted slabs are interpreted as Much of the lithic rhyolite content of the
turbiditic and ash-fall deposits, originally over- slumped ash-flow tufts was probably incorpo-
lying and genetically associated with the prim- rated during eruption through and, or, flow
ary ash-flows, but subsequently incorporated across, lava similar to that which is presently
during slumping and mass-gravity flow. The lat- spatially associated with the tufts.
eral variations of the deposits reflect telescop- The block of the subjacent sill's contact zone
ing of various facies. The sections are inter- indicates that this zone was exposed when the
preted as the sides of the deposits, where the lower slumped tuft was deposited. As sliding
304 B . P . Kokelaar et al.

along the sill's upper contact zone occurred at Excursion C: Abereiddi (Fig. 6)
the time of intrusion (Kokelaar 1982), the
slumping of the ash-flow tuft was at least con- Around Abereiddi Bay volcanic rocks are
temporaneous with, if not a direct result of, interbedded with strongly cleaved black pelagic
intrusion of the sill. Thus sill emplacement was mudstone of Llanvirn age. This excursion is to
contemporaneous with the construction of the examine the 'Didymograptus murchisoni Ash'
rhyolitic lava pile. The flattening fabrics in the (Cox 1915) on the S side of the bay.
lower slumped tuff indicate that slumping
occurred soon after primary deposition, so that
more or less contemporaneous emplacement of Locality CI: NE of Aber Creigwyr
the sill, lava and primary ash-flows is indicated. (approximately I00 m NW of the ancient
Locali~ BI0 Here the 'D. murchisoni Ash' comprises two
fining-upward sequences of basaltic lapilli tuffs.
The upper wedge in the rhyolite pile com-
The dip is c. 45°N and the whole 95 m-thick
prises turbiditic medium- and fine-grained tufts,
lower sequence crops out. The lowermost
and approximately 20 m of these tufts overlie
c. 5 m of the upper sequence is preserved as an
the rhyolite. A debris-flow deposit, 1-2 m
outlier on the cliff top. The base of each se-
thick, is also present. The turbiditic tufts wedge-
quence is sharp and plannar and that of the
out against the rhyolite and this indicates
upper sequence rests conformably on the finer
topographic restriction of the depositing cur- top of the lower.
rents and precludes interpretation of the fine
The tufts are composed mostly of angular
tuffs as being due to ash-fall. The coarser tufts, basaltic dasts, originally glassy and porphyritic
with clasts of pumice, rhyolite, and quartz but now deformed and highly altered. Sorting is
and plagioclase crystals, in a commonly well- poor with scoriaceous lapilli and sparsely ves-
preserved vitroclastic matrix, show normal
icular blocks and rare bombs, up to 40 cm in
grading, erosive bases and loading structures
diameter, supported by a matrix of fine to
which are locally truncated and isolated by ero-
coarse tuff. The lower sequence is poorly to
sion of the parent bed. Cross, parallel, and con-
moderately bedded, with successive massive
voluted laminations, and slumping are all loc-
beds being of finer grade and with more dearly
ally well developed.
defined coarse-tail grading. The upper se-
The angles between the upper surfaces of the
quence is also graded but not obviously bedded.
rhyolitic breccia and the laminations of the tur-
The tufts are interpreted as deposits from
biditic tuff are c. 6 °. Such shallow slopes and
debris flows and high-density turbidity currents.
the presence of jigsaw-fitting breccias indicate
that the rhyolites are in situ lava-flow units and
not talus deposits peripheral to a steep-sided
dome. Locality C2: Melin Abereiddi
The uppermost turbiditic tuff of the Allt Here, the 'D. murchisoni Ash' is c. 60 m
Felin Fawr Member is the youngest stratum on thick; the lower sequence is 52 m and the upper
Ramsey Island. 8 m. The base of the lower sequence (exposed

[ ] b a s alapilli
l t ituff
c ( D.murchisoniAsh) Abereiddi ~ ,~"
F~muddy tuffite Bay ~ f(
[~mudstone (~J .~
[~ rhyolitic tuff

•..:=:: :i:::: ~~ ~i

~///////////////~ 0 metres 200

Aber Creigwyr I , s

FIG. 6. Geology of the coast W of Abereiddi Bay (Excursion C1 and 2).

Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 305

in the valley side just above and S of the water- effusion, such that slumps became progressively
fall) rests on muddy tuffites. The lapilli tufts smaller and dispersal of coarse material more
near the base, like those at locality C1, are limited. A temporary return to a relatively high
poorly sorted, show crude coarse-tail grading effusion rate is reflected in the coarse base of
and bedding is ill-defined. Upwards the tufts the upper unit. Muds subsequently mantling the
are finer and become thinly bedded, as can be pile periodically slumped and were redeposited
seen in the outcrops on the foreshore. The base with, and eventually without, further turbiditic
of the upper sequence is marked by a bed of tufts.
lapilli tuft and the sequence above is of well-
bedded fine to coarse tufts and lapilli tufts. Bed
thickness varies from c. 3 to 25 cm, with the Excursions D and E: Pen Caer (Figs 7,
thicker beds being generally the coarser. Most
bed bases are planar although in places erosive 8 and 9)
contacts can be determined. Some beds show On Pen Caer peninsula, NW of Fishguard,
normal grading, but most lack regular variation excellent coastal exposures provide a section
in grain size. Parallel lamination and ripple drift through the lower Llanvirn Fishguard Volcanic
cross-lamination also occur and the tufts are Group. The group, up to 1800 m thick, shows a
interpreted as deposits from both high- and wide variety of submarine volcanic rocks and is
low-density turbidity currents. divisible into three formations. The lowermost
The tufts are overlain by an alternation of Porth Maen Melyn Volcanic Formation is com-
thinly bedded turbiditic tufts with mudstone posed principally of rhyolitic lavas, autobrec-
intraclasts and muddy debris-flow deposits cias, debris-flow breccias and bedded or mas-
with tuft clasts. These are succeeded by 2 m of sive tufts, although rhyodacitic massive and pil-
mudstone with horizons of sparse tuff clasts, lowed lavas also occur (Bevins & Roach 1979).
and then typical black, richly graptolltic (D. The overlying Strumble Head Volcanic Forma-
murchisoni) mudstones. tion is composed almost entirely of basaltic pil-
The tufts become thicker, coarser and less lowed and massive lavas with thin hyaloclastites
well bedded towards the W, and the section is and tufts, and rare rhyolitic tuffaceous horizons.
interpreted as the thin distal edge of a sub- The uppermost Goodwick Volcanic Formation
marine volcanic pile. The tufts were deposited is predominantly rhyolitic, with further lavas,
by various sediment-gravity flows from tufts autobreccias and ash-flow tufts although a thick
that had previously been deposited close to the sequence of bedded basaltic tufts occurs within
vent. Instability in the accumulating tufts the formation and, at the top of the section,
caused periodic slumping and transport of the basalts were intruded at a high level into wet
tufts to greater water depths. The improvement silicic tufts and tuftites.
in bedding and general fining upwards in the Excursion D (Fig. 7) is a traverse through the
lower unit probably reflects a decreasing rate of Porth Maen Melyn Volcanic Formation at its

L/( " ' - I,, 0

M~.I - ,, I/ ~ ii -. , '-,~.,X ^^^• Pant-y-Beudy
[] dolerite ~ ~ ' 3 /~ " ,, ~^'~.~'~.t~'~:.~ ":
. . . . b,a
~ pillowed basalt lava } Head ~~ _~ _: z ~ . -! ,
Volcanic Formation
..,owed rhyod.o.e I.v. ~ ~ i _ _ L ' ,
massive Porth Maen- Melyn "". F----------L
rhyolite breccias & tuffs Volcanic Formation \c~ --E-:-~-:"~
bedded rhyolite tufts Maen-M~~ ~
cl . . . . d muds, . . . . } ? D. bifidus Shales 0 lOOm ~-~-_-__i~ 1)

FIG. 7. Geology of the coast N of Porth Maen Melyn (Excursion D 1-4).

