Practice1 Ch10 With Sol

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Nov 2023 Name:

F.4 Chemistry Class: ( )

Practice 1 on Ch.10 (Electrolysis)

1. During electrolysis, electrons are pushed towards the ………………… (anode / cathode) and drawn
away from the ………………… (anode / cathode) by a d.c. power supply.

2. Electrolysis of 2.0 M copper(II) chloride solution with carbon electrodes

Which ions are

preferentially discharged
at anode, and why?
Half-equation at anode
(with state symbols)
Observation at positive
Half-equation at cathode
(with state symbols)

3. Electrolysis of 2.0 M potassium iodide solution with carbon electrodes

Which ions are

preferentially discharged
at cathode, and why?
Reduction half-equation
(with state symbols)
Observation at anode

4. Electrolysis of molten silver bromide with carbon electrodes

Half-equation at negative
Observation at negative
Does the positive
electrode act as the anode
or cathode? Explain.
Overall chemical
equation (with state

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Practice 1 seriously.

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Suggested solution (Practice 1)

1. cathode, anode


Cl–; at a much higher concentration than OH–.

2 Cl–(aq)  Cl2(g) + 2 e–
A green gas is formed.
Cu2+(aq) + 2 e–  Cu(s)


H+; higher oxidizing power than K+.

2 H+(aq) + 2 e–  H2(g)
Solution turns from colourless to brown.


Ag+ + e–  Ag
A silvery grey liquid is formed.
Anode; oxidation of Br– occurs.
2 AgBr(l)  2 Ag(l) + Br2(g)

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