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General Linguistics
Mid-term exam

Due date: January 19th 2021

In paragraph form answer four of the following questions (One paragraph for each question):

1. What are language universals?

2. What are the functions of language?
3. Discuss prescriptivism and descriptivism?
4. Discuss the equality of languages from a linguistic perspective.
5. The written form of language is thought to be superior. Discuss
6. How important is learning grammar in second language learning?
7. How important is pronunciation in language learning?
8. What is Universal Grammar? How different is it from the grammar of English?

Write an essay on one of the following:

1. Beneath the differences that languages display, there are similarities that all human
languages share. Discuss.

2. Compare and contrast Traditional Grammar and Modern linguistics.

3. 'Productivity' is one of the features that distinguishes human language from animal
communication.', explain and give examples.

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