306 B . P . Kokelaar et al.

type section. The junction with the overlying lava flow, 40 m thick. The lava is grey to green
Strumble Head Volcanic Formation can also be and cryptocrystalline or spherulitic with a
examined. well-developed perlitic texture. Individual per-
Excursion E (Figs 8 and 9), in NE Pen Caer, lites reach 1 cm in diameter and in the central
illustrates the complex interdigitation of pil- parts of the flow flow-banding is locally
lowed and massive basaltic and dacitic lavas developed. Rare plagioclase micro-phenocrysts
with volcaniclastic silts, within the upper part of are present, but otherwise the flow is thought to
the Strumble Head Volcanic Formation, and have been originally glassy. The top of the flow
also the predominantly rhyolitic activity of the is autobrecciated, with clasts up to 5 cm, and is
Goodwick Volcanic Formation. Contem- overlain by a thin horizon of basic hyaloclastite
poraneous basaltic activity and a major of the Strumble Head Volcanic Formation. This
penecontemporaneous slide are demonstrated. is in turn overlain by epidotized, pillowed basal-
tic lava. Well-developed radial joints can be
Locality DI: lower part of the Porth Maen observed in a number of pillows which gener-
Melyn Volcanic Formation at Porth Maen ally also possess highly vesicular margins. Pum-
Melyn pellyite, epidote, albite and chlorite of
metamorphic origin are abundant, although
Porth Maen Melyn is eroded into soft cleaved augites are pristine and pseudomorphs of igne-
mudstones, probably of the lower Llanvirn D. ous textures are generally preserved.
bifidus Shales (Cox 1930). No diagnostic fossils
have been found. An intrusive dolerite sheet
forms the promontory at the northern end of
the bay and can be examined in the crags at the Locality D3: upper part of the Porth Maen
top of the cliff. Melyn Volcanic Formation
The lowermost unit of the Porth Maen Melyn
The massive rhyodacite lava of locality D2
Volcanic Formation crops out in prominent
passes laterally into pillows and elongate tubes
crags adjacent to the coastal path on the N side
and then into isolated-pillow breccias. Excellent
of a small valley. It comprises 10 m of bedded
exposures occur in the S-facing cliff section
rhyolitic tufts. Extensive recrystallization has
above a narrow wave-cut platform, some 300 m
resulted in the development of a peculiar
W of Porth Maen Melyn. Access to this plat-
spherulitic texture which is only readily observ-
form is possible at only one place, and even
able on weathered surfaces. The spherules, up
here the descent is hazardous and the greatest
to 2 cm in diameter, and 'cigar-shaped' nodules,
care is necessary. The pillows, 1-3 m in diame-
up to 3 cm in length, have obliterated the origi-
nal vitroclastic fabric. ter, are separated from each other by cleaved
inter-pillow breccia generated by desquamation
Overlying these tufts is a sequence, 35 m
of the pillow margins. The rhyodacite is purple
thick, of white-weathered lithic-crystal-vitric
breccias and buff crystal-vitric tufts. Two units to green in colour and is petrographically simi-
lar to that at locality D2, although here distinc-
can be identified, both generally fining upwards
tive spherulites are present at pillow margins
although the lowermost 50 cm of the lower unit
and within the inter-pillow breccias. These
is inversely graded. The breccia clasts are pre-
dominantly of angular to sub-rounded rhyolitic spherulites are particularly rich in K-feldspar
lava, commonly with a perlitic texture, although and are thought to have been produced during
initial crystallization of the lava, in contact with
in the lower part of the lower unit basalt and
dolerite clasts also occur. Crystals are of seawater. The tubes and pillows result from the
plagioclase and quartz (typically bi-pyramidal) rapid effusion of hot magma at the steep front
and increase in proportion in the fine tail. of the lava flow. Photographs and full descrip-
Shards and shard fragments are abundant and tions of the rhyodacite pillows and pillow brec-
cias are given in Bevins & Roach (1979).
weathered-out streaky clasts probably repres-
ent pumices. This sequence of tufts and breccias
reflects sediment-gravity flow reworking of
primary products of both explosive and quiet Locality D4:500 m WNW of Porth Maen Melyn
effusion of rhyolitic magmas.
From the cliff top, the contact between the
pillowed rhyodacitic lavas and the basaltic lavas
Locality D2: upper part of Porth Maen Melyn
of the Strumble Head Volcanic Formation can
Volcanic Formation and lower part of Strumble
Head Volcanic Formation be recognized along the northern side of the
E - W trending inlet. The lighter-coloured
Overlying, and partly loaded into, the clastic rhyodacite pillows are noticeably larger than
deposits of locality D1 is a massive rhyodacitic the more basic ones.
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 307

