Chemistry Sample Papers

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Class 10th chemistry paper. Total marks 75.

Qno.1Circle the correct option. Each part carries equal marks.

Section A

1.chemical reaction causes

A. Change in colour. B. Sound. C. Rearrange the atoms. D. All

2 Amount per unit volume is called

A. Reactants. B. Products. C. Both A and B. D. Active mass

3. If value of Kc is large enough then reaction is

A. Completed. B. Reverse reaction C. Not informative. D. None

4. Raw material for the manufacturing of fertilizer is

A. Ammonia. B. Calcium. C. Water. D. Lime stone

5. Bee sting consists of the acid

A. Formic acid. B. Nitric acid. C. Aluminium hydroxide. D. HCl

6. Acid is compound which

A. Give H ions B. accept lone pair of electron. C. Can act is a conjugate base. D. All

7. Isobutane is Organic compound

A. Straight chain. B. Close chain. C. Both A and B. D. None

8. Carbon attached to other carbon atoms through property called

A. Self linking. B. Catenation. C. Both A and B. D. Mode of bonding

9. If CH3 is attached to one corner of the of Benzene the resultant substances is known as

A. Naphthalene. B. Anthracene. C. Furane. D. Toluene

10. Which of the following is not possible IUPAC name

A. Ethene B. Propene. C. 2-propene. C. 1-Butene

11.Hydrogenation is
A. Chemical reaction. B. Exothermic process. C. Addition of Hydrogen. D. All.

12. Glycols are

A. Alcohol. B. Organic compound. C. Compounds having two OH groups. D. All

13. Fruit ripening is triggered by

A. Ethyne. B. Ethane. C. Alcohol. D. None

14. Non sugars are

A. Polysaccharides. B. Monosaccharides. C. Oligosaccharides. D. None

15. Nucleotides consists of

A. Phosphate group. B.base. C. Sugar. D. All

16. Vitamin K is responsible for

A. Night vision. B. Bone formation. C. For blood clotting. D. All

17. The atmospheric pressure at high altitudes is

A.greater than 1 Atm B. Less than 1 Atm. C. Both are possible. D. None

18. Strato means

A. Shrink B. Spread out. C. Collapse. D. Ozone

19. CO2 causes

A. Global warming. B. a green house effect. C. Increase in ocean level. D. All

20. Which of the following cause acidic rain

A. CO2. B. H2CO3. C. Lightning D. All

21. Rest mass of photons is

A. Zero B. Greater than electron. C. Negative. D. None

22. Ground level ozone is

A. Secondary pollutants. B. Primary pollutants. C. Not possible. D. All

Section B

QNo2. Attempt any EIGHT questions from the following. Each part carries equal marks.

1. What is destructive distillation. Give examples.

2. Discuss important reactions of Alkanes.

3. what is Dehydrohalogenation of Alkyl Halides.

4. Which one is more reactive between alkane and alkene? Explain.

5. Define Aromatic hydrocarbons and give examples.

6. Explain neutralization reaction. Write note on uses of salts.

7.give details note on Lewis concept of acids and bases.

8. Discuss importance of Equilibrium Constant.

9. Write note on reversible and irreversible reactions.

10. Define Haber process. Explain by reaction. For what reason Haber process is proceed?

11. How can noise pollution affect Growth of plants?

Section C

Attempt any Three Questions from the following.

Qno3. (A). Why Carbohydrates are calle Fuel of life?

(b). Define Protein. Discuss it various structure.

Qno4 . (A). What are pesticides and Avicides Give examples of pesticides.

(b). What is meant by atmospher?. Explain the various layers of atmosphere.

Qno5. (A). Define air pollution and discuss its effect. Acid rain comes in which type of pollutants.

(b). Why hill climbers always put Liquid nitrogen in his/ her Oxygen cylinder.

Qno 6. (A). The Following IUPAC names are not possible.why?

2-Ethene. 2-propene

(b). Write note on the following

1. Acid and base with examples

2. Leaching and leachate solution

3. Crude oil

4. Define Metallurgy

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