Locality El: 100 m W of Maen Jaspis (Figs 8 ben are efivisaged. Weak horizons of interca-
and 9) lated sediment facilitated penecontemporane-
ous intrusions.
Basaltic pillow lavas, dipping 40°NNE, form
dip-slopes down to a few metres above the high
Locality E2: Maen Jaspis
water mark. A thin veneer of fine volcanogenic
sediments is locally preserved on this pillowed The flow-banded rhyolite, in places spheruli-
surface. In the W the sediments are overlain tic, is brecciated near its base where it has lo-
and locally disturbed by a 1.7 m sheet of basal- cally disturbed underlying laminated and cross-
tic lava, with pipe vesicles at its upper and lower laminated fine to medium silicic volcaniclastics.
margins. The generally smooth top of this lava Beds of pumice with normal grading also occur.
is mostly overlain by further thin, fine sedi- To the E the thin autobrecciated top of the
ments although hollows are infilled with coarse rhyolite is overlain by a veneer of silicic vol-
grit and sand. Towards the E this lava sheet canogenic sediment and several massive debris
passes laterally into vesicular pillow lava which flows of rhyolitic breccia which in turn are over-
wedges-out up-dip, and further E the pillows lain by a sequence of basaltic tufts and acidic
become smaller and intensely cleaved. Jasper is ash-flow ruffs, although these are best
abundant, in places forming a geopetal partial examined at locality E4.
fill in drained pillows. The irregular surface at
the top of the lava is partly subdued by an infill
Locality E3: Penfathach
of fine silicic siltstone, which in turn is overlain
by up to 1 m of interbedded acidic and basic On the Penfathach headland various facies of
turbiditic sandstones and further extremely fine a thick rhyolitic lava flow (or small lava dome)
silicic siltstone. Locally these sediments are are well exposed. The lowest facies comprises
intruded by a thin, pillowed basaltic sill. autoclastic breccias, with angular, flow-banded
This sequence is overlain and locally dis- clasts averaging 4 - 5 cm and showing minimal
turbed by large-pillowed plagioclase-phyric post-brecciation movement. The passage into
dacite lava, up to 12 m thick, which is well the overlying massive flow-folded banded lava
exposed in the cliffs. To the E the pillows are is sharply gradational. Large- and small-scale
less well developed and in the W the lava flow folds occur and columnar cooling joints are
wedges-out on top of a wedge of intrusive doler- well developed. The white-weathered rhyolite
ite. The dolerite contains well-formed curved contains sparse plagioclase phenocrysts and
columnar joints and has been intruded by a spherulitic quartzo-feldspathic intergrowths in a
small body of dacite. The pillowed dacite lava is dark-grey to green groundmass of similar
overlain by thin porcellanous sediments and the mineralogy, including accessory sphene, zircon
strongly draping base of an indistinctly banded and apatite. Perlitic rhyolite, with fractures up
sill, 12 m thick, of porphyritic dacite. Towards to 10cm in diameter, overlies the massive
its top, on a small promontory, the sill contains facies and reflects the originally glassy nature of
prehnitic spherules. To the E, across a small the flow. The contact with the overlying
inlet, the dacite sill is overlain by thin sediments carapace of autobreccia is gradational.
and a rhyolite lava with pronounced flow- During late Caledonian tectonism, strain
folded banding. The latter is cut and partly developed inhomogeneously in the rhyolite so
underlain by another dolerite sill. that intensely cleaved zones alternate with vir-
This locality illustrates the extremely com- tually undeformed zones.
plex interdigitation of lavas and associated
intrusions at the junction between the basaltic
Strumble Head formation and the predomin-
Locality E4: Porth Maen
antly rhyolitic Goodwick formation. The abun- At the foot of the cliffs on the SE side of
dance of intercalated sediments at this horizon, Porth Maen is a sequence of generally
including some which may in part be chemically parallel-bedded basaltic tufts showing both
precipitated cherts, shows that basaltic activity normal and inverse grading, in beds up to 2 m
waned considerably before the onset of rhyoli- thick. Average clast size in the coarser beds is
tic activity. The presence of silicic turbidites, 2-3 mm. Maximum basaltic clast size in coarser
with no known local source at this level, indi- beds is c. 1.5 cm, although rarer rounded to
cates that the basaltic Strumble Head formation subangular rhyolitic clasts up to 6 cm also occur.
did not form a marked positive topographic fea- There are no bomb sags and the deposits are
ture, but rather filled a depression. Fissure interpreted as those of sediment-gravity flows
eruptions along faults defining a possible gra- which were contemporaneous with a nearby
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Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 309

938 939
t |
~'~ c o l u m n a r jts. /T .~ "(~ L~-)- ~ MAEp/~s

" .i ~ I, ~ . .:!:::... v~

Q ',,,.,.1-"x. . . . . . :: i:::!!:.:!: ;"

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(Ok ~OL) 0 0 0 c~ ' C ~///7~'tuffaceous seds.:///////~'~"7"".;;~-)'.^.

KEY AS FIG. 8 ~ ','/,,

• •• • • • • • • • • • • / ".~_-~-
• • .~._"',: SECTION
• ~> • • • ~ • ~ (not to scale)

2o o o o o o - o ~ " - - "
O O O O O O O-O ~ o r ~ - 25m

FIG. 9. Detailed geology 100 m W of Maen Jaspis (locality El).

eruption. Soft-tuff faulting during accumulation Locality E6: E side of Anglas Bay
is evident. In thin section the basic clasts are
Approximately 1.5 m of coarse, lithic-rich,
seen to be vesicular and composed of plagio-
clase microlites in chlorite with sphene, presum- ash-flow tufts rests on the rhyolitic autobreccia.
ably after glass. The lithic blocks, up to 30 cm, are of the under-
lying rhyolitic lava proving its extrusive (sub-
At the E end of the bay the basaltic tufts are
aqueous) emplacement. The coarse, basal unit is
succeeded by rhyolitic ash-flow tufts containing
clasts of pumice and lava. The latter are well overlain by crystal-, lithic- and fiamme-rich
exposed in the cliffs on the faulted W side of the tuffs, with fiamme mostly 10 cm across, but up
to 50 cm, commonly moulded around lithic
bay, and in fallen blocks.
clasts of rhyolite. The tufts fine through the suc-
ceeding 50 m and are crystal-rich at the top of
the sequence. These ash-flow tufts are suc-
ceeded by silty mudstones, fine sandstones and
Locality E5: Y Penrhyn fine silicic tufts which have been intruded by a
series of basic sills at a shallow level. Close
This is the eastward continuation of the examination of locality E8 shows that the con-
rhyolitic lava described at locality E3. On the W tact is a penecontemporaneous wet slide plane.
of the headland a large-scale flow-fold is exposed
and towards the SE the 'core facies', ot massive
and perlitic rhyolites, passes into autobrecci-
Locality E7: Pen Anglas
ated rhyolite which constitutes the entire thick- Bulbous protrusions and pillows along the
ness for > 7 0 0 m along strike. contacts of the dolerite sills, and convolution,
310 B.P. K o k e l a a r et al.

homogenization and vesiculation of the host posed of Ordovician volcanic rocks, mainly of
sediments and tufts indicate shallow-level intru- pre-Caradoc age. The route to Dolgellau
sion into unlithified wet deposits. Polygonal traverses down through the Ordovician on to
jointing is locally well developed. the Upper Cambrian.
From Dolgellau a short detour can be made
westwards along the minor road (via Gwernan
Locality E8: Crincoed Point
Lake) to Pared y Cefn-htr near the Gregennen
Here the basic sheets are pillowed with inter- lakes. Here a well-exposed sequence, of
vening fine sediments. Along a ledge just above Arenig-Llanvirn age, includes conglomerates,
the high-water mark the sediments underlying a sandstones and mudstones, volcanogenic sedi-
pillowed body are in contact with the subjacent ments, rhyolitic lavas and tuffs, and basaltic
ash-flow tufts. The sediments and tuffs are lo- lavas and tufts (Cox & Wells 1921, 1927; Phil-
cally interleaved and contorted and at one point lips 1966). The volcanic rocks are of the Aran
silts have been injected into the tufts suggesting Volcanic Group which extends E and N from here
sliding of wet, unlithified materials. Clearly to the Moelwyns on the NE side of the Harlech
sedimentation, intrusion and sliding were Dome. At this locality there is much evidence
penecontemporaneous. of subaqueous emplacement of the volcanic
rocks and redistribution of previously emplaced
deposits by debris flows. The sequence is
intruded by irregular sills of dolerite and
Excursion F: journey between granophyre. Granophyre intrudes the upper-
Fishguard and Snowdonia including a most rhyolitic ash-flow tufts of the Aran Vol-
brief stop at Pared y Cefn-hir (Figs 1 canic Group on Cader Idris and has been consi-
dered to be coeval with these tuffs (Davies
a n d 2)
NE of Fishguard the route generally follows the North from Dolgellau, the rugged and spec-
strike of the eastward continuation of the Fish- tacular scenery to the W of the road is developed
guard Volcanic Group with the more resistant in Lower Cambrian Rhinog Grits of the Har-
rhyolitic lavas and ash-flow tufts forming low lech Dome. Turning NE towards Betws-y-
ridges. The tors on the northern edge of the Coed, the route traverses successively younger
Prescelly Hills to the S are composed of coeval strata and passes between the major scarp of
dolerite. Further NE the dominating geological the Moelwyn Volcanic Formation to the W and
features are of Pleistocene age and the underly- the Manod Hills, of coeval intrusive rhyolites,
ing Llandeilo mudstones and flags, and turbidi- to the E. Closer to Betws-y-Coed the route
tic sequence of Caradoc age (which extends traverses the relatively thin Caradoc volcanic
beyond Cardigan), are poorly exposed. To the strata at the edge of the major accumulations of
NE of Cardigan the route crosses turbidites of central Snowdonia.
upper Llandovery age, which comprise the
1200-1500 m thick Aberystwyth Grits. The
coast is roughly parallel to the axis of the
sedimentary basin and the turbidites become
Excursion G: Llanberis Pass (Fig. 10)
more distal towards Aberystwyth. Major struc- To examine the sedimentary rocks and associ-
tures, a series of upright anticlines and syn- ated volcanics of the Cwm Eigiau Formation
dines, are also aligned approximately and the base of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff For-
NNE-SSW. Between Aberystwyth and mation.
Machynlleth the route crosses the western mar- The excursion begins at Pont y Gromlech in
gins of several anticlinal plunge culminations of the Llanberis Pass. Here the Pitt's Head Tuff
the Plynlimon Dome with Ashgill turbidites Member of the Cwm Eigiau Formation forms
exposed in the cores. the crags on the S side of the road. This is a
North of Machynlleth the route passes across rhyolitic ash-flow tuff which was erupted from a
the conformable Ordovician--Silurian bound- centre at Llwyd Mawr in SW Snowdonia
ary, and the slate waste tips around Corris (Roberts 1969) where it was ponded in a
result from the extraction of both Ashgill and volcano-tectonic depression and is c. 700 m
Llandovery cleaved silty mudstones. To the N thick. Williams (1927) considered it to be the
of Corris, down sequence, the route passes on basal member of the Snowdon Volcanic Group
to the line of the Bala Fault which lies along the although Howells et al. (1983) have placed it in
impressively straight valley of Tal y Llyn. North the underlying formation.
of this valley is the S flank of Cader Idris, com- At this locality the tuff, 4 0 - 4 5 m thick, is typ-
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 311

u zuOm
Drift omitted I I

lr • •
.T;'<, -_-<'-
V • • Acidic i ~ ; ~ ] R hyol i te
v • • II ash-flow Lower Rhyolitic
• • • tuff Tuff Formation

Dust tuff , "~'_-~ ? ( , 7 Dolerite


[] [] [] [] q
Pitts Head
Geological boundary, Solid

__ __ Fault
Cwm Eigiau
Formation /(32 Dip
~ Sandstone
• ~ " ~ ~ , 41 Accretionary
" r ~", ~,lapillituff

~ i l Sandstone

FIG. 10. Llanberis Pass. Part of British Geological Survey Sheet 1:25,000 SH65NW (Excursion G1-7).

ically bleached on its weathered surfaces where along the W edge of the crags (G2) and within
the eutaxitic foliation is accentuated by" silice- the main body the disposition of the eutaxitic
ous segregations. Distinctive chloritic fiamme, planes is very irregular due to rheomorphism.
with indented and ragged peripheries, are scat- Siliceous nodules are randomly distributed
tered throughout. Here the base is not exposed; through the tuff although there is a marked
the lowest tuff is welded and is crossed by a thin concentration close to its top. The distribution
basalt dyke (G1). The tuff can be examined of the nodules and the alignment of the
312 B. P. K o k e l a a r et al.

rheomorphic fabric have been interpreted cleaved rhyolitic tuff which higher in the crags is
(Wright & Coward 1977) as resulting from the intruded by a thick transgressive dolerite sill.
development of rootless vents. However, there The breccia is an integral part of the Lower
is no indication to suggest that the escape of Rhyolitic Tuff Formation and represents the
volatiles above the flow was concentrated about earliest eruptive phase. The abundance of
specific centres and the rheomorphism more basalt blocks suggests that they were incorpo-
probably reflects local slope-induced secondary rated from one or more of the numerous basalt
movement of the tuff while in a generally plastic centres that occur in the underlying sequence
state. through central Snowdonia.
The top of the flow (G3) is marked by 1.5 m Westwards along the crags, the base of the
of fine-grained, massive tuff which represents pyroclastic breccia sharply downcuts the under-
fall-out from the attendant suspended cloud. lying sequence, eventually into juxtaposition
The tuff is overlain by medium- to coarse- with the Pitt's Head Tuff. At G6 the breccia
grained, cross-bedded sandstones with shell abuts sandstones of the Cwm Eigiau Formation,
debris of a shallow-marine environment. This which in this vicinity is faulted. The faults do
sandstone infills the slightly undulose surface at not extend into the pyroclastic breccia. It is
the top of the tuff. extremely unlikely that fault scarps would be
The Pitt's Head Tuff has previously been preserved in water-saturated unlithified sedi-
interpreted as a subaerial ash-flow tuff. How- ments and then covered by the pyroclastic brec-
ever, it lies conformably in a sequence of cia. The faults are interpreted as synvolcanic
marine sandstones which show no sedimen- structures, resulting directly from the eruption
tological change above and below the tuff, and (Kokelaar et al., this volume).
along its extensive outcrop in SW Snowdonia At G7, on the S side of the stream, accretion-
there is no evidence to suggest that the tuff has ary lapilli tuffs, acid tuftites and volcaniclastic
been subaerially eroded. Kokelaar et al. (this sandstones are the local representatives of the
volume) interpret the tuff as being erupted and Capel Curig Volcanic Formation. The accretio-
emplaced in a subaqueous environment. nary lapilli, up to 1.2 cm, are concentrated in
From G3 the disposition of the base of the flaggy beds up to 10 cm thick, and dispersed
Lower Rhyolitic Tuff Formation and the local through the associated sandstones. On fresh
structure about the Pass should be examined surfaces the lapilli are distinctive with a
(British Geological Survey Sheet 1:25,000 carapace of dark-grey, fine-grained, chloritized
SH65N/66S The Passes of Nant Ffrancon and volcanic dust about their coarser centres. These
Llanberis). The strata below the Lower Rhyoli- tufts represent the subaerial activity from a
tic Tuff Formation are traversed at the edge of centre sited c. 3 km to the E N E during the late
the screes (G4). They comprise cross-bedded stages of accumulation of the Capel Curig Vol-
sandstones, locally with dewatering structures, canic Formation (Howells & Leveridge 1980).
and a basaltic lava. The lava varies from mas-
sive, with polygonal joints, to basaltic breccia
with broken pillows and pahoehoe toes. At the Excursion H: Pen y Pass to Llyn
top of the sequence (G5), up to 6 m of well-
bedded, parallel- and cross-laminated fine
Llydaw ( F i g . 1 1 )
grained acidic tufts underlie the Lower Rhyoli- This short excursion is to demonstrate the gen-
tic Tuff Formation. These tufts are widespread eral features of the Snowdon Volcanic Group in
and include bands of fine-grained mudstone. central Snowdonia; in particular the Lower
The bedding characters indicate reworking and Rhyolitic Tuff Formation.
possibly deposition by turbidity currents. About The Miner's Track from Pen y Pass traverses
the Pass these tufts show a marked concentra- the cleaved acidic ash-flow tufts of the Lower
tion of quartz-filled tension fractures. Rhyolitic Tuff Formation (H1). The massive,
The base of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff Forma- well-cleaved tuffs comprise devitrified shards
tion is marked by a pyroclastic breccia, up to and vitric dust, with few scattered small albite
25 m thick, which here conformably overlies crystals and ragged chloritized pumice clasts.
the bedded fine grained tufts. At the base the The tufts are non-welded and show no internal
breccia is clast supported although higher in the bedding.
crags the blocks decrease in frequency and are The track crosses a small down-faulted wedge
matrix supported. The blocks, up to 0.9 m, are of basic tufts and tuffites of the Bedded Pyro-
mainly of basalt, rhyolitic tuff and rhyolite in a clastic Formation (H2). These flaggy-bedded
matrix of finer lithic fragments, feldspar crystals tuffs are almost entirely composed of fragments
and some shards. The breccia grades up into of chloritized, vesiculated basaltic glass and
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 313

56 I I
63 64

Pen y Pass

~ • "A v ~ • v.,~L • • •LRT • •

" .~~,~-~~!/~ v '~ ~ ' - ~ • • • • ,

~- ~ ~ v , - _ , ~ - ~ ~ ~ , ~ - ~ " .
, ¥ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z~


• • • LRT v V • •

I • • V

~/'~ t •
• v
LR'I- •

~ A A
~/x'n ~/n n (
,~ ix Z~ / " 4 4 A
, A BP zx zx~
A A A iX zV~+÷
, ~ A ~X ++++
/ + + +~+ ~i
Z~ ~ ix

• • • T • • • ~ A A ZX ix A

• • • V • • Tv • • v ~ • ~ /',, ,', A A
V • • • • LR zx zx A a ZX /X

+ + +~.~ ++ 4 ++ ++++++ +++÷+

~-=3_) • +/'W ~ P , ....... ++++÷÷'Y++ ÷÷÷++ ÷ .
,,.- + + ++++++÷++++÷++++++ +++++++.,

• .._.../A ~-~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.f~ z~_~÷ ÷ ~ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷+/÷÷÷ ÷ ++ ÷

÷,.~ ++÷++++ +~+++++
v ' ~ ~zx zx A ZX ZX ZX ZX ZX A
• / ,6, A ~ "" . . . . . " ^ ^
T:::: ÷ ÷::221~:~:::i ÷'

Drift o m i t t e d

vvv• A c i d i c tuff Y/'~.,h

o l i t e,-//'.',~'q
~/-_'4 ~, ~i ~, ~' ~ R h y ~ Geological boundary, Solid

__ Fault
/, B a s i c tuff ". .'~';'"~
~_-i- , , . D o l e r i t e
A C\, 7, C, i -:
+++÷÷ Basalt/Hyaloclastite BP Bedded Pyroclastic
I.....] + Formation
'Lower Rhyolitic
/(31 Dip

Tuff Formation

FIG. 11. Pen y Pass to Llyn Llydaw. Parts of British Geological Survey 1:25,000 Sheets SH64N/65S
Snowdon, and SH65N/66S The Passes of Nant Ffrancon and Llanberis (Excursion H1-6).

basalt, of fine ash to coarse lapilli grade, with of basaltic lava and hyaloclastite which are
few blocks. Cross-bedding, ripple lamination, common in the sequence elsewhere in central
soft-sediment deformation, slumping and dis- Snowdonia.
tinctive careous-weathered carbonate bands are A t H3 a small rhyolite intrusion in the acidic
common. The tufts represent shallow-water ash-flow tufts is well exposed. The rhyolite
accumulations and their source lies in the piles shows intense flow-folding on its bleached,
314 B . P . K o k e la a r et al.

weathered surfaces and much ochreous weath- medium- to coarse-grained sandstones are in
ering and quartz veining at its margin, which places pebbly, normally graded and cross-
has been locally excavated in a trial working for bedded. They are interpreted as deltaic deposits
copper. At H4 the acidic ash-flow tufts are which encroached into a marine environment in
indurated by a large dolerite sill; the contact is which the evenly bedded siltstones were depo-
not exposed in the vicinity of the track but can sited. Temporary emergence is indicated by
be examined by following the feature of the infilled desiccation cracks in some siltstone
tufts a little distance to the N. At H5 the doler- beds (I2).
ite is medium- to coarse-grained and highly The base of the lowest ash-flow tuff overlies
altered although a well-defined ophitic texture sandstones at I3 and around the edge of the
is easily discernible. The crags about Llyn crags it sharply transgresses the bedding (I4).
Teyrn are spectacularly columnar-jointed. Similar irregularities were interpreted as large
The track up to Llyn Llydaw traverses the load casts (Francis & Howells 1973) resulting
cleaved non-welded ash-flow tufts of the Lower from collapse of the emplaced tuff into thixo-
Rhyolitic Tuff Formation. This predominant tropically disturbed sediments. More recently,
lithology is remarkably uniform with no indica- Kokelaar (1982) has suggested that downcut-
tion of flow units or internal bedding. Locally ting of the tuff into the sediments was facilitated
the tufts are intensely veined with quartz. From by fluidization at the tuff-wet-sediment inter-
Llyn Llydaw (H6) this thick sequence, up to face, which allowed the tuff to drill into the
600 m, of massive tufts is most strikingly dis- water-saturated sediments. The tuff is devit-
played in the face of Y Lliwedd on the S side of rifled, shard-rich, with few quartz, albite and
the cwm. On the ridge to the E of Y Lliwedd, garnet crystals, and pumice clasts in a variable
bedded acid tufts, up to 40 m thick, at the top of sericite-chlorite matrix after fine vitric dust.
the formation crop out. These tufts are overlain The tuff is welded at and above its irregular
by subaqueously emplaced basaltic turfs and basal contact. In contrast, its top (I5) is planar
sediments of the Bedded Pyroclastic Forma- with reworked crystal-rich tuff grading up into
tion. To the NW from this locality (H6) is the fossiliferous grey siltstones which separate it
S-facing flank of the cwm which is formed of a from the overlying ash-flow tuff. The tuff,
rhyolite intrusion in the Bedded Pyroclastic underlain and overlain by marine sediments
Formation. The contact of the rhyolite and the with no indication of deep erosion in its upper
boundary between the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff surface, is interpreted as being entirely suba-
Formation and Bedded Pyroclastic Formation queously emplaced.
can be dearly distinguished. The base of the second ash-flow tuff is also
Thus in central Snowdonia the thickest and highly irregular, with lobate extensions of the
most uniform sequence of the Lower Rhyolitic tuff occurring to 50 m below the mean base of
Tuft Formation is underlain by marine sedi- the parent body (I6). The siltstone adjacent to
ments and overlain by marine-emplaced tufts. the tuff is crowded with feldspar crystals which
The sequence is interpreted as an accumulation were incorporated in the silt at the time of tuff
within a volcano-tectonic depression where emplacement. The basal zone of the tuff, 2 m
emplacement was accompanied by rapid local thick, is cleaved and rich in feldspar crystals.
subsidence (see Kokelaar et al., this volume). The tuff of the massive central zone is distinc-
Away from this centre the formation changes tively welded, with a pronounced eutaxitic foli-
markedly (see Excursions J and K). ation, and includes irregular zones of siliceous
nodules. The upper zone comprises recrystal-
lized fine vitric dust.
Excursion I: Gallt yr Ogof (Fig. 12) The third tuff member conformably overlies
This excursion is to examine the subaqueously the fine grained top of the second member and
emplaced and welded rhyolitic ash-flow turfs the contact is well featured in the crags (I7).
and associated sediments of the Capel Curig The basal few metres of the tuff are bedded and
Volcanic Formation in the crags at the N end of overlain by massive welded tuff, rich in albite
the Gallt yr Ogof ridge on the E limb of the crystals and lithic fragments. Towards the top,
Tryfan Anticline. Here the four tuff members massive bedding features can be determined
of the formation are represented (Howells & and the tuff member is overlain by blue-grey
Leveridge 1980). siltstones with brachiopod fragments (I8).
At the W end of the crags (I1), thin flaggy The fourth member comprises a basal mas-
and massive-bedded sandstones up to 4 m sive non-welded ash-flow tuff, massive bedded
thick, interbedded with grey-green siltstones, tufts with wispy siltstone laminations, and
underlie the lowest tuff of the formation. The coarse- and fine-bedded tufts with cross-
Ordovician marginal basin of Wales: a field guide 315

t 250m ::;V ..... :.." v.'.'. •

. . . . . . . . . . . . .,

• V
it: ;.{v vl:i:

• • •~-
.~ .,:~-,.~-

Scale • V • I

"V • • •

\.:..,.i" •
• V

• •• •v vvvvv,•1 i
V • • • •
""~ .... i


Geological boundary, Drift Iv • •1i Acid ash-flow tuff

• • I Capel Curig Volcanic Formation
Geological boundary, Solid
I ~ l Siltstone
-.--. i - - . Fault
,'(30 Dip

~-?,\-'2( Dolerite

Ii!iii!ii:ii~iii!!iil Drift, undifferentiated

FIG. 12. GaUt yr Ogof. Part of British Geological Survey Sheet 1:25,000 SH65NE (Excursion 11-8).

bedding and scour-and-fill structures. The The Capel Curig Volcanic Formation at Gallt
massive-bedded tufts are debris-flow deposits yr Ogof reflects activity from three centres
from previously emplaced pyroclastic debris. (Howells & Leveridge 1980). The lower two
The epiclastic element increases upwards and in members are single ash-flow tufts which were
places a distinctive carbonate component is erupted from a centre 18 km to the N (near
indicated in the careous-weathered surfaces. Conwy) and transgressed from a subaerial to a
The bedding in the upper zone reflects subaqueous environment just to the N of Gallt
shallow-water reworking of the pyroclastic yr Ogof. In the subaerial environment the sec-
debris and, at the top, bands crowded with ond ash-flow tuff directly overlies the first. At
accretionary lapilli indicate that the column Gallt yr Ogof, and further S, the two members
above the local eruptive centre had a subaerial are separated by marine sedimentary rocks. To
expression. the N the bases of the tufts are even and non-
316 B. P. Kokelaar et al.

welded, but at Gallt yr Ogof the bases are umn had at least a temporary subaerial expres-
irregular and welded at the contact with sedi- sion.
ments. To the S of Gallt yr Ogof both tufts were
emplaced in a deeper-water environment.
The third member comprises an ash-flow tuff
erupted subaerially from a centre c. 8 km to the
Excursion J: Cwm Idwal (Fig. 13)
N, which just encroached into a subaqueous This excursion is to examine the sequence be-
environment about Gallt yr Ogof. The primary tween the Pitt's Head Tuff and the Bedded
and slumped ash-flow tufts of the fourth Pyroclastic Formation, and in particular to
member were erupted from a local centre, to examine the change in character of the Lower
the SW of Gallt yr Ogof. The variably included Rhyolitic Tuff Formation from that of the more
epiclastic component with the evidence of sec- proximal sequence described in the Snowdon
ondary sloughing of previously emplaced pyro- massif to the S (Excursions G and H).
clastic deposits indicate the dominantly sub- The route begins at Idwal Cottage. At the
aqueous environment of emplacement, although road cutting (J1) a section through the Pitt's
the occurence of accretionary lapilli towards the Head Tuff on the NW limb of the Idwal Syn-
top of the member shows that the eruption col- cline is totally exposed. This ash-flow tuff con-

64 65°°
Pitts Head Tuff To Ba o ::~
io .
~ cid tuff/tuffite

Idwal Cotta~e'YHh.:T'~|l~LL YN OGWEN

Basic tufts

Basalt, pillow breccia,

hyaloclastite 60--
- /

Sandstone and siltstone o/

Drift omitted ~:°::°'°'"" v V. '~!i~i~'"~.~:]'::'i:~'t~'CTwm

:.:-~ ~ LLYN | •/v • • • Formation
• • • • • • • V •

• • • !P' • • • • • .
• vA • • • ~.~:::
, ,:;.

~~ ~"V~ ' ~ ' ~ i ~ ":' " :• : i ' vV("~ •v) •~v~/~"

:": .',":~
! i:'".:.:.:'
" :"":":'""" Ge°l°gical
Fautl b°undary 59 --

Bedded \
Pyroclastic • • :.: X )( Axial plane trace,
Formation . syncline

-.-~.~/ • vvv • y :/ 0 500 m
# "
Rhyolitic ~ v " Scale
Tuff Formation " ~ "

FIG. 13. Cwm Idwal. Part of British Geological Survey 1:25,000 Sheet SH65N/66S. The Passes
of Nant Ffraneon and Llanberis (Excursion J1-8).
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales: a field guide 317

formably overlies coarse, shallow-water, cross- Tuff Formation is well exposed. It comprises
bedded sandstones and its basal 2 m is crowded angular and subangular blocks of acidic tuff and
with feldspar crystals in a non-welded, green, rhyolite and common rounded blocks of vesicu-
chlorite-rich matrix. Above, the grey-green tuft lar basalt in a lithic, shardic tuff matrix. Locally
is white-weathered, silicified and comprises the breccia is clast supported. In the scarps
devitrified shards, feldspar and few rounded below the 'bedding planes' of Idwal Slabs the
quartz crystals, and distinctive chloritic fiamme. breccia grades upwards, through acidic ash-flow
The main body of the tuff, locally with well- tuff with isolated blocks and breccia pods, into
developed columnar joints, is strongly welded clast-free acidic ash-flow tuff. This non-welded
with a pronounced eutaxitic fabric. Through tuff comprises recrystallized shards and vitric
this road section the disposition of the welded dust, isolated albite-oligoclase crystals and
fabric is variable due to rheomorphism, prob- pumice fragments. Above the Idwal Slabs,
ably caused by slope induced post-emplacement bands of fine-grained tuff are developed and at
movement. The top of the tuff is marked by J5 a bed of flinty dark blue-grey tuffaceous
2-3 m of fine-grained dust tuff. The tuft is over- mudstone, 3.5 m thick, forms a prominent gully
lain by shallow-water, cross-bedded sandstones, feature which extends up into the N face of
locally crowded with brachiopods. In places, Glyder Fawr. Above this mudstone the flaggy-
these sandstones are tuffaceous although the to massive-bedded acid tuffs, locally reworked
background sedimentation of medium- to coarse- with low-angle cross-bedding, contain l a r g e
grained sands shows no influence by the under- carbonate nodules, up to 0.7 m. The overlying
lying tuff, indicating rapid re-establishment of tufts, which are crossed by the track to the back
the supply of detritus from the area to the N wall of the cwm, show an increasing epiclastic
where the Pitt's Head Tuff did not extend. The element, locally grading into tuffite and tuf-
lack of change in the sedimentation below and faceous siltstones and, distinctively, the flaggy-
above the tuff, and the absence of evidence of bedded tufts are crowded with carbonate
subaerial erosion in the upper surface of the tuff nodules, commonly conjoined.
supports the interpretation (Kokelaar et al., this Above the tufts the sequence is dominated by
volume) that the tuff was subaqueously em- siltstones with thin acid tuff and sandstone
placed. The fine-grained top of the tuff repre- beds, and a thick rhyolitic lava flow which forms
sents the fraction that settled from the water the steep crags low in the back wall of the cwm
column following emplacement of the ash-flow. (J6). The dark blue-grey rhyolite is typically
Sandstones dominate the sequence between flinty and its weathered surfaces commonly
the Pitt's Head Tuff and the base of the Lower bleached. It is flow-folded, autobrecciated
Rhyolitic Tuft Formation. In places the se- and, in hand specimen, perlitic fractures and
quence is broken by beds of fine-grained acidic spherulitic recrystallization can locally be dis-
dust tufts, such as those exposed in the quarry tinguished. The nose of the flow is exposed in
(J2). Here the tufts are mixed with epiclastic the cliff on the NW limb of the syncline.
debris and locally intercalated with thin beds of Near the cleft of Twll Du (J7), the rhyolite is
siltstone and fine-grained sandstones. Some overlain by thick, massive-bedded acid tufts and
beds are graded and infill scours in the tops of tuffites. The turfs are generally ill-sorted,
underlying beds and others are cross-bedded. although locally graded, and are typically
This repeated bedded sequence and the internal heterogeneous admixtures of shards, crystals,
structures suggest that the tufts are the deposits and devitrified 'glass' fragments, in a matrix
of both high- and low-density turbidity currents with variable fine-grained quartz, feldspar, seri-
with reworked air-fall tufts. cite, chlorite and iron oxide. A few bands of
At J3 the Pitt's Head Tuff on the NW limb of basic tuff also occur. The thicker units are
the syncline is well exposed in the roches interpreted as mass flows, caused by sloughing
moutonnres at the head of the major U-shaped of previously emplaced pyroclastic fragments
valley. Here the tuff is intensely silicified with which incorporated much epiclastic debris dur-
thin ribs of secondary quartz accentuating the ing transport. These flows were caused by uplift
rheomorphosed eutaxitic planes, and the in the area of the Snowdon massif following
development of quartz nodules. The nodules emplacement of the main body of the Lower
overprint the fabric and the adjacent tuff, Rhyolitic Tuff Formation.
depleted in silica, is generally dark-green with The thick sequence of the Lower Rhyolitic
a prominent cleavage. Locally, lithophysal Tuff Formation about the Snowdon massif
nodules occur in the main body of the flow. (Excursion H) is dominated by unbedded,
At locality J4, close to Idwal Slabs, the pyro- acidic, non-welded ash-flow tuff. In Cwm Idwal
clastic breccia at the base of the Lower Rhyolitic the thinner sequence is typically well bedded
318 B. P. K o k e l a a r et al.

with the primary ash-flow tufts restricted to the At locality K1 basaltic tufts locally overlie a
lower part. Above, the sedimentary influence fine-grained acidic tuff at the base of a sequence
increases markedly and is associated with sec- of thick beds of sandstone near the middle of
ondary mass fows of pyroclastic debris. This the Cwm Eigiau Formation. The acid tuff is fine
lateral variation is interpreted as resulting from grained, massive- to flaggy-bedded with thin silt-
the passage from a proximal to a distal envi- stone intercalations. It comprises devitrified
ronment in relation to the eruptive centre (see fine shards and vitric dust and represents
Kokelaar et al., this volume). reworked air-fall tufts. The basaltic tufts, con-
In the core of the syncline, about Twll Du, taining lapilli, blocks and bombs of basalt, are
the junction between the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff well bedded and show small penecontem-
Formation and the overlying basic tufts of the poraneous faults. In the overlying sequence of
Bedded Pyroclastic Formation is clearly basaltic tufts the bedding is centroclinal and in
defined. The basic tufts are thinly bedded, places slumped. Along strike to the N and S
pale-green and blue coloured, fine to coarse basaltic tufts wedge-out into the sandstone
grained, with lapilli- and block-rich bands. sequence. The basaltic tufts represent a small
Normally graded, even beds are common and cone which was preserved by subsidence and
cross-lamination and current ripple marked sur- the accumulation of overlying sandstones.
faces occur throughout. The tufts are domin- The sandstones, well featured in the ground
antly of highly altered vesicular basaltic glass to the N, are medium- to coarse-grained,
and basalt, few feldspar crystals and isolated massive-, flaggy- and cross-bedded. They
single crystals and clusters of epidote. The contain brachiopods and generally indicate
tufts locally grade into tuffites and tuffaceous shallow-water accumulation. They also include
sediments which have yielded a shelly fauna a few persistent bands of reworked fine-grained,
characteristic of shallow water. The common air-fall, water-settled dust tufts (K2). At the top
occurrence of only slightly modified scoriaceous of the sandstone sequence a breccia bed, c. 3 m
fragments suggest that they are derived from thick (K3), comprises rafts, up to 1 m, of sand-
local eruptive centres and reflect variation of stone and acidic dust tufts and blocks of basalt
erupted debris rather than a sedimentary pro- in a coarse matrix which contains a distinctive
cess. proportion of basaltic lapilli. The breccia is
In the crags about Twll Du (J8) the bedded interpreted as the deposit of a debris flow that
basic tufts are overlain by c. 70 m of pillowed was initiated by seismic activity.
basalt and basaltic breccia. In places the pillows The overlying siltstones, at the top of the
are well formed, up to 1.5 m in diameter but Cwm Eigiau Formation, include some bedded,
generally less than 0.5 m. The chloritized and fine-grained acidic tufts (K4). A few bands are
carbonated basalt is typically pale-green, ves- rich in feldspar crystals. The repeated flaggy
icular, and locally rich in albite-oligoclase bedding suggests that the tufts do not represent
phenocrysts. The groundmass, where less primary air-fall deposits. Normal grading and
altered, is of feldspar laths with grains and cross-laminations can be distinguished in a few
ophitic plates of titanaugite. In altered rocks bands suggesting that the beds were deposited
this is replaced by actinolite. from turbidity currents. These beds occur in
Above Twll Du the basalt is overlain by approximately the position of the Pitt's Head
reworked basaltic tufts with thinner basaltic Tuff and are possibly the sole representative
flows, locally pillowed, which are exposed here of this ash-flow tuff whose province lies in
across the upper cwm. SW Snowdonia.
The base of the lowest (No. 1) acidic ash-flow
tuff of the Lower Crafnant Volcanic Formation
(Howells et al. 1973) crops out at K5. The low-
Excursion K: E of Capel Curig ( F i g . est 2 m is dark-green, chloritic, crowded with
feldspar crystals, contains few lithic clasts and is
well cleaved. The chlorite is probably derived
This excursion is to examine the Lower Craf- from mud incorporated into the base of the
nant Volcanic Formation, which is broadly the flow, which also contains well-preserved
lateral equivalent of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff brachiopods. The basal feature of the tuff can
Formation in E Snowdonia. East of the village be traced to K6 where the main body of the tuff
the route traverses the upper part of the Cwm is well exposed in sections along an eroded joint
Eigiau Formation to the tufts of the Lower plane. The tuff shows a crude internal massive
Crafnant Volcanic Formation which are well bedding, separated by impersistent, irregular,
featured on the ridge. chloritized silty intercalations. The bedding is
Ordovician marginal basin o f Wales: a field guide 319

N Lower Crafnant ~ 7 3 / ~ _ • v/~

Volcanic Formation • • • •

Cwm Eigiau

V • • V

v • •

.... •

_~.~tx zx~ /x ix zx .:.:.:.?..,:.:..-.~
45 ,5,

.i,,_.i .. - "_~NV • v

. . . . . . . . .

ex ;':'. . . . . Acid ash-

"--~-- - flow tuff

~ Sandstone ~ Acidtuffite

! ! 400
! m ~ Siltstone ~ Zk 1 Basictuff
Zx Z~ and breccia
/(30 Dip in degrees
oeoo ooo, , 0oerte
.i. Fault

FIG. 14. East of Capel Curig. Part of British Geological Survey Sheet 1:25,000 SH75NW (Excursion

interpreted as the early development of sub- tral Snowdonia (see Excursion H). This centre
flows which were initiated at the flow front in the was possibly temporarily subaerial during the
more proximal part of the flow. late stages of activity although the flow here
The non-welded tuff comprises devitrified was entirely emplaced in a submarine environ-
shards, albite-oligoclase crystals and few ment. The ash-flow tuff comprises predomin-
pumice fragments, which all show a crude antly juvenile material which, considered
upward grading, in a matrix of sericite and chlo- with the wide distribution of the tuff in E
rite which is interpreted as re-crystallized vitric Snowdonia, precludes its interpretation as the
dust. At its base the tuff contains carbonate product of secondary sloughing of previously
nodules, generally weathered-out but where emplaced pyroclastic debris. During transport
they are in place the internal fabric, in thin sec- the primary ash-flow changed from a hot gas-
tion, shows carbonate-replaced shards which charged to a water-charged state (Howells et al.
are undistorted, unlike the shards outside the 1973).
nodules. This indicates that the nodule The overlying siltstones are intruded by a
development occurred soon after tuff em- thick dolerite sill (K7) with locally well-
placement. developed columnar joints. In places the doler-
The top of the ash-flow tuff is marked by a ite is gabbroic and here the ophitic texture is
thin band, <1 m, of fine-grained tuff which most apparent. Also, on weathered surfaces,
represents the fine dust which settled after em- the glomeroporphyritic texture characteristic of
placement of the ash-flow. The source of the flow many of the bigger doleritic intrusions in N
has been interpreted to be the eruptive centre Wales is distinctive.
of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff Formation, in cen- The No. 2 Tuff (K8) is chlorite-rich at its
320 B.P. K o k e l a a r et al.

base, due to incorporation of mud, and the glass fragments and coarse shards. A crude
underlying siltstones are contact-altered in prox- upward grading can be distinguished. The gen-
imity to the dolerite intrusion. Above, the tuff eral characters, although of ash-flow type, are
is characteristically fine grained, silicified and considerably less uniform than those of the
white-weathered. Siliceous nodules occur ran- lower two flows and the No. 3 Tuft here is inter-
domly throughout the tuff across most of its preted as being proximal to its source which has
•°utcr°p- The feldspar crystal fraction is less than been postulated to lie to the N, and not, as in
in the No. 1 Tuff and the shards and crystals are the lower two flows, to the W (Howells et al.
generally finer. However, the source of the ash- 1973).
flow is again interpreted as that of the Lower
Rhyolitic Tuft Formation in central Snowdonia
from which the flow escaped eastwards into
deeper parts of the submarine basin (Howells et
Excursion L: Sarnau (Fig. 15)
al. 1973). To examine the Middle Crafnant Volcanic
Marine siltstones separate the No. 3 Tuff Formation at its type locality near Betws-y-
from No. 2 Tuff. The No. 3 Tuff (K9) is typi- Coed. Here the sequence comprises black mud-
cally coarse grained. Its basal zone comprises stones, thin blocky rhyolitic ash-flow tufts, and
large pumice blocks, which can most easily be fine-grained, water-settled dust tufts which lo-
distinguished on weathered surfaces, devitrified cally grade into black mudstones. At Sarnau

0 300 m
i | i Acid tuffite
Scale Upper Crafnant Volcanic Formation

Acid tuff and tuffite

Geological contact M i d d l e Crafnant Volcanic Formation

Fault Black mudstone

/(10 Dip Siltstone

Drift omitted

FIG. 15. Sarnau. Part of British Geological Survey Sheet 1:25,000 SH75NE (Excursion L1-3).
O r d o v i c i a n m a r g i n a l basin o f Wales: a f i e l d g u i d e 321

these lithologies form a gently dipping, evenly ing by an overlying rapidly emplaced ash-flow
bedded sequence with the turfs forming scarps tuft or by seismic shock.
and the mudstones the intervening slack fea- The locally well-developed striped sequence
tures. of the Middle Crafnant Volcanic Formation is
In the roadside exposure (L1) an acidic ash- well displayed at the edge of the forestry track
flow tuff includes blocks, up to 0.3 m, of fine- (L3). Here the background sediments are
grained silicified tuff and tuffite. The host tuff clearly of euxinic black mudstones i n t o which
comprises fine shards and few albite crystals the tufts were emplaced by flow or as fine dust
and is non-welded. On its weathered surface settled from the water column. Some of the
the tuff is distinctively speckled with small tufts are intimately admixed with mudstone and
cream-coloured patches of segregated carbon- these are interpreted as deposits resulting from
ate. Some of the included dark-grey tuffaceous secondary sloughing of unconsolidated pyro-
blocks show indented peripheries, with 'flames' clastic and epiclastic debris. In addition, near the
of mudstone into the adjacent tuff, which sug- base of this section, there are thin ribs of turbidi-
gests that the blocks were unlithified when they tic sandstones.
were incorporated into the ash-flow tuff. From In NE Snowdonia, the Middle Crafnant Vol-
this locality the even dip-slopes and small scarps canic Formation reflects an accumulation of
produced by the differential erosion are well primary- and sec0ndary-emplaced acidic pyro-
displayed to the E. clastic debris deposited in at least moderately
Along the top of the scarp feature to the E deep, 'stagnant' water. The Bedded Pyroclastic
(L2) the beds overlying the blocky ash-flow tuft Formation in central Snowdonia is of basaltic
are well displayed in a series of small exposures. volcanism in shallow water contemporaneous
These consist of evenly banded, fine-grained with this activity. These contrasting environ-
tuff, finely interbedded with, and grading into, ments were separated from each other by a ris-
blue-black mudstones. Where these striped ing ridge, possibly along a flexure developed
beds directly overlie thin ash-flow tuff they are above a basement fracture. The turbiditic sand-
interpreted as representing the fine dust that stones which occur in the Middle Crafnant Vol-
settled out of the water column after the ash- canic Formation were derived from this ridge
flow had been emplaced. Where the beds are (see Kokelaar et al., this volume).
thicker, and not directly related to an ash-flow,
they probably represent the distal fall-out, poss-
ibly subaerial, wind-transported and water-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors wish to thank BP
settled, from the active centre. Locally these Minerals and the National Museum of Wales for their
banded fine tufts, tuffites and mudstones, are support in production of the guide for the meeting in
intensely contorted by thixotropic yielding of September 1982. M.F.H. publishes with permission
the unlithified strata, either as a result of load- of the Director, British Geological Survey, NERC.

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B. P. KOKELAAR,School of Environmental Sciences, Ulster Polytechnic, Newtown-

abbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0QB, U.K.
M. F. HOWELLS, Wales Geological Survey Unit, British Geological Survey, Bryn
Eithyn Hall, Llanfarian, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 4BY, U.K.
R. E. BEVINS, Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cathay's Park,
Cardiff CF1 3NP, U.K.
R. A. ROACH, Department of Geology, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire
ST5 5BG, U.K.

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